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#100 - 100 Episodes Later! 5 Valuable Insights For Your Fitness Journey  image

#100 - 100 Episodes Later! 5 Valuable Insights For Your Fitness Journey

Fit(ish) Project
40 Plays8 days ago

In this milestone 100th episode, we reflect on five lessons learned over the last couple of years and how they relate directly to your health and fitness journey. We'll talk through some things like:

  • A simple formula to accomplishing your biggest goals  
  • How doing this one thing can keep you motivated for longer 
  • Staying away from the comparison trap
  • Getting over your fear of failure 
  • The powerful "rule of 100" 

Let's get into it! 

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Celebrating 100 Episodes & Audience Engagement

Welcome back to the Fit-ish Project with your host, as always, Latham Bass, where we make fitness and health simple for regular people like you and I. Before we get into this episode, if you could leave a review, if you have not done so, continue to get this out to more people as we get into more episodes coming

Podcast Origins & Growth Reflections

at you. But this is episode number 100. And so it's kind of cool, kind of a cool milestone. I started this podcast a couple years ago.
with the goal to just put out one podcast per week and just see where it went, see if it was something that I enjoyed, see if it was something that people could actually get some value out of, and it's kind of stuck. And so I thought with the topic today, that is what I would talk about a little

Five Lessons: Personal Growth in Health & Fitness

bit. So just some lessons that I have learned, five different lessons that I have learned through starting this podcast and doing 100 episodes, but not just about podcasting and things like that, but more so about like what these lessons are and how they relate to health and fitness, because this is a health and fitness podcast.
And I've always been the type of person who likes to find some sort of area that I'm very knowledgeable in. And then I just try to relate all my life lessons through that lens, because it just helps me to understand things better and helps my brain to just see things a little bit more clear. And so like, for me, that was always like sports, like growing up,
Ever since a really young age, I was always into sports. And that's just kind of how I saw the world, like all the lessons and things that I learned in sports, I started to realize that these certain lessons also applied directly to other areas in life. And that just helped me to kind of see the world a little bit better and just understand people and things and Just life lessons and all that kind of stuff. And I found just as I've gotten older, like a lot of these same lessons that we learn in these different areas, they apply to pretty much everywhere.
Like there's just a lot of universal lessons that you learn with going through certain things that apply to a lot of different things. And so I thought that I was just kind of doing a little bit of reflecting on these last hundred episodes and just this whole experience of starting a podcast because this was something that was completely new to me.
And so I had to relearn some of these lessons that I've learned in the past, but also learned a couple new insights. And I think that it's valuable to have some of these insights, these little reflection times, like some of these little mindset shifts, because if it can get you to think in a certain way, maybe it can have a effect on some of the things that you're doing.
And so with this episode, I'm just going to talk about five different lessons that I've learned from just doing this whole process and going through and making 100 podcasts and how you can apply these five things directly to your fitness journey and where you're at with your whole process of wanting to improve and get better. And hopefully you can gain a little nugget or two from this

Consistency: Key to Success in Podcasting & Life

episode. So the very first thing that I started thinking about when I was thinking about making this episode was like,
consistency imp patiencetience and how underrated those two things are And so when I started this podcast a couple years ago, one of the stats that I had heard when I was doing some research was about how many people start a podcast and quit.
So to become a top 1% podcast in the entire world, you only need to record 20 episodes. And so most shows, like most podcast shows, don't ever make it past episode three.
And so I started thinking about that a little bit. And I was like, okay, I can absolutely commit to doing 20 episodes. Like, that's nothing. Like, I know I'm going to have to learn some new things, figure this stuff out, and like, really learn some new skills. But like, 20 episodes, like, if I'm doing one per week, that's 20 weeks, that's around a half a year, like, I can commit to doing that. And then if I get through those 20 episodes, and I decide like, okay, this isn't for me, then I can always just stop doing it. And so I took that approach and I was like, all right, let's kind of figure this out. Let's make sure we give it an actual real try and see what we can do with this thing.
And I think this whole, just this whole view, like applies to so many different areas in life because so many people are, they just struggle with consistency and especially struggle with that patience and being consistent and like being consistent for a long period of time is just really difficult for people.

