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#93 - 9 "Food Rules" That Helped Me Lose 100 Pounds  image

#93 - 9 "Food Rules" That Helped Me Lose 100 Pounds

Fit(ish) Project
29 Plays1 month ago

You make around 200 food choices every day! No wonder people feel stressed out and overwhelmed by what to eat. Having some "food rules" or guidelines to follow can solve that. 

Eating should be enjoyable, not stressful. Your diet should help you feel and look your best, too. So, in this episode, I'll share my "food rules" that have made losing 100 pounds and getting into the best shape of my life simple. By the end of this one, you'll have some things you can start using today. At the very least, it'll give you some ideas for creating your own "food rules".

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Welcome and Introduction

Welcome back to The Fitish Project with your host Latham Bass. As always, where we make fitness and health simple for regular people like you and I. And

Engagement and Interaction

before we get into the episode, as always, if you have not left to review, if you can do that, continue to help get this out to more people. Take 30 seconds to leave a review that would be greatly appreciated, but getting into the topic for this week.

Exploring Fitness Topics on Threads

So I recently had put a post on threads. I don't know if any of you guys are using threads at all, basically just like Twitter, but it's Instagram's version of Twitter. So it's where a lot of people go on there and just write little things out. Sometimes they,
right, thoughts or just different ideas or stuff like that. And I've been using that quite a bit just to kind of gauge different topics on fitness and weight loss and health and things like

Personal Journey: 100-Pound Weight Loss

that. And so when I'll go on there, I'll post different things. And when I see things get a lot of views, a lot of interaction, a lot of likes, things like that, then I know what's a topic that people really vibe with and people want to know a little bit more about. And so I had went on there and basically just listed off these food rules that I have used to not only lose 100 pounds but keep that 100 pounds off and basically just turn eating into something that's super simple that I can kind of do on autopilot that allows me to hit all my goals get in great shape feel good look good all those different things and
I think this idea of having food rules is really really helpful and I know when people first hear having food rules they probably think like oh I can never eat this or I can never have pizza or I can never have dessert.

Understanding and Applying Food Rules

They think of it as like a bad thing of like being super strict but it's actually the opposite of that.
It allows you to create these guidelines for yourself to where you don't have to make so many choices all the time. And so you're not always thinking about food. You're not always stressed about, should I have this or should I have this? It's kind of just already done for you because you've already made those decisions. You already have those guidelines about what you eat, what you don't eat, what things you focus on when you eat all these different things.
And so it just creates a little bit less stress, which I think a lot of people have around food, especially if you have certain goals, whether it's like weight loss or even like building muscle, all that kind of stuff.

Social Media and Eating Confusion

And because the crazy thing is like we make around 200 choices about food every single day, which is kind of nuts to think about. And so When you think about that, it's no wonder that people get so worked up about just eating in general and people are so confused. On top of that, you throw social media where every single person out there has their opinion on food and are telling you that you shouldn't eat this or you should eat this. This thing's bad for you. This isn't bad for you. And so it's really hard to know like what you should be eating and what things you should be paying attention to. And so when you have these guidelines in place, it helps to clear up a lot of that confusion.
So you're not always again just stressing about that kind of stuff all the time because eating is something that obviously we have to do our entire lives. We eat multiple times per day and it's something that you've been doing since you were born. It's something that you're going to do until the day you die and so it kind of sucks to think about like being super stressed or just being confused about food like not having a good plan not really knowing what to do to live a better life to feel better, look better, all those certain things that we want.

Relearning Food Habits for Better Health

And so again, just taking a little time to kind of reflect and maybe figure out some of these guidelines for yourself can be super helpful.
And I know that a lot of us just take on whatever food rules or food guidelines or certain eating habits, basically from when we were kids, like, and if you didn't come from a household where you were getting a lot of home cooked meals, maybe the food wasn't as good of quality, not a lot of highly nutritious stuff, you know, a lot of highly processed stuff, a lot of sugary drinks, a lot of things like that. Then you probably have these certain habits around food that maybe aren't the best for you, that aren't really serving you as well and aren't really helping you get to where you want to get.
I know I don't really come from a home where there was a ton of that stuff. like I didn't have a ton of education around food. I didn't really know you know like what things to eat and what things I could focus on and how to cook and what certain portions to be eating and what types of food to be eating. so like When I got into weight loss, I had to kind of relearn all of these things. and I think that's where a lot of people are as they get into just adulthood and they realize like okay I don't feel great as I'm starting to get older like you can kind of get away with it when you're younger and even in like your teens and even into like pretty late into your 20s you can kind of eat whatever and just get away with it like it doesn't really affect you as much like you don't really feel that bad if you go and you eat fast food seven days a week or if you're not even eating at all if you're not getting a certain
types of nutrients that your body needs, like you can kind of get away with it, and it doesn't really start

