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My Health Consulting Service for Your Child - Autism, ADHD, Gut Dysfunction, Allergies, Sleep Issues image

My Health Consulting Service for Your Child - Autism, ADHD, Gut Dysfunction, Allergies, Sleep Issues

Children's Health Podcast (formerly Autism & Children's Health)
167 Plays1 year ago

Children's health consulting (autism, ADHD, gut dysfunction etc.):

Get my book Autism Wellbeing Plan: How to Get Your Child Healthy:

My new book, How to Actually Live Longer, Vol.1:

Christian Yordanov is a health author and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition practitioner. He has worked with clients with severe gastrointestinal ailments, toxicity, and debilitating chronic fatigue. He has helped people with autoimmune and neurological conditions, skin disorders, hypothyroidism, insomnia, depression, autism, obesity, and other metabolic problems.

His latest book, How to Actually Live Longer, Vol. 1, is the first in his series on slowing the ageing process and increasing longevity. He is also author of the book Autism Wellbeing Plan: How to Get Your Child Healthy — a comprehensive resource for parents to understand the most common health problems from which autistic children suffer, and how to address them.

In his clinical work, Christian uses functional lab testing to identify hidden metabolic and health imbalances, and teaches clients how to use diet, supplementation, detoxification, stress reduction, sleep optimisation, and other strategies to address their chronic health issues and transform their lives for the better.


Introduction to Health Consulting Services

Hey folks, Christian Jornoff here. I wanted to talk to you about my health consulting for parents with children that have some health issues like gut dysfunction, allergies, sleep problems, or their kids are autistic.

Unrecognized Health Issues in Autism

And you may have read my book, Autism Wellbeing Plan, How to Get Your Child Healthy. And you are aware that autistic children suffer from a myriad of
underlying, unidentified, unrecognized health issues that very often are contributing to the autism. So gut dysfunction, accumulation of heavy metals and other toxins that the body is unable to excrete due to, occasionally due to certain
imbalances, it could be diet related, it could be nutrient deficiencies. There's a number of issues that the research has found that correlate with autism severity.

Gut Problems and Immune Dysregulation

So I discussed that in basically the first page of my book. So just to jog my memory here.
So, gastrointestinal problems, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, reflux, mild digestion, leaky gut, which is also known as intestinal permeability, gut infections, so bacterial, fungal, food allergies or sensitivities.
So sleep problems, nutrient deficiencies or imbalances and impaired immune function. So immune system dysregulation is a big factor in autism. And that's a big reason why that is the case is because the gut and the immune system are very tightly linked.

Remote Consulting and Lab Tests

Some 60 to 70% of the immune system cells are in the gut. So the kids
that the families that I work, the kids tend to have invariably some type of gut dysfunction, be that candida overgrowth, an overgrowth of the so-called gram-negative bacteria which produce toxins that have been linked to all sorts of disease, right? So these are things we really need to investigate
and address quickly so that the child, so all the impediments to the child's growth and development and good health are removed, and then they can express their genetic potential. This is the whole point of my health consulting service for parents. Now, the way it works is I just work with you. I don't need to see your child. You know, your child could be two. I've worked with kids from two to 17.
So I don't need to see your child. You fill out my forms. We talk. We run some lab work. If you would like to, we don't necessarily have to do lab work. But I would advise in certain situations, I would advise whether I think running a lab test is prudent, whether it's through your doctor or I can help you with on that front if needed. So
As I mentioned, some of the neurotypical children I've worked with, whose parents I've worked with, we focus. Usually they come to me when the issue is quite serious, so I've seen quite a lot of complex cases, so constipation, really serious constipation.
general gut dysfunction, allergies, nosebleeds, sleep problems, and some other less common issues. On the autistic side of things with the children, I've seen cases with non-verbal children
developmental delays,

Identifying Gut Problems with Tests

quite serious developmental delays, the repetitive behavior, the stimming, self-injurious behavior. I just started working with a client where their son was bitten by a tick. So Borrelia, so that's another area I'll be digging deeper into. And so with the complex cases,
I have access to the best labs in the world. So if needed, we can pull all the stops. We can run all the lab tests that we need to. So fungal, mycotoxins and mold, the really nuanced things that sometimes are needed. Now these are generally not needed for most
Families, so my two number number two tests would be the GI map. That's a comprehensive stool test. It's probably the best in the world or one of the best in the world. So this just gives us a really good map of the current state of the gut of a person. And that really helps us to just zero in on what's the issue? Is it a pathogen? Is it overgrowth of this biotic bacteria? Is it low?
beneficial bacteria, is it an overgrowth of those?

