Introduction & Episode Overview
Ladies and gentlemen,
Brazor J, here to save the day. Laughs and reviews drop off without delay. Grab a seat, chew and in, don't stray. Movie buds every single Friday. takes, cold drinks, movie memes explode.
Fan chat, thumbs up, dusty VHS backload. Special guests drop wisdom to studio magic. Rating battles, they fade it out, always frenetic. Mic check, one, two, reviews now colossal. We break it down, piece it back, no hassle.
Audience polls, live tweets, streaming. Cinematic dreams and rhythm boxes.
Dude, hit the button. Yeah, man, hit the button. Good evening, good evening, good evening.
Casting Rumors: Robert Downey Jr. as Victor Von Doom
Before we get the show rolling, got a quick little rant I want to do.
Everybody, a couple weeks ago, it was brought to my attention that Robert Downing Jr. is not playing Tony Stark turning into Doom. He's just playing Victor Von Doom. He's just a whole new cast.
right is Is Hollywood out of actors? Is MCU so, so just... I mean, it's like they've gone through just about all the actors currently in Hollywood.
And I know this is more of a rhetorical question because I know Hollywood hasn't ran out of actors and actresses. There's plenty of them out there, a lot of good talent. It hasn't even graced an MCU movie, and that's fine.
i just think that, I mean... What's wrong with RDJ, buddy? or yeah Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Absolutely nothing. I just think he kind of... i don't know. I think it's going to turn throw a lot of people off. I think they could have picked somebody else. I agree.
ah They could have definitely picked somebody else and it's going to throw a lot of people off because they're going to expect him to be the good guy. And he's technically not. So it's to be interesting. But he's he's he's playing a whole other character, not even derived from his previous character. That's why I said it's going to throw ah throw a lot of people off.
But hey, I'm used to Disney ruining a lot of my childhood dreams. so But on that note, tonight's something a little bit different, Jeff.
Focus Shift: Movie Discussions Over Viewings
doing We're not watching anything tonight. There's no movies lined up.
Lights, camera, discussion time. We're gonna have movie talk tonight. I found a few different discussion topics yeah that we're going to talk about. um It is going to be an open panel, so if anybody would like to come up, you are welcome. Thank you.
Now, we do have to give the caveat. We're going to drop this link, but we'd like to keep it on Sunday. Yes. ah Friday nights is typically about two hours. A little over is okay, but no going off into the bushes.
Yeah, we don't need to run off into traffic at 100 miles
Merchandise Promotion
an hour. they hair on fire That's tomorrow. Mm-hmm. so So, well, before we get into that, buddy, don't forget everybody.
Just because station break real quick. quick find out link slash dot seical network Find everything we do, including Beauty the Beard Creative Corner on Facebook and Instagram. Get yourself t-shirt with my face on it just to piss off Nikki.
I'm just saying. But you can get other stuff, too, including merch. Okay. I send this guy the format... And I don't think he reads it.
Okay. I don't. I don't. But I like to go ahead and lead. I did read it. I know. Yeah. But I like to go ahead and get that out of the way. Yeah. But I wasn't ready to. Anyway.
I. Oh, buddy, Jeff. Jeff, Jeff, che Jeff, Jeff. I read it. I just like to start off with that bio like.
It is also down in the description. Double entendres is this week's movie lingo word or phrase. A phrase with
Double Entendres in Movies
two interpretations. one often being musque.
What's that? said what's What's that famous one out of Superbad? That's the funny thing about my cock. It's on my back. Wait, no. um like What? I don't think I've heard that one.
I'm pretty sure that was the line in Superbad. That's not a double entendre, man. I think it's... It doesn't really matter. Oh, um gosh. I can't even think of a classic double entendre.
I know. I had one stuck in my head. and I remember what it was. e So, here's a classic one. If I said you were beautiful, would you hold it against me?
There's one. That's what she said. That's a double-ontalier. Basically, well that's an answer to a double-ontalier. It implies that what you're saying, like if you said something stupid and somebody said that's what she said, that implies that... Well, at office, you'll see a lot of double-ontalier. Exactly. There you go. yeah um i do I do. I do. I do. I do want to point out...
for and he said Yes. Friday. A week from today. Second trivia night. Nonsense and
Relevance of Traditional Film Critics vs. Social Media
chill. Action movie trivia night. February 28th at 8. I know I say 8 p.m., but we know it's always 8.10. Yeah, we're not. it's We have time blindness.
It's my stoner clock. They're all set to 420, so it's a fucking shot. It's a crap sheet. It's twice, right? right Write twice a day. Jesus. Actually, it's right all day.
420 You know, I'm just saying.
All right. that trumpet song? what's that like somewhere and jimmy buffett song five o'clock i think so i think it is it's all me and and uh i can't remember the dude that just passed away
this guy just passed away uh it's a a uh country singer oh okay i was like did did uh that punk rocker that uh Glick swapped out for it, did he die? No, not yet.
He's not going to die either, because even if I have to go and put that motherfucker on a life support myself, just because I don't want Glick to get no more points. i just say
So, the first discussion topic i want to bring up. Please. kind of it It kind of involves us. Uh-oh. Not us personally, but...
But social media movie movie critiques or reviews, whatever you want call it. Sorry, guys. It's cold. It's still kicking my ass. Are film critics still relevant in the age of social media?
Subjectivity in Movie Recommendations
Ah! So you and I discussed this a little bit the other day. of the air We didn't go into detail, but that definitely was the springboard of tonight's episode. Absolutely.
Instead of watching movies, I want to you know do some movie talk. and Not just like this movie or that movie, but you know little discussion, discussion. I have an answer to this question.
We are relevant. Everybody else, like Cisco Neighbor, dead to the world. The reason why say that is because most... is because most your your film critics like Siskel and Evil used to be, there're they're no longer fans. They see it as paycheck.
We are fans of movies. So when, if I say, and because as as we said, we were talking earlier before we started, things are subjective.
For instance, you just watched a movie that I suggested and I'm watching a movie you suggested. Yeah. And I said, I think you will like this movie. Now, I can say that to you because I thought you would like the movie, and you did.
However, if I would say it to somebody else that I know they're not going to like the movie, you would like this movie. I'd be lying. So, it's subjective to the point where if you tell everybody, this is a good movie, and because it has Miles Teller in it, it's automatically a bad movie. so ah but I think...
I think with the and i think you've you've kind of hinted around I'm going to say no, movie critics aren't exactly as relevant as they might have been one day during Siskel and Ebert's time.
right Because of social media, because we're we're interconnected so so readily and a lot more than, let's say, back back during Cisco and E-Bird's heyday.
Like, social media wasn't a thing. You didn't go online and you see your buddy and, like, review on Facebook on some movie with like 10 other f freaking reviews from everybody. Just normal run the day folks.
And you're like, well, this person, this person looks good. This person says it looks good. instead of Instead of turning on the TV and listening to two pompous assholes like and their opinions and they're supposed to feel that opinion for the general audience, it's it's like you can go online social media and share your opinion and read somebody else's opinion white in real time.
Yeah, well, the nice thing about social media is you get that spectrum. Mm-hmm. You'll get the good, the bad, and the ugly. When it came to Siskel and Ebert in their heyday, and we use them an example because we both hated them, they were like, we are the end-all, be-all.
You will listen to what we say. If we say this is trash, it's trash, and you're an idiot if you watch it. And let's be honest, they missed the mark a lot. I think they got higher on their own supply. In other words, they got higher on their own farts. It's because they were the few, very few voices of movie critiques.
I wouldn't really consider this show a movie critique show, but more of like a movie fan show. Agreed. Yeah, we're not telling you to go see the movie. Well, I mean, we'll make recommendations, but that's, again, that's a fact that if you like it or not. but So i think I think in some ways, no.
i I don't think um and don i think social media is sort of made movie critics irrelevant.
Impact of Social Media on Movie Critiques
I mean, don I know they're there on YouTube. I come across them, of course, when I'm going through movie shit.
But more and more, I see more of just like reviews of a new movie coming out. Not so much critique of it. Definitely not well thought out critiques, that's for sure.
Agreed. It's usually opinion. The nice thing about it that I've noticed... A critique is an opinion. but ah Well, I think i think a critique is an opinion based off some sort of merit system or some sort of knowledge of film or whatever that is that that you're critiquing. so um I lost what I was going to say.
I forgot. yeah The nice thing about social media is like it's 100% opinion-based and where the problem with with older celebrity or older um like Siskel and Ebert, I'm pretty sure those guys got paid by some studios to say this was good movie because I've seen with them and some of their recommendations like, wow, this is a big piece of shit.
you see I mean, like hell, that shit goes in and out on this. Oh, sure it is. And that's across the board for everything. I haven't had one of those in three years.
