And see, I said, it didn't look like he was super fast, but he had decent speed. He had good separation. He tracked the ball. Well, I thought he needed to do, he needed to use his hands more than, cause he, he tended to body catch it a little bit and that can't really go in the NFL. I mean, you have your, your times when you need to body catch it, but in the NFL, you've got to be more of a hands catcher because you know, the quarterback is going to put it where only your hands can get it. So you feel your body's not going to be able to go everywhere. The quarterback's going to throw it. and I said, he he looked like a really good receiver. Now, like I said, I've, I've heard first round out of him. I, again, I don't go. I don't really put round grades on things, but have you watched him? What do you think out of him? I, no, I have not done no nothing any work on him. No.