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Halloween Special Part 1 image

Halloween Special Part 1

S3 E13 ยท IDM Roleplay
35 Plays4 months ago

Come join our players as the impart on a.. well, I guess it isn't all that spooky, but a weird adventure this Halloween night!


Introduction and Guest Introductions

okay Okay Welcome everybody to our special Halloween episode Hopefully this is at least vaguely entertaining because I'm a hundred percent winging it tonight The prep I've done I did in the past hour um So with me tonight is um the most frightening of all, Bill. Hey everybody, I'm Bill. I don't think I'm frightening, my goodness. Now I'm all excited. What am I? What am I going to be? See what happens here? We also have the ah all always spooky Hayden.
Hey, it's good to see you guys. I have no idea what I'm playing, so I'm interested to figure that one out. And and the the ghoulishly ghoulish Frank. I can confirm Bill is the scariest scary. Spooky is

Gameplay Setup and Role Assignment

scary. yeah so I always thought I was the softest of all of us. Oh, in all the right places. You're just the smoothest.
um Yeah, so we're going to be playing something pretty random. um Everyone, please roll me a d20. You'll have to do it manually, you know, because you don't have a character sheet. a Okay, no they're good, good, no ties. wow how that's That's fine, that's just to determine the order of things that are going to happen.
um ria restrictx in an eighty Yeah, roll oh one of us should have rolled above a 10. So Hayden got the 8, so copy Hayden's character. So, um, y'all might want to, well, okay. Frank, can I get a promise from you? Oh, sure. If I give you, um, the ability to Control other people's tokens. Will you promise not to do so? no i guess The reason is so that you guys are gonna be in separate maps But I want you all to be able to just see things or if you want to have a black screen You you can have a black screen um And just not see what what Hayden is doing and not see what
ah Bill is doing. Oh, are we doing like split screen gaming? At the start, yes. Yeah, at the start, yes. Okay, Frank is going to be over here. Oh, got to grab his token first. Frank. yeah I'm assuming everybody has the control of everybody, not just me. Yes, everyone will have the control of everyone. Gotcha. All right. I just want to make sure.
Oh man, I forgot to get... Okay, I need to grab a... I need to create a token real quick.

Work Anecdotes and Dog Bites

Just so we're clear, I need... I love how everybody has control of everybody and the one that has to be warned is... Yeah. We know what he does. He just likes to wall jump. Okay, I just gotta create a couple tokens real quick for... I like finding the weird glitchy things. For Frank's map. I need that. And what else do I need? I need... Do I need one of these other ones?
I think the barbecue brisket is a choice made to cut tonkatsu ramen.
I highly recommend it. Perfect. That's what I need. When you're in Costco, look for the six pack of tonkatsu ramen. It's like 10.99 for a six pack of these bowls and they are just phenomenal.
Okay, I think that's everything I need um for this. Yes, it is. Okay. what go to ah yeah So, um okay, well, let me let me finish making these before I keep rambling. ah i have this boookies here da da da da How is everyone's day without you know using customer names? How is everyone's day? I have this one customer named I, my entire day was sitting behind a computer working on pest pack. cool correcting Correcting all those things that should be up to legal requirements. Correcting all those things that Bill does. No.
bit by dogs bill
I'm sorry. You know, you can if I was in the backyard, I would know, you know what? Never mind. If I was, you can only get once per 1000 square feet, Bill, we need to keep this. I'm sorry. If I was bitten in the but in the backyard, I would be willing to accept some level of responsibility. I was in the front. I was in the OK area. I was in the area that we teach everyone. OK, even if there's dangerous dogs, it's the front yard. there They should. You're going to be fine up here. There's nothing to be worried about. Those dogs open that gate by themselves.
and all right i am almost ready to doubt it i just got a drop one of these and i hope it didn't i mean i mean they like freaking yeah like and through the fucking door now that was scared that was weird that like that obviously that was scary but that was fucking weird when you stop and think about it like all the things that had to go wrong all at the same time came together like they just had their fence replaced and this just so happened to be the first time the dogs figured out that they could get out of it And it's just like, and it happened to be right then. It couldn't have been the four days since the fence had been done. No, it was this moment right there. I'm like, wow, that is some, that is some divine level comedy right there. That is, you can't, you can't. And then I got to put Bill on his page. Um, Bill, like, I don't want to say it this way. You all will get a page. Um,
Although, technically, I don't need Bill on his page yet, because he's going to have to theater the mind for a few minutes. um I hate to say it this way, but at least it wasn't a child. No, yeah, absolutely. Because, Frank, you've seen where it was, right? Bill, if you get bit by a child, we're going to have to have discussion. Yeah.

Dungeon Adventure Begins

yeah no yeah ah Well, Hayden, I'm a proud uncle of many, many nephews and nieces. I have been bitten by many children.
So have I and I actually bit my employee today to test out some ah gloves that we got What we got some animal we got some animal handling gloves and I was like hey man If you're totally cool with this we need to test it and he's like alright And so it puts the glove on and I just chomp on the dude. I like full-on bite nice you did support and that you were going to go like actually like wanting to test Yes, I was letting him know that I am for real gonna bite you through this glove I You make your employee at the pest control cup you work at not the weird sex thing you get going on Yeah, no, not that one that one that one's fine. We don't talk. Okay. All right, let's get into the game now um I am done with my my setup that I forgot to do oop The church's twitch stream went black for some reason. Okay, that's back. All right. Um, so Hayden Yes ah
you Hayden awaken it's oh shoot on a cold stone floor in a damp dank room why is it always damp bro You're on a slab. There's sand in your pants. there're oh your If slab, you mean the slabs that make up the stone floor? Sure. um you're You're on a stone floor. There is a grate in the ceiling that lets light through.
ah But that's that's really all. ah And then there is a ah an an ah iron doorway um in front of you. And you should be able to, okay, so the map, you'll have to scroll down to the bottom left. It's a big map. It's it's totally. Yeah. So when you say when you say the grate is letting light through. There's a grate in the ceiling. Oh my God. this Is that daylight or is it nighttime? And I can't see Jack. Oh, there it is. It's a little spot.
It's in the bottom left. Who's controlling my mouse? My god, this map is massive. OK. It's bigger than I realized. It's so ooky. I think there's something in there. I feel like those old spy movies, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop. Yeah. Enhance. Enhance. Oh, oh, trying to get. Star Wars. Don't need it to be that close up. All right, there we go. That bill's going to be first.
ah no oh it' still first low no I got the lowest in the total and the total term. It's pretty cool. I can see myself now. yes Hey look, it's me. It's an actual picture of me. I love it.
um and yeah you are um in a Stone Dungeons Cell. um There is a great letting in light from the ceiling up about 20 feet above you. um You don't know how you got here. You you might, you know, it is ah October 31st. Halloween, you were doing whatever you were normally doing on Halloween. um And then all of a sudden, you're here. This was PG.
it's in the future. So you know, well, this episode, I'm going to release on Halloween, but um and yeah, so you're in this, this, this cell, the only thing around you that there's, there's like a puddle of water below the, um like the grate where rain has obviously come in. um There's ah lots of dust, maybe some moss, and then there's this door, this iron door. Okay.
um so i so i like randomly just up here in here i wake up you wake up you wake up you are on the floor you wake up when you look at your skin it is paler than usual uh i reach up to my neck do i feel any like bite marks you don't feel any bite marks no but you probably don't feel a pulse Oh, no. Okay. I get up and I explore my little room. Do I see anything? I guess I don't have any pluses or minuses. All my stats are 10. I'm completely average. Your stats are 10, but you are welcome to make a roll if you want. I can make a investigation check of my room. A nat 20. Let's go. Let's go.
what happens when you make a nat 20 is you become proficient in that skill. i So you are now proficient in investigation. And because it was a nat 20, I'll even give you um your your intelligence goes up, you become slightly smarter. um you ah And ah you are proficient in that skill. um So unfortunately, searching around the room, do you eventually search the door?
ah Because there's not the door i yeah there's there's not much of value around the room. The door is is right there. I don't know if you can tell it's a door, but it's right there. here yeah um There's not much value in the room. But then all of a sudden, you hear a shuffling from above, from the great above. And when you look up, you see a medieval knight look down at you, and he throws a key down at you. And then he runs off.
oh okay i pick up the key and i inspect the key and i imagine it goes to the door correct well i should give you a loss i'm gonna give you some disc sites this And yeah, so um you open the door. ah You can you can reach through wooden doors. Actually, I am going to give you like a bar. It's got some bars. I am going to give you a sight distance because this is a dark place.
which You do seem to have some form of dark vision, though. So um yeah, dark vision. and ah All right, now let me let me open that door.
am i So the door opens um to a long hallway. o That is a long hallway, and yeah. Oh, snap, I see those things down there. Oh, I guess the entire the entire hallway is is revealed. So um I guess your night vision didn't matter. ah dig up That got that dark vision. Yeah, that's super dark vision. Do I just see the essence of God himself just eating the hallway?
The void. What were you looking at? So you can see, yeah. What were you looking at that was a void? Was it like what? A purple fuzz, like a purple haze. I'm not sure what that was. That might've just been a strange effect. I'm gonna act like I didn't see any of that because I shouldn't have. Oh, all the way up. Do you mean all the way at the top? Yeah. Purple haze. Yeah. Step up and I assume this is another door? Yes.
okay Can I see anything out of it the position that I am? ah i hope I'm going to go and remove that one because that one is supposed to be open. So you can see that.
Inside this cell, you just find bones and a chain um near the bones, like a chain on the wall. yeah
yeah so I take another step and then I see this freaky thing okay so that thing is um it is uh you would call it a zombie for sure there is a zombie however it is facing the wall on its knees and just like moaning sadly what kind of weird sex don't you walk into yeah dude that's what I'm wondering um
So now, I guess, what was in this room again? Just bones? Yeah, just bones. And a chain. And a chain. And a chain, yeah. The the full block the four bones of a skeleton and sorry, a chain that's chained to the wall and like has a manacle on it. Yeah.
I want to go in and try to get a bone, the sharpest bone that I can see. The sharpest bone that you can see. Okay. um You pick up a bone. um Go ahead and add yourself a bone weapon. um You want a piercing bone, not a bludgeoning bone. Okay. It'll deal 1d3 piercing damage, you know, plus decks or strength, which right now you have neither. I really don't want to metagame. I'm not going to.
ahha would Would I add a character or in character since I am me know that bludgeoning something would be better. You know everything that you as Hayden know. Okay. Oh, okay. um Yep. All right. So I think stabbing this motherfucker in the head as zombies are existent in my reality, damage to the brain kills them. and Okay. So, and I know I need to sneak. All right. I'm gonna attempt a stealth. Okay.
Sixteen. Sixteen. That's pretty good. Okay, so you have two proficiencies left. You can choose to gain proficiency in stealth right now because you got a high enough on that. yeah I'm gonna take it. Okay. I'll take that. So go ahead and add proficiency. Do I... I don't level up in the... Nah, that was for a nat 20. That's for nat 20. Yeah.
All right. Oh shit. There's another one. one Um, the other one is facing me. It's kind of just rocking, um, like dejectedly and also moaning. Yeah. They, they, they with a 16, they don't seem to have noticed you. I mean, I guess I, I will double check their passive perception, but I'm pretty sure, uh, yeah, they definitely don't notice you. What's do I see behind the store? That door is closed. Okay.
All right, I'm gonna... Yeah. Hayden is gonna make another... This would be a investigation or a perception check to listen to the door. Hmm, I think that's perception. Okay. The 14. You're gonna hear anything at the door. You're rolling good for having no bonuses. You don't hear anything at that door.
Okay, I'm going to open it. Okay, um inside to that door. Let me bring up this.
Interesting, okay. um
I lost. word dear Where did the page go? I have too many things. Ah, there it is. OK. So as I said before, this map is not the most fleshed out. um so it's fine a So inside that door is more corpse more non-mobile corpses. um and But with your perception, you see the glint of something shiny, a and sickle.
um Ooh, I'm going to take that. Yeah, so I will drag and drop that onto your sheet so you get the stats. And if you would like, you can gain proficiency in it the ah when when you pick it up.
ah Did it work? Does that count towards one of my three proficiencies? No, um but it does count towards your possible weapon proficiency. OK.
In care do what I know I? Do you know you wouldn't I'm just telling you that above table, but okay? Why isn't it do I guess for now? It really is like my only like safety line, so I'm gonna take it Okay, does it do oh I didn't offer me a proficiency with my stabby bone I No. um Did you take the proficiency in sickle? Yes sir, I did. Okay. um did it drop oh Did it drop the sickle on your sheet? I want proficiency. Yeah, it's on your sheet. Okay. Well, the bone is an improvised weapon. Okay.
but All right, so you now have a sickle, a deal slashing damage, and because you took proficiency, because you chose proficiency in sickle, um when you pick up the sickle, knowledge um flows into your brain. um And let me just double check, where is the... I'm pulling some stuff from 2024.
Dungeon Master Guide. The Sickle.
Okay, that's what I thought. um So, you ah knowledge of how to use the sickle flows into your mind, but also, um you learn a special technique with the sickle called NIC, N-I-C-K. You can, NIC weapons allow you to make an additional attack during your attack action when wielded in your offhand. um Okay, so it becomes just an offhand bonus attack. Hey, Roland, you might want to scroll up on the screen.
I will give me a second. I'm adding this. So it is, it is not just that it is a, it allows you to do an offhand attack without spending a bonus action, basically. So I, but I have to happen in my offhand. Yes. Okay. So I guess in my main hand, I have Mr. Stabby bone. Also. Oh shit. All right.
additional knowledge flows into your brain about how to effectively attack while sneaking. You gain sneak attack. Heck yeah, my man. Alright, so i in my main hand is Mr. Stabby Bone, and then my offhand is Sickle. And your dex goes to 12. Sweet. Your character class has happened!
i' I'm turning into a rogue. Why are you spreading the name we call your your junk in private for the world? No, his name is Junior. Anyways, um
I go up and I'm just like, I assume I still have the 16 stealth roll. Yes. Okay, I go up and with my first attack of the night, I'm going to go for this one. All right. I'm going to attempt to decapitate it with my sickle hand.
11 for 4 points of damage. 11 does hit. ah
It's the sickle, so that's... um You attempt to decapitate it? Yeah, on 11 you don't get a decapitation. um The creature ah angrily moans and turns toward you. Oh, i I should have added my sneak attack bonus with that too. Yes, yeah. I've got to check it.
Oh, actually. additional two points of damage um
right um your attack is pretty effective you slash a deep gouge in this thing but it had moved just enough to where you know you didn't decapitate it you just cut it across it's like I don't know, shoulder, you you cut off one of its arms. um And then the creature is going to... ah a I also get my main attack, so can I stab this into the bone? Yes. 13 hits. I don't think I get the plus two. No. Okay. For an additional four points of damage.
Okay. What's your plus two from? Oh, the sneak attack. Oh, the sneak attack. yeah yeah Yeah. Yeah. Plus two proficient. OK. All right. It's rolling a flat two.

