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Houston After Dark - Season 2 - Session 8 image

Houston After Dark - Season 2 - Session 8

S4 E8 ยท IDM Roleplay
9 Plays4 days ago

Enjoy Session 8 of Houston After Dark!


Introduction of Characters

Welcome mortals to another episode of integrated dice management presents Houston after dark ah I am your storyteller Ron Bjork and with me tonight is Jaden Hello, everybody. I am playing Wesley Isaac. I wasn't here last time, but I'm coming in hot today.

Recap and Reflections

We also have Frank. Hi, everyone. Thank you for joining us for another episode of Houston After Dark. It is currently after dark. This is true. I believe in all places that we are. We also have Hayden.
Hey, I'll be excited to play Max. See where this came this ah session takes us. Bill cannot join us tonight as he is sick, I guess. ah But he's here with us in spirit, of course. Where? As he always is. His spirit is nearby. um Whenever Bill's not here, he usually dies and haunts us.
just just so you know um i can't confirm that is what happens it generally is yeah uh and um yeah so we are going to be picking up where we left off from the last session uh for listeners this was only two weeks ago for us it was a while ago because we were recording other stuff and also there have been a few holidays such as thanksgiving and things like that i was in scotland for a while um Well, even is my name. Your name? your cold I think your name is Frank. But you might be Cold Stone not to be confused with Cold Stone Creamery.

Past Events Revisited

he he yep um Sometimes you play other characters like Lawrence Williams and and Officer Randall Binnings, but you probably won't be playing those characters tonight. um Lawrence may make an appearance, and but I'll probably need to NPC him for that. Speaking of Jerry, the last we saw him, he was bringing um Cassidy... Let me double check the name. I know it's Cassidy.
Where did I put you, Cassidy? Cassidy McAllister, um who Bill also played the character of. um He brought her back to his apartment and then phoned ah the sheriff's assistant, um, and told the sheriff's assistant that, uh, Jesse Krowkless was indeed dead and that he had Cassidy. What the party saw, what, well, what Max and Cole saw, um, was a guy pick up his phone and i pick up his phone say, shit, hang up. And then walk in the room.

The Vampire Transformation

Yeah, basically. Um, now, uh,
Wesley didn't see any of that. Wesley is um possibly like walking out to his car. I don't know. um Jaden, howell soon ah how long ago do you want what do you want him to still be within the vicinity of Elysium so that he may have witnessed or heard of the commotion that happened? Or do you want to already be on your way home um to go do whatever it is you're going to do to your wife?
um Is this a type of thing that someone would probably call me about? That's that's up to the players. Okay. Well, I would say it's been like 45 minutes since I've left because I left pretty early early in the night. Yeah, so you're probably almost home. If not, you're probably pulling into your driveway.
it's It's probably been like a somewhat awkward drive home for you because, ah you know, your wife was gung-ho about the idea. Well, that's not even the right word. She she drank a lot of wine and then said, let's do it. um But now it's like official because you now have the prince's permission to turn her.
um So she's probably pretty nervous and been quiet on the whole drive home, but you guys pull into the driveway now. Okay. Um, do you, so do you say anything to her before you get out of the car? Yeah. Um, are you sure you're ready for this?
Well, there's, you know, there's no time like the present. The kids, the kids are at my sister's right now so that they've got to sit her for the night and we can ask her if they she can ah watch, take them to school tomorrow. So we don't have to worry about that. Well,
I mean, I'm sorry again for all of this. I mean, this is, I mean, a big life change and I don't want this to be any harder on you. So, um, you know, I'll try to make it as comfortable as it needs to be. I mean, we said, you know, till death, two, we part, do we part. And, you know, if, if that means forever, you know, we're going to be together forever, we might as well make it official and be together forever. You know,
hey I mean that was the idea at the wedding am I right so ah um anyways look let's let's go aside you know let's watch a movie or something let's get you you know settled down from everything and you know I'll just kind of have it on the table if if you want me to well can can she drink just like if I just like take some of my blood and put it in her wine or something like that uh you're gonna have to drain her and then fill her with You have to drain her. In order to change her, you have to drain her dry. and And she has to die. And then you have to give her at least a drop of your blood. Now, giving her only a drop means she's going to freeze at the moment she wakes up. OK. But I mean, if I give her more, is she going to be more likely to be more vampiric later on?
No, it just depends on how hungry she'll wake up. Yeah, it's it's just like how hungry she'll wake up. Like a way that I thought of like the hunger, how hungry actually works in this game is it's not like rumbly, tumbly, I'm hungry. It's more of like the beast inside of you being quelled. Yes, basically. Yeah, like you can take a point because that's like appeasing the beast and you take two points and that's like, you know, making the beast happier. And then the more blood you take is just how much the beast shuts up. So the only way to the only way to quiet the beast for any amount of time is to drain all of the blood from someone to to to, you know, basically consume their life. And am I basically just going to transfer over hunger points to her? Yes, for each drop. OK, that's fine. All right. All right. So all right. I mean, you move in over a course of time, just get your blood and put it in like a little glass or something.
That's something you could do. Well, no, no, no, I can't because I have to drain her and then put it. She has to use my. Yeah, yeah. And then and then you could get your blood that you've been saving up so you could just like take. Oh, it needs to be pretty fresh. OK, thanks. No one that could do that. No, well, Frank can drink old blood, but to turn someone, it's got to be pretty fresh, like i you're the blood of the vampire. Yeah, like it doesn't necessarily have to be like you cut your vein and drip it into their mouth directly from your vein.
but there's no reason not to do that because they're, you know, it's not like they can drink it from a cup. Either way, you have to pour it into their mouth, but it does have to be within like a few, like within minutes of, of having poured it from your body, you know? So and there's no point. You still gotta be warm. Yeah. And there's no point of me putting it in a wine glass if she's unconscious. Like that's just, you know, she might choke when she's waking up. I mean, she can't die from that, but that's uncomfortable. So I'm look,
ah What we're gonna do is we're gonna sit down we're gonna watch a movie and then at some point You know, I'll just kind of you know, start kissing on you or something, you know, and then I'll just like movie what movie No, I mean we're you want to be in the holiday spirit. You don't watch elf or something. I guess this is in the beginning We're in February right now February. All right, let's watch a Valentine's Hallmark special, you know just something cute and Like it's like a date night, you know, we'll get some candles going and everything. All right. Are you watching? Is it a Seth Rogen movie movie? Yeah. Well, we're watching super bad. Super bad. Now, my question is, is um James Franco in that movie? I don't think he is. Do you want him to be? We could watch. You probably you probably don't want him to be for sure. That's true. yeah That'd be really awkward. He. Yeah. yeah
ah And he had the stink dick and the and the interview and and Damn all right girl. i'm I'm coming at you from a place. You know deep down I love you girl And you know this is this is you know if anything a little bit of remediation for what's gone on so So let's see I want to get some dice rolls just to see okay make her comfortable um Let's do You can either do Let's see, there's persuasion.
Persuasion leadership. or a subterfuge, if you want to manipulate her, but basically persuasion or leadership plus charisma. And, you know, depending on which one you pick, like persuasion is your closest thing to like, actually actively comforting, you know, because you're not trying to be yeah, persuasion plus charisma, okay, leadership would be not like,
It would be, I don't know that it would be comforting, but it's more like a leader inspiring you to do something, you know? And then subterfuge is manipulating the person in into become being comfortable. Yeah, that's not probably the best idea. And I would imagine leadership being like, oh, I'm the head of the house, blah, blah, blah, you should do this. Anyways. Yeah. All right. So, yeah, I'm definitely going to do persuasion with some charisma. let he go No Or can I have one? um I guess you can have plus one because it's your wife.
All right, let's see what happens. One success. Nice. um So I mean, you know you're talking to her. She's obviously nervous about the potential the the fact that she's going to be dying soon. But you know she she's she's not changing her mind.
Um, she's she's down for it. She's just understandably nervous and watching the movie and everything like It doesn't really comfort her all that much. But you know, she's just like um, I mean it's like, you know Anybody would be nervous when they know they're about to die Yeah And like while Neither of you. Actually, I don't know that

