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Glick's House of Music: Calli and the Boot N Rally

Nonsensical Network
18 Plays3 months ago

Glick hangout with and got to know the witchy skateboarding cowgirl Calli from Calli and The Boot N Rally. WE talked about her music journey musical influences and life  we also found out that Glick and Calli have one big thing in common.



Introduction and Welcome

the the
Cause I'm asking for trouble
If my buttons will work, we're gonna do a live show here. but Anywho, what's going on, everybody? Happy Tuesday. Welcome to Glick's House of Music. I know there's some kind of big event or something going on today. Maybe I can distract you guys for a little bit from that.

Guest Introduction: Callie from 'Callie and the Boot and Rally'

I guess it's kind of a big deal. I don't know. Anywho, I'm Glick. This is Glick's House of Music. It is a part of the nonsensical network. If you're not already, go ahead and check us out. We are everywhere.
Facebook, Instagram, X and TikTok shows live Sunday through Monday, Monday through Sunday on YouTube. And you can listen anytime, any place, wherever you listen to podcasts at all at the nonsensical network, or you can simply go to buy bio slash nonsensical network. All them links are going to be there, including our merch store. Go ahead and check that out. All kinds of goodies there, including ladies and gentlemen, it is getting cold out. Well, it's supposed to be getting cold out in some areas. We got hoodies.
We got hoodies, so you can get yourself a hoodie. Might as well get yourself two, because if you got a girl, she's going to take one. So, anywho, enough of my bullshit and my shenanigans. Welcome to the stage. My guest tonight, Ms. Callie. Callie and the boot and rally. How's it going? Welcome, welcome. Thank you for having me. It's going well. Looking forward to this. Absolutely. Well, I appreciate you being here. I always I always show a lot of love for you guys taking time out of your day. Cause I don't know what you got going on in your world, but you, you decided to come up here and, and hang out with me for a little bit. And I'm very grateful for that.

The Meaning of 'Boot and Rally' and Personal Reflections

Um, Hey, because I stumbled across you on the socials and I've become a fan. and so So I get to, I get to kind of fan boy out a little bit because, you know, ah you're just an internet person to me. And now, now I get to hang out with you and have that little.
One-on-one. That's what it's all about. You love that. But yeah, welcome. Welcome to the show. um Right off the bat, I gotta ask you. Mm-hmm. Because cause I felt like I've been saying it wrong the last about week or so, week and a half that I've been promoting on the live shows and whatnot. Cali in the booting rally. Mm-hmm. I'm nosy, and I like to creep. So I know what the booting rally is.
But do you want to explain it, where the name came from yeah and the meaning behind it? And I love it. I did get this question quite often because I mean, if you're not from the South or you're not privy to that term, people are like, what does that even mean? But OK, so to boot and rally means to puke and then keep partying.
But I would say it's a little more than just that grotesquerie.
It's going full send. It's getting back up on the horse after you get knocked down. It's giving it your all. And I think that's the main message that we kind of wanted to portray. um But yeah, just, you know, full send. Don't stop. Nice. I love it. And I had I have not heard the phrase or seen the phrase. I'd almost forgotten about it since I was younger growing up. who's like um yeah I'm from Ohio. I'm born and raised here. I'm from Podunk, middle of nowhere. just ah I call it a little booger on the map because that's what it looks like if you look up my hometown.
And then I heard it again several years back when I first moved down. I was living in South Carolina for a while. And I heard somebody say it. You just don't hear that anymore. we don't You know, you know. and And I think, you know, from, for you know, looking at your socials and in the Internet and stuff, it's kind of a way of life that you guys live by. You just like it let it go and do what we're going to do. Just do it. Go for it. Don't hold back. We get one life. I mean, really get it. Yeah. I shoot your shots. Yeah. Yeah. That's what the kids say these days. Yolo. I mean, I'm an old man, so
What do I know? Okay. I've already put in my time on this crazy thing called life. I'm ready to, I'm ready to get off this road. I don't, not, not going. I'm just ready to get off this ride. because start This is, this adulting stuff sucks. I keep telling my kids the retirement. navy Yeah. Yeah. I want to hit the lottery. i go to Mexico sounds great. say One of my co-hosts did that. Actually he's been down there for 20 some years. never looks back That's what I'm saying. yeah I just want to hit the lottery, buy a bunch of land and just go and be left alone. That'd be nice. Yeah. I'm going to tell my kids, enjoy being young while you have it because, you know, this adulting crap is seriously. Revel it. Yes. That's you.

Ohio Roots and New Beginnings

Responsibilities suck.
so um You know, but you don't talk about it. We were talking backstage and got a little pleasant surprise. You're a fellow. Ohio, love yeah right right up the road, not too far away from me. oh So, you know, congratulations on being the first actual ah fellow Ohioan in here. You got out. You got out. Don't come back. Don't make the mistake that I did. Don't come back. Come back to visit. You know, definitely come back to visit if you got family and stuff still here.
but don't, don't make the move back. I'm trying to get back out. I got away for 10 years and I was like, this is great. And then again, life said, no, no, you had your, you had your fun time to go back to Ohio. real really back in Yeah. I ah got another eight years on my, on my Ohio sentence before I can get out. Maybe they'll let me out early on. good behavior yeah Maybe we'll see what happens.

Callie's Musical Journey

but uh and now you're all the way all the way out on the other side you really ran away like you really got the hell out of touch as far as i can go um the music how long have you been doing music is this something you've been doing for a while or did you just kind of go one day hey i think i want to sing some songs Oh, I mean, let's see at like 23. I picked up a guitar when I was living in Florida, i like bought my neighbor used to like hand build guitars. And like I was always into singing, but never really played. And he he was like, I got to get rid of this guitar. I hear you out there on your ukulele all the time. And I really want you to just have this guitar.
and He like hand-built himself and he was like I want to hear you playing it and I used to sit out there all my life I every single night teaching myself and I joined a couple like little folk bands and stuff when I was down there But never really took it too seriously Not so I moved out here to Seattle but yeah this How long how long you been out there so far I moved here in 2018 I but okay You've been under for a little bit. Yeah, gotcha got your your your wings under you after in Seattle Yeah,
yeah hopefully you can avoid some of the crazy that's out there here there was a lot to avoid well i'll be managing Hey as long as we can get by at the end of the day I was I was gonna say you you said you did a little bit in the folk scene, you could definitely hear that and in in your song. And you have a very, I think that's what caught my ear. And I say this to everybody. It's more about the voice that first catches my attention, because everybody I come across, it's it's Instagram. So any artists that are out there listening, and if you're not on Instagram, get on Instagram and get your music out there, because my algorithm is great.
I scroll and you have time. I'm just mindlessly scrolling, you know, just like we do on our phones these days. And a voice will catch my ear. And then I've got ah do to the scroll back, hope we don't refresh and try to find it and everything else. um But that's usually what happens to me. I'm scrolling and and the singer's voice catches my ear and I have to stop. And then I want to go and see what else they got going on. um i I really enjoy your voice. I think you have a very unique voice, a different sound. And and that sounds, you from from reading and and and looking on the interwebs, you guys are calling yourselves outlaw country, which is nice to see that there's a little bit of a resurgence in that. There's a few artists out there that seem to be bringing it back. Okay, I'm old. I'm not old.
in my 40s, but I still grew up, my parents listened to like Willie and Waylon and, and all those guys. So it's like, you know, there's some little, little resurgency. I like, I like it. So was that something that you plan to do or is it just kind of happened? Well, I,
I think I've always kind of listened to like that Southern Gothic kind of spooky, darker folk. It's always piqued my interest since my teens, um just because it was so niche and especially back then. I mean, I'm kind of old too. I'm i'm in my 30s.
so house He's been um it's been around, but it's hard to find unless you're kind of looking for that sound. And once I found it, I just couldn't get enough of it. I just kept consuming, consuming as much of that style and that genre as I could. I even like got really into like the Southern Gothic literature and like all of that stuff. It's just very fascinating and like kind of lorry and I i yeah like that. But yeah, I see a lot more resurgence of this like Gothic Americana coming back. And like, I just, it makes me so happy because it's always been a very close place in my heart. Very, very close. um what Who are some of the artists that that you enjoy or or kind of look up to you know as you start to kind of find this this niche that you want to go into? Yeah, for sure. um I would say like old school, like shovels and rope.
I think they're based out of like North Carolina. I've always loved them. Even like when Carrie Ann Hearst did her solo project before she formed the band, I was just in love with her voice and like the sound. um Another similar band was like Holly Go Lightly and the Broke Offs. Like I loved them. They have like a very like two person like spooky folk. yeah and uh very inspired by that of course i love like 16 horsepower and like woven hands and all of those kind of like a little more true southern gothic stuff a but i mean the classics too like love johnny cash love highwaymen love townsvans zant like it just kind of is a pretty broad scope i guess yeah just out there no there's definitely something about that style of music that um almost like
ah Uh, almost in transition, like it, it sucks you in and it, you know, cause there's, you know, I, I kind of bounce all over the place, just depending upon my mood. But, um, I found myself in those wormholes before and, you know, I.
I read a little bit and I'm more like, I usually fall down those rabbit holes because I like to get into the paranormal stuff like ghosts and love it legends and urban legends and cryptids and all that stuff, which that gothica kind of falls in line there. So I usually find myself down those wormholes and I'll be watching a YouTube video and and somebody will be playing an artist or a band in the background or their intro and I'm like,
You're like, what is that? who these Yeah. For these people. Yeah. I need to find them and I want to listen to more. help Like True Detective. True Detective has some of the best soundtrack. Love that. Oh my God. Yeah. So good. Great show. Great show. But I need to watch the new season, by the way. but Great show. And it's very good to love it. Yeah. I heard that it was really good. I just haven't had You know what?