It's like candy. It'll clear you up like better than hot sauce. Oh, man. Yeah. I'm draining over here. I think it comes down to the problem with movie critics comes down to one thing.
Movies are such a subjective thing. There's something for everybody.
You know, like you you like you like one thing, and I could like the exact opposite, but we could find happy mediums that we both enjoy.
Yeah. Like a foreign film. I'm not going watch it because I don't want to.
but But I'm also the asshole that will sit here and watch Charlie Chaplin. You know that guy who couldn't speak? I've seen the video evidence. Yeah.
those were Those were the silent films from back in the day. i know what you're talking to Right. He couldn't speak.
You can't prove me otherwise. You don't have video footage. There just wasn't any wasn't any audio. They didn't have audio. I'm
just saying. I remember when the first talkies came out. Was it the I think so. I actually watched a video when they were talking about talkies. um It was in a movie, and the lady was... late When they first showed the first talkie, it was in this guy's living living room.
And, of course, it did it, you know, the video played, and he's like, I'm actually talking to you. And she's like, how are you doing that? He's like, it's the fucking video, dumbass. 1926 to 1929
Merchandise & Promo Announcements
were the first go.
ah yeah all right on this no they
So i guess I guess we're both on the same opinion that social media has kind of made a movie critic kind of irrelevant. Right, yeah. like I don't think anybody, unless... and like If Cisco and Ebert still doing their thing, they would be doing it on TikTok or something else. like they what they Do you think they'd still have their show?
Did you ever go out of your way... to listen to a movie critic about a movie that was coming out or you were unsure about watching no i'll watch the trailer 400 times first but like i remember as a kid we allll or'll or i'll talk to for example when it comes to like movie recommendations or or Let's say there's a horror movie that comes out.
I'm not sure it's okay. well I got friends that are really into horror movies. They watch them like I do. They have sort of the same taste. I'm like, hey, man, did you watch this? sand Yeah, I watched it. Well, what do you think? Oh, man, it was awesome. Yeah, yeah, I wouldn't go to a critic. god'd go to somebody that has similar tastes.
Exactly. That's the problem with critics. is the They like what they like, and I'm going to like what I like. like I love good raunchy comedies. And they they might be like, oh, but I don't watch movies like that. Well, then you're not a real fucking critic.
Because you're you're already going to give a bad review because they said fuck. More times than you like. So, yeah, it's too subjective.
All right. Well, that's the awesome thing about art, that it is subjective. I'm just saying, I'm not going to buy banana and tuck it to my wall anytime soon.
See what I there? See what I did there?
Podcast Weekly Show Lineup
This is, however, the moment in the show that I do want to bring up, There you go. It is in the description, along with our other links to other various places. Thank you. was just sitting there looking for it.
um i was looking for, I was actually looking for the show lineup. I don't see it on there anymore. No, it's still not there. I can do the show lineup though. I have a pretty much down pat.
All right. So Mondays. Well, actually, let's going to do what I did yesterday or sorry, Wednesday. Start with Fridays. Fridays is this show Blazing Days, Nonsense and Chill, where we talk movies. And of course, we watch movies.
And don't forget tomorrow. um it was i but I'm an asshole. Next Friday, we have the trivia show. Saturdays around one is Cassius Corner, where Glick and his son talk some ratchelon.
And then Saturday evening, right around seven, we do nonsense, a little nonsense where we talk about anything and everything. And course, the open door challenge, much like tonight, it is an open panel where you can come up and talk some shit with us.
Sundays, right around 1, is Unnecessary Roughness, where the boys talk some sports. I don't watch because it's sports, and let's be honest, I don't care. um Then on to Mondays. Mondays is Speedway Stories with Wally, where he talks some racing and car stuff.
and He's got a guest coming up. He's got a guest coming up. Kate Minard. And I know that because I made that new promo ad. i did. I watched that promo. It was nice. Yeah. at 6 p.m. on the 25th. It's on the 25th and 24th. Whatever Monday is.
What is Monday? It would be the 24th.
whatever monday is what is it would be the twenty fourth That's what it is. So the 24th is, you can go ahead check out Wally and Caitlin. They're going to be talking about some... peace Some.
Yeah. And then, of course, right now the show's on hiatus. But, of course, Monday's as well is Men Caring for Men, the men's mental health show where we talk about our problems. I was going to help out, but I'm not going to open up. It's not going to happen. but And I'm not. Apparently, I'm not allowed to be Dr. Phil.
So ah Tuesdays, that was my concept. I told Glick, said, I can do it, but I'll just play Dr. Phil. And he said, no. It turned into a Jerry so jerry Springer show. We don't want that either.
I'm not mad at that. I'm just saying. If I could punch through the fucking screen. ah
Tuesdays, Glick's House Music, where he's interviewing some artists and talking some music with said artists, interviewing.
Upcoming Trivia Shows & Awards
Wednesdays, of course, is What the Fuck News. All the news that this news they makes you say, what the fuck?
Thursdays. Right now is Wally again with Cold-Blooded Conversations where he talks about reptiles. And then we're back again on Friday with Nonsense and Chill. See what I did there?
I started with us and ended with us. That's my new thing. Close-ass circle. Yeah. its It's all about harmony. He's a snake chasing the tail. Yeah.
yeah and I almost forgot to show. I don't know. did that showed that i think I shared this last week. The concept of the the t-shirt for the swag bag for 25 trivia winner. I just want to throw that out there because I'm watch trivia.
Participate too. It's going to be fun. It's going to get more and more fun. I promise. I think we're gonna announ to announcing the winner in January of next year because obviously the last Friday of December will be a show where we're doing the last trivia show.
It'll probably work in the same time we announced the Angel of Death in 2025, etc. That's actually a good idea. We just have an announcement show where we just announce winners of everything. The
nonsensical boobs. We hand out Oscars for best episode. i Somehow I wouldn't know. Instead of calling it the Tommy Award, we call it the...
The not- The four words. don't know. It ends.
Music Break: 'Save Me' by Lift the Curse
Mm-hmm. Just two big ends on a stand. Well, ladies and gents and all between and all around here, let's play some... Let's go to a break real quick. Let's play some The lift and the Curse, Save Me.
Just want taste of forever. I found myself not being myself now.
Is Political Correctness Ruining Comedy?
I can't face this all alone.
Save me from all that I am, so you're not to be. Save me from all the darkness that's overtaking me. I can't do this on own.
I can face this all alone.
We are... Alright, where did we leave off? Oh, we were... We just got done, finished with the first to cut and discussion topic.
Yeah. yeah yeah just Just to recap real quick, the the topic was, are film critics so relevant in the age of social media? Ponder it. If you're not sure, you come to a conclusion later on, drop that shit down in the chat, man.
Well, Jeff. Yes, sir. um I got a couple more. a couple more i like this. I wish I was more.
just Just so everybody knows, opinions are like assholes, and everybody's got one, so don't take ours to heart. come with you Absolutely. Fuck yeah.
If you think I'm wrong, let me know in the comments. Let's see. Where do I... where do i Which one do I want pick? I don't know why I named this one political.
why this Is comedy genre coming less funny due to political correctness? Absolutely. You think? but i Well, okay, so ah the reason why I say yes comes down to if you look at something like Cheech and Chong.
Cheech-a-tongue up in the smoke There was a lot of Or better yet Something you recently just watched not too long ago Blazing Saddles You cannot make that movie today It is a fucking masterpiece You could, but it wouldn't get past The censors as it did back then What you People will get butthurt about it There's a lot of dead word it look ah look look Look at Django Unchained. It depends on how if it's done in an intelligent way, it can happen. like yeah like Just like Blazing
Political Correctness: Independent vs. Mainstream Comedy
Saddles. like if they wouldnt i mean There's a lot of movies that wouldn't have been made back then because of that order.
yeah like Blackface could not be done today. It would be cancelled like that. I thought it was a hilarious movie. It's not my favorite movie. don't know. i don't know I think... it In order to make... and like Just sticking with Blazing Saddles or or you know because it is a comedy and Django is not, there's a difference.
If you and try to make Blazing Saddles today, the jokes would offend... Snowflakes, and I say snowflakes because people get offended by jokes are stupid.
and But once again, that's my opinion. um They would be so in an uproar, there would be protests about the movie when it's literally a stupid concept.
Because let's be honest, it's not the brightest concept ever, that movie. But a lot of the jokes would not fly. Okay, so i think I think yes and no. i I think because you're not wrong when it comes to mainstream movies.
but i i But me personally, because i i don't have an aversion to mainstream shit. i just tried to dive into other subcultural shit, like shit underground, like short films and stuff. things that or Okay, Range 15, independently made movie.
