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Vecna - Session 11 image

Vecna - Session 11

S3 E14 ยท IDM Roleplay
20 Plays1 month ago

After a long absence due to the various holidays our heroes finally return to take on the Spidragon!


Introduction and Technical Adjustments

All right, we are live and here. ah Welcome, everybody. It's been a little while ah to this episode of Integrated Dice Management, this episode, which I don't even know if I'm going to bother putting up episodes anymore because I'm lazy. um But I am your Dungeon Master, Ron Bjork, and with me tonight is Eric.
im back back boys and girls let's do it we got dragon that you know Eric, whose audio got suddenly worse than it has been all night. That's fantastic. You're chucking through a like tin can and string. Really? Your audio just suddenly went bad. um Let me disconnect them and reconnect them. mostly it sounds It's back now. but Interesting. Also, Frank.
Hi, I'm Frank. My audio sounds exactly the same as it does. And, taden hey, I'm good to be back. Let's see how tonight goes. we do not have a bill currently um he is having technical difficulties but perhaps he will arrive we'll see ah so last time i guess we fought stuff actually i guess the last time we played we did the weird halloween thing i was doing where you were all sucked into a video game world um Nice.
And they were each sucked into different video games, if I recall. um I think someone was sucked into Skyrim, and they picked up on that pretty quickly. I think Hayden was sucked into Dark Souls, maybe? yeah um And I don't know if you've played Dark Souls.
Yes. ah Alligators aren't usually in Dark Souls, but they're always in this one, because if I just had you fight zombies, it'd be too easy. um bill i Bill might have also gotten sucked into Skyrim. But then we just all ended up in Skyrim, because it's the game I know by memory, at least the beginning of it.
Hey, wake up. yeah Oh yeah, no, that's that's how I started that scene, and that's how they immediately knew what was happening. um
Hey, you're finally awake.

Exploring the Web's Edge

ah okay so But the last time in this Dungeons and Dragons game, we ah you guys entered the Spider Pit or something like that. What is this place called?
the droow the web It's called Web's Edge. ah Yeah, so Temple to Loth. You guys are after a um one of the seven pieces of eight. No, I'm joking. But something basically yes basically that. Rod of seven pieces. Yes, the Rod of Seven Pieces. ah And supposedly there is a piece of that rod inside this place. You know that there is a Spadragon.
um through some doors to the south side, and you suspect that it might also be through some doors to the north side. um And I will go ahead and move us over to that map now, if I remember how to do that in the new setup.
I believe I'd do this. Did that work? Are y'all moved? No. Now we'll swing with black, now we move. Okay. I don't even have an open. Frank, you bastard. We're waiting on Bill. And so I was like, I'm going to fuck around doing other stuff. Have you been checking the text messages? He said he's coming. like
I'm just happily drinking my Michelada. I am into my second glass of um whiskey and Dr. Pepper. Uh,
And when I run out of that, I have my bottle of Glen Levitt to the side. I don't know if I should drink that much. I do have to work tomorrow. yes um The child says don't. Okay. let's do not drink ron um hello But mama's not here. at your mother It's dice time. Yeah.
I'm gonna go silent boys. Okay. so Okay. Um, it did not say the last initiative order. Uh, I feel like rolling initiative is necessary because depending on because one of the enemies fled, you get fled from the fight. And so I need to keep track of what the enemy is doing. Um, we can just free. Well, know I think staying in in turn order will help out. Yeah, so let's all roll initiative. I got a lot of things to roll. Probably. I don't know what NPCs are. I forgot which ones mean and which one is my my fly. One of them says danger fly. The one on the bottom so is the fly. There it is. Gertrude who can't fit through doors.
um Slurm, I'll go ahead and roll.
Well, I'm rolling good for people tonight. And then we're going to want to roll this.
I am rolling good tonight, okay. It's not good for you guys.
I don't think I have anything else I need to roll for, so I think you've killed everything in here that you've encountered. All right.
Looks like everyone, I think, has rolled except...
Frank, have you rolled? I was supposed to have two different character sheets. Yes, I think you have. Yeah, because remember we're doing the Gestalt thing. But one of them should be densed all into one, the other one. Yes. Ignore Ambernock 2, that I think is just for purely level purposes. Yeah. That's just for convenience of seeing what you get at each Paladin level.
put that in order. um Let me refer to my notes real quick. Okay.
Just wanted to make sure nothing no surprises were about to happen. um So we'll just call this like you guys just slew the last person. um So body hits the ground ah from whoever got the last kill. I did not listen to the last episode because I did not upload it to Google Drive, I don't think.
But I mean, I might have. What's this? What is this? Dennis, oh, okay. Is he on top of us? Oh, there's a spiritual weapon beside him. Let's just stick that off to the side. Well, I don't know whose spiritual weapon this is.
ah It is controlled by me, so probably just me. Who casts spiritual? It's yours, Eric. Okay. Oh, hey, he made it. It was alive.
Well, we say that. Yeah. Yeah. Well, he's... We've got to see if his mic will... is functioning. one it's failed No, it's not. That's Frank. Nobody believe him.
Okay, that's all the tokens. Danger fly happens on the turn. So first up would be Iskander. ah
So the door, they went through a door and I think we checked the door because he's supposed to have barred it from the other side. Yeah, it's over here. Yes, it's barred from the other side. Do I have any way to get through that door? Conveniently, probably not.
I can strength check to break it down, but I only have a 19 and I don't think I have that. Cast fireball on the door. Fireball everything magic missile the dark cast the Knoxville.
Yeah, it's like, the oh, no, I do have athletics, I guess I could try to bust the door down. You guys want me to try to bust the door down? um well ah yeah okay so group topic like are we chasing him through that busted door we know that that we assume what do we know we don't know that there's a dragon on the other side of the door no we do don't well no not on that side of the door but we know there's a dire a dragon so yeah dungeons it would be vastly important to bust down said door right but if any of us have
any recognition of direction it might be on the other side of that door. oh
um Well, I guess I'm going to try to bust down a door. Let's do that. My apologies, I'm working kind of while I hand it here. You're all right.
oh core
I mean the 19 is pretty good. I don't know that you would have advantage but a 19 I think is enough to um bust down this door. Alright so I'll bust it down and it looks like I'll have a little bit of movement left behind it so I'll a cruise through there.
I don't know, how much would I have? One, two, three, four, five, oh, it was just enough to break the door down.
But at least I can see into the room. yep And there's ah there's an oh shit problem in the room, boys. There's an oh shit problem in the room. Do I have any bonus actions, spells that I want to cast at the moment? No, but actually, I guess I can move my spiritual weapon, right? Yeah, should be able to do that. Is it a bonus action?
So Bill, can you hear us or speak to us? the a a la la I don't know if Bill can hear or speak to us. I'm trying to, let me see. um That's W12. I wanna read the description of this room.
ah I probably read it the first time you went in but Because it's standards getting a bit of a better look it is dark in there um But everyone's got like ah my your mic isn't picking up um Have you gone into discord and make sure it's like attached to the correct mic and Then also check if your mic has an on-off button because mine does and um An enormous web stretches across the open caverns center it stands plastered Wait an enormous web stretches across this open caverns center It strands plastered over stalagmites and stalactites crawling on the web is a giant reptilian creature with eight legs Near that creature stands and it also I think has wings. No, I don't think it does but it does have the head of a black dragon and
although with spider eyes. um ah Near that creature stands a smaller one-eyed creature with a body that resembles melting wax. And then also there is the guy who um ran away. He is a... ah He is not I'd have to read the...
I don't know where he came from. He's probably like some sort of weird thing. Let's see, Ctrl F.
Find it. um He is a
Oh, he's an orc. OK. He's an orc mage. Interesting. Bold choice. OK. an orc mage who was blasting spells at you guys. um So that's what you've got in this room.

