Technical Difficulties
And I'm going to start streaming. Now. It is now streaming, I think. Let me check Twitch. eight people were start hi but we' We've already started. oh We're live.
there's my speddiggers one and Your spider dragon, he's in there. You don't hear me okay? Yeah, we we hear you. Does anybody else sound or hear what sounds like everybody coming through really crackly? You were supposed to do all of this before I started streaming? Well, I did do that. It's just now everybody's coming through all crackly. I don't know why. Everyone sounds fine to me. Yeah, do I sound weird? No, you sound perfect. Everyone's good on my end.
You sound like the voice, like the voice of an angel. My internet must be doing something. No, nine hear me okay I don't know if it's actually streaming to Twitch. It says offline. And my vape sounds are coming through. Oh wait, okay, I think it's live now.
In the arms of an age of... Yes, okay. We're live. um All right. That is it a trademark song.
Campaign Introduction: Vekna, Eve of Ruin
Welcome, everybody, to another episode of Integrated Dice Management presents Vekna, Eve of Ruin. um I think that's what we're calling this. I don't think we changed the name from the module we're playing, so we're playing Vekna, Eve of Ruin, sort of. I mean, right now that's what we're doing.
um Yes, so far we haven't gone off the rails of this railroady dungeon. ah Last time you guys killed a Spadragon.
I don't know what that was, but last time you guys killed a Spadragon, and that's pretty much all that happened the whole time. That's Spadragon and? And a Yawclaw. And some some spiders? Yeah. Okay, yeah. Did you kill spiders? Did it ever actually get the summon off for the spiders? Twice. Okay. I also thought there was two Yawclaws.
Yeah, but it was summoned, so I just deleted it. No, wait, no, it's right here, I think. Yeah, this is, it's up here. See? so we killed it Yeah, it's dead. Okay. It's um it's just, yeah. ah Oh, I did compile the loot that you all get. um hope ah Hopefully it still exists. Where is that document?
Hmm. web's edge that should be it um so So it's a big long list.
Loot Distribution and Character Introduction
you need to send it to us through discord yeah i'll just send it through discord i'll may i'll read it off um there's 1 000 and this is in total of everything you've gathered throughout this dungeon because you guys haven't done any looting yet um 1 145 gold although there is one room left um But one thousand one hundred and forty five gold ten platinum thirty three thousand one hundred and ninety copper 270 silver a longsword a longbow two daggers two spiked bone clubs a jeweled crown a Set of bone dice a wand of magic missiles Nice if anyone wants to claim that say so now a Wooden chess set
What? Okay, I'll take it. Alright, add it to your inventory. You've got a wand of magic missiles. Does it have a set number of charges on it, or...? Hold on, let me... What is the recharge? Wand of magic missile.
Yeah, it recharges by like 1d4 or some crap. Oh, it's a rechargeable? I thought it was a finite. In fifth edition, wands are rechargeable. um Currently, the wand has... You you have to... Two charges. um So, the wand... You gotta rephrase it in such a way that, you know, the DM's going to agree with you one way or the other. The wand re... Is that gonna be like, is it rechargeable, or is it a one-use item? You gotta be like...
No. you know How does it recharge? In 5th edition, Wands are rechargeable. item I know. but speaker ah It regains 1d6 plus 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you if you use up the last charge, ah you roll a d20 and if you get a 1, the 1 breaks.
um That is how. Hi everyone, I'm Frank. Oh yeah. I'll be playing. We forgot to do intros. Yes, go Frank, go. Hi everyone, I'm Frank. I did just take a triple hit. I'll be playing Amber Knuck, the, what the hell am I? What's the soul of the world again? You are all warforged.
clockwork soul, clockwork soul, sorcerer, I think. No, I mean, the the campaign we're running, is we've got like the- Gestalt. Gestalt. So I'm Amber Nock, the Gestalt warforged sorcerer, as well as a barbarian and something else. Oh, paladin? Yeah, the pelet I think you went yes pure sorcerer paladin. I think you dropped barbarian.
ah No, I kept one one level barb on the sorcerer side. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. um So yeah, I'm happy to be here tonight. Play with you guys. Nice. ah We also have Eric. Hey, I'm ah playing the cleric and ranger Iskander Imberman, who is here to hunt the heretic and purge the unclean.
Thus far I have determined that the Snake Man, the Robot Boy, and that weird thing that just says, GOBLIN, are fine. ah Then, speaking of goblins, we've got Bill. Hey everybody, I'm Bill. I'm going to be playing Slurm, the goblin artificer slash wizard. And, just for everybody out there who needs to hear it, goblin. And Hayden.
Hey, it's good to be here. I almost flipped out a little bit because I looked at the mysterious note, and I was like, why am I seeing Tasha? This is weird. But I am playing Hachu, Danger, and a Little Slither in Inyo, and Eggen's poison face, Rumpel's Snilt. Rumpel's snake skin. Geez, I lost my bill, like I say that quick. And yeah, we'll be...
warlock and ekins is a is a please ah soer um And I am your dungeon master, Ron Bjork, who completely forgot to introduce ever everyone.
ah Additional loot, a wooden chess set missing a few pieces of silk sash with spiderweb embroidery worn during ceremonies. A set of hand-drawn navigational charts of the local waters surrounding ah the Sea of Swords. A chain with a small silver spider, a lapis lazuli, a gold locket, um oh with a portrait of a Sverneblin woman inside.
some kind of gem uh that i can't pronounce a scroll of summon lesser demons one charge um is that rechargeable or it is not rechargeable one charge but ones are rechargeable and and so and scrolls are not but but scrolls can hold more than one spell on them this one only holds one spell though
the head of a gazelle mounted on a plaque mine a bone a bone should we even know what a gazelle is sure there are gazelles in in dnd a bone i think he has to roll are we are we are any of us well traveled enough to be able to identify a gazelle yeah you have to roll a ah animal handling or nature okay everybody everybody roll nature everybody roll uh nature Ooooh, shit. Alright, first roll out of the way. What is nature? Is that a wisdom so wisdom stat? Get fucked, nerds. Yeah, um, Ekans and Pashu do not know what, uh, what, um, gazelles are. But Slurm and Iskander do. So delicious.
So Ekans has no idea, he just likes the den animal yeah yeah um and i look dead There's a bone. It's very horny and so it's very Ekans. Just so the on brand. There is a bone shaped to resemble a spider's leg, one vial of basilisk venom.
um You can apply it to a weapon as an action for one hour. Creature struck with this weapon must must make a DC 15 con save ah or be magically turned to stone. Oh, and are restrained. Oh, never mind. Hold on. The creature begins to turn to stone and is restrained.
um and well is it mustlu be you It must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn. ah If it fails, then it becomes stone. um There are also two spell books which I will you know copy paste for Slurm because he can use those. There is a unique spell known as Shardstorm.
A shard storm. ah You conjure a storm of razor-sharp crystal shards that rain down in a 20-foot radius sphere centered on a point within range. Each creature in that area must make a deck save. Target takes 8d6 piercing damage. On a failed save, they take half as much. It is basically a crystal fireball.
um The storm leaves the ground in the area affect ah in the affected area covered in shards for one minute, turning it into difficult terrain. Any creature that moves through this area must take 1d6 piercing damage for every 10 feet that that it moves. At higher levels, when you cast a spell using a 4th level or higher slot, the piercing damage increases by 1d6 for each level. So yeah.
New Spells and Mechanics Discussion
just So said it increases the the amount of piercing damage. Does that increase the damage that they take when they move through it? From the just the initial from the initial blast. gotcha I just edited that.
um I knew one of us was going to ask. So it's a piercing it's a piercing fireball. know I'm going to be writing that spell down into my end my schematics notebook. Yeah, i'll i will you know just I'll add the spell to your character sheet later. There are other spells on the spellbook. um but There's two spellbooks. You're free to look at any of those spells and in your downtime you can add them to your schematics or whatever.
um If there is a spell that is normally um something like a divine spell, actually I think artificers can, if it's something that's outside of your spell list, um you can still add it to your spell book because these are the arcane versions of said spells. Nice.
um I think possibly... It doesn't really matter because the other class I took is wizard, and as long as it's in a scroll I can transform that spell straight over to it. I think possibly the... I don't think actually there are any um divine spells on either of these books, so it doesn't matter. um I just had to make... I had to put that out because I just used random spell book generator.
um You know, to to create those. ah So that's the loot you've found so far.
You guys are standing around the corpse of a dead dragon.
um looking at it as um ah intense music begins to play and ah wind swirls around amber who's standing close to it um and a guard walks up and it's like it's true you must be dragonborn now yeah and the corpse I'm joking that doesn't happen to
what What do I gotta roll to see if I think there's anything ah inside of this corpse that can be useful? spider And you can roll investigation. I will say you're currently standing um right next to a ah cocooned ah sweet thing. I can't see the map. Oh, sorry. um didda Let's see. I would like to open the cocoon. You would, would you? Yes.
Did that do it? Are you on the map now? yeah Okay, cool. And did it update the Twitch map? It should have, except that, what is this view? Oh, it's viewing from the Dangerfly. Well, you've got to zoom around, you know this, or zoom out. My Dangerfly has been chilling this whole time.
um I forgot about Dangerfly. dangerous I want to lick the mysterious liquids coming off of this spider dragon. Okay, give me a constitution saving throw.
um Unless for some reason you have advantages on con saves. ah ah Does this thing have poison? It does now, but if it doesn't... Well, I'm immune to poison. You're immune to poison? Okay, what probably tastes a lot like... It tastes spicy. Whatever a spider tastes like. Mixed with whatever a lizard tastes like.
You know, with how many hundreds of thousands of spiders I've eaten throughout my life, I really don't know what they taste. They're small. That's true. um it It probably tastes like... more at one time It probably tastes like really old Gator meat. I don't like that description. Gator meat. I like Gator myself. well that's why That's why I said really old alligator meat.
