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#84 - Breaking Myths: What Really Matters in Fitness After 100 Pounds Lost image

#84 - Breaking Myths: What Really Matters in Fitness After 100 Pounds Lost

Fit(ish) Project
28 Plays3 months ago

In this episode, I’m diving into some of the biggest fitness myths I’ve had to unlearn over the past 10 years since losing 100 pounds and getting into the best shape of my life. Fitness is often full of "rules" and misconceptions, and many of these can lead to wasted time, frustration, and even burnout.

I’ll share things I wish I’d known earlier so you don’t have to make the same mistakes. Here are some of the myths I’ll be clearing up:

  • The surprising impact of sleep on your fitness and fat loss that’s often ignored.
  • How adding more steps to your day can make a bigger difference than you might think.
  • Why sticking to a plan long-term matters more than working out at max intensity.
  • The benefits of a balanced, flexible approach to eating over strict dieting rules.
  • Why staying active throughout the day is more effective than hours in the gym.

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Introduction and Listener Engagement

Welcome back to The Fitish Project with your host, as always, Latham Bass, where we make fitness and health simple for regular people like you and I. We have another episode coming at you this week. Before I get into the episode, as always, if you have not left a review, if you could do that, greatly appreciate that. And for those that have already done that, really appreciate you. Continue to get this out to more people who need this information.

Evolving Beliefs in Fitness and Health

But for today's topic,
I wanted to talk a little bit about things that I have changed my mind on over the years. So I had recently come across a picture on Facebook and it was a picture of me my senior year in college, which is pretty much when I started my whole fitness journey and got really serious about losing weight and learning about fitness and eating a better diet, all those different types of things. And so it's been about 10 years, which is kind of crazy to think about. And I know when I started, I had some certain mindsets, I had some certain education, I had some things that I thought were the way to go about fitness and health. And that has changed a lot over the years.

Navigating Conflicting Fitness Information

And I know even before I got started, like there was just a lot of information to comb through. There was a lot of things that I was very unsure about. And it was just kind of overwhelming because there's just so many different resources out there. And that has only gotten even harder today with social media and just the amount of information that we're able to take in and you have everybody with
their opinions on things and everybody telling you to do this diet or do this training program or this food's good for you and this food's not good for you and there's just a lot of conflicting views out there and so I think one of the things that I really try to do is make things as simple, practical, and sustainable as possible because One thing I know about humans is that changing is hard, like making new habits, creating new habits, learning new things, changing into a different type of person, incorporating new things into your lifestyle.

Learning from Fitness Mistakes

All that stuff is difficult and the more overwhelmed we are,
the harder it's going to be to change. And if we don't have that clarity, if we don't know the next steps, if things aren't practical, if they're not sustainable, if they're not simple enough for us to take action on and continue to try to build on those things, then most people are just not going to do it. And so With this episode, I wanted to talk a little bit about just some things that over the years I've changed my mind on in order to help clear some things up, provide some clarity, but also so you don't waste your time doing a lot of things that I did, make a lot of the same mistakes that I did, waste money, waste effort, be frustrated, all those sorts of things that I did when I started this journey because I had made a ton of different mistakes. And I did a lot of things that.
wasted my time and I did a lot of things that almost caused me to quit. And so that's why I want to help save you some of that time, frustration, some of that effort by just talking about some things that I've changed my mind on now that I've had some time to work with other people. I've had some time to figure these things out myself. I've learned a ton over the years and gotten a lot better about what things are actually important and what things are not.

