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Houston After Dark - Season 2 - Session 7 image

Houston After Dark - Season 2 - Session 7

S4 E7 ยท IDM Roleplay
11 Plays8 days ago

Enjoy Session 7 of Houston After Dark!


Introduction and Character Setup

Welcome mortals to another episode of Integrated Dice Management Presents Houston After Dark. I am your storyteller Ron Bjork and with me tonight is Frank.
Hi, everyone. I'm Frank. I'll be playing Cold Stone, not to be confused with Cold Stone Creamery. Please sit back and enjoy the listen. Now, after you've taken a moment to recover yourselves, we've also got with us tonight, Hayden. Hey, it's good to be back. I'll be playing Max. ah Let's see what we get into tonight. And, of course, we've got Bill. Hey, everybody. This is Bill here. and put You can't do it as good as me, Bill. Put your seat backs and trape tables in the upright and locked position and we will be starting our descent. We'll be playing Jerry tonight and vampires sometimes fly.

Bill's Tooth Dilemma

Let's get to it. Now, Bill. Flight attendants prepare to land. Bill, how is your mouth doing?
Genuinely, I went ahead and took my teeth out, and you'll hear some of my words are a little dumb sounding. Other words, I'm going to have a hard time saying, but just...

Recap of Elysium Events

that so okay I'm the only vampire in this group that has ah have no real teeth. now Now, have you considered getting some vampire teeth?
I actually have not considered vampire teeth, but I have considered giving myself a custom pair of pork teeth. that That'd be cool, yeah. ah Okay, but so ah everybody ignore Frank, you know, smashing stuff in the background. But don't got no bitches. So the last thing that happened, um,
Bill actually wasn't here, but basically you guys went to Elysium and did a bunch of talking. I don't remember everything that happened, I'll be honest. It ended with an altercation between the sheriff um whose name I can't remember at the moment.
um Tufon and a vampire that none of you had seen before. um I don't remember if you learned her name. I think You did. I think we did. You did at least over here that she seems to have been the child of Jess, aka Jesse Krauklis.

Jerry's Past and Present Journey

I've changed Jess to Jesse because Hayden thought that Jess was a boy, and now he is. I think everyone's a boy. Yeah. This vampire... Dude, stop checking under people's loin cloths. This vampire... No, it just makes it more fun.
This vampire tossed Toofan across the room. Toofan started to summon some shadows, but then the prince calmed them down. And Toofan also mentioned that this vampire had been banished, ah but the prince decided to bring that vampire in the back to meet with him. Now, we're not going to find out what happens with that at the moment because we are going back in time Like a day or two, I don't don't remember which day exactly, but our camera ah settles on the side of a prison and a figure walking away from that prison. Jerry, ah you're making your way to your car. What does Jerry drive?
Bill's gone. That's a nice car. Yeah, Jerry. Jerry. That's Bill. Hello, Bill. Sorry about that. um So this is actually a really important question I need to ask before I go ahead and answer that question. Uh-huh. Because I've never actually given it any thought. um Because we do live in Texas, how far away is this prison from where I live? It is in Huntsville, and I don't know where Jerry lives.
Huntsville? Yep, it's the Huntsville State Prison. I'm not um not bicycling at Huntsville from where we are. so um Yeah, if you recall, you drove out there. um Nobody knew where Jerry went, um but Jerry drove out to the prison because he heard that Carl had been imprisoned. um Carl was in prison for murdering someone. um Jerry showed up after hours because the prison visiting time you know is during the daylight hours, that but he charmed his way in, um and now he's leaving. Let's say it's a 2015 Toyota Camry. Okay. we're just
just really going with a basic bits car. It's a 2015 but it has so few miles on it because and if Jerry only drives it when he has to drive like more than ah more than a couple miles. Now Jerry's been making you know some decent money lately with that app of his. um Has he considered maybe an electric or hybrid?
ah Yeah, he has considered it but that the main thing is just that He's considered taking his current car, because he just got used to it, into a Tesla dealership and just having them turn it into an

Supernatural Encounters Begin

EV. Is that something Tesla does? Yes, that is actually something that Tesla does. I did not know that. They can take that engine out of your car and put one of their Tesla EV engines in there, and congratulations, you essentially have a Tesla. And it costs roughly the exact same as the new Tesla.
Do you get all the the fancy Tesla features? I would imagine probably not. just Your car wouldn't be wired for it, yeah. yeah just the motor, the motor runs everything that's already in there and stuff, yeah but you're you're literally just getting, it's to make people feel better. ah ah um Well, as Jerry is walking back to his car, um he needs to make a awareness plus wits roll. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Lord. Okay.
ah Pardon me a moment, I've got to bring all... I'm still trying to bring... Okay, here we go. You said Awareness plus Width? Yes.
All right. Aware, Aware, Aware, Awareness. Okay, Perception in this game, basically. No Modifiers?
no modifiers ah Unless you're gonna rouse the blood and and risk getting hungrier. I have no reason to do that. No, you don't okay Give it a second. I just rolled it. like Yeah, it'll it'll Whatever it is new that's on ah roll 20. It certainly didn't speed up the dice rolling.
Do I need to turn off? Oh, hold on. Let me go reset the API real quick. And we'll see if your role ever goes through. Does that actually ever work? Resetting the API? Theoretically? I don't know what API is. I know what APR is. No, it's not that.
god I hope not. I don't want to deal with any more money right now. Okay, resetting the APA sandbox. we got big We got big boys fucked recently because of because of that shit. so i just want I guess ah try to roll it again.
Alrighty, not a problem. one Because I like it. I like the... So the API scripts are what make the roles fancy. I can turn them off and it'll work fine. I just like it to be fancy because it's easier to read. There it goes. There you go. What the hell? Wow, that's a messy critical.
um So did I just surpass and get hungrier? ah I'm thinking. yeah So, the thing about messy critical is... yeah no! If I get... Oh, no, wait. I only have one one hunger. I can totally get a hunger. So, the thing about a messy critical is that it... um it either makes you hungrier or makes your vampiric nature add to your role. um So in this case, ah it's distant, but you hear um something that you would think ah is the sound of a classic howl of a wolf from a movie. ah However, I would like you to give me a
let me Let me look at this. um Damn, it really sounds like I missed a lot at that party. Give me a frenzy check difficulty one.
o oh dear Oh crap. the
oh crap we got Let me cancel cancel that real fast, because I didn't realize it already includes a difficulty in this. Okay, frenzy, no modifier, difficulty one. Okay, so um I didn't think you, were I hoped you weren't gonna, you know, frenzy from a difficulty one, but yeah, so you, um you hear this distant howl, and your beast inside you stirs at the sound of it in fear. This is,
I mean, you've got no um way of knowing what this specifically could be, but ah your beast recognizes it as a threat. Do I know which direction it generally came from? With a critical, I'll say it came from ah probably to... probably south, maybe. Okay, and does it does it sound close?
No, it was distant. Okay. Then on hearing it, Jerry is gonna go like straight as a board and not moving. Just like feeling that if I could sweat, I'm sure I would feel a bead of sweat on the back of my neck and probably on my upper lip right below my nose. I'd be like, I don't know what's going on, but I don't like that. Okay, we're going now.
So you head to your car um and start driving home. um The best way back to Houston would be to take I-45. That'd probably be your quickest, most direct route. However, you try to go to the I-45 exit. The exit's closed. um Basically, let me ah pull up my notes real quick. um You are stuck taking where the notes go.

