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#81 - Change Your Identity, Change Your Life image

#81 - Change Your Identity, Change Your Life

Fit(ish) Project
29 Plays4 months ago

In this episode, we dive into how changing your identity is the key to lasting weight loss and health transformations. It’s not just about following a plan or hitting the gym—it’s about becoming the person who lives a fit, healthy lifestyle every day.

 I’ll share insights from my own 100-pound weight loss journey and how reshaping my identity made all the difference. Tune in to learn how shifting your mindset can lead to sustainable success in your fitness journey!

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Welcome back to the Fitgish Project with your host Latham Bass. As always, where we make fitness and health simple for regular people like you and I. Before getting into this episode, if you have not already done so, if you could leave a review, that would be awesome. Help to get this out to more people, spread the good word, and continue to help make people more fit, feel good, look good, all that good stuff that we all

Identity Change in Fitness

want. But getting into the topic for this week. So I wanted to talk a little bit about identity.
And more specifically, how you go about changing your identity. And I was having a conversation with a buddy of mine, and this is why I kind of got to thinking about this topic. And it's something that I started to think about a little bit more, because I think it really is one of the most underrated things that people never really think about, especially for people who are maybe trying to make fitness and health part of their lifestyle where it currently is not, or maybe never has been.

Struggles with Fitness Identity

And so when you think about like, people who have maybe always been fit and healthy, like they come from a really good family where health was prioritized, they ate a good clean diet, they were active, their parents were active, like they never really struggled with their weight or their health, like mental health was good, like they come from a really healthy background.
they That's just kind of part of who they are. But I think a majority of people don't necessarily come from that background and don't come from that environment. And so getting to a place where they feel like health is just kind of part of who they are and like being fit and healthy is something that they really see as part of their identity is a struggle for a lot of people.

Understanding Identity in Health

And so what I wanted to do is talk about how you actually go about changing your identity because I think that's been a huge part of my own fitness transformation and it's also a lot of what I work with with my one-on-one clients and coaching is helping them to shift their identity because without that identity change it's really really hard to make this a lifestyle.
So what actually makes up identity? When we're thinking about the word identity, it's essentially like your values, it's your traits, it's your beliefs, it's your characteristics. So all those things kind of wrapped into one makes up your identity. So like, are you somebody who values health and fitness?
Are you somebody who has the traits of somebody who is fit and healthy? Like, do you have some willpower? Do you have some discipline? Do you have some grit? Like, what are your beliefs around working out? And what are your beliefs around exercise? And what are your beliefs around growth mindset and all those certain things? Like, what kind of characteristics do you have? Like, all those certain things make up your identity. And I think the cool thing to realize is that your identity is always has the opportunity to grow and evolve because, you know, speaking from personal experience, like where I was versus where I am now is completely

Emotional Investment and Fitness

And to give you a little bit more specific examples about like identity and and what it actually is, is so like, obviously you have habits and things like that. Like we all have certain habits, but I think thinking about identity goes a little bit deeper than that because it is more of an emotional, like deeper connection type of thing. And to give you some examples. So when we talk about stuff like politics, sometimes you'll see people get really, really emotional and just like,
angry or frustrated or whatever the case may be about certain politics or maybe like some certain political issue or maybe a certain politician. Like you'll see people get just like really, really invested in those things. And it's because politics is such a big part of their identity and who they see themselves as. So they get emotion about it. Like it's something that they really care about. It's something that they like feel really strongly about and it affects them on a little bit deeper level. And it might even affect like how they live their life. It might affect how they think all those certain things.
Another really easy example to think about this is like people who are just like crazy sports fans. Like I'm sorry, not just like your average sports fan. Like, yeah, I really like this team. Like I root for them, whatever, whatever, but like people who are just like absolute diehards. Like if their team loses, like they're mad for like three days or if their team wins, like they're super happy for multiple days. Like if their team is just like.
not doing well, like their, their life is not going well. Like those type of people that are just super, super into it. It's because like that whole sports team and like being that sports fan is just like deeply rooted in it. It's like part of like who they feel like they are.
And so I think the idea here is like to get to a point where you feel really good about health and fitness. And it's not that you have to like obsess over, you know, every single thing that you put in your mouth or every single calorie or you have to be absolutely obsessed with exercising and working out for hours a day. That's not the point here. The point here is to just value it and just make sure that it is a part of who you are. And it's something that you spend time on because without that, it's really hard to get that long-term healthy lifestyle that a lot of us are really after because if you talk to anybody who's like fit and healthy and has been doing it for quite a while and you ask them about like why they do what they do they'll just most of them will just tell you it's just like I do it because I feel better when I do it like I do it because it makes me feel better physically it makes me feel better mentally like I just feel off when I don't do it I don't feel normal if I don't exercise and if I don't eat well if I don't prioritize my health like I just feel off like it's just part of who I am it's just part of what I do and so
I think the whole idea is to try to get yourself to a point to where fitness and health is a part of just who

