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#98 - Crush Your Cravings: Simple Strategies to Take Back Control

Fit(ish) Project
31 Plays20 days ago

Cravings can feel impossible to resist sometimes, but they don’t have to control you. In this episode, we break down why cravings happen and how to stop them before they derail your progress. 

You’ll learn the difference between true hunger and emotional cravings, plus practical strategies to stay in control. Whether you struggle with late-night snacking or sudden snack urges, these tips will help you take back control. If you're ready to stop feeling powerless around food, this episode is for you!

What you'll learn:

  • The real reason cravings happen (and it’s not just willpower)
  • How to tell the difference between hunger and cravings
  • Simple nutrition and mindset shifts to reduce cravings naturally
  • Actionable strategies to stop cravings in the moment

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Introduction & Episode Milestone

welcome back to the fit ish project with your host as always lathan bass where we make fitness and health simple for regular people like you and i got another weekly episode coming at you this week before we get into it just a reminder if you could leave a review if you have not done that continue to get this out to more people i think this is episode number 99 so closing in on 100 episodes which is pretty cool started this a couple years ago and been going pretty steady i think it's been over a year straight of getting an episode out every single week and so just trying to stay consistent with it trying to get some good information out to people and make health and fitness just easier make it more practical and so hopefully you've gotten some value from this i really appreciate you listening um as i said if you can leave a review share this with people just continue to grow this and uh
Keep this thing rolling.

Understanding Cravings and Hunger

But today's topic, I wanted to talk a little bit about cravings and more specifically, what's actually going on, like differentiating between cravings and hunger, why cravings actually happen, and then ultimately what to do about them. Because I got this topic again from social media, which is where I get a lot of my topics from. I get people asking me similar questions about certain topics, but I had made just a quick little post about how I deal with cravings sometimes. like
Anytime that you're dieting, especially if you're focusing on weight loss, like you're going to have some cravings. But I think even in just your day-to-day life, like you're going to have different times where you're craving different things. We're just... in an environment now where there's just so much tasty food, like there's just so many different options that you're always going to have some cravings at different times. And I think as you start to prioritize a more well-balanced diet and start to eat more whole foods, which I am definitely a proponent of and a fan of, I think those cravings start to become less and less, but I don't think you ever really get rid of those certain cravings. And
You'll see why here in a minute, because there's so many different ways that cravings come about. And it's really interesting when you start to see all these different ways. And once you kind of understand why these things are happening, and once you have some tools to actually use to get you through having these cravings all the time, I think dieting can become a little bit more easy and just eating in general, right? Because if you have any certain type of health goals, you understand that diet is probably going to be a big part of any kind of health goal that you have.
And more specifically, if you have any kind of body composition goals, like if you have goals about wanting to look more lean, you want to look more fit, you want to look more athletic, lose some weight, gain some muscle, like have just a different body composition, then it's really important to have your diet dialed in.

Impact of Cravings on Health Goals

And if you're having cravings all the time and you feel like you have no control over food, that is going to be extremely difficult. And so getting into this episode, I figured it'd be a good place to start with this one, just talking about the difference between hunger and cravings because they are not the same things.
even though I think sometimes people confuse the two. So when you think about hunger, hunger is something that's natural. It builds kind of gradually. And when you think about hunger, you have those physical sensations that come with hunger. So you might feel that low energy feeling. If you haven't eaten for a really long time, you might have like that kind of lightheadedness.
You start to get that empty feeling in your stomach. Maybe your stomach starts moving around, growling a little bit. That's what hunger is. Cravings are a little bit different. So cravings are more sudden, they come on kind of sometimes out of nowhere.
And these are more mental and emotional desires for food versus hunger, where it's just a physical thing. And obviously, we need to satisfy hunger because we're human beings, we need to eat.
and so when you think about hunger versus cravings hunger is is just like putting fuel into the car so if you have a car obviously you need to fuel it otherwise it's not going to go anywhere it's not going to be able to do all the things that a car can do and when you think about cravings it's more so like if you would go and get your car like detailed or cleaned it's like it's nice to have your car cleaned and detailed but it's not something that you need to do all the time 24 7 your car can run even if it's not clean even if it's not detailed and looking good As long as it has that fuel, it's good to go. So hunger is a basic human thing. Like we need to always like be giving our body food, but cravings aren't necessarily something that you always have to satisfy every single time. And so I think that's the first thing that you need to acknowledge because as I said, like,
In our environment now, like cravings can be everywhere. And if you're slowly starting to transition into a better diet, just eating just higher quality foods, more healthy, whole balanced type of meals, you're probably gonna have a lot of cravings at the beginning. Because he says I know my diet was not very good at all, very low quality, lots of fast food, lots of highly processed stuff before I really got into fitness and before I really got into understanding like what I needed to do to fuel my body.

