Stranded - Session 7 image

Stranded - Session 7

S2 E10 ยท IDM Roleplay
11 Plays9 days ago

We return to session 7 of Stranded!

Hello everybody just wanted to let you know there was an issue with our recording and usually we record on multiple sources but I don't know what happened to those sources none of them worked and the one that did sounds fine until about 30 minutes in and then my audio gets weird and stays that way throughout the rest of the episode so I apologize in advance for that if you want to skip this episode
feel free uh basically well i won't tell you what happens but um you could probably get away with skipping this episode although it is very entertaining some funny stuff happens so um it's still worth a listen if you can get over my annoying voice bye
All right, welcome everybody to another episode of Integrated Dice Management Presents Stranded. I am your Dungeon Master, Ron Bjork. With me tonight is Hayden. Hey, I'm excited to play. well's I'm excited to see and terrified to see where this goes. And also we've got Bill. What's up, all you lovely lads, ladies and everyone in between out there? I'm Bill.
I'm going to be your wonderful, destructive buddy tonight. Let's have fun. And Frank. Hi, everyone. Thank you for joining us for another episode of ah Reviewing Hogwarts Legacy, but brought to you by Integrated Dice Management. I'm your host, Frank. Frank, that's the other podcast. Oh, that's right. ah Yes. so Also, I haven't played it. That call was terrible. That was a terrible, terrible, terrible. Also, I haven't played it, and so I can't be on your podcast. It's fine. Jayden is not with us tonight because he's doing something with his wife. Possibly he'll be back next week. Next week. Yeah, we'll see.
um So last time, uh, and if, if you are on, if you're on the broom and you go to one of the dive spots, like on the lake and you dive, you will swim while you're on top of the broom. I'll keep that in mind. I don't know if they patched it yet because they did a day one patch, but it looked fucking hilarious while I was doing it. I was like, this is awesome. Sorry. Good. Uh, so last time,
Um, I was unable to listen to the episode last time, uh, to refresh myself, but the main things that happened was, uh, Frank, um, or Nigel, uh, was more or less pardoned of all crimes and promoted to leader of the PAP. Um, they then had the trial of Francis who kind of just, um, was like,
Yeah, you can't do actually do anything to me, so I'm just gonna be a hermit and you're gonna deal with it. um They also kind of hashed out ah Some stuff about moving to the plastics factory um and also Decided that they want to get the people of the spore to come with them to the meeting that they're having um That they're gonna have with the thrice cream And
I think those were the main things. um Oh, and ah Francis gave Nigel a thumb drive or a pinky drive um containing the diary of um of ah Dr. Deuce Tanner um along with a bunch of technical schematics, which I had actually, I forgot to do this, but I was going to write up a couple of um entries ah And things for a bill to roll for so um I'm just gonna say bill you are unable to crack the code to this session um But I will tell it just because I don't have anything prepped um But I will tell you the way that that's gonna work is each in game day. I'll Maybe session if we do a time skip but each in game day more or less you can
you're a busy guy you don't have time to work on this all day long there's other stuff going on but you can make a role well you can choose to either a read a diary entry a journal entry um or B roll to try to unlock one of the more secret things on both of them do have useful information uh... the diary entry will be a guaranteed you get to learn some stuff that happens you know however long ago and the uh... schematics type stuff the sciencey stuff you have to roll for uh... so that's how that'll work but i forgot to do that part uh... i've just spent time making a bunch of npc's and forgot about the uh... diary thing uh... we
basic so it is as of the trial there were two more days until the meeting so we are now one day out from meeting uh... and you guys wanted to try to get the people of the sport involved and you can also do you know if you have any other plans uh... but of course you'll have to find the people of the sport uh... yeah we just walk over to a cave really i mean they're they they'd probably be there now just past my thoughts saying, people of the spore, I need to talk to you. yeah um Oh, um another thing i we, at least I wanted to do before the the the transfer day from this day. um What happened to the pit boy that was in the ship? I would have been looking for that. ah Give me an investigation check. I need to do a secret role. Look, were you helping me out with that?
Bill. Oh, yeah, what's. Would you have been helping me out trying to find where the pit boy went? Oh, yeah, in between in between trying and in between tries of trying to hack this thing, this thing. Yeah, I would have been trying to help you out. And you said investigation.
Oh, yes. Would that be an investigation or not 20?
um Well, he got a nat 20, so let me just see if I roll a nat 20. Oops, slash GM roll. 20 plus something.
I did not get a nat 20, so um unfortunately, Jaden is not here tonight, but you discover um the Pip-Boy in Avalon Zephyr's stuff.
Is that, would that be like a big no-no or? I mean, not necessarily. Um, but he, he didn't, he didn't speak up when, um, when you asked, when you asked. Yeah. So it's like, it's suspicious. Yeah.
Okay, um I'll take note of that. Okay, do you leave it there or do you take it back? No, I take it. Okay. Yeah, and I'll say... oh Well, you'll have to ask back for it. Now that you know who did it, I'll do his rolls openly and see if he notices you taking it. ah um Do I want to be stealthy? I mean i guess I'll be stealthy. It's up to you, yeah. He did not roll great, so it shouldn't be too hard to...
I mean, he'll notice it's missing, but he won't know. Oof. I really fucked up that one. And how did I do that? I've played four. Well, I was going to say, do stealth, but because he's... Even fucking worse. Okay, well, I was going to say, he's not correct he he does he he sees you take it. um He's going to roll stealth now.
to I mean, he notices me. He's gonna roll deception.
What do I need to roll to counter that? He gets a 14, you can get insight. Okay. Guys, why am I rolling like ill? As far as you can tell, he didn't notice. Yeah, so you think you got away with it. He didn't notice as far as you can tell. Okay. and we'll see if anything comes of that when, if Jaden, you know, joins us. Frank, you're not in the game, by the way. Sorry, I was doing something else. Stop playing Harry Potter. I'm not playing Harry Potter. But yeah, if I- I get going over to Bill, and I go in and hand it to Bill, and this is the day previous, I'm like, hey, Avalon had this, I don't know what he was doing with it. If it's sticky, don't tell me.
Yeah, and so Bill, you currently have Mathis' Pip-Boy. So you don't need two Pip-Boys, but... It was odd, so it was sticky. No, it actually wasn't sticky. Yeah, I asked him, is there any changes on it or anything? Bill can give me an investigation. He was kind of fishy about the whole thing, because he didn't speak up or anything.
Bill, you can give me an investigation if you want. OK. OK. Let's see. Wow. Aiden, we might have switched roles. So nothing is different about it per se, but you can tell that just like maybe from some scratches that he was trying to, um or at least somebody had tried to kind of pop it open and get to the insides. However, it doesn't look like they succeeded.
They didn't have the proper tools to open it up. And they weren't willing to break it. They they didn't have the proper tools, and they weren't willing to break it open. Ooh, it's technological genius to understand one of these devices. Lucky says to himself. Wait, what did you say, Lucky? It's a technological genius to understand one of these devices.
I said... it's like i It's more he just didn't have a Phillips head screwdriver. You couldn't find like a pointy rock or something? Well he only had it for literally a day less than a day a day maybe. yeah So I asked like after you're like you're looking at it over I'm like anything weird about it?
this up so you hit a raing light thank um No. four hours nothing nothing in particular looks like someone looks like someone tried to break into it but nothing breaks into it. Frank, what is this background noise? Hey mom!
You're picking up her TV from all the way in your room?
and and so i anyway sp um What would getting the insides of it do? like I mean, you're a mad scientist. I mean, what would you be trying to do, Tinky? What would you want that's in here and what would you try to do with it? Well, let's see. run I could run ah the process of the processor and a couple of the other bits to maybe make a new maybe make myself a friend or...
I might try to use it to catalog to catalog some of the species around here, or to better inventory our stock, or even possibly maybe to run some of the to run some of the equipment remotely, but all that would require tinkering. Bill, you can roll an in insight, and and we'll see if you can divine why he might have done it. twelve Yeah, i you don't know why Avalon would need the insides of a pit boy.
He's not a techie, so you don't you don't know. And I guess I would just go and tell that to... um What's-her-bucket, Ramona? Yeah. He like... but Apparently, Avalon almost broke the Pit Boys, so if you get the chance, chastise him.
almost broke it let me see that and you know she grabs it from yeah i walked over it with her to bill she started you know she looks over it and she's like oh thank god we've only got three of these maybe maybe you know she looks around and we'll just avalanche not there um he's he's off doing whatever it is he does um and uh Honestly because if you know if Jaden comes back I'd like to well first off I'll tell him why he stole it because this wasn't his idea but um and <unk>d I'd like him to you know get a chance to do what he wants with that but For now. He's you know doing chores somewhere. Yeah, I mean I would try to eventually find her and ask him about it. Yeah Why'd you put me I bite
I'm trying to remember... um Yeah, I think Nigel is the only one who would have been able to get an insight on that, so... um Who... He might... Yeah. Okay. um So yeah. ah The night goes by, you've you've solved the Pip-Boy mystery very easily. but Well, I guess you haven't fully solved it. You don't know why he took it, but... um You've solved it. Next time I see him, I'll ask him. Yeah.
stop biting my cord. Do you have a new animal or is this the same old animal just being a dick? What? It's just one of my animals just being a dick. Stop fucking biting me! So before you guys set out to look for the mushroom people, is there anything else y'all would like to do in camp?