Personal Fitness Journey

you are. And again, it doesn't have to take over your whole life. There's a reason why this is called the Fit-ish Project because I know not everybody loves fitness and health as much as I do, but I think it is important to prioritize fitness if you do care about how you look if you do care about how you feel if you do want to live a long healthy life if you do want to be able to do all the things that you want to do you have to make sure that health is a priority because without it you're not going to be able to have all those things and you're not going to be able to live your best life and so making being fit and healthy part of your identity should eventually be something that just feels just kind of natural to you it's just like who you are and
giving you kind of an example of myself personally so obviously where I'm at now you know if you know who I am and you know a little bit about me like pretty into fitness now I consider myself fairly fit you know at 31 I've gotten into the best shape I've ever been in I've lost 100 pounds run a marathon done some cool stuff from a fitness perspective but like thinking back to like who I was in my old identity like that was not part of who I was like Back when I started this journey at 21 years old, 22 years old, like I was 300 pounds overweight. I was an athlete, so I was like always you know active and and always playing sports and those sorts of things. But like there's a lot more to health and just being a healthy individual than just like exercising every once in a while or playing a sport. Because there's a lot of people who are who exercise regularly who are not healthy at all. like There's a lot of other things that you have to take into account.
And a lot of those things I was severely lacking in back when I started getting into this whole fitness journey. I mean, I think about just specifically back to like my diet back when I was a big, you know, 300 pound dude, like I absolutely lived on fast food. And like you can ask my old roommates, like I had lived on fast foods and like my diet was absolutely horrendous. So like back when we were going to school back at college, like we had multiple fast food restaurants around her house. So we had like,
and McDonald's right there. We had a Wendy's right there. We had a KFC right there. We had an Arby's right there. We had a Taco Bell right down the street. There was like a pizza place, Chinese food place. And this was all within like a five minute drive. Like some of these places like I could walk to in under five minutes. Like so it was all right there. And so A good percentage of my diet was these fast food places because it was easy. It was convenient. I liked the taste and I just didn't really give any focus to like my diet. And when I wasn't eating fast food, I was just eating all processed foods. So like I was rarely ever making a solid meal. I was eating like pizza rolls and.
frozen pizzas, hot pockets, like cereal, like I was just my diet was absolutely horrendous back then just thinking about like where I was back then versus where I am now. And I wish I knew some of these things that I knew now but like I just didn't like I didn't really know. I mean, I knew like we all know like, you know, what healthier foods are better for you and things like that. But I didn't know any of the specifics of like, I should be eating this many calories, this much protein, I should be getting this much fiber, like I should be getting this much healthy fat, this much carbs. Like I didn't really know any of that stuff and I never really cared to find out because, you know, I was a decent athlete and things were working out, but I just like, I look back then I'm like, man, I could have been doing so much better, but like you just, it just wasn't something that I really cared all that much about. Like it wasn't really part of like my lifestyle and it just wasn't really part of like my identity back