Consistency Across Life: Fitness, Relationships, Finances

Like when you think about New Year's goals, most New Year's goals don't make it into the second month of the year. When you think about the amount of people who lose a substantial amount of weight but are actually able to keep the weight off, it's not very many people.
When you think about the people that meet the exercise needs or the exercise guidelines, it's very, very little. It's like 20% of people actually hit those standards every single week of how much exercise they're supposed to be getting. and so When start to think about those things, it's like consistency. If you can just be consistent and you can do it for a very long period of time, there's so many different things that you can accomplish.
But a lot of people really struggle with that. And when you think about like all the important areas of life, you think about relationships. It's not like you just show up one day and like you... You get your partner all these gifts, like you're the best husband or wife or a girlfriend or boyfriend ever. Like for that day, you're just freaking, you just killed it. Like it was the best day ever. It's not like you just do that one time and things are awesome. Like the whole next year is great. It's like, no, it's like all these little things that you have to show up and you have to do consistently day after day. And Make sure you're communicating and making sure that you're spending time together and like doing all these things. Like that's how a great relationship is built.
Or when you think about money, it's not like you go and you just invest one time and you're good to go. Like unless you make some crazy type of investment in like, you know, some business that just blows up. For most people, they're just continually investing in the stock market. And over time, if you do that, you're going to see some compound effects over time. That's just the way that the market works. Like you're going to get a return on your investment if you consistently invest in those things.
Or like to save money, it's not like you just throw some money in a bank account on one day. It's like, no, if you have, if you're trying to save money, you continually doing that week over week, month over month, year over year, you're doing these little things. so And over time, that's how you get better finances.
When you think about like your career, it's not like you just show up on one day and you absolutely just crush it and your boss is like, all right, time for a promotion. It's like, no, you have to show up day after day, do a good job.
And then eventually you get new opportunities, things start to improve, you start to get better, you start to build better skills. And then you look down the road multiple years and and you're in a much higher spot, making more money, like all those good things. And so consistency over long periods of time,
compounds and having that patience and just realizing that it's just so underrated like there's so many things that people could accomplish if they were just willing to just be consistent and just be patient for a long enough period of time but a lot of people have really skewed expectations when it comes to this sort of thing and i think fitness and health is just the prime example for this so like people are like I want to get in the best shape of my life by next month. And it's like, that's just not, it's just not realistic. Like if you tell me you want to get in the best shape of your life next year, like in one year, I'm like, okay, that's doable. Like if you really, really grinded it out and like really got your stuff together, like that's, that's possible. Like that's something that can happen. If you want to do that in one month from now, probably not very likely. Or like somebody right now who's like, I want to lose 50 pounds by summer. It's like your expectations are not very realistic. How about
losing 50 pounds by next summer. That's actually something that's realistic. Because when you think about health and fitness, when you think about starting a podcast, when you think about getting the job you want, when you think about having a good relationship, it's like those things, they take time, they take patience, they take consistency, but they take what they take. It's like people want to have these certain perceptions about like,
what it's going to take to achieve these things. But when you just look at these things, just look at them with a realistic view and look at them with what it actually takes. Like look at people who have done the things that you want to do or accomplish the things that you want to accomplish. And you see how long it's taken them and how much work that they've actually put in to get into those positions and achieve the things that they want to achieve.
It takes what it takes. Like there's no shortcuts with these things. And when you think about that and you're just like, you accept that and you're like, okay, this is the work that it's going to take. Am I willing to do this? Yes or no. And when you think about it from that lens, you can just release those expectations, just understand like these are the things that it's going to take me to get to the goal that I want to get to.
But then the flip side of that is thinking about, OK, if I don't want to put in this time and this effort, that time is going to pass regardless. So you can either put in the work, put in the effort and use time as your ally, or you can continue to do nothing or continue to not really put in the effort that you want and never really see the results that you want to see. Like, those are your two options, like stay stuck, stay in a position where like you're not super happy.
You're not really getting the results that you want to have or you put in that work and the time is going to pass either way. And eventually you get to your goal and you feel better, you look better or whatever

