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Houston After Dark - Season 2 - Session 9 image

Houston After Dark - Season 2 - Session 9

S4 E9 ยท IDM Roleplay
7 Plays7 hours ago

Enjoy Session 9 of Houston After Dark!


Introduction to Integrated Dice Management

Welcome, mortals, to another episode of Integrated Dice Management presents Houston After Dark. I am your storyteller, Ron Bjork. um It is, I think, our first game of the new year, 2024. But for our players, it's still 2020. And speaking of players, we've got Hayden.
Or not. There is green happening. Hey Hayden, is he here? well Well, we'll wait till Hayden gets back.
i I see sound happening on his thing, but I think that might just be the background noise.

Struggles and Humor in Player Introductions

Okay, well, we've got ah Jaden. I am here. Unlike hated. ah Also with us tonight is Frank, who is still playing video games. I'm Frank. I'm playing Terna Boy commits tax evasion. I'll be playing Cold Stone tonight. Hopefully it all goes well. We'll see.
um also with us is Hayden back nope bill hi everybody i'm bill i haven't been i haven't been here to tell everybody that i love you well just for everybody's sake because it's been a while everybody here everybody listening including that one guy in japan i love you and one last chance Hayden
Okay, so we're just gonna move on without you Hayden and you can just pop in whenever you arrive.

Vampire Chaos and Suspicious Disappearances

um So the last time we played ah We finally finished up the night of Super Bowl Sunday at Elysium. Hayden, or I should say, not Hayden, Jayden, Wesley Isaac ah turned his wife into a vampire, um and she went a little bit power mad, killed her neighbor that she doesn't like, and then they burned down the house.
And a bunch of shenanigans happened from that. And they may or may not be suspects. They don't know. They don't know how well they did. ah Hayden playing the role of Max along with Cole. We're both at Elysium.
And they kind of talked to some people. Max had a little freak out and kicked a trash can. um And they found out that Jerry had gone missing.
ah well By gone missing, he seemingly willingly got into a car with somebody who looks like he might be an FBI agent and then drove off with them. um They found this out from the vampire named Cassidy... ah Cassidy... something. I have a lot of vampires. Cassidy McAllister, who was formerly played by Bill, but then played by me. Cassidy um told them that, you know, the guy...
told them what happened, you know, as far as she knew, and then she met up with him at Elysium. They then were talking with Cassidy's grand sire, ah who goes by the name of Frida, and Frida invited them to a meet-up tomorrow, which will be today in-game, um to discuss their frustrations with the prince.
Hayden is getting food. He'll be right back.

Palindrome Date and News Reactions

So I think we will open with Wesley Isaacs. You have slept the day away. um Your eyes snap open. ah Presumably your wife is there in your arms or something with you. um She probably wakes up around the same... Oh wait, no, I need to do the the forecast thing.
So today is now Monday, February 3rd, 2020. Forecast for the evening. Clear skies with a low of 41 and a high of 52. We have a waxing gibbous moon tonight. And yep, it's still red. um Top news for the day. It's the first global palindrome day in 909 years. Another one won't happen for 101 years. Luckily, your vampires will live to see that moment as a kid.
ah Trump tweets to congratulate the ah Kansas City Chiefs on their victory. In case you're wondering, the timeline did not change. We randomly determined who won the Super Bowl and time has remained constant. The Chiefs won in real life and they won in the game. um ah The bullet train between Houston and Dallas is still on track. Now, I can tell you this being four years in the future,
It still doesn't exist. that colony The bullet train between Houston and Dallas. I remember that. i yeah I remember being excited about that because I had a friend who lived in Dallas. um like after you're like i'd love I would love it. Oh yeah. A bullet train here in Dallas. So we're going to change our podcast over to just talking about all the promises and lies. your restful yes that So that bulge praying was supposed to be awesome. I was like, I can go to Dallas and get a sub and then come back. Yeah. Yeah. but um That would be the best uses of archives. I could visit that other half of my family that I've only met three times in my whole life. you know It's only four hours away. Yeah, I've got a cousin. I've got a cousin in Dallas.
Anyway, bat colonies discovered at Metro Greenway Apartments. Rinter says management won't help. And the 11th coronavirus case confirmed in the U.S. after California reports three more cases. This is the first ah mention of coronavirus in top news for today since we've been playing.
Training on

Exploring Vampire Powers with Humor

Twitter. ah Hashtag the Super Bowl. Hashtag Kansas City Chiefs. Hashtag Trump is an idiot. And hashtag Iowa caucuses. Remember, those were real tweets. ah Those were really, were those actually what was trending? Yes. Oh, God. You know, actually, it it it it makes it makes sense.
um So now we can switch over to Wesley Isaac, who just his eyes opened and his wife wakes up in his arms. You both went to bed, steal his corpses, but now you're back alive. And um it doesn't seem like you've been arrested or burned in the sun or anything. So um the cops don't seem to have bothered you.
um so what what do you do because they were knocking there well we don't know who it was but there is someone someone was knocking on the door while y'all were in the shower yeah okay um well uh i say good morning or good evening as as i should say uh and
I guess I should probably check in. i'm going to probably call oh You gotta do a rouse check. Everyone has a check when they wake up. Let me find your wife. What is her name again? Carol Isaac. I need to check to see if I'm wrong by my wife. Let's see if she gets hangry again. Because she killed a person so she's currently not hungry at all.
I have for hunger because I like try to see the first person to kill someone by feeding I know I've come close twice. I think so. Yeah um Neither one of you get hungrier. So I don't like the fact that two zeros just happen I'm gonna I don't know if this will kick us out of the game, but I'm gonna reset the um The the role thing that happens your two zeros will and I But sometimes this thing gets messed up and I have to fix it. Here, let me try one more before you do that. i See if that's true. Well, no, I'm restarting. Yep. Was it a zero again? Yep. Yeah, so it was broken. It's OK. We can reroll. I'm fine with that. OK, it changed now um and it didn't kick us out of the game. Cool. No, no, you can keep the you can keep a zero. OK.
So neither of you get hungrier. She's not hungry at all because, you know, she took a life. um She wakes up, she like stretches out next to you and says, wow, last night was um amazing. I didn't think, I didn't think it would feel this good. And she like jumps to her feet and she's like, I feel so, so powerful. And dare I say alive? Well, yeah.
Yeah, I had to get used to it too. But I mean, it's nice. you know like i I feel, and dare I say, happy. you know yeah um She like sets her hand down on the the the like what is the the wooden thing at the end of the bed when you have a bed frame. I guess the wooden frame. Yeah, the footboard.
arms the footboard, I guess? I don't know. Sure, the post. Sets her hand down on the post. And like you know um and then ah parent and then it you notice that it crushes under her hand. And she's like, oh, crap. I've never seen you do that. Oh, well. She has different powers than you. I figured.
uh well damn uh i i you got some different spectrum stuff you know what i'm saying we're on we're on two sides of the spectrum here technically she was probably supposed to roll for that but rp um it's like yeah i feel really strong and like <unk> an na i guess she doesn't feel fast but i feel really strong and like like i could just like dance on on the on wait a minute and she she like jumps up and lands on to that that same post which does crumble a little under her but she managed to keep her balance and is standing on it on one foot and she's like I have like amazing balance too this is crazy here hold on hold on hold on let me test something come in the backyard real quick
She hops down and follows you into the backyard. You see in the backyard, give me, before you do whatever you're going to do, give me ah a wits, no awareness plus wits.
I reset my character sheet one second.
Zero success. All right. I guess I'll roll for her, too. ah It's only fair. Awareness plus wits.
Well, those aren't all the same numbers. So I think it's not screwing up on us. Neither of you noticed the thing. OK. What were you going to do? I was going to see if she could jump up on the roof. OK. Let me roll for her. Let's see.
She tries to jump and does not soar through the air as she leaps. um i mean she She jumps fairly well, but no more well than a normal human who's good at jumping could jump. you know I like quickly take out my phone and I just like start like putting some stuff down. I'm like, OK, she can't do this, but she's really strong.
Um, well, okay. Uh, well, uh, what else can we try? Uh, uh, convince me to go get coffee. Uh, okay. Um, go get me some coffee. No, no, no. Look, look me in my, in my soul. If I still had one, you know, like she really look to say, Oh, oh, okay. Like, like, you mean like on vampire diaries? Okay. She walks up to you and like looks into your eyes and it's like, go get me some coffee.
Three successes, that's pretty good. What do I got to roll against that? That's just a normal persuasion. It's non-magical. You could resist it, I guess, with... youous too You I mean, this is a non-magical persuasion. um You could roll... I figure composure would be one of them. Oh, composure plus resolve. Both of those are up at the top.
You so easily resist this. It's a messy critical, which means that empiric nature is involved in this. um So I don't know why it makes you angry. um So go ahead and react with that. ah oh Man, I just want to punch the wall right now. What what did you do? um Yeah, you punched the wall. Give me um ai athletics plus strength.
Yeah, you punch the wall. It doesn't do much. I'm a little wimpy. Yeah, yeah. Now, i don't know I don't think you've got any of the um abilities that would make you destroy this wall. Let me look at your powers real quick. No, the only strength one you took was soaring leap. So yeah, you just punch it like a normal person will punch it. A one success punch. Nice.
Um, well, I asked her like what she did, but like angrily. Yeah. What did you do to me? I just, I just told you to go get coffee. Like you told me to. What are you talking about? Well, you made me really not want to like to the, I, like, I, I felt like I was back in my room. i sorry i don't know My parents were fighting.
I don't know how to use these powers. Okay, so I think both of you now think she has some sort of of mental ability because of your unnatural anger to what she tried, what she did. She doesn't, but I think in character you both think she now she does have something going on.
Okay. I'm like, okay. Uh, I got really angry when she asked me to get coffee. I want to ask you to get coffee again. Thanks. I guess. Let me shoot. Uh, well, uh, what else can we try?

Business Call with Darryl Lung

Uh, well, do you remember the other day whenever, uh, we picked up our son from school and he was really sad? Yeah. Well, look at me and my soul again. One more time. I don't want to get too angry again.
but try to make me think that he was happy okay she she looks at you and looks at you deep into your eyes and says whatever our kid's name was i don't even remember it was actually was actually happy the other day when we picked him up two successes is it regular again yeah uh
ah You resist that. Definitely no magic involved in that one. Okay, good. Well, all right. Well, we we can scratch that off the list. I know he was sent. All right. Well, I'll stop this for now. We should probably see someone else for this if we're going to do that. But ah ah let me call up my business real quick because I don't know how things are going. Okay. I'm just double checking exactly what these powers do.
OK. All right, I was just checking what one of her things does. It has to be activated.
All right. um So you are calling your business? Yeah, I guess what I call like the front desk, or would i who would I call for that? Secretary, probably. Secretary. what do you Well, what are you calling about? Just to see how things have been, because I've been kind of a and like AFK for the past couple days.
Well, um, you've got, uh, uh, various, um, you know, board members to board members. You could call, um, you know, uh, Hayden was the chief diversity officer. ah call me dare you I don't remember what two weeks you worked at that job and i remember what underused person in this entire fucking company. Um,
I am the diversity. I am the diversity. I specifically remember Hayden was the diversity officer. Well, I mean, I guess I could like go to call my secretary, but we could like switch scenes at that. Okay, so you you go to call your secretary and then we'll will switch scenes, I guess.
OK, anyway, we switch over. Max, where did you go to sleep last night? I went to sleep at Cole's house. Oh, that's right. You did. And his we played Xbox. Yeah, I don't think we played it. Todd, not Halo, not I remember. Yeah, you played some Halo. Yeah. OK, well, I'm Max. I don't fucking know video games. I call everything Call of Duty.
so So you played some Call of Duty Master Chief. that guy that walks that You're that guy that walks up on someone playing the story mission of Halo and who asks, are you winning? Yeah, I'm that guy. I didn't play anything growing up.
I mean, technically, if you're not dying over and over again, you're winning. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But it's like, on those kind of story based missions, it's like, uh, not really. Not yet. we Like, there's one point in the game where you're winning. Give me about 20 more hours.
um OK, so let's see. Let me roll real quick, see which one of you wakes up first. Odds is Frank. Evens is Hayden. ye
So yeah, Max, you wake up before Cole does. okay You wake up in a nice bed with um ah a room that has drawdown shutters to block out the sun. um You can hear the sound of someone um somewhere else in the house that sounds like maybe they're there washing dishes, even though y'all didn't use dishes last night. um Do I know he hasn't made? Was I ever told that?
I don't remember. Is he is Frank like ah the the guy from Big Hero 6 where he's just like a major nerd, but he's like from a family of like really rich men? No. No, Frank's sire is providing him with all of this. Yeah, this is all his sire's money. stipulation that eventually he will solve the issue of technology for her clan. Yeah. It's part of my dispensation, the other word.
I guess, yeah, like I'm getting paid, but also I'm getting this place to stay for free. Yeah. Yeah. So your sales. I don't think it's a dispensation and dispensation is like a period of time.
Yeah, it's um per diem, I don't know. It's called a perk. A perk, yeah, it's one of the perks. It's your perk. There you go. and Instead of health care, you get free housing. While we may have been playing this game for like two or three years or something, it's only been two months, so she's not getting on to you about solving the issue of the thousand-year-old curse yet. Are you sure it hasn't been four years?

