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Are plant-based diets for children a bad idea? image

Are plant-based diets for children a bad idea?

Children's Health Podcast (formerly Autism & Children's Health)
96 Plays1 year ago

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Introduction to Diet Views

Hi, Christian Jardinov here. I need to talk to you about what shouldn't be such a controversial topic, but in the current state of the world it becomes controversial, even though
for potentially hundreds of thousands of years as humans or maybe even millions of years depends on what the real truth is about our history and if the theories of evolution are correct.

Historical vs. Modern Diets

Most of what we ate during this time was
basically meat and fruit. So the current plant-based trends are
in my view, based on all the research I've done in the last, I guess, eight, nine, 10 years, is that plant-based diets are highly, they're just not compatible with the human physiology, right? If you look at it, we have been
cultivating grains and seeds and so on, beans and whatever, for some 10,000 to 12,000 years. Before that, we were thriving on meat and perhaps some fruit, but a lot of it's well known that most of the plants, most of the fruits and vegetables that you see in the store right now are
they resemble nothing you would find in the wild, right?

Critique of Plant-Based Diets

So I've had to turn down some clients because of
the fact that they eat plant-based and their child is eating plant-based. And I do not believe categorically it is possible to restore somebody's health fully and for them to thrive fully without them eating animal products.
I'm not, I'm not saying necessarily your child has to eat meat every day with three times a day and so on. It's hard to get kids to eat meat all the time, but for sure.
I think it's a grave mistake and I would go as far... Look, I can't pull punches here. I have to tell you the truth. I think it's a crime and a sin for someone to put their child on a plant-based diet. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. It's a sin and it's a crime.
And it's borderline, if not straight up child abuse, that's depriving the child of the very nutrients it needs to grow and develop. Sorry if it triggers you or whatever, but it has to be said, this plant-based movement, I actually
and working and have worked with former vegans and plant-based people, including young people, that got destroyed on these plant

Balanced Diet Perspectives

-based diets. It's largely a matter of time. Now, some people can continue to live well and if they supplement well and do it correctly and live wholesomely and cut out a bunch of the other stressors, they could do that, right? They could do that. But we're talking outliers here. We have to, you know, as my
My goal is to find a diet that I can help the most amount of people, not a few outliers. There's a few outliers there that are thriving on just eating muscle meat every day, like two pounds of muscle meat, you know, a kilogram of meat every day. And some of them, a couple of them are doctors and they're telling people
to do that same thing. But these guys, if you look at them, they're huge, they're former rugby players, they're just freaks of nature and they're just genetic anomalies in a good way. But they're kind of extrapolating that if it worked for them, it worked for everybody else. And again, I disagree with that either. I really believe we have to, it's somewhere in the middle of approach.
not necessarily a balanced diet, which is kind of really just a very silly thing. Actually, it was one of these carnivore doctors that I heard this from and it's a very good statement that if you look at a sheep or a cow, you don't have sheep in Argentina
eating very differently from sheep in Europe or North America or Australia or Asia. They eat the same thing. Like lions will eat the same thing. Tigers all eat the same thing. You don't have one tiger saying, oh, you know, today I think I'm just going to eat raspberries because my gut is a bit sluggish or stuff like

Is There a Universal Diet?

that. So there must be a human diet
that is kind of close enough that it will fit everybody. And it's true that we've been developing separately as tribes and it's kind of racist in disparate regions with different flora and fauna. But at the end of the day, we all had access to meat, maybe milk,
fruit. This is for eons before the advent of agriculture, right? And if we got here, it means people were thriving. They could have a lot of kids and they could multiply for eons on these diets, right? So this is kind of what I'm saying. I'm going to have to pull no punches. I
I made it clear to a recent client that started working with me that I cannot work with heavily plant-based diets.
give you enough supplements that will out compete the or compensate for the lack of nutrients in these heavily grain lentil bean starch based diets. There's very little nutrition and just go online. If you don't believe me, go online like
Speaker or nutrition calculator. Type in nutrition calculator or nutrition facts website. Type in liver. I think it's best to do it with an app that you can actually put in.
a food like, it's free, and put in liver, 50 grams of liver, and then on one day, and then on the next day, put in a bunch of different vegetables and compare how much you're getting from 50 grams of liver or two eggs, two egg yolks, or a steak, and then compare that to what you get from a bunch of, you know, even potatoes, white rice, which by the way, I think potatoes and white rice are okay to eat.
if they're organic, they're great, no issue there, but they're more like the carbohydrate source, just basic carbohydrates, which we of course need. But compare, put in spinach and like a bunch of other stuff, they don't, all these plant foods don't hold a candle. And like, dig into it a little bit deeper and,
you see that not only do these plant foods have very little actual nutrition in terms of
things the body requires like vitamins and minerals. A lot of them are bio-unavailable or forms that are not as bio-available or as optimal as the ones from plants, from animal foods. And a lot of them are either bound to anti-nutrients like oxalates, phytates, and so on, or they contain a lot of
these anti-nutrients.

