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#97 - 4 Simple "Exercise Rules" That Will Transform Your Body & Mind image

#97 - 4 Simple "Exercise Rules" That Will Transform Your Body & Mind

Fit(ish) Project
31 Plays1 month ago

Healthier habits lead to a healthier, stronger, more confident you. Life is busy and stressful sometimes, and your attention and energy are limited. To make sure you're not wasting your most precious resource of time, you need to focus on the right things.  

In this episode, I'll walk you through 4 exercises "rules" I've focused on over the last decade to help me lose a bunch of weight, improve my health, and get in the best shape I've ever been in. 

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Introduction to 'The Fit Ish Project'

Welcome back to The Fit Ish Project with your host, as always, Latham Bass, where we make fitness and health. simple for regular people like you and I. We got another weekly episode coming at you. And at the time of me recording this episode, I'm currently looking out my window and it is absolutely pouring down with some heavy snow. So hopefully you're in an area where you are not getting as much snow as I am at the time of you listening to this, unless you're one of those weird people who really like snow, which in that case, I hope you get all the snow that you want. But
For me, I cannot wait for this snow to be gone. I can't wait for warm weather, but just had to throw that in

Exercise Guidelines Overview

there. But getting into this week's episode. So I wanted to talk a little bit about ah some exercise rules that I have. So I recently had done a podcast ah around food rules and I've made some content around that on my other social medias. And it seems to be a pretty popular topic. Thanks.
that people really want to know more about and have enjoyed getting to just learn about like the rules that I've used to lose 100 pounds and just make health more of a lifestyle, those sorts of things. And I think that's pretty common. I think as humans, we really like when we have like a checklist or we have like these five steps that we can use in order to get the result that we want to get.
And so with this episode, it's not necessarily that you have to obviously follow the same rules that I have, but I think it is helpful to get some ideas from other people who have maybe done some of the things that you wanna to do or have found a system that works really well because success leaves clues. And so I think it's smart to look at other people who maybe have found a system that really seems to gel well with them. But with that being said, you also have to figure out what's gonna work best with your lifestyle, where you're currently at, your goals, all that certain kind of stuff.

Guidelines vs. Strict Rules

so I think having some of these certain kind of rules, and I call them rules. They're not necessarily rules. They're more like guidelines because rules are like you either break it or you don't. And these are things that I do most of the time, but I don't do them all the time. So I wouldn't even say it's like a hard rule, but these are more so just guidelines that I use around exercise. And I think they can be really helpful just because I know a lot of us are, we're busy, we're stressed at times. Sometimes we're just overwhelmed with life and everything that we have going on.
And I found that when you have these certain rules in place, it just makes sticking to the things that you want to stick to and doing all the things that you want to do a little bit easier. It's just one less thing that you have to think about. So when you do go through one of those stressful days or you have a day where you're just really overwhelmed, you're not really thinking about these extra things on like the back burner. You're not thinking about like, should I do this exercise? Or should I do this? Or do I need to do this certain thing? Like you're not thinking about those things because they're kind of just on autopilot. And I think that's the ultimate goal to get to is to get to a point where you can turn these certain guidelines, these rules into habits. And more importantly, just start to shift that mindset that you have. And ultimately, when you start to shift that mindset, then you start to shift your identity, which I know I've talked a little bit about.
But that's really the end game here because once this becomes part of your just mindset, once it becomes more concrete, once it becomes part of your identity, then it really does just feel automatic. And that's when I've noticed with like clients, that's when the big shift takes place and all this stuff doesn't seem like such a struggle anymore. It just becomes part of who you are. It just becomes what you do because you know that these things make you feel good. They help you look better. They help you feel better. They let you live the life that you really want to live.
all those certain things

