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The Holmes Files - Pre-season Closing Thoughts with Moreira’s Magic #PODPOD image

The Holmes Files - Pre-season Closing Thoughts with Moreira’s Magic #PODPOD

E138 · The PODPOD - AFL Fantasy Podcast
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On this series, Holmesy sits down with some of the best minds in the AFL Fantasy community for one-on-one interviews. For the last episode of the pre-season, Holmesy sits down with dual AFL Fantasy Classic champion Selby from Moreira’s Magic

Holmesy and Selby sit down and discuss all of the relevant talking points from opening round. On the eve of round 1, the lads discuss the strategy behind starting players with in built price rises, key structure issues, line by line deep dive and much much more! All of the hard work during preseason has been building up to this and this podcast will help ensure you set yourself up for a big fantasy season!

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Introduction to the Final Preseason Episode

to the Pod Pod. It's Holmesy here talking all things AFL Fantasy Classic for you on this Wednesday 12th of March. Back for another episode of the Holmes Files, the last one of the preseason.
We started with this guest, one of our first Holmes File episodes all the way back in probably January. Thought I'd get him back on the eve of round one, a bit of an emergency podcast. Selby, coach of Marrera's Magic. Good to have you on again, mate. How you been?

Selby's Insights on Fantasy Football Changes

Moreira's Magic
Holmesy, good mate. Probably don't want listen back up to that one because it shows how much things change in fantasy when we were so bullish on certain players back then. And obviously our team is so different now. And I know people say there's no point building your team or doing anything until now. It makes sense why that is, but also quite like the chaos of the preseason, how so much is changing. You just adapt to that without having to cop any bullets. So ah it's been an enjoyable preseason.
Yeah, to be honest, it's almost the best time. I like this time of year. So much hope before it all potentially unravels.
Moreira's Magic
But yeah, playing around with it in the preseason is good just to see what kind of structures work and then you can just sort of tinker and you're not not freaking out at this point when all the rookies start to get named or ah

The Bolter Competition and Its Unique Features

don't get named.
Before we get into it though, why don't you tell us a little bit about Bolter and the the competition that you're running this year alongside AFL Fantasy?
Moreira's Magic
Yep. So Bolton, we're going around again for a second season. ah This one's slightly different. Last year, we did a round zero comp and kicked it off there to to get the early move. But the issue we found with that is that it's hard enough juggling your own fantasy side, let alone a draft side, then people play super coach and other things amongst that as well. So we've tried to align it as closely to AFL fantasy as possible. So obviously starting at round one, the exact same salary cap,
Moreira's Magic
pretty well the exact same pricing structure so you could go in there now and pick a bolter team at the domain in one minute and just copy your exactly same um classic side but rather than going up against 150 000 you're going up against sub 1 000 people for a prize pool as it stands of um up to 2 000 bucks you you encourage everyone to jump on and then there's also a few little twists so it's not just copying the AFL fantasy we've got penalties for trade so it's hope to reward and a lot of this discussion today is going to be about have one more look at players and um if you're getting in someone for one week hit and all these other moves whereas the way Bolch is working if you want to make a trade it's going to cost you 50 points so it's going to throw a little little different element there where
Moreira's Magic
there's I think there's three good reasons for this trade fee fair. One, it rewards those good coaches who make great starting picks. Say last year, those who started with a ah Riley Bonner or Nick Newman or no Nick Martin, sorry, Matt Crouch,
Moreira's Magic
rather than everyone using their fix-up trades to jump on and join you, it really rewards those um ah savvy coaches and keeps teams tames more unique rather than all becoming the same after the first couple of weeks.
Moreira's Magic
It eliminates that tiring time of year of the luxury trades post-buyers because you're not needing to trade in this game because it's going to cost you points. So once you've settled on your on your completed side, you'll probably just let it go and roll out for the rest of the season.
Moreira's Magic
ah So it's a little bit lower touch than then the other. And I heard a third reason why it's good, but it's escaped me. But anyway, it's good. Jump on, bolted on team. As I said, put in the same team as your classic or, as we're going to speak about a lot today, a lot of these early round zero fire players.
Moreira's Magic
And if they're a one-week play, you might want to go for that one-week play in this game. But in Bolter, Because it does cost you to trade them, because we've got best 22, not best 18 for all rounds, so including these early buy rounds, this the risk is far too high to start these round zero sides. So maybe you go with your more staple side you're going to do before Sam Taylor pops that 118 and has thrown everyone's structure out. So, yeah, encourage everyone to jump in and have it have a crack at that.
Was that a other reason you were thinking of still the fixed lockout, so not the rolling lockout?
Moreira's Magic
Yep, so it's fixed from the first game on the Saturday. We've got obviously the injury stubs, which we had last year, where if someone gets injured with less than 40% time on ground, you'll get the higher of either your scorer or your your emergency.
Moreira's Magic
So there's a few things in there which hopefully to make a bit less or lower touch and take a bit of the risk element out of the game. As I said, you can still roll your same thing and listen to the same content. It'll be certainly relevant.

