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Healing Your Child's Eczema Naturally w/ Andra McHugh image

Healing Your Child's Eczema Naturally w/ Andra McHugh

Children's Health Podcast (formerly Autism & Children's Health)
151 Plays10 months ago

Andra is host of the Eczema Kids podcast. In this epsiode we discuss her journey in helping her children heal their eczema naturally and her work in helping parents do the same for their kids.

Connect with Andra:

Eczema Kids Podcast: 

Eczema Kids Website: 

Eczema Kids Skin Comfort Trio: Say goodbye to discomfort and hello to healthy, happy skin for your little one. 

The Clear Skin Kids Course: 

Free facebook group, Eczema Solutions for Kids, Natural Healing and Comfort: 


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Introduction of Andrea McHugh and Eczema Kids Podcast

Hey folks, welcome back to the podcast, Christian Jourdanoff here. Today's guest is Andrea McHugh. She's host of the Eczema Kids Podcast, and we're going to talk quite a lot about eczema, children's health, and her story. So, Andrea, thank you so much for joining us today. Thank you, Christian. I'm really excited to have this conversation.

Andrea's Personal Journey with Eczema

Yeah, so let's start with your story. So what got you into the work you do, the hosting of the Eczema Kids Podcast and all that good stuff? You know, I'm sure you would guess I'm just one of those classic make your mess, your message story. I found myself four years ago, I was a mom of three at the time, and my third daughter was just born with Eczema.
They gave her to me, we were leaving the hospital, and our discharge papers said she had a neonatal rash, and then it just got worse and worse and worse and worse. And at the same time, my two-year-old at the time, it looked like a little bite on the inside of her thigh, and then it just turned into full body, out of control,
And I took them to the doctor, as one does when you have sick kids, to the pediatrician.

Dissatisfaction with Conventional Treatments

And they offered me no solutions. I mean, it was band-aids in the form of topical steroids and bleach baths. Like they recommended that I give my kids bleach baths. And I had a four-year-old as well who didn't have eczema, but she has celiacs, I didn't know at the time. So I was three for three.
on kids with autoimmune conditions. And I'm, you know, a healthy person. Like I never had any of these issues. And my husband is fine, you know, and we live in Denver and we're active and we eat healthy. And I just couldn't believe the the seat that we were in. And I just it was really clear that I had to navigate out of this situation myself because
you know, professionals just weren't going to really help me in the way that I and I that I needed. And so honestly, I just researched all night long. I was working in the dental industry at the time. And I literally between night wakings because I was not sleeping because my baby and my two year old could not sleep. My four year old was throwing up like regularly every week. I mean, it was just such a mess. And so yeah, in that in those interims, I would just read and
came up with a plan that actually worked and healed our whole family.

Launching a Natural Healing Podcast

So now, yeah, I host the Eczema Kids Podcast and have a course and a brand because it's all focused around natural healing and management of this condition.
healing, not management, but in the time being management, because it's a real problem. I mean, unfortunately, there's a lot of just really alarming trends with kids with autoimmune conditions, but eczema specifically, and it's not okay. And so- No, it's not okay. It's disgusting. And I was on your show for the listeners. I was on Andrew's podcast, Eczema Kids, and I kind of went a little bit off the rails and chained.
and ranting and raving, but it's damaged. It has to be said, you know, it's disgusting that we're normalizing being super unhealthy as a society right now. And our kids are going to suffer if we don't do something about it. So, you know, I'm glad you're doing the work you do. And have you actually looked into the stats somewhat on the prevalence of X and Y kids now?
Yeah, I mean, they say conservatively, it's 10%. Jesus Christ. It's one in 10. Yeah, I mean, even that is appalling. And it's more than that. And if you were to find all autoimmune diseases in general, it would be much

Critique of Current Eczema Treatments

higher. But yeah, they say 10%. So it's literally one in 10. And that's the solution is just put drugs on it, just suppress and kill.
and see where you're at and hopefully grow out of it. This is actually what I think a lot of doctors are doing is they give you the drug and they're praying that whilst the symptoms are being suppressed, you somehow spontaneously heal yourself.
And I think a lot of people actually, they may be through the power of placebo or maybe through, they're like, oh my God, this doctor doesn't know what they're doing. I could see they have no confidence in what they were prescribing. Maybe I need to go on the internet so they start eating better. I think a lot of people, they just do it themselves and then the drugs are just sort of a
kind of an interim, somewhat a solution to at least make the pain less horrible. So what a state of affairs, trillions of dollars, the brightest minds, investments, Ivy League schools, research centers, and this is the best to have is giving our children
topical steroids, which are cortisol mimicking chemicals. And we know very well that cortisol causes disease and degeneration in the body. That's the state of affairs. Yeah. It's really sad. Now I can't remember what I was going to say. It's okay.
Yeah, it's okay. We'll just continue on with your story. So what was kind of the first steps you took to begin? And by the way, this is another thing that really irks me is you can't even freaking say the word heal because, you know, as a practitioner, I have to be very, I have to tiptoe around these terms and you can't say heal. You always have to say you do the healing, you're a self healer, but what did you do to help your kids heal their eczema?

