And so over time, like there are times like eight to 12 weeks after I've been really consistently hitting it hard, maybe, you know, working out in the gym, hitting the weights, running, things like that, where my body is just starting to get kind of run down and I can feel it in my joints. I can feel it in my energy levels. I can feel it in just my mental fortitude and wanting to like push through and like wanting to get in the gym and work out. And when I start to feel that, I know that it's time to pull back because one thing that I've learned is that If you don't listen to your body, your body is going to force you to listen to it. so like When you're not listening to those signals of like, hey, you need to take some time off, your body is going to force you to sit down, whether it's through an injury, whether it's through getting sick or something like that, your body is going to force you to take some time off. so