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Nonsensical Nonsense

Nonsensical Network
13 Plays10 days ago

The door was open the conversation was fun with a hint of crazy 

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ah y'all better look the **** out today. My crayons are short. The box is full. My bottle of glue is topped off from my helmet's on tight. Baby, we about to rizm with the tism. Let's get with it. Suck my dick and eat my **** all you sons of **** What What is Saturday, sir.
Uh, yeah, go It's not like we're live right now. It is. Uh, well, any other time you won't ever shut the fuck up, but now all of a sudden just forgotten how to, how to speak. oh No, no, no, no, no, because apparently I'm a cheat on cocaine and I need to slow down. I mean, Hey, you know, I was told I, I met, uh, my boss is all not wrong.
Um, let me fact check that real quick. Give me one second. get it My test results come back as 100%. That's my keyboard. Well, you can't do sound effects. I can do sound effects. but youre all My sleeves here, ladies and gentlemen, cause we're going into this.
We're going into the deep end tonight. I am at now i don't think we are. Hopefully it'll be a little less low-key than last Saturday night. God damn, last Saturday night. Last Saturday night was It was super chill, super low-key, just kind of bad. I looked up at the clock at one time and I was like, God, we've been doing this show for fucking 10 hours. And it was an hour in. And I was like, oh. You know, they all can't be winners. You know. It wasn't even that. It was just, I was just dragging ass, man. You know, you guys know I had a rough Friday last week. so uh dope ass thumbnail dope thumbnail i know background's pretty dope too what up motherfucker
I'm actually kind of proud of that because I did have it originally and and you did give me the idea to put our names on it. And if I do say so myself, it turned out pretty fucking cool. I got the outline and everything. And then you were like, let me, let me, ah let me explain the joke. All right. Let me, je v it was funny.
It's funny because their names are Kelsey's. And I'm like, yeah, that's... Well, no, because they're playing in the Super Bowl. Well, original thought was they're playing against each other tomorrow. I get on the fucking show before we start and you're like, yo, Jason Fooken retard. I was like, well, this fucking joke is ruined. Actually, Travis's name is Swift. Travis Swift. It's not Kelsey anymore. Football is gay.
you're gay you're gay and then of course yeah look Blaze is right there number 64 in the background yeah Ryan's number one number two in our hearts Wally Wally and and and lazy die yeah Connor's got legs. Connor got legs. So, you know, it's a fake photo. Got Rick back there. And Rick over here talking to some chick, man. I'm not mad at it, you know? It was the only coach standing by and Rick's got headphones on, so it's like, yeah, I know. But I knew it is Saturday night. What's up, motherfucker? Welcome to Nonsense. Yes. Nonsense. Hopefully you guys had a good week, and now you're ready to kick back and get a little crazy. ah Whatnot.
Make sure you guys give us a follow. We are everywhere. Facebook, Instagram, excellent. TikTok shows are live Monday through Sunday on YouTube, Facebook, and and Twitch. And you can listen any place, anywhere, wherever you listen to podcasts that we are there all at the nonsensical network or simply go to slash nonsensical network.
All them links is there. You know the drill. Follow, like, subscribe, ring my bell. I mean, it's turned my notifications on. Yeah, you do. And don't forget to smash my like button. Yeah. Smash my like button, baby. Yeah. You know what daddy likes? You like to have your bell rung at me on the truck stop. I get that. And don't forget. It is. What is tonight? Saturday?
Oh my God. You're such a dick. It's the open door challenge. The link is in the chat. so
I don't know. I hadn't gotten that far yet. I hadn't gotten that far yet. All right. I'm still doing the bio link and while you're at the bio link, make sure you guys check out beauty and the beard creative corner. She is on Facebook and Instagram and get yourself some sick fucking swag with Jeff. We'll put the picture again.
Look at that dog. Look at that dog. Little nonsensical network swagger. Swagger, brand here, we call this a little, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand, brand,
um yeah nickki can get you guys ah you're non synical swag or if you just want something more personalized you know like i said if you want You know, whatever she can get you taken care of shirts, hoodies. I think she can do sweatpants as well. She can do cups. We've got five or six different designs on cups that she can do on the different cups.
um Hit her up, let her know what you'd like, she'll give you the pricing and we'll get y'all taken care of, get it shipped out to you. Ace-a-per-oony, beauty in the beard, creative corner. As Jeff said, ladies and gentlemen, it is Saturday, the doors are open. It is the open door challenge. What that means is we dropped the link in the chat, which is no surprise, much like Jeff's sex life, he prematurely, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Into the chat box. I'm ready to ride the fires and kick the tires, daddy. This is going to be a good night. Yeah. I'm ready to drown some babies and kick some puppy. I mean, wait, what? Hold on a second. I shake the babies and kiss the hands. So, you know, maybe that's why I lost that governor's race. I'm just saying. I mean, that's a quote from a movie. What movie is that from? Duke's a hazard.
Yeah. Cool. but john got john Yeah. The one it with Johnny Knoxville. That's a, Kurt Reynolds said that.
Yeah, dude. Stiffler and Knoxville as Bo and Luke. i did not pay i did not pay any I did not pay any attention to the rest of the movie because those two fucking killed me. You know, okay. It was good, except for it some of the jokes were a little bit, you know, a little on the nose, like a hoop the good email when they took out the mailboxes. I was like, yeah.
All right. Well, yeah, but you know, it was a good moment. It's right up there. It made me believe Stifler could drive like a motherfucker. club Yeah, you know, it's one of those things they wanted to keep with the corny one-liners that we know from Dukes of Hazzard and then Moderna. I love Stifler and I did too. I thought they did great. The movie itself was garbage. Let's be honest. Oh, yeah. let's Well, like they they added characters unnecessarily. Like yeah what's his name? The guy that played Farba. He was funny. any But just. Yeah. But anyway, what was I talking about? Yeah. So the lake is in the chat. Everybody and anybody is welcome to come up here. All we ask is that you please keep your genitalia off your camera.
Nobody wants to see it. Save it until after the show and I'll give you Jeff's Snapchat. Yeah, baby. I like them pictures. Oh, oh, oh, oh.
Ain't got no passion.
It's been a long week. I'm alone in life. Well, too early, so you're just going to get a little shoulder action for me right now. Yeah, it's it's early. But you know what? Like I said, it's been a very long week. Yeah, man. I mean, it's it's been a week, I'll say that. ah
um been Did you actually go into work? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, i we're talking. I had a fucking clock in and gone right back in. I worked from home yesterday. It's fun working from home. I've been doing it for what four years now. It's pretty cool. Shaking, shaking, shaking. I think, hey, picklefucker, I think you had shaking, right? And then you, now it's shake, shake, I Yeah.
Yeah, you had it right, then you spelled it wrong. You spelled it got four wrong. What up, motherfucker? What up, just technical. But no yeah no, I went in. um I didn't do anything. I did i did trash. But outside of that, I was actually I put in a bunch of job applications. And then
Oh man, oh man, oh man. The board, I won't say anything bad about the company I work for, but the board and the condominium association or whatever, condo association, they're fucking stupid.
They're fucking stupid. So you just explained every HOA and board on the planet. They're fucking stupid and in the long run, gonna wind up costing themselves a whole lot more money.
You know, that's the one thing that I think every board when they're, when they're in charge of stuff like that, they should have one moron like us going, wait a minute. What are you doing? Well, well, the trains run. Yeah. Like there's things that need to be done. There's monthly PMs, weekly PMs, the trash. Now you're eliminating my role and now you're going to pay two guys who are quote, unquote, rovers, they're rovers. So in order to have a rover comes to your building, it costs a lot more than to have a guy permanently in place. So you're taking the one guy out and now you need two guys to do my job. And now you're going to wind up paying like triple their money. Uh, and it's just like, yeah, a white collar mentality, buddy. I've been dealing with that for years. Yeah. You didn't think that was very good. You Demi's and I was telling us.
I was talking to the maintenance guys next door and they have the building beside me and their property manager and letting them know. And I wanted to introduce him to one of the guys who's going to be coming over to do the work. He was over Thursday and I showed him the building and and whatnot.
and And their property manager was like, what a bunch of fucking morons. Like, do they ever know how much more that's going to cost to have two guys and they're not on site. So you're not going to get that immediate response. bosh Yeah. Yeah. You're going to get that. Yeah. We'll be there about 45 minutes. Yeah. We'll be there and in the next couple of days, maybe. Right. Right. Yeah. Cause, but, uh, I'm going to pipe breaks. I'm just saying. I said, uh,
you call me and offer me my job back, it'll cost you about 10 more dollars on the hour. Amen to that. Well, you know, that's in the past, what, four or five years, I'm a blue collar guy working in a white collar role. And some of the things that white collar executives say is
Well, you know, you get people, you get people, and I used to have this when I worked at, um, like OSU when I was at the med center and even, and especially at the university, you hear somebody, just cause they have a fucking piece of paper on their wall that says they're smart. They think they know everything about everything in the end and they're the end all be all. And half the time these motherfuckers are them are in a box. Yeah.
yeah And, and then they want to argue with me about doing my job. And it's like, whoa, why am I, I didn't know that you're a maintenance technician. I'll tell you what, next time you're in her surgery, I'll make sure to swing by and tell you how to do it. yeah know like You if you can't do the work, shut the fuck up. I get, I understand the concept of trying to save money for the company, the way that once you do the math, it doesn't math. Yeah. The math ain't math. And what a cricket.
It's just going to be. Yes, we're live. It's one of those things. It's like stupid but decisions like that can really sink a company because one stupid decision becomes two and two because that's the thing. It's not even a company. It's a condo association. And now it's yeah you save money you know you don't want a property manager on site, which makes sense. I can understand that. You don't want somebody to sit on, you know, you don't technically need that, but.
You got to build in maintenance guy for a reason. and now um and it is However, in case of emergency, it's nice to have one. Yeah. And you don't want, you want to eliminate my role in my position. But now you have two guys doing the work of one guy. I get it. Well, it's the Speaking of the same, similar concept. So, you know, my wife's in Paris, she's got her apartment and everything. And she was, you know, for her birthday, she was she was scrolling through Facebook marketplace, and somebody was giving away a free IKEA closet thing, right? Fucking things like eight foot tall, right? she She gets it back to the apartment, they delivered it for her and everything. 45 minutes later, she calls me, I fucking wish you were here. I can't figure this out.
wait what do What do you mean? She says, it's overly complicated. It's fucking Ikea. It's got instructions. But she's like, it it didn't come with the Ikea instructions. You don't need it. You just look at the back of it. It had been opened and put back together. No, it it had been opened. yeah So they were lost. and they shoot back the box oh They didn't put it together. They never put it together. They just, they opened it. You know what? they're just one together there's just like There's this crazy thing.
but I took two minutes. It's called the internet and Google. What's the name on the box? There you go. you can actually then You can actually do a Google pixel picture search. Yeah. And you take a picture of it and say Google search, and it'll come up and it'll have a manual. She got it together pretty good, and then it's got four different sets of hinges. They're all the same, but like four of the hinges say IKEA, four of them don't.
and And she's like, which ones goes where? I'm like, who fucking cares? They're the same fucking thing. But these ones say, oh my God, don't fucking get me started. I put the fucker in upside down. I don't care. It don't matter, lady. Just fucking put it together and shit your hair. Her roommate's boyfriend was over trying to help. And the guy can't even swing his hammer. And after a while, i you know, I'm on i'm on video chat with him. ah I hear him, but I might not be very big, but I know how to swing it. I literally, I was like, hey, take me off speaker. She's like, what's up? Tell him to fucking leave because he's fucking talking.
When she finally got together, she was like, I got it done. I said, well, that took two days. So in other words, five fucking minutes, I had it done without the instructions. In other words, any of you listeners that are feeling generous,
and You want to send a little care package my way click click 13 on the cash app Go subscribe to my only fans You're the big boy. I'm only fans go i Subscribe it take i love money nobody wants to so man trying to I mean people do subscribe to my only man. So so suck it Jeff yeah they're all big Big dudes named Bubba, you know what? I don't care case I'm not mad at it. and i not like i I actually try to do the same thing. You know how when you sign up for your OnlyFans, you have to actually show an ID? Well, the only ID, like, so they can confirm you're over 18 and shit? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I can't use my ID because my ID doesn't expire. Because I have a personal residency card that doesn't have an expiration date, so it won't let it use it. It's because you're Mexican.
No, it has nothing to do with it because like, if I wanted to sign up like somebody else, because I have what's called an FM2, which is my permanent residence, my green card. It's a permanent residence card. But because I have kids, it doesn't expire. Like if you meet down here with your kids, your kid's not being Mexican, you know, you would get a permanent residence card eventually. And yours, you would have to renew it every year. I don't have to because my kids are Mexican. Just go get an ID. I need to.
I need to go. again You got an ID10T card, though. I know you got that. Who? An ID10T card. I don't know what that is.
Spell it out. ID10T card. Because you're an idiot. It's one of those things. I need to go get my new driver's license, and I could actually open one, but I was like,
What is that? It is a, it is a Mr. Beast, uh, monster, uh, monster mutation thing. But you buy this canister and it comes, hold on, dude, I'm trying to explain it. So you buy this little canister guy and there's a little handle right here, which is actually the mutation liquid. I honestly think it's soap and water. You should pour it in here and then you spin this little dial.
while this it's all blue so you can't see the little the little creature inside there's a fingerprint button sorry you spin it cash has got it in backwards but you push down a little fingerprint button and when you do you push it down twice well that water start the blue starts to dissipate in the water and it your creatures backwards, but it starts to go clear and you can see the the Mr. Beast mutation that's inside, but then you can open it up and take it out. It's like a little action figure. It's actually pretty freaking dope. That's pretty cool. um They never had cool shit like that when we were kids. They had cool shit, but it was also very expensive. We couldn't buy it. There's like a blue and silver one. Yeah. Cash was finishing spending the rest of his Christmas. Yeah. So he went and got a, yeah, there's a little,
nice action figure that comes it's like this little like robotic saber tooth thing tiger looking thing husband saying it's actually badass that's very cool i'm not mad at that right you know who mr beast is the youtuber oh yeah yeah yeah yeah so yeah cash wanted to go to i had to go to walmart and pick up a couple things today he wanted to go he wanted to go look at uh legos and he's going those places yeah he got uh he got a new lego set he got a but
who I got a the ah dirt burger from from Fortnite. okay like One of the hamburger skin has got like the big hamburger head. Yeah, it's a dirt burger. I'm making the yeah ah What was it? And then he got a new wrest then he got a new wrestling pack.
i went I went to the store today and there's a vending machine that sells all those Mr. Beast bars and shit. And I looked at the prices and I was like, yeah, you know what? I've never been that hungry for a candy bar ever. Yeah. They're like $25 a piece for a fucking candy bar. How much? $45 a piece for a fucking candy bar because it was Mr. Beast shit. And I was like, you know what?
There's a Hershey bar over there for like 90 cents. I feel like it's so expensive down there. Oh yeah, there's the canister. It's because they're imported. What's so expensive? Because they're like, the Mr. Beast's Feastables are like $2 here. Yeah, they're it's because they're imported. America and they're Mexican. I don't think I'm missing out because A, it's chocolate. I don't do chocolate. It's chocolate. they got they got They got white chocolate.
i don't know chocolate say get you Yeah, I just walked right in there just stuck in blew up in your brain Seems like a little bit of an unfair fight. Oh, that's a big-ass monster from hell know what oh that marked a while back yeah
ah It is the violet tap from spawn Yeah, um I don't know i brought I Really don't know what I'm sure there was at some point in time some kind of liquid or something in there I don't know if you can even add it liquid into it kind of pushed me there, but I Don't know he says about to have a battle royal with the with the violator and this saber-toothed robotic tiger thing. said Don't fuck around with the little ones, man. We fucked shit up. The panther. Oh, no, I'm sorry. This this is Trimmer from Spawn, not Violet. Oh, OK. Looks like yeah it's Yeah, it's one of the demons from Spawn. What is Spawn Liquid? Spawn is a com comic book about a guy who was betrayed. He's a military guy, and he was betrayed.
by his boss and he became the hell spawn, which works for the devil. Yeah. Yeah. He's kind of like Nick Cade, like Ghost Ranger. Yeah. I think spawn is on one of the, look on your, put in spawn on your phone. And I think it's on one of the streaming network. It's actually a really good movie. It's excellent movie. The CGI is not great, but it's pretty good. Yeah. We'll have to look and see if we can find it.
It's kind of like ghostwriter, but different ghostwriter made a deal with the devil and the devil. trump right spaw is Yeah. Yeah. I just looked it up. Uh, who did spawn? Michael J. White. No, the comic book. It wasn't, it wasn't yeah i wish you would it toldman before I dropped it. Um, I don't think it was DC or Marvel. I think it was like dark images or dark We were just talking about it. I know Blaze knows.
Originally, I think it did become a part of the... No, maybe not. I don't know. I can't remember who did the comic. But, you know, so like Nick can't... What? No, no, no, no, no. I was reading. Spawn. Oh, Jesus Christ.
one is
i carland was agree
Yeah, Todd McFarland Hold on here it is. It's actually Marvel. Oh wait, hold on. Isn't it a Marvel or DC? While Spawn is published under Image. Image Comics. Image Comics, yeah. That's it. That's a dark image. On which it's So it's a constant debate.
on whether it is... ah which universe Bond fits in better. I think he'd be more... I think he'd be leaning towards DC because it's literally the same thing as Ghost Rider, just different. So, and Ghost Rider is already Marvel. Isn't it?
No, yeah, Ghost Rider is Marvel. No, it's it's totally different. It's totally different. But it's got it's got that. It's a real, it's it's it's not like you wouldn't see Spawn and Superman together. That'd be weird. Underworld. That's what I'm thinking of. Thank you, Wally. I couldn't think of it. Yeah, Underworld. That's with Todd McFarlane. Todd McFarlane has done some great comics and stuff like that.
Underworld. Yeah, no. Yeah, I mean, it's... it's similar ish, but totally different <unk> he's ghost He signed the deal with the devil and he was supposed to, he was supposed to, uh, retreat his wishes. He was supposed to retrieve souls. Um, and spawn is just like the devil's nuke at the end of the day. So Great movie, though. I would love to see a reboot of that movie. Actually, I think i just saw it. think they're Yeah, blazing i think I think we've talked about it. And and the crazy thing about it is, dude, Michael Jia White is still in amazing shape and still could pull off that character in a reboot. Oh, yeah.
So the new spot, Jamie Foxx might even move spawn. Yeah, I heard that. why foxx is take you over the title rule There's already a great deal of development of which be one of the longest greatest Yeah, and take over the world. Yeah, exactly They are trying. Yeah, exactly. Wasn't so it was yeah like and sorry that's what I said he was basically like the devil's nuclear weapon so to say Fucking sponsor bad uh you you introduce spawn to the marvel universe and you and you and you introduce a spawn in venom and spawn gets a symbiote oh because he's already got kind of a symbiote type i see where i see where you're going with that yeah it's unstoppable give me a venom spawn baby let's go i'm in let's fucking go i do like what what did you think in tom hardy's venom well let me go ahead and just put it like this
In my world, Tom Hardy is perfect, and he does nothing wrong. I agree. You can't do nothing wrong. The only fall on Tom Hardy is that he's five foot four. I love that about him, honestly. Because it's my people's doing well. Yeah. Ooh, Wolverine and Venom. Ooh. I like it. I think they've done a Wolverine and Venom. Movie? Yeah.
Not a movie, but in the comics. Oh, in the comics. I think they've done a Venom. I think they've, I think they've interfused Venom with Dan near, not a good chunk of the Marvel universe. I think there's a Venom Hulk out there. um Did you see the trailer from Fantastic Four new movie?
I don't know. I just don't know, man. It's a hard franchise to pull off. and Yeah, it it it is. And I just... Man, the first one the first one was so good with Alba and Pine and Old Boy from... from yeah The Wire? Yeah. yeah um and and I don't know his name. And then they did that one where they were a little bit younger and I wasn't too mad at it. and The one with... What's his name from Maverick? I didn't want to tell you.
Yeah, I wasn't too mad at it. It was all right, man. I think I ah really feel like they dropped the ball and not getting John Krasinski like he played in in the you know, I agree. However, but yeah aren't they? Aren't they doing what's his name? The the the um fuck they do from Last of Us. Shut up, Jeff. OK.
Yeah, a pabro Pablo Francisco or whatever the hell his name is. Yeah, hold on. I gotta look it up. Yeah, he's he's he's Dr. Reed Richardson. Yeah. I don't know, man. I don't know. I don't have very high expectations for the... I don't either. For the Fantastic Four franchise. However, the new Captain America movie, I'm looking forward to with Harrison Ford as the Red Hulk.
Yes. Harrison Ford is one of those guys. He's only done like two bad movies ever. and one of them nine days which is He was doing an interview and they were talking about him playing the red Hulk. And he was talking about the first time he seen it, the CGI and everything. Cause he's like, I didn't know much about the Hulk. And I see my first transformation. And the only thing I went through my head is why am I red? Why do I have to be red?
Like, I don't like the color red. You're the red Hulk, Harrison. You're the red Hulk. It says it in the name. Red Hulk. Says the same guy that was like, what did George Lucas? It was like, can you kill me off? No? Shit. You've been trying to get off fucking Star Wars forever.
Yeah, Red Hulk smash. It does look sick, man, to the previews. I'm excited to see Anthony Mackie as Captain America. I am, too. I thought he was great as Falcon. I thought he was great in the series on Disney. Yeah. With, with, and I'm looking forward to the What's that movie that's got the douchebag that played Captain America, the guy who played? Oh, no. Oh, god yeah. Yeah. Oh, shit.
just talk about It's got the guy who played the the Russian Captain America and and Black Widow and Black Widow sisters in it. Help us out here, Wally. But no, the new Captain America movie looks dope.
and i you know i Florence plu is her name and the movie is called It's um, what the fuck is it? Okay, no, she's not you but he's in the group a I Know she's in it. I don't see it Thunderbolts death under bolts. Yeah
She's one of those actresses she can't do wrong either. The chick that played Black Widow's sister, she's hilarious. She was hilarious in that in that movie with the the the the series with ah the Hawkeye series. Yeah, Bucky's in it. U.S. agent, the douchebag. Harrison Ford's in that one as well. Is he really? Mm-hmm. And it's got the the dude from ah Stranger Things, David Harbour. Yeah, he plays- White Russell, he's the U.S. agent, yeah.
he plays He plays Black Widow and her sister, he's her dad. He's the, what's his dad name? So. Well, it's Alexander's Stalk Cloth. Yeah, but he's he's like the red. Who's the red? Yeah, I think doesn't give his character name. It's, hold on. It's, ah looked at it
Oh my God, that's annoying. The Red Guardian. Red Guardian, yeah. He was hilarious as Red Guardian in that Black Widow movie. That Black Widow movie did not get enough love. I thought it was awesome. But um but yeah, know there's that one scene where They show Falcon America, Captain America, Falcon Captain America fighting the Red Hulk and fucking Red Hulk throws that goddamn car at him and he jumps up and flips and his wings come out and cut the car. I'm like, whoa, let's go. And I'm finally in for a new Marvel movie. It's been a hot minute since I've gotten too excited over a Marvel movie. Now, I love the Loki series. I thought that was great. I love that. Captain America, you know, the Anthony Mackie.
uh falcon and and winter soldier show i thought that was great um but like i really like i even liked uh that scarlet what did you watch agatha all along not yeah it was weird it's actually pretty good you've got to get about halfway through the first episode before you're like okay i get it yeah i like the scarlet witch show i mean there there were shows that were about disney um man disney stopped with all this bullshit and give us the goddamn marvel zombies it teased us with this You told us we were going to get it. Now, give it to us. Well, they did it in that they did it. What if what it's just good if they were going to they were going to do this was going to be the first ever Disney first ever rated our Disney project was Marvel's. I mean,
I'm in and it's animated, too. I mean, it would be cool to see a live. back Live. I'm not going to be animated. Well, I actually would be cool.
There's so much more they can do. There's so much more they can do with the animation. or is two yeah Okay, to do Marvel zombies appropriately and correctly, it has to be animated. You think? Because, oh, dude. He makes Avengers with fucking Walking Dead. du your goal No, as as as a guy who, what yeah, but it wasn't that dude it wasn't that simple. For a guy who read the Marvel zombies series,
The just the way that the way that some of the characters were portrayed, I mean, like Wolverine turning into a zombie when he can heal. He has those healing factors was wild or Iron Man zombie where like the suit is like rusted out and decayed. And then you see underneath the zombie, zony Tony Stark, you know, Deadpool, when he was turned into a zombie, he was just a fucking floating head.
Yeah, because, well, they showed that in the Deadpool movie. ah He was portrayed by Nathan Fillion, by the way, which I thought was hilarious. Yeah. So i mean there's a lot of Deadpool rules. And all you motherfuckers drew. Deadpool was the best. Just because he'll break the fourth wall and just start talking to you.
Yeah, no show. I wanted to ask you a question. No, I'm not taking questions. No, no, no. Apparently, and I heard this yesterday, the PlayStation Network was down for like 12 hours, and millions of dollars was lost. um so about that There were millions millions of dollars worth of tournaments going on for different franchises, and nobody can log in. Rick would be the guy to ask about that. Why don't you message him and tell him to bring his big ass up here?
I'm an Xbox guy. I have three Xboxes. I agree. But I actually heard about that. Because... And the one PlayStation that I have has not been turned on in months because now we have the Roku back here. Right. Well, then... So, I got an industry break. You've got some Play Forza on PlayStation now. Yeah, Forza. We were talking about that. Forza and something else. We were talking about that somewhere. Maybe it was on one of my...
Well, maybe on Glitch House of Music or something. I was styleho i don't know where where I was talking about it at, but nonetheless, I did see a thing at the PSN network or PSN was down. There was an outage or something like that, but I didn't, again, I don't have, but i don't I haven't played on my PlayStation in years. mean the only reason The only reason I have it is because I was using it to watch TV and stream. Right. That's what I ended up doing with mine.
And like I said, I mean, we've got three Xboxes in this house now. So, and I brought the Roku back here because I couldn't get my spectrum app on the PlayStation because PlayStation is stupid and they wouldn't sign a deal with spectrum Xbox has. So I can put my spectrum app on there and watch live TV and watch sports and stuff like that. So I brought the Roku back here, especially when we started and well before, but it's especially come in handy. You got like the Roku fire stick thing.
Yeah, it's like the little Roku box. I buy, I buy Roku fucking TVs. Like did the TV that like my screen is attached to is a Phillips TV, but it's got Roku built in. And then I got a Samsung upstairs that has the same thing. What's for dinner tonight, boys? Your mom. had seen um so he made some I had I had pierogies and Doritos and queso because I hadn't eaten actual dinner yet because Nicki made those after I ate a box of pierogies and I had Doritos and queso so I wasn't super hungry but she made like these um little little cheeseburger bacon bacon cheeseburger muffin bite things she put them in a muffin pan and bake them and fries so yeah I keep seeing shit like that on TikTok and I i always send it to Nicki yeah I know everybody everybody said it was good I just I wasn't hungry because she made it and I literally
You're that asshole. You're watching her cook while eating fucking cookies. No, no, no, no. That's fuck. You don't like cooking. That's exactly right. Nailed it. Maybe learn how to cook. Jeff said maybe learn how to cook. Why do you think I keep sending you recipes? Why do you think he keeps sending you recipes, he said? No, she's coming back here to yell at you now. She said you can kiss her hand. I gotta keep you fat.
Oh, I miss you too, Nicky. Nicky's an amazing cook, but no, I... That's why I send her recipes, so I can make you... I want to make you like 400 pounds. It'll be alert. Not far off, but I'm going to the gym now. What? Jeff City wants to make me like 400 pounds or so. Not far off, but I'm going to the gym now, baby. No, no. i So Cash and I did his show today, and we got done doing his show. Here you go, dude. Love you, Duh.
yeah ah Don't worry, we won't. Don't worry, I'll be able to pee on you a little bit. I want to pee on you. Just call me R. Kelly, baby. I said Mr. Beast creature won the battle. Oh, imagine that. Told you. Gotta watch out for the little guys.
thank and some of the secret move I have a question for me when I said we have about a year and a half to come up with a million dollars for a family vacation of five. Oh, no, I was doing something. I was helping him with that. Mr. B, let me, let me, uh, let me check my wallet. Nope. Don't got it. I've seen that four, four, 26 or something like that. Um, after our wedding, it's next year, a million dollars. You can probably get away with a hundred grand. I'm just saying. So it's six months after our wedding.
Well, I guess I'm going to put my weight on the internet.
Yeah. Come subscribe to my only fans fell and didn't see my way or schnitzel. Ah, it was getting a little warm. I'm watching click. You watch it, pal.
got all excited. We're on the internet. You're watching the fucking fuck around you go wind up like Connor, I'm gonna be your step daddy. You and your mommy can call me daddy.
not just something
Don't don't Chris, now you see, now you want to be a smart, you want to be a wise guy in the chat. Yeah, maybe I should tell everybody. Chris Technician follows my only friends and if he sent me a message and said, hey, don't tell anybody that it's me, but it's Chris Technician, whatever. I was like, thanks, bro. Appreciate the support. Appreciate the support, brat. I don't like it. I don't either. I don't like it. I wanted to make us a little bit bigger.
but Stop touching buttons. I touch all the fucking buttons I want.
Yeah, that's actually kind of cool. Yeah, I got this one. We're actually, it actually goes up to like nine people. Now, hold on a second. Oh, shit. I can't turn your camera off. I can just remove you. If you turn your camera off, and it'll be perfect because we can't see your face on the picture and then we wouldn't see your face on the screen. All you, all anybody would get to see is my handsome face. Well, you could also do the one I made but for Blaze and I. Just put us down here.
Yeah, I know. I would like to say that I would never play for the Eagles, but if I got an NFL contract, I wouldn't be picking you. I was gonna say, don't fucking lie. If so if somebody called you right now, I think the fucking Cowboys could call you and be like, click. 12 million a year. You're gonna be the fucking end garden tackle. You're gonna sit on the end of the bench and guard the water bottles. I'm fucking there! Let's go. America's team. Nobody's coming to hear those.
Who them boys? Who them boys? Who them boys? Who them boys? Who them boys? We them boys. Let's go down. I'm going to fucking start tatting on my chest like Captain America. Amen to that. Well, that's the thing that brings up an interesting concept. No. If there was an NFL team out there that wanted to sign me to their roster, I wouldn't give a right. It could be Denver. It could be Baltimore. I'd be like, yeah, let's do this. Right?
Put Glick in Boston. So he has to listen to the accent all the time. But trouble in a year? Fuck it. As long as they put in my contract that I can't be fired for punching the Boston accent out of people.
Every time somebody comes up and talks to me with a Boston accent, I'm allowed to punch them in the chest one time with no penalties or repercussion. Just once a day. I just need to look.
you That's one way for people not to talk to me with the Boston action. I'm just saying. Because for Boston, with a thick Boston accent, we'll walk up and be like... Hey, you... Never mind. Come up with a thick Boston accent. Good day. How's your morning? Hey. Exactly. How about two new patriots? Hey. I your name, motherfucker? My khakis.
My camp is in the yard open up, put your arms down. Don't flinch over in the yard by the car. What the fuck?
but This is bullshit. I'm just trying to find my Yankees. So I have something I want to show you. You'll never get bigger. but I don't want to get bigger over the Eagles.
Ah, hey, tune in tomorrow. We'll, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll make our, we'll, we'll do what nobody wants to do and we'll make our picks tomorrow for the Super Bowl. I already called it. Uh, I know who I'm rooting for in the Super Bowl and it's, and it's neither one of the teams. It's a player specifically. And that's who I want to win the Super Bowl. The player.
However, I don't think my guys are, I don't think Derek and Rick are going to let that slide. And so I'll have to pick a team. Yes. There's a player. I'm voting for Taylor Swift. There is a player on one of the teams that I absolutely love. And I think that he 100% deserves this. And, and the kid is, uh, he was, he, he's, he's a good kid and and he's busted his ass and he was on a shitty team for a few years. And now he got to a good team.
And he's having a phenomenal season and I think everybody knows what i'm talking about Tune in tomorrow and you'll find out I guess i'll never know because I don't watch the sports show dude because it's fucking sports You don't watch any of any of my shows I I don't because I see you fucking enough Uh, I do have my new favorite thing on the internet, dude You've got to see this and I want your reaction I don't care. Oh, would you look at the time? It's time for a break. Sorry, Jeff. We do have to break. I don't care because would you look at the time because it's fucking hilarious shows real quick. It's a minute five and I want to see I want to I need you to kind of lean over so you're over by your name so you can I can see your reaction because it's alert. Yeah, right like that. Here we go.
That is my new favorite thing on the internet. It's called chorus of comments on TikTok. You know, that would be dope as fuck if that was a real band. I don't know if it is or not, but I've seen them before. I'm assuming and saying, you know, if that was a real band, I'm going to be trying to get them on Glick's House of Music. Oh, back, dude. There's one.
the The girl has down syndrome. ands yeah for me ah my god
it' said's down i down i off the chair laugh support and so though certainly It's It certainly helped her. The fact that she had this little thin ass tank top on and over. Yeah.
while she was dancing around. and but i've seen actually seen this I've seen those on Reels and Shorts before on YouTube and Instagram and every time. and I laugh my ass off the singing the cow rides, man. Well, we've talked about that one girl that she tells those weird dad jokes. She's a really pretty girl. ellen She's always sweet and innocent, but the comments are just like, sit on my face and shit. And they're just like, what the fuck? It's so weird. I'm pretty sure she's in on those jokes, but she's... She just doesn't catch them.
Yeah, and so she doesn't she doesn't beat off a woman. She doesn't care that she just like it, you know, it's like um it's it's gettings getting their clicks it's yeah it's it's get her clicks and views and stuff like that, which I got a bone to pick with TikTok, man. We're getting we you know, we post videos on our TikTok plays and I post big videos on our TikTok page. I need to figure out how long back in and we'll let me and we're getting views and shit like that. But it's like no engagement. There's no likes. Yeah, nothing.
And it's weird. You know, because we like even even my personal page where, you know, I promote a certain page on there. I was getting likes and comments out the ass. And then after that little tick tock band, now it's all of a sudden like nothing. and The views are still there, though. That's the thing, like the views are still there. But it's like.
There's a fucking, what's the engagement at? You know what I mean? Here's my question. Do you think that the engagement's gone down because people are like, oh, it's just going to eventually go away anyways? Like they killed TikTok without killing TikTok. I don't know, but at the same time, if you're, if you're still watching the content, you like the comment, you would think that you would throw a like on it. I'll throw a comment on it. I mean, I sometimes accidentally like something.
accident Just as you scroll, you hit the button, you know, or you hit your screen, and it throws up a heart, and you're like, oh I'm too lazy to fucking undo it. I'm already three three fucking videos past. But no, I saw that. I found that the other day. And I and i literally spent like 45 minutes going through. there they're On that course of comments, there's only like 10 of them. But each one's better than the next. Yeah.
The one girl, God love her, she's gorgeous, but she's got eyes like Sid, the sloth from fucking Ice Age. think okay I lost it. It's like, you can't be, what was the one comment? It's like, she can see too two TVs at once.
You can you can never ask her to look you dead in the eye She's got necessary he's got what she's got two blue eyes one blue this way one blue that And I was like, you know, I'm not mad at that at all I'm gonna use that I don't know where I don't know what unnecessary Uh-huh Tron in the house. What's up, sir? What's up gentlemen?
I'm so glad I don't have epilepsy.
Blazed in his goddamn moving backgrounds or, you know. You're fine, you're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine.
i just pride myself watching police's background and not paint any one day one day was her to it You're fine. Blaise was on a Wednesday show, and he had that fucking spaceship going in one ear and out the other. That's Lazy's favorite. That's Lazy's favorite. they They were on one last night. I, speaking of the Lazy and the guys, Shaman and them, I don't know if you guys got your ears on or not, if you're listening. and um Do what I've apologized. I was going to pop in for a few minutes last night.
i Was in the chat and then I fell asleep. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I'll sleep watching raslin What happened on a lazy show apparentlyrely not nothing excited yeah He started to talk about like something they were talking about something and until a sun Just their typical Friday night shenanigans like we do here. I OK. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Just their typical Friday in night shenanigans. Yeah, they were. I was it I was bouncing back and forth while you guys were both alive. I was watching you, watching them, watching me. I'm not touching myself. You know, when I think of you, I throw toilet paper behind me. Is that a is that a weed vape or a regular vape? They're a weed of a weed.
a little bit of both. Let me ask you some about the about the weed babes because I've seen people who have those and they just fucking hit them like I hit my V. Is that like Sue? I don't even know that quality. high Like is it is it is it like a low dosage or like I don't even know the correct terminology to use. You know, it's there is there is a dosage, but it's It's all in like milligrams. And if you take a specific long of a hit, I don't know. I just inhale it and I get high. So your one type is THC at this point. If you smoke that, like I smoke my babes, are you going to like fall out or is it not that strong? I know he was pretty stoned last night.
I'm sure there was other ingredients involved other than that. ba That was an edible. That was edibles too. oh my i just I just ate one a little bit ago. Nice. um If I hit this, like I hit that, what was your question? If you hit that vape,
like i smoke a cigarette are you gonna fucking song out no not romney like i yeah if if i kept doing that but i'd probably cough my head off and give myself a headache first no no i'm saying like you know how i i don't know you know how i hit my vape i mean we've been side by side when we're doing the show you know how i hit my vape pretty regularly throughout the show like if you did that with that would you just get like super stoned and fall out because i don't know how i don't know I don't know if because i again, I don't know the correct terminology. I don't know how like, what are the levels of your stuff? Like, I don't know if like, if like, if you hit your weed bait, you like take hit four hits off of it. If you're adequately stoned or at four babes are just like, oh, like if you drink four beers, you're okay. But you drink seven and you're like, whoa. Well, that all depends on your.
That all depends on your tolerance, man. how Like if you smoke a bowl and you take three or four hits off of a bowl, you're going to be high as opposed to three or four hits off of that. ah It's good. This is going to be high. You're going to get higher off of this. This is considered concentrate. Okay. That's the space it's more potent. That's more potent. Like main lining.
It's like drinking a fifth of Cuervo in under three seconds, like we watched on last night. Yeah. What? We watched we watched the second episode of ah Hangover Food. theyre there' It's called Vampire Influencer. You haven't watched Hangover Food? Oh, no. He's a vampire. And he looks like a British Frankie Muniz. And he's a vampire. So last night, there he wants to be an influencer.
And he bit a shit ah chili pepper and then drank a fifth of Jose Cuervo's silver. I mean, I tuned in expecting to see a lot of, you know, a lot of sexual content and a lot of nudity considering the last time, you know, I was, you know, the manager was called in and there were complaints about sexual content on it. I tuned in.
but she clip the palm film today i was like nice and you know, so I'm tuning in and then I was let down because I'm watching uh yellow belt of fury or whatever it was called and I'm like, that was curious. Yeah. When when when when do we start? When do they start pissing on each other? She was dancing around playing with Nunchucks in her underwear at one point. I don't understand why I can't do a hang attack on this motherfucker. There it goes.
Oh, I thought you were talking about the toilet paper. He's playing video games again. Yeah, I'm playing better. Are you on PlayStation? um No. Okay, because we were just talking about how playstations was down for like 12 hours of the network Oh, man, my fucking don't you hate that when your controller goes dead in the middle of? fuck You just fucking die like yeah your character i call it duty the duty When your controller dies your character just starts spin mean and he starts spinning in circle
It's the most important thing when somebody kills you when you're trying to change your batteries out and it shows the kill cam and your your your character straight up in there spinning in circles.
Yeah. Well, what are you going to do? I play Call of Duty. I make a logo. head du I don't answer your question, Jeff. I'm playing, playing off, off the laptop. Are you playing Arkham? Arkham City. Yeah. Arkham City. The second one, Arkham City. Yeah. Yeah. I like those games. I was, I was thinking about just going live on Twitch last night. I kind of just got tired. Um, the other one that I'm, the other one that I started playing,
kind of dabbling with I haven't gotten into it yet fully invested into it is Gotham Knights. It's after bad guys. Yeah, I haven't played that one yet. That's with like all of them. Yeah, yeah it's Gotham Knights. Knights spelled like knight in shining armor, but it's not the Red Hood. Yeah, it's got night wing. It's got a short series about that too. um yeah like on HBO.
Oh, I got rid of all my streaming services because I got that fucking app. So HBO has Gotham Knights. They've also got Teen Titans, which is dope as fuck. I know that's good. I enjoy that. Reacher Reacher is in Teen Titans. rich richard Yeah, he plays Angel with his hook. No, no, he plays. What is ja he the bad guy, Slade?
No, no, no, he's a good guy. He's been to the original twin Teen Titans, which was Dick Grayson, Robin. wow ah um Cyborg Beast. No, no, the original fucking Wonder Girl, what the but Wonder Woman girl. And then there was Dove and something. It was it was they were a couple. Yeah, OK.
uh but he plays the counterpart to dove or some shit like that uh and then the new team titans is with beast boy and cyborg and he plays hank club yeah he's hawking hawking dove i think is oh hawking something like that they were they were actually a couple uh but they that was the original he had like he had like angel wings no okay i thought he did know No, that was the original Teen Titans, but the Teen Titans on on HBO is live action and you've got Beast Boy and Starfire and Raven and Superboy. Death strokes in it, Beast Boy, Nightwing, Red Hood. yeah
Yeah, it's got all three variations of Robin in it. It's actually really good. And it's in its live action. But yeah, Reacher Reacher's in it. Well, he was richard rich and rich son. He was. you I started watching fucking Blue Mountain State again.
That's ah did you did you see the rise of Tad? Yeah, no, it wasn't as good. It wasn't as good a long time ago. It's still funny. I've been contemplating rewatching Blue Mountain State. I was i got that that Coco player app and it's got all that it's got fucking everything. and And I was looking for something to watch and it popped up and I was like, I'm gonna fucking watch Blue Mountain State again. But yeah, no. Gotham Knights on Xbox, well, on the gaming systems, I think it's on PC.
Xbox and PlayStation it from what I've played so far it's pretty cool I mean you get to play as you get to play as all four characters you can interchange intermingle and and each one of them obviously they have their own style and stuff like that I just I just haven't gotten fully invested in it because I don't have the time to get invested in a game right anymore well I might now
I've been having a hard time getting in, just getting invested in even a TV show. I just want to say shout outs to all you hard workers out there. After next week, I want to thank you for your contribution to paying my bills. All you taxpayers, your hard earned money. Yeah, but you're not going on welfare. You're going on unemployment. Maybe I will. You're just saying. Maybe, maybe I'll fucking chop one of my legs off and go on dis disability too. Ooh, you should. You should do it.
Do it. Oh, I should totally do it before it's Friday. I do it at work. Right? Like drive over your foot with a forklift. Just your toes. Just talk to Connor and have him give you some, some, uh, I could jump a dumpster on my leg and on my foot, chop my foot. Well, you don't want to chop it off. You just want to be injured. But I want permanent disability. Yeah. But you can claim permanent disability and then you can smoke weed like glaze. No, I don't want to do that.
nothing against weed, nothing against blades, I'm just, it's not my cup of tea. Yeah, but your weed will be barley and hops. But I can get sweet ass fucking, like a fucking sweet ass sideboard foot, shoot rockets out of my toes. Like my big toe could be a machine gun. Yeah.
device i mean well you look like sam jones and third one he was in atta tat tat What was that fucking movie Sam Jones the third was he was a cyborg ah Sam Jones Sam Jones the third he played he was on my one homes What was that fucking movie he did I don't know Sure. He wasn't cyborg on small bill. No, that was different dude. No, because I thought he, it was like a crossover because he he teamed up with a white dude and they, they'd mash and become something. Oh, that's, um, that's, that's DC's, uh, legends past that way he was a firestorm fire. Yeah. Yeah. The professor and him, they they were fired. Yeah.
They started out on Flash, and then there was that spin-off, DC's Legends of Tomorrow or whatever, and it had Canary. Was that Sam Jones? I don't know. The black dude from fucking Smallville, season one. Sure, sure. He played Craig Shiloh in fucking Blue Mountain State. How about you go to a computer in front of your fucking face? I'm looking at it. It's not there. That's why I'm thinking it's mine. Well, then maybe it's not. Maybe it's not Sam Jones. I don't know.
because I don't see it. He was in florida a three double D even saved by the bell. The new class. Yeah. In an episode or two or E.R. Blue Mountain State. right I don't even know who Sam Jones is. Yes, you do. I don't even know who Sam Jones is. Are you talking about Clark's best friend in small? Yeah. they' not Yeah. Yeah. No, he was not. And so and and he was not Firestone. It was OK. That was different. Yeah. No, it was somebody's older.
I know I got to bring race into this, but whatever. Do you, Sharon? I'm not judging. Who do you boo? I'm going to do a city- I thought he was a bullheaded white kid. All you had to do was say, that was Lex Luthor. That's Michael Rosenbaum. This is true. I'm sorry. I loved his Lex Luthor. Nobody can tell me different. I think they did great. What was the one where, what's his name?
that That Jesse Eisenberg or whatever. No, no, no, no book. Yeah in the Superman versus Batman movie he get a know mom i'm talking about dude from two and a half men was lex luther oh was That was arrow verse Yeah, oh my God, it was horrible. Yeah, it was Supergirl. Worst Lex Luthor ever. yeah Clark and lo Lois and Clark, or Clark and Lois. and Yeah, I thought it was. as car And Carol in the Flash. I i liked i like that girl who played Supergirl. I did too. I thought she did really well. she was she was She was in Glee. Was she really? Yeah, she was in the late seasons of Glee. She was like a nerdy chick. Huh. Huh.
I'll be damned. But I liked I liked her. I thought she did a really good job as a super girl. I did. I did, too. Like she wasn't she wasn't talking about the 90s or 80s. The fuck is his name? The guy from fucking two and a half men. He was an 80s actor. Ashton Kutcher. No, no, no, no, no. The brother, the guy who the Charlie Sheen. Oh.
Something crier. Yeah, johnryer John crier John crier crier. Yeah Dude, he was in a movie that I watched where he was a serial killer and he scared the fuck out. Really? Yeah Very convincing. I'm on his page. I don't Maybe it was a TV show might play the serial killer or something Of course, it doesn't get no more fucked up than John Lithgow being the Trinity Killer and and sorry, spoiler alert, and Dexter will never look at John Lithgow the same again, especially after seeing his ass on more than one occasion. I'm trying to find out what it was where John Collier played a serial killer. That does sound familiar, though. he did You know, I i think um
I think that his role in two and a half men. Charlie chop off is what it's called. It was a horrible, horrible freaking role for him. Yes. I think it hurt his career to tell you the truth. ah To a certain degree, I agree with that. Who's that? John Cryer. I loved him back in the 80s. That's Ducky.
What a bitch. He was rubber ducky. His his character's name was Ducky in pretty and pink. Pretty in pink. Yeah, he he he had a he had a thing for Molly Ringwald's character. And hi, Dan. He was in a movie that friends get out of him. He was in a movie that I have never heard of called Orchard. So and it's got Red Dog.
but do It's got Lawrence Fishburne, Cole Houser, James Cromwell, James Denton. What's it called? Tortured? Yeah, tortured. Look at that cast, man. I never even heard of it. I was trying to look and see. I might have to look this up.
Talk about John Cryer. Torture, here it is. 2008. Yeah, 2008. Okay. Let's see who we got. Well, Cole Hauser's in it. Yeah. Uh, James Cornwell. Uh, repeat what I just said. Oh, it's got that, it's got that Latin dude. It's in everything. Uh, he's always, he's covered in tattoos. He was the, he was the bad guy. No, he's the bad guy in, in that, uh, nip tuck.
I didn't watch that. It was in a really bad movie I watched yesterday as I was working from home called Arena Wars and it was this movie where they took uh people on on death row and they put him into this arena to fight against the world's most deadliest serial killers and if you survived all seven rooms you won your freedom and he was in the beginning and he fucking got off by like the second serial killer and he went in there acting like such a hard-ass dude this was by far one of the worst goddamn movies i've ever i might have to do a one-minute review for you blaze and not do a good review because this movie was fucking
horrible and that's really kind of small called arena wars and I don't even care to spoil it for anybody because don't go watch it. Don't go watch it. The main character was like this dude I've never seen before, but he was like this big kind of lumberjack looking guy. He was a Marine who was in prison for life or something he didn't do, but he took the fall. So his mentor or whatever didn't go down and loses his military career, blah, blah, blah. Nobody cares. You didn't really need this backstory.
uh right and then it was like he led a rapid tag team and they become the heroes of arena war and the crowd was like this Australian chick that her her head was like she had her head head shaved on the sides and back like mine is she had like these long braids and then there was these two like white gangbanger dudes and one asian dude that was a was a ah drug dealer and it was so you the poster for arena wars is brilliant but but look at the cats though man i mean there was a couple decent na there was like uh the dad for malcolm in the middle was in it uh
What's his name? Brian Krastin. He's a good actor. And then there's one dude I can't remember his name who's done like a lot of the mafia style movies and in and gang movies. but Michael Radson.
something like that Michael Madsen. Eric Roberts is in it, Luke Wells. robert Eric Roberts is one of the best, worst actors ever. I love Eric Roberts. Perez in that movie, Chris, that's the that's the Robert Liaslow. That dude, he's awesome.
yeah But uh, it was it was the worst I did like it was so bad. I was like the movie poster looks so dope Yeah, it looks dope. I was like i'm gonna take a nap during this movie. The movie was so bad I couldn't take a sleep. Yeah, like it looks dope. Oh I've what's it on prime? It's on Paramount or peacock one of the two. Oh, okay. It says prime or prime. What's it on prime? It's only on rent or buy No, I watched it for free. It's on Paramount or Peacock. One of the two is free. OK. But it was so bad. Like I was like, oh, fuck it. I'm just going to take a nap. This is terrible. But it was so bad. I couldn't take a nap because I had to watch it. I don't know what happened. It's about an hour and a half. It's an hour and a half of your life that you won't get back. do It is what it is. But it's so bad.
What up, Ripnow? How you been, man? Long time no see, Ripnow. Did you see that Bryan Cranston movie with him and Chris but chris Rock? Was it Chris Rock? Not Chris Rock.
What's the little guy that oh he's ah always with the rock? What's his name? Kevin Hart. Kevin Hart. Where Bryan Cranston plays a guy in a wheelchair? He's paralyzed from neck down. Decent movie.
li gri why ah it's fucking it's fucking heartbreaking dude so what you're saying is I I I I I I I I
No, not yet. I need to. I did. I did watch. ah I was I was looking through different services and I saw I love. I'm currently in between. bla Yeah. Truck stop prostitute. I'm a I'm a lizard. I'm a lot lizard. i try He's a lot lizard. If you go to your local Flying J, you can get a Hummer or a handshake or both.
No, butt stop know but so yeah, I'm not into the butt stuff. Don't even let you. Nothing is. I'd be giving him a little extra tippy tippy. Fucking movies can drive me nuts. It's called The Upside. Yeah, I'm going to tell you right now, I'm not going to watch it. It's actually not bad. It's a drama. Yeah, it sounds terrible. Nicole Kidman's in it. and that's the only yeah well you know Brian grandson Kevin Hart and Nicole Kidman. It's right there. I'm out. Nicole Kidman. I'm out. I cannot stand her. Really? She's barely. I cannot stand her. She placed the guy's assistant. Can I? Is that the one that was married to Tom Cruise?

