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Empowering Parents and Protecting Our Children w/ Lonelle Madsen image

Empowering Parents and Protecting Our Children w/ Lonelle Madsen

Children's Health Podcast (formerly Autism & Children's Health)
265 Plays1 year ago

Lonelle Madsen is an Educator and Advocate dedicated to empowering parents, especially homeschooling families and Christian parents, in raising their children to navigate the complexities of dating, relationships, and sexual intimacy with confidence and wisdom.

In a world where the institution of families is under attack, targeting our precious children and undermining the sacred rights and responsibilities of parents, she is here to fight for their protection, their preparation, and their victory in this battle.

With over 30 years of experience in direct client and customer care, and having built a thriving and successful community of over 500 clients, all achieved without relying on traditional advertising. Her approach is rooted in providing personalized care, courses, coaching, and digital tools that cover essential topics such as relationships, dating, sexual intimacy preparation, self-care, and communication.

Lonelle believes that parents are the loving stewards and caretakers of our future generations, and together, we can equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the challenges they may face.

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Introduction to the Children's Health Podcast

Hey, welcome back to the Children's Health Podcast, Christian Yordanov here. Today's guest is Lanell Madsen.

Empowering Parents in Dating and Relationships

She's an educator and advocate dedicated to empowering parents, especially homeschooling families and Christian parents, in raising their children to navigate the complexities of dating, relationships,
and sexual intimacy with confidence and wisdom in a world where the institution of families is under attack, targeting our precious children and undermining the sacred rights and responsibilities of parents. She is here to fight for their protection, their preparation, and their victory in this battle. I like them fighting words, as they say. I like that. I like that, Lanelle. Welcome to the show. Thank you so much for joining us. You are welcome. And thank you to Christian. I'm so happy to be here.
Yeah, let's start with your story and what you do and we'll take it from there.

Lanell's Story of Teen Motherhood and Abuse

Well, my story starts as a teen mom. I became a teen mom at 14 years old. I actually lost my virginity at 12, so very, very young.
it's certainly the teen pregnancy in that relationship has sculpted who I am today. And it was an abusive relationship. And you know, this was a young teenage boy too. But I knew from an early age that
there was something to, you know, something I was going to do to help my fellow man. And I can see how the teen pregnancy and the abusive relationship helped forge that. I got out of that abusive relationship. I found the strength because of the pregnancy. But I walked away thinking, I have to understand what, what happened, what happened there, so that I could avoid it, not repeat it.

Rebuilding Life After Abuse

create a much better future in life for my child. And so it set the tone for the rest of my life, but I dedicated myself and I worked really hard after that to learn about abuse and how it shows up, how it shows up in myself and how I can help sculpt away everything that didn't look like love.
And of course, that is a long, long journey. And after nine years of working on that, I actually ended up pregnant again out of wedlock. I didn't have support from either of their fathers. And so it was actually quite devastating to get pregnant again twice because I worked so hard to not repeat that mistake. And I ended up
losing all my faith, my faith in God, my faith in mankind, my faith in myself, and especially my judgment. But since then, you know, I got really stable providing for my children. And long story shorter, I now married and I'm a stepmom.

Life in a Blended Family

And I'm a stepmom to four boys. So we have six children all together. My daughter's now married and you know, there's nine of us in one household with her husband. And so there's been great hope and great improvement and great joy that's come to pass. But the last 13 years, I've been a sports and medical massage therapist and I ended up
Being very successful at that royally burnt out five years later and right at that Pivot point. I started dating my husband and It's been this I Guess the classic midlife crisis so to speak like who am I

Career Burnout and New Clarity

now? I don't have to be a breadwinner And I'm a stepmom and I'm a wife, you know, I was a single mom for 25 years. Mmm
And that is one of the things that happens when you actually work on yourself is you sculpt away so much, so many incompatible people, or you're just not ready for yourself. You're not ready yourself. So anyhow, trying to figure out what to do next, you know, going online with a business, it's an iterative process. And I tried to take my practice back online. But
the last three years, especially with the lockdowns and all that that has revealed to us as a human race has really helped crystallize what my mission is and the problems I see facing parents, facing our children, our youth, our future generations.