Understanding Anti-Nutrients

And I talk about them just briefly in my latest book, how to actually live longer, which is on longevity. So I talk about why seeds, anything that's a seed. So nuts, seeds, legumes, beans, spouses, grains, all of these are basically after processed foods, they're next in line, right? They're bottom of the
food pyramid in terms of quality. The bottom, grains and seeds are survival foods. They're not supposed to be daily staples if you can afford it, which most people listening to this I know can afford it, right? So what are people doing in today's society? They're eating the lowest quality survival foods day in, day out, and sometimes with every meal.
literally every single meal will have a grain and these grains have so many anti-nutrients especially the stuff that is being pumped out through the current industrial manufacturing process they don't use any of the
ancestral methods of inactivating the anti-nutrients like soaking, sprouting, fermentation, leavening, leavening, whatever you call that, leavening. So the stuff is just full of anti-nutrients, gluten, which is a lectin, phytoestrogens with flax seeds and soy, tannins. That's another thing. A lot of these plant-based diets, a big
addition to replace the meat is soy, and soy is horrible. I don't care what propaganda you've been exposed to, unfortunately, through Dr. Greger. By the way, listen, I've been on the vegan
bandwagon long

Personal Experiences with Diets

time ago. I was doing vegan. I've done it for two years out of my life. I spent plant like fully plant based. I've done vegetarian for maybe four months. But I researched that I bought three, three hard copies of
how not to die and I was giving it to people. I was doing so much research and here's the thing. I remember I was doing the research before I started the plant-based diet. Then during the plant-based diet, I was continuing the research. So I was just kind of brainwashing myself, justifying it, right? And then I would talk with other people that were vegans or wanting to be vegan. And we were constantly just talking about it and justifying it and like,
talking about all the conspiracy and all these documentaries, but I've been there. It's not like I've never done it. I actually did.
one year of training for a Thai boxing fight Muay Thai on a plant-based diet and I was drinking soy protein shakes and I was eating copious amounts of food and training really hard because obviously I had to eat a lot of food and I was pooping like three four times a day and I want listen I wanted it to to be the optimal diet I wish it was I don't want for life to be taken for me to
be able to nourish my family, especially my child. Right. But here's the thing on a, I don't know if you can talk about the moral, putting what's more moral or immoral than something else. It's something is either immoral or not. I suppose I'm not an expert on the philosophy stuff, but to me, it's more immoral.
to let my child go without the nutrients it needs to grow and thrive than to have an animal's life taken. It's just the way I believe should be right. My family, my children, our health should be number one and it should be the same for you.
I wish it weren't the case, but look in nature. Look, we have to get out of this magical fairy tale thinking, let's enter reality. Reality on this planet in the current age we are in is animals eat other animals, not just plants. When a lion kills a gazelle, the lion doesn't
kill it before it eats it. That gazelle is slowly dying in torturous pain while the lion devours it, right? The lion doesn't see a need to take it out of his misery and then to eat it.

Ethical Meat Consumption for Children

So if you buy organic pasture rays and all that stuff, these animals have a better life than many humans nowadays, you know? So
That's a very important thing. We have to support the right type of agriculture and invest in really good high quality animal products. I'm not saying we should be buying the garbage and these animals that are tortured and sick and their meat is probably diseased and no wonder people are diseased in general. I'm not saying we should be supporting that travesty, but
It's a crime to not give our children the nutrition they need. If you're plant-based, let them grow up and then make their own choice. It's a travesty.
There's not, listen, this stuff with vegetables is propaganda. It's propaganda, I've looked into it so deeply. If you really want to kind of, it's an extreme point of view, but go on some of these carnivore channels, they will explain all about the toxins in the plants, the fact that these things don't exist in nature, the fact that they don't actually contain many vitamins and minerals, all these phytonutrients as they're called,
They're just not antioxidants as they're being purported to be. That's propaganda. They are pro-oxidants. Turmeric could come in. A lot of these things, the reason they up-regulated, the stuff from cabbages and
from broccoli, what you call that, sulforaphane. These are toxins. And the reason they upregulate our detoxification is because the body responds to the toxin like a hermetic stressor, quote unquote, and then it upregulates the detoxification enzymes in the liver, right? So there's nothing magical about these things, right? Most of these polyphenols are actually pro-oxidants.
There is some things that are valuable, right? But a lot of them are found in fruit, which is a lot more benign than a lot of these vegetables, especially when raw. I would never
eat raw vegetables, maybe occasionally, like I'll have a salad. But I don't seek these things out. If I have a salad, it's more just if we're in a restaurant, it's not because I feel like I'm getting vitamins and nutrition. Yes, there's some vitamin C, there's some B vitamins in some of these plants. But if you're going to cook the crap out of them, a lot of that gets destroyed. These water soluble vitamins are quite heat lay by or fragile.