Nutrition's Impact on Health

affecting you. But as you get older, like you get into your 30s or 40s, you really, really start to notice it maybe like you're starting to gain weight, you're noticing that like your energy is just crap, you're noticing that like, your workouts are not very good, you're noticing that like your skin is kind of breaking out like you're having acting, you're having all these issues and all these different things are linked to food. And so understanding what things you should be eating and what things you should be putting into your body,
and what things are going to help you just feel better, help you thrive is important. So its taking ah taking some time to figure out like what that looks like for you is very worth your time. Because like I said, this is something that you're going to do for your entire life. So why not figure out one of these super foundational habits that is going to help you just feel your best and help you live the type of life that you want to live. And this is something that I help my clients with a lot. And it's like, it seems kind of basic. Like, you know, these adults are coming to me, they're in their 30s, their 40s. And it's like, okay, let's break it down.
into the basics. Let's get this basic knowledge. Let's get these basic things understood and then start to practice those things and start to develop new habits because that's what it takes. Like health is a skill. Eating well is a skill. Working out is a skill. Exercising consistently is a skill like all the items. I look at all these things as skills.
And most people right now don't have these basic skills in order. They don't do them consistent enough to feel good and to look good and to just live their overall best quality life.

Introduction to Personal Food Rules

And so that is what this podcast is going to be all about. I'm going to share with you nine food rules that I use that I have kind of developed over time.
And it's not that you have to follow all these rules to an exact tee, but I think it's helpful when you can hear about somebody else's experience and what they've used. And it's worked really well for me. And like, as I said, I'm not somebody who used to be like really good with food and things like that, but now it's something that like, I don't even like think about it. It's just like, I know how to eat to lose weight. I know how to eat to build muscle. I know how to eat so that my body feels good and I have good digestion and like,
these are things that I don't really think about anymore because I've spent the time to just reflect a little bit on what things I need to be doing and also just taking time to kind of learn like I said the basics of this stuff and so after this podcast hopefully you have an idea of some things maybe you can try and implement within your own eating habits to help you get to where you want to get to. But I would also encourage you to really just think about like what makes sense for you because again, my whole thing is like this has got to be sustainable, right? Like if these things, I guess some of the things that I do don't fit within your lifestyle and within the goals that you want to be striving for, then it doesn't really make sense for you to take those things on.
But I think this will give you a good idea of some things that maybe you can start to tweak and start to try a little bit. And with that being said, too, like I always tell people who I work with, like clients that I work with, like this whole health journey, this whole fitness journey is always just a trial and error process. Because there's certain things that I do, just there's certain habits that I have, there's certain ways that I exercise or work out or certain ways that I eat.
that I know is not gonna work for 100% of people. there's the reason That's the reason why there's dozens of different diets out there. And a lot of them can work for a lot of different people. And it's a matter of just figuring out what is going to work best for you so that you can sustain that for the long term. So getting into this food rule number

