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Why I avoid nuts, seeds, legumes, and grains (most of the time) image

Why I avoid nuts, seeds, legumes, and grains (most of the time)

Children's Health Podcast (formerly Autism & Children's Health)
152 Plays1 year ago

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Introduction to Nut and Seed Avoidance

Hi, Christian Jardinov here. Today I want to talk to you about why I tend to avoid nuts, seeds, grains for the most part, most of the time. Now, once in a while I will eat them. I don't want to ever feel like I have to exclude something.
unless it's really harmful like for example seed oils like soybean oil if i can never eat soy or sunflower seed oil again in my life i would be happy if i can always avoid it it's unfortunately not always possible especially if you buy processed food or takeout or eat in a restaurant which everybody does once in a while right so but i want to talk to you about why most of the time
I especially avoid nuts and seeds and most grains except basically rice.
And once in a while, again, once in a while, some organic grains. I do like a bit of corn. Maybe one of my guilty pleasures is corn cakes, because my kid loves them. So I have them in the house. And then when I open them, when she wants me to open a pack, then I have one. And if I have one, I have five. If I have five, I might have 10 sometimes. But again, those 10
Ted corn cakes are 100 grams, 120 grams. So it's not a lot of volume and I don't do it all the time. But yes, white rice, organic, organic corn cakes or organic corn is what I have. And once in a while I'll have, you know, maybe. Got some nuts, some roasted nuts or something here and there, but I don't really buy them anymore.
and I don't go out of my way to put them in my diet for the reasons I'll discuss in this fairly short podcast episode.

Health Consulting Services Overview

But before I start that, I just want to remind you that I offer health consulting services for adults and children
You may know I've written a book on autism in children's health and I've worked with people from basically the age of 2 to about 72 and I've helped a lot of people with different issues from gut stuff, fatigue, brain fog, kids with obviously autism given my work with the book.
But just kids with gut dysfunction, allergies, just all sorts of things like that. And then older folks have also helped with a lot of other stuff to help them detoxify their body, improve their diet, improve their supplementation, sleep, lifestyle factors.
We have had some amazing results, you know, and we often get these results very quickly. So if you need help with some chronic health problem you've been unable to get help for.
You don't have to continue suffering with it. Really, most of these things, unless something is terminal or you've left it for way too long, like 20 years, most of these things can be improved and sometimes fully addressed. I'm talking including things like autoimmunity, including things like severe gut problems. Sometimes you can completely
restore your health and you know for less serious things it's it's very very possible right so get in touch with me through the website I offer free initial consultations that we can kind of understand where you're at and I can explain how I can help you
And we can see if we would be a good fit to work together. So yeah, again, if you were a loved one, have the issue, at least talk to me. I can, at the very least from this free discussion that we can have, you might get some ideas. So you don't even have to work with me, but at least you might get some ideas that will help you with your health journey that you could take to the next practitioner or to the
doctor or whatever else and ask them run this test or what about this supplement what about that and. Jesus I was gonna say something else and then I completely lost my train of thought but yeah what my aim my aim when someone comes to work with me is.
to be the last practitioner that they see. Like some of the folks that come to me, they tell me, I've been to an acupuncturist and I've been to an atropath. I've been to a regular doctor and I've been to other regular doctors or whatever more specialized, you know, gastroenterologist or endocrinologist or whatever else. They've been to a Chinese medicine, a herbalist, you know, seen a shaman, like, and they don't get results. But when people come to me,
usually that's all they need. Especially with gut stuff, things like that, fatigue, you won't need another practitioner.