That one gave middle fingers to political correctness. So I think it still can be done today. It's done for...
ah think i think it still can be done today it's not on the main and it not in the mainstream and I'm actually okay with that. One, because I understand the mainstream is all about ass and seats and so it's, I don't think it's so much political correctness but just trying big Hollywood trying to make sure they can get as many eyeballs on their projects as as possible and because we're in such a diverse culture, there's so many different people that make up this country that it seems like it's being political correct
But if you look at independent, independent media, well, they're doing it for their particular audience. And, and so they don't, they don't listen to that shit.
They don't, they don't like range. pan that's why I'm actually enjoying when we're watching these, these low budget movies and these, you know, non-studio movies that we're watching because you get that difference.
You can see like, even when we watched that, uh, Mad Max adaptation, whatever it was called with, with, with, uh, dummy, dummy, the guy that kept repeating himself. Um,
Oh, beef beef. yeah I couldn't remember. it um it's a It's a different view of how it how it runs. and you know its It wasn't a terrible movie. It wasn't a great movie. why And of course, obviously, it's not a comedy. But if you were doing a comedy, you couldn't go through a major studio like MGM, just kind of off the top of my head, and do that movie.
A comedy. Like Blazing Saddles. They would like, yeah, we're not even going to think i about putting this out there. Where if you and I decided to make a remake of Blazing Saddles, we could totally do it and don't care who fucking sees yeah we would probably have a very small um audience.
And I think if you and I were to redo that movie, I think there would be a problem with it. And I would have a problem with it too. I'm not intelligent at all.
Oh no, we are not. but i write a movie To write a movie like that. Because I i think okay when movies like that are created... um I think it depends on who's creating that media too from their experience. does that make sense? Right.
Right. Yeah. so So like I had ah had a discussion with a buddy about this sort of topic. Again, i don't think it's really so much political correctness, but just a change in society itself, especially when it comes to marketing. Right.
who companies are marketing for and et cetera, et cetera. And you also have to think that a lot of them the newer, the newer media being made are not being made by the old school media makers, but younger, fresher people with exactly that have younger, different expect experience in life and how their life has been more diverse.
And the people they they interact with. So they write that into their their their films and their scripts and stuff. So it's not political correctness. It's just a it's it's it's a younger generation creating these things.
Classic Comedies: Modern Adaptations
However, as I said, like even even if you look at something like Major League, classic comedy sports movie, excellent movie, nobody can tell me different. I'll i'll die on the hill.
ah you could You could definitely make that movie today, but the jokes would be 100% different. Like Serrano it was into voodoo. They would probably change that something different.
I'm trying to think of a week I'm trying to think of a recent...
recent comedy that was raunchy. and know there's i know why I know I've seen it recently. When was the last raunchy comedy? Honestly, like one that you're like, holy shit, that's actually mainstream. you know Superbad, but that was... Superbad would be up there... was still 12 years ago.
I know. I know. You know, I mean... I recently just watched 10 Things I Hate About You again because I love that movie.
And my daughter had never seen it, so we watched it. You and my ex-wife's movies line the fuck up a lot. It's weird. That's why you love me, buddy. I'm just saying.
That's why we argue. I divorced her. that me And you found a new one in me. Much like Glick. I'm just saying. There's a pattern here in the Nonsensical Network.
No, but like... That movie, you know, I literally just found out that movie is 25 years old this week or something like that.
But it was a comedy. It was a romantic comedy. But even the jokes, some of the jokes in that wouldn't fly today. Because at one point, he mentioned that one of the rumors about Heath Ledger's character is that he lit a cop on fire.
Like, oh my gosh, that people lose their minds with that joke. And it's a throwaway joke. It's two seconds. like I only caught it this time. There's a comedian by the name of David C. Smalley, and he hosts a show, and he has a co-host. or the He doesn't host a show much anymore, so he also hosts hosts it and it's another comedian.
The dude's name escapes me. I think it's Michael Regilio. I think it's Michael Regilio. What's the guy's name? The name doesn't really matter. It's what he says that I want to talk about. He made a comment once on about political about political correctness. Again, just just like cancel culture, I think political correctness is just a made-up thing. i don't think that those things are really happening.
However, he made his He had made a thing when art is being restricted in a censorship kind of way, ah artists, even though that can burden, that can also spur incentive to think outside of that, to to to do your art in another way that you can still tell those same jokes.
But... But still fit that censorship sort of. um ah Agree. However, I like to go on the and and I'm sure you're not the biggest fan. well Maybe you are. I don't know.
I like to go the Ricky Jarvis route. Just because you're offended about it doesn't make it less true.
Well, it doesn't make it less less's not true. Exactly. that is yeah those six it like Just because you're offended doesn't mean somebody else might not find it funny. I think comedy should be offensive. i think comedy should i see me personally i think comedy should be offensive i full her should I think comedians should push lines.
um However, I don't think I don't like comedians who complain about cancel culture.
Creativity Through Restrictions
I think if you're a comedian or an actor or a musician that can, that, that complains about being canceled, you're lazy at doing your job because you can't take criticism.
Like, yeah, you don't like everybody that ah you've heard in some sort of entertainment. I'm not talking about Jeff. I'm talking about these other these other people out there that cry about cancer culture. So don't expect everybody to like you.
Right. Well, yeah, you can't. so When it comes to comedy, it's so diverse. I think comedy, much there's there's very few things you can compare comedy to.
Because I know people that laugh at a funeral because they're uncomfortable, you know, and people find a, why are you laughing? He died. Yeah, but i this is how I deal.
um yeah And so no matter what the subject is, somebody will find a way to make fun of it or laugh at I literally saw a joke the other day that was about Pompeii and I lost my mind laughing.
I actually sent you that clip, by the way. I think you going kick out it. But it's like, it's one of those things where it's like, it's such a diverse thing that if you can't laugh about, and if you're just going to complain about what people are saying about you, yeah, I agree. You're 100% fucking lazy. If you're willing to push the limit and then bitch when people yell at you, then rub some fucking dirt on it write some new jokes.
yeah even if it's Even if it's justified criticism. I mean because face it, comedians, some of y'all do write bad jokes. I write bad jokes. um' I say bad jokes. I am the king of bad jokes. like I'm a horrible YouTube host. I mean, come on. You guys watch this.
yeah We're really terrible on you. We don't bitch and moan about it.
But my my point being is i think sometimes. I see the link in the chat, buddy. I think you balanced. I think political correctness um is not really a thing. i think I think sometimes it challenges to art, helps progress different forms of art, new ways of thinking about art.
But i do I do understand how people expect certain jokes out of certain types of movies, and when they don't get it, they get mad. like I get that. Well, and you know...
The perfect example of somebody pushing the limit and agree with him, don't agree with him. It's up to you. I don't care. George Carlin. and And I'm talking to George Carlin in the 70s, the seven things you can't say on television.
yeah Now you can pretty much say all that stuff. I think George Cohen is a great example of a comedian that pushes boundaries, does really well. But at the same time, i think a couple of his jokes were.
They missed the mark. The intent the tit was there. It made sense. But the analogy was bad. ah great. Yeah. Yeah. Well, they all can't be weird. But the analogy still works because the eye of of who the audience is. so I think it was fine.
George Carlin & Political Correctness
Yeah, he was talking about he was talking about ah double speaker euphemisms, how how how we sugarcoat words and shit and blah, blah, blah. Like, oh, it's it used to be, it's not shell shock anymore. It's post-traumatic stress disorder or whatever it's called.
and i'm like well i mean i think I think when medical things change, I don't think that's so much a euphemism, but just a better understanding of what's going on with the birth. I can understand. you know you know Somebody says, you can't call shit shit. You have to call it poop. I can understand how that how that's bad euphemism. There's no such thing a bartender anymore. They're mixologists. It's like, all right, calm down.
Yeah, but so but when he made that critique on euphemisms and used a medical condition that during his period or before then we didn't understand, but now we have more understanding of, which is why we call it something different. something different I don't think that's euphemism in a bad way. i don't think that's a euphemism at all. I think that's just ah terminology catching up with what we know now. great basically so And I think and what and yeah was that was a I have and that's yeah When he said that, the audience is isn't wasn't thinking like I'm thinking of when I hear that that that analogy and that joke.
Boundary-Pushing Comedians
That's why i mean it still lands, it still makes sense because the rest of the joke was dead on. like The rest of analogies were fine. It's just that particular one when he talked about shell shock, I was like, that's not really euphemism. That's just a change in terminology when it comes to medical shit. understand.
But once again, you've got to remember, and and not to hammer this home, but it's like it was a new terminology that I don't even think he understood that concept. Exactly, yeah yeah. But still a great comedian.
