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Episode 698 - Jurgies Into Mystery #11: By Fire Born image

Episode 698 - Jurgies Into Mystery #11: By Fire Born

War Rocket Ajax
1.5k Plays4 months ago

Who exactly is born by fire in this five-issue story in the Dan Jurgens run on Thor? We're not sure! But it's got two Thors, Desak, a Thor Girl made of stone, and looting.

Covering Thor #46-50!

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Hosts Introduce Themselves and Discuss Favorite Spaceships

He starts War Rocket Ajax to bring back his body.
Hello, everybody, and welcome to War Rocket Ajax. This is the Internet's most explosive comic book and pop culture podcast. We are your hosts. My name is Chris Simms. With me, as always, is Matt Wilson. And my favorite spaceship is the Enterprise E. Matt, what's yours?
I like the Enterprise C. The C, which you only ever see once on the ship. In yesterday's Enterprise, yeah. Yeah, Kelsey Grammer's Enterprise. That's a different ship. Oh, is that not the Enterprise C? Kelsey Grammer's ship. Oh, no, no, you're right. That's a different ship. You're talking about the Enterprise from yesterday's Enterprise? Yes, the Enterprise from yesterday's Enterprise However, Kelsey Grammer's ship is also a ship from the past.

Star Trek and Spaceship Design Debate

Yes, that's why I always get them confused. Yes, but it appears much later. ah but ah Apparently, originally, the plan was for Kelsey Grammer and Kirstie Alley to both be on that ship.
That is wild. That kind of would have been great. Kirstie Alley as her movie character. I want to say Savik, but that's wrong. That's Savik. That's Savik, okay. The one who, the who not Kirstie Alley, but the same character, does weird hand sex with Spock. Yeah, so she was only Savik in Star Trek II, and then a different actress played Savik in III.
But if you if if you've never seen Star Trek III and seen the weird hand sex that happens in that movie, yeah, I like the ah i like the Enterprise-E, that that big flat whale of ah of a starship. It's great. I like the Enterprise-C because it's kind of angular. And Kelsey Grammer's ship is the Bozeman. The Bozeman. That's named, of course, for Where's Ephraim Cochran.
Yes. Launched the first warp drive. but yeah human drive yeah yeah So we both like enterprises that are not the made ones from the main shows. Do you have a favorite non Star Trek spaceship? Like spaceship design or? I do like it when spaceships are kind of like big and clunky. You know?
Yeah, I like it when they are big and clunky because they don't have to be aerodynamic. Yeah. um Because they're out in space.

Podcast Segments and Upcoming Topics

I do so sort of like the design of the Battlestar Galactica from the reboot show. It's very like naval looking. It's like a big shuttle. It's a big Star Trek shuttle.
Yeah, I like the Supermobile, which is Superman's spaceship that has big metal hands on it so that he can punch. That is good. but I like the nacelles on the Enterprise A a lot. the they're very very art They're like the one piece of art deco on that ship. but Anyway, but this this is not a podcast about, well, this is not a podcast exclusively about starships. Sometimes it's a podcast about Dan Jurgen's run on Thor. And this week, that's what it is.
Kind of both this week. It's true. ah But later in the show, we're going to be talking about five issues of the Dan Jurgens run on Thor. Many of which, three of which are drawn by Tom Rainey. This is this is a five issue arc. Yeah, a an established part one of five part two of five arc. And so if you might want to get your umbrellas.
Cause we're heading towards the reigning. That's true. That's true. We're getting never closer. The worst personality changed, but we'll get to it. We get to it for reasons unknown. Chris, before we get to that, I think I have an explanation, but Chris, before we get to that, we do have some business to

Patreon Support and Listener Engagement

take care of. The first order of business is thanking our newest supporters over on Patreon. That's right, Matt. Now these are all the people who they went down to 698 gimmick street. And of course, you know, what's there.
I do know what's there. It is ah the Gimmick Street basketball arena. yeah It's beyond corporation arena. And it's where the Gimmick Street Lizards play.
Which we call them the Gimmick Street Lizards, but of course the the full name, like the official name of the team, is the Gimmick Street Kirk Connors the Lizards. parentheses, they ate a boy. Yeah. Named for all the good things that Kurt Conners has done. I guess recently he did, he did a couple of good things, but not named for that time that he ate a boy. Yeah. Yeah. There's been a lot of protests about that. It is, it is the, the basketball arena where the giving street lizards play.
Yeah. Uh, the, the whole gimmick street sports complex in the, uh, in the nice block is, is a real, it's a real interesting part of town. It's true. While you're there, if you're going down there to, uh, either protest the name of the gimmick street lizards, uh, or to get tickets for their upcoming B ball games, uh, which, uh, they are on fire this season. They are NBA jamming all over the place estra from downtown.
Oh, right. It's two on two basketball, like NBA Jam. We don't have like major sports teams on gimmick street. We've got, we've got a, uh, a minor league baseball team with no major league affiliate. Oh no. We we said it was the, it was the 49ers. That's not a baseball team, Matt. Even I know that. face that Oh, the, no the niners not the 49ers, not the 49ers, not the 49ers.
Uh, the Niners from D space and I that that's right, which I don't, I think are a team that only played once. Yeah. well only Only will play once in 400 years. Then we have a a minor league, uh, women's soccer team. And then a two on two basketball team. Right. Where everybody's in big hit mode. Yeah. Yeah.
It's a weird street, folks. But while you're on it, you can always get out your internet connected device and ah go over to patreon slash war rocket Ajax and ah help us keep doing the show. Help us get our season tickets to the gimmick street machine, the gimmick street, good hats and ah the gimmick street, lizards and any whatever may exist as of next week. And most importantly, help us pay those gimmicks they keep sending in the mail called bills. That's right, Chris. And they do keep sending them. I am sad to report that there are no new names to read this week. Well, I guess we just won't do the show then. You should.
Join our Patreon for us to do that. You can do that by going to, as Chris said, patreon slash war rocket Ajax, kicking in as little as $1 per month to make sure that we keep doing the show weekly, that we do every story ever specials monthly, that we do snack situation in movie fighters. I put up a snack situation this week, this past week, where Marlene and I tried some Indian Lay's potato chips, as well as cookies or biscuits.
as they're called there. And Comics Ketchup, all of those are made possible by your support on Patreon. so So if you can support us there, please do. We would very much appreciate that help over on Patreon. As a patron, you get every single episode of all of those shows I just mentioned, totally ad-free, without ads at all. You get your own little special Patreon feed where you get all of those episodes.
You can also get at different levels, bonus content, bonus audio that we record, outtakes that I cut out of the show and put on Patreon, writing that Chris does on the Patreon. ah Most recently, there is a new Castlemania over there on Patreon that's very fun to read, and that is exclusive to our Patreon, as well as other writing that mostly Chris has done, but I've done a little of as well.
You can get line stepping privileges for our segments, which are currently Thursday Night Raw and Every Story Ever. of her And you can get physical rewards, including t-shirts, which I think all the t-shirts for this year have gone out. If you are at the t-shirt level and you did not receive your t-shirt, let me know and I will try to make that happen for you.
If you cannot help us monetarily, you can help us out in other ways. You can leave us a five star review on the podcasting app that you use, whatever that may be. Or you can just tell folks, you know, about the show, spread the word, and then tell them to donate to our Patreon, to join our Patreon and help us out that way. That would be much, much appreciated. Chris, with that, it's time for some checks and recs. What do you say? Let's do it.

Chris's Minnesota Renaissance Festival Adventure

Chris, what would you like to check in with this week?
Matt, this past weekend, I went to the Minnesota Renaissance Festival. ah So if you were there, and you saw someone who you thought looked like me, and and he was carrying around the Leviathan axe from God of War, that was me. Because what I've learned is that when I dress up in re Renaissance fair clothing, I look like like a man of axes.
Which is weird because what I am, as you know, is a man of swords. That's true. Now more than ever. I am well aware that you purchased a sword. That's right. The first thing I did after I got to the Renaissance Fair was I went to not a sponsor, but could be Badger Blades. And I bought myself a sword. So if you if you're wondering, hey, where does my Patreon money go?
It went to me getting the sword. i was I wasn't sure if I was going to get it, but ah I was looking at them because these were a swordsmith that I went to two years ago when I went to the the Renaissance Fair and AC was like, you've been wanting specifically one of these swords from one of from these guys for two years. You should go ahead and get it. So I did.
i got ah I got a bastard sword, Matt. I've seen it. it's it is It's a great sword. Yeah. ah It looks very much like the sword I have a tattoo of. Yes, it does. And that like that is what really you know pushed me over on it. So I'm i'm very excited ah to be a sword owner. ah They told me that it is ah sharpened and battle ready. I don't know what they thought I was going to do with it.
I don't know i don't know what they like like what battle anyone is going to, but I guess now I'm i'm ready in in case in case I find myself in a sword conflict.
so Uh, that's fun. I own a sword now. Uh, this week's recommendation, buy a sword.