Active Lifestyle vs. Gym Workouts

And so we'll get into some of those things today. So the very first thing that I have changed my mind on is exercising versus living an active lifestyle. And what I mean by that is that when I first got into this, I thought that everybody who is fit and healthy just spent tons and tons of time in the gym and that was really the only way to, quote unquote, live a healthy lifestyle. And I've changed my mind on this because
Thinking back to just what humans have been doing for a really long time, like it's working out in fitness and you know working out in the gym and different classes and exer exercise and all that stuff is fairly new. like Humans have been around for thousands and thousands of years and we didn't have gyms or anything like that back in the day. There was no workout classes or anything like that.
And so I think back to like, okay, what were the things that humans were doing? Well, we were moving a ton. Like we had to hunt for food, we had to forge, we had to walk a lot, we would run, we would jump and squat and do different things like that. A lot of basic human movements, but there was no like, you know, there was no bench pressing, there was no squatting 400 pounds, and there was none of that kind of stuff. And so To me, there's obviously a lot of value in those things, like I'm a big fan of lifting weights and I'm a big proponent of that because our lifestyles that we live today are much different than back then and so we need to find ways that we can train those different movements, exercise, make sure that we're strong, building muscle, all those certain types of things.

Incorporating Activity into Daily Life

but i don't think people realize that you don't have to spend hours in the gym and that living an active healthy lifestyle is actually going to be easier to incorporate and it's probably going to be more beneficial than trying to just spend hours and hours in the gym because when you're living a healthy active lifestyle, you're actually going to end up burning more calories, you're going to be able to do a more variety of different movements and things like that, move in different patterns and just allow yourself to just be a human. Because when it comes to just exercising in a gym, like I said, there's a ton of value in that. I'm not saying that people should stop working out in the gym, but I think finding ways to just incorporate more activity outside of your
gym time is huge because if you think about it, most people that do work out consistently, they're not getting in the gym more than three or four times per week for most people. And maybe you're in there for an hour. You take that out and you think there's 168 hours within a week. Well, if you're working out three, four or five hours per week, that leaves a lot of time outside of the gym where either you're doing some active things or you're not. And most people are not, right? They're living a very sedentary lifestyle. So finding activities that you can incorporate within your day today and just be more active is super beneficial. And the nice thing about this is that you can find things that you actually enjoy and you can find different ways to do this in a way that doesn't feel like super strenuous exercise. It doesn't feel like a whole other thing that you have to think about. It's like there's tons of different ways that you can add activity within your day, whether it's getting outside and playing with your kids, whether it's you like to do yard work. So you get on the yard and you know, you're doing some gardening and yard work and things like that. Maybe you like to keep a nice clean house. So you're doing stuff around the house. Maybe you really like sports and you join a a softball team or a volleyball team or a basketball team or something like that. You like hiking or walking, like you get out in nature and do some of that sorts of stuff. So there's literally hundreds of different ways that you can start to add more activity.

Balancing Gym and Active Living

within your day but I think the big thing is just making that conscious choice to just be more active and when you supplement doing that with also working out and getting your you know two three four workouts in per week in the gym but then also living a healthy lifestyle it makes just being healthy it makes being fit it makes just feeling good looking good like feeling your best so much easier to accomplish because you're not trying to Squeezing everything that you need to do within this hour in the gym because you're living this healthy lifestyle. And so I think just shifting away from just thinking that you have to spend hours in the gym, you have to be this gym rat, you have to be this person that just loves to work out, loves to lift weights. That's not true at all. Like you should get in the gym, work out a few times a week, make sure you're building muscle, building strength.
moving your body, training all those patterns that we want to train. But also just think about how you can incorporate more activity in your normal lifestyle. And I think when you can do that, you'll see tons of benefits. ah The second thing that I would say is

