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OPE Season 3 Episode 48 We Have Running Backs at Home image

OPE Season 3 Episode 48 We Have Running Backs at Home

Ohana: Packers Edition
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Aloha and welcome to another episode of OPE! This week Mike is off so Joe is joined by packaday cohost Sarah Kelliher! in our yearly tradition, Sarah joins us to talk Running Backs! we look at the current state of the group and what prospects fit the Packers mold.

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Introduction and Host Details

Hello and welcome to another episode of OAP, the Ohana Packers Edition podcast. I am Iowa Joe. Mike is off dealing with some Disney characters with his kids or something like that. I don't know if he's getting attacked or what, but it's something to do with Disney characters.
But we do have a great guest this week, Pack-A-Day host Sarah Kelleher. Sarah, we always have you on. We know that this is your one time a year you do your draft stuff, similar to what Dusty did last week.
So we appreciate you selecting our show to be your one show to do draft things with.

Draft Discussion with Sarah Kelleher

So Sarah, how's been how's things been going for you? No, thanks for the warm welcome. I'm glad to be back. And like you said, you know this is my one-time-a-year annual commitment to draft talking about the draft. you know If you listen to our show Wednesdays on Pack-a-Day podcast, you know all three of us are kind of draft haters in a way, but we respect the people like
you and mike and others that know what the heck they're talking about about the draft because we don't so it's nice to gain some knowledge and and listen to folks who are are much more passionate about it than we are but no thanks for having me back i i always look forward to this and when i saw that the dm asked me to come back you know I'm like, yeah, that's my annual obligation. I got to fulfill it It's like my annual doctor's appointment. You know, I got to get it on the schedule and make sure I do it. But I'm good. You know, i'm I'm excited to be here. We're about to break for the draft for Pack-A-Day. So nice to squeeze in kind of a bonus podcast episode before I take that break.
Well, I hope we're at least a little bit more fun than a doctor's appointment, though. No, much better, much better. I'm just saying as far as things, you know, when I'm looking at my overall well-being and what I have to do, I have to go on on the podcast with Mike and Joe. That's a must-do.
Well, this year's got to be kind of exciting for you because you've got one of your your alma maters to talk about tonight. So you're your alums. So I kind of look forward to that because I do.
I did watch some on him. So we'll we'll be able to talk a little bit about him.

Running Back Situations and Comparisons

But this week in our our run up to the draft, we are talking running backs.
Now, obviously, with the breakout last year of of Josh Jacobs, the drafting of Marshawn Lloyd, having, and I just forgot, Emmanuel Wilson and and Chris Brooks, running back isn't a major need, but...
The way Brian Gutekunst and the Green Bay Packers work, you never know what they're going to do in the draft. So there is a chance that they could take somebody just as a, you know, maybe they're not thinking Wilson is going to be that guy Maybe Lloyd isn't recovering well from injury.
There's always that chance that something happens and they take a late round flyer on a guy. so and with it being the run up to the draft and we, us going week to week with the different positions, we had to talk about running back at some point. So we're in that, we're in that timing i of our show, our shows that we're hitting some positions that maybe aren't as important as others. So,
How are you feeling about the current group of running backs on the Green Bay Packers? Like I said, obviously Jacobs really broke out. he was the big offseason signing last year.
We know he's going to be the starter this year. There's no doubts about it. We know he's probably going to get the bulk of the carries unless something major happens. So what are you thinking about the guys behind Josh Jacobs?
Yeah, I mean, I agree with everything you said about about Jacobs. I mean, NFL at the end of the year rated him top five. He was the number five, you know, best running back in the league behind Saquon, Derrick Henry, Jameer Gibbs, and Bijan Robson, according to numbers. So, yeah, enough said there. As far as the the guys behind him, i think if we're looking, you know,
Adam Manuel, let's talk Emmanuel Wilson and and Chris Brooks first. I think both of them surprised me this past season. They were very nice complimentary pieces to what Josh Jacobs brings as well.
I think the two of them, as far as how they're built, the way that they run is a little more similar to Aaron Jones and what we saw then when he was on the Packers. And so it just wasn't as complimentary then because it felt like the same type of plays over and over again. and there wasn't that diversification in the run game. And then you throw in Josh Jacobs, who's just going to beat you down over and over again, and then throw in kind of You know, Wilson or Brooks, who are a little more agile and can make some of those quick cuts or have a little bit of a speedier play, but maybe don't have like that brute strength that and shiftiness that Josh Jacobs has. So I think both of them were great complementary pieces, but I don't really see them. Yeah.
one of them being a strong rb2 who i do if he can stay healthy see being the rb2 is is marshall lloyd for sure i mean this is a guy that you look at his tape and you look at all of the stats and everything on paper he has all those you know quote unquote dog characteristics that you want in a running back i mean this is AJ Dillon just left, went and signed with Philly.
This could be, the as far as the physicality and type of player, Dillon 2.0 with some of the characteristics and traits and just how big and physical Marshawn Lloyd is. He had the worst luck in 2024.
you know Injuries at the beginning and early preseason and then had an appendicitis that he seemed to have some trouble recovering from, which I don't really blame him when you're trying to potentially rush something like that and then play a contact sport like like professional football, that's a lot. So I think he was probably looking forward to the offseason more than anyone else. And I know that sounds crazy, but I think he's a guy that's just ready to prove himself and is going to probably work on his body a lot this offseason and come in and and try to win that number two spot. And I think as long as he plays
or as long as he can stay healthy, and we're going to see a lot more of him and some really good things from him behind Josh Jacobs.
And if you remember from last year, which I know it's a long time ago, and my mind is even mush when it comes to talking about past shows, but, you know, Marshawn Lloyd was not a guy that we really talked about in that show because he seemed to be outside of that Packer threshold.
And I know the the hot word to use is threshold for Packer fans, but, and you know, the Packers tend to do tend to stick to shoten you know, criteria for their players.
So I, you know, I remember not really paying attention much to Lloyd just because of he's 5'8". You know, that thats that's pretty short compared to what the Packers tend to go with for their running backs. I mean, even even Aaron Jones was just over 5'9".