Physiological and Hormonal Influences

And the cravings that I had back then were much greater than what I have now.
So just understanding, like, as you start to make these transitions and as you start to just eat a healthier diet, like, neither hunger nor cravings are bad things. I think it's just figuring out a way in which you can handle both of these and not let cravings or just food in general control you. And so there's a bunch of different reasons why cravings happen. And so I'm just going to kind of walk through some of these.
And that way, once you kind of know, and once you kind of have this awareness around why these things are happening, I think it makes it easier to deal with these things. And so In the first group, you have your physiological causes. So these are things like if your blood sugar drops really low, you might find yourself really craving like something sugary or something that's really carb heavy.
And so this could happen, let's say like you spent a really long period of time and you didn't eat anything, your blood sugar could drop. And then you have like this craving that you want something that's really high in sugar or like you want like a sugary drink or you want something that's really carb heavy because that's the quickest way to get that blood sugar back up. And so that could be one cause right there.
Nutrition deficiencies is another one. So your body is a really smart machine. It always wants that homeostasis. And so what it will do if you have some of these deficiencies with different nutrients is it will provide you with cravings and you don't even realize it, but you might be craving these certain foods in order to get the nutrients that it needs.
And this is one of the reasons that people talk about high protein diets so much and why you hear it everywhere now, because there's this thing that's called protein leverage hypothesis, which is basically just a fancy way to say your body is going to force you to eat until it gets the amount of protein that it needs and that it wants, because protein is such a beneficial thing to us.
just from a muscle building perspective and just recovering our body and just rebuilding our body and making sure that we feel strong and all that different stuff. Like our body wants protein. And so if you're eating a really low protein diet, you may find yourself just eating tons and tons of food. But if you're not eating a high protein diet, your body is just continuing to send you some of these signals that you need to continue to eat to get enough protein. And this is why if you ever have followed a high protein diet or if you switched over to a high protein diet, you'll just notice that you eat less food.
And so understanding that your body is going send you those signals in which again is why having a well-balanced diet can be super helpful. um Hormonal fluctuations is another one. So your body has different hormones that play a role with hunger. So things like insulin, ghrelin, which is a hunger hormone, leptin, which is a satiety hormone, cortisol, which is a stress hormone.
All of these things can increase cravings just depending on what they're kind of doing in your body. And this is something that you'll see within dieting. So when you go on a diet, and especially if you go on a very extreme diet, you're going to start to see changes in your ghrelin hormone and you're going start to see changes in your leptin hormone because again, your body doesn't necessarily want to change.
It likes to stay the same. So as you start to lose weight, and especially if you do it in a very drastic way, It's going to tell your body, hey, we need to up these signals and it's going to make you hungrier and it's going to make you feel less full from the food that you're eating in order to try to cause you to eat more food.
And so understanding, too, that hormones actually play a role in this as well.