Dietary Changes and Gut Health

I believe you start in the kitchen with diet and nutrition because you're feeding your kids however many times a day and their tissues are building and their cells are regenerating at a crazy pace which is why it's so rewarding to work with kids because they can turn it around once you fuel them with the right things. They can turn it around really quickly so it starts there and you have to feed them a whole
real food digestible is the main thing diet because otherwise I mean we're just we're feeding them even like the healthy processed foods we're just feeding them junk all day that's not digestible and it's not prepared correctly and it's not combined correctly
And, you know, I firmly believe that the root cause of eczema and most of these autoimmune conditions is this gut dysbiosis and their digestive systems are really struggling. And you have to give them the easy to digest foods in a cooked, you know, whole prepared way. Otherwise, they're just going to continue on this path.
Exactly. So this is something that pretty much all my, well, not anymore because there's a lot of people that are kind of waking up to the reality of what we're putting in our body. But a lot of clients are coming to me and their kids are very, their diets are very grain-based, seed-based. And it's difficult for many
parents to really grasp how dangerous these foods actually can be because they're just for the reason you said is because we're not preparing them the way our grandparents would prepare them by soaking and sprouting things and you know this the sourdough process that actually kind of
from what I understand, the yeast or the bacteria or whatever, the microorganisms, they process a lot of these anti-nutrients, the gluten and stuff like that. So manufacturers today, what they're doing is, first of all, if you don't buy organic, your wheat and other grains are grown with glyphosate and other herbicides, pesticides, fungicides,
And then when it's time to harvest, they actually get sprayed with glyphosate while in the field or all of these grains or a bunch of them in order to desiccate them quickly so they don't rot and sort of go moldy. And then they're processed as quickly as possible, as cheaply as possible so that they can be on the shelves

Improving Grain and Legume Digestibility

at the lowest possible price, right? And a lot of that money that they're spending is on marketing.
And this is what we are allowing our children to put in their bodies. And when you actually break down the process, this is not food. It's not even food. It's not processed food that shouldn't even be categorized as food, something coming out of like a red box or whatever.
So kind of ranting again, sorry about that. I just feel pretty, pretty strongly about the stuff. So okay, so what I was coming at is a lot of these fibers in these grains and nuts and seeds and whatever, these fibers are getting, because they're indigestible for us, they're getting fermented by the various types of bacteria in the gut. And then some of these bacteria, when they overgrow, they are
inflammatory, they exude chemicals and various other things that are inflammatory, they disturb the immune system and so on and so forth. So this is so important to get this crap out of the diet or at least to process it well. So when I was on your show, you were telling me how you were cooking lentils. Can you just give the listeners an idea of what it actually takes to properly prepare grains or lentils or pulses before you actually allow your family to ingest them?
Yeah. So we have three seasonal diets within our program because I believe in seasonality wholeheartedly because that does help inoculate your gut with the correct microbes, right? And start to reverse this problem. So we're in the spring now and this is like a high legume time because legumes are astringent, right? And spring is like this heavy, wet season. So like the opposites kind of balance.
But the way I process legumes, it's not even hard, right? Or grains, like, and we eat gluten-free grains like rice. It's just you soak them overnight. I use, I use like trace minerals. I put it in the water, but that's not even necessary. What? You could just use salt as well. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, like high quality mineral salt.
Let it soak overnight. It's just like zero hands-on time. It's really just time. And if you have a plan, which isn't that big a deal either,
Then you, then you can go forward with this, but literally the night before I just put it in a, in a big 64 ounce mason jar because legumes, you know, absorb all that water and they grow. And, and then the next, whenever I get to it, I strain it and put it in the Instapot and cover that with like two inches of water when I cook it. And then it just depends on the legume that you're preparing, but the pressure cooker lowers the lectins and the anti nutrients. Yeah. Yeah.
that's awesome sorry and it's faster like it's also like a really handy tool so like as a busy parent you know it's actually makes this stuff doable absolutely this is what
over the last couple of years, we've been trying to become more efficient with a lot of things. So for example, in the winter, I got the slow cooker from Lido or Aldi or something. It was 30 bucks, right? And this thing has lasted a long time, but we just put a bunch of stuff in the slow cooker, usually just meat.
And then a couple of hours later, my wife might be popping in the kitchen. She might cut up some vegetables, carrots, potatoes, and onions. And another couple of hours later, the thing is ready. And there was, like you say, almost zero hands on time, right? Defrosting the meat. It can actually defrost as the water slowly heats up. So you don't even have to deal with the frosting coming back later. So I think it's all about
figuring out especially like in your case you have four kids so if you're not efficient you're dead right well that's a good part of it it has to be movable and it has and this is it's more affordable this way as well like buying those things in bulk you know from the bulk bins and the organic beans and things like that like it's super affordable but yes everything i do this i work i have four kids we homeschool oh in your homeschool as well wow yeah so that's why you know if i can do it
any of my clients can do it too.

