miss beth
matter how scary the things around me feel, I know that I will be safe and that I am loved and I matter. And I can look for those tiny things to pass on and I can make sure that other people around me feel that way too. Because I know that I know so many of my friends that are big city readers kids here. I know how much they care about making sure that everyone around them feels so loved and safe. I know that that's what you care about. So keep looking for those things and pass it on. Tell your brain to look for the hearts too. And tell me when you see some, send me a picture if you see a heart. I was doing this with my niece, Francis. And I said, I'm going to make myself work harder. I want to find a purple feather. And I told her that I was looking for a purple feather and I was looking for it for so long. I was looking for it for, I think it had been five days. And whenever I practice looking for hearts, I usually can find them by the end of the day. And I was feeling a little bit helpless and hopeless. I was like, where is the purple feather? I really need to find the purple feather. And I told her that I was feeling sad that I couldn't find that purple feather. And I was trying not to give up hope, but it felt like I should give up hope. And we walked past a purple feather, just sitting on the ground. And we both gasped because she wouldn't have known that I was looking for the purple feather if I wasn't this close to giving up hope looking for it. I wouldn't have told her. I was just challenging my brain to look for the purple feather. But since it felt so hopeless and helpless, I had to tell her. I had to tell my sister and I had to tell Francis. And I said, guys, I've been trying to find a purple feather and I can't. And then we found it. And that was a good reminder for me that sometimes when it does feel so lonely and so overwhelming, the next thing to do is to ask someone for help near you, is to ask someone or just tell them like, I'm feeling too much right now. Can you just sit with me? Which makes me think of the next book I want to read, which is The Rabbit Listened. And I don't know where I put it. I pulled my book list out and I'm just, did I put it? Oh, here it is. Oh my gosh, here it is. I have so many books that I want to read with you that I might be on here for 10 hours. Okay, but I'll keep it short. Okay, the next book I have for you is The Rabbit Listened. The Rabbit Listened. Do you have this book? Give me a thumbs up if you have this book. Oh, if you don't, you have to get it. It's one of Miss Beth's favorite stories. The rabbit listened. One day, Taylor decided to build something. Something new. Something special. Something amazing. Taylor was proud. But then, out of nowhere, things came crashing down. Oh no. The chicken was the first to notice. Oh, look at Taylor. That is how some of you might have felt today. Cluck, cluck! What a shame! I'm so sorry, sorry, sorry this happened. Let's talk, talk, talk about it. Cluck, cluck! But Taylor didn't feel like talking. So the chicken left. Oh, now the chicken looks angry. But Taylor just didn't want to talk. Next came the bear. Oh, the bear looks angry too. Now Taylor looks a little bit more surprised. Roar! How horrible! I bet you feel so angry! Let's shout about it! Roar! Do you want to shout about it like the bear? Let's do it together. Roar! Oh my goodness. Yep, that feels about right. But actually, Taylor didn't feel like shouting. So then the bear left. But the elephant came and the elephant knew just what to do. I can fix this. We just need to remember exactly the way things were. Elephant feels very confident. But Taylor didn't feel like remembering. So the elephant also left. One by one they came. The hyena, hee hee hee, let's laugh about it. The ostrich, gulp, let's hide and pretend nothing happened. The kangaroo, tsk tsk, what a mess. Let's throw it all away. And the snake. Let's go knock down someone else's. Do you feel like doing that? Hmm, I see Taylor might be considering it. But Taylor didn't feel like doing anything with anybody. So eventually they all left. And Taylor was all alone. In the quiet, Taylor didn't even notice the rabbit. But it moved closer and closer until Taylor could feel its warm body. Together they just sat in silence until Taylor said, please stay with me. The rabbit listened. The rabbit listened as Taylor talked. The rabbit listened as Taylor shouted. The rabbit listened as Taylor remembered and laughed. The rabbit listened to Taylor's plans to hide, to throw everything away, to ruin things for someone else. Through it all, the rabbit never left. And when the time was right, the rabbit listened to Taylor's plan to build again. I can't wait, Taylor said. It's going to be amazing. The