Stranded - Session 8 image

Stranded - Session 8

S2 E11 · IDM Roleplay
14 Plays9 days ago

Join us for the exciting season finale of season 1 of Stranded! 

Welcome, or no, no, what did I, what do I usually say? Welcome everyone to another episode of... Hold on, hold on. All right. Hogwarts Legacy Podcasts. Honestly, well... I'm your podcast host, Frank.
like good Welcome everybody to another episode of Integrated Dice Management Presents Stranded. um Tonight I am joined by the lovely Bill. Hello everyone. It's been two weeks since I heard all five of you out there.
you know, those random friends and family that we've, uh, conned into listening to these so that we don't feel like nobody's listening to them. And, uh, I don't know if, I don't even know if Eric has listened to them yet. No, he's, like a he's listened to a couple of me. Let me know. Hi, Eric. Okay. And, uh, I'm going to be playing. Hi, Eric. And just for everyone out there, just know I love you.
And we also have Hayden. Hey, if any of my family listened to this, please don't. Thank you. no I will be playing Riker Craft. Let's see if we die this game trying to communicate with some overgrown cockroaches. And we've also got Frank, who I'm going to become very confused because he's the only one that put didn't put his real name as his screen name in this recording.
I assumed that we were going to put down our character names in the new recording setup. I am now Nigel for real, not just Nigel in the game.
Hi, everyone. I am Nigel Kelso, apparently. um I'll be playing Nigel Thornberry. Oh, Nigel like Castle. Pre-staged to listening.
All right, so it has been a couple weeks some weeks since we played. The last time we played, ah we um I know you guys went and found the mushroom people and they said they were gonna send you a spore master ah to join the negotiations.
That's honestly all I remember from last session. That same that same you are remember damn man gave me a flower because lucky fucked up. You were listening, you know how bad he fucked up. And that flower almost got me even more fucked up. Yeah, there is almost some essay stuff going on. Yes, this was almost a an unintentional roofie situation. I'm so happy that we got that fixed.
That's right. Oh, yeah. Okay. Okay. I remember now. Yeah, that's right. He led you guys too that's funny um and to the... I don't remember what I named her. I have to listen. tosmic mommy got gody gave you a ruie flower Her name, her name was Ramona and I just love it how, I don't know if y'all caught that, the background of my wife. Yeah, I don't know if you caught that, but my wife in the background, she's just like, yeah, she's just like, the fuck? I'm in the nymph lady. I don't remember if I gave her a name, but she was the most beautiful.
I don't let me see if I wrote down I don't i don't know if you ever even if y'all asked her and asked a name So I probably didn't come up with one on the spot like I usually do all as I said was I'd be willing to trade my soul and she was like Boy, you don't got no soul anymore. I was like damn. Yeah. Yeah Damn, how could she tell i said um do I have something on my shirt that says solace? Oh Sorry, that's on my pants so It's just like, you have it tattooed above your butt. It's a tramp stamp. Ew, you got a tramp stamp, Hayden. It's so tacky. Oh, God. That's funny. You know, that's becoming canon. To be fair, Hayden, ah you were like the only person in this group that I could actually picture in my and my in my mind having a tramp stamp.
Oh, thanks, Bill. I appreciate you thinking about me having the tramp stamp. Say say Bill and nice filigree on there.
It's just like that. It's in the same design, but it's obviously has words. I don't know what the words are right now. But ah from cars, you know, that blue, I forgot her name, that blue car that Lightning McQueen has a crush on.
Yeah, yeah. It's been so long since I've watched a Cars movie. Oh, yeah. The really hot blue car. Yeah. Yeah. Did you just say, Oh, my God. You can't be attracted to cars, Frank. Hey, do you know how long it's been?
Don't touch me. Hey, Frank, you know what? I'm not going to touch you, Frank. I only introduce you to a website called Bad Dragon. oh there's a yeah there's a whole have the build i already knew ah dragon There's a whole section of the internet that's dev debateed devoted to relationships with your car. so eyes do mean okay wrong yeah um So you guys met her, she gave Bill yeah some so um love potion mushrooms.
ah and um Yeah, you didn't get too much useful from her, but basically what you did get was the promise that ah a um ah member of the people of the spore, who he referred to as a spore master, will um join you tomorrow at the meeting with the Thrycreme.
and so
Uh, we're gonna cut to... unless someone plans to do something overnight, um, we're gonna cut to the morning of the meeting. But does anyone have any night plans first? Besides Bill, who, you know, his plans went strangely and us in a direction that he wasn't expecting. so Yeah, no, I'm speaking on my licorice.
What's that mean? Yeah, you're sleeping. That's right. She's passed out in your tent, but you are sleeping in your chair. What's that mean? It's like task successfully failed or failed successfully or something like that? It failed successfully, yeah. Bill's looking at his watch right now and that's all it says. Task failed successfully. Fuck yeah.
um As a leader of the PAP, I probably would spend some time talking to people as they come in and out of the camp. yeah um There's not a whole lot of people left, so there's not a whole lot of people I can pretend like I can mix it up for. But yeah, I would definitely be talking to anybody that would come in and out and just, you know, explaining everything. yeah And trying to look for advice and excuses and things.
Yeah, I think I would have talked to um Nigel about actually setting up that essentially a shrine, more like a garden thing, like a shrine slash garden. So we can have the Mycanides and all people, the shrooms. Yeah. um And building that shrine so that way we can have like a an actual culture and diplomacy thing going on.
But besides that, me personally... I probably would have... I mean, it's okay if you don't get into those tasks. You're welcome to also just go to sleep. I probably would have checked just to make sure if the Pip-Boy was still on the ship. The Pip-Boy... Yeah, it's still there.
Just because I don't want to get sued. I think we should start calling it the zip boy And we won't get sued I've heard Podcasts mentioned that there's some sort of weird podcast law that you know you can get away with crap like this um It's something to do with radio law, but we're allowed to make references This Pip-Boy is entirely independent of the Pip-Boys from a specific video game, so... Yeah, speaking of... I don't know what you're getting me talking about. Yeah, nobody does. It's nothing like those. Isn't Disney losing their rights to Mickey Mouse? I don't know. Or exclusive rights? I have no idea. I don't know how they would, but that's interesting. They're copyrights coming up on it, and they can't renew it because they had X amount of time to have it. Interesting.
not becomes public domain. Interesting. Well, maybe that's why Disney's been acquiring all that all that stuff so that they could have have a new spokesperson that's not Mickey Mouse. Yeah.
To be fair, Mickey Mouse has ran for a long time. It's like one of the main things. There's like Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and there's Mickey Mouse fandom and, you know, why's bear shit bullshit stuff.
He's had his own. So the morning comes. It's somewhat early. Well, I mean, I guess ah morning is a bit of a. A misnomer. Yeah, the time that people would normally wake up now, it's it's pretty much dark all day at this point of winter and cold. There's there's let's say there's a light snow on the ground. If I could do a snow effect, actually, I probably could. But um I know I have some weird effects I can do this one.
frost uh uh explosion of frost that's snow look at all the frost explosions oh god you know i thought talking about it on the screen i looked i'm like what you didn't you didn't see look look at all these there's there's not even a background oh this is white are you guys out on the map oh you're on the faction map whoops god damn it
Wow! It's snowing! Why is the snow exploding? Good lord, if that's how it snowed on this planet, get me the fuck off of it. You know, that's probably how it snows on this planet. It probably is how it snowed. I can do this. What's this do? Oh, that was not impressive. Y'all look over into the far distance at the campsite. You just see Lucky jumping around through the explosions. Hee hee hee! Probably looking through the explosions. God.
And then I turn over, like, if Lucky's ever this happy again, someone died. That doesn't even look right. If Lucky's ever this happy again, it means that say he blew somebody up and he because he meant to.
Someone's ripping ass. Bomb, that's bombs. That kind of works, too. And Beam.
I was expecting a gigantic ass beamed. Well, I drug the line all the way across the map, and it only does a little short beam. That sucks. Anyway, enough of that. um you Morning comes, um and everyone give me a perception check. God damn it. First roll of the game. Hold on, I'm going to broomstick. Yeah, I got to bring up my character sheet real fast. ah Stop playing Harry Potter. We're playing a different game.
I don't play Harry Potter. It's too fun. I'm yelling at Frank. Well, that's because you don't have Harry Potter. It won't even load. It said no. Perception? Yeah. Come on. Go to my character sheet, you son of a bitch.
I'm not even paying attention. I'm still getting nuts when he's on this son of a bitch. You slut. Roll perception.
I am not I'm a nice lady There it is um good thing that good thing you didn't have disadvantage um okay, so all three of you ah Frank only because you got in at 20 because you I are in the far corner i guess all three of you it's not the biggest camp all three of you awaken to the sounds of shouting coming from the the front you know quote unquote gates um do you investigate yeah we have a gate you have an entrance to the wall right here yeah so it's not so much a gate as just to hold that yeah so lucky definitely didn't hear it
Oh, that's right. He would have disadvantage. Lucky you did not hear it. Yeah, you're right. were Were people running around? If people are yelling, they're probably running, right?
People have been asleep, but you hear the two guards at the gate yelling. um If you get closer, you can determine the yell. Let me roll a perception since Ramona's in the same room as Bill at the moment. ah If she heard that other roll, I know her was something different.