Like, a is it greasy or tough? It's tough. it's usually It's usually a little tough, isn't it? Oh, no, I'm talking about how people describe this meat. Well, this is raw meat that is ripping from the flesh of the body, so I would call it tough right now. Yeah, I just take a big ol' shit. It hasn't been ah hasn't been tenderized or seasoned or anything like that, you know. I think it's going on to be just a little It's going to look to Dazer Noodle, and it's going to be like,
Wow, you actually chew it? I thought you would just swallow it. That's racist, Slurm. Why would you... And then I go back to like nibbling the dragon. Because you're a snake!
o and in I'm sure Danger Noodle has as had plenty of of experience just swallowing things. Yes, and wrong. Y'all's nasty.
um I mean, you could definitely cut this ah dragon up and and have lots of days of trail rations and camp supplies so that when you do a long rest, Eric doesn't understand this reference.
it's It's a Baldur's Gate reference. You have to have food to take a long rest. It's annoying.
I mean, it's not really all that annoying. It's not like you don't find food in literally everything. It's really annoying. It's really in honor mode. Yeah, it's really annoying in honor and tactician. When you need twice as much. yeah
Phenomenal cosmic power, and done by a lack of a bag of Cheetos. a Hey, at least you don't end up with the end up with the shit. But yeah, i mean you can certainly harvest this dragon corpse and you know use its scales to create a... You can give its scales to Slurm to have him craft you some crazy armor out of it or something. Actually, I was just about to ask, do ah is there something we need to roll to try to harvest like scale, teeth, claws, that kind of stuff? Survival or nature, I think.
Yeah, probably survival. in alchemist tools but that's about it I'd say survival.
i not exactly right so Oh no, survival. That's a wisdom ability. Ron, why are you doing this to me? I'm incredibly wise. Let's see if I'm any good at survival. I mean, Slurm? That wasn't bad. 16 isn't bad.
And just real fast, I'm actually also going to add Flash and Venus on there to to add my Intelligence score to that, which is going to bring me up to a 21. And then... Oh, shit. I just walk over and start poking it with the stick.
Oh, Discord. Why aren't you... There, it is so good. You're wrong. As you poke it, I like i mean, a 20 is also good. I think you harvest enough scales.
Oh, plus proficient in light armor. If you do make me any armor from his plus bill will go up in for the one All right, so I so i actually rolled a 22 guidance Okay, then then yeah advantage you you got it you did it you harvested how many scales keeping claws that I get I
ah didnt Four. No, I'm joking.
Harvesting and Creature Debate
So what I will say is you got a suit of armor's worth of scales um and ah sixteen eight feet worth of claws and one mouth worth of teeth. Also probably some mandibles. Does this thing have mandibles? Let me look at the picture.
The bigger picture of it. ah so no dragon has move No, but it has horns. Here's what the um this picture of it looks like. ah that eight and worth of clauses how many clas are on each foot According to this picture, you got one one claw for put per foot.
Okay, so I've got eight claws. Okay. I just shared the picture so Actually looking more at the the photos one foot has two claws the rest is that now that's two feet There's an additional foot there two feet. Yeah, it I see the leg there a state of four legs per side, you know Yeah, just drawing a little weird I'm a little confused It is a stinger that's interesting Wow
Okay, then you get a stinger too. So it's got eight feet plus two front feet thingies. If you put a hilt on that stinger, it it can be a plus one dagger of poisoning.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. and It's an actual weapon. It probably is. Okay, so I've got a suit of armor's worth of scales, eight claws, ten teeth, and once the dragon stinger. Yes. I've got a problem with this picture. I only count seven legs.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. The two ones that are close together are two legs. It's just like one of them's turned backwards. What are you talking about? there How are you only getting one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight? There's three there's three in the in the background, four five in the foreground for some reason. One, two, three, four.
I'm not seeing it. You're looking at the big picture, right? Yeah. Yeah, the big picture at the bottom. So there's the one in the far left, and then the one closer into the further right foreground. And further right, you've got another two that are right next to each other. So that's four. Where's the fifth one in the foreground? It's its front left leg. It's lifted off the ground. Then what's this weird thing that's turning back on itself?
that's it's that's his That's his front right leg. No, his front right leg's on the ground. Yes. there's He has two front he has all four all four of his right legs are on the ground. Yeah. the three The three legs in the background are all on the left side and then the then the leg that's up in the air is the fourth left leg. But you go, okay, so if you're calling that thing on the foreground on the left side front, if that's another leg, then what are these two things that are up in the air on his right side, which is the foreground? They're his shoulder pauldrons.
But there's obviously some sort of leg action going on there. I'll show your mom some leg action. Oh, Lord. OK, hold on. I've got Discord. I'm going to do the screen share here.
um Go live. All right, so on Discord. I don't know if you all can see it. I'm attempting to.
how do i watch you i forget i might not be able to do this while streaming i'm coming i'm here i'm here with free long i'm here with frank right as one but there's one theres too there's uh there's wait wait wait don't don't that's three that's four you just did four one one two two three four four right then one two ah three seven on the back side go forward go continue going to the right frank stop frank this that's a leg that's a leg I
Okay, then what is this thing? That's the other one. That's four. days continuously and That's That's one of three appendages coming out of the main body. Is that what that is? Yes. Frank, how how are you licensed in test control? He can't count legs. but it It doesn't look right. like Look at this. Your mom doesn't look right. Let's just move forward. This part right here, it looks like it's the front. like Like I'm a praying mantis, whereas this looks like a normal fucking leg. Yeah. It's just lifting it off the ground for, you know, like, it's, it's like a way holding its leg up. It's taking a step.
I just, I had issues because it, it, it doesn't look like it's on the right. know. Okay. Take care of the Khazbro and Wizards of the Coast. All right, so yeah, that happened. um How do I get out of the this thing? Go back to text. there's um So yeah, there' there's ah you've got some scales and all of that, so yeah. there are in fact So now we all know that there are in fact seven legs.
yeah sad like There's eggs. Thank you for agreeing with me. Nine legs, got it.
um I want to make sure that didn't like somehow mess up Craig. Nope. Okay good Okay, okay so what what do y'all do? um So I think part like we disassemble the spider dragon body, right? Yeah, I guess we let ah the goblin disassemble the body i want to go over and and book of the the cocoon thing well you said you want to open before you were only a perception now you're going to be cleared it let's see what i have this is this is what it looks like just let me read uh... oh shit that's a little if that's what it looks like i'm not looking there
That's what it looks like. why is it a tree made out of ear wax o brother o It's not a tree made out of earwax. That's offensive. That's offensive. it's say said it was a cocoon that's not a cocoon no No, no, there is a cocoon. The cocoon is right where you're standing.
But you said that's the cocoon. I thought you meant you were going to go poke. You were walking downwards to go poke at the the yellow guy. I didn't move anywhere. I'm saying I want to go poke the okay cocoon. Yes, you can do that. You poke it. It's sticky.
um okay give me ah but But it does feel like there's a hard object inside. ah i Be quiet Hayden. Aura of its vitality. I'm going to start healing myself while you guys are fucking with a dragon. um What are you doing? Anybody has to do anything to open it up? I need some heal and armor. It's pretty good.
yeah I apparently didn't take any damage. um
make sure how that happened oh eric rollser eric I don't know what's happening. yeah He's just rolling and rolling well, so it's 20 d6 over or like 20 rounds of Whatever whatever because of the length of the spell so Every every round I can use a bone it Action to kill somebody something so you know he had all that up. That's the amount of healing we did so that is just walkinging over and just touching a bunch of people That's 20 rounds 20 rounds worth of bonus actions I'm currently down 40 points of health so just let me know how much you're here We'll give you 37, and then I'm gonna stop counting for bill so now I'm at three who else needs some I
30. Anybody else get hurt? Yeah, i will help I'll take some health. All right, so then Hayden will go 3. Seven eleven sixteen. yeah I need eight twenty-four you need eight but hit points Oh, you just needed eight hit points Then I'll give you seven and you can be one short you son of a bitch Dennis I know the exact reason is needs me yeah and is over they choking on his own you Dennis could use some help. He's at 45 out of 89 HP
39. So I'll give him 39. And then 19. Okay, he's close to full health. 23, 31, and then I give myself 33. All right, there you go.
Depends on if you don't keep harvesting bodies and shit. Just want to do that real quick. Right, right, right. Yeah. i was I'm trying to figure
Cocoon Chaos and Rod Discovery
out. OK. So yes, it is you slice open the cocoon, make a dexterity saving throw. OK. Dexterity. What?
Half of that number, half of 5,595 harmless spiders come. Well, you dodged the you dodgeed the other half because you passed the saving throw. i um added I added an extra zero there by accident. So you're covered in something like 2,700 spiders.
And as you can see, that's 2,700 by any means, 40 or pay for the sin of making something like this multiple times.
You start counting them and and naming them this is like a vampire. No, um no not that many, but a bunch of spiders like come crawling out of the the web and and scatter you know across the floor. Only half of 5,595, so that's 2,797 or 2,798. The thing is... you' yeah The other half, he just- Are they spiders or are they spider dragons? He just dodged them. They're spiders. there are They're frickin' daddy long legs. that o well you know that Have you ever- So I went into this cave one time, and there was at least this many daddy long legs.
It was a writhing mass of spiders on the ceiling of the cave. When I shine my light, because the reason we shined the light up there is we like saw some stuff out of the corner of our eye and we're like, what is that? And then I'm like shining the light on the floor and then just this like basketball size clump of daddy long legs hits the ground and scatters. I'm like, and we're like, what the hell? And we shine the light upwards and the entire ceiling is just covered in millions of daddy long legs.
That would occasionally fall in clumps to the ground. That sounds terrible. It was... ica agonizer scorer I Jeez. Half of the spiders are on amber, ah so amber's gonna have to make a dec ah DC 17 dexterity saving throw. yeah Ron, I didn't ask how big the room was. I cast fireball.
Okay, so another dexterity saving throw? Yep. You take 12 fire damage from Slurm. But you do, but all of the spiders on you are burned off.
No, Kevin and Kevin too. As well george as well as the rest as well as the rest of the um this the cocoon. um It also burns away, revealing... um Hold on, I gotta find the the the the document. I accidentally closed it. ah So I'm sure y'all can already all picture this, but basically I just did that thing for the Mandalorian that he's always doing where he just like or he shoots a flamethrower out of his wrist.