Max and the Mysterious Maid

Because then we start in 2020 because we started in 2020.
I feel like we didn't, I feel like we started in real life in like 2021. Okay. I feel like 2020 was already over and done with. And that's why I was like, man, that was a crazy year. It'd be a great year to do a vampire game. Yeah. And we're only just now getting the first mission of Coronavirus. Yeah. Have we ever decided if human diseases. I feel like since mosquitoes can do it, we can do it.
Now, okay, human diseases do not affect you, um ask but you can pass them on. um corona Now, if it's some sort of magical human disease, that's different, you know? um But yeah, so like if you bite someone with COVID and bite another person, you pass it on and you become a carrier, an asymptomatic carrier if you bite someone with COVID. um But won't the virus die out in us since there's nothing living? I would imagine it wouldn't survive very long.
um But it's like you can get COVID from, you know, well, supposedly get COVID from touching the doorknob that somebody, you know, sneezed on. Yeah. um So COVID can survive outside of the body for a little bit. So it could survive in a vampire for a little bit too. Yeah. um and ah Well, didn't you say the government knows about the vampires too? so but Not the government. It's only ah like individuals and with hyper yeah individuals within the government. So it's not the government, but it's like conglomeration. So basically it's like supernatural. That's literally what it is. Yeah. And then the main difference so far in our world's 2020 versus the vampire world's 2020 is the moon turned red.
Yeah. And it causes people, including humans, to occasionally go into a fit of rage. Yeah. So it's a rage moon. But it like affects everybody. Yes. It seems to affect humans as well as vampires. And the werewolves, while you don't know if it affects them, they didn't seem happy about the fact that the moon is red. It probably affects them just differently, since the whole moon thing is their thing.
But yeah, I guess I just walked down the stairs. um I guess I try to be stealthy about it, because I don't know. But yeah, this is a nice neighborhood. Who the fuck's washing dishes in a nice neighborhood? Giving me stealth plus dexterity. Wait, who washes dishes in a nice neighborhood? Who breaks into a house and washes dishes in a nice neighborhood? I feel like that would happen more often in a nice neighborhood. But somebody breaking in and washing but Yeah, it's Petty Axe of Vandalism, right?
You did come from that weird gang, so I can't understand how you would think that. By the way, that is the episode that releases tomorrow. Hell yeah. Yeah. Petty Axe of Vandalism? One success. OK. But I do have, like, some type of- Where the gang is introduced. I do have some type of, like, abilities. Like, what is it called?
I would watch a TV show called Pity Act. You have magic, because right now, she's even with you. please look um Max, you have, it'd be over here. Death of silence, no. You've got. I have death of silence and unseen passage. Unseen passage. If you want to do a rouse check, you'll be invisible, basically.
Silence of death is free, and you are completely silent when you walk. um many Which means i you can use this, um but if you don't use it, the person basically fails if they're not looking in your direction.
um I guess I would know his the the scale or his layout of the house because I was living there for a couple hours before I went to sleep. yeah The sink, I assume, is facing away from the stairs. Yes. It's like probably pointed out towards the backyard of this condo house.
cut yeah um Yeah, so I walk down the stairs, I do use the power, so I have two hunger now. Yeah, so you you see a woman, um she's dressed in like a, not a French maid's outfit, just like the cleaning maid's outfit, you know. Oh no, it's a French maid outfit. Jesus. Well, this is what she looks like.
um I mean, now it's it's just the smock. It's not the shirt underneath it. And I don't know. Oh, my God. Right. Frank, you would have to make you would have to make rolls to to cause that to happen to do that. All right. What do I get? Meet me. wrong Oh, my God. Right. You do this um in game, which you haven't done yet. Oh, shit.
uh you've been too kind of crazy kind of too too crazed to think yeah you've been on that perk um well he's been seeing dead people so yeah on that perk you haven't been thinking about that kind of stuff yeah um but yeah you see you see a woman she just got back from lizet and bradley's wedding yeah bro she did actually recently go to a wedding yeah her uh yeah she was her best friend and her brother he was a prize mate um Canonically, the ugliest one there. She's from Katie. She's from Katie, Texas, Frank. She's 36 years old. Damn, she's as old as, she's a little bit younger than me and a year younger than my wife. I guess I gave her a little backstory because you guys are doing stuff I don't remember. Okay. um Yeah. So she's basically my age. Got it. And her shift begins at 10. And her shift begins at 10 p.m. and she usually around
two, one to two. Anyways, yeah so I walked down nice sideer and And because her shift begins at 10 p.m., I'll say it's 10 p.m. okay ron thank Ron, thank you for writing that writinging down her shift schedule because now we know if during a certain period of time some shit is going down at Frank's place, we know that Dina probably got fucked up.
Yeah. Yeah. I guess we woke up late. um You and Cole are waking up a little bit later because, I mean, it's dark by six, so you could have woken up earlier. um Honestly, I feel like maybe her shift begins earlier than that. I don't know. She's here today for some reason. Yeah, she's here today for some reason. um We usually don't have to worry about time, but if I say you woke up at 10 p.m., that does cut you out on time if you're needing time.
um And it wouldn't make sense for you to wake up that late. Vampires wake up shortly after dark within an hour or so at most. So it's so probably like six. I guess if we want to roll back the clock and just say I was like doing something, she just walks in the house.
She's here early today. You know, and she's she's ah she's a go getter, you know, she's got to get these dishes clean. But what you do, don't remember using any dishes last night. Paul might have used some because he can do that eating thing nowadays, but she's been watching like a full sink of dishes. Yeah, yeah, I guess I walked down. um And I like casually put my ah gun back and it's in the way span holster. And I go, hi. She spins around. ah Oh, oh, hi. I do remember, I don't remember how you did it, Cole, but you did inform her that there would be a guest. I think you're left notes yeah you You must be, ah did you tell her the name of the person? I probably would have put his name down, yeah. You must be Max.
goes I'm Dana. I dan i ah take care of things around here. You know, keep the house tidy. Yeah, and I guess... ah do you Do you enjoy it? I mean, the place is nice, but... i know I know Cole a little bit. He's kind of a goof. Cole?
he He... Well, I get paid pretty well. Ah, it means he can't talk about it. It's an absorbent amount of money. I, well, Cole, you don't pay her. It's an absorbent amount of money. You don't pay her, but yeah. Well, but to my, to my like. through thear but you get You tip her. You give her tips. Well, growing up like poor, like I know that she has to be making a pretty large amount of money to be working a job like this where she's happened to
work the late nights and deal with a mostly strange. yeah Oh, oh, yeah. It's kind of questionable. yeah cause it' so Just working at 10pm and going you know there is And but so as, um and she she would she would have to work earlier than 10 p.m. now that I'm thinking of past interactions. So as she's talking to you, Hayden, a little buzzer goes off on this little thing on on the ah the counter next to the kitchen table. And she's like, oh, oh, I have to, I'll be right back. And she runs to the to the um fridge, pulls out a um ah bottle of wine
what you but looks like wine, pours it into a glass and then hustles upstairs. Cole, you awaken. Yes, you smell blood. And Cole, you awaken. Okay, I'm awake. Yeah, what what do you do? You're you're awake now.
Well, I glanced out the door at my ever present um champagne. No wine podium. Both of you need to do a rouse check. I'll do another one. to see if you So you do not get hungrier um when you wake up in the morning. It's at the bottom. I'm trying to get there. I think it's not what't working. Core? Core. So the problem was rouse.
ah Cole, you do get hungrier. Okay. Well, Cole, you know that sometimes the wine bottle is there when you wake up. Sometimes she's right outside the door. where Do I know where... um Oh, fuck. Hayden's character's name? Brain's not braining. Max. Max. Do I know where Max laid his head down last night? I would but assume you know. It's down the hallway from where I was at, right? Probably. Is the door open?
door. Your bedroom door. Your bedroom door is not open. Thank you. Right. I'm not a very comfortable technician that leaves every door open. So you can't argue that I wasn't in that room at least. Did you did you walk over to your door and open it, Cole? Yeah. Well, OK. Hmm. What are the doors? Because I usually see the demons first sit in the morning or the. Yeah. I got to roll something on.
you don't actually uh this morning actually the whispers didn't bother you okay so i kind of like stretch even though i don't need to do it yeah because you know one of those inborn habits that take you know quite a long time to get out of uh i kind of roll out of bed and the whispers are just kind of in the background the shadows are not super shadowy like they usually are they're just kind of being slightly moving shadows, so that's cool. She has to build the courage to knock on that bitch. This is for something that I'll have Cole do, depending on what he does. I roll out of bed. I'm assuming I sleep stark naked because I in real life sleep mostly stark naked. All right.
It's like, i know I sleep completely stark naked, so I understand. un understand um I have like that those 30,000 thread count sheets. Unless it's extremely cold. I can't do that because then I'm like extra bricked up. buts yeah I have them 30,000 thread count sheets. When you move slightly, you just kind of slide off. Those bamboo sheets.
Yeah, makes you makes you feel a little silky on your nether regions. But no, I hate that. I hate that. Yeah, I can't be like everyone talks about how nice it is when you shave your legs and then get in the sheets. No, I can't deal with that too much. of your life sha I used to when I was running a lot. Yeah. As long as you're working out, it's OK. I would just shave with your legs. I would shave my knees. yeah You do have great calves.
i Just shaved just to just a shave that's you shave your legs Frank. No, ah okay Oh, you shave your balls got it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you gotta keep them looking good i've done that i've done that for but boys handsome I think you have to do that on a regular basis. Otherwise, it's just way too itchy It's yeah, and they're just you know with it's hot outside or whatever and there's just all that like it's just actually exactly and Yeah, you got to keep it manscaped. Shout out to the lawnmower 5.0. I hope you enjoy hearing about our... We are not sponsored by Manscaped. Hey, and my wife loves Manscaped. Cole, what are you doing? Hey,, if you feel like sponsoring us. For anybody. oh Yes, please. I use all your products. I even got your facial hair stuff. I will actually use your products.
Okay, what were we doing? Cole, you were doing something. You were stretching. I completely forgot. um He was trying to see if my room was open or not. Yeah, he has to go to his door in order to do that. So yeah, I stretched a rolled out of my 3000 count thread, silken bamboo sheets that butt naked, I probably kind of wander over to my pile of clothes and stiff around for whatever doesn't smell, even though we don't sweat.
um but find the least smelly sure set of clothes. Throw those on real quick and then glance out the door. Look at my ice bucket or my ever- When you open the door, um Dina is there. Give me either an Awareness plus wits or an Insight plus wits role.
Whichever one is better for you. Either awareness or insides. I currently have a page open that says manscaped 5.0. I just hit the lights on those. The manscaped? Yeah. Anyways, keep going, keep going. Sorry, we're not going to go to the others. Manscaped. I currently have this really shitty, like, double-edged barrel of power. OK. Well, we're doing awareness plus wits. Or insight plus wits if that's better. um but I still need to have Dina Gatsby's page up.
you You don't. and inside I have zero in insight awareness. i've Technically Jaiden is Dina. Oh, really? You played her last. Oh, was that like... so ah Yeah, he just made her noise, right? Yeah. So you see you see that Dina is breathing heavily as if she just ran up a fly of stairs to get you before you got to the door.

