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Nonsensical Nonsense - We the ones your momma warned ya about PT2

Nonsensical Network
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On this episode of nonsensical nonsense blaze gets drunk and we talk about the wild and our new friend Gemini comes up and entertains us  Part 2 of 2


First Date Discussions

But no, I agree 100%. I've said this, and Jeff and I, you and I had this conversation a few months back. Checking the oil. Thumb in the butt. No, i i don't I don't think a movie is a proper first date because, and i'm and i'm not thinking and and I'm not thinking of high school. I'm thinking of right now, our age is now.
I haven't done the dinner and the movies since high school. Like, when my wife had our first date, we went to dinner. Actually, we actually I made my wife dinner here. Well, not here, but at our at my house at the time.
Wow. Again, the standards and the quality women's gift dates. I think a movie would be a good second date. I think a movie would be a good second date. Yeah, a good second date. Second, third date. You know what I'm saying?
you've already You've already established that you guys are feeling each other. You guys like each other. The vibe is there. Yeah, I think Glick is on the exact same page I am.
Wrong page. It's not the wrong page. It's the best page. Yeah, Paulie!
What are you holding at? Oh, is he popping in your ear again? How is that happening? how is that happening and Because my earbuds are fucking Chinese things off of Amazon.
And if I breathe on them, because I have multiple tabs open. I've got two StreamYard tabs open. And I've got two Zencaster tabs open. And then sometimes YouTube will randomly start playing in my ear.
ah so But no, man. yeah no not not not not Not now. not not Not at our ages now. If you're dating... yeah I don't think you should ever. you right i also And you can't have an interview when you're both being quiet, staring at a screen.
And I'm also not opposed to your first date dinner being like, let's run to McDonald's. Let's run to Taco Bell. Let's grab something. with we had their power just yeah Let's just interact. Let's just talk to each other.
and And then, you know, from here on, for after we get done, get a little something, something a little quicky. mean, it doesn't have to be so... I'm more of a... The whole fast food date? Not Starbucks, but I'm more of a coffee shop. Yeah, it doesn't have to be an...
ah You don't have to pull out the stops and go to fucking Red Lobster. i mean You don't have to get bougie bougie and go to Red Lobster. um and block Actually, I wouldn't even consider that a date. Actually, me asking a woman to coffee is not even really so much a date. It's an interview. much more like do I want to spend more time with you. no it's Yeah, exactly. It's a, do i want to ask her on it?
That's the same thing with the but McDonald's date because it can be over really quick because you can walk down McDonald's and be like, oh, well I'm done. I gotta go. If she wants to go to McDonald's and have a bunch of McDonald's with me, I'm down. 65% women in the United States think McDonald's is an acceptable first date.
Like Jedha said, first dates are just interviews, man. You don't have to you don't have to pull out all the cards and and pull out all the stops. which a yeah I don't believe that stat, but if that stat's really 65% and there's 65% of women, I don't want to date.
Well, Nikki and I... Again, I bet there's 90% on... There's probably about 90% of women in this world I wouldn't date. Nikki and I, if you want to say, if you want to call it a first... Yeah, if you want to call it a first date, Nikki and I... You went to the bar, We were...
we We were going to meet halfway between my house and her house, get a hotel, whatever, and, and and you know, meet up for the first time. And I said, nah, screw this. I'm, you know, because I'm a man.
And, you know, I got to do man things. Fuck that. I'm going to surprise her. So I drove all the way to PA. I knew where she was working at. I hit the little Google Maps. and And i I don't know why I just looked behind me when Jeff's kid popped up in the background. Yeah.
and state like No, i was like I was like, fuck this. I'm going to drive to PA. I know where she works at. I'm going to get a hotel close by, and and I'm going to go surprise her at work. She was working at a bar, but like I showed up there. dude I literally i walked in. I sat down at the bar. I was probably there for ah good like five minutes, man. She was like going shoes in the kitchen, and And whatnot. And she came out she talked somebody. She went back in the kitchen. Surprise. It's a nice move.
Yeah. and And I was. ask you about you to yourself yeah This is why Jeff is in Mexico. No, no, no. But that's showing up. Surprise.
That's a good move. I showed up and surprised her. She was like, what do you but are you doing here? We're supposed to meet, you know, like there's a city halfway between my house and where she lived. And I was like, yeah, but that didn't make no sense to me. nobody wants to hang out that Well, exactly.
There's that. yeah so forced to go But it looks about I was like, you're not going to, it was like, you're not going to get off work until like midnight, one o'clock, whatever, two o'clock in the morning. Why make you drive an hour and a half?
I drove here. I literally went there after I got off work. I drove there. i got to hotel. I checked in, took a shower, changed my clothes, got settled in, got me a little something to eat.
And then yeah I got pretty. I threw on fucking jeans and a hoodie. i I was just about to bring you up in conversation, Brian. and Look at this.
we're sitting we're sitting here we're sitting here talk We're sitting here talking about women and stuff. Brian sends me a video on on on Snap the other day. Some ah so woman topless putting a weight up on the weight bar.
am i She's racking the weight. Hold up. hold and I sent him a message back. I'm like, eh, meh. Wasn't that a chick that only does shit topless with her back turn that has like negative double A's?
Negative double A's? What's that? Two fist punches? Or was it an actual time? But I know she, I mean, like she's, she's petite and everything, but like, that was like always her deal. Like everything she does, like she's working out.
It's like her back is turned, but she's topless. Yeah. She's, yeah. She's not attractive.
Brian's like, you don't find that attractive or something like that? i'm like, no, I'm really not turned on by that. Like, it doesn't turn me on. And I'm like, if she's sitting there quoting, yeah i was like, if she's sitting there quoting Theodore Adorno while Topless, then yes, I'd probably be down.
But I just, yeah. I saw that look coming. I saw that fucking look coming. Boo! Well, first thing first. don't know who Adrian Adonis is, but I don't know who he is. Theodore Adorno.
He's one of the Frankfurt School guys. What are we playing video games? I'm so mad I raged with it. I hate the wrong goddamn bone
But no, like I was saying. yeah like i Like I said, you know like i like I was saying, you know quote unquote first date is you know for Nikki and I, like I just showed up and surprised her. And we got to talk a lot that night. ah yeah We watched who was working and then after she got off work and then, you know,
one by no more But then the and the next the next day, we went on... pulled out your ear, Jeff, afterwards. I get it. i got chuck his elbow Yeah, the second... Well, i the second the second the the stuff second first date, we went... Because she had to get and go to work the next day. She she actually had a normal job.
But then we went to, like, a sports bar and had dinner and conversated. And we just... But we'd also talked a lot before. You know what i mean? like be probably well yeah but Right. Well, yeah. When I met my wife, we worked at the same company.
Yeah. We spent the time. I'm still here. I just got pissed. And we talked every day before we met.
Right. you know We still spent those first two days together, conversating and just talking and interacting. Oh, no. I mean, that like one but you know when my wife and I actually are, I guess you would call it our technically first date.
We we you know we worked at a call center where we actually sold timeshares. And she worked on the Spanish side. I ran the English side.
And we would talk a little bit here and there. And I was like, hey, what are you doing tonight? I'm going to a party. We went to a party kind of. hung out a little bit there, and then the next night, I was like, why don't you come over my place and I'll cook you dinner.
But, yeah, no, like I said, i the the first the first date being a movie, that's a huge number. I'm not kidding.
I'm not kidding. You can ask my wife. So true. so that's why he's so pro first date for movies. I guess.
but Yeah, why talk? yeah don't know. I realized that because because of my my early once early young young blaze self, the reason because I didn't talk to him is the predicament I found myself in later on in life with bad relationships. You know, you got that point.
That is a good point. Maybe that's why you're divorced, because you went dinner or movie. I get it.
Did you do a dinner movie with the ex-wife? I mean, yeah, but I don't think it was our first date. I'm trying to remember what our first date was. To tell you the truth, it escapes me. But it wasn't a movie.
No, because like the the wife and I, when we first met, we went to my house. I was renting a house at the time, and and we went over, and I cooked dinner. While I'm cooking, she of course saw it and we're talking.
Afterwards, we sat down at table, continued talking eating. And then, you know, we sat down the couch and just talked all night long. Yeah, if you can't carry on a conversation with somebody, ah great that's going to be a hard date.
That's going to be a hard relationship. Well, what's really hard is... Because any good relationship has communication. have comp And if the communication isn't there, it's automatically bad. Probably not the greatest relationship.
When I first met my wife, she spoke English at the time, but but she was nervous about her English. he was always words' She has flashcards. Bird, tree. yeah no it was It came down to... it was like he was She was always worried about saying the wrong phrase because of slang and stuff like that.
But it's one of those things. If you fuck up, I don't care. because If I do it in Spanish, I won't be able to get four words Brian, what are you doing next Friday? You working or you off next Friday?
I'll be at work. It's a bummer, dude. Yeah, got a turkey at night.
Yeah, I mean, it might be my last my last ah rotation. Shit happens. Why is it your lower on last rotation? when are you and yeah getting deported?
No, I'm not getting deported. um i might one here i and throw that there for No, I'm find out on Monday, but apparently it's just everything involved with my dad. So it's like I got to come back home and work at home.
I'll tell you what Brian's doing next Friday. Not showing up because he's scared after that asshole that I put on him last time. Whatever you that I swear that night you got so religious that you prayed in every language. Just so please, please. like yeah yeah say face I can't let Brian beat me.
dr make You got that. That Sweeney Todd one. It literally was the end of it. Even though Glick, I think, ended up winning that night.
He was the one whose ego really bit him in the ass. but the thing what But the thing was... ja that wasnt If he had that... but But the thing was, he remembered that that was the one thing left because he's like... That was like his lifeline. Oh, wait. Movie picture. Movie picture.
Yeah. i go say i'll say like forty times i say I'll say this about Next Friday. When it comes to 80s action movies, there are so many.
Like, There's so fucking many. and wouldn't this that wouldn't have been In the same year, the same actor would have made three or four, a couple under the same fucking director.
As I've said multiple times, I would have not have been upset to lose to Brian. Because when Blaze first brought it up... Not publicly, yeah. alone in this room, it's still to no pun wait wait wait wait way to be fair To be fair, he did acknowledge me on the fantasy football win.
I did? I was the first one acknowledge Connor's title. He was gracious enough on air, acknowledged me. Unlike Connor, Connor did not. yeah Connor's all of a sudden got too much time are too busy. He doesn't have time to be a part of the network.
even that even though yeah even even though youre know like Even though on Snapchat, he could acknowledged me on Snapchat. I would i would i would have accepted that. But he's like, no, fuck you.
if that that If this hadn't happened, I would have he but um no when when When Blaze first brought up the trivia night and he said it was going to be teams and he said Brian and I were going to be a team on horror night, I was like, oh, God.
We are to fucking kill these two. And then when he said we he he was not going to do teams, i was like, oh, shit. I'm a little worried about Brian because there's anybody that can rival me with horror movies, it's Brian.
Yeah, I think that if if if there was more turnout, teams would make sense. Maybe next year. Yeah, and then like the one a the ace in the the ace in a hole that I had in in regards to movies in general was because my first job was Blockbuster and I worked it for five years.
Right. So it's like every movie. Because cause we ah we got five free rentals a week. And it was like, oh, man. I'm like, watch. I'm like, I haven't seen this one. haven't seen this one. Yep. But the one thing I did let slip was like the whole idle hands. I was like, i was like crap.
Like my brain. I was like, I know this. i don hands oh and i The reason why that poster was so hard was because it was cartoon. And the original poster is not cartoon.
That is one of the original posters, though. ah here's Here's the thing about movie posters. The quote-unquote, the original one, there's usually multiple ones. It all depends on what region or country you're in. Gentlemen, gentlemen, gentlemen. let's let's let's Let's give the proper shout-out to the true MVP of the trivia night.
I don't know who you're talking about. What's up, Lazy? How you doing, bro? What's up, bro? Welcome back. guys X'd that quick, real quick. That was that was that was my guy. that was my guy Cyrus the Virus. Cyrus the Virus. oh gun there Isn't that Con Air?
When he got that Devil's Advocate one, I had to mute myself because I was sitting there. Oh, my God. Cy was having the worst luck that night. He had a terrible look.
but For me, anyways, not that I needed his help, but the fact that I went after him and he was absolute dog shit in the horror trivia. Yeah, Cy was the true MVP at the end of the day. You sexy son of a bitch, you.
I'm trying to decide what I'm doing for March. you got your I think we've seen romantic comedies. Romance movies. Just to really throw these guys in. heard last night that you needed Viagra.
What? What? Did you have a little dick last night? laz Lazy. Lazy Jedi had lazy dick. What is going on here? I don't know.
I don't know. You tell It's like three hours in. You're coming late. This is what happens. Beast Mode tried to blame Jedi for a Viagra thing that popped up on his YouTube channel.
Lazy said, that's your algorithm, bro. I said, i don't know about Lazy having a limp D because last time he was on our show, he was riding yeah my ass all night long. You guys get me hurt every time, so I have no problem.
We are the... Suck it, Lazy Shaman. You make them soft and we make them hard. Hey, if I get somebody hard, I'm happy about that. I don't care who he is. If I get you hard and

