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Houston After Dark - Season 2 - Session 6 image

Houston After Dark - Season 2 - Session 6

S4 E6 ยท IDM Roleplay
11 Plays10 days ago

Enjoy Session 6 of Houston After Dark!


Introduction and Player Banter

Welcome mortals to another episode of integrated dice management presents Houston after dark I am your storyteller for the night Ron Bjork and with me tonight is Jaden What's up? I'm Wesley oh and I got my wife and kids. Well, not my kids, but I got my wife with me. Yeah. um We've also got Frank.
Hi, everyone. I'm Frank. I'll be playing Cole. I don't have any kids. And he'll not be playing Zelda. And I'm totally not playing Zelda, Tears of the Kingdom, ah shortly after release date, because that would be Terrible to all the listeners and players for me to do that Just don't do any spoilers when they hear this two years from

Family News and Humor

now. We don't want it to be ruined for them um and it's totally ni to sound of the hold right all right frank And then we also have got the newly re-uncled Hayden
Yeah, my youngest nephew Jack was just born. um So that's fun. And then I had another nephew born. So two new nephews. I wasn't aware of another nephew. Christine had a son. Oh, really? Okay.
Yeah, so Prudence had a son and then a couple then like a month or two later and Christine had her child and then Brie has just had her child now. So three new nephews within the span of like two months. That's a lot of babies. Yeah, dude. Luckily only got to deal with like two of them on a regular basis. Yeah.

Bill's Absence and Mysterious Ritual

Um, uh, Bill will not be joining us tonight because, um, he is ripping out his teeth in a ritualistic ceremony that we can't talk about. Um, come back with, uh, and yeah, Sanders, Joel, he'll hopefully come back with vampire fangs. Um, and, uh, hopefully the retractable kind. So they're not just always poking out. That would be annoying.

Setting the Scene: Houston, 2020

um Tonight in the world of darkness in Houston, it is Sunday, February 2nd, 2020. The weather is cloudy with light rain, a high of 39 degrees and 90% humidity. It is the first quarter moon of the month, still red. Holidays today are Groundhog Day and Super Bowl Sunday. That was the San Francisco 49ers versus Kansas City Chiefs.
Who will win? We don't know. Maybe the players will somehow interfere with that game and change history. i You know, it could happen. ah Top news. Church shooting after a funeral in Florida leaves at least at least two dead, including a teen boy. Groundhog Day. Pucks a Tony Phil predicts an early spring.
I can't remember if that was true. Man in Arizona accused of being an Al-Qaeda leader by Iraq, ah and Houston leads the nation in traffic accidents. Trending on Twitter, Groundhog Day, and whatever hashtag Puppy Bowl 16 means, um and Palindrome Day.

Vampire Party Etiquette

So, everyone go ahead and make your rouse checks. Cole, you have already done yours and do not get hired, nor does Wesley.
Oh my gosh, we are all... We are all success. Do a good thing because I'm on hunger 3. Yeah, you are all whatever hunger you were last night. Now one thing your characters are aware of is that Elysium is tonight the big party that the vampires go to to mingle with the other vampires in town and it's supposed to be...
a safe place for you to go. No one's supposed to harm each other or use their powers or anything. That doesn't always happen, but for the most part, that's the rule. um ah It is happening at the Breyer Club in Houston, Houston's premier ah country club. um This is a real place. ah It is ah where Where is that um that cost thing? The Briar Club um Has a ah membership entry fee of $35,000 plus 400 a month after that, but you guys are getting an invite to come for free for tonight only for a Elysium Super Bowl party Everyone is expected to wear their best tailgater tailgating attire
and also bring a swimsuit if you want to swim in the heated swimming pools. If you enjoy tennis you can also bring something to wear for that. Plus ones are allowed at this releaseum and wiist wristbands will be provided. Red wristbands mean anyone can feed on your plus one. Yellow means they need their permission your permission to feed from your plus one. And black means they're untouchable. Memory wiping services will be provided free at the end of the night. This is your chance to share or show off any unique or especially delicious mortals that you're proud of. There will be of course blood provided by the host as well. And um so that's that's the i invite you guys got at some point. So, consensual, right?

Family Decisions on Vampirism

This is crazy. Yeah, I mean.
supposedly they do provide memory wiping services so who knows that's a little sketch they're vampires i mean everything they do is a little sketch that's true um so uh jayden the night before you revealed to your wife that you are a vampire she Got all of our memories back. um Presumably, well, you would need to roll for it to do it to your kids if you intend to do it to your kids. um Give them their memories back. I'm going to wait until I talk to her. OK. So this scene opens on um the the the front porch of the
ah What the hell is your character's name? The Isaac's residence. Where you and your wife are sitting outside, I guess. She is drinking a glass of wine.
and a rocket in like a chair rocking back and forth, kind of nervously. you know she's She's had to deal with you being a cold corpse in the bedroom all day. Previously, she did not notice that you were dead.
While you slept all day now it was readily apparent to her that her husband is a walking corpse and during the day is more or less a literal corpse um and Yeah, so she was sitting on the porch and I guess you have found her sitting out there drinking um a glass of wine and rocking back and forth and
I would have rocking chairs on my porch. Well, she might not be rocking in a rocking chair. Just kind of that like knees up and and rocking type of thing. That's more what I was picturing like a fetal position.
No, just like curled kind of curled up in the chair, arms around like holding her holding her knees and just like, okay. And there's a half empty glass of wine next to her and maybe um a mostly empty wine bottle as well. She's at least gone through most of one bottle of wine. Okay, well, I'll come outside and talk to her. um Who's gonna play her?
Are you a player? I can play her. Or the lore. I mean, I can play her, yeah. If Bill was here, I'd make him do it, but because Bill was i know fun to make, be your wife. Yeah.
I keep asking Kara if she wants to do it, but every time we play she's like extremely exhausted. but If she ever wants to join, you know she's welcome to make a brand new character of course, but there are other characters she could also just hop into. like There's the two other newborns that you haven't found yet that she could take over. One of them is a female character.
um Well, that secret has just been revealed, but not that it's important. Actually, both of them. She could be my wife. She could play her wife. I just need to see what happens tonight at this party. I also need to see what's about to happen in this conversation. Yeah. OK. All right.

Cole's Ghostly Connection

oh Hey, what's up? She kind of jumps at the sound of your voice at first and um and then then looks at you and is like, oh, europe you're ah awake now. I was... Yeah, um it I'm just kind of forced to go to bed like immediately whenever the sun starts coming up. so it i guess um I guess that makes sense. Yeah. You can't be awake at all?
I mean, there was this one time when someone called me, and it woke me up, somehow. But, other than that, it's pretty much, no. Like, you you're you're draining your life, it feels like, almost, if you're awake. Hmm. Well, i guess I guess if we're gonna make this work, I guess we're gonna have to, I guess I'm gonna have to become the night owl, huh? And she like, chuckles. Like, nervously chuckles.
Well, and her eyes keep darting to your mouth like nervously. I mean, your fangs don't show unless you pop them out. So it's not like you're looking scary or anything, especially since you're not hungry. Right. I'm not hungry at all, thankfully. Yeah.
But I mean, I want to talk about this. I mean, I don't know, like, what what are what are you thinking? um I want to make it work, but i i don't know I don't think we should have the kids here. We should we should send them to my sisters and just say we're we're working through some issues or or something, which I guess isn't isn't a lie.
Yeah, no kidding. or Or maybe, I don't know, I'd rather them be close by just not not in in the house with, I don't want, I don't, I don't like, I don't want you to hurt them. Well, I know you wouldn't want to, I know that, but I mean, I've seen the movies and read, you know, how do you know you can control it? Well,
I mean, so far, I mean, it's been almost, you know, two plus months at this point. And unfortunately, I've kind of had to cope with this and I feel like I've grasped a couple of things. It's only been about a month, actually, because this is only February 2nd. Nevermind. Yeah. But, you know, just of a recap what you retcon what you said to a month.
It's been about a month, so I've grasped a couple more things. And I don't know. we were We weren't even here for two weeks. like yous It's really only been two weeks that you've been around the kids.
I know, but and I understand. But like I said, like I ah completely understand like what I'm thinking. We could even see if we could get the neighbors, like, bought out by Seth Rogen, maybe, you know? I mean, you were with him. Wait, does Seth know about this? Not yet. I haven't had a chance to talk to him. Oh. I told you I was going to talk to him at that one point, but he hasn't been in town since, I mean, y'all left, so.
Yeah, and he's, he is, he left a few hours ago. He's got some movie thingies he's working on in Houston. um But he said he'll be, he'll probably stop swing by either tonight or tomorrow before he heads back home.
that work out But yeah, I mean, I definitely think, I mean, either that or if he can get like a hotel, like in the West End or something. He definitely, he definitely knows something's, something's up, but i I think he maybe just thinks about, thinks it's what happened with, well, what happened in California.
Yeah. It's okay. It's, I mean, you know, it was a lot at once and
When you're in fight or flight mode, things just kind of happen. So, I mean, I'm not gonna... Well, I think I... I don't think I was in my right mind. Everything was just hazy. I didn't know what was going on. Did he roofie you? No. Ever since... Ever since the beginning of the year, I've been this way. Well, at last I've been. No, I do, Hank.
I'm sorry. It was just I never wanted it to I think it's ever been ever since that guy did whatever it was that he did to me that I mean I'm still confused and but my mind is clear for the first time all in since since that night The haze isn't there Well, do you think we need to break that haze with the children her face kind of pales and she's like I don't
I don't think they would understand. I understand. Yeah, no, I get it. they're And even if they... I'm sure you kids are very accepting, but they aren't good at keeping secrets. That's true. We don't want Aunt Jemima to find out. I was i was more worried about her school kids, but you know Jemima, she can't she can't not tell everyone in the neighborhood.
I mean, she is the best cook. everyone's Everyone's at her house all the time. But anyways, but look, there's... What what do you see the future being? Do you... you I mean, I'm, at this point, basically gonna live forever. whether Unless someone, you know, pops my head off or something. But, you know... I... I mean...
I don't know, you, like you said, you're going to live forever and I'm going to get old one day and and I mean, how long are you even going to want me? I mean, we're both young right now, but in 20 or 30 years, you're going to look the same and and I'm going to be wrinkled and and and who knows?
Well, I mean, do you want to look this way forever? I mean, you know, I'm there's I know this is a big ask and this is kind of a crazy thing. But I mean, we did get married to be together forever. I mean, do you want it to be forever? So give me some kind of a role um like a um maybe I mean, first off, you are welcome to use powers. I didn't want to. Give me like a persuasion plus charisma. Can I do a wit? A wit?
Or roll, what is it called? A will? um will You can do willpower if you ah need to reroll stuff. That's what will powers do. Okay, just after the fact. Yeah, two successes. Yeah, you could do a willpower and um reroll two of those dice.
So I think click the, don't click the reroll button in the chat window, click the WP reroll um on the character sheet. And then I think it asks you how many dice and you say two.
So one additional success. So three successes is good. am She, She seems to think about it for a while and she's like, I mean, it would be, it would be pretty, pretty cool to, to live forever, I guess. But I mean, eventually the kids would notice, wouldn't they? And well, we definitely don't want to do it to the kids. I mean, they're, they're kids. like We want, we could give them the choice later on as well.