Cole's Vampiric Control Moment

I open the door and step outside of my room. She shuffles out of your way and offers you the um the wine glass. How is it offered? It's on a tray. Is it like a bottle and glass? She only brings you the glass. um She doesn't bring you the whole bottle. You know the bottle's in the fridge. I thought she used to bring the bottle up. ah Well, I guess it's a bottle and a glass.
I mean, I i was always. imagine She got a bottle out of the fridge, I think. Well, she got a bottle and poured it into the glass. oh I was always imagining her like bringing up a chilled bottle of blood wine and putting it in a or putting it on a stand in a bucket of ice.
Oh, I feel like she has a rolling cart. I mean, I guess that's what she can do then, if that's how you've been imagining it. roman That's just how I've imagined it. Like, if we're doing a glass, that makes sense too. But it would be a little awkward for her to run a glass up the stairs. It would also be like sitting on a a table. It's just not as presentable as like one of those yeah fancy restaurant, like, metal chalice ice bucket things. That's true. And I was assuming it was more grandiose. But yeah, anyways. Does she have a cart, Frank?
No, she had to come up and have a card now. Okay, okay. But yeah, she did just run it all up. Yeah, yeah, you can you can play it. You can take over. see like I will say, she is afraid of Cole because he often snaps on her. Okay, okay. Anything from the trolley. Anything from the trolley, dude? Oh, he's a dick. Yeah, he's a dick to her.
It's it's not rank purpose. You take your anger out on a woman, bro. I'll play her almost like Morty, but like woman. You take your anger out on Syrian, dude. Like, oh, my God. Ron, can you please hang over? You can deal with that 70 year old smoker's voice. That's the wine to.
Well, Jane, you did. you go oh yeah you go mr stone how you drink where go When you played her last, you did end up saying, oh, she was just sick and then started talking in ah in a better voice. OK, OK. Here you go, Mr. Stone.
ah yeah Diana. Good to see you. Oh, you're good. Okay. No, no, canonically, I don't remember names. This has been a thing. He literally just told you. It's no, no, Frank. Cole does not remember names. No one knows that her name's Dina.
But Cole, canonically, has an issue with names. I also have an issue with names, but we played this enough that I remember her name. So Deanna, it's good to see you. It's Deanna. Yes, Deanna, it's good to see you. Do you have my but offering? so we Yeah, it's right in front of you. ah Yes, I see that there. Please hand it over. Do you want me to pour it?
ah No, just just give me the bottle. It's fine. I hand over the bottle. I love lovingly caress her arm. I said it, so it has to happen that way.
I'm not that kind of maid.
Hold on. I have magic powers. Hold on. Oh my god. my gosh Oh my god. Yes! oh No, that was me. That was Max. I was rolling to see- He got a success. No. Well, I gotta roll against it though.
No longer than a short sentence which must be obeyed to the platter. It must be possible to complete the command at a single turn. There's no role required. Hey man, if you can pound her in six seconds, which I'm pretty sure Cole could do, he's a one pump chump, so I bet he could. So I can't roll for her. Neil only uses his power to rape a girl. ah she So you can compel her, she can't resist it. OK, she's human. Yeah. Yeah, so I do that. um Damn it, dude.
NSA. wiookie well only works for things section Compel works. It has to be an action that she can complete in like in a single turn. Well, I could be completed in a single turn. So I can't use it as like a buried suggestion. No, that's oh that's that is a specific ability. Yeah, I need to take that ability next time I have a chance. I think I have it.
I 100%. Oh, you gave it to me. OK, well.
Well, you're about to give it to me. You gave it to yourself, I thought. Didn't know it before we started playing. No, no, no, I'm talking I'm talking about, you know, you gave me her pop up. No worry about doing it later. OK. Yeah, i'm like I got it. I got to roll against you. ah There's no role. Oh, no, you're right. You're a genius. I'm sorry.
You're right. I'm an idiot. He did a... Dinah, could you clean the bedroom? It is getting a little sharp in there. Yes, Mr. Stone. Isn't this like the first time you're ever in his room? No. Yes.
She's been in your room before and been yelled at for doing it. Oh, oh, yeah that one time Yeah, and she's like she's inside of the bottle couple episodes ago um You once shut the door on her without telling her she could leave the room And then had a camera to see how long she would stay and I rolled for it and she stayed in there for 15 minutes Standing awkwardly before she left. I don't remember that at all. Yeah
We're gonna have to make a compilation of just Frank being an asshole for real I do okay eric so I do have a compilation. I do have a compilation episode coming up for in between seasons, but it's it's not Frank Who is it? It's that that this the episode will be called horny Hayden. Oh It's just all of the strange noises Hayden makes Yeah, boy. That's amazing. Oh,
oh and tomorrow, tomorrow's episode after the the exit music, um you can hear a very brief compilation of Bill barking like a chihuahua. So hey he did that a few at times in the episode. So I put them all together at the end. I remember I was playing the biker with the chihuahua,
Not so good. um Well, Frank, I told you in a very monotone voice that I would do it, basically. OK, I grab the bottle and I say, have you seen my guest? Yes, we met in the kitchen. ah Is he still down there? Probably. All right, thank you. ah Continue about your tasks. You just told me to clean your room. Yes, that task.
Is there more? Did I say you playing the whole house? i I'm just messing. I'm being sarcastic with him because I just feel like she would start getting kind of irritated with him at this point. Like she I mean, she obviously I mean, like you said, gets paid well or whatever. But, you know, he's the one that's like not he's berating her all the time. So she's probably getting, you know, a little irritated. She's paid well and.
could not quit the job if she wanted to due to a different vampire's powers. so Well, I do the tasks. And she also has no memory of Cole from um the bachelorette party when Cole fed on her. So that was what from her mind.
If we drink another vampire's blood, we get their power. Yeah. You get the ability to buy powers from their. List like. Gotcha. Yeah. So I need. like Yeah, it unlocks the ability to buy stuff that they have. Or not sure. What's your. what's your ah But you guys don't actually know that only Bill, only Jerry knows that.
Okay, and Jerry didn't didn't tell anyone so yeah, I guess I'll go downstairs and see Maxwell Yeah, my bad. My bad y'all that wasn't part of it Landry just kind of that Got some information from his sire and he just kind of thought everybody got the same in their birthday. Yeah Well, unless you tell us then we're not gonna know so as
Max, um or as Wesley starts walking down the stairs to go find Max, the camera shifts to cold.
Cold. Yeah, that's cold. The camera shifts, again, to you see a black car driving away and standing outside of of the IO therapy building is ah Jeremiah Wilson is your last name, right? Jerry, Jeremiah Wilson.
blinking in confusion as he has no memory of the the past 24 hours. He finds himself standing outside um his doors and the last thing he remembers was he had walked outside for some reason that he doesn't know but before that he'd just gotten there with um Basically you remember everything with the werewolf stuff and bringing um Cassidy to your house um And then you remember going outside for some reason and as far as you know That's all you did The what happened after that you don't remember you are Staring it is weird because you don't remember turning around But you're staring back at your door
And so other than the loss. That doesn't mean you cut out. Can you hear me better now? Yeah, you know no. No.
Like, yeah, there's like a weird thing going on.

Jerry's Lost Day and Abduction Realization

It breaks in and out. Yeah, it just does that. And is there anything else wrong other than my loss?
Um, the lights are off. Um, well, let me think, I guess it wouldn't be necessarily off because, um, you're, you're, you're secretary or receptionist. You're a receptionist. I forget her name, but she would be inside. Yeah. Rita is inside. Um, and things look normal. Um, Oh, what day of the week is today? February 3rd, 2020, which was.
Today is Tuesday. it's It's a Monday. Okay, it's not today. Yeah. So it's Tuesday. Frank. yeah Then real fast. What?
right I look, I look at my watch since I've lost it. I don't mean here. and i think Does your watch tell you the date? Uh, no.
OK, so it's just a classic. No, yeah, it's just a simple. as It's just a simple. So it is 6 30 p.m. according to your watch. Last you remember, it was a lot later at night.
i Jerry walks inside. Staying late tonight. Oh, you know me, just getting getting the ah the taxes you know done.
Oh, that's right. Getting them done early this year. Oh, yeah. ah Thank you so much for for all all the help you gave me. Oh, no problem. You know, just do my job.
ah Don't stay for much longer. I don't know why, Bill, you're cutting out so bad. I yeah i think it's your background noise.
their background noise yeah he has like a bunch of stuff going on uh and i think it's like competing for him do you have a door you could close is that any better yes okay okay then yeah we should be good okay everything's still sounding okay yeah it sounds amazing OK, cool. Just one second real fast.
All right, Dad. Then I was just saying that, go ahead go ahead and call it for tonight. It's starting to get better.
Damn. OK, it did mess up again, Bill, but it's like, all right, as soon as I finish this up, I'll head on out. Thank you. I'll be up in my office there if you can come across anything. All right, so when you head upstairs, um you know, you last you remember there was that girl Cassidy with you. um She's not upstairs. ah ah Max is not up in in you know above the the ceiling um Nobody's there houses it or besides your receptionist house is empty or building safety Did Allison what's her bucket? Leave the note there What was the notes Cassidy said what the hell Jerry she she left
I guess she left a note saying, is that what the note was supposed to say? Well, that's probably pretty much what I would have wrote saying. What the hell? Because Jerry was gone for a few days.
no No, no, no, no. This is the next day. That was back. Oh, yeah. they're He already saw that note. He saw that note. And then he was going to call you, but then got distracted, walked outside, um and and drove off with some people. So Cassidy called you instead because he had already dialed your number. um And he actually had left his phone sitting on the counter. So yeah.
um So she dials, she just pressed send. um So now we are another day that Jerry has lost. ah
And he's back. i'm I'm about to find out, because as soon as I see my phone, text. So who do you text? and Have I missed it? ah You said I've missed i've missed text messages.
um Well, Max left a paper note for you that you had seen the night before, um which you might a suit might suspect that another day has passed, but you haven't confirmed that yet. I guess when you look at your phone, you do see the date and it is no longer February 2nd. It is now February 3rd. You have lost a day again. What the hell?
Only this is the last time, the last time that you lost stays, it was because you were unconscious because you'd been attacked by werewolves. This time, yeah you don't remember anything.
Okay, I go ahead and call Max. All right, Max, your phone starts ringing. Cole, you hear your phone ringing. No, my phone's gone. Yeah, it goes to voicemail. I don't think it goes to voicemail.
I think it would. No, it goes. Yeah, it goes to voicemail. No, it it goes straight to voicemail because there's no reception on it. It's the batteries gone. Then in that case, so oh he would go ahead and leave. Max, I don't know what's going on. I've lost. I've lost the whole day. I don't know what happened. Give me a call back. Then in that case, I'm going to go ahead and call Cole. All right. Ring ring. Ring ring.
like Ring, ring, ring. Ring, ring. I pick up the phone while i'm walking down the stairs. Oh. Go for coal. It's Jerry. Jerry, my man, where you been? You've been missing for like two days. Jerry, you asshole. I don't know where I've been.
I have nothing. And you hear me running towards the stairs. Was it two days or one day that he was missing? It was. To me, it's been a couple of days. oh if and To you guys, yes, it has been actually several days, um a few days, like three or four days, if I recall. It's been like three days. Jerry hasn't touched base with you guys since he was kidnapped by the werewolves.
and we don't know that it's been captured by werewolves. No, y'all don't know anything about the werewolves. Hold up. Y'all, you need to get, you guys need to get, get over to my place now. We've got stuff to talk about. Hold on, let me put you on speakerphone. All right, you're on speakerphone. All right, fine. Yes, good. Cause we're going to have this conversation open. Standard. Well, I only have Max here with me, so.
Yeah. The FBI is probably listening, is probably listening. You wear that?
Maybe, but the the only people that we know, well, that we not at this point, here at this point, Jerry's fucking paranoid as shit. Yeah. And so I say, well, as far as what we know, the FBI hasn't visited Cole or God damn it, what's his name? Wesley.
Oh yeah, you guys don't know that the s FBI visited Wesley. Yeah, because Wesley never told us. Yeah. Well, there's been a lot going on on my side.
With three successes, do I do I know if the FBI is listening? ah I mean, you would have to get on a computer and start doing tap. Yeah. Well, I tap tap on the on the on the phone. Well, that first role would be to see if technology works for you. So it works. I take a swig of my my my booze wine.
And then I roll again.
um As far as you can tell, your phones do not seem to have a wiretap on them. Or whatever the modern day equivalent of that is. As far as I can tell, we're not currently being routed through any sort of listening devices. so Yeah, but didn't Bush pass that ah Patriot Act where no matter what are things that are being reported?
I mean, hey, and isn't that just like what canonically happened in this universe? is i know there's number point I didn't understand the question. Patriot Act, where and the and NSA got made and they record every phone call that happens. but Yeah, they do record every phone call that comes through. So yes, it is being recorded, but by people that we don't want to listen to us, maybe.
By the way, guys, I just noticed we are missing three continents worth of listeners. Nobody in South America, Africa, or Australia is listening to us. We need to to solve this problem. Australia is upside down. It's OK. It doesn't even exist. much It's OK, Australia. I know you're real because Kathy Jesus came from there.
It's real. And it's actually probably heaven. What? No, it's not. Well, except that it has all the the like spiders and snakes and stuff that will eat you. I mean, we've got meth gators here in the States. Yeah, but they're they're like ah for the most part tamed.
I mean, if you can keep them in a bathtub and they're not eating the person that is taking care of them, I consider that tamed. There are wild meth gators now.
Anyway, else um yeah, the FBI doesn't, as far as you can tell, no one is actively listening to you beyond, you know, the fact that all phone calls are recorded.