Celebrity Discussions and Rumors

Yeah. Okay. Yeah. She's married to Keith Urban now. They've been married forever.
It's not the greatest. I don't like her. Never have. I can take her to leave her. She looked good and she looked good and in Days of Thunder though. You got it. When I was going, when I, when I was going through all the horror movies for last month's trivia game, I ran across leprechaun and I forgot Jennifer Aniston. My years no less. Oh my.
Oh my Yes. She was uh she was like the main star in that movie. Yeah. She was. She was. Yeah. She looked good, dude. and you Yeah, let's be honest. I don't watch a lot of horror movies but I did see that. But what?
but what get Hey, I wasn't sure enough but damn. that's a wild story if it's true what's Supposedly Barack Obama and Jennifer Anderson are hooking up. I heard that. Oh, that's I'm sure that's just a bunch of fucking poppycock. Brock finally got himself a real lady and not a lady with a weenie. Dodge, duck, dodge that bullet, buddy. oh I don't think it's true either, but if it is... Just be faster than fucking Joan Rivers, you'll be alright. If it is true, shout out to my boomerang. I wouldn't be mad at Barack. That dude could get elected or again off that alone. He got my vote.
ah settle As Beyonce i once said, and I can't believe I'm quoting her, but let me upgrade you. I'm not mad at that. Not even a little bit. but she' She's one of those that's aged well.
And I don't think she's had a lot of plastics. I think she's, I think she's one of the few that have actually come out and and talked about being natural. Is that Anderson? Yeah, Jennifer Anderson.
We're recording. She's been tripped on plastic.
Man, there have been some active plastic surgery. job Kate Hudson, what the hell happened to her? I'm sorry. Tara Reid's got it the worst, man. She had her boobs all fucked up. and Yeah, but yeah. And then she still takes her top off at movies and it's like, stop it. I didn't know she was still making movies. but She was in all those shark video movies.
if you call her oh was she yeah I mean, ah you know what? You say what you want to say about it. I've seen a couple of them. They're not terrible. was just saying I think they're stupid. My kids love them. Yeah. Say what you want to say about Sharknado. The fucking movies were popular as hell and people loved them, man. Like they made sci-fi made a fuck ton of money off of them and they made like a cow, man. Yeah. And they made like eight of them goddamn movies.
I think that's like one of the biggest sci-fi original movies ever. Really? I didn't know that. And sci-fi has actually done some good original movies. Don't get me wrong. They have. But yeah, I mean, Sharknado was one of those cult men. One of them had one of them cult followers and people. I remember my kids went nuts over the Sharknado movies. They fucking sucked. How do you feel? How do you really feel, Wally? Yeah.
Oh, fuck. I forgot to mention. I'll mention it when we come back. Hey, you want to hear something fucked up? I was just kind of scrolling through here and we were talking about Alan Richardson, the Reacher. He was in the movie Jack with Robin Williams. He played one of the kids. No shit. No shit. I just saw him. He's been around for a hot minute. I didn't realize that. I'll tell you guys what. Well, I follow him on my personal page and I also followed him on the podcast page.
That is an Instagram follow you need to have. That dude is a fucking trick. He's funny. He's a good guy. Like, he's a good guy. Like, he's a good family man. He loves his wife, loves his kids. You know, he's not a douchebag. This this dude dude will be making an Instagram video and just randomly start singing. and where he He's got a good voice on him. It'll be like, I forgot what I was doing.
or he's horsing around with his kids. Oh, Jeff got taller. No, he didn't. He just raised his chair up. He's he's wearing his heels today. Same same chair. I'm just closer to this camera. He sat up straight. He said, beat I got to look big. I'm a chupacabra on cocaine right now, ladies and gentlemen. Oh, yeah. Is that what a chupacabra sounds like?
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. sounds like it's like mix between the kool-ai man and ro maco okay Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I don't know what they're like. Yes, because all you need is another fucking problem, but right? He was like, he was like, I think our neighbors are daywalkers. I was like, Oh, shit.
they're bladed bladed she's like no i mean like because i'm because i'm like we're day walkers where we work yeah and like go how hey yeah like she's like she's like no like they i've been out there walking susan night and it's like eight o'clock at night and all their lights are on and I'm like, I don't know. She's like, maybe they get up like super fucking early in the morning. I'm like, I don't know. Maybe they're going to bed in a decent hour. I don't know. I've seen the other, everybody else. I've seen the dude like one time and I gave him a little call in the neighborhood wave and he got a walk in. Was it this kind of wave? I went, hey, how you doing? Hey, daddy wave. I'm in the neighborhood, daddy. Hi. That's how I say hi to my neighbors. Hi. Well, he walked into the house and he said, maybe there's a case. Moving next. This is weird neighborhood. Honey, I like it. That's how you get your neighbors down to bodies every time you say hi. They're like, you know, well, I mean, I realize, like,
my wall connects to their apartment and it's like their dining room. Right. You know what I mean? Shared wall. Yeah. It's like, well, no, I might be in their kitchen. Punch through. Just punch through. Just drill a hole. I can get real quick, bro. The fuck is going on? He's going to make storage wholesale. You guys got beer? No? No. Wally, what you doing down there, bro? You can come on up.
I told him I was talking to him about the phone earlier. I told him to come up tonight. Be a lot cooler if you did. Maybe you could come up and make your announcement and not me, Wally. You're a lot cooler if you did.
Actually, let's let's. hi now some be google review just out of nowhere all right all alright all right the
wallie's wife yeah like
don't think i don't think You should talk to your boss in that tone of voice or in that tone of text not you jeff Shut up on the boss around don it down
places my left-hand man and as we all know I'm left-handed and being the left-hand man is way more important to be in the right-hand man. I divorced you Jeff. that na Oh shit I'm getting shot. it's just dangerous not the batman So what does that say? I can't quit you. but <unk> Let's go be cowboys together.
I don't know which one's better than that situation. because I quit. I started watching the movie and I was like, you know, I'm out. I own, I own all the rights and creative rights to your show. So you can't take it anywhere else. um mark van andpot um' the vin man of podcasting my dad know you're driving to ford fiesta cut un a truck I'm have to be Smodway, Smoreys.
Bold, bold, clotted, the power
I'm working through this. I'm through it. I'm making a-go. I'm making a title.
I'm trying to work it out and as i as I say it. You're going to help a job.
I make it a title. I I could hand you a shovel. this it's just exactly the whole Why I had me a shovel. I'm doing a good job over here on my own. Just help me out. I had no idea what the fuck you guys were talking about. I feel like, I feel like, I feel like Joe Pesci in a casino. I'm out there digging my own grain. And you guys are about to beat me to death with ball bats. That's the dream.
Let me share this out. I'm funny. I'm funny. How? Like a cloud? I can try use you. Can I use you? Go get your fucking shine box.
I know the next. um Oh, geez. Yeah, I wish my.
I wish my posting faces on picture. thank you i names this time too I will say that it's probably one of your better jobs. It's just that the heads never look right on the bodies, man. and That's because <unk> because obviously whoever I'm on has darker skin than me because I don't have a you' um travis swift. Sure.
And then, yeah yeah but if I take the heads away, the original photo, their heads are fucking huge, man. Where's their football players? and that's well so well Well, Jason Kelly's a big dumb animal like me anyways. Right. I mean, and Travis is just, I'll tell you what, and that goddamn show that I watched, um, uh, what the hell was the name of it? I gave you a review for it, please.
I don't know. Grotesteri. Dude, Travis Kelsey killed me in that goddamn show. He is something else. And he's talking about retiring from football and going into acting. And I'm behind it 100%. All right. I want to see Travis a bit more shit. Because he was off the damn chains in Grotesteri. What is Grotesteri?
it's It's a show on and on FX. Ryan Murphy did. i did i gave I sent you a one minute review for it. Ryan Murphy, the creator of American Horror Stories, did it, but it's like a psychological mind fuck thriller about a serial killer. it's It's really good, but you got to watch it and pay attention because there's so many flips and turns and twists and stuff like that. But Travis Kelsey, you know, he's got a little we got a little hooded, you know, he's got a little hood in him in real life. And, you know, that comes out a little bit in this television show. Yeah. he I mean, up until up until Taylor Swift, which is the whitest woman on the planet, you know, so a little people. I'm just saying he liked the he liked the chocolate swirl on his life. His previous ex girlfriend before Taylor. What the fuck?
I And she really didn't have anything terrible. To be honest, don't Taylor Swift doesn't come off as one of those stupid person. So I would assume keep up with whatever gentleman she was attached to has probably got a good head on his shoulders. She's been attached to a lot of gentlemen. She has. Yeah, but I'm what I'm saying. She's got like four albums. Well, my point being,
She probably knows how to pick a ah mature. but to To a certain degree, I think, you know, I had nothing against Taylor, so I'm not a fan of her music. There are a few songs that I do like, but I like Taylor. She she's she she comes across very intelligent, obviously. She's very talented. I mean, she's got i mean she's got more talent in her pinky nail than 99% of the people in the world at the end of the day. yeah And, and, and, you know, and she, and she, I mean, she's come sometimes, and she just loves life. Like if you look at her at award shows, when she's there, she's in the crowd, she's dancing and singing along to performances. She's just, she's there. I'd be happy all the fucking times. Oh, no. Yeah. I just think that's just her genuine personality. I just don't care for her music at the end of the day.
But I think it's a person. I think I think she's probably a really good person at the end of the day. She's dated fucking ever. She can't. She can't. She can't pick winners. win it Well, she's very good at relationships, and but it seems to be working between her and and Travis. And I'm um'm i'm kind of, you know, as much as we make fun and poke fun, I'm happy for the two of them because I do like Travis Kelsey. I think he's an amazing dude. He is a funny cat. And he's a fucking goofball. Oh, my God. Him and his brother. I watched him and I watched him and Maybe it's his brother. I don't remember which one it was, but that they were, they were having, I don't know if you've seen Bert Chrysler's new thing. He does. He makes dinner with a couple of other people.
ah and he had one of the Kelsey brothers on there and they were, they asked him a question. Burt was like, wait, what? oh Travis and Jason were the ones who had Bill Murray on there and talked and got Bill Murray to tell the story about how he was, he was really good friends with the the guy whose wife was in roadhouse and Roadhouse. And for years, every time he would see Roadhouse, he would call him up and be like, Hey, I don't know how to tell you this, but fucking Patrick's lazy.
sleeping with your wife again if would Every time you watch Roadhouse, yeah me he said he'd flip through the TV because it'd be on like TNT or some shit like that. And he'd see it and he'd call this dude up. Hey, that fucking Patrick Swayze is banging your girl again. And and the like this in the way he told the story, and Travis and Jason were losing their fucking minds.
Yeah, i like I like the Kelsey brothers. I like, you know, there's, there's some football players out there that I, I like for their personnel. Like George Kittle, he's a tight end for the 49ers. This cat is a massive wrestling fan.
Like he he's where like he's got custom made San Francisco 49ers championship belts. He's friends with the luchadores. He's got custom made luchador mass that they that he that have San Francisco 49ers colors on it and shit like that. Like the dudes a character. Marshawn Lynch and he was playing ever get signed to a football team. You do the same fucking shit. Yeah, I'm 43 years old and I don't think me getting signed to a football team will ever.
um the what what walk what water boy i brother's to punch you like you know i go fuck with the water boy guy on nobodyd be awesome out when the you don't think i won't fight a kelsey and i say he wouldn't his go to watch him fuck with but
I'm the one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, His one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one. beard's not mad. His beard is longer, but... No, we're about to say... No, no, because I put your face over his... Yours is about three inches longer. Jason is welcome. I lined your face up with his ear. Your ear up with his ear. Yeah, Jason is a welcome beard brother. He's one of the bearded few. Bearded?
Yeah, man. This is a true brother. Not just some jerk off. He's very severe to be on TikTok. who me Not you, please. I understand why you're growing yours out. It's winter time and you want to keep your beautiful face warm. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Although it hasn't been very cold. I've been thinking about shaving. so um ah Really? I'm not going to lie. I'm jealous of all your gray, bro. At this point where I've just given up and I just want to embrace the gray. Now that I've decided to embrace the gray on my beard, it stopped.
yeah exactly that's because you keep dying it mine is my mine is just che yeah You can see here on the side, like it was covered in on the side and my ratio. His beard is smaller than yours. Well, that that was when he was playing. It's kind of look at him now.
after Looking up, what's his name? Is it Travis? Jason. Is it Jason? He's got a he's got a nice beard, man. He's ah he's definitely a bearded bro. He's in the brotherhood.
Wasn't that a Robin? Yeah. Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Damon, Damon, Damon, Damien, Damien, Damien, the Robins. I don't need to see that. He's a Bert Grasher. He likes to take his shirt off.
But if I had if I had decent body hair, I'd probably take my shirt off and embrace my fatness, but I got like weird body hair. I like a Superman patch on my chest and I got like this weird happen trail thing. I do, too. It's like it's not it's not full. It's not full figured body hair. I get it. What's both your body hair? Right. I am. I am. Oh, shit. I am. I'm a full figured model. I can say that because I have an only fans.
handsome son of a bitch right there that's a nice beard yeah he does have a pretty short beard i thought it was longer for some reason yeah i literally looked up i'm sitting here scrolling through pictures like a fuck i feel like i feel like jason and i look more like brothers than him and travis i don't know if you've seen this that's a handsome bearded man right there this is actually kind of funny i don't know but but my teeter my teeter so make it close so we can yeah she kay per Yeah, I was like, when are you gonna take a break? You've been saying for the last half hour. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He was at WrestleMania last year when they were in Philly. They helped Rey Mysterio win. Him and a couple of the other offensive linemen had Rey Mysterio mask on. It was like these giant mountains of men like jumped in the ring to help Rey Mysterio. And they had Rey Mysterio like my height.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I found that out yesterday. I was like, who the fuck is that?