Yeah. um Revealing the first piece of the rod of seven pieces. That looks like that. Does everybody see it or did only I see it? It's it is on the ground in front of you. I would like to attempt to stealth it into my pocket. a Roll sleight of hand and everyone else roll perception.
Everyone beat a 17. My passive, I think, beats a 7.
but I'm pretty sure. Let me double check, but I'm i'm pretty sure my passive beats a 17. Dennis rolled a nat 20. Dennis rolled... Dennis... another genius to bring my perception up to a twenty Dennis just double nat 20. My passive's a 19.
Wait, holy shit. You just said Dennis net a double natural oh Dennis just double nat 20 on a pointless roll Now it's more since he just double nat 20 he didn't just see it he also stole it from him Yeah, but I guess for reference gentlemen my passive is 19 so you got to be pretty sneaky okay to get one pass the old Heretic burning some bitch ah Now curiosity, Eric, is theft is as theft considered a ah heresy to your religion? No, it depends on what you're stealing. And from who? ah dennis Dennis walks up and he says, Ambernock, aren't we supposed to be bringing that buy back to those wizards? um Why are you concealing it? I don't know what you're talking about.
It's right there and I point at the chest cavity that you know you have it lodged as a cat. Is there a robot? Because I may have missed it. Does this ah ah spider dragon have a shitty spider dragon horde? Did we already find that? It does not have a horde.
mother fucking they just the description the description The description actually specifically states that they lost their hoarding instinct when they started mixed breeding with spiders.
That's weird. like Every other half dragon still hoards, but not the spider dragon. Apparently. can on if They hoard dead bodies inside their webs, you know?
That's weird. Dennis, I don't know what you're talking about. Did mine eyes deceive me? um um He doesn't have insight. Inside is wisdom, right? Yeah. I use another question genius to bring my insight up to 20. If it meets, it beats.
I use- Oh, what are you talking about, Amberknock? It's right there. I just saw you put it away. Hold on. Hand it over. Hand it to the toilet. Nonsense. Demise my, uh, metamagic... Look, Cassie, where is it at? How are the sandpatrons immune to seas, resistive poison? Oh my god, Amberknock! Look behind you! That's why you'd want the sandwich! You'll touch.
Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold that thought. Hold that thought, hold that thought. I used my, I used my final flash of z is to bring that up to a 13. Since when does, since when is Abernock a thief? I just thought it'd be funny. I thought it was shiny and I like it.
Hey, Frank, you gotta to roll you gotta to try to beat a 13 deception because I just told you there was a spider behind you that really wanted a sandwich. Where? And I turn around. I steal it from him. A sleight of hands, I guess.
Oh, please, I've got a plus seven. this Please don't suck. 16!
So I guess so ofassive wisdom is for or my passive perception is 14. You got it. He's turning to launch us to launch a fucking sandwich at an actual spider. I just stay i just take it from his hand as his whole body is turning. where And I'm going to take it up to the paladin. Sorry, not the paladin. I'm going to take it up to our cleric and be like, here.
My children's lives are on the line. I'm trusting it's for you. ah yeah two i give a too well I give it to
eric what's your character's name? Iskander. Iskander, I'm so sorry. I'm terrible at this. Oh, you can do it. I give it to Iskander saying, my kids' lives are on the line. Here. So the idea was I put it in my my chest cavity. So you gave me a reach around. Yeah, I did.
You think I'm going to save to give another man a reach around? No, I'm just making sure people listening along listening at home are aware. It's not a slurm either. Bill would also give Frank a reach around if he could. Bill, you're married.
He's literally in the other room. Would it bother you in particular if I gave Frank a reach around if it gave us a world saving item?
One sixth of a world saving item. One sixth of a world saving item. We need all six pieces in order to save, the not just the world, but also the timeline. It's actually seven pieces. Seven pieces. OK, we're good. i got i got the I got the all clear.
I mean, I haven't had one in a while, so sure. Either way. just And just out of curiosity, I'm sorry, where i'm gonna be done I'm gonna be done sidetracking everybody in the back. When you turn around and launch a sandwich at the spider, do you just crush the spider with the sandwich? Was there an actual spider? Look where we are. I guarantee you there was sp there are spiders in every direction we look. um I would have turned and been like, oh, I have sandwiches! And then I'd start walking and trying to bring in a sandwich.
And the spider sandwich, it just rushes under the sandwich. I don't think it likes my sandwich. You just taste a little bite.
Oh no, no that was just that was Bill, that was Bill, that wasn't Slurm that time. However, this next part is going to be Slurm. Hey, wasn't there another big guy here with us? Where'd he go? You talking about the- The giant- The Chimera thing? Yeah, where'd he go? Did he ever make a finally make his way around? He did, he did. Yeah, he was sliding. I'll see him anywhere. He's wandering around.
in the dark. He comes out and says something in Giant that I think only Frank understands. i' speak None of us speak Giant. This was the whole thing. We had the Panama. Yeah, but some somehow one of you were able to speak to him, oh possibly with a spell.
uh... i might actually i might have tons actually uh... oh yeah you do one of you have cast a spell i forget which one it was but uh... i i have common feline under common in aqua i don't know where two of those came from what's funny is that while i don't really remember it i feel like i've had this conversation so many times Yeah, yeah. um i didn't know Okay, that is interesting. I had tons. The giant like makes a motion like it it puts two of its hands next to one of its heads and does like the theyre like nap um sign and then it starts wandering off again.
Okay. um Well, since he's so large, why don't we just stick him in the bottle with the rest of the dead bodies and take him with us? Wait, in the bottle? Yeah. He didn he wandered off. Well, I mean, so you can go take a nap? Yeah. that he's He wandered off. Can I sleight of hand the bottle away from danger? Probably not. I don't think so. I think it's magically attached to him.
Would Danger Noodle not probably then unleash the full gambit of their spells if you even tried? I would have brought it back. As you've learned, Danger Noodle reacts angrily when you take things from him. Yeah, he does. I would have brought it back. Just a second. I didn't learn. We didn't learn that. All right, so so what do you guys do?
But we have one more. We have one last room that we haven't opened. There is a room you haven't opened. We should do that. Probably have to kill something. Kill it. There is still a tank in this place. Kill the tank. Kill the tank. Can we talk about the tank? it It smells pretty bad too. ah what What direction do we need to go in? That's a very good question.
Well, the unexplored area that we're looking for here... We came out of the... Oh, did we? Oh, shit. Nope, that's not the door you came out of. You came out of of this... You came out of this door up here. There's this door that I'm next to that we're trying to get through? Yes. That's the door that we're trying to explore. Yes, nobody's been in there yet.
sos get sorry get out ahead yeah except for Except for Hayden when he was trying to cheat. i did not choose it was the end only a little treaty and i was wandering around You're not allowed to move your character at the end of the game. That's that's why I change it away from the max map screen because I can't trust you people, Frank.
All right. I don't know what you're talking about. I'm making the decision. I'm going to use up one of my shells to shoot the actual lock part of the door. And then as soon as I do that, I'm going to kick in the door and be like, kick the lock down, you little shit. OK. So you shoot and then kick open the door. Yeah. I shoot the lock and then I kick open the door. And yeah, as soon as I do that, I'm going to say, kick the lock down, you little shit.
Inside the room you say that and four giant lizards kind of hiss and hiss at you and and kind of like look at you expectantly.
And then Sliver's going to slowly take a step back out out of the door? um This one takes a step forward and like sniffs at you.
and then ever not teleports in front of you somehow uh... you know uh... you know i think they think your language uh... that's racist what language is that and i just start like Frank, do you have to speak out loud what you're about, what you're trying to do? um So while he and DangerNoodle are saying the things, I would like to go in and pet the kitties. The big lizard kitties. Okay, Slurm is in the way of that door. Oh. Can I open the door? You can open the other door. It was unlocked. I want to pet this kitty.
it Okay, you rolled animal handling, so it um it sniffs your hand at your outstretched hand. Ooh, do I have food? I have sandwich. I give it sandwich. Okay, Frank, for the next 10... Give me another animal handling with advantage.
Animal? Animal? Animal? Animal? So he has an advantage on that? Seventeen's enough. um I already told him to do it with advantage.
ah okay your so um you ah
that that this is your that The lizard, it it definitely snatches the, um rudely snatches the food from your hand um because it's not very well trained. ah But this is now that this this lizard will now follow you to the ends of the earth until it gets hungry again, at least. I have infinite sandwiches. I have have lizard. He's mine now. I name you... i name you and name you laffy
So just so I'm clear, I have a pet. Hayden has a pet. Now, speaking of, I translate my pet back into the staff. You guys are my pets.
Taming Fluffy the Lizard
I give it head pets and then I walk over and I want to do the same thing to one of these other lizards.
More sandwich? More sandwich. um it good You'll need animal handleings for all of those. With advantage, you'll give me sandwiches. does does someone else no not not with the vantage um Does anyone else want to do anything while Frank is spending his one action that he just did to tame one lizard?
I mean, like regular animal? Yes, they're just animals. Are there are they dead bodies that are regular bodies in here? They're in the lizard room?
Not like in the big room. It's just the big dragon's body, right? So in the room, I'll say there's probably like some, well, because spiders disintegrate their victims or liquefy them. But there's another cocoon. Is that what you would call what a spider does to its prey? There's another, OK. 100%.
Okay, um there is another cocoon of... um ah My brain just went blank. A roughly lizard-sized cocoon. Okay.
ah I'm gonna... So there's like leftover dragon chunks. I'm gonna throw dragon chunks in there. Frank, you can now control Fluffy. You're throwing the dragon chunks into the lizard room? Yeah. Oh yeah, they... What is justice? I get the feeling that they were food for the dragon and now they're now the dragon is food for them. um The other three lizards you know start chowing down. Nice. It's not...
i this This one, though, is particularly um interested. like it It seems to have bonded to Abernock. Oh, dear. Frank, I think you can control Fluffy, by the way. All right. ah Now that we're done with that, actually, ah real fast, Slurm is going to ching his spurs, and he's going to give Cinnamon a pat on the a pat on the beak and then send them back to him.
i know I know that that's where he lives, but it's just funny. Yeah, yeah it's you know it's weird for me every time I have to say it. Yeah. I need to make sure I have the backup token before I delete that one. I should. I do have Cinnamon's token. Okay. Oh, i Cinnamon has character sheet anyway. I could always get the token back.
um Chapter two. There it is. Okay.
um All right, Cinnamon ah goes to hell. Nice.