Frank's 2D World Adventure

It did a D3. Yeah. um One D3. I feel like I got a 1D6 with the sneak attack. The sneak attack. it Yeah, it's it rolled a 1D6. On mine, it's rolling 1D3.
I see a four and a two here as your rolls. So where I feel like the bone. Oh, i see I see what's going on. I'm changing the bone to a Dex weapon. So because you made it a piercing bone, I added an additional damage. OK. Yeah, and then the creature, it's going to turn and now attack you back. um It does a slam attack.
and and Hits you a nine does not hit wow okay, that's good, but there's another one i Attacking its buddy makes it attack And I don't know why I closed the sheet because it's the same sheet It deals four damage to you Yes, so this thing slams you with its fist um just I'll Go ahead to make things simple. In this dungeon, your weapons are dealing max damage.
um Things are very lethal in this dungeon for some reason. That's why their damage is set um their damage is set to max. ah okay And then we're going to shift over to who was next. ah I think it was Bill got the next highest or did Bill get the low? No, Frank got the next highest. up All right, so now we're going to switch to Frank. Now, I don't know if Hayden has picked up or anyone has picked up on on what's happening to Hayden.
but um If you haven't, I think some of you will recognize what's happening to Frank. um So Frank, I guess I can give everyone their the control of their character sheets since you've kind of realized so um that you're playing yourselves. Since you've realized you're playing yourselves. Okay. I mean, I saw a picture of Aiden, and you said he has all the good knowledge Aiden.
He has all the knowledge that Hayden has. Now, Frank, you... ah what What do you think you were doing on Halloween? On Halloween that's in a day or so from now? Yes. Working? Okay, you go and knock on a... At what point? Your last job at nine o'clock at night. Yeah, you go and knock on a customer's door and they're like, I want the inside done.
Okay. So you step in. Do I disappear? You step. This is like an after dark service because you're running behind. I'm calling that shit in. I'd be driving home at that point. I don't know. They demanded this time window. Fuck that noise. Daniel's getting used to me. I'm going to fuck home. I gave them my hours of the day.
Yeah, okay, so you go and you you sit in your truck, um and the moment your butt sits on the truck, and I apologize for this map, it didn't quite line up, so just pretend that you're on the ground. Your butt hits the truck, and then all of a sudden, and I'm gonna describe this before I switch the map, because I want the description to happen first, to let y'all try and figure out what the hell's happening.
your butt hits the truck and then you find your butt hitting instead a stone floor you are looking forward and then and this is a strange you find yourself just instantaneously in a strange bright colorful colorful world arm you do you look forward and then you try to look to your left and end up making a full 180 and you look behind yourself and you're like, well, that was weird. um You try to look around and you realize you can only look forward or backwards, up and down. You, in your peripheral, can see that in what, if someone were to be looking at you, what, from from like, say, through a screen, what would be your background?
There's a whole world back there, but you can't turn towards it. And then your peripheral in the other direction is just a dark void. um And before you can really ah think about this, you notice a, well, another thing you notice is you are small. Like you're a small person. You're like half your normal height. And you notice that a strange, large, brown,
thing which you might recognize is walking towards you now you may not immediately recognize this because you don't expect to see one of these but there is a thing walking towards you um you will need to be in the upper left of this map zoom scroll scroll zoom scroll scroll oh that's a okay And um this thing is steadily walking towards you. ah So I can see in front and behind. And you can look up, and when you try to look down, you squat. Got it. um And it this this this this ah this this thing that you might know the name of is is approaching you.
Also behind you is just nothingness.
So in my periphery, it's just blackness. But the periphery to my left is a world yes off in the distance. yes Very 2D, and I'm half the normal size. Yes. OK. I probably just stand there for a second.
Being approaching me, I'm like, hey, go away. Go away. And it says in a weird Boston accent, I'm going to touch it. It doesn't speak, but there is um music that I cannot legally play just blasting in the air. ah but From the gods themselves. No. No, the music's not happening. But I would assume this is just one of the weird, vivid like daydreams things that I can fall into sometimes.
Um, and I'm going to be like, this is like, are you, it's very close to you now. Um, I, I want to attempt to, to vault over or hop on top of it. Okay. You may do an acrobatics or athletics. Okay. Hold on. Let me close this minimize. Oh, what happened? Frank, go back here.
and He said athletics or acrobatics? Yes. They're both the same for you right now. I feel like acrobatics would be the more logical thing, so I'm gonna do that. two dan You have one more chance. Uh-oh. I just accidentally kicked myself out of the game somehow. Oops. I'm gonna try athletics next. That's a 15. Not sure what happened there. I accidentally booted out of the game.
Okay, with the 15, you can choose to become proficient in athletics if you would like.
ah should do that for Okay, you jump. Do I... Do you need to jump way higher than I normally do? Yes. And do you land on... Do you try to... Do you try to land on him or past him?
if Let's go on top of him. Okay. Yeah, I think you can control your token, but yeah, you land on top of him and he is destroyed. um Yeah, he explodes. he explain you you Yeah, the map doesn't quite line up, so you got to be in the in the dirt. Yeah. You land on top of him and he he explodes in a poof of dust. Awesome. He's cozy at home. I turn around, look at the void, and then turn back.
like Well, I guess I'm going this direction. Well, let's try it. Punch. Athletics again? A coin, um yeah, athletics. Well, for this one, I think you can jump that high easy enough.
um Yeah, you hit your head on the thing and a coin pops out of it and um disappears, but you feel the weight of the coin in your pocket. You have one coin. Alright, I kind of rub my head like, goddamn that hurt. Alright. Okay. ah oh I need to see where the next where the next monsters are because I forgot to spawn you know load this map with okay um I'm gonna need you to make a well first let me check where monsters are oh there is a monster about to approach you um he's we'll put him up here
he's He's approaching. So you bonk that and you hear the the like sound of something you know that we probably all know and love popping out of it. um And a mushroom appears above it. I don't have a mushroom icon because i I didn't have time to find it. But a mushroom appears and starts going towards the Goomba thing.
um If you want to go for the mushroom, you can make a debt ah ah debt ah yeah dexterity saving throw to get there um without running into the thingy. Okay, let's let's do that then. Like a straight dex save? Yep. Unless you choose to be proficient.
Actually, with a three you fail. Okay. So this is um this is happening. ah You go for the mushroom and you bump into the guy because your, what do you call it? Your um twitch reflexes just aren't aren't good enough in real life. And blackness overtakes you. ah And i you you as far as you know, you're dead. you know I mean, although weirdly, give me a D4.
My screen went black. I know. Roll a D4.
Four. Okay. Four. Okay. um So, yep, that tells me what I need to know. Alright, Bill. ah Are you here? Is Bill here? He left us again. Bill?
Sir William, did he say he had to leave? No. There he is. Are you speaking? Yeah, if you're speaking, we can't hear you.
Might I say the discord sound of somebody leaving an entry is rather well done. Yeah. Bill, what's happening? We could hear him earlier.
Oh, no, he's being abducted by the um thing. Well, I suppose being abductive I suppose I can reveal what has happened to Frank.
hold on is Kelsey home no she's almost home I will reveal what has happened to Frank while Bill figures out his audio um so Frank the the the goomba bumps into you everything goes black I don't have a map for this next part when you awaken um you find yourself in a strange that tube thing, it's it's like clear on the front and um you are feeling kind of weak ah and arm you you look out of the glass in front of you and you see a ah some sort of weird
possibly you're you're not sure you're in some sort of weird chamber there's what looks kind of like a weird door size sphincter on the other side of the room um and uh and then and then the sphincter opens and two people walk in one of them is a green-skinned woman um and the other one is a um Yes, we can hear you now. feels like okay And the other one is a black-haired woman in um in in chainmail armor. The green-skinned woman has a great sword. um You recognize both of these people as um people you are very familiar with but never thought to meet in real life. Shadowheart and um
Laezel are walking into the room and Shadowheart sees you and she says, oh no, it's another one. ah And Laezel's like, we don't have time for this ish tic. And Shadowheart's like, no, we have to save him. ah And she runs over and um runs past you. And she's like, look, there's another button like the one that set me free. And she presses the button.
Um, and Frank, you start writhing in pain. Um, tentacles burst from your mouth. ah you get And, um, and and your skin changes and and and your the last words you hear are changed at the pull of a lever. And then and then your consciousness goes black. Roll a d4. Oh, fuck.
uh... looking forward to find out if you just want to talk to you all right now uh... we're on to bill uh... to she wrote it to a okay uh... bill uh... you uh... what were you doing on halloween two days from now what was i did days from now yes well