Musical Break and Band Interview

The director's mask. I was like, let's fucking go, Jason. Let's go. All right, let's go to break. Anyways, let's go to break. This is a little, they were my guests this past Tuesday night on Glick's House of Music. Perfect season. This is their cover.
uh i should have played one of their songs but i this was i was digging this jam uh this is their cover of katie perry's teenage dream you make me
That you put your hands on me and my skin dying
fit I'm not mad at it. oh Shake, I don't even know we were back. What's up? It's a it's a guilty pleasure, man and and I think just just the lead singer of perfect season shout out to perfect season. Thank you guys for coming on the show We have dude shot the ponds man um Yeah, it was only one of them that night and they Yeah they They broke the cardinal wound man What's that? They let the drummer unleashed unsupervised
Uh, that's fine. But he was, might he was, he was awesome, man. We had a fun conversation. The chatter's box was on fire, bro. Tuesday night. like They, they, they, they, they can took and completely took my job away from me. The chatter's box was on fire Tuesday night. Questions and interacting and places in there. Please even shouted them out a couple of times while while while he was in the chat.
They were awesome, man. But Fonz was cool. They're a fun band, a little punk rock or pop rock band. And, you know, we're gonna, I'm gonna get them back because I want to meet the other members of the band. I'd like to meet Jess, the lead singer. We're gonna have them back down the road. um But check them out. Perfect season. They're everywhere. They're out of Texas. Shout out to Texas, man. As much as I give Texas help, they've been coming through. I said that last night.
Yeah, they've been coming. Only downfalls are from Texas. Yeah, man. Texas has been coming through on Glitz House of Music. I've had a lot of my recent interviews. They've been in Texas or from Texas. So, uh, you know, I got a lot of love for Nashville for a hot minute. What's going on, guys?
Now I'm getting a lot of love from Texas. I'm trying to get a lot of love from Ohio so I can get somebody from Boston to come up just so to fuck you up just long like it in my god wasn't um Wasn't kissing Lilith from Cincinnati or something like that differently leave ever the first but and They're the first and only artists that I've had from Ohio on the show I believe I was like that's still Ohio
a lot of good i guess i guess i guess Technically James Luger kind of claim Ohio because as we learned Across the street near in Ohio, but welcome back to nonible nonsense will not since everybody Hopefully you're having a good Saturday. night Hopefully you're enjoying our bullshit. If you're watching, um, make sure you guys check us out everywhere. Bio dot link slash nonsensical network. Check out beauty in the beard, creative corner. Get all your non-sensical shwag or your personal life. If you just want something personal, you just, you know, Valentine's day is right around the corner. I don't know if we can get stuff out till you pass it on today, but so Patty's day is right around the corner. We can definitely get you some Saint Patty's day stuff out. Well, depending upon how close they are.
Um, you know, uh, you know, whatever other random ass holiday, or if you just want to get something that says I'm fucking cool and mom high Christmas shit now.
Yeah, on that's gonna be the shirt that I get that I said that I'm gonna get when I wear when I do a show with Connor I'm the champ and your mom's hot I have no idea what Connor's mom looks like I'm gonna get I'm gonna get Connor I'm gonna have a Connor shirt made that says licks my stepdad you I'm going to get another shirt made. This is world's greatest dad from your son, Connor. Oh my god. But nonetheless, beauty and the beard created a corner. If you've got something you want to get on a shirt, a hoodie, maybe even some sweatpants, cups, she's got five or six options for the cups that she can do. Just saying. Let it go. I don't offer. Jeff, the cups are better than you. I don't give often ideas for shirts, but I'm just saying.
so Those would be cool. I don't think she can do those, but there are websites out there that can do that. No, no, but it's like just the this the numbers and the names. I think we're cool. A shirtsie, if you will. Yeah, a shirtsie. You're not a sports fan, but I think Wally will get that reference.
I know what It's a t-shirt that looks like a jersey. So they put the letters and and the name and stuff on it like they do on. Oh, OK. Yeah, I got it. It's a much deeper version than actually buying a jersey. I've got a couple of Cincinnati red ones. Cincinnati Reds ones are my closet. But yeah, check her out. Beauty and the Beard Creative Corner. She's on Facebook and Instagram. Go show her some love. Give her a like.
Don't forget to give us a like, a follow, and a share. Smash them like buttons if you're watching, and make sure to ring my bell. You can ring my bell. Kick him in the bells. What's up, Chris? From my dinner report, I'm having Baconator Carla with Strawberry Doctor. Yeah, fuck you, man. I wish it was an Indy's close. I would love a bacon. I would love to kick Jeff in the bells. Yes, Strawberry Doctor. However,
however Uh, now that Wally's here, I was going to make the announcement, but I'm not going to make the announcement because it's not my job to make this announcement. Uh, there is a programming announcement to be made for the network. Uh, Wally, would you like to let the people know what's happening?
always yeah love your headlines know What's program? a I'm gonna, actually I wanna be running two shows, one Monday night and one Thursday. I'm gonna split my shows up. Monday night I'm gonna do my motor sports, Speedway stories on Mondays and Thursday nights I'm gonna do my cold blooded conversation because it ends up actually working out for a lot better for most of my reptile people because Mondays are kind of rough for a majority of them. So I've got three guests lined up for the,
end of the month and working on quite a few more that are willing to come on and stuff. So we're, we're filling that void on Thursday nights. Uh, so I have to find a new home for Jeff's garage, if and when Jeff's garage ever happens. That's the great thing about having a, a, a, a schedule that we can get the rules on at the end of the day. You know, whether Jeff goes a little bit early, goes a little bit later.
Uh, on a different day, Jeff can, Jeff can join me on my Monday show. So it'll be all good. But i mean it's, it's, it's, uh, it's, it's cool because, you know, we got two shows on Monday. Every other Saturday we have two shows. I mean, that's, that's, that's the dream, man. I would love to have multiple shows on, on, on every day of the week with not just our stupid faces on all those shows. Two hours shows every two hours. Yeah. Yeah. yeah yeah Just 24 hours a day. Different people. Unfortunately, the cartoon network.
and unfortunate please you know we' move um a lot is lack word let's be honest we're all cartoon hand characters Unfortunately, we've we've had those opportunities, but the people that have come our way have been little fuckheads.
go goes wally knows better So, let me get this straight. So, Monday nights is going to be motorsports and then Thursday nights is going to be reptiles. So, Wally's show is now two shows instead of one show. So, Monday nights is it speedway stories and then Thursday nights will be cold-blooded conversations. Yay. So, now we can make a new logo, please.
soon you load go in half like your job plays that's like fucking video games just just Just take the just take the dinosaur off the Pistons and Pistons that I got a di off cross bistons Just yo then get get a selfie get a selfie from Wally and put it in between the Pistons. There we go. There you go. That one Wally sent me is actually really good. I'll send it to you. It's forever.
distant distance No. ah No. And so that's that's cool, man. You know, Wally and I talked about it. I know I kind of blazed and I kind of talked about it, but I know Wally and I talked about it a little bit. And I think it's a good idea for him. And and it's ah it's it's a filler for Thursday nights. And, you know, I was not saying Jeff's Garage is going anywhere. We're just waiting on Jeff's Garage to happen. Well, unfortunately, I don't have a co-host that can be there all the time. thing Yeah, I'm not doing that.
I don't ride coattails and take someone else's idea. I want it to be my own thing. It's not at anybody else's. It's an interview show. I know. I understand. Actually, Jeff, take it as a it's a helping hand to help push. You know what? Well, you know what? We both got it. Well, shut up. Wally's riding my ass too. So, so what Jeff is, what Jeff is saying, what Jeff is saying is Wally's riding my coattails because now he's doing an
Well, yeah, I'm just saying but return hands Robert I'm not sure Richard Robert is but hello Did you take a nap to today fireman rich That sounds like you' got one jesus late on a Fireman Rich. God damn it. um Man, i got this has been a wild week, man.

Guest Feature: Fireman Rich

A lot of things have been happening. and I've been meaning to pop in and say hi to you. But Glitch found out that he's pregnant. that He's having a girl. Like, he's pregnant. Not really. He's a Glitch pregnant. Wait, is Fireman Rich pregnant or am I pregnant? You're pregnant. Oh, I'm pregnant. Oh, yeah. Yeah. bla What is that? what is that
What is that? Oh, Rich, check out um Old Glory Studios. Is that what that is, please? Old Glory. Why is that stuff familiar? Because it's that potential interview that we have. Oh, that's the... Have they emailed you back? No, I haven't heard anything back from them, but... Yeah, I wanted to... Yeah, I saw that. I heard... you it's all the email traffic they did. Yeah. Old, old, old glory studios. Check that out. I know you're a fan of the pub G. Uh, I'm actually thinking about reaching back out to them. Obviously this week I said that, but I have some free time on my hands. I'm going to do more podcast related stuff. you got This week was just, yeah, this week was just kind of blah. I was just trying to like fucking Wally with the shot. You got plenty of time. Wow.
yeah yeah yeah lot He's got a lot of old, he's got a lot of masturbation time to make up for it. Wally's got jokes, but nice tell me snoop man Wally's got jokes, but I'm the number one subscriber to him. My only fans is. ah Oh, my bad. Hey, where'd it go? And it's he was riding with Smalley, not Smalley.
he's Yeah. Old Glory Studios. Old Glory Studios. It's a it's a new game studio. It's two veterans that started the company. They've actually worked for Tom Clancy and some other gaming studios. Yeah, they did. They did like. What the **** a yellow pad? It's It's a notepad that you write stuff on. It's it's a notepad like I one of this blaze and see little sticky notes No, I'm eating. I maybe some sort of like new video game thing like schemes, you know, I actually got to go buy a new notebook. Holy crap. I've almost filled another one. Yeah. Oh, glory studios. They've got a new video game game coming out. And it's very PUBG look. I think you might like it, Rich.
and I and I I meant to uh pop into the show. Sorry, man. It's like it's been kind of a it's been kind of a while. We got a chicken dinner this afternoon. Yeah, let's go. We got a chicken dinner this afternoon. How do you get a chicken dinner? I'm a chicken dinner. Oh, that's like for blackjack. I am actually the oldest
Usually when I win a chicken dinner, it's a relationship to cards. But yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. Check it out. I think I think it's something that you might you might be a little bit into, man. When when I first reached out to me and I started looking at looking at it, you're the first person that I thought of. And I've been meaning to pop in and and chat. Fireman Rich does it. I mean, you guys should know this by now. I say it a lot on here. Fireman Rich does a morning coffee Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays wait early for my ass.
Right. Way too early for a retired gentleman. Monday mornings at eight 30 in the morning. No, no, it's like six. It's like, yeah, I was going to say, it's like, it's when i I catch it as I'm going to bed. Yeah. It's like, it's like from six to eight morning coffee with fireman rich. Uh, he's, you know, he's, he's off. He's a lot more mature than we are here on the dot sensible network. Cause we're just a bunch of riffraff and knuckleheads just on Saturdays.
not just every day in the wall the right yeah yeah notice for thirty years You'll see, you'll see his random pop-ups when he's playing pub G and, and whatnot. Um, you, you were playing, uh, who's playing, what was he playing today? Like hey one of those, one of those, uh, like elder scrolls or something like that. yeah remain sure man I bought, I bought that game. Ender, Ender.
ah can got the helpll Maybe that's what he was playing. I don't know. I can't remember the name of it. Oh, shit. I bought it. It came out a couple of years ago. I bought it and i I didn't get into it. And then I tried to pull it up today. I still can't get into it. It was an RPG. It's an RPG. It's a hard one, though. It's an RPG, sir. You got to commit some time to it, man. I can't. I can't get that kind of time.
Guild Wars. I used to play Guild Wars. I used to grind the fuck out of Guild. I laugh every time you say that, Rich. Guild Wars? No, delusional. Delusional old man. Diabolical. Did you know what you know what started lot the other night? The new invincible season. but start Really?
Yeah. invincible theses three um private and um book cartoon with yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah good i haven't watched can't do anim just try kind of want to watch it mean it's not anime it's not anime no not anime like animated yeah yeah it's silly i kind want like je you were call earlier win you were talking about shut up wall i can't hear you know but but You were talking about that Harley Quinn one animated. You said it was really good. And it's definitely not for kids. And I was like, yeah, it's a fucking anime. No, season, season, season two is the, whoa who what do they call it? The
murder, kill, fuck to her. It
yeah i mean it's stuff like that. Yeah, no. that when Back back when we were when we were feuding and fireman rich and i were upset with one another he used to call us riffraff and knuckleheads but i would call him a delusional whole man so that's why but doesn't curse so so now i do whatever um whatever i pop into the chat in the mornings he likes to throw that in there you know what do i know i'm a deluge and it makes me laugh every fucking time it really does
Okay. Tina, Tina popped in here Wednesday night. She was, she was in the chat for a little bit Wednesday night. Great shot if you're still out there, but yeah, she was, she was in the chat. Um, you know, it's funny, it's funny, you know, we've, we've had, we've had issues with people in the past and we've had issues with, with, with other shows in the past and some people, you know, much, much like their streaming career, they're forgettable and we forget about them and they move on and and they don't do anything.
And then there's other ones that, you know, we're able to make bridges and fix things with them. And it's cool. Rich being one of those Tony DB, one of those Tony D and then there's other ones who want to wave the white flag. And I just don't know if I'm quite ready for you to wave that white flag. I don't know. I'm never ready to, for somebody to wave a white flag. I'm ready to fight. yeah I just, I just don't know if I'm done kicking you while you're down. merry Keep kicking them while they're down. Especially the way they work.
I agree. At the end of the day, you wanted the smoke. This is what happens. i make it we could not know go What up, Lazy? How's it doing, man? How's it go? What up, man? What up, man? Go away, Cash. Wally should go away. You know, I showed that video earlier. I found another one. It's just as funny. You're not welcome.
what's not other words just as funny touch' outrage yeah yeah like go hold us so go time oh what what go go build go go Everybody shut the fuck up for just one second Hey lazy, how you doing you sexy son of a bitch? I'm sorry. I was gonna come up last night, and then I fell asleep on the couch watching wrestling I Hope you're giving me with this with this dick in the sand I was I was thinking of Lazy and then I then I dreamed of Lazy. So it was nice. Oh, he lays in the grass and looks at clouds. He goes, see, Jeff, you've been placed once again. I do. I do. Every every every time there's a cloud in the sky. That's right. I love Lazy. He thinks of me when he sees dark clouds. You know, that's true. Oh, dark, small, white, fluffy clouds, clouds.
yeah Every time I take the trash, every time I take the trash out, I think of Jeff. That's a piece of garbage. Oh, there he is. There we go. There he is. I gotta hit you with that smolder. How you doing, ladies? Hi, guys. Can you hear me? I thought that was lazy coming up. What's up, Rich? What's up, man? We can hear you.
Yeah, we can hear you You can't hear me but I think I'm getting an echo from someone or I just uh, oh I know where okay What hang on hang on hanging? No, it's I got what's this you gotta you gotta use either YouTube or Facebook to come in now for your broadcast Well, it's interesting ah You can jump on through Twitch, I think. Maybe theres maybe not. What the fuck just happened? Can you hear me? Yeah. I can't hear you. I was saying you got some dope little headphones there. All glowing green. Big glass.
Like just randomly shooting. shout Yeah, I'm trying a new headset here. I might have to go back because I'm i'm i'm listening to you on the YouTube here. Ah, that's where you're getting your echo. Yeah, you can't. it's Yeah.
I try not to listen in. Let me check the settings and stream at the same time. It does kind of create. Yeah. Is it echoing? It's got, ah we don't hear an echo on our end. g Click just it, Jedi. all i Shut my streaming down. they're hard Oh, you don't? Okay. Then that's okay. Yeah, we can hear you. Can you hear us? Okay. I'll just, I think that doesn't help.
Oh, you know what? Let me. Yeah, hang on. Hang on there, you'll grab a drink out of the back tab. Yeah, go ahead. When you get back, please, I got something for you. I think you'll get a kick out of.
oh I see one here. Hang on. Hang on always a little sound Don Okay. Okay. here Yeah, I could I there go Yeah, the the page with the stream yards that had it muted and stuff like that. So I'm not hearing myself. So how you guys do it tonight? Good. the pretty Good. I'm liking those headphones, dude. Those are dope.
I had to grab have an adult beverage here. You know, I've seen a Saturday night. Oh, yeah. i just These are the new ah gaming headsets there. I'm i'm about using. and Well, Brando, they're a cheap Chinese freaking piece of crap.
But they're they're like $30. They got the somewhat sound reduction. And I got them primarily because of the PUBG Battlegrounds. When you play it, the sound is very important. Just know where your opponent is so you can you know take them out and stuff like that. but I'm looking at a pair of them. But I haven't been up here in a while and I figure, well, you know, we, we, we've already watched our, our, our, uh, replay Saturday show on Paramount, me and the missus, uh, mad lock. If you haven't watched that episode, it's a great episode on CBS. And then I just watched the new mad lock. No, this is, uh, the new mad lock. Yeah. Yeah. yeah what what cathy bat With Bates. Good. I enjoy it. Freaking great.
And then, uh, I finally fought, watched the first episode in the last season of Cobra Kai. Oh, yes. I don't know why, but I pushed the button and the miss is going to bed. I just got to make sure my voice stays low and I don't go into my, I enjoy gilbert i think I heard rich is rich is getting wild and crazy. to I heard in that bomb when he was dealing with the, when he was dealing with some issues and then he's got a beverage in his hand.
All right. he's giving home oh i'm i I must be drunk, I guess. So I don't know this is actually. yeah one And it's not but but you come up on my show and be drunk. and drop the it's Disrespectful. um I was listening just before coming up though click and you you mentioned a patchy there and stuff and the reference there that you mentioned That's not from casino. That's from Goodfellows. Is it good fellas? I know that I think casino is where they done the grave but Yeah, I'm boxes good shine box. Yeah, well, I think clown clown is all I think clown is also that is from goodfe Yeah
because they've got that on AMC there that stuff like that. that's i gave i I gave you all the Pesci twofer. That's what I did. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You got you got you got you got two Pesci movies for the price of what wrapped up into one nice little pack. Well, they got a marathon going on. They got a marathon going on Amazon. and The reason I say that Goodfellas was on one just right after dinner there. I was watching a little bit of it. That's ah that's a classic. Speaking of Goodfellas. Let me ask you guys a question. Godfowl.
What are your true feelings on the godfather saga first and two are good the third one shit Yeah, they they kind of murdered the godfather after the third the second one was guys in the third one. Yeah it was pretty much So, yeah, he dies spoil No, and I like the that I think what killed the third one was uh, uh poor copla's dog granddaughter or niece or whatever the honor i thank yeah shoot terrible but sister so that would be the sister right
the sister i thought was his daughter i thought it was yeah sisters move yeah frank for go's daughter either way all but you know yeah play the godfather's daughter yeah but you know when the first godfather there's a reference to the town i or this the town i grew up there cause they they reference when they go back in their Prequel moment there they mentioned they mentioned a town in upstate New York. They name it Appalachian It's aptly pronounced Apple Lake and that's where I grew up as a kid. It's uh, it's It's right and right in the county. I live right now my my miss the missus is from Tioga County here too in New York and but Apple Aiken is Where I grew up and there's still an Italian family that lives in that house where they had the big mafia bust in the early 50s I think it was
um i yeah nice don't worry about the mispronunciation because because we live maybe I don't know we we live here in Ohio and you go down to southern Ohio like that Kentucky West Virginia area and and it's either Appalachian or it's okay yeah yeah well let them out yeah we call it after you're failing Yeah, the mountain range, we call it Appalachian. Yeah, down there, they call it Appalachian. appalachia
not knock the ra ah But, man, I don't know. I got mixed feelings about the Godfather movie. Like, I enjoyed them. I think they're a little bit overrated, though. Honestly, I've tried watching them years ago. i just yeah again I didn't see what the big hype was. They're not bad, but they're not, you know. Scarface is personally my favorite mobster movie. I'm sorry. There's a lot of, there's a lot of better mobsters out there. I love Goodfellas though. That's Goodfellas. Yeah. That's the classic and even casino, you know, with the, um, I have mixed, ah you know, i've mixed feelings about casino. What's the mixed feelings?
I just, I, I understand it's a good movie. It's just, there's, and you know how, when I think of a movie, like I'm going to watch this movie, I think of scenes that I don't want to see. And if I, oh fuck, I'm gonna have to sit through that scene. i' think And there's a couple of those scenes and in casino where I'm just like, I can't be bothered today. right I'll watch. i lot and but casino i like the ending because it just it goes from uh where it was all mob control now it's corporate that's the new mob in the country and it's like disneyland they like to refer i laugh every time i hear him say that it's like disneyland because every time i see it it's like uh you know they got that new ball poster thing or that building there that's uh
yeah it's like the you're in. I would love to know what the electric bill for Vegas is, like Vegas is a whole. I'm sure you can, I'm sure that's public information. You can look that up. Yeah. you know it's ah I was overdue for a visit up here though and stuff like that. I've been having some busy Saturday evenings here and stuff like that.
hey why i it's It's good to see you. Yeah. yeah And I appreciate the pocket. So, you know, that that's ah you know, I know what you're doing as far, you know, having been there and, you know, I am tired.
And you're you guys wondering why I get up I I don't get up at the five o'clock now Sometimes I get up at six and there's been a couple so you had some later is some later starts and I'm like, ah okay now I'm digging this because rich is starting later so I can I can at the beginning just i stay i Stay up later though. I I found myself. I'm staying up later and stuff like that doing some stuff as far as ah some projects and stuff like that and and whatnot so but no I'm enjoying I met what the just ah you know of course full disclosure I'm fully retired you know I'm not just a retired Air Force person I'm fully retired I'm collecting Social Security and stuff like that and um it's good you know if you you know yeah I'm not we're not we're not rich we're not poor but we're we're you know surviving and stuff like that and I
that's all you can really do until things get a little bit better if you know yeah it's when you make them really because i get you know people they still friends that are still in the service even retired to say what the the the the i like it is this is where where both me and the the misses are from and she's great billion annually three billion wo big like wow
That's disgusting. A lot of money. Yeah. yeah a lot yeah I look at it this way, Rich, as long as, as long as your bills are paid, you got roof over your head, food in your belly, man, you're you're living a good life. Maybe you got a little extra, extra cheddar that you can do some things from time to time. There ain't nothing wrong with that.
No, it's, it's good. I get, you know, um, you know, got the family and stuff like that. That's, that's the most important thing to me really is the family and stuff like that. So it's sort of, like I got an empty house now, but, uh,
um you know we we had a full house during christmas time and nice stuff like that but you know it's ah it you know when the fifth that's my parents problem i'm in the same boat now tri to do that address but it's all good it's all good you know the It's it's it's it's interesting and stuff like that and um But I could set my own time. I'm pretty you know, relax I couple days ago hit a local pub here with the the guys I the gang I used to work with and stuff I meet meet up with them about once every three four months and um this time my my so my old supervisor was there and they the Department manager was there and stuff like that would surprise me but they um
and I thought there was only gonna be a couple of them. It was almost felt like a, you know, who's going away and stuff. There was like 30 people there in the class. It's a little dinky hole in the wall and you know, we were freaking, the beers were flowing. Rich, my dad, my dad retired a couple of years ago and he gets some of his buddies at at McDonald's every morning and they say they say they're trying to solve the world's problems. They just sit there and drink coffee and talk shit.
Well, it's good. there's ah There's a coffee group up here at the local stop and shop for coffee every morning. and so I never understood and never understood that. i because I remember growing up going into diners and even today you see a bunch of old guys you just meet up and just talk shop over coffee.
That's the same thing like what we do here. yeah Yeah That's a good point. Yeah, that's a good point jumping stuff. It's just ah they're hooking up and older You know, I was just set that format and stuff the old ah version of rural America or wherever being on the walking by and your neighbor there and you go converse with them up on the porch and stuff like that for a while and stuff so it's just um and that's what we're doing here basically it's stuff like that which uh incidentally like I appreciate you coming in on the morning and stuff like that because you know you know
I might you know here after next week. I might have to pop in and michael backwards to show like hey rich, send me that link Well, I haven't really done better to do yeah Well, you know the the weekend the weekday shows I keep that format And it's a basic format I've been doing for since we were all on hats and stuff like that, but I started at a half So I just refined it over the years and I like doing it. It's just ah if I you know and i keep it simple you know as far as you know of you know if There's nobody there mrsus says like there's nobody around i talk to myself anyway so that's part of that delusional shit we all nobody is a question we just talk through each other yeah nobody watch yeah stuff we just talked to ourselves no knowledge all you know yeah where's people that watch this stuff there's yeah well We were talking last Saturday that like the trucking community loves these long episodes we do On Saturday nights because they do long haul they Just put it hit plane for six hours. They get us. Yeah yeah yeah <unk>re a good thing or a bad thing Well, not on here
It eat ups it eat eats up their time as far as you know truckers they got long travels So they don't want to listen to the you know listen to real people and that's what we are we're real people talking about shit and stuff and People like to hear that stuff and and and especially on the audio format, you know, iveve yeah I've seen an increase, you know, they're not you know, you're talking 10 20 people there to listen to um The audio that I put up on the longer show you know the art I call an audio pod stuff because it's taken a page out of your playbook and stuff and ah There's a significant increase. You know I used to have like three to five maybe eight max now. It's up around ten Fifteen sometimes twenty five and stuff like that depending on i' glad you're doing that now man yeah I'm glad you're doing that because you there's extra years on what you're doing
And then I will say, man, in the last year or so, you, you kind of opened up, you won't, because you you took, you know, now granted we've been doing the multi, the multicast. And since we started Niner Tony's a big proponent of it. Tony's a very vocal about yeah multi, multi casting. And then i dont don't want me i don't understand it but when Tony does it, I don't understand what he's talking about though.
i' i't think anybody does but but you he does a good side does but but The football show is great. And I know you guys aren't football fans, but the fantasy football show is great. And this year was with the addition of, of you and,
Well your show to roughness unnecessary roughness you got a good panel there and stuff, especially the Who's a Rick Rick is and who's ah the other gentleman?