Understanding the Role of Supplements

supplements are not very important. I think when I first got into this, supplements were a big thing that people talked about and they thought it was like, you know, the magic pill that was going to help them whether it was like burning more fat using like fat burners, whether it was like using different things to build more muscle or whatever the case may be. like People thought that supplements was the answer to like taking them over the top and really improving their health. and There's a place for supplements, but they matter very, very little, especially if you do not have the big rocks in place. and What I mean by the big rocks is like if your diet is not on point or you
eat a crappy diet and you're not eating a lot of whole minimally processed foods, pride, overtizing protein, those sorts of things like drinking water. You're you're missing the boat here because that's going to give you way more benefits than trying to focus on like a greens powder or a multivitamin or something like that. Focusing on your diet is going to give you tons and tons of benefits and help you out way more than any kind of supplement ever could.
Other things like exercise obviously is super important and then sleep as well. Like if you don't have those three things in order, you're basically wasting your money when it comes to supplements because no supplement out there is going to supplement for those three things and it's not even close. Like those three things will improve your health 90 to 95% of the way, maybe even more than that to be honest.
There's some other things outside of that that are important for health, but like those three big rocks will improve your health dramatically. So like if you don't have those three things in order, your sleep is crap. You don't exercise consistently. You're not lifting weights. Your diet is not very good. You don't eat high quality foods. I would definitely start focusing on those things. And then when you have those things in order, if you want to add some other things, like you want to try some creatine, you want to throw in some fish oil, take some multivitamins, some of those things that have been tested a little bit more and have shown some positive benefits, like then go ahead and and use those things. But if you don't have the other things in order, you're essentially just wasting

The Power of Walking for Health

your money. You're throwing money down the toilet because it's not gonna make up enough difference as far as like giving you the benefits that diet, exercise, and sleep would.
ah Number three the importance of walking so when I first got into just health and fitness all that kind of stuff I was coming I was still in college actually I was a senior in college when I started this whole weight loss journey when I started getting serious about things and I never really gave walking much thought I thought it was kind of pointless to be honest I thought it was just something that like both people do in the mall or you know it's exercise that they do because they couldn't do other things but I have changed my mind on that a ton. I'm somebody now that like, I focus on walking a lot and it's one of the habits that I really try to put my clients on to as well because incorporating walking just has so many different benefits just from the mental benefits from the physical benefits from
weight loss or weight management benefits from mental health. Like there's so many different benefits that walking has and the nice thing about walking is that it's so easy to incorporate within your day to day that it makes adding in some healthy habit. it It's less resistance to start incorporating walking than it is to get in the gym four or five times per week. So like I can tell anybody, hey, we need to start to try to incorporate some more steps. And there's tons of different ways you can do that. You can start parking further away, you can start taking the stairs more, you can start going for just five 10 minute walks after your meals, like you can start going on a 20 minute walk to start your day, like it's very minimal resistance. And I know, like I said, when it comes to human change is hard. And so if you can start to incorporate this habit, and really focus on this habit, it's going to start to waterfall and snowball into you,
performing other healthy habits and really start to think about making health more of a priority while also giving you all the benefits that you get from walking on a daily basis. So walking super important is something that I did not spend enough time on and not give enough value to but it's something that I highly encourage people to do especially if they're not doing a lot of it if you're sedentary like most people are. I think the average is like 2,500 to like 3,000 steps on average is what a person takes which is like a little I think it's right around a mile 3,000 steps or 2,500 steps is right around a mile. So people are walking on average like a mile to mile and a half where
want to be more in that like 8000 range or higher, because we know that as you start to get towards that range, the length of your life starts to increase, but also just the quality of your life will start to increase because you're a more active person. And we know that all cause mortality, which basically means the risk of you dying is cut in half as you start to get up to that 8000 step mark. So Start focusing on walking if that's not something that you already do and if you are, that's awesome, but it's super important and it's something that I continue to talk about and will continue to talk about because I think it's still not given as much credit as it should have, but start incorporating more walking and it will definitely have a lot of positive benefits on your overall health.

