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CheezeTalk S1 Episode 24 Life and sports (maybe)with @cheesehead_nerd image

CheezeTalk S1 Episode 24 Life and sports (maybe)with @cheesehead_nerd

Ohana: Packers Edition
45 Plays7 months ago

Random questions with Aaron tonight! Enjoy!


Introduction and Podcast Setup

Marty, welcome to the cheese talk podcast. I'm your host, Brian Rago. Today I'm joined with cheese head nerd, also known as Aaron like was a big, big D Davis. the so yeah we're Tonight we're going to talk about, I don't know, maybe maybe majority life tonight. Seems like sports has kind of maybe hit the slow ride a little bit, but I'm just going to check here quick to see how many, I got to check to see how many open maniacs there are out there.
So I'd be 53 more followers until open network, reaches their goal of 523 before they give away an eight by 10 autographed Jair Alexander picture. And again, a shout out to the open network for giving me the chance to a podcast under their umbrella.

Social Media and Personal Life Updates

Uh, if you guys are on, um, The other app called TikTok. Sorry, it's been a long week. Aaron is the one doing majority, I think, if not all the TikTok videos. Yeah. Is that you? That's all me. Yeah. So, yeah. Follow my TikTok too. I'm not sure how many followers they have on TikTok, but I don't know. Not a lot. Not a lot anymore. Anymore? and need I need more. I need more and need more yeah thought you said anymore, Mike. Did you scare him away?
yeah What's going on, Aaron? Not all odds. I've been dealing with life and work and wedding stuff. What are you guys getting married again? ah October. October. Nice fall wedding. Mm-hmm. That was the idea. Yeah. We got married on July 19th. Was that a been a hot day? Yeah, I think it was. Yeah, it was.
Yeah, it was a good day though. It goes fast. A lot of stuff going on and a lot of details and make sure to come out to where you want them to and hoping they do and don't have any guests getting too drunk or you're getting too drunk and not remembering anything or maybe getting too drunk in the hotel room and almost falling out of a jacuzzi like I did. That was me. I almost took a dive. i y'all I'll ask you a couple of questions, Pac-related. How's that? OK. All right.

Sports Talk and Personal Interests

Do you think it's good or bad that Goody has these hard choices to make when it comes to trimming down the roster?
Cause you know, we have like a, like an abundance of talent that they've been accumulating and to try to make a 53 man roster, what are your thoughts on the process and the leftovers? I mean, it's, it's definitely going to be a hard choice, but good. He has proved in the past. He's pretty good at figuring out the talent. He obviously, he trusts Matt LaFlora. I trust Matt LaFlora. How he's been handling the team. It's going to be tough, because there's a lot of talent, especially at certain key positions, like receiver and cornerback. There's so many so much talent there. And i it's going to be tough. But that's the beauty of it. The beauty is that we're going to get the best of the best out of that, which excites me, because we have a lot of talent. I was reading an article where I was saying something to the fact that you know we could have six cornerbacks, seven receivers, and like five tight ends.
That's crazy to think about. I don't know. I'll go five times and we moved four. Yeah, but what I mean, you know, there' some are probably going to end up on yeah obviously the practice squad or special teams or what. So that's, that's crazy. And then Carrington Valentine, apparently he's coming back bigger and stronger and he's standing out. He was standing out there in the OTAs. So that could be awesome. Bulk up for a secondary. hello What do you think of family night? yeah Have you ever gone to family night before? No, I want to, but it's just it's normally just never in the cards for me. yeah if but if i If I had a chance to, and i if if I had a chance to go and take my fiance with me, I would i would love to. yeah Not a normal thing. I mostly just watch the highlights whenever the highlights come out of it. I think I've been to one or two.