Discovering New Music and Upcoming Releases

I got the weekend to myself this weekend. I'm being left unsupervised for the weekend. I may be out because my fiance and I, we watch shows together. And I know that's because I've told her, you should watch this. I'll start it over with you because the first couple of seasons are so good. I'm like, I'll start it over with you. She's like, nah, maybe I'll do that this weekend. I'll watch the new season. I'll have to make a reminder because... You will not be disappointed. It's almost my favorite so far. Oh, wow.
Yeah. Okay. All right. to I'm glad to make a note. So I remember to watch it and check it out. I'll have to let you know what I think. yeah But, but yeah, I love that stuff. But then do you hear that music on the shows or different documentaries or whatever. And then it's like, well, now I have to find out who they are. And again, it's a new way to get introduced to new artists or new bands that you might not have heard of before. And and all of a sudden you're you've got a new, a new band, which once you, I think Anybody who who is actively on social media, the algorithm can become your own worst enemy, but also your new best friend at the same time. so you sometimes yeah Sometimes it beat you over the head to death with with with things and it's just like, all right, I get it. I looked at it a couple of times.
You know, I liked, I liked two videos with pit bulls in it. That's not all I want to see anymore. Not that I don't like pit bulls, but like I'm good. I'm good here. Yeah. Um, how how long have, um, have you, uh, now I'm assuming the.
boot and rally, is that your band? Or, okay. We'll make sure you're not the entirety of the network. I am Cali. Yeah, there's a whole band, yeah. How long have you guys been together and been doing music? um Well, we've kind of moved some members around since we began, but I guess we started, well, it wasn't back in, it was the beginning of COVID, 2020.
Yeah, so we've moved some people around. We had a keyboardist. Now we're working with a new banjo player, a harmonica player. Yeah, I'm looking at a new pedal steel player, actually. I need to send him some tracks this week, but I'm excited to have him on board. Nice. Moving and shaking. Moving. Yeah, there ain't nothing wrong with that.
we got We got anything coming out, any anything new on the horizon, anything that you're impatiently waiting to put out to the public because I know I will speak for myself here. I am definitely waiting for more music. I can't wait to see what you guys do next.
um I'm really excited. So we were going to drop an album, but we decided to wait until the spring just because releasing during the holidays gets really complicated. People are moving around, traveling. It's not super ideal. So we're looking for an album released in the beginning of March. yeah And then we'll have our next single coming out just before Thanksgiving.
um I don't know how much you want me talking about the song, but I definitely think about Spitfire.

Storytelling in Music and Audience Engagement

You'll definitely like this song. um It's very Bonnie and Clyde themed. Okay. Probably our most traditional country song off the album. A little heartbreak kind of ballad thing going on there. um But yeah, it's fun. But she's definitely up-tempo and still has that boot and rally spirit that we ah stful there we go And so I'll be looking forward to that here in the next couple weeks and there's nothing wrong with the there's nothing wrong with a good country yeah heartbreak song sad song I yeah I've talked about that with other guests sometimes You don't even have to be going through a heartbreak or be sad or anything like that Sometimes you just want to hear some some old-school sad country music just because it's old and a lot of times It's the stories behind them. You know, I think that's what I miss about growing up
ah the bands that I grew up listening to and the artists I grew up listening to, they told stories. Now I sound like the old curmudgeon that I'm becoming. Oh, you're so good at that. Today's music is just, yeah let's get into a studio and punch it into AI and put a a hook on it and a beat and and then that's it. You say the same words 14 times in in three minutes with ah with a little catchy hook or whatever, and you throw it out there and Some kids eat it up, man. But this thispa it definitely tells quite a story. ah Kind of gets a little emotional here at the end, but it's definitely, yeah. Well, I mean, if it's Bonnie and Clyde ask, I mean, anybody who knows the story of Bonnie and Clyde, I mean, it's, you know, you're almost rooting for him at the end of the day. well That's it.
Yeah. So all um um'm definite definitely be looking forward to that. you know Since I've heard Spitfire and I've listened and i've listened to it, God knows how many times. And congratulations, by the way. You guys hit, what, 10K plays? 15K plays? Oh, we actually just hit 15. I checked it yesterday and hit 15. I was excited. Yeah, congratulations on that. That's awesome. What's what's that like for you?
you know just kind of I didn't, wasn't expecting it. We didn't really put out a whole lot of marketing or anything for it. So I guess the algorithm just kind of took it and ran. Um, I'm super grateful that it's getting out to people. I've been getting a lot of good feedback on it. People are just, they're like, when's more, they're like, we want more. Yeah. You gave us, you gave us a little, a little appetizer. Now we're, you know, the people who are enjoying it and who who like it.
were We're waiting for the but the entree, the main portion. The baby birdies are

Live Performances and 'Spitfire' Success

hungry. You got to feed it. Yeah, we're we're super excited for the next song. I think everyone's going to really like it. I'm definitely looking forward to it at you the you know at the end of the day. Definitely ready for more. um i was When I come across Spitfire, I was like,
Then, you know, it's like, oh, this is all I have. This isn't nice. This is this is not cool. but you can't You can't just tease us like that. ah So definitely looking forward to that. Do you guys do you guys get around and get the opportunity to do gigs and stuff like that or something? Is that something that that you enjoy doing if you get to do it? Yeah, we played a couple local shows. um When we filmed the music video for Spitfire, we actually went down there and played a full set before we did the shooting. That was like the kind of ah agreement we had made with the bar. They're like, you got to put on a show for us, but then you can do whatever you want afterwards. And yeah, we are planning to book more shows coming up soon. um My guitarist has currently just got surgery on his hands for some issue carpal tunnel thing going on.
Um, but yeah, once he's back on the mend, we're going to start, uh, doing some shows. We had one books for the 30th, but we had to cancel sadly. Cause he's just. and time yeah Just because you got one hand, that's not an excuse. but The drummer de leopard was, uh, one of the greatest drummers of all times. And he only had one arm. You're not wrong. You're not wrong. bo rally guitar player come on buddy boom but no ah So actually, that little that little bar where you guys shot the video at, that looks like my kind of place. I love those little hole in the wall, just everybody knows everybody. I love those places.
Well, we had, okay, so when we were scouting for places to shoot the video, I knew what I wanted. I had that old country dive bar idea in my head. And I was just pretty much on the Google maps, just like looking at bars in the middle of nowhere. And we had been a couple of them and we were driving and we had stopped to go to a thrift store. And we parked right in front of Bucksnort, which is the pub we filmed it in, because originally I had seen it on the map and I was like Bucksnort, that's a ridiculous name. asked about it And then we happened to be in front of it and we were like, whoa, should we just like go in there since we're like literally across the street? I didn't know what the inside of the bar looked like or anything. So we just like went in to check it out. The second I walked in, I was like,
This is it. This is where we're filming it. And we just sat down at the bar and talked to one of the bartenders who connected us with the owner. And they were like, yes, we would love that. We said everything. And then we shot it a few months later. That is so cool. That is so cool. Excuse me. Right? We say it all the time around here. you know you You always land in the spot you're supposed to be when you're supposed to be there. you know Everything happens for a reason. so Uh, the cool thing about the video was towards the end. It was almost like, I can go back to the the sound and, and putting people in trances. It almost looked like, you know, as they were dancing around, it was just like.
I've seen this before. ah A little hocus pocus action. A little witching and bewitching of the the townspeople. We loved it. Yeah. Yeah. i So was that part of that? Was that something you wanted to go for? Or does that just kind of just yeah come about? Yeah, that was kind of like the loose idea. I was like, we just stroll into town, stir up a storm and then just quietly exit down the street.
And everyone really turned out for it. Like, everyone had such a good time. We probably were there for like eight hours shooting. And people were having a good time. A couple of people got a little too drunk. They had to to be escorted out of the park. No. Yeah, yeah was it was a hoot. We had a good time.
Sounds like a normal Wednesday night for one of those small-town bars. and yeah Frank and Larry get a little too hammered. Local PD come and take them home.
I'm from a small town. I know how this goes. I may have been i may have been the poor bastard one or two times that got the escort home from the sheriff's deputy. Come on, Glick. Let's get your home, big boy. I've definitely been thrown out of a few bars to my side.
I can say i've I've never been thrown out. I've ah never been thrown out of a bar, which I guess is a good thing. I've thrown a lot of people out of bars. I did bounce for a few years, but I've never been thrown out. I have been asked politely to call it a night, at least in my head. It was it was politely. I don't know how it went down, but I left on my own a accord. There you go. that Yeah. No, that's That's so cool. I think that's really cool when you can tell in the video that it's not all Hollywooded up, you know, it's it's it's true. It's it's real. It's kind of adds a a gritty raw edge to it. that That's that makes it that much more enjoyable to to do.

Songwriting Process and Inspirations

Do you guys do you guys write collectively together or do you write your your music or?
Um, uh, I would say me and my producer did a lot of collaborating, um, on the first album. Um, I probably will not be producing the next album with the same producer, but I would say for the most part, I write a lot of my own melodies, all the lyrics, kind of the musical direction of the whole thing. Yeah. Where do you, uh, where do you draw your inspiration to write for me? Um,
I have this really bad habit of like picking up old Western novels and going to... And I sit there and I, you know, will take notes and take inspiration from certain things. But I guess really everywhere, a lot of life experience I draw from, you know, like I feel like for the young person that I am, I've i've seen some shit in my life. um So I know I would say a culmination of, you know, what I see in books, my personal life. Yeah. You can't go wrong there.
And there's nothing wrong with reading a classic old Western because a lot of, snap ah I, I'm personally not a reader myself. The books that I do read, I think it's, I think it's because I have like serious ADHD, ADD, and you know, there's always constantly squirrels or shiny objects that distract me. Uh, but when I do read books are usually like, like I said, it's usually more towards like the paranormal stuff. So like.
Every story is different so it can keep my attention. But I know my fiance, she's a big reader, but she reads a lot of the, what is it? What do they call it on TikTok? Spicy bookck but stock yeah yeah book Yeah. Sometimes she starts telling me about it. I'm like, she's Louie. Yeah. What is going on in that book? Read Dr. Seuss or something. Read the Bible. ah
He's like, give me Jesus.