Matt's Game Show Hosting Experience and Performances

Matt would have given up to while I have been arming myself. Wait, was that your wreck too? No, it's that's, I have a different, but I mean, but I do recommend it. I do definitely recommend getting a sword. Certainly, certainly.
One of the people I was at the Ren Fair with was like, i don't I don't need a sword. And I was like, you don't need anything you have. You don't need a Nintendo Switch either, but you have one of those. And you know why? It's because it makes you happy. Stop thinking about things that you need. Need was invented by capitalists to keep you from being happy. Start thinking to start thinking about things in terms of what will make me happiest and then by yourself a sword. But Matt.
What? ah Have you been up to this week? What what weaponry did you did you get? ah None. Oh, that's disappointing. Unless the weapon is a microphone. Because, Chris... You know, when you put it in Matt Wilson's hands, it's a pipe bomb. That's right. We're recording this on Thursday night. It is going up on Monday. Between the recording and publication of this episode, I will have hosted a game show.
there is a game show happening tomorrow, Friday. So by the time you're listening to this, it's over. I don't really like to promote local shows on here because I know a lot of you can't come because you're not local. ah Sometimes I do, but but there's a show happening or that I guess happened on Friday um called Challenge Accepted.
that I'm hosting, I got a suit and everything, and not this time, but if we do the show again, I'm absolutely getting a long game show host, Bob Barker microphone. Oh, one of the little wands, I love those. Yeah, that's my favorite kind of microphone, and long time listeners of the show know that I've wanted to be a game show host since I was three years old, so this is very, very exciting to me.
But it is kind of a Taskmaster-ish style game show where we're gonna have three comedians, one of them is Marlene. doing a series of different challenges, some of them they have an awareness of, some of them they don't know what is gonna happen at all. and And yeah, it should be a very fun time. um If this goes well, it's gonna become a quarterly show ah that we will do regularly. um So I'm very hyped and excited to be hosting ah Challenge Accepted when that ah happens.
and hopefully many times in the future will it happen. um I also, this is one local thing that I will talk up a little bit. um The Asheville Improv Festival is going to be happening in early October and ah Marlene is basically performing every night of the festival. ah it is It is the week of October 7th, although I don't think the shows start until October 9th. They run they run um Wednesday through saturday through Saturday. And my show with my group Shame Spiral is in the 5 p.m. block on Friday. So anybody who could try to get there
Uh, that is, that is when we're performing. Uh, but Marlene again is like, she's like a superstar of this festival. She is performing every night of the festival. Uh, so that is something to actually mark down and and look forward to on your calendar, if you can get to Asheville for it. Um, cause it is going to be a very cool time. Um, but that's performances are my check. I have a question for you. Yes.
You said it's like a Taskmaster style, like like there is a competitive element in this. Is there like like, as the host, do you like do you have a hand in determining the winner? Is there like a judgment to be made? Sometime, a lot of the games are just like, there will be an obvious winner. But for games where there is a more kind of judgment parts of it, we're gonna go by audience applause.
Okay. Cause I was going to say like one of the participants you are legally married to. Yes. ah I certainly this time I can't be making the judgments of winners of games. The fix would really be in on that. So, so we're going to, we're going to go by audience applause, uh, generally, uh, for those kinds of games, but then they're going to be like, do something in the shortest amount of time kind of games where,
the winner will be obvious. ah so ah I'm sure you will hear more about it next week after it happens. ah ah because i'm I'm hoping that it's great and fun and goes goes amazingly and people have fun because I want to do more of it. I am sure it will. Time for some recommendations. What do you have to recommend?

Chris on Deep Space Nine and Matt's Movie Recommendation

Matt, as you know and as the listeners know and as anyone who heard the first little section of this episode knows. I love Star Trek. It is, weirdly enough, probably one of the things I love the most that I have written about the least. We talk about it a lot, good and in our off-mic lives, you and I talk about it a lot. I did raise the question of who between you and Benito would be my chateach.
ah oh Which, i I mean, depending on the circumstance, it would probably be you. Well, Benito didn't know what a Chudich was. Benito didn't know what a Chudich was, yeah. And I said in English part of the Chudich vow, so. Yeah. Benito, honestly, a bit of a patak in that moment. I was recently rewatching a bunch of DS9. You might remember that I kind of started like a random Star Trek rewatch on ah my birthday where I started watching my favorite bad episodes and then just kind of like kept it rolling, watched a bunch and a bunch of next year and then just kind of
you know, started towards the end of DS9 and watched a bunch of stuff. Here's what I found out. I don't know that I've ever watched the last season of DS9 before. ah Like, I know about Esri Dax. I know about the Dominion War, ah which goes on for quite some time. And I know that you're getting ready to do a DS9 rewatch soon. When we finish Next Generation, yeah.
The last season of Star Trek Deep Space Nine takes some of the biggest swings I've ever seen on television. It is wild.
but like They introduce a technically introduced in the the sixth season, but in the seventh season, um there is a semi-sentient a hollow sweet character who is a lounge singer from 1962 Las Vegas that basically becomes like one of the most important characters on the show and is like a recurring character. Like Mori already got two episodes. Vic Fontaine gets like six and they're very important. I mean, they knew that that was going to be the last season, right?
Uh, yeah. Yeah, I think so. So I think it's a, it's got real like, fuck it, swing for the fences kind of energy to it, as I recall. It absolutely is. I mean, with that that is where the Niners come from, the the baseball episode, which is fucking top 10 all time Star Trek episodes is the the baseball episode. It's so good. Yeah. Golducott, possibly my favorite character on the show.
And I do feel the need to specify here in the Modern Times, favorite character. I do think he is a bad person, but he is an incredibly written villain. He has an arc in that last season that is just... it's I have never seen anyone have an arc that completely bonkers in all of Star Trek.
like I mean, not for another, characters rarely have arcs, ah given the episodic nature of the show. Golducott goes through some ch-ch-changes, my dude. The more I watch of Next Generation, the more lightly serialized it is than I remembered it being. Mm-hmm. And there are occasional arcs that run through episodes, but yeah, largely it's just like,
A character's arc lasts the entirety of an episode. Yeah. Probably the best example of an arc in Next Generation is when Worf gets disgraced by the Klingon Empire and then has to get it back. this this chatish He needs He needs his chateach, yeah. If you have never watched DS9,
Deep Space Nine is pound for pound the best Star Trek series. There are the fewest amount of bad episodes. It doesn't take two years to get good like ah Next Gen does. I love Next Gen, but those first two seasons are ah rough going. i would I would recommend just watching the last season, but you should watch the whole thing just to get to the last season. It's kind of like the Twilight movies that way.
Matt, what is your recommendation? My recommendation is a movie that you can stream right now on internet flickering pictures. It is, I believe it has been for the last week or so, the most popular film on internet flickering pictures. So there's a good chance you may have already seen it. But if you haven't, i've I watched it and enjoyed it quite a bit. It is Rebel Ridge.
which is the new movie by Jeremy Saulnier, who you might know as also the director of Green Room, which was a very good, very underrated movie from a few years ago. Rebel Ridge is basically, if First Blood was made in 2024, it's literally a movie about a veteran, an ex-marine,
going to a small town in Louisiana to bail his cousin out of prison, and in the process being hassled by cops who take his money and and call it civil asset forfeiture, and then those cops realize they fucked with the wrong dude. A plot that I love? Yes, and it's great. I will say this.
but i was but Benito told me to watch this movie. I was going to watch it anyway because i I'm a fan of Jeremy Saulnier anyway. But Benito told me to watch this movie. And I did tell him after the fact that the end is a little bit of an anti-climax. And I will say that here as well. The last maybe 15 minutes of the movie. Well, actually 10 minutes of the movie.
are a little bit like, that's it. Like, you kind of want a little more comeuppance to happen. and and And the way things get resolved is a little convenient. But up to there, this that this movie absolutely rules. Like, the the dude who plays the lead character, Aaron Pierre, is he's a star now. He will be a star because of this movie.
He's so good at being like a badass action hero while also like just being totally even keeled, keeping his cool all the time. it's It's very good. Just be prepared for a bit of a anti-climactic ending and and you'll have a good time watching Rebel Ridge. Also, the like the shit the shitbag sheriff is Don Johnson.
what like Don Johnson having a kind of late career arc where he's just playing complete shitbags. Shitbag cops. but Yeah, often, often cops. He's not a cop and knives out. Oh, that's true. Yeah. He is a huge piece of shit, but he's not a cop. Yeah. Like, I i hope Don Johnson's nice.
And i I hope this is just a thing where he's very good at it. because But man, like, he's very good at being a real piece of shit. I don't think he would take these roles if he wasn't. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. Like, to play the shitbag racist police chief who is the villain of a movie, you have to know that's what you're doing. You know what I mean? Yeah.
But it is like ah it is like a whole pattern of like everything Don Johnson's been in in his Don Johnson-a-sons lately. He's not even like a villain just as much as a piece of shit dude. Yeah. Apparently he's done some TV stuff where he's not as much of a piece of shit, but he sure is in Rebel Ridge. They bringing back Nash Bridges?