Werewolf Attack and Battle

Oh, where'd you go? No, here it is. um yeah Your only real option is um Highway 75. It's not much traffic, but lots of woods, stuff like that. um Okay, I forget it that night. it's It shouldn't be that bad. Yeah, yeah. ah So you are you you you are you know more or less forced down that road.
um you know it's it's From Huntsville, you're you're probably looking at like an hour drive to wherever Jerry lives. 45 minutes speeding, especially considering you've got to take you know this way instead of the more direct route, plus this late at night. I'm not exactly worried about getting pulled over anymore. so Oh, yeah. okay How fast would you say Jerry's going?
oh he's Oh, he's being a total speed demon. He's going like 80, 85. Still not keeping up with some people in Houston, but kind of. Give me another wits plus awareness. OK, now I'm starting to get nervous.
Ron, why are you making me roll so many awareness checks? reasons wait wits plus awareness or where it's sorry awareness first always the skill first with this character sheet
Uh, okay. um that For everybody at home, that's a zero. I rolled a zero. Yep. But it's not a, um, it wasn't a, what's it called when you, when you, uh, get a crit fail. A brutal, sorry, I'm a brutal critical. Oh yeah. Whatever it's.
It's not a crit fail basically, just a fail. um ah So you're you're driving along, you're going about 80 miles an hour when suddenly a large shape smashes into the side of your car. Give me a drive plus dexterity check. Oh Jesus. Ron, I built my character around physical health, not driving. Jesus Christ.
Just turn this into underworld. Alright, you said drive plus decks. Any modifiers with that? Unless you're gonna rouse. Oh yeah, I'm definitely gonna rouse. like This is officially, I'm under it. i like Something's happening. i mean Let me double check something on your sheet real quick. Your rouse will add a plus two modifier.
Alright, so do you want to me to add the modifier now and then roll that around and check? Yeah, go ahead and add the modifier now. Because it it adds work regardless of if you get hungry or or not. plus to no not equals to
Three successes is pretty good. um That was the difficulty to more or less keep your car from flipping. um You do get hungrier. You do get hungrier.
ah So go ahead and bump your hunger up one. Yeah. And then um ah so you're going to take three points of um superficial damage. So go ahead and mark one click on on three of your health boxes as your car smashes into a tree.
One, two, three um Jerry, you've got a brief moment to react. ah You have smashed into a tree. You did not see the shape other than that a large shape smashed into you from the side. um but Currently you are able to you are facing the track yeah you are facing the tree airbags deployed. So I was able to rouse, I was able to know that I got hit by some dark shape,
Well, I got hungrier out of the basically out of the corner of your eye a dark shape you you You see the dark shape smash into the side of your car Your rouse check was to sick was to drive so you you managed to somewhat keep control of your car not enough to not crash but enough to not go into like a full-on flip, you know explosion type of crash and All right, airbags have deployed. yes i I did rouse, but I didn't do but a bless of life, which means i my system's not in shock. So I'm going to make like like a corrupt like ah knife hand. okay and i was dab through my airbag And I'm going to And while I deflate the airbag, I'm going to try to kick my door open or on.
Okay, to knife hand through an airbag, I'm going to need a roll for that. Absolutely. What would you like? A roll plus strength.
Or athletics. I could do athletics plus strength for for this. It's not an attack. so and It's not an attack on something that can defend itself. And you can always rouse if you so choose. You know what? i am I am going to go ahead and rouse for this. so Let me go ahead and rouse first. Okay.
Okay, big money, big money, big money, noami no Emmy, no Emmy, no Emmy, stop! Uh, you do not. Awesome! No hunger gain, so plus two bonus. Ugh! God, that feels so good. Athletics. Strength.
What's... Are you fucking kidding me? That's just one success. That's with the plus two. ah That's with the plus two. So so as as a vampire, I'm going to say um that i one success, you know this isnt for a human, this would be crazy. For a vampire, not so much. I'll say it works. You managed to deflate the airbags. um And what what were you doing? you're I assume opening the door.
i'm gonna I'm trying to kick it open because my plan is to basically make an entry and kind of, with speed, launch myself out of the car to try to assess the situation. Right. Alright, so you launch yourself out of the car with speed ah and then go ahead and give me um another awareness plus wits.
Okay, hero um so all that's gonna cost you is that you aren't gonna get any sort of bonus to this defense role that you're problem that you're about to do. um There is a large It's dark. Your character, I don't think, has any form of dark vision, night vision. Nope. You've got Since the Unseen, which allows you to see ghosts and stuff. I'm going to run to the restroom real quick. OK. And actually, just real quick, I'm going to Hayden. Yep.
Just so you can start looking at this, I'm going to give you access to your um character that you're going to be playing around with. It'll be under the flashback tab. You are playing this guy. Right now I am playing that guy for this role. but
We'll let Frank be Frank will be this dude because it'll be funny Oh, it would have been more funny to make you do this Hayden But I'll let you be the the coolest one for this this time since Frank got to be the crazy powerful guy last time In the last flashback, I guess he wasn't powerful during the flashback, but he came became powerful, okay? yeah so game powerful and He did um ah so You see the large hulking form of something large and brown um moving its towards you. um
Specifically its fist for this. Give me... You have two choices. You can simply try to dodge or you can try to counter-attack. Dodging uses athletics, counter-attack uses brawl.
Oh, give me one second. Just one second. I swear something is off here.
Oh wait, I can't do that. oh I'm going for the dodge. i am going for that I'm going for the dodge. Okay, so athletics plus dexterity to dodge. And real fast, before I do that dodge, can I rouse again? ah Yeah, you can always rouse. Sweet.
Hayden, if you're wondering why there's so much information, it's because um i I used chat GPT to make all these NPCs. Okay, I was wondering because I was like, this is pretty in depth. Yeah. So you do get hungrier. I do get hungrier, which, so when lie, y'all is about to start playing in my fucking favor. Yeah, I'm getting mad. So plus two bonus.
I get that plus two. The athletics plus decks and plus two. Three successes. Okay.
Also three successes. So um so this ah hulking fist comes at you. You manage to dodge out of the way because your three successes cancel out his three successes. um And now you finally get a good look at your opponent. He looks to be part man, part wolf.
And while it doesn't cause you to frenzy, you that feeling is is in you again, that that fear feeling. there's not As a vampire, you've never actually experienced this feeling. Sure, you've been perhaps afraid or intimidated when like the prince punches someone's jaw for things like that.
but it's never been like a ah primal fear. It's been more of the like, oh, this is logical. This is something inside you um that says this is dangerous.
okay And based on the fact that it straight up attacked me, I'm gonna have to make the assumption it uh... it wants to go I mean whatever assumptions you wanna make but yes it presumably is what ran into your car and also has punched at you all right
How much bigger is it than me? I'm going to say he's probably like eight feet.

Jerry's New Reality

Eight feet tall. Seven to eight feet, somewhere around there.
And built like... um ah what What is that animated character The Rock played in that? Maui? Maui, yeah. Okay.
I am going to try to run forward. And I'm going to dig my nails into my into my palm to get myself bleeding so I can activate ah corrosive vitae. OK. I will tell you that. um
I believe you've tried this before and it did not work. You tried this against um ah ah the the vampire dude Frank was playing, but um it doesn't work. Oh no, it works against living flesh. ah or no No, no, it doesn't work against living flesh. It only works against like non-living stuff.
Non-living but also not but undead counts as living so it only works against like dead stuff. That doesn't sound right. Now I actually think I remember this one. Okay. Then I've got a whole other plan entirely. I'm going to look this creature dead in the eye and I want to use my mesmerize ability. okay
Oh, thank you, God.
All right, let me double check Mesmerize. Why did that rouse me? Don't worry about that um until I double check. It does cost a rouse check, so you don't get any hungrier. But you need to roll. um but The reason it rouse you is because you clicked the the wrong dice button.
The dice it should be is manipulation plus your dominate. um Hold on, let me let me see if it's set up properly for you. Jerry.
Mesmeri. Yeah, so it's the the second dice basically. um Next to where it says the word discipline. Okay. But you needed to click the first one because it does have a rouse cost, so.
And so since that roused, do I get a plus two? ah No, that's just the cost to use this power. Gotcha. Two successes. Him being a supernatural creature, he gets a resistance roll. Let me pull Mesmerize up. Let's see. System ah to resist intelligence plus resolve. OK.
um Please let the big, let the big animal have low intelligence. Please. Fuck! Yeah, he barely registers your thing, your your attack, um and is gonna swing at you again.
With a critical hit, so... Fuck!
You can take so well you can do your dodge um So athletics plus dexterity to dodge you can you you can rouse of course, right? You've been getting lucky on your rouse checks and not getting hungrier No,
no not for this one not for this one um I can't I you know what yes I'm gonna add the plus two I'm gonna rouse after I make this roll okay hey did you do it
but Yes. There it goes. That's not sad. Okay, I need to check. So you still take two superficial damage. I went ahead and marked them. But let me double check what happens to a vampire when they're at that. I think you stay standing. um um Oh, thank God. I made my route check with a rousing success. Okay. Rousing success.
I just need to double check the index, um, health, 119.
See, I could have looked up these rules beforehand, but you know.