So he was like at least an inch and a half taller than Lloyd. then lloyd But Lloyd, like you said, has that dog in him that he he's going to be that kind of change of pace but can still give you some of what Josh Jacobs can do is he going to be able to stay healthy?
And that's why I also said earlier that, you know, there is that slight chance that maybe they're not too sold on Emmanuel Wilson or Chris Brooks that, Hey, we've got this guy here. He should went sooner in the draft, but you know, he's sitting around the fifth, fifth round.
Do they just go ahead and make that call and say, all right, you know, we're going to bring him in And if he happens to beat out so-and-so, And he can add that different dynamic than the other guys that we got on the team.
You know, do we go ahead and just sign him or I mean, draft him. Sorry. I've got too much on the sign draft, whatever. So, you know, I pretty much agree with everything you said on the other guys. Emmanuel Wilson has that speed, but he doesn't really, outside of one or two plays this past season, you really didn't see him be that muscle on the field where he's going to run over a guy.
Chris Brooks seemed like him, but he seemed more like to be the pass catcher, which is great because it's it's solid to have that type of guy. I mean, the Packers would have never won the Super Bowl and without Brandon Jackson being that pass catching running back.
so But is he going to be able to step in and be that guy if Jacobs... gets hurt or they need somebody else to step in or, you know, even just as is it a rotation.
Now, the big question is going to be, is Josh Jacobs going to be able to handle the workload he did this past season? Because that was a lot of snaps that he played, a lot of rushes he did, and a lot of fight that he put through.
He said he loved it But me personally sitting here at 38 years old, i already feel like I'm falling apart.
He went through way more than I ever did this past season. So you got to believe that, you know, it didn't do his body great. So it just makes you wonder, is he going to be able to handle another 30 rushes a game or, you know, be able to go like that? So it will be interesting to see what they do with him this coming season.
So we're not really going to talk.
Normally what we do is talk any typical free agents that we see that fit. And Sarah and I both agreed that we don't see anybody that, you know, that we don't believe the Packers are going to sign anybody. If they're going to bring somebody in, it's either going to be through the draft

Prospects and Potential NFL Impact

or a UDFA. So I think we'll just go ahead and jump right into any kind of draft people.
Sarah, I know you're a proud alum of your school. I know there's a guy coming out this year that you're raring to talk about. So we always let... our guests talk about their alma mater or their, their favorite schools players. So why don't you give us the rundown?
Yeah, so I think you're alluding to Mr. R.J. Harvey from UCF, running back from UCF. And I know i've every year when we've talked about running backs, I pull some guy who's who's a senior, and I'm like, oh, yeah, he's really good, I promise.
Guys, this is the one swear is legit. This is my guy. I'm betting on him to have really good team. rookie year, good career in the NFL.
He defines shifty. So I'm talking, I've watched RJ Harvey play in person. I've watched him play on TV many times. And if he has a lead blocker, he's going to take it.
he He is the kind of guy that if he's on a team that has a really strong offensive line, he's going to thrive. Not saying Packers, but a team like the Packers who have consistency at the position can open up some of those gaps. i mean, we we saw how much fun, you know, we're going to talk about Josh Jacobs a lot, but we saw how much fun he had getting behind a good line last season. And so RJ Harvey is the type of guy that, you know, it's the same sort of thing that you're going to see there. He is, you know, we talk about height, he's bigger, he's not super big, but as far as height, but weight, he's got some good weight.
And he's just a guy that when he gets going, he's hard to stop. I mean, I don't know. It's hard to explain it. But having watched him over and over and over again, he's the type of guy where if he scores one touchdown in the first quarter, he's going to have three touchdowns by the end of the game. Like that's that's the type of of player that he is. And also just a great locker room guy, you know.
huge leader in the locker room is one of those rookies that I think, you know, if he follows a similar path to what he did in college at UCF, we'll, we'll be successful in the NFL, you know, cause he carries himself really well and, you know, well liked in the locker room, things like that. So I'm excited to see wherever he ends up. I don't think it will be with the Packers just because of fit. And we've talked about, you know, they may not draft someone. And if they do, maybe it's later. I think that you know, somebody is going to get RJ Harvey. I'm sure he'll fall a little bit and then he'll end up being kind of a hidden gem, a sleeper pick for them. But he's definitely somebody to watch. But this is a running back class that is very talented and it and is pretty deep as well. You know last year we had a completely different conversation where we're like, OK, there's a couple of guys this year. I mean, i was looking at tape going through the list. i'm like, we could talk for two hours.
about all of the guys that are great so i've got several that you know i'm keeping my eye on but yeah thanks for letting me start with my shameful or my shameless rj harvey plug well i got to because i got my guy that going to be talking about here in a little bit too so and if mike was here you know he's got his guy from michigan that he'd be talking about also but You know, as to RJ Harvey, I really did like what I saw out of him.
And you kind of pointed this out yourself, and I wrote it down on my notes that he's on the shorter side, but he's solid. Because it's it's not like a tank Dell or something like that where they're and you're worried that they're going to break every time they get hit.
He's got some size to him. I've also got to admit... I watched the game where they played Iowa State. And the reason I do that is I love whenever Iowa State gets their asses handed to them because, you know, I'm a Hawkeye. I can't stand the Cyclones.
So that's the one game I wanted to watch. And so I watched him on a long run and he got chased down. was like, man, I got to worry about his speed now.
But then I got to think, then when I started going through the combine and everything, the guy that chased him down ran a four, three and Harvey ran a four, four. So it's like, okay, that that makes a lot of sense now. Okay, you know, I don't have to worry about his speed as much.
So, you know, he does have good speed. He's got wonderful patience. There were a number of times that, you know, he wasn't in the backfield dancing, but you could see him kind of slow and watch how the the play was going to roll out and where the gap was going to be.
And then as soon as any kind of small hole opened up, He hit it and he was gone. he He's more of a one-cut runner, and that kind of fits the Packers. The Packers usually typically go for their one-cut runners.
you know asia or not a j Aaron Jones was kind of a one-cut runner. You can go all the way back to like Alamon Green and Ryan Grant and those guys. They were one-cut runners.