Benefits of Removing Nuts and Seeds for Gut Health

So talk to me, let's talk. Anyway, to get to my little rant about why I don't eat many nuts, seeds and grains. And that doesn't mean you shouldn't eat them or you should stop eating them.
I'm not telling you what to do, right? But let's just say that folks that come to work with me, especially with gut stuff, when we remove the beans and a lot of the grains or all of the grains, they start feeding better very quickly. So if you have a health problem,
You may want to actually consider removing some of these things. So there's a couple of ways to eat nuts and seeds raw and roasted or cooked, right? And there's actually issues with both of those. When they're raw, there's a lot of, quote unquote, anti-nutrients, or you could even call them toxins that these
seeds and nuts have. And when you think about it, what is a nut, a grain or a bean? Well, they're all seeds. So a seed
A nut is a seed, a grain is a seed, and a legume is a seed, and a bean is a seed. Seeds are the babies of the plants. And the plants do not want their babies eaten. Let's say in the case of a watermelon seed, they want it to be eaten.
But it's eaten and it passes through the animal or the human gastrointestinal system intact. That's the idea. You poop it out somewhere else. So you've pooped out the seed in really good manure, especially if it's like a cow or whatever, or some ruminant animal with these massive poops that they throw out.
that's the perfect environment for this seed to become a new plant. So that's the mechanism through which the plants propagate themselves. So when you think about it, do they want their seeds to be eaten? Probably not. So in
In the raw form, these seeds contain things like antineutrients, and even scientific papers are calling them antineutrients. In fact, I have a paper
on or, whatever. Um, it's called, it's in the journal of nutrients, big journal. It's called, is there such a thing as quote unquote anti-nutrients, a narrative review of perceived problematic plant compounds. That's a published in 2020. So, and they have a table here.
Table 1 in the paper you can...
I've tried to remember to put the link in the episode description. A quick internet search brought this up. I just wanted the list of the anti-neutrons. I have some of them in my head, but I just wanted to not be thinking while doing this recording and try... Oh, what was that other one? What was it called? So here is the most common one.

Harmful Compounds in Foods

So plants or other seeds, nuts, beans, legumes have some
one or more of these anti-nutrients in them. So that's your almonds, that's your black beans, you know, burrito, that's your whole grains that are, you know, still purported to be healthy with the food pyramid BS that, you know, cholesterol was bad. Now it's not bad. Saturated fat was bad. Now it's not bad. Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids were good. Well, they're the biggest probably cause of disease. And of course whole grains,
Can't can't bash whole grains are super good for you all that fiber. Well, they're really not that good for you. So anyway anti nutrients lectins You may have heard of dr. Gundry and he talks about lectins. He had that book the plant paradox, which is actually a pretty
pretty good diet. I tried that diet for quite a while and I had some things like skin tags on my skin and little bumps and whatever the hell. And they just went away after a few months on that diet. So that diet, I don't think people should bash it and call him names until they actually tried because the man
He's got some good ideas. Now, obviously, there's always something to disagree or agree with everybody. Everybody has certain blind spots and so on and so forth. But yeah, the lectin-free diet, as he calls it, or the Dr. Gundry diet is pretty damn good. So lectins
are found in legumes, cereal, grains, seeds, nuts and some fruits and vegetables.
And these are proteins, right? So they can be allergenic, they can cause inflammation in the body, and they can cause altered gut function. Then we have oxalates. So oxalates are found in spinach. Big, big, massive source of oxalates. I never eat spinach. I should do another episode while I don't eat spinach. That's one of the reasons right there. I need to put a reminder for that.
Swiss chard, sorrel, beet, greens, beet root, rhubarb, nuts, like almonds, legumes against your cereal grains. Sweet potatoes and potatoes have oxalates and they can inhibit mineral absorption, including calcium, can increase calcium kidney stone formation. So I've read elsewhere that
kidney stones can be up to 60% calcium oxalate. So these oxalates, they can
They can, basically in the gut, they form crystal compounds with magnesium, zinc, I think iron as well, and calcium. And that prevents you absorbing those nutrients, first of all. But if it happens in the body or in the gut, even whatever, those crystals can get jammed. And they've been found in like brain, organs, kidneys, eyes.