Ramona does not wake up. So Bill and Ramona are asleep, but separately. um So do you guys go check out what the shouting is about? Yes. um Real quick. So the flower that's in the room, um would it cause them to, I don't know, do things in their sleep as well as when they're awake? What was your flower the flower? Oh, that Ramona was given? Yeah. Well, I mean, it's been in the room this entire time. You don't know anything. You don't know what the flower does. Yeah, but they've been asleep. and It's in the room.
shut up The only thing you, Frank, the player knows is that I rolled a Wisdom ah check for Ramona and she got a 16. Your character didn't know anything. Well, you can see that. That's what I rolled. I don't know what you're talking about.
um but yeah Riker so you go to go see what the what's going on at the gates and so do it You know a few other people are are coming um And the guards are shouting stop right there put your hands on the ground put your hands in the air and the other ones like put your hands behind your back and i would Just like I would also go to investigate. Yeah Do you guys look out the gates? Yes ah You spot a, you know, I would say small, um but I guess average to what you're used to seeing. A mushroom man approaching. Oh, my God. And he looks like this only he has forearms.
wow He looks amazing. And he has forearms. Yeah, because most of them have forearms because they're imitating the Thrycreme. But a couple of... They also have elbows.
Yeah, they have elbows, I guess. Does that pitcher have elbows? um not the better Ron, you said he had four arms, like four arms. Quattro four, yes. Does he have upper arms too?
sure yeah right but he has the number four he has two pairs he has two pairs of arms um and it stops and it raises the upper pair um and puts the lower pair behind its back no actually it doesn't understand it it doesn't know what's going on um but it does stop and and like seems confused but what does it have to roll to talk to him to to you you've got a telepathy um tool now you know cuz I can oh yeah that's right I'll just yours is 10 feet so when I see the the shroom man yeah I yell at the guards to stop they um they look confused but they're like what what is that thing I say he's a friend I've asked him to come here
And they are hey look, and then, you know, I guess Matthias is, you know, approaching at this point, and they they glance at Matthias, he nods, and they lower their weapons. We we decided that if um I got above a 10, I can talk, allegedly, yes. Yes, I believe so. but But I personally cannot, like, talk to one person individual, I talk to everybody within 10 feet.
If you look at your awakened mind, um, did I change what yours says so to update to the new rules? I didn't. Okay. Um, but yeah, I talked to everybody within 10 feet. So I was like, welcome honored guests. And I'm just like screaming very loudly. Yeah. but Um, I'm pretty sure I copy pasted your, those rules somewhere.
But yeah, I believe.
I created, um okay, well, I'll just um leave it at, if I remember right, with the 14, you might be able to do a single target. What's the D100 for? um So if you have a volume knob and zero and then 100 and 50 is your normal speaking voice, I turned it all the way up to 91. Okay.
And so i'm I'm basically screaming at 91% volume. I'm like, welcome honored guests. All right, so. At 91, I'm pretty sure that's loud enough to be slightly jarring. So Frank, OK, tier one, you broadcast everything in range. Frank, until your character has more practice, you basically need to do a DC-10 to not sound like Bill when he's having internet trouble.
Hayden, you can now project just fine um because you just didn't know it was possible. um Tier two, speak to a single individual. You can see, Frank, with practice currently, you can't you can't make this check because it's only technically been like, what, 48 hours now. um With practice, you'll be able to start doing this at a DC 15. On a fail, it just does the basic projection. Hayden, you can already speak to individuals. Tier three,
Um, more than one at a time without broadcasting to everyone. Frank, you can't do this yet. Hayden, this is d DC 15 for you. So basically you could speak to like two people at once, um, instead of like everyone all around you. So it's more like specific. And then, you know, it, depending on if we bother to develop these skills will depend on if we come up with more abilities. Um, but for now, uh,
Hayden basically for now, you can you know do projection or talk to individuals without needing special roles. Okay, so anyway, we've got that figured out. So what what are you saying? Welcome honored guests at 91% volume. Do you move within 10 feet of him? i I would be in the process of walking within 10 feet of him.
it does the hello sign language motion at you. And there are spores involved, but you, well, it, it ah I guess you are within range that it can connect to your mind um because we've established that somehow Hayden can psychically interpret the spores. So it says, um It says, i was ah I was sent here to be present, or no, wait, wait, wait. He has a voice. I was sent here to be present. No, no, that's not his voice. Greetings.
Sent here I was by my people. Oh, God, it's Yoda. To engage in negotiations with the Thrite cream.
Yes, yes, you are the Sporemaster, correct? Sporemaster, yes. Sporemaster, I am. Drick to chock, you may call me. Driddle shot. All right, nice to meet you. I am Nigel.
um and i Do I hear this conversation or no? ah Nigel projects, so yeah, I would say so. If you're within 10 feet of Nigel. I mispronounce it. I mean the micronid, or the shroom. You can understand him, yeah. Nobody else can. Well, you and Nigel can. I asked him if there's a relation between his name and the world's name. um What did I name the world? It's very close. It was... Kickchocknot. Yeah. Kickchocknot. Whatever. I'll copy and paste it. The, yeah. in wild
The name that Thrykreen use for the world this is. Dric to Chalk is not my real name. My real name is, and he does like a proof of colorful spores. I want to go. Ah, I understand. That would make no sense. Do I have pocket sand? Please don't have pocket sand. Can I have pocket sand? I guess. Dric to Chalk is my name in Thrykreen.
You're such a lovely name. Always wanted to name a child that for after a cloud of spores. Canonically, what color is Faerie Fire Blue? ah ah Yes, I believe so. In blue, green, or violet light? Is it one of those colors?
ah is it Is his stuff one of those colors? Yes. It's a mixture of, it does include those colors, sure.
I can't do all three, just blue, green, or violet. Yeah, it's it's multicolored spores. Oh, okay, nevermind. I was going to be like, throw the pocket sand and then cast Fairy Fire into us. You could maybe do it with like minor illusion if you had that spell, but no that's that's ah that's like an arcane spell. Just throw some sand in the air and be like, this is how we pronounce my name, where we come from.
And he just looks at it and I'm like, I am so sorry.
you but Hello, drizzle shots. And i threw and like while I'm saying the name, I throw the sand. I cannot make colors, but this is the best I can translate it as. He watches as the sand falls to the ground and nods sagely.
Well, and then I throw a pocket saying at him again. um Follow me. We must talk to the leaders, I guess. Wait, I'm the leader. He follows you. We need to talk to others. Yeah. Help.
I mean, Riker is there you niker is there too. um Yeah, so it true what you guys are doing is shortly the camp, once everyone's awake, basically, the camp will be heading out.
or members of the camp will be heading out to go to this meeting with the Thri Kreen ambassadors that hopefully is not an ambush. and I ah thought we agreed to move the camp while the leaders were going. I think possibly that's part of the plan. Yeah. Okay.
So, one thing we want to decide is, is the whole group going? Is anyone staying behind? Are you bringing... Matthias definitely wants to come. Are you bringing any other members of the council? So, I know it's a bad idea to party split, but I know they don't like me. Like, I am bad juju. Like, it is... The Thriakreen? Yeah, Thriakreen hate me because I am... But, you are the most competent at communicating with them.
Nigel technically can within 10 feet um and he he but yeah He is definitely has not proven himself reliable at relaying information between anyone I Asked the mushroom person have you heard of our encounter with the most beautiful flower?
ah He uh, he chuckles and says see you didn't see her did you Yes, she is very beautiful. i go did Have you talked to her about our group or about when we encountered her? I i have never spoken to her, but I remember her. I was just going to try to ask if like she had an impression of me because maybe that would help um them not hate me.
so so just a relationship to be clear our relationship with the most beautiful flower that the rykreen have not they know of yeah that's what i was gonna say but are not they are neither friend nor foe to her okay the mushroom people are the one that brought us the the yeah most i just flow i would just imagine that the rykreen would at least know of her or have like a situation with her just because they live on the same planet for thousands of years i mean they probably know of her but I guess, yeah, I should go. I just will be very aware of my position. Yeah.
Have you guys asked any of the mushroom people about your situation? I have attempted to to like figure out more things and like the other group and stuff like that. Like do the mushroom people communicate to them?
Yeah, I'm remembering. um So is there anyone you want to bring besides, yeah like Mathias wants to come, he's leaving the rest of the um security people back at camp to help with the moving and also protecting of the the, you know, people moving, but he wants at least one, you know, A, he's a council member.
Um, and you know, wants a security presence at this meeting, but he understands that, um, to come in force is, you know, a pointless. If the three cream really did bring an army or something, but B would be a bad sign. Like he doesn't want war. He just wants to protect his people. Yeah.
which is what everyone wants. yeah So while we're walking um to where the leader people the other leaders are, i'll um I tell Wrecker, continue on. um I was going to go get Lucky, and I want to walk over there and pop my head in. OK. You see Lucky sleeping in his chair and Ramona sleeping in, I guess, his cot or whatever it is that people sleep on right now? Very awkward situation going on. I slowly close the flap.
And then I turn around and wave so one of the security people down and be like, hey, don't disturb them. They'll be out eventually. I mean, they're nowhere near each other and both fully dressed. But yeah. You're seriously not even going to wake me up?
partjo It's kind of rude. Sorry, I was having a conversation with somebody else. What happened? I was just asking you. You're supposed to be coming along with us.
but If you don't, I will, because I'll realize where he is. I'll wake him up. Well, I'll probably like grab a rock or something and throw it at him. Yeah, i was if you weren't going to wake him up, I was going to say with that role, Ramona hears the shuffling around camp and and um probably ah realizes it's time to wake up. So I like grab a pebble off the ground and like a chunk it at him. Let's see.
Does it hit?
um Well, he's a sleep, so roll with advantage. God damn it. 16. Yes. You hit him with a pebble. Improvise weapon, that's 1d4. You son of a bitch! If you threw a pebble hard enough to damage someone with life-threatening capability, what's your what's your strength? Alright, half of whatever 1d4 is then.
