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Vecna - Session 9 image

Vecna - Session 9

S3 E12 · IDM Roleplay
22 Plays4 months ago

After a couple weeks of not being able to play the boys return  in session 9 of Vecna - Eve of Ruin!


Introduction and Player Setup

ah Yeah, um, we are live welcome to our millions of viewers who didn't know we were about to go live um ah This you weren't ready for it then you weren't paying attention. Yep, cuz I didn't tweet anything or anything like that And it's not the day we usually do it on so um excellent Excellent excellent. Yep ah Introducing our first guest a baby um Yeah yeah
oh There you go. um I am your dungeon master, Ron Bjork, and with me tonight is Eric. Hey, guys. I'm here. I'm ready to smash po Blasphemous Skulls and, you know, do it for the light. ah Frank. Hi, I'm Frank. um I'll be playing a character. I forgot what game we are playing, so I don't know which character it is, but I will be playing a character.
I'll be playing as amber knock everybody yep That sounds right. It doesn't look like you're in the game game yet. We also have bill Hey, everybody. I've been gone for a bit, but I'm back. I'm gonna be playing a slurm the gob Oops sorry about that you died Oops and uh last but a lot not least as long as we can pry him away from his new mom Hayden
Oh, this is your fault, Ron. um I know. Hey, I'm going to be playing Hashu Danger Noodle, Slytherin and Yo, and Ekans Poison Face, Rumple Snake Skin. Oh, it's going to be fun. We're going to have a lot of fun. And there's going to be a lot of murder hobo-ing probably going on. Probably. And we're not going to ask Hayden why he would do this to himself in giving himself the longest fucking names ever. Ew. I was about to say something about that.
um Also, I just got one of the ah AIs to work. And I started trying to start a conversation. It said, murder, murder, murder, murder, murder, murder. Nice.
ah those didn't
Whoa. It didn't say murder. It said, like, would you like to murder something? Who would you like me to murder? okay that's that's not the ais fault it learned who a learned about it you know it knows who you are it learned about its user no one else it's scandier computer the moment you downloaded it and was like oh i know what this guy wants on the river looking new it okay yeah so to be fair that the one i chose was a uh... is a very good way to open the eyes makes sense
Yeah. Yeah. It wasn't actual ape opening. I was some half-assed off-brand version, but.

Alternate Realities and Character Backgrounds

but Anyways, um so last time we played, ah you guys were sucked into an alternate reality. Bill, you weren't here, I don't believe. um like I liked how that sentence started, but I didn't like how it ended. I played as Slurm. No, you played as a Pokémon called Slurm. I played as a Pokémon called Slurm. Goblin! Goblin goblin. And ah you guys got sucked into the Sanctum, you met the Wizards 3, Tasha, and two other people, Illustrial, Silverymoon, and um somebody else, Mordenkainen. So, all um real quick, so on a previous episode when describing ah
God, the blonde haired snake-headed dude. Dennis? Dennis, thank you. Yes. We kept calling him a Medusa. Yes, I know. That is, in fact, wrong. It is a Gorgon. If you don't know that, you don't know that he might have merged with Medusa herself. So don't question Frank. Well, you kept saying he merged with a Medusa.
um what it's It's a Gorgon, not a... I thought the D and&D monster was called a Medusa though. and I think it's called a Gorgon. Let's find out. Let's find out real quick. um I feel like the and my feel like the D and&D monster is Medusa. And a Gorgon is the metal bull thing that poisons you with its breath. The D and&D monster is Medusa. Gorgon. Well, we talked about it out of character as in like in real life. And yep, Frank is correct or Eric is correct. um It's the the metal bull thing. Yep. In the D and&D the d and d ah world.
So, okay, so in D&D, canonically, it is actually called a Medusa because a Gorgon is something different in D&D. Yes. Yes. Gotcha. Unless you're playing in one of those very specific campaign settings where... Where green mythology is pressing, yeah.
Okay, I've got a problem with that D and&D beyond people, you need to step up and get your shit straight. Listen, was um Gary Gygax probably didn't know that Medusa was actually a Gorgon. I i doubt that. I very much doubt that. Medusa was actually a specialty version of a Gorgon that was, you know, in mythology, yada, yada, yada. Like he could tell you like the era that it was made.
the whole field. in finding these seven pieces of the rod of seven pieces and the first piece of the rod of seven pieces was in a drow um thing uh uh church place um
ah Basically a weird shrine to Loth. You guys were teleported there. you and meet You found the secret door, which I think I forgot to call, actually say it was secret, which is why I found it immediately. um And then you went through that door and you killed a couple of people. One of them was a, I think like a troll maybe.
um ah It's been a few weeks. One of them, what the heck was it? A bugbear and something, yeah. um but when i My snake swallowed one of them. Yeah, so one of them is in the belly of your snake. It will not be. And so we got no loot. Yes, you got no loot. I mean, my snake can throw up the dude, so. Possibly.
It has to make a constitution saving they throw up. That's really rough, dude. um But as the equipment would probably survive. um Then ah Hayden went and touched a Ruby which exploded.
um Oh, yeah. Yeah. And there are the rubies. He also has like a clone of himself or something. um Oh, it's the danger fly. That's what it is. Okay. Why does your danger fly have the same amount of HP as you? Did I actually just link it to your sheet? That's probably what I had to do to give you control over it. Yeah. Okay. Oh, yeah. Danger fly.
um Yeah, the Dangerfly, I don't know what its HP is. And I don't care. You guys are in this room. um There are explosive rubies, and there are um some rusted shut doors. Does everybody else see the room? Because I just see... Oh, i sorry.
um Kelsey just got home, so you guys chat for a couple minutes while I go say hi, and then I will move you to the room. Be right back. alright and i reset this so in all honesty'll <unk>ll want to see some pictures of what i've happened having to deal with know what the nasty catch is yeah nice and cat wound yeah it's like some fucking flesh eatingating virus type shit y'all oh happened And I know it's not flesh eating virus, but it's kind hitting her like that. So we think that wandering Tom came up on the property and probably got into too big of a scrap with her. And she ended up with a big old mass of infection that started like necrotizing some of her skin. Oh, nice. Yeah, we've been having like, and we just came back from our second vet visit on Monday. And yeah, they were telling us like,
Uh, yeah, you need to like, take this iodine, all this antisephics, you have to lift up her skin and get it like underneath her skin.
Expose muscles and everything. I don't know how you could do that when she's right there next to you. Oh.
is like
well this worked originally I don't know why it's not working now microphones not meeting at all a well
you know if you don't have pictures you'd like is it to this quarter is sent to oh oh it is you'll actually want those pictures I was

Gameplay and Strategy Discussions

worried that like there yeah well sure I that that that that that alright and let's go ahead and say it started out here when we for when we went to the vet the first time
Now it's gone up to there.
Now, Eric, you will not want to show these to Marissa at all. She's in the other room. Just me and the baby here. I'll just scar her for life.
uh... and okay it's try to take the senate now one second boys i'm going to meet and step away alright so while eric is gone i am so i am so sorry about what's coming about what's coming to you
with Jesus. Holy shit. God damn. Yeah. Okay, I'm back. Did you take her to the damn vet? Twice now, and we've got to go back again on Monday. What's happening? Fucking amputate it, bro. No, it's like on the a portion of her actual torso. There's no amputation. Oh, no, that's why I'm saying like, dude, holy fuck. I bet she loves being shaved like that too.
Oh, yeah, she's very cold. She is a longer furred cat. So what what calls this? ah We're pretty sure that a wandering tom came on the property a while ago and scratched and got her good and it ended up getting infected. She had so much fur we couldn't tell. Yeah. um So, you know, we... I think I'm gonna go ah to the restroom and throw up. I didn't even say doing something else.
I usually don't get queasy from shit like that, but ah I just ate a massive fucking dinner, so... If you'd if you'd like, I can i could delete it from the from the group chat. No, it's fine. i i'll ah it'll It'll scroll up eventually. I've seen worse. no yeah I'm sure you have. I'm sure Kelsey's seen worse, too, now that I'm thinking about it. Kelsey has shown me worse, yeah. there i I have watched people die, and that's pretty bad. What? hey we ah No, they're telling us that we we have to like lift the skin and get the antiseptics and stuff underneath the skin. Jesus. Yeah, we have to like wash it out. there's like
Oh god, the shit that comes out of this is like, oh god, it's bad. um To all our listeners, I hope you are enjoying this beautiful description.
Currently, I believe we have zero listeners, but that's okay. um and Looks like, is Eric gone or just muted himself due to background noise?
heyla He had a mutant step away for just a minute. I'm assuming he's probably got he's assuming the little one's probably getting a little a little fussy and probably needs to go lay down. Yeah. That's what whiskey's for.
yeah ah My mom always told me it was a thimbleful of rum. I don't know. Man, so Monday night we I went to um my in-person game that I play in and their child did not want to sleep and just kept coming in. And the dad was sitting next to me and you know kept having the c child in his lap and it kept reaching over to my dice.
It never took my dice, but it was messing with my dice rolling mat thingy, um which was expensive. And I'm like, your child better not eat or drink or put its mouth at hand in its mouth or something and then touch my my dice roller.
Or touch my dice. yeah this Or touch my dice. just go Every time I go back, always go with a squirt bottle and every time they get close, just spray them in the face. I was playing with my expensive dice that day this time. My labradorite once.
Oh, that's got to be pretty. Yeah, they were like 100 something dollars. um They could be more pretty, but they're not the best pieces of of Labradorite, but they when the light hits them right there, they do there are pretty nice. Hey, Eric is unmuted. I'm back, boys. Welcome back. back All right. um Can you guys all see the map?
Oh, 10. Did that work? Yep, I got it. Okay. What? No, I'm not looking at that. What are you doing, Frank? I'm surprised that that snake comes from ah a staff. Yes, the it's it's the staff of snakes or whatever the hell it's called, I forget. Where's Roll20? I have so many tabs open.
Are you not even in? Oh, wait. Frank is in the game. Okay. Yeah. I just had to bump its right tab. Um, how that this is where we figured out if I die, I'm invisible. You're invisible. Yeah. Cause I'm invisible if you use dark vision and we're in the dark. Yeah. like And it doesn't turn off if I die. ah Yeah. just invisible Um, yeah. Cause I think everyone has dark vision, so there's no need for torches.
The snake, if I remember, I did not have Darkvision, but it has Tremorsense. Yeah, I have 300 feet of Darkvision. We a cow! um Yeah, so you guys just finished killing some some dudes, um and you looted the area. ah So now you're in a room with explosive... Well, I guess you could call this all one room. A three-chambered room. um Three-sectioned room with three sets of doors. um And also explosive rubies on the ground over by Danger Noodle and Slurm.
Oh, that's right. Slurm set that off. No, Danger Noodle did. And then Slurm... If Slurm did set that off, it was God's fault. If I remember right, Slurm identified them as a trap afterwards. After it blows up my face. Yes, that is a trap. Goblin goblin goblin goblin goblin goblin, which clearly means don't stop look um that's every now and then every now and then bill you do say goblin so
but yeah i just start whenever we're meeting someone high in power i need them to understand i'm a goblin is this going to be a problem Let me arrange where the stream is seeing so that... I might have don't never met other goblins, but that doesn't mean I'm not aware of what comes step in with it. Yes, you're with not aware. You've been to Hell and the trap. you've never met another goblin? Yep. I call BS. I didn't really travel the realms. I traveled planes. I didn't encounter goblins.
I need to let the the fans also see from the eyes of Iskander. bo you cow
plus i spend most of my time in the cities most goblins don't do that either There we go. Now they can see from the eyes of Iskander. Okay. Who is drawing all over this map?
not me it's probably frank and nos iing it's always frank but how if he can't jump through your walls he'd do that um yeah so there's some doors ah there is a broken down cart um there's some skeletons and some explosive rubies they have bones I take three bones you get three bones um roll a d20 roll a d20 why just do it yeah you asked oh fuck you rolled an eight Frank hate but i find eight now you only took three
The bones pull you into a giant mass of bones that becomes a great monster. You've become the monster's core. Everybody, roll for initiative. We have to kill Frank. No. All the bones come to life. No. Stop chat, GPT. Oh, God. I didn't specify good enough. Now it's giving me this. Okay. I don't like that. All right. i was I told it to give me a description of a cursed bone, but I didn't specify for D and&D.
but oh okay um yeah anyway ah it's not a cursed bone um serm is on top of the snake ah yeah so what do you guys do
ah i'm goingnna I would like to loot the broken cart. You find um some wood. You do notice that one wheel is missing. A 14. My player loots a broken and empty cart. He rolled a 14. What does he get?
Sadness. Indeed. 37 gold 12 copper silver Do you find a um a cracked dagger? Rusted from exposure Nice what it's exposed to in a cave. I don't know But it's moisture yeah, yeah, I guess caves are moist So I'm just gonna move down here with you we know Hayden we know you're you're You're too busy playing with moist stuff. So um oo
good yeah Hey, is this a door? Is the snake trying to eat Slurm?
Yes, Bill, those are the doors that you came, that you all entered through. Okay, sorry. yeah the A new map, who dis? The three doors that um you guys have haven't gone through are these three on the on the right side, basically.
Technically, it's six doors because it's three double doors. Well, process of elimination. I say we go through this door first. The middle one? Yeah. Okay. that' I think we need to go through the north door. There's less map on the north side.
You don't know that.
I should bring up ah should bring up the description of this dungeon real quick so I can actually know what is through that door. Well, actually, to be fair, so if we're following normal ah dungeon delving logic, then we should follow the rightmost door. So the bottom one? mean That's my vote. Whatever I want to follow.
also I don't want to point out to the group, I cast Spirit Guardian, so there's this like ethereal, heavily armored warriors that look like me when you can see me floating around at all times for the next 10 minutes as long as I hold my concentration. It doesn't mention a bunch of spectral ewes with their feet tucked up like right behind them and just like like Casper floating around.
Well, and then if you use dark vision to see right now, I'm invisible, but they aren't. so i have some There's an army of ghosts that just do they, do they glow or anything? Do they cast shed light? Um, they don't shed light. They're just, uh, spirits to protect you. They split around from a distance to 15 feet.
their spectral forms appear and jello hey uh... we're not using it's but i do see that's com the twenty twenty four rules are now in uh... roll twenty we're definitely not using it for spirit guardians was there going to do in twenty four uh... if i remember i think it's changed it to uh... so it's a Spirit Guardians. Oh, am I thinking of Baldur's Gate? I thought Spirit Guardians was in regular D and&D, not a concentration spell. It is not a concentration. Well, no, it is a concentration spell. Maybe it's some understand maybe it's it's just in Baldur's Gate. Oh, no, no. I'm thinking of spiritual weapon. Spiritual weapon, they changed to concentration.
Because you used to be able to have Spirit Guardians and spiritual weapon up at the same time. Yes, you can. Not in 2024 rules. Are we doing 2024 rules? no No, we're not. so we're not but We're only doing the parts of the 2024 rules that I like.
hey which means the one you i like i mean your god right now so that's entirely your choice um If you look under ah house