Surprising TV Movie and Comic Critiques

they but There was a TV, there was a Nash Bridges TV movie in 2021. No, there wasn't. Go look it up. It's on IMDb. There was. Wow. Incredible. Stone Cold Steve Austin was not in it, which is a travesty. Yeah, that's sad. Chris, those are our checks and recs, which means it's time for us to talk about some comics. What do you say? I think we should do it. Chris, the perhaps surprising winner of the Textures Choice Award for this week is Jenny Sparks number two, a comic that you texted about and said, Oh my God, the first page of Jenny Sparks number two. Yes, which was very similar to what Ted Anderson texted me.
when he read it before I did. Okay, so this this comic sucks. Like, there's there's really no getting around it. um It's a sucky comic. ah Well drawn, I think, but like, like, it sucks. it It sucks. And I don't feel bad about saying that. What happens on the first page of Jenny Sparks number two is 911. And this is apparently what like,
Because I said, I said, hey, go look at it. And then I made a comment about something else that happens later in the issue. And you said there is no way that I am reading beyond that first page. Absolutely not. I cannot. As I told you, the line must be drawn to you. A lot of Star Trek in this one. A lot of Star Trek in this one. Yeah. But there's something wrong with me. And I wish I, I wish I could stop.
doing what I do. By the way, just so people know, Tom King wrote this. The art is by Jeff Spokes. Which is quite good. Yeah. Except for Jenny Sparks's costume. So 9-11 happens and that is apparently what brings Jenny Sparks back to life. Like 9-11 happens and she wakes up in her coffin.
which is buried in Westminster Abbey with her great grandfather, Charles Darwin, which I don't, it was that established continuity. Don't know. Don't That's like, that's the kind of bad that's kind of perfect. I would give it that. Here's the thing. I would say,
given the benefit of 23 years of hindsight, that 9-11 is kind of what starts the 21st century, right? Like it's a very major like geopolitical and cultural shift for bare mens, the United States of America. Well, i we discover all we have discovered that there is now a DC Comics version of the 21st century Jenny. That is great. That is actually a great idea. Yes. Uh, I did not know about this cause it happened in, uh, uh, an outsider's book that I didn't read, but, uh, the DC universe does in fact have Jenny crisis, which is great. Jenny crisis who debuted in April of this year. Yeah, that's a great idea. If anybody's going to be born from nine 11, it's Jenny crisis. Yeah. So, so like,
Here's what I don't understand about this, which is many things.
So the like, so the authority happened. And it happened in the in the late 90s, like it happened in comics. And Jenny Sparks died in in at the end of 1999. Yeah, like it happened in comics.
Later in this issue, Jenny Sparks is hanging out with Superman and ah does a bunch of ah minced cussing, which, boy, still looks dumb. Still just looks, when there's that much of it, it's just weird. um But she mentions that, ah like, there's a joke in there about how ah Superman is kind of, like, curt with her.
And she talks about like, oh, I didn't call him back after we made out when he was on the rebound from a mermaid. And it's like, OK, that's a funny joke um because you know Superman dated a mermaid when he was in college. But did that happen in like like before she died? Or did that happen between 9-11 and now?
This is like when I was yelling about ah Doomsday Clock and I was talking about how there's fucking two Lois Lanes. And that Lois Lane knows about the Justice Society. And it makes me feel crazy.
because But I didn't make that up. You made that up. You said that happened. Like, you're the one pinning this story to a specific date. and then referencing some Superman shit. So like, did Ginny Sparks make out with like a 19 year old Clark Kent when she was 110?
did Did, like, cause that's weird, Tom. Or did, or are you saying like, oh, this is like a weird thing where, where all of comics happened when the comics happened and everyone's just fucking immortal or whatever. You gotta think about this shit.
Cause I think about it. And it's, it's not even my, I mean, it's kind of my job to think about it, patreon slash war rocket eight X, but like that hit me as being so weird and so endemic of this book of like, okay, you want to have the spirit of the 20th century who comes back to life at the moment that is arguably the end of the 20th century culturally.
Like she might as well have come back when the like the day The Matrix came out. You know? Well, like The Matrix came out in 1999, so. Yeah, I know. And kind of like, you know, very but every movie was The Matrix until every movie was John Wick. That's true.
love love to my boy Keanu Reeves. I don't understand it. I don't understand anything that's happening here. It just leads to a lot of questions about how long has Superman been on Earth? How old is Superman? Yeah, how old is Superman? Yeah. Like if you're if Jenny Sparks is going to be the ding ding ding that keeps the superheroes in line or whatever. Are you telling me that like Midnighter was around before Batman? Has Midnighter been around since?
since the 90s? And Batman's like is Batman 85 years old? And look, I know nobody pumps air in the Batmobile tires. But you know what, somebody does pump air in the Batmobile tires and it's fucking Harold. And I didn't make that shit up. You told me that was true. And I believed you and I'm not wrong for that. Um, also, this book sucks in general, like beyond that.
just that little weird nitpicking of mine. like I'm not a fan of doing the Sandman story where Dr. Destiny has trapped everybody in a diner and um Watchmen at the same time. And also, like i feel like I feel like there's a fun trick of if you have a tour guide doing dialogue in your comic and just talking about a thing that really exists, then you still get your page rate for that.
even if you just kind of like, you know, go to Wikipedia and then make some words bold. Here's my big question, Chris. Uh-huh. But before this, did 9-11 happen in the DC universe? I mean, there's no reason for it not to. Except because Superman is alive. Well, but but he wouldn't have been around then.
ah Now he wouldn't have. Yeah. In 2005, he would have been. Yeah, but in 2005... God, I hate that I know this. In 2000... Okay, so 9-11 didn't happen in the d c universe in the post-Zero Hour, pre-New 52, DC Universe 9-11 didn't happen. What happened was the Empyrex War happened, and on Wednesday, ah September 12th, 2001, a Superman comic came out where Superman is looking down at ah the smoking remains of ah the Lexcor Tower that was destroyed in the Empyrex War, which is ah one of those weird like coincidental things. Post-New 52, everybody, like in 2012, everybody had only been around for five years. right So Superman wouldn't have been around until 2006.
or 2007, but probably you know late 2006. We know for sure that 9-11 happened in the Marvel universe. It's not as clear in the DC universe. That's all I'm saying. Yes. We know that that happened. We know now, I guess. but Anyway, let's talk about a different kind of- Also, this is a Black Label book, so who knows, but also it's got fucking Superman in it. Yeah.
ah just You know, let time no that it sucks. It sucks for a lot of reasons, but that's the one that got me this time.