Sports Talk and Nostalgia

there derek no no dere oh de right Yeah, very knowledgeable and stuff like that speaking of the show are you gonna are you gonna are you gonna cover are you gonna follow the USFL this year? well after the
I sort of been down in the dumps after the the AFC championship. ah people know and i know you you bu but rick Rick, Rick's not been feeling too good either. no it's her that was That was a hard pill to swallow and stuff like that. yeah as I thought this was going to be the year, but Josh Allen, he ended up saying that we didn't crash the doors down. It was a close game.
Um, there was a couple of calls. I don't think that would have mattered on the outcome. I could have equipped. I don't know. It's a, um, I was real happy that Josh Allen got, and I was actually surprised that he got MVP for the year. you know It was between him and and Lamar Jackson because of their stats, of course. and um But that's that's the the the the thing about sports. you got You got winners and you got losers, and you got to be able to suck up and take the loss. And um so you know I've said it.
i Almost wasn't gonna make it on Tony's broadcast show last week, but well because of that because I Get it. I'm surprised Rick was Rick was able to come up and and be a part of the show after because you you know Rick Rick Rick was ah rick's Rick Rick He's more die-hard than me. Yes. he's He's born and raised in Buffalo. He's a buffalo guy man, but that's his squad and and I tell you what I'm I'm more than happy to be, you know, ah Rick is an honorary member of the dog pound and I'm, and I'm more than happy. And, and, and, and I feel privileged to be an honorary member of the mafia, the bills mafia. Um, the dead man, Rick loves it. And I hate Rick yeah yeah all you say yeah leads red, white and blue for them. Man. We was talking during that game and I was just like, I think we should throw himself off a bridge.
it felt that way at the end it's just but the the buffalo bills theyve done so much as far as lifted people you know across the state here in new york it's ah it's not just buffalo it's ah even down there in in the city there are people you know where ted hicks is at yeah hes he said that he's indicated that there here's for the bill and stuff so mr be also have these things right you pretty much of the tins thing but they're let alert
I don't know. I don't know. I was not paying that much attention. I was looking at the wrestler. I just thought these were cool. Yeah, they're above. What's that like? What's right what? What's what's your son got there there? What would you say? Uh he went he's still got Christmas money left over. You know who Mr Beast is? The YouTuber? The rich one. They're all right. I I've heard I've heard the name yeah eie wech one so he's got this thing out he's got like a whole toy line and and okay martin whatever but it's like this little action figure it's like a little robot but it came in this big like tank oh okay okay and you and it's it's mr beats mutations or something like that oh and you to pour like this mutation liquid in it and then you've got to push the fingerprint thing and oh yeah there it is kesha's got it
and and then like you watch the the water the water inside of it changes colors it goes from a dark blue to clear oh and it and it reveals this little action figure yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so Cash went and and he he got a lego set and then he got a wrestler set and then he got this thing But it's it's really cool. And I you know, I'm not mad at mr. Beast. I like mr. Beast. I know he does a lot for charity a Zillion dollars a day from his ah sponsors and stuff like that, but he also does a lot for a charity like I thought that might it looked like a wrestler you don't have a clear picture on it, but I know yeah
cash is really into the rest lineer yeah yeah Yeah, it's a mini Jeff. Yeah. What's what was that Wally? A miniature. I said it's a mini Jeff. It's a little bit better. It's like a little like robot. I look like in the morning. Okay. I can only imagine Jeff especially when you first wake up. and adjust tolu of the head Yeah, it's blue though. It's just like right here. Well, but but yeah cash cash did get some new wrestlers today I got che yeah two new wrestlers today. You got a Fortnite Lego set. So i think nothing like but but so this kid made out for Christmas. I got their Fortnite Lego sets out now. Oh yeah. du the Dude, there's there's fort and there's Fortnite. There's Harry Potter. There's Star Wars. I know there's Harry Potter and Star Wars. I didn't say there was Fortnite. There's Minecraft.
there what' the other one that has hey sonic the hedge on what like it's not lego it's another brand and it's like a shitty there but it's lego
mega block yeah i think mega blocks like anylo yeah i don't know if rich like I don't know if rich likes to build Legos or not, but there's a space where it is and now you're in the space And it's got like all the rumors and stuff like that. it's It's really it's a really cool. Yeah, they got they've got ah where my It's not in the series, but it's the Mars Rover. Yeah. I got the Mars Rover. mar well Yeah. Yeah. that see the That's pretty good. Yeah. The, uh, they have a legal land. They have a legal land down. so do don't you thats just podcast Yeah. listen Yeah. That's who I listened to in the morning. Sometimes when when I'm taking you guys to school, yeah fire henry is but There Listen with the kids in the car. They know who you are.
My kid brother, he passed away a couple of years ago, my younger brother. And he's buried down at the Veterans Memorial Cemetery down there in Orange County. It's out in Goshen. And right across the street, or down the street a little bit, there's a legal land there.
but and and and the thing is my kid brother it was he he's an ex-marine simplified to him not thinking about him but uh he um he um he loved legos when we we're kids when legos first came out oh my god i loved them i i went i we had you really dating yourself there buddy you're like when legos first came out well no they they actually came out fuck they yeah it just uh they became a uh real popular stuff but the the thing of it is the if you look at the the structure of the old legos compared to what they're doing with them now it's like they're oh they're just these special
that rich rich rich was rich was around when when uh the original abraham lincoln lincoln logs no no no no well you know no that was that was probably just before maybe a couple years before i i wasn't it wasn't like maybe sitting jesus i do i do i do love legos but i'm speaking of lincoln logs you know being being well the construction guy that i am i love them yeah yeah yeah that uh was it the ah what uh what do they call it they had like the round disc it's a wooden thing and you put the little green oh oh oh i know what you're talking about it's a tiddly tinker toys tinker toys tinker
no rec their instructions patent mistakes in them so it would teach you Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That teach you not to not to trust Ikea. shit agree do yeah they just do that ikea yeah but but you You just look at the advancement of toys and stuff like that. You know, I just, um, you know, from, you know, now I remember growing up and I'm like,
Man, we had cool kids or cool toys when I was growing up. Like we had Teddy Ruxpin and stuff like that. You put that set tape in there and Teddy Ruxpin would sing along to song. And then I look at the toys that my kids have now. It's just like, wow, we had dog shit toys. I kinda, I kinda want to buy these toys for myself. i don't know i think there's some Look at the big picture. They're bringing back of a lot of the stuff that we had.
buy hanging it back now You see, the cool thing is when I was a kid, you could buy yard darts. You can't buy them anymore. yeah you know there's yeah So there's some compromises. There's some give and take. now the yard bar are now like Funny enough though, my parents have their old set of yard darts out Shout out to the old school toys that we had growing up and stuff that are still around and they're still popular. Legos being one of them.
fuck Yeah, like bright Yeah, light bright is still around Hot Wheels Barbie for the fruit girls or boys GI Joe. I mean action figures what no matter what it is, but action figures in general Yeah um you know lifestyles is blow up like je i said yeah You know, alf toy would everything and the cool thing about it is like being a wrestling fan and cash being and a wrestling fan, they're starting to introduce the old wrestling action figures, yeah the old wrestlers, like they've got, they've got like, i see yeah yeah and and Ted DiBiase and <unk> heard him like macho man. And yeah, it was a million dollar man. who was million dollars Everybody has a price.
that That's neat. Yeah, that's one thing every time I yeah well we went to the Walmart here a couple days ago and I always make a beeline to make a Pass through on the toy department and stuff like that. to see and I'm always and the one place I always stop I have to stop is the matchbox. Yeah yeah hot wills and shit ah wills and it hows and just looked in flow through All them and stuff like that and I'll I've got a system down where I'm looking underneath and they they they you know, I know number good Well, they have the names right there. So you don't have to leave through it and they they're falling all over the fricking place. So I'm kind of, I'm kind of bummed because like Cassius, I'm kind of out of that Hot Wheels. And I understand like he's really big into wrestling right now. Of course, like, you know, the, you the, the YouTubers who have their, their toys and stuff out there and they're like, but like he's fallen out of the Hot Wheels and the monster jam face kind of bu because like, like, like, like Rich said,
every time we go, I like I always go down the action figure aisle because I want to look at all the superheroes and you a it's a kid in you. Yeah. Yeah. I made I made I swore an oath to that giant giraffe. I'm a loser as kids.
Oh, yeah I refuse to grow up. i boy are us yeah that way restricted of Wow. but I remember coming back from overseas and seeing my first toys are awesome. i'm Like, holy crap. I'm like, I'm at the point where it's like, I need Nikki's sons to make us grandparents so that I have a reason to go buy Hot Wheels again.
Yeah, you heard it. Like they say about Hot Wheels, that used to be the 99 cent toy that turned most men's hobbies into the most expensive when they were adults. Oh, there you go. and the robb It would be cheaper to be a drug addict, addict let's be honest. Yes, actually it would be. Have you seen the eyes of fucking Turbo? I'm just saying.
Yeah, no, yeah know i yeah i there yeah are There are some toys though when I do go through I'm looking at them I scratch my head is like who? You know Like really oh I get it Yeah, but yeah, it's like why didn't we come up with the idea because they're off the wall stuff, but yet people spend okay people are my yes true they're the market walmart yeah walt walt Walmart has has this toy collection It's the only place I've seen it, excuse me. But they're bugly monsters. And they're like these stuff, there's like these stuffed creatures and they have these plastic teeth in them and they're all like, we had something similar. What you, you mentioned it last week, it was, it was my pet monster. But no, these are, these are, these are so different.
And then they have like journal like like different monsters. Yeah. Yeah. Like it reminds me of, do you guys remember that show on Nickelodeon and rich? I don't know how old your kids are, but maybe you might've seen it when your kids are growing up.
Uh, that, that show on Nickelodeon. Ah, real monsters. And it had all the crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. yeah sure and carried His eyeballs in his hands over his head. That's what these kind of reminds you of yeah yeah all the different versions of them. yeah Rich, are you, are you a grandfather?
No, no my kids now. No. No, they're That's that's a few years down. ah We've got a we've got a wedding we're going to Up there um and Buffalo my my daughter's getting married. and so Oh nice congratulations Yeah, yeah, it's just ah And it's just there's you're gonna cry rich you You're gonna cry yeah is my toughest pets ever met My sister got married that new bald like he was fucking somebody Jeff Jeff I watch certain movies and certain TV shows and I Know it's just it It's something that I can remember my nephews um You know back when
oh This is God this be still in the service, but you know here they are They're all grown up and stuff like that. I remember the first first Christmas. I was before I headed out to Korea I was driving out to Chicago ah Drop off the car before leaving and What I put I think I deported out of st. Louis or something like that, but anyway um Before I stopped or got there to Chicago I stopped at a toy store and I bought all these I must have bought them like like freaking ten two nephews there and they were what seven Ryan was seven and and Kevin was like five or something like that But I was just like a a kid in the toy store myself. said Oh, they'll love this and the one toy they love both of them was this it was a it was like a
and almost the size of the desk here. It's like ah an airport. They were, you could play, okay yeah yeah yeah you know, pretend you're an air traffic controller and you got various aspects of the airport and stuff. I thought that was pretty cool. My sister almost wringed my neck and said, well, how about you just finish? I don't care. I just did my nephew. So you're going to have two weeks. Calm down. But, uh,
i Yeah, I love the kids when you know, i I do walk through or something like that when you see them in the toy Department and stuff like that because With Jeff garages, yeah and will be happening Lazy bring your ass up here. come Let me see your pretty face why This is a real monsters isn't that the wasn't that the Disney movie real monsters that they have a monster one my old monster is thing monstering yeah Yeah. I'll rip monsters was on Nickelodeon. Okay. Just only broadcasted him. Fucking love. group I have no idea who rip dog is, but I fucking love him. I've heard of rip dog, rip dog. He, he up but I'm looking at what is this? Um, they have a fourth night. Oh, they do have a fortnight Lego set.
Oh, yeah. They've got a bunch. Oh, wow. I want that. I want the Eiffel Tower and they got like, they got like, they've got like, um, like Fortnite, uh, Nerf guns now. catch out Yeah. He's got a few different, he's got several Fortnite guns. Uh, he's got a, he's got a Minecraft Nerf gun. Uh, we got a Legos got, uh, they've got Fortnite. They've got a Minecraft. They've even got like, uh, Nicky's Nicky's youngest son, Chris.
him and his girlfriend, they get the they get the Lego plants. So, they got oh yeah and actually they got I think they got Austin a Lego plant for Christmas because somebody got her she she was building it out there the other night. She had like eight different plants and they were all Lego and I think wow. look at it Wow. There's some money sitting right there too. They're like hundred hundred bucks plus yeah cash cash me andable sphouse
and Cash was the Lego Death Star, which is like eight million pieces. du jeff yeah Jeff, Jeff, I got I got cash earlier. He was he was talking. I say his name and he appears like Joe injury. You know what would be neat to see, though, is to see the machines that make these pieces. They're they're blown injection.
Yeah. Some of them are CNC machines, too. They use. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I watched a documentary. Did someone say blown erections? I watched... No, Blaze, we weren't talking about you. I thought I heard blown erections. Blaze, Blaze, we'll be up in the truck stop tomorrow around 11 o'clock. They have every set ever made. In the morning. Unopened. I'll be waiting. They have two sets of every set ever made of Lego at the Lego warehouse in Holland.
and there's one open and one open. I know you are. shit No, I can't. I can't. I can't. Lego is supposed to start making all their megas out of buy biodegrade plastics. I get a bunch of fucking woke hippies. Yeah. Dude, at one time, that's before petroleum plastics. That's what we had. We had five. I got I got I got cash.
Jeff, I got I got a cash earlier. I was telling Nikki how when we were at Walmart, he said he wanted the Death Star, you know, which is like eight million Lego pieces. Yeah. It's it's like it's like five thousand dollars. yeah It's stupid how expensive it is. And and I was telling Nikki, I was like, yeah, cash once. The Death Star, which is it? let's see I don't know. It's fucking ridiculous.
No, not that one. This is like this is like a massive Death Star. Yeah. I was like, I was like, yeah, you know, the Death Star from Star Trek. There's one for $70,000. There's Star Trek.
ah Crash was like, no. They're about 850 bucks. fuck my law this one back yours on fifty bucks Yeah. That's not the one he wants is like the big massive fucking. Yeah. No, this one is, and this one is, it's it doesn't it's not opened up or anything like that. This is um you want to go land or if you go to a, laage store someone again it's it's like the full, before, before they found that stupid ass
you We found her one foot by one foot tunnel and destroyed this massive best quote-unquote best part I'm a rich Star Wars. That's why Jar Jar Binks is the greatest character of all times talk about this one but something similar to that jeff is what it does yeah yeah yeah Next time next time we're at the Lego store I'll send you a picture of it because they've actually got one that's that's done and this thing is massive, bro It's it's fucking you um Yeah, cuz they got a Lego land down there in Easton i want this one her This is the biggest Lego set you can buy However, they have a really cool at Walmart. They have a really cool the the final the final fight scene From the last super spider-man movie where they had all three commands they have that final fight scene on the um the on the statue and
They have that at Walmart and cash is like, I really want that. And I'm like, you ain't got enough money for that, bro. But his birthday's in July. He keeps saving his pennies. Well, I might. Come here. His birthday's in July. I might grab it for him because it comes. There's a lot of fucking Spider-Man ones. Yeah. Oh, wow. Wow. There's all kinds of it.

