oh my god i forget what that does uh... will stop getting into the city of the first that uh... like it teaches you the uh... at basic level it teaches you what's uh... one thing that's good for in alchemy let's see here how do i want this to play out uh... because bone meal gives you the effect the three zombies there's three skeleton is all of you guys all are so dry This booty in your mouth, it should unlock the alchemy spill. Oh my god, dude. We have water B. It's so dry. It's so bad. I have this and I hold up alchemist fire. Uh, for, for of, oh, I guess I don't have a stamina mechanic, but it, for a brief second, makes me feel tired. Um, cause its first effect is damage. Damage. Yeah, it just like- Yeah, damage stamina. Yeah. Um, you know what? Sure. Anyone who eats the bone meal, um, I will give you proficiency and alchemy tools. Uh, I'll take it. I also eat the bone meal. Yeah. Okay. Um, G it's so dry, isn't it? Proficiency, alchemist supplies on the bill. Why? Why did I do this?