Cassidy's Backstory and Encounter

Um, health, health. Health is not on page 119, it lied to me.
So I noticed I have no more squares for superficial health loss. So at this point, is it all like real health? Yeah. Got it. that now I as a vampire, um even if you get to know real health left, you're not dead, you just fall into unconsciousness for a while. um Unless ah unless they use one of the type of things that like can actually kill kill you. um I think I am I got you. I'm trying to find out if you fall unconscious from this or because I'm pretty sure
Let's try damage. Damage. Okay, combat.
Okay, let's see here. Close combat.
um It is your turn, though, so what are you gonna... Well, I guess I gotta find this out, huh? Okay. Like, everything I'm gonna be doing is in response to this. Yeah.
I wish it was, like, somewhere obvious.
Okay, I'll just Google. VTM V5. What happens when damage. That should give me rules.
Okay, this ought to tell me what I need. Mark off boxes.
If your whole health track is filled with lethal damage, you fall into torpor. Yeah, I know as a mortal you would. um
you would ah start taking dice penalties, but I believe you do not take any penalties as you continue to fight.
Yeah, so you are still up. It's just all superficial damage for the moment, but it's about to start turning into lethal. So as soon as that happens and because I'm This hungry and thusly this mad, I'm going to try to jab forward with my with my with my hand and try to stab it in the eye. Okay. ah That would be roll right Brawl plus Strength.
ah right
And yes, I know I keep doing this by accident because I keep forgetting about rouse until I get to this point, but I am going to rouse again. okay That's fine. Two successes. Probably a good thing because I only got two successes. Let's start getting bad in a minute.
i got hungry yeah He's going to attempt to counter-attack two successes, but he's gonna spend a point of willpower and oh and bitch Does that I think that that didn't do what it's supposed to do let me try this I No? Okay. We're still looking at the two successes. Basically, you spend a point of real power and you can reroll up to three dice, so I'll just do it manually. 3d10.
ah That is three success- that bumps them up to five successes. um So you take, you know, three more damage. ah And the one of the types of combat options is after basically I can kind of just ah go into cinematic mode um once it kind of becomes clear who the winner is, ah which is what... Yeah. So, um ah Jerry puts up a good fight, but the problem is another werewolf arrives on scene.
um and uh joins in the fight and yes they do eventually knock you unconscious the last thing you remember is a large bludgeoning furry fist coming straight at your face and then you go down uh um ron real fast i just want to point out how kind of fucked it is that you included me getting attacked by dogs in your campaign he has a point i am ah quite sorry i did not think about that you're giving bill ptsd he's back up on that ac unit bro he's clinging for his life
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. it's ah it's it it's but it's I'm just joking. You know, I completely forgot about it until you just said it. I was like, damn. Right, yeah. I just realized that as he was like saying that another one shows up. oh Okay. But no, no it's and I honestly thought it was really fun.
Yeah, that's for context for everyone out there out there. I got attacked by some I got attacked by some large dogs. I'm fine. And this one's got awkward. So um I am out cold. Yeah, you're out cold. um The next thing that you know, is, ah well, go ahead and give me a rouse check. But your hunger won't increase.
if you fail. Okay, that's good. Because if it goes up any more. Alright, actually go ahead and reduce your hunger by one.
So the next thing you know, um you the first thing you notice is ah the taste of Really gross blood um Going down, you know rolling over your tongue down your throat However, that is what awakened you and I already healed you one point because that's what your rouse check was for to heal one superficial damage But it also gave you because you're being fed blood your hunger went down by one um as ah a
the The second thing you notice before you open your eyes is the sensation of fur against your lips and face. um and And then maybe now you open your eyes, I don't know, that's up to you.
ah Yeah, you bill. What are you doing? Okay, so you I don't know you your eyes open and um You see the bushy body of ah of a raccoon pressed against your lips Held in the hands of this goddamn bill Held in the hands of this man music um ah So, yes while Bill looks at that picture, his yes Sam Elliott is absolutely a werewolf. Sam Elliott's the picture I used, just so all of you know, so the audience knows. ah Also, Frank, um i under the flashback tab at the top of where the character sheets are, um you have an NPC that you'll be playing later.
um feel free to read over that just so you know it was created by chat gp which is why there is a ridiculous amount of information on this guy um ah yeah so the the the raccoon blood is drizzling down your throat as he's holding it to your face do you finish off the raccoon
Yes, yeah i am ah I'm not gonna be quiet about it. Yeah, yeah. So he holds it up up against your face and and then once like it seems like there's no more blood in this thing, he pulls it away from you and he's like, hey hey there, friend.
Looks like you've had a rough time of it. I'm just gonna look at him and then just be like, everybody might want to turn your mics down okay this is going to be like Frank,
um have you looked at that character sheet yet? I'm reading it over it now. Does the picture for him show up for you? I do not have a picture. For some reason it doesn't load up on mine either but there is a picture there if you like um did the ah
uh... well can you not chrome not allow you to do this anymore there should be a picture there whatever there's a picture of the guy uh... it doesn't really matter oh i see him yeah i don't know why he is if you press control and scroll inwards you can kind of zoom in on the picture that you got there weird um and um like two hundred in like or five hundred and i can barely see them but i i got it that's odd yeah i don't know what's wrong with his picture and the other NPCs. um Because the ones I did not create with chat... you his picture wasn't... has nothing to do with the text. Yet the text... the chat GPT characters seem to have made their pictures not work for some reason. But anyway, I don't know.
um uh the guy um oh yeah so um jerry screams uh and the uh the guy you know kind of like uh quietly waits for you to scream and um and he's like calm down now do you need do you need another one of these uh one of these little critters and he he holds up a uh struggling raccoon No, you both you let that thing go! he he ah he He sets it down and and lets it scurry off into the and you run along now, a little friend, and it goes away. It runs away. I'm literally just going to be like, you cannot call your little friend when you're about to brutally slaughter that thing! Jesus! it's nothing It's nothing that any other predator wouldn't do to its prey. Yes, but the difference is you're smart enough to think about it.
Well, I'm not. yeah I'm sorry. i'm had I'm having a rough night. I've been in a serious accident. I've been attacked by some animals this evening. I just left i just got i just left seeing somebody I know in prison. so Now, I'd appreciate it if you didn't call them animals.
ah They are they are good folk. We just need to get get your attention and maybe they got a little rough with you I do apologize for that um Travis he's just a little a little worked up over his sister ah and um He kind of like points towards a door and met you see kind of like outside, you know, you might see like just someone hanging out outside and and And then the guy turns to you and he says, look, obviously I know what you are. ah I wouldn't feed a normal person a raccoon to patch up their wounds.
um I know you probably prefer something else, but i'm not i that's not something I can participate in.
I you're only alive because we need information from you. And perhaps you can deliver a message for us. First, I've got a question for you. Do you know anyone by the name of Cassidy McAllister? You don't. up I'm gonna I'm gonna literally do like a dead pan like Uh, who? Didn't think so. What about the name, uh, Jesse Krauklis?
that That name you might recall. that sounds familiar' actually so yeah do i like the So that is one of the um Sires that you were searching for one of the three vampires who should have sired a um a Child on the night on New Year's Eve Okay, I'm gonna be like yeah, I yeah, I'm kind of trying to find him We got some we got questions for the guy
Well, unfortunately, he's not going to be able to answer your questions anymore. Uh, he's, he's with Jesus now. Or, well, I imagine he wouldn't be, but like, i guess okay, hold hold up, hold up, hold up. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You're a werewolf. You're talking to a vampire. We prefer the term vampire, but yes, I'm a werewolf. Okay.
and you're talking to a vampire about another vampire let's keep religion out of the conversation right now because i feel like we might yeah we might be something that kind of exist not quite within that spectrum Well, that's good because I don't actually follow any of the normal human religions if you want to call what what we follow a religion. that's Listen, I'm a bit of a shaman. I don't want to get into it, but I know you don't want to hear all about this. You want to know why why my boy out there attacked you. ah Yeah. so so We needed a vampire.
Mm-hmm so we could ask about this this Jesse feller who attacked who attacked Travis's sister out there now, let me
Cassidy, how about you come on in? And then a girl walks in ah and Bill, you can see her character sheet because you'll be playing her actually. um And he says, Cassidy, how about you tell this this ah this man what happened? And then the camera kind of you know spins in circles and and and goes into a flashback within a flashback. ah Bill, before I start talking, I'll give you a chance to look over your character sheets.
um your character will reference some other characters um uh Travis is being played by Hayden and Jake is being played by Frank fuck there's so much information yeah yeah chat gpt is kind of i'm not going to do this again um some of it you don't necessarily need to ah read through because it's just like information about werewolves in this setting and stuff. I mean, read through it, but it's not necessarily super important to your character um at this exact moment.