Fascination with the Wild West and Simplifying Life

So there's nothing wrong with reading a good classic question now I do enjoy now, you know, I don't read but I'll watch the hell out of some Western oh my gosh there's so many good ones it' was Just I say it all the time this is actually a really cool question to ask if you could go back in time There's again squirrel moment. This is how my brain works a thousand miles an hour all the time If you could go back in time, what error of time would you go back to?
I think you know the answer. I think I already know the answer, but still. Yeah, they oh was far yeah that's that's all I've always said. I'm like, if I could ever go back, I want to go back to like the Wild West, man. I want to be a gunslinger. Or I could just walk onto a piece of land and be like, this is mine now, damn it. I claim this here land mine. Exactly. I want to be like a gunslinger.
Yeah, I'll shoot you dead and it's and it's legal. yeah Yep. You want to put up a wanted poster? Go ahead. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And so I've always said I want to be like a gunslinger, an old law dog or something like that. Like there's nothing better than, you know, in the in the westerns, the new Marshall comes to down and walks in the saloon and he's just got that badass strut and everybody goes quiet because they know better.
And and in one of my favorite lines and all I say it all the time from Tombstone when Wyatt goes after the Cowboys, you tell him I'm coming and hell's coming with me. like I love that attitude. like I want to I can't do that. I mean, I can walk around with two guns on my hip like I'm Wyatt Earp here today, but then people look at me like I'm crazy. Yeah, but yeah, I would love that man. No.
Hey, you know, we could use a hard reset though. Just a little bit. Just a little bit. Take us back to our roots. Just a little bit. Just a tad. Just take the internet away from these kids for about three months. Just a little reboot. That's all we need. I wouldn't be mad at it. I would not be mad at it at all in any way, shape or form.
I do. I'm um'm a sucker for a Western, and even some of the newer ones. They've done some really good new ones ah that have been out there. And I'm like, here I am. I'll be on the couch for the next four hours because I found out that this movie has a sequel. So now I have to yeah do it. Watch them both. Even the new even the one that the 1883 from Yellowstone, I didn't watch any of the other Yellowstone's. I didn't watch 1883. It was really good. It was really good.
I was super close. I do want to check that one out. But I have tried with Yellowstone. I have tried. And as much as I love Kevin Costner, and as great as Costner is, and and and an old boy that plays Rip, I like him as a cowboy. Now, granted, I was introduced to him as Matthew McConaughey's best friend in the, oh, God, what was that movie?
Shit. I lost my train of thought. I think I'm stoner movie that McConaughey was in. They were high schoolers. Oh, I don't lost it. It's the best thing about high school girls. He's confused. Stays to confuse. There we go. That's that's where I was introduced to. But, you know, I like that. I like his character.
I like Kevin Costner. I just, I cannot, for the life of me, as much as I try, I cannot get into, I just can't get into Yellowstone. Yeah. I try ends i couldn't i just, yeah I didn't have it. Nope. and and And I'm sorry for any of you Yellowstone fans out there, but I would love to smack that button and yeah smack i want to smack Beth in the face with a sack of bricks. I cannot stand her. Crazy, crazy.
she she is she is something else but uh yeah yeah sorry yellowstone fans i've tried multiple times i've tried i just i just can't get i just can't do it you know i just uh and and it's like damn you kevin costner and then that and i did that new movie horizon and i haven't even attempted that because everybody who's watched it is like it's it's back it's straight out of your life i don't know i haven't seen it yet but yeah but Yeah. It's, it's, I think it's, I think it's like a two part movie and they're both three hours long. I'm like, Oh geez. I don't got that. that's not that that check I also have ADHD. I don't got the attention thing for that. No, I drive my fiance crazy because when but we're watching TV or something, I'm on my phone. But I told her I'm still paying attention to TV accident stimulation.
Yeah. But I gotta, otherwise I'm going to sit here. I'm going to fall asleep or I get fidgety and then I drive her crazy because my legs going a hundred miles an hour and I'm shaking the whole cow. ah just Like but I'm losing here no matter where I go. Yeah. You got to help me out. So like I'm paying attention to the movie and the television show, but I've got to have something that yeah to draw my attention away. Um, speaking of like movies and television,
When you're not doing music, and and and I'm assuming that currently right now, you you still do the

Future Aspirations in Music

nine to five thing. You still got the regular job. and It's more like 10 hours a day. Well, what i like are you hoping to reach a point to where you can do music full time or is this just? That would be the goal.
oh I mean, as much as I love working for this dealership, I i do just would love to be able to 100% like buckle down, tour a little more, you know, get my name out there, check out some other states, maybe get on some festival lineups. That would be a total dream. Yeah. That would be cool. I was talking about that with one another guest and like festivals.
seem to be like that anymore. That's like that ultimate get. And as a fan, you know, the smaller acts, one of the cool things about the festivals and why I enjoy, obviously you go because your headliners are Guns N Roses and, you know, Cod Smack and whoever else it is. But you get to, A, you get to maybe come across acts you may not have ever heard of before and you might become a fan of, but those smaller acts, they do their set and then they're down in the crowd. They're they're watching just like you because they're fans. So, yeah, I've been to a couple of festivals where there was a band that I had already kind of knew of and was was a fan of and wanted to see them play. And then later on that day, I'll look over and
the singer standing beside me for the main stage. And then I get to then i get to get to talking to him or or you know whatever shooting the shit is just like, oh cool. And now they've since gone on to be bigger, but im like, hey, I haven't had a few beers with that guy once upon a time. But I think that's a really cool thing about the festival. We went to, my producer and I went to Big Sky in Montana.
um Back in 2021, and we did, we ran into like Paul Cawthon, like out in the crowd, running around. If you don't know who he is, oh my gosh, you would love him. He puts on a killer show. um Huge fan. The game sounds familiar. Sounds familiar.
Yeah, he rocks. But yeah, it is. I love those kind of festivals, especially when they're like off on a farm somewhere. You do you get to meet all these cool locals and like these smaller acts that like I would have never heard of if I didn't just hang around the stage from the start of the festival and check out these people. And it's just like so much. There's so much talent brimming. It's just so inspiring. That is one thing for sure. the The talent pool for music is, you know, you got your e out there, but, you know, there's a lot of unheard talent that, that is a lot of artists out there that are just absolutely, I mean, again, this is why I do this show here. You know, hopefully, you know, get, get some eyes and ears on, on, on people that maybe they might like a certain type of music and then they hear you on here with me and hear your music. We go check her out some more, you know, check them out and see what they're doing. Um,
But you ever if you ever tour out this way, you guys are out in Ohio, you have to let me know and I'll make sure I'm there. Absolutely, absolutely. I know my my family has been harassing me. They're like, come play a show in Columbus, come to Ohio. And I'm like, it's not on my immediate to-do list, but I will try to work that out.
say we got a couple couple nice venues right across the street from where I work down in the arena district now yeah oh my gosh it's primal there's so many uh i loki missed the columbus music scene it's not see i mean i'm sure 10 20 years ago 30 years ago the seattle music scene was Peak. Peak. Oh, yeah. It's it's not you know what it used to be. I mean, I grew up in Columbus and like I was a kind of like a little punk rocker. I thought I was. I wanted to rebel. And there was just so much community and like the music scene out there and how shows and all the record shops down there. Like it's oh yeah it's definitely the place to be if you like music. There there still is. I mean, it's it's it's just gotten bigger. um You know,
I'm down in the arena district every day. And we've got the music bar and Kimba. They're right beside each other. Oh, yeah, Kimba. Yeah. And then there's another place. I can't remember the name of it. ah That's right up the road. it's our It's right off of High Street. But there's a bunch of venues. No, the Newport. I don't think they call it that anymore, do they?
the It's going to always be the new port to me. i say Yeah. I, I seen tech nine there when I was like 20, 21. And I was the only white guy and I was like, uh, definitely, definitely way out of place here, but it was it was fun. I had a great time. I'm a big fan of tech.
ah You know, a couple songs in, people realize, okay, he knows what he's doing. He's an old-school hip-hop head. You know, like I said, I like all genres of music, but I am an old-school hip-hop head as well. So, but it'll always be the port, just like the, I think Al Rosa's still there. My uncle actually owns Al Rosa. Does he really? Yeah. Nice. old world Yeah, I remember when the whole Dimebag thing happened. It was just,
ye the worst. Yeah, that that that I've been there so many times. i you It's cool. Yeah, and it's a great venue to see a concert.