Merchandise and Innovation

Marvel, all kinds of Marvel, everything. I mean, there's a lot of those. Those are super cool. Uh, no, no, no, no, no, no. That's pretty cool, though.
sam ridiculous you And they've they've got like Lego action figures for the Marvel Universe so you like yeah like if you Jeff if you I don't know why I'm pointing at my screen like you can fucking see it the same thing who's the delusional one coage never come you they got like excuse eats That you that you build out of out of the Legos and it's really cool. Yeah, that's something I think the coolest I think the coolest thing that's ever come out is Hasbro Hasbro did the thing where you could create your own action here. Yeah. Hasbro has girls been around before I was born. Oh my god. This is amazing. That's still they're still going with Hasbro as far as that goes and you know, as far as what what Blaze was saying, yeah, I guess I just looked it up. lego not art art' recyclable which
Yeah, I I didn't know that as far as i thought they were reusable. Let's be honest because I mean Well, yeah, if you use them, they do get lost a lot Because they're uh, they're saying that what they're a multi-type plastic, uh, because uh recently I did a an audio up here at cornell university. It's about 40 minutes away, uh, you know the tires that's another type of plastic or rubber that can't be uh recyclable well cornell came up with a um the researchers at Cornell, they created a first of its kind, durable, recyclable plastic that they're going to be making tires out of or something like that. Oh, nice. do You know, because it's very hard to break down, you know, the like a tire or a bowling ball. That's the type of plastic that they can't recycle. Shh. Shout out to Canton Zone, Canton, Ohio. Shout out to Goodyear. What's up? Yeah. Yeah. But, you know, as far as. Firestone because you blow out your SUV tires.
Yeah, I'm just interesting as far as it you know, they because I I've seen enough races as far as Indy 500 and the the Daytona there that those tires they you know, they just burned through them like nothing and stuff and you know, I always see those big piles of What's that? It's the the way the compound is made of the rubber. It's a softer compound. Yeah, yeah for to actually get a it able to heat up and be able to actually stick to the asphalt and everything
the the the the the yeah the cars would actually be all over the place yeah but see that's for the tire function but after the tire is old that type of tire like all tires they can't break it down because it's right it's it's the same as a lego the plastic and the lego it's a multi-type you know structure i guess the layers losing thing the left whatever stuff in it yeah buick back in the forty s forty s of the fifty s they had a vinyl tire that they developed
Well, Packard also made his cars too good. That's why the big three had him killed off. Yeah. He was already advanced with his air conditioning. He was the Tucker. Yeah. So, so, but yeah, with the tires back to what you were saying, Rich. Yeah. There are multiple layers putting it home and then like with our normal car tires, having those, the steel belts in them. Yeah. sea both then yeah
never crossed the stream. street but they actually They actually crossed the the wires and stuff that way, the layout and that's so how they did the steel belts and the tires. and go belt to the pis yeah walletst so Yeah, Wally, where you were playing with all your little flowers in horticulture yeah and and the creation of the Japanese for the children's garden. Yep. I've poured more concrete than I, if I never pour concrete again, I'll be a happy man.
You did get to play. And you got to drive the tractor. I was always jealous of that tractor. Jack, when you're working with concrete. Yeah, concrete's the boss. Minty chaos gaming. How is it going? All right, Wyatt, go to bed. I'm going to tell your dad Wyatt. Fast. Yeah, I get to do Wyatt. That's Rick's son, Wyatt.
Wow. Oh, oh man yeah. That's why, why he keeps calling me Pito Jeff. I will say, I will say the cool thing that they've started doing in recent years with, uh, with tires ah as far as to recycle them and whatnot is putting them into playgrounds and whatnot, or you um and and or who ask or using them and and well, not only that, but also using them in landscaping.
Yeah, because you can actually get the checks too yeah you ah tracks Yeah. They're all done on the recycled tires. I'll tell you what, some of the, some of the coolest landscaping that I've seen has been with the recycled tires and you can get them in multi colors so you can get them in whatever color you want. And I think that's really cool. If I ever, brought well, if and when, um, I buy my house, I mean, Nikki and I buy a house.
I think I'll do all of our landscaping with the recycled tires and and try to get them mold yeah i'm trying to get them in you know different colors you know according to the house. probably yeah Don't lie. I saw that come a fucking mile away.
i mean maybe maybe believe I'm just saying you do a whole you do a half helmet that's blue and yellow and half brown and you're right there in the middle. Maybe red and black maybe maybe maroon and gold. You know, I don't know. Let's show the animals with the piss back. Yeah. Uh huh. Uh huh. Born in a row, bitch. Born in a row, bitch. We did Mickey Mouse National Championship. We did Mickey Mouse National Championship.
thing well richard rich are you rich are you a rich are you a college are you a college football guy do you like college football I watch i've i've watched it more these last couple years and stuff like that. I like Penn State. i'm i'm not too yeah the The main team here is Syracuse. and i more of it offensives I like Penn State.
I like Notre Dame. I like i like the top teams. that you know They play a a version of football that I think it's it' it's different than the NFL. It's the same sport, but there is a difference, I think. But the the NFL is a speed thing it's like it's faster once you hit the NFL. It is faster, but you know I think you can in in college,
more so compared to the NFL. You you could have a school that's a tenth of the size of another school, you know, like look at Marshall, how Marshall used to be and how look how good their football and it depends on their program over the years and stuff like that. So, uh, some you baby. Yeah. it thanks Yeah. Yeah.
So I like Penn State. um yeah You know, I always watch the Army Navy game that I've always watched that every year since even when I was a kid, my father, he loved Navy. And I can remember there was a stretch there. Army kept on beating up on him and he was always pissed off. But what is it? College is a good, good game. yeah I think the the college football now, though, it's like,
the the The thing about college sport in general though, they're they're getting so they're so talented in their sport. And it's, you know, you say have either had big sport, which was the big money or little sport, which was the amateurs. I don't think there's any such thing as an amateur anymore, because, you know, look at where the Olympics is right now. yeah know It used to be back, you know, you couldn't be a ah paid athlete to take part in the Olympics. And well, but even
If you've ever seen the the movie, Eddie, the Eagle, they changed the rules because of that guy because he was, he was an amateur. Yeah. But he was a bad, it like he was just, just qualifying and they change it. So you have to be at a certain level. You can't be 100%. I just started this yesterday. Amateur. You have to have a certain amount of years and and certain amount of talent. Yeah. Yeah.
But, you know, the Olympics, if you look at the original Olympics back in Greek times, it's is ah it was a forum to highlight the top athletes. So, you know, yeah who are top athletes? So once they're making the big money and sometimes maybe a little bit too much money, but that's where, you know, that's where the big sport is. And, you know, anytime you get money mixed in with things, it can, there can be, you know, you know, look at the problems they have with the kids going. ah the The big thing I remember is St. Bonaventures. They had the the old welders class scandal where they had a couple students there and St. Bonaventures. I loved St. Bonaventures when I was a kid watching college basketball.
um and they got tagged for NCAA infringements because they were this kid they were just they were just writing to you know giving them you know he he was dumber than a box of rocks but the guy this the the one center there he and he he came down from Canada to they you know they get a lot of Canadian athletes out there and stuff like that so um you know when you put the money in there and then you know say well we gotta have this guy well he's not making his grades well just change that F to a C. on bird goal yes yeah just yeah flu Yeah. You know, you know, as it's hard to be a champion and it's hard to stay on top and I, and I say that as a champion and as a guy on the top, I mean, it's it's hard to keep your status. yeah that' the best of what you do yeah This is what you're doing. This is what I want you to do. Any questions?
The proof is in the pudding i mean champions don't just and melts up ah that's That's funny i would i would like to I would like to remind the group that I am leading the race in the angel of death competition this year and I'm also leading I'm always ever been going on we just like year Yeah, we started last year and this this year we we we did it again and we got all the guys here on the network involved um and and we and we tweaked the rules a little bit and you know we we we adjusted some stuff and and you know made it a little bit more competitive um and and and and and and then Blaze started his uh movie trivia night once a month on on his show Nonsense and Chill um I mean I don't need to brag or anything but uh
click what about that one you got stump yeah no and and I called it out when I was answering that question. I called it out and I, and I told boys he was a motherfucker for that one, but at the end of the day, it was a great curve ball though. go good It was a great curveball and I love that you made a clip out of it. **** you, Blazer. Oh, that's Blazer's work there. Is that your work? place At the end of the day. Oh, no, that was what? oh No, that, no, he actually eclipsed the shows. Oh, yeah. And he puts them on TikTok and all that. However, at the end of the day, I mean, at the at the end of the day, who came out on top? It's because I didn't play.
four coffee fat pig she that mom like that That's why you got the inappropriate warning as where Oh, yeah, we always do Well, we we we we have we we list our YouTube. I don't know for have Facebook whatever Twitch, I don't i don't know ah but on on YouTube we we put it not my children were Yeah. Yeah. That's the same thing. When I do, when I'm doing my, I always make sure I click that adults, you know, you know, it's just like, I do have my moments and stuff like that. And, uh, you know, I, you know, and early in the morning, it's a, you know, as far as where I'm at, you know, it could be,
it's midnight over in Australia and stuff like that because I get a couple Australians in the in the broadcast but I keep it clean but you know there's certain platforms you can't you know you still can't really say much I mean I I posted a picture of my my chick the winner winner chicken dinner with wingnut he's the one that actually got the win which is no you saved me that after I ran into I ran myself or he jumped out of the car and he hit the car and he went down he got knocked so i had to revive himself
i guess that was my contribution to the chicken chicken ti i play with this guy i play with he's he's fricking he's a great guy he's taught me a lot and he he usually racks up like eight nine kills automatically and stuff but we always get we're always analyzing after the play the is the Jeff of PUBG. He hides out, he's lucky and then he reaps all the rewards. No, i you know I used to do that just to scrounge his stuff. Now I'm doing hot drops. I'll drop and sometimes we'll get knocked out in like the first two minutes, but it's ah it's a good experience as far as get your senses and get become aware of the environment of that that particular game and stuff like that.
but the the the warning and stuff like that it that, you got to be careful because I think it was Michael Batters was telling me, ah even on on TikTok, you can't say certain, they got certain words.
oh oh yeah all even started on tikokk and ah Yeah, but it's it's just not that it's other platforms and I think that's why One of the main reasons I went, you know, I used to rumble studios I broadcast on rumble and and I I can have well, there's been a couple times who I've been only on rumble
um but he's not actually a comist we just like call him that cause he's a little bit yeah but i guess even i guess where i like get american Yeah, you please don't even drink American beer Just beer made in Kentucky No, I guess what I get that though, you know some of the stuff that you know you guys you guys push the envelope and stuff like that and I think that's But
but For me, um that's one of the things I like about Rumble, because even from the top down, they pressta and if you go over there, there's certain people that have they've been banned from ah ah everywhere else youtube YouTube, Twitch, and and they're over there. and you know there's It's just that the the multitude of platforms that we have now, yeah as far as that goes, and and going back to what you were saying earlier, it's good to be on, because
you're covering the board and stuff like, no, you're not gonna get canceled. No, we'll never get canceled because nobody cares. The whole thing about Rich is, you know, Rich rich does his show and he is like, this this is my show. This is my format. And there's people sometimes that try to, in the comments, they try to, they try to get a political record out of him. And Rich is like, no, I'm not doing that. This is what we're doing. And I love that because he's like, and I'm not falling for it. No, I guess I give some leeway as far as if we get into a discussion and stuff like that. I think as a broadcaster, you should. and But no, you're you're ultimately responsible for it and stuff like that. So you know you want to present it. And I don't mind somebody, but you you you've seen the people where they try and come in the comments and they want to
I've done this and you've done it. all you've You've all done it long enough to know that you know, just shut the fuck up. Yeah yeah we just um i mean Yeah, I got my format here and you're welcome to listen and be here and stuff like that. And but it's you don't like it there's the door. Yeah that yeah and we and We've we've came in so we' were weve we've come in since day one and it's like We're going to push the envelope. envelope We're going to have fun. And we're going to be who we are. And then this show, it started it all for you and stuff like that. And then it's like, whether you like us or not, this is who we are. We're going to push the envelope. We're going to have fun. We're going to want to fuck you. Let me ride that dick. I didn't do it. What's up, Connor? How you doing? I mean, I'm used to your mom riding this dick, but I guess I ain't.
right but but no about model it just that that's the way i want to do the you know it's a monday morning it's it's a pe positive and i think for the most part you know people say well you just full of shit and stuff well well if you if that's your bag of donnus that you can think that but i think otherwise sort i've been doing it some times i keep on like donor i generally have fun coming up it's obvious you guys have fun doing what you're doing and stuff like that. And and I think ah some of the broadcasters, they take themselves too serious. Yeah, when they get that mode, it's it's like, you know, why don't you just loosen up a little bit and stuff like that. And then just you know you got to have the fun factor. The fun factor is there. If there was no fun factor, I wouldn't i won't be doing this stuff as far as that goes. some of the Some of the ones I've seen here recently, they're just a bunch of clout chasers.
and going off big name public people and riding their car. Shots fired from Wally. I heard it. So who are you talking about? I'm curious. you guys You got it. You guys got to check out. I know this is this is not really a shameless plug, but you've got to listen to the radio where firemen rich
gets his inner radio DJ out and he plays music. Oh, the music. I've been doing that for a long time. You know who got me started? That was a a gentleman named Bill Elders. Okay. He still has his YouTube. he's He doesn't broadcast anymore, but he's the one that got me hooked on the mix cloud. This is like almost 10 years ago. I was doing it was every Tuesday because when I was working, I had Monday and Tuesday off. So I figured, okay, I'll do a Tuesday thing. And um he told me I should try it because I was always always listening and he was a real DJ.
down there the big x down in bacon georgia and he's from long island a great gentleman um the last i heard last year he's doing all right and stuff like that but he's up there in years and stuff but um and he this is back when everybody wanted to be a youtuber and stuff and he wanted to be and he could have gone he he got pretty big but um It got to be a point where, you know, it's just like, okay, I've done my bit stuff. and But it was just interesting interfacing with him. And then when I started, he um he would come in and, you know, he would comment on the the broadcast. But it's a way of presenting music differently.
Well and there you don't have to worry about the copyright because it's uh, they've got they pay their They've got something set up and stuff like that. But even now I don't have any problem like ah Thursday I was playing a local radio station here just just for kicks and giggles um Was it ninety five point three the the bridge down in Bainbridge? Bainbridge, Pennsylvania, which is right across the border here. It's just a classic rock plate, you know and it's and I just broadcasted on rumble and acts because I know I want I'm not gonna get dang if you play music on You know, we all know on YouTube or Facebook. You're gonna get dinged right away mostly mostly all done mostly fun hit you big time with all that stuff so i no a couple Saturdays ago Glick and Jeff that oh God, it was a couple Saturdays ago. We got like 195 views on a Saturday on room. It was the night I said
Yeah. Rumble, if you're consistent, I think you get pretty, you get, yeah I think you get good numbers because there's an audience over there that I've been seeing that, uh, especially on the replays, once you get done broadcasting and, um, and if you, if you've been broadcasting a couple of hours and stuff like that, it's a consistency. It rumbles platform. It it takes a little get used to as far as, uh, putting things off. I stream, I stream to Rumble every Friday night. Oh, do you? yeah where What do you think of that place?
My viewer for nonsense and chill i get more viewers on um Can you can you upload video onto like a like like our shows our normal shows You know go to like Facebook YouTube and twitch. Can you upload a full-length video on to the the stream live and use the rumble studio because yeah right the great multi but e i'm finding that so they just did some updates on the rumble studio the
ah live streamer Managing portion that you look at as far as so what you're looking at click as far as you know and ah you can I guess there's a limit of music you can put up in a Pre format because I've taken some stuff I use this old iPad mini for my intro and outro for my morning coffee broadcast I've been doing it for years and that's why I used to put my music for the mix cloud shows and pipe it into a Now on rumble Studios you could actually there's a certain um limit I guess but in one YouTube song I guess you could you could take that audio and put it up on there and play it if you wanted to theoretically and stuff like that and it's just a multifunctioning of rumble because you can you can start out with ah a Post picture and then you drop that to your camera view and then you go to present
And then when I go to a break, I hit the, the, the post picture that, you know, if it just blocks everything out. We'll be right back and stuff like that. That's already preset. So you got little buttons. You can just press on the thing. Um, you know, uh, right in the, right in the webpage itself. So it's all wet based and stuff. And that's what I really like about it. But, um, there, there is an ah Rumble has come along. I've been on there since 2020.
um when it was and i did really start broadcasting or uploading and broadcasting cause i was still on the the You know, do you remember me or cat?
yeah vaguely think i think i looked at it i yeah yeah yeah good Yeah know But periscope was good and I would have to say X live is pretty is really decent and it just it has elements And it's come a long way because it was shitty a couple years back. Yeah, I like I like excellent. I'm just not just I'm yes um'm not ready to fight the bullet and pull the trigger on paying for the membership. You know what I mean? Oh, you want to pay for the blue, the blue check mark.
don't care about a blue check mark but and just i mean don't get me wrong i know Do you have to have a blue chip you have to have the blue check mark to to stream from stream yards on into excellent Let me see. Sorry if you're watching on Twitch if you watch on Twitch go to our YouTube and or our Facebook page Yeah, because we we used to go to eggs. Yeah, we used to we used to go to eggs. The only thing I don't like about ah x is that you you have ah and this is even from the phone when you're broadcasting you forget to you know yeah it defaults to ah yeah you know people the chat thing it defaults to where you have no nobody can ryan and i'm i'm still trying to find where's the button to change that because i found out when i'm broadcasting the morning coffee um the guy i played with pub g he was telling me i said he goes rich i was on yourx live theyd there
in the morning but i couldn't comment and i said why couldn't you comment and it's and i look in the you know they still have the old periscope producer is now ex- producerer or something like that um to where i look at the settings and the setting has nobody and i'm like how do i change that it's i'm still looking for that but Yeah.
So to go live on twitch yeah from streaming, I jumped at the twitch premium, which, you know, and like I said, all okay. Yeah, don't get me wrong. I like yeah like twitch live or ex live periscope. But and before they change it all, we were actually in comments through from twitch or from Twitter. And I know we don't we don't really reach but like like what we do here is not really one it yeah it's more entailed to be on like a twitch platform a youtube platform and stuff like that pretty well but we do here is is i could tell you that i've been in it's not the high premium but it's the regular the blue check mark as i used to call it and the only reason i got it was because they were doing a ah forty percent off so it had amounted instead of eighty bucks it was forty buck or fifty bucks so i said for fifty bucks so i just took a ah payment i got you know every six months i get a payment from twitch dear i it's in the pay pa and i just pay paid it and i like it um
It because there's one aspect on there. They have the X pro which you know used to be the old tweet deck They took over tweet deck, and that's what they call x pro now. It's the same as what's the other one there that was tweet tweet something But that alone getting reacquainted with that and um coming back to that For me, it was worth it. in part Because I love using in that. I love having multiple columns open for various people there that I do follow and stuff like that. Because instead of going, click it here, and then you've got to find your name, and then click on just the one stream. You have multiple streams up there. So that that aspect. I'm not too hip on the grok, though. The grok is OK, but you know. Yeah, I don't know what the grok is. I know bathrooms.
loves it, but It's an AI, but it's it's the same as I don't know I look at because I've got this I'm looking it up Gemini on my phone and Gemini you could that's a commercial you see with the Samsung phone that way you can talk and you can literally have a conversation as far as that goes on it and Let's see if I can bring this up here
Let's see. Let me see if I can bring this up Where's Gemini on the phone here Get my phone here for a minute and stuff because it's it's interesting because you could literally um Let's see Here it is on the phone here and stuff. Let's see. No. Thanks and
Good evening, Gemini. How are you doing? Oh, yeah. I got Gemini on my phone as well. Okay. Oh, never mind. I got my smack. Well, thank you for asking. I'm ready to assist you with any questions or tasks you may have. jeffor Jeff, Jeff, weren't you telling me you have some AI shit? You're, you've been, Jeff has like seven. Yeah, no, but it's, it's actually called talking and it's literally, okay. I've heard conversations with, um, like you can actually create a character.
and actually talk to them and have a conversation. Yeah. Jeff turned his wife into one of his AI girlfriend. Yeah. highlight She's actually a wolf hybrid mix.
um a Real quick, Blaze. I like that. I like that for Tuesday night, bro. I was just messing around with it. Yeah, I like that. Yeah, this this ah this Tuesday night for Glick's House of Music. I don't have it. I don't have a guest. So we plays and I stumbled upon a little a little hidden treasure, if you will. We found that diamond in a row. why We'll see if it happens again. Yeah, we'll see if it happens again. We I didn't I didn't have a guest. It was it was crappy weather when we had those snowstorms that came through.
I didn't have a guest for clicks house of music and Blaze is like, I ain't got nothing to do. I'm snowed in. Uh, let's, let's, let's do a show together, man. I'm like, all right. So we, we, we just. Through something together, clicking blazes mixed state, a little snowed in mixed state, man. And, uh, and it was a little hidden, uh, Jim in the rough. So to say, we had a lot of fun. And, uh, I think which is frozen.
No, no, I'm just looking at this. I'm not frozen. That's a talky app No, I want to do that. Just give me a minute here. I mean I want to try something Gemini what can you tell me about nonsense the nonsensical network?
idiots more about the nonsensical network right Okay, let's dive into the nonsense the nonsensical network from what I've gathered is a group of content creators who seem to thrive on and Well, the nonsensical. They've got a pretty diverse range of shows and segments, all united by a kind of off-the-wall, often humorous approach. Think of it as a digital variety show with a decidedly quirky bent. Here's a breakdown of what I know about them. Variety is their spice.
They don't stick to just one thing. You'll find comedy discussions about serious topics like men's mental health, music interviews, wrestling talk, and even a segment called news of the dumb, which sounds like a yeah it's a bit of a mixed bag, but that seems to be part of their charm. Nonsensical nonsense is their flagship. This seems to be their main podcast and it's focused on comedy and just generally shooting the breeze.
Expect random conversations, probably some tangents, and hopefully some laughs. They care sometimes. While they embrace the nonsensical, they also tackle important issues. Their Men Caring for Men podcast suggests they're not afraid to have serious conversations, particularly around men's mental health. This adds a layer of depth to their content. Music and mayhem. Glick's House of Music indicates they're interested in music, and I guess it features interviews with musicians.
Yes. it paints a picture of a group with diverse interests unhinged anarchy is their vibe this phrase something similar is often used to describe them it suggests a kind of chaotic anything goes approach to kind nation digital presence They're active on multiple platforms. You can find them on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, and various social media platforms. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. Usually under the handle at Nonsensical Network. So if you're looking for something unpredictable, a bit silly, and maybe even a little thought-provoking, the Nonsensical Network might be worth checking out. They seem to be aiming for a community vibe. So if you enjoy that kind of interactive experience, you might find something you like there.
Do any of those aspects pique your interest? Perhaps I can help you find links to their specific shows or social media presence. No, um not no thank you, Gemini. You have a good evening. Crazy. Interesting. We need to close that. That is fucking crazy. That's just a simple question.

Nonsensical Network Overview and TikTok Segment

All he says, could just ask Gemini, could you tell me about the nonsensical network? And that I saw the action. Time step 317 was when we ended.
So right right that yeah That's the power of AI right there as far as right. I know my our good friend Michael Bathurst He's does the music but that that right there's to give a synopsis right there on that it sometimes it could be I guess I'm not really fully embracing the AI because It's just like um I think it's it's easy for the main industry to say, Oh, we got AIA. Well, what exactly do you have? There's no, right? Tell me the specific, this is a specific AI. And then listening to Michael, that's a specific AI. And then the music Randy Travis, he's actually back in the music business, even though he doesn't have his voice, he's using AI on old songs.
they're strapping his remix and that sound of his the uniqueness of his voice with another singer and they're bringing back songs that are in the vault and stuff like that and I think that's a good thing that you know um as far as that goes so um the bad things well you know you just there's always going to to be bad with the good, I guess, but. Yeah, we all saw a Terminator. What was that place? yeah I was going to say, and there you have the facts of life. Take the edge, take the bag. Oh, yeah. missed that show. Yeah, that that's a while because I have Gemini and the only thing I've always had is Gemini. Like, hey, Gemini.
Tell me dick jokes yeah Well, know what I noticed Gemini was really PC it said what the dumb Yeah, yeah yeah yeah that is that yeah you I haven't. I'm like, I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to ask. I don't want to talk to an AI guy. like What am I supposed to ask? Well, that's the the new the new newness of it. So what, actually, am I supposed to frickin' do with this thing? That's pretty wild, man. That's the crazy thing, because everybody's got an AI now. Yeah, I mean, it's pretty wild, because he, he he is at whatever you want to say, like name shows by their title.
That's pretty wild. That was a very structured synopsis of the network. It was. we don't believe it were That was the most structured segment we've ever had in four years. But it was pretty complete though. you know that's It was. It covered the whole spectrum of what you guys are doing. It didn't mention Wally or Blazes.
but you know It mentioned the important show so when I'm on It doesn't want to get in trouble with like i mean yeah doesn't want to get just want the sco the they't want to smoke with If would have mentioned the champ I would have fucking lost it i'm gone right i'm like god give are Our maniac Yeah, you know, it's, you know, I'm not, I don't call him the ego. I call it just being that bad. It is. No, it's just called glick the ego, man.
ah but you knew original you know i don't have any since you're here when I showed something and I wanted to get your reaction as the as the the straight man as the straight man. Okay. You know, I like being called a silly. I like I like being called a simple man. I like I like being called. No, i you can call me an asshole is everybody has. to show what i i Yeah. but I like I like to consider myself a man.
yeah i call the straight the no no no no straight to the point yeah I say it all the time. I say it all the time. I don't know how many times you guys heard me say it.
Keep it simple stupid. Yep. Yep. Kiss. No, I'm not. No, I'm I'm saying we're idiots compared. Yes. look Go Jeff. Keep it to yourself. We know you are. Yeah. Yes. I know. I have not heard. I have not heard anybody know that. Yes. I was since I was building the houses. Not you Jeff. You don't count. Kiss. Keep it simple stupid. Yeah.
yeah i used to i used i used to i used to have a heart when when when i first When I first started building houses before I was a foreman, I had a guy who was a foreman. He was like, just kiss me, Glick. And I'm like,
Come here, Gary!
No. And I was ready to fight. Like, I'm like, all right. Like, Lee's in for a kiss. He's like, that's not what I meant! Yeah, I was like, I'm about to fight this man. You know, he wants to kiss me. I'm like, oh, five weeks. He's like, these lips too fast. And he was like, no.
Listen, keep it simple, stupid. Kiss me. And I'm like, I like that. So when I was the foreman, when I became a foreman, I would get out of the truck and everybody would be like, hey, what's good morning, Glick. What's going on, Glick? Kiss me, motherfuckers. Kiss me. They all scatter. Look at me, you simple-minded son of a bitch. Glick is just a big slut.
his fucking so All of you, line up and kiss me. but no really much like like They what I meant, but as a young kid, right yeah because I was a foreman on on a job at like 20 years old, you know what I mean? And there was guys that were building a house that were, you know, in their 30s and 40s. And yeah I never heard that before. I always just said, keep it simple. Simple. Yeah. oh i used to I used to tell our teacher that when he would start breaking stuff down, and I'd be like, keep it simple, stupid. Simple. Yeah. yeah is always good Yeah. And then I would get in trouble because I called Tom 10 stupid.
or a laptop po good Yeah. Or a leprechaun. That word got used a lot. Say, say what you say. Say what you will say about that man. But man, he was a god damn saint. He was good. I liked him. I liked him. He was amazing. You and I lived.
that man had access oh you goals that could have killed us easily well guys have to get rid of the rock in that class and everything else too yeah i mean i surprised any of you lived requirement fireman rid fucking stu jeff And myself and Wally we went to a trade school in high school we went with the Knox County Career Center Wally was in Oh Wally you Wally's I know Glick and Jeff you you went well while you went to school. Oh, okay yeah wall you i You were a year behind us, right? Yeah No Wally Wally and I have actually been friends been friends since 7th grade. Oh Wally was actually had the unfortunate task of
of day one when I moved, when I moved in with my pie. Big ass. Wally had to show me around the school, but Wally has been my friend since 7th grade. is one of my nears and dearest friends and And then our entire friendship we've only had one fight. Yeah. Yeah. And that was some dumb. I didn't really come down to anything until we were literally nose to nose ready to throw hands. It was like, what fuck are we doing? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. had a couple those but in my high school days And then there are a little midget friend, Jeff.
Yeah, and then Jeff came in. Yeah, but you got to remember when Jeff comes in, he comes in with a brick ready to go. Oh, by the way, please. yeah bible anyways where did you get rich rich i don't yeah i don't know if you're you're on tiktok very often scrolling i do have it I do have a tiktok account. It's a private account. I'm waiting For I guess it's it was it's 75 days since President Trump signed the Sign the executive order to give him some leeway because everybody's saying it's a band a band band and I I just
want to stand it's a law it was voted it's a law and um there's some concerns with tiktok i'm not goingnna go into moment but i know you guys use the tiktok so i get my i break up yeah go ahead is as i i came across ah ah my new favorite one it's called chorus of comments and i want your reaction because ah so you might have to lean over because it'll take up the middle of the screen But this is one that click hasn't seen. I haven't shown this one, but the comments. Oh my gosh. Here we go.
It was pretty cool. but yeah both call Both girls had very pretty faces though. Both, you know, each one is, you know, though they'll they'll find a video that has a bunch of weird, funny comments. And that's one of them. The one I played earlier was ah just as bad. It's actually funnier. That wasn't that bad. That was pretty funny. That was entertaining. Good stuff. As far as... yeah they they ah Chorus of comments only has like maybe 10 videos because they're newer, but the one I played earlier, ah actually I have it here.
music and Glick, you might have to verify this. those two those two Those two TikToks you played, the music playing and the lyrics.
theirre ai Is that a okay, so it is they yeah what they do what they do is they take the AI they put the the comments into the AI and then play and it creates a song it I thought Michael Patrick's was feeding you guys music lyrics for some that Bro is the reason we can't breathe it yeah
oh But that's the entertainment value of tick-tock as far as I get I have an account actually I played around with it. I've actually behind the private I've got private account there. I've tried the the Tick-tock live I'm not a fan of their the pla the well no the the platform of the tiktok live application that i'm not any as far as that goes it's ah it's very antiquated
compared to netflix's been banned like fourteen times for like literally just going online. And it comes down to, I think he's got somebody's a hater and they're like, oh yeah and he's literally just sitting there, you know, like every time he would, we would get done with a show very early on when we started this and we get done, we we want to keep going. So we'd go on a TikTok live and I get, we'd get a, not a band, but a, a tick because I was smoking, you know, and it was like, Oh, okay. Yup. And
Go to a channel that has no smokers then. yeah that's what I said as far as that goes. So, it's just uh but you know, he'd be drinking beer and it'd be like, oh, alcohol is bad for you. Calm the **** down. We know. Yeah. You know, no, Tiktok, Tiktok is interesting. I, you know, it's the same thing when I've gotten used to where I'm so I'm using Facebook a little bit more than I have in the past and um and you know, live streaming on the Facebook and stuff but they they've got the Facebook reels. Is it real on facebook
awesome sames instagram or something like that but they've got the there stories the stories okay stories and um but the thing of it is real it's like tiktok is migrating because you you know you showed well even on youtube they'll they'll say you know and even news news agencies are using tick oh yeah well in during that 12-hour ban of TikTok when it was shut down, everybody was switching over to Red Note, yeah which is like, it's it's in Mandarin. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I heard, but it's it's it's similar to TikTok. But did they put the TikTok app back on the Play Store? I don't know, because bla Blaze deleted it, and
I was watching a re replay of one and you were, uh, you, I heard that as far as I go. Wow. And then I had to check it. Oh, wow. It's not there. I'm glad I didn't delete mine. Well, it's like I didn't delete mine because well, I'm in Mexico, you know, right right right? Yeah, but if I turn my VPN off If I turn my VPN on into the state it would work. It would lock out. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, I just hope they they get squared away because it does affect a lot of people but they make it sound like there's a lot of You know 70 million users in the United States. That's a lot of users But when you compare it to the other platforms, it's you know, it's not
it's not no but i mean there's there's a couple of people that literally that's their bread and not Yeah you know but but I think with the current law and the security concerns people brush off the security concerns but um all I got to say is the people that say well there's you know Google has it yeah Google has it but it's for commercial purposes there's not a US government entity that goes directly to
Say Facebook or YouTube and stuff like that where tick tock there isn't direct. There's a direct line and well number has a Has a their hub is in Texas understand none of your data gets removed from text Yeah, but what I'm saying is there's still that direct line Jeff that goes to the the Chinese government China's our adversary people that you know, you've been in the military so, you know, I'm talking there are still our adversary and um i take over the world Realistically no, but they they like the dollar they like the money just like everybody else stuff like that still it series and I think we've wasted the last four years not being able to talk you got to be able to talk these up and um You may not like them or whatever, but you still have to have a ah communications with them and stuff and the China is not stupid and
oh you know and but we'll see what happens. because and the The other thing is, an American couldn't just go over to China and start a company and start unless they they have they throw you out of the country first because yeah it's so hard to get started over there.
but I hope, you know, they comply and they probably will because it's a, I think it's a, it's, it's an okay platform. It's not my favorite one. You know, I just, ah oh no um, I literally, I have like what 15 different apps that do the exact same thing. Yeah. I have one it's, uh, it's called scoops.
Yeah. Okay. The thing with scoops though, it's literally everything I find on scoops. It works exactly like tick tock. Yeah. Yeah. The difference is it's everybody just somebody getting this chick kicked out of them every time. It's like watching world star. Yeah. Oh my God. Stop what I want.
so i barely but it's good it's good it's good go to material for what you guys are doing here on the the the when you do the what the fuck news and stuff like that you mean and um bring into things and stuff like that that's the same thing i do on the morning broadcast as far as shown the ah community and stuff like that utilize that it's ah it's an asset ah like that um I've yet to hear anybody say well you can't do that because well it's if it's in a news type presenting type format exactly And I'm always saying just to cover my ass and say I have no affiliation with the the local radio station and TV stations here where I'm at in southern tier and So if anything comes back well you you you sound like you know because I think I've had that I think look didn't I have that oh, ah I want to be on a radio station or something like that
but know we we make it against our own like this is this is us what the fuck news we were there that's the news I don't give nobody credit. Well, it's like it's it's like Gemini said you guys pushed the limit and stuff like that and that that's one of the shows that you know other than this this broadcast here when you get your cast of characters going and stuff like that because he there's still a couple shows that you know, I catch you mostly on the replay just there's so long them I still can't get away you know, you get your Chima Chang we long ping pong coins when you watch when you listen to us but Yeah. Oh, the the the Satoshi's. Yeah. Yeah. is Yeah. Yeah. to Yeah. rich is on fountain which is actually but cool app Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
the the fountain though the the one thing about the fountain app they sort of cut back on the amount of sattoius you get now i notice used get a shitload of them before and as they add up they add up i mean i think within ah just on a casual thing i'll i'll get like cost of fifty dollars worth of satoshi i mean bitcoin is a couple i mean this right here was bought these this is bit buy bought by bitcoin It was that jackass that was yelling. My voice faded. What a fucking tool.
No, I tell you what, Rich, you were talking earlier when you came in here and you were like, ah there're just some Chinese headphones, you know, like the best pair, the best pair of gaming headphones I ever bought for fifteen dollars. I got them off of Amazon.
yeah I don't know the name of the company but man alive they are actually yeah yeah because i've got i've got turtle beach right now which is always is in my go to brand and that's what i used when i but i gave i gave that headset to my son what i gave him is when i gave him the xbox yeah upgraded my xbox when i got the new one and I put the other Xbox in his room, but I love it. I think $15.00. They have the USB to plug into the Xbox or the PlayStation um and stuff like that. And actually, the the the USB plugged into the computer, it lights it. the Like if I would take off the ah USB, the lights go off. and yeah So I just have them on when i'm I'm on the thing. It gets it gets a little bit more.
but these are these are these are pretty good but yeah i'm not yeah i guess it's just ah the thing that but about buying the chinese product so there's so much that we have in this countrys made in china that could be made here in the united states but it's cheaper it's the clock it's the tariffs baby tariffs
Well, Terrace is just a tool.