1% Better Mindset: Incremental Improvement

your goal may be. Maybe it's not health and fitness, it's something else. But like you achieve that goal that you want to achieve because you're consistent and you use patience to your advantage.
And this is why I've become such a big proponent of the 1% better mindset and why I just constantly am talking about it. because I love this mindset so much because a lot of people think that like you have to be the most talented. you have to have the best genetics. You have to have the perfect plan. Like you have to just like have all these certain things.
but you really don't. Like you just need to be consistent for a long period of time. And when you do that, you can get almost everything that you want. Like I won't say everything because like there's some things that like you you just really have to be like super talented or, you know, have the perfect situation to get.
But like for a large majority of things that people want, like to feel better, to be healthier, to lose some weight, to build some muscle, to make a little bit more money, to have better relationships, like All those things that people want that would generally make them happier.
You can get those things from just being consistent for a long period of time. Like when you look at like diet, for example, like if you swapped out eating mostly highly processed foods, which is what a lot of people do, and you just switch to mostly whole foods, and you did that for an entire year, like, how much better would your health be if you did those things? How much better would you feel?
How much better would you look? Like, if you swapped out just drinking water or other zero calorie drinks for an entire year with like a ton of those high calorie, like sugary beverages, like, how much better off would you be?
The very first time that I went on a diet, really, the only thing that I changed was I cut out like sugary drinks. And I did that for a period of like six months and I lost like 35 pounds, like just by doing this one simple thing, because I use that consistency.
I had some patience and I let those things compound. And over six months, I lost around 30, 35 pounds. When you think about exercise, like if you exercise just twice per week for an entire year, that's 104 workouts.
How much better off do you think you would be if you did 104 workouts this year versus doing what most people do, which is very few? You'd be way better off. Like how much stronger could you be? How much muscle could you build? How much better could you feel?
You'd have less aches and pains. You could be more confident. You could change your body. like it's these little things that compound over time. They make such a big difference. And I think when you start to just realize just how much and these little things can really start to have an effect on your life, you really start to prioritize these little things and you don't overlook them like most people do. When you think about like, you just spent five minutes a day, like so many people talk about like, as they get older, especially like I'm in my 30s now. And I know a lot of people around me and and people that are a little bit older than me talk about like how much their body hurts and
how stiff they're getting and how they can't do the things that they used to be able to do well it's like if you just spent five minutes stretching every day you would put in over 30 hours of stretching in an entire year.
How much better do you think you would feel and your body could feel if you put in 30 hours of stretching this year? Like, you're probably going to feel a little bit better. Like, if you got just 30 extra minutes of sleep per night, how much more energized do you think you would feel? Like, how much better do you think your health would be? Like, if you did these small things And use time to your advantage and use consistency to your advantage. Like it makes a massive difference.
And that's why I continue to talk about 1% Better. And I will continue to talk about it, even if you're getting annoyed with it, because it matters so much. And you don't have to be the most skilled. You don't have to be the most talented. You don't have to have everything figured out. You just need to get a little bit better each day and do that for a long period of time.
And so when I think back to this podcast or like any of the other things that like I've been able to accomplish with losing a bunch of weight, like completing a marathon, getting into my best shape in my 30s, like All those things have just been made possible just because I've been consistent and because I've just been patient enough to just stick with it.
And i think when you can do those things, you'll be really, really surprised at all the things that you can accomplish when you just be consistent and just be willing to do these things for a long period of time.
The time is going to pass regardless. So the way I look at it, you might as well get the most out of it.