Cassidy and Jake's Romantic Adventure

ah just Just to let um some the the audience know, the camera spins around in circles and then and then reappears on Cassidy in the light of day. Cassidy is
um She is a ah country girl um who lives out in, I guess, maybe it's the woods. What's that forest by Huntsville? It's the Sam Houston National Forest, whatever. She lives out in the country.
um She is what's called a kinfolk, which is ah someone who ah sort of has the the werewolf, is related by blood to werewolves, but is not a werewolf. um And so she's you know she herself didn't get the werewolf gene. ah Werewolves in the world world of darkness are not turned, they are born. And they can be born from humans or wolves.
And it's ah it's a genetic thing. So anyway, Cassidy um ah kind of lives out on her land. She likes to go hunting and fishing and stuff like that. And she's got a boyfriend, Jake, being played by ah Frank and a brother who ah Jake doesn't know anything about the supernatural world. um But her brother, Travis, is a werewolf.
Let me know whenever you're ready to jump into this character, Bill.
okay right i think i i think i' be basic i think ah but kind to have some some of what i need to go on Yeah, and y'all are free to not stick exactly to all of this stuff, um but um you can make them your own. but And we're not going to do a super long flashback like the other ones probably.
um but I think I'm ready. The ah the scene fades in onto ah Cassidy, who is sitting down on the the tailgate of her truck um in the driveway ah next to ah her boyfriend, Jake, and she's just ah just cracked they've just cracked open a beer. and um it's I'll say it's nice.
You're welcome. i was looking for Something i would like i gotta yeah I have to have a can of something nearby. That's good zero. That was I'm a good boy. yeah i give you one thing actually have a beer give me a so Yeah Actually need need something to drink so I'll be right back You two have some like boyfriend girlfriend chitchat, okay Oh God
but be
So we're just chillin' on a tailgate. Is that what's goin' on? Sounds like it. That's what's goin' on, shit! Jesus, tell someone. Why do you sound 50? Because I'm old. You're supposed to be a teenager. Yeah, I've been smoking for so long. Yeah, you sound like that one manager at the... ah There's a...
certain restaurant that I do as a fast food chain. You sound just like her and it's terrifying. Like I said, my voice control has been kind of really weird without my teeth in.
so yeah me if so so I can't really do these type of things. I'm trying to do... When you take out your teeth, is it like a like the same sense of like taking off your shirt at the very end of a long day? or a Or is it just kind of like, my teeth are out?
No, they're actually cleaning, so whenever they're out, they're soaking in stuff to keep them clean. I wish I could do that. I know, brushing my teeth is my thing. Well, that's my girl.
yeah and poured him cheed out and wo boy Okay, then I'm gonna swat him upside the head be like no no dumb shit my teeth don't come out ah they um if like like talk when o tv channel well Well Jake is a good boy anyway, he's waiting till marriage I Oh, that's not in that is not anywhere in the backstory shred It is actually it should be what I didn't see that on there at all. That's because you don't want to breathe is a brick Jake is Mormon can confirm cannon.
she She's also been pressuring him to take the relationship to a more physical level, but as a Christian, Jake hasn't been able to bring himself to that. See? Christian, Mormon, same thing.
Okay. Oh, oh, Pookie Bear. You know, I'm just joking. So, uh, so Jake, um, where, where do you want to go to set up this, um, this New Year's Eve proposal?
um So I know that she wanted to go hunting tonight. ah Or fishing or something. um I figure going night fishing, do some spotlight fishing. You know under the moonlight might be alright, alright, alright.
Do you, uh, do you, does, how does Cassidy, is Cassidy into that? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Give me a second. Oh my God. See, I kind of wanted to let make Hayden do this, but, um, but it might get too real. Oh my God. Like I'm, I'm trying right now, but I'm dying. I'm, I'm.
yeah all right so we we fast forward yeah i'm so i'm so oh my god you guys are sitting on the dock at the pond um you've got uh you've got a we out there my john boat all right you're on your john boat out in the water you got a 10 cc uh trolling motor on there you've got one of those um one of those big uh one of those bigs uh... flat those like almost a spotlight flashlights uh... that you'd you're you know you're shining down trying to trying to lure the catfish and and bass over and stuff uh... we're going for some bowfish and you sure you're doing bowfish and okay you sir well um did i mean did did i say she i think i mentioned archery long is this a legal way to hunt fish feel like this it feels like
I've seen people do it, so yeah I have no idea. but ah but yes but you can illegally hunt deer you can illegally do my yeah of shit and that sounds like some to To be fair, spot I'm pretty sure spotlight fishing is illegal in Texas.
Oh, the spotlight finishing, okay. Yeah, I'm pretty sure spotlight finishing is illegal. I remember doing it as a kid. Yeah, I've done it too. We used to go out to my dad's friend's house out in Conroe back before Conroe was a real city. That's your limitations for a game offense, it's fine.
Um, well, uh, so Cassidy, I don't think she, she, you know, she's probably shot a bow or at least a crossbow every now and then, but she does, uh, she is pretty skilled with a shotgun. Like, Hey, she always has her, her, her 12 gauge right there with her, but you know, she's given the, she's given the bow a shot. She's gonna.
See how she does you're gonna take aim and stuff what so I think well I've got a rod and reel I got the bow in and the line all set up But I also got some dynamite if we want to go that step. Yes, sir Frank I don't think he's having a dynamite. I Don't know where it's it's more of just like a homemade pipe bomb But you know It's an explosion underwater. It's all better. Everyone at home, we do not condone the creation of explosives.
for legal reasons you don't want to go get you a handful of shotgun shells take out the shot adding the powder to a plastic container adding a fuse from a couple fireworks well Cassidy give me um a firearms plus dexterity i don't actually in and uh... no it with the bows it is dexterity firearms plus dexterity but we'll do a minus two to that because she's not super skilled at this and bow fishing in texas not easy the water's not clear yeah does she have uh that's why you gotta to do the spotlight yeah am i or am i doing that just off of my feet no use uh you should have cassidy's sheet i have her backstory oh hold up let me uh let's see in players oh
I've got buy-on info as well, I don't have anything else. I'll fix it, I'll fix it. Billy, you should be able to do it now.
And then Hayden is playing this guy who's not currently in the scene. Oh, I didn't, I didn't, I just gave you all the ability to to look at it, not edit them. Yeah, you can use them now.
Just so we're all clear, this is not like a professional bow fishing setup. It's literally just like a Gatorade bottle duct taped around the balance with the line wrapped around. It's the kind of bow fishing I've done. Yeah. Okay, let's be honest. Anyone here that's probably been bow fishing, that's probably the one.
I mean, they have like get an actual real on it and stuff. A Gatorade bottle sounds fancy. I just tied tied my arrow to the fishing pole, you know, to the fishing line and and had it hooked up to the fishing pole. I did take off the um the the the pole part of it so that it was just the rotten reel. That way it wouldn't so and wouldn't catch as much.
yeah that's pretty See the way I did it was just like a paracord type rope stuff. Oh It was just kind of wrapped around ah a Gatorade bottle that was like attached to a bow um That's how I've done it. Okay. Yeah, I used a fishing pole ah Yeah, so fire firearms plus dexterity um I'm still not actually able to load it up. It's just I've just got a white screen Click the X and then open it back up again. Yeah Still got it. Oh, there we go. There we go. I had to take it out. I had to make it a huge its own huge screen. Hmm Okay, so you said firearms plus decks. Yeah, I
Uh, three successes. So, um, uh, you know what? That's enough. Like with that light shining on the water, you see the ripple in the water of a fish and you shoot, shoot let that arrow loosen. And, uh, you don't really know you caught anything until you start pulling it back in. Um, but it definitely feels heavier than an arrow should feel. And, uh, you pull it out of the water and there's a ah big wriggling bass on it.
large mouth bass I don't know I knew I could do it and I know we had do we have bass in Baytown we're not in Baytown I'm sure we have I'm sure we have bass here in a well I mean in the Houston area yeah there's definitely bass and like Conroe and like you said you have in Baytown i was saying like gar something we're doing laker river fishing but yeah for lake hondre then yeah you're probably in lake houston maybe it you're just in some random pond in the woods actually but uh... i don't know she's got a big fish shits it's flailing it's it's flopping around on the end of the on the end of the arrow starting to slide down towards her hand there's water splashing all over her get her hair wet and stuff uh... And it's just the most beautiful sight you've ever seen.
That was the fish. I was trying to make fish choices. Oh, OK. That's why you say it. I don't have anything wet and floppy nearby, all right? Ah, but it just doesn't sound right. No, it's not meant to be.
and o and then good dogging good job by bugger
ah uh... and and you know midnights approaching and real fast casted he's going to pull out her shotgun and unload a couple of rounds so yeah straight in the water yo doo doo doo it's midnight did you bring any fireworks out on the boat bucket is this new year's yeah this is new year's eve oh shit, okay, yeah, we definitely have some fires We got flower gee sir the firearm plus yeah I Lot a couple of homemade ones and throw them out in the lake. I Mean bill you successfully shoot the water do any do any fish float up ah You know
a turtle floats up you got it you got a snapping turtle oh yeah okay i'm fine with that make some turtle soup easier so i'm pointing i'm pointing the the spotlight around and we're you know she's doing the shotgun thing we're throwing some some homemade uh festivities around. I took ah ah the ring out of my pocket and I put it in the bottom of the boat. Okay. And I'm like, baby, I think I dropped some down here. it did Can you help me look for it? And I kind of take the flashlight and point it to the bottom of the boat. It's like something kind of shiny down there.
Bill, that's your cue. Give me a second. Get into character. oppos
Asher baby, what's up? ah I dropped something. You see that shiny thing down there? It gets a bit down and grabbed it.
What, this? and And while she's like, like I kind of toss it to the other side of the boat, so she has to turn around and grab it. And I get down on one knee while I'm pointing the flashlight at it, waiting for her to grab it. Oh my God. do Do you find the ring?
ah Ron, do I find the ring? um Give me our investigation. Investigation plus wits.
Frank, I've never been so conflicted. At one point, i this is really romantic and I want to see where it goes, but also I wanted to fail so bad. So you said that was investigation plus wits.
Oh yeah, you find the ring. You find it. OK. Now going to react. OK, I'm going to turn around looking at the looking at the ring, being like, what, this? All right, when you you ain't turn around, you see me on my knee in the boat, trying not to rock it too bad, because it's a little tin-footer. Can I make a balance check?
yeah check or a cool check. and I think that'd be probably... No, actually, either I'm gonna have to make a balance check or Frank is gonna need to go or to roll a cool check. Frank's check for coolness. um I don't know.
Larceny plus... Larceny? I don't know about larceny. a I was thinking like... form it Performance? Performance, maybe? Performance plus charisma? Yeah, yeah.
I was just reading through it. I was like, Lexiny! Zero successes. I mean, I guess you're not cool, whatever that means. You're definitely wobbling, you know?
the uh... look it you can look at him that i can't even look at him down on his knee wobbling the boat trying to look so cool and failing so hard because it looks like he's trying so hard there's gonna look at the ring and think of all the great times that they've had together be like i love you bigo and she's gonna go ahead she goingnna go ahead and him like they're on the boat. That's what's going to happen. So so just the just a ah quick description. I'm handsome, rugged, mid-20s, strong and muscular. Well, I thought that was me.
short sandy blonde hair and captivating hazel eyes that reflect his warm and so warmth and sincerity. However, if you would like to see a picture that I chose that apparently goes with all of that, um I'll drop it in the the chat here. so that it He's a little bit of a larger larger dude, but you know.
So you look over. And I go, Cassidy, you know, we've been together now for a mere, mere some amount of time. And, uh, you know, I love you and, and I just want to make you mine. And I know you want to, is that Cassidy? Yeah. Shit. Maybe I made a wrong choice.
ah god You know what, Frank? You know what, Frank?