Bill's Skyrim Experience

said evening two days from now back then
I was going out with my nieces and nephews to take them trick-or-treating. They went are going actual trick-or-treating. After I got back from dealing with that, them being four, six, eight,
and 15, I'm pretty tired. Okay. oh I hope you're not taking them. treat You're treating around your house. No, no, no, there's a few neighborhoods right down the right down the road. No, no, we don't do that. You don't knock other people's houses out here.
So you're pretty tired? You go to bed? Yeah, I got home. I'm pretty tired. I'm beat, especially because the young one just likes to be carried, then likes to be put down. The ones he picked up, the ones he put down, and all the kids eventually give me their bags of candy so I can eat, so I can hold on to it. And really, as an adult, after like a fifth or sixth piece of candy out of one of their bags, you're like, I don't want any more of this. As an adult, I cannot confirm. I've never not wanted one. No.
So i ah they ah they all paid, they they all are are going to have paid their tax. So so got home, crashed.
Okay. um So yeah, you ah lay down to go to bed and a little while later, um you feel like a jostling, um like you're being shaken around. um and it's cold. ah And um you you start to come to and you hear ah the words, hey, you, you're finally awake. And your eyes open and you see a large burly man sitting across from you in a cart. ah And there's another guy to his right. And he's like, you were trying to cross the border, right?
I walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there. Uh, what do you do? Uh, I am going to... First I'm going to look around, and then I'm going to turn my head in the direction that he- that he ushers me towards. That he ushers you towards?
Yeah, because he said, and that thief over there. Yeah, oh, and the thief is like, damn you Stormcloaks. Skyrim was fine until you came along. Empire was nice and lazy. If they hadn't been looking for you, I could have stolen that horse and been halfway to Hammerfell. You there. And if he looks at you. You and me, we shouldn't be here. It's the Stormcloaks the Empire wants.
do do do Do you respond? i'm sorry i'm sorry i was in just a little bit of a brain shock i'm like guys i got the best one fuck all y'all and then the other guys like we're all brothers and sisters and binds now thief and the person driving the car it's like shut up back there uh... immediately as soon as he said that i'm gonna i'm gonna turn to the guard i'm gonna be like you shut up the guard turns back and it's like what did you say prisoner And then I'm going to turn to the yeah to the guy that was like that was mentioning about being halfway to Hammerfell and be like, yeah, dude, why did why would you say that? why what were He's doing his job, man. Who the? ah The horse thief. the horse why did Why would the horse? Sorry, out of character. i'm going to um yeah As soon as he turned around, he's like, what did you say? I was like, yeah, horse thief, what did you just say?
ah the the horse thief oh he's like it it's we that we're not storm cloaks the the Empire doesn't want us and then there's and there's also a man um next to you who has a um a gag around in his mouth you know and he's just sitting there quietly
you You've completely butchered the opening dialogue for this, by the way. Entirely. Well, Bill did. I have the script. know No, Bill. I haven't actually butchered anything. Your character in Skyrim doesn't actually get any spoken lines. Yeah, yeah. Exactly. That's why you just stay silent. You choose the option, stay silent.
um So yeah, your cart's going along. um the ah The thief is like complaining and stuff, and he looks at the guy next to him and he's like, what's his problem? And the other dude's like, show him some respect. That's Ulfric Stormcloak, the true High King. um And then the guy's like, Ulfric, Jarl of Windhill. You're the leader of the rebellion. the But if they've captured you, oh gods, where are they taking us?
I don't know where we're going, but Sovngarde awaits. And then the guy, the horse thief, he just starts he just starts rambling about about, you know, oh god, this can't be happening and stuff. And are you just sitting here quietly, like thinking you're dreaming or something? I'm sitting here quietly being like, oh wow, this dream again?
Yeah, so after a while you arrive, um you drive into a a town and um the the guy's like, this is Helgen. I used to be sweet on a girl from here. Wonder if Vlad is still making that meat with juniper berries mixed in. and And you know, it goes on for a bit. um And then ah I'm gonna chime in and and just be like, no, they die. No, he died last year. He got bit by a rabid bear. It was a damn shame. Damn shame.
Really? you You know this for for sure? i mean is it goingnna make you we're about to be executed And then there's a little girl who's like, daddy, who are they? What are they doing? Go inside, little cub. And then your cart stops. And the the soldiers start getting prisoners out. And Lokere gets out. and and He tries to run away and he gets shot with an arrow i' in the back and he dies. And then a guard turns to you and he's like, and he ah guard turns he's like, this one's not on the list. And he turns to you and he's like, you there, who are you? But a character creation screen does not come up. He just stares at you and he's like,
who who are you uh... uh... i a m bill the people are watching from the side how do you think like that dissolve like god damn it ron you can't put me up and cover it and you should know this is coming i didn't think i'd play out the whole uh... uh...
My name, I am ah i am will the warrior known as Billon LaRue. Billon LaRue. Billon LaRue. Okay, Captain, he's not on any of the lists. And um the guy's just like, it doesn't matter. Put him with the rest of the prisoners. And then and then the dude walks over to you and he grabs you. He he he tries to grab you. Or do you get out willingly?
uh... real quick i'm gonna turn to the guy that uh... sorry the captain who just said forget the list they go to he was the block i'm gonna i'm gonna turn to them and i would say this road dot nothing happens he'd blinks that you would be putting it me he's like it was i'm sorry to do it but it's not yet but it's uh... uh... uh...
ah what's his What the hell's the dude's name? um um um The leader of the rebellion. I lost it. ah Why can't I never remember? Ulfric. Ulfric over, you know, he's already been taken off the the cart, but when you say those words, he he turns his head curiously towards you. um But obviously says nothing because he's been gagged. um And they the the soldier gets in, he drags you out of the cart. um I believe his name is Hadvar.
um Drags you out of the cart and and puts you in line with some of the prisoners and you watch as a man um quite enthusiastically is like, stop wasting my time and Neil's on the block and gets his head cut off. um And then they turn to you and they're like, you're next. And you hear like, I know I'm going probably out of order of what this actually happens in the game, but you hear this like distant roar as they grab you and start walking you over to the block. Do you resist? Do you do anything?
no i'm been just gonna i'm gonna follow it i'm gonna follow it through like uh like in the game gonna be i'm gonna play i'm gonna play my part all right get to the end of the cutscene so yeah they they shove you down to your knees um the uh executioner lifts his axe and then all of a sudden a dragon oh my god you weren't expecting that lands on the tower behind uh next to you no i'm sorry uh i have my head on the block and and i have the geekiest dorkiest smile be like Yeah, and the dragon roars and causes the guy to like stumble aside and then all chaos breaks loose as people start running around and eventually, um ah ah which one is the one who grabs you first? Is it hat is it the Stormcloak or the Imperial?
um uh... it's your choice uh... technically uh... technically you actually have to walk for uh... you're right yeah the imperial door uh... but it's it's uh... considering that you're walking there with uh... had bar uh... you don't have to you can actually see continue following that so i met so had bars the one who who like picks you up from the block is like we've gotta get out of here and you know starts leading you and um And then if you follow him, the the little interaction between him and the the other guy, you know, he's like, tries to get you to come with him. So who do you choose to go with? We just need to move some of these rocks to clear the way. Get back. I'm gonna go with... I'm gonna go with... Yeah, I'm gonna go with Hadvar. I'm gonna go with the Imperial. I'm not joining the Imperials, but...
They have better armor. Yeah. And their weapons, you know, early that early game do more. So, you know. I never went with them. I've started that game over so many times that I always chose Hadbar. Oh, I guess I should create an icon for um him real quick, because he's with you. Also, since you get the start out since you get to start out directly further back in the dungeon,
than with Ivar. um You actually have also have access to more starting game money, so it's always best to go to to follow Hadbar instead of Ivar. Alright, and you guys go into, he leads you through a door, and then we switch back to Hayden. Alright, I don't know if anyone's figured out where Hayden is yet, but...
i have a theory but i'm not going to know for sure and until we play a bit more ah let me switch the map back to hayden total tell and portal oh my god i shouldve put portal in here um don't have all in here really look I didn't have time i didn't have time and is a theory but I'm not going to know for sure until we play a bit more. Well, I don't have Mario memorized, but it was very easy to get a Mario map.
yeah better ah Are you all able to see Hayden's screen? ah Yeah. Okay. What bloody does this one look? It's pretty bloodied, yeah.
Like, I can finish off with one more hit. You could probably finish it off, yeah. Okay, I'm gonna attempt for that one then. It'll just sickle. 12 hits.
palm and Max damage, alright. Well, I guess it was supposed to... So yeah, you sickled this thing and and are you going for the beheading again? yeah be Yeah, you successfully behead this thing. um You still have your ah your main attack, yeah. This one I know that it's gonna be a little bit of a tricky situation and that he's gonna deal some serious damage. um Oh shit, that was my... I'm gonna use that as my my main attack. And go um and I'm gonna disengage with my bonus action.
okay I'm getting strategic over here. And I'm gonna attempt to lure him into this room. Okay. It it will it will follow you. these days ah oh thirty feet time mean okay yeah and we'll follow Everyone's got 30 move. 25. 30. Alright. And then, yeah, it comes in after you.
Okay. I assume that's around. Yep. Okay. You can go again, because that was very quick. I'm going to dash 5, 10, 15.
I'm going to disengage. and five And then I'm going to lock the door. behind All right, you close the door and um i I'm not going to worry about putting the and ah door thing on there.
um To close it off, but yeah, he's it it is too stupid to figure out how to open the door I bet it does forward Okay, it beckon it comes towards you, and I'm gonna stab it repeatedly very nice um So basically your weapons deal max damage in this dungeon so four and four with your your bones and then Yeah, so a bunch of damage here. um Well, you can stab this thing repeatedly until it dies, basically, because it can't really do that. yeah And then I'm gonna, after it's dead, and I confirm it's dead by stabbing it in the brain and decapitating it or one or the other. um I search their bodies. but ah On these bodies, there's nothing of value.
back momentaryily oh I'm a little hurt. yeah i There's no initiative right now. shit there's nothing This one is also moaning against the wall. Do I still have my old stealth? Yeah, you can keep that. well no as you Technically, you should re-roll. 22. Okay, even better.
okay Do I see these doors? i Yeah, so those doors Yeah, are you just gonna open them? Yeah, yeah, I mean I'll I'm just gonna remove these doors. There's there are no tokens in here. So there's there's just potential loot and Okay, I guess it won't open this one. Well, it doesn't matter Is there anything in this room? Hang on I'm removing There's a reason there's so many doors here because the original time I was going to do this, all of you were going to be in cells. This was a map I was working on before. That door um has some stiffs in there. Where is, ah here it is, okay. Inside that door you find
ah Please be a healing potion. You don't find a healing potion yet. um
You find a pair of six-sided dice. All right, I picked that up. I roll it. Does anything happen? It lands on a six. All right, I keep the dice. All right. Walk over here. Do I find anything in this room? That room is empty.
And um I'm going to go back in this room right on the threshold. um I'm going to. Is there like rubble on the ground like rock or a little bit? Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to pick up a stone. All right. And throw down. OK.
You're still visible. Okay, I'm just adjusting the stream. Okay, yeah, when you smack him with the stone, it turns and starts um lurching towards you. Okay, I'm gonna basically do the same thing as I'm gonna trap him in the room. Okay, I mean, these things are dumb, so this this method will work, except um it is gonna attack you.
ah because your movement would have left you within 30 feet of it. So it could have gotten to you. So it's gonna slam at you. Oop, an 18. Does it matter if I disengage? If I took an action to disengage? No, because it's not an opportunity attack. Okay. This is its turn. One, two, three, four. Shit. Yeah, so I'm gonna disengage. Five.
10, 15, 20, lock the door. Lock the door. All right. Okay. And then I will repeatedly stab this. Oh, you know what? I forgot to mention, um, when you, uh, killed those two things, this green, uh, vapor appeared and then absorbed into your body. Oh, did I feel indifferent? No. No. Okay.