Balancing Family and Health

Oh yeah. That is the perfect sort of example. If a homeschool mom that works can do healthy eating and living,
You don't have any excuse. I don't care. It's literally, and I'm sorry for being so blunt, but it's literally just laziness. And all you have to do is just change the habits, persevere through the changing of the habits, and that can be hard and it's uncomfortable. But once you get over it, then it's actually, it will be harder to switch back to the unhealthful habits likewise.
So it's just a matter of just push and I know sometimes it's hard when like a lot of especially like autism moms or their child has a condition or some other condition or another and they're fatigued, they're tired, they haven't slept, they might have two kids or more. It's difficult to muster up the energy to do it. So that's why it's good to have like someone like you or me where we can support you along the way and show you the ropes without you having to figure everything out yourself, right?
Yeah. And I give you these easy tools. And honestly, like one of the biggest tools is just meal planning. Like this takes me 10 minutes on Sunday. Cause I'm not making these elaborate meals and it's just literally just having a plan. It's on a whiteboard on the fridge just for the dinners. Right. And then we eat the leftover for the next day for lunch. And you just look at that plan for the next day, the night before this, this takes me five minutes to like make redo the yogurt and
either soak something or defrost something for the next day. Awesome. So what's your take on, give us, what do you think are the most healthful food for kids? Like when I was on your show, I said basically animal products, honey and fruit. So what's your kind of perspective?
I definitely animal products. Luckily, our program is very elimination based on processed foods and inflammatory foods like gluten. For our population, dairy doesn't play very well. When you have a really active case of eczema, like I said, there's a digestive problem going on. There's a lymph stagnation, there's liver stagnation, there's all these things that
that dairy being this kind of like heavier, harder to digest food doesn't go very well.
But if you can, for 90 days, buckle down and just eat what is naturally available, animal proteins, legumes, except for peanuts, fruits, and vegetables, and gluten-free grains properly prepared, you will be looking at a different kid. Because it takes that long. There's the IgE allergies. And so you obviously know what those are if your kid has that. That's when you're dealing with those really big symptoms. And parents are very aware if you're
if your kid is dealing with that kind of stuff. But the IgG, the food sensitivity stuff, you don't know, but that has a 23 day half life. So it's like, it requires a couple months, like 90 days of just this, this of this way of eating, because it, it takes that long for those antibodies to get out of your blood and really
start to turn it around and lower that histamine and just let their body relax to a place where they can rebuild and start to flourish. Yeah, this is so important. I think it's difficult in a world where we're so trained that everything has to be instant. Like you take an ibuprofen for your headache an hour later, everything is dandy. And it's difficult to really
I suppose sell people on this holistic healthy living and all this stuff when you tell them it will take half a year or this is for life. But at the end of the day, I think it's great to go through a program like that where it's
You just say, oh, 90 days, because when people do that, when the parents do that as a byproduct, as a byproduct of helping their child eat better, they're going to eat better. They're going to feel better. And then at the end of the 90 days, it's all become habit.

Parental Responsibility in Health Maintenance

So there's nothing, there's nothing, there's no need to go back to the old life. Do you find parents ever like, oh, okay, we're done here. My, my kid's ex is fine. And we're going to go back to the crappy diet now.
No, definitely not. Because there's also this progression of the palate, right? Like the kids are growing and even, you know, like sugar and all the processed foods have hijacked all of our taste buds and our brain chemicals. Like you just once you start eating this way, you remember like what it feels like to feel nourished and to feel good.
That said, the goal is to have everything in moderation. That's what I believe is healthy and your kids are going to be invited to the birthday parties and they go to school and they have exposures there. My goal where we are now is you can have everything in moderation and that feels really good. To live at this hyper
you know, concerned state, that's not healthy for you. And it's not healthy for the kid. It's, you know, I try to minimize it as much as possible, but it, it is required. And then, and then once you move past that, you can, you can move past that, but it's like he said, it's just really a
the the
the the
It's just not how things work or, or even just before when we were talking about like how doctors present this case, it's like they don't, you know, you're not growing out of it. Even if a kid is seemingly grow out of it, like that means just the inflammation is just, is changing and morphing and presenting itself in a different way as in allergies and asthma and hay fever, you know, it's, if you don't address this, you will continue to suffer. Your kids will continue to suffer, but
to see your kids suffer is the ultimate pain point for me. Like I would do any, I did, you know, I turned myself inside out to heal my children. Because you can't, watching your kids suffer is way harder than anything that you need to do to heal them.

Industry Influences on Autoimmune Issues

Yeah, yeah. So you never, you didn't have any health issues yourself when you said your third child was born with eczema?
No, I mean I was okay. I was working in the dental industry and unfortunately that is a lot of exposure to radiation and all chemicals because there's nothing in dental that's natural or okay and your rent, your
you know, washing your hands a million times a day with that antimicrobial soap. I mean, everyone in those industries and nurses like they're heroes. But unfortunately, it's like really a really deleterious career dental, even more so than just then traditional medicine, like nursing and stuff. It's it's it's really hard on the body. And that's just unfortunately the environment that I was in. And that's what I think kicked over the inflammation bucket for my kids. Hmm.
Yeah, I had one client where they were both working in the dental industry and they were taking out a lot of mercury amalgams at the time when the mom was pregnant. So, you know, that's definitely a possibility why, you know, their child had then had autism and stuff like that, you know, so definitely feel for those folks. Because even like I went to get my mercury amalgams
taken out safely last year and they were following all that smart protocol with all the they were wearing masks and visors and they had the pump sucking air out as they were sort of drilling but i'm thinking to myself i know it's all safe and dandy but i would not want to work in this environment like every day of the week
You know, and so many, so many parents unbeknownst to them are getting exposed to toxins whilst they're, you know, the mother is still pregnant or just basically their entire life. So what have you, what have you, what do you teach your, um, your, uh, clients in terms of that side of things?
So in our like we do you know home modifications because that is where your kids spend the most of their time even when they're older if you if you account for the sleeping time you know that's where they are and you just have to make that environment as
anti-inflammatory as possible. And so we address the water molds, EMFs is a is a biggie, you know, and that's because you can do you, you can do everything that you can lighting, like, your home, you have control, like you are the one in control of everything that brings that comes into your home. And that's why it's just imperative that you do everything you can to
to lower those inflammation inputs into your kid. And like you said, it'll impact you as well, positively. Your entire family. Just think about like, you do five things in a day.
Let's say you shower. If you don't have a chlorine filter on the water, you're getting exposed to chlorine. If you have LED lights at night, blue light before bed. If your router or router is in your living room where your kids are or close to their bedroom. There's like every room you look into, there is multiple things causing issues. Like if you don't have air filters,
your lungs become the filter for your air in your house. If you list them out the way we are listing them here, it seems overwhelming. But man, it's not like we learned these things in a day or in an hour or listening to one podcast. We've been at it for years and it starts systematically. What are the low hanging fruits? And I think we all have so many low hanging fruits.
Okay, so what about supplements? Do you work with supplements at all or is it all diet based? No, and then that's step four. So we do the diet and then kind of at the same time symptom management, because you are, you know, if you have eczema, right, they're itchy and they're in pain. And so we deal with that. And then the home modifications, because it is step by step by step, because yes, it feels overwhelming, but I just want to give you like the most direct path to