Accountability: Motivation & Consistency

Lesson number two that I've learned is accountability leads to motivation.
With this podcast and like making that one episode per week my goal, it forced me to be accountable to something. Because once you're accountable to someone or something or a group, like you have this built-in motivation and something that people are always asking about or wondering or like,
looking for it is like this motivation, like, how do I get motivated? Where do I find motivation? Like, how do you stay so motivated? And I think having these certain things in place, like having this built in motivation is kind of a cheat code. Like, even when you don't want to do it, like you are going to do it because you have this built in accountability, like you don't want to let other people down, you don't want to let the group down, you are invested in some way or another, like you don't want to have those things like go to waste. And you don't want to like be letting other people down.
And so whether or not you're motivated, like you're going to do those things, like whether or not you feel like doing it, you are going to do those things. And I've just seen this in so many different ways. Like it's why a lot of people come to me for coaching is because they want some form of accountability. Like they know, like somebody's checking in with them, they know they have to report to somebody.
They know somebody is like rooting for them, but also like making sure that they're getting their stuff done. Like they're accountable to somebody or like it's the reason why you have a boss or you have a manager. Like you're accountable to somebody. It's the same thing. Like when people will like want to get motivated for like some sort of like fitness event, they want to kind of kickstart their their fitness journey. Like they'll go sign up for some sort of like 5K or marathon or half marathon or something like that, because now you have some skin in the game and you want to be accountable to that.
Same thing goes for like investing your money or something like that into like a coach or a program or things like that. Once you have a little bit more skin in the game, you're more willing to do these things because you have that built-in accountability.
I think about sports again a lot and like thinking back to like college days of playing college football, it's like there was so many days. And if you've ever been an athlete, like, you know, there's just a lot of practices that like you just really don't want to do. Like nobody loves going to practice every single day. Like there's plenty of days where you would rather not go to practice, skip practice, do something else. But it's like you're accountable, not just to yourself, but you're accountable to a group. You're accountable to your team. Like you don't want to let other people down. Like there's plenty of days where I didn't want to go wake up at 6 a.m. and go lift weights or go watch film or go to practice on a freaking Tuesday. Like nobody wants to do that 100 percent of the time.
But you show up because you don't want to let your teammates down. and You're accountable to them. And I've had that same exact experience with this podcast. Like I enjoy doing this podcast and I like doing this podcast because I've realized that it's helping people, which is really cool. Like when I have people send me messages, people that I don't even know who are talking about, like they enjoyed a certain podcast or, you know, hearing me talk about this thing was like super relatable to them and help them with a certain issue or they learned something from me. Like,
That's what I've set out to do with this podcast is just to help educate people and inspire people and help them live a better life and feel the way they want to feel and look better and all those things. And so like I know that that's happening with this podcast. And so like now I'm not just doing this for me, like I'm doing this for other people to help get this information out to other people and help them be better. And so now like I have that built in accountability. So I know that I'm going to show up every single week because I don't want to let those people down as well.
And this works really well when it comes to fitness and health, too. It's like some days you don't want to go work out. Some days you don't want to make the healthy choice. Some days you don't want to get up early and you just would rather sleep in or, know, you don't want to go for the walk. You don't want to eat the healthy meal. But when you have some accountability, it's much, much harder to skip out on those things. So whether you're.
accountable to a coach or a trainer, whether you're accountable to a training partner, whether you're just accountable to like your family, like you're doing it for your family and they kind of keep tabs on you. And that's, that's what your motivation is. Like have some sort of accountability because the more accountable you are, you're going to have that built in motivation and you're going to be much more likely to stick with things and be consistent with things.