Star Wars and Humor

wet, even better.
yeah we We should change Lazy Shaman's name to Lazy Charmin because it's baby ass soft. You always got to remember, you don't squeeze the shark. I already regret coming up. No, you don't because you love us.
You love us and we love you, Jedi. You're very near and dear to my heart. You're my favorite Jedi out of all the Jedis. That's pretty good. None of them. Oh, wait. Mace Windu was a Jedi, wasn't he?
He was. Samuel motherfucking Jackson. Only Jedi to have a purple laser is the goddamn force, okay? he He's the motherfucking force.
Get it right. Dude, do you know why he had a purple lightsaber? Because he's fucking pimp as fuck. No, he asked Lucas if he got of a purple one. Because he's pimp as fuck.
Exactly. The creator is like, yeah, I'm going to take a purple one or I'm not in this. Okay. It's Sam Jackson. You got to be like, yeah, take it, buddy. It's yours. The number two best Jedi was Jar Jar Binks. Wait, no, he was a Sith. He was not a Jedi. He wasn't a Sith either. Sam Jackson head had like, and it was it was was either a you give me a purple fucking lightsaber or B, I say, fuck.
and like Well, it's a Disney movie. We can't say fuck. Honestly, it's a win-win. Whichever direction they gave it, they gave him both. Jeff, who would be the Jar Jar Binks of podcasting?
If Mace Windu was up in the Jedi Council being like, fuck Anakin, we're not training him. That would have been amazing. No, I said who would be the Jar Jar Binks of podcasting?
He'd like, fuck this shit. Oh, well, it's another fraud podcast. Fuck that little kid from Tashioon. They're like, fucking Empire, man. um Fuck this.
Oh, that's a good point. forgot about that. I got the fucking high ground. Wasn't that a Star Trek thing or a Star Wars thing? No, that's high ground. Yes, that's what Obi-Wan says to Anakin before he cuts all his fucking limbs off.
He's like, I want to start cutting fucking Pulp Fiction lines from Samuela Jackson into fucking Mace Windu. Oh, dude. That would be so legit, dude. Fuck again.
Just... Oh, I'm sorry. Did I break for concentration? Speaking of being hard, that gets me hard. Royale with cheese. Royale with fucking the force, bitch. Sam lines, period.
into Star Wars. I'm sick and tired of these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking star ship. Yes.
yeah yes Wow. We're going to improve. We're already improving Star Wars, and I didn't think that was possible because it's so good already. I'm ready to watch this new Star Wars version.
There is so much improvement that fucking franchise needs. Oh, my God. Oh, man.
Can we start by, let's get rid of the religion part. I was a Jedi, man. Dude, there's so many more things that I could think of. You would be a Sith.
With my fucking powers? Could I like du do this? Could I do this and all of a sudden do this and then next thing you know, Jeff's sucking my dick. like If I was just like Well, you already just snap your fingers and he does it. I don't know what other powers you do. All you got to do is that. I am a sin.
ah you got do exactly a cent i am a I'm the Sip Lord! I'm the master of the Sip Lord! You need your force powers to get to take off his headset? Sip Lord. I've been trying.
I've been trying since Wednesday. It's not working. Hashtag. yeah by My son asked me earlier, he was like, isn't there a fucking power switch? Well, didn't say fuck. and He was like, isn't there a power switch where you just turn your lights off?
And I was like, I don't know.
After he was like, what the hell is on Jeff's head? Which he did actually say those words. He walked in here. which jeff dash And Cash was like, what the hell is on Jeff's head? And i was like, it's his headphones. don't know.
I'll be a simp lord. I don't care. simpler I'm sipping for Jedi. I'm sipping for lazy Jedi. He's lazy. He just lays there. He just lays there. You're going to do all the work.
You're going to be appreciative of it. i am and and I am and I will. I am so grateful. Thank you. Thank you for allowing me to ah pleasure you like this.
I take back what I said earlier about regretting coming out. I'm so happy I'm here. See? I'm happy you're here, too. And I fucking love you up here. You're awesome. We we but appreciate you here. we don't we don't We don't roast you and hate on you like them other assholes do on that other show. I'm a glutton for punishment, okay?
Oh, i just I want to... i want to i maoch kiss or What is I do yeah do want to throw out ah do want to throw out an apology to Shaka. Because last week he was streaming shit when we got copyright.
Oh, yeah. I you. but we got a copyright oh yeah i blame im I'm not pointing fingers. I'm saying shocker from us.
I got stuck my finger. Nonsensical. We I know you're at work right now and you're not probably mad or anything. so I still want to that like i know he people he did mess He did message me and he was like, you got to get your fucking idiots under control. Did he really? yeah Stupid fucking headset. Fuck them all.
going to burn the whole thing down. Chaka messaged me, and he was like, I'm here to speak to the manager. And I was like, calm down. Stop talking to ladies and gentlemen. Chaka and Karen. Listen, Karen, Karen, Karen, we're going to talk in an indoor voice, first of all. you Use your indoor big boy voice, Chaka.
you want to You want a snack? Chaka want a snack? No, actually, I have not heard anything from Chaka. who Who's a good boy? He's easily distracted by Debbie Cakes. That's fucked You motorboat son of a bitch.
I'm easily distracted by Debbie Cakes. I'm just saying. Guess what I got in my hoodie here? I got up. Pocket snacks. Who wants a pocket snack? Pocket snacks are the best. There's two things that will easily distract my ass. Oatmeal cream pies and wheat.
What did you say? I didn't hear that. somebody where you say i didn't hear that where you' so late that's headset You want to create what you would you you want a cream pie? that's what you want
over cream prepared yes okay words the but but yeah but but but nothing only organic protein yeah jeff's nephons are cream pie yeah
jeffs Jeff's headphones scream, I enjoy being cream-pied.
Every time Jeff gets cream-pied, he goes, ooh, ooh. rut row Good thing I can't get pregnant, boys. Oh, I'm sorry. Did I break the concentration?
You fuckers keep trying to impregnate me. Was that a Samuel I. Jackson quote? Did you sit there all this time? All this time. I'm sorry. Did break your concentration? Oh, man.
I had to download it off of YouTube. Then I had to make it shorter. I understand understand that goes into it because I do it. I can't even look at you, Jeff.
Oh, my yeah There's two clouds fucking on your head and your face is the condom. I'm sorry. Did I break your concentration? The broken condom. There's going to be baby clouds soon.
Yep. You've just infested that headphones with herpes.
Acid rain.
man. ah love technology sometimes. And sometimes I fucking hate it.
I hate it when they it's in the hands of bad people. Yeah, I hate when Jeff uses But it's in the hands of bad people, a.k.a. Jeff.
Is it possible to deport you twice, Jeff? want avoid the corrupt i want to read deportation There's other parts of Mexico and there's farther down south we can kick him to. Sure. you go you go There's other countries we could deport him to. I mean, it doesn't have to be. He won't do damage.
to know that and Jeff can get a one-way ticket to Guatemala. Yeah. Lazy is like on Friday nights, I get beat down for like 12 hours while I'm on the Lazy Shaman show.
I come up on Saturday nights and it's lazy. Everything's okay.
It's the chain of screaming. So I get screamed at a mic. They come on your show and scream at Jeff. Jeff goes home to his wife and screams at her. Beat kids. It's a recent circle. He beats his kids and some of the neighborhood children, just for good measure. At the end of the day, Glick and Blaze just do what Glick and Blaze do. just i I don't know, man. I'm sitting in trouble. And meet behind truck shops and do things. We are like Elliot Ness and his posse. We're untouchable, man.
We're Teflon. A lot of good game going on there. a lot of I mean, he's got the tattoo.
We're Teflon.
He can't get and are like fucking Doc Holliday and Wyatt Earp Tombstone. we're like we're like fucking doc hol and wyatt urban and tombstone I'll be your Huckleberry. I'll be your Huckleberry. We know.
f me out
Say when. Taking me on is like taking on the joint. You better be fucking ready to fucking take me all way down. I'm taking you. You better be ready to take me all the way down. Is or is it just me? You better be able to take all of me. It's not a lot. It's not a lot. It's not a lot that you got to take. Trust me.
It's very big. that's just can't handle me You better puff puff past that bitch to somebody that can't. I always wondered 96% our viewing audience was men. We're Miami circa 1982. Easy, easy, easy.
Yeah. ninety six percent of our viewee audience was men
we're miami cir nineteen and yeah and the other jeff and is non digest like o easy easy easy yeah Welcome to Nonsensical Nonsense, where we're circa 1983 Miami. gay good is what I'm saying, Jeff. Jeff, I see your hamster wheel turning. He was like, what the fuck is he talking about, Miami, 1983? It's real gay, Jeff.
It's real fucking gay. I got it. I got it. He's like, take my shit like Johnson. do johnson
He gets real gay on Saturday nights. I can't help it, man. I got Blaze and Jedi. These two sexy sons of bitches. Cheers. Cheers. Where'd chopsticks go? Brian, where the fuck do you go, man?
He's currently touching his meat. He's out checking the smoke or making sure meat temperature is... He's touching his meat. I'm not going to lie. Can't fault him for that.
Can't fault him for that. Sometimes I'll be like hitting Snapchat and Brian's sending fucking food pics. I'm like, man, I wish I was just stoned right now. meat.
It's real Miami circa 1983. I love that smoked meat and Vienna sausage. You love to smoke meat. He's more of play smoker. Yeah.
but so i heard he's more of a pun smoker yeah you I like a brisk. Blaze is he works wonders with your meat, if you know what i mean.
I roll that shit up. no our Our first date consisted of Blaze going, hey, big fella, you come here often? And I went, I'm a Sasquatch. Bring your own parchment paper. I don't want to clean up the mess.
Give Blaze the old good game. Send him on his way. and game. Slap him on the ass. Good game. Give him a pre-roll joint me and he's good to go. He's a happy guy. but That's basically his Disneyland. too Tip your butt tender.
Butt tender. I'll give my butt tender the tip. Blaze is a sweet butt tender. What's that, Brian? Pause, pause, but... to know He said, pause, pause, pause. He up and he's instantly disappointed. he's like oh man He's oh, man. I was on a call, but it' was like, man, i'd just come in all of a sudden hear butt this, butt that. I'm like, whoa, whoa, whoa, pause.
but We all were talking about smoking meat and it turned into smoking butts and it turned into, but i don't know, butt sex. Going for that milk, dude. going for that milk good A lot of gay sex happening.
Just like that reminds me I have to remove this fucking butt plug. Jenna reminds me that dude has like never heard any of my jokes. He's like, oh my God, this guy's out there.
Strap in. Hey, everybody listening for 20 bucks. Blaze will tongue punch your fart box.
that's what he was never been You have never been punched in the fart box until you get a blazed fart box. What I just said. well Was that Latin again?
I speak Latin. Not only do I speak French, not only do I speak French, but I also speak Latin. Glick, I didn't know how cultured you were. I'm very cultured.
Like, yes, yes. He knows three words in French and all three of them are wrong. I know four. I know 20 much of my French. You know what, Jeff? That's three words more than you know. Yeah, okay.
And I know four words, you asshole. Hold up, hold up, hold up hold up, hold up. 20 bucks.
Like Jedi said, i will punch your fuck your fuck box. 20 bucks, I will huch hungp punch your fart box However, if you throw a blunt in there, i will make sure I'll make sure I'll get you out TKO in the first fucking minute. He'll get you to Mars before Elon. We'll put it that way. you better TKO, Flipping that.
Yeah. I had to rewrite that one.
flipping that yeah that was it like the over i don't rewrite that one and three fifty five 3.55, 3 hours, 55 minutes and 0 seconds. Blaze is going to knock out your fart box with his tongue.
Mama said knock you out. forgot, I forgot. We have some crazy fucking, where's that one? Because, you know what? I know, oh wait, I don't want to hear anything.
And I know, and I know. it's only Well, I give up. t I give up. Sometimes I don't know what videos are still here and not here. Right? It changes so fucking much. Morning, white people dancing. Morning. And I want to fuck you.
Let me ride that dick. let me ride that day
That's a place. like step
Somebody need their fart box. man Even more people. Yeah, people do. There are people out there that actually enjoy our humor. I don't know why. You must have a brain tumor, but you know.