Economic and Cultural Commentary

Just a tool. I don't know nothing about that shit. I don't know nothing about that shit. I've said it a million times. I don't give a fuck about politics. I'm over here living my life. And at the end of the day. No, but you're still aware of what's going on, though. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. OK. but to bring it up in the you know, sometimes it's it's yeah, there's a time and place to bring it up and stuff like that and The day I'm still living my life. I might pay a little bit more for gas. I might pay a little bit more for eggs You know, I'm Oh, did you hear about the the thing about eggs? Did you hear about there's some guy that stole like $40,000 worth of eggs?
one just recently here that hit there was thrust water the did he steal six dozen eggs because everybody's about the eggs right now
It ended up being a total of a hundred thousand eggs So he ended up getting what it was. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I heard that I mean earlier did they Ranch me in a New Yorker did they fall off the back of a truck and the the Yeah, that's not a dozen. I know, I know. Because we can get a dozen. It's almost four bucks here. And I always get the 30 pack. At Walmart. Because it's like, fuck, why go back again? Yeah, I don't know. Nicky does the grocery shopping. Sometimes I get drunk at the grocery store with her. And then I just wander mostly like a lost retard. That's me. That's me. And I'm like, oh.
a And then sometimes we got a Walmart and then I jerked off to the electronics. Yeah, I drift off to the the toy section I go to electronics because I'm trying to convince her that It's okay to upgrade our 75 inch TV to a 95 inch TV And the price makes sense. The math, math. I get it. But I mean, I mean, but the price is pretty good for a 95 inch TV. It's not bad. And she's like, what are you going to do with the TV that's in the living room, which is a 75 inch? I'm like, I don't know. We can put it in the bedroom. It becomes a podcasting screen. And then she says, well, what are you going to do with the, I don't know. I don't know if I have a 55 or 60 in the bedroom. She's like, what are you going to do with that one? I was like, I don't know. We can put it in the bathroom. She's like, we are not putting a fucking TV in the bathroom.
and we had a tv in about She said you would never leave the bathroom if there was a TV in the bathroom and you take the you and you did you take forever when you take the shit as it is. I'm just saying I'm like, but then I tried to put it in her terms. I'm like a baby. What about when you go in and take a bath? There was a 60 inch TV not along the wall. You could watch all your reality dating shows while you're taking a bath. She's been where she's been for the last ah almost two hours. She's been in the bathtub.
she could have watched like four or five episodes of a reality dating almost the whole half a series yeah yeah or yeah or yeah yeah i i i am totally uh flabbergasted because i have a bath in my bathroom the other day we don't care it jeff yeah well that's because my office is my bathroom so yeah there we go as i said i literally from this room i'm sitting in rich it's a half bath I know that. I remember first watching this. ah Is he actually in the band? I know that's your band. Unless you're downstairs making a pot of spaghet i can literally spaghetti. i'm sorry bucke pocketet but like like yeah i'm so flip right now yeah no i We don't need visuals, Jeff. Thanks. don't yeah hate on the office
It's convenient. I'm in here all day. Well, I'll go with you. I mean, yeah. Hi, buddy. Love you. as I say good night. Rich, Spider-Man, Rich, Wally, Jeff. I'll say good night, kid. They called you the fake champ. No, the real champs.
No, but we we went into the Walmart and I was just like walking through the electronics while the missus was doing her shopping and stuff and Was it? The one person that person worked there. She comes up to me. She can I help you? I said no I'm just looking I'm just killing time and stuff and ah and I'm looking over I said I can't believe the prices of ah What I paid for was I think we got what a 48 RCA in the living room It was like $900 at the Walmart like 10 years ago. Oh, yeah Now you can get a 48 for like less than 200 bucks and stuff Yeah, I buy I buy these 32's which is what I use for a screen. I buy them for like 150 bucks. Yeah I'm gonna get three more because part of my job is I yep. Yeah I went
i went ah Not the two years ago. I think I got all I got. I got the kids that was last year her was last year. I know. Yeah. Well, yeah. Well, quote, unquote, technically 2023. Sorry. Yeah. Two Christmas. So the girls, the girls share a bedroom and and and then the cash has his own room, but I got two brand new 32 inch TVs at best buy for less than a hundred dollars. I think they were both. I think I got, I think I got two 32 inch TVs for like 70 bucks in the spot.
and and And they're the, um, the, um, the Roku smart TV Samsung or whatever. ye So I mean, they're good TVs. Um, but I mean, they were like 60 or $70 a pop. Yeah. And you can't beat that at the end of the day. You know what I mean? yeah And then before that they had like ah you like and actually actually there's both of them up in Cassius closet because when it's nice outside and I do the show outside I I take them outside and I put it there's oh do you oh okay okay I have the i have the two 19 inch TVs um and that's another thing when Nikki and I buy a house I want to be able to
But there's yeah well, I say that but I might have something bigger at the time I might upgrade to kids's TV and then I'll have 32 but I want to put the monitors up So like especially when we do the sports show so that I'm like so I can have like because I love Well, no, I love when we're doing the show um I love NFL Network, they're in every game show. Yeah, I love those guys, but I also like Fox and yeah So, I can put them up in front of me and and like I said, when we have our own place and I build out, you know, I have my studio, I'll have the two TVs up in front of me or sometimes like when we do when we do different shows like especially Saturday nights when NFL playoffs are on on Saturdays or you know, college football's on on Saturdays. Yeah, usually I have it on here on the TV in the bedroom when I'm back here doing the show but I mean, I can put two games on. I can put
You know whatever I can put it on or up there in front of me. Yeah, we're talking about different things or you know hook it up hook it up in there smart TV so I can jump on a web browser and Yeah, well there you go. Yeah Okay, what oh I think I got turn my camera. I think he's finally coming out of the tub. Oh, okay the tri hours her Just said it in 12 hours you're good are yourely but so you haven movies Don't you tell me Don't walk in here look I want to ask you um what do you think of Tom Brady as a broadcast? mr teacher your i not
oh i thought i grabbed when i remember I'm distracted. Okay. Yeah, you're just movies
What? I love you. That's my shirt. No, that's my shirt. No. Sorry, I got distracted. Oh, you bag know ah no, I was going to know what I want to do is like dumping into a bag. I got to get I got to get small bags for and I didn't think about it when we were at the Walmart. I bought a trash can today for my studio. There you go.
Oh wow. that's it That's a nice design oh fancy you perform i for ladies and gentlemen for $4. It's marbles. As you can see, marvel you guys have a good night. I'm out. I'll catch you guys later. yeah yeah I'm going to have to jet here in a few minutes myself. As far as that goes, lucky Wally apparently has had like 27 Corona's and 63 shots of, uh, Brown black cherry. Oh my God. You know, we just, uh, we've been, uh, show. both See you. Oh, geez. I was, I was scared.
now is it the Go ahead. oh When, when, when, when, when people come in on their phones, they have a tendency to in the show rather than just back. Oh, okay. So, you're part of the network. So, he has that. Okay, that's something done before. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Wallet, Wally actually has a show on Mondays. Uh and then actually, Wally had one show that combined two two things and now he's actually doing a show on Monday and Thursday. Yeah. He's splitting the two. He's splitting the two up. Um it's good. But um yeah, you asked me how i feel
and then Will you bring me some beer shuses? Are they outside? Yes. And I hate to see you leave, but I love to watch you walk away. There we go. Feel the love. Feel the love. I fucking love that woman to death, man. She's an amazing lady right there. Oh, the dog is in trouble. Anyways, what'd she do? She hit on the carpet. but
are you just not one bed he like a few minutes ago mut it She's been back here. She's been back here up until Cash came back here and said good night. She was on the bed. I hate this bad name but I don't trade her in for **** otters but apparently I'm not allowed to. Anyways, you asked me how I felt about Tom Brady commentating. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's just I love it. I think i think he's great and i like him too, you know, I just ah um I wasn't expecting what I seen and um I Know there's people that have their misgivings about him and stuff like that. It was an interesting thing that Tony was saying last week on his it's Bill King's program there that and and when he said that it's almost like a bell and
went off my head is like, I think he's right that there's probably a lot of things he's like, he's been told to yeah he's been told not to say, you know, he can't speak his full mouth. He's very, very astute that you can see from the football, like Tony Romo. And so I do like him in that stuff. It's it's interesting that I think there was a um There's some individuals that were trying to get him like not able to broadcast the Super Bowl because of some certain comments on a particular team. I don't know if you heard anything about that or concerning that. I think the nice thing about Tom Brady is he don't hold no punches, you know what I mean? He's not biased.
Yeah, but I think he he is holding some punches on because there's been a couple times when the preach game shows and stuff he He's I caught he's been caught well if you if you really look at how You know when you get ready to say something you pull it back and I've seen him do that a couple I think I think to a certain degree, but I don't think that's him doing it. I think it's the network. Yeah yeah yeah Hey watch your mouth Yeah, but I mean, I think Tom Brady does a great job. I know Tony Romo when he first started and and even now and Tony Romo does an amazing job.
um I like that type of quarterback analysis where they they know exactly what's going on from the stand for like, wow. Shit, what's his name? I can't think of his name. ah the The tight end that used to do but that kind the commentary before Brady came in. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Uh, Carolina. Yep, yep, yep, yep. Uh, I love, I love when former players,
call the games because they're very articulate of about bringing the, they paint the picture and stuff like that. So, um, score. sorry And then they do and they do, and they do catch a lot of grief, but at the end of the day, I mean, I think Tom Brady's doing a great job this season, his first season in, uh, it's no big secret that I love Tom Brady. That's my guy.
i mean oh oh really all tom bro okay i did take you for tom brady for and he love i want to mouth kiss tom brady oh that's right he went to mystery yeah you know i know i love tom brady when he was in college it it pained me to to be a fan of tom brady when he was in new england because i hate the But you know, and and and I love when Tom went to Tampa, but no, I'm a big Tom Brady fan. I still have my Michigan. I still have my Michigan Tom Brady number 10 Jersey yeah in my closet. okay And from way back there. yeah Yeah. And when Tom would go to the Super Bowl with the with the with the with the Patriots.
and Throw my Tom Brady, Michigan Jersey. Yeah. Yeah, that's my guy and I still and I and I will have me a Tampa Bay Buccaneers creamsicle Tom Brady number 12 Jersey it always not there Anymore, but I will have one one day no matter what anybody says I want the creamsicle Tampa Bay Buccaneers Tom bra sick it's the you you know what a cream sick how orange yeah yeah but but their they original scholars for tampa i also i also because bankker mayfield is my guy tampa tampa bay bacon years I want a Creamsicle Bayfield jersey as well. There you go. Okay. But, yeah, no. No, I mean, I think Tom Brady's, I and don't know, in my opinion, Tom Brady can do no wrong. He's perfect. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think he's, you know, the ah i think it's do I think he's right up there with, yeah, that kind. Yeah.
Okay. It's not really a true Denver Broncos orange, but it's, it's their own type of. Yes. yeah that' like you said three It's creamsical it's not orange it's
Yeah, I wouldn't mind having one of those either i just like this black that i and like yeah it's like that i hate When they were wearing those I thought I was watching the Atlanta Falcons. Yeah I agree ah i Hate the New England england Patriots. I hear a check. I could never bring myself to buy You know shit Brady's partial owner I of the Raiders. and they release and If they release a Tom Brady Raiders jersey, I'll buy one. very clever This guy had, and you know, fuck you motherfucker. I thought we were friends. We grew up together. Fuck you. I'm still mad at you. I had, when when when Charles Woodson went to the Raiders, I bought a black, a white, and a silver Raiders jersey for Charles Woodson. Michigan guy.
Oh, okay. Yeah, it was, yeah, it was Woodson. Yeah. I had, and then, and then a quote unquote so-called friend of mine. Dude, I had, I used to have the sickest, not you Jeff. I used to have the sickest NFL Jersey collection because there's players that I like, right? Whether they went to Michigan or whether they went to another school, but there's play.
Like, like, I love Tim Tebow. I thought Tim Tebow was great in college yeah and Tim Tebow would have been one of the best NFL tight ends ever if he would have switched positions. But I had, I had an orange and a blue Tim Tebow jersey from, from Florida. But I had this, I had a sick ass Jersey collection and I had a friend of mine who we, we were, we were roommates and then some shit went down.
And, and, and I actually had to take care of some things and I was out of town and he was like a bad ex girlfriend, man. Oh, I came home. I had to take care of some things work wise and I was out of town for like a week and I came home and a son of a bitch stole everything. So there's, oh, wow. Wow. and And then it was just like, Oh, it was our apartment, you know, but like, what the fuck? Like I don't care about anything else that you stole from me. Can I get my jerseys back? i don't want Like, I don't want to fight with you. I don't want to fuss with you.
yeah i just would really like my jersey collection back and he was like i wish i could give it back to you but i already sold it oh my fucking crackhead and that that's bad yeah so instead of getting my jerseys back he spent he spent three nights in the I wasn't really into the into the jerseys. The only jersey I have that's um sitting in my closet right now that it goes back. That's the baseball jersey and um it's it's the old school white White Sox jersey and it was was something I got years back because I used to be a White Sox fan when I was in the military and because you're
Boston Red Sox, you know, he went to the White Sox and so I became a I like I love I did back when I was stationed up in Boston I liked the Red Sox because he had Jim Rice and um There were some good players, but I loved you Strempski. He was a very very somewhat outspoken catcher and Because I think one of the things they said when he he went to the White Sox and said well you go to the baseball Hall of Fame What hat do you want to have?
On your bus that they they put up on, you know went up there at the Baseball Hall of Fame And he goes is it gonna be ah a red Sox or a white Sox and he says no, it's gonna be a Nike i So basically they say he didn't really give a flying hoot but um, i but I got the jurors but i I mean I was collecting baseball cards and just ah one of those things that a hobby i got into overseas as far as getting the baseball cards and stuff like that in the mrs she i got a for a christmas product and it was for land zen it was a really nice i mean it's a it's a really nice jersey and stuff but um i want to put it in a frame and frame it and stuff like that because it's got the old white socks
logo on it and stuff like that and okay, and I'm not much much of a ah White Sox fan anyway, but so X yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah back when they were were you know back in the days when the the ba be was Oh yeah, yeah, it's the old school, old school jersey type and stuff. And it's buttons up front and stuff. It's really good material. It's real cotton. It's not so weird synthetic. And I also got a White Sox hat that has that, but it's a real
baseball hat because it doesn't have the plastic band. It's a, it's a full cap and stuff like that. So, um, but that's the only part I like looking at the jerseys. I, I, I can't find myself wearing one though. That's the same way. yeah i'm rather aware yeah I would be more apt to wear a t-shirt like what Jeff is wearing. Then say Jersey and stuff. You know, uh, pardon me, uh, about a year or two back, thought I reached a point where.
I was too old to do jerseys anymore. But I'll tell you what, I little it really, oh wow it's just i so I still have, I still have a pretty extensive Cleveland Browns. However, I have a pretty extensive Cleveland Browns collection. yeah so was good um ah but Yeah. I'll get to that in a minute. So, you know, my first ever, and and ah and I'm a Cleveland Browns fan.
yeah That's my squad. I love him to death. I still have, I still have my first ever Cleveland Browns Jersey. This, this is just this is this is a testament of how big I was as a kid, like 1991 second round overall pick in the NFL draft by the Cleveland Browns safety, Eric Ray Turner out of UCLA. Okay.
I still have his Jersey in my closet. Oh, wow. Wow. And I mean, it's a little snug, but I can put it on. That was my first ever Cleveland Browns Jersey was, was, was Eric Turner, RIP, Eric Turner. God rest your soul. There you go. Yeah. he Unfortunately. died of leukemia cancer so Yeah. It's the thing. Yeah. Yeah. But I've got, I've got two Braylon Edwards jerseys, another Michigan guy. I still have my Braylon Edwards, Michigan Jersey.
Yeah. Peyton Hillis. I've got OBJ. I've got my banker, Mayfield. I've got God, there's Ricky Dudley. It was a tight end out of Ohio State that played for. That's a lot of money for those jerseys. you're You know, you're paying. What's the jersey go for now? Now, we were looking at about a hundred and some dollars. a year Yeah. Yeah. I got my I got my I got my money.
I got my Nick Chubb in there. I got my miles here. I've got I've got I've got a collection of Cleveland Browns jerseys. Like I know they're trash, but that's my team. That's my squad. Yeah. Every year I say the same thing. this too I'm done. I'm going to be a new fan. I will. But. So the newest thing that I've started to do in the last couple of years was Yeah, you know, I still want like there's certain players jerseys. I want like I want a Cooper Cup jersey. I want a Stafford jersey. You know, I want I want to put a hundred dollars a shirt. That's a lot of money. though Like I want to replace. Yeah, I want to replace my Jerome Beddes jersey. My ex-wife who is a Steelers fan. She took my Beddes jersey. I know it's sacrilegious. I'm a Cleveland Browns fan and I had a Jerome Beddes jersey. It is what it is. yeah
ah Whatever I don't fucking care. I like players and and and it yeah I wanted Tom I wanna I wanted NFL Tom Brady jersey so bad But but my newest thing is now like movies like like the longest yard varsity blues I've got I've got Jonathan Moxon I've got tweeter I've got What's the longest? What's the longest movie? Oh, the second one. Okay. Because the first one, when the first one came out, was I still in high school? Yeah. I was still in high school. Um, that with, uh, Burt Reynolds,
Uh, played, uh, uh, Adam Sandler's, uh, part there that, and, uh, we, I saw, we, we went there. I was a junior fire. I was in the the fire department, volunteer fire department downstate there in, uh, in Orange County, New York. And, um, I, um, we, we went and saw that moment. I think it was like, uh, me and my friends there, uh,
Oh God, we must've seen it at least 10 times when it came out because it was so funny. It was so hilarious and old. I liked the original. The original was like, um, and Burt run it. He was the cool guy back in the day. He was, uh, he was, he was and he was the man back then. Yep. There you go. Yeah.
Oh, that's okay. The the from the prison. Okay. Gotcha. This is the new ones. This is the old ones. Yeah. Yeah. And then I click was I want both. Let's talk about. Yeah. Okay. Alright. Yeah. These are the these are the ones Glick's has. Yeah. Yeah. Of course. City Blues. I got Tweeter, Billy Bob and Mox. I've got I got Al Bundy from Married with Children. His Oh, okay. Okay.
yeah jersey I've got, um, Keanu Reeves from the replacement. so they all class Oh, I love that movie. That is one of my favorite jack and sports movies and love that movie. I've got Shane Falco. And then for Christmas, uh, Nikki got me, uh, Bobby Boucher, mud bowl, water boy Jersey. And i love I love it. And then I think I, and then I've got, uh,
And I know there was no jerseys involved, but one of my favorite movies, one of my favorite movies of all time. And Tony D, Tony D and I have talked about this movie before. And Tony D, Tony D knows what's up. Barry Gordy's Last Dragon. I have a football jersey. Exactly, Rich. I did the same thing. I have a football jersey of Show No. That's right. The Master.
no no what the hell is tony dia where goy's last jeff message tony d when i need you've never seen like is that a the last dragon is that a karate movie yeah it's a karate movie Bruce Lee Roy. Oh, it's Bruce Lee. Yeah, Bruce. Okay. I think I said it once. I wasn't I'm not really this one i I know Bruce Lee is uh well, it wasn't a brucely movie but the main character this this gentleman right here. on the Oh, okay. Okay. He's Bruce Lee Roy.
I've never seen that one. That is one of the best movies ever Jeff. You got a message 70 days I did Tony D's back then. I love Barry Gordy slash dragon You got he's got the glow man. We had vanity in it, you know It's a comedy though you're saying it's it's like a it's like a It's kind of like a comedy action movie. netflix target very last dragon if you want to pop up real quick but ah But yeah man, like Bruce Leroy and then Show Nuff was like the bad guy. He would show up and he'd be like, who's the master? And all his cronies would be like, Show Nuff?
But I got to show no football jersey. um I feel like I have more in there. But that's my new thing is collecting movie jerseys. like As much as it pains me. And I want to do the same because it's they're fucking cool. Oh, here's the whole guy one. like Like I grew up, I grew up a Pittsburgh Penguins fan because we didn't have a hockey team in Ohio. Oh, OK. OK. OK. That's your yeah guys. how or albuda Yeah, we're married with children. very yeah oh I think I got some more back. I think I got some more in there. That's a good look. But, you know, me growing up a Pittsburgh Penguins fan, because we didn't have a hockey team in Ohio right until until I was 18. And now we have the Columbus Blue Jackets. But being a Blue Jackets and a Penguins fan,
Yeah, I that's one sport. I never really got into I used to watch when I was in high school. We used to go to West Point I Have a shirt. Yeah factory and I have a shirt seat Okay, and I've watched I've watched I've seen some college hockey and stuff like that by really the one hockey game That was probably the best that I ever saw was when the U.S. beat then the Soviet Union. Yeah. Oh, dude. That was gross. Oh, that was that was the the game or games. What was it? What was that? What was their name in that movie? Miracle. Oh, that on miracle on ice miracle on ice. What was it? What was it? You know, it wasn't a Smash Bros. It was Smash Bros. or Mighty Duck. Yeah, I was going to say that's mighty ducks.
i want their I want their jerseys as well. Oh, okay. Oh my God. I want this. I want this one. This is from Team Wolf. It's on my list. But yeah, I know that's like that's that's that's that's what I'm doing man. I like my new they got some cool Jersey I seen the when I was up there at Hanscom Field the Station up there back in the early 80s. I went to a couple Bruins games and I I would have to say the the hockey game I Was just watching people in the stands because you get there and you you you know you get You get a couple beers and then all of a sudden you got beers being handed to you This is up in the nosebleed section
It's like who's buying these beer don't question it. Just drink
Vince Vaughn's on my on wild thing is on my list Yeah, but I do want that. I do want the Griswold Chicago Blackhawks Jersey. I do too because I love her I did learn I did learn through the and ah NHL shop that you have to get the Griswold jersey for any team that you want. Oh, wow. Really? But I don't know. I just don't know if it would be the same. It's not the same. Yeah. just Yeah, it's true. I grew up hating that. I grew up hating the Blackhawks. I just don't know if I could ever wear a Blackhawks jersey. Yeah. Rich, do you ever remember you remember the bad news bears? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. theres Not the one with Billy Bob Thornton. That one sucks.
that was a good movie. Who who who was it? The Basham Brothers? Um you're talking about the movie Miracle. Yeah, Miracle. Yeah. Yeah. What were the brothers, man? They were actually hockey. Oh, that was of the funny hockey one with Paul Newman was in that also that movie. Yeah, it was you had the I want the I want the
they wore the were the glasses they wore the glasses yeah yeah they what the yeah yeah it's from two thousand and four No, it no it's just oh was it 2004? I feel like it was a miracle. 2004 is the miracle movie. It's about to say hockey. Oh, yes. They were on. left was There was there was two brothers. They were like the Basham brothers or the smash brothers or something like that. Oh, yeah. And they were the and they were the glasses. Those are the I want those. Yeah, that's the handsome brother. The handsome brothers. There's actually three of them. The picture I'm looking at.
Yeah. And I, and I, and I gotta get me. Yeah. There they are. I want the chief. Yeah. There you go. Yeah. Slaps. That's another one.