Unexpected Attack and Struggle

Oh, i'm just checking out this josh baby girl oh no this is bill talking right now god i want to met us so bad ah at me back in character and what the fuck with you babe you just started making weird noises
You make me bigger. You know, I love you. I've been in love with you for for however long we've been together now because I didn't read. I don't think it's said you let this moment. I don't think it's said. No, you let this moment get so romantic. Come on. Don't you do that to me. It doesn't say how long we've been together. All right. It doesn't. Yeah. Has been dating cats before a while now. OK. No, it actually it actually doesn't.
Yeah. So there's no, there's no amount of time, but baby girl, we've been dating for a while now and, and I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you and uh, and know I just want to make you mine. So, uh, what do you say? I pull my hat off and I hold it bit over my heart. You want to, you want to make me the happiest man of the world or at least on this boat.
And this this is the brother just for for when he pops in, that's the brother. And I can't see anything you're posting. They're all in the game chat. Oh, that is the underscore. You can look at them and be like, I love you, you big old. Wait, the picture you post, isn't that a country singer? I don't know. Yes, it is. I was thinking it's either a country singer or it's somebody from a show.
Yeah, I mean he definitely looks familiar, but and then the girl holding up sees a country what looks like a fox or a dog Yeah, yeah for the listeners um because I'm terrible at describing things, but I'm Jake that is roadkill Jake is um ah He's got a a full beard um he's wearing a you know ah ah a cap he's he's ah you know a little bit on the larger side, but I In the picture, you can't see it, but he's also got some a little bit of muscle to him. you know he's He's not a bad looking guy. um Cassidy's got, I think that's brown hair. um In her picture, she's wearing camo and is holding a dead fox or something. um That would be ah like mid back length reddish brown hair. And then the brother. and that thousand watts smile That's Bill's character, right? Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
And the brother... And the brother is that creepy looking dude there at the bottom. yeah He's clean shaven, I don't know. I just searched country people. He looks like he's 14, but also like 27. Yeah, yeah, for sure. He's got one of those faces. No, yeah, like... With where I know I live, we we call we call these guys like those pretty country boys. Okay.
Why does it sound like we're about to- No, no, no, it's like- It's like, you know. Welcome to the late night version of this podcast, you know, man? Yeah. Yeah. It's like, you know, country is like some pretty boys. yeah Yeah. Yeah. It's like country is like a fastest state before. So, so the two of you embrace, you know, you probably at least kiss. Um, and, uh, yeah, you guys have to act it out, act it out. trank oh Oh my God. Please drive over to Bill's house. We need to like hear the sounds. Um, have you acted out?
i don't know if it's freaking me out ah as as they're doing all that well well well well well well well let me let let let let's see if you have a point real quick god damn it i'll have a coin uh-huh roll a d4 bill heads i mean i'm i even said no no no bill heads or tails it's That is tails so Jake um Give me a awareness plus wits And user awareness plus wits
awareness plus wits submit one success okay that's enough um this thing isn't hiding you see uh on the shore um a uh uh could be a dog could be a coyote maybe it's a wolf um just like standing on the shore looking in y'all's direction um i freeze and i go maybe don't move reach down slowly and grab a shotgun.
And I and I and I reached down slowly to grab mine. OK. She's going to pop her head up. What are you talking about? Just don't look. Don't move too quickly. There's something over in. Shut up. I ain't know. And now for Dale, just because you pro proposed to me, she had what are you looking at? I love this.
yeah If you have been hunting at least once, you would know if you're out there with a couple rednecks. We are on a boat in the water. You've never hunted from a boat before? yeah Yes. You brought your shotgun, for God's sake. That was just there that was just a shoot at shit. I'm like, I want to know what it is you're aiming at.
We're not aiming yet. We got to grab the weapons first. And I was going to explain. Babe, babe, this marriage is already heading downhill.
There appears to be a wolf slash dog slash coyote looking fucking thing over in them bushes. And we're a little close. Okay, so I'm saying reach down slowly, grab your shotgun. da yeah First off, you better watch your attitude when you talk to me, okay? If you want this happening, if you want this happening, now hold on it just a second, let me just take take a look, okay? Do I recognize it? No, you don't recognize this wolf.
um And it's it's watching y'all, and then um as it notices um Jake like reaching for the gun, it like turns and just like darts off into the... Oh, okay. ah Jake fires, that's three successes. I wonder what a wolf... Are there stats for for this? Let's see. Right as soon as he fires, I'm also gonna fire.
Okay. You're a little too slow on the draw there, bud. I was gonna let, I was gonna goddamn let Ron finish it when he was doing. I knew he was gonna do that. Oh, he blends off. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I know there's animals in here. Let me just get to the animals.
There it is, animals. Okay. um A wolf has a physical pool of 6. So it rolls at 10d6 or 6d10.
Shouldn't it try and dodge or something first? That's what it's trying to do. Ooh, that's it. It's a crickness dodge too, which actually bumps it up high enough to definitely dodge. So it runs off faster than you guys can like. I mean, your shotgun shots are accurate enough. They, well, I don't know about bills, but you know, that the bush that it was standing next to gets. I wasn't actually. Yeah, it gets blasted. I wasn't actually shooting. I was just being shitty. yeah the bush gets blasted uh... uh... and uh... and all torn up and stuff but uh... the wolf the wolf ran off where you'll see it well she indeed we have was unnecessary well i just wanted to get you a nice wolf coat my buddy jimbo down at the lodge can probably get that put together pretty well
hey Yes, ma'am. No, ah no, I don't want to hear that again. Which Jimbo, Lodge, her code. All right. All right. Now, which for um Cassidy, you go ahead and give me an awareness plus wits.
What are your successes? damn y'all y'all are rolling good ah there's a gaator coming towards y'all's boat
I'm to unload. what what i will say as someone who has had this happen before when gators come towards their boat they usually just go under it and bump the bottom of it But, uh... Now Cassie got, uh... Cassie got pissed off, so if you're gonna unload it... If you're gonna unload it straight into this gator. Firearms plus death... Plus, uh... Firearms plus death. Yes, you were correct. Plus death. Plus, um, dexterity. Actually, well... Firearms plus death. Oh, man, that... So... Shotguns deal a lot of damage. This gator's dead.
ah Yeah, so an alligator, y'all blast this alligator. Both of you unload on it. um And it you know it stops it stops and kind of sinks. I guess it would sink. Most things sink before they float.
i'm diving it I'm diving into the water. I throw the my shotgun down, I take my boots off, and I dive into the water to yeah to get that gator, because I want that gator. All right, um give me an athletics plus um dexterity.
God, I remember the first time I dove into the water after a gator.
It was little. It was a little. I just wanted to catch it. What do you think, Seth? OK. Before we get into that.
I googled it, and sometimes they float, and sometimes they sink. Interesting. Apparently, that's a ah question somebody's asked. It's been answered. um It was out of Mississippi, apparently.
There it is. Okay. That's what I was after. That's surprising. I but thought I've been Louisiana. I just need to look up. Alligator hunting guide.
You know, I'm surprised the first thing that popped up wasn't from like Louisiana. I probably, I probably spelled it correctly and that's probably the problem. Where's the button on this? Okay. That happens. Get it spelling it correctly. Um,
And then we do this plus this.
Oh. The legal methods to take for alligators include fishing rods using weighted hooks, fishing rods using artificial lures, bang sticks,
yeah It somebody somebody he says bang sticks. um okay They're so easy to make from home. It's so dumb. Wow. Bose, crossbows, pre-charged pneumatic air bows, gigs, harpoons, spears, and spear guns. I guess I guess i should give you a roll first. um Jake, give me a um an awareness plus wits.
Something tells me I'm not very witty. oh Like, I'm in success. All right. That's not enough. um You feel the boat rock for a brief second before you feel something, four somethings slice across your throat. you take You take five aggravated, nope, it's seven aggravated damage, which Jake jake is dead. um four five Yeah, it's seven, so.
ah Yep, i'm I'm dead. So something, Jake feels something rake across his throat and he goes to the ground. um
Bill ah Cassidy grabs hold of this alligator and pulls it back to the surface. Your head bursts from the water.
ah Okay, so she's gonna... Has Jake already gone down or does she see him like... You look over at the boat and Jake's not... You you don't see Jake.
She's gonna start swimming over there. Yeah, I'm gonna allow that. there As you get closer, you hear those noises Frank was making. the We're going to let go of the gator if he's going to get over to the boat and try to climb back in. ah You climb into the boat, you see as you're climbing in, you see Jake on the ground, his throat is bleeding. um It's been basically torn. Well, now there are four, ah look like four knife slices across his throat. Approximately half an inch. ah an How far would this be?
ah she's go an inch An inch apart. We're looking for a wolf. An inch to have an inch apart. I'm looking at my hand. um'm looking at my hand with my my hand shaped in a in a claw yeah um but yeah she's going to uh run she's going to uh dash forward and try to place her hands on the woods be like babe babe oh my god oh my god no no no no baby baby okay okay it's fine it's okay it's okay i'm gonna call 911 okay oh my god she goes she's gonna reach for her phone she's going to you know do the obligatory oh my god call 911
to call a 9-1-1. Hey, do you want to be the 9-1-1 operator? Yeah. He calls 9-1-1. She calls 9-1-1.
Damn. Shit, I am so sorry. How do they even pick up the phone I've never called 9-1-1 before? 9-1-1, what's your emergency? It's usually the the standard. 9-1-1, what's your emergency? nine-one-one what's your emergency all i got out of it i'm down at the lake my boyfriend he's it's not been cut something's something is cut at my book my my my boyfriend's throat please ma'am please and what lake are you at ma'am as as i don't know i don't know i guess that i don't know what is the closest road to your destination cassie cassie the boat moves it shakes as if something climbed onto it behind you
she's gonna turn around and looks at uh... pausing on that uh... there is a uh... uh... this is person no there's there is looks like someone's trying to slap you but they got some long fingernails that's what's coming towards you i'm gonna i'm going to duck down and try to dive into the water Okay, give me athletics plus dexterity. That's smart.
Okay, come on, come on, come on, order successes!
wow i got even with a rouse check no successes um yeah you duck this this uh talon slash that's what it is but you know i didn't like you don't know that um and uh and you duck it and dive into the water a moment later you hear a splash behind you no never mind you don't Oh, I didn't come up. I dove into the... It's like Conrad. You're not going to be able to see through that water. I'm diving down. Okay.
let me let Let's see here. I'm going to dive down. I'm going to dive downward probably like 10, 12 feet. And then I'm going to try to just swim in a direction as far as I can get underwater before I need to come back up. Okay.
um something deals one superficial damage to you. You feel something bites you. Not, you know what? It's, I've never seen one of these up close enough to know how big it is. I'm thinking it's the, ah it it feels like something the size of maybe a fist bit you.
loa Like a garfish we're talk you don't know you're in the free and dark brown like but something just bit you on On your like, I don't know your your leg as you were swimming Didn't you know what let's see if it holds on Three successes that thing holds on Something has bit you and is holding on. i it It feels heavy, but not not so heavy that you can't like continue to struggle forward. ah ah While she's swimming, she's gonna reach her other leg forward and try to kick it off of her ah off of her leg. All right, give me a ah brawl plus strength minus one for not being able to see it and being in the water, you know, just. Yeah, all strength. And then 911 operator has been very quiet.
Well, if she's in the water, she's not here. Fuck! You kick at it and you feel a hard um but pointy surface. Not pointy to where it's sharp, but like kind of pointy. Fucking snapping turtle. God damn it.
pocket She's going to just keep on swimming. yeah okay um give me I guess give me a athletics plus strength to see how far you can get before you're forced to come up you know for air.
One success. One success. You know what that makes sense? I got bit on the legs. You don't make it very far. You you pop to the surface. um You're kicking your legs and you see an alligator snapping turtle on the holding onto your leg.
um And you don't see the figure in the boat.
It's going to kind of dark my eyes around, try to see if I can see anything in the water. Now, because Frank said that that wolf was close to you all, you weren't far from shore, so you're able to make it to shore pretty quickly and probably kick this thing off you. um Yeah. Yeah, it it it does. it it You know, you'd think maybe it would let go, but you've you've heard these things are stubborn. You've never been bit by one of these things, but um it's more stubborn than you expected.
I'm gonna take the I'm gonna take the pocket knife out of my pocket and I'm just gonna cut its throat Yeah, I'll also say you don't have your shotgun, but you've you've got your pistol um Probably and it's holster as well. But yeah the knife um knife works too. That is a um ah Melee plus dexterity
One success, it's a turtle, you cut its throat, it's no problem. um and yeah And then the jaw kind of loosens. um yeah fun Fun fact, everybody, it sucks, but if you're in the situation, don't try to price a jaw open, you're not going to be able to.
And yeah, so you are you're limping um when ah this um this man, I guess I'll show you all the picture of the man. He is a oh he's a creeper.
um His picture should show up. ah Oh. Is that the crow next to him? now you know i don't know what that is uh... it's uh... kind of familiar if he's
something black I can't tell what that is but the guy is um he's wearing like a uh that looks kind of like a turtleneck um and some jeans he's uh got short hair um short cropped hair uh clean face um looks looks maybe maybe looks foreign a little pale uh and the guy um takes a step towards you and says uh he ah
What's he going to say?
He says, you're you're you're putting up more of a fight than I than i thought you would. that That bodes well for your survival in the in the in the nights to come, and then he takes a step towards you.
I she's gonna put she's gonna pour up a saw be like hey back up let me see if he has any the speedy stuff I don't think he does arm nope no speed up I can tell you don't have to worry about your house I can tell you this much right now I'm already pissed the fuck off I have family around here you try anything even if you get away you will be hunted down So his eyes turn red and start to glow, and he says, um he says drop the gun, there's no point in fighting anymore.
Two successes for an intimidation. You know, I'm gonna say you grew up with werewolves. You're not intimidated by this, but now you know this this ain't no normal ah normal man here. And he takes another step towards you.
I'm gonna but i'm gonna fire to fire three times in the center of mass. Okay, give me a firearms plus ah dexterity.
three Okay, the dude doesn't even try to dodge. As you start to pull the trigger, he runs towards you. um Pistol does... Where's my chart?
Okay, so it does an extra damage, but he's a vampire, so it doesn't do full damage. um he he keeps right He runs right at you, taking these gunshots, you know, center mass, like it doesn't even bother him. um And, you know, well he should roll for it. I can't just give it to him. He's going to tackle you. I'll have him rouse. Bitch can try.
five successes to tackle you. And let's see if he gets hungrier from that. He does. ah And yeah, so the dude tries to tackle you. It depends on if you're trying to counter attack or if you're trying to just dodge it. um Brawl will counter attack. And just just so y'all know for the rules, of I guess I can make sure you can see his roles now.
ah So y'all know the rules on that kind of stuff. um For the counter attack to work, you have to get more successes, and then the the assess successes you deal you get over what they rolled count as damage. That being said, he rolled five successes, you rolled two. um So he tackles you to the ground, you take three superficial damage. And what's Casti at? You already took one from the turtle. So four total.
So I have one superficial damage left. OK. Honestly, that turtle, I feel like that would not be superficial damage. I don't know. Yeah, change one of those to an X. Click them one more time. OK, that one, that one, act that oh that one feels right, because whatever's in the way, it's going through it.
okay now you're going to get a uh... role too uh... kind of defended it defend against this um... give me uh... athletics i got a role at the level of the shooting the dick oh uh... firearms plus uh... dexterity just to assume three successes uh... so that would be Two damage. No, I'm going to give him a composure plus resolve.
always seemed to the d
Okay. I'm going to give him a negative two penalty to his attack here. ah because he got two successes um and you got four damage basically because he didn't try to