Seeking Approval from the Prince

But if you, if you're willing to do this, I mean, we can make it work. I mean,
i know it's only been a month and that's the kind of crazy in this month but i mean if you were in this together i mean i'm sure we could you know accomplish something i mean and you know and then we can test into the kids long after and then if they need to find out later on in the confinement or if they don't at least of always kind of have i mean um hopefully not a haze for the rest of the life but at least about this you know so yeah she um...
She's like, you know, she's definitely thinking about it and takes another drink of her wine and, and then, um, Pours the rest of the bottle into her glass and then chugs that down and it's like, let's do it. I'm with you. I'm with you forever. That's okay. Hold on. Hold hold on. ah Yes. Yes. Okay. Well, great. I'm glad you're with us, but hold on. There's, there's some rules to this and you know, I'm already kind of broken some of those with you knowing this in general, but
tonight there's a party and I was planning on going to it anyway just so I can talk to this guy but there's a guy that's a prince but he's kind of crazy a prince yeah it's really hard to explain but basically there's clans there's there's there's there's a whole thing to this and I got thrown into this and Yeah, I mean, I have to have to. And she like stands up and comes over to you and takes her hand and she's like, we'll we'll figure it out together. OK, let's do this. Get your tennis racket. My tennis racket? What? I don't know. They said tennis. it's Yeah, tennis, tailgating, and swimsuits. Yeah, we'll we'll figure something out tonight. OK, she goes and gets her tennis racket.
I don't know if this is gonna be a very good weapon, but but I mean, I do serve a, what's the tennis term? Serve a mean ball? um mean yeah, something. I've got a meet i've got ah ah ah ah strong, I don't know. She like flips the racket. Insert random tennis term. Exactly. Okay, now I gotta to give her points in tennis, boom. She's got them though. She can play now.
bachelor Specialty, tennis. OK. That's where we met. We were both on the tennis team in junior high, but we didn't play in high school. So we have like base level playing.
um So now she's like, well, if we're going to a party, I've got to get a sitter. Oh my god, it's f freaking what day is it? It's a Sunday night. Well, Sunday's not a bad, a hard night to get a sitter. I don't know this. I would assume Sunday's not that hard.
I don't have kids. Parents out there, shut up. Sunday is an easy night in this world, okay? I'm gonna roll for it. investigation Investigation... I don't know. um she She has terrible skills because she was just... Once she becomes a vampire, she'll get some skill boosts if she becomes a vampire. Okay, here we go. Yeah, that's gonna be a slippery slope.
Hey, two successes on her, only she dies. She finds a sitter. Nice. And yeah, so you guys get ready for the party. Switch scenes. We are on Cole now. Cole, what are you up to? You awaken. And um as usual, there's the sound of whispers for a brief moment. And then and then the whispers fade. And you see.
In your room, a shadow standing there, staring at you, not disappearing like usual.
i Do I know I have anything to do other than go to the party thing to tonight? That was the only thing on your... Oh, you were going to have a chat with Lauren the Witch.
Because I think you are wanting to discuss this some I see dead people experience you had. Gotcha. What time is the party at? it It begins at seven and goes all night. the I mean, officially the Super Bowl. Oh.
um Did I not write this down this part down? The Super Bowl conveniently, due to the the blood moon, there was a um ah minor riot in the parking lot outside the Super Bowl, which delayed the game about two hours. So instead of starting at um during daylight, it's actually starting in like an hour.
So I've got an hour to possibly go meet up with Lauren. Yeah. And it's not like you have to arrive at the thing and immediately. You know, you can show up fashionably late and you're fine. Also true. Okay. um I look over at the shadow and I'm like, I'm not crazy. You do have that blinky thing. You do have that blinky thing you can do to activate the I see dead people power if you want to see if this is a dead person. I blinky thing.
I believe that is a free power for you. It does not require a rouse, I don't think. Let me check. Oblivion site, cost free. Yeah, so A, you can immediately see perfectly in the dark. Now, this isn't something you want to do in public because it turns your eyes. um
Where is the description? the
Oh, wait. um Upon opening them, the irises of their eyes are black against the white of their sclera, and they can now see clearly within pitch blackness.