The point was still there, and it was still well-received. So, I mean, like my little critique is is not even anything really that would – Hinder his overall meaning. So no but like even Robin Williams, when he did stand up, he pushed the limit.
You would actually older, older comedians like George Carlin, Robin Williams, they would use, you know, stuff that was in the news and and put their spin on it or put their comedy on Where like me as a young kid watching that, I was like, I didn't know that happened. Now I know about that news story because they told it to me in a funny way because I didn't watch the news because I was like 10.
So like standup comedians, at least back in the day, they used to be that that carnival barker that told you the stupid shit out in the world that nobody saw. But they did it in a way where it wasn't it wasn't the news. You know what I mean?
so So there's a there's there's a there's an archetype, and I know we I bring that word archetype up a lot on this show, but movie characters and stuff, they usually fit sort of some sort of archetype.
Of course, they morph over time and some you know a little bit more nuanced, maybe a little bit of this archetype, little bit of that archetype. but The Jester archetype and and Or the fool gesture. And I'm not talking about the stupid stupid kind of dumb fool like the Steve Martin movie.
I'm talking about fool as in the person who bends the king's ear that that that was allowed to tell the king in a sarcastic, funny way, hey, you're wrong. you know, it's a joke or something.
you know, kind of like sort of in that kind of way. And that's what convenience kind of... Yeah, like that not only they are they bringing to light what's going on, but they're doing it in a way to um help engage thought around it.
i looking And they're not beating you over the head with it. Yeah, I don't know if anybody knows this, but the meme, M-E-M-E, what we use today for those funny pictures, and that word was coined in the 70s by Richard Dawkins, and it was basically ah some sort of piece of media to invoke
Comedy Archetypes: Historical & Modern
thought. It was Now it's morphed into just jokes.
um Yeah, meme's not even... me The word meme doesn't even mean what it used to mean. Right, exactly. yeah but No, but, yeah, but, like, the fool and the the stand-up comedian, at least back in the day, they were they were there to explain what was going on in a funny way to make you think about it without beating you over the head the way the news does.
Now, there's some different different types of fool archetypes. If you look at writings from, God, I always mess up his... name that he was. go Eastern European writer, philosopher, 1900s,
19th century, 19th century. he wrote The Idiot. He never pronounced his name.
You are welcome. You are welcome. talk about Yes, that's it. That's it, yes. I don't know i don't know i mean perfectlyly but i know. I've heard of him. I'm more familiar with his philosophy than I am with just pronouncing his name.
I miss him all most of the time. Words are hard. All right. Well, before we hit in the next topic, we're going to take another break. um I think I have enough.
are you wanna to go You know what? Let's go into another topic. Let's do one more. I want to...
Ass. Let's do a break real quick. I need to go restroom anyway. Kissing Lilith. I want to hear you say it.
Tell me where you're feeling. Tell me just run on the street. I want to let a piece of man
Music Break: 'Lipstick and Gasoline' by Kissing Lilith
Lust, intoxication, physical infatuation, losing our religion, getting our fortification.
Fix your ghastle, static communication, acrobatics, serotonin,
She's sick of being dear to me This woman's
I was Lipstick and Gasoline by Kissing Lilith. Man, that's a dope song, man. Dig it. Dig it and dig it and dig it. It was a good interview, Blake, had with him as well. And the last band that we played, uh, uh, uh, uh
should have saved me by a life like first You know what? I could just suck up plan i was going to say, it was Kissing Lilith. Left the curse. Left the curse. Save me, yes. That was a good interview as well. Kissing Lilith, dude. I dig that dude's vibe, man. He's just energy. He's fucking phenomenal. like The way he thinks is just fucking out there. I dig it. I dig it.
Very original. Very very original thinker. can appreciate that. All right. Well, welcome back. Jeff, we just left off with what? Political correctness and comedy ruins it or not. Yeah.
And that was that question. So if you guys want to ponder that, is the comedy genre becoming less funny due to political correctness? And if you're just joining us and you want to hear Jeff and I's answer, please hit that rewind.
All right. Yeah. um Let's see. I want to do this one. wow Well, there's two left. Do you want to pick one?
Should Product Placement Be Regulated?
Oh, I don't even know where they are.
Okay, cool. We'll go with this one. Should product placement in movies be more regulated? 100%. ah hundred percent Now, it's one thing if somebody's like drinking a soda and it's kind of not blatantly obvious.
yeah you know But it's another thing, like, um remember Wayne's World, he opens up that Pizza Hut box and the logo's right below his head, he's like, I would never, you that's blatant, and that that should be regulated. Obviously, that was meant for a joke, but if I see it in passing, I'm not mad. Like, even in Home Alone, they get Domino's-style pizza.
It's not actually called Domino's, but you can definitely see the box. Yeah. as What? Okay. um So, but if if they're if they're showing the box like as they hand it to them, that's a whole other ballgame, you know?
It's, like said, if I open, if i if I'm like, oh, look, I got pizza for the family. It's Domino's. Yeah, that's bad. It's like a commercial break in the middle of your movie. Exactly.
It's different if the pizza box says Domino's is just sitting on the on the table. That I'm not mad at. yeah But yeah, commercial break, middle of movie, takes you out of the movie. I think it should be regulated. Yeah.
i i agree you I agree with some of that. ah Now, you had brought up Wayne's World. I think the way they did that was to make fun of the fact they had to do product placement. I've seen other movies do that. And I get it. bad it is It is a funny bit.
I think it's been overdone. But I get it. um Then you see the ones in passing, especially like the older movies where it wasn't blatantly in your face. Sometimes you didn't even catch it. Like, oh, there's a Pepsi can right there on that counter.
Or there's a Pepsi machine that he's getting his food and strength out of. Exactly. Or they're walking down the hall and there's machines in a college dorm or just whatever. Just something like that. I'm fine with that because it's it's almost like incorporating incorporating everyday stuff in our everyday lives into this movie and we're familiar with it.
But it's when it's like,
okay, Joe, I'm listening while I drink my Pepsi. It's like, yeah again, it's a commercial in the middle of your movie and you're like, this is not what I paid for. Well, and it's one thing if it's like, hey, hand me a Pepsi.
That's okay. But if you're like, you take a drink and you're like, That's a good Pepsi. Okay, calm down, Chief. you know that yeah The blatantness needs to be taken out of it.
You know why we have so many freaking product placements? Because movies cost a billion dollars to make nowadays. And it's all these big corporations that fund them. I'm sorry.
I have the granddaddy of all
of all product placements.
Apple's Product Placement Policy
Did you know, and this this goes along with the segment, did you know that if a character in a movie is holding an iPhone or an Apple product, he is not the bad guy?
Huh? If any character in a movie is holding an Apple product as an iPhone, iPad, he is not the bad guy. how do you yeah apple looks not let you Apple will not let you use their product in a movie if the bad guy is holding it.
No way. dollars to depend and Talk about fucking movie spoiler. Right? So if you're watching a movie and you're not sure if the guy's a bad guy and he's holding an iPhone, he's a good guy.
And once you see that, once you know that. I'm sorry Apple, but that's petty. That's some petty shit. That's some petty shit. i don't I hate it. I don't fucking use Apple anyway. Fuck Apple. That's some petty shit, Apple.
yeah Fucking Steve Jobs, you petty-ass bitch. But they do it subtly. They don't allow that. Isn't Steve Jobs dead? Yeah. I should go shell his grave just to be extra petty. I agree.
But I will give him this. I will give him this. um They do it subtly. So I'm not mad at it, except for once you know that fact, every time you see an Apple product, you're like, well, that's a good bet.
ah right I'm going to start seeing this shit in movies. I'm going to like, well, i can I guess I can count him out as being the fucking murderer. Because he's got the knife.
That makes me... it It kind of ruins the effect. There was a movie I watched recently about these kids staying at a house of some sort of sleepover or something.
and they were all getting murdered. And I forgot what the actual conclusion only i was. The only guy with the eye android was the fucking killer. But phones were definitely a part of the whole plot. It was like a young adult kind of teen screen kind of movie.
Just about all of them had iPhones, but I can't remember if the initial killer did or not. I be yeah i think they i think they all had fucking iPhones. And none of them, they were all the victims.
Holy fuck. The whole time watching, it's like, is it that fucking did it! I fucking blew Blazes fucking mind! I fucking love it! I finally fucking did it. What is it? 9, 10, 15 episodes?
But had I known that then, and would have pegged the fucking killer at the beginning of the goddamn movie. I just ruined movies for you, buddy. Fuck you.
Fuck you. That was a mind blow. That was a mind blow. I found out about that when the first John Wick came out. The concierge, when he checks into the Continental in the first movie, is working and i at Mac computer.