Importance of Walking

that we're after. And so with that being said, I thought that I would get into four different exercise rules that I have used over the last 10 years or so. And these are just things that I kind of boil them down to these four certain things that I do. There's been a lot of trial and error. There's been some things that I've done in the past and maybe gone through some different seasons where like these certain things weren't things that I focused on, but I found that these are things that I can continually do and continually build on. And there are things that I know if I i check these boxes most days, I know that I'm going to ah continue to
feel how I wanna feel, feel really good, have energy, be focused, be healthy, like feel physically healthy, feel mentally healthy, and ultimately, like I said, be able to live the life that I wanna live in. So getting into this episode, rule number one,
hit your step goal each day and so I've talked about walking a lot and the reason I talk about walking so much again is because it's just such an easy thing for you to add into your day with not a lot of extra thought and with not a lot of extra effort. It's just something that we all already do it and so it's one of those things that since you're already doing it you just continue to build on it.
And if you're somebody who maybe isn't getting quite as many steps as you want to get right now, then it's just a really easy place to start adding in a few extra steps here. You add in a 10 to 15 minute walk there and gradually over time, you can start to build this up. And so for me, one of my like staples, one of my non-negotiables, one of the things that I focus on is getting around eight to 10,000 steps per day.
And when I look at the course of a week, like there might be a day in there where like, I don't hit that 8,000, but over the course of a week, I want to see that average. If you break it down on a seven day average, I want to see that at least over 8,000. Usually for me, it's over 10,000, but I know that if I can hit that 8,000, like I'm making sure that I'm getting enough activity in, I'm burning some extra calories. I'm feeling good. I'm making sure that I'm prioritizing my fitness, which is helps to keep me on point with my other healthy habits that I want to be.
engaging in on a daily basis. And so the research shows us like anywhere over 7500 is really, really good. And you're going to get a lot of the benefits that you get from walking with better mental health, stronger joints, stronger bones, stronger ligaments, this can help with weight loss and weight maintenance.
can have some cardio benefits and some heart health benefits. And so there's a ton of different benefits that you can get from walking. And you get a lot of those benefits when you start to get up around that 7,500 steps. And it continues to go up the more that you get, but the degree of those benefits starts to go down a little bit. And so like, if you can really get to that 7,500 per day, you're gonna be sitting pretty solid.
As you start to get up around that 7,500, your risk of all-cause mortality, which basically means your risk of dying, goes down quite a bit. and so I think that says a lot just about walking. and It's not necessarily just the walking itself, but just being a more active person versus a sedentary person has huge benefits. and so Focusing again on just getting some steps in your day is really, really important.

