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Houston After Dark - Season 2 - Session 1 image

Houston After Dark - Season 2 - Session 1

S4 E1 ยท IDM Roleplay
14 Plays18 days ago

We return to Houston - After Dark!


Introduction and Recap of 'Stranded' Season 1 Finale

Hello, everybody, and welcome to another exciting episode of Integrated Dice Management. The last time we played, though maybe not the last thing you heard, we wrapped up the season finale of Stranded Season 1. This week, our podcast also officially launched. So ah so now, listeners, you know how just how long it was we waited before launching, because we're now into, technically, Season 3 as of this recording.

Characters and Setting in Houston 2020

But anyway, now, mortals, now we return to the world of darkness in the city of Houston, Texas in the year 2020. Welcome to Houston after dark season two. And with me tonight, we have Bill. Bill, who are you playing? Hey, everybody. I'm Bill. I'm going to be playing to everyone's favorite, loveable of Jerry likes to drink, likes to drink people and make people feel better about themselves. So, you know, yeah.
and and Bill, um I'm actually gonna share something for you to look at to see if you want to, because your predator type is the like cult leader thing, but I have a new one that you you might like better.
Share, show the players. We also have with us joining but joining with us tonight, my script went away, but I'm just gonna say Hayden.
Hey, I'm going to be playing Maxwell, or he goes by Max. You're maybe not so favorite HR representative that turned vampire. I'm excited to see where this episode goes. so And also Frank. Hi, everyone. I'm Frank. I will be playing Cold Stone, not to be confused with Cold Stone Creamery, which is an ice cream place, I believe.
It is an ice cream place, yes. Awesome. Okay. I was not mistaken then. I'm your tech guy thing.
Yeah, that sounds about right. Tech people. That is true. I am from the las Sambra, which is a typically anti- not anti-tech but like our abilities cause tech to function poorly around us and so it's a mash-up of weird things but because I'm a play character it works. That is true.

New Year's Eve: Vampires and the Prince's Mission

And now for a quick a recap on what happened last season. We first met our characters on New Year's Eve at the launch party for Jerry's fitness app, IO, all in one organic health. At the party, Cole failed to get a drink, Jerry succeeded at not getting a drink, Max failed to get laid, and Wesley crits succeeded at noticing Max checking out his wife.
Oh, and they all got turned into vampires. Eventually, they met the prince, who was a wacky fellow, and he gave them a quest. Seven vampires were made, but three are missing. Find them, he said, and eventually they did find one of them. Just as he was about to be sacrificed by a witch beneath the full moon using the combined life force of three humans, two vampires, and the witch herself.
Until Cole interrupted and ruined the ritual, nearly nearly killing himself in the process, and releasing a frenzying vampire into the streets of Houston. And that, my dear listeners and players, is where we pick up. Jerry,

Jerry's Chase and Hunger Struggle

you're running. Give me an athletics plus dexterity roll. If you can remember how. All right, athletics. There you are.
I suppose I should open the NPCs.
and I will also roll dexterity athletics plus dexterity he does not have athletics three successes all right let's see if he uh okay I'll be back with my success so you're you are chasing this frenzying vampire through the streets of houston there's busy cars running around um he got a good head start on you um because he carelessly jumped off of the tower with no um worry to his health or anything like that um whereas you probably were a little more conscious about what you were doing um um you're chasing him through the streets um unfortunately there are people around so you've got to be careful um on the other hand he's not being careful uh you see him uh he he looks over his shoulder and sees that you're in pursuit and then he uh
without knowing how he does it, um ah just just like jumps over a car that's in his way, basically, as he's running you know running down the street, or not down the street, but across the street. um You with your three athletics managed to get across the street without getting hit. um Do you say or do anything um other than chase?
ah I'm going to say, oh wait, give me a second, because I actually need to check something first. I have to check and see how hungry I am.
and As we all know. You should be at wherever you left off. Yeah. as we As we all know, people who are fit. are uh those are the uh you actually are very hungry you're you're very hungry all right and i say not fucking kill you when i find you get stop running uh yeah he doesn't respond um he's and you imagine one o'clock in the morning hearing that
he uh he's gonna kick it up a notch and uh and he picks up speed running even faster now you have experienced uh a hunger frenzy before you've never experienced a fear frenzy but you do know that you are basically out of your mind and would have killed that guy had not your sire stopped you uh So you are um aware that he's probably frenzying. At the very least, he's frenzying out of fear. You have no idea what his hunger would be, but he has been staked for the past 10 days. It's still January 10th, right where we left off. Also, give me an awareness plus wits role.
Awareness, awareness. This one's a little more difficult because they're not an alpha or... Ah, there you are. Yeah. a witness Awareness plus wits, you said? Yes.
zero successes oh that okay so hey this is new mechanic time um that i haven't introduced yet let me pull up your um your uh oh by the way so the new the new stuff you sent me so do i need to change i need to change my stuff for that What, uh, no, we'll, if you want to use that, um, or if you want to leave it as you're kind of like a cold leader or something, you can. Um, otherwise, uh, but we can deal with that later. I'm going to roll a D 10 real quick. I'll end up changing it later because yeah, that actually makes it actually feel like if that fits that care, my character way better.
So anytime you get a crit fail, which means one of your hunger dice, you failed and one of your hunger dice turned up as a one. um For this dice pool, it was all hunger dice and you got a one. So that's a crit fail. When you get a crit fail, you are overcome by a compulsion. There are ah Five possible compulsions that you can get. Four of them are shared between all of you. Hunger, dominance, harm, and paranoia. And then there's a clan compulsion which is unique to your clan. ah Three, you got the hunger compulsion. You no longer ah really care about him. This is not a frenzy, but the only thing you care about right now is sating that four hunger of of yours.
ah Now but so so you are that he's yeah I'm gonna say you said he'd been staked for days Which means the strongest smell of blood is coming from him, right? Uh, I mean there are humans walking the streets and stuff you're in downtown Houston and it's you know, yeah we were at a bar um all that Inside those sweet sweet arteries, but he's actively like now ripping it You can spend a point of willpower to ignore this and continue chasing Kim, or you can um find food. i I will spend a point of willpower because I got plenty of it. All right, so the way you do that is you click the green one of the green boxes and change it to a slash. Okay, just one, not an X.