that's But each year it keeps on getting less and less. They don't want to put out as much film on their stuff, I think, for opponents. Right. You know what I'm saying? So it's it's it's cool. Like the fireworks at the end for the kids, all the players come down to the field and they watch it with their family. and but Yeah, I'm glad all the draft picks are signed. That's huge. No one's holding out. Everyone's going to come and prove their money, prove their worth. ah we got we got a but We got a bunch of guys yeah but you guys hungry, ready to go. Yeah. Man, you know, I was speaking to you off air, and um'm I'm kind of curious. Everything would be fun to go karaoke with you. What kind of songs do you karaoke to? Anything? Slipknot? You do, like, like Metal?
metal metal. I'm a huge man. I'm a metalhead, not like hardcore, hardcore metal, but like slipknots probably the hardest stuff I listened to. And I love it. Slipknot, Lincoln Park, but sometimes we even go classic. I'll do, I'll do some Queen with my fiance. We love Queen. So I like ah slipknot system over down. I saw them live in concert. Saw seven Dustin concert down in Iowa. Um, yeah. Well, if anybody out there looks like we have 13 viewers, send us some comments, questions. We'll answer them on air.
I'm going to jump right into the questions for you. Let's go. What hobby would you get into if time and money weren't an issue? If time and money weren't an issue, what hobby? I would just be nonstop. football. I would just be nonstop football collecting like I kind of already do. I mean, I obviously I'm limited, but if if money were an issue, i it's already it's already my passion. football Football has always been my biggest passion. I'd be going i'd be going to the pro shop nonstop then at that point and just collecting everything I can. Just take the whole store while I'm at it. Yeah. I'd like to place an order, please. Let us get everything you have in the store. Please want to reach
everything. I want everything. The giant, that including the giant helmet. You said that that the giant helmet that's floating, that's floating up there, a buttery thing. I want that too. Yeah. ah That $10,000 sparkly one that's in the pro shop too. hello man that's That's crazy. I think if I, if I unlimited money, like what would I do if money were an issue? I don't know. I probably definitely not staying in one spot for too long and all that. Yes, got to stay on the move. Probably a buy stop I shouldn't have. Fast cars. Yeah. A nice car. I've been dealing with some car issues. A nice new car would be nice right now. You have to get a new cheese life sticker.
I like the one I got. Honestly, it's cool. Yeah, I'm just saying, though, if you got a new car, you'd have to get a new, yeah, Yeah, I would. You're right. I would. I would. I don't know a problem with that. That's a plug to cheese life. Mm-hmm. Ain't no life like the cheese life. What fictional place would you more would you most like to go to? Fictional. Like, talking completely fictional. I'll say right now, I'm going to say a Bikini Bottom. That's right. I would be up for that, too.
all um i would I would love because I grew up on Power Rangers. I would love to be in the Power Ranger universe and be in that. Yeah. Just bust out the Tyrannosaurus or something. i love That was my thing growing up. I would say maybe tie between SpongeBob and um
Bayside high in the max. Saved by the bell.
Or if not else, Harry Hogwarts. Yeah. Right. Kind of, kind of, kind of a, kind of a Harry Potter nerd. So I mean, if I can go, if I, if I, if I could have got my letter when I was a kid, you know, that would have been nice, but yeah. Oh, well, I still got a, I still got a, I still got a wand and I