Gender and Social Constructs

Wait, I think that's what Jeff's got going on. That's not even a headset. That's just his brain tumor popping out of his ears. It's glowing. It's radioactive. italy not go go act He's been drinking the water down there.
Oh, man. No. oh man um no yeah Yeah, you know what? No. No. No.
Wow. This is the voice of reason. Wait, I found something. That's frightening. Ladies, I found something you're going love.
The fuck was that?
Not what I thought it was. I thought it was the ooey-ooey-oo. It says ooey-ooey-oo. It's not ooey-ooey-oo. It's suddenly Jeff going to a playground picking a fuck on his next eight.
Wyatt, I would say I don't give a fuck. Personally. I know your dad. You probably heard lot of this from your dad. 18-18 nope. yeah Yeah, you shouldn't go oh below that. Blaze is calling. It's not a good idea.
I'm drunk and high, but I ain't stupid. We got enough problems. yeah We leave that to Jeff. Copyright problems one thing we have. Underage shit ain't what we need. Jeff enjoys underage. can't even souther. I'm just saying.
i can't even go southward i'm just saying Come on. You're in Cancun. There's a whole lot more south you can go. There's a whole lot more south than Cancun.
There's a whole ass another country. There's an extradition. There's an extradition. More extradition. south you go. That's why you go to Belize. That's why you go to Belize. Belize is boring.
bor i've i've I've been thinking about going to Belize. I almost abused my pass that I got earlier. i was going to say yeah Belize.
was going to say a word and then Belize. like I almost abused my pack. Suck my cock, please. don't know. I'm trying to fill in the blank here. Starts with an N. Starts with an Blaze.
Oh, man.
underneath right we yeah oh man <unk>ed earlier that i We were informed earlier that I have a pass. I have the ghetto pass and I almost abused it when not needed to be abused. ah Basically because I came up with something at the end of the day.
I mean, I came up with something and I think when I came up with it, I think the only person who knew that I was white at the time was Smoke and everybody else had no idea who i was. and they all thought it was great.
i've been given that card before, but here's but here's the thing with that card. That card isn't universal. No, it's false. i don't Don't ever use it. no we don't oh i got to car no know yeah you Because you'll be in another state somewhere, and you'll be getting your ass beat because of it.
that passes are good when you're yeah That pass is only good when you're with the people who give you that pass. you yeah Even they say in other companies, they're going to deny that they gave you that pass. I've always been of the philosophy, if you don't get used to saying it, you're not going to fuck up. It's not the actual N-word. It's actually a quote-unquote mildly politically correct word to say, but I still don't feel comfortable saying.
Well, because you're not talking about the hard R. You're the A. There is a difference between the hard R and the A. No, not even talking about that one. As a mayo packet, i would just I would just like your afraid yeah The word that's okay now It rhymes with let's grow.
So it's like, okay. Let's grow weed. Let's go weed together. oh You see? Weed.
oh yeah you and please You know how Facebook gives you, you're like, take got scargo they'll send you like, here's your memory from fucking 15 years ago. i i I get a memory of my first, my first fucking crop of weed back in like 2016.
And it's GG four. And I'm like, what you I missed my first, uh, Gorilla Glue, number four. It's a strain of weed.
My point being is I miss growing weed. Facebook reminded me how much I miss growing weed. What's that? Blaze, I have an idea. Jedi, i have an idea.
Brian, I have an idea. Jeff, you don't drink and you don't smoke, so this only applies to the four of us. Well, he smokes cigarettes. Well, yeah, but that doesn't, that's not going to help us. That doesn't get me Everybody, everybody moved to Ohio.
Weed's legal here. Mm-hmm. We open our own business, Bugs and Brews.
don't you don't want to be mixing You don't want to be mixing fucking drunks with fucking potheads at the same time, dude. Tristan, it is not a good outcome. It is not a good outcome. It is not a good outcome. that's that's That's why we hire a bunch of big muscle-bound sexy men to be secured weightless.
Sexy men. Okay. Security. I said security. and sex I said i said i we hired six years. I didn't say anything about big muscle sexy men. Only if Jason Momoa and Ryan Reynolds are two of I don't know what you said. I just know my nipples are hurt, but keep going. Can Tom Brady be one?
Actually, can Tom Brady be my sex secretary? sex Actually, i would you know what? i ran a quote I ran across a quote from him recently that I would actually like to sit down and have a conversation with Tom Brady.
Tom Hardy is a very intelligent man. i'm hardy Tom Hardy. Tom Hardy. um see you're doing get your title Who do I need to punch in the face right now that just did that? Jeff.
Always Jeff. Tom Hardy. to tom hardy to him to him tom hardy i like Tom That's my virtual punch That's all I got right now. Jeff's sitting there. He can't bring himself back up.
He's taking his punishment. he was like I wasn't even on the same screen. I wasn't even on the same screen. Tom Hardy's the type of guy that I want to... for blaze from that knowt i don't I don't want to do dirty stuff to Tom Hardy. I just want to sit down and drink.
and know i yeah i i do know
I read a quote from him earlier that I really want to have it was a philosophical quote and I really want have discussion with him about it because I find it very interesting who's this? I'm Hardy I'm Hardy yes I dug it it was probably the best one out of all three of them did anybody else go ahead No. I thought it was okay. I did. a little bit little bit.
It was touchy. That's why I thought it was the best Venom out of all of them because Venom actually showed some emotion. not your Venom was v venhamm was killing me in that movie. Dude. When he was singing and all his other shit that he was I was dying.
but were they When they gave Venom a character it is I was dying. I love that. I agree. I think the third one was by far the best out of the three.
I first think think it was so, too. The first one was okay. The second one was the disappointment, but the third one, I was like, I fucking love this one. I had such high hopes for Woody Harrelson as partners because I love Woody Harrelson. Woody Harrelson is amazing.
I'm going to wash it um'm gonna have to watch this. Woody Harrelson can do no wrong. And I actually liked Woody Harrelson as Carnage. But the movie itself. I think the second one, what bogged it down was bad editing.
Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. It was post-production. I think it was post-production. What are you two up to? I have something to show you. It only took us three hours to do it.
It's very important. I only took this like three hours. to Okay, well, please present the class with your presentation. speaker I want to see. Do you want me to click through it for you? No, I can do it. What is this? It's my husband.
Can I read it out loud? No, no, no. I've been presented with a husband too. By me. By me. What is this? the Outsiders, the Breakfast Club.
Isn't he dead? Tractor Supply. Oh, it's Harry Styles. Oh, I can't play the music. I can't play the music. I'll get copyrighted. What's Harry Styles?
and know I know of Harry Styles. Oh, Harry Styles. That's the guy that likes to wear women's clothes. He's a popular singer, but he wears women's clothes.
He was in One Direction, right He wears He wears He takes one direction He's very feminine I thought this was a guy that stopped Oh wait, stop, stop He's artistic He's expressionary call it that He wears art i mean i dont't i don't want he whis art He wears fashion. I mean, the dude who wears women's clothes, I think soon not even just talking is sort of a what he wears. He wears fashion and art. I mean, there's a difference.
Okay, so he's the modern-day Liberace. Okay. Elton John wore art, too. I mean... i Oh, Elton John's a showman.
So is Harry Styles. That's the point I'm making. Elvis was a showman. Just because you don't under... No, no, no. I'm not saying I don't understand. Not you, Jeff. not and I'm not saying understand.
Just because you don't quote-unquote aesthetically pleasing doesn't mean it's not art. but But here's my question. Is Harry Styles doing it to be trendy and different?
Or is he like Elton John? He's doing it to project art. He's an artist.
He's a thespian. He's a thespian in the avenue. His life is his art. e He presents himself as art. I mean, yeah. um yeah because plays like letter Prince is the same way. Not a lesbian, thespian. a that That's what I said. Prince the same way. Yeah, I get it. You guys continue are to talk about our missing ah fucking gold over here right now.
yeah it's so like just not list hearing because you were talking but You guys are missing fucking gold over here right now because I don't know what the fuck is happening. But I got but fucking for real. I got watch this Harry.
I don't know what the hell's going on. actually man i I got poos, poos, poos, poos. I just think people get too ate up on what people wear. It's weird. Frat boy Harry be my beloved.
i want to punch in this fucking Hey, Brian, I'm going to tell you a huge secret of the world, of the universe. that like ah Clothes do not have a gender.
Clothes do not have a gender. a different three on woman is a man sure that's ah how close do you not have a g close yeah Clothes are made out of clothes are made out of out of stuff. god yeah you know You know why women's shirts have buttoned up on the other side?
And did you know that you only think that because you think women have to do that? Did you know a woman could wear a shirt with the opposite I understand. That's not my point. My point is... I'm not saying that you... The k is built reason why women's shirts are buttoned on the other side comes down to, back in the day, women used to be dressed by their servants.
Oh, so that was like a mirror. So the opposite side. Yeah. Yeah. It made it easier for the server. that' please I did not. I found that out the other day. Thank you.
Had nothing to do with gender. Had everything to do with class division. Oh my God. on gender. Based on gender. yeah you fucking fast It wasn't based on gender. It was based on class division. Yeah, but they didn't do that for men because it wasn't a men thing. was It was based on the class and the gender.
Because gender a shy hi that's because fucking keys are too goddamn fucking... never seen that he cut back here Where did he go? He fell off. no He's on a i go need some and i'm trying ah i'm ah i'm i'm a ging ah abolitionist.
I think gender is stupid, to tell you the truth. At the long run... What does This is the same guy that tried to explain... this is this is This is not something I typically really go down because it is such a is such a radical fucking thought. Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up. Because this is a very radical thought, but I am a gender... like I want to hear this. i think I think in the long run, gender, as we... as as we fucking know it. It's just... It's dumb.
Gender. Gender at all. like We're human. We're human beings. We have different traits and different genes and stuff, but we're just human. The whole gender thing really has this arbitrary thing. So arbitrary you're okay with dating it a a person that is a dude?
No, no, no, no. That's not what I'm saying. Oh, yes, you did. No, no, no. i What I'm saying, no. Gender and attraction are two different things. What you find attractive, even though there is some overlap with gender. Find attractive for someone that doesn't have a person.
I will admit that. But bla for what what yeah what is found attractive and what just too totally I mean, attracted to try jen Ryan Reynolds, but for different reasons, you know.
But Merry Christmas. Yeah. That's what I'm talking about. Mostly I go with ones without dicks. But fucking for real. you're more attracted to the JJs.
Yeah. Okay. There's nothing wrong with that. i beat you to it, bitch. hu i can stillfuse Attraction and gender to two totally different things.
so so i understand too much i accept her holda I accept gender in a conventional sense. I even accept gender but like what it is. i i mean it's It's a spectrum. it's That's all anybody should do. that's Yeah. yeah like but what i'm saying but What I'm saying is because I understand that gender is a social construct and it really has no actual... It shouldn't be though.
It's just what it is. It is. Exactly. It is what it is. But what I'm saying is gender, because gender is a social ah social construct, just like a lot of other things are, that us humans make up these values for, that it's at some point in time yeah in the far future, like, gender is just not going to be a thing.
It is what it is.
Like, gender is a social construct. A social construct as much as race. So, okay. So mean this is what I'm coming from, but okay. This is what I'm coming across.
Gender refers to the social psychological culture of behavioral aspects associated with being a man, woman, or other gender identity. It is distinct from biological sex, which pertains to physical differences.
Okay. While sex is generally determined at birth, gender is a social construct that encompasses roles, behaviors, and identities shaped by societal norms.
Yes. That's by Mary. Gender is shaped by societal norms. In other words, gender is shaped by social constructs. So and and so is i wear with this whole lot so long in other words, storie gender is ginger is an arbitrary thing that we as a society defines And it changes throughout culture, era.
have absolutely but ah be chi in But in the long run, in the long run, in the grand scope of things, in the and the almighty universe, gender isn't a real thing.
what so So what you're saying is you're not going to be mad if I fuck an alien. I don't care if you fuck an alien. The alien will be, Jeff. The alien definitely will be. i the only depletion iron love jeff The only thing I care about, was it consensual?
The alien will move to France with another man. Because in all honesty, when it comes to all relationships, the only thing that's really important, I mean, really at the bottom of it, like really makes sense or that matters is, is it consensual?
i agree No, I agree. I just have one question. This is a very serious question. This is why I call everybody dude a lot. um ni Dude is a neutral fucking dude. Is this going to change what we have behind the rest stop?
No, not at all. Okay, well, you believe me. still love me some dick, but baby. I bought tickets to that show. I was just hoping if i was going to get a refund.
I got my 20 bucks ready, buddy. No, you'll still get your show, Jedi. Sorry, Blaze, I didn't tell you about the... It's also on my premium old advance. Yeah, there's... Yeah, man, I...
your 2% cut. I don't know. Once I started looking at things through the veil of ignorance, this is another philosophical tool. it's a There is no spoon.
There you go. There's no spoon. But I love being little spoon. The little spoon is the best. There's nothing better than when Mickey makes me the little spoon. Now you really missed the mark.
you think? You don't like being a little spoon? Spoons don't have genders. No, no, no, but it was no. No, no. Jeff, do you think Hunter, without looking her up again, do you think Hunter Schaefer is an attractive woman?
No. Not really. I looked her up the other night when you mentioned her. I don't find her that attractive. Fair enough. Okay, okay. Okay, hold on hold up. what What were you going to say, Brian? She is trans.
Okay, never mind. See, see I'm not even going to bring a picture of her up now. Oh, Blaze, come on now. She doesn't have a gender. no because because she is she she is a transgender woman, but if you look at her without knowing who she is...
i yeah would You would not know that. The only reason knew that is because she was in the news because she had to have her passport rechanged. I would just like you guys to Google Leeloo Love.
Nope, my algorithm's fucked up enough. no um just just go don't believe I it. Don't put don't put it in anything other than Lilo.
Jeff is one algorithm that I would not trust. Just put it in. don't don't worry and don't trust somebody bu i love you but I don't trust you, trust you. I'm talking about your algorithm.
Don't put anything other. I'll do it on Glicks. don't I don't give a damn. Don't put anything out on she's already in my algorithm don't put anything in there other than Love. images Leeloo Love.
go to images don't look anything up just look up images of lilu low That whole thing There is no spoon is from the matrix Has no actual meaning Unless you understand No because how you're talking about The tender thing Simulation There's no spoon The matrix was terrible But that's not what that That's not what that That's not what that meant Lelulove was a man
no No, no, What I'm saying... no no no no What I'm telling Brian is there is no spoon and zero to do with gender. but know its like its It's like don't try to bend it. It's impossible to see it for what it is. ge There is no spoon. She's too skinny.
So you're saying gender. You don't see gender. I don't even know if she's supposed to remember. I don't know.
It doesn't look like it. Yeah. Okay. I just do what you're saying, Brian. Fair enough. Okay. Yeah. You don't see gender. Yeah. Cause if you're not, you're not judging it, you're not grading it. You're not seeing it for what it is. So it's not there. So there's no, you' right I judge everyone equally.
me to i don't like I don't see ginger. I see people for who they are. I don't see color. yeah I don't see ginger. It's not the spoon that bends. It's only yourself. so it's not I'm also very judgmental of men or people who identify as men who don't have glorious beards like myself.
I mean, I know. i mean us a part on the know i get I'll see myself. You are perfect just the you are Don't you leave me, Jedi. You're perfect just the way you are. Don't you ever change.
Beautiful, beautiful. I see Jedi as like like a Jedi angel floating above the clouds. he's i' I'm in Cloud City and y'all are below me. Y'all are the scum Coruscant. Dang.
No, just Jeff. I don't know what any of that means. All I know is that Jedi is perfect in just everything. i actually Actually, next month I might. um might they're having They're having it at the end of this month. Am I blushing? There's a Star Wars burlesque show coming up.
there's a star wars burles show coming up Oh, I mean, I've actually seen that on Facebook, and I'm not a Star Wars fan, but I kind of want to go to that. Oh, no, it wasn't Star Wars. They will make you a fan. It was Avengers.
It was Avengers. Not even close. How do you get those messed up? And there's a Captain America, Tony Stark fight scene. Two dudes.
totally Two dudes, one cup?
Blaster versus shield. Oh. Sounds hot. And the things that Doctor Strange does to Scarlet Witch.
You know, I saw that video. I saw that video. I was mildly impressed. so i saw that video i was mildlympressed Yeah, know, man. What the fuck were you talking about?
There's no genders. went off on genders, man.
Blaze's copy site came out. Good Lord. bla feels please I appreciate Blaze. I appreciate Blaze's ideologies. He's not afraid to say it i have I have some pretty unorthodox non-mainstream ideology. i do it's It's mildly becoming mainstream.
echo Not 100%, but it's it's in that weird spectrum of... you know it's it's It's brought into the conversation a lot more than it used to be. I spent a lot I spent a lot of my time typically engaged more subculture...
ah spend a lot of my time typically engage a more subculture and mainstream type shit. So yeah, my ah my my outlook or my conclusions of life are totally, totally radical.
Well, they're constantly changing. It's it's so it's not all it's so crazy. it's It's so crazy some of the conversations that Blaze and I have because and all honesty, like Blaze and and I'm just speaking on Blaze and I because you know At this moment time, Blaze and I are all that matter.
And Jet and I. Blaze and I are trying to do it. Does that mean off the fantasy football for next year?
Nope, you're still on, just because I know it drives you crazy. trying to get like a little polyamory sister-wives thing going on with Blaze and Jedi, where I have multiple husbands. Jeff, to make to make it better, Jeff, I will i will play fantasy football next season.
Ah, Blaze is in. What do you have? I'll do it for the fun, but I won't know what I'm doing. I'll do it for the culture. I have no idea what I'm doing, dude.
And trust me, like you and I can discuss it. What are you talking about? When I get on the app, I have no idea what the fuck to do. I don't want to discuss it. I just want to make my picks and let everybody tell What do you have? But the problem is you have to make adjustments throughout week. That's the problem ah because attention I want to pay attention. I want to say it and forget it. Oh, scubbity toilet? i didn't really that was ohio
Yeah, that's the problem I have. I just backed myself to a fucking corner I don't want to be in, but oh well. The problem is you have to it's what the the problem is ah trying days like you you have to um you know You make your picks at the draft and then you have to, you know if you got to buy a bye week or ah one of the players on a bye week, you got a fucking substitute him.
And it doesn't always let you do it instantly. Brian, just just real quick, I just want to fill you in. I know you sent a YouTube video link on private chat with Can't play those. loud i don't know your or your It's your private viewing pleasure. Okay, cool. cool I'm just saying that we're not going to because last week we kind of got our best stuff. It's for your own personal viewing pleasure.
I'm just saying the moment we close this off, we're not going to you sending him to it in the private chat, we're not goingnna be able to see it because once we load or turn off the screen...
i not I will send you the link, buddy, because you want to see this. It's the Star Wars Empire Strips Back Burlesque show preview.
um I'm sending it to you on on on WhatsApp because it looks to me. I'm not mad at at all. is on WhatsApp right now. I did see that on Facebook.
this yeah this trip back Okay, so hold on a second, guys. Hold on a second. the The girls have presented us with some content here.
and And they keep talking to me like I can hear them. I'm fucking deaf in this ear and my earbud is in this ear. You've been yelled at a lot. That's why. yeah no yeah That's the ear he used to take dick in.
okay what hold on so what sort Like a scary movie? ah Yeah. these these are These are brain rot. What is brain rot for those of us over the age of 14?
It's your generation. Whatever. What is brain rot? It's their slang. Cash what? Generation alpha. This is their slang. there's what it search like so there's casual ven cash is what generation alpha yeah generation alpha this is their slang And the girls, they've given me 24 words. 22. 22 words.
Basically, they they want to see now. What am I doing? You're just reading them off. We're going to guess what they are. i um and And how you think. Okay, so they're going to also guess what they are.
Can they see? No, but I'm going to say it. oh He's going to read it out. You also have to guess what it means. yeah answer they they're gonna yeah That's what we were assuming. That would be complicated. say that I'm the one that's dick-slexic. It sounds like word association.
Dick-slexic? No, it's not. this is this is actual This is actual. God damn it, Wally. Why are you in my fucking ear? Turn those fucking other guys in the windows.
So so so these are these are these are words that Generation Alpha is actually using, and they have meaning to Generation Alpha. Like, for instance, but what de to people one of the words is Hawk Tua. We all know what Hawk Tua is.
That's what Blaze does to me at the rest stop. yeah like yeah Yeah. We actually have the Hawk Tua girl on the podcast today. We actually had to talk to a girl on the podcast.
please Do you remember that? I remember that, yes. I made that clip. She was awesome. She was such a delight. I'm telling Chloe you said that. What?
I love Chloe. She's awesome. She played along. Okay, so I got 22 words here, 21 words, and I have to try to pronounce them, and then we have to guess what they say what we think they mean.
okay these It sounds like word association. yeah Well, they have meanings. They have actual meanings. Cheers, let's do We know george you know i know. This is my 15-year-old and my 19-year-old.
No, I'm waiting. I'm waiting for this. Everybody knows you. We're geared for this. The first word I have is we're geared up for this the first word i have is Gap.
Gap? What? Gap? You mean Have the girls tell us how to say it. um you grow yeah part Part of their entertainment is me trying to pronounce them, but they will tell me how to say it. It's gap. Write it in the comments. Gap. Damn. yeah like yeah yeah yeah But every time I see it on TikTok, it's gap.
She got that. yeah you guys see it yeah she got that Yeah, that means she got a big ass. Who's got a big ass? the girls got everybody Everybody thinks it means big ass.
Sure. they're smart yeah know so i think It's all big ass. Did we get it right? We're not as dumb as we look. We're not as dumb as Jeff's looks. We got one right. and i still I got a point.
Fucking Wally, get out of my ear.
I'm going to kick Wally's ass.
what's the Start closing tabs, dude. I don't know what tab it's coming from. That's a thing. you know All of them except for this one. It's not the one that you're on for this, though. This one, I have no idea what this is. It makes no fucking sense to me.
Skibbity-ris. That's like a... I know this. I know this. Hearing these words out of context is no fucking justice to fucking... Use it in a sentence, Glick. Use it in a sentence. Make sure you think of this song, Scatman. I'm a scatman. Skibbity-rizz a sentence. That is accurate. He's got that riz. He's got that flow. He's got charisma.
it's just like he's got that riz he's got that flow mma cash it said cash li ca I just know that's Riz. The guy's got yes Riz. So it's like you got Riz, you got charisma, like the girls like you?
is this is Is this a pop quiz that Vosh broke? Apparently Skibbity Riz is a good thing. I know what S toilet day regime means
do do two you got that whobo why do they say you got the stomach ohio because ohio is not peter i don't that's that's negative good a and i don't know what toilet you is amazing skiity toilet is an actually i know what s toilet de regime means and Nothing. Because it's not real words. show get is ready for but Those are the three French words he know. I don't know what this means either. This makes no fucking sense to me. I think it's like... I think this means you're a loser.
But Sigma... Sigma? Oh. city you yeah Sigma. you'd be like in Sigma male. Hold on. hold on it's Sigma male is quote unquote somebody that's like into stoicism and like. Yeah. but Instead of calling it myself the champ, I could be like, I'm Sigma.
I'm sorry. I think stoicism is dumb. Stoicism is dumb as fuck. Smegma, that's a good one. No, justice make no there's no there's no there's no where is that there's no definitions for in that regard. is that kind of shit.
I'm Sigma. I'm cool.
ah so i yeah i'm sigma i'm full it's It's basically saying you're cool. Dumb people use that kind of... No, dumb people kind of use that word. I'm Alpha Sigma.
You're not a fraternity, you dumbass. fraternity you dumb but okay little on Well, apparently we Smart people laugh at people who use the words like but beden sigund japanese these people yeah yeah i'll just say like i be sure now you' being racist going hi yeah yeah The girls have brought us content to the show. You're welcome. You're welcome.
I know what Delulu is. That's delusional. Delusional? Delulu. Girl, you Delulu. That's like cray-cray. You cray-cray. It's right up in this and that same ballpark. Alpha Sigma Riz. Sigma Riz.
says Nicky. hashtag the What? I'm changing my name Alpha Super Riz. Shut up. Don't be a dumb person. Don't use those words.
don't don't be a dumb person don't use those words Don't use those words. Don't people use those words. Blaze, don't use those words. Yesterday, Blaze said, don't use those words.
I'm sorry, but when people... No, hold up, hold up, hold hold up, pause, pause, pause. When people fucking call themselves Alpha... ah Gemini, give me two. It is.
Give me two. There is no spoon. He's like, what, you want me to give you two drinks? Give me two fingers. Make sure you're real. I'm dumb. ah Oh, who popped up? Who is this?
Bad Gemini. Bad Gemini, what up? What's going on with you, Bad Gemini? I'm just relaxing minding my own business. How y'all doing? Is my mic okay? good Yeah, you're good. We're just out for Riz in here. My man was like, drink, drink. Yeah, he's like, we got two drinks, man.
I thought that was better than two fingers, especially if they were the middle two. You better take these drinks, but go ahead. What's up? Hell yeah. Good point. What is purr?
it's like okay Soft kitty, warm kitty, purr, purr, purr? Okay. okay you guys so in No. It's like i say it all the time. Like if you were to tell me like,
are the fucking ops watching now but i sitting here i'm sitting looking Yeah,
oh yeah a hit for set up if you really give me something that i wanted i would have be like okay per like oh so like yeah like yeah it's like i got it best they got you cool man ra dos a wellers yeah that's live oh i know a busing is Buster. Damn, dude's a bourbon nerd. I fucking love it, man. Hell yeah. yeah oh just not you Did you pray today?
Oh, my man. Is that like a southern thing? Well, fuck, man. Let me go get my blood. We were talking about words, and we're over here like, hey, Bad Gemini's giving us a bourbon fucking treatment.
I don't know anything about bourbon. Oh, this guy Eagle Rare, good man. Good man. Brian and Blaze are the perfect guys. I don't know. I told you. I got a bottle on Wednesday.
Jeff, we should totally this on Wednesday. It's not news. I agree. No, but it's going to It's not news. I like Barbell. It's not too bad. Yeah, but it'd be fun. have not tried that one yet.
You have any woofer reserve? Okay. Yeah, make me...
that yeah big we no terrible yeah never had i don't Make a list of 25. Make a list of 25. Jeff said make 25 words. um will be that I'm impressed by them. They can say them really and you and I will guess what they are.
yeah You guys can say them and then we can guess what they are.