Focus on Whole Foods and Quality Eating

one. And again, I should say these are, I call them food rules, but really they're more so guidelines. These aren't things that like I stick to 100% of the time. Like if there's things going on, like For example, one of my rules I'll get into is I don't really drink alcohol during the week. But with that being said, if it's like somebody's birthday or like you know there's some certain event or like there's a big celebration or a holiday falls during the weekday, like it's not like I'm going to say no because I have this food.
rule in place. These are more so just guidelines that I try to stick to you know 80, 90, 95% of the time and then I allow for some leeway in there and I allow for some flexibility because again ultimately I think that's what's most sustainable and so don't think of these as like when you start to put these into practice like I gotta hit this goal otherwise like I feel crappy about it or like it's not doing its job or it's not worth it. These are just more so guidelines but I call them food rules. So number one And I've talked about this one a lot on a lot of other different podcasts. And this is probably the most important one. Like if you didn't do anything else from this list, this is probably the thing that would help you the most. And that is to eat mostly whole quality foods. And what I mean by whole quality foods is just like your fruits, your vegetables, your lean proteins, your healthy fats, your complex carbs, things that come in their whole single ingredient form.
that you would find out in nature like just very basic simple things mostly plants and animals like plants and protein basically and the reason why I say this is so important because this solves a lot of the issues that people struggle with from a health perspective like when people eat more whole foods they eat less overall and we know that overweight is an issue here. Obesity is an issue here. like Those things are not going anywhere. It's been continuing to get worse. And if people were to eat more whole foods, they wouldn't struggle with this as much. Because right now, like the standard American diet, a lot of people will eat anywhere. it's like The numbers are like from 50% to 80% of their diet is made up of highly processed foods, which is probably not a good thing.
And if you could just reverse that one thing and focus 80% of your foods on these whole ingredients, again, it would solve a lot of problems. People eat less, you feel better because you're eating better quality foods, you have more nutrients, you're more full and satiated. So you're not like feeling hungry all the time because processed foods don't really do a great job of filling you up as well as whole foods do. You have better energy, better digestion. And I think it's something that we can kind of all agree. Like if you eat more whole foods, you're probably going to feel better. You're probably going to be healthier.
And it's not that you can never have that stuff, like because the 20% is, like you can have whatever you want, you can eat those other foods, you can have desserts, you can have ice cream, you can have pizza, you can have a drink here or there if you want that kind of stuff. Because I think it's important to include that stuff as well in moderation if that's something that you wanna do and you don't feel as restricted when you allow yourself to kind of have some of that stuff. But making the majority of what we eat these higher quality foods is just going to solve a lot of different issues. so Like I said, just making that, if nothing else, if you just had one rule, like focusing on that, I think would be probably the highest leverage thing that you could do in terms of just changing your eating habits and just feeling better overall. But with that being said, like the 20%, like I said, it just keeps that diet sustainable, keeps it enjoyable. For most people, like we want to have those occasional indulgences. like We want to you know go to a social event, we want to have a dessert, maybe have a drink, something like that. and so
Having that 20% in there I found has helped a lot with that long term ability to stick to a diet because like if the way that you eat isn't enjoyable and you don't look forward to your meals, you don't look forward to your style of eating,
The fact is you're just you're not gonna stick with it long-term. And like I don't care about how you eat on a single day. I care about you being able to sustain this for years to come because that's what we know is gonna give you the best health that's school what's going to affect your life the most. So making sure that you find a way to eat that makes sense and that you feel best on and also allows you to enjoy the life that you

Implementing the 80-20 Rule

wanna enjoy is important. And I found for myself and a lot of my clients that I've worked with, this 80-20 rule is a really easy thing for them to focus on.
Rule number two, mostly zero calorie drinks.

Choosing Zero-Calorie Drinks

I think most of us know that high calorie drinks are not super great for us. Like these high calorie, high sugar drinks, sometimes like you'll get these basically like these milkshakes from you know different coffee places where like it's labeled as coffee, but it's not really coffee. It's more so like a milkshake dessert type of thing. like Having that type of stuff every once in a while, i'm not a big deal. Having that stuff every day, not very good for us because it just has tons of calories in it. Like it doesn't do much for us as far as like the nutrients that we're getting from it. And it's also taking a bunch of calories from our daily allotment. So now we're having to eat less food just to maintain.
which most people don't pay attention to that stuff. So then they're gaining weight, they're drinking these high calorie drinks, and they're wondering like, why am I gaining weight? Well, you're having 300, 400, 500 extra calories from these different liquids, these high sugary content type of things, where you could easily just substitute some zero calorie type stuff. Obviously, water is an easy option. But there's tons of different other low calorie or zero calorie drinks now that are super tasty. Like I'm a big fan of sparkling water, flavored water, that kind of stuff.
But even like diet sodas, there's lower calorie juices, there's lower calorie sports drinks, all these stuff that has zero calories is going to be better for you than drinking these higher calorie type things.