Dungeon Decisions and Challenges

rules, um so far the only ones I've added are potions may be consumed as a bonus action, which everyone did anyway, but apparently that wasn't a rule.
um And inspiration can be used to reroll any one dice, including an advantage dice or death saves, which is in the 2024 rules. So you can use your inspiration, which is now called like heroic inspiration or some nonsense, but you can use inspiration in the 2024 rules to reroll any one dice you want.
So oh and including a damage dice, if you had advantage or disadvantage, you could reroll one of those dice. So essentially three rolls, you know. um And then the barbarians can spend a bonus action to maintain their rage if it would not otherwise be maintained. Yeah, that's a good rule. Yeah.
um bri those those are the three but yeah the spells and stuff like we will when we finish this campaign sure i'll just use 2024 rules for ease of switching you know instead of picking and choosing maybe i don't know we'll see i like the new classes well the the changes to the classes but we're not going to do that for this game because that would have require you to recreate your both sides of your characters do you want to work yeah exactly uh... so which story are going for frank wants the bottom one bill wants the middle one looks like hayden wants the top one well wherever we go i can go in with mike army of casper's and religious bucks it up yeah south yeah i mean i mean i'm south standing up here because the rubies were up here both
Okay, Dennis chooses the bottom one. He he votes for the bottom one. Hey, if that's what Dennis did... My dangerfly will follow Dennis. Yeah, I agree with Dennis. I mean, this is from a random D3 rule, so, you know. But you don't know that. Dennis totally thought this out. ah Okay, there's doors in front of you. What's this? Who's the dead guy right here? That's some one of the two people y'all killed.
Oh. That's a makubliki, which I guess you don't technically know that. google Makubliki. I don't remember what race he was, but it doesn't matter. who we
one of That one is the one who is turned to stone. um He is a hobgoblin. The other one was a duergar, and that is currently residing inside the snake's belly.
But the hobgoblin is turned to stone.
unless someone wants to cast um remove curse or whatever it is or no no it's greater restoration i believe is to undo stone i don't think we're gonna burn a greater restoration are you sure you know he's he's probably a friendly guy no um he's not friend i would actually like a small little shizzle I do have an idea. You could wish him. He chisel off his dick and then, and then, unpetrify him. Well, you know, then he'll just be an unsullied, so. I actually was going to ask if I could take out a little chisel hammer and chisel off his... Ooh, can I chisel in an extra bubble? You can chisel whatever you want to chisel. You're just going to need to... Do you have proficiency with chiseling tools? Ooh, that's a good question. I have proficiency in...
And Alchemy supplies. i gave you proficiency I gave you proficiency with the Spyfly. Yeah, apparently. And proficiency would tinker as tools. I could probably make that work, yeah. Well, no, that's for tinkering, not for chiseling. He's tinkering with his butt. I have a multi-tool that can become any tool I need it to.
and i know yeah yes see and i know that mean ambition with flash shall i my hand Well if this is what you guys want to do, I'm gonna need a D20.
um at D20 for what? What do you want me to roll? and are you what do Whatever you want to chisel. I think, um well it depends on what you're trying to do you know.
and Why are we chiseling exactly? Because they want this guy's stone dick. Oh, oh, and when not so here's the problem. that i am Will his penis unpetrified? You'll also have to take a chunk of his pants.
Ah, don wouldn't it just be easier just to break him apart? Well, I mean, we want to rent a restoration room later, right?
but wait But why now? Yeah, for shits and gills. Isn't that expensive? Yeah. Your point? Slurm is going to blink a couple times, and it needs to kind of really slowly start start just pushing the statues to where it's kind of starting to rock.
OK. If you don't stop him, he's going to just push him over.
Sounds like no one's stopping you, so. I pushed him over then. All right. um Let's see. Above a 10, it shatters into a million pieces. Below a 10, it only breaks a little.
it I said below a tin that only breaks a little, so it only breaks a little. ah His hand falls off. okay um so oh no was Was it his left or his right hand? um It's ah an even number, so it's his right hand.
he he was ah He was an orc. He was a hobgoblin. Hobgoblin, okay. um Can I just smash him until I can get to the petrified penis? Jesus Christ, so much effort to get to his dick! The problem is that the clothes and everything are kind of all fused into one statue, so...
You can actually... It's not like his clothes... It's it's not like um he's wearing stone shorts. He's a solid... No, he's a solid stone figure. I don't know. I decided his loot is gone. He's all stone. I feel like his clothes wouldn't petrify.
Unfortunately, they did. Does Medusa... Pet... Turn... Clothing to stone as well. I'm pretty sure she does because she's got a whole gallery of stone You know figures out there wearing their armor and everything else Yes, but the the the petrifying gaze of a Gorgon guys It's a Gorgon, it's not a Gorgon though. It's a Medusa Oh
dont cat Fuck off. This is the hill I will die on. Hold on, and i'm I'm pulling up. I'm pulling up the the D and&D Medusa. Let's see what happens. Petrifying gaze. When a creature that the Medusa's eyes starts its turn within 30 feet, they make a con save. If they they're instantly petrified, doesn't say anything about their items.
Okay. um I mean, in the movies, they always... Yeah, that theyre their items always petrify.
I'm checking the spell Flesh to Stone, which implies that it's just flesh, but... um
Yeah, well the spell Flesh to Stone is just flesh, but it says flesh, whereas this one doesn't.
The creature is instantly petrified, otherwise the creature is begins to turn to stone, becoming petrified with other petrification. My surprise, it can convert its eyes to avoid the saving throw or the start of its turn.
Okay, let's tell you what, let's, um, let's, let's, let's, uh, if it's above a 10, you can get his gear. I don't want his gear. I want his gear. Well, it's above a 10. So, his items did not turn to stone. He is wearing pants. um He's got a um a short sword with runes. To be fair, I just found something that says that Yes in Dungeon of Dragons 5E, Medusa in Petrifying Gaze can turn clothes to stone. Then his clothes are stone. Sorry.
yeah There's a door nearby. open door over the door is it a lock okay then i'm opening the the The door's
i Okay, I pull out what looks like a screwdriver handle with a revolver on it, and as I turn the revolver, a a screwdriver comes out. Oh, sorry, a pair of lockpicks comes out, and I'm gonna um and i'm gonna fucking ah roll the lockpick. All right, that would be... um you can well Depending on your proficiency, you can use sleight of hand or roll um your ah your tool you know proficiency.
i Think it'd be better to do the tool proficiency because since it Since I'm already proficient in the thieves tools and stuff and using a and using a ah Weird artificer artificer item more or less. I think it will just be better off for me to do that. So And I'm gonna I'm gonna let you roll it with intelligence And plus two from guidance buddy noise I going is oh light will guide the way What the fuck going on? I don't know what happened, but as well a thing happened. Neither of those are enough. You fiddle with the lock and it does not open. um However, go ahead and give me a perception check.
Or investigation, either one. Investigation might be more appropriate because you are investigating the door with your these tools. Yeah, good point. But whichever one's better. if it matters Passive 19. Passive 19 and what? um Oh, actually, I i just forgot that's the plus two for from Iskander brought that up to a 15 with these tools wasn't wasn't enough now um But I woke up I woke up grab the thief schools and I would attempt to pick the lock okay, and it's Iskander Amber not gets the lock open but Iskander you did notice a um tiny glowing rune on the door um ah that blows but It does it actually does not blow up um the rune disappears with
Avernock's amazing lockpicking skills. ah It was arcanely locked.
a And then, do you open do you open the door? um um yeah Are we still going like super loud? Because I can just go in with the ghost army, boys. Ghost army.
bucket let's go in with the ghost army i want to go back to work all right we're going out okay uh... before it before you open the door uh... wanted to cast a spell uh... is a tiny servant i want uh... non-magical object that is attached to another object of service is being carried by another creature it did it last eight hours that's tiny non-magical object that isn't attached to another object for service and carried the anchor drops toser voices in the aboveho but actually misly been in the future of entrop
and So much information. and jason huh and she man the image is Does it do damage? What are you doing? Tiny servant? Tiny servant? Probably not. It probably just makes like a little coin that dances. It's a little three fucking spell you
Tiny. or until I mean it's got a stat sheet.
I don't see anywhere where it says it does need damage or anything. It does have a slam attack, um plus 5 to hit, 1d4 plus 3 damage. Okay, I want to cast tiny servants. Okay. I pull out a bone.
It's a leg bone. Oh, ah you have to do it on the object. Does it grow arms and stuff? Because the picture of it has mechanical arms. ah It is. Yeah, it's little arms and legs. pick on up here Okay. All right. Well, let me drop a tiny servant for you real quick. He just made like the little brooms from the the the the the the
so so so lizard person has this giant fucking snake
our Our army dude has an army of gifts. And it's like do you have a shitty little leg with arms and legs. yeah all right i call do it There you go. i will um oh my god qua Bill is very amused.
middle I would also like to ready an action to throw it if we see anything. Oh, that's fucked up. That's fucked up, man. Why would he treat Stewart like that, dude? He barely just came to life and you're already abusing him. Alright, so, going loud. I'm gonna go in and Stewart's coming in behind me. Fucking do this. Yeah!
Okay, um so y'all open the door and let me bring back up my description of the room. um before I will read the description and then open the door. um An enormous winged biped with a boar's head ah paces in front of a barred prison door to the southwest of the door you just opened. A ring of keys hangs from a hook on the creature's trident. And now I will open the doors for you.
And, um as well, this tells me to describe that to you, even though you can't actually see him yet. He's right around the corner, though. So, you'll see him as soon as you step in. And you said you're charging in, so... Yeah, I'm coming in, babe. You are nowhere near the door. Oh, wrong door? It's over here. Bam!
If you take another step, you can see him, but everyone then everyone will roll for initiative. but the fire My spy fly goes in. Yeah, so I guess I would just round the corner to be like, what's up? Oh shit, there's a guy. Where is initiative tracker? But wait, don't roll for initiative yet. like I gotta remember how to bring up the tracker so I can clear it out and it doesn't do weird stuff like last time. Are we not rolling for initiative in it yet? Hold on, turn order. Let me just so yeah remove all turns, clear. Okay, now you can roll.
I got amber duck stuck.
Frank, what are you doing? Okay. I hope and don't know what happened. He was just fucking stuck. There we go. That's the nat 20 we wanted from advantage.
i ah profound
for Dennis. Your summons and crap will act on your turns, so... How does ah Eric roll a nat 20 on initiative and the rest of us can't even break double digits? To be fair, you got a nat... What is that, a nat 1? A 10. Oh, why is it red? Oh, you rolled a 1.
What the fuck? This is a barred prison door, so you should be able to see through these doors, so I'm just going to open them. um Oh no, it rolled it at it it rolled it at advantage, so it should be a 15. Got to change that. There, okay. I opened the prison doors because if it's bars, you can see in there. um So the doors behind the the big dude are um They're not actually open, but it's it's prison bars. um And yes, now we... ah Let me put this in order. I broke that up, Ron. So I actually have a 15 because it automatically rolls it with Initiative and just shows me the best one. ah Which is why it's red, because I rolled a 1 and a 10. Oh, okay.
um Thank you, Frank, because you noticed the color, that matters. one that's behind the hair Oops wait. Hey No, no, that was a good. Thank you. Like I didn't know that it did that. No. Oh, ah okay. I see. yeah Yeah interesting Okay, um, so, uh Wait, but you have you had advantage on initiative, don't you pick the best one? Yeah, that gave me the best one, but it still shows red because there was a one in the formula at all. Oh Weird they've changed
i guess i' ever have a numbers I guess I've never seen it on Initiative. I hope they didn't do that for all Advantage stuff. um We'll find out. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, because, I mean, I guess that's it's fine. It's just I didn't wasn't aware that that was something