Uh, two damage. Did you really throw the pebble hard enough to deal damage? I feel like it'd be funny to do so, so yes. I mean, this is your choice, but okay, uh, Bill, uh, I'm actually going to rule that cut. So what I was going to do was the, um, D four minus one, um, thing, uh, for, uh, being an, you know, like a shitty weapon. Um, so you take one damage.
because Nigel is Nigel. I am now no longer playing at full health. Way to go, Frank. And as soon as that happens. Oh, wait, wait, wait. Hold on. D4 minus one. I figured we don't have D2. He has a negative one strength. So technically you take no damage. He dealt zero damage.
okay So I rolled d4 I figured a d2 half of the d4 I rolled a net for on the d4 So half that would be a pebble will be to the minus one For my strength and then minus one for yeah, so zero damage. Yeah, but it it was a It definitely thuds into you like it probably leaves a bruise As soon as it hits me I dry I grab my I grab my pistol and aim it right at you Oh Oh, let's see. Dodge. Hey, Nigel, what's up? I just like thumbs up and I'm like, and you know, I don't say anything, but I like mouth. Yeah, yeah good. yout I actually know it. Hold on. Let's see. D twenty nine.
ah Good job, Matt. I'm talking to his his head. ah to everybody within 10 feet. Like, good. Jack. Man. Set. Light. You. At. Good. Ramona, who was already in the process of waking up with that 20 perception, now flips like wakes up and is like, what? What's happening? What is that? She like. She's just confused by the weird chit chatter in her head.
As soon as she, like, starts jerking up right, I, like, close the flap and walk away. ah Just before you close the flap and walk away, like, i ah you see me turn bright red. I'm like... No, no, no, no, no, no! Wrong idea! And you fly you shut the you shut the flap, i I come running after you. You've got the wrong idea!
the now The... The... and then I just grab them by the shoulders. Until you know how to form a full sentence, just talk to me, I can read your lips, okay?
right yeah You know, that's probably actually you're really annoying for for your character. It's like going through all the channels on the on ah on a TV or a radio and all of them are static except for one word, it's all at once.
So stop it or I'm going to start slapping you. Oh, God. What is that? Really? What if that's how it projects to you? Like the entire sentence he's trying to say just goes into a little blip. Wait, is so if you know, I have a question. Would you be able to like just not hear them, like cut them out of your mind? I would say with a telepathy role, you could or possibly a will wisdom check. You could block them out, maybe. Try it. Try it, Bill.
I don't have telepathy. like you wouldn't yeah He wouldn't know how to do that. I'm the only one at this party that can't talk to people in their head unless they can unless they communicate with me first.
and So what's the, oh God, the girl's name. What's the girl's name? Ramona? Ramona. What's Ramona doing? Well, you two were well lucky when chasing out after you, she slipped out.
Damn, she doesn't have to actually embarrass him out of my tent. I'll look over at her, and then I'll look at you back at you, Lucky, and I'm like... jesus She went in the direction of wherever it is she sleeps. Normally. So she's she's not gonna be there when when Lucky returns. I mean, you you see her go, she wasn't being stealthy about it, but he can't hear that she left the tent.
I see you lit up to light night. Okay. This is seriously your very last warning. Talk to me normal until you know how to do all this like Riker can. Otherwise, I'm going to start slapping you.
ah is it like what right on Okay, go for another strike. Okay.
Give me a second. That would just roll your strength, basically. Okay, d20 minus one. ah Yeah, I don't think it's Nope. Swing and miss. Did you say that out loud? I'm just gonna like, yeah. And I'm just gonna be like, thank you.
Jesus! Hey, uh, we, we, we, the, the, the Thrite, not the Thrite Green, the Mushroom People, what's their names? People of the Spore. People of the Spore. Um, the, the Master Spore, the, the Spore Master showed up, uh, already. So we need to kind of scoot. Let's go. Uh, okay. Let me, uh, are we heading, are we heading out now or are we just meeting people? Uh, we're getting into the group that's going to be heading out.
So you got a little bit of time if you need to prepare some, but hurry up. Uh, I'll go ahead and prepare when we get back. Yeah, I'm coming.
Well, we, uh, go back to the group. Okay. So, um, let's see who are the council people. There's you two, Mathias, Ramona, and, um,
the runner guy Alexi that's right um they've all gathered uh and um Alexi is saying that he is willing to stay back and um and uh lead you know help help like you know lead the group i guess to the uh what you might call it the plastics factory um Ramona seems uh and conflicted and that she wants to go to the meeting to see these you know try see what happens there, but also she's concerned with anyone other than her moving the what equipment we have. So she's leaning on the side of staying back as well.
um just so she can oversee that part of the process and keeping people from damaging because she wants to disassemble part of the ship for sure or no you guys thought of a way I know that's right she can she can fly the ship once um actually she says okay you know because she hasn't really told this anyone else I think she told this to you lucky ah she did says okay so I've got news I've got the dropship, I think I can make it do a short flight. So what I'm thinking is we're gonna keep the dropship here and I'll stay with the ship. And if anything goes wrong, you guys book it back here and we'll fly the ship to the plastics factory. That's not a bad idea.
And if everything goes right, then we'll ah we just find a way to move the ship. I don't want to waste the the one you know the the what little fuel we have for one flight if we don't have to. Yeah. And also, even if quick question have everyone come even if we don't have everyone come with us, i do I did just create something that can work as another set of hands for us.
Always creating good stuff. Quick, quick question. Yeah. So if I get, if I get a 15 that I can talk to one person in particular, uh, yeah. Do I know that I'm talking to everybody or do I, I think you would be able to tell.
because you you like, yeah, I think um it would feel, well, you might not know the first time, but it feels different because you connect directly to one person's mind instead of just broadcasting. So do I know like this time? I would say this time, it doesn't feel any different, but maybe you don't know this time. Okay. Okay. I go right here.
Where do I hear that in my head? Everyone hears it in their heads. god And I go, I slowly turn my head. Wait, can I tell that that's like can I tell that that's ah broadcasted? Is there like a difference?
You don't feel maybe. Yeah, sure. Where's your token, Hayden? I don't know. I was trying to find it. OK, I could not. Oh, there it is. It's by the P.A.P. Oh, yeah, I found it. OK. Perception. Now it's over with. I do not know shit. Yeah, you don't realize that only that he is projecting to everyone. um But it's not that hard to tell because ah Ramona and Alexi both look surprised and they're like, what what was that? And then both of them look at Riker because you've well, do you do this to everybody or just to the to the party?
like Just for the party. Oh. Everyone's like, what the hell was that? Or Alexey and Ramona.
ah just understand I just kind of glance up and look back at Riker. I'm like, pssst, Riker. There it is again. What is that? And I go, and I say out loud, I think you're speaking to everyone. No, I'm pretty sure only you can hear me. No, I'm pretty sure that's not that. Ron, you said it was our alexa john a straight check, right? checkck i heard
yeah roll a strength check because you're not proficient so did that will hit yeah um okay unarmed strike uh is one damage if you're not trained it's one damage plus your strength so it will be zero down no i have a minus one strength this will still be one day it'll be no damage but um Hang on one second, I need to shove my dogs downstairs, they're barking. Be right back. i see him The DM's gone, now we can make this train go off the track extremely far. right start Start rolling everything.
hey ah I look lucky, I kind of rub the back of my... Did you like slap me upside the head, or did you just try to punch me? Oh no, at this but this time I slapped you upside the head. Okay, I just kind of rub this side of my head and I'm like, I don't understand why he slapped me like that. ah like i' so but had to write Would anyone like to explain what's going on?
hello look everybody i'm like Lucky has this a ability we're not lucky sorry nigel has this ability to speak in people's heads from the magic of this world.
he's own them so have a your card with it So he's not that great at it. So you're not revealing that you have this ability. I'm i'm not not revealing. All as I'm saying is the fact. Yeah. I can't look around. I'm like, shh, right here. Don't tell him everybody. Nobody knows. Here's mushroom.
um And say directly into your mind. That's not how that works.
That's not how any of this works. The mushroom man says, um ah what is the word for, I guess, ah a beginner he is. And of course, only you two understand this. And he realizes, or no, he says, hmm, what is a young mushroom called? A polyp, maybe. A spore.
I think a sword would be a mushroom baby. A primordium? No, that doesn't work.
I Google a young mushroom name. I got Kevin. What is an amateur button? Okay, I like button, yeah. A button this one is.
Uh, and then he looks around and realizes no one else, um, besides you two can understand what he's saying. And, uh, he says, so true. It is that most of this peop of the sky fallen cannot speak properly. When I say out loud, that is true. And also into his head. Yeah.
Very well. Hold on, let me... I don't think this guy had... Well, you know what? He's got a weird ability. um Let me read this weird ability. Because he's not just a Myconid. I looked up Myconid playable race. And he is a ah variant Myconid. So... Nope, that's not... That's... Let's see.
Yeah, I don't think he has anything to make you guys be able to speak I Mean I could do something weird, but I'm not ready for that yet. I have I I'm not waiting ready to reveal weird things just yet besides the mushroom and Random pocket stuff. I forget what that is That's
Did we create that? should have been Yes, that should have been the role to see if I had pocket sand from earlier. Oh, OK. It's, you know, that's right. I remember we got some random like piece of shit like pocket sand or a toothbrush or something. I mean, if that role was for pocket sand, you definitely have pocket sand. So um I want to put i would to pull out like a little like squirt bottle of water um and offer the mic and did some refreshment.
thirsty. I am not. I, I, I look at it and I'm just going to support myself. I'm like, ah, refreshing. five watch So Mattias says, well, we should probably get to this meeting then. Um, and, uh, I guess, um, if there are no objections, you guys head out, it's going to be, um,
the you know obviously mushroom man, Nigel, Ryker, Lucky, Matthias. On the way over, I want to ask if, I want to ask the Mykonid if he's able to tech them while they're and invisible or camouflage or cloaked or whatever you want to call it.
Hang on, I've got to look at this character I made. Oh, that's Justine's character. Okay. um I was like, who's this token I have here?
um Y'all bring in a bathroom. I have a thing called Wild Companion, and I don't remember it. and You use that to make the Squizzard.
it so It says Holy Abomination. yeah I gain the ability to summon a spirit that assumes an animal form. As an action, you can expend the use of your Wild Shape feature to cast the Find Familiar spell. Yeah, so on it that is... um I'm assuming when you went to level 2 you used the Character Mancer thing? ah Level up. I guess. Yeah, so that is one of the variant um possibilities for the Druid. And I'm totally fine with it.