Awakening and Abilities Discussion

there's necessarily a could go wrong in in this game. um I think it almost always works unless you wait too long. But, ah you know, for all she knows, so what if something goes wrong and she just dies? You know, like she's probably just got those kind of thoughts going through her mind. I mean, it's understandable. I mean, yeah we didn't get a choice. I probably would have felt that way. Yeah. The Super Bowl is also playing tonight. Does your character care about that?
ah Probably not and he's more it's an analytical. Yeah, you know It's Super Bowl Sunday of the year 2020 Wait what day was Super Bowl 2020 That was on the February 2nd 2020 which I mean, I assume it was a Sunday cuz isn't Super Bowl always on a Sunday yes all sunday um
Yes, it was a sunday. Okay. Show us how much I watch football. I don't know if Super Bowl is ever on a different day. um At the end of this session, if if we finish this night, you know, because this is now episode two, of three of this night, um we're going to roll to find out who won the Super Bowl because the world has changed. True. Butterfly. Yeah.
So meanwhile, while so while you guys are watching this movie is probably when the drama is going down at Elysium. And you know at the ah you know at the climax of the movie is when Tufon gets tossed through through a wall or whatever it was that happened. um Well, I think she just gets thrown across the room. And then as the movie's finishing up, you know the prince is getting them to go into the into the other room. and um So the movie the movie is wrapping up. um
are you Are you going to make your move now or wait? Yeah, I'm just going to go ahead and go for it. OK. All right. So basically, um there's not really any roles you have to do. You just start drinking her blood. um Should I do a frenzy? Yes.
just to see if you can do it gently or not. um What's your current hunger at? One. OK, so just a frenzy difficulty one. OK. Modifier one? Wait. No, not for this. Yeah, just but it's it'll pop up with difficulty after the modifier. OK, OK, OK. Yeah. OK, one. All right.
Yeah, so you do pretty good. um You do not lose control. You manage to do this in you know as um pleasant a way as possible. um And luckily, the vampire bite, or the kiss, as they like to call it,
um Is pleasant, you know, it's not like she's in pain There's the initial pinprick of being stabbed by your your teeth and then after that it feels good um So she relaxes and eventually her eyes close her breathing slows Comes to a stop you can feel the blood um You know that her her heart stops beating and and no more blood comes forth for you to drink and
and she slumps against you. Well, now, um, well, yeah, I know you can do your, you you can choose to cut your wrist or choose not to, you know, the choice. Can I just feed her back with my teeth? Uh, you've got a punk, you've got to start bleeding somehow. Okay. Well then I'll just bite myself and then I guess just drip it into her mouth. But like, I guess three hunger points worth.
So you bite yourself really hard and dribble. OK, so move your hunger to three or four. Hold on. Hold on. Let's see. You would be at zero. So increase your hunger by four points. OK. Yeah. So you're a hunger for and she would be. um At I guess one, because she was at five and so you've lowered her down to by four. Yeah.
I've been a around the block. It's easier for me to go find something. Yeah. Well, I mean, your main feeding has been your wife and kids. Now you only have your kids, and they're not home. And your wife's not cool with that. That's OK. I can change. Yeah. Yeah, you can change feeding types. um So nothing happens for a while. um You don't know how long this takes. ah And it can vary. So I'm going to do a.
Let's see.
Actually, I don't know if twenty four was a good. Well, what's seven hours? I don't think it's going to take seven hours, but it it's going to take a little while, probably a couple hours for her to wake up. OK, well, I guess like the first couple, like I just have her kind of like laid up against me and I'm like fine. I'm just kind of relaxed about it. But like I guess towards the end, I start kind of freaking out a little bit.
Yeah, it gets a little weird. Like, all right, well, she's still dead. Yeah, I mean, her her body is cold. um And give me, this is going to be, um ah let's see.
Give me a another frenzy check, but difficulty two. This is ah would be a fear frenzy. I mean, rules-wise, it doesn't change the rule. But just to see how you handle this waiting game.
OK, but yeah um another frenzy rule from you. I did. Oh, wait. No, you did. OK, you just got the same results. So that's why. ah Yeah, um you keep it together. I mean, that doesn't mean you're not getting worried. But after a while, she starts to stir. Now I have to do because you gave her so much blood. She's got a pretty good role for this, but um I need to.
Prinzy No modifiers, um But it's her first time becoming a vampire She's not really hungry. So I gotta decide what I want this difficulty to be We'll just go to she has a terrible dice pool for this I think Okay, she does fine She wakes up and kind of like does that like gasp per for breath thing. Um, you know, when you, that they always do in movies when people come back from the dead. Uh, do we breathe? No, but okay it's, you know, it's, it, I mean, you, you breathe when you need to talk. Right. Um,
But you don't you're not required to breathe. And being new vampires, you probably still do a lot of the things that you don't need to do. like Older vampires probably never blink unless there's something actually in their eye. They probably never take a breath unless they speak, you know things like that. um You still have the instincts to do those things, even though you don't need to anymore.
um And then, of course, when you blush of life, you get it. So she like gasps and and and sits up and looks around the room. and And you know what? I'm going to do a roll. Let me, let's see. What's your clan again? The Bruta or something like that. Let's see. Brujah.
OK, yeah, I'll worry about that stuff later. Although I'll put, she's now a vampire. so Am I her sire? Yes. Nice. And you are,
Wesley is 12th generation, which makes her 13. OK. um and I'll worry about her vampire powers later. They'll be very similar to yours, of course, because she's your your child that you are sleeping with. um Hey. Hayden would be about that, but he just left. She's like, oh my God, what? Is it is it done? And she like looks around the room and she's like, everything looks so so... I didn't expect everything to look so sharp and vibrant.
Yeah, good morning. I mean good night. I mean, you know, like um it's that that it's gonna you're gonna feel great I mean it's funny, you know, you you're so scared and I mean I was really worried there for a minute You were taking a little bit longer than I was thinking but I held it together. I you know, I was with you till the end um How long how long did it take I mean it was i was like six hours No, no, I wasn't the full. Oh, it's just a couple hours. I decided not to. That way you can go war interact with other things happening. Oh, OK. Three. OK.
ah Three hours. Wow. Three hours to come come back from the dead. And she like. she's like, like licking her lips and like licking her teeth and, and, uh, you know, like trying to feel her fangs. And as she thinks about it, they, they, you know, pop out and it's like, Oh, I don't know why i I didn't expect them to pop out like that. And, you know, she's just like messing around. Um, so like, so I'm a like super strong now. Like, can I like throw a car or something? Uh, not probably not a car, but I mean, if you went to a weight room, you could probably lift ah a lot more than you did.

Elysium and Character Dynamics

Not really. oh I mean, a little bit more than you did. Yeah, vampires don't automatically get super strength. But if we do start sucking some bloods of some you know ah some higher vampires, we can get some. Yeah. And then we're going to switch scenes for the moment. Back to Elysium. You guys saw ah the person go in. Now, Hayden, you were going to go and try and find Lawrence to talk to him.
I think I'm going to give up on Lawrence. I mean, I can go and talk to Lawrence. That was the last thing you said. I think I'm actually going to go and talk to Lawrence. To Lawrence? Frank, you ready to jump into the role of Lawrence Williams? What?
why Sorry, um' sure and i Chip, what happened? You ready to jump into the role of Lawrence Bloodbane Williams? Um, sure. So, um, Lawrence, uh, is probably, he was playing tennis with the prince earlier, but the prince is busy now. So Lawrence was probably talking to someone. Yeah. Whoever it was, he's probably over at the, um, like by the bar or something, just like talking to random people. Um,
and He ah is, so he's wearing a, let's see, hold up. Let me do a,
one and two is the 49ers, three and four is the chiefs.
Uh, so he's wearing a chief's jersey, but he's attached his um, his arm sleeves to it Uh or his his arm cape sleeve things So that he's still got his look going Um, but he's or maybe he just pulled pulled a jersey over his regular outfit and But he's got a uh, a chief's jersey, um, so that warrants okay, I thought we're talking about the cop No, no, no, no. Bloodbane. Okay. The cops name wasn't Bloodbane. Yeah. Um, yeah. And, uh, Maxwell Cox walks over to you. I don't know that, you no, you have met him. Yeah, that's right. Cause y'all did the whole thing. You met us and I was like trying to break into your back door, trying to corner Dexter. Yeah. When he was in c closet the entire time.
Sorry, I'm still making images of Jerry. Trying to refine it a little. but um um you I'm in the bar drinking. I'm wearing the jersey. um The cape is over top of it. And my normal, like, shirt sleeves are sticking out the jersey. So it looks rather silly. thank No less expected. OK. So what happened?
So he's coming to talk to you. um And I say, Lawrence. Have you seen Dexter at all? ah My fellow brother of the night. It is a good to see you.
Yeah, good to see you too, buddy. Who? I'm sorry. I missed who you were asking about. Do you know who Dexter is? No, I i didn't hear who he said. who Have you seen Dexter? Do I know who Dexter is? Like me personally, Frank? Yes. You you know, we we played a whole session. We played two whole sessions where we were these people. Who is Dexter, though? Dexter is the guy, one of the guys that had a threesome with Lauren, your girlfriend. Oh, the Australian. Yeah, it wasn't it wasn't him. It was you. It was. Yeah.
and It was your friend. Sorry. Yeah. Okay. Now I'm even more confused. Maybe I should have listened to the last episode. Okay, so like Dexter Williams, or no, Dexter, whatever is last night, Dexter Chapman was- There's a whole bio on him. I'm looking for it right now, actually. He is probably under vampires, yeah. and When we went to go break him out from Lauren, when I staked him the heart from inside of a suitcase, and then we interrupted the whole session, turned the blue and the moon red,
um He jumped off the building. Jerry had to chase him. And we cornered him inside of you're you're the person who you're playing right now, his mouse. um And you were hanging from the ceiling. i remember I remember that part, but what happened to him? Do I know what happened to him? So Dexter was... No, out of character, we don't know. Yeah, you all brought Dexter to the prince. And... In character, we don't mean know.
Lawrence as well too though, right? Yes, Lawrence as well. The prince was like, cool, good job. And then immediately started talking to Lawrence um about your, about Lawrence's theories on the night mother and stuff. um And yeah, and and he just kind of left and didn't seem to care about Dexter at all. Got it. Okay. All right.
Back into the game, sorry. um um ah Dexter, my fellow minion of the night. um I do know exactly where he is, I think. You do? where Where is he? Is he here?
um Actually, I haven't seen Dexter.
Oh, sorry, sorry I was reading something. Yeah, the the last I saw of of our brethren, he was, ah when we were introduced, ah when we were when we were introduced to our Lord of Darkness, Prince, whatever his name was. What is the Prince's name? The Prince is named Prince Augustus Chapman Allen.
are our are revered and worshiped Prince Augustus Allen.
Okay, thanks. And then Max just walks off. I wave at him as he leaves. And I'm like, go ahead. do I would...
The club had a secret handshake and we pretended to be vampires. So I would be like, I would get up and go after him. I'd be like, you forgot to give me our vampiric secret handshake. I prefer not to touch. I i hold my hand out. No, thank you. And I just continue to walk away.
he He turns back around and just