Family and Personal Anecdotes

got all, i don't I don't have a cape or nothing, but I have a wand. Go and get a cape. I should have a cape right now, but I don't. Damn. But it's OK. I got the banner. All right. What job would you be terrible at?
any I would be terrible at any that involves having to talk to people on the phone, because I'm just not the greatest people person when it comes to talking to complete strangers on the phone. Right? like Because i one, it makes me really nervous. Two, I'm an asshole. So if someone so someone is ah sudden someone tries to, like if some customer is trying to call for a complaint and I'm explaining to them what they're doing wrong and they get mad at me, I'm going to get mad right back.
ah You're going to snap at me. I'm just going to snap right back. that's ah like my my My fiance does that for work. She works at a call center for a bank. And she tells me about all the stuff that she deals with. And I'm like, babe, I would not last five minutes at your job. I commend her for what she does. I think for me, I'd have a hard time in a good way. I'd be bad at like a daycare. Not saying not, no, I'm not. I don't beat children. I'd be like spoil them. Like this, I give them like all the treats and the snacks and the juice. Like your parents would be calling me being like, what are you doing? My kid won't go to sleep at night. He doesn't go to sleep until like two o'clock in the morning. You know, I'd be that. I'm not saying I'm that kind of dad, but you know, I don't know.
not wrong but no I I would kind of be the same way, but I personally love kids myself. i I would spoil the fuck out of kids if they're if they're not mine. Just don't tell your mom. such my my my My soon to be mother-in-law is already threatening to sugar up our kids when we have them. Yeah. follow That's your job to do it to them. Hey, you guys want to watch Little Johnny for the weekend? Hit these Skittles. Eat these Starburst. Here. Well, give him a whole bag of Skittles. Just go to town and then just drop him off at gra Grandma's. Like, here you go.
ah When was the last time you climbed a tree? Hmm. That's a good question. I can't even think, I don't remember. i was That was so long ago for me. So the last that I can recall attempting to climb a tree was probably when I was still in service. Yeah. so And it wasn't even that I was climbing a tree. There there was a thing, there was this kind of tradition thing that we did, that that that we do in the army where it's called, a are you qualified?
And basically, they have what they have you do is have you like climb and and like, like hug a tree like a koala upside down and see how long you can last. So you're a tree hugger. I was his one time. Well, not like that, but ah yeah. Oops. i didn't I didn't do it because because I wanted to. I did it because I was kind of ordered to. right like It looked fun. It it was it was fun. so I Like I said, if I did try to, I was probably in my late, in my early twenties, probably involved alcohol. So i I don't know. I can't remember back that far.
If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance at winning a medal for?
Like something completely like mundane that that I'd be really good at. I'd say it for me, it'd be people watching. That'd be awesome. Like, who can hold their composure the best is watching people just walk around. Who can just sit there with a straight face and not laugh at people? I would lose that one. I will lose that one because it's just... i'm a um well that that and also i'm um I'm a bit shaky, too. like I can't help it. I'm a bit shaky at at times, so I could not stand still. i let Well, then I'm ADHD as fuck, so I can't stand still for too long. I go nuts. yeah i i You just sit there. like I mean, they'd it'd be a sport because you'd have people that would just lose their mind.
It could be like somewhat like normal. They have movies that they're dead faced. So there's like a gold, silver, and a bronze. You know what I'm saying? So people or ah road rage driving, keeping your cool with road rage. I mean, I could hold it in about one too, but I usually don't. um I think I'm trying to think. I was something so simple I'm good at. um
Karaoke. I'm not that great. I'm not that great a singer. I'm decent at memorizing we memorizing words, but um no but if if if if anything, if anything i'd be I'd be pretty good with sports trivia, I think. yeah because i'm i i'm a good one um I'd be hooked i'd be hooked um i've been hooked on sports since I was little. so Could you imagine though? this is like studied knowledge and like past like stats and history and everything and that would be and yeah you'd be surprised like how much stuff that you actually retain like you don't think about it every day but when somebody asks a question it's like oh that's so and so oh that's you know whatever like what does 28-3 remind you of? That's when Patriots came from behind and beat the Falcons. Duh!
Um, what skill would you like to master?