Cassidy's Transformation and Family Bond

dodge. um ah He is trying to bite you. He's going to rouse because now he's pissed. Let me see if he gets hungrier first. He does not get hungrier so we're going to do brawl plus strength to try and bite into you. You would have been able to try to um
you know, defend against Aperture with the gun instead, five successes, that is a bite. He bites into you, and goddamn, it feels good. I mean, it initially hurts, but then it starts to feel good. um And give me a composure, composure plus resolve.
to see if you keep your wits about enough um to, ah actually you know what, not composure plus resolve, to see if you keep your wits about you enough to um not let this happen.
Oh, composure plus resolve, there it is. yeah
Actually, it might be a willpower, but um it's fine. We've already done composure, so. Holy moly. Well, okay. Let me, one, two, three, four, five. I don't think it's going to matter, to be honest, because you just took a lot of damage.
Basically, i mean this you fight all the way to the end, you fight him, um but he he's already hurt you, yeah so has the snapping turtle. um you You struggle against him, but eventually you're getting weaker and weaker until there's nothing you can do, um and the last drop of blood leaves your body.
and you and you die. You probably die before that to be honest, ah but drains you dry, um an unknown amount of time passes, ah but we're going to switch over to ah travis thunderclaw macallier you have been out runningn with the pack as as you guys do on on ah new year you know to celebrate the new year and stuff and
um all that but you ah You finish doing that and you're on your way back to meet up with Cassidy. um You know, you get there about 12, 30 or so. ah And as you are approaching, um you don't need to roll for this or anything. You smell ah something vile, um what you recognize as the scent of the worm. The worm is a powerful spirit, maybe a god, um depending on who you ask, that is the spirit of um entropy in the world and kind of the thing that the werewolves were created by Gaia to fight against. um You smell the scent of the worm in the area as you approach the lake that Cassidy and Jake were supposed to be ah fishing on.
With your being that you're a werewolf, you've probably got a keen sense of smell. Also, you smell the smell of, you know, recent gunfire as well. And blood. All of that comes to your nose. Would I be able to tell, like, if there's... Because I know my sister was there, and if there's blood, would I be able to smell if it was my sister, since it's related to mine?
You can do a roll for that. um What would that be? Awareness plus intelligence.
And since it's scent based, I'll say plus two. You're in human form, but I'm saying that you still have a good sense of smell. I mean, you might not even be in human form just yet. or ah You do smell your sister's blood.
And you probably recognize Jake's scent in general. You've probably never smelled him bleed, but you've definitely you definitely smell your sister's blood. All right. I guess I call out for her.
She does not answer.
Do I smell anything else besides the smell of the worm? That's the main thing you smell. okay and the The smell of the worm is a vampire, correct? because No, worm it's not a vampire. It is the scent left by creatures of the worm or those who have been tainted by the worm.
um Oh, so the worm is basically like a God that has cursed other creatures. More or less, yes. Okay. um With that awareness plus intelligence I'll throw in, this isn't enough to definitely be like a direct like monster spirit thing. Like this is something that's been tainted by the worm. Yeah.
I guess I will follow the smell until I can find where potentially my sister's blood leads me to. So you follow the smell to your sister's blood. You you see her before you know you before you get to her. She is laying on the ground. There's definitely blood. um ah Nobody else is there. And ah Cassidy, york you you are just coming back into, um like,
Awareness, I guess you're waking up. um I've put your hunger at four um You know, there's a smell of blood and everything in the air so go ahead and write off the back cast bill to do a frenzy check and that is gonna be Difficulty three
as you awaken from
one Five successes. ah So you don't frenzy, um but you wake up, um you feel you feel weird, you feel alert, um you you feel really hungry.
Cassidy knows enough. um I don't remember exactly what I put about, did i if I put anything about her knowledge of vampires specifically, let me see. um
Uh, you're not like... deeply seated in uh... the the like everything the werewolf uh... that that the pack does bottom you know you know enough plus you've seen the movies you've seen movies and stuff you're pretty sure you were attacked by a vampire maybe it doesn't quite click yet that you're a vampire now but you've woken up the vampires nowhere to be seen and you hear your you you hear with the clarity that you've not had before, footsteps approaching, you turn your head and see your brother running towards you. Brother, you know, Travis, um your sister, you smell her blood, but also the taint of the worm, you smell it all around her.
and And yeah, she kind of just like gets up and is like whoa what the hell and so with her would she smell different now, like completely different. so if the She smells out of character, I know what just happened. Yeah, there is the undertone of her, but there is the scent of the worm as well. Now, being closer, I'm going to say you do smell two different scents.
Hers, which to you, to your werewolf knows, yeah it smells bad. She's definitely tainted, but there's another smell that is way more tainted than her.
um Travis has probably at least seen a vampire, um you know, been in the presence of a vampire, like maybe not fought one before, but um him knowing about, you know, knowing what werewolves know and stuff, um he knows that an older vampire, ah usually that the worm taint doesn't just like immediately take them over. It's, it yeah you know, it's it it builds over time.
So that that would explain why she doesn't smell as tainted. I guess I should make two roles. One, determining whether my sister is actually dying, like she's coming out of a fade and but going to go back into one. Yeah. um And then the next one is determining where the smell is coming from. um The smell of the greater. Yeah. Let me look at Travis's skills to see if I gave you... He has no skills in medicine.
No, he's a warrior. Does he have a cult now? um yeah Chat GPT determined his skills as well. So go ahead and just do um awareness um plus wits now. Awareness plus wits.
One success. What were you... ah She... The first rule is to determine whether my sister is actually dying. I think that with that, do you think she's probably already dead?
Like, out of character, I know what you mean, but like in character, like I... I think he would know what that means. She looks dead? She smells dead. She smells dead, but she's alive. Yes.
Oh, shit. Okay. Yeah, well, I knew that, but now Travis is realizing. um With him realizing that, ah go ahead and roll a Frenzy check for him, difficulty three at the very bottom. Frenzy plus what? Three? Difficulty three, yeah.
Not modifiers when it when it gets to difficulty. Okay, I'll redo.
Okay, ah so anger wells up in you um ah at what has been done to your sister, but you don't go into a ah ah ah rage immediately. Yeah, so I guess the next thing I would do would be a survival plus wits. Okay.
to determine if I was this bastard or a vampire, where would I be? okay Any modifiers? ah Go ahead and do plus two. Plus two for the smell.
Whoo, shit! Shit! So, yeah, just like as you're running up, you are able to tell your sister she's dead, um you're able to smell and see, you know, the tracks and stuff of which way the vampire went, or the other being, you know, which you would assume is a vampire at this point, probably, but... um I think... I think Travis, given his bio,
understands his sister's good for now, and understands what's happening to her, but he's still gonna go and try to murder whatever just did this to her. yeah So he's gonna transform into a werewolf? I don't know how this works. Or does this have to be full moon werewolf? No, they can transform anytime they want. Alright, so he's gonna transform and go hunting.
So Cassidy, you see your brother run up, um do a quick look, and immediately start transforming and tearing off into the forest. You've, of course, seen him transform before. You grew up around werewolves. This is no big deal to you as far as seeing that. A normal human, like if Jake was alive and saw this, um he would have to make a ah ah fear type check. um Right. Well, she's going to look after him. Does she still have her gun? Yeah.
It was on the ground next to you. yeah i mean he grabs She grabs gun and is like, Travis! Travis, wait! Is he going to run after him? All right. You're faster than you remember being, but you can't keep up with the werewolf.
um he's ah He's heading off now. um Do you want to transform into wolf form? I'll say you're faster in wolf form, or do you want to be the the hybrid form?
oh shit she's an undead wolf no you you can transform into a full wolf you can basically turn into like a dire wolf or or you're you' hybrid you know half man half will form uh... which one is more kick-assery it seems funny because actually hayden i thought he was saying the exact same yeah i thought it was like oh am i a vampire werewolf no no judge you can't do that intense that is a power that she could get later uh... uh... with the uh... gangro powers but uh... so yeah you're more kick-assery form is definitely the the hybrid form well i guess hybrid form
Okay, um let let me roll something for this thing here. Let's see if it notices you coming for him, if vampire person notices.
Ooh, a messy critical. It's about to be a fucking fight. I'm going to say it definitely definitely notices you coming. um And he stops and we'll we'll go ahead and see if, let let's have him, he's going to try and try to hide for you.
Uh, no, I mean, werewolf and the real game have tons of abilities, but I didn't get into all that. Um, you just have a plus five bonus to all physical and intimidation rules and your health goes up by three right now. Um, so.
Maybe he knows he can't outrun a werewolf