Oh, I don't have this map properly centered. Yep. So, Amberknock, you've ah bonded this lizard, but because of Iskander's actions, the other lizards are now now not hungry anymore. Damn it.
I rolled a 19 for nothing. um I mean, you did roll a 19. You know what? You can have a second lizard. You've got a breeding pair of lizards. Yes. What's its name?
um yeah e ah Fluffy and not fluffy. Okay. Which is which?
not fluffy is the not fluffy one yeah Bill obviously no I don't think you understand Edgar is the one in the hole just horrified myself with what I just said yeah but I mean it's it's it's fine I got the reference hi I did not don't worry about it
um'm I'm building a character, I'm making a not fluffy.
All players, but only edited by... Ambernock. Safe. Now you'll have to tell me how i ah how I can upgrade this guy in the future.
Um, that would require, uh, there are rules and I'm pretty sure that Tasha's cauldron on, um, training, uh, an animal. However, what you discover, um, you speak under common. Um, they do seem to respond to under common words and they know they, they respond to through trial and error. Um, where did, oh, sorry. Yes, basically. Yes. Um,
Where's W9? There it is. um They respond to simple commands such as follow, go there. but got Follow me, go where I point or bite her. um Not bite him, just bite her. Yep, yep, just her. okay so these the we these dr lizard These drow, drow who venerate women are we're misogynist, you know. Nice, nice, nice. Now,
No, they understand basic commands. They are apparently trained to bite people as well. so
In Undercommon. The other two lizards are not interested. They curl up on a rock and go to sleep. Awesome. so Do we have a good picture of these guys? You're welcome to get your own picture. That's the picture that the token came with.
How big of a lizard are these things? Are they like lizard-lizard? Are they salamander? They like are... keep them wet They are considered large beasts. um i should ah They are the underground variant so they don't have hold breath. I need to take that off their sheet. um That's not something that's normally a an issue ah for the DM. yeah He just ignores one of them.
ah Yeah, they are the under dark variant um But they have the they have spider climb built in um So they can climb on Walls and ceilings and stuff. They know you don't need to keep them wet. I mean that they're more of a Akin to a desert lizard but underground They have dark vision. I don't know if it says it has dark vision. Yeah, it does ah dark vision and They're not very good, they're only CR 1 fourth, but, you know. You got them. I mean, I got lizards, giant lizards. Yep.
um Alright, so thats that's that room. Alright, well uh... If that's it, I guess it's time to go back to our little portal and check in with the professors, the but the bosses. Sorry, I've been playing a lot of boards. I still haven't gotten that game. It's good. i bought it on ah okay I bought it on Switch and haven't played it yet. I probably wouldn't get it for the Switch.
I mean, they just came out with a bunch of I think mods or something, right? Like that mod pack is a thing now? No. Yes. Yeah. Whatever. I'm making all... Didn't Baldur's Gate just release mods or something? Like that you can mod inside the system? Yeah. And not like... Recently. You can just do your regular shit. Like they just have some that they let you have now. It's a lot it's quite a few actually, but yeah. If you can get it on the computer, you can you can straight up skyrocket that shit. Yeah.
All right, so as you guys are making your way out, um let's see, what route are you taking to get out? I'm gonna go wake up um the sleeping giant. Okay, that's kind of rude.
Well, I mean, we gotta bring him with us. We can't just leave our our or slaves, I mean, ah mercenaries behind. Well, he's taking a nap down in the the south part of the cave. So I go that way. OK.
you You go to him. Do you want me to? OK, I go wake him up. How do you wake him up? um Is there any like large sticks, like just long sticks? There is his plus two great club laying on the ground next to him. I'm not touching that.
I feel like you would merk me for touching his shit. oh there's um not really so There's not really sticks in a cave, no.
ah You don't have like 30 javelins because for some reason everybody has javelins in D and&D. You know, I'm trying to look. and I have a bunch of javelins of life. I do. I literally have like three or four. budge what How do you have three or four?
That's what I spent money on, bro. I can throw lightning bolts at people. The fuck? Jesus! Can you collect, uh, javelins of lightning after you throw them? Uh, I think so. No? I don't think it says it breaks the code. Javelin of lightning. Oh, you know what? I haven't taken care of it. Javelin's property can't be used again until the next stop. Oh, okay. So you have four... Okay, so you have four every day. Chance! Four lightning bolts, yeah.
I use the decan turbulence water. Okay, you dump it on him? I want to do the the geyser. Okay, does that deal damage or anything? No, it's just water. It's a 30 foot long, one foot wide ah stream of water they okay gallons so you blast him with thirty gallons of water um he wakes up
um and then i freaks out think and he's under attack and breathes fire in your direction oh shit make a um make a ah saving throw. Dex, make a Dex save. Dex save, alright. I am going to exhale fire in a 15 foot cone, each creature in that area must make a DC 15 Dex save, taking 40 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Does 11 get it? No, that 11 does not beat a
All right, count out 40 with me. Are you guys able to see your HP um circle on your tokens when you click on them? I took more damage out of combat. So if you click, know if you click are you able to? Yeah.
Yeah, if you click in that circle, you can just type minus 40 and it'll do the math for you. Oh, that would have been a lot easier. Um, but I did what I did. So um now abernaugh why is your token not in front of him? Yeah. Uh, I, I turned the indicator of in this water on myself and then douse myself with water. Okay. Now the giant looks at you confused and it says something in giant.
It sounds... And I motion... It successfully eats the sandwich. And then I motion him to follow us. And then I motion him to follow us. And then I motion him to follow us. And then I motion I have to punish you him to follow us. And then I motion him to follow us. And then I motion him to follow us. And then I motion him to follow us. And then I motion him to follow us. And then I motion him to follow us. And then I motion him to follow us. And then I motion him to follow us. And then I motion him to follow us. for your shenanigans, Frank. I will accept it. But I need... I know I've got a healing thing somewhere. Do I not have? Oh, healing touch. That's what I have.
um Hello, level 5, 55 touch, creature to heal. Lay on the hands does not say anything about not being able to touch myself, so I touch myself okay um appropriately and then give myself 55 HP. Okay. um Now, if you want to get this giant to go with you, you're going to have to do a performance a performance check to get across your your meaning.
Giant Encounter and Battle Initiation
um Okay. It's performance. um Can I do an interpretive dance? Yes. That's a 12. That's not great. okay But i mean it I guess it gets the general... im need to be in gestureer It gets the general idea of follow you, so. Okay, cool. I dance not as eloquently as I would have hoped. um and And he starts following me, and I'm like, sweet. all right As I walk past the room with the lizards, I like, stay in Undercommon, follow. And they also will follow. um So, you guys are heading out, are you just going back the way you came?
And have we found any other exits? There are two exits to this room. You have been in the other direction, too. This is the only path that they're able to squeeze through, isn't it? That's the only path that the giant yeah and the lizards can go through. OK, we go that direction. I want to open up these doors. Why can't I open up these doors? They're they're locked. OK. What doors? I can't.
so Select one lizard at a time. i I speak to the other two lizards in partial mouth. I'll unstuck them in a second. ah You don't speak lizard, you speak draconic.
speed don't speak What are dragons if not large if not large fire breathing we get lizards? Bill that's very insensitive. It's it's very lizardist of you.
According to your sheet you speak abyssal celestial common draconic infernal and primordial. so that i can speak har tongue you can speak snake maybe these aren't snake they're not snakes these are lizards are you amphibianist snakes are not amphibians and these lizards are not amphibians
i just say's right I was trying to remember what snakes are classed as, okay? you can do an a You can try to do an animal handling. What are you trying to get across to these these things? Nothing. You don't want to unlock the door. You can try. Do you have do you have thieves' tools? No, I just blast your ultimate. Okay.
Roll your damage. Okay. Just watching the monkeys on the football. Boom, door breaks open. I do it again. Okay, you do remember, I will before you do that. Or should I just let you do that? um Roll. Just let me do it. Okay. You blast that door open.
And when you do that, I need to reveal tokens. um Role initiative. yeah All of us? ah Might as well be all of you because you guys will be doing things while he's doing all this.
Well, let me click initiative. Oh, hold on. I got to bring up the, init white wait, wait. make sure those numbers are right, 6 and 13. Okay, it's it's tracking properly, okay.
Actually, since you can't see any of them, I might as well take them all off of GM layer because it'll be easier. They're not actually stealth. They weren't. there to you To be fair, um I think I'm going to give you a surprise round. Okay. um But let me roll for everything. Did everybody else roll? Sure didn't. Because I wasn't paying attention.
I guess we can just... You know what? All those homies could be following me around. We're gonna do it this way. We're... To speed to speed things up. We're here for several hours. To speed things up, certain things are gonna just go together. I'm grouping things. um after all thirty nine numbers Okay. Ron, why are you gonna be such a groupie? No. Well, that's literally the worst initiative.
I rolled a 1 twice, I think.
No, I rolled a 2 and a 4. Wow. All right. Oh, his shoot's over here. I mean, I I was trying to find some way to just to justify that. I was like, nope no, that's that's that's pretty bad. That's like that's like one of Bill's rolls. Why are you rolling like Bill for Eric? Oh, you know what happens.
So, am I going? Hang on. I got one more roll, I think. To get everybody who's involved, or everybody in this dungeon. Oh, did I roll for him? Yeah, I did. Okay. ah And then descending. um You do have a surprise round, so I'll let you take an action.
um that You blast open the door and you see a dragonborn, a red dragonborn wearing plate mail um with a longsword strapped across, as you will across his back and also a shortsword at his side. um Because he wasn't he wasn't expecting this.
um And then behind him you see, I think, a human dude. Yeah. Wearing. And they were going to try to kill me. ill They look like they were um spread out in formation. So maybe.
getting information But this is surprise round, so I don't know. The doors were locked when they weren't locked before. okay next um eldred blasting paladin boy i the The Dragonborn?
um that That succeeds. yep yeah i All of those two.