In-Season Package and Player Performance Reactions

Beautiful. And I know you don't like plugging yourself too much because you're you're a humble man, but the guide again this year was was unbelievable. You've taken it to another level. What can our listeners or anyone that hasn't signed up yet expect ah come round one tomorrow with the in-season package?
Moreira's Magic
Yeah. ah So the season guide, obviously it's still there now, but I'd i'd probably disencourage, what's the word? Not encourage, disencourage people to get that now because it's probably a bit too much good to consume with one day out. But yeah, in-season memberships will fire up again and where we do our weekly podcast, email, a few little different tools, that CBA tool, which is part of our podcast,
Moreira's Magic
Season guide will be part of the in-season. We've got a bit of a DVP. I know it's popular on the DFS site, which I use very frequently. But rather than just putting players in a pool, we're looking at, like, okay, the highest scoring midfielder against this team in case one pops off and then a few other little different metrics on that. So, yeah, a few nice tools.
Moreira's Magic
um And, yeah, the regular podcast with Zave and myself. So, yeah, check that out
Yep, beautiful. Can't wait for that to to kick off again. So let's get stuck into the the content for today.
Moreira's Magic
Yeah, I can't tell you.
but We have to start with yeah the opening round. It's been a long time since we me and you were successful in this game and the game's changed a hell of a lot. With these players that have ah popped up in opening round, we're going to go through some of them now.
you think it's a case of overreacting or do we need to react to some of these players? Is there some that are different than others? Let's start with you know the flavour of the the week is Sam Taylor. So priced in the the low 50s, comes out, has 118, has a break even of negative 50. So if if we're projecting him to go roughly sort of 60, he's going to make one hundred k Is he someone that we look at or is it a case of us overreacting and we could find ourselves a bit burnt?
Moreira's Magic
Well, firstly, I think we have to react. we We learned that last year going into it thinking we don't want these players because they're going to have a You might as well get someone at an equivalent price, equivalent upside who doesn't have the buyer. We quickly learned that this was a bit of a free hit.
Moreira's Magic
One, you see their role in scoring, but also you get that unbuilt cash gen into their first game. So players like a Lockie Whitfield, who my season guide comment last year was I was bullish on him, but said, unfortunately, he's got this early buyer. So avoid him. But after that big score in the early buy, you had to get him because if you had to wait till post-buy, he's far too expensive. So I definitely you have to react.
Moreira's Magic
The Sam Taylor one's interesting. Obviously, just disclosure on this, i've mentioned to at the start, like obviously I've got my loyal um so subscribers at Ramirez Magic, so I can't wait to get a discussion with you I'm going try to get out as much as from you as I can, but I'm going to probably disclose um hold back a little bit of what I would do.
Moreira's Magic
But the Sam Taylor one's a very interesting one because when we last chatted in December, we all filled our defence with a Callum Mills, a Kitty Coleman, an SDK when he popped up to be the Ruck.
Moreira's Magic
There's another defender I'm missing. ah Even a Trent Rivers was there. like we're We're pretty happy with these players in defence. Obviously, we didn't like the top-end guys. They have all been taken away from us. So now we're sitting there with a big gap in defensive structures and and what are we going to do? so With a Sam Taylor, ah obviously, it's it's almost just buying time, but you're not buying time. You're buying, or you're not buying it, you're getting given probably $100,000, which, as you know, with rookies, takes four to five weeks to generate that sort of cash as it is.
Moreira's Magic
And once you do that, you get him and then you've got um The chance then pick, whether it's an SDK starting ruck looking good, whether it's a Joel Freyer, what's his like with Bailey Dale for the first time. We haven't seen him with him in the preseason.
Moreira's Magic
Is it a rookie you miss? so You've got a bit more flexibility to do that, um which I understand that play. The only arguments against those... Like, SDK, he's playing against Freo, who don't have a ruck. if you kind of want to get him, he's going to reward those who go early on him. And then if you wait the week after, then they've got the tougher match-up for a ruck.
Moreira's Magic
Freya, like... Yeah, did I don't know. If you like him, you're better off just getting him now. Because Sam Taylor's not cheap. What is 500 and... What is he? 528. So... what is he
528, I think.
Moreira's Magic
five twenty eight so I know we're trying to fill that spot and it maybe it's one of those names mentioned and easy to come across, but if you were just rolling a rookie there and you're thinking, okay, rather than having a rookie, I might as well get that cash gen elsewhere.
Moreira's Magic
if you're taking that cash off somewhere else in your ground and making the rest of your ground weaker for that 100K, I'm actually not too sure of it. um So let's get the numbers.
Moreira's Magic
Sam Taylor. Because obviously the the way it works... um They essentially get a hidden cash rise after their round zero game, which won't come into effect until they play their second game. Obviously, they can't move the the cash what before the season starts. Others are all going to exceed the salary cap. So say if the cash had have moved last week... Hold on.
Moreira's Magic
I can't find his name. um I must have missed him. Sorry. Killed some time. um Either that or there's lots of Sams in this game. Sam Taylor. So he...
Moreira's Magic
He would have, so he's 528k. If the price moved he's at about So you're buying someone who's currently worth five hundred and eighty nine thousand for five twenty eight thousand Then obviously he's got the low break even, which it's displayed on the AFL Fantasy website as negative 50. That doesn't include his initial cash rise to 589. I think it's like six or four to six is around that point. So he's going to make another, say, 40 odd thousand on top of that, which that's what spits it out to then be that 100,000 cash gen.
Moreira's Magic
um Obviously you're the one with