Mission Against Societal Pressures

And so,
It was actually only June this last year that I had very much the revelation of this is what I should be doing because I've always had a love for relationships and communication and interpersonal skills that you know stemmed from learning about abuse and what loving healthy relationships look like any kind of relationship work relationships friendships and
et cetera. So did that answer your question? It's a long one. Yeah, yeah. No, it's great, right? So what is your mission just for the listeners? My mission is to, well, you said those were fighting words earlier when you described me. And that is, the mission is to counter
You know, the best defense is a strong offense. And the mission is to prepare our children, prepare parents, prepare our children, because there are forces at play that have strategies, have funds, and they are working in the, you know, behind the scenes to attack our children. So the mission is to prepare our youth.
to help open their eyes and see how these forces camouflage and disguise themselves and how to prepare and fight against them. And then be able to live your life and have the families you want and have the experiences you want and have that happiness. If I didn't know any better, I'd call you a conspiracy theorist now, Lanell.
I don't care about having that title or not. I'll wear it. Or some kind of extreme is of some sort. Okay. Yeah. No, I like that. It's well put. So many people are not even ready to grasp what you're even talking about. So I'm sure many people
are like, what are you even talking about? Right. But for the quote unquote, the initiated amongst us, we know exactly what you're talking about. And I think a lot of people, we shouldn't force the issue with them because them not being ready to hear these things. If they heard them unprepared,
they could potentially get into a deep existential crisis or depression. But I think it's slowly but surely more and more people raking up to the fact that there is a shadowy, powerful group that uses subversive means to engineer society
for for their their own ends basically they're they're hurting they're hurting people like like cattle like that they hate it's a because like if you're a farmer and you have cattle you love your cattle their livelihood but those people they they
they manipulate, they use and abuse people to enrich themselves. And at the same time, they own the pharmaceutical industry, they're making them sick, exploiting them. So I think if the events of the last three years didn't wake people up, I think at this point, many people, it will be very difficult. If that didn't wake you up, I don't know what will, if that kind of way, you know, literally.
Literally they could come out and say it on television and people would think that's a joke or some type of April's full prank. But yeah, let's, let's, let's unpack the, I think the, the, this whole thing. And there's so many, there's so many directions we could talk about it. So what are some, so what are some of the, do you provide services to parents or is it, so you have the armies of Helaman.