Alcohol and Humor

You guys should actually come up on the panel with Jeff and I and you can say the words. I kind of got tired of Buffalo Trace after there for a while. That would be entertaining.
Some good stuff. It is news because we're old. Everyday sipper to save my good stuff. Fair enough. Fair enough. and need I'm going to mute. You know what you should put on a there we roll Let's talk bourbon.
Let's talk bourbon. yeah I love bourbon.
Waiting. Waiting for the bourbon talk. Oh, I mean, look, we don't have to talk bourbon. I'd rather drink it. But, yeah, if we want to talk about it. Look, actually, we have yeah ironically, I'm on night on wine tonight, so I'm very, very laid back. You know, if I was on bourbon, I'd be slizzy, cussing y'all out, talking reckless, all that type of stuff. and This is reserved Gemini.
Put slizzy on the 25 list. Yeah. yeah Oh, yeah. And this is Lizzie in the city getting busy. Look, I'm having a good time. But like I like my bourbon. um Just in the past few years, I've shifted to that.
um So I enjoy it. I still I still like some good tequila. Don't don't let me fool you. It's tequila lurking around here somewhere. This is late. Normally, I like Reposado and they whole. But this is a Blanco. They said I had to get so.
And. I crashed everything. That's what happens. Maybe I need some alcohol. That does happen. I've been there myself. Maybe I need some real alcohol because I'm showing off tequila. I should have stayed on bourbon.
But this is a tequila do like. Calleja right here. This is a beautiful bottle and it's very tasty. and so Yes, I like this. This is tasty. But now I'm all mad.
I dropped my wine. oh Now that means I need to go to bourbon now. Gosh darn it. This guy did it. I mean. I'm a sloth. Gemini is speaking Nikki's language. Now he's talking Gemini.
Buggy came up with a great idea for ah a t-shirt. Yeah. Just a t-shirt that says, shut up, Jeff.
I'll take five. Hashtag shut up, Jeff. Yeah, so we're going to do a t-shirt. if they get out there adult We're going to nonsensical network on the front. On the back will be hashtag show up Jeff.
And Jedi. Approximately. He's like, I got booze on. to clean up first. I have been there. I have fucking dropped the bottle and knocked everything off. Crazy.
I'm drinking purr. Yeah, he dropped a bottle. what do you ah What are you sipping on there, Chopsticks? Some Bib and Tucker yeah double double char bourbon, age six years.
aye Yeah, man. It's got some kick. got some 1792. I like those. This is 125 proof. seventeen seventeen i knew i like those this is a hundred and twenty five proof For some reason, this is a single barrel.
Yeah. I had the small batch. So last last week, last weekend, I went to see Southern Outlaws show. Right.
And they they raffled off two bottles of liqueur. One was an Armenian bourbon, I think it was, but it was shaped like a penis. That's not a liqueur.
Don't say liqueur. He was saying liquor, but he was being fancy. ah No, liqueur like schnapps. You yeah are not Skibbity Riz.
I'm not Skibbity Riz. I'm not. I'm not going to pretend to be either. I'm not Sigma. um i'm I'm a fucking Omega. but she made me purr.
Omega's got big IQ. I'm just fucking man. Look at the big brains on this guy.
Big brains over here. That's why I think words like that are no. No. So the other words? I was being fancy when I said liqueur. Trust me. i've I've been educated. Because Nikki being the bartender she is. And I'm not and i'm not like.
i like on wednesday i'm I drink beer. And I drink and i drink Jack and Coke. Or Jack and Pepsi. like that's my And i there are some bourbons that I've had. I've had Bullet. i had Maker's.
And i've had I've got a bunch of bottles up there that Pops and I, when we used to get along, would drink together. But I don't know anything about it. like um ah like'll i'll walk into I'll walk into the liquor store and I'll be like, that's a cool-ass looking bottle of bourbon. And I'll buy it just because the bottle looks cool.
Like, I want a bottle of fucking vodka. Or is it vodka? Yeah, it's vodka, but it gets cause it's shaped like a skull. I do like vodka. But this bottle is shaped like vodka. That's like vodka. That's a That's a eggroids.
I just want the bottle. This is a bottle of tequila. This a bottle black tequila. It's an Asian whiskey barrel. I have a bottle of black whiskey. It's like sipping on tequila whiskey. it's ah yeah was a yeah it' in it it's asian whiskey barrel named after my asance i have ah have a bottle of blacke well aside and whiskey that's and it's like like it's like sipping on tequilo is And it is, it sounds, it sounds gross in your head.
Yeah. My, my, my knowledge. of amazing um My, yeah, my, my knowledge of liquor is Jim Beam, Jack Daniels, Southern Comfort. Like, you know what mean? Like, I don't know, i don't know any of this other stuff, but you know, i've been educated on some stuff, you know, Nikki being a bartender of almost 20 years and you know, she does all this stuff. That's what I forgot to buy. Yeah.
A bartender? is those say No, no, I have Amaretto, but I was in the mood for a rusty nail, and I could have bought me some Drambui, but I forgot to buy it.
If you have like, Drambu jamboo is like honey like honey flavored scotch whiskey. Yeah. so So two shots of that and two shots of the um two shots then two shots of ah regular scotch, you have a rusty nail.
That's a cocktail. EJ Taylor small match. Yeah, i have I have not tried that yet. Not called drink. i had i had I had one bottle, but I did open it. This one right here is E.J. Taylor and Sierra Nevada doing a big This is a beer.
This is a beer aged in bourbon. What's up, buddy?
Good meeting you last weekend, Steven. I just got a Facebook notification. Oh, okay. Steve. liked our Facebook. I was just saying hi to them. I got to meet them last weekend.
Hashtag. There you go, Jeff. There you go, Jeff. Part of the casting crew. You good, Jim and i You good over there, brother?
I suppose I am. You know, it's nothing like lick off your fingers so you don't waste it. Hey, man. That's alcohol. You should be wasted, brother. That's what I for drinking wine, trying to be sophisticated. fell down that wino trap myself before.
that's what i get for drinking wine trying to be sophisticated i like my car i i fell down that whyno trap myself war I've drank wine once in month. I don't like wine. It's too bitter for me.
i think what the problem is is is is fucking media. like We watch fucking TVs and movies where people are drinking wine. They're like, oh, they drank a whole bottle and they're fucking totally sober. Then you try it home.
Two bottles in, you're sitting there fighting the fucking neighbor and getting arrested and shit. I was going to wine drunk is a different drink. Yeah. ah And the first day, like, i've've I've drank wine before, you know, and like I've sipped on it. I'm just not a fan of it.
First time I got fucking wine drunk, it was with my ex-wife's best, not best friend, but a friend of hers from work. And we we all got together for, you know, game night, whatever.
And they convinced me to drink wine. And her and I drank two bottles of wine. and and And the next thing I know, everybody was gone. And her and I were in the garage.
Laying on the floor.
Like, we had the garage door open and we had our heads out the garage door. Just laying there laughing. Looking at the stars. Just enjoying life. And the next morning, woke up with probably the worst hangover I've ever had in my fucking life. Oh, yeah. I woke up on the concrete garage floor.
and we both did. and With the worst hangover I've ever had in my life. I don't doubt it. Yeah, those sulfates get you. Man, I was just like... That night I drank that bottle of wine here on the show.
I laid by the car until like 4 o'clock in the morning.
it be Laying there in the grass, my neighbor's going, what's whats wrong with Jeff? Don't worry about it. He's just a white pringo. Passed out again. Everybody on the show was like, oh, we should check out Jeff. I'm like, he's fucking fine.
What are they going to do? Come by. Is Jeff okay? I'm seeing. I'm like, he's fine. He's passed out beside his car.
No, we should check on him. How the fuck are we going to check on him? I'm in Ohio. He's in Mexico. and then job bum or thirty eight 4.30 in the morning, I got a text message from Jeff. I passed out my yard. I know.
I mean, if somebody wants to pay me, I'll go down and drive to the canteen. I'm not going to go check on him. I've known him for 30 years, and I still won't go check on him. i scar live I don't really care if you he's like i'm alive or dead.
I'm sure the next time Brian comes into town, I'm going to get fucking hammered anyways. Brian's literally sending me videos of fucking drinks. Brian, do you normally go to canteen? I've only been twice, but I want to go back again.
You should go. you should go. get them started. Don't get them started. I know. I know. i know jeffer Jeff and I talked about it. I like i was like, I'll hit them up the moment I land. Yep. Hey, therefore jimmy Jim and I, what you what you do here on the on the old YouTubes, man? You just ah just stop i fly by, check out local what people are streaming, or do you are do you do something here on the on the YouTubes?
and I'm just a rogue agent. I don't it's nothing sophisticated. um I will pull up and holler at my folks, you know, and when I say folks, that's anybody who's out here who's not too reckless. But I do like reckless behavior and I can go there. But that button is off right now. But if it needs to be activated, it can show up right now. But I don't. feel any op energy as they say nowadays these kids so there's no no so yeah yeah and it's and for me i guess me me being a local black guy it could be two versions of ops it could be you know my opposition or my old oppressors but i don't feel either of the two so i think i'm okay right now they're not like us they're not like us jim and i they're not like us yeah so double op energy i'm okay
i Fair enough. Fair enough. I love it. I got to get Jim and I up here one night andd be like, right, Jim and I, we're starting the show and I want you to get reckless. I want you to reckless, bro, because we get reckless. got to drink beer to do something like that. I'm on wine. Even bourbon, I'm okay.
Saturday nights are our reckless nights, though. I mean, this is the night to get reckless. We do shows over here seven nights a week and on Saturday nights, we get a little rambunctious. We get a little crazy.
I'll turn up with y'all and I'll drink something reckless and do some reckless things. um This is my favorite bottle, not because the liquor is so good, but just because when I went to Total Wine um to see Leonard Skinner, then they autographed it.
That's what made this nice. So I got it autographed that day. And so. yeah yeah is i row fans Southern Rock fans. so you know I got my Hell House you know thing right here from them.
um I'm one of those people. Just tell me what the major hits are and I'll say yes. Other than that, I'm not going to say all the people have. It was cool. it like hey I like what I like.
I like some of everything. yeah If I see a bottle that looks full, I'm like, I'll drink that for the bottle. You ever heard of the Southern Outlaw band?
you You a Skynyrd fan, Gemini? ah just i'm I'm a generic fan. you know I'm the casual fan of like the the major hits. I think they they gave me kudos and dapped me up because strung along a couple of their song names to make like a sentence or something like that. and It was like, oh, that's great. and Dap took a picture, all that stuff. but um you know Rock, I don't have a problem with it.
um The thing is, just when I was young, that's not what it was for my Haitian mother. She yeah she barely listened to American music, so rock was definitely out of the question. you know so yeah so we yeah we're We're very good friends with, that well, actually, their family, let's be honest. They're a Southern Outlaws band. I know Blaze was bringing them up. and They actually the band Sands.
van sands um And one of Skynyrd's big hits, it's a later hit, but Red, White, and Blue, the guys got permission and and they covered it. And every penny they get from the song goes to our veterans.
But it was a Skynyrd hit, and then they kind of made it their own hit. So... You said Skinner. Yeah, because they had the song. like It was like I had something to the, like when I bought their whiskeys, I was like, I like that smell, right? Wordplay for that song. yeah um and you know And I'm hoping that it's not gone by Tuesday, talking about my bottle. You know what I'm saying? so i got to get I got to get to my sweet home, hoping that it's not gone by Tuesday because I like the sweet smell of that whiskey. was something to that extent that wordplay.
but That's badass, man. i get down I'm a huge Skinner fan. It's weird. it my My fandom for Skinner is really weird.
It's like a double whammy. and Has it evolved? are Are you conflicted? What's going on? No, no, no, no, no. so I was... He likes Miller Lite.
He likes Miller Lite. This is the first time Jeff has ever been quiet. He's like, what the fuck is Glick about to do to this? So I was actually conceived in the back of my dad's American muscle to a Skinner song.
It's in his DNA is what he's saying. He's so Midwest, man. He's so Midwest. And then my mom, my mom, R.I.P.,
Hope you enjoy being under my driver's seat, you bitch.
Used to Simple Man to me all the time. I still can't listen to Simple Man to this day without getting choked up. or if I'm lucky to get through the song, but I like, you know, Leonard Skinner is 100% in my DNA. I mean, it's ingrained in me. It's part of who I am, what I am, and it's the music that, you know, grew up on. My mom was a big Skinner fan, and so was Pops. So, you know, I got those weird two combinations. Like, if I was sick, like if I was sick or if I had a bad day or, you know, something, like, mom would cheer me up singing Simple Man to me.
And then i also had the weird, awkward memory of my mom for whatever reason, telling me that I was conceived in the back of my dad's muscle car to Leonard Skinner. So, yeah.
Welcome to Nonsensical Nonsense, Jim and I. She was very candid with three steps. At least she wasn't singing Simple Man because you drunk Miller Lite. So, you know, I'll give you a pass. You know what? You leave my Miller Lite. Give me three steps. he Leave Britney alone.
yeah you click alone I'm a very complex individual. I'm i'm an onion. I got layers. so so So there you go. So he's a simple man and all he needs is three steps.
That sums it up. You can get a lot done in three steps depending on what you're trying to accomplish. That's he's a simple man. Three steps. He's a simple man. My man's not wrong. You get a lot done in three steps. I'm just saying.
We'll slap on the ass at the end of the day, give her a good game, and... Oh, man, y'all gonna make me switch my alcohol, but it's too late for me to crash out right now. Goodness.
Purr, bitches purr.
Yeah, you are... help us take my riz There you go. i am ah i am ah I am a walking Jerry Springer episode, Blaze. What?
police said What? What are we talking about? what I was sitting here listening to Jim and I talk about wine in and you're like Jerry Seinfeld or Springer shit like this.