Role of Supplements in Eczema Management

this natural healing. And there is so much that you can do.
And then supplements, like once you've gotten all of that under control, then supplements. And so, yeah, we have a plan where it's just they're all child friendly because unfortunately, you know, most of the products that are marketed for kids are just one, the potency is so low that you'd have to take like 50 servings to actually
get at a place that would make a difference. And then two, they have all this extra stuff, you know, like even like the healthy supplements still have all these, even if it's not like flat out junk, like sugar and flavors and chemicals of that sort, it's just other things that are that are triggering for our little eczema kids. So it's singling those out and making it and doing a cohesive plan. We do like a
glutathione precursor cocktail. That's like super effective. That's powder that you can stick into wherever, or they can just drink it. That is your own supplements that you do. Yeah. No. So I am not a doctor or, you know, not an MD. So these are all just, you know, a lot of, from a lot of different companies and all childhood proof, like my kids will take them. And yeah, there's a plan for wherever you at age
wherever you're at age wise and a baby plan. Cause a lot of my kids, a lot of my clients are under 12 months, you know? And yeah, that's, and that's oftentimes when these symptoms first present and especially in this realm of child health, it's really that that world is hard to navigate without, without an MD. And you literally have to look at ingredient by ingredient by ingredient and then decide on the serving and what
make sense to overcome those nutritional deficiencies because there certainly are a significant amount of nutritional deficiencies because they haven't been digesting their food. But if they're presenting these symptoms, that's definitely a part of it. So we just work extra hard to get the digestion and overcome those nutritional deficiencies and supplements really do help you.
get over that. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. What about do you do you have a feeling is is it more prevalent the eczema in c-section kids or would you say it's you don't have that on that? I I believe so. I mean, if you were to just Google it, they would say no, you know, and I I've had four cesareans and unfortunately, like it's it's really
really sad from so many standpoints. And, you know, I started down that path because my first one was breach. And then there was just, you know, looking back, there's so many things you could do. And I just trusted the person in the white coat that was telling me these things. And, you know, my first two, I just, I just did the plan because it's, you know, it was seemingly okay, but not even really okay. Like kids are still dealing with all these digestive issues. And like I said, my oldest had celiacs and I didn't know, and it was just getting
worse and worse, but I still feeding her a gluten free diet. There's just things like happening. So yeah, it's what I've learned is, you know, I now have the power. So my fourth cesarean was he is doing really, really well. And I did a lot of things differently in that case. And I had to have a cesarean because, you know, once you've had three, nobody will touch you with like a 10 foot pole.
in the natural world, just nothing like nobody will touch you. So it's OK. It's just that's how it came to be. And I have to say it's OK to myself. So so I can just, you know, carry on. But it's of course it's not ideal. And I would do everything humanly possible to not have that happen. And I think the first thing, if you're pregnant, work with some work with somebody that isn't at a hospital, ideally, because that's going to be their go to.
Yeah, I mean, we're actually having this conversation an hour ago with my wife at lunch. She's like, because the birth was fairly difficult. The labor was long and stuff. So she still has trauma from that. And she'll say things like,
oh you know at least when you when you do a c-section you pick the day and you know it's it's all in and out and i'm like yeah come on look come on you're just you you think there's no strings attached with the c-section it's i think it's just that operation then it's it's probably antibiotics they're gonna think of some other thing to give you you know so you have to really
Because we did a home birth, and if we were probably in the hospital, they would have done a C-section hours into it, not like what we did. So there's always strings attached, but at least I think in your case, maybe this is part of your journey. Having gone through all of this struggle, it's like the hero's journey where you accumulated all these experiences and sort of work in the trenches. So now you're able to advise
other people and other families that help them navigate. So there's always this kind of silver lining. Our hardships lead us to become the, then you were now helping potentially hundreds, thousands, or God knows more families in the future, you know? Yeah. No, it's the only way that I can reconcile it in myself. It's just, this is why I feel morally obligated to do this because
there's such real struggle going out there. And like I said, if I can do it, I'm not an MD and I'm not a chef and I don't have extra time. And we live in Denver, Colorado. We don't live off grid and we're still making it happen.
Yeah, so you don't identify as a doctor, no? No. To be honest, this is, to me, it's actually laughable nowadays, this whole thing. Are you a doctor, though? Unfortunately, and I'm saying this,
from a place of sort of, I'm sad about it, but this very respected profession has turned into an absolute freaking laughingstock, you know? Like these people back in the day used to be healers, like shamans, and like it was a spiritual part of it, you know? But now they're just glorified drug dealers. And the only reason people still respect them is because of all the brainwashing that we undergo in the 11 years of government indoctrination camps, you know?
or more. So I think it's actually laughable to think going to your doctor is going to provide any solution other than emergency care. I think they're good at that and they will always be great at that. But any type of chronic thing like this, I think it's preposterous to even think you'll get any help. The best they have for eczema is cortisol mimicking chemicals for Christ's sake, you know? Yeah. I mean, it really is a travesty, but
I know everyone who is in that profession gets in there because he, because they care. I know like that's the start. And like you said, it was just a lot of drop donation and they get like half an hour of nutritional training. And hopefully things will start to change. I think things have to change in just looking at the population and what's, what's happening. But most, most importantly, I mean, you have to know that you are,
especially for your children. You're your child's advocate. You are in charge. I mean, even if you're working with somebody who will help you, you're the one that has to do it.
Right. You're the one in charge of everything that's coming in your house. You're the one feeding your kid and you're the one working with them day in and day out and putting non-toxic things on onto their skin that's being absorbed into their bloodstream. Like it's it's you and that that's I guess part of the reframe. It's like you are equipped because you're a parent that that you've been assigned. And if you're dealing with this, you got to step up.
Yeah, they say it might not be your fault, but it's your responsibility. It's not even about playing the blame game. It doesn't really matter. Is it the medical system? Is it the toxic food supply? Is it the chemicals that the government allows to be pumped into the world? It doesn't matter. This is the reality of the situation. This is the reality of the modern world.
All we can do is do the things that we know or we have learned to do and that is keep our home environment free of toxins as much as possible. Get the right foods, the clean foods, support our families, health with supplementation. I think anybody that thinks you can get through
the modern world with all of the modern toxins, all of this modern crap and pesticides and stuff. If you think all these modern additions that are detrimental to health, if you think you can get through life unscathed without other modern beneficial things like supplementation, saunas, stuff like that, well, I think you're very naive. I'm hoping that we can change your mind with our work. I really think even kids nowadays, like we were talking,
On your show, I personally think almost all children have to be given a fairly hefty serving of vitamin D on a regular basis. At the very least, I think vitamin D is straight up a no-brainer, like a non-negotiable. But then even with my daughter, when she was born, she had some skin stuff going on.
And then over the first 18 months, it would be on the elbow creases and the knees. And it has to do with the hot weather here and the kids sweat, high metabolism. So we just couldn't figure out the right cadence to wash her, to kind of bathe her.
but I found that getting that cadence correct so her skin is not too dry but also so you know there's no none of this buildup of gunk and a probiotic really helped clear it up and now it's kind of coming back so I'm like should I start another round of probiotics this kind of stuff but you have to think in those terms in my opinion right you can't just expect it would just work out I'm just feeding her
you know, healthy food and that's, you have to think next level, right? Would you agree? Yeah, yeah, definitely. And like you're saying that the symptom management stuff, I mean, that's like, you know, it's a real therapy. It's a real, it's a real integral part of this. And you need to just put, and I know you are, but like everything that goes onto the skin, right, is being absorbed. It's our largest organ and it's, and people kind of abandoned their, their values. Like even if they're eating really healthy and they don't, they don't use Windex,
still they're like putting you know petroleum based products on the skin and especially in eczema because it's just so dry and you feel like you have to put something you know really thick on and you do but there's so many options. I sell skincare because we started with herbal oils and that's a really big deal that's putting it's basically taking supplements through the skin and especially for kids it's just
in an amazing way. That's an amazing vehicle to deliver those nutrients, right? Because they don't need to consume them. And by like putting that on before these like anti-inflammatory detoxifying herbs on the skin, letting that soak in. I mean, that's based on like an Ayurvedic practice called Abhayanga. It's like this herbal massage and
in my house that does not look like this really nice, calm, herbal, like, no, not at all. Like, it's not my two-year-old's like, and I just kind of like flatter it on him. My nine-year-old is like, no way, no how. I'm like, that's okay. You know, my seven-year-old as well, it's okay. But at the time, but my four-year-old and two-year-old, we do this. And, you know, it's just putting it on. And then using the bath, like, I do recommend anyone with eczema due
does take a nightly bath. Because again, it's just a real therapy. If you just do Epsom salts and baking soda, unscented, obviously, and just let them sit there, that really helps them detoxify because what's happening in the case of eczema is like the toxins are coming out through the skin, right? That's what those rashes are. And so they really need some detox help. So that helps with germs. I mean, if the baking soda
is antimicrobial and the Epsom salts as well, but it really