Jerry's Frenzy and Confrontation

Yeah, just a slash.
Got it. Ooh. And then you can continue chasing him, but boy, are you hungry. but Okay. If he looks back, Jerry no longer looks like he has whites in his eyes. His other white parts have gone full red. And if he looks closely, he also sees that I'm, that I'm drooling and I've gone from more of a, more of a spr, uh, from less of a sprint into more of a full blown, like lion lion chasing after his prey.
Alright, let's give us another athletics plus dexterity roll from both of you. Alright. Oh, two successes. that's a little That would be a little little bit intimidating if I wasn't a health guy.
Two successes. I think um that he's going to ah stay just ahead of you. um He doesn't gain anything. like you're You're fairly close to this guy. um If you wanted... Actually, I was just about to ask, could I make for a tap for like a tackling jump?
so there are Well, so there are some things that you can do right now. You could choose to risk getting even hungrier um and spit, and you know, roll rouse to give you a um plus, how many pluses is that? I think it's a ah plus two, two more dice to that roll you just did. Or you can roll, you can spend another willpower to reroll three of those dice. um Wait, no, you're not allowed to reroll hunger dice. So nevermind.
um all of your dice are hunger dice so you could get you could risk getting even hungrier if you want or you can just accept that role right now if i if i get any hungrier i'm gonna fully ignore him and go after the first person aren't i yes because you're at four so and for right now Bill's gonna not be a smooth brain, and is going to go ahead and say that Jerry is not going, after what happened last time, with Jerry still kind of being trauma traumatized by it, not fully giving up you know his humanity yet. yeah He's gonna go ahead and ignore that, and he's go just go to keep on he's just gonna keep on keeping on, because I'm willing to bet at this point, with my advanced vampiric age of three weeks,
I and my previous occupation of, you know, being, you know, a health guru and basically a glorified gym rat. I'm just going to spread, keep sprinting after him. Oh, but okay i am mom oh but Jerry's getting hangy. So this, this will, um, work to your benefit because, uh, let me see what happens here.
Uh, one success. Okay. Um, so this guy, um, is freezing. He is also at hungry hunger five sees a human and immediately jumps on the human, uh, biting. Um, so he's now stopped running. You can very quickly run up to him, but he has bit into, uh, just a random pedestrian. And he's like, he basically tackled the dude and is now biting. Okay.
As soon as I catch up to him, I'm going to make like a, you know, like a kung fu chop, like a knife hand motion. And I'm just going to kind of come down okay him right in the back of the head where the where the spine meets or the spine meets the skull and try to knock him out. So give me a brawl plus strength.
for Unfortunately, none of this is your forte, I don't think. yeah athle The athletics was, but for most of my forte falls under etiquette and finance.
ah Oh my god. Hey, guess what? This is exactly what I did not need at Hunger Level 5.
Yeah, let's see. Let's roll that d10 again. um I guess I'm not too is still hunger. So guess what? There's a there's a human on the ground, you know, hole right in front of you. And there's an empire. Yeah, you you could you could go for either of them. I'm going for the vampir. Okay. I'm by ah straight into him. It's basically going to be like putting a straw into a juice box.
that already has another straw. You just suck them from em both. So so here's the deal. um I think what I need you to do is click that frenzy button. Oh, geez, OK. And we're going to say, hold on, let me let me get my difficulty chart. I don't I don't have the desk space to have my my DM screen up.
um OK, OK. Because it's going to be a certain difficulty. It's going to be good. It's going to be good. No whammies, no whammies, no whammies, no whammies.
No monophores. Frenzy, hunger. What's the difficulty? So this is going to be a difficulty four. Difficulty four. Oh, shit. OK. The reason because it would be a difficulty.
yeah so you are now also in hunger frenzy um so this would have been a difficulty three but because of that that crit fail i added plus one to the difficulty so here's what's happening he's already in hunger frenzy um
what so there are things you can do but i'm gonna say you take a uh take one point from him um he takes one point from the human uh that takes off one point of hunger does that regenerate any health uh no no you would have to rouse check to regenerate health um so for each additional point uh or each time you want to uh You can essentially, ah what are you at now? Three? Yeah. um I'm going to say once you get down to two, so I guess go ahead and take another.
So he takes another from the human, you take another. um Now that you're down to two, you can spend a willpower to end your frenzy. Yes, I will. To end it early. moment Let me go up there. Yeah.
i slash another one of those boxes okay I've ended my frenzy all right now you've ended your frenzy what are you gonna do because he has not he doesn't know that that's a thing he should do ah oh wait he's a vampire right he is a vampire he is currently drinking from a human yes okay I'm going to reach underneath his, underneath his throat and I'm going to grab his bottom jaw and I'm just going to rip it the fuck off. Uh, so what you're going to, I mean, in order to accomplish this, um, that's a pure strength. He's not, he's ignoring you. So I'm going to let you do strength plus athletics plus strength. Um,
You probably are going to need a rouse check, though, to just straight up if to to get you those two bonus dice. OK, let me go ahead and run my rouse real fast first. OK, good. Big roll. No whammy. No whammy. No whammies. Stop. All right. You do not get hungrier. So you'll get a plus two modifier to your athletics plus strength roll. You're going to need a lot of success to rip the jaw off. But ah if I can't rip it off. I think what I'm going to have to do If I can't rip it off, I'll just like open it.
like I've got a number of mine for eight if you can rip it off, but he he is going to resist this, of course. Why wouldn't he? Because he doesn't want to let go, I guess. you see He gets his hunger right back. um So for the modifier, that would be a plus two? Yes.
Two successes, alright, he's gotta get, um, equal to or more than you to not be pulled off. That's not gonna be enough successes to literally rip his jaw off. But, okay, he, you, you try to pull this dude loose, he's got a gridlock on this person, he takes another hunger. That's three hunger, or three blood points he's taken from this person so far. Shit, oh shit, oh. Wait a second. God fucking dammit, I'm so fucking dumb.
Can I see his eyes? His face is on the guy's neck. um You could maneuver yourself in such a way, I guess. OK, do I need to roll anything to maneuver?
i Give me ah just a dexterity with one success to just like quickly enough get to where you can like get in his face, you know.
Because it would be awkward to, you know, get your face in line with someone doing this, especially considering y'all are on the grounds. Yeah, a you're 100 percent right. OK, yeah, you can get your face in line with his face. OK, as soon as I'm as soon as he's as soon as i've I've I'm locked eye to eye with him, I am going to use dominate. Use what? Dominate. Yeah, I'm guessing you're going to do the compel. Yeah.
Alright, let me look at the rules real quick, because he's a vampire. Yeah, but he he can so he's still kind of wait he's a fresh he's a fresh vampire right yeah but he's supernaturally capable of resisting, so... Compel. So you roll Charisma plus dominate, or dominate plus Charisma.
You've got, I think, what what level? What's your highest level dominate? Two? I think your highest level is level two. So is to basically just do charisma. Yeah, I didn't add my charisma to it. Just do charisma plus two. And he rolls intelligence and resolve. Charisma plus two. God damn it. It is my night of two success rolls or none.
So that is not a crit, but ah I'm gonna say, so he doesn't stop, but you distract him enough that he does not take a fourth point of hunger this turn. He like looks up at you for a second, blinks, but then goes right back to feeding kind of deal. um butdy that So you now have another move you can attempt.
then I've I'm literally I've literally that down to but down to the wire here so that I'm just gonna fuck it I'm gonna roll a brawl and just fucking and just fucking punch him square between the eyes just so I'm just trying to at this point I'm just trying to get him off okay yeah do it is that so this brawl plus strength yep
And you can you can always rouse to get tube. Don't bonus dice if you want. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm going to rouse real fast because I've got I've got a little room to kind of play around with rousing.
OK, you don't get hungrier. And I get the plus two, I think. Yeah. Sweet. OK, so that's three success this time. This is my first good roll.
I think I'm going to have him, uh, Sarah. Ron, I'm going to need you to, uh, roll a bit like Bill and roll a bit like ass. Okay.
I'm trying to decide what a good way thing to roll would be here. Um, I guess I'm going to make him just roll his willpower i'm out here and stand one, but yeah, we're out here in public. with Okay. Uh,
I'm going to say that is enough for to snap him back to his senses. His eyes widen. He looks down at the person who has basically fallen unconscious beneath him because you know he took quite a bit of blood from this person.
um And then he he looks down, looks at you, looks down again. It's like, Oh God, Oh my God. What did I just do? And you know, he like backs away from the person. It's like, I, I didn't, what, what's happening out here? Um, I'm going to grab them by the collar because I'm not furious anymore, but I am still, I am still annoyed by the situation and I'm going to pull them in real close. I'm going to be like, the Prince wants a word. Meet him tonight. And I'm going to let him go.
And then I'm just going to turn to some random passer passer by, you know, I'm trying to try to get, I'm going to try to get attention. Oh, wait, I, I have another ability I can use for this situation. I am going to, uh, is that aspects? Which one are you trying to do? Um, basically just trying to get everyone's attention over to me. Oh, it's all. Yeah.
Oh, presence. You don't have to roll anything for that. Yeah. OK. That one's automatic, at least on mortals. Yeah. OK, then I'm going to activate my all and I'm going to turn to the first person. Call an ambulance right now and I'm going to just going to cover my hands over oh my hands. My hands. Yeah, hands over where over the bite wound and try to but hold pressure so that he you know doesn't lose consciousness. Yeah, I mean, you can lick it. Yeah. Remember, if you can lick it, you you yeah you have a wound.
Yeah, but we're right here around everybody. I mean, but they are they all you could tell them to forget it. Yeah, but there's a lot of people I can only I can only do use that ability on like one person at a time for like the. OK, give me another awareness plus wits awareness plus wits. Give me. and Yeah. OK, one success that's that. Yeah, the beast pops up any time there's a one, um so you can ignore that because it wasn't enough ah an actual failure.
ah Okay, and then also at the same time, give me a medicine plus intelligence just to see how you do on this like first aid of the guy. Well, that should actually be good because I actually have training in medical stuff. Medicine plus... And Jerry's smart.
Yeah, I should hope he yeah he gets smart to get to this to this level of success. Yeah, three so I'm going to say you you are definitely able to stabilize this guy until the ambulance gets here. With your awareness of one, um you notice two things. um ah The guy you were chasing, he he ran off.
and And also, there's like a weird red hue to everything. And now we switch scenes. We are standing, is Frank back yet? No, I think so. Yeah, I am. Okay. We switch back, we are standing atop the Raven Tower bar, you know, the tower at the Raven Tower bar.
um And you guys, ah basically, Jerry just ran off in pursuit of the the guy. um You guys just kind of had a conversation with her about like, um you know, what was going on, why she was doing this ritual. She doesn't know the exact reason. All she knows is that um the guy was supposed to be sacrificed or there would be a calamity. um Both of you, and I guess I'll make her do it too.
Also give me, ah ah what did I just make? Awareness plus wits rolls. And let me find her sheet. She's an other, yeah. See what her awareness is. Not very great.
Nobody's rolling good tonight.
And then one for from Cole, we are there as well.
What am I rolling? Awareness plus wits. Oh, God, it's been so long since I touched these rolls. Yeah. Awareness plus wits. Just hit the awareness, and then then on the second just window, it will pop up with wits. Yeah. you have to You have to do the skill before the attributes, because the character sheet, that's just how they coded it.
Yeah. I got rolled. Two successes. Okay. um
It's not immediately apparent. Lauren doesn't notice it as much as you do, but Cole, everything's taken off. I thought I was unconscious. No, no. She gave you some of her blood, which woke you back up. Okay. You are still quite wounded, but you were able to kind of wake back up.
Um, did I stand back up or am I still laying on the ground? I think you stood back up, but it's, it's not like, I mean, you can be standing. Um, you know, let's say that, let's say that, um, Max helped me up. Yeah. Or maybe he's in the process of helping you up as he's helping you up and your eyes are pointed skyward. The moon is red, like blood red. Oh, great.