but But it happened this have this one until it dies. Okay. Yeah. Yeah that that happens and same thing green vapor um And then I yeah make sure its head is its brain is destroyed and then I searched the body um this body has ah You find this ah Weird um glowing white ah I don't even know how to describe it. It's kind of teardrop shaped and um it has no ah a it has no weight no white to it yet you can pick it up. I know what game we're in now. I have no idea what game we're in.
And yeah, you can pick it up and you can store it. Although you also feel like if you wanted to, you could consume it. Do I have an idea what would happen if I consumed it? If Hayden doesn't have an idea, then no. I consume it. You consume it. You consume it, you feel great. Your skin turns a nice natural Hayden looking color. And you feel alive again. Your heart starts to beat again.
And that' that's really all that happens. um And then we switch over to Frank now. um Frank, you rolled a two, so um that causes you to reappear ah in Mario Land. Oh, gods. I'm never getting out of it here. I hope you know.
why are i jim Oh, I see what's wrong. Okay, reappear in Mario and token layer. All right, and then let me make it toward this guy I can see. And that guy is reset. Okay, yeah. I still need to finish spawning this map out, but it depends on how far you get.
but pa but up but
Okay, I'm ready for it this time. I go boom, boom, ah boom, boom, boom, boom. And then I wait for it to... Yeah. And then I'm gonna... Jump. And then I need to roll a athletics. Yep. Athletics. 16. Yeah, you can land on it and, you know, kill it. When? Fuck you!
You Oomba. Those goddamn Oombas. Bling. I forgot this one. Boom. Yeah. And so this happens again. Yep. The mushroom thing happens again. right Wait, hold on. I jump like this. ahha And I come down here. So it goes bloop, bloop, bloop. And it has to go left now. Yep. So it starts going left and you go chase it. And then you become... Hold on. I gotta zoom in to make this happen.
Big Frank. Yeah. I go here and I kind of jump on top of this. Okay, yeah. um To land that, I think, give me a athletics. Well, okay, how about I jump up here? Okay, that's easier.
Yeah, and then... Did you get that with my 16 athletics that I got currently? Yeah, the little guy, he's gonna continue walking. I don't know. Okay, yep, you get him. Alright. Boop. Break the block. Yeah. Boop. Boop. Get the coin. Yep. Boop. Boop. Get up here. Get that coin. Boop. Boop. Boop. Get, break that block, and then break that block.
you break all the blocks uh... there's nothing in those box uh... up here and and and i looked at uh... nothing happens again okay uh... different game do you still get that with the same athletics role from sixteen from earlier uh... yeah that one i'll say yeah they I look down. Uh, nothing happens. Okay.
and Okay. Uh, athletics. I guess we'll have to roll out again. Yep. Oh, um, oh, slap in the face. Yep. All right. I back up so I can wind up on the jump and I'm gonna try that one again. Nine.
base playing yeah i just and just kind of pop up stumble and base plan until again heyp yeah mother fucker all right and okay and i did like I need to grab some some more bad guys because you're getting far. Oh, I should also say um you sense that ah this can only happen to you two more times.
What, another failed jump? No, um, up here in this world. Ah, gotcha. Like, okay. Obviously that's not working. Uh, I look around, um, and I'm going to try a acrobatics this time. Okay. God. Uh, yep, i it's, it's, um, unfortunately, uh, the real Frank is, oh my God.
but what na flu Okay, with a nat 20 you do make it. um but And nat 20 you suddenly become proficient in acrobatics as well. um yeah And I'll let that nat 20 ride to kill these guys if you want.
thank fuck um play yep
Alright. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, motherfucker. 11. 11's enough. Okay. Okay. Dude, dude, dude. I kinda like to look over the edge. Do I say anything? Um, do you see water? Oh, okay. Uh, I wind up and I hop it. Uh, give me an acrobatics for that. Yep. Or athletics, whichever one you want.
Go back and back since that's higher. OK, can you pass? OK. Now, as I continue on, I turned around. Do I see the world disappearing behind me? Yes. How far back? um Whatever you can see on your screen currently. Oh, I guess you might be zoomed out. um Whatever you can see on, let's see, um my I'll go by my screen. You can see those that short ah pipe that you jumped.
And then about two squares beyond that you can't see anymore. The very first pipe I jumped over? ah Is that the first one? Yeah. OK. All right. So I look up. Do I see the Oombas up there? Yep. OK, they should be falling, right? You can see about 100 feet back, it looks like. So 105 feet back. um Yes, they're going to start falling. to to do to do All right, I jump back over. Okay.
Yeah, so you're just gonna wait for them to die? Yep. Yeah, okay, yep. I mean, that that's that is a approved Mario method. They die. Not a good speedrunner method, but... No.
fish but li but Okay, um that one is not a coin actually. um That one... What's a fire flop? Yep, a fire thing pops out.
um yeah There. I can go to the floor. b What are you doing, Frank? I can go to the floor! How are you able to do that? You're not supposed to be able to.
No, I can do it all over the map. Okay. We'll stop it. All right. I hop up here and grab the firefly. Yeah, boy. You got the firefly. I come back down. No, I don't break the blocks. I jump up here. Okay. and dayto day there Oh, that's a big gap.
ah Acrobatics. Yep. That's enough. 21. That's enough. like ah to um This maneuver is a little more difficult.
Because fucking physics of Mario, right? Yep. And then I go blink. And whatever is inside there, I think it's a another coin. ah That one's a coin. Yeah. Okay, I'll do a sideways jump and knock that one and then call down. Okay.
Um, these guys are approaching. I break this block. All right. Okay, and then I wanna... it up here. Leave that block. Oh, that block that you broke, um, uh, coin pops out of it, but it doesn't, uh, break. Ah, I do wanna find it eventually. like Okay, uh, I got one that, so I'm gonna try that it again.
Not one, two in a row. Uh, okay. Uh, one more try. Eight, eleven. Um, that make it what are you trying to do? Jump up there? ah Yeah, just jump up there. Okay, yeah, that's enough. Okay, I just sit here for a while. My face is just fucking silly. Yeah, they they of course go and commit suicide after a while. And that is as far as I've populated the map.
please b blin blin blink fle yeah you get like ten ten coins um all right yeah he's in the ah the easy one okay um now we are back to bill i think
so bill I'm about to get that one up, motherfucker.
um You and whatever the Imperial's name is, I can't can't remember right now. Hadvar, maybe? um Is it Hadvar or Ralof? It's Hadvar, it's Hadvar. Yeah, you and Hadvar um enter into this here room. um Wait, I thought i'd put I You hear like a confront... Hi.
Thank you. This is for me, too. Oh, I don' have no idea what this is. I have a package. It feels like a book. I bet it's avatar-related.
I'm gonna open my package live on air, but I don't have a camera going, so it's not a real unboxing. Uh, yep, it is... ah Uncle Iroh's Adventure Guide. Um, and...
My mousepad. My avatar mousepad.
I think it's that's what this is. This is a mousepad, right? Why does it have... Oh no, this is a... I don't know what this is. Why does it have buttons? I guess you can fold it? I have no idea what that is. right Well, it looks like a mousepad to me, so I'm going to use it as a mousepad. It feels like a mousepad.
I haven't used a mouse patent forever. Anyway, um yes, so you are in this room, there is a confrontation and a fight happening just through the door on the other side, I think. um That's what's happening, whether there's or not. And that the the fight is just finishing up as you two walk in. um And he's like,
tells you, hold on a minute, be careful, and then and then once the fighting's over, he goes in into this room. He's like, come on, pick a weapon. All right, so I'm gonna walk in. So, in this room, it's a little different than the game. You're in the one where you get a lot of choices.
um oh oh There is, your weapon options are a long sword, a great axe, a dagger, a short sword, A quarter staff, a mace, or a longbow.
ah You can pick more than one, but the first one you pick matters. All right. All right. First one I pick matters. That's true. I don't know if you can... is Are you guys able to see this map? Yeah. Okay. Is there also what? Now, by chance, over by where the longsword is, is there also a shield?
Uh, there, yeah, there can be a shield. All right, cool. I want to take the long sword and the shield. Okay, I'm going to drop those on your character seed. So when you pick up the long sword, knowledge of how to use this weapon flows into your brain, um, but thus giving you i should have said the short sword shouldn't i the short sword. You can't use the long sword and the shield at the same time, right? You can. Oh, you can? And and D and&D, yeah.
A longsword is a versatile weapon. ah Okay, okay. Yeah, yeah then we're we're good. We're good. Sorry, I'm a misunderstanding. Yeah, okay. Let me... um You've got longsword proficiency and then longsword. Then after that... And then... After I grabbed those, I was also going to go and grab... Wait.
That more happens, you pick up the shield. I will go ahead and give you proficiency with the shield as well. um Because why not?
And then um with that, you gain the long swords 2024 rules ability sap, which um I'm adding to your sheets. Sap.
If you hit a creature with your longsword, that creature has disadvantage on its next attack roll before the start of your next turn. um That just happens automatically with the longsword in 2024 if you have weapon mastery, which you have that knowledge now. And also, you gain another ability as you pick up the longsword. I like anothers.
You gain the ability second wind.
So you're proficient with long swords and shields and have second wind. um if i got there i got access to level one healing spells Well, it's a self-healing, I guess. mud crabs i am on my um yeah and so they're ah You can also grab a longbow if you want, um ah but you don't gain proficiency with it.
oh well hadbarl teach me how to use it later longbow let's see drop that on your sheets oops longbow and I need to ask is there any armor around here or am I just in my arm actually that is a question to ask I went to bed with with pajamas did I wake up you woke up in you woke up in your pajamas yes Everyone is wearing what? So Frank, you're in your work uniform. Hayden, I forget what you said you were doing, but... Me? Mm-hmm. I wouldn't be, like, masturbating or something. You are dressed as you would have been dressed. I'm not quite. I hope that you were wearing pants, but in the world you're in, it's not that important, so... um If we were... If I am dressed in what a what I was on Halloween night, I am a Jedi Padawan. You are dressed as a jet Jedi Padawan.
um And yeah, you guys are in this room. Um, there's you know, it's dead bodies. Did I die? No, you haven't died yet. This is bill. Oh um Is that that icon does look a little like you maybe but that's not you that's that's a hadvar because I can't see anything You should be able to see you've got us. He's kind of in the middle ish No, I can't I can't see anything. I'm zoomed out of 30 i've got I'm actually at 20 and it's in the it's practically the only thing I can see and then when I go any smaller it just frames out. Sorry, it's ah it's it's a um you know this is a map I threw together at the last second. so ah You should be able to see on the stream though. um yeah so There is a door to your right, a door to your left. um
and I don't remember if that door to your left exists in the game oh that's the other that's the other entrance you could potentially come through that's right yeah so if you follow the imperial you're supposed to come a years come into the room oh urine okay yeah yeah your're I'm going to run over to this guy, this corpse over here. I'm going to take off all of his armor, and I'm also going to search his pockets too. I'm going to try to get some income, but I don't yeah assume there's any any other armor in here, and I need i need some protection. i'm gonna give him
um I'm going to randomly roll for his armor, D&D armor generator. he's wearing He's got leather armor. right Damn it. I was gonna say, you're gonna luck out with some plate armor, dude. No, I was saying, like, watch it be something stupidly OP, fucking Ebony Mail with the Ebony Blade on his back. That would be funny, but that usually doesn't pop up in this part of the game. Fuck, I guess I didn't... I guess I wasn't isekai'd into a version of the game with mods.
Okay, I can still do anything I need to do. I need to do vanilla. That's fine. Oh, and since you picked the longsword, your strength goes to 12. Nice! You gain a little bit of muscle. i i can like I look out of my arms. Okay, eight minutes? All right, so we'll... I look at my arms and my legs and I lift up my shirt before I put on the armor to see if I have abs. Do I have abs? With 12 strength, no.
You're still within the average human range. ah Gotta add more to my strength score. Shit! I actually do say that. I'm in the room. If Hadvar is... Sounds like ah Tasha's hideous laughter is going on behind you. Yeah, yeah. She's probably watching she's probably watching somebody ah somebody fuck up royally or how or fall down really hard. and Usually it's when somebody fucks up or falls down that she laughs that hard. So yeah, Hadvar wanders off this way.
um You know, he's he's going on his scripted route. ah These doors are open, you can go that way if you want, the ones on the left. um I don't think you can usually go that way. ah
Alright, then in that case, I'm gonna go ahead and keep following Hadvar, because while yeah I might be in the game, Bill is still not a warrior. So, you know, maybe, maybe just making sure that I'm with the guy, you know, that actually does this for a living, that I stay pretty close to him. All right. And right now, hat I am Hadbar's date. So we'll, we'll just um switch over to Hayden. ah Frank said he's going to be back in a minute. um So Hayden, back to you.
And I wish I didn't, we didn't have to... Yeah, I wish we didn't have to readjust the map every single time. um Like, it would just stay where it was when we left it.