Reevaluating Plant Benefits

There's nothing magical about these plants, guys. And the grains, there's just, they're crap. All that fiber and starch, and again, this propaganda that it's good for the gut bacteria and so on.
I have to do more episodes about this, but in my new book, How to Actually Live Longer, Volume 1, I talk about the fact that these starches are feeding, especially in the case of autistic kids or kids with gut dysfunction. They're feeding a lot of the bacteria that produces toxins called endotoxin or lipopolysaccharide, LPS as it's known.
You know, kids that have a lot of bloating, gas, gut dysfunction, getting these resistant starters and fibers is integral for their gut to heal. Integral, right? And so it kind of breaks my heart to see these kids eating
just grains and or mostly grains and then you know seeds and legumes and beans we have to move away from these things now with in the case with autistic kids generally the best thing to do is to start moving away from them so why why organic white rice basmati rice great addition
very, you know, no fiber, clean carbohydrate, well cooked potatoes, maybe some sweet potato stuff like that. That's okay. Nice and well cooked with butter. Probably some fermented things like, you know, goat milk, yogurt,
Kefir could be good to start balancing the gut, but it's probably better to wait until you've done some gut cleansing, gut restoration with probiotics and herbs before you start introducing the dairy.

Diet Changes with Parenthood

Butter is always okay because there's very little protein and it's really immunologically we react to the protein in things.
you know, butter being and ghee, especially being mostly fat is fairly benign. We don't tend to react immunologically to just, you know, the glucose and the sucrosis and the various simple carbohydrates. With the complex carbohydrates, it can
become an issue for the reason I already explained about the endotoxin lipopolysaccharide and those feeding the gram-negative bacteria that multiply these endotoxins, they're bacterial cell fragments that can activate the immune system, cause very serious inflammation, and thereby that inflammation can cause self-injurious behavior,
sleep problems, just a ton of different things that can be mediated by immune system dysregulation, which if you have read my book, Autism Wellbeing Plan, you will know all about the immune system dysregulation and what a big factor it is with autistic children.
What the hell was I talking about? I wanted to mention I've taken some stuff out of the book and I will probably be reviewing it again or coming out with a new book. I have changed my mind on a few things and I really believe I have to double down or maybe not pull as many punches as I did when I wrote the book first. I wasn't a father when I wrote the book, so I couldn't really tell people.
with a good conscience, do this, do that. But now that I've gone through a lot of this stuff, I understand, yes, it's not always easy, but I'll tell you, my daughter
She was eating organic chicken liver from about the age of six or eight months. Thereabouts, I started giving her little bits and she loved it. She still loves it. She was eating steak from a very early age and it's become more difficult now after the age of about two or so.
to give her meat. She doesn't want it as much. She kind of only likes Irish beef. She doesn't like mints because we buy organic mints, which is very versatile for all kinds of dishes. So she doesn't like that, the texture. So I give her
Irish beef once in a while but it's not organic and it's matured or aged for like three weeks which is not ideal because that can also develop endotoxin on the surface so it's not optimal but once in a while you know if she's gone if she's gone like two three days without eating meat I will kind of succumb or kind of cave in and do that but the thing is during this time where she's not eating meat
She's eating parmesan, goat milk, full fat, you know, 5% fat milk, goat milk, organic.
yogurt with goat cream. So she's eating a lot, she's getting a lot of vitamins and stuff like that from animal foods as well during this time, right? And a lot of butter, plenty of butter. She could probably eat three ounces or a hundred grams of butter if you like her. So you have to kind of ration it a little bit. But my point here is
We need to figure out ways to get more high quality animal products into our kids diet. And if there's some type of gut dysfunction, it's hold off on the dairy. But it's very rare for people to react badly to meat. In the beginning, it can
slow the transit time in the intestinal transit. But generally, the kids will adapt quite quickly to that. And in that time, you can use more fluids and stuff like that to keep the transit flowing. So for example, what you can do is
If you're just trying to add more animal products to your child's diet, here's what I would advise you to try to do.
Let's say you buy some high quality lamb or some beef or even some organic chicken that's not too fatty because it has a lot of Omega-6s. Separate it depending on how old your child is. Separate it, cut it up into small chunks, maybe 50 to 100 grams. So two to three ounce little packs freeze those and then
Take one out defrosted, let's say day one. If you're just trying to add more of this to your child's diet, take one.
Cook it gently so you could boil it gently on a gentle heat. You could oven, if it's a thin slice, you could oven bake it on the grill setting lightly. And then there's a few different things you could do. So you could cut it into small pieces and then throw a little bit of salt, a bit of butter, just kind of spice it up a little bit and then obviously give them a little bit and let them play with the texture. It will take time.
Don't give up, you know how it is. When they're young, they may refuse things forever. But what's interesting is when my daughter was still like we're weaning her and stuff like that, we're doing the baby-led weaning and my wife would put little pieces of meat on her high chair table and maybe a piece of cucumber, just giving her bits of stuff.
and a bit of broccoli and some other vegetable, and she would throw the cucumber on the floor to the dog and just pick off the meat. So that is very telling. I think we live in a world where we are bombarded with propaganda to not trust our