Benefits of Detox Baths

helps. Yeah. Also just absorb those nutrients from the salts. And it's not, it doesn't cause Epsom salts on its own would sting. Is that why the baking soda is added? No. Epsom salts are generally tolerated. Magnesium flakes. No, those sting for sure. Chloride. Oh yeah. The magnesium chloride is not good. Epsom salts
generally work. And then if, and then the baking soda is, is part of that antimicrobial. So the bicarbonate, right? Okay. Gotcha. And I get these things at Costco. I don't know if you have such a thing in Europe, but like, you know, these like big box stores and you get a lot and, and you know, you don't have to measure anything and it doesn't take this extra time. You just dump it into the bathroom, these really big, really big bags. And,
let it ideally dissolve because it's powder so it dissolves in the bath quickly and then let them soak in there for as long as you have and sometimes that's a bit and sometimes it's not and it's okay.
So, um, just cause, cause we're, we're in an apartment. We don't have a bath, but we still have my, my daughter's little baby bath thing. How much for something that size, like something small like that, how much Epsom soles do you need? Like a cup? Yeah. That'd be enough. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's plenty. And if you do see that is uncomfortable for her, you can lessen it. Like I say a cup for a regular size bath. So if it's smaller, maybe half.
And like approximately a cup, I don't measure anything like for cooking or any, you know, it's just like, it's quick. So for a regular bath, a cup ish for Epsom salts and then like a quarter to a half a cup of baking soda. And then if you want some ragweed free essential oils, which also help with detoxification, but also germs. Yeah. They have a lot of these like oregano and whatever else, peppermint, they have antibacterial properties. So.
definitely. Oregano is really strong, so you do have to be careful with it. Don't put that in the bath. That might sting. You can't even take oregano undiluted as an internal. No, that's a serious medicine. I tell my clients, when you get that box, they ask me about the oregano, I always tell them, you're going to know, if you're in the room and there's a bottle of oregano oil, you're going to know it's there. You smell it through the box when it arrives.
Yeah, yeah, no, that's, it's pretty intense. So I don't recommend putting that in the bath. And then regular things that are recommended, like lavender and chamomile, those are, those are in the ragweed family. So unfortunately for kids struggling with eczema, it kind of exacerbates the symptoms sometimes. So if in doubt, just don't use them at all. And then if you're ready to take on the next level, definitely incorporate those in. And it also just helps with their nervous system and lowering the stress and just making it like a relaxing, detoxifying time. So lavender and chamomile are a no-no you say, yeah?
Yeah, because they're a part of the ragweed. What is the ragweed family? Just a bunch of birds. Yeah, and it's fine. It's part of our universe, and it's great for people that don't have eczema. But if this is your struggle, then other ones like frankincense is a really good skin healing one, geranium, blue tandy. There's a lot.
There's a lot available and when you go into the world of essential oils, that also can be overwhelming, but I have a whole list. It's like crystals. You go broke collecting them. For sure. We had a face, crystal face. Nice. I haven't, I haven't gone into that at all, but I just, you know, help and I do like the way, sorry. Sorry, you go.
the way that like you also putting it in diffusers, you know, that really helps. Aromatherapy is a real thing. It is a therapy and also putting, you know, if you mix essential oils right with oil, obviously you can't put them on undiluted onto the skin, but you know, putting those types of things on your kid's feet. This also just serves as a really good connection time between the two of you.
before bed, like that helps them in all these holistic ways. So I love incorporating this into those. Yeah. Damn, I wanted to ask you something, but I forgot I have some notes here.
I think it was about the symptoms, the skin stuff. Beef tallow, right? I thought I saw something on your website about that. Tell the listeners, what is beef tallow and why is it so good for your skin? We have a cream that's super thick that
is totally tallow based because it's bioavailable, right? So one is thick enough because I remember I used to put lotion on my kids and it was just absorbed even before I was done. And there you have, they're small bodies, right? They have very little real estate. And it's a real struggle if your skin is in this state, right? The skin barrier isn't functioning and not even present. So it's hard. It is so moisturizing because
It is bioavailable. It has vitamin A and D and E and K in it, and it really does just soothe. It is absorbable. Unlike plant-based moisturizers, unfortunately, they just don't
They don't do it. As someone who's just been there and managing this situation, they just don't. For all different reasons, olive oil is in most of the things out there targeted toward this condition, most natural products.
Like a frequent use of that on the skin thins it like because of the oleic acid and you just have to know all of these things and you know, obviously you don't want to put seed oils like Sunflower things like that on your skin, but that's also what's available in these plant-based moisturizers because it's natural Right. And so I would still choose that I guess over like
aqua for like petroleum based stuff. But I love yeah, tallow for this condition and even I use it. And my skin has never been softer. But all my kids have butter soft skin and it's amazing.

Three-Step Skincare Routine

So yeah, we just have a three step thing. It's the herbal oil, ideally take a detox bath and I also am renting and we don't have bathtubs anymore. So
You know, it's okay. Now my kids shower, but at the time. And then we have, you pat them dry. Cause that's a big deal. Like you don't want to rub the skin with the towel, right? You just like lightly pat them dry. We have a spray that helps with itch and staff.