Protein-Centric Meals

Rule number three, build all meals around protein.
Protein, um I mean, it's nothing new to anybody who is listening to this. Protein is important. Like, I think that's one thing that most people can agree on. There's a lot of differing opinions out there, but I think pretty much at this point, most people understand that protein is important. So building all your meals around protein is going to help you for a lot of different reasons.
If you're strength training, it's going to help with building more muscle mass. It is going to help you with having less hunger. It's going to keep you more full and satiated. And so a super easy thing to think about is every single meal, you want to have some sort of protein on your plate, like whether it's breakfast, lunch, dinner.
build your meal around protein. So for breakfast, maybe it's eggs or egg whites, maybe it's like protein oats, maybe protein pancakes. And then for like lunch or dinner, some kind of like pork, fish, beef, chicken, maybe like beans, like anything that has higher content of protein, you want to build your meals around that for all of those reasons that I listed earlier. Because if you're not hitting your protein goal, you're going to struggle with a lot of different things. Like I said, hunger, not really building the muscle mass you want to build, which is going to affect how you look.
how you perform in your everyday life, like workouts, all that different stuff. So making sure that you're getting enough protein and an easy way to do that is just to make sure every single meal has some sort of protein added.

Limiting Alcohol Consumption

Number four, don't drink alcohol during the week. So if you're somebody who drinks like I do, I don't drink during the week. That's kind of one of my rules. Again, like there are some exceptions to that. But for the most part, I really try to keep any sort of drinking to the weekends. And there's a couple different reasons for that. Like number one, I don't want the extra calories. It's just easier to avoid that stuff during the week and then if I want to have a couple drinks on the weekends and I can go and do that. But the other thing is like alcohol affects your sleep, it affects like just your next day, how productive you are, how you feel, all those different types of things. And it's something that I've really noticed since purchasing my WOOP, my fitness tracker and it tracks my sleep. Anytime that I have a drink and it's somewhere near bedtime, like it affects my sleep, it affects my HRV, it affects my
resting heart rate, like there's sometimes where I'll have some drinks and my resting heart rate will will go up 15 to 20 beats the next day, which obviously we we can probably make a pretty good guess that that's not something that's super great for our health. If it's having these big effects on sleep, on our heart, on our brain, on our productivity, like how, on our energy, all these different things. And so like, I would rather keep that stuff for the weekends. That way you can kind of just separate, you know, like your work week from your weekend. And if you want to have some drinks on the weekend,
That is what has worked really well for me because I don't want that affecting my work. I don't want that affecting my workouts. I don't want it affecting my sleep. And so it's just not something that I do during the week. Number five, for snacks, for me, it's either fruit or a high protein. And some people will tell you like not to snack. If you really want to control your calories, if you want to lose weight, like don't snack throughout the day, just avoid all snacking. But I like to eat and I like to have snacks. And so like, I wanted to find a way where I could still snack throughout the day where I could have some stuff in between my meals.
And so that is what works for me. It's either any kind of fruit that I want or any type of high protein snack. So like with the high protein snacks could be like Greek yogurt, it could be cottage cheese, could be jerky, protein bar, protein shake, something of that sort that's just higher in protein.
or any kind of fruit. And I don't, some people will tell you some fruits are better than you than others. And it's like, I don't stress over little details like that. It's like, fruit's good for you. Heat whatever fruit you want to eat. So super simple fruit or high protein. If it's other stuff, it's really easy to start to overeat. It's really easy to like, you know, if you're having chips, or you're having crackers, or you're having something that's like super sweet, it's very easy to over consume those things. And so for me, it's not that I'll never have those things.
But like on a regular basis, I just don't, um that's not something that I'm going to have as a snack because I know like fruit, high protein, that's gonna keep me on track. That's gonna keep me feeling good. It's gonna allow me to kind of make sure my hunger is at bay and I'm not feeling super hungry in between meals or anything like that. So that is what has worked really, really well for me. And if you're somebody who really struggles to hit that total protein goal, having one to two protein snacks in between your meals is a super easy way to up your protein to hit that total protein goal.