shit Y'all can talk about crazy things. I'm down for everything. I just haven't activated that button yet. Blaze totally missed the whole Leonard Skinner conversation. Oh, dude, I am. I'm pretty fucking drunk right now, and I'm pretty fucking stoned to everything.
Everything is kind of going, whoa. Yeah. It's normal Saturday.
It is really easy to dupe Blaze at the moment. You can tell Blaze anything right now. He'll fucking probably not believe you. And that tomorrow he'll send you a text saying, what did I say last night? Hey, Blaze.
it's yeah yeah Jeff got promoted to the cool one in the group. Jeff got promoted to the cool one? Does that mean I get demoted? I got demoted? Fuck yeah. Jeff.
yeah jeff is Jeff is Sigma, but you're Skibbity Riz.
And Lazy Jedi is Hawk Tua. I don't know. I don't care. I'm beyond alphabets.
Yeah, you're more on the hieroglyphic side of things. I'm cave paintings. Cave paintings. Hey, look, it's a horse. Blaze, I haven't seen you this wrecked in a I am. Where's Harley dad? am wrecked.
Oh, man.
please i haven't seen you this wreck in a hot minute bro i am where's harley dad reckon i am wrecked dog I love Rick Blaze.
I don't get see Rick Blaze too often. Well, that's because I try not to because i like I'll get in a tangle with somebody like Harley Dad and I want to fucking yell at people and I don't really want to yell at people. Let's talk about some communism, huh? Lazy was there!
I really have a hard time with people. me to shut the fuck up. But I do have people's inability understand other ideas other than the ones that they hold.
Please don't believe in genders or colors. No, that's not what I said. That's not what I said. I am a gender abolish. Every gender has a color.
okay Abolish. He also drinks communistic beers made in Kentucky. Actually, my perspective on ginger has zero to do with con.
Zero. What about charkami what about your con? I don't believe in numbers. i don't know what zero means. Actually, I'm not even a communist. Zero doesn't exist. Anarcho-cynicalists. Literally nothing. yeah actually and actually eric well Actually, in the big scope of things, communists and anarcho-cynicalists really don't really get along. I mean, we get along, but we don't see eye-to-eye on a lot of other shits.
You're going to get a message from Don't that's what i'm gonna get um could see the best that um'm gonna get a message from jeffboard so Stop fucking Blaze, Clay. But it's really hard to sit there and they capitulate to one or the other because most people don't know what one or the other is. Blaze, I got to give you all the kudos in the world because you are a bit wrecked right now and you can still say big-ass words like capitulate.
Capitulate. Holy shit, I said it in the first try. I don't know what it means. That was impressive. You guys are hitting us with them syllables. Even when I'm sober, I can't say that word sometimes. have to like... Capitulate. What was the guy's name? don't know what you thought. What was the guy's name?
i don't know what was the guy dan You were talking about some philosopher or something, and you couldn't say his name, but I said it. There was a gentleman. I was having hard time pronouncing his name last night, but can't remember who the fuck it was. I can't remember who it was. I'm really impressed with the fact that I can say a picture. Because here's the thing. I'm not a smart person. I only know language.
I heard it we said it. You'll never be able to do it again, though. Try it again. I'm not going to try it again. You heard it. You got to quit while you're ahead.
Go out on a win. I get it. ah You heard it. That's all that matters. yeah That deserves a slow clap. yeah Can you say marsupial? Marsupial llama?
Who's ever seen a fucking the the cartoon marsupial llama? i think you just made that up. fertille I didn't know what I was going to say. That's what's made up. look up If you look up cartoon marsupalama, you'll be like, nah, that's a real shit. Marsupalama. Marsupalama? His favorite toy was a Manchichi. Marsupalama.
i don't I don't make shit off my my my imagination. only comes through with my jokes. Not my my my claim. is It's a real fucking cartoon.
Marsupalama is he's not a marsupial. He is a llama. Marsupalama. Is that like a transgender llama? That's a full episode. Don't get it started. Don't get it started, lazy, you prick. I'm sorry. He's going to start yelling and tell me to shut the fuck up again. That's a trans species llama. It's a transmammal.
It's a transmammal. Oh, Jesus Christ. He's a abolicist.
He's a mammal biologist. He's a mammal. He's a reptile. Well, that's Wally. oh get a No. to get blazed drunk. I didn't say trans and hideous. I said trans mammal. do a trivia for him.
We got to get blazed drunk. really early one night and just ask him questions about things that he doesn't know. Like colors. and so I think I have a list of all his trigger topics.
What's that? Maybe he can start drinking at noon so when we start the show he's already lit. i yeah ah honestly honestly Honestly, the big nights I do drink is Saturday. it's really know what's so mental it's well they and then i can do so so this So honestly, this would be the best time ask.
but but yeah Okay, wait, wait. What was that stream where we were talking about the color blue was invented like five minutes ago and it was never around the world? That was funny one. It was like three weeks ago.
oh there was i was like yeah Oh, no, i got yesterday. but i like I blew y'all's fucking minds with that fucking fat toy.
I want my mind to be blown. jack in the boiler arms definite nervous that real is Jeff told me the color purple is is autistic because it's on the spectrum.
you saying it's actually on the spectrum? No, purple. fucked up hold on is he a That purple lightsaber, man, is not on the spectrum. and It's him.
There we go. Thank you, Blaze. Sam Jackson is the man. oh mace winner It's your Uncle Sam, baby. yeah Honestly, that is the only but is the only like grace. That is the only time I'm going to give Star Wars props. Other than that, fucking Star Wars sucks assholes.
The purple is not a color that exists on the spectrum. The purple is not a color that exists on spectrum. purple is a Jedi with the yellow blades and the orange blades. Star Wars will never convince me that you can call a guy named Scotty and he can beam you to a mountain and drop a ring inside of it. I'm sorry, I have no idea what he's talking about, so he had to go.
ah that's yeah you did You did the right thing, Jeff. You did the right thing. I know. He doesn't just fix me off. Man, I was on a roll, too. I was doing good. i was i was i was either i was on a roll, man. guys get result Well, gentlemen, I got get going. I got to fire up a pit, and I got to smoke fork pearl pork shoulders overnight.
I'm sure we'll get the videos. Have fun. Yes, we will. Live long and prosper. Yeah, man. Have a good one, bro. He whose name shall not be spoken to you as well.
Wait, what? I was on a roll, goddammit, Jeff, and you cut me off. as As well I should have. I'm glad you did. You are out of control.
You're right, Jedi. I'm glad you're here. I'm glad you're here, Jedi. Jedi's right. I was out of control. I was out of control. We should have nonsensical nonsense Saturday night Ask Jeff Anything segment and see how that goes.
Go ahead.
but but the bond and We can call it we we didn call it who? know. i um I'm out of fucking words. i You did your best, boys. You did your best.
I did. i was trying to dumb down. I was trying to make this joke so dumb that anybody can fucking take it. and I'm like, I can't think that dumb. I can't think that dumb. That should be teacher too. I can't think that dumb.
I can't think so dumb to make a Jeff joke so funny. That is a perfect Blaze quote. I can't think that dumb. I'm stealing that and I'm going to use that, Blaze. I'm sorry. I can't think that I'm going to write that down. We're going to put that on his shirt.
Hell yeah. can't think that dumb. me. I'm just thinking... If could I could, my hat would probably be red.
Wow. I'm just thinking after 30 years...
i After almost 30 years of being a gentleman. You went there. I did. I won and i went there. Wow. Wait, where'd you go? you He said if he thinks... I say i said if i visit if I was really going to dig down deep with the dumb jokes, I'd be wearing a fucking red hat.
As then he would be wearing a Make America Great again. He thinks he's funny. He's not. That that hat doesn't bother me. doesn't bother me either. It doesn't bother me either. doesn't bother anybody I understand i understand their their iq is probably in between me and bridge I'm just saying. What if I wore that hat?
It's the fridge and you. What had it back could i what if I wore that hat, Blaze? If you wore that hat, you look like a bread truck. So we don't want you wearing that hat. All right? You just so simmer down. Don't put that on your head. We don't want to confuse people out here.
Basically, what Jim and I said was, listen here, you big son of a bitch. Yes. I love it. I love it. I love the pushback. like and Yeah, I love it. I'm going to say that. I know. Seriously, if you wore that hat, I would probably spend a lot of time making fun of it.
Yeah, I would make a lot of fun. So what you're saying, Blaze, is you're triggered by a hat. No, I'm not triggered by it. I'd make fun of it. You are. I made fun of fucking, fucking what's-her-face, Anya Taylor Joy. i'm not triggered by it, but I'd fucking still made fun of her.
Oh, I know. Like, I mean, i'm um just because I make fun of things doesn't mean I'm triggered by it. I just make fun of things. It's very non-omega to get triggered by Right?
I mean, Jeff, I make fun of you, but you don't trigger me. I'm sorry you so highly of yourself, but you don't trigger me.
Blaze is on a hair trigger and Jeff can't even trigger him. Oh, I can. to make fun I can make fun of things. can trigger Blaze. can trigger Blaze. Prove it. Prove Prove it.
bru it
Look, look, there's nothing wrong with being triggered by a hat at all. I mean, that's why babies are born. There are a lot of guys that are triggered by hats. They're just like, you know what? I want to feel it warm. we We're taking the hat off. This Jimmy is coming off. So a lot of men are triggered by hats.
And thus, this is why here, probably. Yes. That's why I'm in Ohio. That's 100% why I'm in Ohio. and This is why i think Jim is a cool-ass motherfucker.
Thank you for being up here, Jim. I'm just minding my business. trying I'm trying to feel that good good, god damn it. Yeah, this hat is coming off.
How did this hat get in my wallet? Who set me up? Take it off. yeah like who said me I will not be oppressed, god damn it. Take it off. If it weren't for Leonard Skinner taking the hat off Glick's dad, then he wouldn't be today. I'm just saying. Okay.
I'm just saying. You know what? My parents did not know that they were creating the election. More to combat. i'm waiting for the Toasties to come up next.
Toasties! Flawless victory. victory. Cheers, everybody.
me always a fulls victory who chair everybody It's like, yeah, I want to know what he's winning though right now. You know, he said it, but I was like, everybody's waiting to see what the prize is though.
Look, just give my man, just give him his flowers, give him his flowers, let him wave, let him wave.
I have his prize. I have his prize. I don't know what I want, but I want you. You're a fucking nerd. You're a fucking nerd.
No one likes you. No one likes you. I love being a nerd. like how he did the Bill Cosby head bob.
Like he was like pudding. He had bourbon instead. It's like this good old bourbon. This is a tasty shot. Yeah. i like how he did the bill cosby head bob like he was like puin but yeah had bourbon instead it's like this good old bird this is a tasty shot yeah
Jello pudding shots. I know if trust the Jello pudding pop. You're the soberest one room, Jeff. Jello pudding shots. yeah
and <unk> like there's nothing jell shittting but pu bob ca if you're the sober one in the room je the general je good is before it
ji No, no, I'm seriously, Jill put his shots, used to be fun until he showed at a party now and they're like, I'm going to cops. Way to ruin a good time, Bill Cosby.
It's like fucking Pete Diddy done ruined fucking baby oil. i mean see I know. I'm not just going to say he ruined behinds, but yeah, baby oil too.
Baby All is like third on the list or second. He's just like, it's like, yes. You're not wrong. You're not wrong. Jesus Christ. it I i was going to different parties and i mean I don't know what you was doing in your building. I was doing a different party.
Baby oil used to be a thing. A little cocaine. little baby oil. It was a good time. Why would you be ruined? Wait, so that's the line? why would you be rule class on that line Look, you have more offended all you have way more offended behinds than baby oil bottles right now. so if he did He done ruined it for everybody.
but You've never said surprise once. Surprise, motherfucker. Oh, gosh.
Damn. Fucking got me. I was like um my thought I was reckless. I was like, oh, shit, I got to come up in here and get reckless with these assholes. Look, up this is me behaving right now. like don't Don't mind me. I wish I could pretend to be drunk. Don't behave. Don't hold back. God.
I don't know. I feel like you should be hazy because you said his mama was hazy. I just want Jim and I to know that our shows, especially on Saturday nights, are rated 18+. please, please, please don't feel bad.
please please don't still obligated. i'm I'm glad that you said that. Look, look, yourself I'm glad he's talking about 18 plus. it depends who you're talking to. Like to me, it means something else. It means 18 plus years of child support, right? Because even when I'm done paying it, I still got to take care of these darn kids.
So, you know, there's a bit of trauma involved in that right now when you said that. I'm learning that right now. I get that. I get that. I'm paying the child support too. No, I get that. I get that. But, uh...
me My point B, my man, is you ain't got to be sick. I got a 19-year-old that I thought I was going to kick out of my house after she graduated and turned 18. She's still here, and I'm like... What'd you get from thinking?
Could you be leaving like a year ago, and her birthday's coming up, she's going to be 20 before I know it, and it's just like... What'd you get from thinking? My God, we got like 40 fucking minutes left.
right we and he's looking Who's who's fixing the audio don't look at me That's apparently Blaze's department. broky Wait, hold up. What what is Blaze's department? What did I just... say but He's saying we're going to go over. Don't explain it to him. Let him figure it yeah yeah um just I'll just hit him up in the morning and say good morning, beautiful. I'll hit him up in the morning and say good morning, beautiful.
oh this Is he loving Nick? Yeah, I get it. How'd you sleep, baby? He thinks. He's saying I'm going to acknowledge you in the morning. Well, it'll be afternoon. I'm not going to acknowledge you. got to be up by at least 1230 tomorrow because I've got to show with go up on.
I don't. it Show's at one, so I've got to be up by 1230 so I can set up the studio and send the invite to the meeting at 8 a.m. Sports show.
spo Yeah, we got a guest