Comic Reviews: X Factor, G.I. Joe, and Thor

Let's talk about a different comic. Let's talk about X Factor number two. It's pretty good. A very good comic that Chris, as I was reading this, I could not help but the entire time, but think of Blood Pack. I know, right? What Mark Russell is doing here.
Is blood pack done right? It really is. It's so weird that like, we, I regret to inform you that you have to put exstatics and this X factor book in the lineage of blood pack. Yeah. Blood pack did it first. Okay. So this is by Mark Russell and Bob Quinn. And as soon as Havoc started talking to the producer who like put together this X Factor team, the guy who's on the PowerDog diet? The PowerDog diet's very good. He's he's ah ah constantly eating corn dogs throughout this throughout this issue because he's on the PowerDog diet. What what is it? He's like, I have to eat 10 a day? yes Or is it like 20? 10 corn dogs a day, yeah. Yeah. Which, hey, if that's ah if that's a real diet, Mark Russell, get at me. Count me in, yeah. ah Roger is this guy's name.
And he's like, all the all the members of X Factor living in a house, they're trying to do publicity for like essentially a TV show. And Havoc goes into a mutant resistance meeting with a like lapel button that is also a camera. So he's like filming this mutant resistance meeting the entire time. And then i out of nowhere, like one of the mutant resistance members is just like, wait, does his shirt say button cam?
That shit is hilarious. Yeah. It's labeled. It is exactly blood pack plus being good at making comics. Yeah, like actually funny and smart and a satire. Yeah, which I am. I'm sorry to say blood pack is not good. It is not, but this. This is wildly in the lineage of blood pack.
And it's also a comic where Granny Smite goes into a pool and tries to drown herself because she's a mortal and she wants to die. Yeah. It's good. And also there's like, like, we're talking about the funny parts, but like, there's a lot of stuff with, with ah Havoc and Polaris being on opposite sides, essentially, of like where mutants stand now.
Cause she's part of the resistance and he's part of this group that's been put together by humans to do kind of like PR. And like they're trying to stay together, but like clearly they can't because of this ideological rift. For me, the line of the issue was, yeah, we're just trying to figure out why so many people died on that first mission. Yeah, I'm going to guess it was the explosions.
That's a good line. Mark Russell's good then. One last comic we're going to talk about is G.I. Joe number 310 by Larry Hama and Paul Pelletier with inks by Tony Cordos. it sure It sure hits different in this comic being all set in Springfield with the current goings out of the world and that's all I'll say about that.
ah Matt, the cyborg zombies made by Sir PentorCon, you know what they're doing. and pretty I don't want to talk about it. But yes, the the the the battle between the cyborg zombies, Cobra Commander and his forces, and the Joes who were kind of like there on the periphery continues. And there's a This continues a bit where Cobra Commander, there there is a shock trooper who is dressed as Cobra Commander out on the battlefield fighting as him. While the real Cobra Commander who is just dressed, who is just a guy with a mustache and glasses and a beret is sitting like in a control center watching everything happen. yeah Which is great.
Which is great because like he keeps... like this is a This is a plot to make everyone think Cobra Commander is a big action hero. Yes. Which I love. I love it when Cobra Commander has a plot. I really want to know why that Crimson Guardsman was like, yeah, all right. I'll do this. oh Here's the thing. so I am someone who loves GI i Joe as a comic book. It's great.
Even I occasionally don't believe in lethal Larry Halma, and I should. Because in this comic, we get we get this scene, the kind of cliffhanger of the last issue that leads into this one is that there is a cop who stopped Don Moreno, ah Snake Eyes 3, stopped her parents on their way to town and shot and killed them.
And he ends up trapped in a burning car. And there's this question of is Don going to ah pull him out or is she going to leave him there to burn to death? Or is she just going to kill him? Yeah. And you know, there's a moment where like, you know, he's, he's saying like, Hey, if you're not going to save me, that's fine. Just, you know, kill me. Don't let me burn to death in this car, even though I shot your parents, uh, in a traffic stop.
Uh, cause I'm a member of Cobra and Dawn does the hero thing, right? Like she walks away, but she's walking away to get the jaws of life from a fire truck so that she can get him out. And the Joe's come back for her and she's like, yeah, uh, I just, I just couldn't walk, you know, couldn't leave him there to die. Cause she's a hero, right? And I'm like, man, Larry, I don't know, man, like,
That feels like a, like I get it. like the the It's not about, it is unambiguous that the cop is bad, but I i really wish that like, I i was kind of like, wouldn't this be better if Tom was just like, actually fuck that guy. But then, boy, Larry turns it around, because immediately the cop's like, I don't like her self-righteous attitude and tries to shoot her.
And then he gets he gets exploded by cyborg troopers that show up and just start yeah firing wildly. And it's a real, it's a like it's a real Larry going, hey, fuck that guy. but That guy, asshole. Yeah, as soon as she saves him, he's like, oh, she's she thinks she's better than me because she saved my life. Yeah.
Larry knows what's up Larry's the goat man. Also by the end of this issue Everybody's going to Springfield Sir Pentor Khan is like I shouldn't have just let the the so the cyborg troopers Do their own thing I should have been there leading them so I'm going there Baroness gets shot which you noted is not the first time that's happened and Destro, by the end of the issue, gets word of this and he's like, okay, I'm going to Springfield too. Yeah. Uh-uh. No, this it's Destro time, baby. Yeah. Which is very exciting for me in particular. Also, we learned this issue that the Joe's plan is to have, is to kidnap Dr. Mindbender, who is a zombie now. Uh-huh. And then have him reanimate the original Serpentor
and have him fight Yes. that They have kidnapped kidnapped Dr. Mindbender. They have him. Yeah. Yeah. And Dr. Mindbender's like, yeah, that's not really the original Serpentor body. like That was destroyed. you know Snake Eyes did that. Y'all should know about it. And they're like, eh, you'll figure something out. And I feel like in a GI Joe comic, a character saying, eh, you'll figure something out is like Larry saying that to himself in the future.
the the all-timer Larry deserves the world all right that's our comics review segment Chris which means it's time to get back into the jerkies I can't wait to jerk it with you bud Thor number 46 legacy number 548 has Thor Girl on the cover. Pretty good cover by Tom Rainey. Got some red smoke behind her. This is what Marvel Comics covers looked like at this time. Which was this the era of every cover should just be like an iconic image that doesn't actually tell you an anything about what's happening in the book? Yeah, every cover is basically a pinup. Yeah, that was a like, I mean, there's there's some good art. Like, I'm not gonna say like,
Adi Granov's Iron Man covers are bad. But it's like, I would like to know what's happening in the comic. That's why the cover exists. Yeah. This was, this was, this had to be like 2002. This was like 2002. And that's what all the covers were around that time, for sure. Which is really underlined here because the splash page of the issue is actually a really good cover. ah Because it's a cover homage. It is a funeral.
but not not that the the the Not the first page, but the big splash page. Oh, okay. the but the first The first page is a splash page of people, kind of random people at a funeral walking away from a a burial as it's happening with some narration about, you know, dreams unfulfilled. And we see that the tombstone is for Gary Liz Getty. It's really tragic that the way Jeffy says spaghetti and the family circus died. Yeah, that's true. Um, the tombstone says beloved father and husband, 1964 to 2002. And we get a flashback. Well, first of all, somebody approaches the grave and says, why now, Gary, there's so much left to do. And then we get a flashback of this guy, Gary, that classic French name, Gary. Yeah, he's French. Gary's French was getting also a totally French last name.
ah But that there's these two kids in a flashback on a raft arguing about whether they should be scientists or builders. And yeah at paul Paul is the other kid. And Gary's like, I'm going to be a scientist. I'm going to be the first French astronaut. And clearly Paul is the other person who's at the grave.
and and And Paul is like, I'm never gonna die. And he leaves a ah silvery rose on Gary's grave. Then we cut to- Not silvery, Matt. Stone. Stone, yes. Then we on the main splash page, we get Thorgirl smashing a bunch of flying robots.
Yeah, in the classic ah like first appearance Thor pose where she's on the ledge swinging the hammer in a circle. A fun one to homage. Yeah, we don't know where these robots came from. And we're never going to know. um But she is. She's on top of a bank fighting off these robot robots. And they're They're trying to steal money from a bank. They start flying to the bank's door and she blasts a big energy blast right at the bank's door as people are rushing out, including a pregnant lady. And a cop starts yelling at her, calling her an idiot for, you know, always killing these people. Jake Olson then shows up.
And he starts yelling at her like, you almost killed a bunch of innocent people. And Thor girl's like, look, I'm just trying to help. Like there was a crime, I was trying to stop the crime. And Jake Holson has to be like, people are fragile and will die if you blast energy toward them. So don't do that. And also she has set the bank on fire. So she has to call up a storm to put that out.