Environmental and Emotional Triggers

And also for the female crowd, any females know and have some female clients who say like when they get on their period and when it's that time of the month, like they just they have certain cravings and they just feel like they have to satisfy those things. And again, hormones play a role in that.
And then the last one in this group is just a dopamine response. so as I said, we have an environment where we have lots of tasty foods, these things that are very highly processed. And if you've been listening to me for any amount of time, you know that I think you can eat all foods in moderation.
But if you're eating a super highly processed diet, like that's a good majority of your diet, you may find that you're just overeating a ton because these certain foods, They set off a dopamine response because they are so tasty with their combinations of sugar and salt and fat.
Those aren't things that you used to be able to just find out nature in those combinations. And so when we get those combinations all put into one single food, things that have been genetically modified engineered to make them taste extremely good, our brain is like, damn, that is great. I want more of that. So it sends that dopamine response, gives you that feel good feeling and can create that loop to where like you find yourself craving this stuff all the time. And so like, if you're eating a diet that's highly processed, it's extremely easy to overeat things, even when you may not even be hungry.
So the second group that we have is our physiological and emotional causes. So these would be things like stress and cortisol. So anytime, like you've probably heard of people who are like stress eaters, and this is something that I'll hear with people who like have a really stressful job or like,
They come home from work, they've had a really long day, and they use food as so a way to like relieve stress. Alcohol is another really common thing that people will use to relieve some of that stress. And so stress can absolutely play a role because it sends that signal to your body that cortisol gets kind of ramped up.
and it sends that craving for high energy type foods. And again, those high energy type foods are typically things higher in sweets and fatty foods. And it's just a survival thing that your body's sending out because in a stressful time, your body needs more energy because it's sensing that, okay, something's going on here. Like I might need to run, I might need to fight, like I need something's going to be going on. So I need to make sure that I have this energy.
So it's sending that signal to your body, like, hey, go find me some sweets, go find me some fatty foods, give me some energy to make sure we're good to handle this stressful time. Another one would be like emotional associations. So like,
if you have certain associations around food with like, this would be something like a comfort food. So like we all have those kind of comfort foods, or maybe you had certain foods from childhood that you just really enjoyed, like your grandparents cooking, your grandma's cooking, maybe your parents used to make some sort of meal that like, you just really, really enjoyed. And so like,
Some people have these emotional associations and they can cause you to crave certain foods. I know a lot of people like when they get sick, they'll just have these certain foods that they want to have when they're sick because it just makes them feel better.
So emotional associations is another reason that you could be having some cravings. Lack of sleep is a big one that I think a lot of people don't really realize. can affect you more than you really know but poor sleep disrupts those hunger hormones that i talked about earlier ghrelin and leptin and they can increase cravings and there's tons of studies on this so like if you have a really poor night's sleep you're much more likely to want to reach for those higher fat things those high sugary things those highly processed things and so making sure that you're getting quality sleep can be an easy one to kind of start to reduce some of those things but understanding that lack of sleep is a big one and can definitely cause some of those uh some of those cravings if you ever had any of those late nights or like you have a night maybe you go out with friends or like you go out family you stay up really late and the next day you just find yourself like craving a bunch of stuff that you normally wouldn't crave that can be a reason why
And then the last group of things is just like environmental or more like habit based type causes of these cravings.