Right? So oxalates can be problematic for people, especially if they have got intestinal permeability, got dysfunction of some kind. Then we have phytate, which is found in things like oats, so legumes, cereal grains, pseudo cereals like amaranth, quinoa, millet, nuts and seeds. So again, grains, nuts, seeds. Phytate inhibits absorption of iron, zinc, calcium,
right so
That's why I kind of stopped eating oats. I was kind of eating oats for a while, but now I just have meat in the morning or maybe eggs or milk or some type of animal protein with honey, you know, something to give me because I think it's important to get glucose or carbohydrates in the morning because you've been fasting all night. So you're into a stress
You're into a stress mode in the morning, especially if you start running around doing exercise or working or taking care of the kids. You are creating glucose by breaking down muscle tissue via cortisol.
through the process of gluconeogenesis and that is a stress on the body. So I believe getting some carbs in the morning is a good way. I just think for me and for many, many people and even some of my clients are doing it now, it's better to have a tablespoon or two of honey or some freshly squeezed orange juice
or milk, I also drink full fat goat milk, anything but grains basically, right? So then we have goitrogens. Now goitrogens, goiter, you know, some people that develop this sort of massive bulge around the neck area.
brassicas, so kale, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, turnip greens. These are brassica vegetables. I think cauliflower as well. I think that's a brassica. They don't have it on the list here, but brassicas have certain compounds and they don't list what they're called, but I think the name was something
Jesus Christ. It's one I can never remember. Isothiocyanates, isothiothyanates or isothiocyanates, something like that. And those basically compete with iodine or they block the receptor. So they basically inhibit iodine absorption by the thyroid gland.
And if it doesn't get enough iodine, it can cause goiter. It's a derangement in the cells of the thyroid. So eating a lot of brassicas is a terrible idea. So anytime I start working with someone and they're eating a lot of them,
thinking, you know, because it's also known that they can stimulate detoxification enzymes in the phase two pathway in the liver. If you eat a lot of cabbage or if you eat cabbage or brassicas, they stimulate detoxification, but they also have these goitrogens in them that
can contribute to hypothyroidism and goiter of course. So basically they inhibit that iodine uptake by the thyroid so it can't do its job properly. So then you have phytoestrogens, Jesus Christ.
should have had like lectins and oxalates should have been enough but now no it has phytoestrogens so soy, soy products, flax seeds, nuts in small amounts almost negligible amount in nuts granted and then certain fruits and vegetables have negligible amounts so really
Phytoestrogens will be soy products, not a big fan at all of soy products. In fact, very much against. I remember one of my clients, I looked at her food diary after the first week or two that we started working together and I saw Tofu. One day I'm like, so the next call was like, Tofu, please explain.
and yeah we just had fun with it but I told her you know like tofu I personally would never eat it make of that what you will and yeah I don't think she I don't think I saw tofu again on there but um basically so phytoestrogen think about it estrogen so if something is a phytoestrogen it is mimicking some of the estrogen's effect so it's in shape in its shape
is similar enough to the estrogen molecule that it can interact with estrogen receptors in the body. And that can cause hormone disruption, hormone imbalances, endocrine disruption as they call it. And it can also increase the risk of estrogen sensitive cancers. So like this is actually a massive thing to unpack, the endocrine disrupting
capacity of plant compounds. It's huge and messing with estrogen is really bad. A lot of disease is exacerbated by increased estrogen and you don't want any more estrogen most of the time for most people.
Most people have way too much estrogen and it's causing them some type of health issue, whether they recognize it or not. So you don't want any more of these compounds coming into the diet, mimicking estrogen effects and doing whatever they do, right? Then you have tannins. So in tea, cocoa, grapes, berries, apples, stone fruits, nuts, beans, and whole grains. Now, of course, some of these things are found in fruits and vegetables. You can't
avoid them. But these tannins, they inhibit iron absorption and can negatively impact iron stores. But if some of these things are found in fruits and vegetables, you can't avoid all of these lectins, oxalates, phytates, goitrogens, phytoestrogens, and tannins. You cannot avoid all of them, but
If we look at the ancestral way of preparing grains and beans and legumes, they would always soak the things and they would ferment things.

