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We must stop poisoning our children with seed oils image

We must stop poisoning our children with seed oils

Children's Health Podcast (formerly Autism & Children's Health)
171 Plays1 year ago

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Introduction to Seed Oils and Health Concerns

Hi, Christian Jordonov here. I have some really awesome guests lined up in August, some very interesting shows and interviews coming your way soon. But in the meantime, while I wait for those dates to come, I thought I'd just riff a little bit on an issue that I believe is very important for us to raise more awareness with more parents because
I can see everywhere ago that people are still clueless about the dangers of these polyunsaturated fats that have become ubiquitous in our food supply. I'm talking, of course, about
the vegetable, quote unquote, seed oils.

Are PUFAs More Harmful than Sugar?

So the seed oils, sunflower oil, soybean oil, canola or rapeseed, safflower, corn oil. And I'm also talking about a lot of basically, again, nuts and seeds and grains that contain very high amounts of these omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. I'm talking about
peanut butter, peanuts, right? Almonds, all of these nuts and seeds pretty much contain a ton of these omega-6 poofas as they're called, polyunsaturated fatty acids, poofas. So I'm just going to call them poofas to save my breath. But poofas, I tell you, are the biggest
danger to your health and your children's health, the biggest. I'm talking this is bigger than sugar, much bigger.

Toxicity and Prevalence of PUFAs

You know, and the more I the more I learn and research and stuff like that, the more I'm coming to the conclusion that if you take a child and they eat a ton of sugar, I think
you know from a young age I'm talking like let's say from the age of two that just you know let's say they eat 100 grams of sugar or three ounces of sugar every day I don't think that they're going to develop that many health problems if they remain active and healthy otherwise and
the rest of the diet is dialed in. But if you add even some polyunsaturated fatty acids, let's say they take 50 grams of sugar and the other calories, well, maybe not the other calories, but let's say you add 30 grams of polyunsaturated fatty acids to the diet. I believe that child now will be much more
predisposed to health problems by the time they're 10, 15, 20, and definitely when they're in middle age, right? That is because these poofles are basically poison, these polyunsaturated fatty acids, these sunflower oils, this stuff is poison. Now, I know that sounds a little bit
hyperbolic, a little bit far-fetched, but no, if you look into it, if you look into what the dangers are, you will come to realize that this stuff belongs nowhere near your child's plate or diet.
The problem is they're everywhere, these oils. We're talking, if you're eating out a lot, if you're eating in restaurants, even good restaurants, they cook everything in soybean oil, sunflower oil. So if you're eating out, if you're eating at salad bars, even, you know, whole foods, a lot of the salad bar there I've heard in the States is canola, oil-based, a lot of the salads and all this stuff is bathed in it.
And this is cheap, industrially produced garbage. Canola, I believe, or rapeseed as it's known in kind of Europe, basically was used to be called machine oil in kind of the late, in the 1800s. It used to be used, a lot of this oil
This kind of vegetable oils they used to be used to lubricate machinery and stuff like that. So what happened was industries powerful people they decided to monetize the stuff and feed it to the plebs and it's cheap you can make a good profit on it and I suppose later on they found out that it also makes them very sick so
They develop a bunch of conditions and then you can sell them pharmaceuticals and procedures and scans and all kinds of stuff like that so. This stuff is your. Child's biggest enemy in terms of diet right i cannot stress how strong i feel about this now.
with my wife, you know, we go here, we go there. And one thing we always agree on, so sometimes at the moment, I'm a little bit more lenient with my daughter with eating organic honey or drinking organic maple syrup.

Personal Strategies Against PUFAs

And, you know, again, I honestly believe
For more recent research, it's not so bad. Sugar is not so bad. But one thing we will always agree on with my wife is that these seed oils are just a terrible, terrible thing to be putting in our bodies and in our child's body. And the older she gets, the less we can kind of hide food when we're eating out. Like we used to get fries.
first she wouldn't notice them then i could hide them behind like a menu or like the napkins or whatever now excuse me now um now she sees them and as soon as she sees them she's like yum yum yum and she starts uh until she gets some chips or uh potato potato chips she or fries
she will start crying. So we have to stop ordering this stuff. And also for ourselves, because we only do it once in a while. Sometimes at home I'd cook, I'd get the craving for fried potatoes, so I'd have lard in the freezer, so I'd cook them in lard. But even now, I'm starting to realize that's not such a good idea, because
A lot of the lard that they get is probably from pigs that were fed grains, so there's a lot of this Omega-6 garbage in them. Now, just in case you were not aware, Omega-6, there's several reasons why Omega-6 are really bad.
just most polyunsaturated fatty acids are bad so these are very fragile they oxidize easily and let's say where you get a nice bottle of organic sunflower oil
if you let's say take a tablespoon of that it should be it's probably not oxidized already if you just open it and you drink a tablespoon of that but what will happen is the the fat in that tablespoon of sunflower oil it will get incorporated into your body it could get incorporated into your cell membranes into it could be stored in your fatty tissue where
Now, if you have inflammation, which to be honest, I think most people have too much oxidative damage going on and inflammation and things like that, that causes damage and free radicals. So if you have that initially pristine fatty acid, now in the body, it can get oxidized.