And that was basically, okay, well... Somebody's coming in the gap. I plant my foot, cut the other way, and I'm gone. and And that's pretty much what he did. And, you know, I could see him easily being a mid-round guy. Again, do the Packers go like that? Or do they say, yeah you know, let's just say he happens to follow the fifth round.
Hey, this guy could be a solid Josh Jacobs backup, you know, and he should have been gone two rounds before this. Do we just go ahead and pull the trigger on him? I would be happy with them one way or the other. If this was a year we were going into and we had just lost Aaron Jones and we didn't bring in Josh Jacobs, you know, this is a guy that I could easily say, all right, this could be a guy that we could throw out there maybe in the fourth round and say, we're not going to push you along.
We're going to bring in vet presence just as a one-year guy. And then we're gonna let you sit behind and just kind of earn your limited and snaps here and there. And then, next year possibly be the starting running back for the team.
But I really do think that he could be a solid guy going into the league. So, you know, I think you're right on this one. I think he's going to find a place and he's going to really be a breakout star if he's given the chance to.
So I'm going to go ahead and talk about my guy and then we can get into some. He's on my list too, so I want to hear what you have to say.
So Caleb Johnson out of the University of Iowa, he's a lot bigger than I thought he was. And he's 6'1", 220-ish.
I think he weighed in at like 222 at the combine or something. one there something right i was real On Hampton, I think, is what he had. They're like the same height, but he's five pounds heavier.
yeah and I was really surprised at the six one part of it, too. Because, I mean, he really looks... Not like short, but he he doesn't, it's not like a wide gap.
So he's got a nice frame to him. So it doesn't make him look like he's this tall, lanky guy. But what Josh Jacobs was for the Packers last year, Caleb Johnson has been for the Hawkeyes for the last two years.
And that's been the guy that you just constantly feed. And not to take anything away from Caleb, but it was to the detriment of the Hawkeyes because they had no quarterback, so they had to rely on Caleb Johnson to be the offense for the University of Iowa.
It helped him a lot. I forgot to write it down, but I think for the season, he averaged like 6.2 yards an attempt. That's like amazing.
And 1,500 yards, 22 touchdowns, I believe. He's basically what we hoped A.J. Dillon was going to be, was going to be that guy that you could give the ball to, and he's going to give, if it doesn't look, it's third and one, you give the ball to him, he's going to get four yards for you.
Because he's got that kind of fight to him. He's got that kind of drive. Yes, he can get caught. Yes, he can, you know, so when you're getting, 30 carries a game, you're not going to always get, you know, 300 yards on top of it, but he's going to get what he can get out of things.
He, he's similar to, Like I said, he's but he's got a lot of similarities to Josh Jacobs because they don't have great speed, but they've got good enough speed.
If I remember right, according to the combine, he ran like a 4.45. four five I think he's running off the top of my head, 4.45.
So it's pretty solid speed. <unk>s got He's got the beast in him where you know we all love seeing Josh Jacobs with the stiff arm and the running guys over.
That's a lot of the same thing you see out out of Caleb Johnson. you know He's been doing it for a while, so you do have to worry about wear and tear on his body.
So it may not allow him to be drafted in the early rounds. He may fall to like maybe the third round just because you have to worry about the wear and tear on him. Because like I said, the Hawkeyes basically ran him into the ground because they had no other offense.
But again, he's a great guy. he's he's very... much the type of player that typically comes out of Iowa where you know he's a blue collar type of guy he earns his spots he he he creates where he can he has to create he's also got it in the receiving end where you know he he can be a decent pass catcher I honestly if it wasn't for Josh Jacobs this would be the guy that I would say you need this guy on the team
But being that they already have Josh Jacobs on the team, it's so hard to say, want to spend a third rounder on him. They better draft Caleb Johnson because this is the kid that we need.
Now, if we were a couple years down the line where Josh Jacobs only had like one year left on his contract or something, easily draft this kid. He's going to be the heir apparent. But, know, and I know a lot of my stuff is Homerism just because I've watched him week in, week out for years.
But I got to say that
if you had to have my true, honest opinion, If he went to a school like Bama or another one in the SEC, I think you could easily be talking about him as a first-round running back just because that's the type of guy you got out of him.
But Iowa's not mainly known as a running back school. So I do have to say that helmet scouting does hinder some guys when it comes to that because A school isn't known for that position. They're not going to be looked on as heavily as, you know, some of the schools that are expected to pump out those players. But easily late second, early third, I could see Caleb going.
and whatever team he goes to, I think they're going to get a hell of a player. I think this is, I honestly have to say he'll be the best running back from Iowa to be drafted since Sean Green.
Wow. I mean, he he's a playmaker for sure. I mean, I echo everything that you've said about his ability on the field and and what he's been able to do. One thing that, you know, when I was watching tape and doing some research that but stood out to me is โ€“ you know, he's a guy like, because he's had such a heavy workload that my only, I guess, concern apart from wear and tear is just, I feel like he's going to have to continue to have that same level of service to get into a a good groove. And the three teams that led the league last year in percentage of times that they ran the ball was the Eagles, the Ravens and the Packers. And all three of those teams have really good running backs. So, and I don't see them, you know,
to all of the points that you made. I don't see either or any of those three teams saying, okay, you know, late second, early third, let's get this guy. So it'll be very interesting to see where he does end up because I think he's the type of player that could transform an offense that maybe wants to be a little more run heavy and just hasn't had the opportunity to do that because they haven't had the right personnel. And then they'd say,
hey, let's bring in Caleb Johnson. And when we can, we can do that. We can be a little more run heavy and balance out our, our offense a little better. So I am very curious to see you where he ends up because I guarantee you it's a team that, you know, a lot of their fans through the years have been saying, I just wish we'd run the ball more. Why aren't we running the ball? is But, you know, kind of like Packers fans a few years ago in the early Aaron Jones days of why is he on the, why is he not playing?
Why is he on the sideline right now? Get him more snaps. Teams that are saying that right now, probably going to be a good landing spot for Caleb Johnson for Yeah, and and I was really surprised when I went through some of of his stats just to see what his carries per game were. in he had a lot of sub-15s, which is really surprising with how often Iowa used him. And so even though he's going to have the wear and tear because a lot of his yardage was well-earned, I do think that there is going to be some tread left just because he wasn't doing the 30 carries often.