I have been curious about... what's their... what's the name?
So does Mathis want to come along or is he like planning on staying at the camp? To look for the mushroom people, he's fine not coming on that. He definitely wants to go to the meeting with the dry cream. Okay. I guess...
Do I want to bring? I mean, he'll go if you if you think if you ask him to, if you feel like you need. Need help. I'm trying to like help inter-bond people. Yeah. um And so do you pronounce this Alexi or Alexi? Alexi. Alexi, OK, because some kid had this name and he said it was pronounced Alex A and I was like, if you say so. That's interesting.
Yeah, I was in high school band with him and he was a weird kid. Played piccolo. um And so, but yeah. um You also have suddenly become really staticky. When every, yeah. Let me turn off my fan. Would Jack or the other guy be more interested in joining? For the expedition? I mean, either of them would be fine going. um You know, they're They play kind of a security role at, you know, like they're combat oriented. Part of Mathis' group, you know, the ex, well, I guess they're the military faction, but did I give them any sort of backstory yet? I don't think I have. Because I would either want to bring along like another faction to help
have all the factions have like a foothold in relationships. Yeah. Or engineering, I don't know, but I don't think engineering goes out very often. Well, everyone does from time to time, but um you know, you've got ah i'm in yes I'm with engineering. Oh yeah, you're in engineering. Sorry, for I forgot that. I thought you were on your own politics by blowing shit up. I'm technically part part of the engineering faction, but because of my propensity to kind of blow shit up, you know, try on air the ship, ah you know, using my own body to test, ah ah you know, fails and successes.
For the most part, I tend to be left alone because they realize if they tell me not to do something, I'm either going to do it or on purpose or whatever my health is. You're going to do it even harder. Yeah, so um I guess they'll bring Alexei with me. Yeah, I mean, you can also just bring, the you could just go find Avalon um if you want, because he's technically the no faction group. But Alexei is the leader of the no faction group.
um and probably wouldn't be opposed to going because, um, he, uh, it'd be good. The more council members who, you know, meet with these other races, the better. Yeah. I think I would try to bring a council member first. Yeah. And of course Frank is a council member. Um, yeah, for forgot yeah now, but, uh,
Now we just need to kill, it if if we kill Alexi and Ramona, um all the all the players can become faction leaders. But Hey, shush. Why are y'all up here with me? Go downstairs with Kelsey. She's actually maybe gonna pay attention to you.
um Yeah, Alexi is like, yes, I can go with you.
I am very fast runner. Perhaps you you remember me. I broke world records back on Earth. It will spit out my drink.
I'm like, yeah, sure, sounds good. And so, yeah, he um he he is a level one runner. It's a class custom class I found. He's gonna fucking die. I mean, you guys are only level two.
but we're level two, we're better, and we're yeah we're better. that I mean, he can just run away from problems. So you guys are gonna go find the mushroom people now? Yeah. All right, somebody give me a um survival role to, you know, head out into the wilderness. Do we all roll? like Am I going too, or? who Who wants, yeah, who all wants to go? I mean, you don't have to go, but you can.
get yeah i'll go appreciate if all the council members want opportunity to possibly test that out one of my one of my new creations You want all the council members to go with you to find the mushroom guy?
e a but we actually only need to bring frank because he's a member two Yeah, I mean Ramona would would rather stay back. Mathis also would rather stay back because he's trying to work on building up the um camp's defenses just in case. yeah And Ramona just is not a ah diplomat. you know she's She's working on stuff. She's always working. Yeah, that's fine. mean I guess we just roll with that 23. Before we leave, I'm going to go over to Ramona and be like,
No, you really do need to learn to take a break from time to time. I know we're kind of in a situation, but you know too much work is not a good thing. Yeah, she's over you know working back in that um area that she was working on the ah the ship, you know trying to rewire it. and sorry She's like, well...
theres There's only a couple things that would make me take a break and she she glances at you and then back to her to her work and it's like, but I already tried that, so I'm just gonna try and get this ship up and running.
or oh
speed You can take take what she said at face value or roll an insight, whatever you want. Roll the insight and roll really badly.
Okay, but no not tonight not tonight for my haden's rolepp so it's but oh my so so Bill your your mind flashes back to the the day before when you had asked to meet Ramona um before the ah the meeting and you you failed to notice or at least acknowledge the fact that she had like cleaned up and um was rather excited to go go you know hang out with you yeah and you you went straight to business and now she's giving you the cold shoulder so oh no i love this
the And I don't know if that was Bill failing to notice or or in character failing to notice, but Yeah, ah choose i want to choose both i want yeah okay I'm gonna be like, you know You haven't really she starts banging um her wrench on a ah on a ah ah i'd Like stuck um bolt loudly yeah I wouldn't notice. I'm gonna be like, ah but noticing that she's banging, the noise doesn't affect me, but noticing that she's banging. Be like, you know, I know this isn't common knowledge, but you know I'm deaf, right? She pauses for a moment, glances at you, and she's like, yeah, everybody knows that. Well, everybody who works with you. Everyone who knows you. yeah
And, well, you know, you haven't left the camp yet, as a very much very much, and we actually do need another member of the council. You do currently lead engineers, and we're gonna go be meeting these mushroom people. I was wanting to know if you wanted to come with us. Look, I've got work to do. I will be at the meeting tomorrow, but, you know, you you guys can handle, Alexei's going, you can handle the the mushroom people.
If I can get this ship up and running by tomorrow before... Who who knows? we might We might need to make a quick exit. I feel like I'm close. ah Okay. That'll be the first time we've seen this today. This is... Okay, this is gonna this is goingnna be a little bit awkward, but... I have borrowed. I just borrowed.
one of the one of the uh... smaller uh... uh... it's it's not necessary for it to fly but i may have borrowed a smaller thrust engines for something i'm working on it's only for it's only one i knew this was a bite us in the ass it's only one of the stability thrusters it it still has the others and it'll still fly but i might have borrowed one or to little pieces, okay, I gotta go, bye. She just like, it's like, thats that's what happened. I thought they were lost in the crash. and Oh, and real quick, just just when I'm like 10 steps away, I'm gonna turn around. I think you're going to, I think you and everyone else are going to love it. I'll introduce you to them when I get back. She she has already gone back to her work.
Okay, then I'm gonna walk up to, I'm gonna walk up to, ah oh, fuck. It was Nigel and, Hayden, what's your character's name? Riker. Riker, that's right, Riker. Ah, damn it, I'm having such a hard time with that. I'm gonna walk up to Nigel and Riker, I'm gonna grab them both by the arm and kind of pull ah pull them away from whatever they're doing, because I need to ask them the question real fast.
a charcoal my pants up what do you want i'm just gathering up your tokens right now so i can copy them over to uh... the next page so i've got i've got an idea of that right i'm going to just pull them off just for little private power be like hey uh... uh... this is ramon is a good dressed up and cleaned up whenever she you know comes to ah talk to people, ever. Do I know Ramon at all? You'd know her as a fellow council member, but i I wouldn't say you like know her well. I guess in that way I say, every time I see her she's always covered in soot, grease, combination, or something that I'd rather really not touch.
What happened now? I was distracted.
i was you know Whenever y'all talk to Ramona, does does she ever get cleaned up for whenever she goes to meet people or talk to people or done up ever? I have only ever seen her covered in grease. That is her general look. But I do like it when the grease is like,
for her I know right. Yeah, I mean it's kind of attractive sometimes when it's on her cheek cast the boat in There and rub it off a little bit and I look at and I look at a Lucky and like did you fuck up?
but to oh like There's 31 people left in the world and you fucked up with one of them. Oh Damn. fuck up. One fuck up. That's all it takes. She knows that i get that I get really involved with my work, so that I get really involved with my work sometimes, OK? Oh, geez. Wait, what are we talking? We need to go. And I'm going to very brash, like kind of just power walk away like an awkward like an awkward teenager, just be like. All right. okay can i Can I attempt to like grab him as he walks away? You can.
What do I need to roll for that? A dexterity check. Just flat X. 14, does it do it? Does he try to dodge you? No, I'm not no i'm not paying attention. of this pain yeah out i've i've turned I've turned red at this point. I just need to walk away. be like oh i I put my hand on his shoulder as he walks away. I'm like, you should probably go talk to her.
And I look over and I'm like, are you sure he just came from her? Yeah, I mean... Yeah, okay, so... Hold on, hold on, hold on. I'm gonna turn around and point behind over to the ship. I've got this. Probably still loudly banging on the motor, be like, I just went and talked to her and she doesn't seem happy. Oh, you fucking twice. Hold on, hold on, hold on. I have to have something in my pockets. What?
What does that even mean? yeah right that Is that a threat or a promise? I don't think a sugar cube is going to help with this. This isn't a horse. no okay so I tend to keep lots of random things in my pockets. I've got mushrooms in my pockets. You still got that fish in your pocket? I've got component pouches. I have dried fish, dried meats.