Lifestyle and Leisure: Skateboarding and Travel

It's, you know, it's a fun time. That's so cool that your uncle owns it. But yeah, you know, we we still have our old stomping grounds, but there's a bunch of new things. There's a bunch of new places. There's a um there's a new bar that just opened up out here by me. It's called Big Stands. And they just They just built this big, beautiful outdoor stage. And I'm like, I have an idea here in a year, yeah probably two years, that I want to try to put together my own like little music festival and invite you know former guests of the show to come and be a part of it and whatnot. But I'm like, this and I want to do it here because it's outdoors. It's out in the country. He's got this big, beautiful stage. I've got a really cool freaking bar.
They've just added a kitchen and everything like that. They want to put a campground around it. I'm like, this one. I see you at the end of the day. So I'm working with a former guest that I've become we've become really close with kind of kind of sort of getting the ins and outs about I got to actually have a sit down conversation with them, but they're busy about how to go about looking at putting together a music. That's because I want to do a full three day weekend, four day weekend thing like it just bring people from everywhere and have all different types of music and everything like that. ah He's like, well, I'll be out as much as I can. And they've been they've been in the business for a long time. So ah that's ah that's a little goal slash dream of mine that I would like to achieve here in the next few years.
But, um, but yeah, that's a, that's a cool thing. And one thing that's kind of disappointing is, uh, I got all this great talent in my own backyard, but I can't get any of them on my show. come on guys So, central Ohio musicians on Facebook, if you're watching, I'm talking to you.
just eight Um, kind of lost my train of thought. I went off on a team. Oh, that's what I was going to ask you. when you're not doing music and you're not working a million hours a week, because that's what we do. We slave away to the man, you know, anymore. What do you like to do? What do you like to get into? What do you what do you like to do to cut loose and unwind? I love skateboarding. Really?
It's like my kind of my outlet. I just I'll put like five miles on my skateboard. I'll just go from like one end of the city to the other and back down by the waterfront. um I put like chunky longboard wheels like on my skateboard with some risers. So I, you know, because our sidewalks up here, they're terrible. But yeah, I would say that I mean, I love going camping. I love hiking. I just love like getting out
out of the house and gotta watch out for Bigfoots out there. there He's out there. He is out there. And I've been hearing more and more stories about people who live in like rural Washington and like helicopters hovering around their house. And there's like whole conspiracies that they're trying to chase him in out. And I'm like, I don't, I'm low key glad I live in the city. I don't have to worry about Bigfoot at least. Well, yeah if if if the guys were here to tell you that they would tell you you're being interviewed by a Sasquatch right now.
all the guys on the network call me a Sasquatch. So you can say, you can tell I got seen, I sat down and talked to one. He's there. They're actually pretty cool. we've got them on footage Yeah. and They, they, they call me a big Sasquatch all the time. Like, Oh, well, I mean, I do live in Sasquatch country at the end of the day. So, um,
so do you just, you just, just skate, just ride around, skate, or do you, are you doing any like tricks or anything like that or um i'll occasionally go to the skate park there is not a lot downtown near me i think i have to go way out to capville to find one so i i don't really tend to go to the skate park there used to be a really cool one at the space needle they kind of revamped it i don't really like it as much now but yeah i'll be out about sometimes i feel like i kind of missed out this summer i've just been so busy with like
launching all the band stuff, like working on social media stuff, working on another video that's going to be coming out in the spring. um So I kind of missed out on my my good season of skate because, you know, I mean, we're in full on rain season now. I was going to say, you guys are getting all the rains and help and then before you know it, it'll be cold.
It is earlier. It was like 40 degrees. I'm like, I'm not ready for it. Why did I leave Florida? yeah hidden I've been asking myself that the last six years. Why did I leave Charleston? It was so nice down there. and then when it's Yeah. I miss going to the beach on Christmas day. Now that you can get in the water, I mean, even though it was nice and warm outside, the water still got cold, but you can still go to the beach and enjoy it on Christmas or maybe years or, you know, whatever.
But now it's like, you know, stay inside, become a, you know, become a mean old grizzly bear in the wintertime. Cause I can't get outside as much as I'd like. I've been doing my hermit things, reading my books,
hibernating away for the winter. Yeah. I just have this vision of you on your skateboard and your cowboy hat. Just since just just with the boots and you know it with your boots and everything just full on Western apparel. just rollcapating on the side Not enough of them. There's not enough of them. Let me tell you, I can't afford a horse, but I could buy a skateboard. skateboard
I mean, to be honest with you, it's not like that'd be the strangest thing you'd see in Seattle. You want to stay bored in your boots and People wouldn't even bat an eye. It'd be kind of a normal thing to see. It'd be worse. Yeah, yeah literally. They'd be like, well, not the goofiest thing I've seen all day.
No, I just can't get that image out of my face. And you don't if you don't look like you look like you're a tiny little thing. So like, yeah, this is already just like just this image. That's me on my tech deck. Yeah, right.
And what am I? Blaze don't get any ideas. one of my One of my guys is in here. Blaze, he does a lot of our are videos and AI and and you know digital content and stuff like that. He's been getting into that.
And I can, I can already hear the wheels turning. If he's still watching, he's like, you know, skateboard riding cowgirl in Seattle. but' such an ay mo and I do love it though. I like keeping people guessing. Hey, you know what you, you, you are, you're true to yourself and that's the best thing at the end of the day. You know, you're like, okay, this is me.
Thank you for leaving. I don't give a damn. I'm sorry. Just just just telling. her It's all right. I'm from Ohio. We're we don't know what we are. We're using Ohio as like some sort of insult. I don't know. I don't get it. I can't keep up with it. Hey, I did try to figure that out myself like that skippity bebop Rizzy Dizzy Ohio or something like that. It to me like I'm five. ah mean I don't get it.
I asked my kids and they looked at me like I like I had special needs and I'm like I mean we joke we we joke a lot here on the network and we we say we call Ohio northern Florida or we call Florida southern Ohio because they're basically becoming one in the two anymore. The same place Ohio man is the same as Florida man now.
and Yeah, it really is. It's it's crazy. we we do we do and We do a news show on here that we call what the fuck news. And it's basically just news stories that make you say what the fuck. We do it on Wednesday nights. at And most of our stories are either, i like I had to tell my co-host, can we get out of Ohio and Florida because, like,
There's got to be other ignorant people in this world other than, there's no way they put all the dumb people in two places. I really think it's because there's a lot of snowbirds from Ohio that go down to Florida. When I lived there, I used to run into people from Ohio all the time. And I'm like, what's happening? Where are you all here? And they're like, I'm just going to come down here for the winter. I'm like, oh.
so two so we can still blame Florida then. We can blame Florida and say they're infecting us good people from Ohio. Exactly. With their Floridiassee. Floridiassee.
I love that. I've never heard that. That's hilarious. Oh God, I got it. Don't get me wrong. i I love Florida. But I treat Florida like I treat New York. New York City.
great to visit. But don't stay too long. You know, I've got friends. I've got friends down in Tampa. I've got a lot of friends down in the Tampa area. It's kind of become my quote unquote second home. You know, I'm finding myself rooting for Ybor cities. So cool. So freaking cool, dude. I've been down to, I got to go down to Tampa couple of years. Well,
shoot What's it been four or five years about four or five years ago? I got to go down maybe five years now um shortly after my my wife and I split All my friends are like dude you get out of Charleston get a week away come down We'll show you around you'll have a good time. I was like I don't know man. I can't really take time off work blah blah walk They finally convinced me so I took a week and a half off work and jumped in my car. i like I took the week off, just said, hey, I'll see you guys Thursday. They're like, all right, we got you. And I went down there for for about a week, a little over a week. And man, I had so much fun in Tampa. E-Boy was a blast. We we went we we we spen a we went down there our two nights in a row because we went down there for, I got friends that are comedians and musicians and pop fellow podcasters and stuff like that. We went and seen
some open mics with some of the, I loved E-board. I couldn't, I couldn't live down there, but if I ever get back down there, I would love to go down and spend another couple of nights in E-board because it was so much fun. I mean, you leave one board bar and go a block down the road, you leave a comedy bar, you go a block down the road and you can listen to some live music. And, uh, but I had a lot of fun. Tampa's cool. I had fun, but I couldn't live there. I couldn't, I couldn't do it. The he's, the he's one thing.
I could, I could get used to the heat. I think, I don't know. I'm not a big fan of the heat. I'm not a big fan of the cold. I like this time of year that we're in right now, like spring fall where it's fifties in the morning and like seventies in the afternoon. Like I like that. It's the people. 100%. That's why I left.
And basically, you have free reign to shoot people in Florida at will. It's like the Wild West down there. So I mean, I would rack up quite the list. just because that's why I was like, I got to go or I'm going to cop in a soul charge. I got to get the hell out of here. Yeah. they Just be like, it's a normal day anymore. You're fine. Well, police said throw in weed, throw weed in there and he's your number one fan.
The cowgirl skater. I used to grow lead for two years when I lived in Colorado. So there you go, my dude. I think Blaze might have just fallen in love. I think Blaze was out in Colorado for a little while, too, working in that industry. What's up, Lazy Shaman? I see you down there, brother.
Yeah, no. i great Great place to visit. I had a lot of fun. Every time I've been down to Florida, I've had a lot of fun, but I could not wait to leave. After a week, two weeks, it's just like, all right, now now I'm done. I've had enough of the people. Oh, my bad. Sorry, Blaze. He was in Oregon, not Colorado. I knew you were somewhere selling weed, selling it, growing it, buying it, whatever it is.
Oh, I lost my train of thought again. That's what happens. Florida. Yeah. I had four years and I was like, all right,

Dreams of a Rural Lifestyle

I'm out. I'm out. I'm out. I did what I needed to do here. I'm leaving. And I went straight to Colorado.
yeah You're a bit of a slow learner there. It took you four years, four years. And I was like, I gotta to live on a farm where there's just nobody around me. Right. I don't blame you. I cannot wait for the day until I can just buy.
I mean, ideally I would like to have at least a hundred acres, but the the dream is like five, 600 acres. It just put a house on it. And, uh, well, I, I, easy, easy. The guys already accused me of trying to start a cult as it is. We're on the same page. I think I have my first, my first follower sustainability now.
Yeah, exactly. Um, no, I, always joke, man. If I ever hit the lottery, I'm buying like five, 600 acres. I'm gonna, I'm gonna give each one of the kids like 20, 10, 20 acres. Um, I've got, I've got three kids of my own and my fiance, she's got two boys. and So we'll give each one of the kids like 10, 20 acres, give them X amount of dollars to build a house. And then.
we'll give your mom and dad a little plot of land and build them a house, a little ranch that works out for them so they don't actually, we'll just have our own little family community right there. I mean, we can put them on the, you know, spread everybody out. So we're not on top of each other, but, uh, just get the hell away from the world. I mean, ah granted they have all the necessities, quote unquote, but I gotta have, I gotta have a studio out there so I can still do this, which I understand have internet and all that crap, but But, uh, that's it, man. I'm gonna hit the lottery one of these days. That's when I can finally just be like, he's out. I'm done working. me on the floor about yeah Yeah. You want to see me tune in to the podcast?
Just be done with it. Do you enjoy the travel? Sounds like you've kind of ah bounced around all. Yeah, I'm kind of, it seems like every four to six years, I'm like in a different place.