So what's this 11 plus 7? I think only one of them get the... It's assuming that the 11 plus 7 one is for S4, so you get a natural 20. Oh, oh, okay. So we've got a 13, a 13, an 11, and then the four fire damage, right? Yes. Okay.
Wait, so am I going to advance on a roll? No. ah Okay. ah Yeah, you blast him with three blasts of Eldritch Blast and he definitely staggers from that. He's not down, but he was not expecting that. There's a nice dent in his plate. How did he do Metamagic again? I remember it being like regular D and&D rules where I couldn't
i think we decide I think we decided that um we were gonna do a Baldur's Gate rules, but so can the enemies. I don't have any sorcery points left anyways.
Okay, and then I guess, let me take a look, see what's going on. Oh, I did have my X. I did activate that. I'm going to go for a while reapply it on him and choose Strength. Strength, okay. these And now you're going to forget you got your hats. Huh? Because... I'm going to forget you got hats. Because i the last time we played this game was like three weeks ago. Yeah. um And is that your turn? Or are you going to do any movements?
ten fifteen twenty you run like a coward thirty yes all right um little slow is that no matter what you said know what anybody says the coward does usually survive up first in an initiative the giant lizards they nap that the two wild the two non-tamed ones now the other guy uh... looks like a scanners got a view of them uh...
not the uh dragonborn but the guy who is behind the dragonborn and um i can't see him yes he's gonna say uh something in common he's speaking common um uh he's like shit they found us early everybody attack five ten fifteen twenty twenty-five dirty he comes through the door uh I tried to press I to open his character sheet. um And then he's going to ah throw his light hammer at you, Iskander. He can't see me. He can't see you. He's going to dash 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. He dashes right up to you.
yeah And that's his turn because, um you know, he can't do that or he can't do anything else. And then we've got 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30.
Okay, and now, Abernock, you don't know any of this is happening. I didn't hear the explosion or anything. was It was Eldritch Blast. um You're pretty far. Give me a perception.
um perception it won't be a hard role but you know you're you're kind of on the other side of the cave would we have heard the other guys say shit shit they found us early let's see is scander definitely heard it um hush you definitely heard it uh slurm where are you a robot yeah I have got terrible ah wisdom, them so that's a great question. I'm way up near where the dragon's corpse was still. I see Dennis. Oh, there you are. Oh, um you're right by the dangerfly. Yeah, you would have heard that. It's a straight line from you. um Frank, you hear it. It echoes over to you. Oh, okay.
um Well, Where do I hear it from? Is it from the entrance? ah The echo bounced from behind you. OK. I try to go towards the commotion. So I go, I guess I'm going to dash, showing the 60 feet. Yeah. um I activate my my boots of flying, and I go, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. Am I heading in the right direction?
You don't know. no You would assume so. He is. 35. You are. 40, 45, 50, 55, 60. Well, hold on. When you're at 50, can you see um what's off to the left? Can you see a scanner? That's the direction they went.
You might have a line of sight to him. Uh, no. You probably would have had it here then. Okay, I see a door. But I mean, I'm not looking that direction. Okay. But I'd stop like right about there-ish. Sixty would be right there. Yeah. Okay. Okay. I can't see through that door.
Is that just my line of sight? like Is it your dark vision? Yeah, I can't see. it is yeah i can't see alls I wish there was a way I could see your point of view. um like I should be able to like right click on your token and see like see what you can see or something. yeah ah Because I see everyone's point of view at the same time, so basically I see everything.
um ah and Not to mention, even in the zones where nobody's there, I see the grayed out GM point of view. um ah So next up is Fluffy and Not Fluffy. and They, you know, don't have to do anything in this combat. All I'd say was follow me, so they probably would have turned and followed me some more.
so they they they kind of meander on towards towards you. yeahp um Okay, and then these guys, let's see, this guy, um he's gonna do this.
Another guy comes running into the hallway following the ah first guy.
And, um yep, that's that's what happens as far as you guys know. Slurm, you heard the shout and then Abernock came running past you in the wrong direction.
So what's up with our giant friend? Is he sleeping? Now I'm heading north or am I heading south? It's not his turn yet. Huh? But he is on the turn over. Am I heading north or south? so Sorry. Frank? You confused not many from what I thought I knew and then what direction that Frank went. OK. So I'm going to draw it. um ah Or would do you use the the measure? Yeah. so frank came So Frank went this way. You heard the sound coming from out of here.
Gotcha. Okay. So then, Slurm is going to activate his little jetpack. He's going to fly through there. Five, he's going to go diagonal. He's going to go another diagonal for another five and then going to go another 10 feet for 20. Is the store open? Yeah, it is. Okay.
These two lizards in here, they're... They're sleeping right now. They're just napping. Alright, then I'm gonna land my final five feet right here. Can I see the enemy, or can I only see Danger Noodle? You can see what you can see. I can't tell, though, if that's if that's Danger Noodle or an enemy. Actually, I think... Well, what you are looking at, I assume, is this, right?
Yeah. You can't see that. That's the scanner. He's invisible. You got damn right. All right. Then um that I've made my way. this is This is what I can do. You're not going to use your second action to move again or do something? Oh, I can do that, can't I? Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to go ahead and fly and reengage. Go another five. Sorry, that was 10. 15.
20. Remember, one of the guys is X for Strength, so all of his attacks are coming up. I'm going to land right here. Okay. arms All Storm's going to do is activate his pop shield and take it and take a position. Okay.
um The Giants turn, it's going to, well, I guess it's going to go, look, five, 10. What's its speed? Probably 30, but Gertrude speed is loading.
Oh, it can fly. It can fly at 60 feet. um So that was five, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50.
And then it sees that it's going to have to squeeze through the door. um And so it lands. And then it's going to dash five. ah Squeeze for double movement. So that would be 15, 20, 25, 30. It gets into the lizard room. It's Skander. You just saw two people go chasing after Hashu. And of course, you can see the guy through the doorway.
You also saw me going the wrong... Oh wait, no you didn't.
ah So we're going to use magic, because why the fuck not? If if I see you coming over my way, I say... you Oh yeah, you can't see me. No, I can see you. I was going to say, you can see me. Yes. You're the only one who knows right now.
I'm full of a spell. get of them ah My sheet has to load. It's going to be spicy, boys. ah What happened to you? that were following you I mean... Do we really want to bring them in here? Do we really, really want to bring them in here? i mean no so to you <unk> If your sheet's not loading, um you may have to do the pop-out thing. No, it's loaded.
I just want to look at the info of the spell without dropping it on everybody. Right. ah yeah Perfect. Perfect. This is perfect. And then we're going to.
Well, the fucking flame strike.
Flame Strike. ah is it but is it a um Is it an AOE or just AOE? It is an AOE that is 10 feet ah by 40 feet tall. So I'm going to make it just big enough to grab the two guys and stretch to the ceiling. Okay. um They've got to make deck saves. I don't expect them to do... Well, they might.
um But probably not. That's a 6 from the guy number 1 and a 13 from guy number 2. So how much damage is that? 36.
okay sixteen fire twenty radio So, the man behind ah that the guy closest to Hashu ah burns but but is still standing. The one behind that guy turns to ash. Turns to non-lootable Okay, everything i on him, everything on him is metal, but you know, he turns into ah his, his armor is just a slag of metal. Wow, my bad boys. It's fine. You deal dealt so much damage to him because um he didn't have a lot of HP. Yeah, you dealt a lot of damage. God damn. My plan was to Misty Step and then Fireball the fuck out of him.
Honestly, when it comes back to my turn, I'm also going to be probably throwing fireball in the room. Honestly, it's it it probably wasn't hot enough. It was only actually 16 fire damage, so I think the items are fine.
But yes, the guy is dead. He was consumed and his items fall to the ground. Nice. ah Yeah, so you did that. That's it. i'm gonna put's ah i'm gonna That's it. Okay. Next. Dennis. Dennis hearing the shouting is going to move at his speed of 30 feet. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. Then dash 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. Danger Noodle, your turn.
Oh, sorry, I was reading something for the future. um
It's dead now. I guess give me both you and a Scanner and Slurm. Slurm can do it too. Give me a belated history check. Well, I'm not good with that one. History. I should be good at this.
form Or two maybe flat wisdom. I don't know. It's a memory check. um i would Why do you keep trying to make me make wisdom checks? I keep telling you that I'm not good at these. Well Danger Noodle and Slurm, actually a scandal this doesn't apply to you. Danger Noodle and Slurm, you recognize the guy who just got burned to a crisp. You don't recognize him specifically. You recognize him his outfit um as ah being a member of, um... point of vi the yeah Yes, the Cult of Vecna. ye us Presumably, yes, the the same the same outfit that the cultists were wearing in the first dungeon of this campaign. um Yeah.
ah oh who there got it Okay, so yeah, it is your turn, Danger Noodle. Yeah. Like all great powers, I cast Misty Step. Nice. what Bring that bad bitch down. Five bitches.
ten Okay, that's where I'll pop up. All right. And I look at him and I say, you dense motherfucker.
Let me cast my spell of... where'd it go?
Immolation. Okay. DC 16. I assume Dex save. Yep, Dex save. he As we've determined from the last time, he's not great at Dex. And he rolled a four. He got a four. So yeah, ah he's going to take full damage and whatever other effects that does. Well, if he stays alive, he ignites on fire and then takes 46 fire damage.
Okay, he ah does not look good, um but he is still standing. The burning target sheds bright lights. You know what? In case um someone but who can't see enters the room, I'll give it some light. um but's ah He's shedding bright light in the 30-foot radius, dynamic lighting, because I can i can and it's fun to do. It emits bright light.
30 feet. So on the next turn... A light color? Red. He's on fire. Yes, on the end of its next turn, it makes the save again and if it fails, it'll take 46 damage. um like Something looks weird about that light. And then I go, Bye!
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35... Wait, no. I used an action. I can't go.
um Yeah. All right. That's your turn. ah this the The dragon guy, the dragonborn, ah his turn is up. Let's see. um He is going to go 5, 10, 15.
and then he is going to breathe forth a cone of fire. um He may not be able to see you, Iskander, but both you and Slurm need to make a dexterity saving throw.