Um, like actually dried, not just it dried in my pocket. I have a herbalism kit. good What do I have to roll to check to see if I've got some sort of flower that I can get him to go give to her?
uh... you accidentally you're also bad you accidentally give her give him the uh... that that was a special you know i was just not sure hold on hold on i've got i've got to have a mechanic for this in just a second oh god we're gonna have a flirting mechanic oh shit well no no no i was gonna have that uh... uh...
All right, Frank, you have ra random, under tools you have random pocket stuff. Give me a roll. That sounds so bad. Under tools, hold on. Random pocket stuff. 15, I'll say, you've got like a crumpled up, like it's not in the best condition, but you've got a flower.
yeah hi hold If somebody wants to help me look through my pockets, I can get a 26 out of this. I'm pretty sure we could probably look on the ground and try to flower. Help me look through my pockets. we know it's Actually, Nigel, you might have a spell for that. what does Do you have Druidcraft?
Did you take that? No, you didn't. okay Because I think Druidcraft can like cause a little flower to grow or whatever. but um Oh, I can ask an animal friend to to go and pick a flower. I mean, if you want to spit a spell slot on that, or you can just go find the mushroom people. And ask them where the best flowers are. Hell yes, we're asking the mushroom people where the most beautiful flowers are. Let's go. That's actually a pretty good idea.
Bill, we're gonna get you laid and we're gonna talk our way to diplomacy. Also, Bill, if you have any, like, amazing random piece of tech you can give her... No, Bill. Um, fuck. Lucky? Lucky. Lucky. If you have any random piece of amazing technology, you can also give her along with that. I feel like you're gonna increase your odds quite a bit.
Like this is the apology stage. You fucked up, you fucked up bad. We have to bring her flowers and awesome little nuggets of technology. the i think I think I might have an idea.
ah a I'm just working out the kinks on something, but I might have an idea. an idea ah like how maybe shall leave like is just standing around watching us like a tennis match be like what the fuck is going on yeah Maybe we should leave we should leave lucky to perfect that thing while we go find the awesome flowers. that's Unless you think she i you think she would enjoy some tiny poisonous mushrooms, I've got three of those.
So I just, I'm trying to search for a token for something and I searched for a gun. And one of the things that came up as a gun is this thing that I'm dropping in just for the hell of it. If I can expand this. Get bigger, you giant squid thing. That's apparently a gun. That's what came up under a gun.
That doesn't look right. I'm not giving her a giant tentacle monster, am I gone? I would. So if anybody has seen if amba has seen Stargate Atlantis, the thing that popped up was actually one of the missiles that was shot out of the Ancients um defense array. Was it really?
yeah i'm ninety percent sure that's what it is on uh... i don't know how to find him i don't have a monster for this yet but i will. here's a fun fact for everybody for the first time i ever saw jason mamoa ever this actually instar me in atlantis this creature also came up under a gun uh... that's not a gun but i'm definitely keeping this token avatar i'm keeping this avatar token for future use hope So the tech is one of the teclon flying creatures that they so does that mean I can like put my hair on it and we can mate and make an unholy baby child what ah well you you don't have um if you're linked to that kind of hair so Check check the discord. I just dropped. Oh, that's why I look familiar Yeah
i'm surprised i was able to like recognize that obviously i'm too what movie is that from i i just it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's like I put it in space, that this, you know, your your little dropship here, when I typed in spaceship, like, all the options were crap, but apparently it's typing gun, and and it's like, like, yeah. Alright,
all right well, good good to know if I ever needed another spaceship. We can just change the spaceship now. Nah. That's the ship now. Forever.
Okay, ah didtify I did find the kind of token I needed. Put it on the token page for later. Next.
Okay. ah
so you guys all right So with your survival check, that was pretty good. Lucky. No. Yeah. You got a 23 on survival. So you got the... Sorry, Nigel. um So as you guys are out searching for the mushroom people, you're wandering through the woods... um Did I put you on the token later?
Yeah, okay. You guys are wandering through the woods, and this is a very large map. You have to zoom way out, see the whole thing. um you are As you are traveling, everyone give me a perception check. Ooh, perception check. and And I'm going to be awesome at it. Not bad. Why did it roll twice? I only hit it once. Well, neither of those were bad, so. Perception.
Okay, so everybody notices you see some strange animals. That's your... I just showed it to you all. You see some strange animals through the trees up ahead. If you zoom way out, the animals are at the bottom. They are grazing in the... They're grazing on grass and fallen leaves and stuff.
I look to Nigel and I go, I think we can tame those.
They look like- What do I need it with a roll to see if we can take this? The most god-awful antelope horse is rear we're going to find. Let's see. Let's see if I can do a nature check on these things. Would that do it? Yeah, you can do nature.
That's in that 20. I mean, so what you know about wild animals and these things seem to be as acting kind of like deer, antelope, or something. um They are skittish creatures. and You know, you're using your earth knowledge, but if these are anything like that, um they're domesticatable.
Taming them won't... is not like... I mean, obviously you've got magic which can temporarily tame any animal. But taming them would be, you know, a process. If you could catch a few and breed them and start with them as babies, it'd be a lot easier. But just taming wild deer-like creatures. Have you ever been in a badger mole with us? Did it be all? I... what have I? I love that badger mole.
I'm not sure if we I'm not sure if we would have because don't think they Don't they need those for hauling shit around over at camp. There's more than one agile camp Okay, I thought we just had them. No, you've got a handful. You've got a few There there's agile wait, did I make a separate token for specifically the Vaginal who travels with you? I don't think I did, no. I think I named it or something. I mean, they all have the same stats. I thought we named it Fluffy. You probably did. I have no remember. I mean, I might give it its own character sheetwriter. If it sticks around, it could potentially level up and or die.
Yeah, uh, being that the badger mole is here, um, deer creatures, let's see here, they're gonna make a perception check. Let's do it for the group.
well I feel like I should give them an advantage because there's a bunch of them. There's five of them. One of them, do you notice his head pop up and snip the air and it lets out a weird noise and all the other head pop up and the things start running. you know they they They very quickly run away from you all.
Oh, so badger moles are like predatory creatures here? Badger moles are the apex predator of the um this the the plant. Well, I guess maybe the the trees are the apex predator, but they're the apex predator of the non-tree variety of the this forest.
so Things are afraid of vegetables. You have to tame them by feeding them flesh. so the yeah i would like to cast some I would like to cast Animal Friendship. On? On one of the fleeing creatures. It is a range of 30 feet. so now How far ah far away are they they? They're out of sight now.
Oh, I was looking at what my skills did. We were like here anyways and we were probably up here. um So, yeah, i mean unless you're going to pursue these things, um you you can continue your search for the mushroom people, but this is a new animal that you have seen, and appears to act like a prey animal rather than a dangerous predator. Of course, they have horned things, so they could also possibly be dangerous, but they definitely fled from your presence, or more likely the vaginal presence.
you'll find that we were we lost animals uh... craig just disappeared oh god i'm a crack let me get it the ball is currently undergoing maintenance seriously in the middle of our session. um Well, I am recording this on OBS. So I'll just have to splice it in. But I'm going to go ahead and download this all since.
So do you guys go after the deer creatures, or do you um continue looking for the mushrooms?
I vote containment for mushrooms. Yeah, probably mushrooms. All right. I have set a timer to remind me in 10 minutes to try to um record with, record, try, try cracking in. uh... That's very early enough. All right.
um Where were we? Yeah, so you got a good roll, so I'm not going to make you roll again. You know you got that Nat 20 or that um high survival roll back that wasn't an Nat 20, it was almost an Nat 20. But you guys continue looking around for a while and eventually you spot the glow of um some of the luminescent mushrooms all through the trees.
I don't have a map for this encounter.
do you Do you approach the glow? The glow? You see the glow of what you recognize to be a mushroom mushroom grove. I would start casting my thoughts um when we're in range of it.
okay and introduce myself as Raker, the guy who, part of the Skyphone.
um After, well, let's see.
Yes, so after a little bit, ah a one and of the um you see one of the mushroom people. they you know you You haven't seen enough of these things to be able to really tell the difference. he kind of He does look different than the last two that you saw, so it's probably not the same one, but they all seem to be aware of you you know because they have some sort of semi-high mind-like situation that you've determined. The mushroom creature ah kind of of comes out from behind one of the mushrooms that was tending and walks over and you you told them your name, right? what um It does the... ah I can't remember what sign Nigel taught the mushrooms. Was it just hello?
ah It was not i yeah Yeah, it was it was ah it was the basic reading. Yeah, it you know does it's very well um Did this happen the last time the this mushroom has five fingers um And does the reading properly um I don't remember if that happened the last time youroom but this mushroom has a much more human what one of its hands are much more human-looking than its other one. um And it does the greeting and then, through its spore-slash-psychic communication, also greets Riker. Hello, Riker of the Skyfallen. What brings you to this grove?
I say, we, I remember last time we talked with you, there was kind of tense situation with Thriekreen about you your relationship or your um standing with them, was that correct?
The mushroom, there's a, you know, some proof of support and whatnot, and it says, um ah tension with the Thrykreen is not what we have. We avoid them and stay out of their way when we can.