Confrontation with the Vampire

either. ah He stands. I guess he's got to roll this. Let's see if he gets hungry. He's getting hungry. well no his hunger Actually, he's not hungry at all, so his hunger goes up by one because he just drained a human dry.
um ah he arouses to as you are you spot this guy hes stopped to hold his ground and um and he claws sprout from his fingertips and he yeah he holds his ground and prepares for a fight
Well, I guess I'll throw the first punch. Yep, yep. You get a plus one, assuming you are using your Claws. Yep, assuming whatever gives me the most, I'm going to kill you. And it would be Brawl plus strength. Brawl. And then plus one for the Claws. Brawl plus strength, plus one. Five success. Okay, first he's going to rouse.
Not hungrier. He's gonna try and counter-attack.
Oh, damn. Okay. ah ah So, hold on, I need to check how much damage the claws deal real quick. Holy fuck, I just realized that nine successes was literally all the dice he rolled. Yeah.
um Yeah, so he ah you you swipe at him with your claw, he ducks under it and slashes across your arm with ah with his own claws. That's going to deal 4 damage to Travis, 4 lethal damage actually. yeah Because it's the claws.
um And I guess you can go again.
So I imagine healing takes a turn, right? You can basically do a rouse check. um And no, it's not a turn. It goes it it happens. like You can just heal. um So for for the mappire for the werewolf, hunger is rage. So go ahead and increase your hunger by one. um But you heal three damage because werewolves be healing. They're hard to kill. yeah
but there is And his um his claws are not silver, so they deal lethal damage, but not like damage you can't easily heal. I guess I will go ahead and do another swipe at him. Since I don't really have any powers. yeah
I'll say if you howl, um you could like call upon your pack. I'd say that too. don't That doesn't necessarily mean they're anywhere nearby. um But yeah, you you let out a howl. This dude is pretty good. um Three damage. Because he deals a plus two damage with his claws.
So I took down three damage. Am I coming upon them at all? ah you Yeah, I'll say you you've now arrived on scene. You see your brother getting his ass kicked. That's what you see. No one kicks my brother's ass but me. They're brawl plus string. And do I recognize this thing as a thing that... Dad, I'm rolling worse and worse.
Ron, do I recognize this thing as the thing that I just shot? Yes, yes. This time he tries to... Ooh, you hit him. um So you you you get a good slash on him. um And werewolf claws die... I'll probably make them deal the... I'll say they probably deal more damage than a vampire's claws, so they'll deal an extra three damage instead of an extra two damage. So...
So yeah, you rake your claw across his his chest as he tries to dodge out of the way. um And he he grunts in pain.
i want to run I also want to run forward and try to and try to get right up on this on this guy and like try to fucking shoot him in the head. OK, give me a um ah firearms plus ah ah dexterity.
4 successes actually since he doesn't have the super speed I believe he takes a penalty to dodging bullets should if you don't have super speed yeah probably damned if I get a vanish for when I get shot at yeah I know right well two okay so that's one success so he negates one damage your bullet pistol does an extra
It's a light gunshot, so an extra two damage, so that'd be five, but it's superficial to vampires, so two superficial damage. Oh yeah, at this point, ah I know that whatever it is, it is winning against my brother in his hybrid werewolf form, yeah so I'm just like, I just need to try to cripple this thing so that he can go in for the kill.
um The thing is going to attempt to heal that damage. He just took ah well, I guess he does Heal that damage because it it's automatic. He heals his thing is I think it's yeah, he heals two of those damages um Yeah, the the gunshot wounds you see your bullets pierced into them, but then they that they close right back up um however He's going to try and turn to run. um So he's going to do an athletics plus dex.
um oh So he starts running um pretty quickly. tackle them what like um Okay, athletics plus dex. You can rouse, but you're at four hunger.
You don't know how to rouse, but it's it was instinctual. It's instinctual. So is it yeah? Oh, it's been a while since I read the lore Yeah, I'm gonna try to rouse You don't get hungry. That's nice So plus plus ah two bonus So that was athletics plus strength Athletics you're trying to tackle me out plus strength. Yeah, yeah okay
Four. four um So let's see, that most of those were hunger. You can spend a willpower to reroll one dice. um So under your willpower, if you want to do that, there's WP reroll and then just say one give you one. If you want to do that. i mean
Yeah, I do want to do that, so that minus one. So is it a WP reroll? Yeah, and then just change it to one.
OK, so that bumps it up to five successes. um Now, ah because I assumed that Travis would also be um reacting to this, do you want to try and help her? Yeah. So go ahead and do also athletics plus strength. And I i think I said you get a crazy bonus. I think it was like plus five plus five for any physical checks, yeah. That's right. You should be rolling plus five on your attacks as well, by the way.
Okay. I forgot about that. Yeah. So I should have been winning this entire time. Yes, you should have been winning this entire time. You should have been winning this whole fucking thing. Yeah, so all of that, um you two tackle them to the ground. He'll take some superficial, like one superficial from that, but for a vampire, that doesn't matter. Yeah, you'll tackle them to the ground.
um he hits the ground he's gonna try and I'm gonna give him a penalty but he's gonna try and slash um ah the werewolf with his claws as he's on the ground we'll give him a I don't know like a difficult thing two people on him so I'll make it harder um that's a three success slash ah
You can, um I mean, try to dodge it, but that'll make you, ah I think if you did a brawl plus strength, um Hayden, you could, ah yeah, that would be a counter, so you could stop him from slashing you. And this time, plus five.
yes yeah
Still only four, but I mean, that's enough to stop him and you deal a damage to him. Or no, no, it's your claws. So, yeah, you stop him. um how do you How do you want to, like, do you think you're going to kill this guy? I would imagine. Well, yeah I think Lore we've already, or Cannon we've already said, he's, that this vampire is dead. So yeah, how do you kill him? He tries to slash at you while you've got him pinned, how do you kill him?
um I think the most pissed off version I can be is ripping out his jugular with my jaws. That sounds about right to me so you rip it out. And and at this point I think this is where the scene um fade fades to black and we fade in on um on ah Cassidy having told that story.
ah and Cassidy ah and and then um the other guy says Yeah, and so so that's what happened ah So obviously we're a little we're a little miffed about that ah You you you're you're you're Ken killed our girl here and We we want we want vengeance
vengeance on the one who ordered it done. Well, I can't promise you that vengeance. Trust me, I know, and as far as I know, I think that the guy that did this had an order for someone else. And I think he kind of just went off and did his own thing. But in order to find more out more about out out about that, since he's dead, let me see you guys,
I have to bring her in. Now, before I get to... Well, hold on, hold on, hold on.

Negotiating Cassidy's Fate

Now, before we're doing talking about anything, I have fully willing to give you my word that she is coming back.
but But... Well, where where are you taking her? Into the city of Houston. um So you know who you know what I am, yeah? I know what you are. Great. And guess what? I was also turned against my will really fucking recently. Like the last like ah in the last few weeks.
He leans towards you and takes a big whiff of you. um and jerry has You've got eight humanity, so you know you're not very tainted. You smell young. um you Jerry has never killed anyone right as a vampire, or not he's never drained someone dry, so he doesn't have any of that that taint on him, not counting the raccoon.
um who But uh, yeah um and He says He he says um I'm inclined to believe you so This this seemed This seemed pretty pretty random. Why why would this have happened?
we We had a truce with your but your your big boss back there. He stays out of our turf. Y'all stay out of our turf, we stay out of yours. Wait, you you know him? You know that crazy that crazy bastard? I don't know him myself. But a long time ago, a truce was made. too far away Might as well have been. I still don't know why, but he called he called for me and some of my friends to be turned.
And we've just been dealing ah dealing with a mess since we've spoken to the damn guy and basically we were threatened with everything just to help him out. Oh, there's definitely been a lot of mess caused by your kind lately and he he he points up, you know, like glances up at the red moon up above y'all. And he's like, you know anything about that?
Would you believe me if I said no?
he He shrugs and says, um doesn't really matter one way or another. We we know we know your your kind was involved. ye i can see Yeah, we can both confirm that. So here's the plan. Here's what I've got going. No matter what, she's got to come back with me. Now the reason I say that is that the guy that sought that made her is dead. I can't bring him back because they're going to ask me how it happened. I can bring her back though. I can promise her safety. However, I will can also promise that if she wants to stay alive, if she wants to stay alive, she's going to need to
follows certain rules. Well, she's been staying alive just fine out here with us. Yeah, because that guy that guy in there and all the people working for him don't know about this yet. As soon as they find that as soon as they find out this shit, they're going to be coming down. It's going to be more than me next time. It's going to be a lot more dangerous people who, unlike me, are going to be looking for bloodshed.
People are gonna get caught in the crossfire better than likely. People you care about are going to die. You have no idea the kind of power that is in that city. Like I said, I was i was turned against my will and I am so terrified that I have to keep doing this.
yeah You do not have a choice. If you and your friend and ah your people want to keep on doing this, otherwise they're gonna come down here and they're gonna kill all of you. Her, you, all of your friends,
your pack, your cuddle buddies, I don't care what you're called. All that's gonna happen is I'm gonna report this as a failure and I'm gonna be dead by tomorrow morning. and then And then in a few more nights, an army is going to descend upon you. So what do you wanna do?
yeah He's quiet for a moment. And then he says,
she can go with you but just know we'll be watching I love that plan watch me this is awesome we're making friends and hopefully at some point we get out we get out from under his thumb and it's pretty late for you I think that's a good place to end the night ah
i he He kind of um hands you ah he he hands you back your your cell phone and um and keys and stuff and and and says, we are although you recognize them at, no, he I guess he hands you your keys, but he's like, ah we had your car towed down to the shop um and Cassidy here will will we take you wherever wherever you think you need her to go.
Will be will be near the whole time Okay, and you guys I'm going getting her truck and She's she's quiet you know she's kind of like you you definitely as you're driving back towards houston you see or given given you like the the um the side eye ah like maybe she wants to say something but she she doesn't know how to you know how to bring it up
one and i'm i'm playing her now so okay then Let me get off of her character sheet really fast. okay And go ahead and go back into mine. I need to check how hungry I am. Okay, I'm at three hunger, but I've had a stressful night. Okay, he's going to ask her if she can make a... you Just stop by some but thumb bar somewhere when we get a little closer into the city limits. She says, why? You're like, I'm hungry.
It's like i got I got more raccoons and pins in the back. Jesus. I ain't letting you feed on no person. I don't kill people.
Jesus. She slams on the brakes. Were you wearing your seatbelt? Of course I was. yeah she never I was never driving a vehicle without a seatbelt on. she's safe She slams on her brakes, stops and turns to you, and she said, I ain't letting you feed on no people.
How long has she been turned? Same amount of time as you. Fuck! Same night. oh yeah like You can take the coons in the back or I can find you something better. But I'm not helping you feed on so on a person. I'm not asking you to help fucking drop me off. You can get out rider get all right now and I'll go back.
Did you forget, did, yeah were you listening that whole time at all? Or is it just going in one out the other? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Give me one second. I've been, I've had a really stressful goddamn night. I am really fucking hungry and when I get hungry I get really goddamn sniffy and bitchy and angry, okay?
All I want is to try to handle this situation so that by tomorrow night, you're alive, I'm alive, your people are alive, my people are alive, and everybody is happy doing their own thing. I just need a snack, okay?
Excuse me if I don't want to eat an animal. When you say the word snack, like there is a fire in her eyes, but she grits her teeth and then starts driving without a word. 15 minutes later, you'll pull up on a bar. It's like a biker bar. And she she stops and just sits in the sits sits in the truck.
Thank you. I sleep back momentarily when I find someone someone who clearly has insecurity issues. um You won't have any trouble um getting someone, you know, you can just straight-up mind control people. That's the plan. so I'm not planning on this when I'm learning about the in-rows killing me. Yeah, just just ah describe describe your ah youre your, you know, you go in and how much how much ah hunger are you going to take and who do you take it from?
I'm just going to find some waiter, waitress, just be like, yeah excuse me, I need you to come with me real fast. I'll use mesmerize and stuff. yeah Yeah, they go on. They come with you. I just get pretty much just going into the but end of the bathroom, into the stall, like and I'm taking only one. i just I'm just trying to take the edge off a little bit.
Okay, so you take... i forget is's too dangerous No, two's not dangerous. that They'll feel a little like winded or maybe a little bit like tipsy, but it's not dangerous. And I'm gonna actually kick two off. Okay. um Yeah, you do that, you come back to the truck, she starts driving without a word, um and you know it's still a good 30 minutes to Houston.