So I saw that too, and I'm like, hmm, I like this. Apparently Roll20 has started like throwing in the variant options, and I'm fine with all variants. I didn't recognize it, but it's interesting. yeah yeah Is it still a fae? Or a fae equivalent? ah For all points and purposes, yeah, it's a fae equivalent.
call it a fae. You know, you wouldn't know it's a fae because, um you know, we didn't know fae's were real. Okay, so you guys um head out to the meeting place, which I will move the map over. We'll just stick your badger mole over in the corner because sure, why not? You brought to him. ah And um are you how are you trying to arrive early on time or late?
um Um, I would like to be early. I don't know about you. Yeah, early probably. But on the way over, I do have those feet that I would like to do. Okay. You can spend 10 minutes inspiring your companions, shoring up their resolve to fight. When you do so, choose up to six friendly creatures within 30 feet who can see or hear you and who can understand you. Each creature gain temporary hit points equal to your level plus your charisma modifier. So what's what's that? How much of that? My level is two and my charisma.
bonus is four. So the current group is one, two, three, four, five, six people, including yourself. um Six if you count the badger mole. Seven. I'll count the badger mole. Technically, because now I would have unveiled my, ah my mechanical, my mechanical companion.
Okay. um Is it okay if I don't include your mechanical companion? and
I don't remember what it's called. I think it's a... it says it on my character sheet, I think. So, um how much was that? Six hit points? Six temporary hit points? Six temporary hit points. Okay, everyone has six temporary hit points. um You guys beat the shit at each other. For my purposes, I'm just gonna put that in this green circle here on your tokens so that I'll just remember to subtract it.
when I inevitably, something goes horribly wrong and have to deal damage to you.
ah So you guys, um ah everybody give me a survival roll. I'll roll for Matthias. The mushroom man doesn't know where you're going, so he wouldn't roll for this. This is just to see how well you make it there.
Good job. Okay. As per usual, along the path, I will continue to try to collect herbs and other fun things. And since I have them, I can do it with me. I would be asking names of things and stuff. Impossible uses. Yeah. he I mean, I'm not going to do that right now, but he gives you like, uh, names and he tells you, these are what the dry cream call it. And then he'll do like a spore pattern and say, this is what we call it. Um,
and he's happy to teach you. um And like he pauses at one mushroom or at at a plant and um tells you, you know, this plant during the spring ah produces what I've been told by ah the thrychine I've spoken to, a delicious fruit. And then he waves his hands over the plant and it grows and produces a like about um let's say ah five strawberry looking-ish things. I take the five strawberry-ish looking things. Yes. And I like cut it into quarters and offer one to Riker and one to Lucky and one to the spore guy. And then I ate the other quarter of one.
The spore guy um holds up his hand and says, no, these are for you, ah for your your group. I i don't eat them. Do they do anything? Are they tasty? Do you eat it? I ate one quarter of one.
it does It's definitely tasty. um With only eating one quarter of one, I can't tell you anything else. so
It tastes delicious. I mean, it tastes, it's not a strawberry for sure, but it's got a citrusy flavor. You know, it's a good flavor. Um, if you were to give it, you know, an earth analog, you would say strawberry, but you know, it's obviously not a flavor. How big was this fruit? Strawberry size? Strawberry, strawberry size. Yeah. I probably, I probably would have just eaten one and offer one to the rest of everybody. Um, you, uh, have advantage on your next D 20 roll.
So put I guess the way in character that that would make you feel is um you... slightly more confident Yeah, yeah. So anyone for one to write girl bear one to lucky yeah anyone who eats a strawberry gets a advantage on the next roll after eating it.
whatever that role may be i'll go ahead i'll go ahead and uh i'm gonna hold on to my strawberry yeah you hold on to it and okay yeah um i of course jot all this information down into a little booklet yeah i'm actually no i just call it inspiration you have inspiration if you eat it i'll let you choose the role to use it on because you know I might make you do a bunch of random rules. Then in that case, I'm going to go ahead and eat it. Yeah. So anyone who eats it gets inspiration. You you only gave it to Riker and Lucky? um Yes. OK. Well, how many people are going with us? did Do they feel inspired? They feel confident. You feel confident, yeah. um There is you. There's Nigel, Riker, Lucky, Matthias,
the trick to chalk and the badger mole. I guess I'll eat mine. and I'm just like, it makes you feel confident. Is there an inspiration button? i There is. It's right above your of proficiency. Yeah. So right next to your strength. OK. Yeah. It's more just like ah like a toggle. I don't know. So if you have inspiration.
Yeah. So you got a little dragon if it's inspired and you don't have a little dragon, but you're not inspired. Yeah. Uh, so let me go ahead and, oh, wait, 19.
Hmm. That's a 19 and a 18 are high rules. Uh, Nigel and lucky while you are traveling, um,
Do you notice ah human footprints and signs of um foraging, I guess? what Yeah, you notice human footprints and signs of foraging. Like berries being picked and twigs broken, you know things like that, like signs of that sort of stuff.
human message. And then um the footprints, from what you can tell, probably one human just walking around the area. um you know you Let's just say you you enter like, I don't know, like a little clearing and you you're noticing this. And then the footprints do go off, not in the direction you're wanting to go.
hi I a make an observation of this to the the group at large.
Mattias doesn't seem concerned. He's like, I mean, we've got foragers out all the time. But he comes from and then returns in a direction that is not from the camp. And it is clearly human, if not humanoid. He does pause at that and says, well, we do need we really need to get to this meeting, but maybe we'll check it out after if if all goes well. I will update my minimap.
And then I pull out my little book of sketches and yeah notate the location. Matthias also ah notates the location on his Pit Boy. Because that's what he's been doing, is ah using this Pit Boy to map.
um And then, ah yeah, so you guys continue on, um unless you're going to follow these tracks. Do we want to follow the tracks? Are they in the general direction? Do we need to go? At the moment, so I'll say at the moment, you will arrive an hour early if you don't follow tracks. Wait, the Myconid doesn't know what these tracks are? The Myconid? You're human tracks. Oh, they're human. Skyfallen tracks. And then I look around like, oh, shit, I didn't even see that. What the fuck?
Well, um, the mic in it and like three of the party members can go that way. And two of us can ride the badger mole and follow the tracks.
No, I wait, I can't talk to the badger mole. I could, the badger role can't talk to me. i Yeah. talk time It doesn't have, um, and enough intelligence for Yeah, like I guess I whispered to the the thing, the Badger Mole in his mind, and I go, do you smell the the prince? Give me an animal handling. Hell yeah, we're doing this. Damn it! The Badger Mole looks around confused and then goes back to whatever it was doing. Walking and ignoring.
i I also would like to try to talk to it in his mind. Go for it. Animal handling. Oh, and telepathy, yes. You broadcast and... What do you say? Do these prints smell familiar?
ah You know what? Let me give the Badger Mall a roll for this.
and i Can I roll an independent um survival check to see how old these prints are? Since I just barely noticed them? I failed to notice how you can.
um Badgermold Sniffs. Okay, yeah. the You can't tell how old they are. but The Badgermold Sniffs, the Prince, and gives you... yeah Well, you they can't communicate back to you. um I mean, with your animal handling, like you you know about animals, it it just kind of ah gives the animal version of a shrug, you know? Like, yeah, yeah, I don't know.
I get down on all fours and I stiff it. Do do I smell anything? In your human form, certainly not. Oh, I can transform. How long can I stay transformed for? I think it's an hour per level. I have two uses at well shape. Eh, it's not that hard. Hold on, you can...
Well, but okay, let's split the party. um Me and Lucky will follow these tracks, and y'all can continue on the path. You can currently stay in B shape for an hour. It's your half your level, basically. Okay. So me and me and Lucky can follow the path or the tracks, and you guys can keep going on ahead, and we can write them about Fragimal to the meat location.
And I look at Makaius, that's his name, right? Makaius, Makaius, Makaius. And I say, you know where we're going, right? I'm i'm kind of lost, bro. um He's got the location on the map. And I go, so that's, that's a yes. I'm like, yeah, right I just don't want to get lost and or die when we get there and we're ambushed.
Okay. All right. um So we are splitting the party now. um All right. So Lucky and Nigel and the Badger Mole are going to go off to investigate the tracks.
um The Matthias and Riker and the Mushroom Man are going to go to the meeting place early. um So
Let's see, do i I've got a random forest map and I have it already. I hand Riker um some string and some pieces of pretty glass and metal and say set this up around the meeting location so you don't be ambushed.
Like from behind.
Wait, wait, what? He's wanting to set up a basic set up a line alarm system. You know, whenever you walk across a string, it jingles like a can full of pebbles or a bunch of little metal things that jingle. Yeah. Know which direction, you know, shit's coming from. OK, consider they might be flying in this hole. We will go with mom Nigel. No, we'll do. ah
Mattias and um I mean not that it's gonna be the most interesting thing because you guys are Hopefully going to a meeting with no one there yet. Oh, yeah, you guys continue on um and You'll arrive at the meeting location in about ah Well, you'll arrive an hour early. So, you know, let's say it takes you. I don't know 30 minutes to get there um and there It's a clearing. you know While Bill or Lucky chose this location at random, it is conveniently a little clearing with like this big rock in the middle. Can you all see the map and everything?