Reevaluating Cardio's Importance

a Number four, my thoughts about cardio have changed quite a bit. so
I was a person who hated cardio for a really long time. And up until I decided to sign up for a marathon and start training for that, I really did not like doing cardio. Like if it wasn't playing sports, then I did not want to do it. And I still wouldn't say that cardio is the top thing on my list. I i still think lifting weights is really important. I still think walking is really important as I've already talked about, but cardio is also important and it has a lot of benefits.
We know that VO2 max, which is basically how good of shape you're in, is a really good predictor for how long that people live as well, which makes sense because if you have a higher VO2 max, it means that your heart is stronger, it works more efficiently. And we obviously all know that the heart is very important for life in general. If you have a strong heart, that's going to be a really good thing for living a longer life and being able to do all the activities that you want to do. And so incorporating some cardio is something that can definitely be beneficial. Again, I don't think it needs to be at the top of your priority list. You don't need to do cardio every single day. And if you're somebody that hates cardio, I would say you start to find activities that you can do that are cardio like, but they don't feel like cardio. So as I mentioned before, like if you want to join a sports team or
if you're going on walks or hiking or things like that where you're just getting your heart rate up, it doesn't have to be complicated but it's more than just like casual movement. Finding little ways where you can just get your heart rate up a little bit through different activities is going to help start to increase your cardio and that's going to have positive benefits on your physical health, on your mental health, all that good stuff. So If you're not doing any cardio, don't make it complicated. Just start finding some ways that you can start to increase your heart rate and you'll start seeing some benefits that way.

The Vital Role of Sleep

Number five, the importance of sleep. So as I said, when I got into this fitness and health stuff, like I was still in college and we know most college kids do not put a high emphasis on sleep and that was definitely me. And I didn't really put a high emphasis on sleep even multiple years after college. And I think
It wasn't until I started like taking in more information about sleep and listening to podcasts and reading books. There was one book that I read that just like completely changed my outlook. And after that, I was like, okay, I really do need to start making sleep a priority because the fact of the matter is if you're not getting good quality sleep, you're not living the best life that you can because sleep affects so many different areas. It's very similar to like exercise and that like sleep affects literally everything like It affects your emotional health. It affects your mood. It affects how well your brain works. It affects your recovery. It affects how much fat you lose, how much muscle you gain. It affects your energy levels. It affects literally everything. So if your sleep is trash, it's going to spill over into different areas of your life. And so it's one of those things that it just should be a foundational habit that you really try to prioritize because if you can get your sleep right, it's going to help you in a lot of different areas and it's just going to make
being a healthy and fit individual so much easier. So I did not give it enough credit when I first started and I think some people still don't really prioritize it as much as they should. And so starting to incorporate more ways to get better sleep can have a huge payoff just on your general health and just how you feel on a day-to-day basis.

Flexible vs. Strict Diets

Number six, strict diets versus flexible diets. So I tried some of the strict diets and I see a lot of people trying the strict diets still like and what I mean by strict diets is basically like You cut out all processed foods, you cut out all junk foods, you cut out all sugar, all desserts, like it's basically just like what people would call clean foods, like whole minimally processed foods, which obviously that's a good idea. Like we all want to strive to eat more of those minimally processed, whole type foods, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, things like that. But I think the issue when you try to do these really strict diets, especially for most people who have not been eating in a way that's even close to that is it's just too big of a change and people can't sustain it because
they go to social events or they go to a birthday party or they go out on date night and they feel like they can't enjoy themselves. They feel like they can't eat anything. They feel like it's just too difficult for them to sustain. So I think finding a place where you're a little bit more flexible with it and something that I found that worked really well with me and something that I teach to a lot of the clients that I work with is flexible dieting and To put it simply, I just tell them to focus on the 80-20 rule. So 80% of the time, we're trying to focus on whole, minimally processed foods. And then 20% of the time, if you want to dabble in some different things, if you want to have some desserts, if you want to have some pizza, if you want to go out to eat, if you want to have a drink, like have those things, incorporate those things within your life because
it's important to enjoy those things and if those are things that you want to be a part of your life and your lifestyle you can absolutely do that and still live a healthy lifestyle. But I think for most people that strict overly restrictive type of diet just doesn't work for the long term and it doesn't work for living an overall healthy lifestyle and it doesn't work for living a lifestyle that you actually enjoy because I think even if you can stick to the diet, but like you're not enjoying yourself, you don't enjoy your life. Well, that's, that's stupid to me. Like that doesn't work either. I don't think that's what we want to strive for either. So finding a place where you can have both of those things with being a little bit more flexible, I think is the right approach for a lot of people for a small percentage of people out there. Like they may do really well with the strict diets and that may fit into their lifestyle, but I don't think that's
Realistic for most people and I don't think that's what they want to try to get to for most people Which is why I call this the fit ish project. This is not for bodybuilders This is not for people who want to be at the top top top like never eat any kind of sugar Never have a processed food never have a dessert like this podcast is not for those types of people This is for people who want to be more fit. They want to look better. They want to feel better and They want to have more confidence. They want to have all the energy and be able to do all the things they want to do, but they also want to enjoy life. They want to be able to have a drink. They want to be able to go out to eat with friends or go out on a date night or, you know, enjoy some foods and some cake and desserts at their kid's birthday party. Like this is who that podcast is for. And you can absolutely live in a way where you can have both those things, but it just takes being a little bit more flexible within your approach and figuring out that balance for you.