The Allure of Water and Motorcycle Dreams

I got my eyes broken. Just get bored and it's like, all right, I want to see something new. Normally it's like a job that takes me out, but this time I just, I do. I think the boredom is going to get me first. Um, cause I do, I love my job and I love working for Harley. I think it's a super cool culture and brands, but. Yeah.
something about the south is still calling me back. I'm like, oh, yeah. I feel you on that in the swamp. I don't know. Swamp. Let's call him a name.
I'm right there with you. I would love to live down in the ah down in the Bayou area or somewhere like that down in New Orleans or something like that. um' I'm with you. That's ah you know, I joke around. like I'm counting my days and so I can get back down south. You know, born and raised here.
It just, this place has never felt like home to me. I don't know what my, I truly don't know what my connection is with Charleston, but from the first day I moved down there, when, when we initially left, it was like, I finally felt like I was home. I don't know what it is, but yeah, the South, I love it down there. So I told her, I said, when, when cash, my, my youngest one, when he graduates and you know, I would love to go back to Charleston.
Maybe Tampa. I don't know how long I could I would give it I would give a deal college try. Yeah Yeah, yeah and I don't know why but I said Galveston And I don't really like anything. It's not that I don't like Texas. I just don't like Texans Yeah a little pretentious this moment But anywhere down south, Louisiana, somewhere in that area, I would like to be down south. And I want to be on the coast. I want to be on the water. Yeah. I need to have the water. I'm a Pisces. I got to be around some sort of water. That's what I didn't like about Ohio. I just felt so trapped. I mean, same with Colorado, too. Just stuck. Yeah, kind of closed in. I mean, we got Lake Erie.
Might catch a disease or find a dead body. think yeah my head Yeah, i I love being close to the water by the water. It's a very calming effect effect for me. It puts me in my happy place. I don't care where we go. As long as it's in the south and as long as it's along the coast and I'll be happy. you know Simple man, simple pleasures. Yes, exactly. I don't know if that's a good thing.
The guys call me simple too. I think for a different reason.
Just a big just just your neighborhood big dumb animal. That's all. Don't mind me. Just your local Sasquatch. Yeah, just just your friendly neighborhood Sasquatch. I'm not even that big. Now. Bigger than all them, but nonetheless. Uh.
I, this happens all the time. I just get like kind of tossed off and yeah, fuck it. We're just doing whatever we do. I but ah try to come with questions and and and and try to have some kind of idea of what I'm doing, but that doesn't always go as planned. I mean, that means it's flowing. It's good. here jesus oh yeah that's Yeah, that's, you know, it you know, you said you work for Harley. The great thing about Harley is they're literally everywhere.
I mean, so you could still stay with Harley and maybe be like, Hey, we got a, uh, a bat, a baton Rouge, Harley that I could go work in. We do Harley. We do Harley. Yeah, there you go. Uh, now I, my fiance, every time we, cause we've got, what the hell do we have here? We've got Youngstown, Delaware.
somewhere else that we drive by on a race. She's like, we need to stop in there so I can get my Harley chip. Oh yeah. You're a little poker chips. You got to collect them all. Yeah. She's an adult. I'm like, yeah. I'm trying to think. I think it's adventure Harley. No. I think we do have a, like I said, there's one in Delaware, Sunbury, whatever you want to call it. um Same damn place. like Youngstown has one. Yeah.
Youngstown has one, which nobody ever wants to go to Youngstown for anything. Let's be honest. We just have to drive through it for, cause she's from PA. So we have to drive through Youngstown to, to get to where she's from. But, uh, we had another one too. Where the hell was the other one? I know we've gotten more than three in Ohio, but I'm like, yeah, I mean, ain't much to go in there. I just.
They're always very, very conveniently. Yeah. I'm like, just go ahead and get your chip and get out before they try to sell us a bike. I'll wait in the car. They're on it too. Yeah. And I mean, I, I'm, I am not the biggest of Harley fans. Sorry. Uh, but I've always been, it I've always liked Indians and I think Carly just bought them out or something. I don't, there's somebody said something about it. Oh, I didn't do that.
Um, but I love the Indians always been a fan of the Indian. Uh, that's what I want to get. It's just like, at least they're so expensive. yeah we you we We almost bought an Indian from a Harley dealership. we're buying a one ah yeah I want an Indian. I do. I had a crotch jacket when I was younger. Now I'm too, too old and, and, and, uh, I got back problems to be riding around on a crotch. Well, sport bikes are all the craze nowadays. And I, you know, I, I'm just old school, I guess. I just, I just want a big cruiser. I want a big, like a big, and a big cruiser that we can get on. Yeah. do driving for you
yeah yeah That's what I, that's what I want. My old man's lazy. He, my pops, he's old. He's into the gold wings and triked out. and Oh yeah. I'll try. yeah well Yeah, dude. And it's, it's just like, yes got yeah, he's got like air conditioning and heat on it and satellite radio. And I'm like, does it come with a free blow job too? Like you're supposed to be riding a motorcycle. Yeah. I'm like, Oh Lord. No, I would love to get a big guy. So.
Do you now, this is probably a silly question on my end, but I'm assuming you have your own bike and you ride or does your significant other have one and you totaled in an accident? Oh oh no. Currently bikeless. Um, but I do once writing season starts again, I'm, there's no point buying a bike now. I'll probably wait till March. There you go.
But yeah, I got my eye on this wide glide. See, I'm like old school. Like I want a free two thousands bike. Um, I like my dinos. I don't know. I'll probably end up getting a bike. Come on. You already got your eye on one. i rely on it Now, do you get a.
giant oversized bike that makes you look awkward because on it, or do you have one that fits you accordingly? um I think that's the reason I like the Wide Blides. I know they're like a kind of a wider body, but I do like the way that I sit on them. It is very comfortable. I'm upright, not like marching forward the whole time. And I can get the handlebars extended to be closer to me. um I do like the little sportsters, like as far as how I sit on them. But I just think so don't, don't, don't hate me for saying this. I think they're ugly. I think they're super ugly. I mean, like we're talking about old school sporties. So cool. The ones are just not my vibe. Straight Bob, not my vibe. It's just not for me. Hey, you, we like what we like. Like I said, I would love a big, I like the, I like the older Indians. There's a couple of newer ones that I've seen that I like, but I like the older ones. I'm with you there on the older bikes. Um,
My uncle used to have this, God, it was like, it and this was only 10 years or so ago. I think it was like an eighties model gold wing, but it was all decked out, you know, for for the eighties. And this son of a bitch, for as old as it was, literally looked like it came off the showroom. I mean, it was in just perfect condition. I mean, it was pink or purple. I don't know, look pink.
Well, we used to make fun of him for that, but, but nonetheless, that's, that's the dream. Yeah. But it was, it was a clean ass bike for as old as it was. It was like, man, where the hell did you find this? hiding that is It was low mileage and so I'm like, nice. So hardcore people, they keep their bike locked, locked up, covered, winterized. They keep it perfect.
It probably is so much more when they keep them in good condition like that. So you said you got into an accident. I was not on the bike. Oh, somebody else wrecked it. on yeah It was how pretty traumatic, honestly, actually but bikeker the person but let me the but the bike bike is completely totaled. Uh,
Yeah. The frame was totally bent. He was not in good shape. He, yeah. is that please because Yeah, for sure. Yeah. for recovering yeah Um, I'm sure anytime he'll be getting back on the bike, you're back up on that horse. we got a ranally baby That's what it's about. Yeah.
i man you gotta ah people whether whether
writers themselves or other idiots on the road man people just ah see a lot of unfortunately i see a lot more riders today that have no respect for the bikes and usually they're the loudest ones all look twice save a life like bro you're I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, No, calm down. But yeah, it is a lot of a lot of the younger writers don't have the same respect that some of the older writers have grown up with and been around and seen. And that's that's kind of scary. You know, you see some of these accidents and stuff like that. That could very easily be avoided. And, you know, so. But glad everybody's OK and recovering. That's the most important thing. The bike can be replaced at the end of the day. I'm sure you want to.
Sure you won probably want to strangle him a little bit. That's what you get insurance for and make sure you get gap insurance. That's all I'm saying. The gap insurance is what's going to save your ass. Hey, oh my fiance and I were just talking about that that today when some jackass blew a red light and I had to contemplate for a split second. Do I T-bone this idiot or do I not T-bone this idiot? That's exactly what it is.
yeah it wass ah It was a little split second decision. I realized that the car was older than dirt and not worth that much, which meant they probably didn't have the best insurance and I have a newer car and they got to have gap insurance. I will never buy a car without it. I had a friend who went out and bought a brand new truck and six months later totaled it and didn't have the gap insurance and was stuck with that payment on that truck.
and that we in that that one and I'm like, nope, never gonna do that. If I ever buy new, when I buy new, i'm putting I'll pay the extra. $10 a month or whatever it is on the monthly payment because it's so because you never know. And I mean, with, I'm not going to say Washington has the worst drivers I've ever seen. Cause remember we lived in Florida that they're the worst down there. Um, but there's some really bad drivers out here and I'm telling you, they'll just merge right into your lane without looking. And it literally, like you said, in a split second, where you can even compute what is happening. You're just, yeah. it powerful
and my Yeah, Florida. I think I think I think the transplant cities and like you said earlier, the snowbirds come down the hole. We all know the snowbirds go to Florida. And when I lived in Charleston, we had technically three military bases. There's Army, Air Force, ah not Army, Air Force Navy and a Coast Guard base down there. Plus they had Boeing. So I mean, I knew more people that were from New York, Ohio, PA, Indiana um that were actually from Charleston.
and or South Carolina, because you have all these transplants and a lot of the military folk, uh, when they get done in the military, they go and work for Boeing. So it's just like, yeah, not originally from here. I got stationed here and I decided to stay, but you throw in all those different, Oh, this is how we drive in New York. This is how we drive in Ohio.

Driving Anecdotes and Humor

This is how we nobody knows how to drive and you throw them all into these places like Florida or.
touristy places, Vegas. Uh, I had a young lady on here a couple of weeks back. She's a Vegas and she was like, God, I can't drive here. a move Location, location, location. They say. Yeah. Ohio. I mean, Ohio's got great drivers. They're just aggressive as hell. I mean, if you're not with them, they'll run you right over, dude. On a daily basis. When I make my 45 minute drive from Columbus to Ohio, I wish I had the powers of telekinesis just so I just cars, just throw cars out of my way, toss them into a field somewhere. like Because they do, that they they're so damn aggressive and it's like
Yeah, I'm in the left-hand lane. I realized that, but speed limit 65 and I'm doing in a hundred, you're going a hundred. Yeah. Like calm down, bro. We're all going to the same place. You're you're not going to get there any faster. And it always cracks me up with the people that are in and out of traffic and almost running people off the road and everything else. Turn around and we get off at the same exit here in town. And I'm literally right behind them. Like a little clap.
Good job. You won the race. I'm right here behind you. yeah yeah You almost got pit maneuvered because you clip me cut me off, but just to get right here and, you know, we're at the same damn traffic light. Thank God I have control of my anger these days. You're real, right? Thank you.
Yeah, because 20 years ago, I might have gotten a few charges with these idiots on the road. I whipped my jumper cables out at some lady once in Florida.
I'm like, can't do that anymore. are You're an adult. You're a respectable young lady. Sometimes that shit goes out the window and your gangster's got to come out. Yeah, yeah, totally.
i I thought to all my Beyonce, I was like, as much as I want to, I don't carry my gun all the time. because I have a feeling that there would come a time where at a traffic light, I'm just gonna pop a couple in the air behind the car just to get their attention. Hey, just so you know. Just so you know. Is it worth it? It's like, well, let's keep it calm, cool, collective. You've got a family, you have bills, you have responsibilities.
You're a grown up now. god act like right um the point yeah today day for right now not today satan not today It's tough sometimes, you know, people people will do.
do try your inner gangster on a daily basis anymore these days. And I got little people Napoleon syndrome. I'm like, everybody.
The struggle is so real. Yeah. I know. you You know, once upon a time, my, my, when I was younger, my size alone got me out of a lot of things. Now nobody cares. And it's like,
Like you said, the Napoleon syndrome, the littlest people will get lippy with me and it's just like... You're like, who are you? Do you see this? My leg is bigger than you. Like, what are you doing right now? Lick you off the face of everything, you know? Yeah. Goodbye. Be gone, peasant.
sometimes it's Sometimes it's just adorable, let's be honest. You're just like, Hey, little buddy, which then just irritates him even more. oh little Little guy got mad or pulls me when people are like, okay, what are you going to do? I'll just sit on you. I'm like, yeah, you're right. I'm not going to do it.
like what what What are you about five foot tall, five foot, one, five foot two. five one in three quarters. I'll take it. I'll take my three quarters. I would say five two. well go five two so that's that's That's why you always wear cowboy boots. They're more comfortable than you. Yeah. I need the biggest hat you got, sir. yeah but hundred percent
Some little, ah for Lord Farquaad energy over here. I need the haircut. I should chop a little bobbin.
One of my co-hosts, one of my co-hosts, one of my best friends. We've been friends since we were 15. We tease him all the time because I think he's, I think he's five. I'll get yelled at for this. He's five three.
five, four, something like that. We always constantly telling that he's four foot eight. fifty
He's like, I'm five, three. Oh, that half makes a huge difference. Doesn't it, buddy? He is the king of Napoleon syndrome. Yeah. Some of us, we got it bad. Yeah.
I'm not even that big. I don't think I'm that big. I'm only six too. And, you know, I'm a big guy in stature, weight wise, but I don't think I'm that big. so Until I see pictures of me beside people and I'm like, Jesus Christ, who invited the ogre? yeah You're like staring at the top of people's heads. You're like, jeez. Yeah. Yeah. i Like six, two, six, three, something like that. ah yeah But all my, all my cousins and all my siblings and my parents, uh, well, uh,
they're, they're all, they're all smaller than