Skills and Aspirations

What skill would I like to master? There's quite a few. I would, um, if I could, if I, if I could be really good, if I, if I could be really good at working on cars, I would do that. Cause I'm, I'm horrible with that personally. Um,
um I'm sorry. I've been really tired. So my brain is nice. Yeah, that's fine. So I'm trying i'm trying my best here.
aye Zone in a bit. I'm sorry. What was the question again? What skill would you like to master? Let's get what I like to master. i you could just like be like a car guru, like an engine guru, you know, something like that, you know, that way you're able to like save you and your, your, your soon to be wife money on car repair or something like that, you know, housework, like, like, like um, like, like, but like, like, like, like working on, like, like any, anything housework wise, like, I'm like, like, uh, like the, like carpentry or like, like,
landscaping or like something, any, like anything to do with the house that could possibly like make, like, like make improvement, like make house improvements. Yeah, definitely. That's a, takes you as a practice for some people, you know, some people, even though they're really good, they think they can always, they always want to try better, you know? So yeah. What's your favorite drink?
I mean, water is pretty good. Yeah. You got water. Yeah. I had, I had, I had a, I had a monster before those cause I, I did, I did bio life and then I stopped that quidcher badger to get tickets to pick up some food and I got a can of monster and already finished that. So do you, is that where you get, is that where you get plasma? Uh, yeah. Bio life. What are the requirements? What are the requirements for that? Yeah. You gotta be, you gotta be, you gotta be just basically you got to be healthy. And you got to you got to be healthy, you got to have good veins. Not really that hard. um Can't be all drugged up, obviously. Yeah, no, no drug alcohol, like you got to have a clean. Yeah, I have a clean system. All your vitals got to be good when you go in. They they always like check, like whenever every time I go in, we I have to get my vitals checked, like blood pressure, pulse, they check your blood.
ah yeah Yeah. I mean, it's the extra source of income, correct? It is. Yeah. I get about a hundred bucks a week doing that. Yeah. So it helps. It's a tax-free. Yeah. Nope. I should do that one of these days. You're like when you cook and you grease spiders you and you get like a blister on yourself. yeah or yeah i think it's still got ah i got it stuck in de I still got a decent scar about right here from a grease burn that I had a while ago.
It happens. That's like, I try to remember to wear sleeves when i when I cook when I when I cook on the stove when I'm cooking burgers or something because of the grease splatter because that's what that happened for me on that one. I made chicken stir fry tonight and splash back and got me the increase in my elbow. um What or country do you never want to go back to?
And why is it Illinois?
the I didn't want to say it. I did want to say it, but I've only been to one country other than the United States. I've been to Canada. I haven't been outside the the states yet. I want to I want I want to explore a little bit like I want to I want to go to Europe. I want to travel Italy and see what that's like. um I would love to go to England and see how it's how it's like what it's like there. um Australia would be cool once. um My wife went to Paris. Back when she was younger. My, so my fiance, she went on a trip in high school. Yeah. Oh, we went on that one. I'm like the end of the end of the school year trips are like six flags or stuff like that. kind numbers Hers was for a French class that she took in high school.
Yeah, that makes sense. So and that that's good that's kind of what she wanted to, at one point she wanted to do French teaching even. Yeah, ah t ah she ah she she she can speak some French. She hasn't she hadn't studied it in a while though. She didn't finish college, but she she knows French. Yeah, good. Cause you ever get in a situation where you got to speak French, you know, you know, what's going on. I let her, I just let her handle that French restaurant tonight.
I would let her do all the talking at that point. Yeah. Right. he would be Like that's like, I'll pay. I don't care. But you do all the talking, not me. That's, I don't know, I enjoy my time in Toronto. I mean, I was younger, probably seventh, eighth grade when I went there. um It was pretty cool, from what I can remember. I mean, as far as like states, I don't know, Chicago was pretty cool actually to go be in. Depends on what part of Chicago, because they're a while ago. This scenery, I know it's like rough like a rough neighborhood and stuff, a rough area.
But this just to see like the skyline and stuff like that and experience the Chicago Deep Dish Pizza in Chicago was awesome. I still haven't i had somet done that yet. i've been what i When I lived on in the Madison area, I used to build like telecommunication buildings for like ah ah power plants, metal buildings that have like all the controls and the data wires and everything going through them. And we did a lot of the buildings that we built and they got transferred by semi down there and we set them on the concrete pad, anchored them in and hooked them up and everything. And I was down, I think off of like Pulaski, it was a Pulaski Avenue. So some of close to Chicago and we were staying on Cicero Avenue in the best Western.
You know, you're sitting there at night and you're like watching TV, eating, eating the deepest pizza. All of a sudden, bang, bang, bang, bang. Windows are open. It's like, oh shit, time to close the windows. You know, but, um, I was pretty boring to go through. If you ask me, um, Montana, but. i but I once went on ah on a mission trip to Montana and it wasn't it wasn't so bad. It was peaceful. It was peaceful and scenic for sure. ah Going through like Texas, Oklahoma, like the Pan Handles.
It's like you're driving forever and ever and ever. And also I'm boom. Well, you see like a silo, some animals, and a couple of houses and then it's like the same thing over and over and over again until you're like in New Mexico. But, but yeah, I don't know. Every, every state's different. Every people reach a different, you know, scenery, but it's like being peaceful can be deadly too. Cause you can just zone out and start seeing things.