Battle with the Spudragon

ah The dragon's crawling around in the webs. He is up off the ground, probably I'd say about 20 feet in the air, 20 to 30 feet, um depending on where on the web he is. Although the webs do appear to touch the ground in the central location, which Eric, you can just barely see the um rock that they're all attached to, I guess.
ah Up next would be Slurm. I don't know if Bill wants to type what he's doing or just wants me to. Slurm is up here. um Right there.
Oh, I cannot see anything. You can't see Slurm? No, I think it's just... Oh, he's he's around the corner, yeah. He's just at my position. Let me see. Slurm, unless Bill types something to us, I'll just... Let's see, what can Slurm do? He is typing.
Bill's going to have to type his actions at the moment. He's going to say, I'm a goblin, and then stand there. Okay,
okay let's add some more whiskey to my cup and add some more Dr. Pepper to my cup.
I did not take the child's advice. Unless I misunderstood the child and it did tell me, to drink more. Drink more, daddy's friend.
So for the audience at home, Slurm is currently typing. Slurm is typing, not Bill. Now he's not typing, now he's typing. It's giving you all the play-by-play here.
So how was everybody's hog? Slurm runs forward and shoots the dragon with the boom gun. Okay. Does Slurm have that much movement?
Slurm says, yes, I'm around the corner.
And then Slurm refers to himself in the third person that says Slurm runs forward and shoots dragon with the moon gun. Then he says, I only mow nine vid three squares. Oh, well, you still got to have the dragon in line of sight pill. Yeah, you can't see the dragon.
Pretty sure. No, that's not a dragon. That's your friend, the three-headed ogre creature named Gertrude. Yeah, he's an interesting guy. The dragon is off to the east side. It's over in this direction. It's an east side dragon. How do you communicate with this guy over here? He's typing in the game chat. No, no, no. Frank, don't draw on the map. Somebody was speaking to him psychically.
Okay. So I remember him having like a language that none of us had. Yeah, Gertrude speaks probably giant and then some other languages. Oh, I'm in drawing mode. Whoops. Stop drawing in the map.
ah He moves here and ends his turn. Okay, um so whoa Bill doesn't move. No, we did not take a long rest. They chose to just keep on going. um Now it is the mage creature, the magical orcs turn. um Upon seeing this ah scary man open the door, wait, no, wait. Eric, what is your invisibility thing?
but Eric, what's your invisibility thing where we can't see you for some reason? i think it's I'm invisible to everybody using darkvision to see. I'm pretty sure this guy's got darkvision and probably doesn't have true sight or something weird like that. So the weapon came in behind him. So there is a spiritual weapon ah waiting for him to do something.
okay um
He is, let's see, so he can't see you. He does see the spiritual weapon. ah
I think I can see him. I think I have some like magical item that lets me see. Yeah, you have like true sight. Yeah. Trying to determine if he can see Dennis.
Because spiritual weapons and regular D and&D don't have um HP, if I remember right. I feel like he should be... he Yeah, he can definitely see Dennis. um but dennis he's gonna get mur So he's gonna Dennis with a firebolt, or try to firebolt, not fireball. Let me check Dennis's AC. That is 18. Let's see if he hits. That's a 16, so he fires a firebolt at Dennis and misses, and then he misty steps.
Uh, let me reduce his... Misty... his spell slot. Ow. Okay. Ow. Okay. He Misty Steps. And 5, 10, 15... 20... He probably doesn't want to be in the webs. He Misty Steps up here.
Misty steps out of anyone's sight. Except, yeah, okay. Next, oh, did I roll for Dennis? I don't see him on the initiative. Okay. It's like I thought I might have forgotten someone. Dennis was kind of buried under dead bodies. yeah Dennis also got a 19, so many 19s.
Uh, I don't want to read.
for We'll go ahead and put Dennis next, I guess.
Dennis, just having narrowly dodged a firebolt, um is going to ah move forward 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 feet into the room.
He can now see the where the mage guy went. He also sees the dragon and he's going to shoot at the dragon with his longbow. No, he'll throw... No, throwing the spear is probably a bad idea. He'll shoot... Oh wait, no. It returns to the wielder's hand. Yes, he throws the spear at the dragon.
18. I gotta open so many character sheets. Ooh, 18 hits the dragon. Unless it does something weird.
It doesn't. So dragon gets hit for 12 damage.
Minus 12. All right. um And that is Dinnis's turn. Now it's Dragon's turn. Spudragon. I gotta remember that. It's not a dragon. It's a Spudragon. It is going to um look in the direction of Dinnis and a Skander. And it's gonna take a deep breath. And then both of y'all are gonna need to make a dexterity saving throw.
Because it's a cone. Who is this? Dennis and his Skander will both need to make a Dex saving throw. Because it breathes a cone of what I would describe in a minute. Dennis rolls a 20. Okay, good job, Dennis. So he'll only take half damage.
Eric, roll a deck safe. He might be wrestling a child. Yeah.
He doesn't have to see you for you to have to dodge this. Yeah, I'm not wrestling. I went to swipe on my touchpad and it took me off of the screen because of course it did. yeah lovely Okay so you both pass so you're only gonna take half damage unless of course you have evasion or some crap. I don't believe I do. So he the dragon turns towards you breathes out a cone of Basically, he breathes a cloud of tiny spiders at you. ah And they swarm over you and you take... Oh, it didn't roll the damage for me. um Okay, I'll roll the damage for it.
60, 10. You take um half of 33 piercing damage.
And half of 23 poison damage, so that's a total of 56 damage, so half of that would be what, 20... My brain doesn't math right now.
28 damage. Dennis...
Repair a berserker, okay. Berserkr.
Eric, just summoning all sorts of stuff. All right. um Frank is going to be RB. Luckily, he's not up next. Okay. ah So the spider breathed spy or the spider dragon breathe spiders at you. That is um a breed spiders.
Yep, it breathed spiders. The spiders crawled on you a bit and then vannet and then they like just, yeah, they they they were magical spiders. yeah um And then he's going to um do a spider dance and summon three spiders into spaces around nearby.
So he summons three giant spiders. And that is Spider Dragon's turn. Now it is Danger Noodle's turn. yeah i I'm looking for the character sheet for my giant bow constrictor snake. um Click on your alt, double click your the token for it and it should open it if you have access to it. Which you do. yeah
Okay, um,
only 30 feet of movement cat. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, thirty, whoosh, it's happy.
and I move up and my snake cannot move any farther up and I'm not gonna dash him. He's gonna save his turn for if he's gonna prepare an action. Wait, can my snake prepare actions? Sure, why not? Okay. My snake will prepare an action if a spider comes in range of him, he will constrict. Okay.
Alright. And then Danger Noodle, thing. These fighters will go ahead and... God damn it, he's in the way. I could've just Fireballed this bitch.
Still could. You can shoot a Fireball past him. Yeah, that's what I was thinking about doing. I was looking to see how big of a 20-foot radius. And I'm trying to figure out exactly... yeah
I don't think I can... You can't shoot it past the wall out there. That's a wall right there? Yeah, that... this square... I can't see all the way out there. Oh, okay. Might... I should have both shot up to 120 feet, though. Let me see.
That is a token thing. um Because my... my tape gives me... Oh yeah, it's only set for... for 60. What doesn't stack? No, my, my, my, my robe specifically gave me dark vision out to a range of 120. Okay, I change your dark vision to 120. And I also have I can see invisible creatures operating as well as completely appearing for future notice. Okay. That's why you can see me. Yeah. ah not You don't see anything that appears to that's invisible. so Well, other than it um your weird cleric friend.
If I shoot there, will I be able to snag that top one? Yes. Yes. And Dennis. Dennis was not in the the kill zone, I can see. He is. His squares, technically. Oh, his squares in it? No, Cam. Oh, Cam. What's this? it Thank you.
I mean, if you're trying to hit all the spiders, you're going to get Dennis. um
my snake is not in a place where I can pull Dennis back, right? if If... I guess if you wanted to do some... well you would have to grapple him but you've already used all of your movement so... Yes, it would be a... So technically no. Okay.
Wait, is pull, shove and pull our actions? Your snake... Yes. Yeah, just so... I just need a movement action. I did not use an action. Yeah. Theoretically, you might be able to do this if we want to get... They're pulling back five feet and then fireball the shadow. Do it!
And Dennis can choose to fail the save. Yeah, this just looks cool. It's fucking sweet. The shove and pull rules naturally don't come up. But yes, they are in action and he can choose to fail the saving throw. So you could pull them back five feet.
um There are a lot of bugs in the room, Bill, when the spider breathes on them. Yeah. but farmcast fireable writerers um So you're pulling Dennis back, right? Yes.
um So we'll pull them back five feet. And then, yeah, you should be able to hit all of them and you'd also hit the dragon, I believe. Yes. Yeah. I'm going to upcast my fireball to a level five. Okay.
What's your save DC? That's the wrong spell. Now they're all flying. Oh, no. Oh, no.
So, bitch. 16, OK. Let's see. I'm going to roll for spider. Spider number one, number two, number three. And third spider passes with a nat 20. And the dragon.
OK, so everything. confirm So all but the third spider fail. Uh, so where's, where'd that damage go? Um, I just, 26. Okay. Another thing also happens. Um, I need to look something up real quick. Cause you triggered something. Oh God. Something that's beneficial. Um, for me. Yes. For all of you.
There should be another D6 on that. There should be two more D6s. Really? Yeah, when you cast a spell using a slot 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1 D6 for each slot. So you did 5th level, so it should be 10 D6. And it's 8 D6.
Okay. I roll... How many more D6s? Two D6. There you go. There you go. There you go.
Okay, so seven more damage. um All right, so that puts you up to 26 plus seven is 30 something, 33. um Okay. Oh, so I forgot to declare that I i keep forgetting that I'm not licking things because too much Baldur's Gate. I want to quicken spell.
Okay, um let me tell you the results first. I mean, you can click and spell, that's fine. um So... I don't want to... Okay, I gotta move this guy for a second.
Hell yeah. That spider's dead.
I can't see the X because it goes off screen, so I have to move him. That spider's dead. This spider survived, but he's not looking good. um Dragon. Let me double check. It's not like a week to fire or something weird. Oh, I didn't notice this. It didn't doesn't help it. Never mind. Okay. ah But the dragon... um
minus 33 damage. ah Also, okay, so the webs also catch on fire. um Any creature that the fire will burn away in one round, burn away the webs, but any creature in those webs at the start of their turn will take 2d4 damage at the start of their turn. um So I guess the burning will end at the beginning of your next turn.
2d4. Okay, so that was a quick and spell so you can do something else. Yeah, I'm debating whether I should just do another fucking fireball because I heard another roar that I wasn't expecting to hear. Squealing spiders and a dragon roar.
um Which, when it all comes down to it? Is balls of the ball just fucking fireball? Does this dragon have true sight? I know a lot of dragons have true sight. Let's see.
Okay. I fireball the same position. Are you doing it at fifth level again? Yes. So two more d6s. Why is it doing that? Oh wait, it's up here. It's that four.
Is that what it is? Yeah. Maybe. yo yeah That's what it is. Okay. Yeah. Okay. um So that is 33 damage. ah That's dumb. Why would it just include it in the camp? Why not just put it down there? So again, 33. Does this guy have counterspell? You're lucky. He does not have counterspell. Does the mage have counterspell?
I'm just, I just gotta check because I'm just letting you kill all my bad guys. The mage already used up his spell slots for counterspell. um but say doesn't you have to see me to the counterspell anyways He probably does, yeah.
ah Yeah, but for now I'm gonna rule he does because it makes sense. um This guy, his save doesn't matter, he'll die anyway. So third spider is dead, the dragon, we gotta roll for him.
um Okay, the dragon, the dragon twists and manages to avoid approximately half of the flames.
The counterspell is, you can see a creature within 60 feet. okay Okay. So they have to see me and be within 60 feet. Okay, good to know.
And that's your turn, right?
good be yes sir Okay. Gertrude so says something in the language that I think only Frank can understand, um and it's like You all are fighting the dragon? Oh, crap. Well, I can't fit through that door. I'm going to have to go the long way around. um ab And so it's, what's its movement? Ooh, it's got a fly speed. Okay. 60 feet. Second move, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60. Okay. Bro, Jim, he went the long, long way. He's got to go through the 10-foot wide doors.
Okay, now it is the, uh, the Yawkalaw's turn. Um, that thing it's a Yawkalaw. Uh, they're not as imposing as I thought they would be. Um, considering they're like a goddess's minion, like direct minion, but you know, they're still, I mean, they are CR 10. Uh, first I got to roll a D 100. Oh, oh.
That happened. Okay, that's over 50. So the the Yakhlal screeches a prayer and abyssal to its, um its, its, you know, master. I believe with who i speak abyssal. What is it? I don't think if I speak abyssal does. Wait, it speaks. and It doesn't have a language. it's It's got dash next to its languages. So it just screeches.
And then is it psychic or something? Oh, um, probably. What is the demon that speaks in your brains? Well, no, because normally the psychic creatures would tell you that it speaks as a language. Yeah. It, it doesn't give it a language. So I guess these things don't speak.
Okay. ah I feel like in the books they speak, but... um Yeah, it screeches a prayer. I'll just say it screeches a prayer to Loth, saying that it's under attack. Oh wait, it takes 2d4 damage because it's in the the burning webs. 2d4 takes 5 damage. 5 damage, still 5 damage. Hell yeah. um It's not weak to fire, is it? Oh, nope. Actually, it's resistant to fire, so it only takes two damage.
ah Madly inconvenience. So it rides about and screeches, and then a Skander you see ah a portal to the Abyss open, and another one of them wriggles out. Well, shit. And then it rolls its initiative. Or I guess it'll just be in the bottom of the initiative. so yeah and they'll go together one than the other well supposedly all of us speak uh... abyssal celestial common true chronic infernal and primordial all of you do yes pashu ending in poison face oh uh... noodle and poison face oh you're talking like the us of your weird personalities okay so
so my personality spider form only they have a spider form oh they do um okay so the one that did all of that you know the whole demon summoning another demon thing it doesn't tell you if it's an action or not just a free action that's a free action why do you want me to google it attempts imagine the monster I'll look Yeah, I mean, you can look. What's it called? and I mean, summoning something is a it would be an action. That's what you do instead of something else. Yeah, because like all the demon, you know, like every demon can summon other demons. But it doesn't specify if that is an action to do that. well So where I'm looking that the
The Summon Demon variant appears under Actions, so I assume that it is an Action. Does it? Okay. We'll call it an Action, then. Alright, now I'm going to close this page. Okay. What you doing for me? Yeah, so that's its Action, and then... Oh, you actually know what this creature is if you roll for it. And then it's... We got one more turn. Let me see if it's got... We got one more turn. It is going to get out of the Flaming Web. It's going to back up a bit.
um Not far enough, bitch. It's about to get litty like a titty in here, buddy. to burn and it I'm seeing if has any ai it doesn't have any bonu bonus actions. so right Up next, ah Frank, are you back?
I've been muted this entire time. got Frank's back. Can you mute yourself and then gasp at yourself? amberda
okay that is exactly what it does well seeing as how my spells are pretty much stepped out I have a little bit of stuff left nobody wanted to take a long rest I prepared like 30 extra enemies for y'all but 5, 10, 15, 20 so do I know exactly where that other But dragon in there landed. Other dragon? There's no other dragon. That's the other dragon that just got summoned. No, it was a Yawclaw. Oh, okay. But you know, whatever you see on the map.
Okay. So it was right here. Five, 10, 15, 20. What's my movement speed?
thank sir 30 feet. And 30. Oh, cool. I'm guessing this is the Yawclaw? It's the yellow thing, yeah.
So is it not this thing? I'm off map right now. I don't know. No, that's the dragon. Oh, I thought ah these were the dragons. Nope, those are spiders. Okay.
Um, well, um, would find steed help if you would like to ride a steed into this combat. Um, I guess I'm going to cast fireball at fifth level. Okay. Fuck another fireball. Let's fucking go.
Make sure you're pointing it over here like you saw me doing it. Unless you can see more than I can. Is that you? That should be him, I think. So where are you putting it? Are you just dropping it? Dropping it in to hit all three of these guys?
um Somewhere over there. 150 feet. Yeah, you can drop it anywhere you can see, basically. what' What's the diameter of 20 feet? 20 feet. Yeah, it'll it'll pretty sure it'll hit everything if you drop it in that general area. Yeah, i'm sure drop it and in this general area. Okay. Okay, got to make some more deck saves. The dragon passes.
Yawclaw number one. ah
Do I reset those back on fire? Reset? The webs? No, the webs are gone now. ah Well, the webs will be completely gone at the at the beginning of Hayden's turn. Right now, they're still burning. um I'm just checking to make sure it doesn't have anything. Okay. It also passes, and then the third one, the other yoke law also passes. Okay. So they all pass. Don't inject shit. Well, you did... Half damage.
You did 19.5 damage to the 20 damage. No, burn brown but it's 19. 86, but was that within plus two nice level?
Yeah, that that's the extra d6. Yeah, that's that's 6 where it says higher it says higher level cast up above your fireball thing. Yeah. um The Jock Lulls seem to take even less damage. Oh, that's right. Yeah.
um They seem unperturbed by the flames. They did take damage, so they're not... it's It was irritating. um
Well... You bet none of us are wizards. Alright, boys. We're gonna switch to ah single-target spells after Eric's turn. Because... Shenanigans. Now, for the other Yawclaw, it takes... Wait, aren't any of us wizards?
to damage. No. Maybe Slurm? I know there's a subclass for Wizards. Slurm is a, um ah his Gestalt class is Wizard. He's Artificer Wizard. So I know there's a subclass for Wizard. Obturation, oh he's got the little shield. Okay, so this how much type thing. So you can Fireball and make it a Force Fireball. Is going to, what does this spell do?
Interesting, but not useful. all right ah Oh, do these things have true sight? They're weird magical beings. Nope, just Darkvision, so they don't see Iskandar. But do Dennis and the snake. um So let's see here. We're going to do... ah you answer One is... ah Odds are Dennis, evens are snake.
ah Evens, okay. Oh wait, no, it doesn't work on the snake, so they have to cast on Dennis. They cast Dominate Person on Dennis. Oh shit. That's not a good one. Let's see, he has to make a... It's only a DC-14 Charisma. Wait, no. Oh no, that's his... Never mind, it's not Charisma. It is... I would assume it's Wisdom. Where the hell is the save?
and Here just what drop it in there. Nope. It doesn't say in there either We dominate first it says wisdom saving throw or be the trauma condition. Okay wisdom. Oh wait He has advantage if your allies are fighting it wait now Dennis um Did I give him that? Because Dennis is a feh. I did not give Dennis the charm immunity. um Or resistance. Okay, Dennis, ah wisdom saving throw. Not his best stat. But he rolled an 18. So Dennis passes against the dominate. And the thingy is gonna move back. We needed that. We needed that. Alright, you scanned or you're back.
All right, Iskander is going to use the Horn of Valhalla, and I sent to the Discord, the Flexing guys are my berserkers, and we're gonna summon.