Creating Homeschooling Curriculum

What is, what is that organization's sort of modus operandi?
Yeah, so it's certainly in its infancy. But I want to, I am collaborating with parents on creating curriculum for homeschool families, but honestly, it's for any concerned parent. And so collaborating with, you know, a flagship program that will inform, you know, what
what I should create as far as workshops, tutorials, printables, digital planners or worksheets. Because parents need, they need a plan. They need to feel like there's an actual framework that will be effective and can reach and connect with their kids. And of course, there's different stages. So it has to be age appropriate and
And it has to align with their values. They need, I look forward to the collaborating so much because it has to be what they want to teach their children. And so it's, you know, it's still being created, what I do. And that is kind of the beauty of it. I've always been very service oriented.
I'm here to facilitate what the parent really wants to deliver and provide them with a framework. And there's certainly some principles behind it, some guiding principles for sure. And I trust that, you know, they'll know if it's a right fit and they also need the community aspect. The parents are so demonized and marginalized right now. I'm not sure about other countries, but I know in the US, you know, they've been labeled
recently as moms of the PTA fighting certain curriculum are labeled terrorists. Yeah, domestic terrorists. Yeah. So parents need that support and
a certain degree of validation. That's critical. A lot of parents out there in the USA, things are not as crazy in Europe, but parents in the USA, I think a lot of them are silent
onlookers and a lot of them have been scared into doing nothing or not even opening their mouth because again, this is another social engineering tactic is where they make examples of
of people. So you see on the news, you know, like this such and such got canceled or such and such got, you know, thrown out of the the kids got thrown out of school because the parents was a little bit all up in your face and whatnot. And having that support group for parents is it allows them to actually, you know,
find their inner courage to stand up for their kids' rights because I think I know so many parents that are like, they completely disagree with all of these agendas. But unless you coax it out of them, they'll never say, never said. Yeah, I see that for sure. And that's why, you know, it is teaching, it's helping the parents, it's assisting the parents. And what they already, innately, know to do
but there's a lot of like forces working and undermining them. I recommend the book, The Invincible Family by Kimberly Els quite a bit because she talks about the global campaign against motherhood and fatherhood. And it's a great resource and a expose on the actual agencies coming down the pipeline that feed the curriculum
to your local community and your child's school. So I think one of the key things about reaching the youth is teaching them what abuse looks like because I happily call myself a conspiracy theorist.
And because to me, it doesn't, it just doesn't matter. You know, I, I can't prove all these things necessarily, some things you can, but I trust my gut because that's, that's the other thing. Reaching the youth is teaching them to trust their gut and their instincts because that is one method of abuse is making you question your perceptions. Gaslighting and stuff.
Yes, it's one of one of the levels of abuse. Yeah. You know, in our day to day lives, oftentimes it's just people misusing behavior and it can be abusive unknowingly. But that's what I've never been one to really like politics because of the tone, because I could sense and I could see for myself that there were abuse tactics used.
And so I think that's how you reach the youth chiefly and you reach parents who maybe are, you know, might be turned off by the, by, oh, she's kind of wearing a tinfoil hat. You know, they might be turned off by that, but I think most parents would agree they know abuse exists and they don't want their children to, you know, be a victim of it. And so I think approaching it from that angle is,
is actually the tools they need in order to discern for themselves. Can I trust this source? What does my gut tell me? How do I feel? Yeah. On my other podcast, I've actually interviewed quite a few conspiracy researchers, which is what we should be calling people. You're either a conspiracy analyst or researcher, or you can be a conspiracy realist or a truth seeker.
You know, we all know this conspiracy theorist was just a term invented by the CIA to label these people so that, again, these people work by making people police each other. It's like the anti-vaxxer thing, right? It's, again, very sophisticated.
brainwashing and social engineering tactics that these people have been perfecting for literally for centuries at this point, right? If you look at the Tavistock Institute and certain other organizations, that's literally what they're there for. Yeah.
At this point, I think enough people are, because on my other podcast, we discussed some of these topics. I know some people listening to this are coming from there. So I know there's enough awake people or people ready to awaken that we can talk about these things without, not even, I know, I actually have been,
interviewed on a podcast called Tinfoil Hat. I don't know if you've ever heard of it. I've been on that podcast. I have zero cares in the world if anyone would label me such a thing. I'm like you, I'm proud. I'm proud that I know these things and I'm happy that I've gone down the rabbit hole. Yeah. I think so many of us hope we're wrong. We don't want to be right about these theories. I wish I was wrong. Yeah.
these truths, you know, we don't want to be and we're happy to be disproved. But oh, yeah. It's not the case, unfortunately, in many instances. Yeah. So armies of Hilleman, is it a group you can join on Facebook? How do how do folks or is it a close community or can folks join it now? How does it work? Yeah, actually, I am
launching a live course, a six week course, October 9th.