Okay. The Thrykreen, do not bother us if if we this right screen do not notice us if we do not bother them.
Okay, so there's like not really any like you know trust issues between you guys, or like any harsh, or not harsh. and That's the word I'm looking for.
hostile. It considers for a moment and says, there was a time when the dry cream destroyed our groves, but that was long ago before any living spores memory.
and How long do these things live for? Yeah, and I i guess I asked that. How long do you guys live for?
Some of us live for longer than a dry cream, while others live shorter. But our memories go back all the way to the first spore. That's true. The first spore. Old grandpappy spore.
I say, we have negotiations turning up at the Thri Kreen here tomorrow. They got kind of heated between us, and we know that there's confrontation between another group of the Skyfall and an R and the Thri Kreen. And we're wondering if you could be a... Ajansh's subjector.
What's that word that I previously used? Let me go on. ConscientiousObjector? What would that be objecting to? I don't know. Mediator? parel but and yeah mar That's what I used. Mediator.
ah The mushroom considers again and... ah
Can you grab me? Hang on, I'm here. I gotta go grab something for Kelsey. I'll be right back. That was not the word I thought it was. You're back.
Okay, I'm back. So, the is everybody here? Yeah, no. Yeah. Alright. So, the mushroom... The mushroom guy...
considers for a moment and says, I do not know, it is not wise to get involved, for our people to get involved with these matters. You'll have to give me like a persuasion or something. Thank you. Is there a particular reason it is not wise? The three cream are dangerous.
And it is best not to antagonize them. We usually stay out of these things. okay and so that when I um basically just try to say um we really don't
you're You're literally just there to make sure that um we are respecting, you know, both cultures since, you know, we don't really know, you know a lot more than us and we're trying to respect you the planet that we're on and everything. What was the planet's name? It's not a weird name I could not pronounce. I have to double check. Tic-choc-not. Tic-choc-lunon. Tic-choc-not.
Yeah, I like stumble over that word three times trying to remember how to say it. And I say, it would just be really nice to have an additional local sentiency to be there to have all of us try to be in peace. Persplosion. God, fucking shit. Anybody you want to help them and give them that advantage? I will help. What do you say to help?
But I don't know. i just First you have to roll Persuasion as well. And you have to get a above a 10 in order to give him advantage. Persuasion. Persuasion. Okay, so what do you say to help? Can I just like grab some fertilizer out of my pocket and just kind of scattered it around?
I mean, yes, I suppose that can be what you do. I do that.
um the the The mushroom considers for a while um and then he says... very well i will i will ask one of the spore masters to join you at the meeting spore masters spore master yeah they're all the same feature though they're all the same being why is there a spore master they're not all the same being they all just share the same memories that means that like if you go down one particular line you're not going to get the other lines memories but you're
you all follow the same tree branch or is it like all interlinked memories? See, I thought they were all interconnected, communicating all with each other at the same time, like they were all when I was saying. I guess neither of us really know, but we never really know. A fungus in general, it might be individual mushroom caps on the surface, but it's all interconnected through a and it's like a root system underneath the ground like i assume that was the kind of thing you're going yeah like so from all of us people are connected across the entire world from what you can tell um in your limited interactions with them and they don't seem to be a full-on hive mind in that they have and immediate communication with each other. um i But they do seem to, maybe there's delay, maybe there's, you know you're not you don't know, but um it doesn't seem to be instantaneous for sure.
Okay. um And I say, well, these are the coordinates we're meeting at. um Or you can come with, a we'll meet somewhere else and then come with you. Do you just like show them on the map? Would they understand? I guess I tried to show them on the map where it is. I'll just do a general roll to see if it can comprehend your map.
We're here. be Yeah, it's... ah How far away is this particular location from where the location we're meeting?
um Hello, are we walking?
you guys have been wandering for a few hours but um you're not that far from camp um and the location is also not that far from camp so you know it's like within a few hours like lucky picks something i think it was like a mile or two out of camp so um i mean we can point them at camp and then hit off from there the i the The mushroom looks at the map for a moment and then says, I will tell the spore master to meet you at your your actual growth. Is there a way we can open up like your growth inside of our growth? Something we can do about that?
Perhaps we could, ah yes, but the the mushroom stops for a moment and thinks and and um you kind of the end of the proof of sports, understand he's kind of monitoring to himself like how to explain this. thee The
the we tend to the gro we are not the gros
if we if we grew If we made a Grove within yours, we could, and one one of us would have to tent it. But we do not stay the same Grove permanently.
okay I've got mushrooms in my pocket. Can I pull these out and be like, Grove? they He looks at you and... um How close are you to it?
um Probably like a couple of feet. A couple of feet back and to the left from... Are you within 10 feet? Are you speaking to it psychically or did you just say grow out loud?
ah I'm assuming I've been able to hear this conversation. um yeah if It depends on if I'm broadcasting my thoughts.
Now the the mushroom creature is sort of speaking psychically? Okay, yeah you you can definitely talk to it, for sure. I would pay i hold out the mushrooms and I'm like, I i have started on a grove. The mushroom looks at the mushrooms in your hand and says, um your grove would be more successful if you planted it in the ground.
i i yes i I have started on a grove. It and not.
I have grove ceilings. I'm trying to get information from Spring. the
Yeah, I'm trying to get to offer me information in as much there is weird away as okay, so it it says it it um says That those do not grow from seeds Mushrooms in themselves are seeds It considers your words and says to
Sure. and I thought the great mushroom being. wow Sorry. You can roll inside. I put roll inside. Inside. Okay, now you think the mushroom just flat agreed with you.
Awesome. Cool. Which, you know, i maybe i nig nigel Nigel was an animal expert, not necessarily a plant expert. Is this true? yeah he Yeah. Maybe you do consider mushrooms to be seeds. Well, aren aren't mushroom seeds? No. They're fungus.
work right yes it was seen like a a loose definition of the term c did that you could to call this each year but they're at their you know uh... a botanist or whatever studies much would happen i'll call the seat i mean but they're they're at you know if you have a mushroom and that mushroom grows the mushroom will they release spores and the spores will then eventually turn into the bush Yes, in a a loose definition of the term seed, then yeah. Dofacto, the mushrooms are seeds. Yeah, but they're but also they're not. I realize that. But that's Nigel's like, you know. That's why the mushroom was just like, sure. It's close enough, it's fine. I got a soft topic, I'm sorry, go ahead.
um i mean he says i plan I plant mushrooms in our grove to make it our grove. That didn't come out right. I plant mushrooms in Sky People's Grove to make it our grove. There we go. You make it a shared grove? Yes.
this You can discuss this with the score master. Yay.
When I turn back to everyone and I say out loud, basically the interchanging so far, I say, does anyone else have any comments, questions, concerns, or regrets?
Alexi steps forward and says, um yes, just introduce him to me. I i am Alexi, great runner of Earth. And I am happy to make this this alliance between our two peoples. and And he holds his hand out to the mushroom as if to shake its hand. And it scar ah stares at it. i I say to the mushroom man, I'm like, this is Alex from Earth, and he would like to you to hand him fertilizer. Oh, and I also turn to Alexei, I'm like, no, not handshake, you do this, and I show him the sign for hello. um The mushroom to Nigel says the fertilizer, I do not have fertilizer, is
in the ground. And then, and then you know, Alexi sees what Alexi does and he does it. And then the mushroom does it back. As the mushroom does, that means hello. I forgot. Yes. Is Alexi still standing with his hand out? No, he put it down whenever Alexi was like, no, don't do that. Oh, okay.
six eight hundred The mushroom looks over at the badger mole and then it walks into its grove um and plucks a... Hold on, let me Google something real quick.
Actually, there is something I'm going to ask the mushroom when he comes back. it It plucks a ah one of the mushrooms, I guess, yeah um and and hands it to the badger mole, pulls it out to the badger mole, which eats it happily.
One of my mushrooms? No, one of his own from the grove. It enhances the mushroom. No, not one of your poison mushrooms. And it does look different than your than the mushrooms you currently have.
um ah You know, it's just another variety of mushroom. But obviously one that Badgibles like. can can i Can I ask him for a sample to add to my grove?
it he he um Without actually like verbally responding, you know um goes in and grabs, plus another one that gives it to you.
It reminds you of a truffle. i I take out one of my little pouches that I keep on me at all times. I grab a little dirt from the surrounding area and then I put it inside the little little bag and I put it in my pocket.
I'm going to because i I don't know fully if they, you know, understand us speaking when we're not when we're not mentally aware, you know, ah mentally casting our thoughts. because yeah But I am going to tap right here. Can you help me find Some flowers? Oh, yeah. And like I get a super big smile and look over at the mushroom and I go. I blush. ah The mushroom um ah says, what what kind of flowers? The most beautiful flowers. I think about it and I go. If he said that if he said that mentally, I'd like something not deadly that won't eat her.
um let Give me one second. The most beautiful flowers. I think we should just go with that, regardless if it's going to eat or not.
section Did you see that in your ad? Did you broadcast that? Yes. I'm going to turn to him and be like, something that says I'm sorry and I'm dumb.