Gaming and Financial Wisdom

Yeah. What game or movie universe would you most like to live in? I want to talk video game universe specifically.
I think I think Mortal Kombat would be really cool. Or Halo. I've been a big Halo. I was an OG. i o gee i've been I'm an OG Halo player. Yeah. so I would definitely be down for that one. Yeah, I remember what was it, the Xbox, <unk> like link accounts or you could link like councils, like an old house that my brother rented out. there was like four bedrooms. So each room had a council and each room had four people on the controllers or two people, whatever it was. And we're doing my teams like four on four on four capture the flag. And, you know, and that that was fun. I don't know what game i i or what setting I'd want to live in. I don't know. I, that's a good question. I can't, don't know if I even have an answer for that. I, uh,
Yeah, I'm not sure on that one. I'll skip that for myself because I don't know. All right. Are you usually early or late? Early. I like to be early. Yeah, same.
That that that ah kind of kind of got that instilled in me when I was in service too. You got to be early. If you're not early, you get yelled at or punished or something. You got to run for it? Usually with push-ups. Yeah. What takes it too much of your time? What takes too much of my time? Yeah. Work. <unk>t that the truth responsibilities yeah honestly then think Having to think too much about bills and responsibilities. ah Right. Takes up a lot of my thinking time. Yeah, bullshit.
but with it Oh, what do you wish you knew more about? it
Kinda, I kind of wish I knew more how to manage money and everything when I got to adulthood. Yeah. Cause I, when I, I didn't, I wasn't taught anything and I kind of just had to learn when I got, when I got to adulthood and then when I got to learn, when I got to live on my own and had to learn all by myself pretty much. So not a budget. a Yeah, i I was bad at that. Thank God I'm married.
it she's ah She's a budgeter for sure. We're both we're we're both still learning that, honestly. because but when we we We both struggle with managing money, so we're weve we've gotten better. We're to the point where we are saving now, yeah so we're doing good. That's good. you What are some small things that make your day better? small. Like saying hi to someone, you're holding the door for someone or somebody holding the door for you. so bad or and Somebody off in traffic and they give you the middle finger or you know, that always mad. That one always makes my day better. Yeah. but Or anytime, or anytime someone, anytime someone gets mad at me or on the highway or, um, or even just coworkers, just doing random quirky stuff to make his smile laugh or just,
just to get your mind off of things right um or even just a little, the little messages that sometimes my my fiance will give me, like she'll just get, she'll, she'll send me a funny video or something cute and it'll just brighten my mood. Or you see me post something stupid on Twitter and laugh about it. That to that works too. Yeah. hi might I lately have been posting a lot of like that, like that little ass, that little donkey picture I put up there. your mind off of things. thats yeah um
but we all we all we all love We all like a little ass here and there. ah What TV channel doesn't exist but really should?
and That's a good one. That's a good one. It's more like POV like road rage videos. and yeah That would be entertaining, honestly. From beginning to end. e From the beginning of the trip to the end of it, where wherever they're going. just ah you know i i thought about like i I have another YouTube channel. I got my podcast one and then I have like my personal one. and And I've been thinking about just like recording like on my phone like trips and like me like talking and just losing it on cars that can't hear me.
But then I think people are thinking I'm absolutely crazy. So i I still might do it though. I have recorded.
Here we go. Joe says something. Struggling, managing money. Good thing I'm not paying you what had your troubles. Come on, Joe. Damn you.
know just like taking trips and just to see the stuff like I was I'm aware to Oshkosh one day and there was just I was in I'm 41 probably around like Ballard and Appleton by that exit And right up around the bend where you start going through the Bergstrom, it'd be on your right, that's how it's heading south. And there is this like big truck that was tailgating this car. And the car wouldn't move over. So he had like these big like orange whites on top over his of his truck. And he flashed them until they got over.
And then I'm like, what, who does he think he is? I went flying up there and I went next to him to go past him and he flashes orange lights at me. I'm like, you little fucker, you know? I flipped him off right there. and he'll hide his dark Oh, you couldn't see him, but I did the double, the double break tap at him and just kept on going, you know? and But it's just like people just, I mean, you you drive a big truck and you flash your light too good for you. you know o I had a guy this morning when I was on my way to work. um i got i got on the I got on the highway to head towards work and there was a guy that was
right behind me and when I when I was getting off there was we had we had I had I had one vehicle that was kind of already ahead of me where I was coming up to and usually I'll probably go about I usually go around 80 on the highway and a 70 and I just I sped up to that I went left lane because left lane was completely cleared and the dude who was directly behind me decided to switch lane the exact time I did and he was Going and so I will I almost wanted to break check him and then he flipped me off Like I like I like I cut him off or something like People are dumb, you know, like sorry. Sorry. I got ahead. Sorry. I was already ahead of you. Yeah that and then people Going slow in the fast lane Yeah, that just that's just I can't wait. What are they gonna? Are they working an ana on now? I'm making it three lanes from Appleton to appear
They're not quite there yet. Because I know they're redoing the bridges, right? Yeah. Making them so they can fit three lanes going each way, I'm assuming. ah That's what it's looking like. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's probably the first thing that they're doing. And then they'll go um from there to making three lanes. Yeah. up Cool. What would your ideal way to spend the weekend be? For me, avoiding people and being with family. Yeah, thats or even even just spending the whole weekend with my fiance and just hanging out with the two of us, going out to going out to nice dinners and just enjoying each other's company. like Yeah, I miss those days. I really do. It's just like you got kids in this nonstop running and just to think of, to actually spend
like quality, peaceful, quiet, like night out with your wife or your fiance. You know, you, you, you, you don't think about that stuff until it's been a lot, you know, right. It's been a while since that's been a, and if Mark, if you're watching, yeah, I get it. I said, it's been a while a guy at work where you always just yell out, it's been a while, you know, from staying to whatever it is. Yeah, whatever. flag Mark.
How often do you people watch? I do it all the time.