Meal Timing Myths Debunked

Number six, I think it is meal timing. So meal timing is something that people will still talk about and the importance of it. Like a lot of people are really high on intermittent fasting, which intermittent fasting can be a great tool. It can be something that's very helpful for a lot of people. And because it's very simple to apply because you know, like when it comes to like intermittent fasting, it's like, okay, I have this eating window. I have this eight hour eating window and outside of that I don't eat. And so when it comes to things like just eating or losing weight or you know, making better choices, people find having those clear cut guidelines a little bit easier to sustain. But again, if it's not something that you plan on doing for the long term, you also need to start to cultivate some education around eating and nutrition in general, like what's a protein, what's a carb, what foods have more
carbs and proteins and fats than other foods. What foods do I feel best on? What foods fill me up better? Like what things work well together just as far as like having me be less hungry. Like figuring out all those things around food versus just having these guidelines I think is more beneficial because once you have the education,
you can start to use certain things like intermittent fasting as just a tool that you use every once in a while. It's not something that you absolutely have to do because the issue with this with a lot of people is like they'll do intermittent fasting but then as soon as they stop they go back to their old eating patterns and they gain their way back. They don't feel as good. They're not able to hit their fitness goals and things just kind of go to crap and so Learning about food and more so just learning about like food having food guidelines I think can be a lot more helpful And so back to just meal timing in general people think that it's the super important thing when in reality It's really not that important it can be helpful if it helps you to make better decisions like I said with intermittent fasting but
just as an overall thing, meal timing is not that important. And it's not something that I would stress over. It's not something that I would put a lot of thought into, unless it's really, really helping you to make those better decisions. But like I said, I think for most people, just having more education around food and focusing more on those things is probably going to be a little bit more beneficial than focusing on what exact time should I be eating this meal and that meal and snacks and all that different type of