But... Like you said, how many teams are going to rely on just the run and give him the start? I do also have to add the caveat out there, and and Mike always gets a kick out of this when I say it, but under the Brian Ferentz era of the Iowa Hawkeyes, recruitment was not great.
And the Iowa Hawkeyes have not... been bringing in not to say that they're bad players, but we haven't been producing a lot of good offensive lines the last couple of years.
here And, and I wonder if that hurt him more often than not. So I wonder if maybe if he can get into a team that has a solid offensive line if he will thrive a little bit more because he doesn't have to work as hard for it.
Whereas a lot of times with the Hawkeyes, they were loading the and other teams were loading the box because they knew, but they're just going to hand it to Caleb Johnson. They don't have any wide receivers. They don't have a quarterback that's going to throw the ball.
They're just going to hand it to Caleb Johnson. The one game that I can think of right off the top of my head is the Cyclone game. There for the longest time, they were just loading the box and saying, all right, well, we dare you to throw it on us because we're just going to stop Caleb Johnson.
And that's pretty much what they started doing. So yeah if they can get to, if he can get to a team that has a solid offensive line and and a quarterback can actually do something for him that he's not going to be relied upon to be the center of attention on the offense, then i really do. I honestly think if you take the homerism out of it, he could solidly be a first rounder if somebody really believed in him on it.
And that's hard to say because Iowa doesn't typically produce first-round running backs.
So I got to talk about him a little bit since good old Kiwano is not here. And I have to admit, I didn't watch it a lot on him because I was hoping Kiwano would be here so he could talk about him.
It's Donovan Edwards out of Michigan. What I did see of him, you know, he he's... He was another one that had good patience. It seemed like he had solid speed.
I didn't really see him as a yeah wrecking ball type running bag. so he And I could be wrong because, like I said, i like I didn't watch too much of him. I did watch a little bit on him.
you might know You might have watched him a little bit more than I did. Again, I was relying on Kiwano, but he he kind of backed out on me for a minute. So... And it's funny because I got a text, don't talk too badly about Donovan Edwards. Well, you know what, Kawano, you should have been here then. You should have been here. boy if he but
But, i you know, again, Michigan produces a lot of solid players. I think Edwards has the ability. and just don't think he's going to be that wrecking ball where he's going to run over guys.
He's got to wait for the hole to open. He's only going to be able to make the plays that are available to him. But, I mean, that doesn't that doesn't mean he's a bad player.
So, you know, i i roundage, I don't know because I never try to guess on them too much. But, you know, I really think somebody's going to get a decent player out of him, again, if they put him in the right situation. I don't think he's going to be able to go in and be maybe the star right away.
but I think eventually down the road, he will be a pretty good running back in the league. Yeah, it's tough. I mean, this is a guy who last year had all of the pressure and expectations going on him. I mean, with Coram leaving Michigan, i mean, this dude was on the cover of ya Sports College Football 25 as one of the three athletes on there. And there's a lot of hype around him and you know what he could do. And I just don't think that he lived up to the hype, honestly. I mean, I know that's brutal, but that's really what happened. I still think he's...
I love it. I still think he's a good player. you know He's really well built. He's a yeah interesting as far as height and size, but I think it works for the NFL. But where I think he brings the most, which is hard to make a career out of this,
is being more of a rotational back where he's a supporting piece rather than the guy. you know We talked about RJ Harvey and we talked about your guy, Caleb Johnson, and we haven't even talked about you know the v guy in this class, Ashton Gentry, because we know that that's not even in the Packers sphere or anything there. But I mean, this is the guy who was one of the best if not the best player in college football last year, a guy that people were saying should win the Heisman. Those are guys that are in RB1 level contention. And I just think with Edwards, it's going to be more of a supporting role.
And maybe he has a breakout game here or there. If somebody gets injured, he has to step into the RB1 role. But I think it's just hard. There are so many dominant backs. I mean, you go back to that top five list that we talked about at the beginning of our conversation with Saquon, Henry, Gibbs,
Robinson and Jacobs. And he just doesn't have a lot of traits that are super similar to those guys. I mean, those guys are dominant playmakers. And at least last year, that's where Donovan Edwards struggled. I mean, he he ended up then splitting snaps more than being the number one guy. So it's just tough.
But hey, you never know. Maybe he but he ends up and in the right place and and can put it together.
And Quano, I hate to say this, but he was going to be overshadowed anyway because there was only one number one running back in the Big Ten. So, you know, suck on that for a little one, buddy. All right. So now that we got Homerism out of way, guy did you watch that you want to bring up?
Yeah, I mean, there were a couple. I'll go through my my list. I mean, I don't really think as odd as it is. I know we're talking about running backs, but we don't need to spend a lot of time talking about Gentile because he he's going to be a head pick. Everybody knows that. I mean, even if you are a football casual, you've probably heard of Ashton Gentile and you know who he is and that he's going to be a star in the NFL. So.
really all i And even if he fell to the Packers, again, he's not going to be in the wheelhouse of the Packers because, you know, they've got Josh Jacobs. They don't really need to spend the first round on a guy like Jinty.
Exactly. And so all I really have to say about him is I can't wait to watch him play in the NFL because I think he needs he's going to be a dog for sure. Uh, other guys that are obviously up there, I think, you know, more of a top 50 guy is, uh, Omar in Hampton from North Carolina. I mean, numbers speak for themselves. I know that the ACC is disgusting, but it's still, what you know, you still numbers like, you know, he has over 3,500 yards and 36 touchdowns in just three seasons. Those kinds of things stick out to me.
He's just a tad bigger than Ashton Gentry actually too, you know, six feet 220, more NFL size when you don't have some of the other things that Gentie does. And something else that's also pro for me, you know, it's not something that you necessarily can quantify, but it's just circumstances, right? You know, a lot of people doubted what he could do at UNC after Drake May left for the draft. And could clearly he was unimpacted by that, actually turned that opportunity.