Evaluating Player Roles and Value

Moreira's Magic
the team. Have you got him in your side of this as we speak?
I do at the moment. um He came in and then I thought about it and he came out. But since i've I've put him back in and it's for a lot of the reasons that you said is I don't have confidence in that D5 spot at the moment, whether it be an SDK, a Freya.
And I would have loved to have seen the opening round game for SDK as I'm sure a lot of us would. And it's, it's It's just going to buy me some time while while making a bit of cash. And I don't love it and I'm not wedded to it because he's a full back.
He's just as likely to go a 30 as he is an 80 odd. And, you know, if he goes a 30, then you're in ah you're in a bit of strife. But... Man, last year, what he went 50 last year, but he had a lot of those weird injuries. He that he had that big concussion.
um he had something else, I think. He's averaged 67 before. And we we we don't think we've seen the best of him just yet. So is it possible that he can you know you can put a string of 70s to 80s together and and not only be 100K, but 150, 200-ish K, do you think?
two hundred ish cat do you think
Moreira's Magic
Yeah, well, we've seen this before with like a Tex Walker. But the the difference with that, obviously, is those we kept thinking, oh, too late to jump on because he's already gone up his 60K for that big spike game.
Moreira's Magic
And then he those who still jumped on after that big spike game still made their 100K. The difference with here, your you're making that money from the start, right? The question to you, are you earmarking trading him after the first week and just having one-week play, or he'll sit there for a bit?
No, well, I mean, unless he has a 30, then you'd probably have to look at it. But if he comes out and has ah a 60 or a 70, he's still going to have a bit of cash to make. He's on the buy anyway. So, I mean, unless you're desperate to get numbers on, I can't see why you just wouldn't put him to the bench. You get a a chance at a loop for that particular week with the the rookies you come on and and then you have a look later on down the track. So um'm I'm not wedded to having to trade him after one round.
But obviously, if he comes out and has a ah a real basement score, then yeah you're going to have to.
Moreira's Magic
So if the ah the argument against as well, because if you're not going to field him, I'm with you with lacking confidence in that back line. It would be just rolling out a rookie who they're all pretty well debutantes. um whether it's um not debut times I think Jackson Pryor's fine. He's got good numbers at the lower a level. But if it's a Zach Reid, who's like a tall key back, if it's his trainer who's playing tomorrow, Bo Allen's obviously not going to...
Moreira's Magic
Being named this week, it doesn't sound like. So you're prepared to cop potentially 40 from a trainer on field or a Zach Reid, but then no, it's only one week of that. And then the next three weeks are best 18. So you can hide those poor rookies. And then that's if you can use that Sam Taylor money in your midfield and it gets yourself from a rookie up to one of these good mid prices. Yeah.
Moreira's Magic
or the forward line and same thing, get a rookie off the field to a good bid price. as So, um, yeah, I wouldn't want to sacrifice the rest of my team to get the Sam Taylor in, but if you're sitting there with the money and you're happy with with the rest of the team, then yeah he's going to make more cash. And as you said, it's not like he's a people were talking thirty fives I think he went back to back 35s at one point last year, but he's averaged 68 before in the past. So, um,
Moreira's Magic
I'd like him more than rookie, obviously, and he's going make more cash than rookie.
<unk> We'll go off Sam Taylor now, just ah across to another rookie counterpart, Sam Wicks. um He had that 38-point last quarter. He's not going to do that every week. He's going to get some of the game's most dangerous small forwards, you'd think, as that lockdown role.
There's probably not enough cash here to jump with him at him at an elevated price tag of 390. Yeah.
Moreira's Magic
I think there might be enough cash. The issue is there's too many forwards, in my opinion. Like, where do you fit him in? If he had defender status, ah'd you'd be putting him in, I think.
Moreira's Magic
It's the fact that there's... ah People have a Rankin, people have a Simkin, then there's a Horne Francis, McRae, Baz, Sanders, Caleb Daniel, Hugo Garcia. There's good rookies who can score. Sam Davidson, Connor Stone...
Moreira's Magic
if you want to cack over job security, says, ah where's he where's he fit in your team? That's the only knock on him. and Whereas that that's where Sam Taylor's more relevant because we we can't get anyone to fit in there. Whereas Wix, if we go those same metrics, what's he, 393k, if his cash had a move last week, he goes to four hundred and twenty six k so you've already got What 30 odd K built in and he's going to make it a bit more. So he's obviously not going to make the big amount. Sam Taylor will, but he might you trick along in cash.
Moreira's Magic
But yeah, obviously role is not the perfect He's not distributor of halfback flank. He's a, he's a lockdown defender who happened to get a big last quarter and it's, I can't see how people can fit him in their structures.
Yep, yep, agree with that. So let's go to the midfield now. We'll we'll touch on Lockie Ash at the end. So the two big midfielders, you Will Day and Finn Callaghan. Will Day had a lot of pre-season hype anyway, as it was, and and he's come out and smashed in that first game. However, you've got to be a little bit worried about his half splits, going that 90-odd in the first half and then getting tagged out and and being a little bit injured with cramp in that second half.
Is Will Day, is it as simple as just everyone needs to consider locking him in now because of, you know, what his price is going to be with that value and what you're marking him for a bit of a breakout of off a full preseason?
Moreira's Magic
I think, like, it's funny, Sam Taylor, we talk about him, and that's the beauty of the game, isn't it? um But Will Day we're talking about before this game. So someone who we were considering and then he's got a ah free ticket to cash gen.
Moreira's Magic
The question will be what happens when he comes towards his buy-in. As you said, like they're not going to tag Warple. They're not going to tag Newcomb. They're to tag Nash if it's a ward who comes in there. So he's going to get all the attention and they come up against a Toby Bedford Pretty early in the piece, it might have to be a bit of a Chris Burnham move of trading out Tom Green on his buy in the early bar, which as said, old school mentalities, you don't trade your premiums.
Moreira's Magic
Until you've got a complete team, otherwise you're one step behind. But we've found with this best 18 in these early rounds and the number of underpriced players we're jumping onto that teams have been complete early anyway, that you you might be able to afford to do some of these little sideways trades early in the piece.
Moreira's Magic
So that's what I'd be earmarking.
Yeah, I suppose the tough thing about Will Day is that his buy actually art his run actually opens up after his bye. That's when he comes into his good matchup. So he's going to probably get some attention against Carlton in round three or whenever it is. And then he's got GWS straight after that. But then he goes into some really good matchups. So he'd be a brave coach to do it. But I think, yeah, after what we saw on the weekend, the way he was scoring, the way they were using him, I think that's a pretty easy pick for us. And I think that he's up to about 50% owned now as well. So you've got safety in numbers with that.
pick. The last sort of opening round player that I'll touch on is Lockie Ash, who I suppose is getting a bit of buzz, not only because he had yeah a ceiling score to start, so his cash gen is up and going, but where as you mentioned, we're lacking defenders.
Do we see anything different from Lockie Ash? I mean, he still has the same role. He still plays in a back line with Lockie Whitfield. Yeah, Perryman and Cumming have gone, but they weren't huge scorers to begin with anyway.
Do you think it's just a case of he's at his ceiling score in round zero and he's going to come back to, you know, doing roughly what he was doing last year, which was about an 80 if you take out some injury games?
Moreira's Magic
Yeah, well, his ceiling score last year was a 102, which surprised me because I feel like it was almost, what's his sixth year? It was like his second year in the comp. He dropped like 120 or something against Collingwood of all people too from memory. Do you remember that game?
Yeah, I think it was a 140ish off the top of my head. I remember it being huge.
Moreira's Magic
In his second season or so. So everyone's earmarked him for this eventually to be a top six defender. Yeah. very rarely you see a halfback flanker go pick four in the national draft and remain as a halfback flanker.
Moreira's Magic
Did we see any different, anything different? Well, obviously Whitfield was a little bit down and everyone was cramping and hot. there's a lot more kick mark than your regular game. And we saw some of those defenders get on the receiving end of that. But like we, I know you, you had that chat with Vams and,
Moreira's Magic
people are obviously scared off with this natural progression pick, which makes sense. You want to look for either a role change or a new club or an injury-affected game, which is why their price is low. But if he's playing the same role in the same team without an injury-impacted game last year, then where's the upside going to be? Well, the upside is that yeah the initial cash gen which you're getting from that first game. So I don't hate it, particularly, as you said, but it's hard to fill this back line.
Moreira's Magic
um but then you've got a buyer round two. So what do you do there? um You get the little cash gen and then you're getting a bit short in that buyer. So yeah, in turn of my team, and I've obviously run more of a bolter team and then also the the super coach, but he hasn't come into either of mine.
Round six, 2021, he had 146 against the Western Bulldogs and he had 122 against Carlton two weeks prior. So long time ago when he had that ceiling.
Moreira's Magic
But yeah, for me, I just, Lockie Whitfield's the one. He just commands so much ball back there. And and very rarely do we see two players average above 90 in that same defence.
I think you might have had a Geelong with a Tom Stewart Mitch Duncan, but outside of that, it's pretty rare. So yeah. Not one for me at this stage, but I can see why coaches are trying to go there because of the lack of options in defense.