Embrace Initial Failure: Path to Improvement

Number three, be willing to suck at first. I've done a hundred of these podcasts now and I've gotten better, I would like to think, at these podcasts. Like if I go back and listen to episodes, you know, one, two, three, like the very first episodes, like I would like to think that now I'm a little bit better at these things. Like I can put thoughts together a little bit more clearly.
i can speak a little bit better and more concisely. can come up with ideas. I can edit the podcast a little bit faster. I know I still have a lot of room to improve on all those things. Like I'm not a professional, like...
you know, at this, this podcasting thing, but I would like to think that I've gotten better at these things. But you just have to be willing to just be bad at first. Like you have to, like your first of anything is typically going to suck and you just have to be okay with sucking at those certain things at first. Like, but as you start to do things, as you start to put your reps in, like you're going to get better.
Alex Ormosi, who is a big like entrepreneur business type of guy, he talks about this rule of 100. And he says, like basically, if you do 100 of anything, you're obviously going to get better at that thing because you're getting a ton of practice. And so one thing that I like to think about is just get your reps in. That's something that I say to myself a lot when it comes to, especially with new stuff, like with taking on this you know entrepreneurship and like building a business and all these things. There's so many new things that I've had to take on and had to learn.
And I suck at a lot of it at first. Like this podcast is no different. Like I've gotten better over time, but like it wasn't the best when I first started. When I first started making content, like on Instagram, on Facebook, like it wasn't that great, but I've gotten better over time. When I started with fitness, like when I started in the weight room for the first time, my technique was terrible. I didn't know what I was doing. Like when I started dieting for the first time, I didn't really know what I was doing and I made a lot of mistakes. And so anytime that you're starting something new,
You just have to be willing to suck. But if like you can go and you can think about that rule of 100, like if I can do this for 100 reps, I'm going to 100% get better at this. Like if you do 100 workouts, how much better do you think you're going to be? Like how much stronger are you going to be? How much better is your technique going to be?
How much more comfortable would you be in the gym? How much better shape could you be in? Like your energy would be better. Like I recently had a a client of mine who just last week hit her 100 workout and her results have been crazy. Like over those 100 workouts, she's now down 40 pounds.
Confidence is way better. Mindset is completely different. She has a better hold on like food and not like being guilty around food, like her consistency, her habits, like everything has gotten so much better.
from those 100 workouts and everything that's come through those 100 workouts and so like doing 100 of anything like you are for sure going to get better and you're going to learn a ton within that process like if you had 100 healthy meals like how much better do you think you could feel you had 100 days of consistency with a certain habit how much better is that habit going to be like you're you're just that close to being so much better and being in a better spot but again you have to be willing to just be bad at first and just be willing to get your reps in and be willing to get your practice in because in order to get good you just you have to be willing to be bad and health is no different i think a lot of people assume that like they should just kind of have this health stuff figured out because i eat three times a day i should know how to diet or like
Exercise is super simple. Like I should have that stuff figured out. But it's like exercise is a skill just like everything else is a skill. Like when you think about it from that, lots of people drive every single day. There's tons of really terrible drivers out there on the road. and Most people work every single day. There's a lot of people that are not good at their job. So just because you do something often doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to be good at those things until you start to take some of this deliberate practice and you start to really focus in on these things. And that is the same thing when it comes to health and fitness. like
You have to actually really put a focus on learning how to be healthy and learning these skills that come with eating a better diet and how to prepare food and how to read food labels and like how to make healthier choices, how to exercise in the gym. Like all these certain things are just little skills that you have to practice and you have to work on.
And over time, you start to build up these skills and you start to get more competent at these things and you start to take off. Like after you get those hundred reps and after you get those compounding effects that start to happen, you really start to see the progress. But I think a problem comes in because a lot of people think that progress is supposed to be linear, like it's supposed to be this straight line up. Like if you're looking at a graph, it's supposed to be just straight up the mountaintop. But that's not what progress looks like. Some days progress may look like you're going backwards a little bit, or maybe you're like kind of hitting a plateau and you feel like you're stagnating. Like progress isn't always linear.
I think about this story that I heard a while back. It was talking about how bamboo grows. So basically bamboo, it grows underneath the ground or like sits underneath the ground for like a really long time. And then all of a sudden it'll shoot up and it'll grow like 80 or 90 feet within a very, very short period of time. So like for years, this bamboo is like essentially just sitting underneath the surface.
And then all of a sudden within like a six month period, it just shoots up and it grows. And I think a lot of progress is like that because you're so bad at first and like it takes time to really figure things out and to just like get competent at these things and start to build those skills, build those habits that you're In the beginning, you don't make a ton of progress as quickly. Like you're just you're just not as good. It takes longer to figure things out. Like you're just not as smooth at certain things. And like that learning curve is a little bit steeper. But as you start to develop, as you start to grow, as you start to get better, you start to make more progress and you start to see faster progress. You start to see more effective progress as you start to get through these certain areas and start to really figure things out.
cause we hear these like stories, you know, you hear people talk about like overnight success stories, but that's not, it's just not real life. That's not how real progress happens. Like these things don't happen overnight. It's like those overnight success stories that people talk about, whether you believe it or not, those people were grinding for years to try to figure out.
and try to get good at the things that they wanted to get good at. You just now see the fruits of their labor that they were doing when nobody could really see them. So like the people that are very talented at certain things or the people who just seem to have it figured out or the people who like you look at them and they just seem to have health really figured out. It's like,
No, they weren't always like that. Like they didn't always just look so smooth and everything wasn't always so clear and easy for those people. Like they struggled just like everybody else struggled. It's just they put in so many reps at this point that now it looks like everything just comes really easy to them.