Strength Workouts Essentials

and From like a calorie burn perspective, going from you know a couple thousand steps a day to 10,000 steps per day, you could be burning an extra 300, 400, 500 calories per day, which then, again, allows you to eat some more food, have a little bit more flexibility, maybe lose some weight if that's a goal that you have. And so there's a lot of really good benefits around just con continuing to focus on just walking in.
You probably heard of that magic 10,000 number, but like there's actually not a ton of science behind that, why that's such the popular thing. And it actually comes from an old Japanese marketing campaign. 10,000 just sounded like a really easy thing to market. And so that just kind of caught on. And that's always been the standard that people talk about. And so like, if you get 10,000 steps in your day, that's great. But like I said, if you can get to that 7,500 and if you get some more, like just think of it as a bonus.
If you're currently really, really far away from that $7,500, like maybe you're only getting a couple thousand a day, like you have a desk job and that's just not something that like you can see yourself hitting right away, then don't focus on hitting that $7,500, like getting a few extra steps, adding an extra thousand, two thousand steps and just building up over time.
is perfectly fine too. But if you gradually start to make that a focus, you'll notice that it's pretty easy to add in some extra steps here, there, like after each meal, if you go for a five minute walk, or you get like a walking treadmill for work, or you start to go on a 30 minute walk every day with your partner or your kids or whatever the case may be, it's very easy to start to build this thing up. And it's also very easy to track your steps. You can do it on your phone, you can do it on a fitness tracker,
And so there's a lot of different ways that you can keep track of this and make this a focus. And I think that once you start to do this, if it's not already something that you do, you will start to see some really good benefits. So that is rule number one, pretty simple, but it's something that I always focus on and something that I have all my clients focus on because I do think it has that much value.
Rule number two is regular strength workouts. So it depends on where you're at, like how much time you have, what your goals are, how many times per week that you want to get some workouts in. And I say specifically strength workouts because strength workouts are really important. Strength is kind of the foundation of pretty much all health goals, whether you want to build muscle, whether you want to improve your energy,
improve the quality of your life, get better mobility, have less aches and pains. You want some of those mental benefits, like strength is a part of all that. And so that's why I make it a focus to be specifically strength workouts. I'm a huge fan of all exercise, like any kind of movement is good, but I think there's just so much value in getting strength training within your routine. And if it's something that you're not doing, you're really missing some of the benefits. And so getting some regular strength workouts in your week can have a big, big positive impact on just so many different areas within your life. Because what I found for most people is that they have two main things that they really, really want above all else. Like you want to look good and you want to feel good. And strength training is going to help you with both of those things. Because in order to look a certain way, you're going to have to have your diet dialed in, but you also need to build some muscle. And you do that by strength training. You do that by working out. You do that by exercising.
And so exercise is definitely a part of that, but you also want to feel good. And when it comes to feeling good, like we want to be able to do the activities that we want to do. We want to be able to go on hikes or go swimming or play with your kids or go playing directly. And again, strength is going to be the foundation of all of that. And so focusing some of your exercise and some of your training on strength training, I think is important.
And so for me, what I found is four workouts per week is kind of my benchmark. And again, that's not to say that like less workouts than that is not going to give you really awesome benefits. Because I think what people overlook a lot is just how little it takes to see some of these benefits. Like you can see progress even just going one time a week, if you have a really good work out and you focus on a lot of the big movements and you focus on getting stronger, your intensity is there. Like you can see benefits and you can see these benefits, no matter what your age is, male, female, like it doesn't really matter. Like if you're really doing strength training the right way, you can see a ton of benefits. But I found for a lot of people they fall within like that.
two to four times per week range and you can make again really good progress on two times a week. You can make good progress on three times a week if your schedule allows for it and it's something that you enjoy you can get in there four times per week but if you're getting in there on a consistent weekly basis two three times per week like you're going to be in a pretty good spot and you're going to be able to get a lot of those benefits and so Definitely don't think just because I can't get in the gym four or five times per week, like it's not worth going because it certainly is worth going. Even if you can only get in there one, two, three times per week, like you're going to get a lot of the benefits there. And so my recommendation with this one is just to find a number of workouts that you know, 100% that you can stick to consistently. So that may, for some people, depending on where you're at, be one or two times per week. Like, you know, for certain, like you can get in the gym twice per week.
guaranteed, no problem at all. Start with that. Just start with two days per week. And then as you start to get consistent, maybe you have a whole month where you're hitting it two times per week that feels pretty manageable and you want to add a third day, then go for it. Add a third day or maybe you want to go three times per week, you know that that's really doable. And you find that you're really enjoying it, you're seeing good progress, you want to add a fourth day, then go ahead and add a fourth day. But I'm a big fan of starting off lower than where you think you want to be from a mental perspective. Because what happens with a lot of people, I'll see this all the time is like, they make the decision like, okay, I want to work out. I want to start strength training. And they're like, let me get in there five days per week. And so like, first week they get in there five days per week. They're super sore. They're not enjoying it. They feel like it's a real drag. It's a struggle. Like their body's not really adapting to it.
And by week two, they're like, uh, maybe they get in there four times per week. They don't get all five in. And then by week three, they're going in like twice and they're just hating life. And so I would much rather see people start on the lower end, get a really good foundation, get really solid workouts in and then build on that over time. And then you can kind of build that momentum. You feel good because you're checking those boxes and you're doing exactly what you said you would. And then if you want to, again, add some more down the line, that's absolutely a possibility, but.