Summoning Reinforcements

Oh, just seven. Good lord. Okay, where are you summoning them?
ah They're within 60 feet of me, so we're going to put on a little... Let me just give you a control give you this token. um Let's see, how do I do that again? One, two, three.
Control by characters. Bill, that depends on... like I can balance the scales. I'm going to do this...
This L around the dragon. I'm just going to give you the tokens.
um And I'll get to roll 14 d20s. Yeah. One, two. I wanted those to be a bigger number, boys. Five, six, seven. I had the ability to summon 15 of them and I got seven.
At least you got seven. There's one, two, three. I think you can move them four, five, six. The balance of scales role ah is just disadvantage or advantage is removed.
Sorry, I read it.
Okay, and they all have a great axe and reckless at the start of its turn that can gain advantage on all melee weapon attacks during that roll, but attacks against them have advantage on the next turn. Okay. All right, so we're gonna do two... nope.
How do I do this better? How can I make this smarter? Let me look for you, Slurm. I will check to see if I have... All right, so...
And then that's his his advantage, so that's one. Oh, Aaron, you've got the character sheet. um oh It should be at the vera at the top of the um character thingy. Are you able to see it? At the very top of... Where your character sheets are? um I cannot see the... there it is. yeah I don't have something. Well, I kind of want the first guy to get that, but you know. He can have it. but He can have it. Just roll the other ones. That's a nat 20. Oh, wait. No, it's not a nat 20.
That's twice. Does it automatically do advantage? It does. Yes, it is. Yeah, it's doing advantage. It does. Okay, so that's two. So that's three, four, five, six, seven. Okay. I'm going to change something over here.
And they're attacking all advantage all the time, but summon creatures, I don't care about their spirits. Yeah. ah So it looks like... Double check the AC, only one of the... Only... The first guy? The first guy and the guy who rolled a nat 20.
Or no, that's not a nat 20, nevermind. But the first guy and the guy who got a 20. No, did it roll the... Okay, so that's 13 slashing. okay And then I just I'll click it again for another guy, 8 slashing. So 21 slashing damage. 21 slashing. Okay. So that was my action. And then as my bonus action, I guess I'll move my little guy. 30 feet. One, two, three, four, five, six. Down here.
And then I need to, oh no, no, no, it makes more sense to go after the wizard done it. Done it. And then b one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
Press me right next door. All right, I'm done. All right, so now it's Slurm's turn. Unfortunately, I think Bill still doesn't have audio or a mic. Yeah, he's typing.
i Don't fireball him, Bill. We got a meat shield covering this dragon. I'll reiterate myself for you, Bill, in case you didn't hear me. I don't have anything that doesn't that makes them fail.
I only have something that makes them have disadvantage, but even at that point, I need three sources. Slurr moves forward 20 feet. Hey, couldn't Bill join the Discord? Aren't you just recording the Discord? He's in Discord. He doesn't have a mic. He's in Discord. I don't think he has a mic. Oh, yeah, you could just join Discord on your phone. You could do that, buddy. You could just call one of those. That would speed it up. Yeah.
That's how I'm connected currently. It's Discord on my phone so that I can use my earbuds. Yeah. Yeah, you could just pop onto Discord on your phone and just use your computer for Roll20.
I can't believe I'm the person that bought this. I know, right? I haven't been paying attention, like, to this entire time. I'm literally actively doing it. Yeah. And I didn't think to say it.
Well, you know, there's a part of me that really wanted them to do more damage, but now there's seven bodies in front of them, so he berserker flesh. It recharges its spider breath. ah I mean, sure. It might. It might. And then just spiders everywhere.
You get some spiders, and you get some spiders.
Just need Bill on his phone. All right, so he moved forward 20 feet. I can't see Bill now from where I'm at. Did he move his tokens? ah He did. where Oh yeah, no, you can't. He didn't move into the room. You're all the way up there, yeah. Yeah, yeah. I'm going to delete these spiders um to clear up the map, just because they were magical creatures. They just vanished. Well, just make sure that you give Hayden access to those three spiderbugs. Or two two of those are his.
Yeah, I am collecting those by the way. yeah fifty
but for his dad i just I just shoved them off to the side. They're they're over there. Yeah. Skulls for the skull throne. Come on, Bill. It's just nap. Just gotta open it.
brother download her to god i'm just going to call you call and put them on speaker phone and hold them up to your mike well if you do that it's going to slow down him getting on the app yes it will uh... how much i am glad that like for your sanity ron i'm glad it only some of the seven and not fifteen of these i mean it would have been funny yeah Okay. i'm just trying to I'm just trying to get the verification card to re-login on my phone. It's been so long. What the fuck? Oh, that was Bill on Hayden's mic. Can you I can hear you. Barely. I mean, definitely get on Discord once you're done with your turn. word twenty feet
And I still don't see shit. So I'm going to move my final 10 feet to move right here. ah you see And just so I'm clear, all these guys around the dragon,
Those are our guys. Single target, spell the dragon. All Eric's guys, right? Yeah. Yeah. Okay, cool. This is the first time I'm getting to see it. With the size of the drug the of the dragon, do I have a clear line of sight on it? Oh, yeah. Yes. Oh, yeah.
He's going to shoot him. You're going to shoot him with your gun? You could just use your fireball. Don't do that. You could do a lightning bolt and only take out some of them. Yes, you do. Okay, so in that case... Oh, God, I hope this works. If this doesn't work, I'm just burning this spell slot, but... Okay.
I'm casting Disintegrate. Oh, fuck yes. Oh, okay. Fuck yes. Fuck yes. Is it a Dexterity saving throw. Disintegrate is dex? That's weird. It sure is.
Could your target about this almost make a deck saving throw on a failed save it takes 10v6 plus 40 force damage this thing it does like dragon spiders so i'm assuming it's gonna This thing does have plus 8 to decks. Let's see what it rolls. Yeah, I wrote a 21 Nothing happens if he succeeds
Can you all start again? Yeah, okay. I just had an annoying pop-up. He takes 10d6 on a fail. 10d6 plus 40. On a failed save, it takes 10d6 for a 40. Disintegrated creature. the picture is It doesn't seem... Because it does nothing. Because it's a deck save, so he missed it. It doesn't do half damage. Yeah, nothing. if so I'm assuming i' assuming the dragon passed. He did.
Yeah, he passed. Tell him, Hayden. Yeah, he passed. He dodged it. Oh, motherfucker. That's good. That's fine. That's my sixth level spell slot, too. That was worth it, bro. Now I just need to curse him. I'm cursing him next day.
<unk>ll cling my spurs together
Okay. Go ahead and try to steal a lot. I gotta get him. yeah um other
but major the restroom I'm watching my hands, bro. oh that and ah Bill, you can move Cinnamon wherever you need them to. He said that's his turn. okay What the fetch? Why is my vision so weird? like All this is just like amber vision now.
Maybe because it's proper Darkvision? That's the Peatock. He gives off Red Helllight. Okay. So now i my character can see into the room and see the Spadator Dragon now. so Great.
I hate that I can barely see that Helllight. um Because I can see everything. Welcome to Discord. got it
He's not in Discord. Oh, the peacock. I think I logged in. There is. Can you all hear me? Yes. Oh, thank you, Christ. Yeah, so the meme version of my guys are the Tistodes from Warhammer with no shirts on covered in oil.
okay And then the real version is the giant army that's in that picture. right It's in the discord if you boys want to get a giggle. Yeah. yeah um yeah All right. So that was Slurm's turn. So now it is that mage guy who's got an Iskander right next to him. ah That he cannot see. be That's true. He cannot see Iskander.
um What's the range on this here spell?
Touch, okay. What a crazy demon peacock just ran into the room. I mean, that is true. All right, all right. I got to do some circles here. A discock, a hell peacock. What do we call that? A hell peacock. yeah Technically, it's a nightmare that just takes the form of of ah of a peacock. I've just been calling it the hell peacock.
I just called the Hellcock. Doesn't say Hellcock, right? I'm down for a Hellcock. Hellcock. Okay.
okay i also i also tend to I also tend to every now and then call them a burning sensation. but I think you might get that one. Oh, you're trying to get me. You son of a bitch. Oh shit. Okay. I think that misses,
20 feet only hits two of the guys. It hits three. That hits three of them. That gets you, Peacock, Slurm, Snake, Dennis, and three of your guys. Okay, here is the mage is casting um Ice Storm. ah Which You can't see him, he's up in the top.
yeah um It's a DC14 deck save. ah
It doesn't deal a ton of damage, but you know. um right so dinner So, people who need to make deck saves. Slurm, the Snake, Dennis, Cinnamon, Iskander, and three of the the guys. X for Cinnamon is a plus two, so... It's gonna roll a d20 plus two, that ace.
He's making sure I don't have anything. the given the second the second slum roll was for cinnamon uh... that's a fifteen plus two so it's a seventy that's a pass he'd not go and roll for your snake yeah snake failed oh and much love yeah and you give me Give me three of those, Eric. ah now sort of be never just become a sta I'll just roll for your guys real quick. um One, two, three. Okay. Fortunately, they don't have advantage.
so All right, so let's see. It's not a lot of damage. We've got a total of...
If you failed, it's 15 damage. If you pass, it's 7. And Slurm passed, Dennis passed, Cinnamon passed, Snake failed. So Snake takes 15 damage.
Uh, seven, if we, if we succeed, seven, if you succeed, yeah. Uh, is scanned or you succeed. So, and then I'll just do the berserkers in order that they were hit. Um, berserker number one takes seven. Number two takes the full 15 and number three takes the full 15. Okay.
Oh, and Cinnamon takes minus 7. Okay. And Slurm takes nothing because it triggers Arcane Ward, but it does reduce Arcane Ward by 1 to an 18. Oh, okay. um So that guy does that. That's another one of those spell slots, alright. And then he... ah
By D and&D rules, not Baldur's Gate rules, he cannot then cast Misty Step, so... By Baldur's Gate rules, he would be able to cast a Misty Step right now, but he can't. So instead, he's gonna stand, and he's gonna look at He's He's gonna end his turn. Dennis! Okay, so Dennis...
um Oh, wait, Dennis, did I roll for Dennis? Oh, Dennis needs to take seven damage. Minus seven. Dennis is not looking great. um This seems to be a thingy, does frequently um almost die. ah But he is... He is gonna... Sorry, I see you.
He's gonna make eye contact with one of the Spider Dragon's many eyes. um And he's gonna try and petrify that Spider Dragon because I would be a bad DM if I didn't make Dennis try. ah fuck go So that is... I'm gonna be really annoyed if Dennis passes. um But it's an ability he has.
Okay, dragon. Don't you dare fail this. Okay, he got a 22. Dragon has advantage. Okay. So, yeah, Dennis fails to petrify the dragon, and yes, he is going to 5, 10, 15, 20, 25. He's gonna move back and then um be like, Ambranok, do you have a potion you could toss me?
and And then that's Dennis's turn. The dragon, I need to roll ah a couple of d6s here. Nope. And oop, that recharges.
ah no
So that was not his breath weapon. um So the dragon is going to ah
Interesting. What's this ability?
I do have a potion of superior healing in case you really do need it there. Yeah, I do have a potion of healing. I have two. but ah That works out. I to get my ruler thingy again. Let's see. It's got to be adjacent. Oh, good.
Okay, that gets a lot of people. um What is this spell? The dragon... splurts out um a bunch of sticky webbing. A 30-foot cube. I guess that should be a cube, but whatever. A 30-foot cube of webbing. Would this be like a spell?
It is not a spell. It's slorping it out. um oh It would only go six squares of its cube. Yeah. Right? Well, in all directions, I think. Yeah, yeah. I think I'm safe now, though. Hold on. Let's do square.
30 feet. Yeah, you're safe. um So this will affect Dennis, Amber, Slurm, Snake, Cinnamon, and all your guys. The dragon is not affected by it. um Okay, it's a 30-foot cube of strong sticky webbing. um It lasts for one minute, is difficult to rain, lightly obscures the area. A creature that starts its turn in the webbing or enters the webbing for the first time on its turn must succeed a DC-15 saving throw or have the restrained condition while on the web.