Demon Encounter and Combat Strategies

that happens. Okay, anyway. um Oh, the demon thing is up first. ah and Well, you've come in guns blazing um or ghosts blazing. On the start of its turn it takes 38 radiant damage. Yes, go ahead and roll that. On the start of the turn it's already going to take damage.
bring up his yeah what's say a dc Let's see if he is harmed by Radiant in any special way. okay um dis respectful one How much debt wisdom save? Wisdom, wisdom, wisdom, wisdom, boom. He fails.
12 radiant damage. All right. That's the ghost army. They see him and just, they all start attacking him and he's like, ah, what? Um, what the hell is this power? Okay.
He is going to first. Uh, Oh my God. Um, let's see. 50% chance.
of summoning any of the... Alright, let's see what happens here. um He screeches and, nope, he does not do that. So, you guys don't have extra things to fight. But what he does do is emit... Sort of. No. He emits scintillating multicolored light.
ah and ventillilated Actually, he doesn't do that. Not yet. You just wanted to say scintillating. Yes, I wanted to say scintillating, but he does roar in pain. It said he was holding a trident, but there's no trident on his sheet. Does he have a magic item or something? Why why does it mention a trident? Let me make sure, because if you kill him and it's a special trident,
He's supposed to have a trident. is he special enough to war him to special trident I don't think so. um But I guess I'll let me drop a trident on him in case it does more damage than his regular attack.
ah You know, because, well, he, no, it's, I said he's wielding a trident. It doesn't matter if it deals more or less damage. He's got a fricking trident. Searching. Searching. Trident. Hellfire trident. No. Um, he does not have that. He just has regular trident. Why isn't it adding the trident? Oh, cause I did this. I hate it when it does that. Do that. Drop a trident on him.
There it is, okay. Why does it do this massive description for this stupid item? Okay, um all right. Now his character sheet properly reflects what he has on him.
But he's not going to use the trident. Why would it even give him a trident? He sees you, throws his trident in the corner of the room um over here. ah That's right. OK. Right there. um And then I guess he doesn't see Eric. He does not see him.
Actually, he runs. He does not. straight up to Iskander and then now he is going to um scintillatingly shine with light in a 15-foot radius so Iskander, the Dangerfly, Ambernock and your little thing um all need to make wisdom saving throws
I guess it makes a wisdom saving throw. Does my spyfly even make saving throws? I don't know. I don't think your spyfly does actually. But this tiny servant might. Why was that one at an advantage?
I cuz it's it's set to automatically roll advantage um Just ignore the advantage unless you actually need it, but it's a 15. Hey me too or no ah Din Slurm. Where are you? I don't see your token. Oh, you're in the door 5 10 50 you might be in range. Let me ah I have a question. Yeah, why is my wisdom save plus 10? I Don't know my Christmas plus 16 This seems extremely high. That is extremely high. um Also looking at Once Upon a Axe, his Wisdom Save was plus 11. Ooh, let me roll with a Wisdom Save. Let's see what mine is playing. Slurm, yes you are within range. ah Now I gotta figure out what the heck's happening to your sheets. How come I don't get a plus 10? I only get a plus 4.
So Eric, you plus eight something got a proficiency bonus of plus four plus your four to wisdom should be a plus eight. Why?
I have a good luckstone which would make it a nine and then maybe another item. Possibly. Yes, if you've got like one of those cloaks or something. Yeah, we've got a plus two on your... Wisdom save. Is it because... Oh, wait. Maybe this is... So over here we have a two on there. um But what are your items? You've got... I think I know what I did.
let me Let me see if it's on Avernock 2. I feel like I know what's wrong.
i mean i'm the constitution but That seemed extremely high. Yep. Okay. Well, I think I know what's wrong. Just do this. um So, minus 2 from the U2. Bill? 13. 8.
Yours is fine, Bill. um okay so My wisdom stayed the same. On this extra sheet over here? No, your wisdom shouldn't change. um On this sheet that's over here, ah the gear thing? The saving throw is still 10. The charisma dropped down to 14 instead of 16.
That's probably correct. um What it looks like I did was I accidentally gave y'all a plus two in the saving throw over here on this gear sheet, the on the um this tab. Well, I guess I'm not on yours, but um I think I know. I think I've got it fixed.
so i take I'll take the plus 10. Plus 10 wisdom. or not plus 10, but you know the, it should be, if everything is equal across four, then mine should be nine. For some reason, Frank, you have a global saving throw modifier of plus four. That's what's going on with yours. Why did we give you that? Was there a reason for that? That seems like a large, you've got the ring of protection. I don't think that, that's probably just AC. That's a plus one to AC and saving throws.
arm and then also more classes twenty seven buying stock of this is really that's a really high like you're ac I 24 AC right now what the fuck what is happening okay No, no, my no my twenty my AC is right where it should be. I'm talking about that 27. Yeah, all 23s are legit. So Frank, your AC should be 10 plus dex plus con, because you're barbarian. If you're carrying a shield, that's a plus 2. Plus, I know you've got the Ring of Protection. which plus So yours should be 10. Oh, down here it says shield 5. Oh, the shield spell.
Oh yeah, you got to turn that off and you don't have it up. Yeah. Gotcha. But now, so yeah, you should be good now. Okay. Okay. Point two. Okay, that sounds all right. Okay. i think i up for And I fixed your saving throws too, it looks like. Cool. All right. um Shall we roll whiz or subtract four? Subtract four. What is that? 14. So both of you fail, Slurm, you pass.
um So, now we've got all that figured out, the scintillating multicolored light makes those of you who failed frightened for one minute. Unless you're immune to frightened for some reason. I don't think I am. Let me double check.
Frightened means ah you have disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls while the source of your fear is within sight and you cannot willingly move closer to that source.
um well he moved with lu me so yeah excellent He can move towards you, you don't have to run from him, you just can't approach him. um and you have disadvantage on stuff while he's around. And then Eric, he's going to um make three attacks against you. ah right So first he's going to claw you. That's a 22. It's rolling to me. Let me give it back. He rolled a 22 on his first attack. So um I like my rolls to be visible. Never whisper. Okay.
22 on his first attack, I'm gonna assume that hits. It does not. It does not. A 22 doesn't hit, my god. You high-level people. Second attack, a 17 misses, and then his bite is a 26 for a lot of damage. That hits. Damn, Jesus Christ. That is a massive amount of damage. What the fuck, man? That is 43 damage of gingivitis.
some Those are some some big damage rolls. Seriously dude, his gingervitus is giving you like... No, he rolled heavy though. Yeah, he did. So yeah, he misses you with his claws, but then he chomps down on your arm hard. Take away the 12th, 10th, very hit boy. Those are going on. And then 33.
Oh, I missed something on his stats that I will apply next time. And now, Iskander, it is your turn to react to that.
Big dude just scintillated at you and then bit you and you're a afraid of him. I'm frightened, but I do not fear the dark, for I am full of the light.
um feel eye I'm just gonna smack the shit out of him, I guess. Alright. That's the best way to go about it. We're gonna hit him. Nope, that's not my weapons. Where's the I'm in items, that's why. Cause weapons are up here. We want...
I feel like I had it labeled at some point. I'm sorry, fellas. Did you reduce your HP? I did. Oh, I didn't do it on here, though. It should be 70. I did it on my sheet. 72.
Which sheet did you do it on? My character sheet. Weird. It just wasn't showing up. OK. right So I get one. Okay, there it is now. That roll actually. ah You looks like you. Well, you have disadvantage, but 20 still hits. Yes. And then ah so damage.
You and any of your companions can't be surprised. Okay, that doesn't... so 11 damage. that ist matter And then I attack him twice. It's a magic weapon, so I'm gonna assume that it's... yeah, I'll count that as a magical attack. look And then if I miss, I have a cool guy ability called Stalker's Fury or Flurry.
Once on each of your turns, when you miss with a weapon attack, you can make another weapon attack as part of the same action. That sweet 24 is sitting there. That hits. 108, it's a disadvantage. So that's... Right, so the first one the first one's at disadvantage, so I guess I'll have to roll it again, right? They're all at disadvantage. um So the 20 hits, the first attack hits dealt 11 damage, then you miss, but you've got your thing. So whatever your thing is supposed to do... I roll again to hit. Okay.
miss miss but it took uh 11 right 11 yeah and amber not frank you failed right yeah the saving throw so and it has a bonus action i can't push it out of my thing okay i've got a divine smite and improved divine smite but the improved divine smite is one d8 versus the normal divine smite which two d8 Well, it's um it's an additional D8 per however many, whichever spell level you sacrifice, isn't it?
Sure. I think that's what Divine Smite is supposed to do. Divine Smite. Let me just double check.
Um, you're so infused with Righteous Might that all your melae all your melee strikes deal an extra... Wait.
Okay. yeah Improved Divine Smite, um all your attacks deal an extra 1d8. Divine Smite is where you sacrifice a spell slot to deal extra damage.
Gotcha. Yeah. um And then I shove him. You shove him. It's a DC 16 strength save. I'm going to try pushing five feet away, right? Yeah. That's a 22. All right. He does not become shoved. Well, I tried to do like my Darth Vader push, like, ah and he was like, but yeah yeah. As he's gnawing on my elbow.
um I'm going to need some help, boys. Yeah, I think you do. um Dennis is up! Dennis is gonna run in. five ten Actually, he just teleports. I always forget, he opens battle with the Misty Step. Teleports in, and he's gonna attack big, weird pig demon with his spear thingy.
Um, that is a 10 to hit. So that is a fail. Um, but he does make a second attack, which is a nat one. That's a fail. Um, but he also looks at the guy, the guy's gotta to make, it I swear if this thing fails, the con save and gets petrified. like Let's do it. All right. Um,
It's a DC14. He gets a 12. So he's not, he's not, he's not petrified. ah sorry he nat won he didn't just get it twelve Oh shit, that is a nat, oh my god. yeah um blow was a good role if you now i think you just came Actually, magic resistance, he has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. So that's a 15. Hey, like me. Hell yeah, buddy. So he passes that. He Okay. I was about to say damn, Dennis. Okay, so he passed. And Dennis failed to deal any damage. huh Just for clarification, because I know what happens with a lot of effects. Am I outright afraid?
or was it 10 minutes, or is it I can roll saving throws at the end of my turns? It's one minute and then ah you can repeat it at the end of each of your turns. So, sure, go ahead and do it now.
There it is. a That's a double net one ah dual nat Tell your wife you what, if you didn't have inspiration before, you've got it now. um Hey, yeah, boys.
Put that in there. The light! The light! Dude, you just looked at him and you like straight up oink fat the pig this guy. You gave him the wisdom of ages. but Like I did the Darth Vader shove and then it didn't work and he started laughing. The light only gives us the challenges we can overcome. go I'm waking up. Watch me one this bullshit. um you Oh yeah. Okay.
um My turn? It's about to be. a um I'm editing Dennis' powers. Okay. um Yes. I forget. With Paladins, you have to select which ones you want to prepare every day. You know them all, but you have to pick the ones you want. Yes. Yeah. yeah like I ah didn't do that, so I'm just going to ignore the Paladin spells for now. um You can always... I guess I'm going to cast Fireball.
All right. And I'm going to I'm going to twin spell that shit. ah Give before you do that. Roll Arcana. Arcana.
um can Arcana. All right. No, nothing. ne Just no um additional effect.
got the twinned spell, twinned bell because winter fire then it ever sort points equal to the fails level to a target second creature in the range the same spell, fireball, What's your spell save DC so he can roll to dodge? 16.
That's a three. I'm going to go with a three. he can't It's not like he's dodging. You're you're shooting him at the same place. So yeah um so I'm just going to say that's a fail. So 29 damage from the first one. Go ahead and do the second one. Or actually, what's this? Oh, Divine Smite. I guess we have to ignore that because it's weapon attacks. 29 and 31. So that is 60 damage.
ah Yeah, that's the also I improved my smite like a level 11 paladin thing. Yeah, we're level Um, it's it hits him and doesn't look like it is as effective as it should have been No, that makes me sad. Yep. That's what they are. That's what the Arcana roll was for As a bonus action, I want to throw my tiny servant in his face. Okay. I do that. I'll allow it. Give me an attack roll.
ah Like a an armor? and what What kind of attack? Dexterity-based. Just roll decks. All right. Decks.
text eighteen Hey, you hit him in the face. um because Because you hit him in the face, I'm going to give your little tiny dude a free attack. Well, I guess it's his turn it's his turn anyway, um so he doesn't have to waste his move.
Alright, and he if he gets a free attack, he's going to attack twice. Yeah, I'll allow it. Sweet. I don't know how to roll for him. i don't You can open his character sheet. If you alt hold down alt and then double click, it'll open his character sheet on his token. Dude, dude. Wait. Well, that's me. That was not what I wanted. Where is he? There he is. Yeah.
Um. Technically you should have had disadvantage on that dexterity roll, but whatever. This is more amusing. I guess Lamb? Yeah. That's what he can do.
ah The first one hits. I don't know how to make damage. ah Click on whatever you just did. For bludgeoning. For bludgeoning damage. You know, does a magical being count as a magical attack?
but um It's as if the the bone is just slapping him in the face with itself, though. and We all know how like the upper leg bone has that little nubbin i don knob thing. I feel like his attacks don't count as magical. Is that your turn? Is that the with the plus five? Or is it only plus five to attack?
Plus five to attack.
Okay, all right, cool. Danger noodle. I have to move my danger fly to make sure my character can actually see into the room. One, two, five, 10, 15, 20, 25. Who was this? That is Abernock, yeah.
down. Yeah, this is me.
By the way. Yeah, that's fine. um And then while I'm standing in your square, you can still see him because from right there. So it's a sliver Ron, would you call that like partial? You can see you can see into a square.
Um, that's, yeah, that's, uh, sure. Sure. From the edge, from the edge of your squat. Yeah. You can, per the rules, I believe it counts. Well, hold on. Look at that line. It's touching the edge of that thing. Yeah. It's touching this. Well, this thing right here.
Yes. Can he see him? I can see the creature. like I know it's there. I just can't. You would see like just a sliver of its outside body. yeah You see you ro can only see the corner where this guy and... yeah but You can see like this little bit right here. as but see but No, I can see that it's whole square that your thing is in. If you can see part of the square, you can hit it. yeah Per the rules, you can hit him.
Okay, but like, is it extra cover? Because if it is, I'm just gonna misty stuff. I don't bitch ass over. Uh, no, he doesn't have cover. Okay, sweet. Um, where the fuck? How many sorcery points does this cost?
Did, uh, the tiny serpent have to make a grapple? That would require an action.
Hello. Did we all fall silent or did something happen to my... Something happened. Oh, I love when this happens.
How many of those hit? Holy fuck. Three, it looks like. Okay, I can see that you did Eldritch Blast. I seem to have disappeared for a minute, but I'm back now. Can y'all hear me? Oh, yeah. Okay, I believe all of... Well, okay, one. You've got no advantage, right? Just regular one, two, three of those hits. Yeah, three. I was muted, but I said three. Okay.
Why is it doing that?
It's just rolling a 1d10. There's no additional damage there. I should have additional damage. And you got a press 8 next to it? I forgot. yeah I can't look at it by pressing your thing. I should have... Sometimes cantrips don't work right.
Um, let's see here. So it should be nine. Whoa. You're messing with my sheet and Jesus. folk Yeah. Yeah. Um, so it should be dealing, uh, it's a 1d10, but it's there's three beams at 11th level. And so the way we can fix this is I assume you're clicking it over here. Yeah. I'm clicking on the roll.
Now it'll roll 3d10. Do you have the thing where you get to add your charisma to the attack? Let me check. um Agonizing bla blast. Yeah, so it should actually be 3d10+. Is that per thingamajig?
Per lance, per blance. Although, do you want it to roll all three at once or do you want to roll um one at a time because you can direct those to individuals? i Yeah, I would rather do the one at a time. Okay, well then that should be 1d10 and you have to roll it over and over then. um But I did add your charisma to that, so. But each of those would have plus four. And then there should be something else. You got the rappelling? You're pushing?
why do you Why did you roll one, two, three, four, five times? I only rolled five. and He t twinned it. Oh, well then you should i roll six times. You should roll six times. I did roll six times. Oh, okay. One, two, three, four, five. Oh yeah, you did. Whoops. So three of those hit um for 13,
five and five. So 23 damage.
I'm pretty sure he's not, doesn't have anything, nothing is good against force, so yeah. um mine maybe Maybe I'm thinking of something else, it's probably another game that I'm thinking of. Maybe. Alright, so i I had a fucking... I rolled so goddamn low, you goddamn piece of shit. It happens. So it's... I get my... car my charisma modifier I added that okay yeah right oh and then with that you've got your snake also yeah sorry I'm really used to my brother's campaign my brother's campaign has so many like
different rules like we're doing this thing where everyone gets levels and fighter that way everyone has like double attack and it's just fucking it's fucking crazy um i okay how the fuck like where is the center of this man i believe it starts from his head yeah and get through the fucking door Just tell me where you want to mo here well i move And then he has a 10 foot reach. yeah wos man but then i He's within range anyway. so yeah um If you hold down alt and then double click, it'll open his sheet.
one second unless you're on a mac in which case get the hell out of my campaign that's me bro god eric my god why the fuck is the parcel for that so unbelievably long so apparently this this whole gym jam is one word for and strict jesus fuck my man um yeah no i'm i'm only gonna i'm only gonna say i'll see you because that's all i need that's all i need that's literally all it should be Gee. Can you say all of that in six seconds? um um I apologize for any partial tongues out there about my ah accent. I apologize. Yeah, your accent's horrible, bro. It's that Midwestern dialect. Oh, it's literally translating for every single letter.
That's wild. All right. you know it's actually weird and you have a kind of fully underst I like see the whole snake language thing when it's actually spelled out uh... yeah do your attack have spells okay yeah um... what is my attack for this guy he does don't they plus six to hit
7 plus 6 probably does not. No. If you alt and then double click, it'll open the Snakes sheet. First time for build a Boomstick. Also, I put the Snakes character sheet. Oh, wait. I think I put the character sheet underneath your folder. The sheet is not and in my journal. I don't know what the fuck. That's odd.
What spell do I have? Edit. Can be edited by Danger Noodle.
Well, I don't know. it's Should be right there. Okay. Anyway, um so that's a miss. Yep. ah Up next is Slurm.
Well, yeah. Now, I do have a question. Now, I do have Through Artifice or Multi Attack. So I know I can't cast two spells in a turn, but could I cast a spell and attack? No, I don't think so. OK, I needed that. OK, I needed that distinction. But either way, it's all good. So Slurm is going to activate his wing boots and fly into the room. OK.
how i forgot i do i guess i should I guess I should actually ask, how how tall is the room? um I have that information. Let's see, the room is... ah Ceilings... 20 feet high.
Dope. So in theory, could I actually fly, if I flew in a diagonal high enough, I could not ah potentially trigger attack of opportunity? This guy is a large creature. Okay. And so he can hitch in. Yeah, he can hit. Well, let's see, I'm gonna say large. how How tall is a large creature typically?
um think within the eight I Mmm Not got night's all good. I'm gonna go ahead actually he's he's got a he's got a 10-foot reach so never mind Yeah, so either way, but that's fine. I can traverse like around his area without a triggering attack opportunity It's only if you leave his area. Yeah, okay cool, then in that case Slurm is going to Again use his wing boots. He's going to fly through here
Come on select them. You're clicking the door but Here course I am I'll just throw a slurm over there. Okay. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. You're you're at all Okay, so moving here was 25 feet and I'm going to land right Oh,
yeah one second there to end my turn. Okay. And after I land, Storm is going to stand up after doing the superhero landing and he's going to cast Melph's minute meteors. Nice. So When I activate this spell, I can go ahead and use two of the charges at once. You don't need to add anything. So what's going to end up happening on Slurm's right shoulder, this little rectangular bit is going to pop out. and It's got six holes in it and it's it's little missile launchers. And he's going to launch two of them at this at this thing. Now, he needs to make a dexterity save.
Okay, he's got advantage. um what And he fails. He fails. For both of them individually? Yeah. He fails. Okay. Oh, shit. Fail both. All right, then he is going to take for both of those ah four points. He's going to take four points for both. So eight total.
Okay, they do not appear as effective as you expected And I've got I've got it for multiple for multiple turns remaining so it's all good and Slurm is going to bring up his his arm And if y'all have ever seen that new predator movie prey where the predator has like the shield just kind of pops up Yeah, it's basically that okay Yeah, a shield pops out AC raises to 24 and doing so and he is going to That's his turn. All right, it is the demon creatures turn. Um, hey, it is a demon. Okay um ah First let's see if his scintillating aura recharges It does not um He is going to
ah Let's see, first he's going to claw attack the annoying little man who just attacked him, Slurm. That's ah Nat 1. And then he's going to try to claw.
um kid bitch Iskander. Oh, he also needs to um, let's see ah What is it a wisdom save? Yeah, wisdom save or 3d8. He fails Wait, no, he has advantage. So he he succeeds because he has advantage on all magical saving throws um It is an 18. You meet your beat, right? Yep mother but So then he's gonna claw you. Um, eric uh 14 is gonna miss And then he's gonna try and bite dennis what is denus as i see this dent is about to die
no he's got more than thirty h b um he fails to hit dennis as well
Oh, um, Frank, do a wisdom saving throw you're supposed to do at the end of your turn to see if you are still, if you are no longer afraid. ah flag taking though it yeah You are also no longer afraid. So both of you, I believe passed. All right. So, uh, the business 27 hits and then give them the,
Yes. Do the damage. And then... Why did that not have a... Oh, I guess it added it all together this time. Interesting. Didn't do that last time. So, 10 damage. Yep. And then... The business again. Uh, miss. Unless you use inspiration. Oh, no, no, I have the flurry thing. Oh, that's right, yeah. i think i miss i get to Hit. him again hit
Eight. Okay. And then I'm going to try to shove him away again. Give us some space to operate. So... DC-16, strength safe.
yeah He passes. And he made it. That's good, because you were about to kill Slurm. You were going to shove his ass right into Slurm's head. Jesus. <unk>
And his belly already looks like an ass in this picture, so I don't want to see what the backside looks like. ah Dennis is up. I made Dennis's thing ah on recharge, so let's see if his he's got a roll of six to recharge his gaze. He does not.
because I decided him being able to attorney to turn to stone every single round is a little powerful. 20 is going to hit and I'm just going to do his other one. Dennis hits both times this time. All right. So the first one, 10 damage and the second one, 11 damage. So 21 damage. Good job, Mr. Dennis.
Minus 21. And that's Denys's turn. Abernock, you're up. Oh. um
Sorry, I was doing something. I want to do... Divine Smite. Okay. um I need to make weapon damage.
You do a regular yeah weapon attack and you sacrifice a spell slot to deal however much extra damage you want to deal. Plus you always deal that 1d8 improved divine smite damage with your weapon attacks. But you can sacrifice a spell slot to deal more damage. Do I not have weapon?
Who's my great ex? You've got a great ex right there on your list of massive list of things you have. I'm trying to narrow it down. You also have the Trident of fish calling or something. He's got Aquaman's Trident. Yeah. So, um, I am going, let me save, save those, go away. Um, I'm going to,
Pick a 5, a 10, so I can be a diagonal. So touch him, and then I'm going to swing my Great Axe and Divine Smite him at level... Let's go level 4. Alright. Great Axe.
25 hits.
and don I don't know if that measured properly. Okay, it shows me the damage split down there. Is that what's happening? Yes. Oh, Divine Smite, okay. Interesting. so you got this Isn't it 1d8 per spell slot? Yes.
I did a level 4. three more d eight looks like e no it did two d eight So you need so we'll take that 5 and 6 so 11 plus 5 16 plus 7 I'm confused by all of that on your sheet, but So you did a 5?
Oh no, so 16... What is this 8? 8 plus 2 plus 6. What is that? What's that what's the plus 6 is what I'm trying to figure out. That's the improved smite, is the plus 6. And then this you've got a 5 and a 7 down here as well.
So the 5 would be his weapon. The 7 is the improved smite. What I don't know is that plus 6.
I'm guessing you were clicking it here on the main page. Yeah. So let me let me look at your divine smite. I think that plus six just isn't supposed to be there. I think I know why it's there. Critical damage. 1d6. Nope, that wouldn't be it. No. um Where is it on here? Searing smite, wrath, blinding.
You've got the 2d8. Oh, I see what it is. Okay. What is it? Um, this doesn't need to be clicked.
Are you touching Ambernock or Ambernock 2? I'm touching Ambernock. Okay. Why is Ambernock getting touched? I mean, so I can, I can, okay. I think I see what's wrong here. Um, you've got this 2d8.
which doesn't need to be on there right now. You clicked ah basically under your weapons somewhere, right? um Divine Smite, where is it under your weapons? I see it under the, I see it, oh, Great Axe. Okay, hold on. Great Axe, you should have the 1D8 radiant. Okay, so we don't need that because you always have the extra 1D8 and that's under yeah global global modifiers. So get rid of that.
I'm going to use the damage you already rolled. I'm just fixing your stuff real quick. um so Basically, what you'll do with Divine Smite is um you roll the 48's extra. so this
that so That's what it's supposed to look like on your damage. um and Then you would just type Roll 48 for your Divine Smite extra damage. like that yes okay which one of those ends up more damage we'll go with the second one because it's easier to read 19 plus 22 is something i'll just math is a lot yeah minus 19 plus 2 minus 22 boom be uh 41 he is not dead but if bloodied were a thing and the non 2024 rules he would be bloodied um which
I almost did as much damage on that one as he did. out to Guess what, Frank? You're a paladin.