Dinner Discussions and Tech Humor

um So it's like your eyes are super dilated. But more specifically, more specifically you can um ah see that this shadow before you is indeed a ghost, and it's a ghost you've seen before, the ghost of that murderer.
Oh fuck. He's standing in your bedroom staring at you.
Okay, maybe maybe I'm crazy. It's the same fucker from before. And then the door to your room the door to your room opens, as it usually does. um And when that happens, the shadow like disappears.
as light pours into your bedroom um and the you know mortal woman, what's her name again? um
She was your your cleaning lady. Oh, Dina. um Hey, we've got Dina's player here. Dina walks into the room and places the glass of of um you know blood that she brings every night onto your nightstand and then stands and waits for you to say if she can stay or go. I look over at her. I'm like, what did I say about knocking?
Jayden, do you want to be Dina again? How did I play her? you It was your horrible ability from ah Monsters Inc. I'm sorry, I'm just here to tell you something.
I was pretty sure that's the receptionist. That was the receptionist, but Dina was dina sounded like a smoker. Yeah. Oh, she sounded like this. Yeah, something like that. As a former smoker, I find that very afferentive. Shit. You just haven't smoked enough packs a day to sound like this yet, Frank, so. Yeah. Well, I can now. Hands-free device in your throat so you can...
breathe Yeah, from what I hear you smoke those girly cigarettes, whatever that means. marley me Who told you to smoke girly cigarettes? No idea, someone just said they're long and thin and I was like, haha, that's me. I mean, I did smoke girly cigarettes. I am now only vaping.
And the transition from smoking to not smoking, even though vaping is still a nicotine ah delivery system, is not it's not good. To be fair, you you had been trying to quit a while ago, so um this is now unfortunately forcing you to do so. but Right, right, right, right.
Anywho, thanks for the game. Wait, so what is she trying to get to him? Oh, she's just delivering the blood that she does every night, but she seems to frequently forget to knock.
um i I would just like to point out that I was thinking back to the scene where they were having the the bachelorette party. And I remember Dina having a lot softer, prettier voice than the one being portrayed. And I'd just like to point out that it seems like every time it's the character that has to deal with me, and it goes from a character that I originally envisioned to be pretty awesome, like my little biker gang, to a really fucked up character.
and And I'm not saying this for later. So next time that I can hop in as like Jayden's wife, I could be like, how are you? I also remember you trying to gaslight me into some bull crap about one of the NPCs. So how where is that? Oh, I remember it. I'll go find out or listen to all these tapes again.
Get the seconds. Yeah, I'll forward you the bill. No, they're tapes. Appreciate it. I definitely i definitely record them on the tapes. You tape definitely on tapes because we're all 100.
yeah um Anyways, so back to scene. I'll play her i'll play like a normal person. okay No, it's fine. She's already have she already has an established to be fair. He did switch. He did switch to a normal voice halfway through. ah she but She could have just had a cold for a long ass time. yeah She's just barely gotten over it. COVID. She was the first COVID victim. Oh shit. Oh no. Frank, have you fed on her? Oh no.
a It's actually, that's actually a good question. Like, I mean, I'm a bagger, so I try not to feed people. But like, when COVID becomes a thing, like, is that going to be a thing? It is. Yes. And it is already. so If AIDS give the drink, it if give the blood a certain flavor, I'm pretty sure COVID will.
Well, so vampires can't tell, well, some of them can, but most of the time they can't tell if the mortal they're drinking from is disease necessary, the blood. If they are severely like weakened, like someone probably in the throes of COVID, you could tell, I mean, if you couldn't tell from looking at them, you could tell um from tasting them that they feel weaker and sickly. But if it's just like they've got, especially if they're a um asymptomatic carrier,
you would you wouldn't be able to taste a difference in their blood without the um blood blood uh there's something that lets you like taste that stuff blood flavor blood uh i forget what the the ability is called but um actually Hayden you might have it or my i might have recommended it to you um i think the one we're talking about is i can do the Oh no, that's right, you've got a power that does it. I can figure out a social trait about this. Here it is. um The blood hound ability. um ah You can smell the resonance of a human's blood without tasting it. Oh, okay. Well, um I would say if you had the blood hound ability, you could probably taste the diseases in their blood. Mine's a taste for blood, which by tasting a drop of blood, the user can discern certain basic traits.
Yeah, that ability would probably also work. But basically, vampires can transmit diseases. They are not affected by the diseases unless it's some magical... We are mosquitoes. Yes, they're basically mosquitoes. So yeah, vampires can potentially spread COVID for sure. Oh, shit.
I'm falling asleep and I'm trying to stay awake so hard.
Alright, we'll <unk>t play your shit then. Well, I gotta to get through everyone's intro to it so we can go to this party. um Yeah, so, um yes, Dina, you've just walked in and placed down the blood and he said, what did I say about knocking? Sorry!
Now, her presence did cause the ghost to dissipate. No. Now, whether or not she calls them to, or it ran, you know, there's no way of knowing, but the ghost is no longer there, the shadows are no longer there.
Okay, um... Dina, put on your quiet ears.
choose I was watching a TikTok of a dog and like it would be like noisy and loud and then they put the quiet ears on the dog and it like stays silent. So in other words, shut up. Yes. It's very demeaning way to say it.
I mean, I'm kind of going off into the deep end at this point. So yeah. And then you get a text message.
And if you look at it. I sit at my computer and I pull out my phone and look at the text message. First you're going to need. for yeah Intelligence plus or type plus intelligence. Yep. Have to get two successes for technology to work. That definitely works. and Okay. Um,
Critical hits. Technology will work for you for the rest of this is for the rest of the session. um ah Yeah, you get a text message. Yep. Sweet. um So no more of those roles tonight. Cool. Well, oh, yeah, the text is from Lauren saying, hey, where when and where do you want to meet?
um Oh, shit. ah ah ah Where am I located at? Somewhere in Houston. ive Google Maps. Did I say the name of your... um No, you just said it was a ah dupe duplex type. It's a town home. Townhouse, townhouse yeah. Did you say Cyprus for him? No, he wasn't. This is a new place for him.
It was one of the most expensive townhouses in Houston, so. I asked her, what'd you feel when you're feeling like Mexican food? Feeling like chili cheese, cheesesteak, you know, American, Japanese, we do ramen. What'd you feel him like?
Mexican. she sends you a She sends you an emoji of a sombrero. That's her response.
i I don't know where I live at, so... Yeah, I mean, you can arrange somewhere to meet meet up and and she meets you that she'll meet you there. And we don't need to make an actual restaurant unless you just want to.
um ah How about Lorenzo's? No. The Palm downtown. Phil and Derek's. Don Carlos's. Vibrant seating for let Latin classics. Yeah, let's go there. Let's go for Don Carlos's. Sounds good. The food looks pretty decent. Oh, the fajitas look nice. They got breakfast tacos.
She, so yeah, you send her the address. Yeah, send her the address and a picture of the place that I pulled from Google Maps. Yeah, and she'll head there. Okay, um I plop on the computer for a sec and I check on the status of the worm that I programmed and released, ah just basic worm.
There haven't been any instances of, you know, Max or anything like that, um, that, that, that incident that, that the worm has found. You, it seems like you delete, you caught it before anyone saw or shared it or anything like that. I, I kind of nod my head, stand back up and then walk over to, Oh God, what's her name? Deidre Dylan, Darren.
It's a D name, I got close. I walk over to her, I grab the bottle, and then I walk away. All right, then. And like, I close the door. Yeah. Now she's very confused, because she's not allowed to clean your room, but you close the door on her. Yep. Yeah. I have a camera. I'm i'm assuming I just have this lying around, and I just kind of stick it up in the hallway to see like just how long she stays in the room before she goes back to clean the rest of the house.
and then And then I go up in my 19, whatever the heck, 60s, 70s, 80s-ish Mustang. eight men and right
That's it? Wow. Didn't stay super long. Eight minutes. ah no I would say roll a d60 so she could have stayed in there a whole hour yeah just chilling. I mean, to be fair, I feel like you need to roll like a couple more. It's because her shift is quite long. That's in the room. That's true. She's got a house to clean, you know? Yeah. Awesome trip. Okay. I go up on my Mustang and I drive off. Okay. Um,
to don carlos And then Max, you awaken um in the, you're in like a, ah just kind of like the locker room, I guess, you know, you, you of this dojo. There's like ah one of those workout mats that you just took a nap on.
yeah And, um, theyre you know, why is a guy actually, I guess, I guess, enough I guess you would, you would not be able to do that because the dojo gets used during the day. So they, they took you to one of the hidden areas, I guess, like they let you sleep in an unlocked, um, an unlocked cell in their, their prison area. So you, well, if you were capable of staying awake during the day, you could have been chit chatting with, um, with Tim down the hall, but, um, you know, you both fall into a, uh,
lifeless slumber. on thetot like yeah you You hear the squeaking of some wheels and you look at your cell du door and there's a guy walking past in a overalls that has Carlos on its nameplate or on his chest. It's just like a little cart with like cleaning supplies.
Sure. And hes he is cleaning the empty cells at the moment.
I look at him and go, hey and I squint in his main name badge. Carlos, how are you? And act like he just didn't wake up from a lifeless sleep. Carlos is a ghoul. So he's used to this. Hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola,
hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, hola, h Okay. see Carlos knows what you are. If he, but he probably, you know, well, he probably speaks English, but chooses not to. he um So I go, all right, have a good day. And then where's Tiv compared to me? Couple, couple of cells down. I walk over to Tiv. She's currently drinking from a blood bag um like it was a juice box. With both hands.
Yeah. And then, you know, her guard is the currently- Is it a crazy stroll? It's gotta be a crazy stroll. Uh, no, I feel like- what do blood bags even look like? Or do they look like what I imagine them to look like? Well, they're just like an IV bag, basically. Yeah, she's just drinking out of the- the, um, like that little twist top thing, you know? It's more like, um, one of those, uh, like, Yo Play yogurt bags. Mm.
But I mean, it's a blood bag, you know, but, uh, yeah, she's, she's, she's drinking her, her, her dinner. The Elysium starts in an hour for me too, as well, right? Yeah. Okay. Um, okay. Hey, Tiff. Um, I'm going to be heading off to Elysium.
Is there anything I can do for you there, here, or anything? Oh, um you know, just ah don't tom don't get into any trouble. yeah More than I'm already in, so we'll go we'll go about that.
um Try not to cause any apocalypses, you know. And she laughs. Again, yeah. All right, well, i I'll see you later, too. Yeah, and and she's like she says bye and you know goes back to to drinking her her juice. Yeah. Yeah, so I head off to Elysium.
You could tell from the look on her face, she doesn't like the flavor of this ah this blood, you know? But when you're a prisoner, you don't got much choice, so... Yeah. She is not a bagger, but that doesn't mean she cannot drink back blood.
Alright, well, yours is quick. Jayden, are you awake? I am... There's a string that I'm holding onto, and...
and We'll see if you make it. Wesley and his his wife, um Carol, arrive at Elysium. This place, it's it honestly, it kind of looks like a big hotel. um To be honest, like it's got a big swimming pool. It's got like five tennis courts, if I remember. I don't have it up on Google Maps at the moment, but a ridiculous amount of tennis courts. There are are a lot of um
Well, I guess the first thing you notice you get to, I'm assuming this place has like, it's probably gated. Let me pull it up again. I'm sure there's a gate around this thing. The Briar Club. Oh wait, I meant to pull it up on Google Maps.
on Timmons Lane, wherever that is. Okay. Satellite, the Briar Club. Is there a gate? Well, to get into the back area. So yeah, you would go through the front door.
um And at the front door, there is a doorman who, are you know, he says, welcome, Mr. Isaacs. And you know, you've never seen him before, but he knows who you are, um because that's his job as the doorman. um And he says, welcome, Mr. Isaacs. ah ah were you briefed on ah the plus ones and and he shows you the three wristband colors there is the yellow the um red and the black yes i would like the black please and he says very good sir and hands you the black wristband which you can give to her good on remembering which color that's the main thing i needed yep
And then ah you walk in. And so this place is fancy on the inside. um ah But it is like all decked out in like Super Bowl themed stuff. There is a lot of like kegs and stuff. um And there are you know quite a few mortals wandering around um ah drinking beer and stuff. ah And every so often, you'll see a vampire like walk up to one of them. and And um there's a lot of people with red wristbands that you assume are possibly the staff. um And then there are some mortals that definitely stay near a vampire.
um And you know they're and they're all mingling the you see the prince he's like out by the swimming pool um And he's wearing he's wearing a What was the two teams again? um ah Which let's see Let me just do a d2 here see which which team he's supporting I
So he is wearing a Kansas City Chiefs jersey um and has his his um usual top hat on. But on top of the top hat is the one of those like those things that hold the two beer cans and has a st straw. um He's not drinking from the straw, but he's wearing that. so he's and then and But then he's also wearing like the slacks that he would normally wear with his suits and his like shoes and stuff. And he's over by the pool, you know, like mingling with with various people. um And um I mentioned him because I know you're probably wanting to seek out the prince. Yes. I'm going to try to do this on a semi-conscious mind. Yes. That's why we're doing this now. Perfect.
um But yeah, I will go walk over to him. And he says, Wesley, Wesley, my good friend, come here, come here, let me show you something. And he like motions you over. How's it going, Mr. Prince? It's it's going wonderful. thee The footballers are doing well tonight. go We love football. Go Chiefs. Wow.