You can, as an action, free yourself by making a DC15 strength check. Okay, so basically everyone in the webbing will have to... The DC war check?
ah DC 15 decks are to avoid a DC 15 to break it and you'll do that on the start of your turn So it's he's putting the cube here. Oh, wow I can do fun stuff So I'm gonna draw that out real quick And then for reference to everyone restrained means your speed is zero Attack rolls against you have advantage and your attack rolls have disadvantage you have disadvantage on deck saves. Oh
So so you're telling um anyone inside this cube that I just drew um is in the web ink. Slurm, you are inside it. Yeah, out of curiosity because Cinnamon is on fire.
yeah So that does, hold on, does Cinnamon's body cause fire damage? Let me check Cinnamon. He illuminates, but he doesn't have a, he burns you if he touch if you touch him.
Cinnamon can damage the webbing, but I think simply touching him isn't enough. Because it doesn't say he ignites flammable objects upon, you know, touching him.
i Okay, so that does that. um That's probably an action. um
And then the Spider Dragon will then, seeing if it's got any bonus actions. Don't see any bonus actions here.
Nope, no bonus actions, so Spider Dragon, I guess that's all it can do. If it moves, it would provoke Attack of Opportunity from all those guys. um move No, he's he's not that stupid. Strange Restraint Creature can't move.
um It has disadvantage on attacks. None of them are technically restrained yet, though I would probably make them roll to see if they're restrained before they did an attack of opportunity.
um Okay, Danger Noodle, you're up. The Spider Dragon just slorped out a bunch of webbing that you are not in.
yeah a
um I will roll for my constrictor.
but Yes! I'm not on the dice match. Two nats! Wow. Yeah, your your constrictor is not restrained. That feels appropriate for a ah snake. It just like slithers around the webs.
Let's see, measure. What the f- That's nugget. These stupid vape pins are the worst pins ever created. Yes. And I have three of them laying here.
yeah Shit. There we go.
if you ever come to um um yeah if yeah If you ever come to Oregon or a place that weed is legal, do not buy the B be be brand vapes because they'll only work for you like the first time. Because the um somehow of the way they're designed, the resonance side gets stuck and you have to like,
you've got to have the suction strength of like i don't know an inappropriate joke in order to get these things to work after the first time after the suction strength of bill in order to get it out yeah there are no i was just gonna say a golf ball for a hose cuz the resin like hardens or something inside it it's weird uh... so your constrictor snake is doing what now i he Could constrict the spit that because there's no at least with his In the in description, but I'm pretty sure there's a rule somewhere saying that he can't Wrap things larger than you that's probably under the grappling rules. I bet crap Yeah, because it says the target is grappled it grappling
ah When you want to grab a rest of all creature, attack it, special melee, then ah the target is grappled. The target of your grapple must be no more than one size larger than you. So your snake is large, right? No, he's huge. It's huge, huge beast. And then the dragon is yeah huge.
Your snake is the same size. yeah you can drag You can grapple the dragon. Grappled? Hell yeah.
uh... it is the radio for the win so he also has a five-foot reach for grapple ah nice in uh... well that's that's five feet is the normal amount of reach and uh... he has a ten-foot reading yeah five foot just means he has to be next to him so you have to bite first or no you just do constrict you know just to constrict. You have the character sheets. You have to roll a DC 16. Yes. But first you have to hit. That's true. That is a
I'll just roll a flat d20, right? I'm looking at it and it's being weird. Do you have the character sheet open? Yes. You just click constrict and it'll roll the attack. Okay, that's a fail. It should. Okay. Yeah. Does it get advantage or even with a 14? It would be a fail even with a 14, but okay I don't see any reason why you'd have advantage. It's swarmed.
All right, well, sorry, Snakey. And then let's see. MyPerson will do, let's see, what what does this do?
Sure, why not? um Does this thing look like it would be,
Necrotic adverse? by I don't know. Roll an insight check or something. Or not inside. it'd be um ah Where's the skills list?
Arcana. Arcana could work. My brain is... I don't think survival. Not perception. I would go Arcana.
my My brain was going back to 3rd edition with Dungeoneering. no
Does he look necrotic averse? um
I wouldn't say he looks necrotic averse with a 15, but what you have noticed is that ah he ah the the the fireballs haven't affected him that much, and the disintegrate didn't affect him at all, um although he seemed to dodge the disintegrate.
But yeah, I don't think a 14 would be, the eye storm did not hit him, no. That was done by an ally.
or whatever. Book it. Okay, Necrotic Energy Flood. Let me read this spell. 16 con save. Okay. Doesn't have anything special with con other than a high con score. Oh, sorry. I did mean to do a Quicken spell as well.
Okay, he unfortunately rolled an 18 on his con so you send ribbons of negative energy at one creature you can see unless the target is undead it must make a con save 5d12 or half as much damage okay so 35 divided by 2 is 17
Anything else target killed by this comes back as a zombie. That would have been cool if you could get a zombie dragon. That's what I was banking on. Minus 17. Okay. ah He roars in pain as some of his flesh rots away.
Okay, so you quicken that spell. So what else are you doing?
Why is everything a save?
Saving throws, like, the spells are so powerful, but saving throws are always so low. It's like, I mean, I know that's the trade-off, but it's just so annoying. This thing seems to have a high dex, too, so and everything I'm looking at is ah a dex save. He has appeared to be pretty dexterous, I'll give you that.
I mean, he has high scores in general because he's a dragon. But um yeah, he does appear to be a dexterous dragon. But in D and&D 5E,
a bonus action spell still allows you to cast a level spell. Nope. You have to cast a cantrip. Baldur's Gate has spoiled us.
What is everyone's normal, like, spell save category? Like, mostly decks or anything like that, guys? What do you mean? What do you talk about? Like, what they save against? Yes. Mine are all over the place. All over the place. Okay, because I'm gonna try to hex this bitch. Hex him! Wisdom, wisdom. You want me to hex wisdom? Yeah, because then I can curse him. Okay, I'll do a hex.
All right. DC 16 wisdom. Is it a wisdom?
Place curse on a creature until that spell ends. You deal the extra damage. Also choose one ability. one No, he doesn't save. It's just his ability. Oh, it's not a safe. No, it says spell save DC 16. Oh, I think that might just be the spell description shows your DC.
Also, choose one ability when you cast a spell. Oh, choose one ability when you cast the spell. The target has disadvantage on the ability check, so what are you disadvantaging him in? Wisdom. Wisdom? Okay. pretty right So, yeah, I guess he is um cursed or hexed, rather. Okay, um I don't know. I'll put a little sad face icon on him that you can't really see.
All right. Gertrude is up. I already did most of Gertrude's. I'm going to cast a cantrip as well. Is that not a cantrip? It's not. This is a... It's a bonus action. oh ...and hex is a bonus action. Well, you already did a leveled spell with quick and spell. Oh, I hate... Yeah, quick and spell was your bonus action. Okay. So actually, you can't hex them right now. Wait, what?
So quicken you use quick and spell to cast a spell, but you can only cast one spell per the rules, a one leveled spell. and then So quick and spell makes it into a bonus action, but then you can cast a cantrip as a primary action.
umm Damn, damn, damn. Too bad we're not playing Baldur's Gate, because that would have been dope. I know, right? Sometimes I use border skate rules, and sometimes I don't. Yes. There. Sorry, boys.
um Or I can still do that. You could do a can trip. I could do a can trip. Let me look at my can trips to see if they're... You've probably got Eldritch Blast. You do have Eldritch Blast, and that is a good one. Blast, I will Eldritch Blast.
And how many bolts do I get with this again? At your level, three, two, or three? At 11th, you guys are level 11, right? Yeah. Yeah, so that is, I think that's three.
yeah That is three at level 11. Yeah. 27 to hit. That one hits.
It's a low roll, but I guess it's not a bad roll. Miss.
Miss. It gets advantage then, I don't know. Because all the homies. ah Now, that's not how it works. He's surrounded by the homies.
Even if flanking was a rule in 5th edition, which sometimes I let it be, but Dangerdle was not actually flanking because he's on the same side as them. He's not on the opposite side of the creature. I think I have that thing where it lets me do my adding my charisma to the damage.
You should have it. Yeah, you've done it before. Yeah, I don't know why it doesn't. How much is that? I can fix it for you. My charisma is sitting at a plus. Plus four. Plus four, yeah. Yes, plus four.
Oh, odd. Which Eldritch Blaster are you clicking on then? You have several of them here. Yeah, I don't know what's going on, but I'm i'm clicking on the top one.
The top one, that's weird, it should add it because it's in here. That's damage charisma. That's strange. Oh, sorry. I did do it with the on the spell list. Oh, okay. Yeah, the spell list won't do it. um All right, so you pop in with that, deal 10 damage to him.
It appears to deal forward full damage. ah Now it is Cinnamon's turn. All right, so that means that Cinnamon has to make it. What's the difference? Deck save. DC 15.
good Just click on on the monster sheets. You just click on the the word decks and it'll roll it. Oh, is this actually rollable? Holy shit, it's actually rollable.
Uh, he got a 15. Alright, he's not restrained. Nice! So then in that case, Cinnamon is going to... I can't see anything, because Slurm is in the isn't there. So real quick, I'm just going to poke my head outside next. Oh, do you not have Sight? Hold on, let me give you Sight from Cinnamon. Um, Cinnamon's got... Does he not have Darkvision? Cinnamon doesn't have Darkvision. No wonder the nightmare is interesting. Did the nightmare not have Darkvision?
Interesting. The nightmare does not have darkvision. That seems wild. Yeah. I, you should be able to see. I guess it's not that important because he does give off a 10 foot radius bright light. Yeah. Can you see, can you see that bright light? Like, yeah. Okay. So you can see that. Oh, that's why he wouldn't have light night darkvision because he's always
yeah okay so thats well you should You should be able to see then, um because you've got control of his token, you should be able to see what it sees. No, yeah I can see that, I just couldn't see anyone outside of that zone. In that case, given the fact that the dragon is the only thing Cinnamon can see, Cinnamon is going to take to the air and fly over the dragon and land right next to him. okay and he's going to ask him for it he's a nightmare he can't fly and yeah peacocks actually can fly for short distances yeah it's a short distance when we refer to flight it's like that it's more like a hopping glide it's like a turkey but better and he's going to attack with his talons uh...
Am I allowing flanking? Am I allowing flanking? so also so this is ah I don't remember if I've allowed it in the past. It's not a thing in 5th edition because of the fact that some creatures have the flanking ability. Yeah.
yeah would an attack He misses. an ability check um What do you mean? No, I don't think attack rolls count as ability checks. No, they don't.
Okay, then that's his turn. Okay, that unfortunately is a miss. Now it is one of the Yawclaw's terms.
grab A slightly closer one. um
Let's see, what spells does it have? It can only do dominate once per day and... Oh, this one hasn't tried to dominate yet. um It's gonna try and dominate. Who can he see? Who can he see?
Let's see. ken it cease It can't see a scanner. Oops, that's not the line I want. Well, that's fine. I can still measure distance.
Okay, so I can see Slurm. Slurm, make a wisdom saving throw. Oh shit. Of course it would be wisdom save. It's like the worst stat ever. Alright. It's DC14.
Okay. It tries to dominate you and fails. Alright. And it And
it says it does um 10, 20. And then it goes 5, 10, 20. I knew what I wanted to do earlier, and I don't know what it is. Fireball. Fireball. Oh, by the way, I guess those webs aren't burning anymore, but the entire square is a web, so... There's that. Oh, wait, never mind. Cinnamon did succeed. Never mind. I was like, wait, how did Cinnamon do that? Son, it's a bad bitch.
Well, I guess I will, ah I mean, I tried Fireball last time, I didn't do shit. um
Can I Twin Spell Magic Missile? No.