Um, are there like any... Does anyone translate that? and No, I assume. I just say something that says I'm dumb. I say are there like any maroon green shade of like any maroon shades of flowers or any like
ah the The mushroom says he wants a flower that says he is dumb. but no No, no, my friend. this This is the struggle between translating from our language to your language, and sometimes we don't understand how to do that. um But do you have like something that's like bluish green or maroon? Red?
I, he says there are- The most beautiful of flowers. Just the fucking most beautiful of flowers. He, uh, he haulses for a moment and then says, yes, I know such a flower.
here But it is not, it is not here. I can lead you to it. That would be great. i I do a sign gesture to show that I'm saying please and thank you. He he's he turns and starts walking um and he he you know he's leading the way and let's see how how long this will take.
And while we're walking, I turn to to Lucky and I say, the reason I ask for these colors, oh shit, what? It's gonna take five hours to get to where he's going, but he never he never says that out loud. We're walking like 20 minutes and we're like, how fucking far away is this bitch? Dude, do y'all ask him or do you do at any point ask him? I mean, I know I don't. You want it? I would ask.
How long do you wait before you ask? I think I would wait like a casual like 10 minute walk and be like, how far away is this flower? Uh, he stops and, um, and thinks and, uh, uh, says, uh,
one, one, hold on, a fifth of a of a day.
Or a fifth of of a overnight, rather. Technically it would be a little more than that, but close enough. you anyway Do I see any like similar colored flowers in the vicinity? There are random flowers around.
um Any flowers that I asked for? Like any color flowers? Let me see. i bet there's I bet such a thing exists. Random color generator.
Give me a random color. We will do two random colors. There is a luminous, well, that cool. There's a luminous green flower.
and a light gray flower. I will pick up those two flowers, and I go up to Lucky, and I say, okay, Lucky, this is what you do. You hand her these flowers, and you tell her these flowers, reminded, would go really well with her hair. Okay? Yeah, okay.
The- Wait, I turned to the mushroom man. It compliments your hair. Are these safe? They they will not harm you. Much. They are safe. As far as you know.
Okay. OK. OK. I think do you do not this is good. You do not seek the most beautiful flower? I do. You will seek the most beautiful flower another day. unless so i I'm fucking going with them. I think I think i i think i need the most flower. I need to make it. OK. Real quick. Is this the most? just word would not the and just What makes what what makes this flower the most beautiful flower to you is this like an abstract like it smells like manure and you love the smell of manure type thing or That's a better question All who have gazed upon this flower agree is the most beautiful all of you guys
we don't wanna like wait wait can we are we allowed to pick this flower and take this flower with us or one of these flowers the flower will choose if it comes with you or not oh no okay this is this is not what he's like flowers yep this is a this this is happening if you all want to head back you can I'll ride the bat the badge I will cross board here but I fucked up as As a druid, um I must now follow this because I am extremely intrigued.
ah So you travel, and after a while, ah you are oddly enough, as you travel, um it's picking a very winding route, which is maybe why it's taking so long.
everyone okay i was doing a lot of struggles in fact i don't it with that fourteen survival i'll just say like you're confused as to this route has there have been a couple moments where it seems like you're backtracking uh... and things like that's do you ever bring it up uh... i was rolling the survivals to like forage around while we're taking this five-hour journey uh... but i guess like You know, is it like in the first couple of hours I noticed this, or is this like 15 minutes and you've doubled back? Probably in the first couple of hours, yeah. um I would probably say something to the guys, but I probably wouldn't say anything to the mushroom man.
Yeah, you mentioned to the guys. I think we have doubled back once or thrice.
Does anybody acknowledge that? I guess I do. um Anyone else can give me a survival check as well.
Lucky and Riker. Yeah, I'll go ahead. i
Okay, so, yeah, now that Nigel's mentioned it, you do notice that, yeah, you you guys have done some weird backtracking occasionally. One thing that has stood out to you is, um, the path that he's taking while weird backtracking and winding has been relatively easy and you haven't seen, uh, any dangerous animals or And he hasn't gone near any of the carnivorous trees, even the dormant ones. You've somehow avoided everything like that.
um And if you don't stop him, he continues leading for five hours um until you reach ah a part of the forest. there's there There's actually a lot of really pretty flowers where you're heading into, like you you start noticing lots of flowers um and maybe some of the glowing mushrooms and stuff like that. And you enter into a grotto and there's a pond and um in that pond you do see Uh, a large, um, very large flower, uh, give me perception rules.
okay and that one
ah so So Riker, you notice what up this thing is, both a flower, but also you notice that it seems to have... um is The flower itself is extremely beautiful. Hold on, let me yeah bring up what I needed to bring up. I don't have it. I can't find an image that matches what I'm doing.
But let me just bring up the stats of the creature itself real quick, because for some reason it didn't come up in Roll20. um
And the you you realize that this creature is, or this flower is actually also um has like a humanoid body. um and And she is it's a very beautiful humanoid.
um in fact it's my girlfriend i found her in fact um the the uh mushroom releases some spores and and greets the flower the flower um kind of unfurls revealing a uh the Like, I don't really know how to, the kind of like that the petals I'd say are kind of like a mixture of its wings and hair and things like that. Um, it kind of unfurls and you see the most beautiful, feminine creature you've ever seen. So beautiful in fact that everybody, uh, please make a wisdom, uh, saving throw. Or no, a constitution saving throw. Oh, shit. It's awful after the tournament if it makes me sick.
You're so you see it and you have to like your dick will explode if you don't make this comm save She is Nigel Everyone finds her beautiful and Nigel she is so beautiful that you can literally you you've gone blind You're blinded by her beauty
like but it doesn't it doesn't bother you that much. like the the image of sight yeah The image of her is burned into your retina, but you see nothing else.
And this the mushroom says, most beautiful of flowers. This one, and he points to, was it Nigel? No, Nigel's not the one who's technically seeking you, so he points to Lucky.
and Because Nigel, you're blind, sorry, not you, Bill. um I think I said Bill, but he points to Lucky and says, this one seeks the most beautiful of flowers.
and And she takes a step forward and, you know, she's like, She's completely naked, but flowers, flower petals cover the, ah that this you know, that the bits.
Because of course they do. Is this like the closest thing to a nymph that we're going to get? Yes. Boys, we crash landed into the Feywall. This is a nymph. And she says why, she, let's see.
um I feel like the natives here just have, I mean, nymphs don't typically have psychic abilities, but that seems to be the the native thing of this planet. So yeah, she speaks into your mind, Lucky. um ah Why why is is it that you seek me?
i I looked at Lucky and be like, bro, you're gonna fuck up more. Oh no, no, no, no, no. Have faith in me. Have faith in me. And you feel um a connection to your mind, unlike that of what, well, similar to when Riker speaks into your mind, but you feel like you can think back at her and she might understand you. Okay. Then I think in my mind, and you know, I, just because it's kind of, it's kind of force of habit, I am also going to sign this, but, um,
there is someone among my people that I care for that I hurt because I wasn't paying attention and I wasn't attentive to what she was trying to say to me and I don't want her to hurt because I was stupid. She actually starts signing back to you in perfect sign language um won ah but that she says
She says, it is is easy to hurt those that we care for. um And such pains can be can be a terrible thing. She weighs her hand over the ground and a, you know, maybe not as beautiful as her, but a very pretty flower grows and she hands it to you. And she says, give her this and all will be well.
game. I got outplayed by a Dryad. oryph i mean I will accept that defeat. I accept the flower. And again,
ah With one hand with one hand this time. I tell her Thank you. Thank you very much for your kindness and generosity um nigel have you noticed that you're blind can i can i ask something quick yeah like he's literally my line So you've been noticing that I've been like well I don't know if anyone's paying attention to me, but I've been looking for a bit and I'm like oh
Do you realize that we're Skyfallen? like Have you guys heard of us? How much do you you know about us? Because we're trying to document everything we know about this world. And I'd really like to take you nu just a few pictures.
taking his park ah she She smiles at you and says, humankind has been here before, and i yes, I knew them once. Does does that sound strange to me? That humankind has been here before? Oh wait, we know that humankind has been here before. I don't know that I keep thinking that like we don't know that.
Yes, what what one of them came to seek me long ago, um but I don't know much about your people.
Is there only you? We... there are others like me, but but none... Oh, so you're the most beautiful out of all of you? There... Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
But ah there there are those who call me beautiful, yes. i there There are none exactly like me, but there are... I would agree. She looks, she studies you for a moment, Riker, and says, you've met one of the others. You've met one of the others.