Pop Culture and Podcasting Insights

That's Jeff. I know you'll get this rich. I don't know if you will or not. Have you ever seen letter Kenny? No, dude. That show is so funny.
ah but they there's a there's a character out there it's a Canadian. It's a Canadian show. It's a comedy show. It's what's the name of it again? Letter to me. You've probably seen it. Oh, there he is. Let's see. It is. That's the one I want is a short. Oh, okay. If you go over here, you've probably seen him. Like, there they are. It's a sketch comedy show.
no no there's ah there get hilarious It's on it's on Hulu, I think yeah check it out yeah you You and you in the mrs. Check it out if you don't have Hulu let me know. i'll go Yeah. Yeah. No, it's a but It's a Canadian program. I just say it is well you can actually catch clips of it on YouTube and stuff. It's it's it's it's it's Really funny. It's like like it's like Immature adult comedy. Okay. Yeah, yeah like like like they like like they have they have they have Amish they have Amish neighbors and the Amish husband's name is Noah Dick know It's a funny show
But Shorzy, so it's Canada and it's there's a lot of hockey references. Right. You have you have like the quote unquote rednecks, which is the main characters. And then you have the hockey guys and then you have the natives and stuff like that. Yeah. Some of the stuff yeah'm I'm just trying to think of some of Canadian shows. It can be a little bit. It's a little more risky.
But it's yeah it's funny because they think because they do a lot of their humor is a lot of their humor is like a play on words type thing. yes yep yep um But it's it's it's freaking hilarious and Shorzy and man, he says some of the most outlandish, off-the-wall. He actually reminds me a lot of myself when I make fun of him. There's a scene where these hockey guys want to beat them up, and they're eating dinner. And this guy's like, it's on. It's like, oh, it is on. You know, they just completely just destroy this guy just by agreeing with him. Yeah. It's like, this would be interesting. I never fought a balloon animal because this guy's all jacked and shit. the the and, uh, just, uh, go ahead and hit the rack here and stuff. And, uh, are you having, are you, you got your sports, uh, the unnecessary roughness tomorrow or. So, so let Tony know we actually changed our time. We started at one o'clock and I'll try to pop in. I try to pop into the comments on Tony show tomorrow, but we, we changed our time to one o'clock.
Yeah. Okay. One o'clock if he comes up, I'm not sure if he comes up because, uh, uh, I think Michael was looking for me to come up on Wednesday. I said, no, I'm not coming up. I, I, I told him that I says, uh, I'm done with football and I say it now. I may not, I may not do UFL, but when UFL comes around, I'll probably be excited about it and I'll probably be brought. well if If you, if you, if you'd like to pop up tomorrow, you are more than welcome to pop up. Okay. No, that's, that's cool. It's just, uh, you know, I won't be.
I'm going to let Tony know as well. If you guys would like to come up, you're more than welcome to come up. Yeah, I'll let him know. It's going to be a Super Bowl-based show. So, I mean, if you guys want to come up and add your two cents, you're more than welcome to join even more than welcome to join us anytime.
Now, Jeff, ah yeah yeah I know you don't like, you don't you ah you you're not that much into the sports, are you? ah If it's a sports movie, I'm 100% in. Right. But what about the actual sport? If I'm there, I'm 100% in. I know what's going on. I actually give a shit. But if it's on TV, I got bigger fish to fry. So you're not going to be watching the Super Bowl tomorrow, then? Probably not.
not I don't even know if I'm going to be watching her tomorrow, to be honest with you. Let's be honest, this is just a replay last year. Yeah, man. I just don't know. I just don't know. Last year was... well she wasn't she and just I just don't know if I care enough, man. Well, i was I think the one draw for me, I'm right there with you, but is Philly has one player and that's Barkley. I'd like to see him just on me. That's who.
that's, I don't know why my camera was off, but yeah, that's, I want to see, I want to see. bar like I want to see, I want to see Barkley have a game. because i you I still can't believe that, uh, first play that Philly had and he just took it to town. I'm like, Holy shit. It's like, um, but so i'm gonna go on I want to see. Yeah. if Anything I want to see Barkley. Yeah.
for yeah if we if tony has a broadcast i'll pass that on to him and stuff like that and and like i said to me if he doesn't you're you're more than welcome to come up i appreciate that
Yeah, I know. I know what you guys are doing. Unfortunately, I know what you guys are doing. But I do appreciate you popping in there, Glick and stuff like that. Give me the shout outs and says share the love and stuff like that. And it's just again, you guys are doing, you know, I say this while sincerity, you guys are, you know, doing it and just keep up keep the fun factor. That's the most important thing. That reminds me, you showed me a statistic the other day. We had like 400,000 downloads.
like last month or so No, what was it you said me you said something we had a bunch of downloads and what is Your numbers from no no and and and and and and and no no we We I think it was like 700 and some downloads and in the last seven days downloads and list then like I said, I don't, I, I, there's some broadcasters. They really, uh, they live and die with the values as a measuring sick. And, uh, I think that's a good way.
it's just seven hundred and seven i yeah Yeah, I get, I get the notifications, but I don't really pay too much attention to the numbers. I don't bring the numbers up a lot up. I don't bring the numbers a lot up a lot here on the shows and we are alive and stuff like that. But I like to share with the guys, you know, I like to share with the guys in in private, like we are growing and we're doing it organically and we're, and we're doing the slow grow. And and like, yeah. and And I also give the guys a lot of shit, like,
yeah to understand yeah I told the guys in 2025, I'm running this as a business and I'm the boss. yeah So I do give the questions a got a certain workflow that you want to work with and you want to maintain and stuff like that to get, uh, from, but you know, and you want to progress forward and stuff like that. Um, yeah, I'm happy right where I'm at. Yeah. Yeah. But I also want to, you know, as much as I give the guys shit, I also want to make sure that I.
You know, you know, like, Hey, good job, guys. This is where we're at. You know what I mean? Like, I don't want to just be an as asshole. yeah I want to be able to be like, yeah, like, look, like, look at what we're doing. I mean, this is good. No, nobody else is positive with a group of people that what you're doing. I don't see anything like this on, uh, you know, because most people have podcasts next to each other and all that stuff. We do it across worlds.
well you got multiple you got multiplelo programs too and stuff like that which is which is you know the thing i guess is yeah know just the negative i want to yeah yeah with the negative i want to bring the positive right right um i'm gonna yeah i'm gonna kick jeff in the dick but and the very next sentence i'm goingnna be like
If anything, i I'll pop in the comments and stuff like that. So you guys, again, thank you and ah and we'll see you all later, okay? Ciao for now. Ciao for now. How do I get out of here?
well just exit your attention I'm not, I'm not going to dump the show, right? You don't have that. I know. I know. All right guys. Take care. Ciao for now. Y'all make sure you guys check out fireman rich Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays on the YouTube rumble, Twitch, and Facebook at fireman rich. He's doing his morning copy. Come in there and and and say hi. Unfortunately it's too early for me. Say hello. I grew up that early.
Pop in and say, hi, hello. Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays, uh, six am ish. He has said he did say to me, he's staying up later and getting up later. So, you know, he's finally embracing that retirement. Uh, I need to go to work. Whoa, did I get that? Yeah. Well, you know, he's, he's got, he retired from the, from the military and, uh, then he worked and yeah he's got that, he's got ah that internal plot.
So yeah yeah, make sure you make sure you guys check them out. Give him a follow. And if you happen to catch him live, pop in and say, Hey, how you doing? Um, my, the idiot server at the nonsensical network said, uh, we should check you out. So we're checking you out at the end of the day. Uh, you think oh now for all our trolls going over there, you you think, that you think the Southern outlaws are, are, are done performing for the night?
course I kind of I kind of want to I kind of want to send my life somewhere Well, they yeah, they had a show tonight at long boys up in Northern Ohio. hello I Kind of want to send a message to go big and twiddle dumb and be like, hey you Fucking pop up what a hash this out you want to deal with this you want to sponsor?
ah fine Although although I It's one of those things it's like really i mean i mean i mean if you would really want to swash it if you really want to hash it out if you really want to have the conversation but's fucking it is it is now the time i mean it's just the three don't do it don't don't don't call me out on a night that you know that i have a show right it all comes down to one thing That feeling you get when your best buddy puts his hand on your thigh That feeling you get when your best buddy puts his hand on your thigh
And you feel your pecker head scrape against the zipper of your favorite pair of ripped jeans. Your butthole buckers. That's the feeling of driving a Ford truck.
bri it r fact um forgot i had silence i was like i so good that i fuck is this godamn name you fuck his name is all there is
tweet don't hear we don't man we imitat we've little We've literally taken one break tonight, I know I was gonna say speaking of something else or what you got other music too What's it you got another song? I don't know anyone take a break or do you just want to keep rolling?
Let's take a real quick break because I don't believe you're fuck yourself I gotta I gotta piss. I I'm gonna play southern outlaws band outlaws and bikers song song I like this song. So we ready back ladies and gentlemans. Yeah
and sort it out allow for you. So, now, old man. Oh, easy. Easy. What the hell is even going on? Well, I'm selling out for you. You can find them on. this hard yelling at Yeah. Uh check them out. Show them some love. Give them a follow. Let them know the nonsensical network. I like that song. Speaking of the nonsense, network ladies and gentlemen, we are on Facebook, Instagram, X,
and tiktok shows are live monday through sunday and as you guys heard tonight we had a uh a little uh schedule announcement um wallie will not be doing two shows monday's speedway stories oh and thursday's cold-blooded conversations two wallies for the price of one
You know, it's nice to not be the only ones doing multiple shows. I'm just saying. Yeah. Yeah. You know, I mean, no, no, no, no. Let's be honest. Let's be honest. How many shows a week do you do? Three, right? I do. Four? four five Five. Four or five. Well, I keep forgetting Tuesday. Tuesday. You don't host the fifth. So that's different. Tuesday, Wednesday.
Saturday oh oh done No, yeah, I'm no five which which I dropped down from basically being here seven days a week to five, right? Well four days a week Times two on Saturday, right? And I and I have and I honestly have a feeling that uh here before long I'll be back on Mondays Really? thank Yeah, I mean it's just Nothing against Connor. We just need live scheduling thing. Yeah. Yeah. Connor's got a lot going on. Nothing against Connor, but I feel like I'm going to be back on Mondays, uh, which is fine because, because, because you, yeah, you do Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. Yeah. And occasionally Thursdays.
I say occasionally because I do plan to get back on it. It just comes down to I got so much shit going on right now. It's ridiculous Fucking you on a Thursday night. There's a better chance of somebody fucking catching Fucking aids from a toilet seat The first time I just watched that episode 21 jump to talk about it That shows fucking cracking. Um, but yeah, yeah. Anywho. Anywho, what I was saying is, uh, check us out. Facebook, Instagram, X tick tock shows alive Monday through Sunday on YouTube, Twitch, and Facebook. And you can listen to us anytime, anyplace where we listen to podcasts or simply go to bio slash nonsensical network. Give us a follow up. Give us a like, give us a share. Don't forget to turn your notifications on. And while you're at the, don't forget to go give
beauty and the beard creative corner. I'll follow and I'm like, you can get all your nonsensical swag there or you can get a personalized stuff. If you don't want nonsensical beard, nonsensical swag, you don't have to buy nonsense. You can buy whatever you want. Hoodies, t-shirts, pants, cups, customize that shit up, man. Let Mickey know. She's going to get you taken care of. She going to get you taken care of. Ladies and gentlemen,
We'll ship that shit out. We'll make that shit and we'll get you done right. Five dollar link slash nonsensical network. All our shit. Beauty and the beard creative order. All her shit. Y'all I'm about to be unemployed next Friday. So help a brother out. Help get monetized. Give Nicki some work to do at Beauty and the Beard Creative Corner. Donate to glick g click click 13 on cash app.
Follow my only fans, bearded big boy. Nobody's doing that. No, they are though. I mean, I've got like two followers.
Two. Two is better than none.
get it All you ladies out there who are big on on this guy right here And y'all like to like my shit and comment on my shit. Why don't you call me on? on on on on there's a player have you and i'm just saying if you play your cards ring you might be well to You know there as the French say menage a dry Just subscribe to my only pin
And there's a lady on TikTok. She she shoes she does like reaction videos to good-looking guys. And this guy's sitting there. he's he's you know He's in the bathroom. He takes his shirt off, and he smacks his belly. And she's just like, and you know, I'm not mad at a big guy. She's all flustered by that shit. It's hilarious. I'm just saying.
A lot of y'all ladies were asking for the only fans and it's there and where are you? Yeah.
I don't even know how to be sexy. I really don't even know. Let's be honest. It's not our forte. I get that. Here you go, folks. I mean, I mean, jeff could yeah, yeah. What is that? Oh, no. Creative Corner. Yeah, there's Nikki's. What is that? Her Facebook page?
is the far shot yeah yeah that Dude, that's a cup that I'm going to get. I'm going to get a blue one. Oh, this one? I love those. Those are fucking cool. I like alid the The wood lids are cool. There we go. Yeah, man. I'm going to have her make me a nonsensical network in the frosted blue. Yeah, man. I tell you, guys, go, man. no She made that for my brochure? Okay, I was going to say.
Yeah. Nick, uh, the GPS click paranormal society or whatever. yeah right yeah i Yeah. There's, there's my, there's my niece rocking on GPS hoodie. Yeah. She loved it. That's my little niece, mayonnaise. There you go. Yeah. Yeah. Shoot. Shoot. Yeah. Yeah, man. Oh, fuck. I want that. Oh, really? Okay. Dude. I love that movie.
I want that. I want that. I like those. Those are cool. I want that. That's a cool. That's a cool concept with having the letters removed and having it go through. That's cool. Yeah. Nikki has that. Nikki made that for herself. I want one.
Yeah. You guys, you guys, if you want it, man, Nikki will get you taken care of, man. She'll get y'all. There it is. That's the one we came up with. That's one for Blaze, man. We got to get that. We got to get that made for Blaze. Yeah, everything hurts, and I'm hungry. that That's Nicky. Nicky wants to make that for herself for the gym. Right? Yeah. I mean, she can she could she can do shit. I want the boys to fall, man. I want the boys to fall. That's cool. Yeah. So those are the frosted guys. Is that cork? Is that cork, or is that wood? It's wood, but those frosted cups are fucking dope, man. I want one. I'm going to give you a blue one.
with uh i'm gonna have her make me a blue one with the nonsensical logo on it nonsensical network fuck those are for cuffs those are for tumblers she's gonna actually make me a miller light one yeah yeah yeah where's my miller light cup lady yeah yeah man those are those actually yeah yeah man look explain it yeah got i mean if They're signing me to 12 million a year, bro. I'm in the man, the man, the influence dad. I need it. ah zo mommy
Mommy, mommy. That's just samples of what she could do. Y'all. That's just samples, man. Y'all be tri on Christmas stuff. Yeah, man. I need this. I need this. The, the Grinch one. Yeah. halloween Let her know.
Just kind of letting everybody know, letting everybody see. Problem number 10 X, baby. I like that. i'm a man
yeah That's cool. good that that There's a couple that she's going to do for me eventually. that That one right there, the Jose Cuervo one. That'll kill you. Jesus.
I'm telling you, we watch that movie. We watch that movie. There's the setup. And I'm trying to, trying to, I'm going to rearrange the living room and I'm going to give her a little bit more room. And I think obviously after a Friday, I'll have more time on my hands. I'm going to build her a little something, something, make it a little bit easier for her to to do. time on Yeah. I got a little bit of time on my hands, dude. I got, I got so much fucking lumber at work.
that, uh, that they just, they, they just want me to throw out. I'm bringing it home. I'm bringing it home and I'm figuring out what to do with it. Yeah. well for I want, I want the, the, the logo. Um, I want, I'm going to put that, I'm going to put the non-sensical network logo on a cup on the, one of them frosting cups. Um, and the Miller light will be on a, on a different cup. Um, you know what I'm not mad at? Uh, we actually don't wear some shirts.
Just this. I kinda. Be hilarious. I'll see if she can do it. It might not look just like that. Or even the shirt seats that with the Glick Hawk thing. That's kind of cool. Dude. and She could do. Considering I made that on the fly. Dude, she could do Glick Hawk 69.
and then well did wait get on sensible network all you know you i got a throwback for remember i just this i'm just say I'm just saying bow shirts we made im yeah i I'm just saying GlickHawk69 and then put the logo on the front. With the Office Depot logo? No, not Office Depot, just the show. There's a network, just a little network logo on the front. I had a weird thing Office Depot.
state status It was stables. Yeah, we need that. I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I mean, she can be very easily do Glick Hawk 69 on the back and nonsensical network, the the skull with the double middle finger on the front. No, I want the skull, middle finger on the back. Do it on the front and then do the name and number on the back. I see where you're going. I see where you're going.
No, but I do want the skull and middle fingers on the back of a shirt that just has like something small up front. Yeah, so that like I'm just saying, nonsensical network. Yeah, nonsensical network with the skull, middle fingers on the front and look for me and Hawk for you, a little 69 action on the back. Remind me of that.
ah six It would be a problem. You know, the earth in and so I don't know how to design it, but we we need it. Sure. This is not physical nonsense with a Christopher Walken picture. Yeah.
take I'm not sure what you're going to get out of Okay. yeah People will be able to say they can hear a shirt. I'm just saying. here is yeah see look yeah look at seriously see tick a little nonsensical network see yeah
No, because I actually kept, I found a couple of shirts on TikTok, you know, they they do those little, you know, where you can slide the picture across.
And I sent a couple over to Nicky cause they were funny as fuck. Cause i I actually saved one on my phone and I want to read it to you cause I thought it was funny and I want Nicky to put it on a shirt.
ah you know Where did I see it? I think it's in my gallery. Cause I saved it because I was like, that's fucking awesome. And let me see if I can find it. Yeah.
Let me send this to myself and I can put it up on the screen. Maybe not. Oh, it's because I have like 400 fucking things that I could have.
Oh my God. Send. What the?
myself and now I can put it up on the screen because I want this on a shirt because it's fucking cool. Let me get it off here because I think I sent it to Nikki. I don't remember if I did it or not. If not, I'll resend it to her because Nikki likes getting stuff for me. Whether she sucks or not, that but I want this on a shirt.
Short stands for carry hostile original and terrifying.
Yeah. Cause that's me. I'm very terrifying. I'm terrifying. Don't fucking lie. You see me walking around and you're like, Oh fuck, here he comes. It's terrifying. Just like every time I wake up, the devil goes off. Fuck. He's awake.
noise oh they do Just like every time I come online, you guys are like, fuck, he's online. No. In a terrifying way, yes. No. Oh, yeah. I'm just saying you put that short thing and then the nonsensical network on the back, I'm in. I'm fucking in.
I'm exhausted from what's sitting on your fucking badass dude it is not easy being on the phone all day even if I just wear headphones oh bro it's not easy being on a phone all day hello yeah would you like to that
Don't work like that because because of the the new job I do we do credit repair And I have to read compliance. I have to read compliance by law verbatim like i If I screw up a word I gotta start over you have a fucking script in front of you man. I'm dyslexic fucker I Can't read my I don't know what that has to do with the price of buttermilk in China You know what happens with dyslexia? Words flip around in your head. You don't even realize it until after you've said it. That's why I can't read for shit. That's why I listen to audio books.
i started list I started to listen to Don Keoge the other day. Fuck it slow. fuck It's a fucking classic. It's a classic of comedy.
Call it what you wanna call it. You're a fucking nerd. Okay. so Says the person marrying a woman that reads more than any of us can buy.
And? How many books has she read this month? I don't know. It's only the eighth, ninth, by the way. Five, I have no idea. I guarantee she's read more books in the past month than you and I have read in our lives.
oh She it would yeah, no, there's no that woman devours books like I devour packs of cigarettes.
Oh Yeah, no, I know Bags of chips I have a bag of chips You I don't know what it is But I bought I bought these Doritos they're
It's just nacho flavored, right? But they're almost fucking, they're so nacho flavored that they're might mildly spicy. I don't know if it's like I'm doing my thing or something. It's not that it's hot. It's just like, holy fuck, that's a lot of flavor.
Yeah, man. Yeah, no.
I mean, what I do, what I do with my Doritos, you meane my fucking made I know. I buy these couple of noodles, right? And I heat up the water and all that blah, blah, blah, blah. And then I crush up a bag of Doritos, put in it. Fuck, it's awesome. Jailhouse style. I watch this guy on TikTok. He's always making these. He does this bet where he's supposedly out in the yard and he's like, hey homie, when we get back into Shelly, I'm going to make this. And then he shows you how he makes it.
like Jailhouse style meals and stuff and I'm like, fuck that looks good. It makes you like a little like, uh, like that, that Asian dude. And they're like, he said that he's like, yeah, I do. and Tell me that shit doesn't look awesome. I mean, some of them, some of them, some of them, some of them like, he did what it was a mint.
candy thing and i was just like yeah but some of the stuff he he made a he called it a brick but it was it was like uh he took noodles from one of a couple noodle things and he he put in something that it became like a paste almost and then he wraps it in the in the chip bag And then he said, after 20 minutes, flip it over, so it cooks on both sides, kind of, because it's warm water in it. And it literally looked like a tamale, which is literally masa that's mushed together. and But he cuts into it. I was like, fuck that looks good.
But he he, instead of using a knife, he uses a credit card like they do in prison. shit He does it full-on prison style. But so he's like, think I think I think he I think he spent like a week in prison. So now he's got prison food. Yeah. like Homeboys way too pretty. like but and like Wait, are you talking? I don't know if we're talking about the same dude. I think we're talking about the same dude. At the end of every end of every video, he's eating or drinking whatever it is, and he's like, that's bussing. Yeah, that's the- But he's got like a- he built his own prison in his house. Yeah, yeah, yeah. prince Yeah. Yeah,
and it's like, yeah, I mean, there's sets and then there, you built a prison in your house, bro. Calm down. Yeah. He, he, he spent like a week in county jail and all of a sudden he thinks he's an expert on and and it's like, bro, I spent a, I spent a weekend in a fucking drunk tank and that that's a long fucking time. And I say that because there's nothing to fucking do. Yeah. He, yeah. Now he's, now he's,
I don't know. Like I said, he's way too pretty. He's way too pretty to have done any actual prison title because because because because he would have been turned the fuck out. Oh, yeah. Turn the fuck out.
Oh, fuck. I've been saying it's shy. And if I ever or love you, I'll be sure that she's a friend. look
No I was saving some of them cuz I'm like I'm gonna go get the stuff and make that cuz it looks fucking good. I Don't know if I saved him or not. I Keep saving all these fucking food ones was on my blog. I love you, right?
I've always won't talk about it be about it Down to I'd actually have to leave the house that sounds like yeah exactly I left the house today though. I went to the store. Who the fuck is still watching us? It's not me. Like one person watching us on Twitch. What the fuck is anybody watching this? They've fallen asleep.
ah so i agree have something i was Some ass fucking creeper trying to catch, trying to use some shit against us.
I don't know how I can do it. I have to be extremely gorgeous. I hate these motherfuckers, but we're gonna catch them tonight. Right? Catch us doing what? Jeff talking about being a fucking fat pig?
What? Oh shit, you caught us! You sum-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma. Yeah, got me, Bob! So, I just, I had to re-screen record, so that's why I was quiet there for a second. Because I found something the other day, and I want to get your opinion on it. I want to ask you what this, what this, if this is, quote unquote, cool or not, because I think it looks cool, and I want it. It is not cool. No, it's actually a, it's loading. Good God. It's a, I guess it's a wrap for your car, right?
And, but it's kind of the coolest rap I've ever seen. I'm not a big, I'm going to rap my car kind of thing, but this color combo, and I put it, I tried to put it in the wrong spot because I'm an idiot. This color combo, and there's no sound because I had my volume down. But, so I'm going to unmute it as I play it. But this, this rap, I want to, I need to find out how much it is because it looks really cool.
And I'm hyping it up. I know, but only because I really fucking hyped it up, man. Well, here we go. two i How cool is that? It's chameleon. Yeah, but it's black and white chameleon. Yeah, but they have that, they have that paint where you can do chameleon. Yeah, but the the chameleon paint is three colors. Yeah, I would take the chameleon paint over there.
Oh, no, but... Don't get me wrong. Don't get me wrong. It's cool. Yeah. That would take a million paint. Well, the chameleon paint, though, the problem with that is I've seen a bunch of vehicles with that chameleon paint because I can get it here for like $24 a gallon. And it only takes a gallon of paint to paint a car. There's no way it only takes a gallon of paint to paint a whole car. I painted the Malibu with a gallon of paint.
I painted the... I painted... Let's see. I painted the Malibu. I painted Mercedes. I painted the PT Cruiser. I didn't get a lot of paint. I mean, I don't know anything. I'm just so... Well, here's the thing. You got to remember, though. It was like painted houses. No, because when you buy a gallon of paint, when you buy a gallon of paint, you're spraying. You're not rolling on it with a fucking roller. And you have to reduce it. And you reduce it by half. So one gallon becomes two gallons.
It's because you put paint thinner in it. For a car. Are you sure?
i I've seen the fucking Malibu. Technically, the Malibu is two half gallons because it's pink and black. Don't use the Malibu as a reference. Malibu's cool. I mean, it's pink and black. Well, what do you look at? It was for my wife. It wasn't mine. I mean, I would have asked her, too, for her.
No, but um like, for instance, let me see here. Oh, my God. I got to go all the way down.
I'm just saying. Like, i't man I don't know. I don't know. i'm just I'm just going off of a guy who has painted houses, who has painted room seems done like remodels and stuff like that like a gallon of paint does not seem like another paint car down the paint to paint that and I painted that too degree there's the album yeah there's the surfboards I painted yeah I just don't know I painted this with a gallon of paint doesn't seem like enough man
and this I think it's just me just speaking. I get it. Yeah. the It just doesn't seem like it's enough. Once again, you're reducing it. you know You do a two to one mix. So you take your, because paint is thick, you know it won't go through the, it won't atomize properly. So you what ah what I do is I do a primer coat,
usually takes about a gallon of primer. The primer, then you sand it down to 600 grit. I usually wet sand it. Then. I wet sand her too, you know. a pull a pe and then you stilled it is or sam san saying A gallon of paint done properly, it usually does at least one really, does a a mild coat and then a decently not thick coat, but a covering coat. And then, because you got to remember, youre it atomizes and it sprays out in a fan. You know, it's a big V. And you overlap by 50%. And then, of course, you do your clear. So technically, you're using 3 gallons of material. You use primer, paint, and then clear.
and then of course you could like on the malibu you can't really see the pictures because my camera wasn't good enough but there's pearl in the pink and that's bubble go by the way make fun of the fucking malibu all you want i fucking love to have that fucking stupid big vehicle around because it gets loose but when it comes the brought I'm real biased when it comes to raps because I think raps are stupid because it's like, you know, if you're gonna fucking do it, paint it. Don't be a bitch. But there's there's a lot of cool things that can be done with raps, so I'm not mad at it. I'm not completely mad at raps.
but I saw that the other day and I was like, that's really good. Yeah, i mean I mean, the raps are pretty dope at the end of the day. I mean, I'm not gonna lie, I mean, cause you could put it on there and then you're like, after three or four months you're like, I'm not really rolling it. Right, well, i' I'm kinda like, fuck it, I'll repaint it. Because I can actually, when I painted the Malibu, it cost me redoing the labor, obviously I didn't have paper labor, but me doing labor, it took me,
two weeks working as much as I could, about half a ah quarter gallon of ah body filler for dings and dents, a little stupid shit, a gallon of primer, a gallon of paint, well, half a gallon of black, half a gallon of pink, and then a gallon of clear, three gallons of,
thinner. So all told with sandpaper and everything, I think I spent a little over 1200 bucks. Hmm. Not including the my equipment, you know, my air compressor and hoses and gun and all that shit. Yeah. And I don't know nothing about that shit. I don't know nothing about that shit in nor do I offer it It's crazy. it's like oh so you You know how when you when you try to put it in terms, you you get, you know, when you build something and then you look, you step back, you're like, that looks cool. I build. I'll be the type of mother, I'll be the type of some bitch that pays somebody to do it for me and be like, you know what?
But see, I was doing it as a business. That's a nice job you did there. I appreciate you. Thank you. I did. I did it as a business because I actually, like I said, those, uh, the beetle that I showed, I, I didn't own that beetle. My beetle, I painted black. Uh, I actually have a picture of my beetle, some words, but it was the beetle, my beetle, my beetle, my beetle, I painted black with green stripes.
green um What are they called? Motherfucking earbuds.
Power on. Power on. My god, we're still at 10 fucking percent. And they've been on the charger for the last couple of hours. This is the beetle as I was working on it. Yeah. I had to weld all that up because it was a big old hole in it.
That's at my old house.
Those rims, I had to order from Mexico City. I'm trying to find my view. And of course, I did the detail of the white glove box, the white grills there. That fucking card turned out nice, man.
That's the cruiser. That's not a bug. I painted that too. when i bla yeah that is the That is the factory paint job. Stop it. No, it's not. Because you can actually see, I think I have pictures of when I had it. Stop one. This is a Mazda bumper I did. That's Michelle. That's a baby. Yeah, that's what you always like. I'm trying to find the picture of my beetle. I know I have one. My beetle.
I'm just showing everything here. I don't care. I swear to God, if there's a picture of your fucking finger that comes up. It's on my Facebook, dude. Calm down. Here's my beetle.
best oh That's a That's actually real paint, but I used newspaper instead of actually paint, instead of actually real masking paper.
You know, you need to hold the fuck up. What did you just say? What the fuck did you just say? So if you look at the the white needle that I painted? Yeah, those are two different beetles. Yeah, this is mine. Yeah. i don' why not to You don't have to scroll back through. What did you say about the flames?
like Oh, no. The masking paper. I used newspaper for masking paper. Instead of actually masking paper. Because like mine and when I painted my beetle, I hadn't painted a car in years. And I didn't have to do a lot of money. When I painted the white beetle, I painted that for a client. And I was able to afford to buy good stuff.
But to do those flames, what I had to do is paint the entire front car front of the car green, then you lay out your masking tape in that really thin eighth inch. You lay it out in your flame, then you paint over top of them. And then you, of course, you peel the paint up tape off, and then you have to... It's the first time I'd ever put flames on a vehicle. I thought they turned out pretty cool, considering.
The doors didn't match side to side, but that's just because I didn't feel like giving out a giant piece of paper and doing the tacking. Like there's a way to do it where you use, you you know how when you lay out a chalk line? What you do is you take a, it looks like a pizza cutter, but it's got little spikes on it. And you then lay out your, you lay out your, your,
licks of your flame with your tape, lay masking paper over top of it and trace with the pizza cutter that puts little holes in it. Then you lay it on the other door and tap it with a sock filled with that same kind of chalk. That way it transfers the same design on the other door. I was lazy. I was like, fuck it. I'll just lay out licks on both sides. I don't care if they match because it's real, it's fire. Fire's not same side to side, you know?
I was just being lazy and needed an excuse. But that, that beetle got me into the whole painting cards for like four years. I'm glad that you acknowledge that. Yeah. shot three I like painting cards. It's fun. You're fucking lazy. Yeah, I'm lazy. You're fucking lazy, bro. You're fucking lazy, bro. Yeah, I'm lazy.
God damn disgrace. Oh That reminds me. I just found another shirt. Nicky needs to make no, she's not making it. She's not making any shirts. No, right here. No, she's not making any any shirts. What's a newbie in? No, don relationship sure should she's sure, she's sure, she's sure. She's not making a fucking shirt for me. Terrible fucking movie.
I like that movie. I don't even know what that is from. It's from Chasing Amy. Yeah, I was going to say Dolled Mind. It it was a Kevin Smith movie. But I couldn't take it what it was from. Here's one. That's what she needs. She needs to make those. Because I actually made shirts for a while. actually But I didn't do it like she does. I got the you know the iron on that you put in your printer. Print it out, then iron the shit on. Call it a day.
Yeah man, I ain't got time for your bullshit. I got time for your bullshit and fucking shenanigans. Did I ever show you this garment I built? It's not mine, I built it for a client. I used to work for a car dealership here, we built the Chrysler 300 here.
Yeah, I'm gonna call it all, I'm gonna call bullshit. Call it all you want. but
What'd you say? It's Chrysler 300. Put TVs and air ride suspension in it. I know what the hell kind of car it is, man. Trust me, I want a Chrysler 300. I do too. This one was goofy because it was a fucking V6. There's the trunk with the, had two 12-inch subovers, two 6-inch here, and then the, I think this is a 20-inch, if I remember correctly, 20-inch TV, and then the air tank.
1,000 watt amp for the subs. There's three of them.
That's the. Bends that I used to clean. that That was literally that happened on the way to the store one day. I saw that. That's a that's a an armored vehicle on fire in Mexico. So funny.
I was literally going to the store. I was walking to the store and I was like, no, no I'm not even listening to to you. Everybody owned a world over here and this just popped into my head. What's that? ready they click Get ready to get ready for this clip. Let's say if Beyonce can win country album of the year,
You, too, can create a podcast and call yourself a podcaster. I'm just saying. We need to put that on a t-shirt. We need to clip that 508 and some change. Yes.
I do. I'm not going to lie. I love you, buddy. But I completely blighted out and I started thinking about Oh, fuck. This goddamn Beyoncé win a motherfucking Grammy. You know what? I've been working that. Like, I've been this is a squirrel. And I was like, you know what? If this stupid bitch, if this stupid bitch can win a Grammy for the country album of the year, how can I make this a play on words? Right. Got it. Yeah.
That was good stuff. If Beyonce can win a Country Album of the Year award, YouTube too can claim to be a podcaster.
You know, it's's it's funny that i haven't i haven't got I haven't heard anything back. You know, I'm oddly not surprised. I haven't heard anything back.
I mean, I'm sure I'm sure like the last couple times that they've gone out to ah in public with the with them that somebody's way too drunk and and Making a making ah an asshole out of himself and acting like a fucking tough guy for no goddamn reason Because he handles alcohol. I imagine that story will come up tomorrow on sloppy Sundays or whatever they call it
I mean, if you were she surviv ah same
yeah, but those are, I want that. I need that. Yeah. Yeah. But I mean, those have been done. I mean, Nikki can make them for you, but we're not going to put out the- No, yeah that's what I'm talking about. Because all that shit's been done at the end of the day, and I don't want to like- put the network and and or the show logos on them. I mean, if you want them, and and like, let Nick, you know, and she'll tell you how much it's gonna cost and yeah, and and she can make them for you and send them. Well, what we as far as as far as the network swag goes, man, I'm more, I'm more about like the originality and then actually, i you know, like,
I don't need a stupid ass saying on that. Like, well, yeah, yeah. Like, like my nonsensical network shirt has be good or be good at it. That's my catchphrase. That's what I say. That's what I say. I didn't remember show without just trying to send you money, buddy. I'm just saying, I'm just saying.
and when you have money i ever it nickiever' chase for you However, what we need to find out is what shipping is going to cost from there to here because I'm sure it's not. I mean, I will send you that shirt for, what, $25? $26? Yeah, but it comes down to... i mean I mean, at the end of the day, if you if if you start if you actually do Jeff's garage because You have become the new Jeremy shoe and you want Jeff's garage logo on the front or, and one of those sayings on the back and people want to buy them. Obviously we're not going to say no at the end of the day. You know what I mean? But if you want the shirt and you want to buy the shirt, then Nikki will get you squared away. Like we'll make sure Nikki makes it with your, with, it with, it with Jeff's garage or whatever.
yeah like we'll make it for you but i don't want to put it out there no i'm not saying put it on her website where people yeah well no i'm so safe but these times it workers Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. No, no. I mean, if you're you're a customer, bro, you can get whatever you want at the end of the day. That's what I'm saying. If you're paying, you can get whatever you want. Exactly. That's what I'm saying. You can put on there the truth. You can put on there that Glick is the champion. and And I love his small wiener. It's the biggest small wiener I've ever had. And and we'll make it and we'll send it to you.
And I hope he gets a lot of customs. See, that's the one thing. Some random dude in Mexico will be wearing a T-shirt. No, but he's wearing a T-shirt. No, it's a crazy thing. Non-sensical network. Out of the back, it'll be like Glick's penis is the smallest big penis I've ever had. What the hell? Carlos sending this shirt. He said, you know, I'd say it's postal service. Yeah, yeah. As opposed to FedEx or something?
Yeah, but they don't they don't open shit. They just scan it and make sure it's kosher. No. dude Trust me. yeah did You're talking to somebody like Nikki has every year since like the last three Christmases and birthdays and everything like that. Nikki has to send stuff overseas to Jay. Yeah, but Jay's not in Mexico where I'm still waiting on stuff. My parents sent me my second year here hence's because because it never got to me.
because mexico that was correct yeah what were they sending you they sent me some shirts they sent me a hat uh they the one thing that i pretty much guaranteed was gonna get confiscated was my cigars Yeah, exactly. But they also sent some... music It's a shirt. It's a shirt. It's a shirt. It'll be fun. It'll pass through customs. Oh, I don't know. It'll pass through customs. And that's what I'm saying. But the problem is, if somebody in customs might be like, haha, free shirt is For you, if you want specific shirts, it only you had to be podcast related. It only had to be network related. If you want shirts from Nikki, you just let her know what you want and she'll make them for you. As long as the money is good, as long as the money shows up in the account, I mean, we'll get it sent out to you. What happens after that, man? That's on you,
But I mean, they're t-shirts. We're not sending contraband. No, no, no. But the problem is, it doesn't matter what you send. If you send it through FedEx, golden. If you send it through... So we go to Staples and send it through FedEx. Yeah, exactly. Which is what you'd have to do, which is what I tried to tell others, but I don't think he heard me. I don't think about it. You send 3PS. I don't think about it. I don't think about it. Like I said, we're not sending alcohol. We're not sending cigars. We're not sending food.
I think that's, I think it's and um like I said, you know, the last, I mean, Nikki and I haven't been together for three years, but i we've been together for three Christmases. We've been together for three birthdays for for Jay and Jason, Italy, and he's overseas and he's in the military. So, I mean, it's not like they're just letting anything through. but They're not just letting anything through in the military. yeah No, I get that.
Yeah. Like I said, I'm not worried about customs. I'm worried about somebody working at customs going, oh, look, a free t-shirt. Yeah, like I said, I mean. If you want Nicky to make you a shirt, she'll make you a shirt. It only had to be network related. If you just want shirts, she'll make you a shirt. Or if you want to cover,