And I think that's something that NFL scouts and coaches and GMs look at is how do these guys respond in the face of adversity? How do they respond when there's personnel changes, coaching changes, things like that? And he seemed to respond really well. So, you know, not saying that it's going to, take that's going to take precedent over, know,
all of his stats and what's on the tape because every scout and coach will tell you what's on the tape is the most important thing when it comes to the draft. But that's just, I think, another pro when you're talking about the fundamentals and and what he can bring as a full player.
Kind of pains me because I'm not the biggest Ohio State fan, but... There's two Ohio State running backs that really both could have, you know, decent careers in the NFL and quinch on Judskins and Trayvon Henderson. And what I have to say about both of them is that they proved what we're seeing in the NFL now after the BS a few years ago, that running backs didn't matter as much and that, you you know, the position is overvalued and all of, you know,
yeah We don't need to pay them. Well, running backs win championships. We saw this with Saquon Barkley this year with the Eagles. We saw this with these two guys at Ohio State. So, i you know, these are championship players. You can't take that away from them.
I think judge Judkins has a bit more of that traditional NFL running back style to him. So I maybe see teams lean towards him first before his teammate.
I also think the fact that he played in the SEC, you know, he played at Ole Miss before and then, you know, playing at Ohio State and excelled in both those leagues is, I think that's a big check mark for NFL scouts as well.
Henderson is little intriguing to me because, He actually leads the draft prospect class with 7.1 yards per attempt, which shocked me because I thought that was Gentry for sure. And he like barely edged him out.
So that that's interesting. you know He's not under the same level of workload that Gentile was in 2024. So that's that certainly makes you look at it a little longer. But still, people those are numbers where NFL guys are going to see that, and they're not going to look away. They're going to ponder on that for a moment.
So those are some of you know the guys that I think, if you're looking at the running back big board, are going to be towards the top of who's available and who you want to take.
A couple guys that just intrigue me that I'm interested to see what happens is Cam Skadavu is one, you know save Nick Saban's favorite player it seemed like last year and in college football. you know He's shorter But there's going to be a team that gets him.
He's going to fall. He's going to keep falling. And somebody is going to get him. And it's either going to be the biggest bust ever or it'll be something that we look back on and we're like, how the hell did they get him? No in between. It's going to be one of those.
go especially compared to the other guys that I just rattled off, but his tape is crazy. And like I said, it always is about the tape. The tape is the most important. So somebody could be dazzled by that, but we'll see.
As far as, you know, if we've talked about the Packers and are they, or are they not going to pick a running back in the draft? Yeah. I think it really has to be the right situation. Something else that I think if the Packers had to pick a running back, let's say, you know, someone came up to Brian Gutekinds and said, you have to pick a running back. It doesn't matter what round, but you have to pick them.
I think they'd want to find someone who can be utilized in that punt or kick returner role as well. And I know they got Hardman now to help as a specialist, but that's still an area of need.
I mean, it was messy last year. So, you know, there's like Devin Neal from Kansas or Bridget Smith from SMU. They're not like your traditional RB1, really even like strong, super strong RB2 candidates, but they are the guys who...
could be on the roster and be a decent special teams player. And I think knowing the Packers, how they're always thinking about value and efficiency and what can they get out of these guys if they do pick a running back in the draft this year, it's going to be somebody who can bring them more than just snaps in the backfield.
Man, Sarah came prepared this year. She's got all these names out there and and and some deep dives into them. I do agree with you with Scadaboo. The thing that I have to say about him is similar to what I said about Harvey, is even though they're on the shorter side,
He's built. And I think he was like 5'8", but he's like 218 or 220 pounds. So I really think, because I haven't wrote down short but stocky, I did say he's not a burner, but I think at the combine he ran like a four five So that's even close to what Aaron Jones ran on his 40 at the combine.
So really he's not... breakaway fast, but he's got workable speed. I have to laugh because when I started looking for things on like YouTube just to see, I watched a lot of like the full game tape on some of these guys, but then it got to the point where like right well I'm seeing this happen all the time, so what do the highlights tell me?
And one of the highlights listed him as, or called him the wrecking ball. And that's pretty much what he was, is as I called him a bowling ball, but they called him the wrecking ball because he was going to run through everybody. He was, you know, he gave 100% every time.
And similar to what I said about Caleb Johnson, he's going to fight for the yardage that he can get. And it's just, you know, that's that's great to see out of him. i have to worry about his blocking ability, though.
I said he was a willing blocker, but I had a question mark after ability. We all know that's that's a major thing with the Packers is they want somebody that can do both. They want to be able to run the ball and they want to be able to pass block.
I think he can work on his pass protection. But starting as a rookie, i don't think he's going to be the guy that you throw out there to be the pass protector.
He did have decent wiggles. I mean, it wasn't like he was out there breaking angles ankles or anything, but he had enough moves to get him out of the tackle if need be. So, and again, I have it underlined, not afraid of contact. This guy loved contact. Again, it reminded me of the Josh Jacobs thing where I want to go out and run somebody over.
I want to go out and steal their soul. So, I mean, i love that out of him. I'm not even talking about the two guys. I'm gonna leave that to cotton. a He can deal with the Ohio state guys.
uh, there's one name I want to throw out here as possibly, and this could be a guy, the Packers draft, because I think he's probably going to be a late round guy If not, a if not that, then a preferred UDFA.
And that's Marcus yarns out of Delaware.

Packers' Draft Strategy and Picks

Now, this is a deep dive. I have to to find him. Yeah, this is... I mean, Delaware. Damn.
This guy... i'm and I'm part of a chat group with, like, Brian Moffey and and guys like that where, you know, we talk about guys all the time. And I threw this out there. Nobody really gave me a response. So, it's like, okay, well, am I the only one that knows about this guy or something here?
But, What I am more intrigued with him is he played running back, but he's built like a wide receiver. He's 193 pounds.
So he's a prototypical wide receiver. He's pretty spot on to what Jaden Reed is. But he didn't play wide receiver. He was playing running back.
He had tremendous speed. he He was good height, built more like a wide receiver. Again, pass pro, not great. But like Mike and I and Dusty talked about last week, you got to start questioning some of that stuff because that's not the age of football we're in anymore.
you know they're not College football isn't asking these guys to do as much as the pros do. You hope it's a learning thing that they can pick up on he But this poor guy was getting run over.
