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There is NO such things as safe plastics - BPA-free doesn't mean safe image

There is NO such things as safe plastics - BPA-free doesn't mean safe

Children's Health Podcast (formerly Autism & Children's Health)
141 Plays1 year ago

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The Illusion of Safe Plastics

There is no such thing as safe plastics. That's the moral of this episode. This paper here I'm going to read from a little bit was published in 2015, eight years ago, and it's called Bisphenol S and F.
a systematic review and comparison of the hormonal activity of bisphenol A substitutes. So this was published in 2015, eight years ago, and they did a systematic review of 32 studies. 25 were in vitro and seven were animal studies. And basically the authors state that the majority of these studies examined
the hormonal activities of bps and bpf and found their potency to be in the same order of magnitude and of similar action as bpa and these are these effects are estrogenic anti-estrogenic androgenic and Anti androgenic right in vitro and in vivo
BPS also has potency similar to that of estradiol in membrane mediated pathways which are important for cellular actions such as proliferation, differentiation and death.

BPA-Free Labels: Fact or Fiction?

So the authors concluded that based on the current literature in 2015, BPS and BPF are as hormonally active as BPA and they have endocrine disrupting effects. So we're talking hormonal disrupting effects.
And so that was 2015. So these companies that replaced BPA and put on their packaging BPA free proudly, they're throwing us, they're playing us for fools because they, first of all, maybe they don't care. But if this research has been out for years and years,
They probably know that these other bisphenols, BPS and BPF, are just as toxic, possibly even more toxic, but they do not care, right? They don't care. They're just doing what they're told. Just replace this chemical. As long as it's removed, they've done their job. It's not about the safety of the chemical that they replace it with.

Personal Experiences with Plastics

So what's the moral of the story?
there is no such thing as safe plastics. We cannot trust any plastic products. And I'll be the first to admit, I've grappled with this issue. When my daughter was born, I bought a couple of BPA free water bottles for her and we were using them for a while. And then eventually I bought those kind of
And I'm trying to transition to glass using glass bottles for liquids. And it's hard. It's hard. It's just plastics are so prevalent. And don't even get me started. All the toys our kids are being exposed to.
It's absolutely sickening the amount of plastic. And you know, again, like as a parent, you can't research every single thing and you're going to the store and say, Oh, I heard BPA was bad. This, uh, says BPA free must be fine. And it's not, there is no such thing as safe plastics. There is only a lack of evidence.
showing the harm and or a suppression of that evidence by industry because changing the materials they use, the production methods, or perhaps using production methods that are not toxic and materials that are not toxic, especially
These are all very costly things especially the latter. So these companies don't give a damn these regulatory agencies they don't give a damn and.
You can rest assured these plastics are doing some type of, at the very least, hormonal disruption. So we're talking, they have estrogenic, antiandrogenic effects. There's another paper I was looking at here.
It's called, published in 2018, called Bisphenol A. Alternatives Bisphenol S and Bisphenol F interfere with thyroid hormone signaling pathway in vitro and in vivo. So even in the animal studies, they are showing this. And look, there's so many studies. If you start going these rabbit holes, just there's so many studies.
showing that these plastics have horrendous hormone disrupting effects, right?

Plastics and Hormonal Disruption

So that partly explains why so many people have thyroid disorders and other hormonal imbalances nowadays in obesity and metabolic syndrome and all these other things. It's because hormonal disruption
is very much plays a role in many conditions and diseases, right? And we are swimming in endocrine disruptors, right? And we're kind of played a fast one by these regulatory agencies because you think they give a damn about you and you think the companies are doing their best, they're kind of,
operating from a place in our duty of care and they want to do good and yes it's capitalism we want to make money but we're doing what we can to provide quality products and they're just providing the cheapest crap they can.
to maximize profits and reduce any changing in business models and production pipelines and all that stuff.