That's what your two successes noticed. The moon. There's no there's no roof on the on the building on the tower. I think the tower I think is top. Yeah. you're You're basically at the top of this tower thing. I think it's an open top like thing. I remember looking at it. Yeah. The Raven bar there. It's actually a real place. Yes. You want to go look at it. Raven um bar. I think it's the Raven tower bar or something like that. Yeah. Raven tower. What wasn't the tower like locked up? No.
it was blocked off when i personally went there yeah But if you can, when you... Oh, yeah. No, first so there's no roof. It looks like there's a rooftop option as well, though. Yeah, you guys were on the rooftop, for sure. It's got van rails up there, but the pictures I'm seeing are like inside that top area. You were on the rooftop. um So yeah, and and you saw the the ah the moon you saw the moon actually turn red. Like the moon, it looked like a wound almost opened up on the moon, and and it it like spread across it and turned red. Mm.
Nobody else saw that. um I mean, Lauren vaguely notices that that there's like a red hue in the air, but you you know, yeah, I probably go, um, guys, uh, the moon is red. She looks up and just like, Oh, shit.
I don't I don't know what this means, but the fuck did you do? The fuck did you do? What did you do? You're the one who was your spell. My spell was supposed to prevent whatever this is. Well, nobody told us that. Well, you're the ones who decided to interrupt a witch's ceremony.
it Whose fault was that actually? Who wanted us to do this? like was no i'm the one that I'm the one that jumped into the path. It was all Cole's fault. They were letting it happen. Oh, okay. Cole decided, well, actually, um ah ah Max did. You invisibly whispered to Max, should you go like grab the guy or or should you go pull the stake out? And Max said yes. So it's also Max's fault. um But then you jumped in the way of the spell because she did try to finish him off anyway.
Gotcha. Okay. Yeah. Um, yeah, so back into the the character. Yeah. Well, I mean, it's Max's fault. He told me to do it. She says, why why does she have weird? Um, she, she says it does doesn't really matter whose fault it is. I don't, I don't know what this means, but I need to, I'm going to have to go
i need to go so you try and you're trying to cast a spell to stop this from having but you don't know what this is All I know, look, visions aren't always clear. My vision said a new a newborn vampire, one basically made, well, the vision specifically showed me the face of of that guy who just ran off. um You had this vision? Yes, I had the vision. That guy who I knew to be a new vampire needed to be sacrificed tonight beneath the full moon before midnight, which i'm she looks at her watt at her phone and is like,
uh before midnight uh or something we just go and get him and bring him back and you you finish the ritual or i mean we i don't know if that would work it's it's after midnight i mean does it matter like i feel like we should just try it again anyways i mean i'm i'm very willing to try it again but the guy ran off i mean your your your friend was chasing him i Can you get a hold of him somehow? Do you have black psychic vampire powers? I pull up my phone to try to text Jerry. Okay. is it Technology, intelligence plus tech. yeah Or tech plus intelligence.
yeah intelligence Technology plus intelligence. What does Max think of all this? One, he thought about drop kicking Cole when he said it was my fault. um But he's just trying to think about what else he could do. And I guess he's going to roll for a cold if he can understand why the blood is turning, or why the moon is turning red. OK. Cole, for your messy critical, ah
I mean, use definitely success. I think what happens, and this makes the most sense with your current situation, you get hungrier, just increase your hunger by one, but the text message or phone call definitely goes through, and you feel your you feel a rumble in your tummy. I i call Jerry. Does Jerry answer?
Not unless the, wait, has the ambulance gotten here? Um, this is, I would say by now you are kneeling by the guy. So, so now, then I'm not answering. I'm trying to, I'm just trying to keep him alive. Okay. your It goes to voicemail. It's one of those really annoying ringtones you, you put to like one of your coworkers or friends that you just don't want to answer sometimes. And so you know, it's me. Oh yeah, absolutely. He calls again.
same same thing very I send like three text messages Jerry bring the vampire for text messages we must kill him call you again all right not answer He's not answering. so So you don't know what's going on. He's not answering. It's going to be like three. It's probably going to. I mean, I'm being very generous with Houston response times here. It's going to be five minutes before the ambulance gets there. um It's right next to the button like right yeah a firehouse. It's still going to be five minutes.
the the hospitals like right down the street and the like the the paramedics are like you can see them down the road they're like leaning and they they they like pull out their I don't know what do they have probably phones in this day and age and they're like oh that's right down the street they start slowly walking to the ambulance um they put their phone back in the pocket they pick up their dice they were throwing They finished snorting their lines of code. so Max, with three successes, i mean this is beyond something that your knowledge would um cover, you know considering you weren't actually a witch. Also, this is some sort of weird vision thing. i mean
the vampire not being killed calls in the moon blood moon to turn red you don't know why but it checks out like calls and effect I mean it using context clues there's nothing like what I would maybe understand You can understand that definitely the blood moon has never been a good thing in occult lore. um It's usually a bad omen. um Now this, this is...
like A blood moon is like just an orangy reddish tint to the moon because of because of the ah you know what's going on in the atmosphere and various stuff like that. This moon is blood red. so this this you you know This is obviously for real magic stuff.
um But yeah, this would not be something he would know. I mean, you would have needed like a crit success or something for me to really give you details, um real details. I mean, you agree with Lauren that screwing this this um ritual up did not turn out good. i I guess I look at Lauren. That's her name, right? The witch.
I look at Lauren and I'm like, very sorry. I'm going to go see what's up with my friend. Okay. And then I jump off the rooftop and start running. Okay. Um, do you have something that can survive jumping off the rooftop? Uh, my immortal body. I mean, yes, you can survive it, but, um, I guess I just start running down the stairs until I'm at a height that I won't crack my ankles at. Right.
Yeah, you don't have a power that would just let you jump off. Jayden does, but Jayden's not here.
But i power you do it wine at him and you do it quite stylishly. You've got rapid reflexes. um To see your specific powers, you have to click the drop-down menu. So you've got, under Blood Sorcery, Corrosive Vitae, under Celerity, you've got rapid reflexes, Silence of Death,
and then um Eyes of the Beast. um
Yeah, you've oh that's right. Y'all did take damage from that ritual. ah Yeah, so you're going to go run it off in the direction of Jerry. ah By the time you catch up to him, the ambulance will have arrived. Cole, do you do anything else while during the like three more minutes other than, you know I don't know,
Um, I would probably ask what she shot me with. Well, I shot you with, I don't know that it necessarily has like a name. Um, quick question yeah. Um, she gave me some of her blood. Yes. She, she saved me. She did.
Huh. I'm a bagger. That's my feeding style. Do I have some sort of negative to eating blood that's not bad? No, you don't. that It is a preference. You don't have an exclusion,
um a prey exclusion or anything like that. So you don't actually, like, you don't want to drink directly from people, but it doesn't hurt you to do so. Gotcha. Some vampires with their things that can harm them to do so, but um yours is more just a ah personal choice. Okay. All right. Yeah, I just want to double check. um So yeah, what do you shoot me with? Question mark. She says, well, I mean, it's not like it, we've got like a name for it, but essentially it's it's the raw magical energy that comes from the combined life force of everyone in this ritual.
aye I did my best to dissipate it as much as possible, which is why you're still alive, probably. um I mean, I knew you guys were vampires, and I didn't know what you were really going for, but I couldn't stop the ritual. I mean, I didn't know you were here. You ah appeared out of nowhere. But those other two, i knew as I knew they were vampires, and they seemed to want to join in. So all so I think it was also a little bit more super powered with their life force, or un-life force, or however demon force. I don't i don't know how it works.
what you guys actually are but um maybe that was a problem you you included vampire blood in your one oh the problem was the vision the the vision specifically was was that one dude yeah but i mean you just you know accepted demon or vampire blood into the sacred blood sacrifice of the the well the uh the the ritual itself um wasn't specific this was the the best ritual Essentially, we were performing a generic ritual to stop bad stuff from happening. um And typically, if you use the power of supernatural creatures such as myself, you guys, the fae, whatever, it it makes the spell more powerful. So adding you guys in,
under normal circumstances wouldn't have been a problem. um You know, if I was just casting a a standard, I mean, this this was simply a standard ritual to prevent bad stuff from happening. um It was just a very, very important one. And she glances back up at the moon. I see I'm assuming I see I have my flask on me. Can I go ahead and sip that while we're talking?
Yes. um You can do a rouse check to heal yourself. um Each rouse check will heal you ah depending on, let me let me go look at your sheet real quick. i don't I don't know what happened, but I'm all back to solid red. So I was down to like, I was down to one. That's your humanity. Your health is up up closer to the top.
um But let me look at this real quick. Your rouse check will heal you one point of damage. um Each rouse check you do. So whether it's a sess or failure, it heals, but on a failure, you get hungrier. I'll be right back. Kelsey just got home. I'm gonna go say hi. How I rouse. We'll be right back. All right. Rouse. We're special. Discipline, rituals, resonance. Rouse. Rouse. Rousing success. So that heals one point of damage.
I actually like that Raven Tower. It looks pretty interesting. I wouldn't mind going one day. OK, I'm back. So I see a successful Rouse. So you would heal one point if you haven't already done it, which means turn your leftmost health box back to red. Yeah, I did. OK, cool. um So Lauren ah says, OK,
do do you have like Can I get your phone number? I need to go speak with the coven to see if we can salvage this. ah and she ah Do you give her your phone number? She was mildly attractive, wasn't she? Yeah. um She is also a teenage student. she you when to trying she She's She's She's 22.
Oh yeah, she's definitely wildly attractive. um ah Do I have any way to coerce her into calling me for other reasons? I mean, you are welcome to try at this point. um It's not like she's thinking about that. and I'm looking if I've got a power to do something. Your power, you've got Compel, but Compel is a short term thing. like Yeah, she's also a witch and they'll probably, if she's going back to the coven, they'll probably see that.
then I'll just be in more trouble. I'll be like, yeah yeah, I can totally give you my number. um I'm so sorry for, i did I honestly had no idea what was going on and I just assume y'all were evil. Clearly that's not the case. You're actually pretty chill and I do apologize. This is all my fault.
To be fair, I assumed that all of you would have been evil too. So um it's a learning experience for both of us. And she gets your number and gives you her number. So if you find the guy, go ahead and call me. And I'm going to go and see what I can find out. And she like runs downstairs.
Before she like leaves, I text her real quick. It's just a ah ah picture of um a cat, ah just a cute cat sitting in a box. She sends back the witch emoji. I don't know how to interpret emojis. Neither do I. OK. And yeah, so she runs off. um Jerry. Do her giggle while she runs away. What's my... me an awareness plus wits roll. What's my... like Charisma. I've got one point of charisma. Awareness plus wits. Yeah. Awareness plus wits.
My God. um I know everything. I guess, I mean, I wasn't going to give you this, but maybe she'll be like, she was like,
He was kind of cute as she's running off, like mutters under her breath. Hell yeah. Hell yeah. And she runs off. ah ah Max, you arrive at Jerry at about the same time that the ambulance arrives. they they you know The paramedics jump out and they're like, what what happened here? What's the situation? And they like run over to the guy and start like putting a bandage on his neck and getting him onto a stretcher and all of that good stuff.
um I look at Jerry and basically go for the eye look of where to go. I point the direction of the i point the direction that heat that I saw him run off to and then we but and then I guess we can both run after him.
You don't answer the paramedic at all. who Oh, we just... Oh, no, so sorry. I point the direction the direction that he went and then I turn to the guy. Some, I don't know, a druggie or something just came up and just bit right into this guy. He's lost a lot of blood. I had to fight to get that guy off him.
Okay, and so they are going to look around. There's no blood on the floor. They're like, what the fuck? Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Well, there's plenty of blood on the floor. Yeah, they're they're gonna let me see what's the med paramedics medicine. You know, they probably got Jerry, what's your medicine level? Why? Medicine level? Yes.