That's what I'm not great at, but I do want proficiency. I proficis in all of them bitches. i that one And I have to read.
I even had to come in with that big talk. Like, oh, I don't fully suck at this. Did that work? That kind of worked. Boom. Did y'all see that? Yes. yeah Yay. Front weapon. Weak-ass dragonborn, front weapon. So you've got an eight and a four. So that's that's both fails.
um i a It doesn't roll up for him. 76. 76 fire damage. 16 whole fire damage.
Combat Strategies and Spells
I'm actually going to take end up taking no damage. I'm going to use one of the charges of my Arcane ah of my ah arcane Ward to reduce that by 22 points of damage. So he does that and then he... um And that's part of his multi-attack, so then he steps forward and he's going to slash at you with ah his really pretty looking longsword for an 18.
Alrighty, give me a moment. me see My armor class is 24, he does not hit. Okay, he does not hit. um Alrighty then. ah Now it is the the lizards that continue to nap. Alright, this guy, the nearly dead guy, turns and flees.
um And seeing that his boss man is um fighting Slurm, he's gonna try and he's going to try and fight Slurm, because he assumes it's Slurm who did the ah the thing. um He's gonna ah slash at you with his shortsword. That's a 15, so that's gonna miss, and then he's gonna whack at you with his hammer. 22. Is that enough?
Slarm? Yeah, 22 Slarm. Okay. that's what has to be at twenty four He harmlessly waxes at you with his hammer. Um, Abernock, you're up.
you tried to listen there Um, so did I, by chance, notice them all going that direction? Probably, yes. Okay. Because denni Dennis ran past you, so yeah.
Okay, I turn around and I go 5, 10, 15, 20. And I can see this grouping of people. Do they look like enemies or allies? The two closest to you are allies, but one of them's invisible so you don't see him. And the two furthest from you are enemies. enemies Okay, I chuck a fireball. ah position Let me check my spell list here.
um Can I cast Magic Missile at third level?
Yes. Okay. I do that. I believe it adds one extra missile. and don't know why it's still showing up like that oh by the way attack free monotony says cheap viewers on some website let's just ban this guy
How do I, how do I ban? I forget how the ban this first damage damage so get that and strikes into screen you can direct them to cast spell using spell slot second level or higher The spell creates one more dart for each slot above first level. So third level means it's probably five, the five D four plus one. So
5d4 plus 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 17 damage to the- You're doing the magic missile? Yes.
Yeah, so it's 12 plus 5, 17. To which one? the Whatever enemy I can see and I can line of sight to do the magic missile on. there I, well, magic missile, um, doesn't require a straight line, but let's see. You can see either, you can see both of them. One of them looks like he was recently on fire. I do it to that one. Okay. Until he dies and then I move it over. Okay. Okay. The, um, so the first missile strikes him in the chest and and causes him to stagger the second missile.
strikes him in the face and he falls he falls down. five um And then so now we've got a 4, 5, 6, plus 3... 9 damage to the other guy. The other guy, the Dragonborn is still standing. But this guy just got killed by a magic missile. Yeah, yeah get wrecked.
and his short sword and hammer fall to the floor followed shortly by his body falling to the floor that means i get my hex back no you hexed the dragonborn oh i thought you said that dragonborn dropped no no um now your lizards they don't do anything um then let's see uh... so um
Slurm you're up All righty, so That's what Slurm is gonna. Do he's gonna go ahead since you got a pop she loud. He's gonna pop his head out He's gonna be like alright You He's gonna pull out his thunder saber, and he's gonna go ahead and take a swing 26 that hits
So that's gonna hit now for 11 points of thunder damage. Okay. He's not dead. All right. He's going to do... He actually... yeah Oh, sorry, go ahead. He actually regenerates from thunder damage now. Oh, shit. No, he doesn't. Then he's gonna, after taking that initial slash, Sperm's gonna do a little a little obi-ani lightsaber twirl, and he's gonna go again.
For 16. 16 bounces off his plate mail. In that case, he's like... yeah china get let you I did not understand a word you said.
Oh, he said that's how you hit someone. as a mother Oh, yeah okay. ah Gertrude. Gertrude peers through the door and realizes that she's not going to be able to help because she would just get in the way. um She grabs a rock off the ground. No, there' that that's boulders. Yeah, she's she's just too big. So she just is like watching.
Iskander, you're up. I am going to cast Bestow Curse on the Dragonborn. Okay. And I am going to curse him with... but The 50% chance that he doesn't do anything. ah Okay. Is there a saving throw? Okay. Wisdom save. Wisdom. um then in Well, he rolls good. He rolled a 19. Well, that sucks. And then... I'll let it lie with that. All right.
um Dennis ah now misty steps, as he does sometimes, over to here. and then he's going to, if he hits, he's gonna do the thing he's known for. um He's gonna attack once and twice. um The first one does hit. ah Dealing 17 damage, he misty steps behind the Dragonborn and stabs him right through the chest, finishing him off. The Dragonborn sword
It hits the ground and penetrates into the stone about a foot before stopping. Nice.
now Now... What, it goes from the outside of his hand and sinks into a stone floor? Yes. Stabs into the floor and and penetrates about a foot before it stops stabbing. Okay. Dennis... ah
I guess that's his turn. He's he's done. so um He's like, well, that takes care of that. um Next is Danger Noodle.
well right away Yeah, I mean, I guess some
As far as, yeah, everyone everyone's dead, so... Oh, everyone's dead? I hear battle. There's battle music? No, I don't hear battle. Yes, you no longer hear battle, but we're still in initiative.
Well then, I can spell slots to burn, so I'll misty stuff again.
What the fuck's going on? Why are we still on Initiative? 5, 10, 15, 28, 25, 30. I go, what's going on guys?
It's like I just killed this guy. Oh. Um, yeah, I mean... Why are we still on Initiative? Well, Initiative is a game mechanic that you don't know exists. I feel like I'm being impeded.
Battle Conclusion and Loot Discussion
feel like you can only You feel like you can only do six ah six seconds worth of action at a time. That's weird. Why do i why don't I feel like I'm being controlled?
Because you are. ah You still have you still have and another movement if you want to do that. You've misty stepped and then you moved. Yes, I will ready an action if I...
enemy comes into my line of sight, I will analyst just my good ol' Elsh blast. and okay Um, the lizards do nothing. Um, uh, Amber knock, uh, as far as you can tell, everyone's dead. Well, the bad guys, the good guys are alive. So double dash or the, I'd take the dash action or whatever their words. I'm still flying five
50, 55, 60, 65, 70. Uh, stop, stop, stop at 70. Is that as far as you can actually move? It's 60. Okay. It'd be right there. Um, give me a perception with disadvantage. Okay. Um,
her perception disadvantage. Wait, I have a thing. Hold on. Where's my thing? Go away. Cancel. dada chair the bit so No, that's not it. Although you can apparently reroll a failed ability check.
There it is. Yep, that's the one.
Oh, interesting. Okay, so just roll regular, regular perception. I keep forgetting I have that. That's a 20. Not net, but a 20. So in order of how badly they rolled, first you see the guy who rolled a three on his stealth check. Why isn't it? You see him right there next to you.
um Then I don't think you'll be able to see this token, but he also rolled um a very bad roll. The guy to the right of the door? Yeah, all of these people rolled. that The best roll was a 12. I don't know if you can actually see all of them, but um the moment you step into the room you will. so i But anyway, you do see the guy to the right of the door. I think he's near line of sight. I see this guy, I see this guy, and I see the edge of this guy. Yeah. Cool. I'm like, hey, guys, there's people over here. And that's all I do, because I used a dash action to get here. And then you hear, ah, fuck. And then, let's see, I'm going to do a roll here. We're going to go.
OK. This guy, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 5, 10, 15. Move my turn order out of the way. 20, 25, 30. That guy starts fleeing.
Um, this guy steps kind of over here to get a little bit of a better angle and then he's going to shoot a, um, Oh, he doesn't have a crossbow. Uh, nevermind. He steps right up to you and tries to smack you with his wooden club. Oh yeah. That's a,
If he had had advantage, would have been a nat 20, but that's a 14. I don't think that hits. ah I would hope not, probably. Yeah, he tries to smack you with his basic wooden club and fails. I'm using my boots of flying and I'm imagining myself doing like a Superman fight.
So you're just going to do a quick little barrel roll. Yeah. Yeah. Slurm, you just saw someone appear at the door and try to smack Amber with a club. And because of their failed, their awful stealth rolls, I just revealed them so that everyone could see them once they get into a line of sight. All right. So in that case, Slurm is going to disengage ThunderSaver. He's going to pull out his blaster this time.
the boomstick No, no, no, he's got the boomstick and then he's got an actual blaster. Oh, okay yeah it's It's a hand crossbow with the rela with the repeating shot armor of Artifice or infusion on it. So basically it's a never-ending magic ah magic ammo reloading by itself shooter I dig it so He's gonna so seeing that he's gonna disengage his Thunder saver He's gonna pull out his blaster and he's gonna do like a red dead like a red dead to Dutton like fan ah fan the hammer type ah type double shot. Okay one ah That's a hit Damn really yeah yep
and then she just think in my head That's a dead dude. That's also a hit. First one does 11 points of magical piercing damage and the second one does another 11 points of magical piercing damage. What does it look like when you kill this guy with the first bullet but the second one also collides with him? Overkill.
So as soon as he sees the guy coming to take the swing, he's just going to put that away. And like I said, he's going to Red Dead to that, fan the hammer, just double shot it. The second shot will have already been fired by the time I get the guy's dead. Yeah. The guy dies when the first shot hits him. Yeah. OK. And then immediately afterwards, Storm does a little pistol spin and returns it back to its holster.
One of the guys says, I think that they lied to us about who these these people were.
ah you said that Someone from the other room. Gertrude um does nothing. Iskander, you're up. Okay, well, I guess we're gonna... Let's see what the range is on this. Thirty foot cone. One of the other one's like, this is a slaughter. I didn't sign up for this. You son.