Consistency Through Meal Prepping

Number six, I prep some of my meals. So I don't always meal prep, like I don't always meal prep every single meal. I know there's some people out there that do that. But meal prep is one of the simplest things that you can do to stay on track with any kind of health or fitness schools that you have. And I know it seems so obvious, but like my clients that meal prep versus the ones that don't meal prep as much. Like the ones who do, they just struggle less. It's just easier. It's easier to be consistent. It's easier to control your portions. It's easier to get enough protein. It's easier to eat whole foods because when you meal prep, you have to spend some time actually planning and prepping those meals out ahead of time. And when you do that, you often make better choices and you just stick to things more. So meal prepping is something that I'm a huge fan of. And if you're not going to meal prep, at least have like some
prepped protein sources. So one thing that I'll do is like one to two times per week, I'll make just big batches of protein like in a slow cooker. um You can do this on a grill or an oven or anything like that. But like some chicken, pork, beef, whatever the case may be, like just make some sort of protein source for the next two to three days. That way, you don't have to spend time cooking that you can just grab it throughout the week and mix it in with different meals throughout the week. So for example, let's say you make a ton of chicken in your crock pot. Well, for lunch, you might have like so ah a taco bowl or a burrito bowl, you could have chicken burritos, you could have a barbecue chicken sandwich, you could have a chicken salad. So you have all these different options that you could have from this protein source, but it just makes it convenient. And if there's one thing that I know, it's that we love convenience, and the more we can make things convenient,
the more we're going to be consistent and the more we're going to be able to stick with our behaviors that we want to stick with. And to stay on par with the convenient thing, I'm also a very big fan of like keeping other like sides that are very convenient. So for example, like having fruit around, microwavable rice or microwavable like proteins or even like some meals that are more higher quality, like having those really convenient things around can be super nice.
when time is an issue and you just wanna to make sure that you're staying on top of your health goals. And so meal prepping, highly recommend it because it's gonna help you just be more consistent. It's gonna help you stay on top of those fitness goals.

Controlling Eating Out Habits

Number seven, limit going out to eat to one to two times per week.
The most basic thing you can say about this is like if you're eating out all the time, it's simply just going to cause you to eat more calories. Yes, there's definitely some strategies that you can put into place where you can like limit those calories and make better choices.
But the fact of the matter is there's a lot of hitting calories in certain things. So you might even like, they might even have their nutrition info up there on the board, like where you're at or in the restaurant. But like, you don't know how much butter they're using. You don't know how much they're using with cooking oils or sauces. Their portions are typically bigger. Like there's just a lot of ways that calories are being hidden in those things when you're out to eat. And so you just don't really know, you don't really have control over those things. And so The best thing you can do if you really want to control like your food and you want to make sure that you're in line with your health goals is to make sure that you're preparing a lot of your own food. And so I limit going out to eat like one to two times per week. So it still allows me to like, if I want to go out to eat with some friends or, you know, I want to go grab something and and not prepare any food and just have something like a little, you know, treat or something like that. I still allow myself to go do that. So I'm not like depriving myself of that.
but just making sure that I prepare most of my own food is a simple way. It's just a simple rule that I kind of follow that seems to help me quite a bit. Rule number eight, have three to five go-to meals. And so a go-to meal, I would classify as something that you can cook in 10 minutes or less, and it's simple.
And these are like ingredients that you always have around in your kitchen. And the reason why this is a food rule for me, because we all get into situations where like we're busy, we're stressed, we have things going on. Maybe we didn't prep all our meals.
Maybe we ran out of food or we ran out of groceries or whatever the case may be. It's been a long day. We just don't want to cook like having three to five really easy go to meals can save you from maybe going out to eat and like buying something that you really don't want to buy or spending money where you really don't want to spend money or just helping you stay on track because there definitely is going to be times where like you get busy, you didn't plan, you didn't meal prep and like you need something to eat but you also want to stay on track. You want something that's a little bit higher quality, something that's a little bit healthier. Having three to five go-to meals can be a super simple thing because you know like okay I run into this situation, had a long day, don't want to cook, like I also don't really want to get takeout. I want to eat something that's a little bit higher quality.
what is something that I can make. So like for me, I have some examples like protein oats in the morning or protein shake are like two really easy things. Like if I don't have an idea of what I want to cook or if I don't have meals prepped or something like that, like that's something that I can make every single morning. It takes less than five minutes. It's high quality, helps me stick to all my goals, high protein, lower calorie, all that good stuff. And like, I'm good to go. So I know that's always an option. I always keep those things in my kitchen so that that is something that I can always turn to.
when it comes to like lunch or dinner like I always have eggs so like I can always make something with eggs whether it's like egg and ham burritos or it's like eggs with some potatoes or something like that like an egg bowl or breakfast bowl or things like that that's always an option.
And I typically always have like canned or frozen vegetables in my fridge or in my kitchen. And I always have like tuna. So like tuna and broccoli, and then I'll throw like some teriyaki sauce, maybe some micro raable rice in there. So I have like a teriyaki bowl. And since I typically always have protein prepped as well, I can do this with like chicken or different things like that.
The point is like just have a couple of meals that you know that you can turn to and make super quickly. I mean there's different things out there now like I know like at Target or Trader Joe's things like that like you can get already pretty much made meals where you can just microwave these things and they're pretty high quality, healthier type things that you can have. So even just keeping some of that stuff on hand when you are in a pinch or when you don't want to prepare anything. You don't want to cook anything. You don't have any plan that will help you stay in alignment with your goals because it's not the end of the world. Like if you need to go get some takeout, like there's healthier options that you can get to, but the more that we can be consistent, the better it's going to be. And the