Observations and Fashion

I'm probably one of the biggest offenders of people watching. I don't, I i personally don't. I'm not into it. Oh, okay. Not like, not like, like creepy. It's just like, if I Like if I take my ring in to get checked or whatever and I have to wait for it or whatever, I'll sit down in this kind of like, you kind of kind of know your surroundings at times too. You know, that's kind of what led me, not led me into it, but I just kind of keep my eyes open and look around me and people watch, but whatever.
I'm, I'm more, I'm more just the observant like I like to be low key observant. Not, um not obvious I don't want, don't I don't want people to think that I'm staring at them I'm just like, like I'll be like looking at my phone and just.
um But I've also that's second another thing I learned from being military is I've learned to be very. observant of my surroundings and everything. um I always, anytime I walk into a building, I always look for the exit, ah any and all exits, entry points. I look at where everybody is in case of emergency, all that. Damn. It's it's a habit, but it's a but it's a good habit to have because you never know when you can need it. Right. so What's the farthest you've ever been from home?
probably when I was in, uh, California for, it was for, uh, NTC training. I got to go to Fort Irwin, California for NTC training. That's probably the farthest. Yeah, for me, it was, uh, uh, Eureka, California, which is like Northern California or San Francisco Palm Springs or Atlanta. Palm Springs and Atlanta are within the same day. Cause I took a flight on Palm Springs at night to Atlanta to go up to Madison. Don't get, don't ask me why it's just, you go from like the West coast to the East coast to go North. It doesn't make any sense, but whatever.
Um, the most annoying people, the most annoying people, everybody, the most annoying question people ask you.
but the ah yeah
When people and my, my, yeah my fiance can attest this because it's just a fake, I have a face that I typically keep on and it's not like, I don't want to say it's resting bitch face. I just have a face that always looks angry for some reason. Yeah. And, and, and I get people asking me, are you okay? Are you good? And in my fiance does a majority of the time she asked me at least five, 10 times a day. You okay? Is everything fine? Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. Like ah until I'm not fine. I'm i So that's just how she is. She worries. It's, I think that's how a lot of women are from, from what I'm from, ah from what I've experienced. That's nothing wrong with that. Yeah. I just looked at it and you give that, do you think something's wrong where it's something's really not wrong? I get that from my wife too. Like what's wrong? Nothing. Oh, okay.
or like you're all in public and or not in public like at a kid you're all playing or horsing around in the in the distance and they're like, is that your kid? Is that your kid? And the back of my head is like, yes, my kid. No, it's not my kid. You know, let's wait till you have kids. It's going to be awesome. I look forward to it. Yeah, I do. here What fad or trend do you hope comes back?
I'm saying like the jinco jeans.
why I'm just kidding. I was like, that must have had to be before my time. I don't even know what those are. Jinko. I have no idea. What does it want to ultra, ultra flare outs? It's not coming to mind. Um, trying to think and trying to think other ones. Um,
I kind of, I kind of liked that. I kind of liked the idea of like um like, when people used to just wear like, like casually just wear flannels whenever. those pair all those Oh, those. Oh, okay. Okay. Gotcha. Yeah. Sorry. You're good. Um, I forgot. I completely forgot what I was saying.
Well, I know Joe was watching. there Yeah, that's basically what it looked like. Yeah. Joe is probably wearing some right now.
Just casually watching and Jinko is just... Jinko's in a wife beater.
Oh, I don't know. What were you saying again? I ah could play. I forgot what I was saying. Well, I'll say I hope it doesn't come back as the duck face mafia. Oh, God. You know, all the people take a selfies and like, oh, my God, let's take a selfie.
Let me guess, Joe, you're doing a duck face picture for us, too, or what? Oh man. music Why did you decide to do the work you're doing now?
I got into my current job that I have because and ah because because of a friend of mine and eventually I just grew to love it. Honestly, and then the one if you if I want to count the other job I have, the one that you know a certain someone doesn't pay me for. um bro No, I thoroughly enjoy i thoroughlyne enjoy but Packer. Anything Packer related and make getting to make Packer content, honestly, it's a lot of fun. I enjoy doing it regardless. Yeah. Can you read that? Come on, Joe. but Come on, Joe.
Oh, man. It's all good here. All good here. No, I like doing the content. I kind of stuff. It's fun talking sports, but it's also fun just to take a break every once in a while. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Whoa. Whoa, Joe. Joe's throwing shots. yeah gar
That's fair. That's fair. um It's fun to, like, have my topics because you could like, you know, like I just trying to get like, it's fun. I trying to get like guests to come on scheduling stuff, scheduling content, what you're going to talk about yeah together. And then you've been on the most. I think I, anybody I've had on just, just like forming a friendship and like, just going back into this, like shooting the shit, you know, Sunday, we still got to do a, a, uh, tick tock. Mm.