Launching a Relationship Course

And the week before I'll have, you know, some trainings and open the cart for that. But yeah, it's, it's a collaboration between me and I'm, I'm thinking around, you know, five to 10 families. So it's, it's small. And that's for, you know, quality assurance for sure.
But it's a six week live course to come up with a game plan on how to how to plan and prepare your children for dating, for relationships, for marriage, for sexual intimacy, so that they have a game plan on how to like, you know, it's irregardless of the child's age, it'll be customized to the child's age. So
That's where they can begin or at least visit my website and they can get on the newsletter list and stay informed because like I said, it's in its infancy, but there are grand plans.
And I certainly want those to be informed and shaped by the parents and their needs. So I'm here as a facilitator. I'm here at the parents disposal because I'm ready. I'm ready to help. And I know I collaborate with my sister a little bit. She is a homeschooling parent.
And so we're working on how to create that curriculum, both inspired by the parents and their needs, but then also guided by some effective systems that are homeschooling. I guess they're used heavily in homeschooling.
It's, it's an adventure. It's going to be an adventure. So your sister's a homeschooling parent. Did you homeschool at all or? No, no, no, not at all. You know, I grew up here, you know, not very far from where I am now, but yeah, I was raised in the public school system and that's, that's also been part of the eyeopening experience to see how I call it the hijacking.
of our youth taking a step back and looking at the educational system here in America and just the timeline globally too. You can see in the 60s how everyone was about peace and love and the sexual revolution.
you can, my theory is that, well, they just, you know, the powers that be, they take what is good, what can be good, what, you know, people value as good and hijack it and then mold it into they want what they want. And you see that through the public school system with, you know, I remember in 1984, I remember hearing about the ozone layer and pollution. And in hindsight, it's like,
have I seen any progress? Do they even remark on any progress and applaud us for any progress for our efforts? To me, that's the part where I'm like, an abusive relationship doesn't do that. And a loving relationship does do that. So it's interesting to see
the progression through the public school system. And then also what you see happening today, it just seems like, okay, it's just another version, but it's certainly more amplified. Yeah. And another thing is talking about abusive relationships.
It's like, I think we're in an abusive relationship with the government, basically, is what, you know, the kind of that meme. Because even when you think about the events of the last three years, not one news report said, hey, guys,
You know, there's a nasty virus going around. Make sure, you know, you take your zinc, take your vitamin D, maybe get some vitamin C, some OJ into you. No, it was all like, you're all gonna die. You know, until everybody's safe, nobody's safe, you know? Like, just trying to strike terror into people. Myself and my wife, we were like, we weren't married yet, but we were just laughing.
at it, but it's, I know people, many millions and millions of people were genuinely terrified. And that is literally, that's an infliction of trauma, which is as abusive as you can get, you know? Very much, yes. I mean, I agree. Even with like all that I've learned,
I mean, clearly there's always more to learn, but it's interesting how you're still affected by it. And I think you spoke to that a little bit how the waking up has to be gradual. And I heard you say that on one of your other interviews too. And I agree with that. I've had to, because I've always felt awake to some degree because of these learnings I've learned, but
the last three years had to be a slow rabbit hole dive into it's worse than we really are capable of handling, at least initially. You know, and that's a sign that you are, I think, a fairly decent person, you know, if you're sensitive to these things, because there are some, you know,
there is real ugliness in the world and it has to be, like I said, you can't just, you can't wait till you're attacked to then counter attack. We can't do that anymore. It's our, you know, we're already so blatantly under attack. There has to be an effort to, to have a strong offense. Yeah.
So that's but again that goes back to you can't fight a war that you're not even freaking aware that you're in this is I think this is the predicament that the aggregate of humanity is in because I would say probably still the majority of people they're not even aware that they're in sometime that there's war being waged against them and when you start but when if you
I suppose if you take a fairly, a person that's kind of fairly of sound mind, even if they're skeptical, if you start actually like breaking it down to them, well, okay, let's look at the amazing medical system, all of these advancements. All right, let's look at the disease statistics. Let's look at the fact that
kids being born, let's say in the USA now, their life expectancy is lower than, shorter than their parents for the first time in a long time. If you look at the leading cause of death, cancer and heart disease,
The third leading cause of death, yatrogenic. So we're talking caused by the medical system, right? So medical wearers, wrong prescription, cut off the wrong limb or cut an artery where you're not supposed to just, that's the people. That's the third leading cause of death is medical wearers, right? And then, you know, when you look at most people's, the last 20 years of their life is just in a