Werewolf Abduction and Paranoia

All right, then in that case, once he hears, once he hears Cole say that. Okay, so here's what happened. First, I was at the prison, I was
he'd been at the prison ah set the prison i left the prison and i crashed my car something crashed into me it was a fucking werewolf and i was kidnapped for days okay i was out there with them in their pack and that's where i met cas on her way back Wait, Cassidy's a fucking werewolf? No, no, He'd no, no. She's got ties. She got turned. been She already had them. It's fucking- Yeah, I arrested. know she's a vampire now. I saw it, but- Yeah, she sought them out because she already- And they offered her safety. They know about us. Not the important part here. Kind of the important part. We're getting off track. We're getting off track. I'm so sorry. Give me a second.
one and jerry know When did Jerry know that she was always part of the werewolf pack? She didn't seat them out. He doesn't and know her backstory. No, he doesn't. chip welu basicins and I only know the basics. Y'all, she opened up to y'all. She didn't know. And she didn't open up to me. She didn't tell me jack shit. I even straight up asked. But. um very well basically came came down to all that okay i and understand y'all know about her now but um so co word you want to loop in i was gonna say should be loop in wesley i know well whizz leave and talk startdo he's kind of afk all the damn time i'm here right now oh well you mean like Oh, like put me in the call. I think I was asleep. Yeah, he's probably running business dealing with his family. Wesley is always AFK as well. True. Unfortunately, I haven't. What is it? I almost said necromancy. We'll give him the rundown later, but you guys gotta gotta hear me after I got her back to my office stuff. I see. you Thank you, by the way. And
I stepped outside for a minute. And I've got nothing after that until just before I called you. Well, that's not good. Well, from what we were told, Gasty just said you walked outside and just disappeared into a blacked out car. I literally only remember being dropped off and being in front of my door. Okay, well, I guess what you need to do then is because I already told your sire that you got abducted, so you probably should probably call your sire and then call the sheriff since you're so buddy-buddy with the sheriff. Oh, we're not buddy-buddy, she's a patient. And do you just break some confidentiality laws was just telling me that? I don't think she's a patient yet.
that that Listen, she's a patient she's a patient according to according to the prince. That's all I'm going to say. That's all I'm going to say about it, but over the next over the next little bit, there might be some issues there as well. So be prepared, Max, especially.
What am I being ready for? be prepared for just be prepared for agitate agitation at work. And she's probably going to be stretched around the room. All right. I don't even think I have a job anymore.
I mean, technically still work for Wesley, but he he was like basically doesn't care what you do. So I still have like income coming in. Only if you chose those points.
No, I don't. So yeah. ah So yeah, you really have a job. yeah Like Wesley is like, yeah, you can keep working here. But payroll already noticed that you haven't been there and stopped paying you.
yes And I do know why, but something feels different. It's like the blood feels stronger. I don't know. Something is up.
You should probably call the sheriff. I think that should be the first current course of action before we all meet up.
i'll show you I'll see if you messaged him. So while he's calling the sheriff, are you guys heading over to Jerry's place? I looked at Cole and I go, I don't think it would be the best idea right now, considering he just got abducted and then dropped off.
It's like a stupid idea to potentially walk straight into a trap. Because when that normally happens, you drop him off, you keep watching him, because now you know exactly where he is. He he says he feels different. It's all types of suss right now.
All right. Well, I don't i don't know what you want from me. I wanted your goddamn opinion, Cole. ah I mean, like he. and shit I don't know if it's the actual FBI. They already know something. um He definitely should contact his sire and or the sheriff.
ah And then I don't. Maybe for him to hire somebody for protection since he just went missing for no reason that he doesn't know about.
um And one thing to remind you guys, um Colin max would know this you guys have an invite to a meeting with Freda to discuss issues with the prince But meanwhile while you guys are talking to Jerry and all of that um ah Wesley is in the process of calling his company um And the only person in charge he could really get a hold of today was the chief diversity officer There we go
know who answers the phone and you know, you can name them whatever you want. You have to come up with a name. I'm not coming up with a name. Okay, okay, okay. ah um Hey, Darryl. Everybody's named Darryl. Oh, well, like, like, uh, damn. Okay. Hey, Aaron. My name's Aaron.
Oh, sorry, it just like okay, this is hilarious. i just think No, no, I just did random named it generator and it came up with Daryl lung. I'll I told you. All right. I'm Daryl. I was feeling it.
you know it was I mean, i I don't know what to say, you know? That's some clairvoyant ass shit, my dude. Hey, wow, that's crazy. That gave me goosebumps. Anyways, uh, what's up, Darryl? Uh, how's the, uh, we keeping like the the blacks and the whites keeping, you know?
As far as I can say, I am the only person of color here. We do not have any people of the LGBT plus community working at our place of employment. um So we might actually need some if we do want government funding and grants in the future. Okay. Well, who's the oldest people we have right now?
I think there's a lady called Cheryl who's like damn near 67. She's a retired. She cleans, though. well That's what she does. To be honest, I think you kind of fucked up or play payroll fucked up because I don't think she has a pension with us. I don't think she ever signed on those ah ah for one OK. Well, that's good. ah Well, we could fire her so that we don't have she can't retire.
As your chief diversity officer, I have to say that I think that would be a bad idea because she's one of the diversities, one of the very few diversities we have at this company. Oh, okay. Well, uh, shoot. Well, do we have, well where what sector has like the most saturated white people? Saturated white people. I would, front desk, front desk, executives, my secretary executive probably the executives and CEOs.
No, because that one carries if, if I'm being honest, there's a lot of Southeast Asian, Southeast and West Asians in the development side, but everyone that works in behind like a ah desktop that does more of, you know, the, the plan, the overall plans for the company, those people are more white.
Well, let's get let's fire like one of those front desks and get someone else. ah you know get Get on it indeed and and you know set the race multiplier to you know whatever you need to. Max.
Exactly. well ah Well, what I actually was meaning to call, I mean, I love shooting the shit, you know but ah how how's things going with the new guy?
Let me pray to God real quick. Hey DM, how have been things going? Um. Financially, the company is doing actually better than it ever has. He's great, but a lot of um a lot of projects that were in like pending approval from the from the government. and ah he Yeah, he's definitely seems to be. ah Schmoozing the rest of the board <unk> yourself included trying to get them on his side, but he hasn't Revealed why I do Repeat that and I say also there there was a weird thing that I I just kind of heard him from the loop from the the lawyers Talking about they were very passionate about this Carl bird I remember it was
Do the genetic company for a pill that quote made them fly pill end quote that apparently had cocaine inning pill might have cause mental breakdown that ended. That ensued, but stuffing. yeah Why didn't I think of that sooner? Well, obviously we need to get that out of here. Is that what he did? Was was that one of those green lip products or? No, that would be for the green case. Yeah.
I'm fucking damn it, Carl. Damn it, Carl. That's why it's the AAA or AAA meeting. The AAA meeting. Yeah, I told what is happening. I didn't even answer. AAA. Oh, yes. I don't think the lawsuit's going through because you didn't. And there's no class action lawsuit because apparently, as far as I know, this really didn't happen to anyone else or at least they're not coming forward that it happened.
So hopefully it doesn't gain momentum, um but he is in prison for murder on the highway. He beat the living shiz out of someone. Well, if no one else is doing that, I think we'll be all right. ah But we should probably recall all those pills just so no class action lawsuit gets filed. I agree. I'm gonna probably have to take a cut. um But yeah, we can go ahead and do that. And then I guess we need to get on the bottom of ah This guy, I mean, you know. ah Sir, he he already had enough butt stuff and we don't need to get on the bottom of him. Well, um he's he's had enough bottom, so we gotta switch. yeah He weighs like 800 pounds, though. Have you seen him? Unfortunately.
but but
Anyways, well, I appreciate the information.
Well, Lungale is always happy to talk. Lungale, I appreciate you, my friend. All right. I will forward the front desk to you. Beep, boop, beep, boop, boop, boop. He says that while you hear clicking in the background, forwarding it from his desk phone. I thought you were doing the fax machine, so. That's true.
Well, I appreciate you. I'll catch you on the flip side, my friend. Stay black.
Jesus. I'll have to listen back to this whole section. yeah yeah um and just all right pale my boy it's add to give you the information you need i mean yeah i mean the the fact that he's you know green lighting a bunch of shit you know i need a reclaim a portion of my company so i can back on top yeah i mean you still have controlling interest in the company
Is there any like magic or anything that would be able to make me be able to wake up a little bit sooner? Yes. It is a blood sorcery spell. But um you currently don't have access to blood sorcery and and wouldn't randomly know the spell exists. Okay. Well, would I be able to start pursuing that? Because what I i want to kill this guy, but I think he has to be asleep. You could look into it. um Give me, let's see. So what you're going to need is a. I mean, if you really want to go down that way, you could just get a Google to do it for you. You could do that. Yeah. I guess Seth Rogan to do it. Jesus. Well, he is in Houston right now. He's working on. He will actually know he like Seth Rogan didn't bang your wife. That was the other guy. Yeah, it was the other guy. ah Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, it was a. Seth Rogan just watched. Did he sit in the cup chair?
Yeah, it was probably yellow too. um Seth Rogen's currently in Houston working on the Green Hornet 2. That is the other change in this ah this you know alternate universe. Green Hornet 2 is a go. Seth Rogen's working on it right now. I would love to see that. I never saw a Green Hornet, so I wouldn't know. You have to watch it. um It's the Green Hornet.
He's like a i like a rich boy, but like he wishes he had superpowers but his friend like has like super senses and he could like I Guess he has like I don't know like a good scan knows some therapy knows does he so he's a white version of blue beetle No, um Seth. Seth Roman plays. He's just a dude with a with yeah he's got a lot of money in a car. So he's Batman, but cool. Yeah, he doesn't actually do anything. Yeah. His partner, his partner does the fighting. Yeah. But um what's that Western movie with the the kung fu guy and and then a cowboy? He's got a magnificent seven.
now No, no, it's a duo. ah
Johnny Depp and what's his face? That's an older thing. Black Lightning. Western movie with cowboy and kung fu guy. Let's see.
Well, this one's not what I was thinking of, but um Shanghai Kid with Jackie Chan and and ah the dude with the nose.
Oh, Shanghai Noon or Shanghai Night? Whatever it's called. Owen Wilson. Owen Wilson, yeah. What character do we need introduced into this show or into this game? What? Huckleberry Finn. No.
I mean, I'll go there. We want a real cowboy. Oh, God, you're going to hit me. You're going to hit me with. You don't like him. No, I got it. No, I love that move so much. like no I can't think of what I'm thinking of. But anyway, I got it. Well, that was that was Del Kilmer, right? That was played. Mm hmm.
Yeah, Tim Stone. yeah god the is and it's a good movie it is long but it's worth it ah anyway sorry so okay we're really good at tangents Um, so yeah, what were we doing? It was on me. I just finished the conversation with him. Um, but yeah, basically I want to start looking into killing this guy, but I don't know the best way.

Scheming a Discreet Murder

Um, well, give me an occult, uh, plus intelligence role first. Where's a cult? Is it in the under skills on the right?
A cult in what? Intelligence.
Wow, my my diet cool net is actually really good. a One success. Yeah, i you don't really think of anything specific. You're like, well, maybe there's a power I could do this with, but I haven't heard anyone talking about anything like that.
um One thing you know, if you're wanting to kill a man, um there is one guy you can call. He's kind of becoming an expert on, well, at least covering these killings up afterwards. And his name is Cold Stone. Yeah. Hmm, I should call my friend.
Well, I guess, I don't know, acquaintance. no My wife also seems to be proficient in killing so for real. Oh my God. Not easily covering it up and has the cops come knock on the door because there's a fire in the back. I don't know if there's the cops. It probably was, but. That is ah up to God.
it ah Damn. Well, yeah, I'm going to call Coldstone.
All right, Cole, your phone starts ringing again. By this time, I've walked outside. I'm just looking outside. You are popular today, Cole. I i grab a coffee mug out of the cabinet while the phone's ringing. Pour out some of the blood wine.
um Grab another coffee cup, do the same thing, put the water mains back in the fridge and walk outside and hand one
um I'm handing you a cup a coffee cup full of blood wine. Or wine blood. I take a sniff of it and I go... oh just anybody yeah out there
I am about. Yes, I look at it and I ah do it grown. I'm like, yeah, yikes and I just down it in one goal. Yeah, Max can drink it. um Let me check the rules on your sheet real quick. Or on blood next, it should say ah feeding penalty. Is there anything having to do with blood bags?
Bag blood and animals Slakes half hunger. Okay, so it doesn't even get you a full hunger for one drink worth Okay, so I take that giant golden like And I go back inside and I'm just at the sink Yeah, you would have to drink two cup fools in order to get one hunger down Yeah, you'd have to keep you'd have to keep two cups of that day Yeah. And I go, I'm so sorry, Dana.
it's steamer
ah Frank, do you ever answer the phone? I do. It's staying there watching me gag. over the He's like, it's not that bad. didn He tells me about that. I'm just I answer the phone and I take a sip. I'm like, go for go for coal.
Hey, buddy. ah Look, it's going to give it to you straight real quick. Jerry, how are you doing? It could be better, ah but I need to kill somebody.
ah OK, and I think I did your help.
what Why does everybody keep coming to me with killing themselves? little people Like just watch some true crime and then get back to me. like Well, I well, my wife loves true crime. So I have to watch it every single day. But it it doesn't I need a ah confidant. All right. What what's you got?
Uh, so this guy bought my company because I made a deal with him. yeah He's got 51% and he's been doing some shit. it's It's grown some numbers, but it's some shady shit and I don't want it to deface my company. So, uh, I want to kill him. And I guess this is when I walk back over and I go random question is your, uh, your, is anyone spying on me?
malware thing still up on your phone. No, I never had that. I just had that guy show up one day, but we yeah this is this is Max asking Cole. Um, I probably don't because he got it. I got a call, but I can, it's an Android. So I can just switch over to the different task.
Why? I don't know we just might as well check to see if his phones they were and as I was investigated. He was my boss True. All right, that would be tech plus wits or yeah, or would that forward just roll over? Uh Two successes is enough to turn it on Okay And then tech plus wits or int to scan I guess
Oh, um also two successes. This aren't the exact same. OK, good. Just making sure like it's not doing something weird. um ah You find no no ah signs of being monitored. Nope, looks good. Well, I and don't have a whole lot of experience planning out murders. Like, I know how to cover one up if you're in a scenario.
You could just go kill him and then get back to me and tell me what happened and I can help then. All right. Well, I'll do that then. Wait, wait, hold on. Hey, hey, Max, Jerry's trying to kill somebody. Bad idea. Don't do it. As I say from the sink, rewashing the dishes. Yeah. It's going to happen. I don't listen to lesser people in mind. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. fuck Love you, Max. Anyways, uh.
a I'll think about it, but it's probably going to happen. So, um, do you have anything planned out yet or are you just looking for like a general, how do I kill this person? Yeah. I mean, I want to kill him in his sleep just so I don't get any, you know, I mean, he's a big guy, so I don't want to be over cumbered.
But like how much do you know about him? Do you probably want to go dig up like some history, his connections to see if murdering him is even a good idea or not? Like if you're just talking about murdering somebody just to murder somebody, like, you know, you can go find Joe Blow on the street and kill them. But if you're talking like a dude that's well connected and that owns part of your company, he probably has some serious connections that you should find out about first.