But he is also not not like me. He is like me, but not like me.
i would agree and if you look over at me i'm still staring at exactly where she was standing earlier she ah she She glances at you and says, ah a oh, i forgive me, and walks over to you. um Of course, you don't see this happening, Frank, but maybe you hear her move over. She's not being stealthy about it. And she's going to cast Lesser resterate less lesser Restoration on you to cure your blindness. All of a sudden, you feel her hand touch you, and then and then she appears in front of you. You don't have to to roll again, though.
not sure that uh... i will enroll to see if my knees you know i mean it's constitution constitution and you know again please fail yeah i think that you are yourre your years that we had a new already we're going to meet uh... like i'm sure that i'm straight down like i'm in a very particular pose
she She gets, walks, um, she turns back to Ryker. Madam, your beauty is beyond compare. Yes, I've been told that. Thank you. for Oh no. Um, she, uh, she turns to Ryker for a moment and says, uh, how, how could I coy, how could I, uh, coyly say this, um,
Oh, God. love Not Koi. Koi is the wrong word. How can I say this without saying it? This is why I want to start flirting, because then I get to flirt with Ron, and no one thinks it's weird. She says... No, this isn't a flirting thing. This is cryptically saying something. um I know, I just want to flirt with you. I'm not making it weird. Yeah, it's fine. She says, um a in your in your dreams, you see a purple star.
no fucking way and and she like you know goes back over near her uh into the goes to stand back in the pool drops and disappear no she doesn't disappear but she moves back to like the the back to the pool of water um that she was standing and like you know she's on the edge of it she's close to y'all but um she seems to uh prefer to be standing in the water
We that there are there, like I said, there are there are those like me. Some of them are kind. Some of them are not. ah And some of and many of them are gone.
But yes, I know. I know i'm going to insight when she said and some of them are not. Did she like give that weird inflection to the one I've seen already?
oh saw You don't think necessarily she was specifically talking about about the one you've seen. okay Just in general.
Wait, does that mean i can you can appear in my dreams too? No, not in your dreams. Now you're inside. can pick up that she specifically means not in your dreams. So other people dreams, yes. But wait, is this because I made a pack? Might be. Shit. I'll definitely change to get a mommy goddess. Do you say something along those lines? Yeah. She gives you a sad smile and says,
That's not possible for you. Damn. You made a bargain on your life, and that bargain cannot be unmade.
Alright. I mean, unless you die, but... True. But I don't have the power to restore you, so don't do that on my account. Damn. She does not have the resurrection spell. I mean, she's obviously not a base level nymph, but... Yeah. but she's not as it She's not as powerful as... Well, no. She's she's not your standard D and&D nymph. She's something, you know, more, but... um
She's one of the, well, there are no gods in this world. There are things you can make pacts with.
At least there's no gods that we've revealed yet. I feel like Siphon is gonna chastise me in my dream lair tonight, so good. Like, horny bastard.
this time around turn i turned to uh... riker ask her to step on ask her to what step on me she um... let's see she well i guess she's she's given uh... her she's she said what she's gonna say to each of you um she turns to uh...
Jack, um who, I don't know if y'all noticed, but Jack is with you. Oh, whoa. Yeah, a Jack and Alexia are still here with us. Yeah. She turns to Jack and says, um who, I guess, you know, let me, ah it's it's too late now. I've already done that. um Well, yeah, we'll go ahead and consave him just for the fun of it. um They're probably gonna fail. Nope, he's good. And,
Uh, what was the difficulty? Yeah, close enough. Um, I'll say they both passed for the purposes of this because I didn't, you know, roll for them in the beginning. Uh, hold up one more.
Well, good thing the badger rule is already blind, so. um
Anyway, uh, nah, the Badgermold didn't. That was just a joke rule. Uh, the, ah oh no all yeah um, she, uh, walks up to, uh, Jack first, um, and says, uh, um,
when, when the time comes, turn left and then to Alexi she uh she hands Alexi a uh a much less pretty flower but hands it to him and says you'll need this layer and then and then backs off again um Nigel uh I mean she cured her blindness so that was her gift to you but or fuck up ah nigel she i think i don nigel just like lay me down and starts sipping it i think What she does for you Nigel is she hands you um a handful of seeds
I i i like bring it up to my face and I snip it and then I lick one. Well, they don't taste or smell like anything because they're just seeds. um I'm trying to identify seeds. I look over and I'm like, I think you're supposed to plant them. but they're They're definitely not earth seeds, so you don't know what they are. um it Can I tell what type of seeds they are with the tin?
uh no not with a tin for sure uh they seem to be a seed some sort of plant um and then she backs away and says thank you for visiting i don't get very uh visitors very often and then she steps out into the water turns kind of back into the giant flower looking form but then like sinks down into the water and now you're looking at an empty clear pool of water bro i am hard marking this in the map Yeah, you do that. Did I take a picture of her? I mean, she wouldn't have stopped you. Okay, I definitely took multiple pictures. Yeah, but real quick- It was a straight up video. Yeah. It'll be up on the local area network as soon as we get back. Real quick, before she goes, I did actually- You what? See her again. You asked if you can see her again? Yeah, back, if we had permission
ah she you Yes, you may see me. You may come back. I may or may not be here, depending on your need.
Thank you for your time then. And then then she sinks into the water. You guys have a long trek back to the camp. And this entire way, I'm like, I'm just so fascinated with this. I'm like, okay, so now we got to build a mushroom pit and now we're break but building a new fucking shrine to this woman. Please, for the love of God, we're building a shrine for this woman. 100%.
We should go back and ask her if she would like to relocate instead of like up like this. No, we were just opening up the shrine. And then that way, when we can go back later and when we have a need for her, we tell her that we as a people need her. And so we beg her to show up to us to help us. And that's where we start creating gods, my boys.
So we're gonna start creating deities by faith. Oh, worship her any day. What part? Okay. Fucking all of it, man. Hey, I'm gonna be right back. I gotta use the restroom. Okay. Well, I'm gonna still be here with my Bluetooth, but I just sound really bad, so... Oh, okay. Please remember to mute.
um Um... Alright, so you guys head back to camp. Five hours. Yeah, it's it's an hour a hike boys. It's a little bit faster He doesn't take his windy of a route to lead you to camp. Well, he does but it seems that camp um For some reason from from the Grove you found him at it was five hours, but it's only three hours back to camp Wow even better and I guess I'm like geo plotting all this in it's It is confusing because of all the windy paths he's taking. um but that's That's why I'm like geo-plotting all of it yeah to show like the shortest route that we know is safe. Or safe at the moment. We don't know. Yeah. And then the mushroom person does not enter the camp. um He leaves you, you know, he stops when camp is within sight and says, I will return to tending my grove.
i The most diplomatically I can basically just thank him for his time and assistance with us. and thenan And you guys are back at camp. Oh, I realized I moved the map for me, but not for you. You're back at camp.
Alexei goes off doing whatever he's doing. He got a flower. Jack just got a weird cryptic thing of turn left. um So he's like walking all over the place just walking in circles turning left. Like when am I supposed to turn left? Like what? I don't understand.
And Mathis is like, god damn it, what's wrong with you? Go stand at the gate. And so he goes over to the gate you know to join the other guard. But he asks the guard who is currently standing on the left side, he's like, ah can can I stand over there? He's like, what? He's like, I just just want to stand there. And and so they swap sides.
and oh I love this. I do as well. Do you show pictures of her to anyone? I i feel like it would be the best to help know beautyy like not clan or like help our community be closer. I go up to the PAP and I essentially preach this woman.
They're they're curious if when you if you show the picture they do not appear to be affected the same way You know that I mean she's she's beautiful. She's interesting no blinding effects. Yeah, but I tell her that There was like that that thing that um Nigel did was blinded himself, but all the rest of us were able to yeah, there's this and they're definitely um very curious I you know flower person that's right at the rally uh... lucky are you going to approach ramona tonight's or say that for later tonight i mean and by that i mean you know in-game yeah in-game tonight yeah yeah yeah i'm uh... i'm gonna go ahead and do okay i need uh... go i guess she's not currently working on the ship oh i forgot to um... do something co-op uh...
Actually, no, no. The ship, the section she was working on is closed up, um you know, like sealed back up and stuff, and you see the lights of the ship are on, um which normally y'all don't power up the ship too often, um but the lights of it are are on, like it's it's it's powered up at the moment. And she's she's inside the ship at the moment, so I'll just stick her right there, yeah.
I'm gonna tell the guy, I gotta go do something to help later. Wait, who would you say this to? To me? Okay. And I stop in the middle of my reaching this fae mommy goddess and I go, okay. And then I just turn back and keep talking about it.
So, do you go into the... Before you say anything to her, give me a perception.
I've fallen for the enemy. It's gonna be awesome. It's gonna be the best role of the night.
kind again Okay, um you're too focused on her to really hey pay any attention to what she's actually doing. like You see her in the ship, she's she's at the console, there's you know some diagnostics running or something, but youre you don't you don't pay attention to the diagnostics. Your eyes are on her. Alright. And the shot? I'm assuming she's facing away from me. Yes, her back is turned to you. she's She's staring at the computer screen.
Alright. Is there like a... Is there like a table behind her? There might be like a workbench or something, sure. Like just a low makeshift, you know, something you'll y'all set up, like the engineering is set up to put their tools on while they're working on the ship. Okay, so... I guess I'm gonna give her a perception to see if she know hears you enter before you say something. Fuck! Run!
killing me here okay okay well she she is she is also fully involved in what she's doing so he so on the way back I would have written a note okay
And you know it kind of basically had you know the information that you know what Riker was saying at my own words. And at the end of my note, essentially the gist of it is, I'm sorry, I was an idiot. okay And um then underneath, it in PS, underneath all that you know it's going to be uh... at the end you know like um who seriously would love to talk to you not about work see you here if you're interested okay and that's essentially what the notion is that at the very bottom there's going to be a p s i promise this flower will not explode
Okay, so you leave the flower in an ounce? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then I kind of, you know, just... yeah I'm assuming you signed it lucky. Yeah, of course, of course. you're like you know I like my little my little but little mark that i like to that I like to put on all my work. ah little My little fancy L. Okay. And then what, you just put it there in a leaf?