in living in decrepitude and degeneration. That's no life. I'd rather you take me out at 60 than suffer like my grandparents for the last 20 years of their life with taking 5 to 10 medications. So when you break it down to people, it's like, yeah, is this the science you trust?
right that they've never even shown an actual actual real photo of a virus it's all you know it's all been just images and and if you start if you start breaking it all down to for people eventually if if they if you still have their attention they're gonna start doubting start doubting what they know you know but i think
I think we're very far from people. People don't want to know. They just want to be left alone and do their thing, go home, watch Netflix or just go on their holidays. And just kind of people are in survival mode, unfortunately. And it's through no fault of their own, because again, another tool of these people, these oligarchs is using inflation, which we've been succumbing to, taxation, increasing taxes, the value of your money,
is like exponentially falling in the last 120 years. So people are just kept in survival mode, in the stress mode. So it's very difficult to mount an attack or a counter attack from that state, I think. Yeah, and I think that's part of the plan. If you can keep people preoccupied with basic survival, then it's a great distraction tool.
And so it's good to step back and examine that and not be hijacked, not be a victim to it. It takes self-awareness and that self-awareness usually is something that has to be nurtured in you, you know, and usually that is your parents or your closest family members, trusted sources. So,
I actually, one of my good friends, he's a recently retired police officer. And, you know, he's like, how, this is a police officer at Oakland. Oakland is known to be, you know, pretty rough, the happiest place on earth. Yeah. But he's like, at this point, how do I even know anything I've been taught as far as, you know,
Why do we believe in these drugs? Why do we believe that science, especially Western medicine science, is infallible? We've been told. And it's not that you should automatically discredit it. It's examining your own willingness to just believe it. Why? And I get it. I think we all
We want to have our trusted sources. It gives us hope. And that's part of the waking up process is how to sift through those things that are false, are maybe malignant, and knowing that there is still hope.
And so that's, I think the trick too is knowing that there is still hope, there will always be hope. And there are people like me and not just me, others that are actively fighting for the cause of good and righteousness. And so there is hope and it's reminding ourselves of that.
and surrounding ourselves with those that reinforce that hope is critical. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I think you have to find people, like-minded people, and create a community with them because otherwise you're very easy to get depressed. Yeah. Again, it's not a very good place from which you can defend yourself or counter-attack any sort of attack on you. Actually, I'm curious.
you're religious, you have faith. What has been kind of your way of coming to terms with sort of understanding this sort of the nature of the, I don't want to say this is the nature of the world, because if you look at nature, nature is neutral, it's beautiful, and
Even though death occurs and animals kill other animals, it doesn't come from a place of evil. Whereas when you see this evil in the society perpetrated by a few hundred or a few thousand people, how do you
And this is something I've struggled with myself. I ask God or the universe, however you want to converse with the Creator. I've often wondered, why are we being put through this? What's been your way to reconcile these events or the nature of this evil force? Why would God do this to us? What's your take on that?
That's a very deep question and I appreciate it. I've certainly been tested through this for sure. My husband actually, in my own fear coming to him, he has said one very profound thing to me and I can't deny it. He has said,
nothing can happen outside of God's plans. And there, I mean, as a human, sometimes that doubt, like really, you know, I can sense that doubt pop up. But I do cleave to that. I do cling to that because I have to remember that I'm human.
my perspective is limited. I don't have to rely on just my understanding. So it's actively trusting. And that is exactly what is hard to do, but it is a choice.
And so I go back to that saying for sure. I go back to my personal testimony and witnesses I've had, you know, over my whole lifetime to confirm that God is mindful of me. And I can't deny the blessings that I received, you know. But there's room for, there's still room for me to be human and doubt and question.
But I also, you know, I remember certain lessons I've learned, like I couldn't deny this one experience. So now my doubts right now, they have a place that fits somewhere in there. It's not throwing, you know, every, the baby out with the bathwater, so to speak. So it's, it's being mindful of that. And, and it goes back to, it always goes back to your agency and choice.
Since I am Christian too, I believe that this is prophesied. These are the last days. The revelations? Yeah. And that there is... When you say the last days, do you mean that figuratively or literally? Well, literally.