PUFAs, Disease, and Genetic Myths

When it gets oxidized, it creates damage, inflammation, and these
polyunsaturated fatty acids, they can get converted into inflammatory molecules known as acosanoids and leukotrienes. These basically are just inflammatory mediators. Listen, that's the best case scenario. Now, if you start using these polyunsaturated fatty epiphas for energy,
The oxidation process that's another way to cause more free radicals that cause damage in your cellular machinery Responsible for creating energy, you know, so that's the best case scenario again. Now the problem is when you're eating Fries potato fries or chips, whatever you want to call them or anything else that was like let's say tortilla chips with
that are 30% sunflower oil usually or thereabouts. When they bake them or fry whatever the food is that you're taking or you're buying, it's very high chance that a lot of that oil
has been oxidized already. So it's already damaged. So it's coming into your body or your child's body already damaged where it's going to wreak havoc. Now look at the disease rates nowadays, obesity, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cancer.
These things, if you start digging deeper into the research, you'll see that these are pretty much, I mean, you could go as far as to say that a lot of these things, their pathogenesis is these vegetable seed oils.
You know, you hear things like, oh, it's genetic and you have, you have a predisposition to this. I have a predisposition to that, but you know what? A lot of that is BS. A lot of that is BS kids. Now we have kids nowadays that are 15, 20 years old. They have
you know, they're obese, they have type 2 diabetes, just any number of pretty horrendous diseases. And, you know, these things used to be diseases of old age. When you get it when you're 50, 60, heart disease and stuff like that, kids
are getting it now in their teens and 20s and sometimes even earlier. It's not because of genes. It's because of the environmental factors. And one of the biggest negative environmental factor that's reared its ugly head is more and more seed oils are being put in the food supply.
You know, that is as simple as that. And you don't have to take my word for it. Go and do some research. But my advice to you and remember.
This is just advice. I've written a book on children's health and autism. I work as a functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner. I work with clients. I help people resolve chronic health problems. So I've done quite a lot of research. So you can trust me, but you don't have to trust me. You can go and verify for yourself. There's a lot of research already showing the stuff. It basically acts as a poison in the body.
You know what I mean? Some of the rat studies that they do, they use seed oils to induce a state of disease in the experimental animals. They give them pretty much a seed oil heavy food mix, and that is a very reliable way to induce various diseases into these animals.
So think about if you or your child are eating these things for years, decades, what they're doing to your body. Again, these things become incorporated into your cells. They become part of your body. So when you have inflammation, when these things get oxidized, damaged, become rancid,
They're damaging cells. These cells have functions. So things can start leaking out of the cell, organelles, nutrients, or they can start leaking into the cell. Water can leak into the cell. It can cause the cell to swell. That's one mechanism on how cancer can develop. So this stuff is, any way you look at it, poison to the body.
it's just causing damage and the worst part is that when you in let's say that table tablespoon of sunflower oil when you ingest that for your child ingest that that hangs around in the body for four years right so if you stop
eating seed oils and saturated fatty acids for the most part. Let's say you cut all the garbage out and you reduce peanut butter, which is another horrible food. Even if it's organic, I still think it's a pretty damn bad food. Unfortunately, it's delicious.
I love it as well, so trust me. I say it brings me no joy to tell you, especially non-organic peanut butter,

Healthier Cooking Alternatives to Seed Oils

of course. That stuff is doing a lot of damage in kids. And you, if you like it. I mean, look, I like it as well. And I like ice cream. And we all like certain things, but we know that they're damaging. But the problem is we've been misled that certain things are healthy.
like or unhealthy like we're misled that meat is unhealthy or that you know maybe peanut butter is good for your spinach is good for you and i i'm not sure about spinach too much actually i have very strong opinions about spinach but i now is not the time
It's it's probably less less bad than these in fact everything is less bad probably than these seed oils, so I just wanted to riff on that a little bit if you're If you're sort of if you cook with sunflower oil or whatever Look, just the the at home it the switch is very easy buy butter I did grass-fed or carry gold if you can get it and
use coconut oil, you can get it without the aroma of coconut. So for savory dishes, you don't get that coconut aroma, you can get it like that. And you can get like tallow, things like that.
So this ghee as well is another good one. So it's easy for your cooking at home to switch your oils. But if your child eats processed food, if your family eats out or you go to restaurants or you order takeout or the home delivery,
I would start to to think about how much seed oils is coming into into your diet through these means and you know if if you can start replacing certain meals take out meals with just something simple you can throw together at home I think that would be a good step to take it right and you know this
If you stop complete consumption of these polyunsaturated fatty acids, as that's something I wanted to develop further, it will still take four years, maybe even more, to replace all of these in your body.