and it's got Chinese herbs in it to help with the the staff piece and the itch piece and then also a little bit of cooling peppermint and aloe and that really helps with those with those symptoms and prevent infection or deal with an infection if that's what you're contending with and then as soon as that's dry which it dries fast then follow that up with that that nutritive cream and if you're in a real bad spot you can do wet wet wrapping as well which is like
just wet, tight, cotton pajamas. And then you literally like put it in water, wring them out as much as you can, put, lather your kid in the cream, put on those wet, a layer of the wet pajamas, and then follow that up with a layer of dry pajamas, like, like kind of like a sweatsuit, you know?
And that really helps. That's if your kid is in a place where they can't make it through the night. It just helps. Oh my God, I can only imagine the suffering and pain some of these kids are going through. And the parents, obviously.
imagine your kid not sleeping all night. My daughter so far, she didn't even drink it, but she slept really well over the last two and a half plus years. So once in a while you had to go in there and soothe her, but we never had these episodes of not sleeping. So I really feel for the parents going through that.
It's a hard thing to see, because you just can't grow. And anyway, you can't show up. You're showing up for your kids, but just in this bare minimum way. I would get the energy to play and do the extra fun things. And it's hard to grow. Yeah, you're surviving. You're just survival-molding. Yeah. Yeah. So you just, my goal, I don't want anyone to be in that place for as long as short as seemingly possible. Because once you're there, you're there. You just got to work your way out of it.
Yeah. So you actually reminded me about, I was going to ask you about the staff, but before that, when you were talking about these seed oils for the skin, I was at a, oh my God, this is hilarious. I was at a,
first aid course a month ago or so and it was presented by a registered nurse here in Portugal and she's a very nice lady but very indoctrinated you know so when I told her everyone had to introduce themselves so she's like oh yeah the alternative stuff I like the alternative stuff you know so she kept making like little innocent jabs about the alternative stuff and stuff
And by the way, she had quite a lot of skin issues like acne, adult acne and stuff. So clearly, you know, she didn't get the help she needed from the conventional system. But anyway, in the end, she she was talking about a certain oil or certain cream that she said, it's really good.
And it's alternative, she said. It's alternative. And then she finally got the name of it, and we started googling it or whatever. And she was like, oh, look, it has essential oils! And she was pointing at me, like some freaking essential oil guy there with my crystals, you know?
but I looked at it and I didn't say anything because of course it was the end of the day I didn't want to you know be an asshole or anything but I looked at it and it was a bunch of Omega-6 oils basically most for the most part and a little bit of I think peppermint oil I'm thinking to myself
This is so typical of the allopathic modalities because the omega-6s, the seed oils, they actually suppress the immune system. So if you have an outbreak or something going on and you use a seed oil, those omega-6, polyunsaturated fats like linoleic acid or whatever, they suppress the immune system. So you may actually get symptomatic relief, but that's again similar to the corticosteroids where you're suppressing the immune system with the cortisol mimicking chemicals.
So I'm thinking to myself, Oh my God, like, I hope nobody here that buys this thing. I would never buy this thing ever for any reason for anybody, you know? So it's kind of just, it's, I like, I like that you say that, you know, there's, there's a place for herbal stuff and, uh, you know, or essential oils, but we have to be very smart and sort of discerning what we use because not any plant oil will do, you know, not
You know, it kind of way. But anyway, just about the staff. So I had one lady adult with eczema, ran a stool test. She had staff of the caucus aureus. And as it turns out, I think it was eight or nine out of 10 people with eczema have the staff on their skin. What do you know about the staff and all that good stuff? Staff.
I mean 100% if you have eczema you have an increased staff count on your skin, right? That's that's a part of it And what happens if when it's left unchecked it can get infected real quick because when you have open Skin, right? Like that's why we have skin is like to protect to protect ourselves from the elements and and the inflammatory assault so if you have a lackluster skin barrier then those
those pathogens are getting in from another way, right? Like not even just ingesting it or breathing it in. And it's also like just directly coming through your skin. So yes, staph is something that you really do have to contend with. And there's kind of like these two different types of eczema. There's like the dry, moving around, like really mobile red type of eczema. And then there's this weepy, like infectious type of eczema. And
The kind with the weepy, infectious type of eczema that you have to contend with staff more. It's like more of a thing. But honestly, the stuff that I put in this spray is yin care. And it also helps women with yeast infections and things like that.
Yeast is a as a as a big part of it. I mean, this is bacteria, right? Like so you don't want to you don't want to feed it sugar and yeast and things like that that would help it proliferate and that's a big part of the diet is like Eliminating those things and that will help so it's it's the topical solutions but not in topical steroids ideally and then Also the diet base to just start to kill that and do you make all the stuff yourself? I do right now. Yeah
Jesus Christ at home or do you have like a right now at home? But you know, you should put yourself as well to do. Oh my God. Yeah. I didn't think I would like start a skin care arm, but I have just starting in December because we've been using these solutions for a long time. And it, like I said, it is an integral part of our healing and it's like what you have to do if your skin is in this condition and
And people have really responded to it well. So, you know, yes, right now that's what I'm doing until we grow more and then I'll come up with another