e Two.
two Okay, yeah, I was gonna give him three. Three, and then we'll give him another three for intelligence plus specialty. So they've got six, 60, 10.
That's one, two, three successes. Okay, he does not die on the way to the hospital. um Yeah, that so they get them to the hospital um and that's that's all you know. ah I mean, I guess you don't even know that they get them to the hospital because you're running. um Yeah, you guys go running down the street.
You don't see the guy.
um I mean that it's it's you know We're in downtown Houston like where there's one-way streets and like you know The highway is not too far away and like who who knows where this guy went um yeah And fast food is always inside a building somewhere Like you you unfriendly the dude so he's now at least thinking somewhat rationally so And Jerry um I'm wondering what I should make you roll to think of this. Give me, this'll be two traits. So you just use the top. Give me a composure plus wits.
Where's composure? Composure is one of the middle three and then wits. What's the difference between wits and intelligence? Wits is more of like, um,
In D and&D it'd be wisdom versus intelligence.
It's kind of your like ability to think on your feet, your ability to notice, you know, thing it's like situational type stuff, whereas intelligence is book smarts and ah there stuff like that. He said composure plus what? Composure and wits. So just click on either one of those and and you'll be able to, yeah.
okay um So you ah recall the last thing, you know, you said to the guy, um you told him that the prince wants to talk and meet him. i I don't even remember what you said tonight or tomorrow or whatever you said. ah And with with three successes, you also realized this guy was According to the story that um Olivia, I think was her name, told you. Teenage TikTok girl. The TikTok girl, Olivia Taylor. According to her story, um she turned to the guy and then was forced thrown away by the witch. um And then the guy who spent the last 10 days staked. You said the prince wants to talk, meet him tonight, and then turned away and the guy ran off.
ah This guy probably doesn't know what the hell you're talking about. God damn it. Can I rule streetwise and wits to think about where this guy might have gone? Yes.
Let's see if I can... I mean, he wasn't exactly being stealthy about this, but let me just roll something for him. Accidentally closed his sheet. ah
Does he have Streetwise? No. Well, i my thinking with two successes, I don't think that you will have necessarily ah seen him do this because you weren't there. you were you know So you couldn't have seen him. But um there's a good chance he might have like ah like Well, this is Houston. I guess you can't just grab a taxi. Are there taxis running around downtown Houston? There are taxis in Houston. But like taxis that you can just hail a taxi? um You could try. Yeah. It's possible he did something like that or hitched a ride or something. um You also, I mean, presumably you can ask Jerry, how long ago was he here? You know, it's only been a couple of minutes, but a couple of minutes that someone running all out speed,
With Jerry only knowing the general actually Jerry doesn't even know Necessarily where which way he went. I guess he would know that he didn't run in front of him, but Jerry turned his back on the guy And and so yeah Jerry really do I have the phone number of Of the tik-tok girl yes, I believe you would yeah, I'm gonna call Elizabeth Taylor I well yeah It rings you know a few times and then she answers and says, she says what i hold on, let me let me roll something for Olivia real quick. Just just see if she's realized the red moon. Yeah.
well While you're on the phone, I'm actually going to look on the ground and see if I can find it. I'm going to give her a plus one, spread for five minutes.
I think at this point, well, nah, she doesn' she hasn't noticed it. um she She says, ah hello, did you ah did you guys find the find Dexter? Yes and no, we lost him.
yeah but Do you know where he lives? I mean, yes, I've got his address, but it's in London. um where he was staying? He was staying. I mean, yeah, he was staying at his friend's house. um ah Let me get the guy's name. um The place where I went to the party at, his name was ah Lawrence Williams. um she She gives you the address.
Anything else about this guy we might like to know because he's a loose vampire that's running around Houston right now He's probably got Well, he might not know how to use them but he might use them extinctually he's he's probably got some of the same powers I've got he's probably fast Maybe he's got um The ah Well, you guys remember the power that I was using when I first met you, the one that makes everyone pay attention to me. let's good chance He's got that. um I mean, those those are my prep powers. So he he typically might have my powers. And then like, it all of a sudden clicks and I go, Oh, Lawrence willing that douchebag of a human. I don't think you know Lawrence Williams.
I know that he was trying to hit up. Oh wait, no, that was because I was really playing her. Damn it. I don't remember him. Nope. Okay. And of course the last that um that she knows, Lawrence, along with the other NPCs that everyone else was playing, um are all dead. Lawrence, Hugh, and of course the ah the vampire guy wouldn't know that.
While he's on the phone, can I actually look on the ground and see if I can see any trailing blood around? Him trailing blood? Yeah, he was. I'm looking on the ground to see if he was trailing blood, because I bit into him. And then he also like was drinking from that guy. So I wanted to see if maybe there was like a trail of like blood up like blood drops we could follow. Give me an investigation plus. Can I assist with that?
wits. You can both roll it, I guess. um I guess it'd be wits. ah But vampires don't bleed a lot, so this is um I'm going to say it's a difficulty three. So three successes, and you can modify three. No, no modifier, just you'll need three successes. Damn it. Damn it. Yeah, even combined, that's not enough.
um Yeah, you guys don't pick up a blood trail. Vampires, especially just from a bite, vampires aren't going to bleed that much. Well, I was actually talking about all the blood that was dripping off his face from where he from where he was ripping into that guy.
It would have been a small amount of blood, I mean. It wasn't three successes. it That would have been a difficult thing. It's dark. um I mean, I guess technically, I think ah Max can see in the dark if he activates that ability, which causes his eyes to glow red.
I guess I will call. Well, I told Jerry to call back and tell him that I'm going to this address. um So then I will find a way there. Lawrence Lawrence's address. the ah The guy who wore the sleeve cape. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That that douche. The greatest human to have ever lived. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. Sleep cape. Obviously the greatest to ever live. Yeah. I'm going to go ahead and give a give Cole a call back.
and I'm on my way to the address.
So Cole, you get a phone call back from Jerry. Oh shit, it's Jerry. Answer. Jerry, my man, did you catch the dude? <unk> running it we' we're trying to We're trying to find him. I had to help so i had to help some get some guy that he attacked. We're heading over to that one douchebags place.
That was very helpful. Do I know this douchebag?
youre You're in Houston. There's a lot of douchebags here. Fuck, what was his name again? I'm sorry. I yeah i know y'all just said it, but. Lawrence. Lawrence. We're heading over to Lawrence. I made a lot of vampire club members and we did not use most of them. Which was Lawrence.
If you look at the humans, it's the second one, Lawrence dead question mark Williams. He's the guy who was trying to hit up the.
The character who you have the hots for a coal, the witch in PCs. Yeah, he's under the humans. Yeah. He's the guy with the you remember the cape. Oh, fucking. Yeah. You were him. Yep. Yep. I was. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Mm hmm. I remember him now.
Did I come up with the name Lawrence? I feel like that was the thing. No, that was me. Okay. That was fun. Oh yeah, yeah, Lawrence. The the fucking the dude with the cape sleeves.
Well, you wouldn't have known. I guess you've seen his profile. I'm looking at his profile. No, I mean, you, as in Cole, has seen his Facebook profile, so.
That is true. I wasn't there, was I? No. That was a flashback. You guys, at the time that all of that went down, you guys were at um the the launch party. Because this also happened on um New Year's Eve when ah Lawrence ah or ah the the vampire club party
OK, well, should I come? Do I need to stay here with the other magic people that are here? They all left. Oh, I'm just standing. OK, yeah, I'm just chilling up here in the private rooftop lounge of the Raven Place. Everybody left me. Do I have the phone number of the witch? Cole has it. Probably not. Yeah, Cole got it.
I text Cole to ask for the phone number so I can update her, or if he wants to update her. I don't know what phone number you're talking about. Dick. And then I text her. I'd be like, hey girl, how you doing? um Got some news. They caught him, and then they let him go because they're idiots.
You texted her? I texted her, yes. OK. um it she She doesn't left you on red, she just hasn't read it. ah Okay, just delivered. Yeah. Does she have an iPhone or an Android? I'm an Android person, of course. um You know, she's probably got, I feel like she has an iPhone. Oh God, so I don't even know. It's just green. Yeah.
I text again, I'd be like, also, if you want a nice Android, I can get you hooked up.
that That didn't happen, but that's just funny. Because Apple sucks. Well, i'm like you need to cut that part out. I don't want to like make people mad out in the listening verse. About disliking Apple? Yeah, I mean, it's that's a personal opinion. you know Not everybody shares my personal opinion, so. Yeah. Frank, I'm going to send you a message. Oh, god. Is it about the Apple thing? I'm sorry. No.
but Uh, okay. So Jerry, you're going to, um, the Lawrence bat wing guys house. I read. I'm leaving one red. Okay. Um, you don't know that I don't know her number. I'm just, I'm not willing to give you her never. I know how you are. I mean, I know how Hayden is as, as a person. I don't do shit.
That's not to say I don't know Maxwell, but I mean, you know, this is probably the first number I've got from a female in a long time. yeah So I'm not risking that, you know. Like, I'm going to be the point of contact. It's cool.
OK, all y'all y'all go do that. And I i guess I have we updated the. Oh, God, the guy.
the the the prince prince is like chauffeur guy oh i i can go back and update him on what's going on if that's cool is that cool bill and jerry or jerry and max wait what Yeah, I'm gonna go back and update Jeeves. Yeah, fucking yeah. I'm gonna go back and update Jeeves about the situation that we found him. I'm not gonna tell him anything else because I feel like we fucked up on this somehow. But we did fuck up. Well, I mean, you told me to fuck it up. To the vampires we fucked up, but to the general world.
how to To be fair, we were only told to find him we weren't told to interfere and I should have followed my gut but I did anyways, so Okay, yeah, so I'm gonna go I'm gonna go and talk jeez let him know so Cole's gonna go do that um Jerry and ah Max, you guys get a ride somehow. um I don't know if you use an Uber or you go back to the Raven thing and get presumably all got there in a car. I don't remember. But you whatever form of transportation you use, you get to um this address. It takes about probably from where you are, I'd say about 30 minutes, 20 to 30 minutes.
ah When you arrive at the house, it's ah it's a two-story house with a balcony upstairs. um And you notice one really weird thing. First off, there's like all the light bulbs on the outside of the house are black lights. ah And then combined with the red moon, definitely kind of eerie. Also, it looks like there's like fog around his front door and the balcony.
um And that there is, um yeah. So so that's that's what you see when you pull into this cul-de-sac. A house lit with black lights with fog around the front door and the balcony. Do I hear a fog machine? ah From your car, you could not hear something like that, no. Like when I get out of it. When you get out and do you approach the house?
Yes. Do you see a fog machine? God damn it, you assholes. And I say that out loud. And I i go up to the the front door and see if it's unlocked. it is it's not ah It's not unlocked, no. It's locked. Are any of the adjacent windows locked? The windows are not open. I guess you could try the windows. ah
Frank, as Lawrence, I guess we'll reveal. Give me um an awareness plus wits roll to see if you notice someone's trying to break into your house. um I would, but I can't seem to find his character sheet. Didn't you just have him? I had me. Oh, you were looking at yourself. He's in. um Oh, you know, humans and then Lawrence. Yeah, so I got.
I thought Lawrence was dead. You can't open his character sheet? No. Refresh roll 20. I gave you right. I gave you permissions, I thought. Oh no, I didn't. Here, save. I gave you the permission to see it when you already had that. Okay, now you should be able to open it. There it goes.
I like the concept. Yeah.
and Okay. I don't know of anything like that. What was the vampire's name we were looking for again? You were looking for Dexter Chapman. Okay, so, um... I never remember that name. And Frank, if you look under... If you look under rituals, I really hope you use that at some point. Mine or Lawrence's? Under under Lawrence. But for now, roll me a um awareness plus wits. Rituals.
What the heck? I don't have any details on that. It's, um... I'll just text you. Okay. Alright, so what am I rolling? Awareness plus wits? Uh, yeah. Uh, fuck. Awareness plus wits.
Submit. I would say you notice somebody is outside.