Yeah, I put on the workbench behind her and then I just kinda... Okay. I'm gonna do a couple of rolls here. I know.
Okay. That tells me what I need to know. Alright, so you are, um... You wander all anything yes you wander off do whatever you do, you know?
OK, there is something I'm going to go do of in game days. But but I promised I would introduce her to them when I got back. So I was like, and go like but I'm going to basically you know i'm goingnna be doing that thing earlier.
High school kid awkward awkwardly awkwardly fast walk down the hallway not running, but is that you know no running in the halls. I'm not running I have like that back to my stuff and I'm gonna shut I'm gonna shut okay II Yeah, I'm gonna shut like the door to sorry the flap ah work area and if anyone's near it all they're gonna is hearing is a bunch of Melting noises like
Okay. um shit like Anyone doing anything else before, you know, I guess, bedtime?
um I guess I sit down with Dewey, my my duck. um And I i tell Dewey about her. Okay. Dewey quacks. I showed i show Dewey the pictures and everything.
Yeah, it it it quacks at you. You know, it's it's a turtle duck. And then I guess, um remember my this one? I want to try casting that. Okay.
what What knowledge are you trying to gain?
like what are you looking to learn knowledge about like how they're connected like are they both nymphs or they both like fae wilds or so um You are ah let's see it you know you're overcome with knowledge flushing through you. ah um the the One of the resounding points is that um
you You are Kaifons. um ah he does You are imbued with the knowledge that um there are many ancient creatures um from the same realm as Kaifon, which you know we're not calling it the Far Realm in this in this case, it's just wherever he happens to be from. um that There are many ancient ones like himself, um all with the power to ah basically do the Warlock type bond things.
um they are Some might call them gods, others you know might call them... um
you know, demons or whatever, like, however you want to word it. But basically, yeah she is the same in that they're both, ah you know, ancient beings, basically, um who have been, ah who are, ah some of them were, you know, born of this world, some of them were born of other worlds, but they've, they've you know, all converged here on this world.
There were once many of them, and now there are a few.
But he does imbue on the part that your bond is to him. Like, he's like, no, you're mine. Yeah, it's... it's I don't know if it's funny to think of it like as as a jealousy thing, or if it's like overbearing, like...
like overbearing, like... It's definitely a possessive it's definitely a possessive thing, you know. It's like Stormbreaker from Thor Love and Thunder every time Stormbreaker gets jealous of his relationship with Mjolnir. Nigel, are you doing anything?
um a I don't have... Any idea of what I'm supposed to be doing, I would probably be communicating with any of the PAP that might have come through yeah since my inauguration and discussing any improvements that they might have, um letting them know of the possible or eventual move to the plastics factory and trying to smooth things over in general. Yeah. Okay.
And then next will be, uh, so we're going to fast forward a few hours. it's It's a few hours into the night. Um, lucky. Are you, well, you know, we'll say it's like midnight, essentially. Are you still awake and working on whatever you were working on?
Yes. Okay. Fever's been trying to, trying to, trying to, you know, many give me a perception rule.
this is going to be amazing it's going to be a great role yes you see out of the corner of your eye the flap to your tent open and there's Ramona and she she's she's holding the flower she sees you and she says lucky I forgive you and she runs to you and you know wraps her arms around you and kisses you my I love this this moves so fast okay and she's like and I love you and I'll do anything you want for the five people and her list that are listening says she says I love you and she says I love you you anything anything you want it's yours oh my word
dick ah ah ah
and she she like yeah did not this but that at this was there this bill stuttering I'm not just those stuttering this is also lucky stuttering oh yeah yeah ah and yes I am the red
oh So there's no need to be embarrassed and she, she like, um, caresses your cheek and then, then, then, you know, if, if, if you don't protest, she will start making out with you and, um, it's, it'll go as far as lucky allows it to go. So it'll go all the way. It'll go all the way. She is. lag failedil free to blow Yeah. I mean, you can pay the black, um, give me a, give me, first off, before you do any of this, give me an insight check.
good ye So... Whether or not Lucky cares is up to you, but this is definitely abnormal. Oh no. Oh no. um oh no she she is on She is definitely more into you than you think. like I mean, you're flattered, by and you know it's up to you if Lucky cares or not, but she is um ah devoted to you. So if Lucky doesn't care, I will cash shade on you.
Oh, I can't, I don't, I care. I can't, Lucky cares. so lucky hairs Lucky does notice this, you know. um Maybe even give me now a wisdom check to see if in the moment you have the willpower to not just go along with it all, cause I mean.
it's been It's probably been a year at least. You know, you probably haven't had any action while on this planet. If you fail, I will have nightmares from being fun tormenting me and I'll start screaming to get you not to do this.
you you can you know this uh... you don't have to do the wisdom like you do you have uh... you can choose for your character okay thank you ron you probably you know i mean maybe it gets to like that like uh... what it do you know it's that that the like she's trying to get her hands under it you know get your shirt off here something before it really clicks you know but uh... it's like Well, what would I- what would I roll to try- is there anything I would roll- if I could, you know, piece together any information? About what calls to this? Yes!
ah Uh... I guess give me, um... I mean, give me just a a flat intelligence for right now. Oh, thank you, God.
and it's like my best stat, it's gonna be incredible. It's gonna be amazing. Oh, advantage of her if she's not in her right mom.
fuck so what's like but it's it's honestly too distracting for you to figure out like what has caused this all of a sudden like you don't get in the moment it's I mean you know something everyone's something you you know something's weird but it's also very distracting what's happening right now and you can't correlate the flower to this you know this is just like She, you know, now, have you, have you, you know, if you say, if you like say something like, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up, you know, stop. She, she, whoa. Um, but you know, right now she's like, you're going to have to pry her lips from you. I mean, not, you know, not that bad, but you know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to put my hand, I'm going to put my hands. Just give us, just give us a little breathing room, you know, a little eye to eye contact.
what what was What's wrong? but and did where where where and did Where did I do something wrong? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. no no You've done nothing wrong. um when where when did When did you start feeling this way about me? i I've always felt this way. I just never knew it until until I read your letter. Oh, no. Letter.
Oh, Bill, you're the mat you're the magical one. Ah, shit, Bill. and we I'm magical. I read your letter and I found the flower in and it just all clicked. I knew it was you. It's it was's it's always been you since even before we met. And she tries to kiss you again.
um Oh my, okay. She's gonna go in, I'm go ah i'm gonna be like, but as shes like right when she shows in for the kiss, I'm gonna you going to kiss me again, and then I'm like, hold on, hold on, ill just just one second, are her eyes dilated? Sure, yeah, yeah, she's, you know, now that you're like well aware that something weird is happening, like, yeah, she's, she's I wouldn't say dilated, but, you know, she's,
got a wide-eyed look about her for sure, you know. Okay, I'm going to, you know, again, i my hands but put my hands on her shoulders. Okay, listen let's sit down for a minute. We're just gonna sit down. we're just gonna We're gonna talk for a few minutes. Okay. So I'm on one am my one of the chairs, and again, I'm gonna reassure her, and I promise you this isn't gonna explode.
She says, oh, I know you'd never hurt me.
and she she she sits down, um but when you sit down, she she tries to sit in your lap. Okay. No, it's not that bad. she She sits down. You asked her to sit down, so she's going to sit down. Yeah. Yesterday,
ye yesterday when I said you know I wanted to talk with you didn't seem i mean yes to you i saw that you i'd notice now after the fact that you know you cleaned up which your and you know i'd kind of dressed up which is and notice more than you usually do when you come to come talk to somebody uh... i'm sorry i i wasn't paying close enough attention to notice time but uh... oh boy uh... but uh...
Why why did did you do that? I guess deep down I always knew I was in love with you. Oh my.
you can you can well you need any insight because at the moment she believes anything she says to be hundred percent true so um like inside' the inside yeah go ahead yeah gonna yeah we're gonna 17 that's much better i only have one in that why am i going i mean good um like so let's search that the thing is or whether or not that was true yesterday in her mind right now it it's true she's always she's always loved you uh... she just you know for whatever reason ever realized it and and you are you're you're the most incredible person in the world tour i option was the safer option yeah it was apparently i had
I'm actually never going to trust flowers a again. and she she So you said she brought the flower too, right? Yeah, she's got the flower. I mean, she dropped it she dropped it on the ground when she saw you and and ran to you and took you in her arms. and Real quick, I'm just going to pick it up and I'm going to, just real quick, I'm going to so i'm gonna sniff the flower. It smells amazing.
