It's really nice when it is there and it's really useful when you do have that motivation. But again, it's not always going to be there. So I think the first thing is just realizing focusing more so on discipline can be very helpful because discipline is going to take you a lot further than motivation because discipline is something that you can cultivate and something that you can practice, something that you can build up and something that you can use every single day. So because there's going to be days where, you know, you're not feeling it. Life happens. Like you have a job, you have families, you have friends, you have busyness, there's stress, there's different challenges, you're tired some days, there's different life events going on. So like, there's gonna be very few days where you wake up and just all the stars a align where you feel super good, energy is awesome, had great sleep, day is just looking perfect. Like you feel super solid, like everything is just going your way and you're just super motivated to work out or, you know, eat healthy or whatever the case may be. There's not gonna be a ton of those days. More often than not, you're gonna have days where like, you just feel kind of average. so like