There were so many times that I would see the edge come in and just knock him flat on his butt or something like that. He had the want to do it, but he didn't have the ability to do it.
But he had great... vision, good patience. He was tremendous at the change of direction. He actually did remind me more of a wide receiver when he got the ball in his hands than an actual running back.
Whether that's a good thing, bad thing, i don't I couldn't tell you, but he was a playmaker when he had the ball in his hands. A couple years ago, it was in 2023, so we yeah, it'd be a couple years ago,
Delaware played Penn State, and he broke several long runs against Penn State. That's Delaware going against Penn State, and Penn State's had a hell of a defense the last couple of years. yeah So when he's able to make plays against a defense like that, where the, I won't say the talent line is skewed, but the projection of the teams is a bit skewed, you know you got somebody that's possibly got some playmaking ability to them and possibly can make it in the NFL.
Again, Delaware, probably going to be a late round guy Maybe somebody takes a flyer on him a little bit earlier, but I i don't see it before the fifth round.
But man, i would love to see this guy. and and it fits around the time the Packers could possibly do it. And really with his build,
He could be that playmaker that they use Jaden Reed for. And that's all I kept seeing was they're the same size, but they play two different positions, but there's the same build. They're the same size, of the same everything.
That would be interesting to have him have Yarns lined up at running back, Jaden Reed lined up in the slot. Then you don't know who's going to be making those plays when it comes to, you know, end of rounds or jet sweeps or, you know, stuff like that.
So it's just the playmaking stuff out of him just really... the possibilities really jumped out to me if he could really hit his ability in the NFL and if the Packers took him with having Jaden Reed on the team. So that i I loved watching what I saw. I was watching like three or four different games of him, and I was like, man, i could just see this going on and for the Packers, you know, Jade Reed come around for a jet sweep and it's a fake to, for a handoff to him and give it to Yarns and Yarns is going the other way just because they're both similar in ability and similar in size.
let's see. The one that I will also throw out there
I wasn't too keen on even though it seems like a lot of people are Is the kid out of Kansas State DJ Giddens I mean he's got the size he's got speed he's got a little bit slipping the slipperiness to him Again pass pro not great, but he already talked about that a little earlier They call them like the most agile running back in the NCAA, this highlight thing that I would, you know, how they always do that stuff.
But then you go on and watch him it's like, okay, well he can make a move here or there. But then you go look at like his agility scores at the combine and they were horrid.
Yeah. So it's like, is really that, yeah, is he really that agile or is he just fast? So, well I, you know, I can't talk a lot about with him, you know, maybe there's something there and and you can only use the combine as as a, as idea. You can't use it as the end all say all for, for some of these guys, because,
Some guys just can't test well. they They have game speed, but they can't put it together when it comes to straight line speed or something like that. So, you know, maybe he just couldn't do the agility test well.
And, you know, he just maybe it's a little bit easier for him on the field than running around three cones or running a certain setup, whatever.
So I was really iffy on him. I don't know if he's going to be somebody that's going to be a an RB1 maybe he could be like an RB2 or an RB3 or a rotational guy but I don't know if he's ever going to be a workhorse bell cow for somebody right I got a couple more you got anybody else you really feel like spouting off on Yeah, i mean, well, I had one other guy that I didn't mention on my list, and that was Dylan Sampson from Tennessee.
Led the SEC in rushing yards last season with over 1,400 yards and 22 touchdowns. And, you You have to be decent to do that. you and Nobody can do that. I mean, if you look at other guys that were on the list of who led the SEC in rushing yards year over year, you know there's guys like Najee Harris and Derrick Henry back in the day, Cam Newton even back in the day. And so those are guys that made it to the NFL and maybe you know haven't had long careers or have had long careers or have been okay, but they made it there. They made it to...
you know the next level. And so i don't think that, you know, when you lead what many NFL coaches believe is the best conference in football and in college football, when you lead that conference in rushing, it's worth noting. it's,
He was the the last guy that was on my list of just, hey, you know, this is intriguing to me, you know, numbers that stand out. And he's a little bit shifty too, so could see that he's utilized in other ways as well.
But that was my last one.
And, you know, Tennessee and loves their speed guys, so you know he's got to at least have some kind of speed to him. Otherwise, he probably wouldn't be relied on so much. But...
Yeah, I just, there's one thing I want to bring up, and I completely forgot about it until I was reading the notes that had on this one running back. Did you happen to notice, and I usually bring this up to Quanto, but again, Quanto, you jerk.
A lot of these guys decelerated too soon. And, you know, they would break away from the line and they would have a good run and then about like the 10 to five yard line, they would just slow down and then like walk into the end zone.
There were numerous times these guys almost got caught. And it's like, is that what they're being taught? Is that them, you know, since they can't really do the, like in the NFL where they can do their high stepping and stuff to the end zone, is that just their way of doing that without getting in trouble?
But like, and I'm going to completely butcher this guy's name. So if he happens to ever listen to this episode, I'm really sorry, but I'm horrible at names. You're lucky I can pronounce my own name half the time.
But it's Bejuel Tutton from Virginia Tech. And he it just seemed like there were numerous times that he broke away.
He's got tremendous speed, but then by the time he hits the five yard line, he slowed all the way down to where he's almost got stripped several times. And I just, and I saw that too many times with a lot of these other guys. Like, I saw it with Harvey one time, not saying he did it all the time, but one time,
Damian Martinez, I saw, i saw it with him some, uh, uh, Caleb Johnson did it a few times. It's like, okay, you know, I get it if there's nobody behind you, but when your DBs are even running, you know, like four three speed, you can't ease up like that.
You've got to keep going. Otherwise you're going to have the whole, uh, you put the ball out over the end zone and somebody knocks it out of your hands. And then you have the whole touchback thing because you fumbled out of the end zone type deal. And I don't know if it's a maturity thing. I don't know if it's something they're taught. I don't know what it is, but they got to be a lot more careful with it.
But Tutton, you know, he's got great speed. I did say he was a little loose with the ball. I couldn't find the stats on him, but he did fumble a few times in the games that I watched. But he reminded me of James Starks with the ball where he didn't hold it close to him.
He was like waving the ball out as he ran. And, you know, that's not a thing to do when you're in the pros and you've got some of these, uh, ball hawks, uh, DBs coming at you.
