The thing about the chat GPT and to get the best use out of it is to ask it very specific questions. And you can be like super, super specific. And to give you an example, so like, I'll ask it a question about let's say nutrition. And since I know people in the nutrition space that I know and trust and are backed by science, I could be like, hey, give me an answer based on these three opinion about protein or about losing weight or something like that. And it'll give me their cliff notes of those particular people's opinions based on the question that I asked it, which can be super, super helpful. And so like, I found that if you can be very specific and ask really good questions, you can get really good answers out of chat GPT. And like I said, it's quick, it saves time, and it's something I'm using more and more. So like if you have certain questions, I know like with fitness, especially people are asking me questions all the time, you can go and you can ask chat GPT, and it will give you a lot of really, really good information. And so