Ignorance and Learning in Health

then. And other parts of health too, just like I think about, you know, my sleep back then. And like, that was just something that I never prioritize.
go to bed late, wake up early. Sometimes you get four hours of sleep. Sometimes you get 10 hours of sleep. There was no consistency. and you know We know the the benefits of sleep now and how important that stuff is. I was definitely dropping the ball on that that end of things. When we think about like my training back then was a lot different. so Being an athlete, like i I just strictly did a lot of strength training, doing some running and like sprinting and things like that. but like As far as cardio goes, like that was never part of my routine. I hated that kind of stuff. And like I was just worried about getting as strong as possible, which like rightfully so. That was kind of my goal at the time. But like even the way that I trained back then is a lot different than how I train now. And my ideas around that have kind of changed a little bit as well. Things like stress management or focusing on getting steps or like drinking water and like all these other little health things that we think about in order to be a healthy person, like they were just not on my radar at all. like I was not thinking about
those certain kinds of things back then, because like I said, it just it wasn't really who I was. And like thinking a little bit further back, like it was just it was just things that I never really learned and things that I never really cared about. like I didn't learn that kind of stuff when I was younger. and like I didn't ever really think much about my diet when I was younger. And so like being an adult, like being a young adult, like I also didn't really think about those things. And I think that's the

Challenges of Adopting Healthy Habits

case for a lot of people. Like we come from a background where we weren't really taught these things. Like we weren't taught a whole bunch about food or exercise or what actually being healthy means. And so like as you start to transition and try to get to a healthier place and make this more of a lifestyle type of thing, you have to relearn a lot of new things.
And I think that's where a lot of people struggle and that's where they feel like it's hard to make those changes because again, it's something that you've never really done and you've never really focused on, but it is 100% possible. I mean, speaking from my personal experience, like I was just saying, like how I've changed from.
Being that guy who didn't know anything about that stuff, like who didn't really know about health and fitness, who didn't like it didn't come natural to me. like I was overweight for a good majority of my life. like I didn't ever focus on those things, but now like it's a massive part of my life. It's a huge part of my life, and not just because I'm passionate about it, but because it's made me feel so much better i look a lot better i'm able to do all the things i want to do i'm able to perform better like i'm able to lift weights and run and play sports and go on hikes and i do all these things and it's just improve my life in so many ways physically also mentally like emotionally like all these different things have been impacted because now.
fitness and health and and those sorts of things are a much bigger

Coaching and Identity Shifts

priority. And it's just a much bigger part of my identity. And it's not just me either. This is something that I've seen with clients that I work with. And it's honestly a big part of what I do within the coaching process is helping people to kind of shift into this more long term mindset, this more like identity focused health and fitness prioritization mindset of doing these things, not just now, but like incorporating these things into your life for the long term. And so like,
When I start to hear certain ways that my clients are talking or maybe just the certain things that they're sharing with me, I'm starting to notice like their identity shift in small little ways. so like For example, somebody might say, like I never really considered myself like a fitness person. Like I was somebody who would work out occasionally, but now I really see myself as like this fitness person. Like I'm really into this stuff or like I'll start to hear clients talking about like how I really wasn't motivated. Like I really didn't want to do this, but like I'm doing it anyways. Like I'm starting to notice like I feel much better and I'm starting to notice like my health is just improving so much in these different ways. And so now it's not really.
like I'm not really relying on that external motivation. It's starting to just become something that I want to do and something that I do, regardless of how I feel. Or you'll have somebody who will say, I'm really proud of like the person that I'm becoming. like This wasn't something that I would ever do before. like I would never focus on fitness or exercise or you know do these certain things. And so you'll start to notice like they have this sort of internal motivation and they're doing these things because they're liking the person that they become.
versus like focusing on all these external like motivational things. Like I want to lose this way. I want to do this or do that. Like I want all these things externally. And when it starts to shift to more of an internal focus, that's when you start to see people make these really big changes. And that's when I know that this is going to be something that they're going to do for a really long time and they're going to be really successful for years to come. And it's not that external motivation is a bad thing because I think we all have different reasons about why we worked out. I mean,
Part of the reason I work out and part of the reason a lot of people work out is because they want to look better. And and that's there's nothing wrong with that. like that's not That's not a bad goal to have. And that would be considered something that's external validation and something that is a motivator that's kind of outside of us. And I don't think that's a bad thing.
But I think coming from it from both instances of maybe you do have some of those external motivators, but you also just do it because it makes you feel good. You like the way it makes you feel when you show up for yourself. You like the way it makes you feel like when you're doing something hard and then you complete that thing. So like being able to lean into more of these internal motivational things is a good sign that you are starting to shift your identity and that you're becoming one of those people who does make this priority and starts to shift their identity a little bit.