Jerry's Suspicious Encounter

goes and says back at the bar. um did Just kind of did dejectedly like picking up his glass of Bloody Mary.
Get it, Bloody Mary. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I guess is Cole and Lauren still there? I think they were trying to leave. things got a little spicy. I don't think they actually left or anything. I think they're still there. They were kind of watching the we kind of explain what happened and we're like, this is not very. This is abnormal. Yeah. um But I know. The lady who I was talking to.
Olivia left already. Um.
Let me, I guess I need to roll another. ah One to two is Hayden. Three to four is Frank.
Hey, that's me. Your um burner phone starts vibrating. yeah And the number ah displayed is the number of Jerry's burner phone. I pick it up and go, Jerry, oh my god, are you alive? Dead?
dead alive? Uh, no, it's, it's not Jerry. Um, this, this is, well, you're, you're one of Jerry's friends. I, I'm, I'm hoping. Hey, yeah. Uh, who is this? my My name, my name's Max. My name's Cassidy. Uh, Jerry was supposed to be taking me to meet y'all's leader.
Where's Jerry? um Well, some weird guy with sunglasses, even though it was in the dark, showed up and asked to talk to him. And then Jerry got in the car with him and left.
And he looked like a cop at all. He was about to call you, I guess. And and then he he left his phone sitting on the on the counter. And that's that's how I've got his phone. But he drove off with this guy that I don't know.
did he Did he say anything? He just got up and left? Well, I mean, he he's he told me he'd he'd be right back. But I watched him talk to this guy with the sunglasses. He was wearing some sunglasses and a suit. Looked like ah looked like a Fed or something. A real fancy fellow. You need to leave now. What do you what do you mean? where Where do I go? I'm supposed to be i'm supposed to be meeting making your leader or something.
Yeah, um please please come to this address. And after you do, break the phone, take the battery out, leave it somewhere. And you need to come to this address. And I i shoot a text. OK, then. And I say, I don't. If you said he he looks like a Fed, he's probably not exactly a Fed. But if you remember the whole time to a stake, burn him.
That's what he is. Ah, hell, and she hung hangs up.
And yeah yeah, so that happens. um you know It's going to take a little bit for her to get there. Yeah. And i and then immediately, I take out my battery, chunk the phone into the pool, and I go, and you just hear the loudest,
Do you do anything else? um Max probably has a little bit of a temper issue right now and kicks the nearest trash can and just sort of like, and then just like... ah Give me a roll frenzy for me. Okay. This is actually pretty cool. Difficulty two.
Oh, shit.
I've been drinking the whole night blood, so I'm going to take my hunger down to a one. So there's free blood. Yeah. Difficulty two. Oh, that's a modifier. Same difference, no? ah Leave the modifier blank or at zero. OK, and then difficulty. yeah Yeah. Almost made that a difficulty 12. That would have been fun. Oh, shit.
Can I willpower that? um So initially, ah you'll be able to in just a second. um You can spend a point of willpower. But you don't just kick the trash can. You start like smashing it and and just tearing the trash can apart. and You're taking out all your rage on the trash can. Everyone's staring at you like, what the hell? And now you can spend a point of willpower to... Is WP reroll?
No, just um check it as if you were damaged. ah Like, turn it to a slash. Slash, yeah. yeah um and And then you start to, you regain control of yourself, but, you know, there's you're simmering a little bit.
And, yeah. And I imagine, like, would more experienced vampires have known what just happened? like Most of the vampires probably recognize what happened as you having a moment of loss of control. Like, yeah, vampires know what's up. They've, they've, they've all frenzied at least some point in their life and people kind of like.
Slowly go back to what they were doing um Some of them getting giving you the side eye you see people like whispering um You know, but uh, nobody directly Like confronts you about it. You didn't hurt me attack anyone or hurt anyone. You just killed a trash can so yeah it's all good um Do I see Imogen is the sire of him, right? Or is that Carmen? Imogen is Bill sire, Carmen is Frank. Do I see Imogen? You don't see Imogen, actually. She she wasn't um there.
i Do I have her number? You did have a meeting with magical vamp the the magic people, so yeah, I think you've got her number.
I go over to Frank and I say, I need your phone real quick. Or not Frank. Frank's. cole let' kind and frank like now you I go over to Cole. I'm like, oh, I need your phone real quick, please. Am I still there? Yeah, you're still there. You're there with Lauren and you just walk me through the trash can. Yeah. Like a living shit out of it. I go, OK.
Just don't break it. I have some pictures I haven't backed up yet. I pulled it out. yeah And I hand it to you. And I walk away from him because I know that the curtsy thingy. And I turn it on, and I dial Imogen. Rings a few times, and then you hear a confused ah hello. hello and go No, it's Imogen.
Oh, it's Imogen? Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. I get confused with the two ladies. Yeah. um And I go, Imogen, it's Max. Max. Maxwell. um One of Jerry's friends. Oh, yeah. One of those stuff I turned. What? I think Jerry just got picked up by the Inquisition. Wait. You what? Yeah. What? um Long story short, I some girl just called me.
i I think she's one of the ladies that got turned with us, the one of the seven that was supposed to be turned. And he just said some guy that looked like a fed came up in sunglasses, talked to him and said, I'll be right back and then wanders off with him. And if it's the same guy that has showed up to his door before, I think he's fucked.
Shit, okay, okay. is Where are you right now? I'm at the masquerade. Where do they fuck this Elysium? Okay, okay. You need to tell the sheriff what happened. The sheriff is in a meeting with the prince and one of the gangro girls that got her son, that had her son killed. that That's probably who this girl is, is the child of... um
Sorry, I just lost my shit like 30 minutes ago. Okay, okay. Find find one of the primogen. And if you don't remember, primogen are the important vampires of the city. if Find one of the primogen and tell them, and they'll they'll they'll tell the prince, there's I'll try something on my end, but the sheriff needs to know this. Is Oscar a primogen?
Oscar is a primogen. Lori is, there's also a Bruja primogen there. Can we have Lori and Oscar talking together in a corner? Or is Lori too high society for Oscar? ah I mean, they don't typically hang out with each other. Yeah. Okay. um I know Lori better. I'll go over to Lori and I, and I say, all right, I'm going to go talk to Lori. Is there,
anything I can do for you? No, I'll work on finding him my way and you let the sheriff know. Okay. I she hang up the phone and I give the phone back and I bomb rush it over to Lori.
I don't remember. Do you guys know that Wesley had a meeting with the cop that involved the FBI and stuff? Yeah. And I try to play it off and it kind of didn't really go my way. Yeah. He never told us about it. So.
OK, then I guess you guys don't know. I was trying to get the same cop. You don't know, but we are in character. We don't know. Yeah. But I know this guy has showed up to the his door several times. The FBI has showed up to Jerry's place a few times. The FBI has contacted Max's um ex-wife in Las Vegas and has also um ah was there. While it wasn't the FBI who tried to interview you, they did stop um the police officer who what who Wesley was talking to. They did stop him from trying to arrest you.
um because yeah and they called you a leech. So the FBI has been around ah to everyone but Cole, actually. Cole's the only one who hasn't had the FBI knocking on his door in some form or fashion. Well, it's just surprising since, I mean, have have you made any sketchy apps? Or have you only made like So I just work for a company that
does production and of apps and websites and things. Also Cole is not like, so Wesley is sort of a public, maybe not a public figure, but he's an important figure. And while so and they talked to Wesley because he's the employer of the guy who, of Max who killed himself and then came back from the dead. Yes. And then, and Jerry got talked to because he's the, um, the,
therapist of max cold doesn't actually have anything linking him to max other than yeah i've been good at covering my my tracks Well that and like you legitimately other than the fact that you guys have occasionally been together don't have anything linking you to max because max just happens to work at at a company that was associated with another person you were working with you didn't even have anything to do with isaac genetics you worked with with um jerry's company so i'm trying to make lawrence what do you all think of those
I mean, those are, are prove pretty darn close to something he would do. Yeah. It definitely looks like something Lawrence would do. And that's why I refuse to touch him. The two side by side, um, with the chest hair, you know, cause he has chest hair. Yeah. Well, I typed in their black hair with blonde chest hair, like black hair on his head and blonde chest hair. And that's what it keeps coming up with is a black and blonde mixture. Yeah.
I kind of like it though, it makes them more froofy. Yeah.
I also probably like the face and hair of the first one and then the body of the second one. I like the chain of the second one.
Yeah, I like how it goes all the way down like it's you know suggesting I mean because it's Lawrence and Lawrence is this like ah he probably has it around like a cock ring You know I'm saying like it probably like clips on Probably yeah one thing about I don't think I gave Lawrence beautiful or anything like that, but Lawrence is actually like He is a good-looking guy. He's he
Was extremely as immortal extremely manipulative and had people, you know, basically worshiping him Even before he became a vampire. Yeah, that's pretty accurate then. Yeah Apparently chat gpt can't make him less good-looking than that and Can only make it knows it knows Yeah, yeah, I didn't give him um Uh the looks any any good looking stuff like the attribute so it doesn't get bonuses to it, but yeah Um I want to add more pictures. Can I add more pictures to his avatar? No, you can only add one picture or it on Roll 20. Yeah, did y'all hear what I said a second ago though? Uh, what'd you say? I said I'll have enough time for like maybe one more scene
Well, I don't know if, do you guys want to contact Wesley?
And inform him of what's going on. I mean, switch back to- I don't know that this FBI guy has talked to Wesley. Wesley never said anything about it. There's no in-character need to to contact him. Well, we'll switch back to Wesley for a second um while you are making your way over to Laurie.

The First Hunt and Consequences

um and I was able to add it to the bottom of the bio and info page. ah And, uh, your wife Wesley is kind of like, um, she's kind of like just testing things out, like, you know, feeling like feeling yourself for a pulse and finding nothing and like poking herself, like not cutting herself, but just like poking herself with like a pin, you know, trying to like, see how much she has to push in to start feeling pain, things like that. Um, it's like, this is, this is so weird.
how do we how how to so How do we eat? like Well, you don't we don't have to eat food. Well, yeah, I get that. When do we get to drink blood? like like well Are you excited about it? like i mean cut us i mean it's ah I could eat, I think. Well, I mean, i shoot. but let's you know Let's go get some tofu or something. You feeling Asian?
Um, you know what? There's, hold on, I need to, I need to do something real quick. If we drink the blood of someone that just ate like Asian food or something like that, would it kind of taste like that? Um, or like or the race. So like if they, if someone's like super drunk, you can taste the alcohol. If someone has done drugs, you can taste the drugs. So if they ate like a lot of food, maybe. And you can taste the cholesterol we, that's canon.
Yeah, we've decided that. She's like, you know, you know who I really want to eat? Stacy down the road. She's always talking about how her garden looks better than mine. You create a monster, bro.
It's fine. This is literally what Kara would do. I mean, i I literally told her she's getting her computer tomorrow. I was like, girl, I was like, we're literally making my wife a vampire tonight. You can join. and i But anyways, uh, but yeah, no, this is something she would totally do. Um, she would go crazy with power a little bit, but I would, I would write her in. Um, I was like, well, let's go. I mean, shoot, I don't really like her either.
Oh, my God. OK, so you houses down and she she starts knocking knocking on the door. Oh, we're just going to let her come out. All right. I see you want to try and do this differently. I think um does she can she get jump a little bit higher? um She I haven't given her powers yet.
what What do you think she would have just really quick? You don't have to like make it, but just so I can kind of decide a strategic. I need her ah to pull up her clip. I have soaring leap. Yeah, you have soaring leap. I think that's a level one power. She can potentially have these ones. And eventually, she'll have her predator type. So um yeah, I would say she could have soaring leap. ah That's, I think, a level one power.
OK, because I'm imagining we're I feel like I said we're living spring trails. I feel like, you know, there's still some big trees out here. Let's I want to get posted up in a tree. And like, just kind of watch and make sure like and make sure whether the author level one power. Because I think it'll be funnier. Which one rapid reflexes? No, no, no, you don't know what it is. No, no. Oh, hey, hey, it's fine. You have.
It's in the same, so it's a potent ability, but ah the other level, potent level one ability, the one you didn't choose. Okay, i will I'm not going to look, so I'll just you know take that as it is. Well, shoot, can she climb a tree? Can I soaring leap her with and her in my arm? Certainly climb a tree.
That's true. All right. Well, we're we're posted up in a tree. And we can I do a, what is it called, Frick? Or perception check on the house and see if there is anyone else home.
Yes, roll awareness plus wits. Awareness plus wits. I'm giving her her powers right now. Yeah, you're good.
And it's nighttime, right? Yes, it's nighttime. You would be dead if it wasn't. OK, that's what I figured. i You're trying to see if anyone else is home. Yeah. For convenience, ah you know her husband works at night um and she is a single mother or not a single mother. No kids yet. They're newlyweds. Possibly pregnant, which means extra extra juices in the blood.
um All right, I guess we could just break in. No, I'm just kidding. We'll go knock on the door. OK. So I'll go and and she's she's knocking on the door. um Does she have a doorbell camera?
ah No. OK. Never mind. Yes, it's Spring Trails. Of course she does. Right. They all have the Vivint little camera.
Whatever. But yeah. All right. Is she going to talk to me through the doorbell, or is she going to come out? She comes out. she the The porch light comes on, and she she opens the door. um It's like, what?
Wesley, Carol, what are you all doing here? It's the middle of the night. Sorry. We we we had something really important to tell you, and I just could not wait. And then I start compelling her. Oh, OK. Hold on. um I'm doing something. Hold on. Sorry.
Let me, I'm reading something.
So let me roll something for her. OK. Actually, I have to do this twice. All right. She's aroused. It's like, oh, I didn't realize you were going to join me tonight.
This is all right.
I didn't realize you over swingers. OK, so Carol, as you start talking as um ah and you're you're planning on compelling her or whatever you're going to do, and Carol's just like,
ah You bitch and you know punches her in the face. Um She's not expecting it. So she doesn't dodge or anything takes the punch full in the face staggers back or no bleeding This punch definitely Pat like it packs more of a ah ah Like she got so you I guess you wouldn't know she got one success it deals more than one success of damage um and And the the lady staggers back, her nose is broken. She's like, you're always bragging about your your garden. Well, guess what? You're not going to brag anymore. And she like jumps jumps on her. Oh. The girl screams and she she you know bites into her. um And what are what are you doing while this is going on? I'm just kind of standing back and just in awe, kind of positively. Critical hit to tackle to her to the ground. She bites into her neck and starts drinking the blood.
oh Well, she struggles for a moment, but then the pleasurable effect takes over and she stops struggling. Is she going to frenzied? Is she going to frenzied? Because I either need to know whether or not I need to intervene. If she's just going to get her fix and she's gone. She said she wanted to eat her and that's probably a killer. First, what I want is an awareness plus wits, another one.
have like no awareness i'm like the most dumb ass like so anyways all right i'm literally just like oh um you probably don't pick up on this super much um But because you got a success, it is it's kind of weird. You notice like the the the the lighting you know coming through. um the The porch light itself is like your standard like yellow light. But weirdly, there's like a red tint to the lighting around you, like a red tint to the air, I guess, um as your wife is feeding.
um And let's see here. um and doesn't appear to be stopping. Oh, well, I guess I'm going to do a strength check and try to rip her off. OK. With what?
it be strength Athletics plus strength. Athletics and strength.
So she actually, um you know her stats were randomly generated, and athletics is her best stat. Lovely. She doesn't have high strength in the strength stat. But the power I gave her um gives her bonuses to strength.
And because she's hunger frenzy, she's just going to automatically rouse it, too.
Mostly because I just want this to go crazy. I mean, you could possibly stop her, but probably not with these bonuses. Great. Yeah, you can't get her off. She is draining this woman dry. um But go ahead and also give me a frenzy check, difficulty two. OK. As you feel your your hunger starting to, ah wait, what is your hunger at? Four. Four. Oh, actually, hold on. Let me find the difficulty chart because um You're legitimately hungry and there's blood. I'm about to just commit murder, you know, just real quick. It's actually going to be difficult to five. OK.
Wow, I'm correct. You managed to resist, even though you feel the the hunger and the the rage building in you, you do resist. I'm so like tuned into this moment to make sure that this does not happen.
But the problem is you can try again. um Let me do something else. OK. I'm going to do my mesmerize, my dominate mesmerize on my wife.
OK, I need to let's see. Let me pull up mesmerize because as a vampire, she can resist this. Dang it. All right. She needs to do this though. She needs to look at her husband.
Where's the compendium? There it is. Nez, arise.
So you're going to have to roll something, and she's going to have to roll something. So you are going to have to roll. Let me pull up your sheet real quick.
Where are you? There you are. So you will need to roll. You're pretty good at dominating. um That's what that last roll was. I just hit it. Hit the mesmerize button. I don't see it. It's the four.
That's a rouse check. Oh, what the heck? It's the other dice next to mesmerize. Wait. But don don't do it that way. Just um roll um sorry roll um manipulation plus 2. OK.
She has to roll these two stats. Any second attribute? ah No. OK.
Ooh, one success, so she might be able to resist this. She only has two dices two dice for this resistance because of her stats, but she resists. Yeah, so I don't think you can stop her.
um she She draws that that, you see that the um you know the woman beneath her her breathing slows and um and and then stops altogether as the the blood stops flowing. And Carol kind of looks up ah and and looks at you and she's like, that was incredible.
And then we we we switch away. ah Can I just do something really quick? Because I probably have to go. Yeah. Well, it's about to turn into something really quick, if that's OK. OK. I'm like, I just look at her after she says that. And I kind of chuckle a little bit. But then I sigh. I'm like, all right, we have to clean this up. And I bite my wrists and I drop some blood into the lady's mouth. Oh my god. Oh my god.
Okay, this is the worst decision you could ever make. Well, I see that that or we have a police on us, too. That's fine. That's what he did that's what I'm doing. um So he does that. And that's where we'll cut scenes. So what I'm going to need for you um is at the bottom of the sheet, click the humanity button.
Any modifiers? I don't do minus one. OK. Because it's a gruesome act. Well, the thing is, the way it works, one success, I think that's all you need. um The way it works is like, if you notice, I put some slashes on your humanity boxes. um And normally, whenever that fills up, you you at the end of the session, you roll for humanity. um But it was already full. And while there are rules on that, I don't feel like looking them up on what happens if they're already full and then you do another act in the same session. But I just figured that maybe I should just make you roll twice.
I got to reroll it. Yeah, go ahead and roll one more time. Just see what happens. One success both times. All you need is one success. So um you do not lose any points of humanity. um These clear out. They don't turn red, though, that clear them out. OK.
um you you so You rationalize, like with your wife, you rationalize you know she was a willing to turn. And probably in your mind, you rationalize that by, like yes, your wife just killed this woman. You are saving her by turning her into a vampire now. So you you rationalize away both of your um inhumane acts as a good thing, and you don't lose any humanity from it.