i forgot who the other person or who are the uh... forty-niners san francisco for definitely though she's funny i appreciate that you're on the right side and that you know there's also like tvs all over the place playing the game and and stuff but uh... he he is not watching the tv it's like what what can i do for you my boy Well, I've been thinking a lot. And... Oh, who is this beauty? oh And he, like, takes your wife's hand and and and gives it a kiss? This is my lovely wife, Carol Isaac. Oh my, your wife? Yes, big ask for tonight.
uh... but yes she actually has to do with half of what i asked tonight but like i was saying i've been thinking lately i figure we're pretty we're pretty similar similar guys we're both pretty eccentric we got a lot of people under us and so we uh... we're pretty uh... idealistic in our goals i would say And so I just wanted to see if there was ever a chance that there was something that I could do for you, so that there is something that you could do for me. Well my boy, you're already doing something for me. You're finding me the missing childer, the missing fledglings.
Well, and then if that suffices to what I'm about to ask you, then let's see if we can do this then. But me and my wife, you know, we've been talking about a couple things and, you know, um I wanted to bring this up in front of her. At the same time, I bring up and this in front of you and I give my wife a wink.
And um can I make sure that he doesn't read into that? I mean, I don't know what you are attempting to conceal. Well, just to make sure that i he doesn't think that I like told her that I'm a vampire. Oh, OK.
um Let me do a ah subterfuge. and Well, yeah, you would need to do a ah subterfuge plus manipulation and he would need to do a insight plus wits. Let me just change him over to roll to GM. Well, is there only one that I got one? One success, yeah. Okay.
And he has rolled something.
That's all you get to know. um And he says, what what were you goingnna what was it you wanted to to ask me? I want to see if I can make my wife a vampire. And he ah you know he he like let's her hand you know lets go of her hand. I guess he wasn't holding it the whole time. But he takes a step back and like seems to look over her for a minute. ah He says, are you sure this is something that you want? And he seems to be talking to both of you. I look over to her and then hopefully she kind of like nods at the same time. She does, yeah. She nods.
um And he, let's see, he has to do a thing. First he does this.
And then he does... Where is the button I need? Then he does this.
Um, so he definitely, he like seems to stare at her. Um, and, uh, I don't think there are any visual effects from what he's doing, but he, you know, he like stares into her eyes for a moment. Um, and then says, and then he looks at you and says, um,
you are very young to ask this, uh, know that if you do this, you become responsible for her actions until until she has proven herself uh to be uh trustworthy as one of us the the how many of you were there the four of you who were turned on the the eve of new year's the only reason you achieved your approval so quickly was because i knew already that you were meant to be she on the other hand i will grant you this because
I believe that you can bring something to the table. But know this, that if she screws up, your life and hers will be forfeit, no matter how much potential I see in you. Of course. And then he then he you know kind of gets a smile on his face and and leans in. He's like, now, do you do you know how to do the deed?
I believe I do. how you been Has your sire given you the does the birds and the bees talk or or the vampire bat and the what height cows, they feed on cows, I think, talk?
a Yes, but I think you should reiterate because I think this might be funny. Okay, well, there's nothing funny about it actually. But you see what you've got to do. You've got, well, you're going to have to to feed on her, which, from when i um what I could see in her aura, you've already done that. But you'll need to drink from her. And you'll need to take every last drop.
And then, without hesitation, you'll need to give her back some or all of what you took. Well, I don't recommend giving it all because, well, then you you'll be very hungry and things might not go so well. But at least give her back some of what you took. The more you give her, the less likely she is to try to eat you when she wakes up. Give her a drop and, well, that's not going to... She's gonna wake up very hungry and he, he like, you know...
Giggle like just like laughs maniacally for a moment um and then ah yeah, and then he's like It's like but but that's really all there is to it. You've got to take take her blood and then give it back the trick is ah not losing yourself in the process and and Drinking it all and and holding on to it. It's it can It can be difficult at times But I believe, I believe in you. And he he he grins. Well, I appreciate it. And I don't think this will let you down. um I think we can both collectively bring something to the table at this point. And you know maybe she'll be even an asset stronger than you thought. Well, I sure hope so. And then I kind of like to bow and walk away.
and then he turns and he's like touchdown or something like that but not like right now it's not even a touchdown they're like in a huddle at the moment and then he he you know like grabs one of the beer cans off of one of the tables and shakes it up and then pops the tab and spews it all over. Just some nearby people who are having a conversation. And at first, they both turn angrily, and then they see it was the prince, and then they do that like, oh, ha, ha, ha. That was funny.
and And then the next person, well, I guess Cole is not going to arrive at the party yet. um But Max is on the way. I guess we'll switch to Cole now. Jayden, if that's all you want to do tonight, to you are welcome to sleep. But um I want to do more, but i i has to go yeah I'm glad I got that out at least.
if if i would If we were able to play on like the weekend or something in the middle of the day, but I'm always doing stuff on weekends, so it's not possible for me. ah Do you have an off day in the week? No, my off days. I'm off Saturday, Sunday, which which I'm happy with. but right um My options were I could choose Friday or Saturday.
i'm like I mean, obviously, I'm going to choose, and then it's every Sunday. you know I'm like, obviously, I'm going to choose Saturday, because I don't want like Friday, and then have to go back to work on Saturday, and then, you know. For one day. yeah but Yeah. But some people do that. They like to have the Friday, which having a weekday off does have advantages, because sometimes there's stuff you need to do on the weekday. but Plus, you kind of get two Fridays. Yeah, I guess.
I prefer my dip my off days to be side by side if possible, so. Oh yeah, otherwise you don't feel like you'd even recreate.
but Yeah. But no, actually, I'm sorry. Like, I tried to stay awake, but i I even had a call in today. It was so bad. Like, I literally just was staring at the wall all night. So, it sucked. But I appreciate y'all, and I'm glad I made it this far. All right. I'll have one at this party.
Well, that was Jayden, everybody. And you can sign yourself out. But um when you leave the call, does it let you? I don't know if it'll let you. Just just keep the computer on for a couple of minutes so you can fully upload once you've like hit the stop button or whatever it is that you do to leave. I'm not sure. Or do you just exile to do? It probably isn't good.
I don't know. um I guess close it out and then, ah yeah, it's fine. you know If it doesn't fully upload yours, then I'll ah you know just pop back on in the morning you know in the morning or whatever so it can finish. Okay. Well, just text me if it doesn't. Because it's always at 99% whenever you leave usually or anyone leaves early. All right.
Well, you all have a good night. All right.
Cole, you have arrived at Don Carlos? Don Carlos.
Cole is probably playing Zelda. No, I was just leaning back and I couldn't sit upright. Oh. Yes, you have arrived at Don Carlos.
Cool. And, um, um, Lauren, uh, you pull up and she is like, um, standing near the front door to the restaurant. She lived closer. What's she, what's she wearing? Um, I don't know. What do.
I don't know clothing. she is She's dressed in a similar theme to what she usually dresses, which she, you know, um lots of blacks and stuff. But ah ah no, no, she's probably dressed more in um like greens and like floral colors, naturey colors. She's wearing a skirt. i I pull up and I park. um I'm wearing somewhat tailgate-esque themed clothing. ahha um But not like actual like Jersey and shit. Just like tailgate-esque. I came out and I'm like, Lauren, it's so good to see you. How are you? Hey, I'm doing good.
um And then she likes she like leans in. Retroactively on the drive over there, I called to make sure I could like get in. okay so yeah i didn't it's not like ah It doesn't look like it's a reservation type place, I just double checked the picture, it's not like super busy. yeah um Yeah, so you're able to get a table, but she like leans in and she's like, is this going to be like weird for you, like being in a restaurant when you can't eat?
uh... oddly enough i do have an ability as a vampire to make myself somewhat life-like in more ways than one uh... so i should be able to invite the food that i just uh... you know you you know the details just yet will be fun okay well palm then let's let's let's go on in you know and she i taste food ah When at your current humanity, I believe you can taste food when you blush of life if you don't blush of life It tastes like ash in your mouth. I Of course blush of life. Yeah, you probably did that before you got out of the car So you'll need to do a rouse check rouse I probably like did that as I was pulling up. Okay. Yeah, you're good
Luckily you've got that bottle of of ah wine, which is worth one blood point. um Yeah. And I've got my flask, which I usually keep topped off. Yeah.
ah Okay, cool. Yeah, so you guys go in, they get you a table. um And, you know, it's, it well, it's a Sunday night, so it's it's probably semi-busy. It is around, it's around probably right now, like 6.30 is, 6 or so. We'll say more like 6.30 to push you away from the sunset, you know, a little bit, but. Got to write down what time the sunset is. I didn't, I need to start doing that.
just Just so I know. So as we're being seated, I slip um the waiter like a 50. Is that a monetary value of dollar that we still have? Yes. OK, I slipped the waiter a 50.
um Well, they got rid of the $2 bill. I don't know. I haven't seen a $50 bill in a long time. I don't remember if they are a thing anymore. Yeah, they're still a thing. They don't get used very often, I don't think. I mean, not by poor people like us, but... Yeah, yeah. Well, I slipped them a 50, not a 100, just a 50. Okay. And I'd be like, hey, just make sure you pay attention to our table. Like, okay water's on tap or whatever we're drinking, you know, just keep it flowing. Okay.
And he sits you down, sits you both down and is like, will you be having anything to drink tonight? um And Lauren orders a, where's their drink committee? Hold up, hold up.
I don't see a drink menu. She orders a margarita. that's That's safe to order ah at a Mexican restaurant, for sure. At a Mexican restaurant, yeah. Yeah. No, I'm not going to do that. Never mind. I am going to go for... ah I'm sure they have like specialty margaritas with like an extra shot like in a weird cup on top of it or some bull, but like over ice. I'm going to do that. Okay.
Um, I feel like it's one of those like test tube looking things full of like coconut tequila or something that's just shoved in there. Okay. That's, that's the thing. I'm saying that's a thing at this point and that's a thing. All right. It works. Okay, cool. I ordered that, um, as well as, uh, a soda because I like my soda. Right.
um all these things that you're not going to like later. What? Later in the night. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's fine. Yeah. Hey, I'm treating myself. I'm treating her. It's fine. It's it's a thing. Now, if you want, you can, um ah if we can find a way to do this in RP, there is a thing you can buy. um How much experience do you have?
It's not very expensive. um You've got 19 experience left. And this would cost... I gotta find the ability real quick. I believe it's... It allows me to like eat like normal. I will buy that in a second flat. So there is um ah four...
six experience you can get the eat food merit merit which says you can consume food without effort and might even enjoy it though it gives no nourishment and must be expelled before resting for the day So I thought that's what blush of life does blush of life. You've got like basically an hour or so um and you don't taste it. You don't necessari necessarily necessarily enjoy it. Like if you don't find a place within like an hour or so to get rid of it and the more humanity you have, the longer you can like last, I guess, but you will
At a certain point, violently violently expel it with no control. Whereas this, you know you can hold it all night if you need to. You just gotta to go to the bathroom before buying it. I buy it. Yeah. Okay. Six points. It's called Eat Food. I'll throw it on your sheet real quick. I already reduced the points. Okay. And then I need to add to the Total Experience. No. Total Experience stays the same. And then... ah
Oh wait, that's not your sheets. Just on the um next tab over, the Chronicle tab. um ah i drive their flow Yeah, Yeah, eat food. Two points.
um Yeah, so you you are you know able to, through you know possibly this first night, sheer force of will, eat this food and not have to flee to the bathroom before dinner's over.
Yeah, I am I am forced myself to continue on without projectile vomiting all the more and you know, just be terrible. Okay. um And that's probably not an ability I would let someone buy mid game without like a reason but your character being what he is has a good reason.
Okay, so yeah, you guys are eating and she's like, so what did you want to talk to me about?
Um, I then proceed to like, just for like the first like at least 30 minutes while we're eating and stuff, just, you know, feel the conversation with yeah general night cities and get to know things like you would on a normal date.
ah well Well, when she asked that, I was like, um why don't we like save that for later um and just have a good time first before i we get into that. The waiter comes back, takes your order. She orders the stuff off but stuffed avocado with beef fajitas. I ordered the fajitas for one and a side of queso and the guacamole and chips.
Um, because fuck you, that's how I like my, my skin food. Did this look like a place where they, um, make the guacamole table side? Uh, I don't think so. It looks kind of like, uh, iguana Joes. Oh, okay. At least from the picture I saw. Oh God, my drink is exploding on me.
All right, hang on a minute. I need to go get some paper towels. I'll be right back. All right. All right. Pull out my switch. Back to Zelda. I have a corrupt seed. I don't know what I'm doing in this game anymore. So, Hayden, how goes it?