Practical Steps for Identity Shift

And thinking about just some practical steps about like how to do this. So like, obviously, like I said, a lot of people don't necessarily come from this like healthy fitness, like fit background, and it's not something that just comes natural to them. But there is like a formula or just some practical steps of things that you can start doing in order to get you to that spot that you want to get to. And so I thought I'd i'd mentioned this quote that I'd come across from James Clear, who is the author of Atomic Habits, one of my favorite books. And I get a lot of the stuff that I talk about, just about habits and mindset and things like that from him and so one of the quotes that he had was true behavior change is identity change. You may start a habit but the reason that you'll stick to it is because it becomes part of your identity. I think what he means by that is like yes habits are good and a lot of us will have habits for all different sorts of reasons but once it starts to become a little bit deeper, once it just becomes a little bit more than just a habit, once it becomes part of that identity, it's something that you will stick to for the long term because
One thing about identity is like we don't like to do things that don't align with our identity. It's something that's just part of like our human nature is like we want to be in alignment with who we think we are and who we say we are. So like if you're a person that hasn't worked out a ton in the past and now you're starting to work out and it's starting to be something that you want to prioritize, it's going to feel uncomfortable at first.
it's going to feel weird like you're not going to be super into it and it's going to take a while to get you to that spot. Or if you're a person that's like been eating a crappy diet or just been eating in a certain way for like 20 years and now you want to kind of switch it up and be more healthy and focus on more whole foods and higher protein and you know maybe you have some certain beliefs around like carbs or fats or different different things that you heard growing up or different like ideas that you have around food.
that's going to feel really, really weird at first and it's going to feel really uncomfortable because it's not really part of who you are right now and it's not really aligned with who you are and who you say you are and also just your habits in general. And even just things with like thinking in a certain way. So like we get in these certain habits of like how we think about things and how we look at certain things. And when you start to shift those things, like when you start to shift your perspective and shift your beliefs and shift the things that you think about, like all that stuff feels very weird at first. And I think it's just normal to understand that that's going to be part of it. Like it's not going to feel super comfortable at first, but you keep showing up, you keep doing these things, then eventually it starts to be feel a little bit more normal. and You start to make those shifts, you start to have those different perceptions and make these little shifts within your mindset. And then it starts to feel a little bit more normal.
But when it comes to like actually putting this stuff into practice, ah it just comes down to just doing basic things over time. And another one of James Clear's quotes that he has is, every action is a vote towards the person you want to be. And I think that's really powerful when it comes to health and fitness because there is dozens of ways that you can do this throughout your day and stack these things on top of each other to start to become a more fit and healthy person and it start to become someone who does make this a lifestyle. And it does not have to be super complicated.
it doesn't have to be this whole like, you wake up one day and you're like, I'm going to be the fittest, healthiest person in the world. It doesn't have to be like that. And I think for a lot of people, that's not realistic. And that's not how it's going to work. Because I think back to, you know, back to my own personal story, like, where I'm at now versus where I was at, like 10 years ago is obviously very different. But where I was at when I started versus where I was that even a year in was very different. And then two years in and then five years in, like,
all those stages were very, very different. And like, it's, there's kind of just levels to it, right?