Cholesterol and Animal Fats

senses. So all this stuff that read me to give you cancer, all of that science is bunk. Trust me.
If you dig into it, you will find out for yourself that eggs are bad for you or the day the cholesterol is bad in the eggs. But the thing is, first of all, dietary cholesterol.
It's been debunked that it actually affects your cholesterol levels. Second of all, cholesterol is very good for you, right? Cholesterol is used to make vitamin D. Cholesterol is used to make testosterone, progesterone or the steroid hormones. It's part of the cell membranes and just the brain is
has a huge amount of cholesterol. It's so incredibly important. It's a structural component, a ton of absolutely vital roles. So the thing is eggs taste good, nice omelette, meat tastes good, butter tastes good. So we are taught to fear this stuff. And sugar is a whole other kettle of fish that I'm going to do a whole episode about because that's another thing that tastes good, like something sweet, like a fruit or honey or maple syrup. And now we're being taught
that sweet things are bad. And sure, just table sugar is devoid of nutrients, so it's not a great thing, but it's honestly a lot less, it's a lot more benign than a lot of these seed oils that we're constantly being exposed to today.
So another, just to go back to other ideas to give you, so what you could do is gently, so you can still do vegetables, I'm not saying stop vegetables, for example, a little bit of carrot or potato or sweet potato, boil a little bit or a larger amount, boil that.
for a while with a bit of salt whatever you like I wouldn't I wouldn't go with too many of the other stuff like cruciferous vegetables and stuff there's very little in there and there's goitrogens and stuff like that that can mess with thyroid hormone metabolism and iodine uptake and so on so a bit of carrot maybe you know whatever other vegetables you have starchy vegetables boil that
for a while add the meat maybe in chunks and then you could with a hand mixer you could puree it somehow so that's another way to reduce the burden on your child's digestive system so because if you give like me here's a problem we encountered this my daughter wouldn't chew the meat very well so she would get backed up and she wouldn't she would miss a day in terms of pooping
Which, if a person or a child is healthy, missing a day of pooping once in a while is not the end of the words, don't get too worried about it.

Introducing Meat to Children's Diets

I've worked with clients with kids with very severe constipation. We're talking multiple days up to a week. So a day here and there, as they're adjusting to more meat or dairy in the diet and so on, don't necessarily immediately think it's an emergency.
But again, more soup stew puree type stuff that you make yourself can mitigate that. And the thing is you don't want to overcook the meat because the more you cook the protein, the more it gets denatured so its structure gets changed. So the more difficult for our digestive enzymes to actually latch on and break it down and so on and so forth. Right.
So this is the way I would approach it, a tiny 50 grams, a couple of ounces of meat, lightly cooked, high quality stuff, organic, pastured. You could also do it with like a white fish like cod.
Hey, I think is probably I think that's a whitefish stuff like that. You could try that as well. It's a whitefish is fairly light. You could do that. The idea or you could the whole point here is adding more animal products. So a couple of organic eggs lightly cooked again. You don't want to overcook the yolk because that has fragile fats. You don't want to oxidize them, right? And you don't overcook the protein.
So these are some ideas to give you. If your child's gut function is in good shape, definitely organic goat milk. They will love it. Usually kids love this stuff. It's so tasty. If you get the stuff that doesn't smell too goatee of livestock, it's like almost like ice cream, the aftertaste. I actually, I have to stop myself drinking.
Uh, it's too much because I could easily drink literally two, two liters a day. And that's a hundred grams of fat, which is quite a lot of fat because you eat other fat during the day. And if I do that for a month or two, I can definitely feel myself ballooning out. So I have to kind of rain myself in, but kids love it. Goat. If you can find, I'm just,
Using examples of what I have around here, we're fairly limited in terms of the organic foods we can get, so it's lucky that the stuff we can get my kid likes. The nice thing about goat yogurt, let's say, is just on its own, it's tasty.
but then you can spice it up with some honey just to change the taste you can throw in some summer fruits you could do a million different things so just remember to take it out of the fridge get it to room temperature or put it in a little bowl
put some hot water in a bigger bowl or pan and then plop it in just so it's more room temperature. So it doesn't getting cold into the tummy. It's not pleasant. And then you can throw a bunch of other stuff. I wouldn't throw in like chia seeds and like seeds and nuts. I wouldn't. I just, I would minimize these things once in a while. It's fine. But nuts are, if you listen to previous episodes are full of Omega sixes, nevermind the anti-nutrients.
Just the Omega-6s are a reason enough to not overdo it with the nuts, right? So fruits, plenty of fruits, honey, maple syrup, so it's very versatile, right? And then with the milk, you could also put a bit of honey and it's great before bed. It's a great substitute for water because actually milk hydrates better than water and