So they come up, they try to the handle and it doesn't open? Yeah, the door's locked. Yeah. ah Okay. on You don't leave, this is Houston, you don't just leave your door unlocked.
Okay. Yeah. And I guess- I mean, you're you're welcome to react to that however you think he would. Let me... I'm still at hunger three, so...
After he tricks the door, I think I'm just going to fucking kick the door. Oh, you're here with me? Yeah, Jerry's there. You two wrote together. OK, I'm going to do a investigation. No, you're doing it right. It's you put this flash flash. Yeah.
And this. Whits. Got it. Do I know if anyone's home?
Do you know if anyone's home? He doesn't. There are lights on inside, I guess. And I guess I would. Although do you notice that they're probably like like blue lights or something?
What the fuck is wrong with these kids and I knock on the door? Well half of them are like black lights and then some of them and then some of them are like just like those very dark heat lamp looking bulb things that don't actually produce heat. They're just like a very slight weird shade of yeah kind of sort of. Fucking pricks. And I'm I'm checking your question right now. Let's see.
Um, you also probably hear, um, some very rungy, uh, like back alley. Hey Ron, if you're typing, we're seeing, do I, uh, I saw you type in the chat. So I didn't know if you're meant to, can you see me typing now? No. Interesting. But it's like some back alley bootleg. Um,
Cool. Um, so you hear some like back alley bootleg, like deep London underground type of like techno beat coming from the, in the, does the, look entirely you open yeah but say I look at Jerry and I hear this gay aspiration music and I'm like, for the love of God.
And as soon as you say that, I'm going to turn to you and just give you like the most the most like sarcastic look ever and be like, dude.
Frank, I'm also changing it to where it rolls your um anything you roll as a whisper to me. So you can now I think that'll allow you to roll things in secret. I guess just do a test of here. Did you guys see that random roll he just did? No. OK, cool.
Well, so yeah, they won't be able to see anything you roll after after max says that to me I'm going to just lee I'm just gonna take a slight half step back and just fucking kick his door in no No, no, no, and I see you getting ready for that I'm like no not yet but fucking damn i'm fucking hungry and this is gonna be a long as thing happen on jerry Does anything happen when Jerry when they knock like do you answer the door I um I have a question I sent first. Yes. I'll just... I'll do the roll for you just real quick, so... Well, unless... I can't see the the kind the the results, so... Oh, you can't? Okay. No. Oh, wow. So it doesn't... That's weird. You whisper it to me, but it doesn't show you the results.
um ah Okay. um Alright well roll two more dice, I guess Yeah, I'll do it. I'll do it. It's just d6 No, it's there d10. So yeah, just give me a 2d10 Wow, okay see that huh? Everyone can see that part. Yeah, but that's fine. um They don't know what you're doing. Uh, mean
I'm trying to decide what to tell them to do. get
While they're rolling this, type to me what you're doing. um Jerry and Max give me awareness plus wits. Okay. Okay. And Frank is currently typing, so. Because I don't know what to make y'all do until I know what he's doing, so.
Unless it's something that's about to be revealed to them and you can just say it out loud, I don't know. Okay.
So the... You guys, um Jerry, with your three successes, um you you hear the lock on the door, like, click unlocked. Max, you don't hear that, but Jerry, you hear that the door unlocks.
All right, as, ooh. Hayden, how aggressive, this is an above game question, 100%, but Hayden, how aggressive am I allowed to be?
Knowing that Frank's playing him as aggressive as he want. As soon as I hear as soon as i hear that lock oh that lock open, I'm going to forcefully, with my vampire strength, open the door and pin him and pin him up to the wall. Okay. You forcefully open the door and nothing is there. You see a dark room and the mist... uh...
<unk> the mist flows through the door your eyes um okay The moment I see the fog in this room, I need the front door step. It's just you open the door and like the fog billows in as you open it. There's there's not a there's not an additional fog machine inside. ah no There is fog inside. You guys, your eyes, you of course got a three success and I don't think he's technically being stealthy anymore, um but it takes you a moment because you because people typically don't. He's typing.
do you want to describe to them what they see
so you kick in the door um the fog but more fog billows out um most of the furniture is like black lacquered um there might be some you know
Halloween-esque spiderwebs strung around in locations. um You walk inside, and I guess, Jerry, you would notice that there is a man sitting on a couch on the ceiling.
Hanging upside down. Well, sitting upside down. Well, he's sitting in the couch properly. The couch is upside down yeah attached to the ceiling.
I'm just going to lower his arm sleeves, like awkwardly dangling. Yes. Yes, they are. Yeah. I'm going to go ahead. and You see him? He's like trying to get out of his face. Just going to look up to him and be like, how's it hanging, buddy?
Ah, welcome, my friends of the duck. I see you have come to join in on the fun. Bro, I'm an adult, I'm so tired of the of this weak Hot Topic bullshit. Can you just come down here so we can have a conversation?
Hot Topic bullshit? What are you even referring to? This is my lair you've walked into. Oh my god, you got all of this from Spencer's on sale, didn't you? it Some of it was on sale, sure, but still.
Oh wow, and you're not even- I played a pretty penny for those spider webs. And you're not even gonna deny that most of this shit came from Spencer's, except for that stuff over there. That stuff's from Party City. That stuff is from Party City. Hey, you got all the Wayne stuff outside of season, you know. yeah And what the hell is up with all- A lot of stuff to order off of Amazon, but it doesn't matter.
You've entered my lair, welcome. I am Lawrence, oh shit, what's my last name? Williams. I am Lawrence Williams, Grand Master of the, I haven't come up with a name for it, but the cult that I'm in. The vampire club. Dude. Yeah, the vampire club. The Grand Master of the vampire club. You're gonna claim to be a vampire master and you're gonna keep a weak sauce name like Lawrence?
I'm surprised with all this decoration around here. You do notice that he... You do notice he doesn't appear to be strapped into this couch or anything. Oh, I know. I'm trying to... I'm trying to... I'm trying to... I'm kind of just... I'm kind of just playing the bit here because it's Frank. I want to be like, you know, with all this stuff, I kind of figured you would have named yourself, like, Blood Moon Sliver or some... some cringy-ass shit like that.
That's exactly what happens. I... I mean, yes. I'm Lawrence... Darkwing... no. Lawrence... Bloodbane... no. Yeah, I kinda like that one. Lawrence Bloodbane. I had to fucking... recent in my... shit for my ID for the club, but still. Lawrence Bloodbane!
And by the way, Lair, you're renting this place on campus. No, he's not. How dare you come into my home and wait, our is the vampires entering a home uninvited thing a thing? Or is that just bullshit? It is for 99% of vampires bullshit, yes. Okay. um I just wanted to double check. Am I one of those vampires?
ah Let me see I might have given you something like that ah you no isn't that isn't that ah Yes, actually yes You I gave you the folkloric block crossing mortal threshold uninvited is that also like the you also like and everything you've got um the threshold and the cross and silver. um Great. All the classic. Yeah, I need garlic to make sure the garlic in there. Okay. There's a type of in folk. I'll put work. Yeah. Bane. Garlic. Garlic. And a Mac Daddy. Do you want to come down here? We have a conversation.
Sorry, I just wanted to double check. You dare me into my lair and and put down my croutre mon. How dare you? And you see him like stand up from the couch and like just shove off of the ceiling and do a half ass flip learning a role to see if this lands. Oh, my God. ah That would be athletics plus dexterity. This is so pretty like an interview with a man. Plus dexterity.
Uh, you know, it's not pretty, but one success is enough to basically fall from the ceiling without hurting yourself and and land relatively on your feet. So I attempt to push off from the ceiling and do like this awesome little back flip. Yeah.
Does he stagger? I attempt to push off on the ceiling and like like do an awesome little flat backflip and then like land standing upright. Instead, I push off from the ceiling and just kind of wobble a little bit as I fall and then like, not like slowly, I like straight push off of. And then when I land, I like stumble like backward three steps and bump into a cabinet.
Wow, i i don't and then i like i kind of straight myself and brush myself off it I don't actually think I've ever seen a real person wear two-inch Doc Martens that are thigh-high laced all the way up. that um That's impressive, my guy. Is that what he's wearing? I don't know. What does this picture it look like? Because that picture is like spot-on. That's what we just decided. I don't remember at all.
I'm sorry, that wasn't that was that wasn't so much in character, that was just me being a dick. Oh my god. oh Those more look more like a very half-assed. Oh, those are... so not so whoever Whoever this cosplayer is, he went he wented full domestic. He went full domestic on those shoes. Yeah, it's like just to make some wingtips or something.
ah The only difference between this picture is that you can actually see like his shirt comes down in a V and you can see his chest hair which is dyed black. like My hair is blonde though. Wait, was it the other way around? Well, you your natural yeah your your chest hair and eyebrows are dyed black but your hair is blonde.
Yeah, that's what it was. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, my God. I just lost this page. I'm about to turn. I'm seriously, but I'm seriously going to turn to Max. And I don't know if I can talk to this. Oh. Ah.
ah You already got James's blood plane. definite um seriously I'm turning to cause turning to Max. now I'm just going to be like, Max, I don't honestly know if I can know that I can talk to this guy. I can't do this. I am though not the right person to be here for this. This is this is making me cringe.
So, um, he he falls or he he jumps down, um, does the stumble and bump. He kind of brushed himself off and he's like, okay, where was I? Um, stumbled into my layer insult me did it in and Oh, okay. And that's, and that's exactly what happens. Uh, and he goes, Oh, fuck me personally. me I lost my train of thought. Oh.
And what do I need to roll to see if I know if these guys are vampires? um Like, do I need to roll in like an awareness plus wits or something? Let me check your powers. I don't think your powers give you anything like that now. Shape the Sanguine Sacraments. I don't remember what that one does. Do you have any reason to believe that we're vampires? I think that one allows you to... Huh?
um Just do awareness plus wits right now because neither one of them are blush of lifing so um Awareness plus wits. Yeah And then I need to look in handouts disciplines, I guess how many is that to I mean they they do look pale I at the very least they're they're doing a good um i mean their makeup's good uh at the very least you know they might be real vampires they might not but you know if not the makeup's good their costumes yeah no my makeup is extremely overdone i look like a fucking blow up doll like you know that that very like just shiny sheen to it like it's it's terrible like
Um, but that just can be contributed to. the The check that the blood sorcery power I gave you allows you to, um, it says right here, the first line of the power learned only by the most ostentatious. Um, but, uh, it, it allows you to basically, um, I don't know if you like draw blood, uh,
Yeah, you can craft blood into shapes or images that you desire. So if you like drip some blood on the ground, you can you can like telekinetically draw with it. That's funny. Yeah, I don't have any I don't have any information on the the power, though. Yeah, it's in the handouts under. OK, blood sorcery level. We should pull that one. We should pull that one up, too. I mean, here's here's that.
It would be the shape of the Sanguine Sacrament. most player handouts blood socialy Now you are not a Tremere, but you do have Blood Sorcery. because those advantage writers are anticipat I did show to players, did it not pop up? I'll try again. I'll just copy paste the power for you real quick.
um Yeah, so I stumbled back into the table the thing walk forward I do the little mumble of trying to get back on the track where I was as far as the script the my i guess also do this spiel I Already fixed it. Okay. Yeah um and then I'm like well Slowly for the fact that you are fellow vampires. I may forgive you for this transgression. I The prince is gonna be pissed. Oh, sorry I said i Like I Kind of like get up right and I clap my hands I'm like Come forth winches and feeds my friends um Okay Do you hold on hold on there are there are wishes?
i've just made i do exist buy this whole time theys be like oh human were We've got ah I guess um I don't have pictures for any of these people and did I even create their sheets I Just created their names. Oh, no, I kind of did great. Yeah, I created their sheets a girl
what your guy How is that are how was this guy's banging Lauren?
arm are they specifically women or does he use anyone from the vampire club Um, I feel like he would be like non-judgmental of like, like of the gender. Um, but for feeding purposes, you know, yeah, for feeding purposes. But when he was saying winches, he probably was calling only the females for her because he, he made the assumption. There's only one, uh, one female, uh, LaVon. Oh, okay.