Because my first thought when I saw that that dude, I was like, oh, I don't know, i don't trust that dude. Just because he's kind of real calm, cool, collected. And he's working, he's using Mac computer.
Well, think in that movie, he would technically be the bad guy if you're looking for a mainstream...
perspective excuse me but it's one of those things it's like uh that's that's i call that good product placement until you find out what it what it is however it's like i only use iphones you know that's bad you know well now i want to know if other brands do that like um like ford you know what i mean like like no bad guys can drive our car Well, that's the other thing.
if if So if Ford is sponsoring a movie, of course, you know, or Dodge is sponsoring a movie. Everybody drives a fucking Dodge except for the bad guys. They drive anything but.
I don't know if you saw the remake of the Knight Rider TV show. They only did like two seasons. It was a Ford Mustang. Wasn't that like in the early 2000s?
Yeah, it was a Mustang. Yeah. And yeah you could always tell the bad guys would show up because they'd be driving Chevy Suburbans.
and The bad guys were not covered. You can pay Suburban by looking at that. Yeah, that guy's not good. He's driving Chevy.
So I always ridden the bad guy because I'm a Chevy guy. But yeah, like interesting god if Dodge sponsors something, they're going to use all their all the bad guys in that movie will not be driving Dodge.
So that once again, it's decent product placement. It's not blatant. It's not in your face unless you know it. Once you know it, you're like, well, that's the bad guy. He's not driving a Ford or he's not driving a Chevy, which is obviously sponsoring the movie.
Product Placement in Twister Movies
Even the new Twister. Even the new Twister. I haven't seen that yet. It's not great. um Well, you you look at the original Twister. The bad guys and the good guys.
You know, the good well the good guy, bill Paxton, drove a Dodge Ram. The brand new one that came out. And then the bad guys actually had all Dodge Carabins. But they didn weren't Dodge Carabins. They were plinth.
You know what was a very funny? Not bad guys. It was a funny, it was it was written into the story for product placement that was I thought was done good because it was also, because they did it in a in a way to criticize the way corporations are and what they could become. It was in Demolition Man with Taco Bell.
ah So I actually got an answer to the question that's been floating around at the internet for a while. Apparently, when they released it overseas, it was it wasn't Taco Bell. And they used Domino's.
Yeah. yeah i was say i don't know because they did Because they didn't overseas, they don't know what fucking Taco Bell is. So they said they had to use something. So they shot the scenes twice.
Once with the Taco Bell logo, once with the Domino's logo. I want to find the Domino's one. I got to find that clue. I don't remember which one it But the European version is is a pizza joint.
The American, and U.S., and Mexico version is Taco Bell. i just i thought that was a I thought the way they did that product placement... And the way they wrote into the story was, yeah, it was it was smart.
it was yeah It wasn't blatant in your face, but you're like, ha ha, I know, I see what you did there, but I like it. I'm not mad at it. I get that. um I like that kind of fright placement. It doesn't bother me.
um and But it does make me want Taco Bell. So I get it. But ah like said, if you do the full on, we're having Domino's tonight. Did you know they have a new fucking all everything pizza when it comes with everything?
Okay, calm down. It's not a fucking commercial, you know you know what I have noticed because because of Domino's back in the day, they had that 30 minutes or less or 30 minutes are free or some shit like that, which was a bad promotion for all their
Home Entertainment vs. Movie Theaters
employees. Employees fucking hated that shit, but it eventually did go away because it turned out it was was it was costing them too much money.
But ah pizza, like in movies, those independent or whatever made up pizza joint places will do a ah joke about that. move movie called start get They did. They did. They did, didn't and why he had yeah i 5.0 Mustang.
He is a good actor. He's a smart actor. I like him. He's played so many various characters. and like He does different personas so well. I like him, i like him but I always want to punch him in the face.
Why is that? Because he comes off like an asshole in an airfield. He does. Oh, he's a pretentious asshole. That's how you know he's a good actor. Like, I want to punch Miles Teller for other reasons, just because I think he's a douchebag.
ah That's saying nothing about his acting. I think he's a good actor. But I don't like the guy. And I hate him even more after watching The Gorge because he got to kiss Anya, Jalen, Joy. But that's besides the point.
I had to put that out there. Anya, if you're listening, leave your husband. Give me a call. ah Yeah, because she's listening. um that But it comes down to... Maybe one day, man. One day.
From your lips to God's ears, buddy. Let me tell you. I'll tag her in this one who when I post it. Please do. Please do. That woman can do that. Anya, I'm asking you right now, just make a movie.
Two hours of you reading a phone book. I will be the only one in the theater and I'll watch it 14 times. I don't care. um ah That sounds like desperation. Oh, 100%.
That woman can tell me to jump off the cliff. i'll be She'll say jump and I'll be halfway off. um But it's one of those things. It's like product placement can be done subtly.
And I think it should be. If it's overly blatant, that's when it goes too far.
To kind of wrap up.
I think we're about on the same page. i just i don't I don't see it going anyway anywhere anytime soon, and I don't see it being ramped down anytime soon.
Matter of fact, actually, I expect to see more of it and more blatant. So, yeah, I'm surprised. We haven't been seeing Iron Man fucking fly around with Pepsi in his hand in movies, but, you know, I know who it was.
They did that joke in, what was it, Minutemen? In what? and Minutemen with Ben Stiller where they were trying to be superheroes. Was it Minutemen? ah Oh, um know what you're talking about. Mystery Men, yeah. Yeah, because the main superhero had logos all over his shit.
Like he You just bring something I want to clarify to people. Yeah, I'm talking about you out there. all y'all motherfuckers. Yeah. And there's this idea that MCU has sparked the fandom for comic book movies.
But there's been comic book movies way before the MCU. in the 80s, there was a Captain America movie. It was horrible. cause it was was watching i was I was watching last week. I was watching the original Batman show from 1959.
Chris Powell or whatever was the first Batman. Not Adam West. um I might have got the guys in the interim. And the fact that adam i don't know yeah like Adam West got kicked out of an orgy for acting like Batman.
That makes him a little bit. Only if it was an orgy at the Playboy Mansion. The dude that played the Joker in that, Adam West, Batman, and Batman, and Adam West, got kicked out of an orgy because they kept acting like the it was the Riddler. Sorry, the Riddler and Adam West got kicked out of an orgy for acting like the Riddler and fucking Batman the whole time.
That's legendary status. I don't care who you are. I'm going to have to look at that story. That sounds like a funny-ass story. I'll send you that link. but But yeah, I just wanted to make that comment. I just think everybody's like, MCU and comic book movies. It's like, they've been doing comic book movies like Blade. A lot of people you know Blade was is Marvel. I mean, they you walking down you know that now.
and The Walking Dead's comic. It's more of a graphic novel, but yeah, it's a comic book. so Like Sin City. Punisher movies have been doing Punisher movies lots of times.
It was an old Spider-Man movie from the 80s, Captain America movie from the 80s. I'm not saying they were good, there was an incredible Hulk television show. It was a Spider-Man television show that did rather well.
But anyway, I don't want to go on and harp about comic books. That's not concept. Yeah, but I do want to plug next Friday, 28th Trivia Action Movies. Fuck yeah, let's do this.
I'm about a quarter a third of the way with all with all the questions. Yeah. it for phone It's And it's action movies from the 80s. There's so many action movies.
Oh my gosh. Oh man. I was like, good God. I don't envy you coming up all these questions. yeah I know you like throwing curveballs. Oh, there's curveballs.
There's plenty of balls, people. You heard it. Plenty of balls, and they're all curvy. I'm just saying, you've heard an Imagine Dragons. Imagine me dragging your my balls across your forehead.
i heard that joke today, and I almost died.
All right. So we have one more discussion tro topic, and then we're going take a break after that. And then after that break, we we're going to come back, and Jeff's going to tell us his top five comedy movie recommendations. But the next discussion topic, are movie theaters becoming obsolete due to home entertainment systems? Absolutely. Absolutely.
Yeah. A lot of them get close. A reason why i say that is, and I'm going to give you the perfect example. I can tell you exactly when it happened. The Black Widow movie.
It's kind of in that COVID area, and it did better in on Disney than it did in theaters.
And you'll find that a lot. Like, for instance, as we all know, I very rarely leave this office. And if I can watch a movie sitting here where I can pause it, get up, go take this, or I can go get my make something to eat, I'll do it.
i don't yeah I don't like people. I don't like crowds. So why get up off my fat ass and go somewhere when I can watch a movie home?
I'm looking at... With enough money, I can set up a better studio or a better cinema than you go to the cinema. And then when I'm done with it, I can watch another movie.
So, all right, I'm looking at a graphic from Just type in number of U.S. cinema sites since 1995. This only goes up to 2020. They don't have any current data, but I'm sure you can find that out there.