Cardio for Enjoyment and Health

Find what works for you right now and then build on that. Rule number three is to get some kind of cardio each week. And I know for me when I first got into like just fitness in general and started learning more about this stuff and started making this more of a lifestyle, cardio was like the last thing that I wanted to do. I always hated running.
I did not like doing things that was like really cardio based unless it was playing sports in which in that case it didn't really feel like cardio to me. Like obviously I'm getting really good cardio benefits from playing football or basketball or different sports like that. But like I didn't really think of it as cardio like the steady state stuff that a lot of people think about as cardio like running or jogging or biking or getting on a machine at the gym and just going. That's what most people think about when they think about cardio. And for a lot of people, they just don't really enjoy doing that. and so When I think about cardio, I think about how can you just get your heart rate up a little bit, get out of breath a little bit and find a way to do something that you actually enjoy because cardio has a ton of really good benefits. I just got done talking about like strength training and strength is really important. Muscle mass is important. Those are really good indicators for how long you'll live, but also the quality of your life to be able to do all the things that you want to do is having a certain amount of strength and muscle mass. But right along with that is your VO2 max.
It's a really good predictor of how long you will live is how high your VO two max is. And I don't need to get like into the details or get into the science of that, but basically your VO two max is how well your body uses oxygen. And so if you think about your VO two max, the bigger and better VO two max that you have.
think of it as like a bigger and better engine. And so that just means that like the longer and the harder you'll be able to work out without getting as tired. So basically are you in good shape or are you not in good shape? So like if you're going up steps and you're out of breath, just going up steps or like you're playing with your kids and like you're out of breath or you're just doing everyday things and you find yourself winded or your heart rate's really high or even just checking your resting heart rate that can be a good way to see kind of where your cardio level is at. If your resting heart rate is really high that's probably a signal that you can focus on some more cardio to lower that resting heart rate and show you that your fitness level is improving. But if those just normal everyday things seem like a struggle and like you're out of breath or you're sweating or
Like your heart rate is just getting super elevated doing basic things. It's probably a good sign that you can add in some cardio each week. And depending on where you're starting, this could be something as simple as just like some brisk walking.
You could just get out and start walking more, start walking at a faster clip, a faster pace. And that's a really good place for a lot of people to start. like That's enough to get your heart rate up and start to see those benefits. Because I think one misconception that people have when it comes to cardio is like you have to be absolutely just panting. You have to be like just sweating like crazy.
you have to be like just completely out of breath and just absolutely killing yourself to see the benefits of cardio but it's actually the opposite. A lot of cardio benefits that you'll get will come from more lower intensity what's called zone two type cardio where your heart rate it's elevated it's higher than it normally would be but it's more of like a conversational pace and there's a time and a place to go super intense to add in some higher intensity stuff get your heart rate up even higher and actually really like push yourself and push your body, push the intensity. But for a lot of cardio, it's not going to be like that, which I think should be a good thing for a lot of people because a lot of people don't really like to get in that at place where they just feel like they're about to freaking pass out because they're working so hard. And so if that's you, like understand that you can get a lot of these benefits from some lower intensity type of cardio. And when it comes to your cardio, like again, you could do some of the steady state stuff. You could hop on a machine at a gym, you could go walk, you could jog, you could bike, you could do some of those things.
you could add some cardio into your workouts. So something that I'll do with clients of mine is like either before the workout, I'll have them do some sort of like warm up type of cardio because some people like to do that as a warm up. So like maybe they hop on the treadmill and jog for five minutes or do the elliptical or bike or things like that. So that's a way that you can add it in.
And one other way that I'll add for those people that do like to kind of have that really like high intensity, I want to push myself, I want to feel like I worked really hard, get a little bit of a sweat going, is I'll add a finisher onto the workout. So something that's more like circuit type based, really high intensity for like five to eight minutes, sometimes 10 minutes, whether it's like sprints on a treadmill, sprints on a rower, maybe it's like some body weight exercises. It could be stuff with like kettlebells or dumbbells or circuit style training, anything like that, that's going to just get you using your body with a lot of different muscles and just get you going at a higher intensity to get that heart rate elevated. So that's something that you could also do if you just wanted to add some quick five, 10 minute finishers onto the end of your workouts. Or you can do what I just call like lifestyle cardio, which is doing things that you really, really enjoy. So
For some people it could be like outdoor activities like you really enjoy hiking or kayaking or like just anything that you can get outdoors and do that just gets your heart rate elevated could be something like that. If you're somebody that likes to play sports like if you're in a rec league or you play pickup basketball or pickleball or like anything that's just sport based that you can do with friends or whatever anything that you just enjoy maybe you're just competitive like you get out there and play some sports or just like everyday life stuff like if you have kids and you get outside and you just play with your kids things like that anything again that's getting you up in your heart rate getting you moving getting you sweating a little bit getting you out of breath a little bit it's going to be beneficial and so
I encourage people to do that at least once a week. And as you start to do that more regularly, you can kind of ramp that up a little bit. But like, if you're doing that at least once a week, I think that's a good place to start. And just like with the strength training stuff, you can build on that. If you want to do that two times a week, three times a week, like and you have the time for it and that's something that you want to continue to focus on, then I think that's a really good place to be. So for me, like I never you really used to focus on cardio.
But now I run quite a bit and I play basketball and things like that. So like for me, my rule right now is I try to get at least three cardio sessions in per week. And a lot of times that comes through just playing basketball because I really enjoy it. I like the competitiveness. It doesn't really feel like cardio. I get a really good workout from it. And then outside of that, I'll run a couple times a week as well, just to kind of get my check that cardio box and get a lot of those benefits.