Comedic Relief and Vampire Backstory

Well then the prettiest male then. And Luciano. Okay.
So you see you see two people come out, um one male, one female. um Both of them wearing like, what you can only assume is like a knockoff of the um Princess Leia. Oh my God, that's exactly what I was picturing. Oh my God, Frank!
but killing me here dude they walk in what sucks is that i used to know these i used to know these kids um yes they you see a male and a female walk out in some knockoff like prince princess princess Leia from um the the scene with the yeah we all know yeah okay anyways so the you know the iconic but Ensemble the male it's more like bulgy in the front um with like some Like silk like yeah, it's a male positive play version of Princess Leia bikini costume. Yeah. Yep and sure like I'm sure I could Google that immediately and find it. Yeah, and then the hair is done up in the same way And they both come out from like the either side of the the living room um holding trays with knives and glasses and
um And they come forward and they kneel in front of ah me, and I'm like, not to me, witches, to my new companions.
And so they they walk over to you. Yeah. And then kneel in front of you, holding up the trace. Is this kind of legit vampire? You guys have no idea. I'm reading his backstory. No, this is Hayden. I'm reading his backstory and it doesn't look like it. Well, the backstory is his backstory that I wrote up um for the flashback. It hasn't been updated. ah If you remember from the flash. Wait. Do they know the part? He was. Well, yeah, they were all told this story by um Olivia. He was the leader of the vampire club.
Um, but, but the last that she saw him, he was a human. Oh wait, that's not, that's the wrong one. I guess me listening to all this and I go, who's your sire Lawrence? He doesn't know. Well, actually he does. He assumes, um, that it's Olivia. Cause that would be the, but I don't know if you ever learned her name.
Probably not.
Yeah, okay. Is there a way I can tell like if he's a legit vampire? Well, from context clues, he was mysteriously hanging from the ceiling. Granted, you've not seen any other vampires do that.
um And he... I guess he's got too much makeup on for you to tell that he's pale. If he's pale. If he's pale, yeah. Well, unless he's flesh of life and he's pale. um But uh... But uh, yeah, so who asked if I was a vampire? It was me, I asked who your sire was.
ah I know not who my sire is. I i have an idea, but i I am an original vampire. I need no sire. I worshiped the Dark Ones and was given this power. Oh, the prince is gonna fucking kill you, dude. Probably what Lawrence can think of as more or less in his mind the most beautiful creature in the world showed up as at his party y'all had sex um and uh you followed her because she was looking for your friend all of that's probably a haze but you know you followed her um
you drank some of her blood um before you know you died basically which technically isn't the rules but i decided to break the rules like technically she would have had to give it to you after you died but you know this is more fun maybe there's a little bit left in my mouth and maybe yeah of the death throat yeah but you you would assume that that Well, you said it's all in kind of like a haze though. Yeah. So I mean, I might know that might be possibly what could have happened, but it's also very hazy. So yeah I'm going with the motif of I am the leader of the vampire club and I'm a vampire for real. So that's what I'm going with. So yeah, it's like, I have no sire. i I am an original. I worship the dark ones until I was gifted these abilities.
ah ah ah Max, you're gonna have to do this. I can't do this. How long should I have taken until Dexter got here?
Run. What? I'm sorry, y'all were talking over each other. How long should I have been until Dexter got here? I i mean, it took you guys 30 minutes to get here. And if so if Dexter came here, he would have had a few minutes head start, yeah.
Yes, or he would have beaten us here. Yeah, if he came here, if he came straight here, he would have beaten you here, yes.
And I go, is your friend Dexter here? My friend? Who's Dexter? Dexter is your friend from London. Oh, oh, wouldn't he like blonde and super chill?
He's the one who, um, who I tried to do a British accent and went Hank Hill with it. Um, yeah. Uh, I should, I should have listened to that episode before we started this. He, uh, is he, is picture in the humans area? No, he should be. Uh, yeah. I think it's under vampire. Yeah. Um, visiting his friend Lawrence Williams. That's me. this lawsuit He's from Australia or he's from London. He's from London.
Does it say Australia? No, it's a guy named you. Yeah. I don't see any whisper. Yeah, I whispered to Frank. Wow. Okay, cool. Um, okay. So I just, I couldn't remember who Dexter was. Yeah. Anyways. All right. So Dexter, Dexter, I have, I, I do, I know not of some, some man named Dexter. I'm going to roll insight and charisma to see if he's lying to me.
Uh, I mean, that's not, I mean, no, you, you probably need to roll. Me? No, Frank. Um, roll, uh, subterfuge, um, plus manipulation, I guess.
Subterfuged. I'll give you a plus one because of your technical technicality. So modifier of one. Subterfuge is in the middle of the skills on the bottom. Plus what? Plus manipulation. And then a modifier of one.
ah You suspect that he's lying. With the beast, what does that do? ah Nothing. That's just because you rolled a 10, but it wasn't actually a crit. um It has to be two 10s to be a crit. It's just a glitch.
I guess you can see it in my eyes that I'm like, really bro? Come come forth and feed on my wit winches and and regale me of your stories. I look at Jerry and go, obviously he's not here when you go look somewhere else and I start walking away. got got Guys, guys, please come back. and yeah we can We can chat. I have drinks.
Well, I have blood. I've got... Can you call your friend? ah i I've... No, not to this... Wait, am I stupid enough to... er, stupid enough? No, that's right. No, that's right. I can't do technology.
Uh, Lawrence actually has an intelligence of four. Oh my God. hang on No, that's not possible, Ron. You're gonna need a, you're gonna need a, a tradeit on that yeah, he's actually pretty, he is actually pretty intelligent. When I created Lawrence, he was a gifted mortal. Yeah, because I read this guy's backstory. He's delusional, but he's very smart. He's actually got some really good skills.
Yeah, I'm looking at right now. And believe it or not, this guy's actually banging the witch.
I mean, I probably like actually purchased some actual spiders and released them onto the webs. Oh god oh my God. Like it wouldn't just be. So, so this guy, you know, he's, he, he's definitely a little crazy. Like he's obsessed with the whole vampire thing, but he did manage to convince a group of, of college students to basically worship him even before he became a vampire. So.
that's not that's not a big um he's a future they're they're dumbass college he's a future cult leader true no offense to any college college people out there I say oh you call your friend um I'm not saying what would be stupid, but but what I, like, free with the cult, am I trying to be like a 1900s or 1800s era vampire in this thing, or am I... Like, modern day vampire, which is so... I don't Yeah, you just have weird quirks. Okay.
and Um, I, I could definitely give him a shout. I don't see why not. And then I pull a phone. It's a smartphone out of my pocket and I begin to touch the touch screen and nothing's happening. I seem to be having some issues. I can call him after we talk for a moment. What's his phone number? Um, so by the way, guys, something that I

Vampires vs. Technology

completely did not realize until today um so vampire ah so Cole has his curse which makes technology hard to use but on top of that um vampires fingers don't work on smartphones unless they use blush of life because they're dead um i get a flip phone yeah you can do flip bones you can use styluses and stuff like that otherwise you have to blush of life
Or you can have those gloves with the little finger things that have the material in it, whatever. But dead flesh does not um work on phones, apparently. ah I know you're not enough to share my friend's number with you. He could be in serious trouble. He actually just tried murdering someone. I i feel that he is fine. he I will contact him but after.
Bro, you need you need to hope so strongly that we don't tell our higher ups about you because you've broken a lot of rules and for us and they're probably gonna come back here and kill all of you. So, have fun. um Max and ah and and Jerry give me awareness plus wits rules.
I was walking away when I was just happening. okay
two okay. um and Lawrence. Yeah, I mean, I guess Lawrence might as well roll. So ah yeah, so all of you hear a um ah shuffle coming from um the direction of like the the kitchen and then like a the sound of of glass shattering and someone going bloody hell. Is it him?
you don't know you just heard this is who him i heard and that that is just another who recognize his voice yeah does that is just another one of my witches come forth you other you definitely heard the guy's voice you definitely heard the guy's voice it's him he's in the kitchen move come forth other wench uh are you saying come forth in such a way to try to get him to come out I'm trying to get another winch to appear from the kitchen. I'm not gonna... I'm gonna say you've only got the two winches right now. God damn it. Leave more winches. Note to self. the thing the First thing Monday, acquire new winches.
ah that That's just my butler. I'm switching into the side room and I'm going into the kitchen.
to do what when I try to stop him. What I try to stop him. Since I never came inside, I'm walking to the back of the house. Yeah, so the main thing is, I don't think your character would would be violent in any way towards these guys. He might act in like self defense of his own self. But well, I just want like put another way to try to distract them. Sure, you can try those, but he wouldn't get violent unless he was defending his his own life.
I mean, like I would impose myself in between them. Yeah. ah Yeah, you can attempt that without um a role. And then depending on Jerry, you know, and and Max, you're heading around back. um So it'll take you a few seconds to get around to the backside. um Meanwhile, Jerry Lawrence is trying to stop you from going into the the kitchen. I bite my I bite my palm and I use acid vitae and I throw it in his face. Okay.
OK, let me double check with that, what the rules on that are acid. Where is that? I know I have said the day. Yeah, I know I have that, but I can't see it. Gross of the day. It's under disciplines under the dropdown menu under blood sorcery on your sheets. Gross of the day, you got to do a rouse check.
Okay, we're gonna go ahead and do a rouse check. Oof. Okay, I added my hunger.
Interesting. This only works on non-living... on a non-living object except on living flesh. Such as that of a kindred to corrodes and decompose it. So it actually... this is, I guess, not a...
a combat skill um at this level, I'm guessing. Because it specifically says on a non-living object except on living flesh such as that a ah that of a kindred to corrode and decompose it. So it doesn't actually, I mean, hey, Jerry wouldn't know that it doesn't work on kindred. So. You're 100% right. i you Yeah, you bite yourself and spit blood into Lawrence's face. or Or fling it into his face.
Hold on, I'm trying to figure out my powers again. Presence, presence. You've got rapid reflexes, so you can you dodge. There's potents, but there's no presence in discipline. There is.
Should be. as see dominate obti skate potentome oblivion Oh, that's because I only have it to where you can see stuff that your character can see. Yeah.
You've got um presence isn't going to do anything. I mean, you've got all which um makes everybody pay attention to you. Well, the lingering kiss one. Does that work on vampires? Let me check.
You can always type in the power and the and the compendium and it might come up depending on presence, lingering, kiss. i
Okay. Kiss of a vampire induces near ecstasy, but this leaves other victims. Mortals often become anemic.
okay kiss of a vampire induces near ecstasy but this leaves ah okay victims i mortals often become anma
Oh, because Lingering Kiss, you have to feed from Jerry, or a va you and the person you feed on becomes addicted to you feeding on them, but if you do this to a vampire, I mean, Lawrence wouldn't know it, but if he were to do this, um he would then also become bloodbound to Jerry, to the point where if he fed off of Jerry too much, he would become Jerry's slave. ah It would still be addicted to his blood, yes.
Addicted to me feeding on him. Yes, I'll be addicted to his blood. He'd