But, you know, he was more of a straight line runner. if If the hole wasn't there for him, then he really didn't have much of a fight or he didn't have the moves to get around it.
Uh, And then, like I said, just, you know, he decelerated too quickly too often for me. And then I did watch Damian Martinez, but he kind of fits the same mold where he's more of a wrecking ball than a speedster.
Not really slippery, had a little bit of wiggle, but he looked like he was more of a pass catcher than anything. So... That's about where my notes end on things. I know I tried to watch some more, but it got to be tedious after a while. like, okay, run, ron run,
past yeah No, it's it's not for the week for sure. You got to watch some things on double speed sometimes to really get through it all. That's what I ended up doing.
Where i would I would watch a little bit just so I could see what their game speed was like. And then it was like, all right, 1.2 1.5 times speed. Let's get through this. so you know, out of all these guys, if you had a say, and I know which one you're goingnna say because of the homerism,
But out of all your true faithfulness and all your true belief with with everybody that you watched or even looked up or whatever, if you had to put one of them on the Packers right now, which one would you put on the Packers?
yeah I mean, you know my answer. So I'll give a give a Homer answer and then, you know, I'll put my bias aside. So Homer answer is obviously RJ Harvey. We talked about it. I mean, you even said yourself, Joe, that you would love if the circumstances were right for him to be there. So it's not just me and my delusions. There's the real weight to this.
as far you know if i could pick one of these guys i mean caleb johnson would be great but i think i don't think he's going to be available and the packers are going to be potentially shopping but you know would love to see as much as you know i dislike the ohio state university i think either either one of those guys in judkins or henderson would be good fit to what the packers have could be great complimentary backs to josh jacobs so I'd probably lean that direction or either one of them. you mean, bring the championship mentality to green Bay. They've did it a lot when Georgia won the national championship, you know, those years, they tend to bring in a lot of dogs. So,
Maybe they change it and bring in some Buckeyes in the running back room. We'll see. But if I had to pick, you know, it would be practical would be one of those, but my heart would pull me to RJ Harvey for sure.
I don't know. I don't really know if we know who the Packers are going to pick at running back. Could be another guy like Marshawn Lloyd, where if they do make a selection, we're like, who? Who's that? He wasn't on my radar, but, what you know, trust Goody and we'll we'll see how it works out. But it it's certainly...
not a position of immediate need for the Packers. I think that this is one of those rooms where, you know, when LaFleur and Goody and whoever else sat down and said, let's look at the team from all angles, they,
they immediately said, all right, we can put the running back room to the side. You know, we have that taken care of. We'll revisit that. Let's look at some of these other things, you know, so, so that's, this is a good time, you know, if you're into running backs to be a Packers fan, because hopefully, you know, they've got a few more years out of Josh Jacobs and he can keep cooking there.
And, you know, they're always good to pull a few UDFAs out there that could end up on the practice squad and be called up as needed to. And, you know, Brooks and Wilson were both yeah ERFAs, so, you know, they're going to be back no matter what.
But... You know, and the one thing RJ Harvey has going for him that the Packers do tend to look for is he was a captain. And the Packers tend to go for guys that were captains and had that because captains draw respect because a lot of times they're voted on by their teammates. So, you know, that that's a good thing to go with it too. But yeah, that that really outside of maybe, you know, the homerism obviously is Johnson, but there's no way in hell that's and end up. If it happens,
I don't know what I do. I'll be up in Green Bay. Are you going to be in Green Bay for the draft? I'm not. I'm actually i'm going to Europe about a week before with my family for vacation. So it just would have been a lot to you know take off work again, go to the draft. I wish I could go, though. I'm having some serious FOMA already because there's a lot of people I know that are going.
And see, it's opposite for me. Everybody I ask, I always ask them, are you going to go to the draft? No, I'm not going to go up there. this So I always felt like was going alone. Now, Dusty said last week that he I think he said one of his brothers is going to be up there for at least the first round.
So I know I'm not to be completely alone up there. But I will be in Green Bay if If for some reasons the Packers would draft Caleb Johnson, I'd probably get arrested because I would probably be like doing like my 38 old brook and down body would be like doing wind sprints up and down Lambo or, you know, cartwheels or whatever until my body gave out. So, you know, if the Packers did happen to do that, it would be quite interesting to see what happens.
But, you know, I've really got to give to my guy Yarns out of Delaware. I really think that could be the guy that could be that late round draft pick that i Packers could say, you know what, we've already filled every other need that we have.
We've got, you know, an extra seventh or an extra six because you know Goody's going to do some trading. Let's go ahead and take him. We'll see what he brings for now. If not, then we'll just you know stash him on the practice squad or top and see what he can brings up. But if he can hit on his abilities in the pros, I think he's going to be a hell of a weapon.

Defensive Needs and Future Podcast Plans

Final question before I let you go, and I've been asking this to everybody, what's your feelings that's going to happen in the first round? You don't have to give me a play player if you don't want to. But where do you think the Packers go in the first round? What position at least?
I think it's got to be defensive tackle or defensive end. I mean, that's the biggest position of need in my in my mind right now. And, you know, if you look at every mock draft, it seems like it's either that or corner. So I definitely think it's going to be on the defensive side of things. And it won't be a sexy pick and Packers fans will be pissed, but it is what it is. What about you? What do you think going to happen?
I've been on this, it's been 23 years since the Packers took a wide receiver in the first round. I think, and i I know this has been the common thread for the last few years, that, oh, well, this has got to be the year that they take a wide receiver.
I really do believe that this could be the year. Dobbs and Watson are both on contract years. Watson is probably going to miss the majority of the season anyway. oh Dobbs, you've got to worry about with his head injuries. You know, that last concussion was pretty bad because he even had the guardian cap on, so you've got to wonder where he's at with it.
Reed is, you know, as a tremendous weapon, but he does have his own little drawbacks with it. Wicks obviously has the drop issue that he's got to come over.
i do love Malik Heath, but I don't know if he'll ever be a top of the depth chart guy. and then, you know, Mecole hardwood Hardman's going to basically just be probably a one-year guy unless he really turns out. So i really think there's going to be a guy there in the first round that the Packers are going to be like, this this is who we're going to get.