Consultations and Cover-up Planning

OK. Are there rings that you can get that make them be able to go into the sun? There are not. Oh, there aren't? OK. No. it's we're not It's not vampire diars, and she keeps her humanity. Oh my god. Every single critical success. She thought this was perfectly fine. ah Whatever I said that person's name was, I should.
Do you all remember what I said? Stacy, right? Well, do I need to call her husband or do I need to like get on her phone and like delete the like what? There's a camera that just like got a half of that at least until ah we punched her inside. and You can call Cole because you don't know how to do that. a All right. I guess what can we um willit do you want to switch? I mean, it depends on how long you're going to stay on. I will finish the scene out. Yeah, if you want to call up Cole.
All right. ae I was actually about to call him on. It would be funny if we had like never mind. All right. All right. I'm calling you. Frank, he's calling you. OK.
Hey, do you answer? Do I? Hello. This this is no longer Jaden. Not Hayden. Max gave Cole back his phone. I don't remember that happening, but OK. Yeah. All right. After I get this shit out of the trash can. I say, hello. Hey. We're in a little predicament right now. It's the only reason anyone ever calls you Cole. What about a fixer? Yeah. You are right now, if you can at least. All right. What's going on?
um I kind of like look over to my wife and chuckle ah There's basically there we we killed someone and Just so that there's no flack in the human world at least in my mind in that moment. I turned her into a vampire so what happens you turn somebody into a vampire without getting the approval of the prince and Yes, but it's OK because we in the Prince, you know, we're kind of weird. We got this thing kind of, you know, I got money. That's not it, though. You know, but I think he sees something. It's weird. Chill her now. Well, yeah but listen. and Because, ah well, ah do you really think so? I feel like it's the best, like, avenue and pretend like it didn't happen. I'm just saying.
or stake her through the heart. I'd have to kick off her head, right? I was kidding. She's not a vampire yet, so you could stake her. Can't wake up if she never turns. Hold on.
Is there anybody around me that I can ask? um Well, no, because then that that would allude to that happened. Well, I'm i'm at a party thing. I could like try to walk over to somebody that I think I could talk to about it and see. You could just be like, hey, what if somebody did this? Not me. And they're asking for a friend and you're like, this is really suspicious. Yeah, I'm looking i'm looking for a rules lawyer person nearby. um There's, let's see. You could call it your sire. Your sire gave you a whole fucking PDF about that shit. That was, that was Bill sire. Damn it. I always get confused. But you could call it your sire. Okay. I, I'd be like, all right, hold on two seconds. Let me call. I think your sire is probably there. She's, she's around. Let me go talk to my sire. Okay. Put me on hold. Well, I'll just listen. Imogen? No. Carmen? Carmen. carmen
Um, I walk over to Carmen and im I'm like, Hey, so I have a question. Uh, what's up. Um, so like still being new to the whole like vampire thing. Um, I do know that, you know, we need permission from people to like turn individuals into vampires. Is that about accurate?
Yeah, you you need either ah preferably permission from the prince, but you can also get permission from your sire. Why? Do you have to do like a background check on the person first, or can you like retroactively do that? I mean, it it depends like on on who the... Are you asking me if you can turn somebody?
Well, I'm just thinking, you know, I've got some, some gang member friend people that, um, I was just curious about, um, if I wanted to turn them like what the procedure would be in that sense. Like they're people I know, but you know, y'all don't know them. So like if, I mean, I haven't done it, but if I turned them without permission, what would happen? Well, um,
If you turn them ah without at least my permission, ah there's a lot that could happen depending on how the prince reacts. With my permission, um you'd probably be fine. um The prince, without permission from at least me, the prince might decide to kill you both or something like that. Okay.
See, that's good information. Like, I don't know if I want to turn them or not. Like, they're still enjoying being alive and everything. And I don't know if I want to do that. But, you know, for the future, it's more like it injured or... the The one thing with ah turning people, you know, there's there's a balance we are we try to maintain here. We don't want to, like, flood the city with vampires because, you know, we could easily do that. Like, it's been done in the past if someone wants to, say, overthrow the prince or something.
um ah it's It was done up in ah Chicago, ah ah actually like a couple of years ago, or no, no, not Chicago, um back out in California, um just a couple of years ago, like one, some anarch went and um just turned a whole bunch of people. That's also what the sabbat does. they They just turn, you know, they'll turn a bunch of people with no training at all and set them loose on, you know, a city or a haven or something like that.
Okay. So like, but the problem with doing that is ah the more vampires there are, especially the more uneducated vampires there are that who don't know our ways, the more likely it is to draw attention. Got it. That makes sense. Okay. Well, I'm glad I asked. um You know, I'll keep that in mind for the future. If I know my gang gets up to like some shady stuff at times, but they're usually really good dudes. But just in case, you know, something were to happen, I just want to have that back pocket. If you are interested in bringing them into the fold, you can always ghoul them. And I've got use, you know, my organization has use for such people.
ah I know I've tried to keep you on the legit side, but if you're looking to move into the other side of things, just let me know. Well, I mean, most of the time they're just doing the bikers for children that were abused type things. They also do maybe some petty crimes here and there, but they're usually not bad guys. They just do some bad stuff sometimes. Right.
So I mean, it's a bit of a it's more like a club than a gang. um But yeah, anyways. So now, on the topic of turning people, what if I say went and turned just a random neighbor, whether on purpose or accident? What would the rick o the repercussions be of that? Would it be the same? Like because I didn't get any prior authorization? What if i what if it happened and then I asked you for permission to do it?
Again, you know, it would really depend on the situation. Like i I could just kind of retroactively say I gave you permission and nobody would know the difference. um But again,
if you do that too often, ah A, it's going to annoy me, and B, i i still have to you still have to present these people to the prince, and if you're just presenting a bunch of vampires to the prince, even if I were to give you such permission, the prince might eventually get mad at me. god Interesting. Okay. Well, what about some of the other vampire
Class, not classes. Clans. Clans. So um we've got the the group that got turned. So say, oh, fuck, Jayden. What was your character's name? Wesley. So like say like Wesley's clan or Jerry's clan. Would it be about the same?
ah The Tremere are usually pretty strict on who joins their clans. Wesley, I believe, he is Brujah. They're less strict. It would probably depend on um that you know they they tend to like outspoken people. ah ah soldier types, people who are not soldiers, ah people who are um rebellious, things like that. So like if a Brujah did it without permission, it' it's a flip of the coin. Their sire might might actually applaud them for it or they might you know be pissed. that They've also got a lot of rage in there, pent up rage. Interesting.
um So I would continue with small talk about things like that for a few minutes um and then try to weed myself out of the conversation to go back and talk with Wesley. Okay, that that's fine. Wesley, I had you like muted in my pocket the entire time, so you probably heard most of the conversation. Yeah, you're good. and um So I pull it back out, I'm like, so you heard that, um you know, it's a 50-50 shot whether you'll be fucked in the ass or rewarded for turning that random stranger. One thing you do know, Wesley, is your sire hasn't really connected with you since turning you. He kind of left. At all. Yeah, he just left. Yeah. That's the thing. I'm not really going to get any flack from this if I keep it under the radar.
Well, a vampire can only go under the radar so long, though. Like, it still has to be fed, eventually the masquerade's gonna fight, or, is that what we call the general? ah camar is camera like The governing audience.
ah The Camarilla will eventually hear of this. Whether it takes you know a day, a week, a year, they'll still find out. And I feel like keeping it under wraps, the longer you do that, the worse it's going to be. So if you kill her now, you don't have to worry about the possibility. Well, then I need your help to make this look like a crime scene. You... It kind of already looks like a crime scene. Well, I needed to make it look like we didn't do this.
Okay, ah give me 15. How long would it take me to get there? Took us about 40 minutes to get home. Shit, um it would take me an hour to get there. So this is gonna be all on you. um probably Is there? What? Probably a little faster because it's late at night.
Okay. So maybe like 20, 25 minutes. Um, but still that's a long time to be hanging around a bunch of bloody people. Um, all right. So do you have, uh, any weapons at your house or no, does the, does the people that you just murdered for whatever reason, um, have any weapons inside the home?
Well, I mean, the husband goes hunting on occasion, so I mean, we could probably load. All right, go get it. If he's got a shotgun, preferably, if not, pistol or rifle will do. This is going to be the best. I want that to shoot a dead body. Whilst in there, make sure it's actually dead, you know, you need to do this quick, too, because the longer you wait, the more the blood is going to congeal and the less likely it's going to look like it's an accident.
So go get a shotgun, go inside, ransack that or yeah ransacked the house, grab the shotgun, ah bring the bodies inside, take more bodies. I know it's out of character. I know it. And you probably mentioned that there's two bodies, right? I was only one. That's only her. Oh, I thought there was a husband too.
No, he's gone. Oh, okay. So it's just, it's just her in the house. Great. All right. Um, so take the body inside, um, take the shotgun, uh, ransacked the house, um, set it up as if, um, an intruder were to have gotten to the gun safe. Um, I'm assuming that would be in like an office and put, if it's a two story, put the wife at the top of the stairs, blow her brains out, um, up against the wall and stuff.
ah And then I need you to get the fuck out of there. We have finger fingerprints still. Yes. OK. So wear gloves um or wrap something around your hands while you're doing this. OK. Do I need to roll for all this? Yes, there's a camera that's going to be my next thing. You need to fix that. You either need to erase the last whatever. Grab her phone.
Use her fingerprint, get logged in, pull up whatever, if it's Ring or if it's Skynet or whatever brand camera system they have, log in and delete the footage. Okay. and Should I leave her phone on? um You should probably put it by the bedside if Uh, that would wear, that's where most people will charge their phone at. So also disturb the bedding in the master bedroom as if, um, she got out of the bed recently. All right.