Reversing Eczema with Lifestyle Changes

solution. But yeah, for XML management, it really is pretty imperative. So do you ever see like this stopping completely being an issue or do you think it's like a lifelong thing? You just have to learn how to manage?
No, that's what I love about this is you really, I firmly believe, like that's what keeps me going is like, I know, I know that you can reverse this. You can't. And that's what gives me hope and the determination to go on. It's like, there's so many things that you can do as a parent that are realistic and affordable and doable. And you can reverse this, but otherwise if you don't, like we said, it's going to morph into something else and
it is going to be something that your child has to contend with for the rest of their life. Yeah. Yeah. So a couple of the pictures on your website with the outbreak, I'm like, Oh my God. I can only imagine like, as a parent, you have to deal with that in your child, especially like when your child is like almost barely verbal and they can't really express how they feel and they're just crying. That's the only way of expressing their frustration and pain is just like,
You're doing good work. Thank you. Really amazing work because this is pure health for the parents. I can just feel it as an empath or want to be empath or identify as an empath. I don't know. But it must really be horrible. It really is. Like I said, I just don't want anyone to be in that place for any length of time. And if you are there to shorten that time as
as much as possible because as a parent, just as a person, like I could hardly function looking at my kids like that. Like it was so hard and to not have a path and not know what to do. And you read all these things and they all are conflicting. And I mean, it's just what a horrible place to be and to not be sleeping and for your kids to not be sleeping. So there's things you can do, luckily.
Yes. Okay. So we covered diet supplementation, the, the, the, the skin care stuff. Any other, as we slowly wrap up any other areas that you, you feel are important to cover before we go for the parents?