And... I've said it for a while that it would be poetic for the draft to be in Green Bay, surrounded by Packers fans, and them take a wide receiver in the first round.
I just think that would be like poetic after 23 years. So that's where my gut goes. All right. That would be something. I mean, i don't know what any of the broadcast talking heads would have left to talk about then because they love mentioning that it's been that long since the Packers drafted a wide receiver in the first round.
Well, it'd have to be tight end because it's been 25 years since they took a tight end in the first round. so Yeah, that's not going to happen either. So...
But, yeah, it just it would be interesting. and And I said this, the way Packer fans are, that guy would have, like, lifetime support but from Packer fans because it is the first time that they've drafted one in so long.
And it's in Green Bay that they did it. He'd end up getting, like, the key to the city the first day he signed his contract. So... You know, it wouldn't be interesting, but really my gut goes to that just because of the situation.
I do agree with you that defensive line, maybe edge rusher and quarterback are kind of more of a need, even though they just did give out the big contract to Hobbs. They still got the big contract and Jair on the roster.
You know, I don't. i I do understand getting that, but I think they could wait until the second or third round to go for it. Defensive line I could see in the first round.
I know a lot of people are still talking offensive line in the first round, and I just i don't see it. But, yeah, my gut just continues to tell me wide receiver.
Listen, that would be electric, so I'm for it. But Sarah, it's always great to have you on. We're going to have to get you on one of these days when it's not our draft time. I'll be happy to do that.
and hopefully we can get something worked out during the season or even in the off season, after the draft and all that stuff, we'll get you on and talk and maybe Michael actually show up for this one.
and, and we can, we can have a good discussion about it, but it's always great to have you on. I know when it comes to draft time, it's like, all right, there's two people I'm going contact because I know this is their time of year for this stuff and they're not going to do anybody else's show for it. So,
I got to get a hold of these two, and you're definitely one of them, and it's always great to have you on because, you know, it's great to hear what you've got to say. And and luckily this year we've got somebody from your school that we can we can hype up to it too, so, you know, that's fun.
It's about damn time, honestly, so... But no, thanks for having me. It's always a pleasure. And yeah, I'll have to give Mike some grief that he's just, yeah he didn't show up. I know he's dealing with kids and Disney characters, but this is like our annual hangout. He he left us hanging. So we'll definitely have to do something during the season to make up for it for sure.
why don't you tell everybody where they can find you and what what you're up to now? Yeah, so you can find me on the Wednesday edition of the Pack-A-Day podcast with Dusty Eagley and Steve Perhatch. Every now and then I'll make an appearance on Andy Herman's radio show in Milwaukee. So if you live in Milwaukee and want to listen Pack-A-Day radio show, every now and then I'll hop on there with Andy and chat Packers. But that's pretty much all I got going on right now. We're you know, going to be taking a break for the draft here soon, but then from May to next April, we'll be talking about the Packers off season during the season. We always cover the matchup that week. We do Packers offense versus whatever team they're playing defense. And, you know, we have dusty there to get really nerdy and dissect all of the offensive things that you should know in the matchups. And then Steve and I kind of just chime in with,
yeah, that sounds great. you know, no, I'm kidding. But we give here some other analysis. It's not as in-depth and cool as Dusty's because he's way smarter than us. But that's where we're at. Kawhan is my Dusty. Yeah.
and we yeah Every successful podcast has a Dusty. Like you have to have somebody who's a Dusty. You have to have somebody who provides the comedic relief, somebody who takes himself a little too seriously. You know, if you, you can't be the same, otherwise you're just complimenting each other back and forth and it doesn't work. You gotta, you gotta bring some different personality to this table, but yeah, every Wednesday you can listen to me there on Pack a Day podcast, really wherever you listen to podcasts, we're all over the place now.
And we got to get you on Blue Sky. I know you're still rocking the Twitter stuff, but all the cool kids are going over to Blue Sky. Yeah, i everybody keeps telling me. A couple people DM'd me. I'm just, so I've said this on Packet Day too.
I'm trying to be on social media in general less. I feel it's very bad for my mental health and just stresses me out. So the thought of adding another social media platform is a little scary, but I have a feeling like with everything... know I was a slow adopter, for example, to TikTok. I resisted for years. And then about a year ago, I said, I'll check this out. And now I'm like, every recipe I'm making is from TikTok and all of this. so I'm sure Blue Sky is going to get me here soon.
Well, you just, like I said, you just drop the Twitter part of it and you just go to the Blue Sky. That's that's what all the rest of us did. so And I feel a lot better about it. it Sounds good. but That's all we got for this week.
Mike's normal outro is something like, please follow us at Ohana underscore Packers on Twitter. You can follow us on Instagram and Facebook at Ohana Packers Edition.
Please go to the website, Carlos Silva is doing a lot of great articles. <unk>s over there we're We're also trying to work on getting some more people to come in and write. Maybe we can talk Sarah into doing it and at some time, you know, write us an article once in a while.
But, you know, Carlos is dropping a lot of great stuff over there. i try to put on a little bit. we got get Quanto back into it. Maybe we can talk him into doing some more breakdowns like he did before.
But we got the merch store over there. You know, I work my fingers to the bone trying to put some cool designs up there. So go over, check out our merch store. You know, also find us wherever you get your favorite podcast. You know, give us give us that review.
Help us pump that algorithm up. I do have to say this and I really appreciate the kind words. Everybody needs go over and follow Don and Matt on the Hey, We Like You pod podcast.
Matt was talking about us this past episode of theirs and about our episode with Dusty last week. We appreciate all the great words that you guys said, Matt, Don, you're two of the best out there. So thank you very much.
Go check out their stuff. Make sure you're checking out Sarah on Packaday. I think that's about all we got. If you got any comments, you know, make sure you reach out to us.
We're pretty open. My DMs are open everywhere. if you got any questions or comments or anything like that, drop them. If you want to get an argument, you can get an argument. I'm happy to be in an argument with you.
But that's it for this week. I can't think of what position group we're doing next week, but I'm sure we'll we'll drop it in the socials at some point.
As Mike would say, go Pack Go and Aloha.