Daily Activity and Mindset Shift

And my fourth and final rule around exercise is find ways to get active during the day. And so similar to the idea of just finding like lifestyle cardio or finding cardio that you actually enjoy, is to find ways to increase your activity during the day that doesn't necessarily need to be like structured exercise. Because as you start to get more active throughout your day, number one, you're going to burn more calories, but you're also just going to feel better.
you're gonna be less sedentary, you're gonna start to get a lot of those same type of benefits that you get from focusing on steps. And this doesn't need to be anything crazy, but just putting a little thought into these things and how you can just start to implement more movement within your day, because a lot of us are very sedentary, and that's just kind of how our world is designed right now. So if you don't actively seek out ways to get a little bit more active, it's very easy to be one of these sedentary people. And we know that just being sedentary is not going to be good,
Not for your short term health right now, because you start to get stiff, you start to get those aches and pains, you don't feel real great, energy might start to get low, like you don't feel as productive when you're just always just sitting and staring at screens and things like that. But we know for sure for your long term health, it's not a good thing. As humans, we aren't designed to just sit still or sit in one spot or sit in the same position all day. And so if you want to make sure that your body is feeling good, feeling mobile,
you're feeling more energized than getting some regular movement throughout your day can be super beneficial. And like, this can be stuff just like maybe it's just doing some yard work at the end of the day, or even just like cleaning around the house, playing with your kids, five to 10 minute walk breaks during your day or maybe after meals.
Things like getting a walking treadmill. I've gotten one of these and I've loved it. Like it's made getting some extra steps and getting some movement and super easy. Getting a standing desk for your work. ah Things like taking the stairs when that's an option, parking further away. Maybe you have a job where you have to take calls like doing these standing or doing these while you're on the phone. Like all these little things they start to add up.
and these little things they add up and they don't seem like much like in the moment they don't seem like much in that day or maybe even in that week but over a long enough time period these things really do add up and they make a significant difference because let's take the example let's say you go for a 10-minute walk after each one of your three meals every single day 10-minute walk after breakfast 10-minute walk after lunch 10-minute walk after dinner not that hard to fit in there, something that a lot of people could do. And it helps with digestion and different things like that. So it's actually become a popular thing that more people are starting to do, because they just feel better when they do it. But let's say you we take this example 10 minutes after each meal that adds up to 30 minutes throughout the day, it's pretty significant. But then you take that for a week, that's three and a half extra hours of exercise or movement in a week.
ah you take that times a month, that's an extra 14 hours of exercise just from this tiny little habit that you implemented. If you think if you do an extra 14 hours of exercise per month, you're going to be in better shape, you're going to feel better, you're going to look better. Absolutely. And so I'm a huge fan of these things. You know, I always talk about being 1% better, but just finding these super easy, repeatable small habits that can compound over time because they've Again, they don't seem like they make a huge difference in the moment, but like these things really do. They add up and you look down the road once, years, and like you're just in much better shape than most of the people around you. And it's because of these small little habits. And so finding little ways that you can do this. And then the second part of this rule, ah just like finding different ways to be active during the day.
is more so just part of the mindset, more of the identity part of this, because it brings me back to this quote that James Clear has from the ah the author of Atomic Habits. I recently had read that book and He says each action is a vote towards the type of person that you want to be. So every time you're doing these little things, you're just continually reinforcing that you are a person who prioritizes health. You are a person who wants to live a healthy lifestyle. You are a person who wants to exercise, who wants to eat well. And every time you just do these little things, you're just continually reinforcing that positive identity.
Because when you look around, like I said, our world is not really designed for people to be super active, to be super healthy. And when you look at the majority of people, I think it's like 20% of people actually exercise on a regular basis and meet the activity guidelines. Over 50% of people are overweight or obese in the US. And so if you don't start to reinforce these things, if you don't start to actually think about how you can be a little bit healthier, how you can be a little bit more fit, how you can take care of your health,
feel good, look good, all those things. It's very easy to let the outside things, the outside environment, the people that you're around. start to rub off on you and then like you find yourself being more sedentary or less fit or out of shape. And it's just simply because our world, just the way that it's designed right now, like our culture isn't really made to be like super healthy and super fit. like If you are fit and healthy, just statistically speaking, like you are in the minority, like the very, very short minority. like Most people are overweight, most people are out of shape, most people don't have very great health.