Traditional Methods to Counteract Compounds

So soaking beans, the whole point of soaking beans is to inactivate a bunch of these nasty compounds. If you eat a raw wheat grain or bean or a handful of
legumes like lentils, you're going to get very sick. You're not going to be a happy camper. So we clearly have to cook these things. And usually just a testament, just to kind of what I'm trying to develop here is it's a testament if a food can be eaten raw, it's one thing. But if it can only be eaten
via cooking and a lot of preparation. It's kind of, we have to think about, was that back in the day, like, you know, 50,000 years ago where we didn't have, let's say, tools and pots and fire and waste and all the knowledge to prepare these foods. Do you think that for the longer part of our history, we are eating those foods and our bodies are adapted to eat those foods and those are the optimal foods for us? What is more likely to have been the case is
We could kill animals and you can eat raw meat. I've eaten raw meat for quite a while It was great until I gave myself parasites. But if I hadn't done that I would not have I wouldn't have empathy to the folks that I work with that have gut problems because I had gut problems and I had like low testosterone just I was in a bad way because of parasites and
and because of mistakes I made. So if I hadn't made all these mistakes with Michael's journey, I would not have learned what I know now so I won't be able to help
teach people to avoid my mistakes and then figure out how to kill themselves. So I have no qualms about admitting that I've done some silly things like eating raw meat. And I just have to try everything. I need to try everything. Supplements that I recommend, everything I've recommended. I've tried them myself. And sometimes in much greater quantities than people take. And anyway.
What the hell was I even talking about? Hang on a second.
Yeah, so back in the day, it's more likely we're finding fruit, maybe some honey, if you can rob some honey from a hive, and dead animals, and later we were cooking those animals. So these things seem like, if you look at it logically, what was available, those things. And then eventually,
you know maybe we will dig some tubers and then cook those but the the nuts and seeds like here's what we're getting at so we're talking about a legume you can't eat it raw you know that a bean you can't eat it raw a grain you can't eat it raw but for some reason people think that a nut or a seed can be eaten raw but
They contain, again, a lot of lectins, oxalates, phytates, sometimes goitrogens, sometimes phytoestrogens and tannins. And if you cook the nuts and seeds, if you roast them or whatever, you're going to inactivate a lot of those.
So if you eat them raw, you won't inactivate all of them by cooking, but at least some of them like the lectins, some of them can be inactivated. Oxalates can't really be inactivated from what I remember. Phytate can be.
So eating almonds, if someone is eating almonds, they're thinking it's a good source of this and that, like calcium and stuff. But a lot of that calcium is bound up to oxalate. So it's a compound that you're not going to break apart in your gut. So that is either passing through you or causing damage to your gut lining or something.
You're not really getting the nutrition you think you are.
or whatever is listed, let's say you, 50 milligrams of calcium per 100 grams of almond, you're not actually gonna absorb that, right? A lot of, and the protein in these nuts and beans and seeds, that protein, it might say, you know, 20 grams per 100, but you're not going to absorb that much. You'd be lucky if you absorb 50% of that protein. And it's well known that the bioavailability of protein
beans for example is pretty damn low it's like in the 40 50 percent and milk is if i remember correctly it's something like 95 percent it's milk is the most bioavailable protein
And the meat is kind of a close second up there. I think it was like 87 or something like that. Don't quote me on that. I'm going to bring that up in another, in another episode. But uh, so my point there is if you eat the nuts raw,
You're getting a lot of these anti-nutrients that can be inflammatory, damage your gut, inhibit absorption of various minerals and so on and so forth. And again, I'm not saying you should stop eating nuts and seeds, but I'm certainly thinking it loudly. Just kidding. You do you.
But I'm just trying to bring you through my thought process here. It took me a while to figure these things out. So the whole point of working with people is to help them speed their health journey along. And with the free content I provide, I'm hoping to help to
Relay some of the lessons learned over the years whether through mistakes or through research and to either spare you some pain and suffering or to help get you out of pain and suffering faster right so if you have health issues.
you most certainly may want to consider removing nuts and seeds and grains and legumes and beans from your diet. Now you might say well look if these nuts and seeds have anti-nutrients when they're raw we just cook them. I eat roasted almonds, roasted peanuts, whatever else and you would think that's a good idea and sure you might
inactivate some of these compounds like lectins, probably not all, but some lectins will get inactivated, some phytates. But the problem is, here's the other problem, right? So if you thought it's, we're just talking about, oh, it's just this one problem, it's, well, set of problems, all these anti-neutrals, there's another massive, massive, massive problem with nuts and seeds.