Dieting Strategies to Manage Cravings

And this would be stuff. So think of like food cues or food triggers.
So like, for example, if you're walking in a mall and you smell something like you smell like a really good dessert or you smell a certain food like that can trigger one of those cravings. Or if you're in a restaurant and you've ever had a waiter or waitress walk past you or something and you smell it and you're like, OK, don't know what that is, but like I need that. Like I i have to have that.
That could also be one. So just certain things like food smells, even just seeing food, even when you're not physically hungry, can trigger some of those things. And I know this is one that we can all relate to. Like how many times have like you walk through the kitchen and you just see something on the counter that just looks super tasty or you like,
go in the cupboard you're not even hungry but you go in the cupboard and you open it up and you just see something that just looks great and you're like all right i need to have that like it that craving just hits you like instantly so seeing food smelling food those can be triggers as well and then condition responses so this would be like if you always eat a food in a certain specific situation so a really easy example would be like every time you go to the movies like most people want to have popcorn because they just have that Conditioned response. They have certain associations around either like a place or it could be even be like a time of day. So like if you always eat a dessert after dinner, like if you need that, ah that sweet treat, I'm definitely one of those people. Like I like to have something sweet at the end of the night, like after I've had dinner, like it's just something that I've always done ever since I was a kid. And I really like to do that.
Or like if you go to, let's say you go to a sporting event and you wanna have like a hot dog just because you're at a sporting event. So like having these certain condition responses can also cause cravings as well. And again, it's not necessarily a bad thing. I think it's just being aware of these certain type of things.
And then the last thing that I'll talk about that can cause some of these cravings, which i already touched on it just briefly, but dieting and then just like total restriction can play a huge role. And this is one that I think a lot of people get wrong because They have this idea that like certain foods are just forbidden. They're off the table. You can never have it. they're like just They're just completely bad, unhealthy, like the highly processed foods that I talked about.
And the reason that I talk about being able to eat things in moderation is because I've tried this, and I've just seen this with so many people who struggle with trying to just... completely get rid of things.
For certain things, it can work for people. And like getting rid of certain things and not keeping certain things in your house, it can be fine. But I think the the biggest problem that people have is when you tell yourself like, I can never ever have these, like these things are just like completely 100% forbidden.
A lot of times when you tell people they can't have something they want it even more like we're just like, even though we're adults we're kind of just like big kids sometimes it's like you tell a kid they can't do something. And they want that certain thing like they can't help but think about it or they can't help but like test the limits so for me i've always told myself like there's nothing off the table like I can eat whatever I want I can have.
chips, I can have desserts, I can have processed foods, I can have alcohol, like there's nothing that's off the table for me. I just don't keep a lot of that stuff in my house, because I don't want to be tempted to eat that kind of stuff all the time.
But I think if you have that healthy relationship of like, yeah, I can eat whatever I want, or like, if there's a special occasion, and I want to have some desserts, or if I want to have some drinks, or if I just want to have some of that stuff in my diet, I can't, that doesn't mean I need to eat that stuff all the time, or keep that stuff around, or that doesn't need to make up you know, 75% of my diet, but just having that option and just understanding that that is something that you can do and you don't have to,
completely restrict that or even feel bad about that, I think can get rid of a lot of these different cravings, which I'll talk a little bit about in some of the things that you can actually do when it comes to dealing with those cravings. So those are a list of all the different ways that you may be having some cravings or why you may be having some cravings.
And again, i think it's just helpful to understand like where they actually come from and some things that are actually going on because a lot of times ah people just feel like food just kind of has this pull over them and they feel like they should just be able to just be more disciplined or I just need to have better willpower and it's like no your body is just doing these things because that's what it does like your body is very smart and it's going to have these certain signals and it's going to try to get you to eat these certain foods and again it's not necessarily a bad thing I think just having a better understanding can help you with dealing some of these things and so getting into the most important part what can you actually do about this so
Number one, already touched on this briefly, but eat a balanced diet. And this is going to help with some of those like nutrition deficiencies. This is also going to help with just like limiting those blood sugar spikes and drops, which can cause some cravings. And so just having high quality, well balanced meals. So having some protein at every meal.
having some balanced carbs and some fats in your meals, eating lots of fruits and vegetables, getting some fiber, having some of those things can take away a lot of these issues. Because if you're again, if you're eating mostly highly processed foods, and you're not eating a ton of whole foods, like you're gonna, you're just gonna have more cravings. That's something that you're not going to have your hunger as regulator, you're going to have more cravings, you're not even going to be able to like tell between what's going on as far as like hunger cravings am i actually hungry or am i just craving these highly processed foods am i just craving all these things that sound really good because i'm used to eating those things and i think that when you start to eat a well-balanced diet you'll notice that a lot of those cravings start to take care of themselves like i said when i first started when i was eating mostly fast food and just eating highly processed stuff like i would have cravings and i found myself just
eating for no reason, just eating because things sounded good or because I had these certain