Handling Off Days and Maintaining Consistency

last one that I have rule number nine is don't let one off day turn into many off days. And this is kind of in alignment with like the whole flexibility thing like
I don't really care how I eat on a single day. like I know there's going to be days where I eat way more than I should, and I'm fine with that. like That's okay with me. like I know that I'm still going to be able to feel good, hit all my goals, like look the way I want, all that different stuff. like If I'm consistent 80 to 90% of the time, so like I don't stress over one meal. I don't stress over one day, but I don't let those one meal or even like one day turn into like multiple weeks, which is where a lot of people go wrong. like they start to kind of fall off a little bit like we just went through the holidays and that is a prime example like people go to a party or they have one day of eating or they just eat too much which you know that happens no big deal like you just ate a lot more than you're used to.
eating all the sweets, the cookies, all the meals and different things like that. And in that one single day, it's not like, okay, next day we hop back on track. It's like, oh, I kind of already slipped up. So I might as well just keep going with it. Just let it ride. But that is not the way that you want to approach this because it's never the one day, it's never the one meal. It's all the decisions that come after that. And so having this rule, like just knowing this in my head, like I don't let one meal, I don't let one day turn into multiple days.
allows me to have that flexibility and not be like super like I'm not mad at myself or I don't feel guilty about it when I go when I have a day where I eat more I go to eat or you know I have some extra drinks or something like that like I have a bunch of extra calories I don't like beat myself up about that it is what it is I enjoyed myself I enjoyed that part of you know going and being social and and doing all that stuff and having some extra food but the next day I'm just right back to it I'm back to my exercise routine I'm back to eating my high quality meals and making sure that I'm getting enough protein and getting a lot of whole foods and I don't stress it. And so doing that can help tremendously. Like it's one thing that I see with like fit and healthy people that they do that
really really stands out that if more people did that like if they had this approach and they had these good eating habits in place and they didn't let one day turn into like multiple days or multiple weeks like a majority of the population would be would be healthy like they would feel good they would look good they would like be able to hit all their goals like they wouldn't have all this guilt around food they they wouldn't struggle as much but it's like when you let these days just pile on to each other and it turns into this big snowball effect that's where so many people struggle. And so keeping that in mind, don't let one off day turn into many off days. And with that, that is the nine full rules that I have. It's nothing crazy. It's not rocket science. It's nothing like, you know, super specific or anything like that. It's just simple guidelines that I have found to help me lose this hundred pounds, keep this hundred pounds off, get into really good shape, like best shape I've ever been in. And so like,
As I said at the beginning of this, just thinking about this, maybe there's one or two in there that like you want to try to implement. like You don't have to try to implement all nine of these things or do these things exactly like I said, or even do things any of these things that I do at all. But figuring out some of these guidelines for yourself can be super helpful when it comes to just making better food choices, which is going to in turn affect all those different other areas of your life. so

Encouragement to Develop Personal Guidelines

Hopefully this was helpful, and you can get a nugget or two out of this that you can start using start implementing and start playing around with and figure out how you can implement this into your life. With that being said, got some one on one coaching if anybody is interested if you are looking to
Lose some weight in the new year. You really want to figure this stuff out. You want some help with maybe creating your own food rules and being to just build better habits, lose weight, feel better, look better, all those different things. You can check out the link in the show notes. But with that being said, I appreciate you listening and we will