Supernatural Beliefs and Realizations

be ditted to feeding on me Well, you would be a you would be basically his blood-bound slave um And he when he would be addicted to me eating him yes Hmm Okay, interesting. All right. So what I was originally plan on doing was the shape of saying we're in sacrament Okay doing some weird blood stuff. Yep. All right What do you do with your blood? Um, so it's, it didn't necessarily say it's my blood unless I want to do a rouse check and then I can get it to extra dice. So I want to take his blood and then throw it back at him. Is that possible with that? Uh, it's really for doing parlor tricks with the blood, but sure. Yeah. I don't think, yeah, I do that. Okay. So he spits the blood at me and I pulled up my hand and like,
Like it turns into a like a very thin like mosaic wall of me and like even better condition. I already am like super like strong and shit. and I just kind of push it back to you. Oh my God.
How dare you attack me in my own home? You know, I don't know where the fuck that was. I don't know how I didn't expect that that this was what this session was going to become.
Like, this wasn't at all in my my radar of you guys going to his house. I had him prepared. He was going to make an appearance in the future, but this is good.
Yeah, he throws an image, a blood image of himself at Bill, at at Jerry, and then it, you know, I guess splatters onto Jerry.
Okay, I'm at, I am, I am getting more and more hungry by the minute here. So it's at this point. Mr. Nice Jerry. Now he's gone. He's gone. He's done. He's stepped out.
So it's at this point, I'm gonna cock my fist back and just and just sucker punch him straight in the face and then just back to the kitchen. Okay, Lawrence, you've got rapid reflexes. Let me double check, but... While this is going on, I'm gonna try to go and talk to him through the back window.
um Interesting that it doesn't... really say it affects your dodging but it allows you to dodge bullets so I feel like it would make you better at dodging um melee attacks as well well what I'm gonna say so to dodge roll um ah dodging is athletics plus dexterity and then with a plus one for your so for your um rapid reflexes
So you don't even have athletics, so just dexterity with a modifier of one. um Jerry, you apparently get hungrier. So it's worth up to do two dice per turn. Oh, it's actually free. So if I don't do anything, then I have rep reflexes. If I roll, if I roll it, it's I get a plus two modifier. Yeah. Oh, yeah, sure. Do a plus two modifier. OK.
So I already rolled, and then... You did? Yeah. Oh, it hasn't popped up for me yet. No, it's ah Lawrence Williams, Raoul's, Hunger for Hunger again. Oh, okay, you rolled for hunger. So you get... Well, no, it said when you click it, it just pops up as hunger. The rapid reflexes? That's just what it shows up as. Oh, you don't need to roll rapid reflexes. um roll Roll dexterity with the modifier.
Well, yeah, I'm saying and if you roll rapid reflexes, you're increasing it by plus two.
like you do basically a rouse check and you get a plus two if you just do the rapid reflexes you wouldn't so you don't need to do any of that no um rapid reflexes is always active you get a plus two um dice that there's no cost for it um so yeah the the role is just automat already there you don't you don't have to roll anything for that so ignore all of your hunger gains just roll dexterity with a plus two bonus okay so it's what plus decks it will be athletics plus decks yeah ah
of course not yeah athletic
And Jerry, did you roll that attack yet? Oh no, so what was that? That was brawl plus strength?
ah Brawl plus strength, yeah.
He dodges. but So I, I, I dodged back. Okay. And I just like laugh and I'm like, you failure. Max, you've come. Come forth, bring the weapons. actually come around like They pull out like garlic and, and crucifixes. Okay. As that's happening, Max, you've arrived in the backyard.
And through the window that he has currently smashed, there was a glass broken on the ground. ah Oh, no, no, no. that He didn't smash through a window. He broke a glass. A glass, not the glass. He broke something that was glass. Oh, I look at Dexter and I go, Dexter? he's not You can't see him.
I turn on my vampire eyes. Yeah, that there's nothing in the backyard. um Dexter wasn't breaking out of a window the window. The sound came from within the kitchen. Yeah, like i'm through the but like I'm looking through the back window of the kitchen, right? you Through the back window of the kitchen, you can see Jerry trying to punch Lawrence. Can I open the door? There probably wouldn't be a door in the kitchen. Kitchen usually is where the back door is. Or kitchen, dining room combo type thing.
Which depends on how you look at it, yeah. I was just using my house for a first. I'm nice to this house off of Eric Gonzalez's house and you could... the door opens and... Yeah, in which case the door is into the dying area next to the kitchen, yeah. The door is locked.
I just say... loudly... um Lawrence, we need to talk to you. reason what's the guy i'm talking to oh wait then i want to talk who the fuck am i trying to talk to dextre sorry uh... are you persuading or intimidating persuading okay roll charisma and persuasion or per persuasion charisma um wow i'm looking at the uh... folkloric
Oh, you have folkloric blocks. Folkloric bane, silver and garlic do actual damage to you. Um, the block. Oh, your garlic one should be a block, I think. Yeah, it's a block, not a bane. Because bane harms, like, actually, like, does aggravated damage to you. Blocks, um... When faced with a folkloric block, you must shrink away from it or spend a willpower point to push through it.
So your your silver acts, silver harms you, but garlic, the threshold thing and holy symbols block you. So my, my two, uh, I only have two. Yeah. There's no more in the house. Yeah. Okay. My, my two, uh, what was the word I used to sing?
Winches. Oh, fuck. Winches, yes. My two winches pull out, um like, one pulls out a cross and the other pulls out a silver candlestick. And they start approaching Jerry from behind. The door to the pantry opens and Dexter comes walking out with his hands up in the air like, please, please don't hurt me. I turn back, Dexter, get back in the pantry. I'm trying to protect you here.
it's you've done enough you've done enough Lawrence I I don't know what's going on but I don't want to I don't want you to to uh to be to be caught up in all of this these men come to my lair kind of break in a little bit a little bit look Lawrence, drop the vampire act. Dexter doesn't realize he's a vampire.
um he He just came to you. We'll flash back to a couple minutes before they got here. Dexter's banging on the door. Lawrence, Lawrence, let me in.
Lawrence, let's amend or, you know, um, it's like, glorious circle what happened that there are, there are people, yeah, you just drive, you're you're not even pretend like acting weird with, with your good buddy Dexter. It's like, yeah there's people chasing me. There's a lady. She like did some crazy stuff. They, they like paralyzed me or something. And, and now these, these people are after me. You gotta hide me. Shit. Okay. Um, do do you still have the flight back to fucking London tomorrow? debt Or is that yesterday? Well, the flight was like,
So should he should have blown back several days ago. Bro, I thought you had already left. What the fuck? It doesn't matter. OK, I've got a buddy that works over at like comic on the street. Oh, fuck. um Go, go hide in the kitchen. He runs and hides in the pantry.
What? Why is this doing this? Okay. It wasn't letting me unclick the the character sheet. um Yeah. And so that's what happened. And so he comes out and he's like, I'm i'm sorry for bringing you into this, but my old chum, but i whatever it is i I got caught up into, I don't want you. Listen, you can, I'll go with you. Just don't hurt my friend.
and What do I need to roll to know that Dex is a vampire? Uh, I mean you can do the awareness plus wits to notice that he's pale And there's also like blood on his face because he was feeding recently now you notice all that I probably didn't notice when he first showed up because you know, I'm not very aware I'm one aware and I guess two ways So, um, but this time I i succeed i'm like Oh no, Dexter. Are you a vampire too? Bro! Dex says- What the fuck? Lawrence, I know this is your thing, but vampires aren't real and these people, they... I got in- I don't know how, but I ended up into some bad shit and these people, I don't want you involved. And he walks over to Jerry and like, look, look, I'll go with you. Just don't hurt my friend.
But Dex, I'm a vampire. Look, and I do a jump to the ceiling and grab on to the ceiling and just hang there. Hold on. Let me see.
I wanted him to fail that so badly. He's just jashing. You're a human. His jaw drops. It's like, how are you doing this?
I did it. I woke up and I fucking like ate a spider and I walked up a wall and that was fucking awesome. So that's just the thing I do now. ah
Wait, do you mean all of this? And he looks at Jerry's like, are you a vampire? Yeah. Jerry and Jerry's asleep. Jerry. Yeah, I am. Do Bill wander off? No, I'm right here. I mean,
Can you hear me? Yeah, we can hear you. Well, you're very far away.
um Yeah, he's stunned. He doesn't understand what's happening, but he's like, what do you want with me? why Why was that lady trying to kill me? Why can't why couldn't I move fur for for days?
what And he, he like looks down at his chest, like, I guess only just dawning on him that there was a stake in his heart. It's like, how am I, how is any of this possible?
And then his eyes widen. He's like, Oh God. Oh God. I drank that man's blood. Did I kill that? Did I kill that man? And he like grabs you. Jerry's like shaking. you Did I kill him? Is he alive? I'm going to slap him just real fast. Just be like, calm him down. He's alive.
It works. He calms down. Thank God. Or or but Satan. what Who am I supposed to thank now? and