Humanity Points and Moral Dilemmas

Well, yeah, but you know, or I could just go Hail Mary. Yeah, and then possibly cause yourself a whole host of backlash type issues.
Y'all are no fun. um I was expecting a hoorah and y'all like rush over and we have like this big, you know, Oh, you're wanting like a murder party. um Yeah, I guess I could be behind that. ah Wait, my humanity is still pretty high. ah Can we not then say we did?
Your humanity is PI too, but... Hey, I've lost the... You've lost the humanity point? So you're slightly more monstrous? Slightly.
I don't know. I've definitely been making some crazy decisions. Well, you know what? It is. It is one thing is. Most people are one really bad. So I still have Jerry on the other line. Hold on. Have you worked him in? Hey, Jerry, I got.
Fucking not Jerry, Terry Wesley. Wesley, Wesley and Max, hold on, I'm three-waying you in. I had three-way them together. Jerry, talk, ah well, Wesley, talk, or Jerry talked Wesley out of, I forgot who was who for a second there. Jerry talked Wesley out of murdering some random person without getting some backstory first. ah Wesley, what, wait, what the fuck? It's a good idea. Y'all are just weird. Who are you trying to murder?
Uh, the guy that like stole slightly more than partially half of my company. Oh, ah he lit. He legitimately bought it. Well, let him have some. And it was a it was an underlining deal a little bit. OK, I didn't expect him to go this crazy. So I'm clear you want what? what Why didn't you talk him out of it? you Well, and it sounded like a good idea at first.
Is he connected to us so ah to us via what we are? What? Is he a vampire? Yes.

AI Image Mishap and Humor

Oh fuck, he is? Yes.
He's the one. See, if I knew my wife would be so go-getting into being a vampire at first, this would have never happened. What? Gary doesn't know that.
Well, I'm telling you right now. I'm like, you turned your wife. Yeah. big ah By the way, everybody, she loves it. What about the kids? The kids are fine. I got a sister and she's got a sister that comes over all the time. Hey, who knows? Maybe we'll be a vampire family.
All right. All right. So I got to show you all this stupid image. um Hold on. Let me. Where to go? God damn it. Documents.
So I was trying to make an image of the guy who's trying to steal Jayden's company.

Character Skills and Specialties

And um I said, you know, vampire business suit. um I simply put briefcase rather than saying carrying a briefcase. Is he made of a briefcase? No. He just has one briefcase floating next door's arm. I do wish I had that ability.
A.I. is so stupid.
That's kind of funny, actually. Yeah. It does look pretty cool, though. Anyway, looks like it's an ad for like a magnet or. Yeah, this is why A.I. will never replace true art because it, you know, does that. Well, if you take enough time, you can actually get a decent like picture out of it.
yeah anyway just just felt like i'd show that to y'all um sorry continue you were revealing that you just turned to your wife and jerry said

Multiple Kidnappings and Memory Loss

did you get permission i think i did right yeah you did okay yes to the i went to the man himself right Well, um so over the last several days, I've been kidnapped by where we found the other one of the other people looking. And then also got kidnapped by some other weird entity. And I don't remember anything, anything during that. Sounds like my college days. Well. I would say that's not great, you know, obviously. ah Are you all going to do anything about it?
We can kill two birds with one stone. We can, you know, somehow get this guy involved, but not, you know, entirely. And then we can get it because a he knows me. I could probably try to convince him to, you know, do something for us and then set it up and get these werewolves to attack him. This guy, now these werewolves want nothing. Well, we could just make him, you know, give him a false address and send him in there. Sure.
I think we might have another problem. I think so i think ah somewhat i think we got a new playground, but there is something I've just thought I'm trying to think about here. Oh, a new special. Let's see what that is.
What's that? What is it? It's kidnapped. Asshole! the bottom of me That was one he chose. I didn't choose that one. By the way, specialties, I don't always remember them. um And that's not my job as the storyteller. It's technically your job. But anytime something has to do with one of your specialties, you get a plus one to that. What are my specialties? Where is that? It's between skills and disciplines.
Yeah. yeah
well jerry i got a specialty in research damn it that's actually that's that's a good one what did i think of that one man fine i also have a specialty in public speaking and fitness videos a lot in genetics does name and skill go together or are they separate The name is the name of the specialty. And each skill in the handouts has example specialties that you can choose. But the name is like the category or whatever. And then the skill is the skill from above.
um So like, and yeah. um But you guys chose that back of character creation. And we've just never really. So I have a. Bonus or something to kindred and stealth. So if I'm trying to be sneaky around vampires, I get a bonus. Yes, that came from your predator type.
And then I have a plus to my victims and persuasions, so I get a plus to. Talking to someone I want to drink from. Yes. We have the perfect heist set up, I'm just kidding. Granted, you could.
You know, you can also be creative with your specialties, like victims. Persuasion could be like, I'm speaking to the victim of a crime, you know? Yeah. I would. Because I have negotiation. I would be honor bound. Yeah, I would be honor bound to accept that. I also like if if say you've got a skill like I don't know, I'm looking at um Carol Isaac. She has the skill dance um or the the skill performance with the speciality of dance.
um But I could also, OK, maybe dance is a bad one. But you know if there was another skill that works with that, I would accept that as well. OK, she's got diplomacy, politics. like I could see diplomacy, persuasion working as well in certain situations and stuff like that because politics is a um Intelligence-based skill technically it's knowing about politics whereas Diplomacy persuasion like I would I would let them transfer go to whatever skill makes sense um Specialties you can buy new specialties for three three experience points. I Think For the level Specialties are cheap. I recall specialty news a new specialty is only three points.
Uh, cause specialties don't have a level. They're just a specialty that gives you a plus one bonus okay got to that specific, you know, situation. So getting kidnapped gives me a bonus. Yeah. If you, if you ever need to get kidnapped, you'll get a plus one bonus to that.

Vampire Clans and Financial Destruction Rules

Thank you. Because apparently I'm just kidding.
Um, so.
Is anything else going on with this murder conversation? Oh, oh, yeah, that's right. ah yeah You said he's a vampire. What clan does he belong to? I have no idea. Probably mine. And in character, you also have no idea. But you do know that your sire, he's a he he's a friend of your sire. So I'm believing he's part of your can clan would be a what do you call it a not a not a giant leap.
Not a soaring leap yeah but Yeah, I don't know probably mine all right call your call your sire and see what's See if there's anything any rule a vampire Destroying the finances of another give empire in the same group in the same person action to take care of this within family Well, two things that's wrong with that. One, he's not really destroying anything. He's, I mean, increasing the you know value on paper. And two, I don't really have a relationship with my sire. So um at least what I've heard, you know, with my plan is you just kind of do what you want. And, you know, if you get consequence for that, then that's on you.
then you might want to call a higher up within your group that is trying to see if there might be options here and retaliating get someone in without permission might also get I get you and your whole family killed