it's going good so i don't need myself now you could be good it's it's going to have to share house house the fam world did uh... three new ones so there's that and then the site that it's pretty much uh... all three occurred that quickly yet within like a month or two, three three months. I think Jayden is three months old.
Wait, so at what point did they decide to name their child after Jayden? They didn't name it after Jayden. They named it J-A-Y-D-N. I'm back. So it's my name, but with a J. so I have no idea what part that was at. So I have a sparkling water that a customer gave me, like in a twist, you know, like a plastic bottle. And um I added, I was like, I don't really like just plain sparkling water. So I added some of this, um, meal flavoring stuff, you know, um, and, uh, it caused it to be like, you know, dropping vinegar into baking soda or something. Just, I'm like, okay. It just started like fizzing like crazy. Is it going to taste. You tried to make us, you tried to make a soda and messed up.
Okay, good, it still has some carbonation. It's not just like instantly flat. All right, now I have flavored sparkling water. Yay. It is berry pomegranate flavor. All right, anyway, where were we? She ordered food, you ordered food, the waiter walks walks off. I like to assume we had a ah relatively good evening. Yes.
that So yeah, you guys eat and stuff like that. And the waiter comes back, um you know, refills your drinks on time. She gets another drink. um a Second margarita. And ah you know, it's a it's a ah pleasant, very human like evening. Cool.
um So at at the tail end of this, after all is said and done, we're sitting there just sipping our drinks and enjoying the company. I'd be like, well, I guess it's time to go over why I wanted to ask you out. And she's like, OK.
And mind you, part of that is just because I wanted to hang out with you outside of the weird interactions we've had up to this point. But secondly, because I'm having some weird things happen, and I'm hoping maybe you might have an idea of what's going on. Well, what kind of weird things?
Um, you know, the normal type of weird things, uh, hearing voices, seeing things. Um, my eyes are doing this weird thing. I like, I'm pretty sure I'm seeing dead people. Well, I'm pretty sure I'm just going insane, but my insanity is in the form of seeing dead people. And, you know, she gets a more serious look on her face now and she's like,
Well, and glances around the room, do you do you see any right now?
what i Let's see. um What I will say is you don't see any of the shadows. But you're weird. I don't see anything necessarily. um I do the weird eye blink thing.
And she's she's definitely a little bit, um like she's not afraid, just kind of surprised when you do the blinky thing. um And you don't get very long because she's like, she's like, don't do that. That's that's really, you know, and like, even like reaches out to put her hands over your eyes. She's like, people might see. During that time though, you don't see any thing that looks like ghosts around, but you didn't have much time to look around.
when she puts her hand over my eyes, I undo the blinky thing, and then I grab her hand and hold it. And she says, um says maybe we should test this somewhere not so public.
ah You thinking your place or mine? ah And she she definitely blushes at that. um And she was like, well, um I mean, if we are seeing, possibly seeing dead people, maybe we should ah um go somewhere where that's more likely. Well, I typed in Don Carlos and it put me to Don Carlos in the Philippines. um So. This Facebook page? He's got Facebook page, right? ah No, I was doing i was doing Google Maps. Oh.
Okay, y'all are probably definitely at the one closer more inside Houston. um
ah Now let's see if there is a certain little place. um She's like, I think ah I know a place where we might be able to test this out.
um And she's like, can we take your car? I just i just took an Uber. Yeah, sure. Yeah. I wave over the the the waiter, and I request the check. OK. Yeah, he comes after a little bit. I just and just wave him over, and I hand him $200. All right, then. He's like, oh my god. Thank you. Thank you, sir. Oh my god. And then you know you can definitely hear him like bragging in the back about his huge tip.
i look back over lauren I look back over at and I say, do you think he knows I wanted my change back? ah Well, it doesn't matter. Let's go. ah I mean, we can wait for your change. No, no, no. He's already super happy about it. i'll just Let's just let him have his day.
and she like I really didn't know how much it was going to cost. This place isn't like too terrible, but also makes your food can kind of get expensive. yeah Plus the drinks are like $10 a pop, so I just guesstimated, but you know it's it's whatever. That's probably because you underpaid.
okay Nah, I looked at the menu, she didn't. um that That was probably a $100 tip right there. ah With drinks, I could see you maybe of spending $50 to $100 depending on how many drinks there were. um but yeah mean so Considering the drinks are probably somewhere between $7 and $10 a piece, we probably had at least two two a piece minimum, probably three I guess. yeah Um, that's you know easily like 20 25 bucks, maybe 30 bucks in drinks alone faitis for ones like 20 to 25 Um, the case is probably another maybe five bucks And then her fated plates so I mean I could easily see a hundred and change build up real quick 75 to 100 Yeah, um, so you guys uh, she kind of directs you where to go
and Eventually, you pull up at um ah this like wire fence gate that says harrison Harrisburg Jackson Cemetery. I Googled a cemetery nearby. um and She's like,
if there's If you see dead people, this would be the place to do it. and it's It's a very small one. It definitely is not like a huge cemetery with ancient graves or anything. It was just like a very nearby cemetery. um That wasn't too big. ah and so like Maybe try that thing again here, see if you see anything out there.
um I look out across the the graveyard and I whisper I'm like I see dead people Do you activate your power? No, I'm just I'm i'm doing i'm but I'm doing a thing. I'm doing a joke and she's like staring at you expectantly and she's like wait and Then she's realized what's happened and starts laughing um And then she reaches into her purse and are pulls out um a folded up like um cardboard looking thing um and says, okay, do do the thing. um And while you're doing that, she is going to do something. It was, I think her power is, I have to remember her magic. I i do the thing.
Okay, um let me roll for her thing real quick.
Okay, she will get a total of minus one. ah So this plus this minus one.
Okay, um so while you are doing the thing, um she starts she folds open this little cardboard thing. It looks like kind of like um the game to a board game, like you know how they fold up. And um it's a fold up Ouija board.
um And she starts chanting and the, you know, in and in some language that you're not familiar with, um unless your character is familiar with, um or ah what is the old Irish, is it called Gaelic, the old Irish language? I'm pretty sure yeah, Gaelic.
Yeah, old old Gaelic. um And the the little thingy does start moving. um Her hands are nowhere near it. um It's moving of its own accord. um and then ah she's like And then she stops and says, do you see anything out there?
I look at it and I look back at her, I'm like, do you just... The moment your eyes go down to it, she quickly closes the board and she's like, no peeking. Did you see anything out there? and and And yes, you did see a few of the shadowy ghost figures standing um next to Graves.
I saw a few shadowy ghost figures standing next to some graves out there. But more importantly, do you carry a Ouija board with you everywhere you go? I'm a witch. I carry all sorts of things. um And she puts it back in into her purse and says, she like puts puts her hand you know on your leg and looks at you and is like, i just at least on this part, you're not crazy. There are there are spirits out there.
Oh, hold on.
I'm back. Okay. yeah She says, um, yeah, there's, there's at least three. Yeah. And so she, she like puts her hand on your leg and and looks into your eyes and says, so at least for this part, you're not crazy. There are, there are spirits out there right now.
Okay. that are ah ah ah This is actually really cool. I mean, I have to go through this whole you know thing just to even know that spirits are present and you can just see them. I mean, your it makes your eyes look weird, but other than that, you don't you know how amazing this is? Can you can you talk to them? Can you touch them?
So um I will say that I've got this this feature, this ability called blush of life. um At least but that's what I've been told it's called. um And it allows our bodies to ah obtain a somewhat pre-vampirization level of like body blood flow. ha um And I do not need that with your hand on my thigh like that.
Could you say this to her? Yes. She blushes and takes her hand off and, and says- I didn't say take her away. And says, look, look, you- I missed the question. I'm sorry. I was like- She seems very, very embarrassed and, and then she's like, no, it's okay. Look,
Okay, look, you're not crazy. you you really can You really are seeing ghosts. And apparently it's as easy as blinking for you. Although I wouldn't do that where other people can see you that it does make your eyes look really weird. Like someone would... I don't know. They they might think you need to go to a hospital. Your eyes are black.
Oh that's that's pretty neat. Have you seen that have you seen that show, um The Badlands?
Oh god, it sounds familiar. Well I don't know, there's these people and their eyes turn black and it looks, you know, it's pretty weird looking. um It's very obvious. Is that the one about the post-apocalyptic world? Where everybody seems to know kung fu, yeah.
Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. no and It was pretty decent, but it's just the the whole idea behind it just kind of didn't get me yeah yeah coming back to it. Yeah. any any But that's that's pretty neat. um Don't do that in front of strangers or anybody for that matter. Gotcha.
um Yeah, so along with that I'm also hearing voices um or whispers of of of Something whether it's otherworldly or not. I I don't know but um eight It they tell me to do things um And Sometimes what kind of things I
Listen, unless you know what the source of the voice is, I wouldn't do anything anything tells you like that. ah There are things out there. A ghost is is usually harmless.
Uh, we don't need to roll for that at the moment. Um, uh, I don't think you've really been given two explicit instructions. Um, it's more just the whispering other than the ghost who was trying to frame, um, max or murdering him. Well, I mean, he didn't have to frame max for murder. Well, that's true. Max actually murdered him. That is true. Um, but she says, try, huh?
as i think of a better way to say that but i'd like for a max murdering him was from just the best that honestly uh... uh... uh... and uh... she says on she says it seems like you are connected to uh...
to whatever's beyond the, what is it called? an vam empirere I want to say veil, but I don't think it's called that there's, there is in this world, an actual barrier, um, world of darkness barrier year to spirit world.
because she would know the proper terminology. um
I mean, I think we'll just go with failed veil for now. Maybe that's what witches call it. um ah through the You've obviously got a connection to the other side of of the veil. you can You can see into it. ah maybe Maybe you're always connected and and you and that's why you're hearing things sometimes, but whatever those things tell you to do, unless you actually know the source it's coming from, don't don't listen. There are there is there is the the world where spirits go after they die and
It seems to be sometimes they seem to stay there for a long time. Sometimes they seem to go somewhere else. And and then there there are other places on the other side of the veil and not everything on the other side is is benign. and like yeah
It probably wouldn't come as a surprise to you seeing that you know that vampires and witches are real, but so are demons and other monsters. There's there's things out there. I've never dealt with them, but but I know i people in my coven have have dealt with that. The closest thing I've come to it is what would be called a wraith, which is basically a spirit that um It's a little more attached to the material world. They're usually here for a reason. you know the the the whole Everything on TV and all of all of the stories and stuff, they've got some grounding in reality and and the whole spirits stay behind for for a purpose. A lot of times that's true.
right does that that Does that have to do with my clan being of the La Sombra? I don't know anything about vampire clans. your You guys are the first vampires I'd ever met. I never knew for a fact that vampires were real until I met you all.
Oh, well, i'm I'm happy to be a good introduction. I'm pretty certain our group is not your stereotypical vampires, so just delay that out there. um If you want to kind of bury yourself in a little more of the vampire-esque culture, we do have a bit of a party happening right about now, actually. And she grins at the sound of that and is like, are you inviting me to a vampire party?
I mean, if you want to go, i'm you don't have to if you want to, but it would be... What what happened? I mean, they're not gonna... They're not gonna try to eat me, are they?
ah Only if you want to be eaten. um there's You can get a wristband. ah like if you if I don't remember the colors, but one is like you know if you can only be fed on by the person who brought you, one is like um anybody that can feed on them. um stuff like that and we could just be the one where only I can feed on you, but I'm not gonna do it unless you like want me to, because that's just odd. But I'm i'm also a bagger, so I don't like feed all people quickly. What's a bagger? Wait, well then what do you mean? That's a term that I kind of came up with. i just I've only drank from a human once um and I don't and just ah did not want to do that. like I don't want that to be me.
I still wanted some part of my humanity, so I found that... Give me an Insight plus Wits Insight and so sight <unk> plus Okay, no no successes unless you want to spend a point of willpower.
What is this for? I'm going to ask you to tell her this. This is to insight something that you're inciting her. So you would click the WP reroll button, and then reroll two of those dice, and then turn one of your will powers to a slash to show that you've spent it. WP reroll button? It's underneath the strength and dexterity and stuff.
And then there's willpower with the the green boxes, and then the three, yeah. So so do the WP re-roll one? Yes, and then say re-roll two. You can't re-roll 100. One success. um I guess she was trying to not show this, so ah what would that be? Performance. Oh, I didn't mean to give her a point of performance. that take Okay.
Okay, you don't notice. You keep talking. Okay. um I don't remember where I was at in my explanation. But basically, I don't feed on humans. I i get blood from, like,
Uh, blood drives. Um, here over the last like month I've had it delivered to me, but I've got a stash of non forcefully taken blood. And I drink from that quite often. Um, I just, I don't, I don't like the idea of that. Hmm.