Men's Health and Humor

on there, Mario. And I'm actually looking forward to talking to this cat. i only Go ahead. I'm actually looking forward to talking to him. felt bad because we had to reschedule last minute last weekend.
But he said he was good for this Sunday. And I'm looking forward to talking to him. And he does men's personal and physical development. So like men's mental health motivation and and and he's also a fitness trainer okay i feel bad for him because you're about to be his first lost cause but i'm glad he's still having the whole interview with you he's still he's that shows me how good a guy he is Yes. He's got he's about to leave and eat therapy of damn self. I'm come up here and I randomly hit a wheel. No hesitation. He's like, fuck it. I'm going right at the host.
I'm going right at the host. I love it. I love it. That's awesome. No, there was a football player you were talking about that you've had up here before. He was recently arrested. I meant to bring that up earlier. so i want I want to have a conversation with him. Can you please set that up? I a conversation with him on political stance.
i want to have i wanted to have a conversation with him on a political stance Because him and I have a lot of um ah same beliefs or ideology, and I would love to just have a one-on-one. I'll reach out to him. ah Yeah, no, man. Chris Cluey loves me, buddy.
Four-star guest, Hall Fame guest on the show. Former kicker for the Minnesota Vikings. He's been on the show twice. Chris Cluey was arrested this past week for...
Protesting. Nah, neo-Nazis, MAGA, politics, whatever you want to call it. um I do want to reach out to him. but in and And the sad part about it was before all this came about, I was going to reach out to him and see if he would like to come up on the sports show and hang out and talk with us. And then it's like this fucking happened.
And I don't want to feel like I'm reaching out to him just because he's back in the news. yeah it's journalism no no no don't you shouldn't feel that way like i would like to have him up on an episode of whose argument is in any way not so much as an argument but as more of a journalistic kind of interview with when when when it comes with current events and what's going on don't think of it as as like a gotcha or anything like But hey, Blaze just wants to have a good journalistic interview with you about what's going on.
Yeah. I'm going to reach out to him and talk to him. He knows like... That we're nothing.
Look, look, but I would say this. He's not even the worst ah kicker arrest in the last week. We got Justin Tucker out here. So, you know, I'm like, hey, this this is light work.
This is light work. Justin Tucker in, yeah, at the massage parlor. Justin Tucker's more than Deshaun Watson. It depends on what you're being arrested for. My new hero.
new hero. Yeah. Oh, let me say he's being charged. Let me say, right. He hasn't been arrested, right? This is all, you know, civil, right? We're just, yeah. So, you know, it's to hold the whole Deshaun Watson thing. but what What did he do? What did he what did he allegedly do?
sean wa inappropriate behavior at massage parlors in typical fashion i.e uh the sean watson same thing seven women have alleged and then more may come out i was like oh a kicker okay you know yeah that's that's the way to knock it through the uprights if you're gonna do it i mean a massage parlor is the place to do it Yeah, not just any kicker, but like Justin Tucker is first-round ballot Hall of Famer. Oh, yeah. and backer Like Justin yeah just yeah Tucker is With the Ravens. Yeah, let me but put it into terms so you don't understand.
No. No? But if you're drafting fantasy football and you want and you need a kicker Justin Tucker is your top three kickers.
Yeah, him, Harrison, Butker. All the controversial kickers, right? Because Butker got a controversy with his speech. Yeah, because Butker basically said, I keep my fucking woman in check. can give her the fucking one-four if she steps out. That's today.
That's today, Cam. um But yeah, yeah. Like, Butker, Tucker. that cat down in Atlanta, what's his name? Kim Yu Yang?
Yo? Yeah, yes. He's a good kicker. ah you know Young Ho. Young Ho. That's our name. yeah Young Ho is his last name. Yeah, he's a Young Ho.
Just how Jeff likes him. Young Ho. I'm always going to trust a Young Ho before I trust an old one. So, Young Ho is a great kicker. I'm going to tell you that. He's like, I'm going to leave that one alone. He's like, going leave that one alone. No, I like it. I like it.
yeah You want to have sick mentality. I see where you're going there. I like gymna jim nice cool shit name we got get Jim and I. more. I can't show here more often, brother. Don't do that. Don't put that pressure on me.
This is not even me. This is my doppelganger. Behind me, it's it's it's a laid-back white guy that drinks PBR. attention the man so you're talking about fucking glick now. That's all glick right there.
I'm not going to lie. I am the white guy who drinks PBR. See, there we go. given look I'm his avatar. That's why I never showed you two fingers. I'm literally an avatar right now. I'm not black at all. just just showed you good lift because youre greek so much ah Jeff said too. if My man was like.
yes yeah you got error there is there's one trend i do buy into thats ebr Because it has some nostalgia value to me when I was young airman in the Air Force.
I like when people's nostalgia is based off bad decisions. That's what he just told me. It's like, yeah this yeah, I need a reminder of how to make more bad decisions in life. their life bad decision PBR my number one beer to go to for bad decisions. I just like how Jim and I was like, I'm going sway these guys against me. My doppelganger, my alter ego is a white guy drinking PBR.
Oh, yeah, real life. but you just and but Welcome to Nonsensical Nonsense. You're the American Corner where you can go get merch. Look, you're lucky this avatar was pre-programmed not to be reckless because in the back you kept asking for two fingers. I'm like...
Don't ask a black guy for two fingers because if he pulls up that third one, everything is going zero dark 30 on you. Everything is going to be zero dark 30. It's the third one we're trying not to see, though. It wouldn't even matter. The show...
You wouldn't even get shadow banned. It'd just would be a shadow. They'd be like, oh, okay. It was like, I guess. Stop lying. It's not a finger. It's not a finger. It's goddamn elephant's trunk. Stop lying. Trust me. As a guy with a finger in his pan. It's like, I believe in the three fingers surprise since there are three holes, but that's a discussion for another time. Hey, that discussion actually is perfect. As long as you yell surprise first, it's okay.
Oh, yeah, I'll let them know. it's so because It's like two fingers are normal. That third one, like, what's happening? Surprise, baby. Yeah, so the three-finger surprise. Surprise. And if you want to fucking confuse the hell out of them, when you hit them with that surprise, you start saying happy birthday.
what's happening It's a surprise birthday party at the end of the day, baby. You're already naked. you just like Birthday suits. just like yeah Just get you ready, baby. Don't worry. Let's lather you up gently and aggressively at the same time. What does that mean?
You got to find out. It's about me. It'll all be over soon. she you but so longer But you know what? I'm glad you stopped drinking wine because you're right. Wine, like, bad things happen. Like, on wine, when you go to that next level, you say things like...
Baby, I'm about to piss on you standing upside down. was like, how is that even possible? Like, what the hell? It
seems like... Upside down? Like, is it just going to let me have whatever you say, that math, that equation. Like, baby, you're going to take a shower after that. Like, that's reckless. ain't nothing. The math ain't nothing. It sounds good in my head, baby. It sounds great. It a worse scene off of Dave Lebowski.
The great thing about it is, though, if you say a Gemini, it sounds sexy as fuck. If one of three of us say it, it sounds like... It's just creepy. It just great
That's going to be the opening charge for y'all in court. Your Honor, let it be said. He said would urinate on her standing upside down. We had forensic experts testing this out to see the possibility of it actually occurring. We just spent $50,000 in tax dollars. The three of us to jail. I'm telling you why. Jim and walk scot-free and impregnates seven women in the court at the same time simultaneously.
That's the difference between you and the three of them. but First off, you will not you would not you will not do that to me. You would not put an additional 18 times seven years of child support on me. That is reckless. You know what? It happens, man. It's your own doing. It's your own doing. You can't help it, man. it's it It is what it is, man. Because I'm already offended by the hat.
Some way, somehow, you're going to become the Nick Cannon of the nonsensical network. It's terrible. It's like, dang, if my wife stops, if she would just stop putting condoms in my wallet when I go out.
Dang it, honey. You're terrible. I will not be oppressed by your condoms, woman. Baby, I'm thinking about us. I'm offended by these hats you keep putting in my wallet.
You don't care how I feel, though. Literally how feel. Stop it, woman. Respect my voice. It's all about my feelings. Literally.
You don't know how I feel. You don't know how I feel or what I feel. yeah You don't listen when I talk. You can never feel the way I do.
I feel differently than you. I was born that way. You can never feel that way.
I'm always checking for oil. You clean the dipstick off and you stick it back in again. Make sure everything's okay. You can never feel like that, baby. A little leakage is normal. A little leakage is normal.
You're just an oil pan. I'm the dipstick. You're an oil pan. Two different feelings, baby. a You're a catcher. I'm a pitcher. Come on.
That's right. If I hit the right one, I think I just... You're Johnny Bench. I'm Nolan Ryan. I got that right, right? Yes. If you feel them, they will come. Yes.
manmade media if you feel them they will come yes and that's why i'm in mexico yeah yeah that's why you're in mexico yeah that's correct man made me to tv me i'm a guy look i haven't done anything solo too often I just subscribed to you under Blaze.
Blaze, if you can send that link to our group chat, that would be awesome. yeah I will. Like I tell him, I'm a rogue agent. You don't know what version you're going to get of me. I may be the guy that's being an upstanding citizen, encouraging every guy to simp.
That's a lie. But then I may be the guy that's saying, you know what? I got the best wife ever when I feel like dealing with her. So it just doesn't, I don't know. I tried to get it right, but I always mess it up somewhere in the whole equation.
Or I could be this guy that um I am tonight chilling with you guys. So, yeah, I'm having a good time. ah You're welcome anytime, sir. Yeah, man. I am looking forward to like... For example, what are you doing next Friday? We've got a trivia show where going to a movie trivia.
Oh, goodness. is and If it's a lot of white movies, i know I'm failing. Well, we're doing action movies. We're doing action movies. but really night coach i one and just judge it no no No, no, no, no, no. Jeff, you got to give my man a minute to appreciate what the fuck he just said.
He said, if it's a lot of white movies, I'm failing. I really know. What do you want me to say? I might give you, ah I can give you Office Space, some generic random old school classics. I love that.
he's not He's not that far off base because we're talking about 80s action movies. So he's not like... and but is you got oh so you want black So you want all the Sylvester Stallone. So pretty much at least 10 Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger movies will be in there because they dominated that era. Okay, got you. i yeah And you throw some Bruce Willis in there. Some Bruce Willis.
i am I'm the one doing the questions and stuff. Bruce Willis. But guess what? you're Eddie Murphy. You're not wrong. You're not wrong. I do have some Beverly Hills cops in there. Don't get me Yeah, see, Eddie Murphy. Yeah, okay, I'm ready then. Eddie Murphy did Beverly Hills cops. He's going to have 10.
Golden child, and you can keep going. Yeah. i i murphy yeah golden child I'm going to say something right now. I feel like I'm going to say something right now. You want to offend me?
I feel like I'm the most woke when it comes to this network. so sorry I hate I don't like to say it's funny that the sleepiest person right now is saying that the contradiction in all of that his eyes are barely open he's like I'm just I hate i ain't saying it like that somebody give me some Sudafed I'm the most woke person please shoot me do please do But, it's. Let me show them my ID and get all the Sudafed I want right now. I'm definitely the most woke person. good this I'm going to speed my way through life right now. Damn it.
Damn it. I don't. I'm not mad at you. he's he just like not Where do I get some Sudafed? I got to let know how woke I am. Here's my ID.
I need to be a smurf. Let me go to all of them. I'm going Walgreens, CVS. By the time they scan my name, I have 10 bottles Sudafed. I'm going to go scrapes. I'm going go fucking be a knife method. Tomorrow afternoon, tomorrow afternoon, boy, shoot me like, what the fuck happened? I'm going to be like, bro. He's not wrong. Every Sunday. called me out. I fucking loved it.
He's like, man, how many IDs do I need? He's just like, yeah. Ten bottles right now. We're good. Two. We need two IDs.
Two IDs. You know they're not IDs. Two IDs. And then he goes and binges, right? You know they're not IDing him. Look at me. He's like, IDing you know they're not id you know I would just for looking strange. just not even the fact It's not even about age at that point.
I just want to really confirm that a human can really look like this in real life and on his ID. It's like, yep, it matches. The government approved this nonsense. Yeah, i'm I am definitely one of those white guys that looked at it as a method.
You know how it is. Somebody, oh yeah, that's you. They don't even look at the age. They're like, oh yeah, that's him. That's definitely him. They don't even care about the age. i do I've never i've never ever touched meth in my life, but I am one of those white guys that people look at me like, meth head. He cooks it.
I always thought meth heads were skinny. All right, Professor White. Yeah, yeah we got you. Nobody ever looks at me like that. and I do meth two times a week, and I throw punch hookers.
Smoke a lot of weed. They want to believe that, but then he's like, he's the girthiest meth head I've ever seen. That's when they're conflicted at that point. It's like, he's very girthy. It's a quandary.
but They're like, this se man is on organic meth. Like, where can we get this? Like, What is organic meth? It's the reverse of Ozempic. For him to be on meth and be this girthy, we want that. For all you who hate Ozempic, organic meth. What is that?
vegetarian. I think he made it up. Oh, yeah. there's I'm just Tom Banter right now. But still, but what is it? Holistically, like, what would it be, right? i can It's like organic crack, right? like people to like What is that?
Organic crack is conversations. He's like, hold on the second. God damn it. Yeah, this is virgin. Copy seeds and putting it on. This is virgin bacon soda. You know what I'm saying? For the correct life.
It's top-notch. Organic. Sold at Whole Foods. Al 7-3. 7-3?
I'm listening. Have you ever been to Whole Foods? It's the hidden aisle. is the hidden out I have. I have because if you say seven and eight aren of a whole foods. I've not been any Whole Foods.
You're missing out. You're missing out. Let me tell you. you don't have them here Whole Foods, Earth Fair, Trader's Jones. I lived in Oregon for eight years. I know what a Whole Foods is. I know you know what it is, but There's benefits for Whole Foods, especially me, whether you're black or white.
How many people get arrested for selling drugs in the parking lot of Whole Foods? Nobody. bodies So like that's where I would be. They get arrested at Circle K, McDonald's, 7-Eleven, random spots, right?
But I'm like, y'all are doing it all wrong. I would be selling, I have a have a whole cartel in the parking lot of damn Whole Foods because no officers like, oh, they're selling drugs in the parking lot of Whole Foods. Like who's thinking that? that's what our is organic It's organic meth. It's good for you.
Oh, yeah. And you put the sign in, the officer just rides by like you're doing a good job, good service. It's organic. no Right next to the girls that are selling the Girl Scout cookies. It's like they have the cookies and you're sitting here. They got the shortbread. He got organic meth and crack.
Oh, yeah. In a box, too, with a picture on it. You got to make everybody comfortable. yeah Yeah, put your face on it with a little thumbs up. yeah It was like Ziploc. No, that's low level. No Ziploc bags.
I've never had meth, but there's a natural meth. Really? Yeah. there's a natural method um i reallyill yeah but yeah I don't find that hard to believe that you would try anything so um natural drug-wise. Natural.
by You know what's funny? When I was talking to my fucking psychiatrist and shit last year, they're like they asked me about my drug use, and I was like, I only use drugs that are grown out of the fucking like the dirt.
And they're like, well, that's pretty scientific. you yeah yeah but They're at least going to call you botanist for goodness. I don't i don't i don't i don't do any drugs that are not natural.
so But it' like if there's natural meth, I'm like, okay, I'll try it. Blaise was Googling, searching right now. Natural. No, I'm not. not not Organic.
mean people I'm not looking for it. But if it's out there and I get presented with it, I'm like, all right, cool. i just I just, I don't know. I think I'm more concerned to the fact that if some stranger walked up to you like, I got organic meth, then you're like, all right, fuck it, I'll try it.
yourself Infused with ginseng. I mean, i mean, dson hell yeah. But i mean, I mean, it's like elderberry ginseng. I mean, If somebody walked up like this is some organic meth, I'm like, well, what's it?
There's a method to the madness. like but There's ginseng and fucking blah, blah, blah. There we go. There we go. It's the Afghanis.
we go have mercy amazing bread the aghannys Alright, well, I tell you what. I will i will do some more research on that. There you go. for it. No, you need a translator for that.
And see if I can acquire it. and I think you should. For scientific reasons. You know what, Jeff? I agree with you. I think I should, too.
So if there's any listeners out there that want to pay for my natural judge drug experiences please don't he's going to be highly disappointed it's afghanistan i know they're going to bring it over here and it's going to be mushrooms he's going to be like oh they just didn't have a translator it's like okay like it's like oh we already hi my walk we already have this hey gemini gemini
Jim and I, if people if other people want to pay for my drug experiences, I'm good with it, homie. But the government doesn't want to pay for your rehab, though. That's the whole thing. Now we still got to pay for your rehab, too. I don't give a shit about the government, man. Please, Blaze, if our if our listeners are going to pay for your drug experience experiments, you have to do it live on Saturday night.
I will. I will. I will. You got to package it correctly so we so we don't know, but we know what it is. Hey, non-psychical nonsense Saturday night, fucking followers.
You went fucking blazing to do drugs on Saturday night. You want to fucking pay for it? As long as they're natural, I'll fucking be that shit, bitches. It's actually called Omen. O-M-A-N. but and That was under 10 seconds, so that's a good clip right there. There you go. Yeah, that's a good clip. Shut up, Jeff. Don't interrupt Yeah, buddy.
We're trying to get fucking paid around here. See, I knew it was promo. I waited patiently. let's say If people give me money for fucking blazing new drugs, I'll do it. Shit, shit, we can just get Blaze high as hell, sending him to the east side of Newark and telling he's in Afghanistan. Give him fucking shrooms.
If you were to pay me to do drugs in a particular place in America, better you better pay for that gas money, I'm just saying. Yeah. And at the end of the day, that particular pace in America may be the east side of Newark, but Blaze will have no idea.
money are we going to go the full route? Is he going to get waterboarded too? That's what you do. Get him high on drugs, then waterboard him. I've done drugs in Alaska. I've done drugs in California, Utah, Kentucky.
I've done drugs in a lot of different states. I won't stop doing drugs in lot of double-truths. That's all I'm saying. I like your background because it reminds me when I was a kid when I used to watch Looney Tunes with a little circle. It's Badeep, Badeep, Badeep. That's all folks are blazing right now. He's hanging on by a thread, but he's having a good time.
ah love it. I'm always hanging on by a thread, but I'm always here for a good time. i damn people we put on the money People think I'm hanging on by a thread, but I'm here on the whole rope.
You just popped a wrapper on your neck. He's like, I got to be deep in this moment. I'm always deep. It's the only time he's ever deep. P. Diddy said the same thing, but unfortunately, it just led to a bad situation for him. You don't can't always be deep in the moment. You can't always be deep in the moment. Well, fair, fair, fair.
we there given p did right We keep giving P. Diddy so much shit, but jg's Jay-Z's wrapped up in that mess too. He is. Beyonce's a great buffer for him. I think Drake is good.
A minor. wait What? There go. A minor. I'm sorry. I I love, i love, I absolutely love Lamar.
I did. I love I've always said we lost the Canada in hockey. We could have the the clean sweep. They beat us. And now Drake is probably going to be like, yeah, you still can't dominate us in freaking hockey of all sports. not mad. I'm not mad that Canada beat America.
Under the under the current. circumstances I knew you were doing it oh here we go with the blue hat talk here we go with the blue hat talk I'm not talking blue hat uh oh it's about to become a blue chew blue chew he's about to get very stiff he's about to get very stiff if colors if colors are a political thing mine are black and red so not blue
I'm black and yellow, black and yellow. Anarcho-cynicalism is black and yellow. When I see a spider just staring over my wall.
Glick's like, i don't know. I love the giggles in your background. Like, that reminds me of the dolls I used to have. What it was, the toys? Yeah, he's like, dolls? He's confused. He paused for a second. What do you like?
And you take the batteries out of them because it's just giggling right now. But I love those type of toys right now. Like, all the batteries. And if that didn't work, you just broke the toy and took the head off and stuff. So... head on like I know that giggle right there. That giggle is... They use that giggle for a lot of eighty s and 90s toys right there.
I'm waiting for... Don't stop. I need to hear the giggles some more so I can go take the batteries out or something. there it is. I'm going to send you this link. You can check it out.
but hey someone send you this link you can check it out Right there. That's the Google right there. I used to destroy those toys. And I was so mad. Those are toys that use like 62 batteries. I'm like, just to laugh. I'm like, gosh. I can have somebody laugh at me for free, but they got to spend $30 in batteries to hear this dang toy laugh. That's what I'm about to look like.
I'm about to look like that motherfucker right there, too. I didn't even mind. First off, to look like me it's going require a lot of surgery, so don't tell those lies.
That fucker dude looks like fucking Chris Galton. That's a lot of experience.
i um blind ah fuck a dude looks like fucking cri cal and degree have of mix and that's why my mom I saw my bitch-ass moms under my car seat.
Oh, my God. think you said that was you. Yeah, pretty much. What just happened? I don't know. He's talking to his daughter. i don't know, man. They're making like these these like weird meme videos.
No, they're slides. they're slides. They're meme slides. We're making them ourselves. They figured out how to use PowerPoint. but that's the That's the giggling of I'm sorry for embarrassing you in advance. Like I know that giggle right there. It's like yes.
but Our laughter is our apology. We're trying to deflect. It's like the third time that's popped up. go Are dabbing?
ah doing something like that
you dabbing um Oh, they're snapping him up. Oh, he's around here. He's part of it. He got caught up in a tick tock. Any grown man that would throw the deuces, snap his head to the side and pop his bangs like, yeah, he's yeah Instagram is involved. Instagram would make a mafia guy do the strangest things.
It's like my daughter had me do it. I didn't want to be on here. She had me do it. Yes, I had to pop on the handstand for my daughter. But I will still destroy you and defeat your whole family. Don't ever question me. This is for my daughter. thought you said this was short. No, it is. You had to go come back.
You had to read that one and look at it. I did look at it. Do you my broccoli? It's Miles Teller. It's fucking all crazy with the mustache. She's like, what's happening? I had to drink Yoo-Hoo with a thumb in my mouth for my daughter. That's right. hey some strange reason, I had to have Yoo-Hoo and stick my thumb in my mouth. Don't hate on the fucking Yoo-Hoo.
I love me. you That's like, that's like chocolate syrup. She's like, what's one thing from your era, dad, that's played out. You who go ahead and shoot a video where you and put your thumb in your mouth. dad I will too. I will too. I will too. know What's happening. with it's good Oh, The only thing that's saving you right now is your beard.
Right now, everything else, that all the testosterone left 30 minutes ago. don't give a fuck. I a fuck, Gemini. I love me some of you, who, motherfucker? He had the giggling his daughters. is it The daughters were giggling.
You were leaning to the side and doing this. I'm like, oh, if it wasn't for that beard. Oh, my gosh. If it wasn't. oh yeah um yeah Your beard is the equivalent of a presidential pardon because everything you did right there was just, you know, it was strange.
It was strange. But it's like, you know, it's all forgiven right now. that I'll take my presidential