Dangers of Rapid Weight Loss and PUFAs

And if you have, let's say, some weight that you start, let's say you have, in your case, if you're an adult, let's say you have 10, 15, 20 pounds of extra weight, and you used to eat a lot of poofas.
If you start losing that weight, let's say you cut your calories or you go keto or low carb or something like that, a lot of that energy stored in that fatty tissue will start to get burned, oxidized for energy. And that will cause a lot of damage. It can really cause you a lot of problems. It can mess with your organs. It can damage organs. So you don't want to put yourself in a position where
First of all, these PUFAs are very fattening and they can cause insulin resistance and things like that. You don't want your child or yourself in 5, 10 or 20 years time to be in a position where you've gained or they've gained a lot of extra weight that now there's a desire to lose that weight, but it's all PUFA or mostly PUFA.
that is going to cause a lot of damage when you start losing it and it starts getting burnt. So you have to think about the future. And if you're in that state now, let's say you have some extra weight that you want to lose, my caution to you would be, do not try, please for the love of God, to lose that weight too

Parental Responsibility in Children's Diets

because that can do a lot of damage not only that but that weight fatty tissue is generally where we store a lot of toxins that we accumulate so they kind of are less dangerous there so if you lose a lot of weight fast
a lot of these toxins get liberated, it can cause a lot of damage in the body again. And then all those poofers that start to get oxidized for energy, let's say you're cutting carbs, you're cutting calories, that's gonna cause a lot of extra damage. And this is something you really want to avoid because I'm not exaggerating, extremely dangerous. So anyway, these are the kind of situations that
Hopefully, if you're in this situation now or you're headed in that direction, hopefully I've planted a seed for you to start being more conscious of these. Again, omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids that are in seeds, nuts, seed oils, sunflower oils, pretty much most processed foods will have this garbage in it.
garbage, poison, this is what it is. And it's one of the main culprits why disease rates are skyrocketing in the Western world and just in the world in general. And the worst part is that these sunflower oil, these seed oils, vegetable seed oils, they were pushed by the American Heart Association
for a long time as heart healthy. Right. So think about that and then think about whether you want to blindly follow advice or guidelines from
the institutions or entities dictating rules and regulations and guidelines and so on and so forth. Because they've been wrong diet-wise, they've been wrong about everything, cholesterol, saturated fat, all that stuff has been debunked for a long time. If you still
think cholesterol is bad well it's not saturated fat is not bad either that they've retracted those quietly those statements so be very careful who you trust what you trust from from these
you know, again, entities, associations or whatever. And of course, I'm not saying you should blindly trust me. You should go and do some research. I'm pretty sure it won't be very difficult for you to understand and figure out why this stuff is bad and why
in tandem with the rise in the consumption of these PUFAs, also younger and younger people are getting sicker and sicker. And it's almost unbelievable how
How bad it is now for the younger younger generation now we talking kids in their teens are in really rough shape and these are things that you would you would kind of get in your forties fifties and sixties you know so.

Final Call to Action Against PUFAs

This is one of the main culprits now there's a lot of other factors involved.
That are amplifying the problem but again just to repeat what i said earlier i believe that if you remove seed oils from a person's diet and eat very high carb and a lot of
even like plain old white sugar cane sugar sugar water if they start drinking sugar water like let's say 200 they get 200 grams an adult gets 200 grams of sugar water every day and you know some some protein a bit of saturated fat they're just neither otherwise a regular diet if they drink a bunch of sugar water and
and they're kind of within their dietary caloric requirements, I believe that actually won't be a big problem. But if you add even a small amount of poofus to that diet, I believe that is when a lot of the degenerative stuff starts to happen and then over time, depending on how bad other factors are, that person will start developing health issues and then eventually diseases that can be diagnosed by a doctor or whatever else.
This is how bad these things are. And listen, it's our responsibility as parents, not the government, not an association or whatever else. It's our responsibility to figure out what the risks are to our kids' health and well-being and to mitigate, ameliorate or ideally eliminate those risks. And again, trusting blindly
I mean, look at the skyrocketing childhood condition rates now. Look at them. Do you really think that is genetic? It's not. So we have to take better responsibility for our family's health. And again, this is why I'm here with the podcast. I don't mean to sound preachy or judgy. I'm not judgy. I'm not preaching. But I am trying to share this information with more people because
I see a lot of people are still not caught up to where they should be. And it's going to hurt them. It's going to hurt their kids' health. And we want to avoid that as much as possible. So thank you for tuning in. Please share this with someone you think may find it helpful. And I'll see you on the next episode. Christian Jourdanoff signing off.