1995, you're looking at about between seventy five hundred and eight thousand theaterres across america It was, yes, it was again no, well, I mean, yeah, a number of media cinema sites.
And then in the early 2000, 1999 is when it dropped down to down to 6,253. four seventy seven that's something down i want here we go two thousand and one it dropped down to six thousand two hundred and fifty three I'm assuming these are the ones that showing new movies, not your dollar theater movies.
you know these are these are These are cinema sites in America. this is all theaters. All theaters. ah Even the dollar ones. If that's in the... It's not... I mean, i mean America's big, but it ain't like that big. um and Usually, everybody drives to a theater. They're usually about an hour or so or 30 minutes from where you live. There's four. Wow.
20 minutes of me. Anyways. What happened in the early 2000s that you think would have caused that dip? In the early Home video Early 2000s. That's what I remember about
the early two thousand home video dmed
early two thousand that's what like i remember about In 2000 is when Fast and Furious came out. And I know that because i as soon as it was out on DVD, I went and bought it.
Because I'm a dork like that. It's a car movie. um so so and I was buying DVDs left or right. In 1997, Netflix started.
Really? That'll do it. Yeah. be Well, even the post office was mad. And in the ninety in in in the In the 90s, of course, yeah, well, the video rental store's been around fucking since like the late eighty s Mid-80s?
God, I can't remember whenever fucking VHS came out. But, ah well, because, okay, so over time, our access to media has changed. Now, let's see, 2020, you are looking at 5,798 in 2020. 5,700.
fifty five thousand seven hundred and ninety eight twenty twenty fifty seven hundred So that's ah that's a decent drop. i Like said, it comes down to the hassle of going to a theater. Like you had that problem when you went to ah when you were in in Guam.
You went to go to a movie and some guy was an asshole to you. Yeah, and this and this is, oh right so in 2017, it was even lower. It was 5,747. So,
yeah so i mean, it's it's gone up and down. I'm sure it's probably down even farther now, to tell you the truth. um But because, yeah, because of all the all the extra streaming services that we have available to us, Well, and nowadays, a lot of movies come out in the same day on streaming that it does in the theater, if not sooner on streaming.
not Not all of them, but but some of them do, yeah. And I think that's pretty... Not to mention the illegal sites, the ones we use.
Yes, yes. fuck ah If anybody wants... if anybody would i Actually, that's what I watched The Gorge on last night. Yeah.
I did too. I watched it on there. If anybody wants to know what that website is, send us a message. i'm just not going to say it on here. I have three different ones. Technically four because I might download it another one. I just found another one today.
and Basically, if it's on streaming or out in the theater, it's on there. Including TV shows and stuff like that. so Oh, my ah my camera died I say that.
um Well, while you change that out, I'm going to quick commercial break. Don't forget everybody. slash nonsensicalnetwork. Wait, hold on. That was my commercial break.
Sorry. I thought you were going to do a song. No, no, no. I'm not going to do song. I'm just going to do a quick slash Nonsensical Network. Everything we have and everything we do is there, including Beauty and the Beard Creative Corner, where you can actually go ahead and get some merch. Not just our merch, but you get your own merch. You get things made.
And, of course, go on there. Order a face. Order a T-shirt with my face on it just to piss off Nikki. It would be fun. That's the only reason I want people to do it. It just depends on how it's going to got swapping those batteries out.
You swip it out like you're John Wick. You do that flick where the clip flies out. Well, I switched over to using my Canon as my webcam, too, because I think it's and it's just better quality.
Yeah, and it works better with the background shit. i just like it. so yeah Hey, you got to use it, man. Right. well were We were talking about movie theaters. yeah there yeah I mean, so I don't think they'll always go away, though. I think they'll... don't know.
and don't know something I don't know. So back in the day, and in the 90s and early aughts, that was my date night.
Like I would, you know, hey, you want to go to dinner and a movie tonight or tomorrow or this weekend? So I can see where, like, that was my first date thing. We'd go to dinner or we'd go to the movie and then go to dinner and talk about the movie or whatever.
That experience I don't think should go However, i do like the idea of ah let's go to my house and watch a movie and I'll cook you dinner.
I've had three dates that were all movie dates and every one was horrible and I would prefer i prefer going to the movie theater alone or with friends.
Oh, oh sure I will not go to movie with friends. First movie day was, I was 13, and we went and saw Freddy Krueger. The one where he dies is in solid 3D.
um I don't know why that oh, because her friend ended up coming with us. I was 13, so yeah, yeah. But I mean, it was still a good movie. I still have fun. But it was like my first date I ever actually went on at the same time.
And then it was in my, heart it was my senior year after I graduated, I went on a date with coworker at Hardy's and I had worked like extra that day. So I was, I was fucking tired.
And, I picked her up and we went to the movie theaters and it was some, it was some sci-fi movie with Jeff Goldblum. I remember it was some like so murder movie. I don't can't remember. It was boring and I fell asleep.
So I was the bad date. I was the bad date. But her and I still became... We were still friends. She understood. She's like, you should have told me. You could have rescheduled.
But i ruined that moment. but And then the third one was in Utah. This was... i was This was a couple of years after high school. I had Utah was my first duty station.
And it was the first new Star Wars movie that came out. a they are not two And the chick that wanted i was kind of dating at the time wanted to see it I was like, right, cool.
I didn't realize it was going to be a fucking line up the goddamn ass. So by the time so by the time we yeah I'm not a Star Wars fan. I didn't know people freaked out over shit like that. man.
Right? So we end up sitting in the very fucking front row all the way down the last two seats. So the entire time, my head is like this. And I left that fucking place. That was the last time I ever went on a movie date, except with my ex-wife. but I've never had a bad movie date.
Because i the way I always did it right. Because I would do Olive Garden, then the movie. You know? And my my thing is my first movie date was Independence Day.
Okay. All See, when i go on a movie when when I go to a movie, it's about watching the movie. you know what i went on um I went on a movie date of last year up in Ohio. Do you do the yawn? No, no. If I want to put my arm around i just put my arm around it. But I'll feel the vibe.
I never perfected the yawn. yeah i am well that with that See, that's the thing. When I go to a movie, I'm going to watch the movie. So if I ask a woman out on a date, I prefer not doing a movie date.
Not for the first one. Because that first night, I want to talk. I want to get to know that person. And when you're sitting in a movie, it's just... That's why you do the dinner, man. You have dinner, you talk, get to know each other.
But then i know i don't want to be I don't want to be obligated to a movie with somebody I don't like if they're to expect to talk. And that's the thing. If they're a talker in the movie, I'm going to want to punch them.
Oh, no. No, that's what the duct tape's for. Blazin's perspective is movie dates are not good first dates. Just saying. get different but That's my dating advice. Take her leave it. I i always do the quick little whole handhold while watching the movie.
Subtle. Nothing crazy. Okay, the type of movie date that I did go on, though, that I wasn't expecting to really care about the movie was fucking drive-in movie theaters. like fucking missed those.
There's actually one five hours away from me in Ohio that plan on going to this summer. I'm going to go check it out. There used to be one down the road. There's a drive-in movie. I want to say it's about 40 minutes from Glick, which means it was close for me. was in Mansfield.
oh That's probably one that's five hours away from me. It's probably. but we used to do we used i had my Astro minivan. and I'd get my me, and my cousins, and their dates, and my date.
And granted, I was like 16, 17. And everybody would lay down on the floor in the back of the van. And so it just looked like there's two us because they charged per person, not person.
Well, they charged by car. Or no, they charged per person, not by car. So I'm like, just two. And then we go in and the but fucking back went back in. And the the seats on an Astro minivan, you can take out and put reverse.
So we'd set stadium style seating behind the van with the doors open and then the speakers in the van and the door because you used the radio. Loved it. Cooler full of crank.
I got my second handy at a drive-in, and it was it was also my worst one I've ever gotten. and She didn't even spit on her hand. That shit was, the friction was building up. i was like, all right, that's enough, that's enough, that's enough, right? hey You're going to catch fire. Stop.
Apparently she didn't take it the right way because later on she's like, you should have stopped me. I was going to end up blowing you. And I'm like, I didn't, I didn't know. It was the lube. There was no, what? You couldn't, drrrr. Dude, always just grab the back of the head. but I was younger now, man.
Shit. Yeah, you live in Larson. Then you get loud hugs. I think the theater topic was movie theaters. Are they relevant anymore today? Well, like said, when it comes to dating, that's what I brought up, the dating thing.
I think it's like you disagree. it's it's I think it's a great first date. For example, like for example
I actually went on a date with a girl that I had met
Dollar Theaters & Movie Date Stories
the night before. We were, it was a big group gathering and we'd met at like a party and we were just kind of we talked all night, had a great time.