Humor and Identity

pardon. I don't even know what was happening, man. They're just making like these.
God damn it. Why is Wally still in my ear?
He lives in your head. Greg dies his beard because he's a pretty cool. He does. I don't know. I don't know what's going on. I got some great strands here. They're just not as dominant as Not yet. They're there. You silly sons of bitches. And if I was to die my beard, it would be dyed all gray.
Gray? I don't know what gray is. What is gray? yeah Yeah. i'm a weirdo all my I'm a weirdo. All my gray hairs are on my nose.
All of them. The weirdest thing. I can't explain it. People think I have boogers all the time because I have nothing but grays. like Just imagine explaining that you're not a snotty-nosed kid as a grown man in his gray hair. See your darn nose.
It's the weirdest conversation ever. It will eventually move from your nose to everywhere is that where starts though seriously because i'm like ah it's the craziest thing like it's a thousand in my nose gray hairs and your ears is if i'm crazy i never had gray nose hairs you don't have gray hair out of your ears no no my my ear hair is black Like oh my I there it's long dude i have the where i don't know this is the shit like
i have I don't have gray hair upstairs. Nothing McGraw. Like below that gray hair everywhere. It really is the weirdest thing. We've got like gray on the sides.
Like I got that doctor straight. I have like what's that Jeff? i hey i ah call i have like what's that jeff Did you comb over there?
You did this. You went... No, I don't i don't have a comb over. No. you're still You don't have a
He's looking like a progressive Viking. I've never seen anything like this here. He's like, yeah, we're not going to slaughter and eat meat unseasoned and flame in the fire. He's like, we don't do that.
He's like, he has a whole charcuterie board as a Viking. Glick is out here like, yes, I'm a Viking that eats charcuterie. I'm not saying you don't. I'm a charcuterie Viking.
but let's just Lay down your club and eat the charcuterie. It's my charcuterie. Lay down your sword in your club. It's charcuterie time. That darn bang.
Charcuterie Vikings series coming out 2026. gosh. Yeah. oh gosh
I'm a maybe well. they're very show huge Maybe well things went left. He's no boozey. He's my king.
It's a new reality show. I'm also trying to find love. i not wearing a hat for the rest of the goddamn night. And I shall slay with my charcuterie. All eight minutes. Hey, LeBron.
My fancy Lunchables. That's all it is. like My big boy Lunchables. That's all it is. Chakotery fancy Lunchables.
Basically. You know what I'll call you? You know what you call a flat chested emo chick? Jeff. An ironing board? Oh, that was not far behind. I was about to say cutting board.
and that emos. Oh, you put the hat back on. Look, there you are. You don't know you don't know what you want to do. ah He said I'm going to leave my hat on the rest of the show. He realized he had eight minutes left. I was like, fuck it. I'll put it back on. so he realizes what he would What he realized is that his fucking hairline looks worse than LeBron James is what he realized.
No, it doesn't. This is the same hairline I've had for the last time. That looks like an old school Scottie Pippen fadeaway. You know He's just dropping all the knowledge.
Look, my skull is not too far behind. Look, I got a cranium on me. I'm good. You got a five hit. I'm good. Yes. I was getting ready to say, calm down, Maxwell.
I'm trying. This is like an uncooked Chick-fil-A biscuit right now. but I ain't got nothing to be embarrassed about. What, you mean uncooked so it's moist it before it gets all dried out? It's an uncooked Chick-fil-A. You know the glisten on it. They got to beat it and just... Yeah, uncooked Chick-fil-A biscuit. Freshly put on. Freshly buttered.
but but Yeah, it's like I like basketball, too. Just call me Dominique Wilkins. just This dome right here is just it just terrible right now. It's just, yeah. guys goodness like through and I'm holding my by thread, baby. Don't don't don't do judge me.
oh yeah I'm already thinking it's a march Trust me i'm written
she That's the advantage of having a brain like this I'm already thinking it's a march Sorry y'all not there yet Life looks great on that side you just Did you just say marks?
March March Oh, March Jesus fucking commie man large those definitely count he's ready for marxism right now like where we had you have no idea he wanted to talk marxism fascism and we're going to keep going to all the isms i love it i love the isms i love talking isms even ageism yeah i'll talk ageism
he's like yeah I give it a shot he's like can I use her AARP card when I'm done like that's all he cares about I have I have he's like this dollar fifty after movie popcorn is very essential to my life job any topic that wants to be discussed I will talk I will yeah not only that he'll argue it I'll argue my position I know you will Even when I'm just trying to say what I heard and you go off on a tangent.
I'm like, this is what I heard. i just wanted you to confirm or deny. I'm all about independent thought. I'm all about independent thought. Isn't that the same as free will? Shut the fuck up, Jeff.
Don't start. don't Don't do it. but Don't do it. is it don't i

Podcasting Challenges and Humor

i mean i just i wish to asking a question I'm just asking question. Is the independent plot the same thing as free will?
Jesus Christ. Go ahead. We're going over. We're going over. Go ahead. Are we going over? are we going over?
Fuck it. It's like literally two minutes. We're going over. I'll figure it out. I'm not going hit the end. Don't let me get y'all in trouble. No, no, no, no. The only reason we stop at six hours is because we upload our shows up onto Spotify and stuff like that.
And the platform we use, if it goes over six hours, it gives us fits. And then I have to reach out to Tweedledee and Tweedledum beside me, Blazing Jeff. And I'm like, hey, guys, how do we split this out up? and Can we get this uploaded and chomp it up?
No, no, no. There's no Tweedledum or Tweedledee. This is all about Jeff. What are you talking about? I don't chomp it up to put it up on set, Casper.
I'm the free version. Did you? I did. The puppet master. did. you last saturday on this night did i did the pupup idea the puppe master um i am i I did. I did at the beginning.
so turning them a each other like don't don't don't don't i like asking about free i did watch you said you said i'm all about independent thinking and then I am, and I'm literally about to end stream right now.
I'm currently rubbing your nipples so hard right now. Don't end the stream. Don't end the stream. No, but if you have to end it, look, look, look, I don't want to delay y'all if y'all have to end the stream. I just want to, what up the first thing I want to do is apologize to Jeff because when I look at him, it looks like a light bulb.
Yeah. A light bulb married. like like that It's all in the same family, too. So when I look at him, you know it's like a light bulb married to a glow stick. That's what I really want to say when I see that on the set.
and it's like, you know what? It's all good. We're the same species. I'm a light bulb. You're a glow stick. And we're just going to bond together. And that's what he has on his head when I look at it. Finally, somebody gets it.
Fuck you all, you guys. Fuck you guys. We've been saying that same kind of shit for the last couple days. And I love that Chopstick has BBQ in his name in in the flag in the background. light He looks like he's from Porco Rico. Yes, I said it correctly. Not Puerto Rico. He's from Porco Rico.
And, you know, I can help but think that when I saw that. So thank you for having that background. You got a whole island a whole island that's proud of you. make video A whole island that's proud of you right now. Jim and I, Jim and I, you don't have to go into specifics.
This is a Texas. where I'm going to ask, I'm going to, I'm going to ask this question and I'm probably, I, I really don't feel like I'm going to be too surprised. You don't have to go into specifics, but what, what state are you in?
Come on, just say it. That makes it fun of you. Say it and I'll confirm it. he's's He's in the state of of Georgia. I was going to say Florida, but... Of course it's Florida. Of course it's Florida.
South Ohio. South Ohio. oh oh Oh, my God. in florida There's so many states that are south of Florida. I mean, come on.
No, no. Florida is south Ohio. Wait a minute. Hold on second. Does police number even geography? Ohio is Florida South. Florida North. So Ohio is Florida North and Florida is Ohio South. We're one in the same. Exactly. where We're basically identical twins separated at birth.
Exactly. like got it i was um let's show i'm just I'm relaxing because he's like, I had separate birth, Linda Skinner, so like, if he's born to that, like, what am I born to?
What's the black equivalent of that? Jeff can't answer what say go out what You don't know. But you already said earlier, your mama's Haitian, and I'm already terrified of your mama because you don't fuck around with Haitian women. I already know that. don't know.
She's Haitian, bro. they don't fuck around. not What is that? What does that mean? She don't fuck around. I don't understand what that... He's gone with the switch beatings.
You know what I'm saying? What she going to cast as Curse or something? don't understand what that means. It depends on... Look, now will say that she passed a few years ago. That's not a problem. But if she were alive, would she pass a curse? It depends on how mad, know I'm saying, I told her was. Now just playing. She'll beat your ass and pass a curse. She's farting on your grave. It's American. If some voodoo witch... If some voodoo witch fucking actually did something that actually...
actually did something i might i might be like oh okay that that might be real but uh and that's while taking the organic that's while taking organic crack too so when you hear that like it's like you know it just might be real now now that i'm on this organic meth i think i believe that i believe now that's the whole thing i believe like it's like now that i'm on this organic meth Yes, that sounds accurate. Organic crack or organic meth.
I might be on a whole other oh another waiting oh Blaze, have you had a lot of interaction with Haitians?
Not really. now no
I'm familiar. I'm familiar with. h asal um I'm familiar. but not My mom was cool, though. My mom, like she was the type she was saying, like in her youth, she was cutting um like she would kill him snakes with machetes, like unbothered. Right. Her biggest concern was like whirlpools. Like you go, you know, just sweep you up in the water, like random stuff, like in some of the like water in the islands.
and But for the most part, she was cool in maybe an earthquake or two, right? But hey, she basked on top of the head in her youth, ah killing snakes with machetes. So was not much that she feared. So she was Haitian-hation. My aunties, Haitian-hation, aunties grabbing spider. I'm terrified. Spider by the hand, smush it on me. I'm like, gosh, dog, like this, I don't know how to feel right now.
Because first i have the process that you grabbed the spider bare hand and killed it. And then you smushed it on me. So I'm too startled to be terrified. Because you took away my emotions on the first act. So, like, yeah, that that's the type of stuff from my aunts.
my aunt ah My mom, they they were just... But one thing then was like, you have to be a doctor and a lawyer. They didn't even know any other jobs in America. i was like, you know, I'm more likely to fail because there's 10,000 more jobs out out of outside of that. That's not those two that's like doctor and lawyer. was like, oh, Lord, I'm about to be a failure. like now you now here it is on a saturday And now here it is on a Saturday night. You're hanging out with three white dudes and a Mexican.
I'm just going to hate your mom. And I'm still conflicting on who's the Mexican. That's how bad it That's how bad it is. I'm still conflicting. Technically, Jeff is the Mexican, but Brian claims he's Asian, but he looks way more Mexican than those Mexicans I know.
You are getting older. Did he say he's half aging? I just want to make sure my biking here great I hear it correctly. Okay, my bad. Okay, okay, okay, okay. Maybe I was mishearing. Sorry, sorry, sorry about that.
we we we we hear We hear it nonsensical nonsense or all inclusive. We are very PC. we We are D.I.I. hires. Or D.I.I. D.I.I.
What the fuck is it called? D.I.I. Do it yourself. Hires. No. D.I.I. Not D.I.I. D.I.I. We have Brian who's Mexican and claims to be Asian.
We got Gemini. I'm half Asian, half white. um Remember, i'm black and I claim to be white. I'm the other side of that spectrum. That's okay. Gemini, I'm a black lesbian. jim and i So you live a lonely life. i understand. Gemini is a white frat bro who slams PBRs, who identifies as a black guy.
Blazes are a resident drug addict. addict You're muted, Blazes. Jeff is gay, and I'm a Sasquatch. this is the This is the definition of and inclusion. exclud Well, Sasquatches do love beef jerky, so... Yes, we do. Oh, gosh.
and And I'm trying to make Brian my neighbor here in Ohio because... Because we're all the same. Dude, if Brian is ever my neighbor, I want seven yeah i will be 70. Glick, if I was your neighbor, Glick. I did not view you.
I promise. I did not view you. you're in Ohio. I'm glad I'm not your neighbor because if I were, apparently a lot of cats and dogs would be missing and, you know, I'd be getting all the blame.
So, you know, like I'm safe here in Florida. and i learned get i would I'm standing for it. yeah I got that your back. i be like it it's It's not my man, Jim and i It's that white guy down there. It's that fucking white dude down there. It's him. I watched him. We've seen him do it.
We're not even talking cats here because Brian's our neighbor. Just imagine getting patted. Your backpack, your pockets. There has to be a baby kitten in here. like that Is this a legitimate pat down?
Where's the baby kitten? Yeah. you know what pat down for this stuff you know what every i'm glad there has been way much blackming my people every every time i every time i ask a cop for a pat down um' yelled at for sexual harassment You got to hit on the dudes. You got to hit on the dudes that are into it. You know that scene from The Rookie?
You watch The Rookie, Jeff. Sexy cop, sexy blue. Is that a baton in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? yeah Every time I get a folder, that's first thing I ask. Do you have a pound in your pocket? Are you... You know what's up. How are you tasing me, bro?
The next thing out of your mouth. No. You know what I like, Danny? You know what like, Danny?
Cops in my town. It's weird. The cops in my town avoid me. It's funnier because I know you dated a cop. Well, yeah. on not You and about 50 other dudes, but whatever.
I call 911 and they're like, are you who or the other person in danger? Clearly, I'm not. Click. Hello, 911. Did you ah hello and i know one place you know i get less time for rape then murder Not click.
God damn it, click. Well, he stopped by his house like three times a month because he sprinkled his meth on his fucking steak
steaks. i I'm ah the meth bay. I'm the meth bay. Meth bay right on the street. There's a method to my madness, meth bay.
Jim and I, Tuesdays and Thursdays. The hook household, man, is meth and throat-punching hookers. Look. it's tough every Organic. Organic. Organic. USDA certified, approved, and tested organic. You know, you know texas texas every westda if Texas ever legalized weed, I kind of thought about like making we weed pork sausage.
and smoke it. Blaze will give you some weed sausage. He's thinking about legally making weed pork sausage because we know that's already made, but now it's the legal part that we got to throw on to it. It's it's it's legal it's legal in Ohio, Brian. I'm just saying. if you want to yeah you can smoke weed and kill babies.
You're goddamn right.
They just approved abortion and weed. I'm just saying. i killed A lot of people got to smoke after their bad decisions and not wearing their hats. Hats are important.
I've never been a bigger fan of hats in life. like Hats used to be the accessory. Now it's mandatory. There should be a mandate put on hats now. like like We went from being offended and oppressed by hats, and now Jim is like, everybody wears a hat, bro. We need an ordinance.
Can we sign that? Forget Congress. We're not voting on this. Somebody call Trump. need these hats. Trump, don't you?
We know you believe in hats. You wear one all the time, Trump. We hats. Hats for everybody. Darn it. Jim and was like, Jim and was like, Rose, you should have went back of the bus. God damn it. Look at what's happening in Ohio.
This is ridiculous.
For shenanigans and fuckery. Wow. Wow. I put it on Gemini. It's not my doing. I put it on Gemini. I blame him.
You know what? It's terrible. well this The ratios always match. The only black guy in the room I still get blamed. This is the worst horror movie I've ever seen. It's like a horror movie. here like but you know you know what You know what, Jim? and i I'll take all the blame that's put on you. I'll take it. I'll take it. i I got big shoulders. can take take pulling other bed i got brother.
yeah are coming up look and Look, I've had fun with y'all. and Because now I have to peace out. I've been reckless already, but this is a cameo.
ah But this is not even full reckless. This is me like even keel, very relaxed. But I had a great time. I will have to pull back up again. ah know where to find.
And then next time I'll make sure. No, I don't want to be crash out because I was actually functional. i am Yeah, we can't go to crash out because I might not be functional. So I'll try to be in this pocket.
he wants i i try I was really
i was like my man's man i was like man i really hope my man's ah is in ohio because i'm about to book us some gigs like we're gonna do some me and jim and i are doing some open mics we're we're gonna go you're funny because people always ask about that they like have you ever done that and but i was like no and then it's like the shock i'm like no i'll be chilling like this is not really this is regular banter from when i was young but it's funny when people like Dang, you haven't considered it? I'm like, I'm just chilling. But I get it though now, being in these souls. I get it.
um um I'm to say this because fuck ah fuck all y'all because I just want talk.