Advanced Combat Techniques

You have a second, maybe even a third attack? At least a second attack. Do I get a second attack? It's a level 11 paladin. Yeah, it's a level 11 paladin. You've at least got two. At level five, you get a double attack, bro. Yeah. I think only fighters get the third attack, right?
mine am i my divine health I think fighters are the only ones that get a third attack unless you get like other like like unless you get like you've got it right here extra attack um yeah so you get two attacks and you can use divine smite on that second attack yeah it if you want this is why paladins can deal crazy damage all right I'm gonna bra i say the crit A second time, I guess.
ah So many fucking buttons. Does 15 hit? 15 does not hit unless you want to spend... um you probably You might have inspiration. You should. Everyone should right now. Inspiration would just allow me to re-roll? Yeah. um and i'm like I'm good. I'll save it that for later. Okay.
um Yeah, everyone has inspiration I've decided okay, all right so second to attack some this I found it. and I really don't have it so I clicked it so you've moved you've attacked unless you're gonna do a bonus action um No because the spells don't seem to be doing as much damage as I think they should so okay Danger noodle I'm Brad or Brad or Brad or Brad Um, danger noodle senses the danger and shadows, not shadow steps, misty steps. Okay. Because, uh, fuck any type of cone bullshit of fear. Um, well, it's not active right now. ah Fuck it. I don't like it. I saw what happened over there. Um, where is misty step? It lets you teleport 30 feet. Yeah. Yeah. I'm just making sure I mark it down. Okay.
It's a level one spell, right? um No. I think Misty Sep is a second level spell. ah Flanking... No, you don't use it for advantage unless you've got an ability that uses it for advantage. There it is.
If there weren't specific abilities that take advantage of flanking, I would say yes, but because there are, I don't want to um you know devalue those abilities. I don't miss you, Steph. I just walk over there, bro. The fuck was I thinking? Okay. That yellow aura, by the way, that's the Spirit Guardians of Skanders. I use another sorcery point. Okay.
ah One, two, three, four hits, and one of them's a crit. and You said four hits? Yes, with the last one being a crit. yeah
So just just roll damage a fifth time. Or no, no, is that first one your crit? Yes. OK. So we've got a lot of damage here. um Let's see, and some more damage. um What does it look like when you Eldritch Blast this thing to death?
yeah I did it four times. i guess Technically, yeah yeah, four times. I guess I kind of like shoot him up in the chest all the way up into the head and then the last one like goes inside of his mouth and shoots out of the back of his throat. hello Nice. Yeah, you kill him. You kill this thing good. You actually killed him on the second hit.
Nice. So if you wanted to direct those last two at your party members, you could.