Ethical Challenges in Murder Planning

yeah that is a thing killing other vampires is very frowned upon and as a giant no no yeah my grandsire told me about that well Like, the sheriff herself will come after you. Yeah. Hmm. So, I'm out of it. That's if you get caught.
I've seen what the sheriff can do. I saw that throw down. Yeah. I'm not getting mixed, potentially mixed up in that. Yeah, she broke ah yeah she broke my wrist with ah ah with a handshake. Damn.
Well, maybe I can just, you know, change his memory and convince him to give it back to me. Well, yeah, but didn't that happen to your wife? And now ah her memory is unlocked? Well, yeah, because I told her. And then once she was a vampire. Well, it's I think I would have to tell him the truth to break that.
Like for me, and like, if I don't tell anybody else, is it for you? but When you broke the spell on your wife, it required you to like, use your powers to do so. Is that? Yeah. I mean, but he does this professionally. He does this for like a job, basically, right? So don't you think he would have fail safes? Like, maybe I don't know how magic works with vampires. Like I hardly know anything. But There could be some ritual where he could perform to see if he's been hijacked or maybe he has ludicrous amounts of notes laying everywhere that he would go back and be like, start double guessing what the hell has just happened. I mean, yeah, but I mean, this has only been over a course of a week or two. Well, yeah, but this is a lot of money to him and this sounds like a giant goal for him. So, of course, he would leave paper trails if anything like that might have happened.
especially if he's still doing things legally there's definitely a paper doing That's what I'm saying like if I convinced him I mean to even like leave the country even you know I'll just convince him to step out in the sunlight. Oh, that's true. Oh that would be easy to kill him But I don't think that would work I That's the thing. That's what I'm saying. So that's why I just got to kill him while he's asleep. I can drag him out into the like street or something while he's asleep. So whenever it turns daytime. Oh, so you were going to ask, too? No, it's before. i have you know Well, I have to figure that out, you know? And then what? And then what? they are whole I don't know. I mean, take back mic my assets. He's dead. I don't know if he has anyone he would give it to me. You and your wife and your kids have to spend the rest of your nights
definitely and Well, how would no one would know Who it was as long as we cover it up, right, you know Bill did you say he'd definitely have to turn his kids? If you wanted to keep running, otherwise they'd Need something what is what is was like think about that idea? Well, I said it earlier, you know, like that might be a potential thing down the line I might be the first vampire family. I Your wife, you recall, did specifically say she doesn't want that for the children. and um But a couple years down the line, that could be their own decision. And once they become adults, they can make that decision, yeah.
Because they know something's up. I mean, we're we're not going to be around them anymore. So it's sad. But it is what it is. So once it comes to the day, I tell them. As a father, why would you want to do that to your kids? That's fucked up, bro. Well, it's either that or my wife and I fall apart. And I still don't see my kids. So that sounds really selfish of you, man. And as a father, fuck you.
Listen, like I have a kid. I have a kid that I can't talk to anymore because of my condition. All right. Yeah. And it sucks. And at this point, Max just kind of drops it and walks outside.
You do know, um Wesley, you're going to have to find um because your wife is not OK with feeding on the children. um You'll either have to do that in secret or find a new family to integrate yourself into and or go through the process of changing your predator type.
Say that one more time. I'm so sorry. She just care walked in. So you do know that you your wife is not okay with you feeding on the children. and Um, which means you'll either have to do it without her knowing Or you will have to find a new family to integrate into so that you can feed on them Because that's your current predator type or you can go through the process of changing A predator type which there's actually no rules for because but it's I imagine it won't be an easy process because it's part of your like your predator type is because it's who you are it's how
you you know have like it is your way of doing things like you yeah so it it requires a um you know like you can occasionally go and feed from a different way outside of your predator type like there's no rule saying hayden couldn't drink that cup of blood um He doesn't like it, and he has his preferred way of feeding. But to change yeah to change a preference, you know that's that's a difficult thing. And you prefer to people on feed on people who view you as family. It started with your actual family, but it doesn't have to be your actual family. They just have to think of you as family. Well, Seth is my brother.
Could be on Seth. Yes. No, I'm not gonna do that I think it could just be that I you know I really took that because she she went on a limb to do what she did and She's telling me now that she doesn't want them to be that way So, you know that might still be my type, but I'll just always go outside of that now Yeah, um you can do that. There would be penalties for that over time um basically spending points of willpower and stuff. But but that you know that's not like an immediate effect. But yeah. Well, should I change it now then or change it then? If you're going to change your predator type, that'll be a um ah role-playing thing over the course of a few like sessions. you know like It doesn't happen immediately.
Frank is. We'll be right back. um
Well, i are gonna I'm actually going to hang up the phone. OK. So you hang up. I'm kind of surprised Frank didn't take us in the bathroom like he usually does. I know, right? Yeah, yeah. I guess it's just because it's pee.
What time is it for y'all? It's like 10, 15. We still have that meeting to get to if we get to that tonight, the meeting with Frida. um i mean But I also have the Jerry thing. You know, the the talking with Jerry, which if you guys are gonna try and meet up in person. Max is not meeting up with Jerry. Yeah. Do you want to invite Jerry to this meeting though?
Considering that I think he's being followed, no. All right, then.
Very smart decision. So they didn't give you a specific time when to meet up. They just said, meet here tomorrow. And like um and it's now tomorrow.
um so Yeah, they didn't give you a specific time, so you know whenever you want to show up there. Cole, Frank, ah Jerry hung up on you. um yep I guess that's what happens when you go to the bathroom. Yep.
Okay. Um, well, that was fun. So is Jerry murdering the person today or is that like, well, that was, that was Wesley who was going to do the murdering. I guess that's true. Jerry, you weren't on the phone. That was Wesley. I threw away two men though. Oh, okay. Okay. Wesley is still on the phone. So I was, I was actually going to have to call the sheriff. okay Okay. So me and Max are just kind of chilling there then.
ah Well, Diana's upstairs if you want a snack. I guess you didn't like the blood wine. No.
Dina, um you didn't even have to roll for it. You can smell that she's an innocent, at least for your requirements. She won't be innocent for very long. That guy could.
Um, no, no, right. Yeah. Uh, let's see. So Jerry, you're calling the sheriff, the sheriff's, um, you know, secretary picks up and says, I forget his name right now, but says, um, sheriff's office.
yeah like I'm pretty sure I've been kidnapped and I'm not sure if it's related to us or if it's related to something inside like the humans know.
uh you do know this isn't the the actual sheriff's office um who is this this is sherry the clan from uh tremere oh oh okay yes so you say you've been kidnapped and you don't remember it All I remember is that I stepped outside yesterday and woke up tonight and I have nothing in between there. And at the end, this is like the third or fourth time I've been kidnapped. I'm not 100% sure I might be being followed.
Yes, I see. Okay. um I'll let the sheriff know, and ah you said Jerry ger Jeremiah Wilson? Tremere. That is correct. Also, yeah go ahead and also include on there that per the Prince's orders, we need to have the discussion.
Yes. um Okay, so I do have a note that says you were kidnapped by potentially the second Inquisition. If that were true, you would not be calling me right now, you'd be dead. um So we can rule that all out. um And yeah, I'll put you on the list. The sheriff's very busy right now. um So we'll see. Okay, i it then the second one is going to be more important because that one was by the police directly to see to it that that gets done within the next 24, 48 hours ID. what What is this one? That was the one where she and I need to have a discussion on a person. Oh, no, no, no, that wasn't an order from the Prince. The Prince told you that she was going to book an appointment with you and he wanted you, when that happened, he wants you to convince her to stop loving him but be loyal to him.
Because she is, according to the prince, in love with him. And he doesn't want that. Gotcha. I misunderstood how that happened. And ah by now, yes, you do have the appointment on the books. She just hasn't, you know, it hasn't come up yet. um Like she's not, that day hasn't reached yet on the calendar. I forget what day it is exactly, but it's not yet.
I am very sorry. I can. That's OK. Yeah. Like, all right, well, I will. I will let I will let the sheriff know. um I got to tell you right now, we've been having a lot of weird stuff going on ever since the moon turned red. So she's got a lot on her plates.
What's that? What do you mean? A lot of weird stuff happening. You know, people are lots of people coming to her. with ah lots of kindred coming to her with problems. Well, what makes NASA different? Well, it started ever since the moon turned red. um I mean, I don't know. Personally, ah I don't really buy into all of this. I think that people are just mad because it's an election year and you know how things are. But um ah there do seem to be an abnormal amount of
masquerade breaches this year ah and an abnormal amount of people going into um frenzies. The human world crime seems to be up, but I don't pay a lot of attention to that. You know, that's not really my job. But, yeah, it just seems to be kind of a crazy first couple of months of the year. But, you know, it's also the beginning of the year.
All right. That's the way you said that. That one went. all right Thank you very much. Have a great day. that Thank you. and and He hangs up.
and I'm going to go ahead and message them. I'm going to message Cole and let him know. I got the information where we where we
What? That all cut up, Bill. Oh, I was saying that I was texting Cole, asking him, letting him know that I called the sheriff and. Them and that. Where are we meeting up? Why are we meeting up? Because he's going to tell you all the things that happened to him that he does not remember. OK.
Well, you also know that y'all are supposed to meet up um with ah Frida to to tonight at some point. We're supposed to meet up with Frida at some nut time tonight at some point. We could meet up there with Frida. No. And do you hear me say that? Max says no. All right, just let me know what we're meeting up. I'm sorry. i just feel like and
OK. Max, where are we meeting up? Should we meet here?
if If you want potentially someone who's being stalked, sure. I'm not going to be here. I'm heading off to. God damn it, you're right. I'm heading off to Frida. Never mind. Where are you going? I'm going to be going to the opposite direction. I don't know. Wherever Frida tells you.
Well, y'all have an address to where you're supposed to meet her. Meet me at such and such coffee shop.
That's just what I told you. You are going to meet at such and such coffee shop. That's probably an actual place. No, I'm not going to. I'm not going to. I'm not going to meet you there. I'm going to go somewhere else. I just want to make sure I don't meet up with you all.
I know. I tell him meet me at such a such coffee shop and then I go with Max. Oh, OK. All righty, then. There does appear to be a such and such coffee shop in existence, but not in Houston. Darn.
Actually, it's a such and such social house. later The social house does not sound OK. It looks like a bar.
Um, where, where is this? Now I want to know. You know what? Actually now that Jerry, uh, Jerry knows that it's a no hire. They close at 4 PM. Jesus. Okay. It's not a bar. It's more of a diner, but still anyway. Um, what's Jerry doing? I'm going to go, I'm going to go there then.
to such-and-such. Yeah. Okay. In a bio? No, in a bar. and This artist one will be in Houston. oh This is such-and-such coffee shop in Houston. It it opened um you know last month. next It's also next to a bar. All right. I'm stressed. I'm going to stress eat.
okay so um
Max and Cole are going to go meet up with Frida, right? That's what's happening. Cole is not actually meeting Jerry. Correct. And then what's Wesley doing right now? Well, no one invited me anywhere, so I'm just chilling. All right. So Wesley is chilling with his wife, um who is not hungry right now. She's not ravenous in that way, at least.
But she is excited to test out her new abilities in other ways. um So ah Max and Cole, you you guys head to the place. You know, I didn't come up with a place for this. It's such and such coffee now. Oh, God. That would be funny. I could just railroad you all into the same place.
um ah Yeah, you guys meet up at this, like, shady dive bar in, you know, some back alley in Houston. ah And there's, like, one of those little windows that they have to slide it, like, slide the window open and and you see someone peek out and he says, that's ah ah what's the password?
The guy pauses for a moment, and he's like, I'm just fucking with you. And he opens the door. But that's a good answer, and lets you in. ah What do I see you when i and the door opens?
um When the door opens, you see ah a um a bar, a dingy bar. um there's a um You do not see Frida um anywhere yeah out in the open. There's you know there's a few tables, some booths, some people drinking around those play those tables and stuff.
um What is that? And people don't seem to give you much notice. There's a a bartender at the at the bar. He's he's ah polishing a glass. and So when i when I take a sniff of this place compared to normal vampire society, what I deem normal vampire society, how pungent is this place to my feeding style? To your feeding style? um
Like are there are some more. There are some in the bar. There are some candidates for sure. Is this the. A vampire bar. You don't know, but a vampire invited you here.
A vampire you don't see right now, looking at their skin, do they look more pale than what a normal person should look like? At a first glance in this lighting, you can't really tell, but you can give me an awareness plus wits if you want. Sure.
Do I have any special ability to this? Nothing that I could. Nope. I see absolutely jank shit. Yeah, and you can't tell. Yeah, I just walk in the bar and I.
i just kind of So is it a bar with like tables and everything too? Or is it just a bar? There's a few tables. There's there's a couple of booths. Nobody appears to be eating anything. There's some pool tables. um But there are some tables you could sit at. Most of the tables near the pool area or the pool table area um are you know have like bottles and stuff on them.
that the people are drinking. To play pool, what dice would I need for that? I'm thinking pool could be... I want to say etiquette. I honestly could see pool possibly not even using a skill, using something like intelligence and dexterity together.
Although pool is definitely a skill, I just don't know which skill it would be. But I feel like you use both your intelligence in pool, but also you know you've got to be have enough finesse. I'm going to roll it. OK. Any modifiers? No, unless you've got a specialty or you want to rouse the blood. No, I'm good.
Two successes. Yeah. So I you got yeah so i guess with that that, this was more like to see how well Max thinks he would play pool. OK. Because I don't know if Max ever has played pool, I guess maybe once or twice. um Yeah. So he just walks up. Are people playing pool? There are some definitely some people playing. Yeah. I walk up and is are the people here playing for money or are they just playing casually? Right now they're just playing casually.
Yeah, I walk up and I just start, I find a game. Okay. Or if there's like a pool table that's empty, I just start racking and shooting. Okay. um Yeah, and Cole's with you, isn't he? Yes. Cole, do you join in on the pool game or? Sure, that sounds like fun. Okay. um I feel like pool.
Could either be... i Wait, how many dice? Oh, never mind. We're good. I mean, you could argue pool is a sport, so you could argue argue athletics. I could even see, like, maybe larceny being part of it. But wouldn't larceny be, like like, if you're trying to, like, scam or...? That would be subterfuge. Okay.
um Performance could even work, you know. So if you got a skill that seems like it would work with pool, plus either intelligence or dexterity, because I can see both of those also playing in the pool. Or you can do intelligence and dexterity and leave a skill out.
If you all want to roll off and see who wins. Sure, I'll roll again. So rolling what? So you can either roll intelligence and dexterity together or you could choose a skill such as athletics or maybe performance or something and combine those with either dexterity or intelligence. Who about street wise? I could see street wise. Yeah, that's definitely a street wise game.