Basic Nutritional Guidelines

juice in general.
will hydrate better than water so you could if your child is smaller you could dilute the the like let's say you squeeze out some orange juice you could add water to it you could dilute it with water i'm just giving you ideas what you can do to to make sure your your child's nutritional bases are covered so what do we just to kind of because i have to actually have a client call to get to now but
The basis we want to cover, let's say, five things. I'm riffing here. Forgive me for not being super comprehensive. So we have five things. Let's say number one is hydration. Adding organic milk, some organic juice to the diet will add not just hydration, but in the case of goat milk, it will add plenty of good fat.
saturated and some monounsaturated, it will add some carbs, it's about five grams per hundred grams of milk, 5% carbs and some protein and vitamin A and B vitamins and potassium, a ton of other stuff. Then, excuse me, then
The OJ, the ideally freshly pressed, if you can get oranges or just high quality juice, that will add some vitamin C, which is a little bit harder to find in animal foods. Then a little bit of meat.
throughout the day whatever you could do at least one meal maybe some cheese in another meal some something with white rice or potato you could do dishes like that so meat meat and potatoes white rice some fruits fresh fruits and a healthy source of fat and the healthiest source of fat will be from either from the let's say lamb or the beef if it has fat or butter grass-fed butter carry gold whatever you can get
And that will also compliment calorically your child because they also need quite a lot of calories. Even though they're small, their metabolic needs are so high because they're also growing. So these are the basis. Fat, carbs. So the carbs will be from the milk, OJ, rice, honey, maple syrup, potato, sweet potato.
The protein will be from the cheese milk and the beef, lamb, chicken, whatever you do, some fish once in a while. Then you have your hydration, obviously water and the milk and the OJ. And then more carbs and hydration from fruit. And I think I covered fat. So you kind of are covering here. And if you can add in some high quality eggs,
Bob's your uncle. Seriously, Bob's your uncle. You've covered everything here. Literally, all the other vegetables that you add are the nuts and the junk food. You can do that once in a while as you please even. But cover those bases and then when you're out, okay, they have an ice cream or have a cookie, whatever. At least you've covered the nutritional bases. But trust me, if you
add two carrots and like some spinach and a bunch of vegetables, you're not adding much more to that, right? You were not, with or without those things, your child's bases are covered. And I would even posit that some of those things could be doing more detriment than good, right? So these are some little basic guidelines.
just do your best, take your time with it, figure out what your child likes. Listen, I've gone as far as dipping bits of, sorry, I said, I would have gone as far as dipping bits of meat or drizzling honey on liver to get her to eat it. I will hide the liver in a burger. There's ways you can freeze liver
and just take out the piece and then just grate it into like a stir-fry or whatever. You wouldn't even taste it. You wouldn't even see it. So there's ways to do it, pureeing meat and then making a sweet dish out of it. There's a million different ideas. Maybe in future episodes, I'll come out with some or in a future book, I'll give some more ideas. But get that high quality animal food into your child. And if you want to continue doing the vegetable stuff,
Fine, but get the high quality nutrition and if you can do a little bit of chicken liver once or twice a week even an ounce or two That just covers everything Be vitamins fat soluble vitamins minerals a bit of protein a bit of fat It's a really an amazing thing. We do that two three times a week sometimes sometimes once and
a little bit more or over if I have more time to do it a little bit less over two, three times in the week. Anyway, got to stop here. Thanks for listening and I'll see you on the next episode.