Avoid Comparisons: Focus on Personal Progress

Number four, quit the comparison game. So when I started this podcast, my whole goal was to do one episode per week. Again, I knew that was something that was going to be sustainable to me, something that I knew I could stick to for the long term.
Could I have tried to do like three or four episodes a week? Like I could have done that and I probably would have got much better, much quicker. But I also know that if I would have done that, I probably wouldn't have been able to sustain that. I probably wouldn't enjoyed that.
And I think a lot of people do this same thing when it comes to health and fitness because they have these certain expectations about what they should be doing. I think too many people, they just they just approach and they think, okay, what can I do on my absolute best day?
And what can I do that's going to get me the fastest results? And I think that's just a really bad way to approach this because fitness is supposed to be a forever thing. It's not supposed to be something that like, you don't just win at fitness. You don't just like get fit in like eight weeks and then you're like, okay, I'm good. Like I never have to work out again or eat a healthy meal. It's like, no, these are things that you have to do for the longterm.
And so trying to set yourself up with these really, really, Big expectations or these really big elaborate plans, things that you can't stick to is only just setting yourself up for failure. And so when I think about this, it's like I like to think about what are the things that I can do on a daily or weekly basis. I've talked about this before, but like daily or weekly disciplines, what are things that I know that I can stick to 100 percent?
for at least the beginning and then if i want to build on that later i can do that and for me that was one episode per week like i knew i could do that i knew that was something that was reasonable i knew that's something that i could stick to and then if i wanted to add in more later i could do that and this is the same way that i like to approach health and fitness like a lot of people they have these certain numbers in their head like oh i need to work out four times per week Well, why do you need to work out four times per week if you've been working out zero times per week, like, and you know, you're not going to be able to stick to four times per week, like I'd much rather you just work out twice per week, stick to that for several months, and then you build on that later, then you can add three times per week, four times per week, because you have to establish a certain habit before you can actually improve that habit. And so like, if you're
You want to work out four times a week, but like you just can't get in the gym four times a week. That is going to fall off. Like it's just not going to last. Or like you think you have to be 100% strict with your diet. Like we know that those things, they just don't last long term. And so take a more reasonable approach.
Take an approach that you know you can stick to and then you can always build on that later. And then the other part when it comes to just thinking about quitting the comparison game is like so many people get easily discouraged because they compare themselves or they compare where they're at to other people.
Like with this podcast, for instance, it'd be really easy to look at other health and fitness podcasts who have literally millions of people who listen to every episode and be discouraged. But like, I'm not worried about that because like, that's, that's not, that's nothing to do with me. Like I'm doing this to provide value to the people who listen and to get better at this and hopefully get it out to more and more people.
But it just doesn't make any sense for me to compare myself to somebody who's been doing this for years and years and years, who has a bunch more resources than me, who's better at this than me. Like, it just doesn't make any sense to compare myself to that. So I don't.
And I think the same exact things goes for fitness. Like when you start to compare yourself to people, like I see this with weight loss all the time. Like, They have like a friend or a relative or they saw online or social media like, oh, this so-and-so person lost 50 pounds in three months.
And so they think like that's what they should be doing or that's what it should be like for them. it's like, no, they they have a completely different circumstance than you. There's so many different factors that go into this. And so thinking that you're going to have the same results as somebody else, it just doesn't make a lot of sense. And again, it's just setting yourself up for failure because...
Some people lose weight very easily and it doesn't take them much time at all. Other people, it takes them a little bit more time. And like, again, there's so many factors that are going to play into that. Like I have some clients that come in and they lose 10 pounds in their first month, like no problem, easy, like gone. And I have other clients that come in and like to lose their first 10 pounds, it takes them four months or six months. And it's like, it, there's so many different things that go into this. And so again, when you start to compare your situation to other people's situation, you're just setting yourself up for failure. So Compare it where you're at right now to like where you were last year or where you were six months ago. That's the only thing that you should be comparing to because that's what's actually showing you how much progress you're making. And if you're heading in the right direction, if you're doing the things that you need to do.
And I know this is hard to do, especially with social media, because social media only shows you the highlight reels of everything. And when you get on social media, you would think that weight loss or any type of fitness goal, like building muscle, getting strong, like making money, like any other goal to like any type of thing, like you would think it's just super easy and super simple, but that's just not the reality.
Like things take longer than people realize. Things are often a little bit harder than people realize. And mostly it's harder just because it takes consistency and it takes that patience. Not necessarily that it's like super intense, but like you just have to be willing to be consistent and be patient and like do those things that a lot of people aren't willing to do.