Pitfalls of Intense Fitness Goals

stuff. Because as long as you're calories are equated as long as you're getting enough protein, as long as you're making healthy choices, then you are going to be able to get all the benefits that you want when it comes to your physical goals and how you want to look, how you want to feel, energy, like all that different stuff. And so don't stress meal timing. I know it's something that I thought was more important than it really was when I first got into this. And some people still think that it's this huge thing. Like if they eat after a certain time, it's going to make them gain fat, or if they eat breakfast in the morning like it's an issue like it's really not that deep like it's not that important. It's not something that you should be stressing over. And the last one that I have on the list is the importance of intensity.
So when I got into this, and I think when most people get into fitness, when they get into health, when they get into prioritizing this stuff and really wanting to make a big change, they just go zero to 100. And so intensity level is cranked up to a 10. Like they come into this and they're like, I want to change. I want to do all these things. I'm going to work out six days per week. I'm never going to eat.
another sweet again, I'm not going to have any sugar. like I'm just going to all in. I'm all in for this and let's do this. like Let's make this a lifestyle change. Let's get super fast progress. Let's get after it.
But as I talked about earlier, this approach does not work for a lot of people. I've seen it too many times where people, they hop into this and they think intensity is the most important thing and they last for a few weeks, maybe even a few months where like they're on this strict diet, they're on this crazy training program and they're seeing results like they're getting in better shape. Maybe they're losing weight, they're losing inches. like They feel better, but it's not sustainable. They start to feel run down. They start to notice that they can't enjoy themselves when they're going out to eat or enjoy their social life or things get busy or hectic and they can't keep up with their training schedule or their really strict diet starts to become too much to manage and so then they fall off. And so like intensity, there's absolutely a time and place for intensity. But I think for a large majority of people and probably for most people,
listening to this podcast, consistency should be your focus because before you have your habits in place, you can't build on them. You have to have your habits, your good healthy habits, your good foundation established before you can start to build on it. And to give you an example, like for where I'm currently at and like what I do with my own training program and the way that I eat now,
is very different than when I started. And if I tried to do my exact program, like the way that I train, the way that I live, the way that I eat right now when I first started at 300 pounds with a lack of education around food, with not knowing as much as I do about exercise, with not having the mindset that I have right now without understanding all of the psychology behind me how to make changes and how to make this a lifestyle, there's no question that I would not have been able to stick to it. And I probably would have quit because You have to build on things over time. You can't just jump into something full force and just expect that you're going to figure it out and be able to manage it. It's like you don't start school and you go to your first day of kindergarten and then like the next day you're like, all right, I'm ready for high school. Like it doesn't work like that. Like things you have to build your way up. You have to learn. You have to make mistakes.
You have to figure out this process. You have to try different things and figure out things that work and maybe throw some things out that don't work. And when you come in too intensely, you're just setting yourself up for failure. And so consistency is the superpower. It's the thing that we all know is important, and but nobody wants to focus on that. Nobody wants to focus on like, okay, let me just try to get 5,000 steps per day because right now I'm only getting 2,000 steps per day. Let me just start a little bit conservative, start a little bit lower.
get that habit built up to where I'm at 5,000 steps per day, and then I can start to build up to that 8,000 steps per day, that 10,000 steps per day. Nobody wants to do that because they feel like they're not meeting the standards that they should or they're comparing themselves to other people or they feel like they're not doing enough. But in reality, it's like, okay, we can try to do this the intense way, do it for a few weeks and then fall off and be right back to square one where we're doing the bare minimum and we're not making any changes and our life is not improving, our health is not getting better.
or We can take the longer approach and we can build on these smaller habits and start to get those small wins and try to get that 1% better each day. And then months down the road, years down the road, we look back and we've made all this progress. And now we're at those higher milestones where I am getting eight to 10,000 steps per day. I am working out consistently four times per week. I am getting a lot of protein within my day. I am prioritizing sleep. I am able to manage my stress a little bit better. And then you look in the mirror and you're like, wow, I look,
way better. I've lost weight. I've built muscle. I feel way better. My energy is better. My relationships are better. My confidence is better. But none of that happens if you go into this too strong and you go into this too intensely and then you fall off after two weeks, three weeks, a couple months, which is again, that's what most people do. We're coming up on the new year. 2025 is right around the corner and Thousands and thousands of people are going to do exactly what we're talking about right now. They're going to try to go super intense into it, and they're going to bite off more than they can chew. They're going to take on too much. They're going to last for a few weeks, and most people are going to be done by the end of January. And they're going to be going through this whole next year in a place where they're not super happy about. They're going to be thinking about how they should be doing better, how they should be doing more, how they want to change, not being as confident as they want, and just
doing that because they're not willing to take the long term approach. They're not willing to focus on