But I don't lose, I don't lose my cognition. You do not. Oh, that, the flower, that was such a beautiful flower you brought me. I, I mean, honestly, I, I, I'm not really like, I was never really into flowers, but this one is, it's, I've never seen, it's, it's, it was perfect. Thank you. You're quite, you're quite, quite welcome. Here, how about, how about I get you, like, what are you like stronger?
ah she She gives you a mischievous grin and she's like, oh, definitely stronger.
e Okay, so I forced both to drink. I'm going to and gonna try to ride this out just a little bit.
Like, okay, here, here, here, this is, um, this is, it's not quite whiskey. I'm, I'm working on something that, but it's kind of, it's kind of, kind of very, very similar. And it's wonders.
That was the wrong one. I'm trying to reopen her character sheet. Okay. um Yeah, she drinks it. Is this stuff strong? um I mean, if you're- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's strong. Okay, the sheet's not loading. Drag in. Why aren't you loading sheet? Let me refresh. Sometimes it needs to be refreshed.
And then it zooms in. Why won't you stay at the zoom I left you at? Alright, there it goes, now I'll load it. Let's see how much of a lightweight she is.
ah It's pretty strong, you know, she she drinks it um and it definitely seems to be affecting her. ah
Hmm, is that good or bad? I haven't decided. Uh... She, uh... She's, you know, she she drinks the drink. um ah No effects from... you Well... This is homemade alcohol, so she she drinks the... You know, if y'all are just hanging out drinking, she'll drink the whole thing down, if that seems to be what you what you want.
And do you stop her from drinking the whole thing? Well, not the whole, not the whole thing. It's the, the glass. it's pretty yeah Oh yeah, the glass. Yes. Yes. She can have the, yeah. Okay. um Yeah. She, she's, you know, she's.
throughout this entire thing she's still falling over you know you know that type of stuff but she's getting a little tipsy and she's like she she starts to blink and she's like huh oh she's she she she like lance looks like she's just like lucky but what am I what she looks around the little tinge like what's going on here thank you god what is this is good stuff oh And so it's a homemade, it's a homemade, ah ah i want I don't want to call it whiskey, but it's kind of like a homemade sunberry. I've i' had been working a few weeks.
It's like, oh, oh, we must be strong, I don't even remember coming over here. Oh, I was gonna tell you, um i think if I think I got the ship, I think it'll fly. It definitely won't be going to orbit or anything, but I think we can get it off the ground. We don't got we don't we don't got enough power for a very long trip, but but if we need it, if we need to make a quick escape, I think we i think it'll run.
i don't's I don't want to do a test tests run because you know it will it'll use up all the power, but but you know if if if push comes to shove and we we got no other choice, I think i think we can we might be able to get this thing off the ground for a little while. Give her the flower. Give her the flower again. No, don't give her the flower again. so Just so I'm clear, do do you... um earlier do you remember i i gave you something do you remember what that was
ah she she seems to think for a minute oh I remember I was running diagnostics. That took a long time. ah And then I was going to go to bed. And I think, oh yeah, there was like a ah letter on the desk or something. and And then, well, now I'm here drinking with you. You got any more of this stuff? She she holds out her glass. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I got, I got, I got absolutely. Yeah.
this be no yeah i can ah she i ah the She left that letter on the table, I go ahead and put that in my pocket, and then I pour another glass, I pour myself a glass, too. You're like, okay, cool, cool, cool, cool. And, ah well, you know what, this is actually a great opportunity. I can introduce you to what I've been working on.
God. She, uh, she, she downs the glass, um, like in one gulp. And then like you, you, you say you're about to introduce her to what she, she's working on. And she like, she like burps and like puts her hand on her stomach, covers her mouth with her other hand. She's like, Oh no. Oh God. Okay. Runs out, runs, runs out of the tent, vomits on the ground. And you know,
i walked back and i walked out and while she's vomiting i'd hold her hair she's like uh... do you know what she's done she's like uh... first haven't haven't had alcohol and and well how long how long were we in stasis haven't had alcohol since we left earth uh... roughly seven hundred and seven hundred Yeah, yeah, that come on that'll do it. Come here. Come here, come, come. Yeah, she's wasted, you know, she stumbles back, you know, stumbles back in. But she's she's not enthralled anymore, so. Yeah, yeah, yeah, trust me, that's what I'm happy about. I go ahead and I take her arm and put her on my shoulder.
here over to mike hot stuff like i'll i'll go ahead introduce you to ah I'll go ahead and introduce you to them tomorrow. You can sleep here. I don't need you stumbling back. Yeah, she falls asleep before you're even done talking.
Hang on one second. Yeah.
and uh... i uh... you know i and i'm a cop night by cover her up and i don't know i don't know if you're well thank you christ okay bill didn't get raped or rape anyone could uh... thank you very much yes i'm not uh... and i want to know what to do for a second
and it this and i absolutely bill and lucky all right i'm back you want this will definitely want this to pass for i want it to get a clean and of everyone's free choice in volition i think i get the gist of what i miss so yeah so uh you know i i layer on i layer my cover up and uh with my you know my blank stuff and my remark And I take my two fingers, like, you know, ah you know my index and my middle finger, yeah and i ah kiss I kiss the tips of my fingers, and I just tap it to Ramona's forehead, and I move a stool over to the side of side the bed and put a glass of water there. I am not leaving her a note this time.
And then leave the flower. I do also leave the note and the flower there and they are on the stool next and next to the bed. Oh, you do? No, okay. No, I don't. with me You know what? That was actually, thank you, Ron, because you reminded Bill. Ron, why you got a friend of mine? Thank you for reminding Bill, because Lucky has an 18 intelligence.
and bill at smooth-brain mhm it has no you know i i i do not leave i go ahead and leave the flower on the table over you know where we were and i go ahead and uh... turn off you know the lights and stuff and i'd go back over to my workshop area and i find a check i find a chair And another stool, and I just kind of put my feet on the chair and just grasp the air blanket, and I'm just... Okay. And I go to bed. Okay. um And so, unless anyone's going to do anything else overnight, the night passes.
Anyone doing anything else? No. Okay. Where's that extra Pit Boy? i Probably back in the ship. Like they would have put it back where it goes. I would ask Riker at some point to see if he could print me off some copies of he knows. sha Yeah. I see if I'm able to do that. I said, there's not really a printer. Gross. When you go back to the plastic factory, you're getting it. Yeah.
get one of those fucking action one of those little toy anime girls anime girls that's in the fun pose oh hell yeah dude it's something that you desperately hate but something that you desperately want at the same time hey nigel do you need a printer i can probably make you a know that my ideas and what much more writing and sadistic so here's my question now on to you guys want to continue to the next day or do you want to go to bed it's up to you still in our economy i'm going to keep going i can go for another fifteen minutes fifteen minutes that's not enough to do an entire meeting but
We have another day's worth of, like, several hours worth of play. I mean, I'm fine with pushing pushing the ah the the negotiations to um to next week. um I kind of figured that's what would happen anyway. Okay, so now I just need to figure out, basically, what's the flower or did I do something?
Yeah, I think i think well the word yeah we don't have time to um do an entire... Because it'd be at least another hour, I think. Maybe.
30 minutes to an hour or two, um depending on shenanigans. I gotta to spend a little time with my...
e all right Well, in that case, Frank, please stop humming. In that case, I think we will cut in the session here.
um we've got Nigel, um, off in the P.A.P. tent, you know, chatting with P.A.P. people and or sleeping. Riker, maybe having some fitful dreams, wishing he could dream of a certain someone, but she will not enter his dreams around. And, uh, uh, lucky, um,
You know, probably also having a fitful sleep just because he's wondering what the heck did I do, you know? um And everyone, you know, maybe not... Well, Nigel probably gets a perfectly good night's sleep. You know, Lucky and Riker, maybe not as much, but... um And yeah, the night goes by and um we will begin the next session ah with everybody waking up um because things are going to happen as soon as you wake up. I was your dungeon master tonight. We're on Bjork.
And once again, oh, you can find me on Twitter at burly1, I think. And i we had Frank. Hey, I was Frank. I was Frank.
um i was frank i I kind of sort of played Nigel a couple times. um while also doing other things on the side. ah You can find me, if you look hard enough. I do stream occasionally on Twitch. I think it's F.K. like Castle, so check me out there. Y'all have a great night. And Hayden. Hey, it was great to play. A lot of interesting things happen in this game, and I had a lot of fun. And Bill. Hey, everybody. I'm Bill. i will
Carla, trying his best not to be a creep. um Didn't fully succeed, but kind of succeeded. Nothing happened. God damn it.
And ah that was our session for tonight. um In case anyone's wondering, ah Ramona rolled a 6 on her wisdom save at one point and then later a 2 on her wisdom save. So she did not get great rolls on whatever may have caused this ah incident.
um We know that it was the flower.
yeah i also Also, I hopefully um OBS properly recorded this, because Craig never did come back. So um this may be the lost recording. And you know who knows, maybe that's a good thing. And I eba as everyone i that my shit yeah i apologize, everybody, that my lot of them.
but um
Thanks everyone for listening. The intro and outro songs you heard today was Fox Soul Revolution created by Kevin MacLeod at Encompetech.com, licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0 license, CreativeCommons.com licenses by 4.0. The night is over and have a great day everyone.