Resolve holy crap. Yeah, there's no way I'm eating that. Let's see what you roll though Yeah, so that's not even a messy critical that's just a regular crit so I'm thinking Cole You probably do one of those things where you like hit the ball and it knocks them all in on the first go Or before you even start I'm like, so how do you play this game again? Oh You're one of those assholes Yeah, at least I know enough about looks like James about the bow out guys. Yeah, he's saying I saw that. yeah You want to give your sign out, Jayden? Yeah, sorry, y'all. Good. I guess audios. It's been Jayden and it's been faded. All right, Jayden, what shenanigans will you and your wife get up to? Only the audience can imagine. OK.
All right. Love you. Love you too. See ya. All right. Now that he's gone, let's talk shit about him. All right. So Cole, you will be able to destroy Maxwell in whatever way you want in this game. um I want to do one of those breaks where all the balls go in the holes. Yeah. Yeah. um But the eight ball like spins like a top.
until it finally makes its way into a hole. OK. Yeah, you bust out one of those things. um Yeah, so Max, you don't even get to go. That's fine. And everyone in the bar is like staring at you now. They're like, Oh, that's two or three.
ah Let me do awareness plus.
I'm looking for the werewolf who invited us. Frida, what do I roll? Awareness plus what? So Frida is not the werewolf, but yeah. Or sorry, the vampire. Yeah. Or do I see her? Cassandra, did you roll? ah What do I roll? Awareness plus wits. Yeah.
OK, so you spot um
someone that you probably didn't expect to see in this bar. They're not wearing their normal attire.
ah They're dressed in, it's okay, it's close to their normal, they're dressed but they're dressed in a little bit normal-er looking dark jeans and a black jacket. Is it Olivia? Olivia. God damn it. In a back corner, yeah.
And so after I get completely demolished, um i I go, nice. And then I see Olivia and I do like a double take and I wave at her. And she she wipes back.
um And I. Does it look like she is OK with me walking over? ah She doesn't do anything to prevent you. OK, yeah, I guess I walk over.
And Frank, you would, at this point, notice her as well. You've seen this person before. She's the one who told you all about Lawrence Williams and and and Lauren McDonald, your girlfriend? You're still not sure. She hasn't given you that kind of bu thing. But, um, Olivia. Thanks, Lauren. Uh-huh. Hey. Well, no. Um, wavy emoji,
smiley face. Send. And then pizza question mark. You do not immediately get a text back. I rolled for that, by the way. um And so Max, you make your way over to Olivia.
um It's hard for her. She is still wearing black, but it's less obvious goth or black. Less gothy. Yeah, less gothy. She just doesn't have her lipstick or anything on. Is it grungy more? A little more grungy. She's toned it down for this place she's in. Although she definitely compared to the other people in the place, she still looks out of place. Yeah. Yeah, but yeah.
And one thing you probably pick up on is that your eyes are not supernaturally drawn to her as they usually are. Yeah, she's not using all. which i Which I thought was interesting because she always has that on when we go to the ah the normal hangouts. And I walk over and I go, you're not using all, huh? Like I say it, I'm like, hey, Olivia, I feel less supernaturally drawn to you.
she She laughs at that and just like, i I'm trying to fly under the radar here.
So I was understandable wasn't really expecting um to be bringing you in on this so soon, but Frida sent you an invite. So she glances over at Cole and she's like, if you want to get get Cole, how about we head downstairs?
Yeah, sure. I mean, it looks like Cole's having fun playing pool all by himself. Yeah, over there like. Playing amazing, you know, doing doing tricks and stuff. Yeah, I'm the least athletic person here, but somehow I have a lot of street wise. It's I mean, you know, pool is just math and you're good at math. I should have had you done academics plus intelligence, but, you know. Yeah, so I look over at Cole.
And I do a head nod and follow. I follow. I'm like, hey, I'm sorry, guys. I've got to go do a thing. So yeah, you guys follow her. She takes you through a back door in the back of the bar, down the hallway, past a couple of rooms and storage rooms or whatever. And then I guess I'm way over. I'm like, so how?
You still hanging out of the dark spire? She um she says, ah no, she just shushes you and keep some keeps you down. She's like, not not here. um And then she leads you into a room. um There is a stairway going downstairs into a you know Basement esque area um Where you see? ah There you see hanging out, um you know, just kind of leaning against the wall you see Frida um and Cassidy is with her as well um and At the moment I think those would be the only people there. Yeah Frida and Cassidy are there right now Okay, and
Frida steps forward and says, good, good. I'm glad you too i'm glad you two decided to come.
So yeah, whats what's going on? And then I look over at Cassidy and go, hey, Cassidy. Cassidy's like, you know, she waves back or whatever. um She gives you like a nod, you know, the bro nod.
i and Freda says, all right, so you guys um have been, ah from from everything I've heard, you guys have been pretty much fucked over by by the prints ever since you were made. That sounds accurate. And we've been fucking up, but yeah. Yeah, so.
I can't so I don't know exactly what's going on with um With the prince what his vision ah Necessary what his vision showed him why you guys were turned what I do know is ever since you guys have been turned things have gone to shit I mean you can just look at the sky the night sky to tell that but I things are not good. um And I think this is all part of his plan. He's he's never been one to... He's a manipulator. he's He's got some kind of plan and he's using you as pawns to to pull it off. And from the looks of it, it can't be good. The werewolves, the the the lichens are pissed off. that the ah that From what I hear, you guys,
interrupted some sort of witchcraft ceremony. So they're probably not too happy. um I mean, we we know the witch that Frank or not Cole over here um has actually seen her on several times after this whole thing. um She's not terribly pissed off. and We're trying to figure out a ritual or something to redo the the end of the world. I mean, if you ask me, it's more shooting in the dark rather than trying to that we have anything solid. and so we We were the ones to to cause the the red moon. I'll be honest. i i don't I honestly don't know anything about how to undo what's been done. um i'm more of i I'm a warrior. I'm not i'm not a thinker.
um reason I brought you here was I wanted you to meet somebody. um And she... Well, I've already met Lauren, so... Well, this guy, um he's been working... ah He's been working in the shadows for a while now. He's he's been trying to take take down the prince. And now that that's out and out in the open,
ah It's probably not necessary for me to say this, but if any of this gets back to the prince, we're dead. And she ah she taps. she's She's got a um ah Viking war axe hanging off of her like belt. She taps that. You'll be meeting god you'll be meeting my axe. And then she goes over to a door um and and opens on it, opens it, and says, um
Yeah, she just opens the door. She doesn't say anything. um Olivia is remaining quiet. you know She's letting go for you to do the talking. But um through the door enters a creature, um which you can only assume is a Nosferatu because he's got a kind of you know rotting looking face. ah he's um
You know, he's not a pretty vampire, that's for sure. um He's wearing a black clothing. He's got a top hat on and wearing a monocle. um Here is what he looks like. Rat King, Jesus. And he enters the room and she says, this here's the Rat King. And here he he kind of bows to you and it's like,
yeah A pleasure to meet you all. So you're the prince's new pets.
And I tried to quickly recover from whatever abomination, just walked out of that goddamn room. um And I say... i Yeah, I wouldn't say pets, but yeah, like I guess.
he He chuckles and says, think what you want, but the prince had you made, and in his eyes, maybe not pets, but pawns at the very least. He's using you as he's used so many before. I look over at Olivia and I like do like a, I don't look, don't make it obvious, but I like doing like a side glance. And I'm like,
tough Like I tried to see like Olivia's reaction. Has she seen this guy before? She doesn't seem surprised by him. Jesus Christ. Now, there is a bit of a grimace on her face because she's Toriador and they do not like things that are not pretty. Yeah. Yeah. But surprise. No, she's not surprised. She's probably seen him before.
And I say. So I mean, we got invited here by Frida.
Frida and I go way back. I met her back in Norway. And when when was it, Frida? And he he looks over at her and, um hold on, let me bring up her her sheet again. I closed it out by accident.
Or for some reason, they're not jumping to the front when I click on them like they used to. And I look at Frida, and I'm like like, mentally, I'm like, is that her sire?
um He's like, oh we met back in, what was it, the 1300s, 1400s, somewhere back then. um It's been a while, but ah did you say, is that your sire? No. i I just think that was mental thinking. Bill, if you if you would like to go, you're welcome to go since you're not in this scene. All right, sorry about that, y'all. And I love it. I love y'all. Y'all be good and I'll see you. I don't see you at work on Friday, Frank. All right, man. and they bill Have a good one. so Yeah, we're we're going to cut this scene soon. um Now, it's not, you know, night.
yeah Yeah, we met back in the 1300s, 1400s, somewhere around there. um We've known each other on and off. ah But Frida and I here in Houston, weave we've both been here a while. And ever since the prince came along, he's he's really, really, he brought in the Camarilla. He's really screwed things up.
um and i've i'm not one I don't like unnecessary violence. i'm i'm not I'm not a violent man, I'll be honest. but So i've I've kind of let things lie, but this recent chain of events whatever whatever he has planned, it's no good. I have no doubt he saw the moon turn. There's also the abomination, Lawrence Williams, who's been created. I know he may seem harmless, but he was made not through ritual, not through ah not through ritual, nor
nor any of the normal of the the known means um of becoming one of the kindred. and
There are prophecies that speak of such things, and all of them tend to also mention the end of the world. so I feel like it's in our best interest to stop whatever the prince has planned.
So is everyone still here? Yeah, I'm still here. OK. Do you know what Max has planned? I don't know that just yet, but I think I can help you all with finding out by helping you complete your quest. And then he um he turns back towards the door and says, Liam, Liam. Or no, not Liam. Is it Liam? No, it isn't. Liam is.
the sire. What was the name of the one who's supposed to be turned?
Was it Liam? No, I forget the name. Is Liam the one who's supposed to be turned? Am I looking at the wrong thing? Oh, let me go look at my notes. Nope, Liam is too old. Liam is the sire of
Did I give you all his name? Oh, you guys knew it was Liam. um Did I not make the name of this guy? Look at ah sworn I did. We have Liam Riva's last address. But he moved around. Yeah, Liam Riva is the sire. I must have not made this guy's name. Well, give me a minute.
um Whoops.
Okay, that name is just ridiculous. Come on, give me a... Give me a normal-ish name. Alright, go back to settings. He's friggin' American.
Okay, um, uh, Brinden, Brinden, please come forward and, and he, uh, uh, another, um, Nosferatu one, though he is a younger one and therefore less, um, horrific. Um, the newer generations are becoming less and less horrific looking, though he's still not pretty. Um, and he steps out of the shadows and says, uh, this I believe is the missing, uh, kindred that you've been searching for. Uh, Liam brought him to me shortly after,
He embraced him. Yeah, you can see Max do like ah like.
Like that thing where he finally saw something, but it's like only in his eyes where he's like, oh, my fucking God. And so he's like. Max is like, what? What do you need from us?
So I believe that the Prince will will will reveal the next phase of his plan when you bring him the final missing Kindred. um I've kept Liam here safe.
But this this should be this should complete your quest and then the Prince will reveal whatever it is he has planned next. Once you figure that out, um come back to me and we'll make a plan from there. Right now, um if if you feel you're in danger from the prince, you can also come back to me assuming assuming you can get away, but um I'll have my agents watching.
um The Nosferatu are everywhere.
And so we' we're all fed up. I say, is this common knowledge that most of the notes for R2 are part of your guild? No. No. The prince, the prince, I doubt he thinks I'm dead, but he doesn't know I'm here. So if if you don't mind me asking,
um When the prince came in and started screwing everything up, why didn't you put a stuck to it earlier? At the time, I was in Torpor. Is that like that unfortunate? So Torpor is when a vampire has either been staked and or wounded so badly that they um fell into, you know, a stake-like trance. Also, some ancient vampires will willingly go into Torpor.
Just a past time. Yeah. And it also, the longer you're in Torpor, I think it's every, like, 100 years or something like that. um Your blood potency goes down. um Your blood potency ah determines, like, it's like your your base power level. But the higher it gets, the harder it is for you to feed. So, like, incredibly powerful vampires can only, like, you just so you can lower your blood potency so you don't have to like feed on five people a day. Exactly. Yes. Well, some, some incredibly powerful vampires can only survive off of feeding on multiple other vampires a day. Yeah. How does the rat king smell to me?
He doesn't smell. Oh, how does his aura smell? Yeah. um Well, he's a vampire, so it doesn't it smells. um But I mean, one of the would be like, ah like this smells even worse or like even more deserving. And we're. It's hard because I've smelled them both now. The prince, deaf they both smell like someone who is deserving is the thing. Mm hmm.
Yeah. Now you don't know how old the Prince is. You do know that the Prince was the founder of Houston or one of the two founders of Houston. So he's at least as old as Houston. This guy here is talking about the 1200, the 1300s. Yeah. Um, which is a lot older than Houston. Um, so he's had a lot more time to do a lot of bad stuff.
So so I mean, he probably and more deserving than the prince based off of just your your feeding preference. Yeah, I say to the rat king.
If I was being on, if I am being honest, I was planning on completing this quest and kind of. Saying audios to the whole vampire life.
like I i i don't ah fucked everything up. I mean, this whole thing is really my my whole fault. Now see, that's where you're mistaken. I don't believe you screwed anything up. I believe you've done everything the Prince has wanted. Everything has gone exactly according to his plan.
your you only You're only two months into this vampire life. You can't be expected to to outwit someone who's been working at this for centuries. He's... And I say, and if what gives me the same assurance that I'm not playing into your palm if I may be so bold?
you Well, you have no such assurance. But I have no interest in ruling Houston. my only desires to keep the status quo, to keep, I don't want, I don't want pure anarchy, despite what the Camarilla has named my faction, the Anarchs." And he he laughs. It's like, no, thats that's madness. If we just let everyone
go and say just let everyone uh follow their their basis desires we'd be found out immediately the world would turn against us all but i also have no desire to force anyone to do anything i've no desire to rule i just want this this manipulator who claims to see the future out of power
I want us free from, from his standards. That was just a thing to say how Max feels about all this. How Matt? Well, that's up to you. So. Yeah. What would one give me?
Look, you don't have to answer tonight. As long as you don't tell him about me, you've I've no qualms with you. ah Here is Brendan, the man you've been looking for.
bring him to the prince and see what happens. ah After that, you can decide if you want to come back to me.
if If I never see you again, that's your choice. I guess I need to go get a phone. alone Yeah, I ah guess I really have.
little to no choiceness, and it's one step closer to either goal. um
Yeah, I'll inform inform of the prince. Do you want me to do this now while there's still nightlight out there? when When you do that, ah I imagine the prince will want to see this this him, won't he? Yeah, I'll tell him that we found him.
adam They might, we can just put him in a safe house for now and go through the, what's the prince's butler's boy name? Oh. yeah. We can go tell Jeeves that we that we found him, this is where he is, and stay with him until Jeeves has someone come by to confirm. Very well. I'll leave those details up to you.
And I say, I'll get it done. And you can see him just kind of like staying there like, do I need to be dismissed? Do I? um the he He just kind of um nods, steps back into the shadow and and and and is gone. And in my head, I'm like, just like the fucking prince.