Exploration and Character Choices

Oh my god. What the fuck? Holy fuck. Ron, what the fuck is that thing down there? Through the prison bars, I don't know. You could have to go talk to it or look at it. Talk to it? Or look at it at least. Hell no. I don't know which head I'm going to talk to. Fuck that. But yeah, it's pretty weird looking, I guess.
What language does it speak? Does it notice my spot? Did it see us fucking fighting this thing? Hold on. I feel like this one might be the wrong character sheet. Let me double check. Where is the new guy? He's got a name, I think.
It's linked to the wrong sheet. And I want to make sure it's linked to the right sheet because he's look he's freaky looking. I'm gonna drag a potion real quick. Yeah. Daddy needed that. That's what it is. That puts me at one under. Excellent. That's what the problem was. Okay.
And now I can get rid of this.
um Yeah, so you guys have killed the thing. You drank a very large potion apparently. Potion of superior healing. bow Do they only do D4s? Yes they do. Oh yeah, but then they have the plus two or whatever it is.
Yeah, so you guys kill the demon thing. It's 10.30 at night for you. Do you want to keep wandering around or do you want to end it for the night?
um I'm good in that direction.
What did other people say? But also, I was up to like 1 a.m. yesterday, day so. I can be up up a little longer. hope We got another fight in us. Tomorrow's Thursday though, don't you have to do something on Thursday? Bill's off on Thursdays. Here, give me one second. let me just We don't have anything scheduled for tomorrow, right?
That requires you to be unable to stay up for a few minutes longer. Yeah, I can say I can yeah i can yeah oh oh hold on a second um Everyone except for danger noodle or make a DC make a Constitution saving throw That's not one of my best Your paladin, how is that? That's not what you're including your snake. Oh Oh fuck me. here And the little dude. I'll roll for the little dude. 26. Nice. I'll roll for the little dude. Also 26. He's getting net one. He's hanging onto his face. That makes sense.
oh and is a public day over um um did this happen before i drank my potion it was before you drank your potion technically yeah
Let me go ahead and put that back to 72 for whatever is not to be bad.
Now, Frank, this might not matter for you, um but you passed the save anyway. um Frank and Slurm passed the save.
ah Danger, know oh, that's for the snake. Okay, 14, the snake fails as well. fact Okay, um so Eric, Skander and the snake,
Take 3d6 poison damages. This thing explodes into a cloud of poison with a 20-foot radius. um Frank, are is Abernock immune to poison? You're resistant, so you had advantage. Oh wait, it doesn't matter anyway. um it's ah You take no damage on his pass and he passed. so
uh... so the scanner and the snake take twelve poison damage and you are infected with the disease uh... uh... aids syphilis gonderia So much shit hepatitis. la of adventure ah cold story Wow. Roll a d12 plus your constitution's score. Wait, me or? ah Those of you, ah just a Skander. Is Skander, aren't you a paladin? D12 plus what? D12 plus your constitution's score. Is Skander, aren't you a ah paladin? I am a cleric and a ranger. Okay, if you're a paladin, you're immune to like
diseases. constitution scores I'm not Paladin.
And also do the same thing for the snake.
It's a D12 plus the Snakes Constitution score. So that's 20. So I have an Aura of Protection starting at 6th level whenever you are a friendly creature within TPW, you must make a saving throw. The creature gains a bonus to the saving throw equals to your Charisma modifier.

Paladin Abilities and Creature Communication

Okay. You must be consistent to grant this bonus. My Charisma modifier is 4. What's the range on your Aura? 10 feet.
The snake gets it... Oh, I need a roll for Dennis. The snake gets it, but Iskander wouldn't get it because he was too far away. Oh, okay. I would have been right next to him when he blew up. Next to your next ab... You would have been next to Abernock? Yeah, because I was right there in front of the snake. Oh, okay. In that case, ignore all of that damage. Hell yeah. 104, baby. And the snake also ignores the damage.
Oh yeah, Paladin's in the house! But i knew I forgot to roll for Dennis, so Dennis, Consave, and then plus four, that makes him pass. Okay. um Also, I have an aura of courage, means I can't be frightened.
These are things you have to remember when the chits are down, dawg. Well, I didn't know I had half these things. I'm going through as good as shit. I'm trying to go through and rename. So poison cloud explodes, nobody takes any damage, and nobody is going to die in the case of Eric 23 hours.
um ah so I knew I was sick, but I got greater restoration in the slots. It's good. yeah We did it. Yeah. uh had you actually had you failed you would have died in 23 hours unless the disease was removed and half that time you cut you gained the poisoned condition and then after you die you sprout 2d4 tiny gas spores that grow to full size in seven days Jesus. wow that's a fuck off fucking this um That's a messed up thing to include it in a game, Ron. Well, I'm sorry. I don't know if that's but the actual Nalfeshnee's ability or if it's the randomness that I added to him. Because I don't remember.
ah Either way, 1-800-not-cool. But you guys killed the thing. um Yeah, so there is a ah kind of a hallway over by where Danger Noodle is, and then they're through the prison bars. um Those doors are locked, but there is a trident on the ground with a keychain on it full of keys.
Then I'll just go and say unlock the doors. um I take the Trident and put it in my inventory. OK, it's a non-magical Trident. Oh, I drop it again. OK. Well, I can see the thing. Right, so. You all should be able to see it. You've all got dark vision, so. um If you can see it on the map, then you can see it. ah Your dark vision is 300 feet. Did I add that to your total? Yeah, it is. No, yeah, it's 300 feet, baby.
Well, I want to make sure I added that to your token. um I did not. Okay. Now it's 300 feet. I don't know if that opened up more of the map for you, but probably not. on block cut Yeah, because of corners, but um yeah. So through those doors, you see some, some jail sales. One of them has a big thing, three headed thing in it. Three headed thing.
Not literally. I'm not touching that. I found a chick on on X that has three sets of no Frank, Shush. Frank, Ben. Some knives that are really cool. Knives, yeah. I'm gonna use Thaumaturgy to have all of the soldiers speak at one time and ask that thing if it speaks.
Do you speak creature and then it echoes? Because all the voices at the same time, do you speak creature? Do you all speak at once or do you like inter- All like kind of jagged and like- Yes!
um It's four voices. What language does do they speak? I guess I just asked if it speaks in common. it It doesn't answer. Other than to like shake the bars.
It's really far a away to shake the bars. The the bars of its cage. Oh.
Does... Oh. Oh. And it does... Does anyone speak giant? Because it does yell some stuff. I think I do. It's on the others. No, I do not. I think I have only just selected on this other. We can move stuff over. where' Where's my languages at?
They're missing. Oh, they're there. Does does he speak Aquan? You don't know, but... Of course, of course, of course. I walk up to the bars and I'm like, blue, blue, blue.
It doesn't know what you're saying. It does not know what you're saying. Um, do you guys want to move into the, do you want it yet? Yeah, I'm going to move in yellow and draconic and then like using thermaturgy again, I speak abyssal celestial common draconic and elvish. If they speak any of those things, I ask it in the same time. Ask if they speak those things. I speak abyssal celestial common draconic and then Ekans speaks.
that plus infernal, primer, and primordial.
And this time I make shit like Rumble when I yell, do you speak? um It just looks at you confused. um However, the guy and the other say it self. Actually, I was about to say I know a very specific language. my The language I know is comprehend languages. guys You are welcome to cast that if you would like. I am going to do that.
So. ah Sorry, I had to go through my entire list and I couldn't find it, i but I was like, I don't have a language spell? ah
What do you say? Okay. Okay, so I am going to- Wait, it's comprehend language, so you would just be able to understand it, right? Yeah, oh fuck. Yeah, it is actually. ah I can understand, but I can't speak it. So I at least know what he says.
It's saying, like ah please let me out. For reference, but reference the only people who are not affected by my spell are the people that when I cast it, I said it doesn't hurt you. Right? So anything else that comes in the aura. Okay. It's the business. All right.
Do you step close enough to get any either of them in the aura? du yeah Not yet. not yeah yeah yeah um the It does back away from your weird spirit things. The other creature, a strange looking grey creature, um does get up and and... Ah crap, it also doesn't speak any of your languages.
Yeah, no. It doesn't say anything. it's It's that they just both are looking at you. speak. Like, it doesn't. One of them speaks giant and one of them speaks undercommon. God, fuck. So, question. um my I only have three languages and that was from my first one. Do I get more languages from my second one? now oh No. I don't know. Did you choose them?
I didn't choose him, but I mean, Hayden's over here with three languages, a piece for his but personality bullshit. It's not bullshit. You know what? You can have one additional language. Awesome. I'm gonna take a question.
So first not you not the one that we need. so yeah Not even the one we need right now, Frank. but as yeah in another language but not Actually, let me think. Hold on. Your alternate reality self.
would know the language of your wizard person, but potentially you could know another language. One of the languages from your prime self, it wouldn't know. That doesn't count as a bonus language. I will say yes, one additional language you could learn. Okay, which one do I choose? Do I choose Underdark or do I choose Ill Giant or whatever?
Anybody? i feel like under hundred twelve kind i mean out andy the monster through Okay, I'll go with Undercommon. Okay. What do you say, anything? Nope. Yeah. Well, the Under...
um and Yeah, both of these apparent prisoners just, um, yeah, they they're like, they're saying stuff to you, but, you know, it's in languages that none of you know. Actually, Slurm, you understand them. the arm The gray guy is like, we don't understand what you're saying, can you let us out of here? um so They're gonna kill us. you Wait, one one second, one second.
I just came into ah your sphere of influence, ah Eric Iskander's sphere of influence. I walked through it. did you Did I start burning into flames or whatever the fuck? No, no. ah Whenever I cast the spell, you were in my party, so I said, you're good. Gotcha, guys. OK, cool. I walk in, and I'm like... They look at you in disgust. Heretical, abominable intelligence.
um ah Does anyone speak dwarvish? Yeah, but you're a robot man. You're an abominable intelligence. This is true. What do you need Dwarvish for? I speak Dwarvish. Because, canonically, if you can write Dwarvish, and they can read Dwarvish, then he can understand you if you just write to him. That's true, because it says specifically that the giant language is written in in the script it the same script of Dwarves.
Ron? What? Just because you use the same alphabet doesn't mean it's the... Spanish and English use the same alphabet, but we can't read each other's languages if we don't know the language. He would recognize were extra letters he would recognize the letters you're using, but he wouldn't recognize the words. All right. Assuming he can read. Okay, I walk in, I walk up to the guy that's fucking under comment, and I'm like, hello, friend.
hello can ah speak the language of the big guy the he no he speaks a giant he's he's a giant he speaks some sort of well i think he's speaking giant i only know a couple of like words like where is the bathroom Don de esta el bano.
that that is spanish Everyone knows that. what but the fuck there's a there's fbs there's fantasy petish No, there's regular Spanish, you asshole.
Oh, excuse me.
sorry my danger flies floating around okay okay um don't send it too far don't stop sending it everywhere because then i have to describe all these rooms to you everyone make everyone is going to be at this town it's Canada now Spanish exists in Ron's fantasy which means that Spanish is a language proficiency we can take yes My personal proficiency doesn't have anything to do with it, does it? Well, to be fair... um Well, never mind. I haven't revealed this on recording yet, so never mind. e he's and what what What kind of accent is under common? I'm thinking like Bostonian or something.
i always considered now I always considered the Undercommon to be an Australian accent because the great down under. I don't know if I can do an Australian accent.
Good day, mate. No, that's terrible. Anyways, I'm thinking back to the... i Speak the length. I can't do it either. Okay, I think in the language ah I Don't want I don't want it. I don't want to admit this but I had a I had an under an under a deep gnome character That we had an Australian accent. and I actually practiced that accent. I just don't want to do it. on the sound That's fine um and So what do you ask this thing? Oh, he doesn't what's that you? Like what are you doing down here?
What am I? I'm a person. like My name is Srano. He is a grey creature that looks like...
I don't know, kind of like a goblin-ish type thing. um Give me... your balin No, he's medium-sized. You can