just really fucking up all over the place. Yeah, she's she's having a hard time, and she starts beating herself up. She's talking to herself about how much she hates being yelled at by Jake, who I guess is doing this a lot. And she's like, I want to help mortals not harm them, but I have to i have so much to learn. ah Then we get a scene with Jake and Demetrius. They're like, hey, wonder where those robots came from.
And Jake's like, don't know. The word girl never found out. They have a conversation that's like, hey, where's ah my sister, your partner? Like, you're here, but we I haven't seen ah her in a while. And Jake's like, no it's complicated. And I'm like, yeah, bud. Because we don't know if Demetrius really has a sister or not. Right, Christine. Demetrius' sister has been the Enchantress.
since we first saw her. Yeah, the the whole time. So where is the real Christine? Don't know. Probably with the real Jake Olson. Maybe so. It's also important in case you've forgotten ah that this Jake Olson is not the real Jake Olson or the fake Jake Olson, who was Loki, who just doesn't exist anymore because Loki got out of that prison.
This Jake Olsen is just Thor with all of Thor's memories, but turned into like split off from Thor's god half, or split off from Thor, and then made a mortal. Made a mortal, I should say. Not immortal, a mortal. Not immortal, yeah but made a mortal.
so that Jake Olsen can continue to exist, but also Thor can be a god full time, which is confusing. Yes, I do think it is a key plot point in this story that is not necessarily stated, but it seems pretty clear that there's a thing happening here that we can talk about later. Yeah, depending on how you look at it, this is the third or fourth Jake Olsen in this comic. That's true.
So then we cut to Asgard where Heimdall is standing on the Bifrost. Talking about how he senses a presence but can't see anything, which is like the fourth time this run has done this, which now instead of being a thing that just seems weirdly repetitive is I guess a motif.
Yeah. they het Does he do the whole thing in this one where he's like, he can see every blade of grass growing? No, it it doesn't do it this time. Yeah. But he he says, I feel a presence. And then the entrantress is there. And she's like, I'm going in. And she does like a Jedi mind trick on Heimdall to get in. I mean,
i mean it's I mean, the Jedi would never do this, Matt, because the horniness is forbidden for the Jedi, as we know. That's true. it's it is Tell me, Matt, have you ever heard the story of Darth Plagueis the Horny? This is much more horny. So she makes her way into Asgard. Meanwhile, Thor is overseeing a land dispute between two dudes in Asgard. And Thor decides that neither of them gets the land. The land is going to be used for an orphanage.
Yeah, because these guys like Thor's like, this is stupid. I am the Allfather. I should not have to deal with you arguing about where your goats feed, which I think is fair. Yeah. And it's also kind of weird that there's just like dudes who live in Asgard. Like, like,
like regular dudes who are not gods. They're just citizens of Asgard in a land dispute. Yeah. Just dudes hanging out in Asgard. And then one of them's like, Thor sucks, man. Odin, ah Odin would have solved this problem for us. Thor sucks though. And Thor was like, Hey, fuck you. It's an orphanage now. Yeah. And Thor kind of loses his temper and confiscates this land. He does make it an orphanage.
Yeah. he's He's not a totally bad guy. He just kind of loses his temper. Yeah. Like, cause there's a lot of orphans from when Surtur attacked and a lot of the warriors of Asgard died. And Thor was like, fine. It's nobody's land anymore. It's now it's just an orphanage. And Baldur's like, my Lord, perhaps you were too harsh. And I wanted Thor to be like, it's an orphanage, Baldur.
like I like sorry it is like a net good it instead Thor is like listen I just hate doing this I'm bored I want to be in the action I don't want to be settling these petty disputes so he tells Balder to leave and then the Enchantress shows up and the Enchantress is just like hey don't you want to fuck hey don't you want me to be your queen and we hang out all the time and I'll make you great and also we'll fuck. Do you just want to like fully bone down Thor? And Thor's like, I don't know. I'm distracted.
Then we cut to, uh, back to Thor girl who transforms into her mortal form, who is still called ah Some people still call her Tereen and other people call her Tara now. I think this is a case of ah see of the people who were around when she was like, hey, what's up? My name's Tereen. Still call her Tereen. But then she was like, shit, I should probably just go like have at least a hint of a secret identity. So I'm going to be tomorrowro Tara, Tara Olsen. Yeah. So she has is in her secret identity secret identity for two pages.
She's in high her high school and her secret identity for two pages. The principal gets mad at her for being outside thinking that she's smoking, but she's like, Oh, but your GPA is perfect. So I'm going to trust you. And then she talks to a friend and then the entire high school is suddenly turned into stone. The friend also says, Hey, detention is going to mess up your GPA.
That's not how detention works. It absolutely is not. No, you don't get a grade for detention. So Toreen notices that everything is turning into stone. She turns back into Thor girl. She goes back to the roof. She finds a security guard also turned into stone. She's trying to figure out what's going on. And then she is tapped on the shoulder and turned around and then turned into stone herself.
because, yes, the Grey Gargoyle is trying to figure out a way to become immortal. He turns Thorgirl into stone, then uses her own hammer to smash her to pieces. Yeah, so Tereen's dead, I guess. That's a series rap for Tereen. Yeah. I was reading this, and I wondered if you thought the same thing, but I was like, this would be...
a much more enjoyable story for me, and I think a much more readable story in gender in general. If Jake Olsen wasn't in it, and it was just like Thor was like, hey, I need to go to Asgard and be the Allfather full time. That's my job now. Terene, you're in charge of Earth. And then she was Thor on Earth while he was off being you know the king of Asgard. and yeah The Jake Olsen stuff is, I feel like we've gotten to a natural end point for Jake Olsen also three to four times. That is true. We've we've been under the belief that Jake Olsen is out of the book but a couple of times now. Yeah. it is I guess he is, and this this is because this is a different Jake Olsen. That's true.
It does seem like Jurgens is trying to do something here and and we'll get into it when we get into it. but yeah ah So, Thor number 47, I like this cover where it's all stone, including the logo and everything. And it's Greg Gargoyle sitting in a like ah stone chair with Thorgirl's hammer, with Thorgirl in stone behind him, and he's like all lounged out on the chair.
ah I think that's a pretty good cover. I like the gloves and little booties he's wearing, like Black Panther used to wear. like those are like Those always look so comfy to me. They do. They're the only other things that aren't gray on the cover. They're blue and the hammer is gold.
Uh, so we start this issue. This is, this story is called by fire born by the way. So this is by fire born in part two of five. We start with Thor leading a charge against the frost giants, which we got no indication was going to happen last issue. Uh-huh.
It feels just like out of nowhere. Thor was like, I'm going to attack the front fucking art ice giants or frost giants. Yeah. I mean, he's been, we've been seeing him do stuff. Like there was that one issue where, you know, we saw like all of his commands to like make those dudes jump off that cliff. Yeah. You know, frost giants acting up, you know how it is. it's how they are Yeah. They, they make trouble. So they go into battle. They're in battle against ice giants or frost giants. So,
Also, there's narration by someone. We don't know who it is yet. ah so But they're they're talking about having lived with the most incredible beings. Then we cut to Jake Olsen entering this school that is now all stone. He's been called there as a paramedic. And he goes up to the roof and he finds Thorgirl, Tereen, smashed to pieces. And he's like,
Fuck. Shit. So he dumps all of her pieces into a bag. Well, there's also a scene where they find Thorgirl's smashed up body, and I don't... This is another student here, or a teacher, who shows up and she's so casual. Because Jake's like, hey, that's Thorgirl's remains.
Uh, we need to at least clean this up. Can you give me a hand?" And she goes, Pete's going back to chem class. Yeah. It's like, that's a dead person, dude. Read the room, young lady. Buddy. Based on the way she is drawn this, by the way, this is not Tom Rainey on art. It's Joe Bennett, who I think largely does a pretty good job this issue, but it is impossible to know that if that's a teenager or a 40 year old woman. Yeah.
ah in these panels. I think she's supposed to be a teenager. Then we get ah Greg Gargoyle with the hammer. Greg Gargoyle does one of my favorite Dan Jurgens things in this, which is that um he does some shit that completely does not make sense and then says, that didn't make any sense.
because he wants to test to see if he's immortal. Because he has Thor girl's hammer. Because he has this hammer now. So he just fucking opens up the window and jumps out and lands and he's like, well, I'm fine. But you know, I could have survived that even without that. Yeah. And it's like, okay, then, then why did you do it?
Then he blasts some people on the street, then he flies, and he's like, I must be immortal. How could I do this if I wasn't immortal? So he has now concluded that he's immortal. Jake goes to Avengers Mansion and brings Thor Girls remains and talks to Jarvis, and Jarvis is like, I don't know who you are. And Jake's like, I'm Thor. Don't you know who I am? I'm Thor.
And Jarvis is like, you don't look like Thor to me. And, you know, he makes Jake leave and Jake's like, yeah, of course he made me leave. Yeah. I did show up with a bag of rocks saying something kind of weird. So. So he goes to. Shouldn't there be like a password? Yeah. Cause it feels like, this feels like a thing that,