Well, he stepped into the shadowy doorway um and then is gone. Yeah, yeah. I look over at Cassidy and Olivia more at Olivia and I'm like. My mouth. What?
um Olivia, she says look. I wasn't lying when I say I try to stay out of politics and all of that, um but.
Sure, sounds like a lot of politics right here All I know is um prince augustus he's he's a real asshole and uh The rat king or whatever his real name is. Um, nobody really knows but he's he's been cool to me. He's he's uh, you know, he he follows my channel um and uh Honestly, like he's he's never he's never asked me to, he's never forced me to do something I didn't want to. Do I trust him ah completely? Absolutely not. I don't trust any any elder, but ah he genuinely doesn't seem all that interested in controlling anything. He's just, he thinks the prince is up to something and he's trying to
to stop it. And Frieda nods and says, I've known him a long time. And he's never he's never been after the throne. He's usually done his own thing um and just kind of ignored the the the politics and and I've tried to do the same. i don't I don't like this stuff, but the prince, you know, he's, my my child is dead because of him. um And she glances over at Cassidy's like, I guess I got a grandchild out of it and she seems cool. But yeah,
the prince has gone too far this time. Whether you're with us or not, we're going to do what we have to to stop him.
I look over at what's his bucket, brent Brendan, and I go, well, are you ready to go to a safe house?
yeah man i guess so we have all been pretty weird ive been staying ah you know been moving around with with liam and the rat king and stuff and they've just been kind of keeping me out of sight ah I don't know much more than you guys do. you know that I mean, they've they've filled me in on the details and you guys have been looking for me, I know. And um they only recently decided to like let you find me, basically. like they They weren't sure whether or not it was worth it.
But I think maybe, I don't know, like with all this Blood Moon stuff going on, maybe they just decided they need to see what's what's next, I guess. They promised me they'll be watching, so if the prince is gonna like kill me or something, they' they'll they'll step in. And and I gotta be honest, like I mean,
am I happy about what I've been turned into? No, like this I mean, look at me, I'm i'm ah i'm hideous. but Like, we're kind of a family down here in the and back alleys and the sewers and and that the, you know, like it's... Clan Nosferatu, we're like a big family. Like, we look out for each other. um Oh, except except for that Oscar guy. Like, I mean, I don't think he'd turn us in, but he's he's definitely a friend of the prince. So watch out for him.
Yeah, I gathered that. Which one was Oscar? The only notes, well, one of the very few notes for R2s. The notes for R2 primogen. That we talked to that ah gave us some clues where we could find people and when he talked to Bill was like, well, I only do scratchbacks for like information. And I owe him a minor favor. and
Yeah, like I don't think he, at least from what Liam's been telling me um about him, I don't think he'd like straight up turn me over to the prince um if he thought it was going to get me hurt. But I don't think he would hide me from him either, if you know what I mean.
OK. Depending on how long this takes. My sire, Tiv, is having a judgment tomorrow. It's the next day, the fifth. Yeah, isn't it tomorrow? Oh, and okay, in two days. So hopefully this gets wrapped up very soon that you get picked up by the prince tomorrow.
So if I have to miss my own sire's trial, Although insane Well, I'm not trying to get in the way of you and your your sire I mean Liam's Liam's been like the dad I never had so Yeah, I get it Like what's what's your sire in for like what she'd do did she like her turning me rob a bank or what? Yeah, she's
She might have the death penalty highly unlikely, though, but she could be put into terra pore for turning me. God damn, that's crazy. See, just another reason this this Prince guy needs to be taken down. I think we're dealing in a lot of absolutes here, um but let's just take thisโ€” That's just on trial by her own vampire claim. Yes.
Yes, my desire is under trial by our own vampire clan for turning me. Oh. but Well, that's weird. I mean, I don't know much about other clans, so. I mean, my clan's more of the judge and assassin type clan, where we deem if it's someone needs to die for X reason, they die.
ah Alright then. our the What's your clan called?
um I know them as the Assamites and Banu Hakim's. Alright, stay away from the Assholes. Okay, I got it. I made the same joke.
Anyways, it was a while ago. You coming along or not? Oh, yeah, I'm coming. All right. Well, um ah I'm hoping the prince doesn't like eat my brains or something, but I'm coming. there' There's a warehouse that you that we can stay at for a bit. Sounds good to me. I've been sleeping in worse than that lately, so. Well, yeah I guess my whole my whole life, but yeah.
Are you like a rabbit dog or something? I mean, i I've been homeless since I was like seven Bruh just another reason to take down the federal government Yeah, yeah, well, I don't even know if they know I exist I never got an ID or if I did it was lost Like my birth certificate or whatever I don't even know if Brendan's my real name I mean, I just what my mom called me
I thought you were homeless. I was. Homeless isn't the same thing as an orphan, Cole. Yeah, my mom did her best. But, you know, she she she lost the house. And, you know, I never knew my dad. But, you know, we we lived on the streets basically my whole life. And then, you know, I started i as a And I look over at Olivia and I say, Can you come with us to the the warehouse, or you got other other things to do? No, I can come. OK. And this is when Max is like, well, I'm i'm heading out to go to the the warehouse. All right, so they they follow. unless coal Unless Frank, you've got um something planned, um we can end it for the night as we head to the warehouse.
Olivia. Brinden who I need to make a character sheet for I could have sworn I already did this guy I'm gonna Might have to retcon or I might just change the name of whoever I did make cuz I could have sworn I had one for him but I don't see him but whatever um Would it be in humans no I Depending on how this transfers are getting taken over if it's possible that I ride with Olivia I
You can do that. Yeah. The other guy rides with someone else or by himself or whatever. I don't know if homeless man knows how to drive. You guys probably rode in Cole's car.
To get here. It's a broke down 1970 60 80 something mustang. Doesn't really have a car, though? She does. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I would want to go with Olivia. OK.
Mostly so I'm gonna be like what the hell Olivia Yeah, I know um It's uh Look and why weren't you allowed to speak? What was what was that about? It wasn't allowed to speak. I I could have spoken I was letting the other guy do the talking. No, no, no, but when I when I asked you about your your the black spire
Oh, that's because we're upstairs with humans around. There's humans in there? Everyone in that bar except for me was human. What the hell? what we met name and This is just a normal gathering place for you guys?
I mean, the bartender, I think us i think ah the the the Rat King pays them off or something. I don't know. um But this is this is just where we met tonight. How many packs look down and how many people were down in his basement? It was you, Frida, the Rat King. Yeah, just you guys. OK. How many people are a part of this secret club? ah From what I know, there's a dozen or so of us and in town.
And what got you wrapped up in this? Look, I know I might just be like a look like a brainless, you know, tick tock girl that might use you of that. But like I thought that before. Listen.
I'm all about social change, social justice. Like if you really dig into my TikToks, you'll see the the messages there I've got. Like, this world is messed up, both the human and vampire world. And I wanna see it change for the better. um I don't know if this this rat guy is a good person or not, but what I do know is that the power and the powers that be, they're bad right now.
um I've heard what they've done out west, overthrowing their princes and and vampires being able to to live a lot more freely than they are out here. and It might not be perfect, but it's one step closer to to a better world. like If it was up to me, we'd all be living in the open um with the humans and find a way to coexist. Well, that never happened.
I mean, I'm not I don't know if it'll happen. Well, I mean, I would say in our lifetimes, but those are really long. So maybe it will. But, um you know, I let me double check her age before I start saying things. She's. Not 100 years old yet. Yeah, she's pretty young. um As far as vampires go, she is. True age 79. Like I can remember back in I might be wrong on this based on my history, but I can remember when the schools used to be segregated. um and we saw And I saw that change in my lifetime. So I can see maybe one day humans and vampires can live together. Yeah, but that was black and white. This is people who feed on you and people who get fed on. It's not like we've got to kill them.
And the feeding field feels good. Every single one of my ah meals, for lack of a better word, are consenting adults. You are one of millions.
One of millions. Oh. I think he, wait, are you in the car with us? i also walking towards the car i guess Yeah, you're all on cold scar sure why not it's only for me you can't take my car out that Yeah, I was just wondering how is we go be leaving a car here um You know she took an uber okay ah Yeah, actually that makes sense she took an uber
Um, or she maybe came on foot, you don't know, but she didn't bring her car. She's, she's, you know, trying to be on the down low here.
Um, it's like, yeah, so I know it'll probably never happen, but if I can make a better world for us, then, you know, that's my goal. And the rat King at least wants to make it better than what it is currently here.
I say, well,
Rat King smells awfully like the prince. I don't know if you've ever noticed that, but they both smell like douchebags. The prince? The Rat King smells like rat pee and sewage. I've never smelled that on the prince. He's usually like pretty clean. What do you mean? No. you but He has like a smell where like. Like you definitely don't smell anything. like I mean, you have a smell because you're a vampire, but you don't smell. Like.
like Like how. I guess there's no other way to describe it, like you deserve punishment. Two races arrive. Oh. Like says you deserve.
head pat I will point out um just just for ah um Your scent purpose as far as vampires go she Yeah, no, that's what I'm getting into. I'm max here is learning that not vampires. but That's not normal. No, no, no as far as vampires go she ah smells um One of the more human ones that you've smelt Like obviously, she doesn't smell innocent necessarily. She's done bad things. But yeah, she's pretty close to being as innocent as a vampire can be. Yeah. That's what I said. She says, I have no idea what you're talking about. I've got a pretty darn good sense of smell. I can tell.
um I can tell what someone was eating three days ago on their breath. No, like, no, what I'm saying is like, it's just like a smell that comes from them, like.
I don't know if this is like just like some type of sense, maybe that the Banu Gakim have that we can just smell bad people. But like, there's some people up at that bar that smell evil.
Or they they smell good. I that's what they smell like. They smell good. But. You don't yeah know, you smell like the the most casual of a vampire that I ever smell. Similar to Jerry, you know, high humanity. Yeah, like you you smell more like a human than most other vampires.
I mean, some Some humans smell better than you. so like i i can't you know i I think you're you've got an ability. um i know there's I don't know how to do it yet, but I know there's like a way you can like see people's auras and see stuff like that. Maybe you've got something like that, except it works through your nose.
But yeah. i mean i've
If you think the rat king or the prince or you you're going to find any older vampire who's a good person, then you're dreaming that you don't. Yeah. And I mean, I I do like a self sniff test. Do I smell like do I smell worse? I mean, I know I smell. I've killed people. I don't know if Olivia's killed people. If she smells like Jerry, Jerry hasn't killed anyone, so I smell worse than her.
Yeah, you smell worse than her you don't smell anywhere near as bad as the prince or or um honestly Any other older vampire you've met um yeah now obviously, but yeah, so she says I mean I Hope to go as long as possible without doing something I regret but I mean the rat king and the prince they're both I They've been around for centuries. And you've, well, you've felt the beast. I saw you at Elysium. I think I've become i've been more of a beast. i've I've killed two people.
it's It's... Well, you know, it... I mean, granted, I never sucked them dry. It was just more of a... That's just an afterthought.
It was just a ah blow to the head. She nods and says, look, I'm no saint either. I've never drank anyone dry.
Well, I guess I've never killed anyone either, um at least that I know of. ah I tend to stay I Can defend myself, but I don't get into you know those situations very often. I can usually talk my way out of them Never never keep that to myself But uh Look I mean sometimes you've got to choose the lesser of two evils um or at least the the evil that seems
Seems to be going towards what you want. I have no doubt the Rat King's done terrible things. He's he's been around for a long time. So is Frida. I mean, do you know she was a Viking? It makes sense. She looks like one. Yeah, they did some messed up stuff. Yeah. So like.
Everyone's got their dark side, especially our kind. You just gotta kinda see who is seems to be the most tolerable. Who seems to have the same goals as you. Well, if that's how we're doing it, then I vote you as chief overlord of all vampires. She laughs and she's like, look, it's like I'm just a silly TikTok girl. Hey, first you say don't accuse her of that and then you're admitting to it. She winks. Yeah.
And I guess and I say well we just had this whole long-ass conversation standing out in the parking lot um If you still want to come along that's cool if not This is primarily what I want to talk to you about ah I'll come along All right and um She, you know, y'all go over to Cole's car and she gets into the back seat and Liam, you know, not Liam, Brandon is like shotgun. And you know, he he jumps into the front seat. ah I jump in the other back seat. Yeah. And then ah you guys start driving away.
And the camera zooms out and it shows the the ah the car puttering down the highway towards, you know, going down six the 610 loop towards the warehouse. And and and and then- Well, first we got to stop to get a phone for me. Oh, and then you stop at Walmart. um Get a track phone. Get a track phone. And the the the person's like, would you like a two-year warranty on that?
Shut the fuck up. And then the Walmart teller checks you out, and the guy asks to see your your receipts, and and he he like marks it with a ah highlighter without even looking at what's in your bag. And then, yeah, you you get back on the road, and you all head to the warehouse. That's where we're going to end it for the night. Yay.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow in get well here. Well, let's do our sign-offs Alright, so ah ah three of us made it to the end of the night. I am your storyteller Ron Bjork You I Don't really look at the ah whole X Twitter thing anymore, but you can email us at idm roleplay at and send us your thoughts on the podcast or you know really anything like nobody's emailed us yet. And um that is, we've got 500 downloads. It makes Ron sad. He cries about it. Surely one of you could could send us an email. One of you, presumably whatever 500 divided by 14 is people.
And ah we also had Cole. hi frank I get these names in my head mixed up when I've been drinking, Frank. Hi, I was Frank. I played Cole. I appreciate y'all for listening through the ted this t titiness titidious tedious conversations and the fun parts as well. um Of course, if you allll have any comments, questions, concerns, y'all can always hit us up on
Ron, are you still doing that thing where you play the the bit from point, bat, the pig or? You know what? I completely forgot that was the thing. Did I get that recording or not? I know it's on the end of one of the episodes, but regardless, we have that thing. might not yeah You can hit us up on YouTube or X or MySpace or Facebook or, you know, anywhere there's a social, we might be there. I don't know which ones we have. Um, but it should be at something like ID and roleplay. Um, but yeah, you can also email us at ID and roleplay at gmail
And you can find me, if you look hard enough, on the interwebs. I do stream on occasion on the IDM roleplay Twitch. um I haven't been doing it in a little while, but I'm kind of getting back into gaming after the holidays, so we will see how that goes. But yeah, thank you for listening. And Hayden. Hey, it was good to play tonight. I don't really stream or anything like that. You might find my Instagrams or anything. Rat Smacker, let me know.
Umm, but it was a good game tonight.
Thanks everyone for listening. The intro and outro songs you heard today was Foxhole Revolution created by Kevin MacLeod at licensed under Creative Commons by attribution 4.0 license Creative licenses by 4.0 The night is over, and have a great day, everyone.