Oh yeah. that'd be fun. Cause you can put it on TikTok page and I'll put it on my YouTube channel and yeah. We'll try to monetize you. Okay. We'll do our best. Yeah. Spread the word of hope.
There's a question that you were talking about earlier or an you might've had the answer for earlier. If you suddenly became a master at woodworking, what would you make?
I probably get like birdhouses and sell them and make money. I wouldn't be a bad idea. Um, how to open logo on them. I think it'd be cool to make like, uh, coffee tables, even make like design, like, like designer coffee tables. Joey kill me, man.
That's also fair. That's also fair.
ah Yeah, this being handy, making stuff wood, like with wood, you know, is is huge because you can make a bank off doing that stuff, you know. one
Yeah, I don't know. What would you make? I mean, yeah you know, I mean, I mean, you see birdhouses everywhere. They come in different shapes and sizes. You can make shelves. You can make cabinets. You can make stuff like that. Luckyest thing that has happened to you. Luckyest thing that's ever happened to me.
Besides meeting Joe. and I mean, I have, yeah I have you to thank for that one. So i say um I'd say I'm pretty lucky for that, but I really have you to thank for that. So, um, probably I'm just, I think the,
it's It's tough.
I'll go for me. For me, it was meeting my wife when I did, because I was at a spot where I didn't think I'd be able to crawl out of, and she helped me out of my dark spot. So that's what I'm luckiest for. always have always I always will be lucky for that. I was i was kind of thinking about i was thinking about that too, honestly, because I was just I was at a point in my life where I was kind of, um I was ready to give up on finding a partner because I just, i continue I continue to have bad luck with relationships and finding love and all that. And it's something that I always really wanted, but I never could, I never could get or never could keep. And then I just, I, but I also had a lot of personal issues too that I was dealing with. So it was,
And then i i i found I found my woman and she has a dad that knew this life skills class that I've talked about before and it has helped me a lot with my personal issues and my anger and how to deal with that every day. and For sure. i wouldn't If I have met her, I wouldn't be where I am right now. I don't know what I'd be doing right now if I if i didn't if i didn't find my woman when but I did. so Same here. I could, I could go on and like, I'm going stuff like that, but a lot of it is you don't want to relive it, but at some point, you know, every once in a while you have to. yeah Um, I got my cat hopped up by me. Hi. Bye. Um,
besides the old, uh, website,
What website do you visit most often?
i give yeah ESPN. ESPN. I go on that. I go on that. I'm a, I'm a sports junkie. So I go on that a lot. Yeah. me I got to, keep I got to keep track of all my sports. It's not just football. I got burr, burr baseball going on now, but bucks, basketball, I follow all, I follow all the local sports. So.
I'm sorry. I've just got a message here quick. Oh, I'm in the wrong. Very good. I'm in the open Twitter. Oh, yeah. I, uh, I'm usually on, on Twitter. Um, I'll go to like packers or it is
I don't really visit websites too much to be honest. No, no more ads. Everything, everything is more on apps nowadays. Yeah. I just, I don't know. The most impressive thing you know how to do.
That is where I struggle because I personally don't think I have like i have a lot of special talents. um
I mean, i've ive i have a kna I have a knack for making people laugh at the most random times. i just i um Sometimes I don't try, a lot of times I do. And I just throw throw people completely off guard and it just makes them completely forget about what they're stressing about. Yeah, I have quick comebacks. Quick-witted, I guess. ah People have always told me that, that I have good or quick, but like something to come back to make somebody laugh. So that's, but
I think I know the answer to that. So I want to ask you, what did you think you would grow out of but haven't? e
I don't know. I've gotten pretty comfortable with a lot of my habits, I guess. I don't know. I've done pretty good with the habits I do have. So I don't know. I thought by now I'd grow out of SpongeBob, but I haven't.
That's never gonna change for me. And I'm and i'm good and i'm good with that. think favorite My favorite thing that he happens is when he goes, I'm ready. He always gets me. I had the magical doodle.
I had And my kids would always hear it go off like for my alarms in the morning. as It always gets stuck in your head. ah I did. and I don't know what I I had a conversation my fiance the other day where she were where I was in a really good mood in the morning and she was and she's and I was just such in a good mood. She was like, can you sprinkle some of that happiness on me? And then I sent her a gift of SpongeBob throwing flowers at Squidward all grumpy. And she's like, I'm Squidward.
and then And then I sent her a gift of SpongeBob Patrick going, that's good word, that's good word, that's good word, good word, good word. got it I flipped her mood on that one. I'm like, I hope that helped. That's like the only thing we watch in Paramount is SpongeBob. I have YouTube TV and we'll watch that occasionally sometimes. Yeah. Um, I guess I could say one thing I thought I had grown out of, but I got back into a while ago was watching wrestling. Yeah. I used, I kind of straight away from it as I got older because a lot of, because of all the, the, the stage ness and some of the fake stuff, people will keep just like ingraining the whole fake stuff in