And I was like, you know what, what are doing tomorrow? Let's go on let's go on a date. Dinner, dinner movie. Excellent date. Went great. A lot of things happened. um Just saying.
But, yeah hey. We got the double entendre, okay? Yeah, there you go. See? I'm bringing it around, buddy. I'm bringing around. But it was a great first date because you know get to be a little bit you know close to each other in the dark. It was great.
However, when it comes to, if cinemas go away, it's kind of awkward be like, hey, let's have dinner and a movie at my place. I can turn my lights down. It's cool. out of it's kind of Yeah, but that's kind of like first date, come back to my place to watch a movie? Yeah, no. That's why movies aren't great for first dates.
Now, one thing that are going to keep movie theaters around, i think there's still going to less movie theaters. It actually might get to point where there might be one or two depending on how big the city is. But those big expensive IMAX, full technological CGI.
yeah Like the sphere in Vegas. Yes. I'd love to see Avatar on stuff like that. That's like when you go... Me, I go to the movie theater maybe once, twice year, if there's some good movie that I really like. I'm okay with dropping $30 on a movie ticket to see it in that IMAX experience. But I'm not going to go a movie theater for just a rinky-dink movie because those movies I can stream at home.
I can pause where I need to go take a piss. going to pop my popcorn. I'm getting blessed by the concession stand lady. When the Marvel creates... It's $15 fucking glizzies. No. Agreed.
However, when the Marvel phase was in its heyday, well you know every fucking movie was a fucking smash hit. you know Iron Man 1 and Iron Man 2 and Captain America and all that.
When those were coming out, my wife and I took the kids every fucking time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was also in the movie. but yeah i mean the Theater prices, even though they were still expensive, there were so there were a lot they were still a little affordable. I think remember living California. It's still five bucks to go here for the movies.
Okay, so I miss... um go I'm going to say this. I'm going to wrap up this this this topic and we're going to move on. i was in the military and APs on base usually had a movie theater and they were a dollar.
um The only thing was they were... Previously released movies. Let's say a new movie came out. And if a movie came out in the theaters off base, and then as soon as it left the main theaters, then it would usually go on a fees at the right to play an a fees for the military people on base for a dollar. And it was great from family movie night.
Cause you take your kids and you're spending five bucks on tickets. Right. have fancy hill where I ansfield had a dollar here would work just like that they were you know the movie was out last month in regular theaters and then you go to the doll theater and you get two movies for dollar yeah and and
guilty as charged date night was let You go to the Dollar Theater with the group of you and your friends and their dates, and you take up a whole small section where there's three dudes, three chicks, everybody's just kind of comfy, and we'll watch a movie that we've already seen. If we don't pay attention, that's okay.
But if we want to go ahead and laugh along with a movie, we can. Yes. and There's couple movies I saw in the theater I didn't watch. I've still never seen Jurassic Park 3. There were older theaters that didn't show the new releases, and they were typically like $2 or $3 theaters, and I don't really see those anymore.
Well, the problem is because all those movies are already on streaming. Why go pay money? You already paid for the streaming service. Like, i had a buddy that worked at the Dollar Theater, and we'd always go for the last show in the night, and he'd show up about 10 minutes of the movie with a bag, a trash bag full of popcorn. Like, here, you guys want this?
Fuck yeah, dude. He's like, if you need sodas, I'll ah bring you some. All right, cool, man. All right, I'm going to play Southern Outlaws band ah Watch You Burn.
Music Break: Southern Outlaws
Came out, what, last Friday? So here we go. Came out 14th, yes.
I'll try to have fun. Now the biggest light, they won't lose a glow. The fam will play. Go on with the show.
You're going to get your
Are Movies Still Relevant?
Welcome back. Not a bad song. Not a bad song. I know they're playing in Missouri. It's probably the closest... It's like eight hours away from where I'm at. I gotta find out what day.
um thinking about taking my dad to one of their concerts. because My dad's in the Southern Rock. He'd enjoy the fuck out of them and appreciate it. It'd be cool. and Since I know Arliss, he'd probably tickle my dad pink to... ah go off theres Yeah, eating pretty cool. Anyway, Arliss is a cool guy. I just want to give a shout out to Southern Hot Laws, man.
All right. ah ah oh We just got done talking about movies. Are they still relevant? And I turned into dating advice from Blaze and Stories. So that was dope. I dug it.
And um I think they'll still, like I said, they'll remain relevant. Yeah. Jeff, you have a list of recommendations of five your top five comedy movies.
Comedy Movie Recommendations
I do. So, these are no particular order. um And I know at least one of them you like. but So, I'm going to start out with...
The one I like to call the the gray line. The gray line, is the movie is Clue. The gray line is you either love it or hate it. I think it's an excellent comedy.
Of course, ah it's... ah Oh my gosh, what's his name? I don't ever remember watching that movie. You've never seen that movie?
I don't remember watching it, no. so I'm familiar with the board game, but not the movie. Well, the movie actually stars Tim Curry. ah Christopher Lloyd's in it.
ah And it's basically it's basically based on the board game. It's a bunch of people that come to a dinner. And there's actually four different endings. And you can kind of choose your own ending.
um But they're all being blackmailed. And Body... gets killed. And it's a whodunit kind of thing.
And of course, the answer is there's technically four different ones. you get yeah it goes It ends and it says that's what could have happened, but what about this? And then it shows you know three different endings.
So there's technically four endings. It's one of those movies, though. it It has that red line of when people see it, they either love it or hate it There is no gray area.
So it, myself personally, I've seen that movie maybe 400 times. It's excellent. I think it's literally, it's, I'm going to put that at my number five, bottom of barrel, top five list.
So Clue, it was, I want to say 86 89. So that's my number five. So Clue is your number five.
My number five. um look i see Okay. my My number four.
going to go. geez. It's hard to rank these because I love them all. But I'm going to go with. I love. audio It's one of these movies. i have a very special place in my heart.
So number four, I'm going to go with The Big Lebowski. ooh I love you for that one. you know I'm not mad. I might actually rank this one higher. I'm not mad at the number four position. I mean, it's it's one of my all-time favorites, but there are a couple other movies that would probably make it a little bit better. Yeah. ah The reason why I put this one number four is, and and the reason why i love this movie, this is the movie that made me start drinking white Russians like you read about.
The character of Jeff Lebowski You can't actually tell if this dude's got money from the book that he supposedly co-wrote, because he does mention in the movie that he co-wrote a book. john and Now, you know, big Lebowski, like like that damn bri dude, the dude, he's based off a real dude. He's a real guy.
But you know what's weird? He's married. The real big Lebowski is a married dude. I know blew my mind when I found out. you know Here's the crazy thing.
Not many movies can claim this, but there is a religion around that movie. It's called Judaism. And you know what? I'm a proud member.
I'm just saying. I actually, when I registered to be able to marry, it to to officiate weddings or whatever it's called, to marry people, I actually did it through the Doodism site. Oh, shit.
Years and years ago. I don't know if it still works. Okay, I don't know about you, but the first time I saw this movie, I literally had to go buy a rug.
to so So I can walk around and say it really tied the room together. My girlfriend at the time kept the rug. So every time I pass a rug, I tell my wife, you know, that'll really tie the room together.
She's like, we're not buying a fucking rug. The dog's two of them. um've always I've always wanted to dress up in the robe, the jellies, grab a bowling ball, go out to an actual golf course and just fucking start fucking bowling out on the golf course just to fuck around see if anybody gets Because everybody does it the other way around. Everybody does it the other way around. They'll dress up golfing and go to the bowling alley. What you think this is? I'm a golfer.
Anyway. Honestly, they're not a golfer. That was my number four. My number three, I'm going to go, got to go, got to go to Mel Brooks.
And with Robin Hood, Ben in Tights. I love this movie. This movie, you know, it's Dave Chappelle. It's, ah what's his name? ah um I can never, I know what you're talking about.
i love this deal this guy. Yeah.
yeah he He's the one who played in Saul, man. Yeah, that's right. He was in the first Saul. ah I love this movie because it's it's a parody. I love a good parody.
You know, Hot Shots and and and Scary Movie, all the parodies. I love good parody. This was my introduction to parodies. ah Well, not technically. I watched the Airplane when i was kid. But this is where I found my love for parodies.
And I think you knowl Mel Brooks is a good a good one to start with because he is great one of the best yeah satire and parody movie makers.
And I'm sorry. Spaceballs is up there. But the line that gets me every time is lend me your ears and then these motherfuckers throw ears at him.