Importance of Testing for Food Sensitivities

Yeah. Then, then we go into testing if need be. And ideally that's an optional fifth step. And like I said, a lot of my clients are, are very young, like under 12 months old. So a lot of this testing isn't available to them. So they have to come up with something else.
in the interim and then, you know, a lot of them are toddlers and blood draws and things like that are really hard. So I do that last. It's also very expensive and a little traumatizing when your kids are that little and you have to go to either the children's hospital or find a phlebotomist that can handle little kids like if you go to just Quest or LabCorp or whatever, you know, like they can't handle kids.
So, you know, it's really pricey. It's really time invasive. So anyway, it's an optional fifth step. But if you're going through all these steps, like one through four, and then you're still seeing one, the eczema case will be so much better. I mean, even if there is an underlying pathogen or something like that.
if you are still seeing something, then yes, you're either missing a food sensitivity. So then we do like an IGG and white blood cell test, and then if needed, then a stool test. So there's a sequence and then a nutrient deficiency test, but I show parents how to call these labs, real labs, like not consumer facing labs, get those tests yourself like at the lowest price available and then, and how to move forward from there. So,
You know, because testing is necessary then in some cases, like I said, if you're, if you're still seeing a problem, then you're missing something and then tests will help unveil that. Oh yeah. I think if, if they can afford the testing, luckily the stool test is so easy, even with small kids, you just scoop it out of the diaper. So that's super easy. And then with the organic, if you're under 12 months.
Oh, you can't. No. Really? That's, I mean, so they say, yeah. All right. Well, yeah, I've never worked with, I think the youngest child that we've worked with is two. So I've never actually. Yeah, super easy. But yeah, for little under 12 months old, the
They won't do it. Damn. That is definitely a complex area now with still basically babies. Again, I just can't imagine having to deal with that as a parent to you. You just had a kid and those first three months are already so stressful to have to then, oh my God, I don't even want to think about it seriously. But what's great about doing this at the end for kids
is, you know, like what the stool test is going to show is there's a dysbiosis happening, right? Yes, know that. And what like, if you take a food sensitivity test too early, like it's just gonna light up like a Christmas tree.
And because their whole system is inflamed and you're going to be afraid. I mean, you might already be like afraid to feed your kid. Cause it's like, Oh my gosh, they're reacting to everything. I was definitely theirs. They are reacting to everything. What can I do? And so I just like to do that at the end. If there's still a problem, one to save money to trauma and three, then you can actually derive
You know, information that is helpful because otherwise you're just, you're getting, you're paying thousands of dollars for things that you already know. Yeah. Yeah. Definitely. You don't want to be spending thousands of dollars. I think.
I think even like, let's say that you can do the blood work and stuff like that. And I think in most cases with my clients, the most, well, in some cases, some more complex cases aside, the most we'll do is like a IgG sensitivity test, stool test, that'll be maybe $700 or something like that.
And occasionally, we may want to do it like an organic acids test and stuff like that. So I think keeping it under $1,000 in pretty much all scenarios, sometimes all we do is one test and that's plenty, like a stool test, see the dysbiosis, see exactly what we're dealing with. And then you have a frame of reference, you know.
Because with the food sensitivities, at least from experience, there's a few things that come up regularly and then it's going to be usually the grains and the vegetables and the nuts that are problematic. So we've very seldom going to see like an IDG light up for meat, for example. Oh, and it's game changing.
one of those for, you know, for my eldest. And they have done it for all three of them at various times once they were old enough, because they really did help me. And for my eldest, like, you know, oats was like a thing I didn't realize now I wouldn't include oats in anyone's diet. But you know, at the time, I didn't know like gluten free oats and like things like millet. Yeah, exactly. It's just but it's like, Oh, yeah, I am. Millet is problematic. Millet. Yeah.
was problematic, but it was, you said you did the MRT for that, or was it the IGG? The MRT. Yeah, okay. But for the kids, probably. Millet has quite a lot of oxalate as well, so I can see why it can be problematic for people. But it's also like a gluten-free grain, so it's like something that we used sometimes, and yeah, but so finding those extra little things, and like I said, if you're still seeing a problem, then yes, that it makes sense, and it's totally life-changing
life changing stuff. And I love these tests like they really does help. But for us from the onset, we we take away the eggs and the nuts, you know, like those are those are high, high inflammatory or highly reactive foods for the time being, because those are whole real foods. So I like that. But for that, we just from the onset take away the dairy and the nuts and the eggs and the gluten and starting there. That really helps.
Absolutely. Have you ever seen on an IgG test the meat glue being high? No. No, meat glue. Meat glue is a thing that they test for. I've seen that off the charts. So not like gelatin.
If you go on the Mosaic, you know, used to be Great Plains Lab, Mosaic Diagnostics, if you look at their 180 food IDG food map, whatever it's called, there's a marker for meat glue. That's actually, if you buy fish fingers or various types of sausages and salamis, they have a specific thing there that basically glues all this schmoot together to make, yeah, yeah.
That was one way I actually helped the client finally realize that his son eating fish fingers from just from the regular grocery store was not a good idea long term, you know, and he had to see that. He's like, what meat glue is this a joke? Like am I high or something? But yeah, it's a thing.
Yeah. Well, and then some of those tests go into like all the different colors and things like that as well. And some people need that to make a change, you know, and, and for adults, it's a, it's a great, that's totally a fine first step, but yeah, for the, for the kids, it's like, obviously they're going to be reacting to that. We don't need to test for it. Just, yeah, exactly. It's like, it's not food. Yeah. Exactly. It's not food for God's sake, but, um,
Sometimes the data does help, especially more left brain analytical types, they kind of need it. This is again for adults, but I've shown people that thought they were very healthy, living very healthily.
I've shown them the lab work, they're almost like in disbelief. The data does help to drive the person's habit and lifestyle changes. Look, some of these tests are $300, $400, sure.
But think about in 10, 20, 30 years time, not just the decisions you make for yourself, but then that you make for your child and they learn those things from you for life. Think about what is that worth? Is it 100x more? Is it 1000x more? Is there even a value you can put on it that kind of way?
Oh, yeah. 100%. Like I said, it's just, it's like, where they, where my clients are with such young children. Like a lot of times it's just not an option. And the, just seeing your kids suffer has to be the motivation for a change. But for, yes, myself, like I'm in a place and we talked about it. Like I, you know, I've had four Caesarians now and you know, I, I kind of live my life on high energy at like a constant pace of
Sprint really all the time and like I don't feel good a lot of the times like I feel fine like I feel okay to like make it through the day and We do play and we do homeschool and we and I show up for for this and that's fine But like I don't feel as well as I could so now like being in the place that I'm at testing would make sense Yeah, yeah
Cool. Well, we'll discuss that after. Maybe I can help out. So, Andrew, listen, this was great. Thank you so much for coming in and sharing your insights. And just before we go, please let the listeners where they can find your stuff, your podcast services, Instagram, all that stuff. Just let everybody know where you're at and any other thing that I missed, please mention it.
Sure. You can find the eczema kids podcast anywhere you stream podcasts. And my website is eczema And you can get the course and the skincare there. And I seriously, it's embarrassing. I joined Instagram like a month ago, and I'm like 20 years late to the party and I handle is or at So you can find me there as well. And we also have a fee, a free Facebook group. It's
natural eczema solutions for kids. That's there as well. It's just a free resource and to connect with other people that really know. Awesome. Well, thank you so much, Andra. Thank you. Thanks for having me on. This was so fun. This was fun.