Yes, but I'm not able to. I made it to where you don't have a token, but yes, you can see the map. um so yeah yeah ah I just hid your tokens for now.
um Yeah, so ah you get to the the thing. there's There's nobody here. Do y'all do anything? Matias is going to just kind of start patrolling the perimeter to make sure like there's nobody like lying in wait to ambush them or anything weird. you know I asked Matias to help me out with this string idea. He'll do that. Yeah. um And i I asked them, I can id while we're doing this. um
I'm going to see my telepathy because I'm going to work on speaking at two people at once. What did my role? It was a DC-13. Damn it. Unless you want to use inspiration. Hell no.
um yeah And so I try. What what is it? do Do I know I fail? I think it just defaults to projection, which I guess technically you wouldn't know it failed, because there's only two people to talk to. True. Yeah. So you think you're doing a good night job. Yeah. Yeah. Fake confidence. Yeah. Fake is who you make it. Yeah. Honestly, eat your tasks because that's the way failed.
um But ah yeah, so I just ask, is this the first time the people of the spores have done negotiations with the Thrikreen. He ah considers for a moment and says, in my life in my lifetime, yes, certainly. Before, and he,
there is there is an old memory
Once, these spores are ancient, but once the people of the sky, the skyfallen, which they were not, they did not go by that name at that time, and the trichrine met.
And it, I don't know what happened. we We were not involved. But well, it did not go.
There was a betrayal.
That's humans for you. I don't know if it was human or thrykreen. Man, he can hear me from really far away. He's probably heard you all say that the word human before. He's trying. He's trying. He's trying to use English words.
But, you know, in the mind. He doesn't have... Do they have mouths? I'm gonna... I'm gonna do my... He doesn't have a mouth, so he can't verbally say human. How does he eat? ah That's a personal question.
but ah Did you guys ever read the Animorphs books? A long time ago, yeah. So so the Centaur type people, um the Andalites, they ate by... they didn't have mouths either. And they ate by um crushing the grass beneath their hooves and absorb absorbing it through their hooves. So I figure he probably does something similar in that he just kind of absorbs nutrients through his feet.
They have to like plant himself first. I feel like since he's a plant type person. No, I mean, you know, you you don't know that. But I mean, you know it's like part but he has to like plant himself probably likes to just like roll around and and like nutrient rich soil. So you're just playing in such an interesting bouquet around him. Yeah, you're using fever certainty of Kaifan for what?
um Just like
I don't want to do like inspiration on like, what's about to happen. ah um But Riker has been really troubled after like, finally realizing like, oh shit, I really did sell my soul. Like, I legit that that happened. um And so I guess this is more of like, a not like a religion role. um But it's like,
trying to understand with what has happened to it.
Trying to decide what Kaifan is willing to reveal. I'm going to say right now you get nothing. Like, yeah, he doesn't he doesn't respond.
um You know, presumably Riker has used this connection before in moments, not having to do with Kaifon himself. And Kaifon, you know, gives you that the knowledge you you you know you need, basically. um But lately you've been using it to try and find out stuff to do with your pact and to do with him and the past involving him, her, whatever this god thing is. yeah It, yeah. And it's given you more hazing answers and this time it doesn't answer at all. Asshole. It's like when you finally get the salesman to talk to you about the truth and the fuck with me. Yeah, yeah.
ah All right, so over to, ah while you guys are setting that up, let's go over to um Nigel and lucky you guys are walking through the woods following these tracks um And It occurs to me that I forgot to fully prepare this Well do any preparation for this encounter, but it's an encounter that I wanted you to have a chance to get um
So you guys are walking along. the The tracks are not difficult to follow. Whoever left these tracks, you know they weren't trying to conceal themselves, you know whether that's because they don't care or they wouldn't know to do so. you know Not everyone knows like how to do that sort of thing. um You can't tell. But eventually, you follow the tracks. It takes you about 20 minutes into the forest. You decide to turn back before then.
I feel like at about the 20 minute mark, I'd be like, hey, we're getting way off track here. Give me perception rules. Give me perception rules.
That's a pretty good perception rule there. now Yeah, do I have disadvantage on this one, or is this one site-based? It is site-based. All right. OK. You're thinking about turning back, and then you spot something ahead in the trees. It looks like a structure.
um And then you know do you approach this structure? Should we approach with the vegetable? and That's up to you. It's not big, but it's definitely not um a natural structure. I would say keep them roughly about 10 feet back in the bushes. Okay. yeah i'm I'm actually going to turn to Nigel. I'm going to be like, stay here. I'm going to go out. I've got my gun yeah and come and come out if if things are looking bad or if things are looking good, I guess. All right.
lucky um if you had to put a number um like just a numerical value to how stealthy you are how stealthy do you think you would be how stealthy do i think i would be lucky is is too stealthy he is too yeah yeah yeah but you know what i'm feeling see
I hate you, Bill. Being somebody who who travels through the forest on a regular basis, I feel like I am twice as stealthy as that. I'm not trying to be stealthy. I'm literally walking up and go and I'm going to present myself, but I'm the guy with the gun. And you're the guy that I kind of figured would be stealthy. OK, you do pretty good stealth.
All right, so Bill, um you you approach this structure. you you once Once you get to the trees, you can see it's sort of like um almost like a gazebo that someone has built.
ah It definitely looks recent. It's like built from like cut cut down trees and stuff. And um you you notice like near the, I guess, edge of the gazebo, um it's ah there's there's like a ah ah ah so ah a bundle of like furs rolled out like laid out in like a bed. like um you know Probably someone sleeps there. You can see that outside the gazebo, not nearby. There was a campfire not too long ago.
um The center of the gazebo, and this is probably what's interesting to you, ah there is um what appears to be a shrine um hovering in the center of this shrine on small, um what you know to be, what is, who is eating, what is this? Sorry. That was so loud.
You want to know the funny joke? I had these chips under my bed for like two, three months now. my god They're still good. wow so I shouldn't be eating these, but I am going to mute myself while this is going on. Okay. Um, so, uh, you find a shrine, um, and hovering on
hovering on basically magnetic hover disks. You've seen this technology before. It was common back on Earth. um ah So it's not nothing new to you. um um But hovering on magnetic you know or some sort of like self like-magnetic type disks things um that are holding this object up in the center of the shrine is a poorly carved um totem of a somewhat humanoid individual with a animal-like head and large bulbous leg feet.
OK, I am at the at that point. I'm going to be like, Hello, is anyone here? You can give me a well, I mean, honestly, yeah it hasn't been that long ago. You recognize this as a poorly built um shrine to the parish, the goat, the goat things.
OK, I'm going to go to Scott. I'm going to walk up. to kind of, how ah the bedrolls, the furs and the bedrolls, how many people does it look like could fit on the bedrolls? One. I mean, two if they were close. Two if they got comfy with each other. they'd be But somebody has created a shrine to the goat to the to the um to the the the parish ah and stolen um magnetic hover discs to do it.
um and you said there's like and you do know that since you do know that since um oh my gosh why can't i remember his name right now uh the crazy man who started the goat religion the uh the one who murdered off hayden's family um oh my character yes what was his name again i gotta go through my notes um There's Stefan Rogers and there was no no he's not he's not in he doesn't have a character sheet No, this was from the the the quiet year year one yeah one yeah i don't want Remember who any of us were I gotta find those notes he was he was fairly important um Caleb Caleb yes ever since the death of Caleb. Yeah ever since the death of Caleb. Um, I worship I mean nobody's out outright said you can't still worship the parish but most people don't believe that they were anything now you guys have learned that they are something you know there's something special about the preachers um because the mushroom people knew of it of them um but uh the it's it's been the the idea of worshiping these things was very shunned after Caleb was was gotten rid of
So it's surprising to see such a thing out here. So um question. If I was to try to make like a camouflage, what would that be? like I'm not trying to like disguise myself as somebody else. It's survival. OK. OK.
What do I want to do for a 20? I was just kind of rolling that number to see what happened. ah You know what? You set us up with a 20.
ah Normally, 20s are good. I'm trying to decide if this is good or bad. OK. Stumbling out of the woods carrying a bundle of wood is a man dressed in, you know,
Tattered ah a tattered uniform from the spaceship ah probably the one he landed with one of the mechanics He is the bundle of wood is blocking his face. He has not noticed him Huh the the uniform worth yeah, it's no it's one of the standard um like ah citizen wait I Gotta find my notes
It's just a standard uniform, because I don't remember how to answer your question. Well, I aim my rifle at him. Freeze. Don't move. The guy ah is startled and drops the wood and give me roll wisdom.
OK. He's got a beard now. He's got a beard now, but you know this face. you have This man is dead, but he's here, standing before you, Caleb. And says um he oh, he stumbles back and he's like, oh God, ah what are you doing out here? ah he He, let's see if he knows, well, you know, I don't have, ah I didn't create a character sheet for him yet, but y'all rolled so well in survival. um Yeah, he's got, I'll give him like this, okay.
13. He doesn't remember your name. um what what what What are you doing out here? How do you find me? What am I doing out here? Motherfucker, you're supposed to be dead. ah Was Caleb part of the engineering crew? Yes. Okay, then yeah, it's an engineer. Yep, he's he was the lead engineer.
ah That's probably how he was able to you know get some some of those ah poverty discs. Yeah, so it's an engineering uniform, for sure. ah Frank, give me a wisdom check.
there Wisdom. dim Are you close enough to to see? um Wisdom saving throw or just wisdom straight wisdom? Just a check, just straight wisdom.
a that was a plus five ah sounds familiar but until the name is said allowed you don't recognize love how that like the guy looks familiar
is better at wisdom than you well I mean dr and you know what y'all are both engineering Caleb definitely remembers you lucky what are you doing here ah Nigel you dude seems familiar but until someone until lucky or Caleb I guess says who he is out loud you you don't remember who he is he just seems familiar but you haven't seen him in a long time Well, I stuck around. I stuck around from like back behind. If you read the note, I sneak around from the direction he came from. Like I went over to where he came from in the bushes. I'm in the bushes still. Yeah. Explains why you don't recognize him. We were, Caleb, we weren't looking for you. We just kind of had, we're, uh, go, uh, the rest of us from camp are about to go meet the thry cream because they're posing a threat to us. We just kind of stumbled across the footprints and followed you here.