Aging Gracefully with Style

me. Like I'm, I'm the one of these things. Don't go. When you look at a family picture, there's a sasquatch to the party.
but adam's family Yeah. right Full on. lurch Yeah. Full on lurch over here. But, uh, I don't know, maybe I I'm, you know,
Now that I'm a little bit older and wiser, I just, just kind of calm, cool, collective. I mean, it takes a lot to really get under my skin. And I think that irritates people even more when it's like. It's more satisfying and seeing that satisfying when you're like, you can't bother me, bro. Get out of here. I'm like, eh, it doesn't, it doesn't faze me. I've seen things that you've only he dreamed about her. Seen in movies.
yeah but I've seen and done things that you've only read about and like, calm down. I was born in the 1900s.
As my kids remind me and make fun of me. Oh, dad, you were born in the 1900s. That's weird. That just sounds messed up. I hate that. Like it sounds worse than what it really is. And it's like, yeah, but And he can't really argue with them because we're not wrong, but it's like, not wrong I was like, thing oh yeah, like in the eighties, bro. Calm down. You missed, you missed. Yeah. You missed two great errors. You shit heads. The eighties and nineties were fantastic. And now all these like, uh,
what are they Gen Gen Z trying to bring back like the the 90s 2000s look and I'm like stop. Don't do it. You're going to look back at these photos and you're going to cringe harder than we did. Yeah, sure let me show you. Yeah, let me show you my high school pictures. Yeah, let me show you my high school pictures.
things we' wo
troublesome i i been down that road recently, I was cleaning up the closet and I come across an old photo album and it had some of my senior pictures in it. And I was like, there's a lot going on in 99, 2000. It wasn't there. You got a lot going on with your wardrobe, buddy. not much much yeah Not that much has changed. I'm still, well, now I'm older. Now I'm more.
come home from work, throw my sweatpants and a t-shirt on and look like a straight bum. And if it's cool outside, if it's warm outside, I throw basketball shorts on. i'd look like ah I do look like a bum 90% of the time. You love bumming it. I love bumming it. It's a good feeling. Then people won't bother you, especially on the street, especially in Seattle. I'm like, the more bumming I'm looking, the less I'm getting bothered. who
It's like camouflage.
that's That's your own little camouflage. You're just like, all right, I'm just going to blend in. Look like the rest of the zombies. Exactly. Exactly. You got to. I think i think my biggest thing is I've just reached an age where I don't really care.
like Yeah, I'll throw on a nicer shirt and a nice, like dressing up to me as a clean pair of jeans and a shirt that doesn't have a swear word on it or something mildly offensive. Like, Hey, I'm dressed up. I got, and I got my good boots on today. I didn't wear my. head and like cleaning ones At least on dirt all over them. Yeah, they're mildly clean. I mean, but, uh,
Yeah. And depending upon what my hair looks like, if I haven't gotten it cut for a while, then I'll usually throw a hat on, you know, I'm trying to find one of my cleaner hats, but I'm a hat guy. So all my hats and the stain, the sweat stain and the bills dirty and everything else. What are you going to do? I'm 43. You can't see stains when everything's black. True. I do got to get a new black cowboy. You do.
I got my white one. I got my, I call it my Jason Aldean one. It looks like it looks like a Jason Aldean hat. yeah You got a Budweiser one up there and a bedazzled Shamrock one. Oh, don't ask me. It's the same. I was like, I gotta have that. do it for them Yeah. I was like, I gotta have that.
You're not even gonna wear it. Yes, I will on St. Patrick's Day and I've stayed true to that. and One time and then ah you have something every year. It'll become a tradition, you know. I always got something green to wear, you know. I do need to get a new black one though. Although I was looking at some gray ones not too long to ago and I have become a fan of the dark gray. It's a classy look.
e Yeah, the hairline is the There lies the problem. I'm not a classy fella. Yeah.
yeah Hey, this is true. Yeah. This is very true. I've been learning that. Uh, apparently you can be whatever you want. literally quite Literally be your own damn God. Do it, dude. yeah Hey, and I've made that claim on this year network that I'm a God. So there you go. Perfect. but all leg and I'm not far from creating my uh my own cult just just just need to call me when it's ready there we go I've got property and buildings that'll bring quotes or something useful yeah we're in the south where you at Kelly I love you no I I did uh I was I'm like man I've never been a big fan of the gray cowboy hats but uh
After seeing some of these new ones, they're like a darkish kind of dirty gray. I'm like, it's, it's a look, it's a whole look. Do you have, ah do you have a good spot that you like to go out there to get your, to get your stuff? d Is there a good store out there where you like to go?
Yeah, there's a couple. There is like down at Pike Market. There's like a little hat maker shop and they carry all kinds of hat brands. They even do their own custom hats in there. They're super dope. There's a couple Western stores outside of town that are good too. But I think for the most part, I have to get most of my hats resized anyway, just because I have a tiny little head. So.
I have the complete opposite problem. I have a big ass watermelon head. So now like I had to get this one resized and I still think I could have gone a little smaller. Like she falls down and covers up my eyes a lot, but.
Well, that that adds a level of mystique and mystery. There you go. there Especially with the type of music that you do. You don't know what, you know, you might be conjuring some kind of, yeah, you might be having your head down low and start conjuring up some kind of spell on her or something while you're doing your music. I like to border that, like, you know, cowboy or witch. I can't tell. Yeah. Wicked Witch of the Wild West. There you go. There you go. There you go. Right there.
ah It's just I was going to say, yeah, it goes right right along with the the type of music you do. I mean, you just ah you never know what you're going to get. And

Nostalgia and Family Traditions

especially if you end up down in New Orleans or down in Louisiana, down in the Voodoo Belt, so to say, you fit right in. Yep. Oh, yeah. I can't wait to get down there. It is on my bucket list and I have I've never been to Louisiana, but, and I never, I want to, I want to visit New Orleans and I want to go one time just so I can say that I've done it. I want to go to Mardi Gras. I know it gets crazy and I know my grandparents used to go every year and it's like, how bad can it really be? My grandparents went, now of course this was in the nineties, you know, and things have changed quite a bit, but I still want to,
Excuse me. I still want to have the experience just one time Yeah, I've never been but I somehow just know that's where I'm gonna end up like I feel like it just is like I'm gonna go there and I'm gonna be like yep, and I mean like I love blues to like a lot of like my inspiration comes from like old-school blues and like I They have that like I mean, don't get me wrong. I love Nashville. It's a very country music city. It's huge. and Yeah sat so saturated, but I do feel like I It's a little, I don't, what's the word I'm looking for? White, not whitewashed, but it's not like, I don't know, it's more like showy, it's like showy. Yeah, I've heard. I've heard. I've heard. And tick, it's dirty, it's bluesy and all those blues cafes and like the little alleys, like I just, that's. I've heard people call Nashville, Nashville Vegas. And from some of the artists, cause I've interviewed a lot of people out of Nashville.
And they say, yeah, no, boardwalk is what boardwalk is at the end of the day. Those are the people that are happy and content performing at like Aldine's or what night in, night out. But to really find the actual artist, you have to get off of Broadway. And then you go to some of those and and didn't you get that that rawness, that that raunchy, you know, that just like struggling artists that really wants to be an artist and write songs and So, but yeah, definitely i New Orleans absolutely has that feel with the blues and and and jazz and everything else. That's the other reason I want to go down. And I want to go down non-Marty girl because I love blues music and I love jazz. I shock a lot of people. I think a lot of my music tastes kind of shocked people. But I love that sound. And I love that ah distinct sound that they have in New Orleans.
yeah And some of the Creole, you know, if you get up in the swap country, some of the Creole music is very, yeah like very eerie, very kind of spooky, like but that charles ja like. So I think it's kind of more what it is, is like a music bucket list. Like there's certain places that I, you know, want to go, you know, certain parts of like Kentucky, because I love bluegrass music and, um,
My ex-wife, her dad was actually a bluegrass musician and most of their family. And they'd get together for deer season. They owned a couple hundred acres down in Southern Ohio and everybody would come up from Kentucky. They would get the guitars and the banjos and start doing some of the old. yeah And I'm just like, I'm just going to sit here and drink moonshine and be in my happy place because you guys are. That's the

Cleveland Browns Loyalty

life, man. That's the life.
we're we're at the We're at the cabin on the property and everybody's there. We're drinking, we're eating, they're playing bluegrass. I'm like, I don't ever want to leave. but we do yeah If this is heaven, I'm going to change my ways real quick and in a hurry. you know um But yeah, I think a lot of places I want to go to are based off of the music and and the scene and what they're known for musically. So, granted, I've Growing up here in Ohio. I've had all the Kentucky and bluegrass and that that one could one at the end of the day Because they're just a hop skipping a jump away They would really do us a favor if they would just take the Cincinnati Bengals off of our hands. I'm just saying basically, Kentucky That's just me the sports the sports fan in me
I'm a big nerd when it comes to sports. So I feel like I was raised that way. And then it just never stuck. When I went off, I was like, goodbye. I don't care about any of that. You were probably force fed the buck guy, cool age your whole life. front of And then when I went, and I went to Kent state for like a year for a school.
And, you know, like the Cavs up there, huge. I was like up there when LeBron left the first time and like, ah people were setting couches on fire. um Over what? ah so What? I mean, good God, but I mean, okay, you're that excited about it. I'm not going to stop you, but yeah, I'm a huge Cleveland Cavaliers fan. Got nothing but love for LeBron James brought us a championship.
I was not that butthurt when he went to Miami. I'm like, look, guys, I didn't like the way he did it, but I'm like, look, he's an athlete. He wants to win championships. He wants to get paid. He's going to get paid, and he's going to go win championships in Miami. And he kept his promise. He came back to Cleveland, and he brought us a championship. So you know what? Get off the man's back. Leave him the hell alone. yeah Leave him alone. Let him do what he wants. You're losing your damn mind. Guess what? We're going to go back to something. You can make whatever decision you want to make. Yeah, right.
But don't you go put in the work he's put in and then you can judge him when you're out there doing what he does. Until then, says the guy who wished injury upon Deshaun Watson, but that's better. I manifested the hell out of that, too. press it Hey, you got to do it. Hey, he got hurt the day that I was I was hooting and holler and screaming about it. He got hurt.
And I was like, yeah, take that. You were like seeing what I did. Yeah, now if I could just manifest a Super Bowl win for the Browns. Are we ever going to see today? I don't know.
i I joke all the time. And I know it's like an old joke. It's nothing new. But I say it all the time. When I die, I want six Cleveland Browns players to be my pallbearers so they can let me down one last time. One last time? That has been but a lifelong Browns fan. And every every season, I'm like, I'm done with this goddamn team. And they get back every year. And you're like, my guys, my guys. My guys. I love the brothers.
It's like an abusive relationship, you know, like the husband says that it'll they they tell me, they tell me every season before the season starts, we're going to change. We promise everything will be fine. I'm better. I promise I won't do it again. And then three weeks into the season, I've been thrown down a flight of stairs, kicked in the stomach. I've been in the hospital six times and I tell everybody it's okay. They're changed. It's different this time. They'll be better. They, they promise.
this like