Team Structure and Strategy Debates

Let's move into just some general structure chat now. And we did have Vams on and he was talking about how maybe it's maybe it's a guns and rookies style year where we're still looking for value, but some of the top end guys present value and because of the best A team, we can get away with some rookies. But We've got some pretty popular players, so Harry Sheasel, Tristan Cherry, Jason Orn-Francis, and then if you want to throw a Dawson Brayshaw type in at M1, do you think having a team structured up with four of those players is is too heavy and you're going to leave yourself too short, or do you think coaches are you know kind of on the money there?
Moreira's Magic
that's what i think it's a good year this year because the back line we're all kind of stumped, especially with these Sam Taylor and Ashes and that coming in, what we're going to do there. The midfield, there's so many different ways to play it. Normally there's a year where people jump on the highest scoring player from the previous year and they're paying price tags of 118 plus or Bontempele last year. Lots of people started him.
Moreira's Magic
Now, if especially with all the injuries, if you had to ask who the top three midfields are going to be this year, there's an argument it's going to be a Brayshaw, Dawson, um and they're all priced below 106. while there that that' was Vams' point, while the top end you feel like you're going heavy on them. You're you're paying a lot less than and what people were paying for the top end in prior years.
Moreira's Magic
The issue is if you're doing them, then you're missing out on a lot of these mid-prices, which a lot of people could... You could fill a team with all the mid-prices as well. Day, Chera, Callaghan, Ollie Hollands,
Moreira's Magic
um and then the good rookies. So i don't think it's too heavy on those ones. If, as I said, if you if the rest of your team is...
Moreira's Magic
is not hurting. And I feel like there's value in all positions where you can get away with a top heavy structure, knowing that there's good rookies in the midfield with a Levi Ashcroft and a, and a Nevit, if it's that, or if it's a Nathan O'Driscoll, like there's the cheaper options, the midfielders save money there. There's the back line. We're talking about Sam Taylor. So it was obviously cheap options there.
Moreira's Magic
And then the forward line, are all completely discounted and they they're likely keepers, four of them. So i don't think it is too heavy going those ones.
Yeah, i think you nailed it in terms of just we haven't had a year at least. I can't remember where the forwards have been so cheap. and I know there was the year, was it 2020 when you you played and you started you started like a Baz Smith, Andrew Brayshaw.
there was I think there was maybe four or five cheapish guys that that you started, I remember, and you were annoyed because they shut down for COVID. And then when we came back, there was three trades a week so everyone could could fix their sides up. But even then you were still picking players that were, you know, needing to break out. Whereas all these players that we're picking this year, they've already broken out. We know what they are. They're just discounted for, for one reason or another. And because of that, we just got money to spend. So ah can see why coaches are going up to Shiesel because the D1 options are thin, which we'll, we'll get to.
ah can see why coaches are going at Tristan Cherry because we need to, we need to spend money up in a ruck somewhere. and And there are some value options coming through, but Cherry seems like the one. And, There's money to spend up in the midfield as well. And and Jason Orn-Francis seems to be having the preseason of his life. So yeah, I personally think that structure is okay. It's not something I'm looking to do, but um you know these coaches that do it might be able to get out get away to a flyer. And at the end of the day, we've got to put points on the board.
Moreira's Magic
Yeah, and just on that too, there was that year where we filled out our forward line when it was Cornelio, Rosie, Butters, Errol Goulden. we almost I think we had five of them that we ended up getting in Jack Siebel. So like this year, almost having no rookies on there. But there was a Josh Dunkley who we all put in there at Price.
Moreira's Magic
It might have been Price at 110, and we all started with him. Maybe it was 105. And that same year, we all had a Doherty Price at 110 in the back line, whereas... Obviously, there's a sheasel there at similar price point, but Horne Francis is much cheaper what Dunkley was that year, and Dunkley underperformed that level and good sides at the top um started that Dunkley. So, yeah, I'm with you. that there's diff this's Normally, you see different structures come through and you see a team with, like, let's say last year, with a Bond or a high-priced player, a Jack Steele or a Laird from prior years, and you think, okay, these guys have gone a bit too top-heavy here. They're going to...
Moreira's Magic
feel it on the lower end but um this year it's i'm not just saying because i did say i'm not saying not going to disclose everything but i still don't quite know the perfect formula to go this year
Yeah, and and that's the thing. We're all going to make mistakes in our starting squad, but the coaches that could correct as early as possible and and get to the correct structure are going to be go to be the ones. And I suppose that's why it comes back to the the Sam Taylor or ah starting some of these never nod types that have a bit more money on their head so that you've got the ability to to pivot off and get onto the right guys over the first couple of rounds. Whereas...
Traditionally, I've been a coach that's guilty of maybe starting a few too many two hundred and thirty k rookies or basement rookies and then finding myself in a bit of trouble a couple of rounds in because you lose a few of them and and they end up just being red dots. So on the rookies, you you're someone that's traditionally liked to start less than most. I remember that when we were both six success both successful. I remember looking at our starting squads and I think I had a maybe an extra rookie or two than you did.