Caleb looks surprised and he says, we're going to you're going to speak with the dry cream. to Speak loudly, think cat. It's weird, OK? I'm not doing much of the talking. I'm mean i'm there i'm there as muscle and gunpowder.
He, um.
he he He starts muttering to himself. It's like, what could this mean? No, this this could be a good thing. No, but it could go terribly wrong. it's ah really He's just like muttering to himself. like Yeah, real quick while you're muttering to yourself because you know you know i can't hear you but you also know i can read your lips so i don't know why you're why you're bothered mu he he uh he looks he he like shakes his head and it's like what sorry i was thinking aloud um the thrice cream are very dangerous yeah no shit they already tried to capture they already tried to capture one of us we caught one of them and we set up and because they're claiming
you know, that we're that they've got bad blood with the other with the other people that landed here before us, we're going to go meet him and try to see if we can do this. Like a, you know, delegation, like we're not the evil is very aliens on their planet. He starts muttering to himself again. And of course, you you know, you can understand it's it's, you know, it's nonsense. I'm just making a sheet for him real quick. So I can ah while you're doing that. Nigel, do you wanna come out of the woods? This guy's not a threat to us. Anything, we're more a threat to him.
I'm trying to whisper to two Lucky. you You project it. He doesn't know I'm here. Caleb spins around. um i it says Who said that? I facepalmed so hard. I'm sure I leave a red print on my forehead.
ah I'm like, how did he know where I was? I'm going to shout out loud. You broadcast that one again, Nigel. Remind me to slap you when I see you again. Shit.
I come walking out of the the the bushes um and I am just like covered head to toe in leaves and dirt. I have a i made a 15 level disguise um camouflage.
i am just i mean I am just that camouflage. Yeah, but you've revealed yourself. So, you know, it's it's it's I mean, it's interesting. um Yes. yeah It just looks like a decoration. Yeah, somehow somehow that that tan that tan jacket he has is now all of a sudden camo and it works exactly the way camo I think ideally should work. He only looks like a floating head in arms.
i am I imagine it's like a level 15 of that, yes.
That's what I rolled for my survival for the camouflage. Hey, Nigel, you did pretty good. You actually look you look like one of those new sportscasters that wears a blue shirt on there. Yeah, that that was it when I was going for it.
Wait, that was that was an insult. None of this matters. I don't need any of his tools. Hey, Caleb, those are pretty cool. And I can figure out what's so and I can actually figure out something to do with them. Is that cool if I take those magnet discs? He ah his eyes wide and he's like, what? No. And he runs in front of them. It's like, this is this is the the lat the only shrine to the parish left.
Well, I don't want the statue. so I only want the disks. The statue will still be there. The parish aren't real. that They are real. They brought me back from the dead. I call bullshit motherfucker. So you were dead. It's like you you saw you all fed me to the to the badger moles. You know, I was dead.
I don't remember that. That's that's how he was killed. i also I know. I'm saying I don't remember that. like ah Caleb, I don't want to see the hairs with you, but I was probably in my workshop working on something that blew me up later. It's OK. I don't. I'm not mad about it. I was probably like out in the wild doing if it hadn't happened. you would eat wouldn' Listen.
I'm so sorry for all the terrible things I did. i've I've been given a second chance, but I was too afraid to come back to camp. I didn't think ah didn't think the others would accept accept me, especially especially anyone left from the family.
Well, we're down to like 31 people in now. We're kind of one. And only one member of the family. And actually, he's now the he's now one of the leaders ah one of the leaders of the group. Riker. Yeah, you remember? You you cast killed his parents. Yes. And I don't think he would be too pleased to to see me.
He's pretty chill. I feel like we just have to take you back now. Well, okay, we need to take you with us just you know, because we need more people like genetically speaking, I think 32 people will increase our survivability by like 12% as a species. So we you have to come back with us.
he uh he turns and kneels before his shrine and seems to pray for a moment um and then and then nods and says very well i'll come with you real quick when he goes when he goes to go pray does he close his eyes sure yeah he closes his eyes seventeen you're stealing the hover discs yeah perception He gets a perception to notice that and I feel like that's a perception with advantage because you're gonna have to walk right past him No, he had his eyes shut to the thing. He's literally to the thing. He's well, okay, you're right 13 yeah, I mean you steal the hover disc and the shrine crashes to the ground. Let's odds or evens odds it breaks and
OK, it does not break. He, you know, obviously it's like, why did you why did you do that? And he he goes, I'm like, and um yeah, you just fell. I didn't I didn't know anything. He we got to go. to He looks at you and says, come on, dude, let's go. Let's go where we got. We got to go. We got to go meet these these bug people. Come on. ah Grab, grab yourself, grab yourself. He stands back up. He stands it back up. And then he says, yes, I'll come with you.
And then yeah, he's going to come. Um, so i don't give it like useful because he was an engineer, so he would have computers. Um, that's based on intelligence. I gave you computers as a tool bill. I feel like I did. And I don't know, we'll give him tinkering. Yeah, I have computer. I have an X tools for some reason.
I don't know why I have mechanic tools, but i I'm proficient in them too. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, I've got computers. and yeah Maybe I gave it to you by accident, but yeah. Well, I mean, if I was in engineering, I probably would have had. ho Well, you weren't in engineering. oh What was I in? You were a park ranger. That's right. Yeah. OK, so you guys head back. um Meanwhile, back at the ah meeting place, um
it's getting It's getting close ah to you know time for the meeting. um You guys, ah it's just the three of you you know awkwardly sitting around, standing around. um And the you know i mean unless you want to do some chitchat, you'll just wait until the the rest of the group gets back. I think I would.
be playing with my Eldritch Blast, like learning how to juggle that shit. Okay. yeah
Um, uh, Dricta, you know, watches you curiously. Um, and then he, uh, he, um, creates some, what can he do with this?
Does he get? Sure, he manifests a golden orb. Oh, no, that that tells him the weather. OK, that don't need that one. Do that. Still double shit, though. But, yeah, um he's not going to waste a spell slot to ah to do something like that. Definitely not. No, he just watches. He he he he like makes a cup, you know, plays around with some some plants, makes some flowers bloom, things like that.
um You know, he's prettying up the ah the meeting site. He's like changing some earth. While I'm doing that, I guess I will talk to him about what necessarily needs to be in a shrine slash... Like a ah garden. That way we can introduce them into our... Good damp soil.
is the number one thing. Got it. We can provide the spores.
And yeah, I mean, that's that's, that's really all that's what he knows. its Yeah. um um He could guy and that's all I know, you know, I'm sure he could go into detail. But I can't darkness and darkness. Yeah, pH balance and Well, he probably doesn't know what pH is, but, you know, the earth has to be the right, the earth has to be right. Yeah. Um, the soil. Well, I'm sure he would have some idea of what, yeah I mean, he wouldn't know what pH h is, but he'd be like, yeah it needs to be. le fergu de fergu So coming close to, uh, being on time now, because you guys went, you know, um, you guys,
Didn't turk go spend too much time at the shrine. Y'all, you guys arrive. Oh, I guess I need to create a token for him. Let's see. What does Caleb look like? I envision him as like a ah burly, like salt and pepper bearded. He was the nu like man not like a long beard, but like, you know, medium to close club cropped beard, like kind of wide in the shoulders. Yeah.
probably the scar Dennis, like, Dennis I know. No, he can't have the I scar because that means he's good luck if I can find that. pitch Or he's a badass.
ah Or it's the first mention of Caleb. We we they I've we've once Caleb um half years ago. Okay,
An old man approaches the council. Okay, that's all we described him as is an old man. Okay, but Salt-and-pepper beard, huh? But he's been living in the wilderness for a while. So let me look old Hermit because he's kind of a hermit now. I feel like this is him. No Throwing it in the discord. Yeah. All right, that'll be him. I will work on making a token for that and Except, you know, not as well dressed. To be fair, nobody's well dressed anymore. You've either A, been wearing the same clothes for the past year, or B, you're wearing clothes that you made yourself.
And then let's pull up my app. my my Yeah, I guess it's my little token. It's called Token Tool. You can drop a picture on it, and it makes these tokens that I use. It's not particularly complicated, but it's less annoying than doing it the manual way. Drop Caleb on there. Boom. Center.
Make it a little bigger so it fills up the token. File. wait it pass I found one that looks a little more like what I expect him to be, honestly. Okay. But it's got a watermark.
Do you want that one or the first one? I don't really care. He was your guy, technically. Let's go the first one. I feel like he would be the second one at this point, but maybe the first one is what he looks like in his prime. um Yeah. All right. Drop it. It wasn't for the work.
um ka
Nameplates HP save.
Make him not a giant. Caleb, he cast the spell in large. Oh my god. OK, now he's the size three. OK, so this will be awkward. um You guys come walking up ah and while you're, I guess Riker, give me perception.
God fucking shit. So you, Caleb is cowering behind the vet badger mole at the moment. Let's see if um Mathis or Mathias, but immediately notices him um and says, who's that behind the badger mole? Oh, this is a friend we found in the forest. And Caleb shyly steps out and gives a shy wave and says,
Surprise I'm not dead Anymore Riker you immediately recognize Caleb Do my eyes turn any more purple if you want them to sure um you Like my Yeah, right. Elgic blast that I had if you just kind of like explodes up to the sky. I understand. immediately And I immediately just start screaming and like walking towards him. And he's like, if you if you could tell on the screen, I moved myself in between. I saw you in.
and Caleb's behind you and said, I understand you're mad at me. you deserve I deserve everything. If you want to kill me again, feel free. It wasn't my intention to come back to life and everything I did before, I know I was stupid. it was I mean, stupid is is not even a good word for it. it was it was I was, I was a monster and, and he, he like falls to his knees and he's like, I don't, I don't ask for your forgiveness. Just, just, just let me help however I can. And Riker, I'm going to go, go and say, cause he killed your whole family. You, you know, he's dead. You probably watched him get eaten. Yeah. He should not be here. I probably jerked off to it. Yeah.