certainly happens to the Avengers a lot. Yeah. Yeah. Shouldn't there be like, Hey, uh, uh, pineapples, you know, should be something. So Jake instead goes to the Enchantress's apartment, the place that was Christine's apartment and finds her magic mirror and walks through it and comes out looking like like regular ass Kirby Thor. So God Thor is fighting the Frost Giants wearing his king outfit with the kind of like scalloped armor. He's got the scale male and the big belt. It's this big championship belt. And his more feathery helmet. Whereas Jake Olson turns into Thor who looks like
Thor, like Thor looked in issue one of this comic. As soon as he does that and becomes that Thor, the other Thor, God Thor, is sapped of his strength.
So here's what I think is happening here. Jake, on Earth, is a part of Thor. Yes, he is a part of Thor that has been removed from Thor.
who is the ah the king of Asgard now. Right. And this my sense is that he is a piece of Thor's kind of sense of humanity. Yeah, it Jake is his humanity, I think, is is where we're supposed to end up with this. So the Thor who is overseeing Asgard has lost that part of himself.
And so while he still has good intentions, it is hard for him to kind of think of other people. Yeah. You know, like only someone who had no humanity would build orphanage.
No, like like I said, he's still got good intentions, but he's he's he's lost his kind of sense of empathy, I guess. You know what I mean? I think that's what we're supposed to infer from all of this.
um Anyway, the the Enchantress who is in Asgard realizes that something is going on with her magic mirror and so she goes to the the flames and looks and sees that Jake has turned himself into a type of a version of Thor and Also, she sees a vision of desak who we've seen before ah Yeah, and she's like she's like Motherfucker use my mirror. Yeah ah Hey Thor, um, shouldn't we go home now? Like she's like it's very much a dammit. I love that magic mirror on So yeah, she goes for no, so she goes to where Thor is she goes to? Where the frost is it Jotunheim? ah Yes, that is Jotunheim. Yeah, she goes to Jotunheim and
finds King Thor and is like, hey, we got to go. Uh, some weird stuff happened and, uh, and, and I'm, I'm here to help and we should, and there's a, there's an illusion of you and and you should come with me. And Thor's like, I'm not leaving the battlefield while others continue to fight. So he goes and fights ah a frost giant and gets his ass beat like immediately. Meanwhile, Jake Olson, Thor.
is trying to fight Greg Argyll and realizing that he has greatly reduced power as well. Like he can't even fly. He says, Hey, like at one point he shoots like a power blast out of the hammer. Uh, and he goes, man, this thing's only like putting out 10% of what it should be. Yeah. And I'm like, okay. So if Jake's getting like 10% of Thor's power,
You're telling me Thor at 90% just gets dropped immediately? It is a Frost Giant. Yeah! But I mean, that's all Thor does, dude. That's true. And is before Jake can really figure out what's going on, Disac shows up and he is there looking toy-etic as hell. ah still Still gonna be hilarious that that dude's name is Disac.
looking very Kirby inspired on this last splash page of the issue. Thor number 48 has,
I mean, I guess this is that gray gargoyle cover was pretty relevant to the issue and this cover is pretty relevant to this one. It's Thor and the Warriors 3 fighting Frost Giants. That's true. um Maybe it was a little bit later that we got that. oh I do think this was around the time, but some of these covers are, you know, at least somewhat relevant, yeah pretty relevant to the stories. Yeah. The design of this cover is wild. The issue number is on like a flying piece of ice along with the rating.
And Marvel Comics is in, like, the bottom right corner. Yeah, this looks... This looks more like an interior page than a cover. Not in a bad way. Like, it's it's it's still good. ah It's a good Tom Raney, Scott Hanna joint, but yeah. Interesting. Weird layout, more than anything, for me.
ah This is by Fireborn part three or four. Joe Bennett is still doing the art on this one. First page is a splash page of Jake Olson. Can I ask you a a question real quick? Please. You've read this entire story, right? I mean, i i clearly I forgot a lot of what happened in it. like Yeah, and we read we read up through number 50. Yeah, we did, yeah. Who or what is by Fireborn? Don't know.
Yeah. Yeah. Just making, just making sure that you also are did not know. So Thor is on the, the splash page here doing Kirby hand right at us. We, we have, uh, again, this kind of like somewhat mysterious, a voice over narration talking about what's, what's, what's happening.
ah Thor is facing down both Grey Gargoyle and Disac. And we also get a shot of Thor Girl who is made of stone and in a bag in pieces. But there's a little inset shot of Thor Girl in the double splash. Disac is saying he is there for the designate Tereen. And Grey Girl is like, hu but I already killed her.
And there's a lettering mistake on this page. Yes. Dessac is saying he already killed her and Greg Arloyle is saying, well, then you are an ally of Dessac. There's another weird lettering mistake ah later where someone says, in turn it's about Thor. I think this might be from number 50. In terms of honor, he had no peer. In nobility, nine approached his level. it's like Oh, okay. So they're like 10 good guys. From the from the German translation.
Yeah. Uh, anyway, Greg gargoyle's like, I'm a God now. And to sex like, Oh, you fucked up saying that. And so he wax Greg gargoyle with his acts and that leaves Thor and to sack to fight and, uh, dissect, you know, makes easy work of this version of Thor. Uh, then Thor or a Greg gargoyle into sack.
fight a little more and to sack is just kicking everybody's ass here like. It's it's not even a close fight and Thor tells to sack. You don't have any business here. The designate is dead leave. And the way Thor is talking here. Is basically just like Jake Olson. But he still got the Asgardian font.
But in in the Asgardian font, he says, beat it to sack. Which I think is kind of funny. Like, he's not Thor enough to talk like Thor here. Yes. It it it is very fun to see Jake Olsen talk.
like a normal person in the body of Thor. Yes. Real big ah Eric Masterson vibes on that one. Very much so. um But to sack is like, no, I've come a really, really long way to be here. And, ah and I'm not gonna, you know, stop just because you tell me she's not here. And also, I sense a presence. I think she's still alive.
So Thor continues to get his ass beat by Disac and also Disac's like, Hey Thor, you suck too. And you're going to become a despot because I've talked to the tomorrow man. So I'm going to kill you too. And Thor goes, well, tomorrow man fucking sucks.
Back to Jotunheim, like Baldur and Hogan, And other warriors are are fighting the the Frost Giants while Thor is kind of like incapacitated. And the Enchantress is still ty trying to convince Thor to leave. And Thor like gets up enough power at 90% to just smash one of the Frost Giants to pieces. And I gotta say, like Joe Bennett has been kind of hit or miss on his issues in this run.
Bad double splash of Thor smashing the shit out of that frost giant. Pretty good. Yeah. Like those big two page action splashes are the best part of this book. Like yes across the board, more frost giants come after Thor and he's like, okay, now I gotta go. Cause like I used up all, all of my energy. My strength is leaving me, he and the Enchantress leave.
And he's like, I gotta to go back to Midgard and figure out what's going on. Jake Olson, Thor, realizing that Disak is kicking his ass, tries to escape, tries to just get out of there. And, uh, doesn't work. He gets hit through a water tower. And as they continue to fight some more, the spirit of the jewel appears. Uh-huh. And says,
Hey, Disac, I just wanted to let you know that what you're doing is right and just, and you gotta remove these terrible threats.
And Disac is like, thank you. And also the spirit of the jewel is like a lady, a naked lady who's just got like a sheet kind of floating around her. It's Joe Bennett drawing ah the world from Magical Drop.
Real ones know it's and Also, we we will discover that she's the one who's been narrating these past couple of issues He he finally gives one big last Smash to Jake Olson Thor and he's like it is done give Oh give her of life. The god of thunder is no more That's it's wild that that's how that ends. I think what we're supposed to understand is that that Disac is by Fireborn.
oh it Is he though? I don't know. know. The cover of issue 49 is Disac holding Thor's skull and we know it's Thor's skull because it's wearing his hat. Do you remember that time?
I'm sure I've talked about this before, but do you remember that time ah that Joe Kelly and ah Doug Monkey were doing Justice League? And there was a cover that had all the Justice League skulls on it? And you had to they had to put logos on all the skulls? They had to put logos on all the skulls because like it's really only Martian Manhunter who would have an unusual skull. ah But also Batman's skull had ears? Like bad ears?
I do remember that. Two pointy bones on top? I remember that, yeah. Yeah, that's not how that works, bud. No, Bruce Wayne does not have bad ears. Yeah, that's a costume. Pretty worse. Just strike fear into the hearts of criminals.
Well, in this case, you know, this is Thor's skull because it's wearing his hat. It's wearing his hat. Yeah. But you could have just put Batman's hat on Batman's head. That's true. Uh, I think this cover rules this Tom Brady cover. It's fucking good. Yeah. Yeah. It's it's pretty good. it's I mean, you know,
it's as It's as good as a cover that prominently features Dossack can be. Dossack looks intimidating on this cover. He's got like red glowing eyes. It's pretty good. That's because Dossack looks like Darkseid. That's true. Yes. I'm not saying it's a bad cover. i'm saying I'm saying it is a good cover with a lot of qualifications. I would not buy a poster of it. No, because you would not buy a poster of Dossack. No.
ah So this issue starts with... I would rather get a poster of Zarko the Tomorrow Man. Nah, that sounds pretty good. Poster of Zarko the Tomorrow Man? Yeah. Anyway, this issue starts with a bunch of bystanders watching as King Thor appears in Midgard.