Authenticity in Social Media and Podcasting

this is yeah This is my life as a as a football fan. Why do I do this to me? Why do I do this to myself? or chair yes Yeah They they say that we are we are gluttons for punishment g Cleveland Browns fans. So what are you gonna do at the end of the day? You love who you love. You can't help it that they're bad for you you're really ki at the end of the day No, man, um
I am terrible at this is one thing that I am terrible about. And I always mean that. Where can everybody find you on the socials? Oh, yeah. And your music. And I know we talked about it. We have a little rundown of when when you guys got stuff coming out, what you got coming up, you know, anything yeah guitar player with one wing. Excuse me.
right now. So you guys are kind of kind of in limbo, but, uh, so, um, if you go to our Instagram, Cali dot and dot the dot boot rally, kind of a mouthful, it's kind of a handful. It's not the most ideal, but we love it. And we're sticking to it. Uh, we do have our linkt treee um link linked to our Instagram band page.
From there, you can find our website. We'll list tour dates when we have those ready. We're definitely expecting a full album drop in March, probably first week or two in March. and That'll be on all streaming platforms through our distribution company. so Find us on Spotify. um We're going to be releasing the next song. I guess I can tell you the title. I see why not. um It's called Wes.
Yeah, so you'll be able to find Wes on YouTube just before Thanksgiving. I'll be pumping out a bunch of promo content for that before we release it. So definitely keep your eye out. But yeah, pretty much anywhere you can stream music, you will be able to um come March. All right. If I can get this stuff. Ooh, hey, it worked. Yay. Yay. There we go. There we go. Callie, all that. it is ah its It is a bit of a mouthful. It's a mouthful.
I totally get it. You know Instagram does that you know, we're we're the underscore nonsensical underscore network So hey You got to go with what works for you at the end of the day? Um, oh, that's what I wanted to how how are you how are you and how do you feel about social media?
Are you good with it or are you just like, oh, I got to do this? I i feel like I was born in the wrong era. I this whole like you have to crank out content to be found nowadays is a little unnerving. You know, I can't I literally cannot make cringy content like I can't do it. It has to be organic. Otherwise, there's just no point. I want to stay authentic to myself, authentic to the music. And if anything feels forced, I've learned in my life, if something feels forced, it's probably not meant for you. But of course there's a lot of push from like my producer for the distribution company to like crank content, just keep cranking content. um So I'm trying to get better about it.
you know, for being somebody's event coordinator, I'm just not the most tech savvy. um I'm really, truly not. um But yeah you'll see some more content coming out here and there. I like it to be lighthearted. I don't want anything serious because our our music is not that serious. You know, it's about having fun and kicking ass and taking names and we kind of want to stick to all vibe.
all five foot one and three quarters coming in, kicking the door in like a little like that holiday kicking in the saloon doors. No, I feel you. Unfortunately. Yeah. When you are in the entertainment world, uh, the social media is that, uh, that necessary evil. I hate it.
um I usually try to get content from the live shows that way it makes my life easier, however scrolling through hours of Live shows and finding that right moment and that right clip and and and whatnot Can be can be kind of a pain in the ass So what you're saying is that we more than likely won't be seeing any tick-tock dancey trends out of you or anytime soon These boots were not made for dancing. ah I do know dancing. Oh, come on. I wish I could keep up with Dasha and the whole, you know, line dancing trend, but I just don't know if I got that in.
Definitely expect to see some spookier content. Like we are a country band, but we do have some stuff up our sleeve that we can't wait to share with you. Okay, I'm all right. You you had me a spooky. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You had me a spooky. You said cryptids, you know, half man, half creatures, you know. Yeah. We got a whole song about it. Nice. that That's that's that's my whole that's my world and the paranormal cryptids, urban legends, true crime. Do let me some true crime and serial killer stuff. So,
but I'm right there with you. So you you got me locked in. I'm ready. Let's do this. like very excited So you said you you don't dance. What is your stage presence like?
Or do you have a stage presence yet? Are you still developing? I would say I'm kind of an instigator. I'm like, all right, shots. Let's go. Who's going to cheers me? I'm a total instigator. I'm trying to get people lit, you know? I make some jokes. I got like some kind of dry humor. So I feel like it does tend to go over a lot of people's heads. But I mean, the more awkward, the better for me in general reality.
You were, my mic was muted. but hi guy mr but Excuse me. um My oldest daughter and my adopted daughter. Anyways, what do you what do you want from McDonald's? Oh, surprise me. You know i mean they show yeah yeah yeah somebody got paid. love you ah you Somebody just got their paycheck. I should have known it's Tuesday. It surprised me. I love that. Yeah. Well, a few months back,
My oldest daughter, she just graduated high school and everything like that. You know, the joys of being out of high school and not really knowing what you're going to do with your life, whatever. One of her friends kind of has a shitty home environment and came over here and my fiance was like, so Marty's going to stay with us for a while. I'm like, oh, this is Glick's wayward home for children or what's going on here?
But every Tuesday, or when she gets paid, 10 o'clock at night, they go to McDonald's and get ice cream. Oh, I love that. That's sweet. It's become their routine. So they come barging in, and I'm like, oh, somebody got paid. I know what's going on. What do you want? You already know. You don't have to ask. They just want to come and poke their heads in. Who's dad interviewing tonight? Oh, I love that. You ever have them on the podcast? What's that? You ever have them on the podcast?
Uh, yeah, my, my oldest daughter, she pops in from time to time and says hi. And Marty pops in and out. Uh, but my son and I, we actually do a show together. Um, we're both big wrestling fans. Well, I've been a wrestling fan like my whole life. like a e w what what Yeah. WWE. I like, I do like some AEW. Uh, I liked it in the beginning. Now it's like, well,
But, uh, I've been always been a big WWE guy. I mean, I grew up in the greatest era of wrestling that, that, uh, attitude there it was stone cold in the rock. I still got, I got my smoking skull replica belt hanging on the wall. It's a full size replica belt with the snakes get on the back. Like, and in the last, uh, year or two, he's really dope headfirst and he's all about wrestling. So.
We just, we were sitting here one day talking wrestling and, uh, there was another podcast that actually used to be here on the network. Uh, they abruptly left. Um, but they kind of let him down because they brought us up for one of their shows and they were doing, uh, pay-per-view picks. I think it was WrestleMania and cash. He got to come on and do picks and they're like, Oh, you know, this was awesome. You know, we can't wait to do it again. We want, and then they just kind of blew us off. He was a little bummed out.
I said, dude, why don't you and I just do a show? We can do a wrestling show. I got a network. We'll just plug it in. And, uh, we started doing that about, Oh, I don't know, two months, maybe three months ago, but I love doing it. And it gets a kick out of it. and And it gives us, you know, something that we already are talking about as it is, because we were watching wrestling together. We're talking wrestling. So it's just like how we've got our own show. We'll do it for about.
Yeah, we do it for about an hour. We talk a little wrestling, make our pay-per-view picks and and know talk a little shit back and forth. But yeah, it's cool because my my middle daughter, I don't know, I think she's going to be a serial killer. I'll be perfectly honest with you. She she she very rarely leaves the Batcave from the AKA their room. So when she does, she's usually mad at the world.
but every once in a while, she'll pop in when I'm doing the show and be like, oh and then turn around and leave. So my kids live with me. So there's no surprise as to what they'll hear or anything like that from, from one of the shows. Cause I, I am me 100% of the time. What, what, what to see. sheet that naked it are leaving Well, yeah, what you see on what you see on the podcast or on the shows is exactly what you're going to get in real life. And that's that's the only way I know we need more of that, though. We need more of that. Yeah, I don't I don't I don't fake anything. I don't sugarcoat anything. I kind of say what I say. You don't like it. You don't like it. You can scroll. if You don't have to listen to me like it. You don't have to like it. Although I will say this is definitely what this show has definitely been.
out of my comfort zone, just randomly messaging people like, Hey, I know you don't know me, but when I come on my pocket, probably love it I was so s stoked. When you reached out, I was like, fuck yeah, we're going to do this. It's going to be so fun. When, when, when, when I reach out to somebody and they have that enthusiasm, enthusiasm,
That makes me so much more excited to do the show. i've I've been excited to do, since we locked in the date, I was like, this, I cannot wait. This is going to be, then there's been a lot of, you know, a lot of the shows where it's like, this is going to be fun. Some of it's like, I don't know how it's going to go. Cause you try to get a read on somebody just by, you know, a few messages back and forth. And they're like, Oh, I don't know how this is going to go. And then get them on the show. And it's like, Oh, it was totally different personality. Okay, cool. Let's go. I'm surprised.
Yeah. Well, nice surprise here at the end of the day. But, uh, no, I was definitely, um, I was excited for this because I could tell it was like, oh she's, she's pumped. She's ready. She's, she's going to be, she's going to be another fun interview. Like I said, ah the the girls out in LA, I had so much fun hanging out with them. There's been a few of the guys, um, I interviewed a guy out of Florida. He's a rapper and the show went way left to center and we just were hanging out.
probably got canceled seven times in that show. but We just, it just happened. I was like, fuck it. where This is what we're doing. Let's go. Let's run it three hours later. they like grow so yeah Just, just keep on scrolling. But we, you know, I tend to have a lot of fun on here and and it's cool for me because like I said, I do try to keep in touch. Um, you know, you guys got a ton of stuff coming out here very soon and in the future.
Do not be shy. Don't be a stranger. Mess with me anytime. yeah and Feel free to because that leads me into this question and I'm pretty sure I already know the answer to it. But I always ask and I always do it on air because then I have the permission. So when you become big and famous and YouTube comes and yells at me, I can go, ah, YouTube, is it okay if we continue to use your music and play your music throughout the network? Hell yeah.
There you go. Suck it, YouTube. Yeah. Suck it, YouTube. Suck it, YouTube. Get out of here. Shoo. Bye-bye. Take that with your copyright infringement bullshit. They're almost. I'm telling you. Oh, dude. Before I started doing the interviews, I found a loophole to get around the copyrights. And it's basically just finding the cover version of a song. And as I learned from a buddy of mine,
who's a songwriter, producer, and just he does it he does it all. He was like, you're not going to get copy written on a cover because even though it's already a song that's popular and done, it's essentially a totally different song because it's covered, it's different instruments, it's different arrangements. I'm like, hell yeah, there's my loophole. Now, I've got quite this collection of artists that I've interviewed and I always ask permission, you know,
to play their music moving forward. And as long as they say yeah, which nobody said no yet, I'll say that, ah then we just throw it into the rotation. So, you know. um and And along with that, um also we'll be working on, I'm working on, um it's new to me, so I'm figuring it out.
working on a Spotify playlist. So and that's dedicated to all my all my guests. So anybody who's been on here, their music will go onto that list. Once I get it to where I'm happy with it, i'll I'll put it out on social media and whatnot. Again, I'm learning how to do all this.
ah um And then I'll continue to grow it as I, as I interview, as you guys put out new music, I'll continue to add to it and put it up on our socials and push it. And I'll probably wind up pinning it at the end of the day. So it's easy to find, but another way to share your guys's music and stuff like that. But, uh, yeah, like don't, don't be a stranger. Don't, don't be a.
Don't be worried about spamming the hell out of me. I want to know. Like, I want to know. Give me, give me, give me, give me, let me know. Let me know when stuff's coming out. We'll find out. Might even give you like a sneak peek link before Wes comes out. Okay. All right. I'm good at keeping secrets. There you go. You lookin' good secrets. Hey, keep it around here. Yeah, all right.
we I've gotten a few exclusives on the show. A little first here. um again ah Southern Outlaw is a very good friend of ours. They were on the show and they they did a Christmas album. And the first three tracks, he was the lead singer.
He messaged me. He said, what's your email? I got to send you something. in And he sent me in the first three tracks. He's like, nobody else has heard these yet. And I was like, nobody's going to hear them until you say it's OK. So but it's all original Christmas music. so And and made there a southern they're like a Southern rock band. They're like an old school Southern rock band. um so And the album just, I think the album just came out. Or it's getting ready to come out. But the songs he sent me are amazing. I'm like, hell yeah.
Yeah, the Southern outlaws band. We'll have to check them out. Yeah, pretty good. Yeah. If you're into Southern rock, they're, they're right up there with, uh, Skinner and 38 special and <unk> all of them, all them guys, they've been around for, they've been around for a hot minute. Uh, so they're, they're, they're a good group of guys too. Our list is one of those guys where if you befriend them, you can ask them for help on anything.
But usually, I know he's busy tonight. He's on another podcast tonight. But usually when I'm doing these shows, he's in the chat and he's offering advice and telling the art, hey, hit me up on social media, um whatever you need. I got you. He's just one of those guys. And and he doesn't expect anything out of it in return. He just doesn't just ah help people in their their music careers and see people succeed and stuff like that. So real genuine guy. And, you know, like you said, there's not many people like that left in the world, especially in the music industry. But I'm going to let you get out of here. um I do want to thank you again. Like I said, don't be a stranger. Anything you need. um You are awesome. This is i this this was a lot of fun. I would tell you, like I tell other people, there's an open door policy for you. If you ever
see us live or something like that or if you want to come up to promote some stuff, send me a message and we'll schedule it and we'll get you up here on on the on a Tuesday night and promote new albums, singles, whatever you want to talk about. Let me know and we'll get you up on here or on any of the shows for that matter. if so We like to hang out and have a good time here on the network. But I do want to thank you. This was a blast. Thank you, Glick for having me. do This is amazing. What you do for artists is such a cool thing. I just want to give back for something that I love. And that's music. And it's really cool because there's a lot of new artists that are coming out that are local or underground or whatever. But you guys are doing what I grew up listening to. You're you're writing your music. you're
You're telling stories, you're having fun. Like I said, do you ever get out this way for a show? Or if you're just out this way, period, to visit, let me know. its yeah and Maybe we can get a maybe we could get a drink or something and and and hang out in person. I'm down. This