Trusting the Creature: Debate and Decisions

ah either History or Arcana, I guess, to possibly recognize this thing. Eh, would he be Arcana? No. Just like History, I guess. History. I know you can frequently find goblins underground, but aren't goblins more of a surface creature? He's not a goblin. He's... 11. Just out of curiosity, would it would it be would it be normal to encounter goblins in the Underdark?
Yeah, the sure, yeah. all might This creature is a Grimlock. um Do I know what that is? Trying to do the show two players thing. Why isn't that not working? um Here it is. Here's what it looks like. You. Oh.
Get him away! oh and i Why does he redblade? I no longer want to speak to this thing. Can I take a kill joint instead? you You've already taken the language, Frank. You're stuck with it. okay um Is he an intelligent creature? He spoke to you.
I'm just are they just like we learned from uh, so can we trust him is his scandal race I did also tell y'all that he said specific that he said specifically that he wants to be let out the scanner you recognize a grimlock as a um They are degenerate subterranean creatures that were once human, but their worship of the Mind Flayers over generations of prowling the Underdark transformed them into blind, monstrous cannibals long ago.
oh dear no know what that means you say blind mu are scanable cs yeah yeah they are you talkinging to me He sounded intelligent. that That was to Iskander because he rolled a 19. Do you recognize the thing as a Grimlock usually thought to be evil monster of the Underdark? If I release you, will you become part of our party? Yes, please release me. I will join you. Do I have a spell to make that happen?
Uh, back to, to the wall. You have a key ring? Back to the wall. Get to the wall. Tell him to get on the wall. Tell him to get on the wall. Frank. Amber not. Tell him to get on the wall. Uh, tell him to get on the wall. Get on the wall. He's freaking me out a little bit. I'm getting closer because he's disgusting. He gets on the wall. Yeah. I'm making the smallest corner. Like the, the oil is on him. Yeah. The boys are in the cage. They're in the cage.
and Yeah, he definitely backs away in fear. ah You said I've got a key ring? There was a key ring on the Trident. Oh. Yeah, we know. I was asking, is there a way to like make him obey me? Well, first off, he's like, you can trust me, I swear. No. No perception. He wrote a 16. Insight? He wrote a 16 on his deception. Insight? Yeah. Oh, yeah.
All right, I pull out the keys and start flipping through. And that's when you hear Ashu say, what are you doing? Oh, I'm i'm going to release the gabbledygook thing that's in there. My name is Thrill. His name's Thrill. He said he he will join our party. My name's Thrill, and I'm i'm i'm wearing a silver monocle. He's wearing a silver monocle for some reason. You can trust me. Look at my monocle.
a roll of 14 for my insights so... yeah Actually, according i can according to this, um I didn't need to do so deception. If you roll a 14, well no, that's only if you ask him about a specific thing, nevermind. Yeah, why is he locked up? Why why are you lock up why are you down here? ah Let me see why the fuck am I down here? um
He said, he said, why the fuck is he down here? He has to see. I i am down here because, uh, the, uh, the Yawclaw in the other room got mad at me and just threw me in here for no reason. Uh, he says that the Yawclaw from the other room, uh, got mad at him and threw him in here for no reason.
Iskander with that 24 religion. Yaklals are servants of Loth. They are weird, ugly things um that... Hold on, let me... ah I need a picture of this thing because i I need to look at it to describe it. I only vaguely know what they are by memory. Can I also... I follow the Dwarven Pantheon. Can I also roll a religion to see if I know about these things? ah Go for it.
Like I want to do the, like, oh, a demon thing that worships Loth and it's like putting on the battle helmet, but you can't see me put on the battle helmet, you just see all the ghost men put on a battle helmet and get ready. You definitely know what this is as well. um I will just, oh, I can't share the monster manual sheet. um They, let's see, can I get a handout of it? Oh, I should have a handout for it.
well tell you what before it before i let you out uh... what you uh... tell me all of your secrets my secrets this is one of your own all this is what you know to be a yahoo i don't think we've read it yet stuff or comments on right fun photo yeah yeah no doubt I'm a I'm a spawned in the infinite layers of the abyss they are ah oh that's just demons in general where's the description of the actually wait all of us all of us I think except for maybe a scanner have all been to hell have any of us ever some of these slurm that is racist I've been I know hell is full of devils not demons
It's true. You got that one. Ah, good, good, good. You caught me on that one. that mean That's very, very racist of you.
um But they are demonic servants of the the the Spider Queen Loth. There's so many ways to try to, like, phonotically spell that thing. I've been trying to Google it now for a while. The Yawclaw? Yeah. what Why? Oh, OK.
Yeah, it's a weird spelling. i At one point I got something completely different and then I got some sort of weapon and then I got the proper one. I rolled a 21. So what are you investigating? around his head no Just a room in general. Like I'm just looking around, wandering around, staying out of reach of the bars. ah The room in general contains, before you guys start fighting, um there is a treasure chest.
eight This thing next ah Sure, I don't know if the treasure chest is on the map and sitting next to that treasure chest is a big club a Great club to be precise like giant. It's a giant size great club. Oh, it's this guy's nice. Yeah, it's a bit big big club um And then yeah, there's a treasure chest I look at the I look at the club Uh-huh. And I point to it, and then I look at the giant, and I point to it. It nods its head. And I go, hmm, and I pick it up and it sees it disappear. You put it in your lamp? Yeah. It looks it looks sad.
but now yeah me just chucku and it just so all That was my that was my club and Then I guess because it is spawns within the 10 feet square of me. I think it's a 10 foot square. I don't know Let me see She needs a vessel
what is the is the is the so is the what is the three headed thing saying I still have comprehend languages on it well it's kind of gone silent while you're talking to the the other dude I'm kind of just I'm gonna just approach it do the do the like me slur Oh, that's what I was okay. I was right yeah reading my ah Genie's vessel. I do get proficiency bonus deal extra damage to the target equal your proficiency bonus the type of this Damage is determined by your patron, which would be fire. What are you trying to damage? Nothing. I just remember that my character actually does get additional fire damage so
Slurm is going to walk over to where the three-headed thing is being held. And he's going to... He's going to open up his helmet so that he can be seen. And he's going to bring his bri hands up to his chest. me <unk> yeah And he's shrug and be like... It um slaps its chest and says, Gertrude.
Slurm is going to blink twice. What? Gertrude. Me, Gertrude. Well, it says me, but in Giant, you know. What's that comprehending language? You still understand her. Oh, yeah. Okay, I understand what she's saying. Yeah, I'm Gertrude. Wait, you can understand me? No, it blinks.
oh shit okay okay I can do this okay okay so Slurm is going to like make a bunch of hand signals why you here I guess a shrug point to them and then point to the page it blinks at you okay okay
They rolled a two for its intelligence check. I think that's whispering to me. Shit.
Okay. you You fight for me. You? Me. And Slurm is going to like bring both of his hands and together and like interlace his fingers and be like, pregnant.
Do I need to just wait? It blinks at you. I'm rolling intelligence checks to see if it knows what the hell you're trying to communicate. Okay.
It says I, you know, because you can understand it. I don't know what you're trying to say. You want to hold my hand and it it offers you, it it holds his hand out through the bar. Don't do it. Shake your head.
And Slurm's gonna look down and like shake both of his hands side to side like, no, no, no, no, no. Okay.
You are not evil! Or me! And this time Slurm's going to jester at him and everyone else. And...
he's also going to gesture to the uh... to his candor's big size full ah armored and his big weapon but we can see a so that i'm going to gesture to my companions and then back to myself and my sword and my gun you get not evil or we kill you.
I'm friendly. It blinks at you. ah Hearing him say. ydish Hearing hearing ah him say evil though, Amber, you feel like you can sense evil. Amber knock if if you want to. Because you have ah divine sense five times per day.
That doesn't work the way you think. Read it. it Yeah, more than one it does. it you can ah The presence of strong evil. Oh, is it only one of those celestial fiend nonsense it is? Yes. Celestial fiend are undead. Oh, well, you can do that. But it doesn't work the way it did. and and Yeah, that's that's annoying. Oh, well. Oh, I know.
ah You know what? but can Can I open the chest? You may open the chest. Are there any traps? I'll do another investigation to see if there's any traps in this chest. At 12. You find no traps. I open the chest.
it explodes Oh, apparently i think that I think in this cell here there's a dead body, by the way. Maybe. That might be that might be what that is, I'm not sure. but how dad like in dead for like For a while. you weak Looks like for a while. um let me Let me double check.
It's a desiccated corpse. So, yeah, a little bit. Ah, okay. That's been there for a couple months. Okay. That's mostly both. Inside the chest you find a dagger with some runes on it and a longsword with some runes on it. That's how I tell you that it's magical. That's how I tell you it's magical because I'm too lazy to make you figure that out. That club rooms owe it that club had some runes carved into it in Dwarvish script.
Oh, I can read that. It looks like gibberish to you because it's in giant. But they use Dwarvish script as you pointed out to me.
Oh, also Danger Noodle. It was fairly obvious that that club was magical because it resized to the size of a your size great club. It was a giant sized great club.
and So, when you picked it up, it resized down to the size of a great club that a medium creature would would would wield. I say, Escanda, do you know what these weapons are? I mean, I'll do an arcana check on these magical weapons, see if I can identify them, a 15. You sense no special effects from the weapons, um other than that they appear to be magical.
OK, so I want to go back to talking to this guy. I rolled a 22, persuasion. OK. I ask, ah tell me your deepest, deepest darkest secret, please. Please. And I will let you out.
ah I'm looking for some of that that secret magic. Secret magic? um I ah don't know any magic.
That's a death to the long believer. No, I mean, I'm looking for your deepest secrets. i What can you what and you offer me to let you out of this cell? He wrote in that one, I serve the goddess Lothan. I will betray you the moment I get the first chance. Wait, why did I say that? but all of We kill them all. It's free fucking game, boys. OK, so let's not let this guy out. Let's just let him rot here.
um Oh, I want to walk over to the big guy. He says, no, wait, and and takes a step forward without thinking about it. And now he has to roll with some saving throw. and Because I thought what I've decided it would be funny. He rolls a 2. Go ahead and roll me some damage, Eric. Yes.
14. What does it look like when your spirit guardians murder this man? So they all they all step together really quickly with their shields and then spears lash out like the Roman Legion. just yeah that all He falls to the ground dead, his silver monocle falling off of his eyeless face. So I don't think though they have eyes. and though No, they don't have eyes according to that picture. Wait,
ah no i already got it wait how did you reach the monocle?
i'm very sure i've got the keys to sell alpha you do have a case i wander over and with my prosthetic arm i grabbed the monocle office days i don't have my blaster and i shoot his prosthetic arm i will fuck you up i'm rolling no i i got a role to attack first i have to roll to attack your uh... your prosthetic arm what does it twenty three hit your f prosthetic arm
Um, probably give me a dexterity saving throw. Oh, hmm. That's a 19. You shoot his prosthetic arm. We're going into PvP now.
so I'm pretty sure only like one of those total blasts actually hit me. All right.
I believe it was your 27. I just want to check something about the prosthetic arm real quick, hold up. It's a... Is it a magical item? I don't remember what the description of it says. I feel like it's going to have to work. No, only my... What's your armor class? Like 24. Okay, well none of them hit because I accidentally rolled too much.
Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. He just brings up his shield. Be like, shit! Just wanted for, i I at least wanted to be in the running here. Shit. Sorry. you know <unk>s you know He's gonna walk away. Be like, shit.
Where is the description of her prosthetic arm?
Have we found, have you told us why you carry the prosthetic arm? Yes. I don't remember that. Oh, he's got that weird don't buddy be near me thing. Ah, gotcha. He uses it to shove people away from himself. Why am I so dumb?
As a question for the ages,
ask myself that question a couple times a day I turn back to the big guy and I look over at some like okay let's see if we can we can double team this I don't understand what he's saying I can't talk to him right right right I realize that but I mean Hayden's trying to kill you right now so ah and I walked away I disengaged i fire I fireballed you you fireballed the whole party then yeah I'm about to say I'm like bro actually Fireball. Where were you? yeah were You were over here by the front of the gate, right? No, no, I was right here, right where I am right now. Let's see. Let's see if I can finagle this.
ah Where is... Yes. It's under the measure, the the ruler thing. If you're looking for a... 30 foot sphere. I think it's 20 feet.
I can just cast it like that.
To where you only get Slurm. And that entire cell. Yeah Slurm make a deck safe. I don't think you're, well Slurm never rolled damage on that attack. um I mean I would imagine it hit and even if it hit how much and How much health does it have? He dealt 7 piercing damage to it. I rolled a 17 for my deck set. So you take half damage. Ugh. What's that? What? Why? Evil always turns on itself. Why'd you have to break my goddamn prosthetic arm? How much damage?
half a thirty three sixteen eleven no sorry okay i'm too tired to be a man sixteen so it would be sixteen it would actually be sixteen minus eleven because my arcane would bump that down by eleven points of damage so it would actually be five points a damage don't forget about your temporary points unless you were already lost them i did i didn't have any remaining after last time so you do have the mending spell If you want to do it. I can fix it! Calm down!
Because it is non-magical, so you can just fix it for him.