Game Shifts and New Challenges

Okay. Um, yes.
Alright. Roll a perception first. perception. Yeah. A 15. You hear a zombie approaching down the hall beyond a range of vision, but it's it sounds pretty close. um Okay.
um I go in the room. Okay, and this is a wrought iron. This these are yes. yeah I go in the room and I lock the door from my side.
Okay. um You eventually see a zombie stumble past. and I say, here's zombie, zombie. It turns, tries to get through the door. It's reaching, reaching for you through the bars. I cut off its hands as it's reaching for me and then I proceed to stab the shit out of it. Okay, give me some attack rolls.
Okay, this is slicing the hands off.
I mean, I guess for this zombie, yeah, you easily get through there. um And I'm actually going to fast forward you to a different room because this was all because of um needing to extend this because this was originally going to be a multiplayer player. yeah So I made the dungeon bigger than it actually is in the game that this is from. um So yes, you destroy this zombie.
He's dead now. i search him This zombie, let's see if he has anything. This part of the game doesn't have a lot. um
So this zombie has a ah a vial on it. um It's basically ah a vial of like as alchemist fire. okay For D and&D purposes, I'll drop an alchemist fire onto your sheet.
ah how I misspelled that. Alchemist fire.
Hey, me zombies are fucking me up. I step back out and i I will do another listening check. See if I can hear anything else. 15.
i didn't I was hoping it would put the alchemist fires and attack, but... It just gave me an item. Yeah, it gave you two of them for some reason. I'll go and delete one of them.
What'd you just do? Perception? I did a perception to listen if there's any more zombies. Ignore the zombie south of you that I fast-forwarded you. That one doesn't exist. um ah yeah you'll be like well though You don't hear anything, um any zombies.
What's going on here? um I gotta move the up there is the stream. all right
I wish I could just have it like follow you. Alright, is there anything in this room? This room has... You want me to roll for it? I'm rolling. Okay.
Okay, you see a very dirty teddy bear. Oh. I touch it. it squishes I guess like a bear would like a teddy bear would pick it up okay and I say are you an evil teddy bear they should not let out of my sight ah nothing happens I put him in the belt loop of my Jedi robe all right and here we go okay I keep walking down
Oh, what's this? Stairs? Yes. Okay.
Okay. You go up the stairs. so Why am I zooming in? It's two flights of stairs. You'll hit the next one in a second.
And once you get to the top of these stairs, go ahead and roll perception. The top of them? Yeah. per Perception and 11. And 11, all right. There is a pool of water in front of you.
Pool of water. i was kind to Sorry, I didn't mean to do that. No you're fine.
uh i'm gonna just take a quick walk around is all right stop moving um so uh there's a pool of water in front of you and um all of a sudden there is a splash uh as a gargantuan crocodile um burst from the water i how do i put him back on the there A crocodile bursts from the water and chomps down on you. um He rolled a 23 to hit. um And yes, your vision goes black. And roll a d4.
or A four, okay. Your vision goes black. And when you come to, um you, are hold on, I'm thinking, I'm thinking,
Yes, when you come to, you are in, you are, um bit okay, this doesn't work. Oh yeah, no, when you come to, you are in a, um what would this look like before? You're like in a field near the beach. And you see a shadow pass over the ground.
um And you look up. And a giant spaceship lands on top of you and you die. Roll a d4. Nice. Two. Okay, two. All right. Um, Bill, we're switching to you. God damn it. I'm here. All right. Um, first let me put Hayden in his new location. What game was this? I'm a little conflicted. I mean, I was like, I thought I had an idea, but then I realized, no, I got no fucking clue.
i I can't tell you what game it is. um There will be a spot where you might eventually recognize it if you've played the game. um Now, just out of curiosity, if I was to say, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey does that make it does that make any relevance here? No, I thought about that game. That was the closest thing I was thinking. I thought about that game, but I wasn't prepared for that game.
plus with I mean with your text or with your you know the fact that Navi is you know your yeah that was yeah I think I'm saving Zelda for a I'm thinking so I'm saving Zelda for a better moment um all right so um Hadvar is up ahead of you oh I haven't changed maps yet have I nope Hadvar oh Frank's back Yes. Frank, ah okay, we'll do Bill because with Frank being back, um actually, no, well we'll go to Frank. ah However- Is it my turn yet? Huh? Is it my turn yet?
It would have been, yes, because Hayden went, Bill went. All right, so in that case, this is going to be interesting. um Hayden, ah so Hayden, um you get chomped down by a crocodile, and then suddenly you appear in this bright, really bright, because you just came from a dark place, um this bright 2D world.
um oh and ah
there is this weird brown thing coming towards you. I still have two health. Yes. Damn. Oh wait, no, you died. um So yeah, you're back up to full health. yeah I know what this game does. so But we'll let Frank go first, um because it's his turn. I still have my weapons. And Frank, ah you yes, actually, you do have your weapons.
Yeah, so Frank, you're up. um so ah Hayden is too far back for you to see. Oh, okay. I was like, you're not moving. What are you talking about? um Oh, I need to... Let me see what else is over here. um ooh There are a lot of Goombas.
There's four of them right here. I thought I did these.
There's those, and then... Oh, I missed this guy. So we'll just stick him a little further down.
However, due to... um So as you are tapping those coins, you notice that the Goombas that just committed suicide, um they all seem to respawn.
oh that
i I'm going to stay right here while the Goombas pass by, because I know there's a
I'm respawning all the Goombas. Yeah, you know this is the easiest Mario level mario level there is, so the Goombas will all just eventually commit suicide. um
to to Except for the ones that are out of your view because those ones don't move Are you just literally gonna wait for all of them? Yep, I wasn't getting anything from killing them. So yeah Okay, well alright, so you're good that they're they're all gonna die Okay, um I go ahead and bump this one.
That one... um Should be a one-up, I believe. Nope, that's a... You missed the one-up. um That one is a fire mushroom. I missed the one-up? Yep. There is a one-up in this level.
It's gonna be one of the ones behind me, then. Okay. I'm... Okay. fire flower yep which you already have one of those acrobats don't you get extra points from fire flowers even if you already have a fire flower uh you get extra points yeah okay and go boop boop and get it pop back down i'm like well shit okay it's gonna be one of these so i bunked this right uh you did bunk that yeah um okay i bunk the left one here So while you are waiting on those things, Hayden, you've awoken in this world.
Yeah, damn alligator. Yeah, so I see this. I will say the alligator is not actually in the game. Oh, so in in that game. The game is Dark Souls one. I've never got that one. Yeah.
Okay, I was off. I thought it was good. I thought it was like one of the he's an evils or hell I He's a he's in the undead asylum I was gonna have all of you guys run through the undead aside like I was gonna do a Dark Souls D and&D at one point in the past and I was building out the entire like Dark Souls Undead asylum. Well, I have built all that out. So um yeah
But something interesting will happen um now that these two are on the same map. But yeah, what are you doing, Hayden? I'm gonna sickle this dude to death. Yeah, um he dies instantly when you when you, well, make an attack roll. Yep.
Nine is pretty low.
but a Goomba has poor AC. I'm trying to decide because you're sickling him. um I think you, well, yeah, but you can bonus action, so that's all on one turn. ah The 10 hits, so boom, he he blows up.
Eva, I'm going to try to jump and punch you. Okay, um give me a either acrobatics or athletics.
12. 12's enough. Okay. What do we, do I get something? Uh, that question mark gives you a coin. Do I get a gold? Yep. One gold. Yes. Um, can I go over here and punch, I will do another check. Um, launch that one.
Six. Probably don't reach you. Uh, nope. You're too short. Nope. Nope. You're too short. Nate. My God. All right. Frank, what are you doing?
Frank? Frank dead. Ah, I muted myself. Sorry. I bumped these two. Uh, those two, okay, let me see that one. Um, I lost you word. Let's see. Where is that?
Ah, hold on. Let me, let me see. Uh, where are you? I lost you again. You are that one there. So those two. It's under that. Okay, the one on the right when you bonk it, a star bounces up into the air and starts running away from you. um You can make a dexterity saving throw to try and go after that star. All right, dexterity saving throw. 18. That's enough. but You are glittering the music has sped up and you feel that invincible.
I don't know if I'm actually moving on the map, not on the Twitch screen, on the Twitch stream. There it is.
There's, there's a turtle, a turtle walking down the stairs. test data da that Yep, he dies. this ah Those are coins. Yeah, those are coins.
and I break that, I break that. Yeah, those those are coins, yeah. Roll some more. that Give me a um acrobatics for jumping that.
Tin is unfortunately enough. Oops. ah Bonk. Bonk. Bonk. Bonk. Bonk. Bonk. Oh, weird. You weren't moving on my screen for some reason. and You went to the... I'm trying to move myself too fast. You went to the flag thing? Yep. No, no, no. I'm at the bonky things. Bonky things. Further to the right. The the question mark block. Oh, okay. That one um I think is also a coin. Yep. That's a coin.
and also break these three blocks of process and and i'm gonna need i'm gonna need an acrobatics from you eleven you land pretty low at the bottom did it and then and then and then you go into the castle and fireworks are happening And go in i just i just stand here you literally have no choice. Your body moves of its own accord. You walk into the castle. And um and yeah, ah so you ah your you vanish.
um And a thing will happen. It's not gonna be the thing that would make logical sense in a Mario game, because I only have this map. Um, but something will happen. Hayden, you're still in the Mario world though. Yep. Okay, I'm gonna still, I'm i'm still trying to punch this. Okay, luckily that Goomba fell in the wrong direction so I can't get to you. I'm not team, you got it. All right, hold on, a mushroom pops out. um You don't have to dodge a Goomba so you can you can easily get the mushroom unless you yeah choose not to.
no I get the mushroom and now you are big Hayden honestly this is not to I know we're a speed runners and then sometimes this one real quick and then I will jump up here and get this one yeah those are those are coins bars rolls yeah and then I will add two more four coins to me one second oh and then
When he comes over here, I'm just going to stab him. Okay. A four does not hit. Yeah, you miss. You miss. Wow. I'm just going to try to jump over to the next ledge. Okay. Acrobatics are that. Also with these high, that 19 acrobatics and 15, you can choose to gain proficiency in acrobatics. I think that'll be your second proficiency skill.
it It would be my third. Okay,