Real Progress Takes Time: Beyond Social Media Illusions

But it's also a lot simpler than most people think too. Like these things that people achieve, they're not crazy complex. It just comes down to just doing these things for long enough and being patient at those things.
And so when you look at social media, again, like you're thinking, man, this stuff, like I can go and like be in my best shape in three months or like I can lose all this weight in like no time. But it's like that's just not the reality. So compare yourself to where you're at right now to where you were you know several months ago or six months ago and then start thinking about like where you want to be in another six months. And that's going to give you a much better, more realistic picture of like where you're at, where you're going, what type of progress you're making versus comparing yourself to other people.
And number five, regardless of how you feel, you can do it

Action Over Fear: Learning Through Doing

anyway. And the reason I put this one in here is because I had thought about starting a podcast for quite a while. Like I've really, really enjoyed listening to podcasts for a long time. It's where I've learned a ton of information about fitness, about health, about mindset. Like I've gotten just so much value from podcasts.
And so I'd always had the idea of like starting my own and starting to help other people in this way because podcasts have helped me so much. But even though I had this idea, it took me forever to actually pull the trigger and start it. Like I started thinking about it, maybe I should start a podcast.
Then I bought a mic for the podcast. And then, you know, a couple weeks later, I started reaching out to a couple of people who I knew who had a podcast about like how to do it and doing some research on the Internet.
And then i was like, okay, maybe I should do this thing. And then I put my first outline together. And then, you know, a couple weeks later, I'm like, okay, let me actually record this thing. Then I recorded it and then edited it. And then even then, like after I'd all put it all together, I was still kind of skeptical. Like, oh do i actually want to do this? Should I put this out? Like, so it took me another couple of weeks to actually publish it. Like all because I was just kind of scared of putting this out, like putting myself out there, putting this podcast out there.
Like, cause who knows what's going to happen? Like maybe I'll fail or, you know, maybe people will tell me fricking suck or, you know, whatever the case may be. We just build up these big stories in our head and we think about like what's worst case scenario.
But like when I thought about it more and more, it's like, who really cares? Like at the end of the day, like there's nothing that's really crazy that's going to happen, but we get in our own heads about this kind of stuff. And again, this goes for health and fitness as well. Like people will come to me or they'll ask me like,
I'm trying to lose weight, but I'm scared. Like, I'm scared I'm going to fail. And it's like, okay, let's actually think about this. Like, let's play this out. Like, what are you actually scared of Like, you're scared of what? Like failing? there's no failing if you don't give up. Like if you fail at one way, like you try to die and it doesn't work for you. Okay. You try a different one. You try some certain sort of like exercise that you don't like, then you try a different one. Like you fall off for a few days. Okay. You get back on track. It's like, there is no failing. Like there's just, we build up these stories in our head about like these things that we think are going to happen. But in reality, those things just aren't the case. And so I found that