But I'm seeing some some teams this year that have have got no rookies on field. that They've got some of these 400K players, but but no one under sort of that 350 mark. Do you think that's going too far? Or do you think, you know, with the value that we have that coaches are able to fill their teams like that this year?
Moreira's Magic
Because obviously the rookies generate the most cash. Where it gets tricky is with this sub rule that all of a sudden they don't generate as much cash if they're subbed or subbed out and that just stagnates it. So if you pay a little bit extra, then you might avoid that.
Moreira's Magic
I think in defence, like this Jackson Price seems solid enough to put on your field. Obviously there's a few other random names there, whether it's a trainer or a Zach Reid, who you wouldn't have confidence at D6 at all, but it's one week, then it's best 18. So...
Moreira's Magic
and I know learning from last year was that the rookies off field didn't really reward those because four of the first five weeks were best 18. So you weren't getting these bad rookie scores anyway. So I think you'd hide them there. And then where I am confused personally with my own team is Levi Ashcroft and Finno Sutherland because like Ashcroft's numbers and credentials, he interrupted pre-season, but he hey looks every bit as good as these good rookies we've seen in recent years.
Moreira's Magic
but how does he fit in that Brisbane side? And then a Finno Southern, we've all said it, like he his numbers in juniors didn't jump off the page, but you just watch what he did against West Coast.
Moreira's Magic
um So it's like, well, are we silly not having these players on on our ground? because we've seen over the last four years or five years that those good rookies have proved invaluable to teams with their cash generation, job security, filling in through the buy rounds.
Moreira's Magic
um As it stands, I know Supercoach is slightly different game, but I've got myself ah one, two, three, four.
Moreira's Magic
I've got four rookies, genuine rookies on my field.
yeah and my Yeah, so my fantasy team at the moment, I've got the two, but then I'm playing around with running a few more of these 400K guys. And I'm not sure how it sits yet because I need to see teams tomorrow.
While I've got you here, let's just get into it. So these 400K guys, so oh Driscoll, Nevitt and Garcia, Are these just your classic pre-season hype guys? And then when we get to when we get to round one, it's going to be back to normal and and these guys are just playing the roles that either they had last year or or they're out of the side? Or do you think you know it's it's a bit different?
Moreira's Magic
Well, so all three of them were out of the side more than they were in the side last year, weren't they? But let's start O'Driscoll. He was out of the side for reasons. Like he was injury-impacted most the season.
Moreira's Magic
They've always liked him, even when I ah didn't really like him. But now I do like him. I think he's a pretty good player. And the news today, Hayden Young's actually going to be out. We thought it was only be one week. He's now out for, is it the first three or first four?
Moreira's Magic
I think he...
Yeah, I think it's round three, yeah.
Moreira's Magic
People are drawing up their Dockers best 22, and obviously it has Hayden Young in it, but it was also has O'Driscoll on a wing, which means he's he's probably three or four safe from that sub, even with Hayden Young in the team. So while Hayden Young's out, he'll get some inside minutes.
Moreira's Magic
And then when he comes in, I think he'll remain in the side. So I'll give him a tick. I mentioned Nevitt with Xavier on the chat. like i I haven't seen him. i wouldn't even i kind' I know what he looks like. But for some reason, I like him. I don't know what it is. don't if I've read something in my algorithm on Twitter, how he's good. His VFL numbers are good. But like he sits in my super coach team. I picked him before I picked O'Driscoll.
Moreira's Magic
And then Garcia is kind of the one of the ones we saw the stats when that AFL fancy enigma put up in that first practice match and I haven't really thought twice about getting him back out of my side even though he had a quite a second game but they're all quiet he had the role we wanted I listen everything harm he does and he was on board so I'm rolling him out in round one
Yeah, Garcia is interesting. I mean, Nevid is as well. We haven't really seen what his role is going to look like in ah in a full AFL game. What, Jack Sinclair is going to come back? You'd expect him to play some pretty significant midfield minutes with the the lack of options they have in there. You've got a Hunter Clark on the horizon.
Do they go back to a Zach Jones? Hopefully not. But seeing your bodies coming back into that side, you you do kind of worry for a Garcia. what's the What's the run like? I don't think the St Kilda runs terribly good early.
You just got to be prepared to to jump off him, I think, if it if it doesn't work out. But he's always been a big tackler, hey? And he didn't really tackle in that preseason game. So you'd hope that he's got a ah decent floor on him with his tackle numbers and he can learn to find a bit more footy on the outside.
Moreira's Magic
Yeah, big tacklers, what we want. What we don't want is the Saints playing this same style, which fancy coaches have been on it for the last three years or two years, where they just let the opposition kick. like Obviously, saw what Port Adelaide did...
Moreira's Magic
And it just means that there's not many opportunities to tackle when they're just taking these easy marks. So I think I listened, was it was Powski on one of the coaches' panels, I saw the clip pop up where he was shocked with how high Jack Steele's transition points were compared to his stoppage points. We all think of Jack Steele as his tackler and inside mid.
Moreira's Magic
But... And then same as a Roan Marshall, we will talk about how he doesn't need stoppages because he gets it in transition. Well, I think Hugo Garcia is going to need stoppages because he get he relies on the tackles. But whether Saints are competitive enough for him to be able to lay these tackles, that's the next question.
Yeah, yep but yeah to start the year, you're you're going to hope that he's maybe M4. He's probably not going to have super high time on ground, but if he can be that fourth midfielder getting that sort of 50% role in the mids, then yeah, hopefully he should be able to go 65, 70 and at least get off to a pretty good start