Yeah. Sometimes it feels like it. I swear to God. Yeah. And I appreciate you letting me express this because my heart, my heart goes out to the, the secular, you know, segment of mankind. Like I refer to my fellow man as my fellow man, because I wasn't always active in my church and my faith and
So I'm kind of losing track of what I was saying. Sorry, I derailed you. That's okay. You were saying we're talking about the end of days. Yeah. So when I, when I take that, you know, literally, and I trust that I can see those plans working and that's, there has to be a sifting and you can see that you can see, you know,
in a negative way, it's polarization happening. But it's also a sifting. And so it's, you know, to me, it's a testament to those, those prophecies. And, and so, in my faith, we've, you know, heard from our prophet, our church leader, like, the best is yet to come. But
there's a lot of turmoil to get there. And privately, when you look for those, those best things to come, you do see them, you know, and again, that goes back to choice. You know, I heard my one of my brother in law say,
Someone was like, well, what about the news? Don't you gotta watch the news so you know what's going on? He's like, it's all going on. It's just where are you shining the flashlight? And so again, that goes back to choice. Like, well, what am I focusing on? And it helps, I had to know who to surround myself with. And I will say as a human, it's still, you gotta be careful on that too. Like what am I avoiding?
So that's one reason why I'm doing this work is because I know I need to be out there in the mix and the thick of it. I'm scared. But I trust it. And I would I would die for it. So that's, yeah, that's very respectable. For me, it's, it's, it's, it's been not not that it's hard to
get to grips with, but on the grand scheme of things, God loves these people just as much as He loves you and me, right? This is what I think people have to understand. A lot of this stuff about karma and they're getting bad karma,
I don't really believe in karma in that way exactly where if you're a really good person in this life, in the next life, you'll be a king or a prince or whatever else. If you're really bad, you'll be like a worm or like you're going to be a poor person. I don't really think I think karma is much more complex than that. And we kind of cartoonify it. And I think it's a lot of
There's some cool stuff in the New Age sort of movement, but I think a lot of it has been basically overtaken by the same forces. And they've flipped it in such a way where, oh, now all you can do is sit at home and meditate, and you're improving the state of the world. And you have to bless and send loving kindness to your oppressor and whatever. That's all BS.
We have to actually accept that reality is what it is. And God loves us all equally. Every single rock and person and evil and good and angel and sinner and saint is loved equally by God equally intensely. And this is probably some type of theater like that. God is like like a game. Like imagine you, you control everything. It's like this grand theater of the universe and it's
on the fundamental level, it's all neutral, right? It's all love or it's all God. It's all God. And we're just like an actor, a player. At least this is how I see it. We're an actor or a player in this grand theater, this grand game. And then at the end, I believe we all
eventually merge back. It's like we are on a journey to merge back with God. So we become God, we merge back with the with the source. So I think that's when you kind of
break it down to that level, I think you start to take it less personally, right? It's like, don't hate the player, don't hate the game. That kind of way. It is what it is. But it took me years to get here. I have to admit, it took me probably two, three years. And I did go through what was probably a literal depression, a period of depression, some type of
existential crisis. So I'm not saying it's easy to come to grips and to terms with it. It's like grieving in many ways. Your sense of the world that you had as a child is ripped away from you and you suddenly, it's like losing your innocence. You suddenly have to grow up all of a sudden. It's like when a child realizes, like the story of Buddha is really like when he realizes that there exists death, there exists pain, suffering and illness.
that really jars him and he sets out to do something about it. But I honestly don't think that there is so much that we can do. It's more of accepting the rules of the game and then playing the game to the best of your ability. Wow. You said that very well. Yeah. I think there's a lot of truth to what you just said.
it jives right along with my, my perspective, my beliefs that, and I have to call upon this to like, you know, correct my thinking sometimes too, where this is temporal and we're more, you know, we are more than just here and now and that there's an eternal progression. Yeah. And so,
you know, if that's something that you end up believing or, you know, choose to believe, then that is really sustaining to know that there's much to be endured. It is an endurance, a trial of our endurance. And so there's actually a great gift in, in having those highs and lows. So because that is how you can find your endurance and your stamina,
So I like what you said about that. That's a great way, great way you put it, like knowing the rules of the game. Yeah. Just trying to cope. Just trying to cope with this craziness somehow. Yeah. Well, one of the, one of the things that definitely sculpted who I am and this work is, so my, my daughter was raised without her father and she,
she ended up having a lot of struggles in her pre-teen and teen years to be expected.