Lifestyle Changes to Control Cravings

cravings. But as you start to transition to a better, more whole, healthy, high quality type of diet, you don't have those quite as much. So that would be number one. That's the first place that I would start.
Number two would be to just stay hydrated. I think a lot of times people will mistake hydration for like hunger and cravings. and this is also a really good place where you can use some of these zero calorie drinks instead of like higher calorie foods and so a lot of times like we just want something like to satisfy maybe we need a little bit of flavor we need something that just like to fill up our stomach and so zero calorie fluids is a really easy way where you can kind of like check that box but you're not getting a ton of extra calories so rather than going to
covered and grabbing a snack that might be 300 400 500 calories multiple times throughout the day if you have certain drinks that you really like that are zero calorie that can give you a little bit of flavor this is a really good thing to do and so like people will use this like diet soda is a really easy one that people use i'm a big fan of like sparkling water flavored water but like coffee tea even like zero calorie sports drinks and there's so many different products out there that are zero calorie that taste really good now that you can use and they've actually run some studies on this when it comes to like weight loss and people who use like diet sodas and zero calorie drinks and how they fare with weight loss in terms of people who don't use those things and a lot of people who use diet sodas in the studies they They do better just statistically they do better. And I think a lot of that has to do with they want some sort of flavor.
They want like that carbonation. They want that feeling of like satisfying those cravings. And rather than getting it from snacking and adding a bunch of calories, you can get it from zero calorie drinks. So this is a really big one.
And this was one that I had made a thread about that originally had given me this idea because I talked about two of the ways that I get rid of these cravings. And this is one of the biggest ones that I use. So like in between meals, especially if I'm on a fat loss phase and I know that I'm going to have a little bit extra hunger and I might even have some extra cravings just because I'm not eating quite as much and maybe I'm eating Slightly cleaner than I normally would just as far as like my food choices. Like I know I'm just going be dealing with some of these extra cravings.
I'll have some sparkling water or flavored water in between my meals as a way to kind of offset those things. So this can be a really good one. Third on the list would be managing stress. As I said before, like stress and just like difficult things is a big reason that people will overeat. Like people use food as comfort. They use it to manage stress.
And so finding different ways to manage stress other than food is a big deal and this is something that i see come up with clients all the time and it's something that a lot of people do without even realizing it like and a lot of it stems back to just past events like maybe when you were a kid like and you got stressed or like things were crazy or like emotions were kind of going wild like you turned to food Or like if you were like went through a breakup or really rough, difficult life situation or life event, like a lot of times people just turn to food for comfort, or they turn to it when they're stressed. And so finding other ways to just manage stress.
And it's easier to find some sort of habit that you can replace with eating versus just being like, okay, when I'm stressed, I'm just not going eat because if you do that, Like most people going to be successful with that. But if you can understand and be aware, like, okay, normally I'm stressed out, like I had a really long day at work. Normally, I would just go to the cupboard and grab my favorite snack and just crush a bag and of chips or like something like that, replace it with something else. So like it could be listening to music, it could be going for a 20 minute walk, it could be watching your favorite podcast.
comedy show on Netflix, like it could be some sort of exercise, it could be just talking to your wife or husband or partner or whatever, any of those things works. It's just a matter of just finding something that helps you to relax and using that instead of just using food.
Number four on the list is getting proper sleep. As I mentioned earlier, sleep is just a big deal. Like there's so many different things that getting less sleep does for you. And when it comes to like cravings and hunger and dieting and body fat and body composition, like sleep is just such an important thing. So like if, again, if you're lacking sleep, if you're getting low quality sleep, if you're not getting enough sleep, you're just much more likely to reach for those highly processed foods for those high carb, high sugar, high fat type of things.
And it's going to start to affect those hunger hormones, which again, you find yourself being hungrier, you find yourself eating, but you're not feeling as satisfied. And this can happen on such a short term effect to like they've also done studies on this for like people who even just one single night of having like poor sleep can lead to worse choices the next day. And if you start to compound that effect of like,
days on end or weeks and months of just getting bad sleep you can see why so many people struggle with just eating and feeling like they're overeating all the time and not feeling like they have control over what they're actually doing when it comes to their food choices so getting plenty of sleep i've done actual whole episodes just on sleep itself but trying to get at least seven eight hours of sleep try to keep your phone out of the room have some sort of bedtime routine Keep the room cold, dark and quiet. Those are just some of the basic tips to help you get better sleep. But like if sleep is something that is lacking within your routine, it's probably one of the highest leverage things that you can do that's going to have the biggest benefit.
And so it's definitely something to put some time into and focus on getting your sleep up. A couple more here. So Moderation, as I said, I think is a big thing and that allows for not being so strict within your approach. And so one of the things that you can do is what I talk a lot about is which is flexible dieting and basically just the 80-20 rule. So 80% of the time you're focused on your high quality whole ingredients and then 20% of the time you can have some of those other things. And that way, again, you don't feel like you're always restricting yourself. And so
you could do this like every day maybe you have some sort of like small little treat every single day that kind of checks that box and you don't feel like you need to satisfy or you don't even have all these cravings because you're just including those things on a regular basis like i've talked about this before but like i love ice cream and so i have ice cream pretty much every single day like i'll have either like an ice cream bar or i'll have like a ninja creamy something like that because it's something that i look forward to Because I know like and I've tried in the past to just restrict those things completely cut those things out and it just doesn't end well and for a lot of people I know that's just not sustainable long term.
So having this more moderate approach and approaching it with this 80 20 rule can be really helpful and I think. This one, along with just eating well-balanced diet and eating well-balanced meals, along with the 80-20 rule and allowing for some of those other things in moderation. I think if you just did those two things, like you would knock out this craving problem for the most part, you wouldn't really struggle with it. so Definitely, if that's something like you've tried the strict diets in the past and that just doesn't work for you, like try the 80-20 rule for a while and you'll see like it's much more sustainable for a lot of people.
And then the last one that I have is kind of a random one, but just chewing gum. So like if you find yourself having some of those cravings throughout the day, like gum is another