Choosing the Best Defensive Picks

for us. But let's jump into defence because D1 and D6 have been a pretty hot topic for most of the pre-season. We've covered the D6, so we won't go there, but D1, I'm still no closer to figuring out an answer here. Sometimes I put a premium in there and then sometimes I go all the way down and and run a Jadon Short at D1. If I had more confidence in some of the lower end guys, I probably would go Jadon Short. But I know you're not giving too much away. I know you mentioned that you did have a Shizu in your super coach side, but he might be out now. But how are you seeing this D1 position?
Moreira's Magic
Yeah, had chiseled for lot the preseason. ah Went down to a Jayden Short. Woke up this morning with Jayden Short D2. So um who's your D1?
our Mine's Nassai Wanganee Miller at the moment. um had um not I don't love it. It was Jack Sinclair for a lot of the pre-season games. it's It's a bit of natural progression because you're hoping he just goes to another level. But with no Riley Bonner there, he was taking a fair few kickouts and and getting some ball throughout the start of the year. So if some of those points can go to Wanganemilla and Sinclair spends a bit of time in the midfield, you'd you'd hope that there might be a bit of a bump if he can get his time on ground up a bit as well. So that's that's where I'm going at the moment. But I i do worry because...
he's He's one of their most damaging players and and similar to a Sicily, if he gets off the chain, then I don't ah don't see him dealing with the tag too well if they decide to sit a dangerous forward on him.
Moreira's Magic
Yeah, so I had... Sorry, I did my... I had Sicily as my D1 prior to, obviously, the game, so I had to adjust.
Yeah, so sorry sorry about that, mate.
Moreira's Magic
No, you're on the money. You're on the money. um ah like Wayne, obviously. Yeah, yeah it's it's hard, isn't it?
Moreira's Magic
like We talk natural progress, but maybe if if it's a top six defender, who I think he is, then You might not need the natural progression because we're getting that cash generation elsewhere in your field. You've got keepers elsewhere in your field. So there's nothing wrong with having a few of these sort of set in stone players.
The other one, I mean, you don't like your players over 30, so i know i know you're probably going to I know what your answer is going to be, but Tom Stewart interests me as well with that midfield role. Surely it's not real, but everything at the moment is indicating that it is. He finished off the year in the midfield.
um He started in that practice game. I think he had 13 CBA, so he was a part of that rotation. There's going to be no Tanner Bruin to start the year, so there's a spot opening up. if If Tom Stewart's got that midfield role and when he's not in the midfield, he just gets to float back to avoid the tag, then it could be the year that he finally averages 100 if he can stay in the park. But um I'll believe it when I see it.
Moreira's Magic
I thought you were going say Dane Zorka when you spoke about age. um Tom Stewart. Now, I've had a good look at him recently and for the reasons he said. And i don't even need that midfield role, I don't think.
Moreira's Magic
If it's half-back, it should be okay. Because he's he obviously had excuses every year, which... You think, is this going to be the year? Maybe it's just the way he plays, the way Geelong rest plays, his body over 30. But ah last year, that we we didn't care about it because everyone in the comp owned him at round 24. But he had that game where he was injured on 26 in the second quarter and was subbed out versus West Coast to finish the year. So even obviously he had those shocking form early in the year where he getting tagged and everything. he still had an injury game impacted in that tri-start.
Moreira's Magic
Then you look at the prior two years, that i't want to bring too many up with because I think you were owners for both of these years, but he's 96 in 2023 included that injury game, whether it was a concussion or shoulder, one of the two.
Moreira's Magic
And then the year before, when he averaged 91, was a shoulder or concussion and vice versa. c ah they hey we it's funny, ah me particularly, I blocked out all these players with this early buy who didn't have a ton of value.
Moreira's Magic
And then when they came, the announcement came, I sort of still, yeah, Max Holmes, don't mind him. Mind you, Chris Burnham likes him, and he's he's closer to it than I am these days. Zorko, I can see why people want to jump on him with his early run.
Moreira's Magic
But Tom Schubert's still not getting much talk. And, yeah, you've give you if got some I've got some interest in him after you've mentioned it.
I'm just not sure I could do it again after. You're right. I had him when he had his 14 in round one, I think it was two years ago. And then, yeah, I've always been a ah Tom Stewart man, but I do like that when he gets tagged, they throw him in the midfield now. It's not a James Sicily where he goes forward.
He goes into the midfield and he tackles hard. he's ah He's a good player, but he's getting on in age now, but he's not someone I've ruled out. Let's put it that way. If I decide that I want to get some extra cash, I can't.
Wengeneen goes down to Stewart, which might free up getting a Nevid up to a Hollands or someone like that just to to bolster that. So definitely food for thought there.