Again, regardless of how you feel, just do it anyway, because the best thing that you can do is take action. Because once you take action, that's the best way to learn. And that's also the best way to create some momentum. But when you get stuck in this, like this mode of like, oh, I need to think about it. I need to plan more. I need to do more research. It's like you can spend years in that space of just like thinking about something and not actually doing something.
And again, I see this with people all the time. A lot of people that I've worked with, they have been thinking about changing it for months and a lot of times years before they come to me and like, they actually get the proper help that they want, need to help them get their results that they really have been wanting for a really long time.
And so when you can just bite the bullet, take that action, do it anyways, like you're going to be so much better off because once you get the ball rolling, you get some momentum, it's easier to figure out what the next step is.
But if you just continue to overthink things, if you continue to be stuck, if you continue to worry about like, what are other people going to think? What if I fail? Like have all these thoughts and just continue to ruminate on those things. It's not going to do you any favors. And so you can learn from me, you know, in that instance, like I'm a big overthinker in this podcast, along with a lot of other things that I've done, like losing weight and even running a marathon. Like those are things that I've been thinking about for a really, really long time.
And I could have accomplished those things sooner if I had just gone for it. And so Don't be like me in that aspect. Like just if you're thinking about it and you feel sure about it and you feel sure enough, you don't have to feel 100% certainty. Like if you have even just 51% is all you need. Like if you feel 51% confident that you can do it or you should do it, then just go for it because you're not going regret going for it.
But you probably will regret later on not doing it sooner or not trying at all.

Podcast Journey Summary & Goal Pursuit Encouragement

so with that being said, hopefully this was valuable. This was a little bit longer than some my other podcasts, but it's kind of interesting just going back and just thinking about some of these things, just reflecting on some of these things. And it was a good reminder for me too in different ways. So hopefully you got a little bit of value out of that, but I guess just to kind of drive this home, like if you have something that you want to do, whether it's a fitness goal or career goal or any other type of goal, just Go for it. Like you're probably going suck at first. That's OK. Take the one percent better mindset. Drop the comparison game, the unrealistic expectations to start getting your reps in because you're going to get better over time.
And if you really want to stick with it, if you want to increase the chances of you sticking with it and being consistent and having that patience, then find yourself some accountability because that can help a ton.
And with that being said, like if you do have some goals around, you know, fitness around health, around weight loss, like all those things, and you want some accountability from somebody who's been in your shoes, who's made all the mistakes, who's helped other people walk through these certain challenges and these struggles and things like that, you can always check out the show notes. There is a tab to, for us to have a conversation and see if you are a good fit for the program.
But I appreciate you listening. And, uh, That's 100 episodes down. If you found some value in this, you can always share it with someone else because that's really the best way to grow this thing is to just share it. Like it doesn't really get put out any other way than just like me sharing it.
You guys who listen, share it. So I would love to get this out to more people for the next 100 episodes. Continue to grow this thing and continue to help people out with their fitness and health journeys. But appreciate you listening and we will see you next