Humor, Critiques, and Celebrity Anecdotes

she'll make you a pup. I mean, at the end of the day, like, I'm not telling you, like, if you want that stuff, I'm just not promoting that as... Oh, no, I'm not. I'm not saying. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I do want the seven unicorns shirt. However, I mean, if there's people out there that... And like I said, if you actually start doing Jeff's garage,
and stop Jera Vichy in me. It's not about being Jera Vichy. It's about I'm 50 feet. I don't want to hear the time. You live alone. You just spend a lot of time alone. You have any job? Yeah. That I'm online for 10 hours. I had a job.
and three kids. No, you don't. i know I said I had, I said I had a job and three kids and a fiance and a life and everything. No, it comes down to, fo many you do show for me, it comes down to one simple fact. I just got to get used to my new schedule because my, the the job I was doing before I took this job, I was working like three hours a day. here So I had nothing else to do.
So, but right now, i what Arlen sent me is at Chicago International Distributing Center. What you could have been doing? Rubbing one out.
I was. I was. You're smokin' a lot of fuckin' Mexican bacon, what you gonna do? You have no idea. No idea.
Mexican dick is like you're fucking mad. This is my crack. Speaking of speaking of naked things. Naked things. We weren't even talking about naked. No, no, no, no. You're talking about dick. You've been you've been you can on you've been on the ex-Hamster live, right? You've been up for hours at a time, but you you know what it is.
Wait a minute, hold on a second, hold on a second. And I know that every answer you're gonna give me, I'm alone a lot. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You had to preference that with maybe not hours at a time. I'm not saying I'm there hours at a time. I said, but you know what it is, right? How many hours in a week do you spend on ex-Amster Live? Oh, like never. Honestly, never. No, no, no. I've never, I've never, I have, I have, no, I have never been on ex-Amster Live. However, Chatterby is my trick. It's very safe. Well, you know what I realized the other day?
that, you know how when you, when she's right news so you click on a video to watch, it shows like a preview of somebody live, you know, doing that they're on multiple sites, like they're on xHamster live, and then they're on Chatter Bay as well. They're just have multiple accounts streaming to the same. There's this chick on one. I need to send you a link because I can't tell if she's hot or not. Because she's very plastic.
You know what I mean? You can tell she's got, no, no, no. She's got, you know, it's like she's got lip implants. I'm pretty sure, well, she definitely has breast implants, but I'm pretty sure she's got like a butt implant too. I can't really tell, but I can't tell if she's good looking or not. And it's one of those things that's like, you know, cause I'm not really into the whole plastic thing.
I'm just saying, I saw her yesterday and I was like, is this chick hot or am I just alone? ah You're just the one. Yeah, could be that. I'll see if I can send you a screenshot of her face because. Yeah. Yeah. You're just, you're just alone. Sort of balls down to that too. That too. It's this weird thing. I saw, I saw her the other day. I gotta, I gotta go put a tiny dick in my hand. I'll be right back.
I can still hear you. Well, I was going to say, go ahead and play ah play a song. No, no, I'm just, I'm literally going to be gone for 30 seconds. Oh, okay. Well, I'm just saying. hey big I mean, I can still talk to you, Jeff. I just wanted to turn my camera off. You could, but you don't want to. I get it. You know how it is. Trust me, I never want to talk, but unfortunately I have to.
Let's do a report, guys. We can hang out all the time. I don't want to fucking talk to you. I can't fucking stand this point of thought. Why? I talk to him on Wednesdays and Saturdays. And then he starts to talk to me during the fucking week. And then he yells at me for being passive-aggressive. And I have to talk to you.
but I'm sending you a picture. ah Why? On WhatsApp because I can't send it here on the network. Okay. yeah The manager's here and then, and and you guys don't want to be censored. Well, there's that. So I'm going to send this to you directly as opposed to, tell me if you think this chick is hot. I can't tell. All right. Let's see what we're working with here. Oh, yeah. That's not the greatest picture.
thats dude That's a chick. No, because I've seen her. all that That was a dude. ah i die That was that was a dude. no it's not That was a dude, bro. Dude, the nipples aren't even real. That was a dude. So I said she's got serious.
um No, no, no, no. The answer is no. That was a dude, by the way. That was a fucking dude. that it is the opposite of the trans so I didn't say that was. I said, it I didn't say it is. I said, that was a dude. No. but Oh, I see where you're going. I see where you're going. That was a dude. I mean, you can see that's what I'm not sure of. You see that was a dude. That that was a dude. And you can have the full surgery where
You know. Yeah. And then you got the, they put it down, smack it, reverse it, tuck it inside out. Right. That was a dude. Well, she's, she's got some meat between like curtains kind of thing. That was a dude. It's a, it's a weird thing. I don't know. dude that was the that was it that was it that That was a dude who's been wallared out. That's what I thought. I was like, I can't tell.
You're jerking off to that. What else is fucking new? yeah And not then not that it matters because there's some fucking sexy ass goddamn was a dude's outfit. What's up? There's a pot. What's that podcast? that the the I can't remember the guy's name. He's been on Rogan a couple of times. He had that trans porn actress on there, but one one of his co-hosts is like in love with his trans porn actress.
I can't remember what what I'm not I'm not I'm not going to I'm not going to say a trainings hot unless they've had the uh surgery. I can't remember her name. It's going to be a dick and you're a trainee. You're going to be the hottest goddamn trainee I've ever played in but if you got a dick, I'm out. Jeff's not he's in but I'm I'm **** and Jay. Yeah, he's in.
he ain't bi get my end day he get hey you maybe youre just letting the best of life bazz you buy knock de cherew a fucking cheeseburger you cant just try it and move on man this is true oh your your favorite tiktokker by the way He ain't been gay. He ain't been gay. He ain't been gay. He ain't been gay. He ain't been gay. He ain't been gay. He ain't been gay. He ain't been gay. He ain't been gay. He ain't been gay. He ain't been gay. He ain't been gay. He ain't been gay. He ain't been gay. He ain't been gay. He ain't been gay. He ain't been gay. He ain't been gay. He ain't been gay. He ain't been gay. He ain't been gay. He ain't been gay. He ain't been gay. He ain't been gay. He ain't been gay. He ain't been gay.
yeah i mean i' got nothing wrong with nun i just Well, he actually came out. He came out, you know. He just little imagine that he came out and he likes trainee dick. No, no. he can't He can't, you know, his video starts and he comes walking in the room and he's like, listen, is there an animal that you think you could fight? And I have the answer. I think I could fight a kangaroo. I've literally laid in bed thinking that could even look at kangaroo.
And I was like, God damn. Captain Officecator. Actually, send me that video. Yeah. I got it. I would like to stitch that video. That's what I said. Yes. Maybe. But way to way to obfuscate, as Blaze says, that's a big word. And I don't even know what it means. I don't think that's correct. You're a deflecting anger.
You're captain deflector. I know I think it is a reward places way smarter than us. I think obfuscating obfuscate is I'm not contesting thiss Basically, basically, it's the same thing as deflection But we were talking about training as a wieners and you're all of a sudden started talking about nulea No, cuz you said something you deflected you said something you said you are a better you are a better deflection of device than Captain America's shield You have no idea. I have every idea. I've known you for like 30 fucking years. What's his name? Is it Justin Nunley? I don't know. You have better deflection skills than Captain America's shield. You sound jealous. I don't.
Calm down, Tony D. I got to find this video. I cannot believe I cannot believe you had fireman rich on your show. Do you ever ADHD? Just just find the kangaroo video and send it to me so I can stick to in telling me of y'all this but Friday was going to find it. I'm going to rock all nonsensical swag. I don't want to give me an extra medium t-shirt with nonsensical network on it.
so I can wear it and be like, did you know? Normally we get a dash kick by a kangaroo. However, this guy right here, and then I pull up my belt, then I pull up my championship belt, I throw it across my shoulder. There it is, I found it. I'm sending it to the nonsensical network. easy He said, I don't know who needs to hear this, but who, what's the largest animal that you fight? And he goes, kangaroo, easy answer. And I'm like, no.
You both are stupid. I'm going to pull another one. I'm going to pull another one. And I'm going to clip it, right? I'm going to go with Austin. Did you know? Justin O'Mly is full of shit. However, this guy right here would knock the hell out of a kangaroo. Why? Because I'm the champ.
really And this asshole was And this asshole wears fat Debbie hoodies. Dude, I want one of those shirts. This asshole, not only what did you know, not only would nonely lose in a fight to a kangaroo, but he would also get raped.
i clothes are He would also get gangbanged by all the kangaroos in the gangaroo neighborhood. while they pointed and laughed at him for his fat, short, ah stocky feature in his small wiener. as Yeah, none of it doesn't look like he's a very big dude. I am. I'm not mad at the guy. You know, he's funny-ish, I guess. He's got some good ones. He's got some good ones. Yeah, he's funny-ish. He's a little overrated. Hey, guy, he's a little full of himself. He's kind of like a glick. I mean, no. e die Yeah, he's...
Again, it's one of those things like Man, I really wish you and I when we started this we would have went for low-hanging fruit and and cheap One line done so yeah cheap one liners and and and content that was done by 9,000 other people but I guess that's the thing where I'm a little bit salty because I'm like I Damn every shows original content and every show is original every show is different and and That's the only thing I do like about the network we don't I mean, yeah, we do bring up the same subject a couple of times Yeah, but there's no two shows alike it's it's it's it's it's it's original content man and these motherfuckers like
Y'all really shit on original content creators you want some asshole It's gonna do the same fucking douchey dance or say the same fucking thing. It's like this fucking loser that looks vaguely like fucking Napoleon dynamite dude just feeds on that. He's a stand-up comedian. And I've watched his stand-up comedy and he's fucking lame. His stand-up comedy is fucking lame. And when he starts bombing, he instantly is like, we'll be right back. And then he comes back and his hair's all crazy. And he's like, and he's in Napoleon dynamite.
yeah Like he's like think I struck a nerve there buddy Jesus you're all like suck these old fuck youropic man Really am man, I really am it really drives me crazy because like I feel like what the fuck are we doing? Why the fuck are we putting original content out there? where We could just be like everybody else. I I get it. It's And what it comes down to and I have an answer I have an answer
We've we've never, we've never toed the line. Fuck the man. Get in the man, save the empire. I'm Jeff circa 1998, my jinko jeans and my sleeping hair. I'm not here for the establishment. Fuck you motherfuckers. Yes.
You guys are. i like video You know motherfuckers are afraid to do what we do because you can't do what we do because you're going to get canceled. do You know who can't get canceled? We can't get canceled. You know why we can't get canceled? Because we're that damn good at what we do. Well, there's that too. Shut up, Jeff. Shut up, Jeff. But here's the video. Check it out. What's the largest animal that you think you can fight with your bare hands and win? Kangaroo? Easy answer. Why is it so easy? Because I have laid in bed some nights and pondered this question.
of what animal I think I can fight and win with my bare hands. Easy. Kangaroo. And it's not just that I think I can take a kangaroo. I want to fight a kangaroo. I feel like they won't smoke, but they don't. I was straight... F***ing kangaroo up. Just molly-wop his ass. They looking all smug.
Oh, they get that big. I shot the whole first part of this video and they went looking for kangaroo videos while I was editing and and saw that. ah I've never seen a kangaroo in real life. I thought they only got about yay tall. But regardless, is that a regular size dog beside him or like one of those miniature teacups? Anyways, I'd still fight one. I'm not as confident as I was, but I'll try anything three times.
What's the biggest animal you fight? You know, ah I got to ask this question earlier. That's why I'm not just out here just talking shit on kangaroos. I don't know why I'm explaining it. They can't speak English anyways. They don't know what I'm saying. and What's the biggest animal will you think? Can you fight a kangaroo? Man, I'm shook. That kangaroo f***ing up.
I've never seen the whole video until just now because I scroll past. That's a big. fine news you I'm not. I'm not amused. I'm not entertained. You're just salty all of a sudden. yeah at i matter high i no no no yeah i'm not amus um'm not not um um I'm not amused. I'm not entertain i'm not amused and'm not entertained first and foremost.
You come out there real confident and shit, you bleeped out the F words, you fucking pussy. We're not bleeping out fucking F words, you fucking pussy. Yeah. And then, and then you've seen a picture of a kangaroo, you've seen a little video of a fucking little ass kangaroo, and you changed your mind. You don't want to fucking smoke. Yeah, we're not bleeping out the fucking fuck word. Now I sound like fucking Steve on another fraud podcast dropping the F bombs for no apparent reason. The fuck bit, pussy. You broke back mountain looking motherfucker. That's a big fucking thing. You broke back mountain looking motherfucker. You broke back mountain sounding son of a bitch. Looking like you impregnated your fucking sister mama. Get the fuck out of here. I'll beat the hell out of a couple words i'll beat head of a black bear. I'll beat the hell out of the Boston accent. I'll take on the entire country of Canada. Still trying to figure that out.
You're not the only one. Man, it is getting all fucking ballsy on TikTok, man. yeah Man, I don't know. I don't know how I'm gonna fight the Boston accent outside of the fact that some Boston sport team signs me to a contract, and in the contract, they allow me to punch every motherfucker that comes and talks to me with a Boston accent right in the chest. I got rules.
I'll sign that. but say I'll i send you that contract right now. you know a country't get paid anything I
yeah i don't know what contract i'm signing All the thing I know is that every motherfucker that talks to me in the Boston accent, I punch him in the chest. read a car
Hey, look at my dad. Fuck. I love Mark. I love Mark Wahlberg. I'll punch him right in his fucking chest. I love Donny Wahlberg and the new kids on the block, but I'll punch Donny right in his fucking chest. Speaking of Donny Wahlberg. But I'll punch him right in his fucking chest. If it wasn't for Donny Wahlberg, blue bloods would not be a thing for a long time. I love Donny Wahlberg. I love new kids on the block. Yeah, man. Oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh.
Yeah. i' shiny robert Oh, bang, right in your chest, Donnie Wahlberg. Oh, yeah. I don't know. Out of all the Wahlbergs, I think Donnie's going to be the toughest. Donnie looks like he's scrap, man. but i that that that he's a yeah He can mean mug. Yeah, but that mongoloid Wahlberg that they have, the one that has the extra chromosomes,
i think he gets around the regarding was fine everybody yeah i mark i of an exist mark mark mark is all i could probably take marcu he's all muscle he's all hollywood mu yeah i'm sorry i love via mark walberg I'm sorry. I'm sorry. walbergs I love you guys. Four Brothers, great fucking movie. New Kids on the Block, great boy band. Yeah, I mean, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah. Fucking Ted. Fucking fucking love the Walbergs, bro. I bought Calvin Klein's because of Mark Walberg. Yeah. I'll punch you right in your fucking chest with your stupid boss. Matt Damon. Oh, I'm fucking fucking your idiot friend. What's his name? I can't remember his name right now. Matt Damon's friend that was married to J.Lo Toys. Ben Affleck. Bat Flick. Yeah, you can get it, too. Well, y'all can get it. I want to hang out with Ben Affleck.
I don't know why. I want to hang out. I want to hang out. I want to hang out with Matt Damon. I think Matt Damon would be so cool. But he can get it right in the chest. Right in the chest. As soon as it's fucking busted. Boom! Right in the chest, bro. All of you. He starts drinking in Just sitting apart all of a sudden. you What the fuck, Click? Sorry, Matt Damon.
You will always spend his role name. You don't call him Matt. Sorry Matt Damon. You always call him Matt Damon. Matt Damon can get it right in his chest. Like Joe. What's that? What's that? Joe Diaz says? He's always like Joe Rogan. That's what you do with Matt Damon. Sorry Matt Damon.
Yeah, sorry about David. What's up, Matt David? Ben Affleck, you could be wearing that sweet-ass Batman, uh, uh, Batman suit as soon as that Boston, boom, right in the chest. Take that Bat Flick. Take that Bat Flick. Fucking bitch. Who else is from Boston? Fucking Tom Brady. You're not from Boston, but you played in Boston long enough. You you give me a hint of that Bat... You give me a s... You give me a scent of that Boston... I don't understand what you have when you get into Boston. I like Boston. It's disgusting. It's disgusting. It's gross.
So it's your beer. It's gross. It makes me sick. Your mom's gross.
I'll punch that bitch in the chest too. I seriously don't get. It's a terrible accent. it's like that I like the Boston accent. It's like that Jewish New York, New Jersey accent, French accent. I'll punch French accent in the chest too. French accent is perfect if she'll shut the fuck up.
Agreed, but I'll punch her in you the accent doesn't bother me. It's it's like it's fucking voices. It's an accent. it's It's the same thing with the Sharon Osborne.
it's it is it its that It's that English accent. I'll punch you in the chest to Ozzy Osbourne. As soon as you fucking talk, you can't fucking walk. You're probably going to Ozzy Osbourne. Why are you going to die this year? Ozzy Osbourne because I don't have you on my fucking list.
You can't fucking walk no more. Black Sabbath is going to reunite, but you can't fucking walk. You're like Connor. Yeah, yeah. Honestly, I was born in Black Sabbath is reuniting, but he can't fucking walk. But he's going to die this year. You know why? Because he's not on my list. Yeah, there's some accidents. There's some accidents. There's some accidents. You just want to punch him in the chest.
I feel that way about you all the time. Well, I mean, you grow about three feet and fucking punch me in the chest. I don't need to grow. I'll stand on the box. I don't give a fuck. I'll bring a ladder. The female Australian accent, I'm going to punch in the chest. Fuck you. No, I'm in. A male Australian accent, I want to fucking drink beer with it. I don't know. There's a chick on TikTok.
she is i i i want to say she's from leggies with the neck of the woods and everyone hi women i don't advocate hitting women gorgeous blonde i could listen to this bitch talk all day she's a little nasally she's not from leggies neck of the woods or she's fucking australian you dumb shit no no no no no i said said the female i said i said i said i said well no there's some british accents and there's a lot of different accents from that world and then he punched in the chest. This is chick on TikTok. Like Dr. Strange. I'd like to punch him in the chest. Why? Because he has that pompous, pretentious, I'm better than you British accent. Benny Jones. I love that accent. I agree. Benny Jones, I'm in there.
Plus I would not punch many Jones in the chest because he would kill I wouldn't I wouldn't even look at penny jones wrong because that About that fucking life but he still holds a record on the soccer field I would love to drink I don't even like British or English beer, but God damn it, if I could sit down in a pub and drink their disgusting swill that they call beer and hang out with Benny Jones all night, I would stomach it just to hang out with Benny Jones. I fucking love Benny Jones. I'd love to hang him. Did you ever see the the movie Eurotrend? Yeah, and Tom Hardy. He's British. I'll drink their British shitty beer to fucking hang out with him or not Tom Holland, Tom Hardy.
ah now it's his fucking night um he is british yeah you're british is he really sort of yeah That asshole that was in Sons of Anarchy I'd probably punch him in the chest, but I'd also like to drink shitty British beer with him Charlie hoy not alderman
So this is the chick I'm talking about Guy Ritchie good. I would love to hang out with Guy Ritchie Guy Ritchie would be fun because you know that motherfucker be like we're gonna put you I'm gonna put you in my movie No Guy Ritchie be like we're about to do some weird shit. Are you and I'm like I've seen enough your movies. I'm down. I'm down, bro You know what say what you want about guy Ritchie is weird cat. I love his movie. I can movies are Yeah, but they're so weird. he's he's like the he's like that He's like the British or English version of Quentin Tarantino. Easily. The only problem is when you married a Madonna, that's a knock. That's not a knock because he was married to her when she was hot. When she was a slutty, dirty banana. Yeah. Like right after... like Right before she really got into... Never mind. I was going to say right after Deadness Rodman, but that was Carmen Electra.
No, she dated Rodman. She was with Sean Penn. Did Madonna date Rodman? Oh, yeah. there's there was There was a movie. It was like the, it was a, it was like a, ah I don't want to call it a mockumentary, but it was like ah the history of Dennis Rodman movie. And in he's, it's when he's first becoming famous, and you know, as a ba before the hair, and he's sitting in a diner with Madonna, and she's like, yeah, you got to get used to this. You're a celebrity. And he's like,
I can't even fucking kiss you. She's like, Yeah, but where they would do it. They were married. I don't know. I thought they got married. I don't know. I don't think so. He's married to Carmen. Dennis Rodman and Madonna. What's up, Carmen? What are you doing these days, Carmen? Where are you at? They were married, bro. I wonder what he did. Carmen Electra on the show. She's not doing anything. They were married because Dennis Rodman wore a fucking... Well, he also married himself.
ah the cardo lecture that didni described in that too What is going on with our lecture these days, what is she doing where is she still alive? Yeah, dude how we can I bet we could get her on the show You think I'm gonna try it. I'll do it. I brick if I can get part of it, dude Dennis has Madonna offered her 20 million dollars get her pregnant.
I don't know. Dude, I've been knocking the **** out of that. I would at least **** try. Exactly. I'm like, we don't need no condoms or more, baby. I'm going to knock this out. A little bit Madonna, A little bit Madonna, though. I was fixed. But I tried to be a mother **** Yeah, no, no, no. Not today's, not today's Madonna, man. But today's Madonna. Oh, she looks like a
yeah Yeah, they they they were married for a short stint. I didn't know that they were actually married. I knew he was in Carmen Electra. Right? Right? He was in Carmen Electra? I think so. Dennis Rodman, Carmen Electra.
Fuck you! They got married too! Who? Dennis Rodman, Carmen Electra. Yeah! I didn't know he... I wonder if I could actually... It's Carmen Electra on Instagram.
I don't know. How much fun that is. He's one big motherfucker, man. I'm telling you.
This was Carmoelectra in her fucking prime, too. So I'm not mad at him at all. Because like Carmoelectra has her moments. And this is one of them. I mean, look how big that dude is.
She looks like a teacup version of a person.
I'm not even listening to you right now. I'm currently... That's all right. I found a picture of Carmen Electra and Dennis Rodman. On your screen. Yeah, ah okay. I'm currently looking at her from the screen. Is she? ship smith Oh, she's not even gonna respond to me in that situation.
it You really getting full of yourself. I have all these interviews. I'm trying to message Carla. She's got 2.1 million dollars she's not even anybody Fucking Carla electric, it's not like she's Bob from down the fucking road Yeah, I know but and then her Instagram is all pictures from like years ago. Come on God I the biggest fucking prison i just sent your video that chikla
tiktok I don't know. What do I say? I don't know. What's up, Carmen? How you doing, Blaine? What's up, bitch? but I'll figure it out when I'm... Shooters got a suit, baby. Shooters got a suit.
Hey, man. You miss You miss 100% of the shots you don't make. You don't take. So I'm shooting my shot. What's up, Colby? If she was a Rodman, she's wallowed out. I'm sorry. What are you? What is this? Who is this? This is that chick I was talking about on TikTok. I like her voice. She's a little nasal. She's a little... s like all go um I punched her in the chest.
like you she's gorgeous though bro she looks like my sister i did have a thing for your sister not that one you don't know my older sister okay never mind yeah imagine that she was mexican i'm just saying there's a theme i'll punch you in the chest
Follow us on YouTube, where Glick pete punches people in the chest when they when he does the luxury entrance. That's just your fucking go-to punching people. You're just walking down the street, having a bad day. I haven't punched everybody in the chest today. I'm like, why are you doing whack? What the fuck? Sorry, Ben. I'm like, sorry, Matt. Fuck your accent. accent.
eight Follow me as I punch people in the chest. sorry matt david I've known Matt Damon for 15 years. You think I'd be hanging out with you on a Saturday night? I would be messaging you, bro. Don't fucking lie. Don't fucking lie. You'd be like, dude, Jeff, you got to meet Matt Damon. Yeah. I'd be like, bro, I'm hanging out with Matt Damon and Ben Netflix right now.
And how many times have you punched them in the chest? Would be my first question. Tonight? Question mark? Question mark? Question mark? Don't lie. How many times today have you punched them Hold on a second, Jeff. I'll let Matt Damon hit. Hey, Matt. Matt Damon. Tell Jeff how many times. He answers like three times. He just can't talk as you keep touching him. Stop talking, Matt Damon. Ben Affleck. in the chest? Put your Batman suit on. Ben Affleck, put your Batman suit on and come talk to Jeff. Dude, the funny, the meme of Matt Damon standing outside smoking his cigarette?
It's me and her every show. to Like once in a month and I gave it my clothes over in his Batman suit. He's like, Jeff, are you touching yourself? Yes, I am. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Again. God damn it, Jeff. Right, Ben? Right, Ben? That's exactly how I felt the last 30 years.
You don't call him Ben, you call him Ben Affleck. Like your fucking Joey Diaz or something. He's like, Ben Affleck. What was it like who was it like but when Margot Robbie mouthfucked you? Hey, Baffleck, you know that meme of you? Yeah, that's what it's like being just a friend.
if hey Every day of my mother. And I don't like smoke.
Dude, I'm sorry. I'm pretty sure he was miserable when he was dating J.Lo. She just does not look like she's the easygoing guy. Shh. I feel like I should punch her in the chest just because. She does it. Yeah, man. She really doesn't come up. Man, J.Lo is probably the most. She seems like a cunt. Yeah, she really does. And homegirls collecting fucking wedding rings like Tom Brady collecting super warring.
That's a lot of rings. A lot of rings, bro. A lot of rings. She's going to have to start putting them on her toes too. I mean, that's, I mean, i yeah, man, I feel bad for her. However, I love the video with Ben Affleck kissing her ass on that boat. She doesn't have a nice ass. I'm mad at her ass.
A better video. A better video.
John Legend eating chicken wings off of Chrissy Teigen's ass. i i get into google lot Wait, who the fuck is Chrissy Teigen? I know who that is. ah She's a model. You ever watch that show with the L.S. Cool J lip sync battle? Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She's a DJ? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay.
I'm not mad. I have the weird thing. If a chick is too good looking, I'm out. Where the fuck out of my league? I need a fall. I need a fall. I love Christi Teigen. She's awesome. She's fucking hilarious. She's a goddamn goofball. And John Legend is one of my favorite singers. Anybody that knows me knows that I love John Legend.
um If anybody who was around for the old Periscope days have heard me embarrass myself singing in John Legend at about 47 minutes. So were we sang karaoke? I don't think I sang John Legend. We need to do it again. I don't think I sang John Legend. No. No, no, no. I would get on Periscope and I'd be about 47,500 beers in. And they're like, click, why don't you sing for us? And then I would sing John Legend and then Adele.
No, Saturdays. I will, I will, I will, you know, even, but I know, man, I love John Legend. He's one of my favorite singers out there. He's on the bucket list. That Stephen Rodriguez guy that I've listened to fucked up boy can say.
Yeah, John Legend is on my bucket list for Glick's House of Music. I know it kind of defeats the purpose of Glick's House of Music, but if I'm ever afforded the opportunity. Oh, no. It's one of those things. It's like, if God willing, John Legend's like, hey, Glick, I want to be on a good team. What are you doing tomorrow? Or if I messaged him and he responded and he was like, yeah, I would love to. I'd be like, oh, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho.
Three days later, if you woke up from your shock... I'm out of air here. Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know. The starting show is starting to be like...
shooter shooting a shoot If Keanu Reeves shows up on Nonsense Go Nonsense one day, yeah I will freak the fuck out. I mean, I'm not fangirling out over a lot of artists, but there are artists where I'm gonna actually, if they if have ever afforded the opportunity, God willing, and man alive, I only hope that Glitch House of Music gets that big, but there are certain artists, Garth Brooks is one of those guys, Axl Rose, John Legend, like I am going to,
Be like, give me a second. Let me lose my shit. Let me lose my shit. And then I'm going to bring it back to the chicks name that I listened to. I was listening the other day, then this. Jewel, if Jules ever on a show, I'm going to come up and hit on her. I'm like, Joel, I just want to sit and let you play piano for me for like 12 hours. And I won't touch you nothing. I just want to sit and watch you play piano because fucking that bitch can play.
I just have a girl that could play. Amy Lee from Everance. Marina Brinks from In This Moment. ah Hell, the chick with the white stripes. I saw that video. I saw that video. She makes out with her brother. Izzy Hale from Everance. I'm not her fucking brother. I don't care. She's not gonna... Yeah. She made out with brothers. I got a shot.
Share what's up? What's up? so di oh my hit now I know you're gonna help if you God willing you have rigam after on your fucking show and you there I'm gonna go all the way to fuck. Oh, I'll just a smacking for not God. I will lose my cause you're gonna have love you your sho I will, I will lose my ever living mind if I ever had. I'm going to apologize. We're going to have to do this again.
but I'm about to lose my shit because I've been in love with you since I was 11 years old. I'm going to punch your husband in the chest. I will punch your husband in the chest. I'm going to punch every man who's ever done a movie show.
but I understand. I just understand. I your love for Reba. I get it. I don't get it. She's a beautiful woman. I get it. But she's not my first like, Oh yeah, yeah I did not put dust off that. No.
um yeah but everything out i have a beer but i yeah but i am ahker redit ah i look I do love a redhead. I dated a redhead waitress that I used to work at a busbo and as this waitress was a redhead.
and goth. It was a great month. I know yeah and i don't know. I yeah i just, I just, I've just been in love with that woman since I was like 11 years old. um I love everything about her. I think she's funny. She, she's, she is hilarious. You know, shes she she can sing. She's, she's like Dave Dray, like Dave Drayman, the lead singer of, of, uh, disturb. I'm losing my shit over him too.
Cory Cory Taylor lead singer of slipknot. I'm losing my shit. I mean, dude, there's artists out there There's artists out there that are on my list and I would love you know, you know what you know, I want to get you on I want to get you on the dude from What's his fucking name I Can't represent what's the band I Can't think of it. Fuck and but just hot boxes
He does a hotbox podcast where you sit in a car and he smokes fucking weed and you give fucking... Snoop Dogg? No, it's not Snoop Dogg. It's the dude from the... Oh, no, it's Cypress Hill. Cypress Hill, thank you. Yeah, I mean, I like Cypress Hill. Not a big thing. I just want to get you in that hotbox and let him get you fucking... Yeah, no, I'd be like, bro, fucking roll the windows down your fucking bag. I agree. I agree. You didn't get blazed on hotbox.

Closing Remarks and Encouragement

oh that and be nabby fuck all he did blu yeah We have to go we're at 59 minutes need to go to bed I'm fucking tired It's not like you have to do i got do a show tomorrow I really don't have time for the out yourself Thank you. Listen to guys. Thanks for hanging out. Follow us by without link slash nonsensical network. Follow, like, subscribe, ring my bell I don't know im want to do any who turn in tomorrow. One PM unnecessary reference. Yeah.
and all that and Don't forget 28th of this month. New trivia show. Yeah, what he said. Bye.