Sports and Comedy

just posted in the chat fucking Gemini's link to his YouTube channel.
ah it's so Hit it up, dude. It's sports from what I saw. Volume 3, Weirdo with the Beardo. I am. Go fuck off. Go fuck off.
don't give a shit. Weirdo with a beard, though? Oh, you do, you, you, you, you a sports guy, Jim? Weirdo with the beard. oh Um, weird no, i like, I like sports, like fantasy football. I played fantasy, uh, football for over 15 years. Right. So night I like sports. Um, football is my preference. When I was young, I used to like Fred couples, Greg Norman.
When I was watching that type of stuff, Andre Agassi, right? Pete Sampras. Cause you didn't have, and his button yeah. you Yeah, but I'm saying I liked all that stuff. I didn't have many channels, so it was going to be some some golf.
It was going to be some tennis. White people's sport. But I still watched everything else. I still like my NCAA March Madness, basketball, football. baseball went from America's pastime to now people just pretty much pass on it unless you really, really love it. It still gets watched. a little It still gets watched, but it's not at the same level as football. watching baseball where um i was watching I was watching baseball. Well, I wasn't watching, but I was keeping track of games today because my Cincinnati Reds, I'm a Reds fan, they were playing the Indians and the Milwaukee and Milwaukee today.
It's the spring weird games. So the Reds were playing two different games, two different fucking spring. yeah Oh, yeah. Yeah. He's locked in. You committed. I'm in.
Well, we do a sports show tomorrow. If you ever want to get down with a sports show, you're welcome to come up. Hit us up in the comments. um Oh, yeah. Sports I can do because, you know, I love being three out of ten. People get a lot of money for being three out of ten. In real life, that's a failure. But in sports, that gets you paid. So, yeah.
That's how feel about it. So, baseball, hey. You're 50-50. Nobody has a passing score. Five out of ten, you're an excellent basketball shooter. Three out of ten, you're the best hitter of all time. Like, all this stuff. So, yeah.
Thanks to sports, you can fill at a high level and get paid a ton of money. The pressure is all on us real people. No, we need you not. We need you 10 out of nine or you won't get paid. Your check will not come. I'm like, gosh, so I get it. Hey, I'm just seven trying to get a paycheck, man. Like, don't. don't don't don't fuck up my vibe We need 10 out of 9. But baseball, 3 out of 10. Basketball, 5 out of 10.
Those are the real winners in life. Sports is not about who's better. It's about who can make more money. And ah you know what? that That's why this can be a sport too when it's treated in a right fashion because there is money to be made. Look, let me see. Now you want me... I can't talk that tall. He's nodding his head.
He doesn't even know what was said right now, right? the That's the hand. Now he's nodding his head like an old grandmama. Like I know that head nod right there. he yeah he's like He's like, baby.
No, no. he's he There's no screen for him. I'm talking about you, Blazer. He's like, you know what, baby? He ain't lying. This is you blazes over here. Baby, he's telling the truth.
<unk> You're wrong. You're not wrong. Look at that. There it is. That's the old grandmama here. Right now, going to ask him some Buttersworth candies. Right now, I know he got a sewing kit.
He got a sewing kit in his hoodie like under his hat. like Right now, he has a quilt making kit under his hat. I like what there's... Weathers Original. yeah I'm about to leave this podcast and shit. I'm out. I'm about to leave this podcast and shit hit up my man Jim and I and be like, yo, we going on the road, bro.
Don't you not stop that look we not Look, first off, I was trying to give Blazin' the pass. Blazin', you've been a real good sport tonight. So I thank you for your contribution to life because anybody that can be the weirdo with the beardo and still be a good sport, a I like that.
And hopefully you can get your organic meth. But we do want that on video because that should be a million views. All you have to do is capture organic meth. You don't even have to say much. People will click on it because first, they're going to be like, did that exist?
Secondly, did this guy really do that? So it's not even complicated. And so, yes. No, man, I agree 100%. Jim I, you dude, bro, you're fucking amazing, man. I i really do. You know, don't don't worry about these assholes. I'm the host of the show. the most important guy here. Y'all are nuts, man.
ah Hey, we'll catch up. Y'all have a great evening or morning. i don't know You i have a great one too, brother. I look forward to seeing you again, man. I really hope we do see each other again. Hopefully you come up here and again.
oh yeah, I'll pull up. I'll pull up. On the network, on the shows. And if you're a sports guy, man, like I said, not only do we this do we do this show every Saturday night, We do a sports show on Sunday. You drop up in the comments and be like, hey, heylick let me get in here. up And I'll make sure you get the link.
We'll get you up on the sports show. I'm on here.
i'm on here but Three, four nights a week. We dropped the four for you. Four-finger surprise. If there's a fourth hole, I guess technically is a fourth hole, but we that's too much. Oh, yeah, i do I do. Because you have to use a second hand for the fourth hole.
But anyway, that's another story for another time. I mean, if you're good, you don't have to. I'm just saying. Well, a woman has three in another region, so but ah but I get what you're saying.
Yeah, there's not a hand involved in the next one. There's no hand involved in the fourth hole. I got you. Look, we're crazy. I better stop, man. We did all the good. We can't get shadow banned in the 11th hour, as they say. We're doing the Lord's work.
it Yeah, making babies because people ain't wearing hats. That is the Lord's work. hes Be fruitful and multiply. Take your hats off. That's all I can say. hashtag Blazing, Jeff, Glick, Chopstick.
Hey, till next time. Be easy. Jim and I, brother, be easy, man. It was good meeting you, my friend. It was good hanging out with you, man. Definitely. All right. He's been fucking lying in, homie.
um What's up boys? I don't know man I gotta meet at 8 o'clock Jeff all those YouTube clips are for you yeah's all you Why do you have a meeting at 8 o'clock in the morning on Sunday?
I work every day If somebody don't hit the in-stream I'm gonna I will hit the you can leave Jeff can leave Brian and I will hang out until I'm finished drinking my beer Fair enough I'll shut up That was the equivalent of shut the fuck up, Jeff.
Yeah. yeah yeah fair andm go think that i just Or Brian leave and I'll fucking sit here and go. da da It was a good it was is a good run to tonight, guys.
Jim and I was cool, man. i was That was a cool talk, man. That was fun. please I fucking love you, man. What do I do?
People remember a single thing. You know what? You're you're right, ja did Jeff. You are absolutely funny. Like, half of this fucking goddamn podcast, I want more a single fucking thing. I man. At least half. It's probably most of all of it, but at least half. Oh, it's a very large I don't know what he was doing, but is he saying that? muted him. I muted him.
<unk> You and don't want to mute him. You don't need to mute him. Okay, I'll unmute him. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands.
Brian just got his citizenship. One nation memorize something under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. he's He's like so happy with the participation trophy. As a proud member of the United Forces.
All goods are so non rich let's have you see really good. I have of
hundreds of thousands of kills under my belt. I have saved the world from zombie apocalypses. I appreciate you, Brian, for showing us your gratitude.
You're welcome. What? I got my mid-check alarm at 3 a.m. to check on the to check on the pork shoulders. What you Blake? Pictures of you molesting a rocket Wait, what?
Hold on. We're going to bomb them. but of first I'm just... That's what I just said. My whole job is based on a bomb. I know, but he said, what are you molesting us this? one I am appreciating Brian for appreciating those of us who served in the United Forces and have kept this country safe.
And it prevented us from falling under under the tyranny and and and and and and And being invaded by zombies?
He said the Pledge of Allegiance and he sang the other song, Liberty Bless America. trigger blaze again as as as ah as ah As a veteran, it's nice to I feel like i feel like as a bedroom and somebody who has hundreds oh thousands of people. I'm so confused. He's talking about Call of Duty being a douche.
don't know. I mean, i mean somebody's beening this hole there's that and they're not really veterans. If I have been down, if I have been down, father who can claim that they're a veteran and they're not really veterans and not yeah if i have been down and i have been down i i feel waiting i'm still waiting to see you on I'm still waiting to see Jeff's jeff's fucking service right
record. What is that, an ID10 for? I am a master prestige. i'm happy I'm happy to see a DD Form 214 from Jeff. b Jeff does have an ID10T card.
What? What? the fuck was that? if and What?
Jeff is an ID10T. Jeff's like, but how do I forge a DD Form 214 right now? I want message with my boss.
and Why is your boss? tell your your boss Tell your boss we're still alive and tell him to come in here and prove that he's even awake right now. Why are you talking to your boss? Like, what?
You know, if if it's 2 o'clock in the morning on a Saturday night and my boss is texting me, you know what I'm telling my boss? To go fuck going to fuck his wife. I'm going like, hey, man. Like, you're hitting me up at 2 o'clock in the morning. Apparently, your wife has no fucking life. He's going over my commission. Okay.
However... going over my i but And going to tell your boss, for like one of my biggest commissions is fucking his wife. I'm also unemployed right now, so don't take advice for me how to talk to your boss at 2 a.m. I'm not unemployed because my boss called me at 2 a.m. and I was like, what the fuck is your problem, bro?
Jeff's like, I need to print off my ID10T card.
He's trying to figure out what a D-form 214 is. I'm just trying to fight figure out what the hell... What?
Shit. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck it all. Fuck it all. Blazing ain't trying figure his shit out right now because Blazing's too fucked up right now.
How much of that bottle did you drink tonight?

Substance Use and Humor

That much It's not much i mean it's I mean it's a lot for me I'd have been passed out At 100 pounds by proof yes that's all very okay Yeah Okay How much do you smoke tonight ah I have to buy a new cartridge tomorrow So i mean there's there's that all You were Weeping tonight Blaze do you Do you smoke in the house Or do you only smoke outside of the house I only smoke outside the house. let
Actual flour outside of the house. Inside, it's a cartridge. I really don't like cartridges, so it's very often.
yeah know i actually you i was asking you a while back about the cartridges. If they do more per per hit than the flour, but It does seem to hit, but it also depends on... like It doesn't hit the same.
So, there's a lot of... Is it a different high? Yeah. as it i don't I don't know. i i york getting to be a i'm not I'm not asking to be a smartass. I'm asking because I'm... No, no, no. It's... it's It's not less or more. it's definitely well It's definitely more. It's more of a high, but it's less of an enjoyment high.
That's why like I can... like if if If I was smoking straight flower, wouldn't drink. But if I'm just like doing a cartridge because it's just like a simple high... Or like a constant?
The alcohol kind of helps the high. Because sp it's just... I can explain it better if I'm sober, but not. You're high, but it's like ah More like maintaining.
It's like a lame high.
A cartridge high, especially with distillate, it misses a lot of the...
A lot of the... Oh, crap. The flavor noise, the terpenes. I mean, like, the THC unlocks the high, but the terpenes and stuff, like, kind of, like, drives high. Like, how that high affects you And it's... interesting Yeah, I know. It sounds like turpen time. Like, drugs drugs are not as so simple as people want to think.
Like drugs, a ah great drug experience. And it's it's nuanced. It's complex. If I ever get high again, I want to do it with place.
it's a Thank you. Yes. Get high with somebody who knows how to get high. Exactly. i don't want to get high with somebody just gets stoned all the time for just the fact of getting stoned. You get stoned and you know what the fuck you're doing. Like where I'm not going to freak out and think my hand has disappeared or something.
that sets says That's not completely true. i I know how much it gets... I don't freak out. I don't. But I know people who have less THC than I have and it freaked the fuck out.
I look at drugs as... i People... Drugs. People have been doing drugs for fucking a millennia. Don't freak out. just Just enjoy it.
Go for the ride. Freak it out. I can't not be in control my faculties. That's why I quit drinking, too. wait I've been drinking all night and I can control my faculties to a point.
I mean, do do does like feel does being trump does there does get to a point where you can't control your faculties. but What's that? i don't I don't know i being drunk.
I have faculties. Do we have faculties? That was a good movie. Faculty? actually Josh Harnett. Yeah. yeah Elijah Wood.
Oh, I met Bruce Greenwood. I met Bruce Greenwood at the airport. The guy that played the doctor. Oh, shit. Yeah. Disturbing behavior. Yeah. Did you punch his ticket? Did you punch his ticket? No, no, no. When I was at the airport at the internet, I was going to fly to London, and I saw him at the restaurant, and he was on the phone.
that Was that recently? It was about a couple years ago. few years my ago. it wasn't It wasn't your recent

Fame and Legacy

trip. It wasn't your last trip, right? Yeah, but when I saw him at the airport, I was like this. like I walked by, he nodded. I saluted. like, Captain Pike?
Nice. You're such a fucking... He just smiled. He's like, all right. He's like, that's only the time I've heard that in a day.
I mean, i mean he played a lot of good roles. I mean, he played the ah the secretary Secretary of Defense on ah on a Rules of Engagement. you saluted an actor.
Because he played Captain Pike. I did. Every time I walk past him here, I salute. What's that? Glick? An actor? don't...
what's that damn great american hero like in actor i don't i I don't look at actors or actresses or anybody in Hollywood as anybody big and more like... I can get it, they're famous, but they're not any more than I am as a person.
No, they're not. No, they're not. And... It should be seen and not heard. No, no, no. That's not what I'm saying, Jeff. It's like an actor. Okay.
So an actor to me, and i'm not trying to I'm not trying to degrade actors because acting is a skill, but it's also a job.
Like, right I don't know. if your account was in the movie If your accountant was in the movie all the time, just doing accountant work, he would be famous.
I don't fa then think think fame is a problem. I agree. I'm sorry. Fame for the wrong reasons. i mean I think people should be famous, but for reasons that that um exceed the existence of everybody else.
Acting isn't something that exceeds everybody else. Acting is a job that a lot of people do. Okay, so so like... He'll hate him himself.
He will. What if we become famous, please?
How would we become Gandhi being famous is okay. gandhi being famous is okay Because he did something... and I'm using Gandhi as the first person I thought of that's not an actor.
But, and yeah. Yes. Yes. In that kind of situation. Exactly. Exactly. Or Martin Luther King. but But, like, Anya Taylor-Joy does not count because she's an actress.
Yes. I mean, she's a good actress, but she's not, like... I mean, she's an actress. But somebody that does something, like, above... Like Martin Luther King or Harriet Tubman or um not somebody that's somebody that's is somebody that's contributed to society in a way that is brought on. What?
Shut up. Like said nonsensical network. I know, that's what I heard. Not the same but shame kind of famousness.
Not the same. If we became famous, we're basically actors. Blaise said, Blaise said, what? Shut up.
Like a minute after. This is the best part when Blaze is drunk. When he hears something finally, he's like... No, seriously. We could have 5,000 followers right now, and I would not still feel like I was famous.
Does that make sense? I would kill for 500 followers, let alone 5,000.
ah I don't care it's five followers or 50 million followers, man. but like we give All those people I would love, but at the same time, i wouldn't want them to expect anything out of me other than what they're hearing now. great ah yeah yeah yeah yeah as i'm saying like i feel like we give to society because We're real. We're all real. None of us play a character. It's not like any of us are fucking... it's like any no None of us are coming on here and we're we're like throwing on pit vipers and spiking our hair up. And it's like, yeah, bro.
My name this is... just for maybe electric and it did I'm in the alpha beta riz... me yeah You know, like we're not doing that. So none of us act like Glick.
Shut up, Jeff No, i feel like we're all I think think shit I think my biggest thing is I don't even know what it is right now I'm so I know what I'm talking about
My point is at actually my point has been achieved. I'm not going to say anything else. Blaze, I know what you're saying, buddy. I know what you're saying. I got you.
no Being famous for being famous like a Kardashian, you're douche man. Agree. Being famous for saying Haktua on the side of a street and then fucking just being a stupid bitch doesn't make you famous. It doesn't mean you're important to society. Yeah.
great i mean Getting famous because your mom recorded you having in sex with celebrity. Because you put a ball into a higher doop.
Yeah. Hey, you you your mom recorded you having sex with a D celebrity because your sister was super famous in the 90s and nobody in your family is famous anymore.
and then getting famous off of that, and then your mom's a raging whore, and she married some lawyer who was O.J. Simpson's lawyer who was not famous, who used to be a man and is now a woman who murdered somebody because... Ah...
i think i think i think I think what I'm trying to say is... i murder kardaio three No, I think I would rather be famous. In other words, I want people to know about me after I die then while while I'm alive.
but and it's ah And that's the cool thing. And that's what James Luker said. James Luker said, like, I want... James Luker, former guest of Glick's House of Music.
He's a musician. He's an artist. He was like, you know, like, I don't want future generations to go back ah be shameless plug if you want but I'm just um I can't speak on him without giving a little bit of background I get it I get it I like hearing other people's philosophies um he's and he was like yeah i want to be i want to be known as the most successful independent artist but I also want future generations to look up to me and be like look he did it on his own
He became successful. He became unquote famous, but he did it on his own. And and I want to aspire to be like him. Right.
Hashtag nonsensical nonsense. Hashtag nonsensical network. Hashtag grassroots. um I'm not opposed to that, but I'm on...
i'm on I don't want people to know me for what I've said. i just want people to... To know what I've said. To me, it's not about the name. It's about the idea. it's full ah That's philosophical. I can't. That's philosophical right there. I don't want you to know me for... Go ahead. go glad Finish that. That's philosophical.
I don't want you to know me for what I said. I actually have no idea where I was going anymore. i don't want I don't want people to know me for who I am. I want people yeah to know me for what I've said.
Because good who I am is not important.
Who I am is what am. I knew you were going to say that. I really did. I can hear it before you said it. Shut up. I'm singing Brian.
yeah You were going to say it before you said it. very i mean I mean, going on i a VIG.
You're going

Conclusion with Poetic Outro

to what? be poison I'm going to bed. I'm a VIG. Get the fuck out of here. i'm tired of looking at your fucking headset. Hi, boys.
I'm gonna go ahead. Yeah, I gotta go I gotta take a nap. i Everybody's leaving. Well, I gotta.
Nonsensical network different flavor every day. Movie talks, new flips, hitting the display. Microphone magic musicians. fill the grace from rep to to motorports ferning rubber craze football
on the latest phase. Gleaming cars, engines throwing up the pace. Street tales, urban stories we embrace. Tune in, tune in, every week diverse. Groove to the beats, let the rhythm immerse.
Lyrics flowing.
nature's arrangement cards with muscle
Network of nonsense, but the vibe is just right. Tune tune in.
always on repeat