Vampire Culture Comparisons

So it's, it's kind of like that, that, uh, show true blood. You're like, uh, that, um, what, what was that guy's name? Uh, he had a stupid vampire named Bill. Yeah.
drinking true blood. You've never seen true blood and you're a vampire?
That's like me saying, have you watched the Harry Potter series because you're a witch? Of course I've watched Harry Potter. Who hasn't? Well, Harry Potter was awesome, okay? bye but but Okay, well, True Blood was on HBO, I think, so maybe... That's why I never watched it. I don't watch HBO. Oh, okay. Well, yeah, the people in the and that movie, they knew vampires were real and the vampires drank this fake blood stuff called True Blood that they served at bars. and and uh... but i'll never seeing commercials for that was a good now no but if you want to see on the girl who played road naked you know that's your chance though that was a odd sentence uh... structure that's honestly if you look at you google online that's not the main reason that people watched it okay home
True blood girl who laid Rogue naked. it Okay, really Frank? You don't need to pull that up right now. We're busy.
Who is... Oh, her! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Rogue from X-Men. Rogue from X-Men, yeah. Literally, that's like the main reason he won't watch that show.
um but um um no she's she's like yeah no It wasn't a good show, but they that's how they did it. They they like had blood you know that they would just drink, and it was like in beer cans.
That's interesting. um Yeah, i mine's just kind of bags of blood. um If you mix it with wine, it's actually pretty good. I think that's how it's done. I don't know. I've actually got a bottle of it here. And I show it to her. Yeah, the bottle has like a label from Espinoza Vineyards. um And she's like, huh, I've never heard of that place. Maybe maybe maybe it's a vampire only winery.
I think they get people drunk and then drain the blood and and then put it in the bottle. ah Maybe. i I don't know. Exactly. it It comes to me on a daily basis and I drink it and it's good. And it's not like super alcoholic, but it's got a little bit of a tingle. Hmm. Well, I mean, I'm totally down for a vampire party as long as they're not going to try to eat me. And if they do, you know, they'll regret it. So.
I will be sure to put a ring on it as the song goes. Okay, and then we're going to move over to Max, who is probably, you were going straight to Elysium, so you've probably arrived as Wesley is on his way out looking excited with his wife, who is looking um ah nervous.
Yeah. Like, and just because of the way it's going, like, I don't really get a chance to, like, talk to them or whatever. Yeah, yeah. They get into her Alex, whatever the heck it was, and dry off. um I feel like Jayden's put more thought into his wife's car than his character.
I mean, Jaden has lots of ideas for his character. He just isn't here for full sessions, unfortunately. and know I know. I was just making a joke. His wife drives an LX570 and he drives a Porsche Cayenne. I don't personally know what either of those are. Well, I guess I know what the his wife's car is because I put it in her profile.
but I know what a Porsche is. I don't know what an el a Porsche Cayenne is. And I'm not going to Google it. I'm pretty sure that's a seasoning. Yeah, it's a spicy Porsche.
um Yeah, so you... Don't sue us. walk itt Or give us money because we're advertising you. Your delicious spicy Cayenne pepper Porsches. That also goes for um Don Carlos, the best Mexican food inside the 610 Loop. Yes. And witches.
Which witches? Any witches. All the witches? If they want to give us money, I'll take it. um If they want to come and make me a witch, I would also take that as well. Only if they're the cool kind of witch, like with actual magical fun powers. but Yeah, and not the, like...
you know, brew a potion and hope it works type of thing. And mostly just willpower and- And it's like that guano and and and frog legs or something. Yeah. Right. And the blood of an infant. Yeah, no, if we forget to that territory, I'm out. I'm okay with like the white witch or the Harry Potter witch wizard. Make me one of those. If it's like, you know, the ghoulish lady at the back of the bog in Louisiana type situation, I'm i'm good.
Yeah. Yeah. Okay. but Um, let's, uh, Oh yeah, max. So if any vampire is going to come to sponsors, then please come on. But, um, but again, only if you're the shiny ones stay away. Actually, no, I'm, I would choose to be a shiny one over any other kind because they can go out in the daytime. They can go out in the daytime. They can go out and do something. If you're a shiny vampire yet, come on. They are basically like superheroes because they, they I mean, they technically have to know they have no weakness because they don't even have to drink human blood. They can subsist off animal blood. So it's like, you know, they only drink human blood. There is the drive. Well, yeah, there is the drive. There is that. yeah but Yeah. But I mean, other than that, you know, you you
are basically like as strong as Superman, um as fast as Superman. And then you might get some other magical powers. That is also true. I will admit to having read all of Twilight. I don't think I've watched all the movies. I've watched all the movies and I've read like the first two books of Twilight, but I never was able to finish the Twilight series because I was missing a book. and they like brand new They were on the library app, so I listened to them all.
Well, that would be a good spot to listen to. Hi, everyone, and welcome back to the everything that's not the actual game podcast. Max walks into Elysium. Unless Max wants to pick up a plus one. I don't really have a plus one. No, I guess not. I guess not. and don't have to human rekindle the you got vaphi wires you could just oh he doesn't have any of those I don't have
Even I've got something. I have other things that are pretty cool. Yeah. Yeah, you walk into Alicia. They ah you know they'll let you in much the same scene as I described when Jaden arrived. um There's you know people mingling around, plenty of humans with red wristbands on. um ah And also people walking around with like the the the, well, in this case, they're in um mugs with blood in it. um And ah probably blood mixed with some beer, so it's got a little bit of foam to it, you know, that that good foamy beer that people like for some reason, even though foam, you know, means that you have less liquid. but um and And then there's, you know, like everyone's dressed in some sort of Super Bowl football related thing. um Yeah, I would imagine that would have like changed or something. Yeah. On the way over.
Yeah, I mean, the gas station was probably selling jerseys. I mean, they do stuff like that around Super Bowl or a hat or something. um And um where was what was like the I? to find my list of the the important vampires real quick. Actually, I think I can just open my vampires tab because I've made most of them.
Yeah, you see, you know, there's obviously a bunch of vampires who don't know. Lori's definitely there. um She's dressed like a cheerleader. ah um And the prince, you know, he is, he's currently playing a game of tennis, if you happen to wander out there. um He, ah he's, and his tennis partner is Lawrence.
um who is not doing very well at tennis, ah but you know he's playing tennis with the prince um against two other vampires who don't know, um or possibly humans. You know you you can't always tell. Tufon is wearing a, ah what were these teams again? Shows how much I care about football. f four She's wearing a 49ers hat, but otherwise looks the same as usual and is standing in a corner watching.
um ah
And, you know, Tufon is the sheriff. um okay And, yeah, and people are just mingling. And some people are swimming, the swimming pool is heated. Not that vampires care, but you know, there's, you know, humans here as well.
um And yeah, you see the various red, yellow, and ah a lot of red wristbands. Most of the people, including all of the servers, are have a red wristband on. um There's a few people with yellow wristbands and a couple people with black wristbands, not very many.
um I guess the people I have an eye out for is Imogen, Oscar, Lori, and Olivia. I know I've seen Lori, but do I see any of the other ones? Imogen, Oscar, Lori, and Olivia. um Olivia is definitely