Character Transformations and Reflections

ah you get three max, you inherently know this somehow. But i I think it was one of them I got a... Yeah, no, I did choose those two. um I won't take that. Okay. um But yes, you successfully jump over to that other one. Okay. And then hop down, and then I pull myself up on this one. Okay.
And then I'm going to attempt to jump to this one. Okay. That that is a um success.
Do I get a free freebie? um You can take either a proficiency or boost your dexterity by two. Boost my dis dexterity by two.
um because I still only get total three proficiencies, right? Yeah. No matter what? Okay. ah Skill proficiencies. yeah Better choice overall.
Is that one? Oh, is that one just gonna fall to its death? If you just stand there, it will. Yeah, I say, come here, you little goomba.
little goomba thing, little goomba goomba. Oh, that was sad. And when this this when this one comes over, I'm gonna attempt to smack it. Okay, as it's falling? Yeah. Okay. That's a critical hit. Yeah, you you smack it. I smack the heck out of it. All right. um And then ah we switch over to...
Bill Hadvar starts convulsing. um And ah one second. He begins. hit There it is. Copy. Where's your map? up There it is.
Go back to it. Crap. Okay. Loading. Hadvar begins to convulse and transform and suddenly standing before you is Frank.
What the fuck? Except Frank is a large creature. What the fuck? Now we're getting some mods. And Frank, you see... How did you end up on mod mode? do You see a small bill.
the where are we exactly uh... has the map of over well now i mean like what like bottom-up start from the bottom or in the adventure or in the adventure mode portion of this now we're still in the beginning we're still in the beginning we have a lot that uh... that first time yeah we have we have a hard work yeah we're so weird you're you're you're hard to have are now uh... we're still is frank had bars been deleted
looks like we're the only ones who made it was that really a dragon bring to the inside we should keep moving but come here right let's go yeah you play this game you played this game just as much as i have it's gonna be even better even better knowing that there's someone else here that actually knows the shit multiplayer and i am 10 feet tall this is fucking awesome also i can i can do this and can i still do the the fire Thank you. Oh, damn. You now have the firebolt spell. So let me give that to you, firebolt. I'm assuming it's a cantrip. It is, yeah. Firebolt already is a cantrip, so. I just, I'm not looking at my sheets, though. I'm putting it on the sheets. That'll play a cancer very often. Why is it not coming up?
Oh, it's two words. That's the problem. Nope. Nope. Can't do the 2024 one. Okay. yeah You have the firebolt cantrip.
flip paper Okay. So that was, you know, doking like joking aside. So Bill is going to turn is going to turn to Frank. He's going to be like, ah Frank, you got any idea what the hell is going on? I went to bed and I woke up and I was in Skyrim.
I died twice. There was kumbas and turtles. I started clubbing and feeling really weird, but nothing could touch me. i ah's okay yes you must I guess you must have run out of guys.
okay it was I'm pretty sure it was Mario. um no or For being a large creature, for being a large creature um I've boosted your strength to 12, you have 5 temporary hit points, um and you have the firebolt spell. Awesome. Well, ah so I was getting into my truck.
um after i finished my route and then i was in fucking mario so ah i was then in in fucking uh the one with the dark star lady and but frank eight it's you you know he's yeah me personally forgot the name of the game okay okay yeah and then been follow gate three and i turned into a mind flare and then i was back at mario
and i made it through that time and now i' ten feet tall and i can i can do this and i i like do the weird like handtomouth throw thing and a fire bullet comes out Oh, Hayden, I forgot to... I should have described this spaceship that crashed into you a little better. um It looks like the thing from Baldur's Gate 3.
gang I was the mind German bro. Yeah, it was the mind flayer ship. Yeah me so but ah Bill is going to turn it up to a big Frank. It's gonna be like wait. Wait, so So you spawned into vault into BG 3? but you were the chick inside the tube at the beginning of the game that becomes the mind player if you press the button and yes and and and and and dark star star lord the gift yankee and the this the girl that's got the pretty underwear that you like to wear oh shadow heart oh sure yeah there you go you're talking about a shark yep the fact that you got one
I've been calling her Shark Unironically because I honestly think she's a shit character, but anyway. But yeah, she was there, and and yeah, it was it was great. And then I got turned into a mind flayer, and then I was back to Mario. I finished the first level, and then I showed up here. So ah ah I guess let's let's do this. Fuck it. If I remember correctly, there's supposed to be a couple of guys in here for us to kill. Let's do it.
Leroy Jenkins!
and i'm gonna run i just want to run okay how much And then we popped back to Hayden after your conversation. um But I just said Leroy Jenkins. I know you did. Alright, we're back on Hayden, I think. Yes. Okay, I don't like this as a mousepad. I'm not sure what this was supposed to be.
It clearly has a purpose beyond mousepad, but I'll have to figure that out later.
I'll have to- I'm just gonna wait until these dudes fall into this. Okay, yeah, they will slowly do that as they do. So I'm just gonna get rid of them. Okay, and then do you want me to roll the jump over? Yes. God damn it. God fucking damn it.
18 is enough, yeah. Because the water the water is a death trap, okay? Yeah, you jump across.
Going along, going along. ah Yeah, they they they slowly start making their way towards you, as Goombas do. Okay, before they get too close to me, I'm gonna jump up here. Okay. When they when I shout it out, hey, google boom, boom, boom, boom. Acrobatics. All right, you make it.
See, this is called real-time D and&D. You gotta tell me what you're gonna do. Or they're just gonna walk past you. I'm just gonna wait until they walk past me.
And then this one attacks. now oa No. No. Yeah. I mean, if you just wait for all of them, walk past and they will all yeah fall in the water as they do in the game. Go ahead and try to get all these. Okay. um The bottom three are all coins. The top one is, I believe, a um fire mushroom. Yeah.
So you can get those bottom three easily, but that top one, I don't need an acrobatics for you, for me. Once get here, we'll just stick you right there. yeah ah Damn, you just keep rolling good. Yeah, that's enough. I don't consume the fire thing, but I do pick it up.
uh... the moment you touch it you consume it so uh... okay yeah i didn't know if that was just like an in-game thing of like you can just hold things not a mario not a mario okay uh... yeah i guess i accept it and then i see this thing and i'm like i'm gonna ride you dude ah bomb so you jump onto him he turns into a turtle shell i ride him i When you ride him, he starts, bo he bounces this way, bounces back towards you, make a dexterity saving throw. Dexterity... 16. 16's enough to jump him.
And yeah. and bu bu And it goes into the water. And then I jump up here and get these two. ah Those are coins, I believe. Yes.
And then I know this part and I gotta get a... gotta get over a jump. That one I want an acrobatics for because there's a death trap in there. Yep.
Ten. Ten is enough. Thank gosh.
And then I hit this one. That one's a coin.
And come over here. Get up here. Is there a way that I can like give myself advantage? I don't know. Not really. But you can acrobatics.
Is there a way it can like remove these stones? Those stones can't be removed. Dang. All right. I'll just jump it. With ah with a dirty 20, I think you hit you hit the top and you get a one up. You don't know what that means. um But what it means ah is your HP has permanently increased by five. Yes.
um And you complete the level. So I'm doing the same things I did to Frank. And then I got to give you the Firebolt cantrip.
Oh, I get Firebolt? Heck yeah, man. And everything goes black. Oh, no. but but Now they are currently Leeroy Jenkinsing. What is up with that? N.A.N. for a tech. N.A.N. what? For my firewall. N.A.N. I don't know.