Misconceptions About Fitness Lifestyle

So like, you don't just jump in one day and you're like, man, I'm just like, I'm fooling. I'm a hundred percent. Like this is who I am. Like I'm going to be the fittest dude in the world. I'm never going to eat another piece of sugar again. I'm never going to have a dessert. I'm never going to have a drink. Like that's what most people think this means when they like start to make it a lifestyle. They think that it has to be this super strict, like No fun, never have any dessert, never have pizza again, never have any of these things like workouts, six, seven days a week, like health has to be your entire life. And that's just so far from the truth. That's the reason that I made this podcast and called it the fit ish project is because I think that health and fitness can be a part of every single person's life in a way that is sustainable and still allows you to enjoy all the things that you want to enjoy.
And so again, it just comes down to these little basic things. And at first that you start small and then you build up from there and you kind of level up every you know year or so, you just look back and you're like, man, I've really made a lot of really good changes. And it doesn't seem like it in the moment because you're doing all these small things. But again, every action is a vote towards that person that you want to be. So.
you know, focusing on things like maybe your goal right now is just to eat more vegetables. And you do that for a while, you do that for a couple months and then you get that habit down and you feel good about that. And then maybe your next thing is you want to add more protein into your diet. And so you do that for a while, you focus on protein, that starts to become a habit that starts to just become natural and just part of what you do and how you think about food. And then maybe you want to start focusing on getting more steps. So now you're aiming to get eight to 10,000 steps per day. And that now you're becoming a more active person and you're starting to think about Hey, maybe I'm going to take the stairs instead of taking the elevator all the time. Or maybe I'm going to go for a 10 minute walk every morning and every night to start to just get more steps in my day and be a little bit more active. And then maybe after that, you start to think about sleep. So you're like, man, my sleep's been slacking a little bit. I might need to start to prioritize that a little bit. I know how much that affects me, both from a physical standpoint and a mental standpoint. I really start, I really need to start to get my sleep better. So.
You start going to bed 30 minutes earlier and you start to fix those little things. Like you start to drink more water. You start to work out more regularly. So maybe you start with two workouts and then you work your way up to three workouts per week and you get to a spot where like it just becomes part of your normal regular routine.
And you start to add up all these little things because you have so many opportunities to do these things throughout the day. And then, like I said, eventually down the line, you start to look back and you're like, I have all these new habits and like I'm doing these things. I'm not even really thinking about them. It's just like who I am. It's who I've become and I've noticed that Since doing all those things, my life has gotten considerably better. I feel better. I look better. I have more energy. like I have less aches and pains. like I'm losing fat. I'm gaining muscle. like All these different things that you start to see are improving in these different ways from these tiny little habits that you've been doing just day in and day out.
And so again, it doesn't have to be this huge overwhelming crazy thing that you, that you like need to just make this complete overhaul because I don't think that's the right approach for a lot of people. I I've seen it work for some people like they just go extreme, very drastic.
But I think for a very, very large majority of people, it is the slow and steady approach that is going to get people there. And the reason I say that is because especially just thinking about things like weight loss and just fitness in general, most people take the opposite approach and they

Consistency and Long-term Success

try to jump in. They try to do it all at once. They try to be super strict with the diet. They try to work out six, seven days a week and they fail. Like how many people start the year out that way where they're like, I'm doing this diet. I'm going to be super strict. I'm doing this new program. I'm going to work out six, seven days a week. And then they fall off.
in less than a month. A very large majority of people that is exactly what happens. There's a reason why a lot of people will lose weight and then gain all of it right back like a good 85 90% of people who lose weight gain it back and it's because they do these things in this very overwhelming extreme strict type of way and it's just not sustainable. But what is sustainable is making this a lifestyle in understanding that the timeline that you have around these certain goals is not important. What's important is that you do these things day in and day out and you build on it and you just try to be that 1% better because as you do those things consistently, consistency always wins out. And I think just people look at this on too short of a timeline, but like if you do these things for six months, you're going to be a much better person. If you do these things for a year, you're going to be a much better person. You do this stuff for a decade. Well, now you're a completely different person. You've lost 50 pounds. You've gained 20 pounds of muscle.
You're able to do all the things that you want to do. You look your best. You feel your best. You have good energy. Like you're productive. Your mental health is great. Like all these things start to add up. And so again, the whole point is just making this part of your lifestyle and remembering that this doesn't have to be this crazy thing. Small things.
over and over, focus on those things, build momentum, make some mistakes, you get back on track, you fall off a little bit, you get back on track, but at the end of the day, you know, this is just part of who you are becoming. And so you don't have to stress over just one single day or one single choice, make this a lifestyle and everything else starts to take care of itself.