Forming Alliances and Dungeon Exploration

If that's something Slurm would do. I mean, or are we going into PvP here? I mean, like my character is pissed. Yeah. i get So unless you want to completely wreck on all that, my character is going to try to kill you.
ah I guess we just need to roll up initiative.
i said okay i'm go to throw this out there we're gonna go to Dennis, you're welcome to retcon the whole thing if you want. I don't care. but ah Thank you.
okay Um, weird, weird, uh, uh, Vecna stuff happens. He, he was annoyed with this and he just rewinds time a little bit. Um, he's playing his character, you know? Um, I'm not gonna lie. If we actually did have to go into combat, I was totally slip siding with Slurm. Oh, I was going to kill you all in the silence and just murder you all.
Fucking knew it. Fucking holy goddamn. Fucking holy people. Slurm fixes my shit whenever it breaks. So I got a side with my guy, my mechanic. Dennis was going to try and be a mediator, but, you know, um we can retcon all that. Dennis is seriously the best. Dennis is the best. OK, in that case, are you going to go try and talk to the giant thing?
yes uh... some of me between me and and uh... uh... slurm we could like tag team this shit together so slurm if you want to waddle over here yeah i gotcha i mean i still do not know what i'm gonna do because i can still only understand what he's saying yeah i just checked in his languages he can't help either do so I'm going to, through interpretive dance, try to ask him questions. Interpretive dance. Jesus fucking Christ. Okay. Let's see. Slur's voguing to him. Okay, fuck it. Fine. Slur's voguing. Okay. Do you want to give me... Oh, what's the word? Do you want to... turn What's the helping term? I'll i'll give you... I'll assist. Yeah. Is that advantage or is that just a... plus a sudden amount?
Ron. What? If he's assisting, if he's assisting, it gives you a advantage. Okay. All right. With advantage. 23. So we start just like, you know, doing the the Charleston and then a little bit of of um ah the shuffle and like a couple of other things. And we're trying to communicate, are you friendly? Will you fight for us?
that what We're trying to tell yes, I Am NOT aware of this because every knock is not Still do not know and that is the point where it getting cross umla honestly thought that that we were just trying to kill these things I Mean I rolled up ah an insight for him and he rolled very poorly um so I think he's just impressed by your dance, but I mean Interpretive dance
Doesn't really especially when one of you don't know what you're trying to do. There's not it doesn't really help in this situation Okay, uh, I don't I don't think he I don't think he got that one. Uh, okay. Let's try Let's try something else. Um, what are we doing? We're trying to communicate with the big guy. What are we saying? Uh, I would well that one that was obviously me asking if he was friendly and if he would fight for it wait I mean, you were you were a little off. the fight for it's it's It's one, two, three, four, not one, two, four, three. Shut the fuck up. They're horrifying. I mean, Ants, I'm a robot person. You're a goblin. That guy over there has a snake for the head. That thing over there worships Lulf. It's evil. That thing's dead. I'm pretty sure that thing died. It was. It did.
That other thing over there was blind from worshipping Wolf. Again, evil. I'm just going to let it out and see what happens. that If we... He's going to let it out. If we really want to speak to this thing, I can ask for guidance in the morning.
In the morning? Yeah, I can change my spells when I sleep. so I can prepare a spell to speak to it a another time, but we have things to do. We want to go to sleep now? I could use a nap. No, I think we should go do something. you know They know we're here, I'm pretty sure.
Before we let this thing out, let's police police clear the area. There's two rooms up there that could be hung out. He could help us. I don't trust him. I turn to turn back to the big thing, and and I wave from him to us, and I shake my head no, and then I do like a slide across my neck.
Nothing. it um
It looks, it's like, i I'm not gonna kill you if that's what you're trying to ask. it And Slurm can understand that, of course. I look at Slurm.
that Did Slurm really that? Yeah, Slurm is gonna literally look at it, and then look at you. Then look at it. oh Are there manacles or anything in the room, Ron? Are there like ah arresting arresting tools or some shit like that? Like something to make a prisoner? So it is shackled to the wall. um Are there any shackles that are like loose in the area? Yeah, there probably are. Snake woman, come here. Bring the manacles. It's not for fun times.
i with a nine. um do Do I believe it's not gonna kill us? Yes. Okay. i just i want to I'm hold my hand up like wait just a second. did you bring them So she brings the manacles to me. I make a big show of slapping the manacles on her and then walking dead body cage putting her in there and shutting the door and then going Like, putting my hands in the air? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I put the manacles on you, like, for fakesies. I put you in there and then I put my hands in the air, like, oh, why? Right? Like, I make a big, like, what? And then maybe it will say out loud, right?
And and maybe it glances back at Slurm and says, why am I in here? And Slurm is going to poke it on his nose and nod like, yes, yeah, yes, and like thumbs up. Be like, yes, that's what we want. You're your assistant snake woman.
i I was the the lone survivor of an attack on a supply caravan near Chet Nasad. Makubli captured me um weeks ago and brought me here as as apprentice prisoner trying to get me to reveal information.
um ah But I was just a caravan guard. I hate these things. I hate drow and molt and all of them.
I think they, sort assume I think they wanted me to to join them. I look expectantly to the, to the government. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. ah What did he say? Ah, Oh yeah. That's right. Slurm relays all of that. Bill is too smooth brain to remember. all And then I say, good, good. Tell them not to stand near my men. Do, do, do.
but do do Okay, okay, okay. yeah So Slurm is going to like point at him. You, then he's going to point to like his eyes, saw when he got too close to that guy. Stay, like he's going to throw his hands for, for back like towards it. Stay back. It appears to understand. Stay away from the scary ghosts, yes.
And then slower again, he's going to do like a thumbs up and like nodding and like, yes. Okay. So I opened the cage. Uh, yeah. Um, Gertrude, uh, steps out. Um, Gertrude was attached to the wall. and Oh yes. Gertrude is attached to the wall. Okay. So, so I reached into my bag and I pull out like a silver and I point to gu Gertrude and then I point to the silver.
and I'm I'm putting it into it's like pocket it's like home that later I think that I was so I I've got to call it up your butthole I I I should I see that him the silver he glances at Slurman says hey I this is a little insulting