Ruck Position Viability and Player Potential

Let's go to the Ruck line.
Moreira's Magic
That never, just on that then, is that never up to Hollands? That's almost, that's the one I was talking about with the Sam Taylor. That's probably going to do the same thing too, isn't it? um
Yeah, well, that that would be the cash there. But in saying that, Hollands would be at M6. So whether you do that or not, are are you going to get the same cash out of it? Like we haven't seen Nevitt's role, but if we're projecting Hollands to go from 60 to 80, 85, you're getting 20 to 25 points. Are we going to get that from a Nevitt anyway to go from 44 to 65, 70? That's...
sixty five seventy so it's that's It's tricky. nata Need to see it, but we'll see what ah Geelong's team is tomorrow when they name it up. Let's go to the ruck line now.
Ben, also a pretty tough one to pick for for most of the preseason. I know you're a cherry man with this extra cash and Max Gorn's come into play now due to Kieran Briggs going down and and GWS not having a ruckman or at least an established ruckman to start.
Does a Max Gorn interest you more knowing now that maybe he's not going to be a top two ruck if we're projecting Cherry and Marshall to be up there, but the fact we're going to get a Kieran Briggs priced in the low 80s at some point in the next month who we were hoping could go over 100 with a bit of natural progression and and good time on ground and fitness, does that interest you in in Max or starting one of these value rucks?
Moreira's Magic
Yeah, does, Max. Short answer. i was I was always, if I wasn't going to go at cherry, it was an English the next in line. But I think we did a couple of things, that injury to Briggs.
Moreira's Magic
And again, a bit like a defence and the midfield, there's so many different ways you can play this ruck line, and which is, again, why i think this year's shaping to be quite a fun year. Like last year, there were three options you could do, either...
Moreira's Magic
A Gorn, Grundy or Cherry and any combination of those, I don't think that was going to win or lose you the comp. um Whereas this year, there's so many different combos you can do. So you could see that, yeah, Briggs is out.
Moreira's Magic
They're going to ruck either a Madden or Keefe, I imagine Madden. So Gorn's got this massive round one score. So you do jump on him, get the captain while he got 30 green dots and don't have to loop.
Moreira's Magic
Do you now think, okay, well, ah't I could go a real value ruck knowing that Briggs is going to be cheap because I was quite bullish on Briggs leading into the season. Do you now get him cheap mid-season so you're better off going for one of these cheaper guys knowing that you the the argument for going the cheaper guy is it's going to be so hard getting them up to a cherry after cherry's tough run, whereas now if you can jump on a Briggs, use him as a stepping stone and move your way up there. and I know, though, however...
Moreira's Magic
Plague around with lots of trades in the rucks has never worked well in the past. Just think of Braden Pruce, mind you. Pruce was still on a list this year. I think he'd be back in starting squad calculations because he'll be first rucking this round. um But yeah, long answer your question of Gorn. Yeah, certainly interest with the captain.
Moreira's Magic
No question about that.
There was a few questions from ah the previous pod, so I suppose we'll talk about them now. Darcy Cameron and Lloyd meet, so it kind of ties into two players in opening round that have that have got off to a flyer.
Do they interest you a little bit more? They've got to buy, it but with this Briggs backup option, is that a way to kind of differentiate and and go a little bit different to someone if you don't want to pay up for a cherry? Because I think... Most of us are still starting Tom DeConing and having that Briggs as a backup option to to trade into you know a month, two months time is definitely good insurance for when potentially pit net comes in. So do you think it's too risky to pair a Tom DeConing with one of these value plays or or you'd be willing to do it?
Moreira's Magic
No, I don't think it's risky because you've got a bit of cash gen built into it. um Meek I find harder to do so, although he was very good in that in the finals. We averaged 112 in finals. And so his last couple of games he's played, um even the pre-season game, got a good score flow time on ground, about 50% when he played at 60% time ground here.
Moreira's Magic
He scored a 77, so he's he's obviously shown he might be able to go the next level at age 26. It was more Cameron who he had very low, not very low, sorry, compared to the top rucks. Like he was 66% of the centre bounces pre-buyer.
Moreira's Magic
He was 61% in 2023, 49% in because mason cox was in there a lot doing that first centre bounce, whereas when Coxie went out post-buy last year and he went up to 78%, he was averaging 103. So he was one who was already, I could see, a little bit of upside in, turning 29. And now you've got this really big score in there for that cash. So, yeah, that's why it's such a hard way to play this ruck because that could be the play at Darcy Cameron for sure.
Does Cox come back in at some stage? I mean, Craig McRae loves that combo. They want a flag with it. They were pretty woeful on the weekend. Memory barely touched it. Would that be a, that would be a bit of a flag that Cox comes back in. it theyve They've gone away from the 50-50 ruck. It was still, when Cox was playing, it was more of 65-35-ish split. Would that get it done?
Or would you need him as that sort of solo ruck without Cox in the side?
Moreira's Magic
You'd need no Cox, I think. ah I don't think he gets back in, does he, Mason Cox? But, yeah, memory was bad, but he che got a touch-up. So we all talk about Sam Taylor. He was on memory, wasn't he? I'm pretty sure.
Moreira's Magic
um So, he got a touch-up. for you Sam Taylor will beat most. um I don't think they can fit Cox in there with memory and with McStay.
Next day.
Moreira's Magic
Yep. Fair enough. Last little bit of you've been here for 45 minutes, so ah I won't keep you too much longer, but one of the the main things that people are still talking about in the forward line is JHF, Rankin or neither with the value options that we have.
Supercoach is obviously a bit different, but how are you seeing these players? I mean, JHF just to me gives off vibes of someone that's about to take their game to the next level. No Zach Butters for the first four-ish rounds, meaning that it's going to be him and Rosie's midfield.
could potentially go 10 points above his price and average over 100 and pretty much be a smash pick. And you've got Rankin, who all signs are pointing towards him being a main you know three midfielder at Adelaide in a higher stoppage system. and And he's a very good contested player, but also gets forward and pushes goals. So where do you sit with these two?
Moreira's Magic
Yeah, i like them both. I think it all depends on what you think these rookies are going to do, whether it's a Davidson, Caco, Stone, whoever you'll have.
Moreira's Magic
as like If you're not having one of those, the option of having neither, JHF and a macra a um Rankin, you're likely going to have to have two of those rookies on field or one.
Moreira's Magic
So if you think that those rookies can do a 70, then that's the option. But if the rookie comes out and gets a 45-50, then you'd want them more on the bench than having the big dogs. So i think there's no... Everyone... There's a science point for both a Horn France and a Rankin with their increased role, increased age to outperform their price. I don't think they're going to be a bad pick.
Moreira's Magic
um So, yeah, a bit like last year's Ruck. I don't think those three things will dictate. Mind you, like I've got a good mate, Luke Smiles, who's extremely bullish on...
Moreira's Magic
Horne Francis, like and I we all liken him to Dangerfield, but he's thinking like he could really pop and not this year, but eventually that we all thought him as an impact player, but he can see him being at 110 mid at one point in his career.
Yeah, I suppose that he's's it's got to be the first time he's done a preseason in a while. I think he he came across from North Melbourne. He had the hamstring surgery, I think it was, in the preseason. He was barely running right up and through until round one.
Last year, was... he was He was almost there, but he just wasn't playing super high time on ground and he was resting a lot forward. So if he can get his time on ground up and and have more of a prominent midfield role, there's there's no reason that he can't push that average up. But I suppose that ah I just want to ask you the question because I've been big on this and you've you'd never really taken too much stock in it. But if Horn Francis is going to explode and go above 100, what does that mean for Rosie and Butters? Because I don't think all three of them can average 105.
And one one's going to have to regress. So do you buy into that or do just think if Port Adelaide are good, then they i can all do it.
Moreira's Magic
105 is a higher line. I think they can all do it. Horn France, I don't think we'll do 105. I think this year will be more than 100, but um I think they can all get up and going.
Moreira's Magic
Is one Oh five enough from, from butters are sorry from Rose's price tag at 97.
Moreira's Magic
ah It's funny. ah He's one who we've just sort of put in our team and haven't thought about it. And that's typically a nice number, 97 to...
Moreira's Magic
So I'd normally say yes, um but just whether you have, if a Hollands goes up, if a Peatling goes up, a Finn Callaghan, you've obviously got Will Day and a Clayton Oliver in there. So like there's is players below that who are going to outperform their price by a lot more and could push, not, you know, so I say ah ah think he's enough, but I can see why people are coming off him, particularly with that, um,
Moreira's Magic
that foot thing which happened the other day
Speaking of, just one more speaking of forgotten men, James Peatling's kind of gone off the, gone off the radar with his practice practice game. See someone that you're still interested in and what do you project his role to be in that Adelaide midfield?
Moreira's Magic
yeah he's out of my super coach and he was one of the first picks um Well, we you back to see we it's easy it's it's hard to predict three players going 105 plus, but it's easy to know what their centre bounces going to be because they can't all be 90%. And if Rankin's going to get full-time bid, which sounds like he's full-time, he's not going to be even the 50-50 or the 60-40. Rankin's full-time.
Moreira's Magic
Dawson's full-time. Crouch is still running around. He only plays one spot despite him playing 65% time on ground. Salego's still bobbing in there. So... Pete Bing might be that one coming from the half forward flank into stoppages.
Moreira's Magic
He also might be the one we all see after three weeks and think, why do we take him out of our team from one practice game? But yeah, he's he's out of my team at the moment.
Does he fall into the category of players you've liked to trade into in the past? so I know you didn't start with Clayton Oliver, ah Tim Taranto in their breakout years. You got on it once you'd seen the role. Does he kind of fall in that category where you think he might still be good, but until we see the role and we see the scoring, you'd rather just trade into it rather than starting him?