Did I need to, uh, maybe like investigation and like, I'm just kidding. Okay. So what's the first thing you're going to do? I guess look for guns and things to do that with. Yes, our role.
I need a character sheets just so I can see the stats. Wait, wait, wait, actually, where'd you kill her at? The front door is bluer on the ground. ah Yeah, from her like nose.
OK, so I need you to like shoot her in the shoulder at the door and then in the head somewhere else, maybe put her body inside on the ground and shoot the head. I am. Maybe I should have my wife do that because she seems a little gung ho about this recently. Your wife is that way. She's the one that did this. I'm not stupid. ah Sorry, not no offense. But, you know, she's adolescent to this.
ah Alright, yeah, so two people. um Have your wife go and ransack the house um and you take care of the bloody work because it's your fault. Yeah. So maybe not shoot her in the shoulder, but like. Oh fuck, um punch her in the face. so Well, yeah, that that's that's already done, my friend. That's how she got the bloody nose. Alright, and then layer down like inside the door and once you're done ransacking, shoot her in the head.
Just right there. Yeah, sure. Should we like stand her up and then do it? ah No, because if you punched her in the face, she would have probably fallen ah if you hit her hard enough. OK, so yeah, man. Should rise down. Yeah. All right. Well, what what do I need to do, Ron? Also, if you can get to the power outside, turn the power off. OK.
Um, so you're wanting to shoot her in the face. That's one of the things you want to do. Right. You're a ransack first ransack first. Okay. To make it look like a robbery. Yes. So for you don't have a attack baby home it's going to be subterfuge plus manipulation to make it look Manipulation or just strength to straight up tear it apart. You're going to have to also like actually steal shit. Like if you can find the jewelry, steal that. OK. That's a one success home invasion. It was amateur. It was probably a teenager. Shouldn't his wife also be rolling too? Yeah, she'll help. Let me see here. Let me grab her sheet.
I haven't moved her over to vampire yet. Although I have given her her powers.
um She's going to go the strength method because she's good at just can break things. Actually, nope, that's also one success. So Annette to success home invasion.
um subterfuge So a cop would need to get more than two successes to realize that this is a fake hmm great Um, well if he comes investigates all the people's on the street, I'll just how I'll convince him otherwise yeah, and then uh Now you want to find a gun? Yeah, you want to use one of their guns
Yeah, or a gun that you own. No, not one I own, because they're going to find the bullet and then they're going to be like, oh, this is under the serial number, bla blah, blah, blah. All right, give me investigation plus intelligence. At least I'm smart.
I canceled it, sorry.
Two successes.
You don't find a shotgun. You just find a ah pistol. That's fine. OK. What do you do with it? I guess I shoot a man. It's for me to have to shoot her a couple of times. Maybe part of the head. yeah yeah Well, do you want to do this? I'm asking my wife.
Um, I mean, I'm not really good with guns. I mean, there's not much to miss. I guess you're right. And she she'll take the gun from you. I mean, I guess. Hold on. Hold on. Put these garden gloves on. She puts the gloves on and then takes the gun from you. And, uh, she pulls the trigger once. Um, you know, hole appears in person's head. Uh,
And let's see, how many times is she going to have to fire the gun? We'll do a d4. Plus one, because it's going to be more than once to make it look suitably destroyed. Because not only are you trying to destroy her face, you're also trying to to prevent her from becoming a vampire. Yeah.
um Two shots is enough to make her, you know, to to get you the effect of this shotgun, I guess. OK, because it's a close up shot, you know, um I mean, a bullet will destroy face from close range, so.
Should I tell her to shoot the back wall, too? Just so it looks like we shot her at the door? No. um Punch in the face, tie her hands, though. No, don't tie your hands. It would show up as post trauma.
ah Yeah, so, like, this is the best we got, so... um Shit, you I'm guessing she drank her? Full. She was completely dry. Yep. Fuck. Yeah, there's nothing to accommodate for that. um ah Light her on fire. Should we just light the house on fire? ah Sure. Oh, shit.
ah Make sure you dispose of your clothing as well. Is it good that we shot her then? Yeah, that's fine. OK. This might make it look like a jealous ah cheating person or whatever the word. Should we spray paint on the car? No, um you need to get get her lit and get out of there. You've already shot a gun. You're in the. What do you do with that division?
ah Alright, well I guess I look for flammable things. Give me investigation plus intelligence. This is crazy. There's reasons I'm making you do these rules. Oh you're good. i mean That's more realistic I guess. Tequila might be inside if you need gas. There's probably a gas can in the garage.
Okay, more or less the higher success you got the faster you do this because you'll find something flammable. That's not hard. There's flammable stuff in the house. There's lighter fluid. There's there's yeah yeah gas can to the lawnmower and you know in the garage there's tequila, you know, so you are able to douse the house just fine. You don't have to douse the house just douse her. It'll it'll spread from there. Okay.
Frank is talking with me. Do you douse just her or the whole house? No, I'm gonna douse the whole house. At least the bottom floor to the mic stint that I can. And then I'll also tell her to put the gun in her hand so it almost looks like a suicide. Okay.
And then I'll shoot her in the side of the head. Well, I guess she's already been shot once in the front. Yeah, she's been shot twice. Yeah. Damn. Shot herself in the chest and then she realized it hurt really bad as she took it out.
She's like, what the fuck did I do that? Well, I guess I mean, we're walking out now. The house is burning behind us. Don't go out. like How is the house burning? What'd you do for that? Well, I don't know. Do we do we have a lighter matches? You have. this whichever Yeah. All right. Well, we got out. Oh, we just got about like drinking alcohol. Like if they had like vodka and shit. What what do you use to start the flame? A match.
OK. All right. She burst into flames.

Fire Frenzy and Evidence Disposal

The entire first floor of the house very quickly burst into flames. Now you're going to have to do a frenzy check.
So that's going to be a difficulty three. Both of you are going to have to do a fear frenzy because fear for fire causes fear frenzy in vampires. Awesome. I did not know this. I'm so crazy.
y'all are both good she got lucky because it was difficulty three but um uh yeah so y'all are both good you watch the flames go up you feel the beast don't watch the flames run i mean you watch the flames initially go up is what i'm saying you don't just stand there well yeah we have to make sure it's gonna happen But ah yeah, you see the fire and the beast quivers, but neither of you run. um Wesley, you take it like a champ um with your six successes. Take this whole night like a champ, despite the obvious. So the thing is, fire is one of the two things that is guaranteed to kill. but I mean, that a vampire has a lot of difficulty healing from. So the beast is naturally afraid of fire, just like it's afraid of the sun. Well, she's been shot and caught on fire. I doubt she's going to turn.
Yeah, for old vampires, even like lighting a candle in front of them can invoke a frenzy. But for young vampires, yeah i mean lighting a house on fire, that's plenty of fire enough to cause a frenzy. That's a lot of fire. so um um We're cracked out.
so You need to get home immediately. Try to be as stealthy as possible. Once you get there, remove every piece of clothing you have. Shirt, pants, underwear. um I know you probably have a... Wash it. jar No, do not wash it. Throw it in the fire. Burn it. Okay. I like the suit, but okay. Yeah, go ahead and do a stealth plus dexterity roll.
Sorry, I'm having an angerism. Stealth is. Yeah. And OK, one success from each of you. I mentioned to go out the back and like sneak through the areas, right? OK.
I feel like this is enough to have like a dog bark or something. I mean, there there are dogs barking. Gunshots went off. True. Damn, I mean, weren't we alerted the fucking neighborhoods?
So yeah, you guys sneak back home um and then you throw your clothes in the fire pits. um All clothes plus shoes. All clothes plus shoes. OK. Socks, underwear, the whole thing. Stand there naked, burn it all, douse it with gas. Take two showers, wash every inch of your body um with bleach, if necessary. I don't wear a tail enough. Yeah, no, bleach anyways.
ah That probably would have hurt. Yeah, you're dead, so it doesn't matter. um So yeah, wash with bleach um and then go back outside once the fire burns down from the clothes and everything. um Take those ashes, put them in a garbage bag, put them in your vehicle and drive the ashes to a nondescript area at least 10 miles away and dump the ashes out. Don't drive erratically, drive. Can I just pour them down in the drain?
No. I can still possibly leave evidence nearby. All right. We're trying to distance you and everything that you have away from this incident. Well, like guess I guess I'll do that.
I'm just going to make a ah roll real quick for something. We'll use ah this character, but I'm going to change to GM role. If nobody is hanging around the house that's on fire at that point, if you happen to pass it, call 911 and be like, hey, I'm going for ice cream with my wife, and we saw a thing on fire.
No, we were asleep. True. OK, well, I'm not trying to extend your time, Jayden, but so you're good. I'm glad this is I mean, this is a crazy story. So you ah as you are inside, you know, bleaching your body and whatnot, you hear a knock at your door um and the doorbell ring. Well, I mean, am I still on the phone at this point? I don't know, Izzy. No, we're not keeping up on the phone or showering. OK, then yeah, I'm out of the scene now. um I guess we ignore it.
and We hear it, but we're trying to. It goes off a couple more times. um Do you continue to ignore it? Yeah, I will just fucking sit it out. OK. And and it stops. Yeah, it stops after a while. Do we have like a bunch of lights on or is it just like we're like up in our like bedroom? That's up to you or your lights on or not? No, I would hope not, especially after doing all that.
um All right, so what do you do next? I guess pretend they still be asleep for the rest of the night until everything clears out and then go to bed in the morning. Okay. um Oh, so you're you're not gonna go get the ashes and leave and all of that stuff? Probably not tonight. Okay, all right. All righty then. um Give me both of, I'll roll for Carol, give me,
Awareness plus wits.
OK, she got two successes. You got two successes. Now let me make one more roll on my end.
One hidden roll. Let's see.
Actually, I'm going to reroll that because it occurs to me that there should be a bonus to this roll.
Okay all right you guys uh you go to sleep or you know you pretend to sleep because it's nighttime um so you're not asleep yet but yeah when the sun comes up you have no choice but to go to sleep.
Um, do you guys, uh, ever turn your lights on or anything like that? No, we'll just pretend we're not at the house, I guess. Okay. Okay. So yeah. Um, y'all y'all go to sleep and, uh, and that, that is that it, uh, for you guys, daytime, you know, happens.