Consulting Process: Resilience and Lifestyle

Because the beneficial bacteria can also overgrow and cause problems in some people or imbalances. Is it fungus? Is it parasites? The reason I really like it, especially with my work with parents, with children, is because the other test that I really like is a urine collection, whereas this is just a little you scoop some poop
You can scoop it out of a diaper or whatever. There's a way to do it if the kids are pooping on the toilet. It's very simple and easy for the parent to collect. I've noticed with younger kids, there's a pediatric collection bag that you have to put in the diaper. With girls especially, it's difficult to get that urine leaks out with boys. It's a little bit easier.
So that's why I really like the GI map. With slightly older kids, I really like the organic acids test because that gives us so many different aspects of the metabolism from gut dysfunction, markers, intestinal, yeast, mold,
bacteria, certain Clostridium bacteria that are implicated in autism, oxalates, which I talk about in my book. If you're not aware of what they are, I have a podcast episode on that. B vitamin deficiencies, antioxidant imbalances and deficiencies, potential markers for toxicity. There's a lot of energy production markers, so around mitochondrial function.

Impact of Diets and Toxins on Health

And mitochondrial function is a big, big issue in general. It's a big driver of disease and accelerated aging, and it's actually very common in autism. So the organic acids test with older kids, I really like that test. In an ideal scenario, in an ideal world, or with more complex cases, both of those are, I consider them quite necessary to really zero in on the specific set of health challenges in that child situation.
so that we can tailor the program as best as we can and get the results we want as quickly as possible. This is the beautiful and the really kind of amazing part when I work with families is the children bounce back so quickly, they're so resilient, there's so much life force in them. I also offer, just in case you're interested, sometimes I start working with a mom
or you start working for the child's health, and then the mom either has health issues, so we kind of start working together, the mom and the child, or vice versa. We start working with the mom and then, oh, my child needs help with her constipation or whatever, or general gut dysfunction, and then we start working together. And what happens is two, three, four months down the line, we sometimes forget to even discuss the health of the child for multiple
sessions, multiple months go by. I remember with one of my clients, it's been maybe four or five months, and we didn't even mention her son. And then at one point, just at the end of the session, I'm like, oh my God, I keep putting a note to ask about him first, so we don't forget. And then I asked, how is your son? And I was like, everything is flying, as they say.
So this is the nice thing about it. So this is why I like this approach. You go in with the magnifying glass like a detective, figure out where the little imbalances, address those with diet supplementation, some lifestyle strategies, and then let the life force in the child do the rest. And one thing my clients notice is so often
When I start working with a client, their child gets sick very often. So once a month, sometimes more often. And something they notice within months is they start getting sick less often. So it's not normal for a child to be sick every month. It doesn't matter if they're going to school or crash or whatever. It's not normal. In today's age, it's common.
It's not normal. Okay, my daughter is two and a half years old. She's been sick about five times You can count them on one hand a couple of them were a bit tougher like a week long with a lot of fever and
stuff like that, but generally the majority of times it's maximum, so two, sometimes three, four days, bit of a fever, a bit kind of lower energy, a bit crankier, and that's it. That is what I believe all children should be experiencing. If you're getting sick or your child is getting sick more than, okay, with adults, I think more than twice a year, that's definitely something is not right with the person's health, definitely.
with children maybe a bit more often, but definitely not every month. That's not normal. So my clients notice that, and with the adults as well, they notice they start getting sick less often. So this is something we can expect. If a child is getting sick often, we can expect a lot of health challenges.
immune system could be dysregulated or dysfunctional. That could be linked to poor nutritional status. And not to fault the parents about the nutritional status of children today. It's the fact that our soils are depleted, the fact that the food supply has been destroyed, the fact that the
companies, marketing, processed foods are so aggressive, like you go into the store and everything is at their level. Of course, these kids are eating a lot of stuff they shouldn't be eating. So naturally that either strips nutrients from the body
or it just doesn't give enough nutrients. So also the whole agenda against meat and the whole sort of push for plant-based foods and all these grain heavy diets, the legumes and the seeds and the nuts and all the seed oils, these things are not just devoid of a lot of nutrition.
but they strip nutrition out of the body like all the seed oils and the omega-6 polyunsaturated fats, they deplete antioxidants. The damage they cause due to inflammation and oxidative stress depletes energy and nutrients because it costs energy and nutrients to repair that damage. And when you have a lot of these factors
impacting a child and maybe they had antibiotic use when they were younger. So the microbiota and therefore the immune system is somehow dysregulated. A lot of these things will start creating because there's so many fires to put out in the body that not enough energy
is left for the organism to develop and grow physically and develop mentally as is needed and this is where i believe a lot of
developmental delays and so on are occurring.