Impact of Mental Health on Family

And, you know, like most fatherless children or, you know, orphans, they struggle, but she was hospitalized four times for suicide attempts. And that, you know, I was a single mom during half of that.
And she got diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. So what's interesting about BPD for short, it's like, wow, that sounds like a lot of just human conditions, human feelings, but it's certainly amplified. And regardless of like what the, you know, medical community calls it and diagnosis it,
It's a consequence of her being abandoned by her father and being raised by an immature mom, an inexperienced mom. I certainly strived to do my best, but for sure, you know, she could have had it better. And I learned during that period that one in 10 people in the US at least are diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.
And one in 10 people that have it successfully commit suicide. Jesus. And you know, one of the characteristics is just very difficult relationships throughout their whole life because there's a chronic emptiness they live with. So when you talk about the forces in the world that want to hijack
parenthood and motherhood and fatherhood. It's deeply personal and it is devastating the repercussions of children being raised without
knowing who their origins are and, and having nothing, nothing can replace that bond. And not every parent is perfect for sure. I mean, let me, let me correct myself. No parent is perfect. And there are some bad parents out there, but the, in particular, and I can name some names, like there's UN agencies.
that are trickling down into like the, um, sustainable development goals and then sub organizations there too. There's an ancient declaration involved and all that you can find in Kimberly else book, the invincible family. But you know, those, the policies too, that you can see in some of the legislation, the, the wording is a very much,
about the rights of children as if the rights of children have to be defined by these government bodies. And that's the error. That's the attack on the private institution of the family.
It needs to remain private and they're trying to publicize it in the name of rights of the children. The children have their rights regardless. And it's the parents' right and duty to honor those rights and to raise them how they deem us correct without the involvement of these government bodies, these public
government bodies. So yeah. And you know, that's, that's where you see mental health crisis, you know, increase, especially the last three years. So, you know, that's, that's why, that's why I'm here. There's just such a need and it's, I don't see it improving, you know, unless
people actively see something. It's so true what you're talking about. Trauma doesn't necessarily have to be being hurt, let's say, by a parent, being struck or hit, whatever. If a parent is missing, that trauma of, I forget the word that they use, but it's
it's exactly it's an emptiness that you cannot the child cannot verbalize they cannot it's like this agitation inside you that that leads you to sort of these other down these other paths that are usually not very
just not, not very productive, right? Let's put it that way. So I think that's again, as another, actually I, on my other podcast, no, this podcast as well, I published my interview with Simon Essler. He's a filmmaker, documentary filmmaker and other things, but we're talking about the war and the family unit. And that is another way
that the war is being waged on the family unit by separating the the members of the family so now you know now the the mom also has to work and wear the kids all day they're in these crushes and these schools with these teachers that just don't give a damn compared to
how much you love your child. These people don't give a damn about your kids, right? Like, yeah, especially there's 25 of them. How much attention is your child getting? And this is again, like the whole school system is really, there's so many problems with it that it's, I think if you have the opportunity nowadays to homeschool,
and you're not leveraging that opportunity, or you think other things are more important and you don't make the sacrifice, you have the ability to make the sacrifice, I think you're just really paying a disservice to your child's future. There will be generational repercussions either way. Yeah, it's what I think the most important
issues we face. Yeah. Yeah. Well, Danelle, can you tell folks where they can find you and connect with you on the internet as we wrap up today? Yeah. So it's slash intro. Okay. We'll have the links down below.
Yeah. And are you on Instagram or anything else? Yes, Instagram and Facebook, Armies of Helaman on Facebook. Although I welcome you to friend me or follow me as just, you know, a private individual to not necessarily the business page, but I'm also on LinkedIn.
Yeah, I'll add you. I'm not big on social media. I actually was off social media for two years. No Facebook, no Instagram. So now I'm back on it. And I honestly, I didn't miss it at all, but I'm like, I'm going on and I'm like, I'm not. It's not.
Doing it for me. I don't know. Yeah, just I'm just scrolling down and like yes, okay I just stop doing it for me. I don't know. I heard some Actress say something. I think it was Selena Gomez or someone around her age and genre But she said she took four years off of social media and she felt normal And those were her words. I feel normal Yeah, I think people people
In general, we are so in the matrix nowadays. I'm the same. I wake up in the morning and I know my phone shouldn't be the first thing I take. But I take my phone and I'm immediately checking my emails.
I know I shouldn't do that. So I think we're all in it. And imagine now you're on Insta, now you're Facebook. And we're just so in the matrix that we forget that there's a real world out there. So I do try to force myself, at least I'll have my coffee.
I read my book in the morning, then I'll go out with my dog for a nice long walk in the sun. And I just try to look at natural things, rocks, trees, the sky, clouds, just for an hour. So at least some of the time I'm in a much more natural environment. And then the rest of the time I can be here in this little comfortable prison I've created for myself.
Which is what we live in. It's like we've created these little jail cells for ourselves. And some of us have chains of iron. Others have chains of gold. And as long as their chains are nice, people are happy. I'll stick a couple of diamonds in my chains and give me a nice following on Instagram. And I'm happy. That's kind of where we become. There's something to be said about creating them yourself and not having them imposed upon you.
Exactly. That's the key difference too. And actually, if I may say, if social media is not your thing, I have a toll-free number. You can text it. You can email as well. I don't know if you want me to list that or you can share that. If you want to, yeah, we can. Yeah. So the number is toll-free number 888-278-0773. Sorry, 888-278.
0773. 0773. You're going to get some late night drunk texts from me. I'm kidding. They're still going to charge me. So, and I don't drink. So. Yeah. Well, if that's not your thing, you can always email because like I said, I'm used to a, I've had a private practice, you know, for 13 years and I'm used to one-on-one contact. The social media avenue isn't my favorite, but it's certainly
you know, something I'll use and I want to reach the people. I don't want a barrier there. And it's such personal, deep, intimate work that you need to know maybe who you're talking to. It's got to be treated that way. And so hopefully people feel welcome to do that because it can be scary. Yeah, for sure. Sure. So thank you for the work that you do now. And thank you for joining us today. It was a great pleasure talking to you.
You're so welcome. Thank you, too. This was wonderful. So thank you. Thank you.