Spellcasting Discussions and Strategies

Or Quicken Spell? You can Quicken Spell it, but you can't Twin Spell it.
Walk my thing real quick.
Up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Where's my fucking thing? Resistance and action, heal, find the twin spell.
there are only one creature and doesn't have a range of self you can spend a number of story points equal to the spells a little bit harder so you can spend a number of story points equal to the spells a little bit harder so you can spend a number of story points equal to the spells a little bit harder so you can spend a number of story points equal to the spells a little bit harder so you can spend a number of story points Why can't you use twin spell? It says if you can't spell a target, it's only one creature. If I'm only targeting one equal to the spells a little bit harder creature with all three shots. It has to be a spell that can only target one creature is the thing. Okay. All right, so I'm going to cast... Let's... Hold on.
when we decide this thing has best the decks uh... yeah but hayden gave a disadvantage on decks no i don't wish did you do that i think no you didn't have to not do that nevermind but you could use a disadvantage on wisdom okay yet you guys have sis you suspect it's good at deck saves who's got a legs it's a spider for god's sake Okay, I'm not going to do magic. I'm going to actually do a scorching ray. um And I'm going to, I'm going to twin spell it. We're not twin. Quicken. Quicken spell. Nice. so Well, scorching ray, that's a crit. No, wait. Yeah, that's a crit. Yep. Okay, so roll the damage.
ah It automatically hits. It's three rays, isn't it? Yes. Do I need to roll it three times? Yes. yes a like Oh, you make an attack roll you make an attack roll for each ray. So the first one's a crit. No, go away. I assume you're attacking the dragon. Yes.
ah That one's a miss, and that one's a miss.
And that one's a hit. yeah Wait, how many times are you casting this spell? It's three attacks per, and I did quick and spell, so it's six shots. Oh, no, no, no. Quick and spell allows you to cast it as a bonus action, then you have to cast a cantrip. Yeah, I'm not playing by Baldur's Gate rules.
I don't know. I could let you play by Baldur's Gate rules. I do like their rules better. I can just add that hex to the dragon. Because I don't think you did need... No, you did deal damage. If you want me to give him 10 HP back, I'll let you play by Baldur's Gate rules. Because then I'll let you have done the hex instead.
It's up to you, Frankie boy. Well, we're voting, we're voting right now. bill We're voting right we can quick in spell. When you cast a spell that has this casting time of one action, you can spend two starts where it's changed the casting time to one bonus action. Yes, but fifth edition also has a separate rule that says you can only cast one leveled spell regardless of bonus actions. Oh, fuck that noise. All right, I don't want the second spell anymore. and I'm giving you all the option to do the Baldur's Gate rules and and ignore that.
That just means the enemies also get to ignore that. But they have to have sorcery points. Kill them faster. Kill wizards faster. That's the rule. I'm fine with that rule. Yeah. So Hayden, do you want to have Undone your Eldritch Blast and do Hex instead? Sure. Okay. Yeah, more important. So we'll do that. All right, he's Hex. So two more of that the 17, the 21, and the 27 I'll hit.
All right, so that's...
14, 15, 16, 17, and I already subtracted the 15 up top. So another 17, minus 17. All right. um So you deal a bunch of scorching rays at him.
go bla pa but Yep. Much like in Baldur's Gate, it sounds like a machine gun.
Yeah, balder you got to play some Baldur's Gate, Eric, so you can learn these rules we're talking about. Because um some of them are... I do like them better, like the quick and spell thing. I think if I remember, I'd haste is better in Baldur's Gate. um But yeah. ah So that is your turn, unless you're going to do a movement.