Building Self-trust and Commitment

And then just the last couple of things that I'll say about this topic before ending this podcast is that One really, really simple rule that you can remember if you don't remember anything else that I'm saying in this podcast is just to do the things that you say. If you say you're going to do something, then do it. And if you don't plan on doing it, do not say it because a huge thing that I see with people is they don't believe in themselves and they don't feel like they can shift their identity and they go back, they revert back to their old ways and their old habits is because
They say they should be doing all these things. They know they should be doing all these things, but then they don't do it. And so when you don't do it, well, now you have no belief in yourself. You have no confidence in yourself because your word doesn't mean anything to you versus like, if you say you're going to do these little things and you start to do it, you start to turn into that person who you can trust and you can believe in and you have confidence in.
And now when I say, okay, I need to work out three times this week. And I say that out loud. And I tell myself that I actually have confidence that I'm going to follow through. And I'm going to do that versus like, if I'm just, you know, thrown out, I need to work out six days a week. And I say that every single week or I say, I need to go on a diet. And I say that every single Saturday after I've blown my calories. And I feel like I need to get back on track on Monday. but then i never do and i fall off well then why would you ever believe in yourself and why would you do these things but if you say these things like if you have these small little goals and you you set these goals for yourself and you say you're going to do things and you follow through you start to turn into this person who can actually follow through and who can actually
do hard things and who can actually actually accomplish goals and you become a much more confident person and you also start to shift into that person that you really want to be and it really is just as simple as that just doing the simple things that you say you're gonna do and if you don't plan on doing those things do not say those things like I try to be very intentional about the language that I use and I think that it's very important as a person who wants to accomplish things and who wants to become better that people do that as well because you can't lie to yourself and you ultimately know the things that you should be doing and the things that you tell yourself you should be doing and you're the only one who really knows if you're doing those things, but your word matters more than anybody

Reflecting on Progress

else's. So make sure that you're keeping your word to yourself and you're doing all those things that you say you are going to do. And then the last thing that I'll say is ah reflect on these small wins and this progress because
doing all these physical things and like actually doing the task and building the habits and shifting that identity is important. But it's also really important to make sure that you focus on the mindset part of this as well. So like you're doing all these habits, you're making all this progress. You need to take some time to reflect a little bit, celebrate those small wins because you are showing up and doing the things that you need to do. You are turning into a new person. You are starting to shift your perspective and shift your mindset on these things because Without the mindset change, it's really hard to make this last. And so it's important to take some time to just reflect a little bit. I had a teacher a while back, I think it was in college who said that if you don't have time to reflect, you don't have time to learn. And a lot of this stuff, as I said, is new to a lot of us. Like a lot of this stuff was new to me. And so the mindset part of it and just taking some time to actually focus on like who you're actually becoming and focusing on these new habits, these new skills, these new ways of thinking, these new beliefs that you have, it's important to take some time to actually think about that stuff so that it can
really get solidified into your brain and help you become that person that you are striving to be. So all that to say, lifestyle change over temporary fixes will always be the answer.

Lifestyle Change for Lasting Success

There is no quick crash diet. There is no crazy training program. There is no hacks. There's no fads that are going to get you to be the person that you want to be long-term. It all has to start with just doing those simple little things. Has to start with showing up for yourself. It has to start with keeping your word to yourself and doing all these little things and shifting that mindset. And when you start to do that stuff for a long enough period of time, you will see change and you will start to turn into that person that you want to be. But again, it has to be that long-term approach. It has to be that this is my new lifestyle. This is going to be the person that I'm going to be. And I'm going to be somebody who prioritizes fitness and who prioritizes health. And when you do that, crazy things can happen. Like things that I've seen with clients and just seeing their mindset shift and
losing 50 pounds, losing 30 pounds, like changing their life and feeling better, energy improving, gaining more confidence. Like all these things happen based off these little actions and based off just shifting into that person who really prioritizes this stuff. So hopefully that gives you some actual practical steps about how to go about doing this because I know a lot of people will talk about this stuff and you'll hear that phrase, make it a lifestyle. But like nobody really ever talks about what that actually looks like.
So I try to, you know, provide these real life examples and then also give you some tactical steps about how you can go about putting these things in action. And so hopefully this episode gave you a couple of nuggets and how you can start doing that. And with that being said, before I hop off here, have some one-on-one coaching spots, taking on some new people before the end of the year. So if you're somebody who maybe you do struggle with this stuff, you have struggled with this stuff for a really long time, getting somebody who has been where you've been and can help you get to the place where you want to get can be massively helpful.
I know that I wasted a lot of time and I struggled to get to this certain point that I'm at now. And I know if I would have had somebody who could have helped me through this stuff, who had that experience, it would have helped me a lot, which is exactly what I do with one-on-one coaching. So if you're wanting to make some of these transformations, you want to lose some weight, build some muscle, feel better, look better in that conference, you can always check out the link in the show notes to apply for coaching, see if it's a good fit for you. And other than that, I appreciate you listening and we will see you next week.