Nuts, Seeds, and Omega-6 Fatty Acids

It's the fact that they,
Are very high in polyunsaturated fatty acids aka the omega six as you may know them so we know many people nowadays they realize.
they should not or they should exclude seed oils from their diet as much as possible, should be avoided. So you know that soybean, sunflower oil and all the other seed oils are bad, really bad for your health, but then
If they're bad for your health, are nuts and seeds that good for your health? Well, OK. It's true that the seed oils are highly concentrated in these omega-6s, especially in the lake acid. I think someone was saying that you need to eat something like a kilogram of soybeans to get, I think, like two or three or five
or I don't remember, like a few tablespoons of soybean oil. The amount of linoleic acid you get through that, like let's say five to seven tablespoons, maybe it was, that doesn't matter. Several, let's say several tablespoons of oil. You would need to eat like something like a kilogram equivalent
of the soybeans in order to get that much linoleic acid, which is impossible. Nobody can do that. So yes, they are much more concentrated in seed oil. So they're really, really just poison to the body. They're just poison. And I'm not saying that hyperbolically.
poison. These things are poison. We have to do everything we can to remove them from our diet, even if it means not going to restaurants as much. And like I don't want to sound orthorexic, but when it comes to this thing, we have to be a little bit orthorexic. Other things, sugar, caffeine,
you know, a bit of cocaine on the weekend. That's totally fine. Just kidding. Of course, a few shots of Jaeger. That's what I said to one of my clients. I saw her eating, she logged Frito Lays chips in her food diary. So I said, what the hell is this? Listen, I don't mind if you go do shots of Jaeger in the local bar on the weekend and do lines of coke off a dirty toilet seat. But please don't buy these.
seed oil, dunked potato chips. So we had a bit of a laugh about that, but honestly, seriously, like this stuff, seed oils, anything doused in it, which is a lot of processed food and a lot of takeout and restaurant food is, this is poison. Like we have to see it as poison because if you start looking deeper into the research, seed oils are implicated in so many things, heart disease, diabetes, even cancer.
So the point I'm trying to make is these nuts and seeds are still a high source of omega-6 fatty acids. So if you think, let's say, oh, I'm not going to eat so much meat because meat will give you cancer, which is BS, right? That's epidemiological research, no causal evidence there, just an agenda against meat and whatnot. So if you think, okay, I'm going to replace meat with
Plant proteins first of all, I told you already the bioavailability of these plant proteins is poultry Compared to the bioavailability of animal products Protein in animal products, but you're getting not only are you getting these anti nutrients lectins oxalates phytates? Gortrogens phytoestrogens and talents, but you are getting a lot of omega-6 Fatty acids which are pro inflammatory the pro inflammatory
and they oxidize very easily in the body and when that happens they cause a lot of damage and then when that happens organelles in the cells and blood vessels get damaged and then what happens after that is your antioxidants that are used to defend you against this damage get depleted and then you can have health problems start to slowly occur until such time that
you have an overt health problem that your doctor can diagnose you with. And then from there on, it gets really, really bad. So you want to avoid that as much as possible.

Personal Dietary Choices and Health Concerns

So that's, in a nutshell, why, for the most part, I avoid these nuts, seeds, grains. And again, I say for the most part, in the last month, maybe when we make burritos, we love burritos,
making, not burritos, sorry, tacos. We were making tacos. And once in a while, my wife will add a can of black beans. So maybe in the last four to six weeks, we had one or two cans of black beans. And we had pizza once, which was white flour, but it was sourdough, fermented, done by Italians, really good pizza. That was once in the last few months.
and you know a bit of corn here and there and white rice and the occasional nibble of a few nuts or whatever else but like I had when my wife was away a couple months ago and I was on my own in the house and I was just eating really well for a whole month
I started throwing things out and some things I'm going to have in the bag that I'm going to donate a lot of cereals and grain things. And it was a couple of jars of organic peanut butter that I just threw them out. I don't even want to donate it.
peanut butter you know because it's it's really a bad it's unfortunately we all love peanut butter i know but it's a really bad for your food uh roasted it's a roasted lagoon with a ton of omega-6 fatty acids and lectins and uh whatever else and i don't i don't have the heart to to give it to uh someone that you know um needs
The support I That's not support. That's not giving them support. That's giving them Basically poison. I know it's it's a little bit extreme there is some nutrition in peanut butter and stuff, but it's and You know once in a while like a couple of tablespoons once twice a month is not if you really like it or your kids like it It's not the end of the world, but I'm hoping that
And this is you can look look it up there's research there's plenty of research this isn't one guy's opinion on the internet it again it took me.
a long time to get here years and years. And some of the choices I'm making, it's not that I don't like, I like nuts. I like roasted almonds, peanuts. I've been eating since I was a kid and I like peanut butter and almond butter. And it's not that I don't like them. So I'm trying to spread a message because I'm against them. I enjoy a lot of these foods. I like bread and stuff like that.
But if we are talking about long-term health and we don't just want to be average, we want to be healthy, try to be as close to optimal health as possible, have longevity, not just more years in your life, but life in your year. So we want to stay healthy for longer.

Diet Choices for Health and Longevity

And these are foods that
are not compatible with those goals of staying disease-free, healthy, with a well-working brain. Because again, these omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, they're also getting implicated now in Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Because think about it, these things
But these polyunsaturated PUFAs are super easily oxidized and they damage to cause a lot of damage when that happens. And what is the mentioned Alzheimer's? It's a lot of brain damage, literally neuronal damage accumulated over time, accumulated over, you know, 20, 30, 40 years. So if you want to not just be physically healthy, but have
healthy brain also with that well-working brain, mind and all that good stuff. These foods are not compatible long-term with those goals in insignificant quantities here and there.
Probably they're not that bad but I would most certainly would not be eating these things every day or multiple times a day like a lot of people they eat grains with almost every meal. That's a recipe for disaster sooner or later and many people are doing it for a long time.
And they're like, oh, but I'm fine. Well, yeah, but that's you, you know, your kids might be more sensitive or your spouse might be more sensitive or in 20 years time when you're 60 years old or 50 years old, maybe that won't be the case. Or if we actually did some lab work, you might see you're actually having a lot of health problems and you are masking them with stimulants, coffee,
You know, some of these people are already on medications or they're already overweight. And yeah, you feel fine now, but sooner or later, it will catch up to you. And if you don't care about that, that's totally fine. But if you do care about that, if you do want to, again,
have a long lifespan and a long health span then these anti-nutrient full