And this issue is narrated by the Enchantress. This is the classic Dan Jurgens Thor scene of a bunch of normies standing around making their normie comments about Thor and then one person being really horny. Yeah. But the person that they have made horny is the oldest woman in the world. Yes, yes. She's she's Aunt May's older sister.
And also, there's a dude in a jersey who's like, the Giants, could defense could use a guy like him.
Why would Thor be on defense? Well, he's, I mean, he's too big. Because he's big? Yeah. Okay. I mean, like, I don't know anything about football, but those, the the big guys are the ones that you want to get past, right? But look, Thor can throw. I mean, yeah, that is true. Thor's got a lot of upper body strength. He can throw.
So like, don't put him on the, don't put him on the defensive line just yet. He's a five tool player, man. He really is. But maybe the Giants had a really good offensive line, and but the D line was bad. That's possible. Uh, so anyway. Sport, do you think Thor would do best at? I mean, football is not a bad choice. Yeah. American football. American football. Yeah. Maybe hockey.
Hockey would probably be a good one. he's He's at home on the ice, as we know. He often fights in Jotunheim. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I'll have to think about this further. I mean, hammer throw is a- Hammer throw, yeah. That's a given. Yeah. Anyway, uh, the Enchantress is watching him in the fires, talking about how horny she is for him because she narrates this issue. A lot of people horny. And she's also like,
Why does he care so much about fucking Earth, fucking Midgard? I'm sick of it. The more bystanders talking to Thor, one calls his dad Zeus. Pretty good. I love the idea that in this world where Thor is like a real guy who has really saved the world a bunch and is like an Avenger and is like, so you know,
Like the Avengers are super famous, like Marvel Comics heroes are famous. ah But like people are like, are so like, yeah, it's like Thor, right? Well, he looks different. Yeah. But I mean, like, like this guy knows, this guy knows who Thor is. And he knows the name Zeus.
Yeah. Well, they they're like, because he looks different, he has a beard now and stuff. They're like, Oh, he must be Thor's older brother. This is like me saying that Kelsey Grammer was the captain of the enterprise C. Yes. Uh, so he finds Jake Olson Thor and he's like, what manner of trickery to me. And then he knows by Jake's voice who he's not talking in as Guardian Font anymore. um He knows by Jake's voice that this is Jake. And he's like, you took some of my power by going through the Enchantress's mirror. And that was fucked up. Jake is like, look, this is an easy fix. Just make us one being again. Reunite us. And Thor's like, I could do it. I have the Odin Force, but no.
there has to be Odin decreed that Jake Olsen must remain a presence on Midgard. So mortal, you you stay immortal. And Jake does say here, dividing us makes you stronger, but it weakens your soul. So yeah so like,
doesn't that make the reigning Odin's fault? Yes.
by making a separate Jake Olsen presence. Yes. And then decreeing that he must go back to Earth. Yeah. Which is a weird thing anyway, because like, I think Earth could probably do just fine without Jake Olsen. Like, you know, like, but yeah, like, yeah, it's like Jake Olsen, you know, he's a he's paramedic. ah But um until, you know, six months ago, he was a bad guy. Right. Yeah.
Like, there's supposed to be a Jake Olsen in prison, or I guess his brother in prison, put like an automaton there, and that's fine. Whatever. Anyway, ah Disac descends from a building. Disac descends. Disac descends. From a building he's like, oh hey, you're the real Thor. I can feel way more power coming off of you. So um I'm gonna kill you now.
And he knocks Thor through a Starbucks, but on the page, it says it's called your books. Like you're like, why are you are? Should've been, should've been the daily grind. That's true. Um, i old Dan Juergens just wanted a real, like really wanted to put in a Starbucks joke there. Yeah. Watching this enchantress is like, Hey, T offee.
Thor is in trouble, you gotta go help him. So, Tioffi's like, okay. The design of Tioffi, like this Tom Rainey design of Tioffi, looks so much like a bro.
he's He's Adam X's head on Shao Kahn's body.
Very much so, yes. I'm not im not wrong. Cause he's got like a soul patch and his helmet looks like a backwards baseball cap, but then he's also got like the like Scorpion and Sub-Zero looking armor. Like he looks like Lady Deathstrike. Yeah. Uh, Tiofi,
was introduced in this run. Yeah. But, uh, but, you know, uh, Telfi is a, uh, an extant mythological character. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, interests like, Hey, you gotta go help Thor. Like you get, you get there as fast as you can. So as that's happening, de sac stabs Thor through the side, like he's Jesus on the cross.
Yeah. Yeah. Uh, Thor blasts to sack with a big shot of power and it doesn't hurt him at all. And to sack is like, is that the best you can do? And he pushes the sword further into Thor side. And Heimdall's like, I can hear his screams from here. And Dr. Strange is like, the port, the portents are coming true. Meanwhile, Jake Olson has gone back to the Enchantress's apartment and he's like,
What if I just dumped all these pieces of Thor girl into the mirror? Would that bring Tereen back? And it does. Like it works. That's handy. And then Thor, and then Jake is like, Oh, and if I go through the mirror again, I'll become Thor again. And Enchantress has to come through the mirror and be like, no, fuck that. Don't do that. Don't do that again. Yeah. T. Allvie shows up.
passes Thor ah the axe of Scourge, the executioner. That's right, it's the blood axe, baby. And throughout this whole thing, Thor's shirt just gets more and more ripped until it finally just rips off. Hell yeah. And Thor buries that fucking axe into Disac's chest. Really goes hard. Yeah.
And Disak is dead. This is the death of Disak. He's gone.
Thor number 50. Should have called this issue sacked out. Yeah. ah Thor number 50 has a cool pose Thor on the cover holding both Mjolnir and Skurge's axe. And like a big burst of energy is coming. Or I guess lightning is coming down onto Mjolnir. And also,
as noted on the cover, Thor penciling and writing contest winners inside. This is a good time to do it if you're going to do an all splash pages issue. Right. So the main story here is all splash pages. And then there are two backups, one by someone who clearly won a penciling contest and one by someone who clearly won to write a writing contest. Not because they're bad, right but because they're very like boilerplate. Like, yeah.
it's It's more than clear that like this is what we're giving to the contest winner. Yeah. ah So by Fireborn, part five of five, Heimdall is on the Bifrost again.
And again, it's like ah Asgard, a dream to some, a fantasy to others. But for many, a beacon of hope.
Uh, then there's a splash page of Odin. These are all Tom Rainey splash pages, by the way, and they look great. They do look great. Um, it is. The last time there was an all splash pages issue of Thor. It's the one where he fights the Midgard serpent and hits him so hard that he breaks every boat in his own body. This one does death definitely does not live up to that tradition. No. Yeah. Which I'm really like, Ooh, you, you kind of biffed it. Not.
like Like don't make me think about that. ah This is also interesting in that this story has no spoken dialogue. It is all narration caption boxes. isnt Anyway, the the second page is Thor and there's a little bit of narration about how you know er dot thor oin um ah little bit of narration about how Odin used to be the king. Now he's not, he's dead. Then ah the third page is a bit of a cheat.
It shows Surtur being killed and a bunch of inset panels of various characters reacting to that and reacting to Odin's death. So it's not really a splash page.
But anyway. ah Then there's a splash page of Thor becoming king.
Then there's a splash page of the fight with the Frost Giants and how devastating it was and how Thor took the blame for the losses. Not only did they have all the losses from the fight with Surtur, but now more losses from this fight with the Frost Giants, which Thor did abandon and and they took some losses. The next splash page is just a dead-eye close-up on Thor's face, and he looks mad. He's like, jaw-set.
um Also, his eyes are kinda like, blurry-looking, and the narration says, his eyes revealed the soul within. The Thor the universe had not had known for so long was gone.
Which we have to assume is the result of him losing the Jake Olsen part of himself, right? Yeah. ah Next splash page is a backed out shot of Thor holding the axe. And it's it's cool. It's a good pose, action hero pose. ah And the narration is about how his heart is still on Midgard.
Then it's pulled back even more on the next page. Thor is standing over the dead body of Disac as people look on. And the road underneath them is like totally destroyed.
Thjalfi is also there. Yes. I'm waiting to get to a discussion of my favorite part of this entire storyline. ah The next page is another kind of close up shot on Thor. He looks just exhausted here. He looks so tired of it all. And people are standing by watching. ah Some look excited, some look upset by what's just happened. Watching a guy made out of rock ah get killed with an axe and in the middle of the street.
ah Then we see another shot of Thor standing with Thjalfi, Thor girl, Enchantress and Jake Olsen are all there.
And there's some discussion of like, all of their reactions to this. And also how, you know, Thor girl is young and impetuous, but hopefully one day, so one day she will evolve humanity into something better.
Next splash page is Thor and Enchantress making out like it's a romance novel book cover. Because cause Enchantress has has got her hold on him now. ah Next page is Thor preparing to leave, swinging Mjolnir around as Jake and Thor girl watch. Next page is Thor looking back at them like pissed off.
because of human frailties. Uh-huh. He, like, notices Grey Gargoyle, who's, like, stealing Disac stuff, and also some human people, like, looting a store and, like, robbing each other.