Session Reflections and Future Plans

Um, and, uh, and yeah,
obviously you you can't do anything once day happens. So, right. um You definitely hear hat like probably through your windows you saw that there were already you know and probably heard the sound and everything of there's already like cops and firefighters at the ah place you know firefighters trying to put out the fire all of that kind of stuff um so all of that goes on the fire they probably don't it does take a while to put out a fire that's been lit that way so they probably don't have the fire under control by morning because it was like
pretty late when all this so went down. So um yeah they're still like the not spreading or anything, but they're like still you know like getting out the last bits of the fire as you guys lay down for your day's sleep.
And that is it for your character tonight. Cool. Well, dang. Well, it was fun. And that was crazy. Yeah. um I guess out of character, was that like a police officer or something or a ah neighbor? It could have been anybody. Oh, right. All Well, anyways. but Well, I guess you all have a good night. I'll be excited to see what happens with this next time. Kara will have a computer by next time if you do want her to join. If not, I completely understand as well. that's That's up to her. She's welcome to join. That's true. Well, I really hope so. And I'll let her redo her character's stats in that case, because her character has the stats of a weak immortal right now. but ah Although, I don't know. Yeah, if she even wants to play her wife.
right she's like no i want to play a guy in y'all's team it's like oh words she might just want to make her own character you never know it's true well i hope she wants to play my wife i just that is in real life and it would be conical so uh lauris can be available if she wants lauris is available if she wants to play a guy probably not him he's probably not available for play
All right. Well, I guess ah update me if you'll have anything crazy happen. OK. And of course, you know, I'll upload this quickly after we're done. So cool. If not tonight, tomorrow. A little bit. A little audios. All right. Imagine. He totally fucked that up, didn't he? He fucked it up so bad. Holy shit, bro. Actually, it wasn't bad until One thing, I'm going to cut this part out. ah He started a fire in his backyard and a cop rolled well to notice the fire burning in his backyard. I should have told him not to leave it unattended. Yeah, because they went inside and and took a shower. Yeah.
Okay, know you can't help stupid. the The thing is, even if they hadn't left it unattended, the cop rolled and would have gone back there. Yeah, it was it was the combination of there was actually something to see um and a cop rolled high enough to notice.
Yeah, because the cop probably wouldn't have noticed except it was like three to four in the morning. So someone's there's a one house burning and someone else has a fire in their backyard in the middle of the night, you know, enough to try enough for me to be like, yeah, we're going to I'm going to roll. And then I rolled well.
um Yeah, so yeah I tried. I tried. I really did. at it so they've got attention on them it's weird but you know is it enough for a warrant i don't know we'll see i hope they just i hope they you know thought enough to like throw some logs on top of the fire no he did not say anything about adding wood he just poured gasoline on his clothes and burned it in the middle of his fucking grass no no he did the fire pit in a fire pit okay well
but all That happened. Yeah. But, uh, anyway, that was, that was entertaining. A lot of the roles I was doing was to determine how long things were taking because like the cops were going to show up. He fired two gunshots. Yeah. So I was, I was working on response time after the gunshots were fired. Yeah. Well, I was like, you need to do this fast. You need to go in and, and like ransack the house, steal some stuff.
He was doing a a a decent timeline, um but ah all of the extra stuff was slowing him down. Like lighting the house on fire was a very good idea um because it I honestly wasn't certain if just two shots to the head was going to stop her from turning, but fire definitely will. yeah And then and then you know doing all the extra steps of like lighting their clothes on fire and bleaching themselves and all of that. And obviously, like he decided to stay home instead of drive trying to drive away.
yeah Cause I was like, I told him to wait up and like take the ashes away. Yeah. Like, yeah, I didn't know if he was going to do that that night or what his hat, like how he's going to take that. But well, it's like, okay, even if the cop hadn't rolled for him, um, foot to rolled so good to notice the, the, the fire in the backyard, um, it would have been weird for him to start driving away.
Yeah. Well, how do you stay back there and picked up the ashes and everything? Like it had been less like if the cops had rolled up and sort of, oh, there's a fire going on back there and walk back there. He would have been back there already, you know, and something else could have happened. But yeah, yeah.
Yeah, he didn't. Anyway, anyways, all right, on to the next scene. um What was about to happen with Wes? Oh, yeah, you were gonna go talk to Lori. Yeah. Lori's like, Hey, hon. Two visits in one night. How's it going? but Can I try to intercept? Well, how long would that conversation have taken? I walked away as soon as I gave you my phone. So Well, you're having that whole conversation with her. This conversation with me and Lori was is going to get it. OK.
um So I walk up to Lori and I go.

Inquisition Suspicion and Strategic Moves

Did she seem I freaked out? Everyone saw your freak out. OK, I go. I think the Inquisition just took Jerry.
what What makes you think that? ah I got a call from his, his phone. A girl spoke to me and said a man in sunglasses and who looked like a fed came up to their door, said they need to speak with Jerry. Jerry like that. I don't, I don't know. And he walked out with him and I told that girl or she needs to get out and I think She's one of the seven that needed to be turned. Okay. um
Well, that's not good. Sorry, I was reading something. ah that's That's not good. um
Hmm, okay Let me go see if I can get ahold of get getting talk to the sheriff and she goes over to the door um where the sheriff is you know knocks on it or The ah the assistant guy tries to block her way. She says something to him and he'd like freezes and then turns and walks away um and then and then she knocks on the door and After a moment, the door does open and Tufon steps out. ah and they They speak for a minute and then wave you over. Tufon says, tell me tell me what you told her. I got a call from Jerry's burner phone number. I picked up.
It was a girl, what was the girl's name again? Sorry, Hayden. Cassidy. She introduced herself as Cassidy. And she said there was a man in sunglasses who looked like a fed, came to Jerry's door and said, needed to talk to him. And he walked out with him and I told her, if it's the same guy that has came to his door, he's probably the Inquisition.
she needs to get out of there. And this is probably not the best thinking on my end, but I told her to come here.
um She nods and says, ah she's probably one of the seven that need to be turned. And like my my voice is very monotone, just because like Max is just at his wit's ends. Yeah.
trying to think how she what what her thing would be. She says, OK, thank you for telling me this. ah You may want to go ahead and and, well, actually, you should probably stay here for when she arrives. yeah Give me just a minute. And she goes back into the room.
ah And then you hear some shouting ah From the the gang woman, huh? Do I catch anything? Uh She's calling bullshit. Basically. I'm trying to say you're just trying to get rid of me stuff like that um And then ah you know too fun is talking too quietly for you to to overhear that Finally it quiets down for a minute and then the door like flies open um and the ah the gangro woman. Yeah, she comes storming out, you know, shelves past you, past Lori and, and, and, uh, she starts to, um, no, she doesn't leave. She just goes and like, uh, walks over to, um, over to the bar. And instead of asking for a drink, grabs the bar tender and takes a drink from him. Um, he is wearing a red wristband. Uh, and, uh, then two fun comes out. Um,
And i the the prince is not in there. Of course, you're not. Tufon comes out and ah possibly speaking the loudest you've ever heard her speak, which isn't that loud, but everyone pays attention. She says, Elysium is now over. Everyone, please leave immediately.
ah And um people you know, start like, you hear the like, all the like, confused murmuring and stuff like that. And she says, um there is, ah leave immediately. ah There's a chance we the our location may have been jeopardized. ah And then she turns to you and says, um ah you you wait here with me, we'll,
hopefully Hopefully that girl is not being followed, but we'll try to intercept her and get her out of here as quickly as possible just in case.
um And people do start filing out. ah and um And then it's it's basically you, ah Cole. She doesn't send you away if you try to stay. um she She doesn't mind Cole because Cole's of her clan.
ah and and The sheriff, okay, um But ah you it's basically you two fun Cole the gangro woman ah She's still around she's she's waiting leaving, I'm sorry. I didn't hear for a minute. Oh, yeah, Lauren the the witch. Yeah. Yeah if you want to leave If you want to hang out outside, I'll be done here and just it's only West. We even better if you just went home.
I'm sorry, it's more tonight. Seems like things are going down. um Yeah, call me tomorrow. Yeah, maybe maybe next time we can do a social gathering with your people, which he covered in people. Maybe I don't know that they'll be as.
friendly to outsiders. Well, you never know. I mean, it'd be fun. But if not, you know, um there's this new restaurant over off of ah Fifth Street that I've been wanting to check out, but we can go there. Sure. Sure. Yeah. Call me. Yeah. And then she, ah you know, she heads out. I think it's her emoji of a wave. And then like it's your like like a like a hand waving and then like it's your she She texts you back the kissy lips and leaves. Yeah. Perfect. All right, cool. um I go over to Walt Will... Fuck.
Maxwell, no. Maxwell. Yes, OK. You, Hayden. I go over to you personally, not not your character, but I go over to your house.
um And I say, hey, ah not to be the bearer of bad news, but ah Wesley just did a just did a oopsie.
And I'm saying this hopefully out of your shot of everybody else. Yeah, you can draw them aside. Yeah, I do that. I'd be like, uh, Jayden Wesley just did an oopsie. Um, I will text. Well, your phone killed it. All right. Um, and then I explain a very general without saying too much. When, when you start mentioning the barriers of, he just murdered someone and he turned his wife.
um i I just say there was a situation ah in which Wesley needed help to cover up a oopsie um with a non-vampire person. And that's about the extent of what I explained it. And you know if you know if i we can figure out a way to communicate without saying things in a room full of vampires, then I'll do that.
I can't text you, so. but but True, he doesn't have his phone anymore, right? And I i look at you and I.
And I say, OK, can I can I like like bring him outside? Would they be OK if he like not so? Yeah, so. I mean, if, if we're talking like we're, we're probably away from everyone else. Yeah. You can easily room economy no you can easily get out of ear shot. There's like the outside tennis courts, the swimming pool area. and okay if If anything, I would have been trying to go towards the front doors.
Towards the people that we're leaving. Yes. Okay. Well, um, I try to draw you into an area where speak without being listened to. And then I do a better description.