Combat Strategies and Resource Management

N.A.N. I'm gonna keep on dancing.
Alright, so you won't immediately you won't immediately appear to help them. okay um If I'm not going to be needed, I do need to go AFK for a couple seconds. And if we need to make this into a two-shot, just let me know. I'm going to keep going.
uh... we might need to make this that we might need to make this a double just because some and actually kind of that kind of uh... little talker today but i'm gonna camera alright uh... bill on since you have charged and bill and frank roll initiative uh... later
ah by and point one to my initiative score god i Oh.
i still love a thirteen armor class with a shield and armor Because you haven't done anything to boost your decks yet. Did I roll for this guy yet? I don't think so. So these things are not normally here in the game, you know.
are they know
Why is Frank appearing as like this weird?
Do you need to switch it over to the other map? Oh, I do, huh? Yep, that's the problem. I thought I did that, but it didn't go. Okay.
um So we've got Frank. What did Frank roll? seven okay He popped up for some reason, but Bill did not pop in. What did you get, Bill? 19.1.
That's because it has the tiebreaker. I i turned to that on by accident, so 19.1.
All right, 19 and seven basically. Descending. ah But you are not the first. um This skeleton sees you. Five, 10, or five, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. I made this map way too big. um This skeleton sees you and starts shambling towards you and attacks you with its short sword.
Uh, a 15's gonna hit, so it hits you for three damage. Yeah, it does.
And as soon as that happens, Bill's gonna look down at where he got cut, then I'm gonna look back up at him. He'll be like, I've known dumbs that hurt me worse than I do. And Bill, you felt pain when that happened. Oh, shit.
oh fuck this is real so i'm going to look down look back at him look down again look back at him if i die i die i guess technically hayden felt has felt quite a bit of pain um and now it's the next this skeleton way back here he probably is not close to 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, but he does have a short bow, which should be able to reach. Yeah. Um, so he's going to short bow at you for another four damage. Oh dear.
Oh dear. Okay. that now my hopes a little enough is this okay as I get hit with an arrow uh... and now it's your turn alright I'm mad uh... Bill sorry I'm mad I got hit I've been getting hit so now one of those zombies is missing from Bill pulls out his sword
and he's going to utter a battle cry. A battle cry no one's ever heard before. That one shall strike fear in all the hearts. And then he's just going to swing. That was pretty terrifying with the digitizing. Yup, agreed. Now, and then I'm going to attack him with, I'm going to attack him with obviously one handed, because he's never skilled. 17.
17 does hit. For seven points of slashing damage. Seven points of slashing damage, yeah, that kills this thing. You slash and your sword crashes through it. um And for one hit KOing, let's see, um what should that give a bill? Full health. No, it doesn't give you health.
ah But I think um we can, uh, let's see. You've already got proficiency with the long sword, but you're becoming more and more of a fighter. So I'm going to bump you up to 12 con, which will increase your HP by one. All right. All right. I can live with that. Yeah. That's something I. You do have second wind. You did gain second wind, so you can always use that if you need it. Then that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going to go ahead and use it now.
do i am my ear um You will appear shortly. ah But you will be here. a second win good It is good for a D10. You all have D10s.
i got ten points of healing hi Nice! Full health. um Now I believe it is Frank. Frank, you don't have any weapons, but you are a large creature. um And you have the ability to cast Firebolt. I take a step into the room and I cast Firebolt to hit this guy. Okay.
Firebolt. That definitely hits seven fire damage. um
Yeah, what does it look like when you ah kill this guy? So I just, like, duck into the room. Like, I have to, like, bend down and duck and kind of come in. And I look over at ah Bill fighting, um well, standing over the dead skeleton. I look to the right. I see the other skeleton. And I go, bleep.
the Just kind of, like, possible fireballing. That's the spinning in the air fireball thing. It hits him and like he just like goes up in flame Well, let's see what it just kind of like is this is like shaky fall effect Okay, and then what do you want Dex intelligence wisdom or charisma as you're casting my ah thing?
as of right now i don have positive been eating You're gonna you're gonna gain a positive in one of them so i I guess you said what, Dex, intelligence or wisdom? No, intelligence, wisdom, or charisma. Oh, it was like Dex, of course. Let's go in. All right. Let me do this. Wait, that's not it. Actually, this is kind of a sorcerer build that's kind of going on with the fireball. It doesn't really matter for this.
yeah You are custom classes. So, yeah. Intelligence, I guess. Yep. You feel you yourself grow smarter.
And i let's see. To did add your, you should. What is that man? I don't know what that means.
doesn't tell me I don't know what that man means plus man whatever it doesn't seem to be affecting anything so no idea what it is ah yeah and then is that all you're doing and is there anybody else in the room ah there is bill there is on the zombie killed and there are two more skeletons Oh um i take a step back out the room okay
Okay Let's see that zombies dead But that one's still that skeleton is still alive. So he's gonna go 5 10 15 20 25 30 and then um He'll dash 5 10 15 20 25 30, okay ah Hayden Yes. You um appear oh in this room and you see a Frank who, to you, looks normal sized, although the stuff in this room looks a little smaller than usual.
you um I mean, I guess this is a room full of rubble, so... But Frank is... Yeah. Frank? I turned my ear, my name, and I'm like, Hayden? Is that you?
What do you mean? I... I... First of all... Hayden, where are your pants? No. Hayden? I... Bill? Bill? Where are you? He's in the other room fighting skeletons. Oh. Shouldn't we go help him? and but You're gonna hear from the other... You're gonna hear from the other... from the other room. I'm just in here fighting skeletons! Oh! Give me a second.
Anyway, Hayden, no one but no one can. but he would yeah okay but I imagine in the original game, we cannot go through this. I know that. But is there a way that I can through this way? ah You could if you spent the time to clear some of the rubble. Oh, no. Yeah. And that would require some pretty. Yeah.
yeah That you don't get that i automatically. Okay, when well, when I said that, I'm assuming nothing came out, even though it's still dragon language. You've got to absorb the the the language. Hayden, we're in initiative. Oh, sorry.
um Are you going to wander or go help Bill? Where do I hear Bill's voice from? Through the door next to Frank.
There's not an obvious door there. but frank is certainly like standing in front of it You can um move through his space because he's an ally.
You just can't end it in his space. I can't move for some reason. I don't understand why. So I can i can see it. I'm just going to pop right there. OK. So I can see through the door. Yeah. But ah yeah, so I see that. And I magically know that I have Firebolt now. Yep. You can blue loop the Firebolt.
Yeah, so I do that. It does definitely look like um Mario's Fireball, but Fireball. Yes. Okay, there won't be sneakers on the ground yeah there won't be a sneak attack, but you deal four fire damage minus four. Okay. um Yeah, the skeleton is like, ah you know, angry. I wonder if Mario's Fireball... What is Mario's Fireball called?
flower power it just says Super Mario's fireball is called a fireball okay nevermind I was gonna change the spell name if it had some fun um yeah and then now we are up to dead skeleton remove him from initiative live skeleton with the short bow um Bill you are the fighter in the room it's going to attempt to shoot at you
Let it try. Yeah, that hurt me. Yeah. I hate damage. I've already got like an arrow and a sword wound. So the question is... And it moves closer. Is this D&D standards? Now that we're all here, if he gets downed, can we, you know, sustain him? You're not sure. As far as you know, you're in Skyrim. Oh, true.
Although you did realize that you seem to be able to only do things in a turn-based order. Well, you realized that you couldn't move for some reason. That was your choice to realize that, and I like it. Bill, you're up. All right. All right. Once again, Bill's just getting madder and madder and angrier and madder. So this one right next to him, this one, ah I'm gonna, once again,
yeah you know what I'm gonna keep I'm gonna keep to my shield I'm gonna do another one-handed longsword attack for 21 21 I mean that hits for sure all right for five points of damage that takes the creature down thanks to having been fire bolted earlier and then so do I have one attack or two just one
alright and in that case this one has been shooting me uh-huh I'm gonna run up right up on him like right there and I'm gonna hold my shield directly in front of his face okay just like right just like right there like it's giving him no view no vision past me I'm making myself a alright I have a mechanic I have a mechanic for what you're doing um
which you have now discovered, although this technically comes from. the so so that there may be something like this There may be something like this in D and&D, um but by raising your shield like this, um you it gives you plus two AC to incoming attacks, but you can't attack while your shield is raised.
um ah
Well then, honestly, if I had had two attacks and a turn, I was just going to charge him with my shield up and just like... Yeah. You know, below on health, just like plow right through him, but I can't do it. And then so Frank, Frank, you're up.
um I crouch through the doorway again. I move over here. No, actually, i I just come through the doorway so I can see the skeleton.
um And you said I'm big, so I get good smash damage? You would, yes. Okay. Uh, is that like, uh, advantage to attack, or is that just... Well, the skeleton within melee range is, um, uh, is dead. I don't, I don't, if I were to go like five, ten...
Oh, because you can all you can all control each other.
And get behind him. and's go to ah ah Bill's shout to you, Frank. Frank, you're a giant smack the ground! And I do the Skyrim, like,
bash. Okay. giant giant like mesh yeah the giants I like it. ah Let's see, give me, roll me, so I guess, that I guess an attack roll, a strength-based attack roll. So just roll, however you want to roll that. It'd be, you know, d20 plus proficiency plus strength.
They're technically not quite giant sized but... um proficiency being believe Two giant plus one. two not giant i'm sorry Two plus one that gets you up to... not Not actually enough. Not actually enough to hit this guy.
so well
He manages... ah
Let's review worse. everywhere hi Okay, yeah, nope, that didn't work. um So now it is Hayden's turn. Sweet. Fireball. And don't I get advantage since he's pinned? Flanked. I'm sure. Flanked, yeah.
Although no, because you're technically firing a ranged attack into into melee. that yeah 13 is just enough. Alright, that doesn't kill him.
and now it's his turn and the giant has attempted to smash him um so he's gonna drop his short bow and slash at you with his short sword ah for four damage because an eighteen definitely hit and hit yeahly hits one two three and now Bill yeah your turn alright
You know what, i'm just gonna do it I'm just gonna do a straight up coup de gras at this point. I'm going to oh i'm gonna do a killcam. I'm gonna make an attack with my sword and I'm just gonna do do one of those norm, one of those, you know. And... That's not enough. Is he flaking? ah Yeah, we'll give him advantage. Fourteen hits and you can take the seven, which is enough to kill him.
all right then i do that i do the uh... one-handed with the shield kill cam all right you do that's com all right so once' again here ah Um, I'm sure people will ask, but each of the skeletons, all of the skeletons are, there are three skeletons. They're each carrying a short sword. One of them's carrying a short bow. The one you just killed. The zombie's not carrying anything. Um, and then they have, uh, collectively, 16 gold. So not a lot.
And let's see, if if I roll above a 15, there's a healing potion. There's not a healing potion. Uh, what about bone meal? I'm gonna turn to Fr- I'm gonna turn to Fr- Uh, there is a bone meal on each of them, yeah. Uh, what if the skeletons, I guarantee you, they all have a bone meal? Yeah, there's a bone meal on each of them. You don't know why there's just loose powdered bone meal, I guess, from smashing, but you know, there there is. Uh, Bill- Bill eats the bone meal.
oh my god i forget what that does uh... will stop getting into the city of the first that uh... like it teaches you the uh... at basic level it teaches you what's uh... one thing that's good for in alchemy let's see here how do i want this to play out uh... because bone meal gives you the effect the three zombies there's three skeleton is all of you guys all are so dry This booty in your mouth, it should unlock the alchemy spill. Oh my god, dude. We have water B. It's so dry. It's so bad. I have this and I hold up alchemist fire. Uh, for, for of, oh, I guess I don't have a stamina mechanic, but it, for a brief second, makes me feel tired. Um, cause its first effect is damage. Damage. Yeah, it just like- Yeah, damage stamina. Yeah. Um, you know what? Sure. Anyone who eats the bone meal, um, I will give you proficiency and alchemy tools. Uh, I'll take it. I also eat the bone meal. Yeah. Okay. Um, G it's so dry, isn't it? Proficiency, alchemist supplies on the bill. Why? Why did I do this?
don dare It's about to get much worse because there's elsier over there by a fireplace and then over there just a pheasant a rabbit and and some garlic we got to eat the garlic to And and and the elsier I can't I don't know if I'm finding anything to drink There's there are some potions in that room. I believe I Yeah, look over by the table. By the table over there, there's there's like three magic potions, a health potion, or a stamina potion. Yes, we'll say the stamina potion is the second health potion, but the magic potions will do a thing. um Just none of you have spell slots yet. I say, hey Frank, it looks like you're a little hurt. Do you want one of these health potions?
So there are two health potions and two mana potions, we'll say. Is there not like a jug of meat in this room? There probably is. There's some casks over there. No, there's there along with the potions there should also be a jar of Alto wine. I grabbed the jar of Alto wine and I bring it back and I take a Gulp and then I hand it to Bill.
Okay, um... I'm gonna, uh, I'm gonna take it, I'm gonna tell you, thanks, you know I love you, right? And then I'm gonna drink, but and then I'm gonna drink it, and then we're gonna hand it over to Hayden. I'm sorry, I don't drink. Did you not just cut it down?
Drink the liquid to down the bone meal. It's fine. Actually, Bill is going to take the wine back. He's going to be, I'm sorry about that, dude. I forgot. And then he's going to think about it for a second and he's going to be like, wait, aren't health potions and stamina potions and magic potions, aren't those, aren't those distilled? Are you allowed to drink those? Are they? I don't think they would have any alcohol content though. Good point. Okay.
um But there are a bunch of cabbages potatoes and um I Do we have and we have inventory like Skyrim or do we have to carry shit? Uh, I want to eat a cabbage in one bite just like Skyrim we are there any cheese wheels are there any cheese wheels just so leaves for the light god Yes And for each cap well cheese wheel Anyone who eats the, uh, cabbage, uh, the cheese wheel, I believe does like, um, that'll fully restore your health, I think. Um, but I think, uh, food will do one health because you guys don't have Skyrim type health. Um, but for each food you eat, it restores. So you can get back up to full health in this room. There's a rug on the floor over here, right? I grabbed the rug and I turned that into a satchel. We're like a hobo. Nice. Just turned into a hobo, hobo satchel.
um and a certain like fell over here on all the defend stoneves your wire ah take the one in the short bow okay um and i'll just like a short bow on you there's only one short bow um moving in your shortbo before i take the only one is it I'll take both short swords and be like dual wielding knives. Nice.
actually hey hold on don't you um but bill sort bills turn to y'all oh sorry go ahead adam of uh... kind of uh... uh... broke bill going on i do have a real bill going on the budget short swords there are three short swords total i want to be a sneak peek a little does this actually don't need to be out of kit out of game i feel like this is something that no this is a conversation that could totally be in character well no cuz i don't know the things that i'm i'm referencing here and i go well watch this let's see if this works yeah does eleven
I just crouch. ah I mean, make perceptions. Please, roll low. lead Just look down.
Come on, Bill. Yes! Yeah, you have no idea where Hayden is. And i just keep I just keep walking up, and then the humongous Hayden just goes, oh, it stands up.
Does work the same Now Frank you walk up You're gonna notice that bill has two arrows and a gas across his chest and they're just in um like By the way, hold on Hold on going the health potion now Frank. Um, yeah, there's two of them And but I just come over with like a handful of cabbages and just start feeding you cabbages ah Frank are you going for are you gonna pick up one of the short swords?
Yes. As you reach for the short sword, you can sense, similar to the way the knowledge of how to cast Firebolt appeared in your brain, you can sense that if you touch this weapon, um you'll be locked into, well, not locked in, you can use other weapons, but this is going to give you more knowledge if you touch this weapon. um But it'll give you short sword build, basically.
Oh, um so I feel like if I touch the sort sword short sword, I will gain but knowledge of how to use the sword. And Bill, this is what happened to you when you touched the first weapon you touched. It also happened to Hayden, but he had no op there there weren't options there.
um but Hayden I've given you proficiency with a short bow as well like um but Bill you do know there's some other weapons back in the the entrance a variety of weapons that weren't normally in the game I'm gonna relay all that information that way they all know where where the other weapons are Hayden how many cabbages do you there was well bill has the long sword there was a great axe a dagger a short sword a quarterstaff a mace and and a longbow Oh, let me go get the longbow. I didn't know that. ah actually i I'll take the shortbow if you want it. Oh, actually, I'll hand that to Hayden because I already have that. Oh. Here, I actually picked that up because, you know, you can never be go wrong with a ranged attack in Skyrim. Yeah, thank you. Hayden, are you fine with the rogue build that you ended up with? I mean, this is just a yes two shot or whatever, but... um I love my rogue build going on.
um I'm a weird caster thing that's also giant, so I'm gonna need some sort of... Yeah, you can pick whichever whichever ah of those items, but that will give you certain abilities depending on which item you pick. um I get this rug and throw it over my head, and I go, I'm hated. Like, I see, sneak peek. And then I just proceed to keep feeding Gil cabbages until he's fully healed.
How many cabbages have you fed me so far? I don't know, probably like eight. That is exactly enough to get me up to full. As soon as I get up to full, I'm going to be like, oh, I used to be an adventurer like you. And I took an arrow or to the knee. So Frank, which of those weapons, which of those weapons do you want to go grab? Oh, God, I don't even know. I'm not going to tell you what they do. Well, Bill's got the long sword.
so i get long down weapon Well, if you up i you into you can use other weapons, but it's the first weapon you pick up will give you special abilities tied to that weapon. Greataxe, dagger, shortsword, quarterstaff, mace, and longbow.
Oh wait, now, well, Hayden's got the longbow. Although, Hayden didn't get the special powers from longbow, so if you were to steal his longbow, you would gain them. Also, if you took the shortbow, you would get that from the shortbow as well.
you want okay so what a does everybody have right now
I have longbow, shortbow, and a sickle, but you're not going to get anything from the sickle. What no abilities do you have currently, though? like I feel like if I touch these short swords, I'll gain an ability. I have this.
Okay, so... And I have... And you also have sneak attack, Aiden. yeah and other shena and i i have that you have sap and then second wind back roll before the longsword nice
um So my question is, should I touch the short sword and we all have some sort of ability for close combat or should I touch either the long or short bow and gain an ability from one of those? if it touch the longbo um i'll I'll mention... um I guess when you hover over, just just to in case you're interested in these, when you hover over the quarter staff and the mace, like as you hover your hand over those, um you sense those are more um magic inclined.
um ha I say that. So do I want to go for, I guess, a caster build? Question mark? I mean, yeah, I would.
I mean, I wish I could get rid of my, my Nick and get something from the the bow, but you know, that's, that's whatever. I mean, with two front liners and the caster in the back, we can go that direction. Bill, uh, Bill's going to shout out to y'all. Actually, I prefer to be a bit of a spell sword myself.
If we keep playing this, if we keep playing this for a while, I sort of vaguely have a system for where you can get more and more stuff, but this is just starting. This is great. I've actually really