Mm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm
<unk> we'll deal with this later we can deal with this later but for right now it's just another hand and like deal with it later i've dealt with my dead parents
And I like just start screaming about how he's killed my entire family, everyone that I've known, everyone that I've loved. And then he expects to just walk in here, reborn, and act like nothing fucking happened. Everybody's perception.
Including, including Lucky. Fuck yeah. Fuck yeah, finally. Is this sound or sight?
It's it's everything so well not It's both I Have a thing called resourceful. So I gain inspiration whenever you finish a long rest ever all humans have it um Consider this as a extra that that thing I gave you as an extra but inspiration Okay, I use you I use in inspiration um For the 20. Okay. Okay. Uh, I guess I'll roll for These other two characters who are here
Mattias has a negative one to his perception About this guy what is strict to God I Mean one of you two of you have already seen it so it's not like the end of the world if other people fail Yeah, so Riker and
Nigel, um you guys notice movement in the woods approaching um and from from you know the north. we We can deal with this this it this little thing later. um We have company coming. um Caleb, if you would just go hang back a ways and try not to interrupt, that'd be great.
Don't go far. We're going to be talking. All of us at camp and Riker especially are going to have words for you and probably something and probably some other stuff afterwards.
Caleb just sneakly goes to stand out of the way. Oh, damn, that's where I was going to go ah before he walks away. You just kind of, you know, gets away before before he walks away. I hand him a sandwich out of my pocket. What the fuck?
How long has that been in there?
How much sand is on that sandwich? How gritty is it? I have a lot of pockets, but there's a lot of sand. What color is the sandwich? Yeah, I guess I go stand over by Matthias wherever he is. Matthias is, you know, he's definitely at alert.
he's keeping he did not um draw well you know unsling his rifle is hanging you know at his side um but does not have hands on it ah is this big ass rock here that is a big rock yeah okay i hop on top of the rock so the first I am Yao, king of the rock.
Can I do this? Oh, that sucks. OK, well, the first, um I would have liked these to appear at the exact same moment. But the first thing that happens is a pair of pterodactyls land. This is not the movement in the woods. um That is still approaching. They land, I guess they're not on the tree, but you know but here, let me.
Well, they the pterodactyls land somewhere up in the trees and then a pair of thrycraen move out. um they are ah One of them, you notice, ah has a gun. It is a Machine gun of some sorts. I don't know guns. Therefore, I will not say what kind it is. He has a machine gun. um The other one has a ah I guess just a spear. I didn't give him a weapon. Yeah, I'll give him a spear real quick. ah Lucky and his and his robots is robot homunculus. Both both take take stance on the side near the one with the gun.
Because that bothers me. Real quick, but real quick with ah before things pop off, um it's like 10, 15. And I know some of us have to work tomorrow. Are we good to keep going? or
I'm good. um We should be able to make some some decent progress um for from this part. I have like ah an ending I want to do. OK. i mean we don't ah take too long with this. Next up, um riding some weird, crazy looking bug creatures, approach another pair of Thry Cream.
And a third Thry Cream, or I guess at this point now fifth, on um damn on foot. ah is give me, I guess, perceptions.
um Riker and Lucky both recognize Auchapoc, your prisoner. um He he you know arrives on foot. Let me just double check in if these other Thrykryn have, that they just have spears. And Auchapoc, I think I left him unarmed.
No, Ouchapok has his weapons now. He's got a spear, a crossbow. ah He's geared out. He's got a spear, a crossbow, a net, and a sickle. um And then, ah but they all they all approach and say nothing because you still hear something coming through the through the woods. And the last figure arrives, this thing,
is ah different. It is a large centipede-like creature that the queen that looks like this thing. Show two players.
Looks like that. It's hideous. Oh, it's like a Thryker on top, but a centipede everywhere else. It's a centitar? I don't know. God.
ah And it it walks into the ah clearing as well. um And ah why aren't you doing what I want you to do? There it is. Okay. I wave happily from the top of my rock. The um the large thing ah looks at you on the rock, looks at the rest of you. And then all of you in your mind um here, ah
i I am klagul katal, emissary of the dry cream. And he he looks to the man on the rock and it says, I assume you are the leader.
And everyone, um you all feel that the kind of feeling that you feel when you know um Riker talks to you, except you feel like maybe you can think back at the creature. I walk forward and hop off the rock. Everyone in the clearing has the ability to communicate psychically with everyone else at the moment.
I walked forward and I hop off the rock and then I do a very, very deep bow and say, welcome emissary. I am Nigel Light Castle and me as well as one other will be speaking for our people.
Who is this other? um I'm assuming it's going to be Riker.
I look over at the, what's Micah's name again? I know. You're just looking around. Oh, um, fucking chocky damn. Chocky damn. What? Oh, the mic in its name. Oh, direct to Chuck. he's Chuck.
I guess when you mention him, he steps forward and says, yeah, speak for the skyfall and I do not, but support them as friend. I do. Well, no, I was, I, so I would say Riker, I'm assuming, uh, Riker's walking up with strict Chuck. I keep my mouth shut. Well, I keep my, my mouth mind. Yeah. Yeah. Um,
It says your, your, uh, the, the big one motions to, um, algebra and says, uh, uh, this one says that you are not part of the other group of humans. We are not, we arrived, but one cycle log ago. That is when the other humans arrived.
a cycle. Yeah, yes, we we're all from the same cycle. We are from the same ship. They are different got separated. Yeah, I thought they're I thought they've been here for like a very long period of time. There was a group of group people that we are aware of that's from a long period of time. But the people that are causing the havoc with a dry cream that got us in trouble are from our same ship. but Oh, okay. Okay. I misspoke. Sorry. I thought that we there was only the one other that was landed here a long time ago. Okay, that makes more sense. My brain didn't bring that from it. My apologies. So retcon that for a second because I'm stupid.
um ah No, we are not we are of a small group from South of here Question mark. I don't know which direction we have just to get just we'll just call it south Okay, we're from a small group for the south of here. We were from the south Kanye Southside Kanye yeah Oh God
We wish only for peace and to live in harmony with nature to an extent.
And it it says, and the rest of you wish this as well? I wave to Riker and then I turn and wave to Lucky and say, um there are those that
have lost their way, but we of the PAP have, we'll try to keep them in check with, in line with those beliefs. I kind of give you just a little so little side glance like motherfucker. Yeah. I look at you and like, bro, what the fuck was that? I ignore your looks to just look back at the,
Yeah, I quickly turn my head back over. to If I personally speak into if I personally speak into my mind, would anyone else be able to hear that? And who who are you wanting to speak to? If I speak into.
um Yeah. Nigel's mind, would anyone else be able to directly talk to him? Yeah. But would anyone else hear what I say? ah You seem to have your What the Thrykreen is doing is um linking everyone through him. um So you can still do your thing on your own as well. Okay. Okay. Just want to make sure. Yeah. And yours in the 10 foot range versus his is like all over the place. So ah it it motions to Riker and says, this one has made a pact with the traitor.
This concerns us. We thought Kaifan to be long gone from this world. I look up at him and I ask, is it okay if I do if i speak on my behalf? i I do not have the same fear of you as my as as my soldiers do.
You may speak. I go on to explain how like I was dying and I had no idea what was going on. um And ever since I spoke to the most beautiful flower, that's when I really realized what I have done. And only until recently has Siphon been showing me his true colors. This is something that I will have to continuously work at and to completely understand. However,
Unfortunately, I am currently bound with my soul, my soul is bound without me. So there are issues I understand I did cause unknowingly. Um, the, the creature nods, uh, uh, Bob's its head, whatever. Um, and says, this is how, how Kaifan works. He,
He tricked he tricked the the humans of old into siding with him. Many packs were made, and this was before our people knew of his treacherous ways. We we were not concerned until it was too late. And while i I obviously wasn't alive back then, the history say that under the influence of Kaifon,
the humans betrayed the trust that they betrayed the peace that they promised us this is you can understand why we are skeptical when one such as yourself who is once again regardless of what your intentions may be once again someone bound to Kaifon comes to us professing desires of peace
Let me say, and this is why I've remained silent and have asked to speak. We appreciate that. We have no quarrel with your camp directly. Lucky, give me a perception check with advantage. Lucky only. I'm getting I'm getting the secret roles in secret. That's a good check. I'm going to I'm going to because ah Because Caleb has a similar background, I'm going to give him a check too, but he doesn't get advantage. um Lucky, ah whether it's a scent on the wind, a glimpse of light hitting just the right way, or some other innate sense from hours upon days upon years of working with explosives,
There's an RPG incoming. Do I know which direction? It's, it's coming from, not from camp, uh, coming. We'll just say it's coming from, I don't know, the Northeast into incoming to your location, to y'all's location. I'm going to instantly turn. Everybody get down now. Okay. So.
I think what I'm going to say is everyone gets to make a dexterity saving throw with advantage. God. God damn it.
Most of the Thrykreen look like they're going to be fine. What was it? A Dex save? Dex save, yeah. Man, these Thrykreen are rolling good. Nigel, you're the first member of the group to to success to succeed the check.
I'm not going to roll for their animals. I just want to see how good the Thrykreen in general do. And they are all doing ridiculous, except for that one. So ah okay so ah that was the gun one, yeah. Thrykreen with gun.
um feel So ah let me just roll a... Okay. um Right about here.
ah Rocket propelled grenade hits the ground, explodes. um Nigel ah Honestly, most of the party is only going to take Caleb and Matthias back here. They're behind kind of behind the rock. They'll take no damage. um Nigel, really, everyone's going to get half damage, you guys, because you're far enough away from where it hits.
ah he's goingnna get he These guys all succeeded. um
This guy will take, I mean, he's far away, so he'll take half damage too. Really, everyone's going to take half damage. I didn't actually come up with a stat for RPGs, but we're just going to say... ah So everyone, it's only five it's only five damage because everyone rolled so well or was far enough away.
ah It should probably be more than that, but you know it's this is more cinematic. ah Yeah, so the RPG hits the ground, explodes right next to the the emissary who goes flying, um and you know scatter like lands on the ground you know back in the trees a ways. Everyone you know kind of gets shoved back. We'll just...