Cassidy's Escape and Revelations

Well, everyone's leaving, but i'm I'm waiting for that girl to show up. Right, but I would have like drawn you down the hallway and around the corner and checked the bathroom and, you know, just so we're not being listened to. Yeah, and when you say that, I just go, Cole, thank you for always cleaning up the mess, but I i don't i don't know i don't want to hear anything else right now.
I don't know how clean it's going to be, but yeah hopefully I thought of everything. Cool. I not be a dick. I really don't want to hear anything else. All right. Yeah, cool. So what's going on in your side? there was a free cal Jerry probably got picked up by the Inquisition. ah Cole just kind of like blinks. And he and I go,
God damn it. And that's when I just say that's when I like just look you in the eyes with that like this sucks and then walk towards the front door and she like sits on the steps.
And a few minutes later, an old Chevy pickup, rusty but once was red, um comes rolling up the driveway to this really fancy place. um And the most country-looking of girls steps out of the truck. What's her name again? I'm finding him. Cassidy. Cassidy. I don't see her name anywhere. She's under vampires.
Do I have a tour of you guys? Oh, that's because only Bill can see her right now. Yeah, there it is. There she is. Okay. Whoop. I cannot see her picture. i yeah I don't know what's up with the picture. If you open it and and right click it and open a new tab, you can see the pic, but yeah, weirdly the characters that were made with chat GPT. I don't know if it's something to do with the way with copy and paste. And there was some hidden code in that copy paste, but it screws with the picture. So.
Yeah, and so I guess when she. She steps out. I I stand. I'm looking at her. What time is it right now? You said it was Max. It's probably like I it's probably like 330 shit.
I say Cassidy. Are you Max? I am and I hold out my hand. She walks over. She doesn't take your hands. No, like I hold out my hand for like a handshake. Oh, OK. Yeah, she shakes. She takes your hand. She's like Cassidy, Cassidy McAllister.
I say. I'm sorry this happened to you, Cassidy. Well, I thank you. I appreciate that. I. I'm pretty much in your same shoes and.
You know, we we should probably just head in the sheriff needs to where you followed. Oh, you know what? Let me roll something for Cassidy.
Actually, I'm going to see if she has any bonus stuff. I haven't given her any of her disciplines yet. She's a gangro, which has access to, what are their clan disciplines?
I know one of them is like the beast stuff, but let's see if they have anything. I wish they don't have any Wesley would have told us about the,
The interview that he had with the fed.
Okay, now I'm going to roll a different thing for her. Is she blonde redhead brunette? Believe that picture looks like. She's brunette with blonde highlights.
Wow, okay. um She's like, yeah, actually, I noticed someone following me, but I'm pretty sure I lost them.
And you you, I forget exactly how you said it on your phone, but it's like, so so what what are we dealing with? Pintex, Inquisition, what do you think?
And she lists all this things she said let's off a couple of other words that you don't you know aren't familiar with either. Pintex. And I go, we know them as the Inquisition.
Usually they're amateurs. ah Probably explains why I lost them so easy. i where's Where's this leader of yours? And I gestured over in.
um Last time I saw he wasn't in the room that he was in last, but he does that quite frequently. But I'm going to introduce you to a lady. Her name is Tufon.
Her name is Tu. She is known as the Sheriff. um She does Shadow Magic. I've seen that. Shadow Magic. Yeah.
And she she confidently walks up to the sheriff and says, Cassie McAllister, pleased to meet you. Sounds like your boy. i Jerry Dunn got himself picked up by the SI. But don't worry, they tried to follow me here, but I lost them. And Tufon blinks, surprisingly, and says,
Do you lost them? She's like, oh yeah, don't worry about that. that that that it It was easy. um the probably Probably just some bunch of amateurs and you know two fonts like, do you know what the second one inquisition is? I'm like, oh yeah, I don't. Do you guys made a big mess? Well, how how would she put this? It's like, yeah, my family's used to dealing with people like them.
I know all about them. And Tufon's just like confused and just like, well, I guess that's good that you lost them. Hmm. And i I look at Tufon and I say, is Frida still inside? Well, I don't know her name. Do I know her name? hear someone shout her name? Someone might have told you her name, yeah. OK.
And I say, is Frida still inside? And Frida walks out, and ah is that her name? Yeah, Frida. She walks out, and she's like, I'm right here. Is this the one? You're grandchild, children? Yes. Frida walks over to Cassidy, and sizes are up, Cassidy.
um doesn't cringe or anything in front of her. ah And she says, so you're the one who was both turned by my child and then killed him. And she's like, yeah, I killed the one who turned me, me and my brother anyway. And Frida looks angry for a moment.
And then let's know, I think, the way that the roles have been going. She looks angry for a moment. And then um and then her face, like I guess, ah ah softens a little bit and just says, well, at least at least you seem like you are worthy of it.
and then two fun steps forward it and she's like, we should we should leave ah just in case. um and And then he takes cassidy she takes Cassidy aside and just like, ah you know, starts starts getting, you know, as as they're walking down the steps, you know, starts questioning her more about like, what did this guy look like and things like that um and gets gets a bunch of information from her on like, what do he looked like, what his vehicle looked like, you know, did she remember License plate or anything? Let's see. What's its composure plus resolve, I think, is the memory roll. Let's see if she remembers things like that. um
Three successes. She remembers some of the letters from the license plate because you know it was kind of weird. um She wasn't pla you know expecting to need to remember that, but she remembers some of those letters. um And so she gives Tufon everything she knows, and then Tufon leaves.
you know If you guys stick around, as like she's like i will um like, all right, I will start investigating this. Max, Cole, I'll be in touch as soon as I know anything. I don't know right now. I'm sorry.
I'll stick with it. Very well, Cole. My assistant will reach out to you, and then her assistant and her you know both kind of leave. They get into a car and and leave. um freedom Frieda says, yeah looks to Cassidy and says, well, i guess I guess it's my job to take care to to train you then. Cassidy's like, I'll I'm not interested in learning how to become a a perfect little vampire. ah And Frida chuckles at that and says, trust me, I think I'm far from perfect myself in the eyes of this, the Camarilla. And you know shia she turns and starts to walk away. And and um you know Cassidy turns to you, Max, and says,
i I hope you find your friend um and looks like she's about to start following this Frida person. Unless, of course, you try to talk to either of them.
Can I say Cassidy? I don't mean to be blunt, but who are you? I'm Cassidy McAllister.
ah that
ah yeah yeah um Yeah Better question is how do you know what you know? What are you? She looks you up and down and um Thinks about it for a minute and Frida has stopped and is is, you know, obviously listening um and She um says, ah you seem like a nice kid. ah And she doesn't look any older than you, of course. um She's probably younger than me. I'm in like my mid 40s. Yeah. So you seem like a nice guy. ah I don't know what you did to get mixed up with these things. And I said the same thing you did.
you fought a You shot at a wolf and fought a gator?
We need to hang out sometime. that that Yeah, that sounds like a way more fun of a night than I had. Well, look, let's just say me and my family,
this whole world of darkness is not ah nothing new to us. um We've probably seen things that would make, you know, make you wet your pants. Well. I can't be honest, that's I say, well, jokes on you, I can't pee anymore. Neither can you. I bring over a bottle of whiskey. If you dump that on me. And dump it on no.
We over a bottle of whiskey and some some glasses. This is not one now. That's a proper drink. I pour out three cups and give it one to each of us. One to myself, one to. Maxwell and one to. Christie, Cassie, Charlie, Cassie. And I look at it. I'm. Frida, Frida, Frida.
And I say, do you want my food? I
You said you had three glasses. I give her my glass and I drink out of the bottle. Frida walks over, looks at it and says. Well, I prefer mead, but. Can we even get drunk? i Only from drinking the blood of someone drunk and it's only temporary, like.
Mmm. Well, it still tastes like if she doesn't blush the white still tastes like whiskey. So um Cassidy says Much as I'd love to drink this I learned already what happens when we drink stuff. We're not supposed to Yeah if you most of life you can taste it Yeah, don't don't drink anything anyone gives you I drink a drink out of the bottle and then I guess this is where you're like Max doesn't create it at home. Yeah, we're supposed to be leaving. And then I hand my glass back to,
God damn it, Cole. I hand my glass back to Cole and I go, I guess I need to stay near you. Frida, um ah Get a place watches you guys and and she ah interrupts and says You two you're You're both Two of the the ones that were turned on New Year's, right? Yeah, I wasn't very turned on but I did get turned into a vampire She she she actually kind of chuckles that it's like look
She glances around, takes a step closer and says,
ah if you're as- Is the sheriff still here? No, the sheriff drove off. Oh, thank God. um And she says, if you're as fed up with the bullshit as I am, then maybe we can talk.
And she um she's going to hand Max a um ah card. And the card just has an address on it and says, we meet, we're meeting tomorrow night if you're interested. And then. And this is when I look around too and I say, does this have anything to do with unhappy employment?
employment. I'm not employed by anybody. No, no, no, this like, this, this has something to do with the prints. Let's just say not all of us are, are pleased with the way things have been going. This is Cassidy talking. This is brita brito talking. Oh, okay. I was confused. Yeah. And and I say,
Considering this wasn't my choice and I got wrapped up in this and everything's going to shit and it's all my fault But it's not my fault. Yes, I'm fed up with it Well,
if you want to hear us out meet here tomorrow tomorrow night And then she looks at Cassidy and it's like you you Cassidy, what, uh, Cassidy, right. And she's like, yeah, you know, just like, come with me. There's, there's a lot I've got to teach you. And, uh, she, um, she's, Cassidy, no, no. Okay. Just, just Maxwell has to be near me. Got it. Yeah. Just so he, you can get contacted by two fun.
Um, All right, well, we go back to my place. Yeah, and and when when you're driving, you you see Max pull out a handkerchief and take a and like take a smell of it and then like just sit there for like a couple minutes and then put it back in his pocket. I don't question it, because that seems very serial killer stockish. OK. I'm curious about it. What's this handkerchief?
but I mean, you could smell it. because but It smells like perfume. Interesting.
um um So I guess you guys i go back to... Bron, do you want to know just for a DM reasons? I mean, if you want to message to me, if you want to keep it secret. OK, I'll message it to you. Yeah.
um So you guys head on back to Cole's place. um ah You're taking him back to your ah your big, giant townhome that you've basically been given by your sire.
um ah Dina would be gone at this point. like It's pretty late at night, so she's she's already done. I leave a note ah near the front door that says, Dina, we have a guest staying in the third bedroom on the left on the second story. OK. Yeah, you leave that note. And I'm like, well, I've got some Xbox. If you want to knock out early, what you got?
And I said, well, I can't really just go to sleep, I guess. It's been ages since I played Xbox. I mean. i got I got the original Xbox with the original Halo. And let me say, the original Halo's music track hits harder than all the other Halo. I played Halo a little bit. I mean, it's a little bit past my date, but I'll play some. It's totally cash co-op the shit out of this.
ah All right, what do I roll to play Halo? Technology? Yeah, you know, technology plus, I don't know, a dexterity for your, um see how good you are at your FPS games. Any modifiers?
Probably not. Yeah, I mean, you haven't played Halo in a while, so. Two successes. that's like You play successfully.
better than I thought I would have done. Yeah. You did better. Slightly more successfully. Slightly better. It's the damn monster controller. Yeah, the Mad Cat's controller.
um Yeah, so it's probably a good place to call the night. um It actually ah one thing could have gone worse and it didn't so. Yeah. um Which thing? Getting the Inquisition to the door. Yeah, you guys could have. um
I mean, whether or not the Inquisition shows up at Elysium, you don't know, but you could have been there when it happened, so. ah That's good. But she she got a crit success on driving to lose them.