Thor's Character Arc and Asgard's Destiny

Okay, good. I'm glad that youโ€”that we're talking about this, because hu Thor looks over And what really like sets him off is seeing these people who are looting. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And um here's the thing. i I took a screenshot of this page and named the file. Are they stealing fucking tech decks?
dot png g What are these dudes I guess those now that I'm looking at it I guess they're like VCRs with remotes they look like pieces of ikea furniture they look like They look like little half pipes Like with a little kicker around I have no idea what those are supposed to be. Yeah. Yeah, it's it is a It's a very weird scene, and I do like to imagine that Thor's like, not the tech decks. Well, what the narration says is, in the past, Thor would have flown through the area recovering whatever was taken. Such are the actions of an Avenger. A ruler, however, reacts differently. To him, they were like unto undisciplined children in need of parents, firm, unyielding response.
And so he hits Gregor Goyle with lightning, and makes lightning strike at the feet of the people who are looting. And he's like, and he's like, if you keep stealing shit, I will fucking kill you. Yeah. And then the next splash page is Thor and Enchantress leaving for real this time. And there's a bit of a cheat where there is some Thor dialogue, but it is in a caption box. And he says, wretched souls, thou wouldst all be better served if thou answered to the ways, rules, and laws of the realm ma eternal. Then as he leaves, he creates like a giant windstorm that knocks a bunch of people back. And there's a splash page of that. Look, you can't, when when people are disrespecting tech decks, you can't expect someone, even an Avenger,
must feel fury. ah As the windstorm is happening, the Lady of the Jewel, Disac's creator, makes his body float up into the sky. Do you think she's called that because she's made of harmless vapor? Well, then she'd be the Lady of the Jewel spelled J-U-U. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's an audio podcast, man.
Yeah, sure. That's yeah, sure. so he's the human database with we but She's the inventor of Jewel. j u u l yeah ah So she takes him to some planet and starts a ritual to bring him back to life to to rebirth him by fire, so to speak.
And then she remember she looks down at her hand and she sees an image of Zarko the Tomorrow Man.
the worst thing to see in your head. Uh, who knows all about how terrible Thor is going to become? And she sees a vision of like Thor somewhere in the near future being like a horrible despot. What is actually shown here is Thor fighting like a, like a sandworm looking thing, but he's wearing like a hat that indicates that he's bad.
Uh-huh. That's a bad hat. It's a bad hat. I don't know if we can call it the bad hat, but it's definitely, it's an, it's a heel hat. It's a heel hat. And he's got like faces on his epaulettes and stuff. So like this Thor is bad. You know, I was gonna correct you and say that, you know, those were skulls, but you're right. Those are faces. They look like. Look at Father Mosgos.
They do. They look like lions or something. I don't know. they They're not skulls. But anyway, then the last page is a close up on the lady of the Jewels face. And we see Tereen in her eyes. And she says ah of Tereen,
So too will my physical being still mired in the interests of youth take up arms. As of yet, she is unaware her own evolution has begun. She has no idea that the moment of birth and realization of the designate is here. So the lady of the jewel is the designate. The lady of the jewel is Tereen from the future. Yes, I think. yeah She is Tereen from the future. So we will learn more about that to come.
first backup story is called forever divided. It's by Dan Jurgens with Scott Hannah on inks. The penciler is Dion knuckles, who was the contest winner, obviously, who does a pretty good job. Like, I gotta say it was gonna be wild if Dan Jurgens was the winner of the pencil and contest. He's very, he's just very good. I don't, I, it feels like Dion knuckles. I don't know of any further Dion knuckles art, but Based on this, I think he should have done more. Yeah, I feel like I would remember the name if I had seen it anywhere. Yeah, apparently he has done some other work, some additional work, but not a whole lot else for Marvel. And I don't know, based on this, seems like maybe he should have. ah Anyway, this story is a bunch of war widows.
waiting for soldiers to come back from the battle with the Frost Giants? or Well, some of them are war widows, some of them are the wives of soldiers who went to go fight the Frost Giants. And Baldr comes back and he's like, hey, sorry, your your husband is dead. Hera, your husband is dead.
And so she falls down crying in his arms. There's another wife who ah sees that her husband is fine. Sif is asking about Thor and Baldur's like, he fucking left us. I shouldn't let my anger show, but he left us. And people start getting mad. They're like, what the fuck is going on with Thor? How could he do this? And Loki Shows up at like a funeral for some of these guys And he's like hey, I'm so sorry for your loss There's a lot of responsibilities having the crown. I'm sorry Thor's not here ah But I can help you So this is Loki's way of getting in
And essentially what happens is a bunch of people gather up and they're like, we're going to talk to Thor. We don't know what's going on. And Sif and Baldur are among this group. And Loki ends up saying like, I'll speak for you. Uh, and, and I'll, I'll, I'll, help I'll make sure you were able to speak when the time is right. Then that old guy we saw a few issues ago.
Mm-hmm starts talking and he's like Asgard is in crisis and it needs tending Thor's had enough time to grieve for his father. He should be here helping. This is this is Gorg's dog. You remember Gorg's dog, right? Yeah, who doesn't remember Gorg's dog? And he's like Thor's not here. And so they think Thor is not around but he and Enchantress and Teofi are there listening and and Thor's like, all right, I gotta to go get some advice. So he goes and talks to Zeus, who tells him like, ah I think I can help you out. So Thor shows back up with a fucking infinity gauntlet looking thing on his arm. And he goes, I have not lived up to the promise ah of the King I should be.
But we fought to the brink of death, and it was the might of Thor that finally vanquished Disac, and so we're back on track. Know this Asgardians, I'm not gonna worry about Midgard anymore. I mean, well, Midgard's always gonna, like, I gotta help people have shelter and stuff, but like, Asgard is my main concern now. ah So, you know what we're gonna do?
We're gonna just bring Asgard to Earth. And so on the last page, Asgard is seen floating above New York City. The concrete jungle where dreams are made of. That's right. The last backup is Children of the Gods, which has art by Joe Bennett and Jack Jadson on Inks. Jose H.P. Armenta is the writer who is clearly the writing contest winner. This is just a a story about how Thor goes to Earth and like kind of becomes the leader of a village, but people get mad at him because he can't bring a baby back to life. Or actually, well, like one mom gets mad at him because he can't bring a baby back to life. Then the people in this village just kill that lady. All right.
And Thor's like, no, fuck you. You shouldn't have done that. Why would you do that i would say that? Bad, that bad. So he leaves and goes back to Odin and Odin's like, people pretty fucked up.
Yeah, yeah but correct. So I mean, that is an interesting story about Thor learning a lesson about how like, you can't actually like as a god you can't actually go like directly rule over people because they're gonna kind of get mad at you no matter what you do um which seems like a lesson that Thor has forgotten in the rest of this um so yeah that's where we are that's where we leave it at the end of issue 50 wild times and we will we will come back start back with issue 51
ah Next time, I believe we have... This whole series is 85 issues. yeah The Jurgens part of it ends at 79. So we are well past the halfway point of the Jurgens run. We had talked about reading the Michael Avon aiming final story, the disassembled story. Yeah, which is only it's only one story. So yeah, it's kind of like where this Thor ends. It's, ah it's six issues. Yeah. ah So so we made may just do that. But anyway, that does it for this spider man shows up next issue. That's exciting. Exciting.

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