Time Anomaly and Return to Base

Do you try to spark up any conversation?
Because she's she's no longer giving you the side eye like she was trying like she was trying to work up the courage to say something or anything.
Alright, so where we're going, we're going back over to my place. What time is it now? And probably, ah you see on the the ah you know the the the dash, the the like radio, um it's 1 a.m. Which, ah oddly enough, is two hours earlier than you left the prison.
Wait a second. Wait a second, how? How was earlier than when I left the prison?
trying to figure out how that works. I'm like, I don't think I can get knocked out. Are you are you like muttering this out loud? No, no, that's OK. You're like, what the fuck is up with the time? Anyway, it's we won't have time to get in contact with them tonight. So we're going to go back to my place. We're going to make some phone calls, getting the right people.
And then tomorrow we're probably going to set up a meeting for you and or for you and me to go and talk to the man in charge. Okay. Um, so yeah, you give her directions. She, she like lets you drive her back. Um, Hayden, you, I think, I think Max was still spending the night with, um, his sire, right? Or at the, at her prison place.
Yeah, I was chilling there. so So yeah, you would be coming back to a um an empty you know house, whatever you want to call it, ah an empty you know place. um ah to you know By the time you get there, it's like 1.32, so probably not even your secretary is there anymore. um So yeah, you come back to an empty place. Max is not there.
um Oh, didn't I leave Max a note? You might have left a note. Yeah, I think you did. Unlike Jerry. say I would probably say, what the hell, bro? Call me. Yeah. Jerry, um so y'all get there around 1.30, 2am, somewhere around there, which is still an hour earlier than you left the prison. And nobody's there.
Oh yeah, but I got the key. I'm so really weirded out about this. Give me- I'm thinking let's let's give me an awareness plus intelligence from Jerry. As he's mulling over this fact.
are OK, you don't think of this until you get home. So it's been bothering you the whole drive. But you don't think of this until you get home. You pull out your cell phone, look at your phone. The time matches you know within a minute or two of the um the the the truck. So that's accurate at least. Then you think you go to the calendar, which you know it's a few button clicks um because it's a flip phone. um But you get to the calendar.
ah two days Two nights have passed sense since you left the prison. What?
Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. I go to my... Do I do have i have any missed calls? you probably got a list yeah ah You'd have a few for me. yeah would ah wouldn' Frank, would Cole have been calling Jerry at all? because so um Basically, it's either one or two nights. I think it was two nights, but um jerry was still not in Jerry was still not back for Elysium either. This makes it so much funnier that I'm the raccoon that lives up in your ceiling and now you've been living off raccoons for two days.
Nice. Yeah. Would Cole have been looking for Jerry at all? Or trying to call Jerry? um I might have called him like once. Yeah. So currently... Just to check in. Currently, your characters are Adelisium.
um Yeah. And are are I suppose currently your characters have just witnessed the um the Gangrel Lady fight with Tufan a little bit and then the Prince take him into the back.
Well, once we get there, Jerry is actually going to be calling Tufon, and he's going to be like, hey, Sheriff, I found one of the children that one of the sires you instructed. i found It goes to voicemail. Yeah, oh yeah, that's ah this was the message I'm leaving. i found Actually, you're calling Tufon's assistant because Tufon can't use technology.
oh fuck that's right she can't
but But you do have our assistance contact info, yeah. So I guess the assistant does answer. He answers since like, ah kind of busy right now, Jerry. What what do you need? Make it quick. I've got the one of your little sire dipshits that y'all sent out. The gangrel, I think you said he was. Yeah, he's dead, but I found his kid, guess. Wait a minute, what? Gangrel? yeah Are you talking about um Jesse? Sure. Fuck, and he hangs up.
OK, that was one of the assistants. He's going to get back with us. But in the meantime, back at Elysium,
um Cole and and Max, you guys see Tufon has been kind of like guarding the door to where the prince took that that one woman. And you see Tufon's assistant, who you guys met back at the first Elysium you went to, um ah run up, whisper something into her ear, Tufon nods, and then um knocks on the door, door opens, Tufon goes in. Assistant lingers outside.
That was weird. And I turned to, damn, what's her name? You've got the witch girl with you. Yeah, that's what I'm trying to remember the name of. ah What was her name? Let's see. Lauren. She is other. Yeah, Lauren. Yeah. And I turned to Lauren, and I'm like... And Cole, you you have didn't you bring the um your your maid?
Did you bring Kirk? I don't remember. I have no recollection one way or the other. I can't remember. I don't think it has been too long. No, I did not bring the maid. I listened to the... Okay, okay. Yeah, you turn to Lauren. Yeah, so I turn to Lauren and I go, this has been a crazy introduction into our world.
I don't know what you guys are playing for the rest of the night, but I'm going to stay here as long as possible because I need to talk to the pissed off lady.
Oh, and I look over at the tennis court where the guy's just like, sadly, wait, is he still at the tennis court or is he like drinking? Lawrence? i think he yeah Lawrence probably found something else to do, yeah.
Yeah, I guess I go, well, I'm going to go talk to Lawrence. Have a nice night, Lauren. And I look at Cole when I say, behave yourself, you too. Oh, that's right. Cole brought Lauren.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because y'all are kind of y'all are kind of a thing. Kind of. um Okay, i we can probably stop it here unless y'all want to keep going. Whatever.
i'm i'm actually I'm actually starting to pass it. here Yeah, I actually do have to wake up early tomorrow because our meeting, which has normally been on Wednesday mornings, is tomorrow because, I mean, they were they were kind to, the I guess, the people who probably got drunk last night and didn't do the meeting this morning. But I have to go tomorrow instead.
so um Yeah, so I think that's where we'll call it. um
Thank you everybody for listening. I was your storyteller, Ron Bjork. You can find me on Twitter at virilien, and you know if if you somehow are listening to this episode right now, which is impossible, unless you found our our YouTube thing, um which you shouldn't be able to. um I'll get the next episode posted soon. I've not been doing i've been busy, but I will get back on a schedule. and If you look at the date of when stuff is posted, this is probably going to happen every summer because ah as everyone else on this podcast will attest to, I often come home completely brain dead in the summer.

Lighthearted D&D Anecdote

What is a brain? I don't know at this point anymore. It's that thing that's melting out of your ears right now. It's something that named itself. I mean, you guys, I don't know how your brains are even functioning with how hot it's been in Texas, but it's it was in the 90s for me today. so
It was awesome for us. Yeah. We also had Bill. Hey everybody, I was Jerry and I was Cassidy. We had a great time. I loved getting to be back here and play with everybody. I love you guys. It's everyone out there, anyone out there. If you want to hear it, I'll always say it. I love you. And Frank.
I'm too far away from the mic. I'm getting there. I'm back. Okay. and Sorry, I had to walk around my bed. Hi, I was frank. I didn't play Cold Stone, except for like 30 seconds. um Not to be confused with Cold Stone Creamy. I also played some redneck guy, jak Jake Anderson. That's the name that I played. um You can find me if you look hard enough. I sometimes stream under the name FK Light Castle.
ah Yeah, brains are braining today. Yep. And Hayden. Hey, I played...
Two people, a werewolf and my character. A werewolf was kind of nerfed tonight, so we should see how that goes in the future. um But besides that, I had a lot of fun. They are working on coming out with the fifth edition of Werewolf Rules. So I don't know when that'll happen, but well we might dabble in some werewolf actual werewolf game in the future. um Although they are... I don't want to dabble a werewolf.
they haven't given whatever till you to They have an even more complicated lore than the vampires. so um But they're definitely more of an action-packed game. um So yeah, thank you everybody. That was Integrated Dice Management and good night. Before you sign off, I have a fun thing I found. I have to i want to read because I thought it was funny. okay ah um So this this is called, if if i can if I can, my character can. ah This is just a fun little like side ruling that I've seen or that I started reading about um DM rules wise. I'll just jump into it.
um We had a ranger who decided it was a good idea to listen to the dragon he just met and ride on its back. He ended up at a tower with beautiful women who turned out to be goblins. Needless to say, he was captured by a sorcerer. He ended up trading some of his teeth to the goblin to be unbound. GM, okay, the goblin reaches in your mouth and pulls out your front tooth and then unlocks your chains. What do you do? Ranger, what do I see?
GM, the sorceress is back to you about 10 feet away. Ranger, I grab the goblin, whistle at the wizard, and throw the goblin at his face. GM, you throw the goblin at his face. You're going to have to roll a nat 20 for that. Ranger, what? But the character is based on me and I can totally do that. That's easy. GM, you can throw a 20 pound goblin 10 feet and hit accurately. Ranger, yes. GM, if you can prove it, I'll give it to you.
We within then took a 20-minute break ah so the GM and the Ranger could set it up. They set up a mannequin and found a 20-pound weight. The GM told him whenever he hit the manic or wherever he hit the mannequin at the 10-foot away mark is what would happen in the game. And I kid you not, this guy threw a 20-pound weight at and hit the mannequin in the head so hard it ripped the head clean off.
The GM declared the Sorcerer dead and the Ranger walked away from what was supposed to be our first boss fight with all the experience, a ton of gold and equipment and a newfound pride in his real self for knowing he could throw a goblin and a wizard if he ever needed to. Nice. Now, I'm curious why the hell did this guy have a mannequin? Yeah, I would say the same thing when I first found this. Who randomly owns that?
Yeah. Besides your mom. Maybe it wasn't a mannequin. Maybe it was a blow-up doll. Well, Frank's mom did own two child mannequins. Oh. I don't know if she... I don't know if she still has... No, maybe we went with the flood. Okay. we We do still have that half of a human torso, though. It's plastic, guys. It's not real. It does have titties, though, so... And that's where I'm gonna stop the recording.
Thanks everyone for listening. The intro and outro songs you heard today was Foxhole Revolution created by Kevin MacLeod at, licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0 license. Creative licenses by 4.0.
The night is over, and have a great day everyone.