Critique of Mainstream Health Advice

nuts seeds legumes grains beans are in my opinion well in my view in my educated opinion and view and
they are not compatible with those goals long-term, again, in significant quantities. So that's what I wanted to cover. I was on a podcast a couple of days ago and the dude that was interviewing me, he was quite shocked. He's like, this is the first time I heard anything bad being said about nuts.
And actually I was reading in one of my textbooks here on natural medicine that epidemiological studies do show much better health. People having better health outcomes when there's not in the diet.
But we have to, there's a lot to unpack there, but I think these epidemiological studies, there's a lot of confounding factors, right? So I don't think we can just trust epidemiological association of observational data like that, right? We have to start looking deeper into the mechanisms. And when you look at the mechanisms of these anti-nutrients and these omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, what they do,
then you're gonna be scared and literally the reason i'm so strict about some of these things is because i understand the mechanisms a little bit deeper that's why i take more supplements than the average person out there and it's not because
I was fooled by some marketing or something like that it's because. I understand the mechanism let's say that when i take zinc what part of my metabolism am i supporting or if i take.
you know, sunflower lecithin. What things are in that thing? And when it gets into my body, what processes or metabolic functions or parts of the body systems is it supporting, like magnesium or theanine?
or GABA or glycine or taurine or creatine. Each one of these things I've researched what it supports. So the reason I include it in my program or in my client's program is to give support for a specific set of things. So the reason I exclude these foods is not because I read two blog posts on the internet or one of my favorite influencers doesn't eat them and like, okay, I'm not going to eat them either. It's because
There's sound research behind it, right? So that's just food for thought because I can see in the mainstream, quote unquote, a lot of people. A lot of people perceive a lot of things as healthy that are actually not healthy, like spinach. I have to do a whole episode on spinach, but the long and short of it is spinach is full of
oxalate and especially if you don't buy it organic, you're getting it also probably sprayed with some poison and I read recently, I read a study that only 5% of the calcium in spinach is bioavailable because most of it is bound to oxalate.
So there's a health food for you, especially when you eat it raw, a lot more anti-nutrients are inactivated or still active. So if you don't cook the spinach, that's even worse. You're getting a lot of extra anti-nutrients. If you do cook it, you can activate some of those anti-nutrients and you might make the magnesium more bioavailable. So there are ways to go about it that it's not as bad, but a lot of people that are
you know, having a green smoothie in the morning with spinach and a banana and some strawberries and some of those things are actually not not really good for you. But in the mainstream, it's these things are being sort of they have like a life of their own, they're being perpetuated. But when you actually
start breaking down mechanisms and nutrients and things containing these compounds, containing these plants, plant foods, you start to understand things better. That's why sometimes if someone looks at what I eat in a day, they'll be like, oh, Jesus Christ, you're not eating
enough vegetables, you're eating way too much meat, you're eating way too much cholesterol, you're going to give yourself heart disease with all that cholesterol. But once you understand the method behind the madness, things make a lot more sense. So that's why I'm trying to share some of my research along the way with you. Hopefully
you found this useful. And yeah, I'll see you on the next episode. And if you need, again, if you need help with health related stuff, if you've been unable to get help, my goal is to be the last practitioner you need to see apart from your regular checkups with your physician every year and whatever else.
If you have an acute thing that you need to see them for, of course, that's not what I do. But if it's something sort of nebulous, maybe it's not even diagnosed, but it's something that's bothering you, whether it's sleep, skin, gut, fatigue, headaches, fooling tolerances, even mood stuff, if you're feeling crappy, no motivation, a lot of these things
are biochemical in nature, metabolic in nature, and there are ways to improve the functioning of the metabolism, the body, and a lot of these things will go away. So get in touch with me if you need help. It would be an honor to serve you and partner with you on your health journey. Otherwise, hope you found this episode useful, or at least thought provoking, and I'll see you on the next one. Thanks.