One of those, like the refs are like, OK, they have to be able to do their stuff kind of thing. But I do agree with you. They've got to rein in the hole when they just get up out of their stance for like what seems like no reason. Because I do think, not push league, but yeah, like you said, i don't I don't know the right word to put with it. But it's not quite kosher the way some of the teams go about it in terms of, that Like you said, like, if you're going to do it, that guy should never be in his stance to start with. He should always be looking back the whole time and then doesn't get set till he's ready to set the ball kind of thing and stuff. So, yeah. Well, I'm old school. If you can't run your friggin, you know, you're the center, you're the guy that has to do all this shit. If you can't do it, then you need to find a different position. I mean, because I just.