Protecting Children from Plastic

So again, we have to think about how can we reduce our use of these plastics, especially if they're around our children. There's just no other way. There is just no, I wish I had more positive
tidings to bring on this front, but I know many listeners are already aware of this. Look, there's another review paper here published in 2014, a new chapter in the BisphenoA story. BisphenoS and BisphenoF are not safe alternatives to this compound. So they've been publishing literature on this for eight, nine years at least.
And God knows how long it will take for these. And what will happen? What will happen if they if there's an outcry from the public and there's pressure on whatever the FDA or the EPA or whatever agencies in the States, what are they going to say? We're now banning Bisphenol S and Bisphenol F and Bisphenol Z and Q and W. What are they going to do?
Are they going to put an onus on these companies that they have to do safety testing on all of the chemicals that they use? I don't think that's going to happen.
We just have to start thinking about when it comes to children, really, we have to reduce as much as possible what plastics we buy, what we value as good gifts for our children, and definitely utensils and bottles. I think that's one area at the very least, especially if there's going to be hot food in them or hot drinks or
food that has a significant fat content because a lot of these compounds are lipophilic so at the very least we have to just see what's around our children and ourselves on a daily basis and just remove the biggest offenders for example here I have my my water bottle it's made of glass it was 2 euro I believe it's got a flip top it's I have a few of them and
Before I leave the house, usually if we're going somewhere like to the beach or even sometimes whatever to a restaurant or to a friend's house, I'm going to fill a couple of bottles. I just bring my own water because I don't know. First of all, in restaurants, I know what garbage water they sell out of plastic or God knows what.
friends houses most people that that I know don't really have this use distillers or reverse osmosis they maybe use a Brita filter or they buy water in plastic jugs and stuff like that so I just bring my own reverse osmosis water in this bottle and
that kind of solves the problem once you get used to it it's not really that big of a deal you enjoy the taste of your own water that you're used to and not some kind of weird plasticky smelly weird water from a plastic bottle let's say in the restaurant or at the zoo or whatever you are.

Health Implications of Plastic Exposure

So simple little things like that that we do on a daily basis can can pay dividends for a long time because with these endocrine disruptors It's not like you're gonna feel it tomorrow, right? They these are toxic exposures that accumulate over time and then you're gonna have at first unless it's an acute exposure you're going to have a
Nebulous vague hard to define symptoms it could start with just fatigue or. Trouble sleeping or loss like general loss of libido which is something very difficult to pinpoint and.
Usually, we go like that for months, years, and sometimes decades before an overt diagnosable pathology develops, and then we can go get the diagnosis. Usually, we're not even helped then. The symptoms are treated or it's made worse.
We have to understand the reason people are so sick and unhealthy nowadays is there are very few reasons. The biggest reasons are nutrient deficiencies, nutrient excesses of certain things in the diet like polyunsaturated fatty acids. That's a big one.
and just toxicity from dozens and dozens of daily exposures that individually are tiny but cumulatively are really big and they really accumulate over time and they deplete energy reserves antioxidant reserves nutrients minerals vitamins over time they deplete
those things and then when you start getting depleted and usually it can take 10, 15 years of being an adult for that to happen and then we're 35, 40 and 50 whatever and then we start developing problems and we're told it's because you're getting old. Well, to an extent maybe but a lot of it is because we've been accumulating a lot of
damage, dysfunction, and toxicity along the way that we're more and more unable to properly detoxify and repair the damage.

Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Exposure

So when it comes to our kids, you might not see problems now, but if you look at kids entering puberty earlier or having weight issues and a ton of other stuff going on,
A lot of that stuff is hormonal, hormonally mediated. And what are these things that we're talking about here? Bisphenols and plasticizers and a bunch of other things. They're endocrine disrupting chemicals, hormonal system disrupting chemicals. So we really have to start looking at where is the low hanging fruit or where the big impact areas
in our daily day-to-day life that we can start to make some positive changes and it could it could literally be just whatever you have in the house it stays let's say you just replace the plastic bottles that you use right in the shakers the gym shakers and you know those protein shaker shakers whatever it could just replace those
and just try not to buy plastics for your kids or whatever plastic items you buy. Think about, do I really need this? Is there a wooden alternative? And just kind of start making little changes like that. Over time, if dozens or countless of minute toxic exposures add up negatively over the months and years and decades,
Likewise, a small change here, a small change there, removing toxic exposure here, removing toxic exposure there, also positively accumulates. And before you know it, you over the space of a few months, you just
You just have removed tens, dozens, whatever, multiple different small sources of exposure. And these are the kind of things we're doing them now. It's an investment without, you won't really, you won't really see the benefits necessarily tangibly, maybe for decades. And even then you won't be able to, you can't clone yourself and say, okay, this, this version of me is gonna,
live in a toxic soup. And then this version of me is going to try to make the environment as pristine as possible. You can't really do that experiment. But if you were to do that, I assure you the one that goes, expands a little bit of effort to clean up the environment from these plastic endocrine disrupting chemicals and all the other stuff I talk about, the diet, the water, shower, shower water, shower filters, air filters.
The more of those things you do, the more likely you're going to be healthy and thriving into old age and your kids will also be healthy and thriving

Final Thoughts on Plastic Safety

into old age. Otherwise, it's much more likely we're just going to become statistics like all the other folks succumbing to the countless thousands of diseases that we now have.
developed in the modern world that many of which didn't even exist 200 years ago. So I think that will be a short one today. Again, just to summarize, there are, there is no such thing as safe plastics. BPA don't mean, sorry, BPA free don't mean jack squat.
Jack squat. Thanks for listening. See you on the next one.