Continued Combat and Tactical Maneuvers

Oh, I guess I couldn't move, couldn't I? You don't have to. I'm good. I'm just going to say where I'm at. All right, now it is the second Yawklal's turn. um It is going to... Eric, what is your passive deception? Passive deception? Yes. Ooh. I'm on my sheet, so let me scroll back up to where that's relevant. Deception counts as a passive? In this case, I'm counting as a passive. 13.
Okay. yeah Okay, it does not suspect that there is a man who is invisible. um You haven't done anything to to like, you haven't fired anything that would like, be like, oh, like nothing you've done is is suspicious. Sure, these guys appear, but that could have been any of these other spellcasters in the room. So I gave it a deception check because it it can cast the invisibility, but if it didn't, it doesn't suspect you, so.
There's no reason for it to cast that. um In that case, the creature is going to cast Dimension Door, and then step through that door. Is it the dragon that's doing that? No, it's the Yawclaw, and he appears right here.
And he's he's banking on the fact that you guys can't kill him in a single round because that was an action and that's all he can do. He appears next to you. I say yo, well I guess it is most of you. And that's his turn. Is Skander, you're up. How damaged is the mage? The mage is undamaged. Damned.
he He kind of ran off near the the beginning of that fight. um
and so we'll never release those fucking hacking away at the dragon while he was yeah So this was blasting a bunch of fireballs at you guys, but you never actually like engaged him and then he ran off ran through the door.
i I could never see him. so That might have been the issue. he might have I think he was stealth or something. I forget. I think I was fighting him because he ran away from my spiritual weapon. I thought I did something to him. Maybe I was chasing him. There were a few mages, but this one has taken no damage. Well, we're eventually going to find this motherfucker. Iskander is scanner standing right next to him. Oh. that how got it And he's not invisible or anything. so He's just been chillin'. We're a deal with you later. Well, he's the one who cast the ice storm. He did cast the ice storm. Oh, that's who it was. but I'm just looking at a spell to see if it's worth doing this or not. There is a skander. Also, are these guys that are around the dragon, are they just hanging out? What do they do? They get a turn on Eric's turn. They're gonna go. They're gonna start attacking.
All right, so I'm gonna maneuver Up here one two through two three for difficult terrain I'm assuming right and you You are not in difficult terrain. Well, I don't know. story Yeah, I guess that stuff is probably difficult terrain. Oh you're up there Yeah, and then I'm gonna move well Spiritual, like, he'll move here. I'm just doing this for ease of my sanity. I'm going to cast Sunbeam ah through the mage, through one of my barbarians, and into the drag. Okay. ah So then we're going to go to Core. We're going to cast Sunbeam.
Do I want to put Sunbeam in there? There it is. Sunbeam.
consave uh so will consave it reaches all the way to the dragon yes it uh travels uh mage guy most definitely fails 60 feet how much damage does it deal 24 radiant radiant all right yes and he's blinded
Okay, I gotta move his token so I can access his little HP thingy.
He's blinded. a Okay, that sucks. So he is blinded. ah He's not dead. um And then I'll go ahead and roll for your guy.
That's a 15, so he fails in his blood. Fails. And takes 24 damage. Yeah. 24. And then ah the dragon, does it hit the peacock? It does not. It only goes 60 feet. So It terminates in the middle of the dragon. And the dragon rolls a nat 20. So it takes half to damage, I assume.
and is not blinded but i'm just gonna sit here and keep my son being gone for one minute minus twelve and then uh... stuff and then the made states uh... or he's going to be attacked by a search weapon after my character she loads loading loading
Sometimes if it doesn't load, if you bust it out as its own tab, it'll load up. Okay, 11. He's blinded though, and I believe that gives you advantage against him as well. It sure does. So yeah, that's gonna be a hit.
4.5. Minus 5, he's still standing, um but he's not looking very good.
All right, now I'm gonna need and one, two, three, four... Well, actually, we're gonna need seven deck saves from these guys. Yeah, I got you. Let me open that up character thingy. Come on. There we go. Those are good. And they don't have a good deck, so, you know. They're not going anywhere, though. One, two, three, four, five, six. yeah All right, the two who passed, so we've got one fail, fail, fail. I should i should just like explode him due to that crit fail. Okay, we'll put um this red dot on the ones that passed. Fail, one, two, three, four, five, six. We need one more. Oh yeah, that's right, seven.
Okay. Okay, the two with red dots passed, so um every they all have disadvantage except for the red dot ones. All right, and then... Seven attack rolls, yep. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Okay, so we got disadvantage, ah so a six,
A six. A six. A hit. A miss. He doesn't have a damage. That's a pitch. He does have advantage. Why would he have advantage? Oh yeah. We got the little duck. Okay, you're right. That's a crit baby! Because he does his special thing. So advantage. So a hit, a crit. Fucking nice!
A miss, ah so the hit, the 23 and the 25 are both hits. Everything else is a miss. 16 for that one. 25 is a nat 20.
Okay, now here's the question. I feel like these are non-magical weapons. There's spiritual creatures that are somewhat like spirituals. Okay, then i'm gonna I'm gonna go ahead and count those as magic then. So we've got 16 of 14. All right. Yeah, I would say in response to warrior spirits from Valhalla. They're spirits from Valhalla. Yeah, we'll call them spirits. We'll work it like a spiritual weapon um since they're spirit beings, you know. um So 30 damage, 30 damage from the boys. Nice.
from just two of them. yeah but just did it it Is that all of your stuff? Yeah. The dragon is still standing. He's not looking the healthiest. um Slurm, you're up. Alrighty, so do I need to make a dexterity save? If you... yes. And then just for relevance, there's a giant beam of like crazy sunlight shooting from me into them. Yeah, where where are you because I still I don't see you either. Oh, he's all the way up here somewhere um ah Okay, that's why I don't see ya All right. First things first. Let's roll this deck save real quick 19 That's a pass nice. Okay, so I'm not Not restrained so that's good. So that so that means I can move freely.
Yes. yeah So then, in that case, i am going to diver yeah i'm going to click my I'm going to activate my jetpack. I'm going to fly in.
10 feet. i'm not suicidal I'm not suicidal or anything like that. And I'm going to pull out my blaster. And I'm going to shoot that. I'm going to aim at this speed dragon twice in the face. I hear that's not the best method. also Also, everybody, remember he has disadvantage on wisdom save. So if you have a surprise motherfucker wisdom spell, this would be the time. I'm too far away to use mine.
or whatever. That's good to know. That's good to know for next time. All right, so I'm going to roll one. I assume that's a miss. That's a miss, yeah. Of course it is. And let's go with number two. That's a hit. A 19. Okay, cool. And this is magical as part of the weapons for one of my infusions.
for i eight piercing damage. all right And Slurm is going to order, give me one second. Let me just make sure there's nothing else. Actually, real quick, I'm going to throw off, along with that, Slurm is actually going to activate Slurm's goblin ability for that one that hit him for fury of the small. Once per long rest, I get to add my level as extra damage. So that's an extra 11 points of damage on top of that. oh shit You're an angry little guy. Yeah, so it actually takes 19 total for that hit. Nice shot in the face. Do I have i anything that I can do as a bonus action? My God. ah I don't think so. I'm pretty sure that's it for me. that's ah
Yeah, that's it for me unless i get unless I had gotten any closer, but yeah, I'm not doing that. So, that's my turn. Okay. All right. um Now it is the mage's turn. um Being that there is a beam of light passing through its body, it probably feels like it shouldn't stay there.
It is blinded, so... The mage steps to the side, then speaks some arcane words.
I'm saying that in case anyone's counterspelling him. Yeah, yeah I'm counterspelling. Slurm's 100% going to counterspell that. maybe Okay. counter spell What level are you counterspelling it at?
I'm going to cast that oof. I'm going to use it at fourth level. Okay, so it's a spell casting level. It's fourth or higher. It's spelled when he casts a spell slot using a spell slot. The interrupting spell has no effect. Okay, fourth is the correct level. So you counter his spell that he started to cast. um I might forget, if a does counterspell cause him to still burn the spell slot?
Oh yeah, he does. Yeah, because he was casting us. Yep, so burns that spell slot. um And that mage... He stepped, huh? He stepped out of the way? He stepped. He's still within your range at the moment. um He just stepped out of the beam. um He didn't step out of your attack range, though.
got So yeah, that's um I guess that's what he does. He's done. Dennis's turn. um denni ah Dennis is going to... His pickpocket me for my but my healing potion.
thrust your hip out right here baby Yeah, so Dennis is gonna reach towards you and then if you want to spend your reaction to hand him the healing potion I'll count that What kind of healing potion do you have the big time it is a Superior healing 8d4 plus 8 alright slash 8d4 plus 8 25 nice Dennis was in need of that Okay, um but he's not ready to charge back in because that was his Well, yeah, I'm gonna count that as an action.
Normally, um I count drinking a potion as a bonus action, but he had to get the potion free. Yeah, so he's just gonna move right here. he have Isn't he a fighter, a level fighter? he He doesn't have a character class. only yeah he's a mother um Oh, but let me see if his petrifying gaze charges.
Ooh, it does. So the Yawclaw is in his line of sight, so I guess he's gonna look at it. He looks at it. And it makes a... What is it? A consave? Okay, it's a consave.
it oo The Yawclaw...
Let me check the rules because I know if it's a certain amount. um If it fails to save by five or more, the Yawclaw turns to stone because it rolled oh yeah a two plus four. um Yeah, so it's stone. um For all points and purposes, this token is dead. Boom. All right. Yawclaw is one of them is out. Good job, Dennis.
Okay, um now it is the Spy, yeah, Dennis, I gave Dennis some fun abilities. um he's He's my DMPC, basically. ah He's my DMPC without giving him a character class, because why would I give him a character class when I can give him weird stuff? Yes, the dragon is going to do a... um its ah whips out its tail and spins in a circle. And it's going to do a 360 degree tail whip. So everything around it. um I guess I'm gonna do it as one attack roll.
Yeah, those boys don't have a good armor class. D. What armor class? 13. Let's see. Give me a second, I've got to check to see what cinnamon is. There's his 13. So he hits them does cinnamonal and he hits all of them. Don't worry, it's not it's not insane. um
He deals... That's a pretty good roll from him. 16 damage to all of them. So I'll go ahead and reduce the MP... the I'll just go through it. Minus 16.
Minus 16. So he does a spinning tail whip thing. and I assume it also hits my snake. Uh, nope. Nope. Oh yeah, it does hit the snake. um It was a 15 to hit. Does it hit the snake? Yes, it hits. Okay. So 16 damage to the snake. And it absolutely hits Cinnamon.
How bloody does the Spidey, the dragon, the... It's not looking great. good um
It's certainly at a um fraction of the HP it once had. ah However, I do need to see if any of its abilities recharge, because two of those are bonus actions. Oh, is he currently grappled? Did the snake grapple him? No.
No, okay. It failed the grapple. None of his abilities recharge, so that's nice. um Do I need to move the boys? Do they all need to shift five feet? No, he just does a tail whip. No, no, I mean for the snake. No. I think we just kind of decided the snake can slither among people.
um Danger Noodle, you're up. I think your snake is underneath Cinnamon. No, he's like under the dragon somewhere. Yeah, he's curled up like trying to grapple the dragon. That's a hit, yeah. And then it's a 2d8. Roll a 20, huh? Couldn't get a crit, huh? That's the grapple one? Oh, that is the grapple.
So now everybody gets regular attacks. Yeah,
It's a DC-16 to escape. Nice. But I would assume he's grappled until he, yeah, he can't just, yeah. So yeah, I think that means everyone's getting advantage on him now. yeah yeah Pretty good. All right. ah Gertrude is back around. he's She's finally, oh, go ahead. Oh yeah, that was just your snake. Yeah, that was just my snake. Yeah.
i should hit Yeah, because advantage so yes all of those hits Also does additional four points of fire damage, okay, it's only the first fire counts, right? Yes Why are there four? He just cooked him one too many times okay uh... so fourteen six and eleven and four fourteen plus six plus eleven four eighteen uh... twenty four all right uh... what does it look like when you slay the dragon the but dragon yes i get to fucking take him in my house
Fuck yeah, Hayden. God, yes. I can't even die all the time. I guess what it what it looks like when I when i finally down this guy is I just do a a three shot up from the bottom of its neck all the way up to like its jaw. Nice. And then knock its jaw off. It lets out a piercing shriek as it falls to the ground, defeated.
um There are still two enemies left though, so combat is not over.
ah Yeah, the dragon falls to the ground. The webs do not disappear. They're still there. um Well, someone's got to burn their shit eventually. so Yeah, they're they're extra sticky. They're stickier than normal webs. They're thicker than normal webs.
Mmm thick ropes of web look on that note. I got to go pee if you know what I mean BRB all right well um Gertrude finally entering the fray prize motherfucker this Gertrude gonna run up, and I don't even know what this thing does. Let's see Gertrude's got plus two great club and fire breath and Yeah, because she's like part dragon, part ogre or something. Yeah, it's a chimera.
ah trying to decide what would be more. I think she's just charged. Oh, wait, three attacks. When it's Fire Breath is available, it can use it in place. Oh, okay, so it's gonna start with its Fire Breath. So like charging in like yeah cameras in it at the thing. The thing has to make a DC 15 deck save, which it just gets. So it'll take half damage.
Let me make sure Gertrude is not on um NPC mode. Never whisper roles, yeah. So Gertrude's roles get to be visible.
Wow, Gertrude. um I mean, it does take half damage, but that was a good fire damage. 37.
And it it's seems to take far less damage than it should have from that fire attack. ah just Even with its some dodging, it seems like the fire didn't bother her very much. um And then she swings her great club twice. God damn.
A hit and a miss. I don't see any reason why I would have advantage, nope. ah So 25 bludgeoning damage.
So yeah, Gertrude just comes flying in and and breathes fire on this thing and then smashes it with its club. um And Gertrude. That's Gertrude's turn. Cinnamon, your dragon that you are fighting is dead.