Elysium and Overwhelming Responsibilities

there. She's like um you know she's out by the pool.
ah ah She is in, she's, she's in in her bathing suit right now. It is black. um And she's, you know, kind of just lounging by the pool as if there were sun to tan and, you know, um but she's also got her phone and it's like snapping pictures of herself.
um ah Imogen, you don't see right away. And Oscar, you'll probably have to look around for him. So neither of those are readily apparent.
All right, I guess I walk up to Imogen, or I was looking at her name, Lori. Okay, it's like, oh, hot hi, howdy, how hi, ah hi, Max, how's it going? Yeah, them words there, good job. Yep. Was that her actually stumbling or was that you? No, that was me. Okay. Hi, Max, how's it going?
It's going good, Lori. It's going good. Which team are you representing here? Or are you representing a different team that's not in the Super Bowl currently?
um I feel like I would just be Kansas City. Okay. um she ah she She doesn't... I mean, I just was wondering. Yeah, yeah that's fine.
And I say, how's it been Laurie? It's been a while since we talked. Oh, you know, I'm just, uh, just, just hosting parties and, and, uh, uh, keep, you know, keeping, keeping this city running. And she, she'd like jokes, you know, uh, she is, she is the Toriador primogen, I think. Yeah.
So, I mean, sort of, it's her job to keep the city running.
and i say got so Go ahead. um She's like, so how's that that that a little job the prince gave you going? Well, and I look over at the prince who's playing tennis, and I go, well, we collected one with ah with a bonus ticket, so there was there was that. Oh yeah, those two have been like peas in a pod ever since you introduced him. Yeah, and how is that going along? I mean, I know you just said peas in a pod, but like... Well, some people don't like it. um Me, you know, he seems... He's a funny...
Oh, you know, he's a character, that's for sure. But um he doesn't seem um that big a deal to me. I don't know why everyone's so worried about him. um But some people are worried about, well,
I don't want to say I'm not worried about anything. I mean, you know, and she kind of like points up at the moon. um You know, we're all a little unsure about that. But, you know, I don't think this guy has anything to do with it. He he he's not up well, in some ways, you know, he he's got a couple screws, screws loose. So that's probably why it gets along gets along with ah with our good old prints.
Yeah. And I say... I take offense to that. Do do I see um the other guy that we brought along? The guy who... You don't see him. I say... I haven't heard or seen from... What's his bucket? I don't know. This is Haydn trying to remember. Yeah. yeah um and I don't even remember his name. do ah Dexter. Dexter. And I say... I don't even see Dexter here.
You know, now that you mention it, I- The place was like very pissy that he wasn't here, and now he's not here. Yeah, now that you mention it, I haven't actually even met the guy. um To be fair, it's, you know, now would be the night to do it. um maybe Maybe he's gonna make an appearance later, kind of kind of a dramatic introduction like like they did with with all of you last last month. Yeah, I hope so. um and And like, I guess it goes quiet for a while. I'm like, Lori, can I be honest with you? it Of course you can. I am hella stressed. I...
don't know what i'm doing and i've been given so much responsibility and i know that you basically keep the underground world running you have secrets upon secrets and information upon information and that is probably one of the most stressful jobs and the blood moon is my fault wow a lot of things are my fault well let me give you some of the best advice that my sire gave me You're going to live a long, long time. You're going to make a lot of mistakes. And you're going to outlive most of those mistakes. And she kind of laughs. So yeah, the moon's red. But um you know just like just like ah i our president said, um it's still a great moon. um You know, people. that me It's the best moon.
People are a little angry, ah and and I'm sure i'm sure ah i'm sure there're there are more qualified people than us out there working on on this problem. so So you've got nothing to worry about, sweetie.
And, you know, she like, she like gives you like a pinch, pinches your cheek. Like a grandma. Yeah. I mean, she's, I didn't put an age, but she is considered to be an elder. Yeah. Yeah. Let me say thanks, Lori. Or did I put her age? Oh yeah, I did put her age, but oh, you know, a lady never tells, so.
yeah she She looks like she's in her 40s, but um you know that means nothing with vampires. so so She's not that old. Well, physically, she looks like she's in her 40s, but she's a vampire, so she could be 10,000 years old. you know
But I'm sure whatever is going on, it's gonna work out. I've lived through a lot of, she she does the finger quotes, apocalypses, and every single time it's been fine. So I'm sure this one will be the same. Yeah, and i speaking about qualified people, I'm trying to find out how to unfuck up this fuck up. So there's there's a few cards up the sleeve that we're we're going for.
um Speaking of, did you know wizards and witches actually exist? um shia
She's like, well, I can't say I've ever had much dealings with them, but i yeah, I mean, the Tremere clan were a bunch of wizards before before they became vampires. That was that was before my time.
bye you know But that I know they're they real. I mean, I think pretty much everything that ah if they've made a movie about it, it's probably real. That's just kind of what I've come to accept.
yeah Legends, they came up with the idea for a reason. So if if it's not exactly what we think, then then something along those lines have got to be it.
And I see Olivia taking pictures of herself and I go She's she's an oddball. She's kind of old, but she acts like she's a teenager um Speaking of I'm gonna go check up on her. She's I Don't know what she's up to All right, while you make your way over to her, Cole um pulls up to Elysium with um his his plus one in the car. And the car you know backfires as you pull to a stop. I'm 100% certain there is valet parking at this place, you know I'm sure. but I proudly pull up to the valet parking. Yeah.
And I step out, I walk around and open the door for Lauren. um In the process of walking around, or after I let her out, I will walk back to the trunk and I pull out a couple ah jerseys um for two different teams, whatever the two different teams are. so forty nine ers and The and the Kansas City Chiefs.
Yeah, I'd grab those and I walk over to Lauren. I'm like, hey, I don't know your size, but if you wanted to be more dressed apart for the the party, it's a tailgate party. And she looks at the building and she's like, Oh, ah ah sure. And grabs one of the shirts. um It is. ah She grabs the
the 49ers or now the Chiefs. I also put the Chiefs on. Oh, you have two for both teams. I have two for both teams. Well, then yes, she she grabs the Chiefs.
because I thought i ahead and I realized that this might become a thing. Yeah. So yeah, you all go in at the at the door. The um doorman stops you and says, oh yes, Mr. Stone. um And what what ah what color for the lady? And you know he motions to the three colored wristbands. You've got um a a red one, a yellow one, and a black one.
ah Remind me if i'm I'm wrong, good sir, but red is to be shared and black is no one touch, right? That is correct, sir. What's the yellow one? The yellow one means people may ask your permission. Yeah, okay, we're going straight black. ah No funny business tonight. Of course, and he hands you the a black wristband. He does hand it to you, the the the the vampire.
um I offer it to Lauren. It's not a sexist thing, it's a racist thing. It's a life-ist thing? I don't know. I offer the wristband to Lauren and I go, milady. And she puts it on.
And we go inside. Yeah, it goes inside. um And yeah, same scene. um The Bruja Permigen, who the only, nobody interacted with him last time, but he was the guy who was dancing with everyone. He is um doing, ah ah ah what's the thing where they've got the like um the keg, and he's doing a keg stand. take stand yeah and people are like cheering him on. And um yes, the liquid running out of his mouth is red um as it's, you know, pours all, you know, probably half of it on his face and half of it in his mouth. I glance at Lauren and glance at the bar and I'm assuming there's a bar of some kind. Yes, there's definitely a very fancy bar that makes no sense for a tailgating party.
Yeah, because that's just how the that club is laid out. Yeah. So I glance at Laura and I glance at the bar and I'm like, well, I know we've already had a couple drinks, but you want something else? She's like, sure. Yeah. Well, maybe not. I might want to not get too drunk at this thing just in case. Well, I mean, we could get like, you know, a cream soda. Like they've got all sorts of stuff back there.
um Yeah, let me get a, um ah I don't know, um I'm thinking of, well, she she decides, she does end up ordering like just um just a glass of wine, like something that's, you know, a glass isn't gonna make her tipsy or anything. Y'all have gone to a cemetery and driven for a bit, so she's had time to sober up from the margaritas.
um I turned to the guy behind the the counter and I'm like, ah one virgin wine and wait, that's a weird way to say that. um One non-bloody wine. How would you? Can I have an un-bloody, bloody Mary? Well, I was gonna ask for an an extra bloody, bloody Mary, assuming that the bartender would understand what I'm asking for.
ah the bartender um He's like ah he's like don't worry. Don't worry. I I get what you're saying and you know, he um he mixes up ah Well, you know, he pulls a bottle of wine. Now, you know, it is a red wine, but pours it, it seems to pour like normal liquid, normal wine liquid, looks like real, you know, real wine. And, you know, slides it across and it's like, and for you, and you've ordered the Bloody Mary, the Bloody Bloody Mary. Okay, Bloody Mary, extra blood. Yeah, whips that up for you and slides that over to you.
um So I hand I grab both them and I turn around I hand the the the wine to Lauren and I take a sip of the Bloody Mary. Is it good? Please tell me they made it well ah Yeah, sometimes they really mess up those Bloody Mary's this day. He made it very well. Yes Awesome. Okay, and which to me means it's disgusting.
But to someone who likes a Bloody Mary, I don't know. I've never, to be fair, I've only ever had one once and I I hated it. So I've never, never had one. I've had one good Bloody Mary and the rest of them have been just garbage. Yeah. They think they can just take like a stock of celery and stick it into some tomato juice and call it like a Bloody Mary. That's not, that's not a Bloody Mary.
And Max, you probably maybe spot Cole and Lauren, two people you recognize by now.
okay um If you want to interact with them, you don't have to, but you know, you've probably spotted them. I wave at them. And Lauren so we' yeah lauren waves back, she's like, oh, look, it's Max.
i'm ah what While Lauren is looking towards Max and I'm guessing I'm like a step behind Lauren because I was just standing in front of her and she turned around to see it. I like point at Lauren and I point at my face and I'm like like, I got a big smile. um I do like a very obvious eye roll and give you a grin and a thumbs up. I do like a point to me and then point over your direction.
I still hold a thumbs up. And you see that I'm like currently like I'm kind of like walking with like my head tilted. um Because i I guess I like turned around because I heard something. I don't know. Probably your backfiring car and like. no um And so I see you walking up and you see me that I'm like basically walking to Olivia. um Oh, okay. I heard over at Lauren.
I look over at Lauren and I'm like, hey, you want to go join Max? And it looks like he's heading towards Olivia. Have you been introduced to Olivia yet? I don't think so. All right. Well, this is a good opportunity. I don't remember who she is either. So let's go.
Okay. ah Do you want to roll to see if you remember? It's out of character. It's out of character. Okay. Roll. I have no idea who Olivia is. rule is that Hold on. Roll. Composer plus resolve. That is the memory roll. That's two of the traits up top. Let's resolve.
I know exactly who Olivia is. but that's ah So this is a meic messy, critical... so um On a memory roll, ah i don't so all I'm going to say for this, um I have the option of just saying that you get hungrier randomly. So you do get hungrier. How is that um how is that a messy? Oh, because the ba hunger dice also. Yes, your hunger calls to critical. um But yeah, you remember exactly who it is. um You just happened to get hungrier at the same time.
but Olivia is the sire of um Lawrence and Dexter. um Olivia has met Lauren. The sire of Lauren and Dexter? Lawrence and Dexter. So Lawrence the lauren the fun guy you played and Dexter the the guy who's supposed to be sacrificed.
got catch catch these two have actually met though perhaps though they did not meet for long although i Cole, well, no, Olivia told all in her story. So they have met um and had a threesome with Lawrence and um ju lauren did as it was this olivia did Olivia told the whole story um of that flashback. So they had a threesome and then
Olivia turned Dexter into a vampire. Lauren attacked Olivia and nearly killed her with magic. Basically knocked her unconscious with a single attack. So you have been told this story and maybe as you're heading that way, it clicks in your mind that, oh, wait. Oh, shit. I didn't remember that part. Yeah, me neither. I did not remember that part.
So these two have met, they did not know each other's names. Yes. What's the role again? Composer plus resolve. I slowly steer Lauren kind of away and I'm like, hey, do you remember that but that vampire that you knocked out with one blow while she was chasing down a guy?
And Lauren yeah pauses for a moment. She's like, you mean the one who turned the guy I was supposed to kill into a vampire? Yeah, I remember her. And then she stops and glances back over her shoulder and is like,
Oh, ah a maybe we shouldn't go over there. I don't know how happy she'd be to see me. ah They're both at the top. Well, um we are currently at a... Oh god, I wanted to call it a moot. It basically is a moot. It's basically a moot. Yeah, a bob moot.
Elysium Elysium. Yeah, we're currently at an Elysium. So I'll do die. How do you also remember? Yes, same amount of memory um But no critical, you know, so you don't get hungry Yeah, oh, I need to add a hunger cube. Yeah, I guess or hunger dog so I guess after the thumbs up you see my eyes like have that regulation I go And I go thumbs up and i'm like like slowly turn it down like no Yeah. And so while you're talking to Lauren, she's like, she's like, I mean, no hard feelings on my end, but I did kind of blast her with a kinetic blast.
I mean we are at an Elysium and no violence is supposed to occur at one of these um and attacking somebody or somebody's guest is frowned upon and the prince is here probably so I mean you know I feel like it'd be okay as long as you're like hey I'm sorry about that it was just kind of a whole thing type of thing we might be cool I mean if you don't want to it's not it's not a big deal I can introduce you to what's something else that's here that's funny. And she's she says, no, no, I'm fine with it. I mean, if I can mend broken bridges, yeah, that's, I think, the the the phrase. so it's Yeah, fuck it. Let's go.
All right, so i am ah ah Max, you do notice that now they are continuing over. They have like a slight conversation. They keep walking over. I'm like, shit. Well, we were we were walking over and then we like ah slightly slightly diverted her away and while we were still walking. yeah And then we just made like a little half moon and started walking back towards you. And yeah, so Max, obviously you will get there first. Yeah, and so i I walk up to Olivia. What is she wearing? Black bathing suit.
two piece and i I have a I assume I have a hat and I have the jersey too I take off my hat and I go how are you doing Olivia and I throw my hat at her ah she catches the hat as if she um while barely taking her eyes off the phone catches the hat, like her hand darts up, catches it out of the air, and then she lowers the phone and it's like, um it's like, oh, ah Max, right, hey. How's that? How are you? I'm doing good. I'm just, second time at one of these, I don't really know what to do, it's just, you look like you know what you're doing, you're just doing you, which,
Oh yeah, you know, I'm just just getting some photos for the feed. I'll probably go go mingle in a little bit. And I was like, i I really hate to ask, but like, you seem to be really into technology. Is that just like something that you have decided to get into, or is it like something that like, you actually do? Well, um, and she chuckles, it's like, well, you know, I'm,
I'm not quite as old as some of these around here. I i grew up and and i've I've seen the birth of a lot of technology. ah you know i I guess I just kept my my teen spirit you know and and just im I'm ready to embrace anything new. and And then she, as she's saying it, she trails off for a moment in her eyes. um You see her eyes focus on something behind her, then they widen and and she says, oh, oh God.
They found me, and then moving extremely quickly, she ah jumps off of the um ah the the like jumps up and starts running um towards the fence, just in the direction of the fence.
um I like Call after her. But like when i because I have like super fast reflexes, does that allow me to see that? You can bet. and The way I like to think of it, and she also has that exact same power, the fast reflexes, that's why she caught the hat. um You can kind of see in how whenever the flash is like seeing things happen around them in slow motion, like when that power activates, that's kind of how you see it.
You you well, I think I don't remember if you took powers, but you know with just that you don't have the speed of it, but you have the reaction time of that. The flash. She's not blinking. By the way, she's just got the ah the fleetness power the fast that she can run fast.
I'm gonna do, um well, nevermind. I'm gonna call after her and I have the fast thing too, right? I guess I have to um give her a rouse check to use fleetness.
Okay, nobody's getting hungry tonight.
I'm just seeing what it does. Okay, it lets you add your celerity level to non-combat dexterity checks, such as dexterity plus athletics. Oh, you can also, once per turn, use it while defending yourself. Cool. I'm just seeing gonna see how fast she can she's moving real quick.
So that would be... plus two. She's moving pretty quick. So yeah, now you can do what you are going to do. You both perceive things in the same speed. And you might have more speed powers than her. I can't remember what you bought. I know you want to watch stuff. I have rapid reflexes, cat's grace. OK. OK. And unseen passage. Oh, OK. But yeah, besides that, that's all my move skills. Yeah.
as far as I'm seeing. No, she's not moving at impossible speeds. She's just moving at like, ah you know, faster than you would think she could. Yeah. I call after her. um And her breaking out into a sprint definitely causes a bit of a commotion. um What do you say?
the I think I just say, Olivia, it's okay. Okay, give me give me a persuasion press plus charisma to see if that catches her attention.
um Do I add any modifiers? Because I have that attractive, but I don't really know what that goes into. like and It goes into basically all social situations. okay So a plus one. It doesn't even require them to be like sexually attractive to you. People are just naturally more friendly to people who are um are pretty. That's just a fact of life. what What plus is it? A plus one or what? ah Which one is yours called? um You've got the... I get plus two. It's two ticks. Okay.
Well, it might not be. It looks, you have, so you've got beautiful, it's plus one. Yeah, plus one. Yeah, and stunning is plus two. Okay.
ah That catches our attention. um that That thing is when it does the beast in the weird way it does it. it's daa yeah um Yeah, so I'll say since you got the same amount as her running you do catch your attention she slows and then Turns and says what what do you mean? It's okay that that lady tried to kill kill me almost did I Say I I know I understand. I'm like looking around. I'm pretty sure there's a lot of eyes on us um And I say
Yeah, she she definitely did. um There's no defending that. And Cole and and, you know, Lauren both probably catch up by by now, um, you know, to where you are anyway. um And she's like, well, what, what the hell is she doing here? And she notices the wristband, the the black wristband and like looks from that looks to Cole and she's like, it's like, what, what is this? And they say,
I'll tell you later, I promise. but Because like I think they're probably getting really close. Yeah, and and Lauren is definitely, let me go ahead and just do a roll for...
ah Lauren, um you know, kind of like speaks up and um she, ah she, it's not an apology. Well, she does say, she's like, look, I'm, yeah, okay, it's an apology. um She's like, I'm sorry for attacking you. But there was a lot going on that night. And, um and, you know, I, I needed that guy and you were in the way. And Look, no harm was done and I'm not i'm not after you. like I don't know where you got this idea.
i just yeah and and you know it they Olivia kind of like um ah you know glances back and forth between the three of you and she's like,
Okay, we're at Elysium. We're at Elysium, okay. ah She... Actually, I'm gonna roll for her. um
and I mean, just double check her specialties. Nope, no specialties. Okay, she... um kind of like puts on a pretty good face, like a friendly face. But you know you i it's not the the best act that you've seen, but it's passable. make And she like says, all right, if you're if you're if you're a guest, then then I guess we'll have to get along. But but but um don't expect us to be friends. And then she turns and goes to the other side of the pool or something.
i I follow her because I still need to talk to her. okay and i And while she's walking away, she like turns around and like, hey, give me back my hat. She she tosses you the hat. And I catch it, cat-like reflexes. Oh yeah. um But yeah, so i I follow after her and I go, and I guess this is why we're walking and like, Olivia, this, where is your, the one that you turned?
she like she She misses the step almost and then um and then keeps walking for a minute. And she goes beyond the pool, kind of over towards like one of the the tennis courts where there's less of a crowd. Not the one that the Prince is playing tennis at. And um she doesn't say anything. She just assumes you're following um yeah until you're you're kind of alone, um turns to you and she says,
I have no idea. I haven't seen him since we, since we introduced him to the prince.
She, and she glances, you know, back in the direction. She can't, from where y'all are, she can't see, you know, Lauren and Cole, but she's like, I don't know if, if, if she came after her or, or what, or if if he somehow oh Man, I hope he didn't try to get to London that's that's Probably wouldn't have gone well for him. He wouldn't know how to make that happen Yeah, but no I haven't seen him I Go because we're we're a tight spot um I Don't to be honest yes
which girls with us and I don't know her very well but we have to try something to fix the blood mood. Her ritual that she was doing. What does that have to do with any of with with Dexter or me? Well with you not not necessarily so much with you kind of sort of the prince plays into it. um And when i when I say the prince plays into it, you can, I guess, um I will roll to see, because like at the moment, this is when Max starts becoming negative towards the prince. So what should I roll? Like a straight charisma. Are you trying to hide that you're being negative or?
or trying to imply that you're you're being negative, like that you're not happy. Yeah, that I'm not happy. Okay, um that, i you would need to do probably, um
you're not, so I would think subterfuge plus charisma in this case, because you're not trying to make her think something, you are just trying to subtly get across something. um And then she will make an insight,
um actually i can Actually, I'm just going to roll insight for her because if she rolls high enough, then I won't make you roll. One. Okay, yeah let's see her roll just to see how good you do. Two, okay, I mean, you got more than her, so I guess I'll make you be able to get your point across. Yeah, because she didn't fail, so she wasn't blind to it. um Yeah, I'm not sure about the the mechanics on
trying to make someone um understand something that you're not outright saying. yeah yeah That'll work.
um I guess to like help play this off, so like because I'm pretty sure there's eyes still watching, and to help play this off, um I have my hat and I'm just kind of like... and
Like, as we're walking, I go ahead and like put it overhead so it it looks like we're having a good conversation. kind um And I say it has to do with the prince. He he had a vision. The witch had a vision. The witch saw Dexter.
to keep the blood moon from happening. the She had to kill Dexter with some spell. And the prince had some vision about all of us turning. It just adds up way too much to be near coincidence. I don't know whose vision came first. I don't know whose vision impacts the other one more significantly.
But I don't know if she's telling the truth that the only way to undo this, i've I've met with other people. There's so much going on. But Dexter might have to die, but we don't necessarily have to kill Dexter himself. Maybe it's just a clone of Dexter. There's magic that I don't understand. And she's like, man, this is some...
heavy stuff. I mean, I mean, obviously I knew about the prince's vision because that's why I had to make Dexter but now witches are having visions and I mean, I can't say I feel any kind of way about Dexter needing to die. It's not like I chose him. um yeah
But also, like, who knows if the prince actually had a vision? Like, yes, he's had real visions before, but... Yeah, but who's to say this is a real one? Yeah. He's just not on one of his walk through an empty doorway. Yeah, well, I mean, he does that on purpose because it confuses people, I think. Smoking mirrors. Yeah. Smoking mirrors.
Sometimes I, well, honestly, I can't tell if he's as off as he seems to be, or if it's all an act. I really don't know. And while it's saying all this, i I want to see if she is opposed to the Prince at all, because I'm pretty sure if other people are overhearing us, so pretty much the recent things that we've said be like, yeah, they're they're not fans of the Prince.
um And speaking of like, how close are we to like most other people? Because I know we were trying to like walk away and we're like whispering. There nobody, give me um awareness plus wits. Yeah. Last any modifiers? No. I mean, nobody seems to be paying attention to you. Okay.
Uh, so, you know, you kind of lead the question and, uh, or lead the conversation and trying to figure out her kind of point of view. And she's like, yeah, she's like, hi. I just kind of go with the flow. i i I do, you know, I, yeah, I'm part of the Camarilla. I've never wanted to be, to go against the prince or be an anarch or anything like that. I just, you know, I'm i'm out here trying to live my best life, you know? And- I get that. I'm not into the- You really are living your best life. I don't know anything about all of this magic or, or
I know a lot of Toriador are really into um into the political side of it, but me maybe in a hundred years, but you still into you know i'm um I'm still pretty pretty young for a vampire.
i'm i haven't and And she's like, I haven't even hit my my first ah my first century.
Yeah, I even haven't even hit my first month. so she She laughs. Well, you're a month and two days. this Yeah. on And i I go ahead and like to continue to look like we're having like a ah decent conversation.
um I keep like, I don't know, either like doing something to show like friendliness. Yeah. one And I go, I guess by now we're like pretty much away from people and we sit down on like pool chairs or whatnot. And I go, yeah,
I understand that we don't wanna rock the boat. Rocking boats suck. But we're all wrapped up into this and I'm just trying to find a way to fix everything that I've caused.
and I guess you have no idea where he is no I mean normally like tonight maybe I'd be presenting him although since he well yeah I guess I would have had time since you guys found him but ah yeah no I haven't seen him unless unless the prince's kept him I don't know what he's doing with them or if he plans on
presenting him to the to the other vampires of the city or if he's keeping him to himself or if he's tried to go back to London or or if he ran off again, you know I have no idea. he you know
i even Lawrence actually isn't, isn't, you know, we've, we've got history and he's not texting me back or anything. Well, actually, nevermind. Cut that. She barely knows Lawrence. She just seduced him briefly. um So nevermind. That's Lauren who knows Lawrence. It's like, yeah. So, and it's not like I really knew the guy. I don't, you know, I, Lawrence is dead, right?
Lawrence is no, he's the um guy with the fog machines and all of that stuff. He's currently playing tennis with the tennis. Okay, sorry, I was thinking about the other guy. Yeah. um So yeah, she but she doesn't I mean, she probably doesn't even know that guy's name. um He was just a means to an end.
But yeah, she's like, hi. This is the kind of stuff I've always tried to stay out of. Yeah. Yeah. I just wanted to make sure it's okay to possibly murder a clone of your... of him. If that means anything to you. she's She's like, well, I mean, like I said, I don't even know the guy.
i I know that killing another vampire is thats you know that's usually against the rules. Well, ah well i don't know what I don't know anything about that.
but ah
No, I mean, if that's what's got to be done to fix, fix this stuff that's going on. I mean, she glances around and she's like, I was kind of hoping that at least him will be canceled. I'm surprised nothing has gone wrong tonight with, with the way things have been. And that's when you hear a commotion near the front of the, um, like the front door. Uh, do you, do you peek in that direction? Also Cole, you hear this commotion as well. Of course I peek.
I would be sitting next to Lauren while we're drinking our drinks and we would look over. Yeah.