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good one. It kind of just replaces eating.
Like you're still chewing, but you're not getting all the extra calories. So like your mouth is busy doing something, you get a little bit of flavor. But you also don't feel like you're just completely restricting yourself from everything. I don't know, it's kind of a weird one. But like, that's also something that I've been doing probably since I was a teenager. Like when I first went on my when I went on my first diet when I was like 15 years old,
Chewing gum was one of the first things that I started doing because, again, i could do it in between meals and it was just something for me to do. It kind of took my mind off food and it's just really helpful. Like you're not taking in a ton of extra calories. And so that can be a super easy one, a super random one that you can throw in there, see if it works for you.
I don't know, it's worked really well for me that along with just the zero calorie drinks has been a game changer when it comes to just fat loss phases and losing weight and things like that. But that kind of rounds us out. So hopefully now you have a little bit better understanding of what's actually going on with cravings. But now you also understand like why they're happening and then ultimately what you can do about it because nobody wants to feel like food has this like control over them.
You know, like you don't want to feel like you're always struggling to make the right choices or you're always having to use Willpower or things like that and so I think with some of these tips here if you start to implement those things you definitely can get out of that and you don't have to worry about.
Dealing with cravings all the time because it's freaking annoying like i've been there and i don't I don't want to be thinking about food all day or cravings or feeling like have to turn down all my favorite foods all day long.
And so hopefully this helps and you got a nugget or two out of this. If you are somebody who is like, you've struggled with this in the past, or maybe you've had some other issues around food, you can always apply for the one-on-one coaching.
That's exactly why I'm here. I know some of this stuff is easier said than done. And so if you actually want somebody helping you with this, a little more hands-on help, you can always apply for that. There's a link in the show notes. And for now, that's all I have. I really appreciate you listening. As I said, I think this is number 99. So next week I'll be back for...
Episode 100, if you got a little value out of this, again, you can always leave a review or share it with somebody who you think could get some value out of this as well. But we will see you week.