Consistency for Fitness Success

consistency. They're not willing to build the right habits, build the right foundation, because that's exactly what we need to do. And I think for a lot of people, we know that's what we need to do. We just need to be more consistent. But you have to be willing to take that step back and just be willing to slow down a little bit and really take this a more manageable and make this more sustainable so that you can actually eventually get to a place where you are enjoying yourself. And the way that I think about it is like, what's a year or two or even five or 10 years
to be able to live a life where you feel your best, you look your best, you're able to do all the things you want to do, you're adding years to your life. Like what is even five years of an investment compared to the rest of your life, living a life that you don't enjoy? Because most people, they just go in this yo-yo pattern. It's like they try for a few months or maybe a few weeks, they fall off, they go through those few months before they get to another low point where they're like, all right, I need to try to figure things out. I need to do this. Again, they do the same exact thing. And it's just this continuous yo-yo cycle of trying to lose weight or trying to get in better shape or trying to get to a place where they actually feel confident in their own skin. Like this is just a constant repetitive cycle. And I see this all the time. And if most people could just pause, take a step back and be like, all right, I'm going to do this the right way.
It's going to take a little bit longer. But in reality, it's not going to take longer because even if it does take a couple of years, that's much better than spending the next 30, 40, 50 years in this yo-yo cycle. So in all reality, it's not going to take longer. It's just going to take longer than what you think it's going to take because your expectations about how quickly this should happen are probably not accurate. And that's most people. But when you take that step back and just commit to, all right, this can be a lifestyle. I'm going to start small. I'm going to build on it. And eventually I'm going to get to the point where I want to be.
then you know that you can be successful with this. So that is my last one for this episode. Hopefully there was a nugget or two in there that helped you out and hopefully can help you on your fitness journey, help save you a little time, little frustration, little stress, because I know that it was definitely a lot of that for me when I got into this and even sometimes still there's like so much information out there that can be confusing things where I'm confused myself and I've been doing this for a long time and really been invested in this stuff. So I know that for just the average person, just regular person who's not as interested in this stuff, like I know it can be overwhelming. And so hopefully, you know, I was able to clear up some things and just kind of wrap up wrapping this up. Like if nothing else, understanding that a lot of those things we talked about can definitely help. But like focusing on the basics is always going to be a good idea. like
Focusing on getting walking into your day, focusing on eating mostly whole foods, prioritizing protein, focusing on just exercising regularly. Again, you don't have to be in the gym hours every single day, but getting in two, three, four workouts consistently every week. Focusing on prioritizing good sleep, hanging around good people. Relationships are important.
managing your stress, like all those very simple things will take you 99% of the way when it comes to your health. And if you can just start to incorporate those things, again, starting small and building on those things and just really starting to make those a priority and starting to make this a lifestyle, you're gonna be able to reach all your goals, you're gonna feel better, or you're gonna look better.
You're going to be able to just live a life where you're fit and healthy and being able to do all the things that you want to do just by focusing on those basic things. So don't let this be overwhelming. Don't make this more complicated than it needs to be. Continue to focus on the basics and be consistent at those basics. And with that being said, if you're somebody who wants a little bit of help with that kind of stuff, you're thinking, man, this is a lot.
a lot to take on or you're one of those people who's been in that yo-yo cycle where maybe you've tried to lose weight, were not successful or maybe you tried to get in shape or tried to set up an exercise routine or tried to improve your habits and you just haven't really been successful, then I have some one-on-one coaching spots. That's exactly what I do is I help people make this a lifestyle.
I'm not here for the quick fixes. I'm not here for the fat diets or anything like that. I'm here for real sustainable results that you can implement into your life today, but also are going to benefit you for years to come. So if that's you, you need some help with that kind of stuff.

One-on-One Coaching Offer

I have some one-on-one coaching spots. You can always click the link down below in the show notes. See if you're a good fit. We'll have a conversation.
um but That is all I have for you. So I appreciate you listening. I appreciate those who have left a review. I appreciate those who share this with other people and I appreciate you listening and we will see you next week.