Gratitude and Future Podcast Plans

old dog still got some tricks up his sleeve now. I still got a few good ones in me. yeah Um, but no, uh, seriously, I do appreciate it. Uh, you know, uh, as much as it means to you, it means just as much, uh, you know, to me, I'm, I'm up and coming in this podcasting world. So, you know, it's, it's a truly an honor that I get to sit down and hang out, especially with cool people like you. Uh, and, you know, I had a blast talking to you and chatting with you and that's why you're welcome back anytime. And, you know, spam, please. boy oh Yeah. Yeah. yeah
Please spam away anything you got on my friends to I might have some people that I know in the area that are also doing this hit you up and reach out to you, too. Absolutely. Any artist friends that you have? Absolutely. a is just I'm actually doing two shows this week. Typically, I only do one, but I sent me a few artists and One of them, he's like, I'm really only available on Thursdays. I was like, we'll make it happen. So I'm, I'm doing the show tonight. I'm doing the show again Thursday to work with his schedule, but, uh, yeah, absolutely. Don't send them my way and tell them to reach out to me. We'll figure something out. I'm always, I usually try to plan about two months in advance. That way I'm, I'm good to go. And I can be lazy for a little bit. Cause again, I hate social media, but, um, before you get out of here.
And I'll let you drop down and then I'll do my my my spiel to close the show out. And I'm going to play your song again too before I close the show out. I always ask. um Thank you. That was fast. um Any quotes or words of inspirations? Maybe like a quote that stuck with you. Somebody told you one one time that you want to share with anybody, just like a little final thought before you get out of here.
of Um you know what and maybe this is appropriate for election night um there's a little band actually from Nashville uh I love them very much they're called All Them Witches and they have a line in their song that has always stuck with me and it is that everyone deserves a crown of light and I love that quote and just remember that everyone you meet and everyone you see on this planet they have something worthy of light. So don't write them off too quick. Give them a chance. Yeah. they know that yeah What's the name of that band? All Them Witches. They're awesome. Write them down here and and check them out. Yeah, please do. Every single one of their albums is its own little journey, but I've grown to really
love and look up to that band. They're awesome. Thanks. Let's check them out. Again, I'm old school. I got my little notebook right here and every time I know it's um make notes, it really does look like the the the ah scribblings and the ramblings of a madman. and I swear I'm going to have to burn this before I die because not that there's anything incriminating in it, it's just people are going to look at it and go, what the hell was wrong with this guy?
yeah I guess you got to make that one, you have that one person that you call when you're on your death that, hey, you know what you got to do. Burn it all. Burn it all. Yes, exactly. Well, again, I appreciate you. Don't be a stranger, anything at all. And enjoy the rest of your evening.
look forward to ah All the new music and the album best of luck to you guys, you know, hopefully one day I'll ah be scrolling through Instagrams and or the Facebook or something and and see you guys are gonna be playing a big music festival or something like that and I'll have to make a road trip I i knew her with back when Get that Sasquatch here. Get him up here, but I'm on the guest list. Yeah. There it is. Appreciate you, Wally. There's my guy. He's got me. but
e But have a great night. Thank you. Keep me up to date on everything coming on. I'll let you drop down. I'll do my spiel and play but play your music and get the hell out of here. See you later. Bye. Bye.
All right, guys. Huge shout out to Callie guys right there on the bottom of the screen. Callie and the boot and rally. Go give him a follow. Show him some love. Obviously you guys seen there tonight. She is awesome. We had a lot of fun. Appreciate y'all listening. Appreciate y'all hanging out.
If you're not already, make sure you give us a follow as well. The nonsensical network. We are everywhere. Simply go to bio dot link slash a nonsensical network. All them links are there, including a link to the merch. Yes, I'm one of those guys. I have merch. Just if you want to buy it, buy it. If you don't, don't. I mean, it is what it is. We'd appreciate it if you did. And if you do and you want to send a little a little pick our way, we'll throw it up on the socials and tag you in it and our little way of saying thank you.
Or, uh, as and this is still weird to me. The guys say, uh, spread us on you. I don't know what's weird, but nonetheless, we'll be back tomorrow night for a brand new episode of what the fuck news. Jeff and I will be back newly branded host. Jeff, I'm going to be a passenger princess on Wednesday nights. So, um, we'll see how that goes. Jeff will be steering the ship.
Don't forget this Thursday cash and I'll be back with Cassius corner. We're going to be recapping WWE crown jewel with our picks and all that stuff. Friday blaze and Jeff are back with nonsense and chill. They're going to be watching. What the hell are they watching this week? They're great. I don't know. John Candy great outdoors. I think that's what it's called. As we learned Saturday, I'm not the biggest.
John Candy fan. Don't disrespect the man for his, his career. It's just not the biggest fan. Uh, but nonetheless, and then Saturday we're back with nonsensical nonsense, the unhinged unapologetic, the inmates take over the asylum. We call it the open door challenge. We dropped the link in the chat. And if you guys want to come up and hang out, click that link and come on board and hang out. We get a little loose. We get a little crazy with her for six hours. So we got a lot of, we we got a lot of time to kill and we're having fun the whole time.
Sunday at noon, unnecessary roughness, your NFL kickoff. We're doing our little show, making our picks, making our predictions, talking a little shit when it comes to the NFL. And then I don't know if Jeff's garage is back, but Jeff's garage is on Sundays as well. Basically, if it fits in the gar garage, I got to talk about it. And then we roll in into Monday. Oh, actually I'll get to that in a second. Monday is men caring for men. Again,
Brand new Christian host. Connor will be taking over the reins of that show. I have stepped down as of yesterday. I will no longer be on men caring for men. That is Connor's baby. That is Connor's project. So I had a lot of fun doing it. I'm grateful that I was able to create and start a show for men's mental health and and be able to be a part of that for the last several months. And I'm even happier that I'm handing it off to Connor.
Also Thursday, right after Cash's Corner, I will be hanging out. It's a special episode of Glick's House of Music with Roland Jowett, ah singer, actor, director, writer, producer. Guy does it all. He's a jack of all trades. He's been in a buttload of movies um and and whatnot. So I'm definitely looking forward to hanging out with Roland. Shout out to our list for hooking that up and making that happen.
of the Southern Outlaws Band. And also speaking of the Southern Outlaws Band, huge shout out to those guys. I think I said it earlier. I can't remember if I did. The Southern Outlaws Band are nominated in six different categories for the International Red Carpets. I believe that's what it is. It's a Music Awards. um Best Rock, Best Southern Rock Band, Songwriters of the Year, Song of the Year. There's there's a bunch. They're nominated in six different categories. Shout out to those guys.
Um, awesome achievement and congratulations to all y'all there. Well, that being said, I'm going to play Spitfire here again, and then I am going to get the flock out of here.
Bye bye, Wally. I forgot about the other show on Monday. Damn it. We have a brand new show on Monday. Sorry, Chris. um Speedway stories and cold blooded conversations, everything and anything to do about motor sports and reptiles. Holy crap. I totally forgot about that. My bad, bro.
Again, huge shout out and big thanks to Cali. from Kelly and the boot and rally. Y'all make sure you go check them out. Go show them some love. Lots of stuff coming up. Definitely appreciate her stopping by. She was an absolute blast. She is a ball of energy um ah in a good way. Definitely, hopefully one day you get to see her on stage and maybe get to hang out with them and get to meet them in person. But with that being said,
Ain't nothing left for me to do except for hit the button. And as always, be good. Be good at it, baby. We'll see you when we see you. Now we wait.