Nigel, you get smacked into the ah to the, you know, the thing, the rock. Everyone kind of gets thrown off their feet a little bit, just from from the sheer surprise of it.
ah Macias freaks out. He's like, what's going on? He pulls out his gun. the um the The emissary you all hear in your head, him wail and says, the humans betray us just as is their nature. um And Thrycarine are scrambling to their feet. A ah a like hover bike.
we'll say, comes flying, you know, flies into the clearing. Two guys on the back of it with with guns. They open fire on the thry cream. Another guy ahs rolls in on a Humvee analog, you know, and shouts to you, quick, everybody on board. get Let's get out of here. You know, and, and um you know, I'll say you guys recognize him. He was ah the one of the captains of the ship.
um You've all seen him um before. Obviously, you haven't seen him in over in a year, but ah you know you you guys you know would recognize, basically, Ship Captain.
And um the Thrykreen, we're going to, you know, kind of cinematically do this, but the Thrykreen engage into combat. So do some of the people in the and the the the car thing that they're they're like all fighting. um The Emissary has has fled into the woods along with Ouchapok, who before he leaves ah Riker, he gives you the most disappointed look.
um And and then takes off after his after the leader um the fourth dry cream one of them Thry cream with gun cuz he he got hit by the explosion. He goes down one of the humans um gets shot He gets dragged on to the on to the the Hummer and they're they're shouting for you guys to to get on board What doall do y'all do? Can I shoot down the hovercraft you sir you certainly can They're not expecting it i Yeah, so Eldritch Blast or gun or what? Eldritch Blast. Yeah, Eldritch Blast slams into the hovercraft. Humans go flying, the hovercraft, um you know, explodes.
ah ah Lucky. ah Nigel, y'all doing anything? ah Yeah, I'm in my gun at the guys at the guys that just launched a rocket at us. And we'd be like, get down to the ground! Don't move!
the ah the the captain you know stands up and is like, what do you what what are y'all doing? yeah We need to get you out of here. are these things These things can't be trusted. This was peace talks and they've been saying that we can't be trusted and y'all just ruined it. Can i and I do this? Yeah, yeah. At at the captain. Okay, let me do a roll. What's this link, Nigel?
be I was trying to click the show spell description because it was lit up and I was like, I wonder what that happens. nothing Yeah. Uh, that looks like it's a failure. Um, yeah. So he, uh, takes the damage, um, and 3d6 psychic damage. Is he in the driver's seat? Give me 3d6.
Is he in the driver's seat? No. The Humvee? No. Is there anybody? He he he like grabs his head drops drops the the you know, the gun he had um You know, he was just holding a pistol at the moment not aimed at you guys um But uh drops his gun falls to his knees. You know what? These are all just level ones 11 damage probably knocks them out um Takes them down uh the uh the the the driver you know it's like or one of the guys shouts captain's down captain's down if you're not coming with us we're getting out of here and you know how stupid are these guys yeah we're attacking them yeah well i mean that was a psychic attack they don't know what that was and i i guess i shout the uh i'm also shouting what the whispers she's hearing yeah um
i'm I'm shouting, man, what would be cinematic for this? um
No idea, I'm i'm drawing a blank on that. But yeah i'm I'm just shouting at him about endless pain and suffering and yeah how you will die a miserable fate as my soul has been sold.
um After a bit more combat and the humans realizing that the other humans are not on their side, they peel out of there. ah that The Hummer thing peels out of there. Nigel, you're misty stepping. I'm going to try to shoot out one of its tires.
okay Nigel, where are you misty stepping? I'm trying to misty step into the Hummer. You do it. You're in the Hummer. Nice. Isn't that against your religion?
Uh, yeah, I mean, that's not gonna work. True, Beck. How many people are inside the Hummer? I think we, I think once they are running away, it's best if we just stop them. Captain and three others.
I missy step inside. I'm like, what the fuck do y'all think y'all are fucking doing? driver ignores you, other guy been you know but i mean other guy one of the other guys also ignores you because he's shooting. Third guy turns to you and like he's like, what are you doing? We're at war. These think these monsters have been ben are trying to wipe us out. and you know that Nigel, you are quickly leaving cat leaving the clearing. They're driving back the way they came.
pull the wheel, pull the wheel. I can stab the driver. I'm trying to figure out like I feel like turning into a bear creature, even if it's a small bear creature.
um No, I'm trying to think of a way to like make the the the vehicle stop. um I guess I guess Earth trimmer. Uh.
so But the Humvee can't make a dexterity saving throw. It can. The driver would make it for him. OK. Let's try Earth Tremor. He's proficient at driving, so he's going to get. Yeah, that it you know obviously, the Earth Tremor happens, but he manages to navigate across it um and and keep driving. The other guy.
The other guy, um now, he's like, hmm.
<unk>re You're out of range of the Thrykreen. The Thrykreen have scattered back into the forest. you know They've either jumped on their pterodactyls or whatever. They've run. Everyone's you know scattering. um Lucky is failing.
ah uh the the one who never tars responded to you before yeah he he he points his gun at you and says um he says he hands in the air on your knees wait who was saying this he's pointing at at nigel you're thunder waving him um thunder waving a 15 foot cube yeah this thunder wave so it pushes i feel like yeah
I don't think they can really, you know, they're not prepared for this. It blasts off all the doors. If you do a thunder wave, it blasts out the doors. Yeah, they fly out. um You know, and I think that's a good place to to end it. Oh, real quick before we end it, once everything is all done. um Yeah, that hover that hover bike that went down. Oh, yeah, you better bet me and Doofus. By the way, my my mechanical my mechanical homunculus, his name is Doofus.
named Doofus. Me and Doofus are just scrapping any parts of any parts and stuff that we can because that's good tech that's going to be coming in handy for my character later. Oh yeah. Yeah, of course. Are any of the Thriekreens still alive? The Thriekreen has scattered. Thriekreen with Gunn is dead.
um taking that Everyone else survived. I mean, you're not, you're honestly, you don't really know because it all happened so fast. um But ah once they're like leaders ran, um the rest, you know, made a, a, you know, a pc retreat a combat retreat, you know, I mean, through a cream with gun is dead and his gun is next to him. So they threw their spears and then ran, basically.
Okay, let's pick I'm gonna go grab his gun and then I'm gonna to shout to everyone. yeah Pick up the spears. We're gonna need as many weapons as they've as these things got. And I'm gonna grab his other gun. So, Ron, I know you're not about guns, but if you had to make a comparison on what it looks like, what kind of what kind of gun is said machine gun? Well, I'll just tell you, it's stats versus your stats. um It deals 2d10 piercing damage.
um Has a range of 100 short range 400 long range. It's full auto. So it can do Okay. Yeah It has the wide arc focus fire and burst fire features yeah so um I The mechanics of Thunderwave Say, you know make the save or it's 2d8 thunder damage plus your push 10 feet. Yeah. um Plus there's 300 feet or I'm sorry, the spell emits a thunderous boom hu out to 300 feet. Yeah. i Inside of the Hummer. Uh-huh. How fucked are your drums? You might be bleeding. I mean, give me a constitution save. Is everyone in this Humvee who are just lucky now?
Uh, yeah, your ears are ringing, but you'll be fine. Um, uh, well, it says a DC 15 constitution save. Yeah. It's that scene. But this isn't, this is, this is for, for permanent ear damage, you know? yeah Okay. It's that scene from season one of, from like season one of the walking dead when Rick shoes that one Walker inside the tank and he gets the ring in his ear.
Yeah, yeah, basically, you know, you might be deaf for a little bit, but it's the ringing like, yeah and you yeah you know, you're dizzy. So is so are the others, you know. So does does the Humvee open up like a banana? Yeah, the doors fly out. Well, I mean, it was really it's one of those more open, like,
doesn't have doors type of thing um But those would have been deployed. Yeah. um Quick question, Ron. This is purely, basically, for mu for my thing. This Humvee that they drove in on, ah pardon me, would it be up-armored, i.e. an armored and armored Humvee, or would it be like in a Humvee that you can get commercial, like, as a regular citizen? It's military military grade, um probably not armored because this is an open one. um You know, no doors and whatnot.
like it's it's meant to be fired out of um but you know it's it's uh it's definitely um uh uh uh steel grade plastic everything's plastic in the future yeah i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna go ahead and get to work and maybe some real metal too Because I'm assuming it's not driving anymore. So I'm gonna scrap everything we can we're gonna harvest yeah I mean you've got some some unconscious You've got some some unconscious people you can you can gather up and we'll get into all of that next time um but but And that was the season finale of season one of stranded I
I was your dungeon master tonight, Ron Bjork, and with me was Frank. Hey, I was Frank, otherwise known as Nigel Thornberry. and I'm kind of deaf now, but it was good to see you guys here, let y'all listen, whatever. um Find me on social medias if you can. I can also sometimes stream on so Twitch, if that's still a thing in the future.
So try to find me there too at FK Light Castle. And we had Bill. Hey everybody, I was Bill. I was lucky. I wanted to be trigger happy, but these fucking assholes ruined it for me. up i i had fun I had fun. This was a great season and I hope to see y'all again. And in case anyone out there, like I usually say, in case anyone out there needs to hear it, I love you. Please keep joining us. And Hayden.
Hey, um, definitely was a wild ride this time. I had a lot of fun. Alright, okay, so I am going to stop recording. I think we'll still be able to hear each
Thanks everyone for listening. The intro and outro songs you heard today was Foxhole Revolution, created by Kevin MacLeod at Encompetech.com. licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0 license, creativecommons.com, licenses by 4.0. The night is over, and have a great day, everyone.