All of a sudden, from the corner, I choose this like, you're a short motherfucker, and it just explodes. Five, six.
So I invisibly float, or, you know, took a took a took took go walk in the room, and then I'm going to cast Fear, and from the darkness they hear, when the light goes away,
It turns its face from you. What haunts your dreams? And I cast the Fierce spell. Okay. um How many people does a target like? It is a 30-foot cone. Cone? Alright, so you're gonna... um Would that get Abernock through the door?
hello Maybe? it's It's a cone. It spreads outwards. Yeah, bet. Sure. ah So Frank, make up. Each creature in a 30-foot column must succeed at Wisdom's saving throw. Drop whatever is holy and become frightened from the duration. in your fallies What's up saving throw? Wisdom. Wisdom. That's a nat 1. You see in the dark, Frank. Tell the sun what you see when it turns its eyes from you.
So, Ambernock and both the guys in that room drop everything they're holding and start to run. ah
Which direction do I need to run? Away from the boy from me. yeah okay um very question now i want to know what what's it what makes amberno run away in fear You must take the dash action and move away from the thing. so gotcha was what what What is the image of your worst fear?
um What is it now do they do they do that on their turn or do they do that immediately? ah Well frightened by this though creature must take the best action and move away from you by the safest available route on each of its turns Okay There is nowhere to move if the creature ends its turn in a location where it doesn't have line of sight of you The creature can make a wisdom saving throw on a successful save so they don't see me so they can always make a but yeah throw yeah You drop your shit right now and then ah you'll run on your turn. The only thing I have in my hand is probably my wand.
Return to the Sanctum and Future Plans
um So I drop my wand and I see a giant rust monster with a little squirt bottle chasing me.
sweat little squir ah little squirt monster little squirtty waters monster So one of the guys drops his Halberd and the other one drops his Morningstar.
um ah the The guy holding the Morningstar is wearing some really nice ah ah armor by the way. um just ah
some really nice ah plate mail. ah Much nicer than what the other guy was wearing, actually. um But these two both run, well, on their turn they'll start running. um Dennis, is Dennis in range of that cone? Spread of the cone, nope, Dennis just barely misses it. um Okay, so Dennis did not get coned.
You should be able to measure, I guess you can do it with drawing, but you should be able to measure shapes. Oh wait, you can. Cone. From air. From Iskander would go. Yeah. Originating from? Yeah, barely gets Abernock, so yeah. But it doesn't get Dennis, so yeah.
Dennis, I guess, is gonna
peek out, slip past Ambernock and look out here and be like, ah, shit, there's guys out here. And there they dropped their stuff, and then he's gonna stab one of the guys. um Actually, no, let's see, Dennis, because this is this is a new battle. Dennis is gonna look at one of the guys. um And it's gotta make a fourteen DC-14 saving, a DEX Constitution save.
Oh, damn. It rolls ah it rolls a 21. So it is not petrified. And yeah, that's Dennis' turn. He tries to petrify the guy. He looks at him, and the guy does not look back because he's busy running in fear. Danger Noodle, you're up.
Yeah, I mean, you've heard the commotion going on outside, and you just saw Slurm, fire is gone. So. True. Sorry, everything's taking forever to load. I do not know why. Where did go?
What are you looking for?
Did it just disappear? I'm looking for a couple of spells, but it disappeared.
Interesting. Well, I don't know what the hell happened. But I missed you, Steph, one more time. All right. obtain fifty thirty
Do I see that guy? Yes, off in the distance and ignore what I just did. How far does my allergic glass go? 120 feet. That gets him.
Does 15 hit? Uh, that guy, I'm pretty sure... Yes, sleeping it sounds like it. A 15 hits. what yeah Frank! Yeah, I'm pretty sure that happened. Yeah, um, I just believe... No. It's not your turn yet. We're just waking you up. ah Actually, what does it look like when the first blast kills the guy but the other ones don't? Well, the other ones hit his corpse as it falls to the ground. I just explode his head. Is he back? Is he asleep again? I think so. No. Wait. Okay, yeah, you you murder that guy in one shot. Sweet. We still had initiative.
ah Do you do anything else? Yes, there's still two guys who are currently afraid but haven't had a chance to move yet. oh um
No, I'll stay where I am. Not too great at frontline work. I end my turn. OK. You know what? We've got Frank sleeping. I'm going to say the two the two veterans. um I mean, these arent these are just scrubs. The two veterans try to run, and Dennis and Iskander both kill them with the tax of opportunity.
um Because that's bitch yeah um and Yeah, that was I Set this little battle up um Because I didn't have anything else to do tonight, and I didn't expect y'all to spend so much time looting dragon bodies.
ah strange and You know who the fuck we are, bro. Even 10 hours a day fishing a goddamn dragon's ah tooth out of that thing if you came across one in real life? Yes, yes I would actually, I suppose. but um who have
enough Is there any notable loot besides just random trinkets? The notable loot... um What do you mean besides random trinkets? All trinkets are notable. ah The most notable of the loot would be... it's fucking right There is the sword that sunk into the ground. um I don't remember if this is something I made up. Let me see if it comes up in... um
Or if it's... Oh, it does, okay. Is that really what it does? Or did I make that ability up? Okay, yeah. Slurm, you recognize that sword that stabbed into the ground as a sword of sharpness. um o nice yeah This is a... ah Let me... Hold on, where'd it go?
What type of sword is this? like you a long Like a long sword, great sword, short sword? It is a long sword. um I'm seeing if it counts as... Yeah, it is a long sword. um When you attack and an object with this sword and hit, maximize your damage dice against this against the target. um When you attack a creature with this weapon and roll a 20 on the attack roll,
That target takes an extra 4d6 slashing damage. Then you roll another d20. If you roll another 20, you lop off one of the target's limbs um with the effect of such loss determined by the GM. If the creature has no limb to sever, you la lop off a portion of its body instead. in addition In addition, you can speak the sword's command word to cause the blade to shed bright light in a 10 foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. um Speaking the command word again puts it out.
Fucking kidding me, I'm gonna sojarkai this shit now. I already effectively have a lightsaber. Well, who's? You're giving me something that let's me lop shit off? I mean- No, I'm gonna pass this off. I'm gonna pass this on. I was gonna say. Yeah, who wants- Yeah, someone's gonna pull it out and admire it and be like, eh, I can't touch what's already perfect. Hey, it's you. This thing looks like it was made for you.
e It will slice nice pieces of ham. The other item of note um to not waste time on the other things I'll compile that list is one of the guys that you feared is wearing adamantine plate.
um So that means I believe adamantine just makes you immune to criticals or something like that. man yeah it's it's a basically and I I think that Adam Antoine plate also doesn't have the the heavy art that's that heavy armor disqualifiers you know like the don't know that's you're thinking negates criticals yes it negates criticals so it's not even it's not a magic item technically but you know I'm
Yes, it is Adam and team plate. um Base price of 2000 gold. So you know if you decide to make a magic item out of that Slurm and give it to somebody or something like that, um you could upgrade it and subtract 2000 gold from whatever the price of the upgrade is, because you've already got the armor. Slurm, does anybody else want it?
a No. not right now because i'm already i think i already have adamantine playpond pretty sure i'm wearing that i wouldn't be surprised if you do um pretty sure i'm wearing that damn all right so other than that you know i'll go through the other loot i'll compile a list and stuff and i'll come i'll add it to the list i already told y'all um that way uh
because I don't think, you know, we didn't actually, like, log any of that other than the magic missile. Yeah, I'm already wearing Adam in team play. I mean, you can also just keep it and sell it. You guys got a lot of money, a lot of junk that needs to be sold. Yeah, I have a kid that's trying to stoke. Yeah. Which, while you're not, don't need to do this tonight, that is what can be happening during the downtime. So do you guys head back to the, through the portal?
Oh, yeah. So, yes, you do you go back through the portal, you reappear. ah Let me move the map. um See if you guys got tokens on the map over here. I'll just drop some new tokens for now. Are the tokens? I don't know if they're at current HP, so we'll make new ones.
What? Okay. Delete, delete, killing you all. um Don't move yourself around, because I'm just going to grab you and so I can put you all in the clump together. That way I can copy paste.
But you guys appear in the sanctum. I guess you don't need to see the place of the map right now. um And ah here I'll just, you can see what it looks like.
Are you all able to see over there even though you don't have tokens yet?
Scanner. Danger Google. Okay, i'll make it to I'll make it seeable here in a second. And Amberknock. Copy.
You guys reappear on this portal. It'll be at the top of the map. Your tokens should be there now.
Are they there? Can you see? Yes. Okay. I can't see. Yeah.
All right, yeah, you guys reappear, um, the wizards, uh, that, that, that they're conveniently waiting for you. Um, and they're like, Oh, you're back. Yes. And there's also an extra person, this person. Um, and, uh, huh. Why do they look evil? They look, um,
and okay keep feet but so they look like this.
Oh, I can see the tree. Multi-assassin. Okay. Two short shirts. Oh, you can see all of her stuff, huh? Yes. Assassinate evasion. Train and the use of poisons. Good luck, bitch.
but Oh yeah, we can't see all our stuff. intelligence That's unfortunate. my rule Just give that a juice. Just give her the juice, Ron. Give her the juice. Yeah, so um why does she only have one, two, three, potentially four fingers on a hand?
Cause, um, cause assassination is a busy, it's a messy business. Yeah, it's totally, no it totally wasn't AI. You have to remove the ring finger from the hand. Yeah. And also AI has the hardest time figuring out hands. Yeah. fau is it It doesn't understand how many fingers we have, I guess. so Um, immediately when I see her, Ekans comes through and you hear me speak in Ekans voice saying,
What happened to your hands? You just bust up in here. ah She blinks at you, and then she's like, ugh. Did everyone die? I don't know what you're talking about. No, no, no. You asked her what happened to her hands. see wrong I pulled the visor up off of my helmet and looked at you and be like, really?
that i I'm a snake person, and I have all my favorites. hunting accident. So it was just a cooking accident. just grab I have all my fingers and I hold up my shoes hands. Thank you. This is my body too.