Final Showdown and Victory

There is a mage to the far north if you follow that sunbeam. And there is a Yak'lal fighting Gertrude.
Which I still can't see, Gertrude. um uh... well i guess and that doesn't send and doesn't know gertrude is there and in that means that something that is that it only sees one target and okay i've got sixty feet in of movement ninety feet of flight so sentiment is going to fly over to this guy right here at once i get ye
all right And Cinnamon is going to rear up, and he's going to slash this this wizard guy in the fucking face. Okay. and Where is your character sheet? Cinnamon, did I close that? I'm going to close that. Give me one second. Let me bring that back up real quick. If you Alt-double-click, it'll bring up. Like, what is this, an amateur hour? It doesn't work on ah just a man.
but by and That was pretty bad a 10. Yeah, this thing doesn't even have much AC, but that's not enough Jesus okay. All right. Well then in that case. He's got nowhere else to go so That that cinnamon's turn it's all he okay. Yeah All right, um this is the... Is this the Alive one or the Stone one? This is the Alive one. Okay, the Alive one, I need to delete the Stone one from Initiative. Okay, the Yawclaw.
These guys aren't super good. ah In fact, a lot of its abilities depend on if it spins its action to transform into something useful, which it hasn't yet.
Well, I mean, if it had hit a dominate person, that would have... Oh, wait. No, it can do two melee attacks. It it can melee attack in its regular form. It's going to do a slam attack on Gertrude. What's Gertrude's AC real quick? 14. It can do two slams. So that is a an 11 and an 11. So it misses Gertrude. It tries to slam the weird chimera giant, chimera clops, actually, because each of its head heads only have one eye.
um o ah It misses all three of those attacks, and it is Ambernok. Are you still with us, Frank? Yep, I'm here. I cast Chaos Bolt, and I'm gonna do whatever's alive. I don't think you can currently see anything. All right, I go 5, 10,
15 do I see something alive? Do you do you see something alive? There's something to the south and something to the north um You would definitely see to the north you would definitely see the north one Yeah, there's that and then all the way down here. I don't know if you can see all the way down here No, I can't see whatever you're looking at down there. Yeah So I go here and I'm a cast chaos bolt at first level I mean, we can ah like ah twin the spell as well. Before you twin spell it, go ahead and... Well, I guess you have to choose twin spell to begin with, I think. ah Both of those hit. what is this nice like What does it look like when you when when you kill this orc mage?
So I just kind of like meander in, look around, I'm like, oh, everybody's, oh, there's something alive. And I just turn and I just kind of like wave in that gel direction and and toss two balls of chaos in that direction. Nice. And just like the wiggly wobbly ball of chaos like floats over and just kind of like squishes him together. Okay. You've killed the Orc Mage. Oh,
There's one enemy left. um I don't know that any of you really are within range to even see it. um I am. I can see it. Yeah, you got your crazy range. It's your turn. Yeah, it's your turn. Is your beam of light still? Well, technically, whenever after I shoot it, it turns back into a...
of Light in my hand so now I'm fizzled everyone because I have sunlight in my fist right now I'm ah Just gonna start walking. I guess towards this thing that I can see and I yell Gertrude defends us to the south right now One two three four Five six and seven and then All the boys can technically make strength checks to clear themselves free and start moving south. Yeah. So these three guys do... You need five strength checks. And then have them walk. We're on. What? Did the webs disappear? No. Okay. Technically, I should have made... I guess I should have made Abernock roll. live And then two decks checks for the guys that weren't caught last time because they made it caught this time.
Those are not great rolls. Only one of them passes. So the guy at the bottom is not trapped and he doesn't have to roll with whatever so he can move out. click Like that with the red dot yeah can move south. I added a red dot to him.
and then Well, this guy's so he can move, they can both move. so that's what The red dots can all move. There's three red dots. One, two, three, four, five, and six. then he'll end up one behind him. And then he ends up, what, two behind him?
The other guys can't do anything. And I'm going to cast my, or activate my,
Yeah, I'll activate my what he called the Twilight sanctuary so everybody that is next to me gets 1d6 plus 11 12 temporary hit points. ah There's nobody next to you. Well 30 foot radius. Okay So it's like I guess it's a fair number of people in it
Do you bring the dragon back to life now? um Yeah, ah so Amber, Slurm, Cinnamon. Denis. Denis, yeah. this is And Hachu. And then all the boys. And all the boys, yeah. So 12. What's getting lit up? 12 HP. but youy like thank you Or Timp.
temp ten Okay, 12 temporary hit points.
Okay. um And that's your turn. Slurm, you're up. uh... amber not just wandered in and killed a guy uh... a scandal is healing things and his soldiers are charging off to the south all right that means said that i'm going to go ahead and activate my jetpack and i'm going to go ahead and fly uh... fly down to see what they're going towards assuming it's another bad guy so to or is sick
That's 35. And is it is it the yellow guy? It's the yellow guy, yeah. OK. OK. Cool. Cool. Cool. I'd love to honestly just... You know what?
can't i can't go rock and go wrong with that uh... slurm is going to bring up his arm he's going to end this uh... bunch of little lights are going to appear on his room on his wrist and he's going to cast he's gonna shoot a bunch of little missiles he's gonna cast magic missile at fifth level bullshit that should be uh... let's see three four five six seven darts of magic missile. So we're going to send that. You are so lucky I did not give this thing the shield spell.
You just get seven of those. but wendy goes on So 64 plus one. Yeah, 64 plus one. Give me one second. So it's that one. net up It's a plus one for each of them. Yeah, 64 plus six. Oh, is it a plus one for each of them? Yeah.
Oh shit! Okay, so it's actually 6d4 plus 1. No, it's a plus 6, that's right. So a total of 22 points of damage. Nice. As he just flies, lands, and basically just minigun blasts this guy.
ah Yeah, he takes all those hits. He's still looking fairly healthy though. um He has kind of been out of the fight, you know, so he hasn't taken much damage.
um shit the other and or two ah The other one got turned to stone. ah that's right dennis denni like This mage is dead. living into a canda Speaking of Dennis, it's now Dennis' turn. 5, 10, 15, 20.
South of the room. 20. 25. 30. Let's see, Dennis probably doesn't have the range to hit that thing. What's the throw range on a spear? No, like 20 feet. Yeah, it's not very far. wow I mean, even if I gave Dennis the Achilles ability to, you know, throw. It's 60 feet is disadvantage. So let's... Oh, the fucking throw.
uh... that's only a night is shit right there just one for one square too far uh... so dennis i guess you're just double and then the dragons did uh... danger you're up k so the webs are still upright yes although i don't have a really accidentally deleted the spell uh...
Everybody has to roll to be restrained because they landed in it. not on says me and as we come It was from here to like here, I think. I remember just being like on the outskirts. of it Like it was like, yeah, that's right. Yeah. Okay.
because it's six six squares off them, basically. Or wherever he's placed it to try to get as much of us as possible. And so I'm going to see if I'm restrained.
Well... If I go in this square, I get caught, right? Yeah. Okay. Well, that reminds me of... Oh, I'm caught in it.
all enchanted and try to step in. So that was five. Oh, I can create fire. Oh, yeah. So could I, but we're not trying to burn everyone alive in this thing yet. I backed myself up where I would have been restrained wrong. Okay. Okay, what do I need to roll? Do you see decks? Yeah, this webbing lasts for one minute and I think we're only on like round four.
Just a straight deck throw? Yes. You passed. Is it difficult terrain? Probably. Yes. Yes, it is difficult terrain. You said that before. Yeah. OK. Wait, can I see better? Oh, what the fuck? I guess technically, Dennis couldn't have moved that far then because it's difficult terrain. So right there, I could see this guy.
How far away is that from me?
Enough for an Eldritch Blast. yeah yeah What do we got? It's 16 to 10 and 11. The 16 hits. Plus plus...
I'm sorry, I'm just going to roll it. from I put the charisma in. What are you doing? Okay. 15 damage. I accidentally rolled it from the spell list again instead of on the on the attacks and spell casting list.
i just wantt i your shit Okay. It screeches angrily. That's your turn. yeah that's all i ger and my snake Oh, yeah.
Oh, he's restrained. Yeah. All right, then. ger Gertrude is going to wail on this thing. I guess I'll see if the fire breath recharges, even though it's not the most effective.
It does not recharge, but that's fine because it's just going to use three great club attacks because that great club did a hell of a lot of damage. 12 misses, 18 hits, 26 hits. So um that might be enough damage to kill the thing. Nope.
It does not kill the thing, but the thing's not looking great. And that's Gertrude's turn. Cinnamon. on help Yeah. Uh,
see, so that's 60 feet. I guess because you can fly cinnamon doesn't have to roll. Yeah. 90 feet. So one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. That's 50 feet. 11, 12, 13, 14. It's another 20 feet. That's supposed to be at 70 feet.
10 feet makes 80 feet, so 85 feet. Cinnamon can move right there. but Excuse me. oh Pardon me, excuse me, sorry. And Cinnamon is going to, for the third time tonight, is going to go for a talent attack. Let's see if this hit this time.
Uh, nope. Jesus Christ! Cinnamon not doing great. Um, it's the creature's turn. It will, let's see. It's gonna pop a spell. Um. Oh, is he now?
Yeah, it's a ah casting time of, oh, this is one action. For some reason, I thought this was a bonus action. However, um demonic spiritual entities swirl around it. I'm going to use that to counterspell it for third level. Oh, okay. Yeah, you're third leveling it. It works. Counterspell it.
OK, never mind. It tried to cast Spirit Guardians. It failed. Let's see, it does it have any bonus actions? It does not have any bonus actions, so it just stands there. At third level, that brings my Arcane Ward from a 17 up to a 20. It stands there waving its arms like an inflatable arm man. Ambernok!
um i Don't know if I want to get down there. Has been charging to the south. Five and fifteen. Does it start becoming... It is difficult terrain. The entire box is difficult terrain. Unless you can fly or something, but... Oh, don't I have some sort of flying thing? You might. I have like boots or something. I think you have wing boots.
I have a trident and fish command. You do have that, yes. Branding, smash it. Oh, I'm looking for items items. Weaned boots. I have weaned boots. Oh, nice. So I activate my weaned boots. And I fly, was it 60 feet? Probably. um It's so small. I wish I could expand. Oh, I can. Oh, that's so much nicer.
uh... and uh... uh... plant life for up to four hours a lot with some of them and you're flying walking speed uh... was you've been uh... so i was was here fish the five and fifteen twenty and that's our just kind of