Gets to me every time. always i always love the song Men in Tights. I do too. I'll sing it and walk around the house. If somebody says be a man or we're men, I start singing the song like an idiot because I'm a giant kid.
ah But yeah, this is my number three. It's a perfect parody movie, which is hard to do when when you hit a parody.
But yeah, I love this movie. My number two. My number two. And yeah, I got to do this this. This is Shaun of the Dead.
It's technically a parody movie. But Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, you they can do no wrong. They are a perfect comedy duo.
They're Shaun of the Dead. yeah I'm not the horror guy, as we've talked about multiple millions of times. But this is not technically horror. I love the mirroring that they do. Like when they meet his friend, she's just like him.
his his her Her boyfriend looks like him. She looks like his girlfriend. Their moms look the same. And, you know, eat down to their best friend, all look the same. I love it. I love the mirroring. I love the...
the so the odd references they do. I have not seen that movie in a long time. My mom is a zombie. My mom is a zombie fan, and but she's never seen that movie. I was like, you've got to watch Shaun of the Dead. It's a comedy zombie movie. She's like, I've never heard of it. I was like, you will love it. It'll be it'll it'll be your new favorite zombie movie. you know what's The great thing about that movie is earlier in the movie, they're playing the video game and he's like, reload, top left.
Then at the end of the movie, they do a callback He's like, reload, top left. Genius. You know, that that callback throughout the movie. I love it. I think it's great.
Callback was the other word I was thinking about movie lingo tonight. It went with double entendre instead. Yeah. We'll bring callback in. um And my number one, and this is the one that I was talking to about.
on, Shot of the Dead was his number two. well as before you Before you say your number one, let's see, your number five was Big Lebowski. Actually, no, my number five was Clue.
Oh, Clue was number four. Okay, and then number four was Big Lebowski. Big Lebowski. Then Robert and Bennett Tights. Robin Hood, Men in Tights. Number two it was... Shaun of the Dead.
Shaun of the Dead. And number one is Drumroll. I don't have one. Well, this one's controversial because it's a comedy action, dramedy. It's a little bit of everything.
It's the princess.
I thought you were going to say die hard and I was going to fly to the screen. No, no, no. This is the only one I told you about because I think the train did i technically grabbed six and then deleted one because you were like, I said five. And I was calm down.
I did say five. I say that. The only reason I grabbed the six. You see how I informed Jeff about things and he's like, I don't care. going to do something else.
what However, the reason why I did that is because The Princess Bride is, yes, it's a comedy. There is comedy in it.
But there's some seriousness to it. There's a little bit of parody. There's a little bit of everything in it. And, you know, there's a little romance. There's, you know, I love the concept of the the story being narrated by Peter Faulkner to Fred Savage. and You can hear their conversation as, you know, ah I can't remember the guy's name. The...
Mandy Patinkin as Inigo. love it. Andre the Giant. Genius is not a peanut. I love it. but This is my number one comedy action. ever This is my number one for everything. I love this movie.
See, one, two, five can go the other way, too. Ha-ha. Yes, I did it. Well, that was Jeff's recommended five top comedy movies. And I'm not going to lie, that's a good list.
I appreciate that. I'm not mad at any of those. I'm not mad at the lineup. That was a good one. That was a good one. They all can't be winners. That was a good list. That absolutely was.
Not going lie. I did put some thought into it. It took me about That's a lot. I can't concentrate it for more than five minutes. ADHD.
Discussion of The Menu & Themes
Squirrel. I guess the thing we really have left to do is What has Blaze been watching? So, Jeff has been on a tangent about Anya Taylor-Joy as of recently, and I'm sitting there scrolling through movies, and I see this movie pop up that came out a couple years ago, popped up on, I think, Netflix or fine i can't remember. The Mini...
And I read the little synopsis and i was like, that sounds like an interesting concept movie and it's got what's-her-face in it. And, you know, okay, so I want to take a break real quick. Like, nothing against Anya Taylor-Joy, but like, I remember, i like, it took me a while, but I remember watching Queen's Gambit, which, good movie. and she's only tell yeah ah Sorry, miniseries. It's been a while since I watched it all kind of melded together, but um And then I watched the menu and I don't know. it's I don't know because she, and she lost so, so much weight for that movie.
Cause you can tell the difference. like Her eyes, her eyes, like in certain scenes, her eyes look like they're so far apart on her face. Like she's morphing into some like queen arachnid and I'm afraid she's going eat my face off.
um'm sure how big word that' buddy um like I'm
You can put me on that menu. I'm ready. come and like And then i you know I thought back of Furiosa or whatever she was in.
And then, of course, The Gorge, which I don't want to get into. But the the movie The Menu... At first I thought, man, does she have an eating disorder? But then I noticed she's like, she's like a wonking Phoenix that like he'll adjust his body weight to match the character he's playing. So like I got mad, mad respect. I mean, I know actors, that can be unhealthy for him.
um But actors will do that too. I have some appreciation for it. She plays a very good, intelligent person in all her roles. She's like a very smart, intelligent person in some form or fashion.
I think she's sort of stereotyped in that way. I'm not saying Ryder is like a brain dead moron, but I mean, I want to see who we are brought up.
what's-his-face earlier, Jesse, and ah he's more his characters are more diversified. id like to see a little bit my more diversification in her acting, but haven't seen all her stuff, so I could be talking out of ignorance. But the movie, the menu, my God, was awesome. It was awesome. listen Awesome. Thank you!
you I loved it. I loved it. So I watched it from my perspective, had a I started watching it kind of just nonchalantly while was sitting there doom scrolling. And then I so heard something in the movie. I'm like, wait a second. I think I want to hear this message. So I started the movie back and I paid attention to it.
It is a great critique on on class division and on the haves and have nots in society. It's amazing. The movie had a Marxist perspective to it, but it was written in a tragedy situation, and I absolutely loved it for that. um just want to say it was very dialectically pleasing to the brain cells. and I enjoyed her character. her She played a prostitute. doesn't really That's not the focus of her character. though
That's basically what she is.
it's not It's not even a throwaway. It's not even a throwaway part. I don't want look at prostitution as it's a bad thing other than it does have, it brings, because of its illegalities, it brings some bad things into it. There's like human trafficking is bad and all that.
But the profession of prostitution itself, I think is respectable. I think can be a respectable respectable industry if legalized and regulated and it was taken seriously like, oh you know, other industries. Anyway, that's a whole other tangent.
But I really want to recommend the menu. um and Just a quick synopsis.
This chef is having his last resort dinner. he yearly He hosts a dinner out on the Hawthorne Island, and it's for the rich and the famous and the...
i Kevin says in the movie, you have to be somebody to be on the menu. You got to be rich, politician, whatever. This was his last one, and that's all I really want to say. don't want spoil too much.
I will say the ending absolutely was brilliant. The way the character was written to humble so humble the antagonist, which i in some ways...
your heart kind of breaks for the antagonist too. And because he's not wrong in his critique of what's going on, it's pretty cultish the way he went about the conclusion, but I enjoy the way her character humbled him.
He changed his perspective and let her go. I thought it was just icing on the cake to a really well written and performed. And it was just a great movie. And there's some good actors in it. John Leguizamo was in it. i fucking, I love him. He's a great actor.
yeah There's that. There's that one British guy He's been playing in a lot of movies. was in that Renfield vampire movie as the ghoul. I can't think of his name.
I think he's playing he's he's playing the new new Lex Luthor in the upcoming Superman movie. He's in it, but his he... Nicholas Holt. he Yes, he didn't have a huge role other than he's he was the...
the catalyst that brought... Yeah, he his character was the catalyst that brought her her into it. Yeah, so... oh But it was well-written. I liked i like the fact that... and you don't realize this later because he turned into a complete dick to her at the table.
And I'm like, whoa, but later on you find out why. and huge the menu, I just recommend it. It's a great movie. It's a, it's, one it's like a drama horror movie. It's a psychological movie. It's yeah, it's actually a movie I will watch again.
um so yeah, in my further and it makes me want a burger and I gotta, I gotta give my hand clap to Anya Taylor doing that one. suburbed So I'm glad you liked it, buddy.
I saw that movie, um, I'll give it i'll give it a a four a four and a half. I'll give it a four and a half.
I saw that movie about, let's see, I'd say about eight months ago, and I instantly loved it. i yeah Regardless that Anya Taylor-Joy was in it, because I'll watch her read the newspaper, i don't care.
But I didn't, like yourself, I didn't know what was going to happen. I was like, du what this is the concept of this book? And then I saw it. I was like, oh, oh look this is getting good.
And I was glued. 100% glued to the screen. It was a class critique. Yes. it was I got nothing else to say.
Anyway, that's that's that's this Friday. Jeff, got anything else? That's all I have. We'll see you at the movies. And bring you home fucking popcorn.
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