And so you have to start just thinking about these things and just thinking about what are these small little ways? What are these things that I can do? What are these small little habits that I can continue to build on that's going to help me be healthier? But also like as you're doing that, you're setting a really good example for those other people around you. And so doing these things and just being the person who kind of seeks out like these healthy behaviors and doing these things. And as you start to do that, it just starts to become part of your identity. And I've started to notice this, obviously, I'm pretty big into fitness and health, it's something that I'm passionate about. But like, I'll notice just certain things like, let's say, for example, I go to an airport, and like, there's nobody ever takes the stairs like ever. And so like, I'll just, you know, if I don't have a huge heavy bag or something like that, I'll just walk up the stairs or
walk down the stairs and it's like it's not that like you're better than anybody or like you're being this friggin weirdo that like is doing all this like crazy stuff but it's just like you're just making this simple choice to do something that's a little bit active. It's going to help your health not so much in the moment but like long term you're just continuing to reinforce that identity of somebody who like prioritizes these things and somebody that just wants to live a fit and healthy lifestyle and when you can do those things Again, you're going to be in the minority. It's rare to see people who do things like that. But over time, this just starts to turn into who you are. And I think when you can do those things for a really long period of time, you're going to really end up liking the person that you become. And it just helps to reinforce those other positive healthy behaviors as well because you know if you're taking the stairs or you're maybe parking a few extra spots away than you normally would to get some extra steps in it's also going to just help to keep that top of mind so now you're prioritizing other healthy behaviors like
I'm eating better, I'm drinking more water, I'm getting better sleep, all these little certain things. And so it's really beneficial when you can start to just adopt this 1% better mindset and start to do these little things. Again, it doesn't seem like much at the moment, but over time, these things start to add up. And I think it's definitely something, as you get older, you will start to notice this. I'm in my 30s now, so it's something that like I'm already starting to notice this. like I see people who I went to school with or I see people who are my age and they're struggling. They're struggling with their health. They don't feel great. They don't look how they want to look like they're having health issues already in their 30s, which is not good. like There's so many examples of people who out there who are thriving in their 40s, in their 50s, in their 60s. It just goes to show you, like yes, obviously genetics and certain things like that are part of it. but
way more important is just your lifestyle and just how you choose to live your life. And like, it's easy to overlook these things now, but like these things are going to make a really big difference as you continue to get older. And so just like with finances, like that compound interest is a real thing. Like as you get older, it does get a little bit more difficult to do some of these things and you don't, maybe don't bounce back as quickly. And age starts to take a little bit of a toll but it shouldn't be this thing where like you get into your 30s and your 40s and you're just like a crippled old man. I had recently made this meme on my ah on my Instagram account and I just made like a joke about like how in our 20s we could survive on four hours of sleep, we could
survive on energy drinks and basically wake up feeling super refreshed and take on the day and work 12 hours and do all this different stuff. And it went absolutely nuts. It has 500,000 views right now and a bunch of comments and likes and things like that. People people in their late 20s and early 30s talking about, like man, that was the good old days. And I made it as a joke.
Obviously, there's a tiny bit of truth to it. But like, I think it just goes to show just how quick people are to just write themselves off as they start to age, like as you start to get in your late 20s and your 30s and things like that. It's like, there's no denying that there's like, there's certain instances like, you know, maybe your joints are hurting a little bit more than they used to when you were 20. But you shouldn't, again, you shouldn't wake up feeling like you're a 60, 70 year old man or woman, like you should be able to take care of your health now.
and continue to focus on these things so that as you age, you can age a little bit more gracefully and it doesn't take away from all the things that you want to do and your experience within

Review and Personal Impact

life. and so That's all I have for this episode. Four different rules, pretty simple there, focusing on steps, focusing on a certain amount of strength workouts per week, focusing on getting some cardio in each week, and then making sure that you were just finding ways to get active and seeking those things out throughout the day. Four simple things, but again, that's helped me tremendously to just accomplish some of the things that I've accomplished and get in the best shape that I've ever been in, lose weight.
sustain way, all those different things. And so like I said, these are just my certain things that I like to follow that I like to think about, but hopefully this will give you something that you can think about in ways that maybe you can incorporate some of these guidelines or some of these rules for yourself. And as you start to implement these things, as you start to think about these things more, they can just start to become part of who

Coaching and Community Engagement

you are. And so with that being said, I appreciate you listening ah for anybody out there who wants a little bit of extra help with this kind of stuff, got some one-on-one coaching.
You can always check that link in the show notes. If you are somebody who wants a little bit more accountability, if you want some personal help, some hands-on help from somebody who's been in the position that you are probably currently in or currently going through, you can always click that, see if it's a good fit for you. But I appreciate you listening. And if you found some value in this and you think somebody else would find some value in this, you you can share this with somebody, leave a review, just continue to get this out to more people. I really appreciate that. But I appreciate you listening and we will See you next