The Prince's Involvement and Night Mother Theories

that That's anyone you want, buddy. Yeah, it's we don't we don't really discriminate here. You you have the night mother to say no, Dex. Oh, my God, dude. Seriously, shut up. Wait, like.
Like from from Skyrim? Kind of, sort of. I've just been doing this so long that a lot of the references just kind of get jumbled. Oh, okay, okay. um I'm assuming the nightlife just because it seems right because a beautiful woman from the night came and turned into a vampire. We can go ahead and fast forward a little bit. um What do you guys want to do with him? He's willing to do what you want.
So I want to contact Olivia again okay and bring both of them with us back to where... Do we know where to meet the prince or what we should do? You know where you can find Jeeves, which Cole is you know currently telling Jeeves what's been going down. yeah we we go And Jeeves is doing a lot of stuff like, oh my!
you know We go to where Jesus is with both of them. Hopefully both of them. I never agreed to going with you. ah i Save your address and yeah let know like that there's a rogue vampire chilling around. I think Lawrence probably would go because he's definitely curious. you know He wants to meet the other vampires and all of that.
Yeah, you're probably right. Yeah. um He has assumed that I would just go with him. Yeah. So we can let Lawrence be an NPC for now um because we're being back up with Cole. I may have created something that you like better than Cole. He's more powerful than Cole, actually. He is. Well, okay. That's because he was very interesting. and like That's true. He's not more powerful. but his skills, he's got a lot of skills because he was based on the gifted mortal template originally and then I added vampire to him.
um but anyway so you guys um mostly because like i want to get through the like quick descriptions of the timeline um you guys take them to jeeves um jeeves you explain everything that happened um jeeves uh basically says that um he will let the prince know that you found the guy he doesn't know what to do about this this Blood Moon stuff. um This is you know not the norm for vampires. Possibly the Tremere might know what to do about it. um Jerry, that's your clan. ah he ah He does actually um like get the prince to come meet you guys. And the prince um the prince ah enters the room from a nearby closet.
um and says, he hello, it's good to see you again. Have you have you brought me the missing the missing ah vampires? The missing childer? I get down on one knee, don't even make eye contact because I don't want any like to disrupt this guy at all because I'm kind of fucked up. Yeah, I'm doing the same. Loras probably would as well as soon as he's kind of meeting the prince. yeah What does Cole do with Cole's there? He would be completely like cat cast, not castrate, prostate. Who would like completely prostate himself to him? Prostrate. And I i say yes. Oh, Cole? Yeah, prostate. I think Olivia's there now too. like id say yeah I say yes, my lord. And I point to the guy who's the new one. And I say, we have found the one that you sent us after and we have brought you another one who seems to be at the time a rogue vampire.
a rogue vampire. Well, this is this is ah most vexing. Yeah, he he he actually appears to have been an accidental birth. Lawrence would explain the Night Mother reference.
um ah The prince is definitely intrigued by this and says, interesting interesting you come with me uh uh good job find the other two and then he takes Lawrence and um he starts to head towards the closet and then says oh no no not that way and takes him out the front door and he he leaves with Lawrence he forgets that he's just hanging out of the closet he says tell me more about the night mother and and and then like
is just, he's gonna be listening, you know, that they get into um ah a ah black, you know, car with a driver and and and drive off as Lawrence is regaling the prince with all of his his vampire theories. And the prince is just engrossed.

Humorous Presidential Address on the Red Moon

And he's just like, well, that ah that's about how I expected that to go. um I guess, good work. ah Find the other two, and the prince didn't seem concerned about the moon. ah jee just Just to clarify, um we have to find them. We don't have to bring them back. Is that correct? Or am I... I mean, the prince seemed happy that we brought him back, but he didn't take decks with him. he he so It's hard to say. He did say to find them he never said anything about bringing them, but he wasn't mad that you brought him.
He seemed rather in a good mood. I think it was Lawrence. He's a cool guy. Or at least he seems like him. So we have to find and the other two? You still need to find the other two. There were three missing um vampires. You found this one. um The other two were spawned by um Liam Riva, the Nosferatu, and ah Jess Krauklis, the Gangrel.
Yeah, I have their notes in here. And wasn't one of them a yeah one of their hidey holes was a ah club or something like that? That was Olivia. um okay Yeah. there um You know that the Gangrel lived under a bridge. And um you also, I think, traded for the information, traded favors for the information. I owe the other guy a medium favor, I think it is.
I own a minor favor, but we have the addresses of both those people. Oh.
and What is it? It's 11 o'clock for you guys. so um We will probably call this the night. like you guys um The prince seems pleased, you guess. ah He didn't seem to much care, um but also he's pretty weird. I'm just going to run through ah the um the quick timeline of like stuff that happens, the the minor events that happen.
um We don't really need to play out a lot of these scenes. um But basically, the next day, ah the sheriff, um the ah two fawn, the scary woman, shows up at Jerry's house. The moon is still blood red. The sheriff shows up and basically gets the rundown of everything that happened. Says she's going to investigate it.
A couple of days later, ah on January 13th, Cole and the moon is still blood red. um You guys haven't heard from from ah ah the the witch yet. um She does say that that they are working on it, but that it's probably going to have to wait until the next full moon to attempt to fix this.
um and basically i just i probably send her random memes of yeah that's doing cute things sometimes she responds sometimes she doesn't she's She's busy. and know um Meanwhile, um Cole, over the course of the month, you are given a, we'll introduce you to the darker side of your sire later, but you're given your your um new office in her business you know tower thing. um And you're given a really nice townhome. You get your first paycheck.
ah um you are You've got an office in a townhome and you're in charge, ah um well, officially and unofficially, like it's a it's a legitimate um division of the company, but also like you know that her company does other things as well, but this is one of the legitimate sections. You're in charge of the new software division or technology division of her company, um and you are kind of free to do what you will.
On January 14th, you guys wake up to news that there's gonna be an address, I just wanted to do this tonight, an address by the president. And so in your various, wherever you guys are, you gather around the television to see what the president has to say about- Oh God, what year is this game taking place again?
This is the year 2020. Oh, fuck.
I'm going to edit out this pause because I got my fellow Americans. Tonight, I want to speak to you about our nation's response to the crisis with the moon. Yes, the moon is red. I can confirm that this phenomenon has occurred around the world, but rest assured we are maintaining the full power or or we are marshalling the full power of the federal government and the private sector to protect the American people.
From the beginning of time, nations and people around the world have looked up at the moon and wonder. It's a great moon. Fantastic moon. Just ask anybody. They'll tell you. This is the way it all it always was and always will be. The moon is red, but let's not get too worked up about that. It's still a great moon. It only matters how you respond.
and we are responding with great speed and professionalism. We are implementing tough measures and we will significantly reduce whatever threat the Red Moon may pose to our citizens and we will ultimately and expeditiously defeat this occurrence.
Our team is the best way best anywhere in the world. Just ask anybody. In the Space Force, we have the best soldiers and the smartest scientists working around the clock to solve this situation. The European Union has failed to take the same precautions and it's chaos. We're monitoring the situation around the world in Europe.
ah but especially in China and South Korea. And as soon as we learn more, we will reevaluate the situation and place restrictions on those ah that will not that will also not apply to the United States.
Unfortunately, under the Obama administration, our security system for the moon was poorly managed and has been broken for a very long time. We're now living with the consequences and they are tragic. Brought about by decades of political stalemate, partisan gridlock and national and likeette neglect. The lack of border control on our planet's atmosphere provided a gateway and a very wide and open gateway for criminals and terrorists to reach the moon and turn it red. Our planetary immigration system should be the subject of pride.
Not a source of shame as it is all over the world. It is time to reclaim our future from the extreme voices who fear compromise and demand open planetary borders. The proposal I will outline today is based on first and foremost input from our are boys in the space force and by top environmental scientists. They really are the best in the world. Just fantastic.
to physically secure the moon to protect it from future terrorist attacks like the one we have seen. I am proposing a $900 billion dollars bill for the strategic deployments of physical barriers or a cage around the moon. It'll be done quickly. It'll have an unbelievable impact. If we build a powerful and fully designed see-through steel barrier around the moon, the rate of a future lunar terrorist attacks will be great quickly and greatly reduced. Some say it could be cut in half.
um the moon it guess what the moon's gonna pay for Okay, okay many many of the many of these security ideas have been proposed by Democrats themselves, and all of them have been supported by Democrats in the past, including a fiscal barrier, a cage, or a force field. Once our technology reaches that level, and we're very close, ask anyone. And best of all, the rest of the world, they're gonna pay for it. Thank you, America. I am your president. And God bless America. And then Trump, you know, TV stops, news reporters start talking.
And that's that's where we're going to close for the night. I got a small loan. It was a great moon. You just ask anyone. It's a huge moon. It's absolutely huge. There's never been a huge moon before. Nine billion dollar bill. And the next day, Canada and like all of Europe and Asia, like pretty much the whole rest of the world just goes on to Twitter. Just be like, we're not paying for that.
ah Thank you, everybody. I was your storyteller, Ron Bjork. This was um ah definitely did not go where I expected. We didn't get through all the stuff, so we'll still be doing the time jump next session. um

Revelations: Dexter's Transformation and Lawrence's Nature

and With me tonight was Frank.
Hi, everyone. I was Frank. I was Frank. I'm Frank. I played Lawrence Wilson. we Williams. ah Lawrence Bloodbane Williams, because that was the name that he's putting on his ID card for his little club. Oh, my God. Yes, we have ID cards, OK?
um I also played Cold Stone, not to be confused with Cold Stone Creamy. It was great having you all listen along and ah hope you all enjoyed it this time around and keep on listening in the future. um You can find me sometimes on social media if you try hard enough. I also will stream on Twitch occasionally at, I believe it's FK Light Castle. I keep meaning to look at it just to make sure that's the the name of streamline. But yeah, yeah little give it a look. And with this also was Hayden. Hey, um definitely. Things happen, that's for sure. um But it was an nice playing with you guys. And Bill.
How's it going, everybody? I was Bill, you're absolutely done with it, vampire Jerry. You can find me on Twitter at Billzebub, or Billzebub2. I forget which one it is, but I recently just got back onto Twitter after a long after a long break away from it, finally got access back into my stuff, and if you like art,
Go over there. mostly posts I mostly post and repost ah art either that my wife does or that I find on the timeline and just want to boost people up. For everyone out there, just know if you need if you need to hear it, I love you. Have a great night, everybody.
I love you too. And you can also find the show at IDM Role Play on Twitter. um And of course, it's fine it's finally um because i of my very slow editing. But finally, if you're listening to this episode, it will have been released for a long time because we're two seasons in already. um But process in the real world of March 15, 2023,
came out like it a week ago, episode one. so And that's all. Thank you, everybody. And will we'll see you in the shadows or something creepy, you know, in the fog cloud. Not in the fog cloud. In the fog cloud. Sitting in the chair, nip to the sea. And stop.
The camera fades back into view and we see the Prince of Houston, Augustus Chapman Allen and Lawrence walking through a hallway in an unknown place somewhere in Houston. Lawrence is saying is has been talking to the prince about his theories and beliefs on the night mother. And the prince says, yes, yes, I think I think you're on to something there. I, I believe I know who this night mother is you're talking about. In fact, ah let me let you in on a little secrets.
the The night mother, I think, is Lilith, the wife of Cain, um the the true first vampire, I think. And we are all descended from her. Everyone thinks we're descended from Cain, but I think it's actually Lilith. And let me let you in on another secret, my friend. Are you ready for this? Yes. Yes, my lord. Good. Good. The real secret.
that That friend of yours, Dexter? Well, yes, i I ordered him to be turned. I told Olivia to go turn him, but that's because of my vision. I knew that if if he was turned into a vampire, you, my friend, would be born. And you. You're different. You're different than the rest of us. You.
You were not embraced like the others. you You tasted Olivia's blood before you died, and yet somehow, somehow you're here. I don't know anything about this red red moon we've got going on, but but you you are one of my true goals.
And the prince arm the print stops before a large ancient oak door And he says, are you ready to see your future? Yes, my Lord. And he opens the door and the camera fades to black.
Hello everyone, thank you for listening. The music you heard in this episode was Voxel Revolution, Zombie Chase, SCP-X4X Mind Leech, and Magic Escape Room, all by Kevin McLeod at, licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0 License,
h t tp dot slash Creative Commons dot org slash licenses by 4.0. Thank you everyone and have a great night.