Nostalgia and Entertainment

my brain. And then I'll just, eventually I got back into it and I'm like, you know what? Not everything they do is fake.
Yeah, it takes it it takes effort and and and no on what ah what word am I thinking of? Like when you work with somebody, you know? at the chemistryry yeah Yeah, that and it's like, a everything has to happen at the right time to make it appear as though it's, you know what I'm saying? By the way, in a few weeks, I have a guy that I, that I mutuals with that I have on my show chair shot sports. Yeah. i Do you follow him at all? Maybe he's a big rustinging guy. ah i may be not I should have you on with him. We can all discuss wrestling.
I'd be down for them. Yeah, I should. I mean i i i that i follow that i follow wrestling almost religiously now. I'm pretty sure it's at chair shot sports. That sounds familiar. um I might already follow him. Yeah, because I used to put him when I did the like the annoying follow trains. I rather like no no probably got him. I just do like the the one that I do every day that I do all the teachers. Because they need help too. Teachers need help. need your support. They deal with a lot of shit during the day, all grades, every level. Yeah. You know, um, but yeah, I'll try and see if I can get that worked out to have us three on. And I, I used to like watch like a lot of wrestling, like back when I was younger and, uh, you'd always go to like Hollywood video or whatever to get like the Wrestle manias or like the wrestling tapes and rent them for a night or two and have friends sleep over. And,
But i I've been watching him more lately, but I think it'd be cool to have like him and you and I just talking about wrestling. I think that'd be awesome. I'll have to mention it to him and get it set up. I already have a date that he's going to be on. I'll have to let you know. Well, I'll be done to join that. Oh my God, Joe.
um What he said. Yeah. What he said. We're trying, Joe. That's why we're on here. Follow Ope. Yeah, follow Ope. Go on the shop network. Yeah. How come Jewel is the only one sending us messages? Huh?
um What's the dumbest thing you've done that actually turned out pretty well? Did I already ask you that? No, no. I remember that one. Dumbest thing I've done that actually worked out. ah
I say my drinking habit because it led me to my wife.
I mean, screwing screwing up for me, it was for me, it was screwing up ah a potential date with what was um was her bet with I was originally going to be on like a Valentine's Day with her best friend with my fiance's best friend. And then I end up screwing that up. very stupidly, but that's why it came up that but that that's what eventually turned around to her introducing me to ne my now fiance. So, I was an idiot, but me being an idiot got me the love of my life now. So, i yeah yeah. Well, at least we all know that Joe is the benevolent overlord. and Benevolent overlord. Benevolent, whatever, benevolent.
up Cause pause not can. Oh, I get it. Joe. ah What are some things you've had to unlearn?
Uh, not try to include myself in every conversation at work. Cause it's not always pertaining to me. Yeah. I tend to, I used to have a tendency to just try to enter. It was more, but for me, it was more just. trying to talk to coworkers and get to know them and have conversation. And sometimes they would, they would get mad and be like, we're not talking to you. And I'm like, I'm just, but okay. if it's If it's not my business, is that my business on my business? Right.
so ah Yeah. What, what was the question again? I lost.
What was that question about? What was that question i again? I forgot. Sorry. um ah Learn to forget. learning yeah I don't know. I can't answer that question. Too many things. Probably run running about an hour here and let you get ready for your karaoke night. I got smacked on starting here in a bit. Oh boy. We'll go until about an hour, then I'll and i'll cut out. All right, no worries. What stereotype do you completely live up to? The sports nerd. Yeah. Just nerd in general, I should say, because, again, ah i kind of live i kind of love I kind of live up to the nerd stereotype, honestly. Thanks, Joe.
By the way, Joe is going to be in Green Bay. I have the dates written down somewhere, but, uh, we should all meet up probably in Green Bay and, uh, maybe we could do a podcast. Good. How did that be? Good. I pretend time. Yeah. What do you, what do you think, Joe?
As you get older, what do you become more and more afraid of? Stupid people is my answer.
as yeah um
that that's pretty That's pretty much it. More and more stupid people. We'll do a couple more questions here, then we'll let you get the smack down in karaoke night. yeah
What song or artist do you like but rarely admit to liking?
You can say Bieber, it's okay. What's up? You can say Bieber. Especially especially after Timberlake, man. All those memes are awesome. I never liked Bieber. I never liked Bieber. um I'll normally, um I don't have a shame in this, but some would think that I do. I'm a big Jonas Brothers fan. I'm a Joe Brothers fan. They got good music. They have really good music. Kind of look like one. I do not. I August 24th, August 31st, I suppose I could allow myself to grave you with her. you Don't you mean grace?
and They came at grace. You got to learn how to spell. you like Is he going to pop out of a coffin like the undertaker did or what? Ding. Oh, there we go. There is a spell correction. All right. Thanks for the clarification, Joe. Appreciate it. Yeah, we should. We'll end on that, but we should definitely that 24th through the 31st get something set up since you're in Appleton. I mean, here he's going to be in the Green Bay area. You should definitely meet up and get something something done for sure. Absolutely. But Aaron, again, I thank you for joining me tonight. Thank you for having me. Yep. We'll have to, once training camp starts, we'll have to get something set up to go on and discuss what's going on in training camp. Sometimes I feel like talking sports on every podcast is like beating a dead horse sometimes.
Well, this is kind of refreshing to like have a few things about sports and then just go to like random ask questions and like we could actually just chill and whatnot. But, uh, no, good luck. Have fun watching smackdown. I'll keep you in touch with, uh, that podcast with the chair shot sports dude. And then I will take you in the upload of this video. Where can people find you at on the old bird app? you can find you can find me at cheesehead underscore nerd on the bird app or you can find me at ohana at ohana packers on tiktok reading the horse damn it uh all right so i'll make sure you guys like and subscribe to my youtube channel cheese talk pod um yeah and subscribe or not subscribe uh go follow open network
look Ohana underscore Packers on the Twitter. Again, Aaron, thank you. And I'm out. Thank you. Have me Brian. Go back. Go. Take care. You too.