Spider Dragon Strategy and Preparations

I'm I'm happy to help you guys kill these fucking drow I don't need money for it
amberno stop it you're you're being rude but no i want to hire this guy long term like i don't want this just to be a onetime thing if he was a caravangu guard can i have when i clump that need to be
what one minute page you do it all what and you see i'm over there like riding my giant consossor snake like a mechanical ball Oh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, Is that fun?
Are you asking me if it's fun to ride a giant, wriggling creature? Never mind, don't want to don't want to anymore. app Bring us back the club. This guy says you took his club. He wants it back.
Fuck. No, please. I'm going to let him out. He's going to help us kill these things.
Well, if he's not particularly attacked, we also got a trident from the demon. I drop it here and then I wander back. Okay, so I turned back to good Gertrude and I was, you know, like I hold out my hand um and I point to like a finger and then I mind the sun rising and setting and then I do that for all five fingers. And then I do it again on the other hand.
And I held out like a silver. I hold out a silver and put it on my thumb. And then I touch it to the each finger and then I hold out like 10 silver coins. I'm trying to hire it for at least 10 days. It rolled decent. Um.
I guess it looks at Slurm again. What? I think he wants me to work for you? For him? ah Can I have my club? That's the only pay I need. I'm assuming Slurm like relays that. yeah he says he'll He says he'll help you out. He doesn't need to be paid.
I thumbs up and I uncuff him. Okay, do you give him his club? Yes. Oh, okay. He takes the club and it grows to um big size. Can you take the demon into your... Yes. You can put the demon corpse in your lamp. All right, let Hayden puts everything in the lamp. Well, it's always corpses. Yeah. I come over here, I unlock this cage, and then I go in and I want to like, search it.
Hold on, I'm looking at a different map. Hey, why did you want that? That the body? Yeah, isn't You're searching the corpse with the guy in it, the dead guy? Yeah, I'm searching the corpse with the dead guy in it. The cage with the dead guy in it? Yes. Yes, you find a dead guy. He has five copper pieces, it? two silver pieces and a silver monocle chain, a monocle on a silver chain worth five gold.
oh That that that whispered to me. I meant to send that to to all of y'all. Hold on. Let me undo that I Pocket the coinage um and I come out holding the monocle and say danger doodle. Do you want this? What it the way So the silver I thought slurm got that no, no, I could get to it. I Mean I said I was grabbing it with my my hand until there was that old What are you talking about? Nothing happened. Well then I originally grabbed it anyways then. Okay, so you already have the monocle. Okay. Oh, all right. I guess we're good to go then.
I like how Danger Noodle is like the, why can't I go through the door? Oh, there it goes. I have to pick myself up and drop and drop one. character on the other side of the door.
I'm assuming the big, giant, three-headed creature thing stays far enough behind us that it doesn't get attacked by Iskander's ghosty guys. Yeah, I don't know if that's what you were rolling that for, Eric, but it's not in your aura. No, no, no, no. Okay. No, no, no, no. Okay.
I have a bag of tricks. ah ah how i Okay, fly with you all wandering around, let me read what you see next. um Over here is a giant pile of bones. That's this this thing here. That's a giant pile of bones.
um And then the room before the giant pile of bones. um Five bed rolls, each with a small chest beside it, are tucked into this room. A large desk stands near the east wall. A small... What? Oh, yeah, I guess through that door. A small room to the south holds a long table with chairs around it.
Get to looting boys. I searched this chest and this table and this chest and if nobody else comes in we go do all the tests. As you search the various chests they contain personal belongings. Each of the chests are locked. um i I break it. Do you break the lock?
Um, do I still have the lockpicks that, uh, that, uh, dang, uh, fucking Slurmad? That I don't remember ever getting them back. If not, then I'm just gonna get a lot of hands. Okay. So yeah, there's four chests total plus five chests. That looks like five on the map. Yeah. Five chests. Yep. And a desk. So you're starting with the chests. Yeah.
That's a bunch of sleight of hands, um... One of those is a stealth, so ignore that. I'm assuming there was, you know... do You opened two of the chests with those sleight of hands. Those two chests each contain a holy symbol of Loth, which you magically know is worth 50 GP each. Um...
Now, which specifically, um let's see, I'm just going to go from top to bottom in the order, so you failed the first two. 21 is chest number three, and then you got chest number four. Okay, um so you got the one you're standing on right now plus the one right above it, um and failed all the others.
ah so
There is also in the chest that you're standing on top of a gym.
I need to look at this gym to see what it if it's anything special real quick. Let's see what it looks like. Hey, Slurm, I couldn't get these other two unlocked. I think these are yours and I waved those.
uh... i'm actually i'm actually out not uh... actually through investigate uh... investigation role to investigate the pilot bow i'm just gonna give me an arcana check or something ocean arcana i thought it would be investigated i'm still talk sorry i'm still talking to frank uh... uh...
fifteen Okay, you recognize this gym as a gym of seeing. It does this.
So um it has three charges in action. You can speak the gym's command word and expend one charge for the next 10 minutes. You have true sight. Out to 120 feet when you peer through the gym.
Okay, I take all that and put it into a pile on the desk. And then I search the desk. If nobody else is going to come in here.
Make a dexterity saving throw.
okay a on the swarm of spiders crawls all over your body uh... and uh... you take so it's not between c stones or or a pocket or a pocket uh... fucking nope nest so this is a uh... it's poison damage so i think you take half right uh... i am resistance yes So you take half of 17, so 8 damage. that Advantage on saving throws against being poisoned. It's not poisoned, it's just... Poisoned damage. Yeah. do you have So are you resistant to poison damage? If you are, that means you take half damage, otherwise you take 17. Advantage on saving throws against being poisoned and you have resistance to poison. Okay, so you take 8 poison damage.
As the spiders crawl all over you, bite you, and then disappear. What? I i just kind of wave them off and then search them. No, no, no. They disappear. As each one bites into your flesh, it disappears into a puff of smoke. Oh, does he get AIDS? He might, but he's a robot, so it doesn't matter. I just ignore it and continue to lose it.
Yeah, the desk contains notes about covert missions the Loth worshippers are planning in the next few months, and it contains gold and spider a gold and but a gold and Jim encrusted spider shaped knick-knack whatever that means um worth 500 gold.
um So a spider item worth 500. I put that on the desk and I go back and I guess I attempt to break the locks of the ones that weren't allowed since somebody else is in here. So while you're doing all that, Slurm, what are you up to? I was wanting to roll an investigation on these bones. Okay, did you roll yet? 19? Yeah. Alright. Let me see here. That falls under W11.
Um, the bones appear to be bones. Um, what is your dark vision range? I have superior dark vision. So I think I have a good site out to a little bit actually. Uh, I can see on the map here. Um, okay. Nevermind. Um, give me a perception at, give me a perception at disadvantage. Oh shit.
You need some help, sir? Don't don't move yet. We don't move? That's disadvantage.
I mean, do we need it to be disadvantaged? it's bill a first roll is normal van yeah I Okay, well it's an 11. Alright, yeah, see one nothing. then twenty nothing um I will say, when you glance out into the room, um you... ah without moving, you see all of those pile-looking things are piles of bone.
And you can kind of, just at the edge of your dark vision, see some some what looks like some webbing. Guys? Hey! Get in here, now!
Uh... Oh, it's the Scanner, sees... Back up, back up, back up, back up! yeah Everybody but that's ah let's just checking on some stuff here that's just okay mark that right snake like backup back up. Back up where? Over here? Over here? Back up? All right, well you're while you guys are backing up, amber Ambernock, you easily break the locks.
um I need you to back up. ah So Ambernock, while they're well while they are back in a way, each of the chests contain one of those amulets. So um three more of those. um And then the chest close to the entrance contains two potions of superior healing.
So three more of those amulets plus two potions of superior healing.
And then Iskander, are you going to explain what you glimpsed? Well, is she going to back up? Oh, yeah. Well, that's the danger fly. Oh, danger fly. Yeah. was over Where's everybody
So I don't want to step on Gertrude. Who's down in here still?
Amberknock. Amberknock's down in the the the room with all the chests still. Yeah. ah So I guess Slurm and Dennis are the only ones close to me? That's true. looks like a ah So there is a very large token in there that
I guess, should I roll something to know what I saw? Yes, I guess some... First roll of perception to see how good you saw it, because you only glimpsed it. You had better envision than Slurm does? Oh yes. Oh yeah, I have 300 feet of darkvision, man. Yo, what the fuck? It's a class ability. I have 120 feet worth of true sight. The thing wasn't invisible, it was just far away. Okay.
wordss bad at or that and I mean I have a passive of 19 my passive Sure with the passive of 19 you saw a dragon looking us Something that looked like a combination of a dragon and a spider So I say that be out there right now. It's a spin dragon What's walking out there is the danger fly if I recall is the danger fly invisible or just stealthy? I'm in stealthy Yeah, it's just a little fly, right? It's like a... Yeah, I mean, it's a little fly. It's a little fly, but... Okay. I'm not sure what I saw out there, but I... No, Slurm, you didn't... You saw the bones. No, I saw... You said I saw the suggestion of something possibly moving. No, you saw bones and saw webbing. And then I saw a dragon that looked like it fought the spider. And it webbed.
Okay, spyfly requires a 17 to perceive. um Let's just find out. That's a lucky roll for you. Because if it had it if it had advantage, it would have spotted the fly. Holy shit. why Are you serious? Bring the fly back. Bring the fly back. It was able to fucking spot him. No, no, no, no. I said if it had advantage, it would have spotted the fly. Oh shit.
i guess i should roll for you know there's a motherfucking dragon out there my guys okay motherfucking damn the other thing and the other thing failed by one point and the other thing failed by one point so okay so we need to get the cool together tell Gertrude Gerplow i can see that i can see through the eyes of my my thing can i determine what that is do i know what that is can i roll who give me an arcana check OK, mate. That's booting back up. Frank, it's it's the gym of seeing. um It should be at the top in the handouts area right now. I rolled a dirty 20. A dirty 20 on Arcana? Man, I'm trying to decide because this is not a common creature. Spider dragon?
Yeah, the terrors known as Spider Dragons were first found in the deepest corners of the Underdark and traced their origins to Black Dragon Wormlings who ate a steady diet of spiders. Though Spider Dragons were not created in the Abyss or by Loth's Faithful, worshippers of the spider clean Spider Queen claim that Spider Dragons are a gift from their deity. ah They are the most numerous in Underdark's areas where Loth's Faithful claim as their own.
Do I know anything it looks like? ah that's why Of its Of its character sheet? Would I know anything about that? that um It has you know spidery abilities, like webs and stuff. um and But you don't know much about it um it. It is a pretty rare creature, so... Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, Yeah, I do. I speak Draconic. I speak Draconic. We can go in loud, boys. We can go in loud. Why why do we need to speak Draconic? To talk to the dragon. Yeah. All I'm saying is, I've kind of always wanted to slay a dragon. Yeah. I guess what I can do... Give me one second.
Also, not gonna lie, I've been feeling really powerful. Like I'm much stronger or have more abilities than I should. Really want to test it out. Um, Abernock, I'm assuming you're searching that room. But I think we need to map the- Uh, you don't find anything- You find boxes of dried meat and other shelf-stable provisions, and there is an ice chest in the southeast corner which is full of raw meat.
i'd take it all okay ronnie how long is that ronnie been sitting there on the fda approved it's a nice here is an ice chest of bromley according to what what section do you get a year of the health care did you get fifteen fifteen pounds of raw meat bill why do you sound like this the eight that the fucking week thank you from no no no no from bob the verse the
Bob's like little AI can paint, not AI, but like. Oh, the guppy. Yeah. The guppy, yes. Why do you sound like guppy? I actually don't know what your efforts are yet. Oh, shit. you You never listened or read the Bob Ivers? Well, 15 pounds of raw meat and how many boxes of ah dried provisions. Don't you just magically produce sandwiches? yeah Eight. And?
Yes, by the way, i answer your question. Yes, he does. Eight boxes for Visions. So meigate so but about to metagame speech you all this. I want to fight this thing. I want to know how strong we are as as a team with so with two with basically two full classes worth of abilities. But I think we should nap first and be prepared, go especially since we actually were able to see it before we went in. I i i come up, I'm like, hey, guys, what's up?
where i'm gonna i'm gonna run up i'm gonna grab i'm gonna uh... put my uh... arm around amber knocks uh... well actually your tallest buck around your knee i'm gonna be like get down here let's talk of it champ down this way good buddy do you want to fight and see what and see what we can do uh... uh...
Sure? Question mark? Sweet. There's something big in that room right over there, but we all need to rest first. Maybe we should investigate the rest of the complex before we go taking a nap. That's very true. That's a smart idea. Well, I mean, so we're here for a mystical, magical one of seven pieces.
it's probably in that dragon's ass or... that dragon ate the macguffin whatever the macguffin is we're here looking for it in the drugs it's a hundred percent in there dude you're not doing it I'm not digging in there you're the smallest one you can fit you piece of shit but but What do I have? What do I have? But why don't we why don't we check the rest of this complex first? um Oh, I did find 15 pounds of raw meat. um If there's actually a spud dragon in there, we could lace this with some poison or something and toss it in. and yeah Poison? It's a spider. I don't know. Yeah, kind of good point on that one. It's it's an idea. um It's a fantasy spider.
real spiders every day but fantasy spters thats I mean, are we really poisoning the spiders, though? Like, really? Yeah. I mean, yeah. But are we really? Yeah, you're always yeah they're always, always matching every time. Are we sure they're just not the same exact spiders? Yeah.
What are we really? You could sit there and watch it work when you get them. I know. but like is there Is there a way that we could put this thing in a bag of holding? No, el it's to uncap that bit it's too big. No, I think I'm not gonna lie. I'm pretty sure we would have to hunter this and take pieces.
Who all has a bag of holding? I technically have one. Do I technically have one to run? Your chest is a bag of holding. The bag of holding is not big enough. It has limitations. Yeah, but I'm talking about for parts. We've got. Oh, sure. I mean, you could fit several parts and then I'm sure. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, this is like more like a monster situation.
OK. OK, I got a plan. Right. I got this cool guy called a thing called a bag of tricks. Right? I can roll a d8 three times a day and it creates a creature from a weasel all the way up to a giant elk. Right? Nice. hey Either I send in three weasels because i one right or I send in various creatures of various sizes into the web area. Right? Spider dragon freaks out, starts trying to eat things.
And we come in and, you know, surprise motherfucker, you shotgun it, I hit it with some sunbeams. We give it to business while it's trying to eat our pets. Whoa, whoa, my fake pets. Well, actually, actually, i a fiery pipe I have a gorgon in in my pocket. And I can summon a fiery peacock horse.
you know that would be a bar that could be a bar trick can you ever like to say like hey what's in my pocket and pull out a fucking gorgon i don't have any sort of like poison spells or anything though i have poison spells do we want to find out anyway anyway yeah i see but value right i agree to the plan we clear out the rest of this place We take a nap and they get ready for this big fight, but now we know where we need to be. Well, I feel like if we kill if we kill the thing, we don't even have to go out there. like We killed the dragon. Everybody else is just going to fuck off. Yeah, but I mean, we could lose out on any loot they might be having. Might be having. They they might have. I mean, to be to be perfectly honest, we're all kind of somewhat loaded at this point.
And? Saving the multiverse? I don't know what everyone else is like on spells. I'm pretty good on spells, but I don't know about everyone else. No, I'm good. No, I've got like two fifth levels. I've cast eight fourth levels. I have cast a singular slotted spell. I mean, I'm down. It's just this fight might take a while and it is already almost 12. Yeah, let's cliffhanger it. Let's cliffhanger it.
Surprised motherfucker and then we're coming back to the business. Yes.

Session Wrap-up and Future Plans

Okay. it's Okay, cool. One question. If I poison spray the weasels.
I think poison spray just does damage. It does. It only does damage. Oh, it's a problem. I don't actually have some sort of poison on me because I feel like that's in my character. What do you want to do to the weasels? Poison spray. He wants to spray them with his poison.
Well, okay. Well, you guys have all kinds of stuff in this bag. um You've stuffed ridiculous amounts of things in the bag. You don't have something caustic or like it would be upsetting to someone's tum-tum in there. I'm sure you would have it. yeah I'm looking through my my list and I, I mean, yeah I'm starting to think about it now too. Actually think we picked any poison, any real poisons campaign.
Why not? None of us really use specifically, so it's like, huh. I got an old broken spyglass. I have a black velvet mask stitched with silver thread. I got a pair of nickel bone hard bone statuette. I have a spooky elf head. Soiled red face coat. Yeah, no, as far as like my random shit's not in there.
Dagger, Ring of Protection, Bag of Holding, Decanter of Endless Water. Ooh, I've got a Decanter of Endless Water. That doesn't help us do. Cloak of Protection, Potion of Healing, Weeds Boots. Will Cloak, Flail, Potion of Superior Healing. I have the Half Plate Armor, Fire Fingers, Trident of Fish Command, Wing Boots. No, no, nothing.
Oh, they left. Okay. Well, I'll make sure we'll stop by and that the apothecary will be back to town.
But we have a dragon to fight. Yeah. Or at least set up the fight. Next time. Yeah. Because I'm... Yeah, dragon fight is gonna take a little bit. Do we want to explore the rest of the compound?
I mean, I feel like we can kill the Spadragon and then at our leisure do the rest of the compound. Right? That works too.
I can also blow a horn of Valhalla and summon 3D Fords at a minimum of six berserkers. I can animate up to eight tiny objects. That have 67 hit points on average each. I can also do that.
if i have i have a bunch to random shit in my pockets i can just throw it all out and aimmate it ah the next day the next game is going to be some level of butfucker for i genuinely and honestly i believe with my whole like my whole
and this We're at the point of time at night where Bill's internet goes out. so I'm looking at like some random ah stuff to you know trying to upgrade this dragon. you know um and There's a new spell in the 2024. Actually, I don't know if it's new, but it's anti-life shell.
yeah i know what that is i thought it was going to be so much cooler though it just prevents ah constructs and undead from passing through oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's just i was like anti-life that sounds fun but now it's not that fun okay um so are we calling it yeah i gotta go i gotta yeah i gotta go help they give this cat a bath that is all right um so uh Thank you, everybody, for coming tonight. i don't know I don't know if we had any viewers. I haven't been paying attention to Twitch. um But i somehow I doubt it. and Nobody has left us any messages. But um ah I was your dungeon master around Bjork, and with me tonight was Bill. Hey, y'all. I'm Bill. I was Slurm the Goblin Artificer. I had a great time tonight. And for anyone who needs to hear it, I love it.
ah Didn't actually say it that's true it Also Hayden Hey, it was good being here. Sorry slaring that I got killing you Okay, you know, I love you ah Yeah, it was it was fun Let's try to not get eaten and shit it out of a dragon spider's ass tomorrow or next week Yeah, yeah, that's probably smart. Well, let me next week. I'm pretty sure their digest takes a little bit longer than that. You don't know that. You don't know anything about that. My digest you works faster than that. It's just the dragon. It'll drop already. Somebody already left. Oh, Bill. Oh, okay. Bill died. That's Bill died. Did I say Hayden? Yep. Okay, Frank.
Hi everyone, I'm Frank. I played, I finally remembered who I was playing and I did play Ambernock. Had fun. I appreciate y'all coming out and listening. um You could catch us sometimes streaming on Sunday mornings and other days of the week um on random video games. um But yeah, so ah good afternoon, good evening, and good night. And Eric.
And I'm Eric, I was playing Iskander, the Chapter Master of the Resplendent Light, because walking around with the Spirit Guardians, we're about to summon the Berserkers, and maybe some Weasels. And we'll see what a dragon can do with that. Weasels. Alright, I am good, Missis, and this is for dragons. You know, they probably would eat spiders, so good night everybody.
Thanks everyone for listening. The intro and outro songs you heard today was Foxhole Revolution created by Kevin MacLeod at, licensed under Creative Commons by attribution 4.0 license, licenses by 4.0.
The night is over and have a great day everyone.