Vampire Factions Explained

So, yeah. And she got her awareness to notice them. The the thing is, if. You know, Wesley would have actually told us that he got investigated, but, you know, he doesn't tell a shit. Yeah. um I would have, because I have a note in my thing saying there might be a trader inside of our community by how much evidence Randall Binnings has had with Hamish. And so there's a trader somewhere.
and the analogy One of the vampires is working with the Inquisition, willingly or not. Didn't Penelope or whatever her name was just say if you didn't like it here, we can meet her at that address. i I think it's her. No, that has something to do with the name tags that are called whip next to them. I'm pretty sure. Whip is just work in progress. Oh, OK, but it was no the. Frida is not part of the natural government. She got kicked out, and so it's probably like the. ah We want to rebel against the prince.
So you guys know that there are you know a few factions of vampires. But there's the Camarilla, which is the main, in most of the world, the main ruling body of vampires. um The prince falls under that. There are the Anarchs, which mostly have power in, um like out on the West Coast, at least in the US. i'm not I don't know where they where they have power in Europe, if anywhere, actually.
um but they ah Initially, we're like, we are going to resist the Camarilla because we believe in freedom and stuff, but have ended up setting up a system not as restrictive, but still the elders tend to still rule over the weak over the younger. So it's not that much different. It just has the um appearance of freedom.
ah then there is the sabat, which are crazed religious-ish fanatics that um have thrown off humanity entirely and live um live as the beast, but in control of themselves. So they embrace the beast, but they haven't lost themselves to it. They just embrace it. I agree, Jedi. No, they're more like the Sith, really.
um Yeah, but uh And and then you know, there's probably other factions out there Oh, I wanted to ask a question tonight, but we're not near any I guess I asked this question while playing halo And I go cool. Do you think uh blood has changed flavors over the the many eons of humanity? especially like recently with all like micro plastics and
That is a good question um and probably should be posed to one of the biologists that I know the Camarilla probably has working for him.
Also, I need to go to a gun store sometime. I need to buy or not not go to a gun store. I just need to buy a new barrel for my pistol.
I go to w and order him a new barrel.
um I'm trying to think if there's... I mean, it's 10.17 for you guys, so it's not like I need to keep adding stuff. I'm trying to think if there's anything I want to have happen tonight. ah oh um Silver is not dangerous to us just by her, right?
yeah only dangerous to the vampires that have one of the weird weaknesses. yeah ah Lawrence is weak to silver. But he's also weak to garlic and he's weak to the cross and you know all of the classic vampire weaknesses. He can't cross over running water, can't enter a house without being invited in. All of those things and it's It is a game mechanic weakness that you can add to your character, because when you create your character, you choose two flaws. He took all the flaws. Yeah, it's not technically a super... Because you can basically just spend willpower to overcome it, so it's literally just a mental thing. Except for the ones where it actually deals extra damage to you, because I think I have it to where silver and garlic deal damage to them.
Except Lawrence, because he truly believes that all the vampire things are real. Yes, which is why they damage him and prevent him and all that stuff.
Yeah, I think whatever I didn't expect, everything that I had wanted to happen happened. Just none of it went the way I expected it to, so I don't have anything to add to this session, unless you guys want to do more in this night. a it's I'm willing to do some things. I'm dead. um I'm dying.
Yeah, that's that's what I mean. It's like, it's 10 o'clock for you guys. It's only 8 o'clock for me. So um it's like, I could keep going for two more hours and be happy be fine. But um I don't have anything else planned. um That'll be quick, is what I'm saying. I mean, I got no plan. Well, I'll probably hit up. Oh, what's the nugget? Hold on. I have it written down.
to do
Nope, nope, nope. I would probably hit up Brock Sampson to see if I can get some more blood delivered.
Um. Yeah, I mean that, so let me see. Roll a text and I'm like, yo, my boy, what'd it do? I need you to drop in and roll out some of the good stuff.
Let me see here. Let me see if I put a roll on your sheet for this. That would be here. I don't know if I've actually used him before, but I have him down in my notes as my contact at the Houston Blood something or. My God. Yeah, you get um ah plenty of ah blood. He will be able to deliver plenty of blood to you. I give him money for the blood.
Okay. I offer some blood too. Well, he doesn't bring it tonight. Oh, okay. Well, that's good. But all I've got left is what I got. So you can, you can, if you get hungry tomorrow, uh, Dina, I think is her name should be here. She, she's a, she's a good, good sort. So I'm sure she could be, uh, be a good meal for you.
Yeah. Yeah, theyre ah Max is probably discovering just how good coal has it. um You don't need this Brock Sampson guy to deliver your blood because Dina brings you a bottle of blood or a glass of blood every morning. But uh, yeah, but I like I like to have I like to have some extra on on stack just to get peckish. Plus I fill up my flask and I'm i'm constantly sniffing at that flask. Yeah.
So I got like a little fridge in my room. There's probably like one bag left in there.
All right. Yeah. And this is just like, you see max about looking over like everything of yours and just, it's a three tour. It's a three story townhouse apparently, uh, within at least three bedrooms. Yeah. And you just see max like,
There's just a lot of regret on his face. It's not like one of those like tiny townhouses that we use that we do in Houston sometimes. No, no, it's ah it's a luxury townhome. It is, I believe. The hold on, I'm looking at the name. They're called I think it's called Domain Memorial Townhomes Luxury Townhomes.
ah They are um the most expensive townhomes in Houston, basically, so. The rent is probably like $5,000 a month or something crazy like that. New offering, $1,000 off plus a $0 deposit.
I feel like its domain isn't the name of the one I was looking at, but you know it's something along the line. Three baths search. Domain memorial is actually not that expensive.
ah Oh, no, it's definitely one of these two. There's like a San Brices apartment homes. That's probably not it. I don't know, but it's one of those things that are probably like 5K a month.
um So like it's it's not it's it's a nice one. It's, you know. the ones that they like, they have the tiny yard, you know, a small yard, except that like, yeah, they would still have a small yard and stuff like that because it is still a townhome. It's just a three story, really nice one. If you happen to walk into my bed and room for whatever reason that I've claimed for myself, you see a ah bank of like monitors and computers and i probably one walk in your room, the beds on the ground, the floor's a little sticky. Yeah. Um,
there's There's like a foil on the windows. ah But the other bedrooms are pretty nice. One of them has a coffin in it. Nice. Because I thought that'd be funny. But it has a coffin. It's out of bed.
Yeah. It's also light-proofed during the daytime, um basically just ah like um you know, solid material shutters come down over the windows. um So I was, I was looking something the other day, there's this house that's like in a cave, not the one in Arizona, but it's a different one. And instead of like windows, because it's underground, um it's got like a fake Window light source thing. There's nothing actually there but there's like a ah light like bulb or light source thing that kind of like travels up The wall as the day gets brighter and goes down the opposite side of the house as the day gets darker to kind of simulate that um I won't all of those So I'm just it's funny I'm looking at Wesley's character sheet and under specialties one of the specialties he took was persuasion gaslighting
oh Too good. Yeah. Okay. Well, I don't think we everything else planned for tonight. So ah oh I do mention to Maxwell he can stay as long as he needs to Yeah, that's where I can hear you start screaming at your top of the voice about Monsters in your sleep. Well, you don't you you don't know that. Yeah. Well didn't know this is where I figured out Um Okay, well, yeah, we'll call it in call it night.

Absence and Future Speculations

Jerry will be missing as long as Bill is missing.
um And, damn it, why did this happen to Jerry? Why did Jerry just go with him? I have a reason for that, um which, you know, possibly will be revealed in the after-credits scene of this, you know, when I record a briefing with Bill, or, you know, at the beginning of the next session, the Bill is here. um We'll do that. Come to find out. It's actually just his accountant. I'll be so pissed. That would be pretty funny.
um Yeah, see, this is what happens when you when you um miss the games. You get abducted by your accountant. and Unless you're Jayden because he misses too many and it would take too long to resolve his things. ah But um yeah, you get abducted by your accountants.
Yeah. Anyway, um that's it for tonight. Thank you, everybody, for listening. I was your storyteller, Ron Bjork, and I probably will be again unless something strange happens in the next few days. um And Janine, you know, was here. I mean, you know, I'm going to be on a plane in a week and a half or so, and I could die on that plane. That is true. Yeah.
um and ah what with me was Jaden who, you know, left um and went to sleep, I guess. He played Wesley Isaac. um And I also had Hayden. Hey, it was a good session. So many things happened. Yeah, I'm gonna have to like re-listen to this several times. Yeah, so I can just remember what happened. and Yeah.
But yeah, enjoy playing tonight. And also Frank. I'm a sleepy boy, but um I will also have to re-listen to this because I was playing Halo, the Master Chief collection.
Halo 1 original remastered for the first like 20 minutes of it. But yeah, so I was, I was Cold Stone, not to be confused with Cold Stone Creameries. It was fun, I enjoyed it. Once I stopped playing Halo like a goof, I helped cover for Murder, which is the second, no, third time I've done that? I think it's 30 times, yeah.
Yeah, it's it's it's becoming a habit that I didn't expect out of this character, but it's it's fun. I've had to do research on how to cover up murder murders more than I thought I would. And my FBI agent that's currently, you know, listening to this is probably like your FBI agent who's currently mobilizing a task force outside your house right now. Yes. He's probably like, that's not how you hide a body.
I'm sure of that. so But yeah, it was great. I had fun. Thank you all for listening. um You can find us. You can contact us at idmrollplay on Gmail if you want to email us something. I'm still looking forward to the the to the first listener email ever. um And we do have a Twitter, but I don't know that anyone uses it anymore.
It's not called Twitter anymore. It's called X. as a tax At the time of this recording, it's called X. Who knows what it will be in two weeks? Well, yeah. Who knows what it will be in like the half a year before this episode comes out. I'm trying to think how many weeks. I release an episode every other week and we've probably got about
20 episodes before this one comes out. So 40 weeks, maybe 15 or something like that. Is that how matters? Sure. No, 15 episodes. I mean, yeah. Oh, okay. So 30 or 40 weeks, something like that. So almost a year. Unless I decide to do vampire first, but that's anyway, um, you can find me at Facebook if you try hard enough. Um, I also stream, uh, at IDM roleplay at twitch Uh, occasionally, um, you can sometimes find that they're playing Baldur's gate. I, I plan on trying to stream on there more. I've already like kind of just disconnected from my other account. So, you know, if you see me on, come watch it, I'll be pretty boring.
You might... he's he's He's pretty entertaining. If he notices you're there, he might become funny. So... Yeah, it takes a lot though. Like, one person... Oftentimes it's actually a bot, so it's not that I give a deal, but I still talk to
Thanks everyone for listening. The intro and outro songs you heard today was Foxhole Revolution created by Kevin MacLeod at licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0 license,, licenses by 4.0. The night is over, and have a great day everyone.