Magic Abilities and Character Builds

enjoyed this. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Start us from the ground up. I love it. If we want to just continue this in the Skyrim game. I'm actually going to drop. I mean, I'm just going to store Mr. Stabby Bone and pick up shorts. Is there additional short swords? There are three short swords in the room, so yeah.
Okay, ill I'll pick up one of those that way I can get a better melee. Now the question is, do I go for what will probably be some sort of front line caster, rear line caster, or bow for long range?
ah ah Now that I know that i've jo this stuff I'm I'm down for all three of those. Now that I'm aware that it's an option, I'm 100% going to be going as a ah spell sword, so a frontline warrior caster, probably probably where I'm going to fall in. Well, seeing as how we're in the Skyrim universe, I think everybody tends to wind up being a like sneak archer.
um Yeah, I know that's usually my like I like set out to be something and then I want to regardless I mean, don't get me right wrong. I usually I usually fully max out all of my sneaking and archery beef And like one-handed in shit before I even leave the dungeon in Helgen, but I ah you ma rest in recent years oh yeah you just ah before you kill the bear you instead you attack whoever you took so either Ralof or had bar oh because they want to back
yeah and they won't progress until the bear is dead so you just start doing that over and over and over again and before you leave your level 100 and you have a load of levels to play with yeah that that um that glitch has been patched out of this game so well that guy's not even here now it's just us three so yeah but you know what i can do what i can't move my character and oh i can't um You could just go to one of these barrels and I could just keep shooting my bow and level up my bow skill. I mean, that is true. And arrows never break in Skyrim. I level up your skills through use, sort of, but um yeah, it has to be actual, you like like just shooting at a barrel is not enough, yeah.
Okay, and I don't know how long I don't know how long that if we play this game more often I don't know how long that method is gonna work because you could get really overpowered real quickly, but um I'm gonna grab that gonna grab the quarter staff and he's gonna try to figure out how to teach himself magic. He's gonna be like ah Just gonna hold his hand out. Does it does anything happen? Okay, I What Frank
Well, Bill asked this question. Nothing happens when you pick up the quarter staff. Nothing special, Bill. I grabbed the mace. You grabbed the mace. ah Knowledge flows into your body and you gain some stuff. Let me... I'm hoping I get some sort of heal thing. So, being nice I'm going to move over to the spell sheet.
um but poem
from all lay on hand why is that something now hands. on? I mean, we're in Skyrim. We could just eat a shit ton of cheese wheels, but um I have 10 cheese wheels and 10 cabbages in my know sack. And who never goes bad in Skyrim? You feel as if you gain the ability to guide people. You gain oh um the ability to ah sacredly burn people, you gain the ability to cure people's wounds, and you gain the ability to inflict wounds upon people. Why did I give you inflict wounds twice? That's weird. um And you also gained three spell slots.
um I need to I need to do something over here. So one second Okay, I can heal a little I'm fucking I'm Death Star from from ballersgate 3 shorts How far does my fireball go? Do what How far does my far fireball to go? Um, I think whatever the range of firebolt is yeah okay I also grabbed the great axe so mana potions restore spell slots one spell slot per potion oh I'll give that to you I declared that I had it but I'll give it to you but I'm not in the room right now so I don't know what's going on okay oh and then the great x let me drop a mace on you and I'll go ahead and drop the drink the great axe does not impart any any special knowledge um but uh
I'll grab the Great Ex, you just grab the... Yeah.
And that the mace, it's not a magical mace or anything, it's just grabbing the mace, you gained some cleric spells. so Yeah. Okay. The quarter staff would have given you wizard spells. But for everyone else, it's just a quarter staff. You'll have to find spells the old fashioned way.
And all of you are, um you're all just human. You're not nords. you are So you're kind of freaks in this world. you're I'm already 10 feet tall. You are 10 feet tall. um um I'm just going to walk i was gonna walk up and be like, damn it, Frank. How would you seriously get the modded option? And why can we not pick our races? I wanted to be a Breton.
hi I was in Mario. I got the mushroom. I ate the fire flower. Mario, I was there too. You were in Mario too?
yeah i went to tomorrow too and it was very spur of the moment that i decided it was very spur of the moment that i decided you were gonna remain large but you are remaining large ron do the rest of us hear you as the disembodied voice of god just like i'm just i'm just gonna turn to frick how do you hear ron talking in your head like that would be pretty funny you too Yeah, I thought here no, I know Ron is with us I hear him in our heads Did Ron become an actual god oh my god yeah oh my guys but feel like we're ready to dumb theses are Down here so we can go get some more magical potions and uh, well, are y'all still wanting or Tristan one?
Are y'all still wanting to play or? I'm going to keep going for a little while longer. I'm actually pretty tired. I'm fine with continuing this one next week and that gives me time to actually come up with like something for this for real. um Okay, I grab all of the food in the room, which is 10 more cabbages and 10 more cheese wheels. Yep. I also grab a cask of wine.
Okay, add all that to your inventory i mean and then I'm moving this over here. A lot of curiosity, out of curiosity, just real quick, I want to taste the Alto wine because I've always kind of been a little bit curious what that shit actually tastes like. I feel like that tastes like a pinot. Hmm. Yeah, I don't know why. pointing i kind of I kind of thought it would, I kind of thought it would be a cab. Oh well. What else was in that room?
as I've got the money split a figure six might go to build five gold of pieces to me and home I'll I'll give you all like a a loot list later on I'm looting the fuck out of the ad oh yeah yeah it's got where I'm also going to be putting a basket on my head stealing shit yeah you guys actually kinda got an advantage over bill having started in other worlds I'm
and uh well before i continue talking we'll go ahead and end the night so this was our strange um plopping around between games world uh maybe next time we play i'll add more games because i only had um Baldur's Gate death scenes, Dark Souls 1, Mario and Skyrim, and yes, it was going to cycle through every death scene I could think of if you kept ending up in Baldur's Gate. You weren't going to get to play Baldur's Gate.
ah um ah Probably what would be the next one the next one I think would be that small child who who might get who could potentially die from the snake um But anyway Oh oh child Yeah, in the Druid Grove. We're talking about Arabella. Yeah, Arabella. Oh, her. In the Druids Grove. Yeah, I guess. Because Tav is not, you know, the player is not in that game in this. It's Shadowheart and Laezel, and you know they're gonna split ways as soon as the ship crashed, because they hate each other, so... Well, I mean... Yeah, that's... I mean, that's what happens. It's not just that Shadowheart and Laezel... Guys, in character, I can only call Shadowheart. I don't give a shit. I will fight you.
No keeper, I don't want her. I don't fucking even like shark if you go down to the ocean You could you could actually trigger the the small child and the sirens of the fight first Not recommended for how well what I'm saying is on Baldur's Gate you guys were popping into characters that were about to die and So, uh, oh, yeah. bill's going to turn to y'all and be like We need to find the bound weapons books. I need, I need to get some bound weapons. Well, we can only hope that we just come back to Skyrim, um, like spawn back into Skyrim. And if so, you'll just have to carry around my, my hobo sack for me. That's fine.

Session Reflection and Closing Thoughts

I'll carry it.
Yeah, what you two... And Bill has not experienced this yet, but you two have experienced... Actually, yes, no, Frank has experienced death. um You two have died a couple of times, and you respawned every time he died in a different place. Well, I guess one of you you went back to Mario.
Well, I guess technically, and you died in Mario, and then you became a mind flayer, which is the same thing as dying, because you you kind of lose yourself. Right. But then you won, then you won Mario. and ah Then explain all that to everybody that's around the table. And Hayden was eaten by an alligator, and then won Mario on the first try.
Yeah, I think that was a teach-got, Ron. Oh, he was in Dark Souls 1. How do you know? Ron told us. Well, this is out of character, Bill. No, this is the voice of God. It's now saying that you are the voice of God, and we hear you. You you you can't you can only hear me sometimes, okay? um I was your... This is out of being, Bill. I was your dungeon master tonight, and with me tonight was Bill.
Hey everybody, I was Bill, I was playing Bill. I had a great time, and if anybody came and listened to us, why? Otherwise, thank you so much. I love you. And if you want to follow me, I'm on Twitter i'm on twitter at Billzabove. I mostly post and repost other people's art, so give me a follow. I'm Frank.
So, we can only hear Ron whenever he starts describing things. Or, like... Oh, yeah, I'm like the narrator. Yeah, I'm like the narrator in Baldur's Gate 3. Yeah. So, like, where's that mod?
narrator for sky it was hey guys i was frank uh oh i am frank i played frank uh as well um you can find me on social media if you look hard enough don't look for me on instagram i am not proud of what's on my feed right now oh i have to go and find it now and hayden hey it's been good it's been fun i actually really enjoyed this game so i'm excited to see what happens next time we mess with it who are you playing hayden Oh, I was playing Aiden. Oh, that's right, you win. Alright, and I'm gonna end the recording. Good. Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween. Trick or treat. Bye.
Thanks everyone for listening. The intro and outro songs you heard today was Foxhole Revolution created by Kevin MacLeod at, licensed under Creative Commons by attribution 4.0 license, licenses by 4.0.
The night is over, and have a great day everyone.