Dramatic Elysium Event

um So through the, i I am imagining this place has like big glass doors, you know, and looking into the, out into the pool area. So y'all can see right through to the front door across the like, you know, that area. on too late Yeah.
and uh the um you see uh uh tufon the sheriff um arguing you can't get a look at the person she's arguing with but she is arguing with someone you pick up stuff like um uh banished you know that it's it's become a shouting match banished um uh it's not supposed to be here blah blah blah um and then uh The sheriff goes flying backwards, crashes through the glass window and lands in the swimming pool. um That, of course, immediate silence. Everyone turns. You see a woman.
um uh standing at the front door she is uh uh wearing um she's wearing well i guess she's wearing what's in this picture that i'm about to show but she's wearing you know a black uh hoodie it looks like um she's got some tattoos on her face some dots uh and you know kind of some she she some viking looking tattoos uh And she marches in, people back away from her. Tufan gets out of the swimming pool. And um you know you can definitely see the shadows beginning to coalesce around her, forming into tendrils of darkness. And this woman says, my child is dead. I demand to see him. And Tufan, the big shadow tentacles, like
raise up around her and um look like she's about to strike and then the prince says uh the prince you know is just suddenly there and he's like what is the meaning of this uh and um tufon uh you know stops the the the she doesn't make the tentacles go away but um you know doesn't like shoot them forward at him ah Cole, um you are most definitely hearing the whispers as this is going on. um ah They are in the background, you feel like they are not focused on you in this case. They're coming from around her as she's using these powers. Tufon, and the woman who threw Tufon across the the the
that courtyard whatever room building both really turns to the prince and says ah she says my My child is is dead, on your order and and it's your fault.
and um ah you know The prince looks ah um taken aback for a moment, and he's like, Frida, Frida, I assure you, I i had no wish to see. I got to double check the name.
um ah no wish to see Jess perish. And she's like, whoa, she did. And, you know, Frida takes a step toward, you know, a threatening step toward the prince. um Of course, too fun, you know, like, also, you know, kind of like jumps forward, it the prince holds out a hand towards her um and says,
Frida, let us talk ah ah in private. um And you know what, I'm gonna do roles for this. we'll We'll see how this goes instead of making it all cinematic. um yeah's fun Yeah, let's see.
I guess while this is happening, I look over to Olivia and I'm like,
Great timing, Olivia, great timing. Yeah, Olivia's like just her jaw, you know, like staring, like mouth open a little bit. um He really had a jinx to this.
Do a roll for him. That's a pretty good roll. Okay. um he He says that and and she... ah kind of grimaces a bit and then um ah and then she like flexes her hands and perhaps only just noticing this you see claws retract from her fingers um and says fine we'll talk and the two of them kind of um head off to like some room somewhere you know further in the building
And slowly, music, there's definitely a live band playing like, I don't know, probably it's, it's tailgating things. So it's probably, no, I think it's more funny that there's classical music playing. um yeah So I think I look over at the classical music and I'm like, and I tried to conduct it up like,
shit. Yeah. um And then, you know, the music starts to pick up again. And people like slowly, you know, some people at least start like going back to the party. um The shadows slowly fade away. um You know, dissipating too fun goes to stand outside the door that the prince went into um the prince and this this freed up person. And and Cole, you hear the whispers, you know, fade as that happens, they go away.
And i that happened. I guess I look over at ah Olivia and I say, well, if there's a good time to leave, it'd be right now. um But I still need to talk to some people, being the Abomination.
ah Okay, you you do you. um I think this party has gotten interesting enough for me. I think I will call it an early night. I've got some videos I need to edit.
Yeah. Best of luck, Olivia. And let me know if there's anything I can do. And then as she walks off, you know um she ah flips open her phone and starts recording herself. And she's like, hey, this is Cassandra. Blah, blah, blah. and It like goes back into her TikTok persona. Yeah. And I'm like, you still have my hat. ah She shiam glances over her shoulder.
ah winks at you, pulls the hat down over her head, and she's like, this boy just gave me his hat and he wants it back, but I'm totally not, I'm totally keeping it, and then and then she like runs off. Boy, I look twice her age. But then i say that we like her first her her viewers didn't see you, they just saw her and turned her. No, but I say that and I'm like,
She's way into this shit. Anyways, and I walk off to, I look over at Cole. what What's Cole looking like?
Asleep, probably, or muted. I was muted, sorry. Yeah.
um So after the the whispers hit, um Cole like kind of got a fearful look on his face and sort of rocked him back and forth and kind of started clenching his head a little bit. um And then the whispers died down and so he's he's he's just trying to calm him down right now.
Yeah, and and Lauren is kind of staring in the direction of Tufan, who did the crazy shadow magic, um and has kind of been just you know staring and stunned, you know whatever, and then doesn't kind of snap out of it until Max walks up. um That's when she notices you know she notices Max and notices Cole, and and she's like, Cole, are you all right? what what What the heck was all that about?
it's I'm sorry, I fell asleep there for a second. What happened? Wow. You fell asleep in 12 seconds, bro? What was all that about?
She's kind of asking to both of you. And I... You want me to explain? Yeah, I'm i'm lost. Okay. And I go...
Oh, the battle with the thing. Yeah, I got no idea. The battle with the thing, but also, i'm did she notice you having the whispers or at all? I don't think so. She was too engrossed in the... Yeah, probably not. ...the entire showdown. I remember us having the whispers because the the the Viking lady showing it up and doing the tentacle magic. Yeah. yeah which was It was too fond that did the tentacle magic.
When exactly did you start... a keep as Oh, sorry, that's i'm not out of question. Yeah, in out of character, he started hearing it as Tufan started summoning the shadows. Ah, magic. Got it. Well, a particular kind of magic, I guess. Yeah. I leaned back and I fell asleep. That was my fault, guys. yeah And I go, is everything okay, Cole?
I looked over and you were kind of a thousand-year-old stare. I'm good. I'm good. it's the the The sun's shining. The whispers are are grassing. I'm good. Yeah, it's it's fine. though The what? Mm-hmm. Yep. Mm-hmm. It's all good.
I'm like, it's all good. And then Lauren's gonna kind of shoot you a, um like, shake her head a little bit, like a, you know, a mouth um drop it.
um And she's like, what? So who were those two? Is it is every vampire party like this? Quick pause, I'm gonna grab me something to drink so I don't fall asleep. Okay, I'll be back. Yeah, we will be wrapping up soon, because I still need a shower. We're gonna be wrapping up soon. Yeah. Okay, I can stick it out. Yeah. I just want to lean back. I go, no, Lauren, that was not. That was actually very much against the rules. Last time there was a little bit of rule-breaking, but that was
From what I understand, she I've never met the one that just came in. Yeah, no. um
But yeah. That's super illegal. Yeah, showing power is using power as violence. Any of that type of stuff is strictly forbidden during these things. To be honest, i I didn't even know that people that are banished from normal vampire life are not allowed in this.
She was banished from normal po vampire life? Apparently she was was banished and Jess, Jess got killed. Holy shit. Son of a bitch. And I, and I walk off to go find Lori and I'm like, I'll talk to the, the abomination later. Okay. but Um, if Cole wants to role play something with Lori or whatever he wants to do.
Who's Jess? Jess was one of the people that was supposed to term another um of the people. We had his address and now... Jess lived under a bridge. Yeah. um And was a... causing an animal back on New Year's, which was probably him turning someone. Gotcha. Okay. Yeah, no.
I'm good. So as he walked off, like I'm still trying to recollect myself. So I'm just like, I think it's okay. Lauren at this point leans over and it's like, was it? Was it? Was it the spirit stuff again?
I, it was the fucking whispers. It's always the fucking whispers. And she, um, she like, uh, well, let me roll forward first.
So she reaches into her bag, um, uh, and, um, give me a, uh,
um I'm trying to see a role to make this not work. um
I feel like if there's, okay, so she did four successes, um which is pretty darn good. um What are you trying to do? Okay, so roll, I don't know, roll frenzy just to so I can get a number.
No mods? Uh, just yeah, no mods. Um, no, you know, well, yeah, no mods and just, just for now, just difficulty one. I just want to see. Wow. try to Okay. Four successes. Yeah. All right. So, um,
All right, so she ah she like reaches into her purse again and pulls out like some some some kind of like little um ah vial of clear liquid, um opens it up, puts them onto her fingers, and whispers some words. And then and then while you're like muttering about the whispers and stuff, she places two of her fingers ah right to the center of your forehead. And you you feel this like overwhelming calm come over you.
and she said uh... she said did did that help it it did thank you floor and by it it's only temporary but you know it's it's a calming spell uh... appreciate that it's it's it's it's getting it's getting the better of me i i just don't know what to do with this anymore did say that's a mystery she uh...
thinks for a moment. um Okay, she's just rolling good tonight. ah She's like, there, there might, I don't know, because of what you are. I don't know if it'll work. But what there is, she laughs like no, because you're a vampire. ah No, she, there's There's a way to cut people off from the spirit. It's usually, honestly, kind of a punishment, but I don't know if it would, if it worked, it would cut you off from the spirit world. Would that affect my magic, though? I don't know if your magic comes. I feel like this is manifesting, I feel like this is manifesting with the growth of my powers.
Well, if your powers are coming from from the other side of the veil, then yes, ah if if it worked, you would lose all of that. But um it's something I could try if you want. It's just but something it's what we use to block you know block people. Well, yeah, when you do it to a witch, they usually lose their magic because our magic comes from our spirit.
I think we need to exhaust all avenues of approach before we go to the extreme of a full block. Okay, okay.
But i'll I'll look into it if, ah just in case. My ears are itchy. And then, um yeah, let's hop hop back over to, um ah I mean, we're honestly probably gonna pick up mid Elysium next session, because it it is getting late. But I will jump back over to Max, who's reached Lori, who is you know ah definitely chatting with like a bunch of people. But um she turns when you walk up, and it's like, oh, hey, hon. And I go, that was exciting. It's like, yeah, not something you expect to happen at Elysium.
And I say, and, kind of puts a bone, or puts a, a whole, I don't even know, like, he's dead. Wait, who's dead? Jess. Jess. Jess, the one that was supposed to turn one of the others. Oh, oh, that's what she was talking about, of course. Well,
Huh, I mean it might have still she might have he might have still turned the person ah but Yeah, that that was that was Jess's sire. I didn't That that part didn't dawn on me. But yeah, that was so I can see why why she's so mad then I
And this is when you can see Max. he's He just looks so defeated. He's like, nothing is working out. ae Well, I don't want to talk to her because she's pissed and grieving and doesn't probably want anything to do with a fledgling vampire. But she's important and the only other
The only other person I need to... I i need to find... What's his bucket? The other guy. Dexter. That's his name. Dexter.
Yeah, i don't I don't know where he is either. um And if he was supposed to be presented tonight, I have a feeling it's not gonna happen. Probably not. But I think the other guy might know. Tennis boy over there.
tens Oh, him. Yeah. Oh, yeah yeah. Lawrence is kind of, um, I guess he's probably off like getting a drink or something now. um You know, because the prince is busy and, and, uh, I'm sure he is, um, uh, telling the bartender all about, um, you know, his theories on, uh, on the, the, the night mother or whoever, whatever it was that, that Frank had said and stuff like that.
He's going to be the next person I talk to, so I don't know if you want to wrap up anytime soon. Yeah, I think this is a um ah good place to to to end this um with the big scene.
and And then we'll pick up mid Elysium next time we play. I don't know if um Bill will be back yet. I don't know how quickly he's going to want to um come back and how he will sound. ah um he will I think he's going to have to do some practicing. But ah if Bill is back, we might actually jump into a flashback, which will be fun. But if he's not back, then we will continually see him. um
And yeah, so that's where we're going to end the night. I was your storyteller, Ron Bjork, and you can find me on Twitter at virillium1. You can find the show at idmroleplay or email us at idmroleplay at gmail um And then we had ah Frank, if he's still awake. He didn't lean back. I was Frank.
yeah um I am Frank. I was Frank sometimes, but I am Frank now. um I also played Cole. ah You can find me, if you look hard enough, on social media. ah Please don't. um I also stream, and if you find me on the common streaming platform, Twitch, if that's still a thing, would you be listening to this? um My handle there is fklightcastle, I believe. I'm not sure. I think it's that. I'm a sleepy boy. And Hayden.
Hey, definitely very interesting things happen this this time around. I'm excited to see where it all goes. Alright, thank you for listening and stay safe out there because there are monsters.
Thanks everyone for listening. The intro and outro songs you heard today was Foxhole Revolution created by Kevin MacLeod at, licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0 license. Creative licenses by 4.0. The night is over and have a great day everyone.