I'm matressing through the spiderwebs. Yeah. what found Those spiderwebs are not there. Only the box is there. 30. Because you're above the spiderwebs now. Okay, and I'm there. um is Is this the only bad guy that's left? Yep. Basically, you're using the Morrowind levitate spell. Yeah. um I'm just gonna do a magic missile.
Magic missile, that's scorching ray. Oh, I pressed wrong place. Sorry. That's also scorching ray. I swear to God, I'm touching, I'm touching magic missile. Just roll 3d4 plus three. I'm touching magic missile. I don't know what's happening. Where even is scorching ray?
I don't even see scorching ray on my fucking sheet anymore. Scorching ray is down here. That's scorching ray.
That's magic missile No, I know it's and No, no but that's odd. I just did it too and it came up as scorching ray Okay, just roll just roll 3d4 plus 3 1 2 3 There's no attack roll they automatically for before ah d four Just slash R3D4 plus 3.
b d for 11 damage, alright. Okay, he is he's not looking good, but he's still alive. Alright, so I assume that's your turn. I also got a bonus action or something.
around him married and
just have those guys <unk> go why does anything else right
The first two hits. one What does it look like when that guy kills him? so the boys are all charging in wax can is meltling from fire breath and then they special the medicine council and like maybe gross waxy body dog wine every don You have defeated the final monster.
Honestly, this might not be accurate, but I just think of any prison-based movie where all the guards just come into the room and just be this one it like an inmate. Just be like, stop resist sore resisting, stop resisting, I'm resisting! Every time they do it, they do one of those crazy bodybuilder poses. They hit it with the axe and they're like, ooh, look at this!
Okay, now I gotta... um Yeah, so you you guys have killed everything. um
ah ya You have defeated the monster. um Let's see here. We have a viewer on Twitch. What? We do have a viewer on Twitch. Hello viewer. Hi.
what Southern Bell 1217 just followed us two minutes ago.
Well, hello, hello, viewer. Welcome to our, you know, our thing that we're doing. um Okay. ah So yeah, you, y'all kill it. And then, let's see, because we're about to quit, I'll just tell you the rod that you need is, oh, this little rock that Amberknock is standing on top of, that's a cocoon.
or not a cocoon, but you know like the thing that spiders wrap their things in. I don't know, would you call that a cocoon? Yeah, pretty sure cocoons, right? Yeah, they've they've wrapped they've they've wrap it ah they've wrap it up, and a cocoon isn't necessarily a metamorphosizing thing specifically. It just means it's wrapped up in something. So yeah, it's basically a cocoon. um I guess because it's so late, I'm not going to go through all the loot. But the the rod of, some of you all know me, it's Alyssa from Reliant. I don't, i that sounds like someone possibly after I left. That's a new girl. Yeah.
um I don't know who that is. That's the new Frank D'Astra. Yeah. Hi, I am Ron. You may know me from such training videos as... The Fly. I don't remember which ones I'm in. Sorry, you weren't a fly, you were a mosquito. Yeah, you were a mosquito. In one of the... In two... Yes, the big-ass flyswatter. Yes, I was the mosquito. I'm in two of the core values videos.
um assuming that they haven't been updated, which I'd be surprised if they have been. Yeah.
um Now I'm curious. Yeah, okay. ah Yeah, so you find the rod, I will, I don't think we're gonna go through all the loot right now because um I have to figure out what all that is. It's on all these people you've killed.
ah and for I believe we also have some loot that we stopped to divvy up from last time to probably um But I'll tell you somebody got a spell book I'm interested in Yeah, there's probably some spell books around these mages have spell books this orc guy does have a spell book We'll say as the party as the party wizard hundred percent interested in any books. Yep It's got um
It does have a spell that I guarantee you don't have because it's one I made up. Ooh, now I'm intrada'm really interested. Yeah, so I'll give you that info next time or later. um Yeah, there's a spell book. I'm seeing if there's, a besides the Rod of Seven Pieces, whichever one this is, um there's a spell book. There's probably some other interesting stuff. um This dragon does not have a horde.
uh... the dragon came with no loots on besides the rod of seven parts the first piece of the rod of seven parts what i'm going to ask dragon yeah he's a terrible dragon he does not have a hoard uh... so yeah this dragon sucks uh... was he a spider or a dragon but he's a it's the dragon right but before was he a spider or a dragon i don't know y'all didn't ask him over as a giant spider you didn't ask him you just murdered him no no i'm i'm saying like for like game not purposes but if he was a spider beforehand he wouldn't have a horde because he's only been newly turned into what he is now you literally busted down his door murdered him he didn't even try to talk to him well he had spiders as a breath weapon what if spiders were his horde he speaks three languages he's multilingual i like spiders
ah used to listen I used to have a direct supervisor who if he was a dragon, lizards, and reptiles would have been his hoard. I think one time he told me he had 40-something reptiles. So he was born this way, it looks like.
He has a spider dragon? Yeah. um They are uninterested in building lairs. It even says so right here, so that's why he doesn't have a horde. They are descendant from black dragon wormlings who ate a a steady diet of spiders, um but he is they are descended from them. so The fact that you're able to find a token for that is just kind of scary. Well, no, it's part of the module.
Oh, okay. I thought this was a creature created through the crossbreeding thing. Here's what he looks like. Show to everyone. Oh, nice. Yeah, I don't know why I would even want to talk to that thing. I'm not talking. For all you know, he could have been very friendly and talkative. Well, let me ask you a question, Ron, because he's already dead. Maybe he would have just given you the rod.
let me ask you a question ron since we've already since he's already dead and it's not going to make any point is is he nice and friendly uh... he is uh... chaotic he's actually he's a lot of years actually volunteers at the local women's shelter uh... yes but what you don't realize frank is that the women's shelter and um... a drought city is actually just like dick because i mean shelter in drought yeah it is a bit shelter yeah i was about to say i'm like this is a bit is this for our own now it's uh... yes i guess i'm will call it to me as his alignment doesn't mean anything chaotic evil that's essentially what all of us are if you break down our actions except for it's gander yeah he's relevant to his there's a total decrease
sort um about these will not these
Yeah, I guess we'll call it a night then, because it's 11.30 for you guys, yeah. um And you know, I need to sober up so that I can go to work at so I can wake up at 5am.
um but I need to check the weather to see what's going on tonight. Yeah, you guys got like snow and all sorts of stuff. It's surprisingly, I mean it was 29 degrees this morning and my backpack was frozen solid because I, you know, I'm from Texas and I don't think about such things.
um Well, supposedly we're gonna be like 180 to 18 to 15 ish across Houston. Damn. yeah we're not getting an eye anymore that wet my office my My random route wants me to go south but I'm like I should probably do like my Color station route because it's probably you mean go south towards the Gulf of America Yes I Mean if you're going south you can always just go east then come say hey
I have no route over there. I'm sorry. I did. yeah I would much rather work college station than anything in Houston tomorrow. <unk>s good Yeah. but i did will admit With everything on the road, I would much rather, I would much rather work at work, the college station route than anywhere. Could you, could you, can you even get out of your neighborhood? Me? cause yeah People have been driving my street all day. That's wild dude. I feel like that's a very,
Yeah, on the regular days. It's going to be 24 degrees when I leave the house in the morning, so I need to wake up earlier so I can defrost the thing. I will say the road in my subdivision is actually like 90% just concrete, but like it's gonna be everything's wet. for me
It's going to be how cold were you at, Ron? 24 in the morning. is like It's be 24 here in Conroe. Yeah, and that's insane. It says it's going to be wrong. You need to hurry it's going to be out in a walk.
With a real fill of 22. All right, I guess we should sign out. Yep, I gotta hurry because apparently my hot water here is making weird noises. Oh, shit. Well, thank you for listening, everybody. That was Frank.
I'm Frank. I played Ambernok. It was fun playing with you guys. We finally killed the Spadragon that we've been fighting for however long we've been fighting for. We've been fighting him for today. Yes, for today. yeah well We've been waiting for fun. You all have a good night and happy new year. Happy new year. Happy new year. We also had Bill.
Hey, everybody. I'm Bill. I played a Slurm, and if I don't see y'all again, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and good night. I love you all. Have a great day. Hayden? Hey, it's been a good round. i Officially, I was the one to kill the Abomination, and now I get to keep him in my little house. And Eric.
with Summon the Horde of muscly oiled up dudes and helped kill the dragon tonight. Hope you guys have a happy new year. See y'all later. and I was your Dungeon Master, Rambiork. You can find me on BlueSky at virillien. I have not yet created an account for the um podcast yet. But ah ah yes, I have joined BlueSky because a podcast I listen to is on BlueSky. Or they have Twitter. well
i call I was going to say they have Twitters on Blue Sky. They have whatever you call a Twitter on Blue Sky. so um I think it's basically just Blue Sky. It's basically just Twitter not owned by Elon Musk. Anyway, um it's old that that well that too, but also I think on Blue Sky, I think they also have you know certain certain softwares that help to protect art from ah AI theft. Nice. Yeah, i I joined it and then I signed up to the people that I intended to sign up to. Is Tasha on there? I can sign up to her.
She is she ist on Blue Sky, yeah. she you can find You probably find her at Baffy Doodles. yeah but Yeah, you find her at Baffy Doodles. And I will shortly be on ah beyond there, but in the meantime, you can find me over on Khao Hongshu or Red Note.
You're going to be speaking Mandarin by the end of the moment. I really hope so, because at's at some point, I'd love to have an actual conversation with my stepmother, who is from Hong Kong. so Whoa. Interesting. You got a bill? That's awesome. Yeah. And, you know, now I'm actually able to say, able to at least competently, you know, say hi. I have followed Baffy Doodles. That's Japanese. All right. I'm going to end the Twitch stream. Kong's not real. Bye, Twitch. Stop streaming. Bye.
Thanks everyone for listening. The intro and outro songs you heard today was Fox Soul Revolution, created by Kevin MacLeod at, licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0 license, Creative Commons dot com, licenses by 4.0. The night is over, and have a great day everyone.