That's what you win with. She said she said cooking accident. oh Cooking And then Illustrial Silverhand steps forward and says, you're back. Did you find the ah the the missing piece?
Up the rise. No. yeah Yes. I believe these two... Do I have that? If I have it, I give it to him. I don't remember which one of you ended up with it. It wasn't Amernok though.
Maybe Slurm. Oh, no, I think Slurm gave it to you for safekeeping ki you gave it to me i don't Yeah, ini it yeah um Yeah, you hand it over and she's she says yeah. Yeah, ah she says perfect and and she leads you guys person in the group she goes and wow and it's not me i scale
She takes the rod piece and then puts it on like this this dais thing. um And she's like, all right, it's gonna take us some time to track down the next pieces, but having this will make it go a lot quicker. um You guys are free to use the um the portal to get back to, but ah is it Baldur's Gate where y'all were? What town were y'all in? It wasn't Baldur's Gate, it was Silph.
silvery moon it was neverwinter neverwinter yes um the portal to neverwinter here's here's the uh keystone to the neverwinter portal and um you just just put that on the the dais the the other dais not the one that i put this rod on put that on the portal one can i send what
Does that mean you can send us anywhere and not just back to... No, only the places where there's an established portal and we have the keystone to get you there. Sorry, I did not get half of that. think Only the places where there's... some engine Only the place where there's a, um, established portal.
Within this, is there an established portal? Uh, we've got portals leading to places all over Faerun. All the major cities. And a few weird places like that. moulder ah Yes, we could send you to Baldur's Gate if you wanted to go there for some reason.
<unk>ve been here before it's not that great It is a shithole. Are you saying that a tourist? You know, i like 200 years ago, a bunch of mine players almost took it over. i remember him I don't think canonically that was very long ago. L. Terrell wasn't that long ago. yeah
um But yeah, Tiefling's had, for some reason, a huge plot. I don't know, you're right, it wasn't. It was like 20 years ago. it was like perfect Everyone here should know about it, because it probably made history. Yeah. Well, not really, because there wasn't the internet. you know If you pay attention to the like um Medieval tabloids, you know, maybe there was a story in it this far away from Baldur's Gate unless you were a Major trade port which means that there are probably a lot of merchants in the area that saw it. Yeah Yeah
yeah um But anyway, she says, yeah, you guys, are it's going to take us a while to um locate the next ah the next piece. ah Feel free to take that portal to get yourself home, and you can use the the same you know stone to get you back. Oh, OK. 100% for us if you ever need us again to be your little puppets. Oh, we'll need you again. It's just going to take us a little bit of time to figure out the next location.
But yes, we'll stand for you. okay i guess thats be right I guess if we're like dismissed, which I imagine we are dismissed. You're dismissed. Okay. Ekans will once again pop out and say bye, Tasha, with a little hand wave, and then just disappear.
didn't he he goes through the portal you mean yes goes home to his well i guess you all appear like i don't know in the street somewhere in in um randomly i was trying to look i was trying to look if it says where y'all would pop back out um when you go back just like rain i i just like fall 10 feet from the air and fall into a bay of a bale of hay like in pheasants creek
permanent portals. ah
Yeah, I don't know. There's, it probably says somewhere in here um where you pop out. You probably pop out like in in the Temple of Mistral or something like that.
We'll just say yeah the Temple of Mistra. You show up in the center of the temple um and the the the the clerics in there just start like um thinking that you're a holy figure and and about. now They're used to it. they've that they're they're aware They're aware of their port this portal.
Like ah coming back from the sanctum um I didn't I didn't know that Illustrial was planning on sending any anyone our way. um Let's let's Did she need something From you guys probably not we're probably more useful at the moment. Oh Oh, okay. Well, sorry, I really don't mean that. So I'm getting used to this whole new plane of existence. um Let me, you can speak to my associate and then danger needle pops up. Sorry, he's a bit of a dick. um ah but it's It's good to see you guys. I'd rather get home and wash off all these dragons on a bit soft of me.
the the The clerics just kind of like blink. But, you know, this is a portal belonging to the daughter of Mistra, one of the daughters of Mistra, so like weird stuff happens. All the time. Yeah. They are weird stuff.
What do the rest of you do? Do you just go home? I mean, we're we're done for the times. I mean, part of the the long rep not long rest but the downtime that we have to be selling stuff and oh why making alchemist stuff okay what my house i need a like a pop up of my house yes i'm just gonna i'm just gonna hang out in the sanctum place because i don't have a house and uh never want to oh yeah you don't hang out at my house if you'd like oh no no no hang on
I hear what the creepy was. They interest me. I want to watch them. This is Haydn's Haydn's house. But I did. I did update it. You did upgrade it. You did. I did renovate this bad bitch. If you want to come over, you can probably sleep on the couch. If you want to come over, you can sleep in my bed. And then Ekans goes, no, none of that while I'm in your body.
ah plan jam out your oh bro I go through the portal with the whole group and then I say on their side, I don't trust the Wizards. I'm going to watch them and then I go back.
but i waste the the wizard ro yeah're not a wizard you're an artifact yes no no not you like When you get upset, I'm like, not you Wizards, the Wizards that are paying us.
Oh, I'm not a wizard. Oh, yeah. No, you can't trust them. Look at them. You look in their eyes. They're not trusting. especially should act Did you see that? like i after after What's going on? um mustachche stands Yeah, so it's gonna do the thing where and anytime he's in like around them, he's gonna have his helmet on and then through that, like he's going to try to watch them without turning his head through the giant metal helmet that he wears, so he's like looking straight ahead at a quotation marks book, and maybe that book's upside down because he's not really reading it, he's watching wisdom. Really poorly. There are probably some fascinating books in this place, you know.
um And yeah, there they are studying the, you know, the the rod piece. um And- They study a lot of rods, don't they? Well, they're gonna be studying seven seven of them. um And and ah yeah, you guys go home. Slurm, your wife is happy to see you. I forgot to make ah horrific a AI conglot- No, wait. Did I make the baby picture?
I feel like it would be horrific if I did. You haven't made any baby pictures of my babies yet, Ron. No, no, I didn't. have my half goblin But half this is what your, yeah, this is what your wife looks like now. um Because in the great crazy merger thing of universes, she merged with a, um what did I say she merged with? me she she No, she merged with an Ankeg.
oh That's right and and this is and this is what AI decided that a merger of a tiefling and an ant cake would look like and ak what's in Oh, yeah, yeah a giant a giant char Yeah, have you ever seen Starship Troopers basically that? Kerrigan She became Kerrigan Does she why?
Does she eat wood by chance now? Or unnatural cravings for glucose? And then if you like... Her skin wouldn't be soft, right? It would be all like... Oh, that's a crappy picture. ...plady and kind of rubbery. Ewwww! Icky! That's not the best picture of one, but, you know... Oh, I prefer this picture, actually. Let's see. She drools after now sometimes, whenever I make a really nice dinner.
I prefer this this picture of what what one is. Oh. Yeah. Yeah. yeah starchship two That's a lot more fun. Yeah. Starship troopers, don't worry. We said the same thing. But for some reason, when I told AI to combine a Tiefling and an Ankeg, that's, it it gave you a hot wife. So. I mean, I always knew. Now I've got now now i got a hot wife in real life, and I've also got a hot wife in my game. Perfect.
And when she has babies, she's going to lay eggs. It's going to be creepy. I don't know. Fucking. and a fuck i do that on an egg To be fair, a little fucking swarmlings like that. Well, dude, imagine when the swarmlings hatch out of the egg cases.
Running around It's it's yeah like boulders gate where you pick up the egg and be like in there and then you try and then you give them the owl bear because that more i um I think your baby I think like goblins and merits mixed together just all this mouths full of razor-sharp teeth already developed perfectly so So yeah family ah you um because your baby I think was not born until after the universal thingy um it wasn't yeah it wasn't affected by it well no no wait oh this this will be canon if life exists
oh yeah ah like Well, no, I'm trying to think if it was in the womb... What does the cult of Ron believe? If it was in the womb when she was transformed, if it was are she was already pregnant, therefore it has the DNA of only a tiefling and a goblin.
um however the However... It would have been merged with something else. It could be merged with something else, depending on the cult of Ron. Or it could be merged with two somethings else. I'm pretty sure... Wait, has the baby been born yet?
I don't remember. I don't remember either. I don't think it's happened. That way it can have definite transformations. I think it's on the horizon really close. but I'll have to have have to listen back to the episodes. I feel like it either is just about to happen or it just recently happened, but I can't remember.
um Well, we'll find out ah about Bill's baby the next time we play this. this um we it ugly haveling half something else baby baby Maybe, yeah. that ron is using this outro to think about his full
pros and cons right now um these so uh the next time we play we might well yeah the next time we play i think we're gonna play um um We're gonna go back to the superheroes game for a few sessions um And finish up the storyline we were doing I'm pretty sure you know if you're if you're listening to the podcast This will be the first you've ever heard about a superhero game.
Session Conclusion and Superhero Transition
Actually. We probably talked about it before but um You haven't heard any of the episodes yet. They will come soon um Because I will be required to release them very quickly i know um by my personal requirements
but um after this episode ah there will be a um rapid drop of Vampire Season 2. So you have that to look forward to listen my our our two listeners in Japan. And then and that'll happen all within you know maybe the same day, or like one a day, something like that, whatever's easiest to upload. and then um we'll and then And then you'll start hearing superheroes after that.
um that so I was your dungeon master Ron Bjork and um we tonight had Frank. Is he awake? good know He's not snoring. I'm here. so wow I'm Frank. I'm impressed. Sorry. um I played Ambernock. I had so much you guys tonight. um Also Hayden. I
There were multiple characters. It was nice playing with you tonight. But mostly it was nice playing with Bill. And Eric. Hey, uh, Summon the Fire. Burned up some dudes. Uh, see you next week. And Bill. I was Bill. I was Slurm. Slurm loved you all.
And that was both our most awkward intro and outro that we've ever done. ah Good night, everybody. Stop streaming.
Thanks everyone for listening. The intro and outro songs you heard today was Fox Soul Revolution created by Kevin MacLeod at, licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0 license, Creative, licenses by 4.0. The night is over, and have a great day everyone.