Trading Strategies and Managing Team Changes

Moreira's Magic
Maybe, and and that's where these but there's risks with these mid-prices, particularly if you're starting a Sam Taylor and a Will Day and you're wanting jump off before the tags, if that's what you're going to do, or these rucks who have a buy early and you want to jump off. so it's hard to plan for all these trades, particularly when, like last year, were pretty clean bill, but normally there's lots of forced trades early.
Moreira's Magic
But the advantage of going all these mid-prices, say if they do flops, say if Nevet and O'Driscoll flop and Peatling pops, it's just Nevet down to a ah cheaper rookie who would have done all right. Everyone always pops. Then the other one up to a Peatling.
Moreira's Magic
You can kind of have a bit of flexibility with these mid-prices. So, yeah, you can certainly trade in to the Peatling move. I would be surprised if he gets less than 50% centre bounce as Peatling. Yeah.
Moreira's Magic
um he I think we wanted him when he first moved across. We thought he going to be the Matt Crouch and be the 75% time of ground, 75% CBA, I thought.
It's funny, Matt Crouch, you get such a bad rap in the fantasy community because it feels like he's been in the in the way of some of our players breaking out. But if you just look at it, he's been he's been a staple in that side since the back end of 2023 when he broke back into the side and he's been getting coaches votes. He's been playing a role for that side. So I i think he's still he's still in there and Yeah, I can't see Peatling getting more than that sort of 40 to 50. And in a high stoppage system, maybe that's enough. But I think he just falls into the category of of wanting to see it. And albeit he plays St Kilda in round one, so there might not be too many tackles on offer anyway.
Moreira's Magic
Yeah, I'm with you.
Are there any other players just off the top of your head that that kind of fall into that category where they might be getting a bit of love in the preseason, but you'd much rather see them for a week first?
Moreira's Magic
Yeah, one it just shows I'm certainly not always right, that's for sure. But like a Matt Roberts, I was below market on him. i didn't think he could back it up enough to be a worthwhile pick.
Moreira's Magic
Having said that, obviously, with everyone falling down in defence... He was kind of in there just by default, but he now looks to be an an obvious one. So Oli Hollands, I'm not as hot on those others, but who's to say he's not going to be like do what Matt Roberts did last week and make me look a bit silly?
Yep, I agree with that. So thanks for jumping on, mate. I really appreciate it. just Just before you go, can you just give us a ah closing thought for the listeners on on what they should be looking to do tomorrow when when teams are named and no doubt we get some curveballs thrown and and making sure that they don't do a VAMS, sorry VAMS, and and completely butcher their side and in round one?
Moreira's Magic
Well, because we all count down to this first bounce, but especially the rolling lockout, all you have to worry about are the players playing tomorrow. So just make sure, obviously, you've got them sorted and don't muck around with them. Even when when teams are out, don't do any um things until even the Friday.
Moreira's Magic
ah Just make sure you've got your emergencies on. Even though, like I've learned from DT Lemon, even if a trainer does score well, you're probably not trading in a donut, but maybe you are, Bo Allen. If a camp rally goes well, you're trading in a donut in the midfield, Elijah Hewitt.
Moreira's Magic
Don't know, maybe not, probably not. I'd advise against it. Deconi vice captain. But, um yeah, just have tomorrow set because and you've got all all Friday to digest those teams and and put yourself together. So, yeah, you mentioned, don't be trading in players' price at 120, two of them.
Yeah, it's a good point. We've had the Nick Martins in the past and there's always some curveballs thrown in round one. I think a lot of coaches last year put Grundy on the bench with the emergency and then that kind of ended up in screwing their side. It happened with Tristan Cherry the year before as well. So just have everything set, make sure you're not playing around too much and and just enjoy the week of footy. and And don't stress if your players don't go too well to start. We know that often coaches that win the comp start from a way back.
First round isn't necessarily the way that players are going to score for the rest of

Conclusion and Future Discussions

the year. So, Fantasy Footy's back. Super excited. And I know I'm looking forward to getting my Supercoach side done as well and and having a crack over there. But thanks again for jumping on, guys. Make sure you're following us at PodPodAFL on X. And make sure you subscribe to us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts.
The preseason's done. That's the last episode of the Holmes Files, but we will be back at some point throughout the season to have some more in-depth chats. But go well tomorrow, enjoy the footy, and we'll see you back on Monday for our regular episode.