But yeah, so I do wonder if like he just sends that fifth guy, if you have Jair back there and stuff, because that's the thing is like Halfly is more of a man, you know, he is, he his preference is to play man, but he feels like he can and stuff. And I agree with you, like, you know, we could probably be going back around in circles, but he's got to just bite the bullet and say, like, we're gonna live with it and deal with it kind of thing. But Well, and you know, if you would have rushed the fifth guy, you know, good pass rushes tend to cover up a lot of mistakes that the secondary makes, but yeah yes, that we just, beassing things but I think we're going to go forward, maybe starting next season and have a new version of it of like, what the hell is going on or, yeah hu or something where it's just a questionable thing because.