Big fan of that task as well. And then the last thing is you cannot drink any alcohol for the 75 days and you cannot have any cheat meals for the 75 days, which is also just a discipline thing. So any slip ups on any single day where you do not complete any of these tasks means that you fail and you have to start back at day one. And so it's really the ultimate test of just consistency because doing all those things by themselves, not really that challenging. like you know, do following a diet, a couple of 45 minute workouts per day, drinking a gallon of water, taking a picture, reading a little bit, and then not having alcohol or a cheat meal. Like doing that in a single day, not that big of a deal. Doing that every single day for 75 days straight, pretty difficult because obviously we know we have life going on, things get stressful, you get overwhelmed, all that different kind of stuff. But again, that is part of the challenge is learning to prioritize, learning to plan, learning to be disciplined,