Modern Solutions for Autism Challenges

And this is my goal with my work, my book, my courses, everything, my client work, my clinical work, is to figure out for your specific case, what are those impediments to health, to optimal health, remove them, address them, figure out where the gaps are to fill, and then let
Let nature do the rest because I think we are all, if we lasted this long in terms of our lineage, if our ancestors managed to continue their genetic lines for this long, God knows how many eons, it means that genetically we are designed
to be very healthy and resilient. So it's the modern world and it's modern challenges that we need to figure out how to ameliorate and mitigate. And this is where, again, why I do the things I do is because most families, I will go, as far as to say, most families are still not aware that they need to approach the challenges of the modern world with modern solutions. So we can no longer
try to live like our grandparents, ancestrally consistent in whatever, and expect to thrive. We may survive, but we probably won't thrive. I won't even list all the reasons why, but I already mentioned the food supply, the plastics, the toxins, the air pollution, the lack of sunlight, the blue light, the EMFs, all of these things. When I started working with a family or a client, an adult, a family with a child,
We analyze all of these things right we don't just analyze diet and supplements and we don't just look at some lab work to check you know blood and hair and food sensitivities and stuff like that we do that but i analyze a little bit more about the lifestyle where
Where is your Wi-Fi router? What time does your child go to bed? What are the lights in their bedroom? What kind of stuff is going on around bedtime? All of these things, they individually are very minor.
But cumulatively, especially over months and years, they become major things, right? It's like compounding interest. So we have to figure out what are the bunch of tiny little things in your everyday to slightly change. It could be like maybe stopping buying regular softener, a fabric softener and
clothes washing, washing powder. So just changing that to a cleaner, more natural product could be one thing for in your case. For another family, it could be the fact that they didn't know that the Wi-Fi router being three meters from the child's head when they sleep is a thing that should be addressed, right? For another family, they maybe didn't know that
watching the tablet before bed is going to disturb sleep. I know people know some of these things, but you would be surprised how many people still don't know what should be, at least for some people, basic things. So this is where I nonjudgmentally analyze these things and the diet. There's people making so many mistakes with the diet. I
I could go on for the next hour telling you where you may be going wrong with the diet in terms of your child. It's a minefield out there. It's a minefield. So again, I'm saying this nonjudgmentally because I made these mistakes.

Research on Affordable Supplements

We made these mistakes. Even last year, I figured out that I was making a lot of dietary mistakes, not just for myself and my wife, but for my child. So I had to
I had to keep an open mind and revisit the much of things and change things on the fly in terms of what I was feeding my child. So I'm learning as I go, but I'm ahead of most people by, you could say a decade or more, given the thousands of hours of work I've put into this. As you can see now, I've written a 300 page book just on autism. I just published my second book on how to actually live longer. So this is all about longevity, but you could,
you could change this title to what to do if you have cancer. You could change the title to how to prevent heart disease. You could change this title to how to prevent Alzheimer's. Sorry, something happened here. So these
These are the things that by working with me, you leverage. So all of that research, I've spent hundreds and hundreds of hours just researching supplements. So what I pride myself on is my clients. So if you go online and there's so many supplements out there, you
You see this awesome company, and I'm not saying the companies, a lot of these companies are great and their formulations are really good, but some of these supplements are $60, $70 for one bottle for one month, right? For example, Probiotic. Or maybe it's that price for two months, whereas that same Probiotic, my clients buy that for
$15, roughly, depending on the region and taxes and whatever else. So it's the same with a probiotic. It's the same strain of bacteria. Right. And a lot of what people are paying for is just the brand and the label and the marketing. So I have spent literally hundreds and hundreds of hours looking for the supplements that are affordable, truly affordable.
and as clean as possible. This is such an important part, especially for children with existing health issues like gut dysfunction, allergies, immune system dysregulation, or a condition like autism or ADHD.
I've been digging even deeper into things that we can use topically with our kids. So with my daughter, I'm using a sub. Actually, I don't think she takes anything orally at the moment supplement. Not that

Conclusion: Benefits of Gut-Focused Strategies

she takes any many supplements, but I'm using supplements that can be put on like the belly button where they absorb well. They're very clean, like in an oil base or something like that. So I'm really constantly
Pushing the envelope where most parents unless you're working in the health field like myself most parents will never have this much time to devote and then even if they do they don't have the nuanced understanding they're not where i am so this is where my health consulting service. Really helps.
So that's a little bit about that. Down on this page, or if you're listening to the podcast, there's a link you can go to my website. You can book a free intro call, no strings attached. Let's just discuss your case, see how I can help you, see if we need to run any lab work. I can explain how we can facilitate all of that. And yeah, that's the thing. The nice thing about kids, again, younger kids especially, is they are
So resilient that just their whole hormonal milieu in the body is so resilient they don't have all the accumulation of polyunsaturated fats and toxins and you know persistent organic pollutants and stress and their cortisol and their estrogen and Their histamines and all these things. They're not so high as an adult that's been living in the modern world So we can do so much amazing work in such a small period of time and usually all we have to do is focus on the gut and
improve the gut and focus on the diet. Generally, that is really where most of the value is and a little bit about the environment at home, right? But the benefit of that is that you then, your whole family will benefit from those changes if they are lifestyle, environmental at home. So I do also offer
parent and child health consulting. So if you want to help optimize both of your health, I often do this with mother and child. We can also do that, you know, ask about that. And I can explain how that works. And that's about it. Yeah, looking forward to talking to you and looking forward to helping out with your family's health. Thank you for watching or listening.