I Have an Idea, Let's Stand Around and Talk for Like Ten Hours This Episode and Get Absolutely Nothing Done and Then Get Maybe Get a Little Done Near the End, Also This Title Is Way Too Long. I'm Gonna Go Now Bye image

I Have an Idea, Let's Stand Around and Talk for Like Ten Hours This Episode and Get Absolutely Nothing Done and Then Get Maybe Get a Little Done Near the End, Also This Title Is Way Too Long. I'm Gonna Go Now Bye

S2 E565452466254666 · Mystery Dungeon: a Path Through Time
43 Plays16 days ago

I have an idea, let's stand around and talk for like ten hours this episode and get absolutely nothing done and then get maybe get a little done near the end, also this description isn't way too long. I'm gonna go now bye.

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Dakota as the PM, DM, GM

Evelyn as Hikaru Hatsumi the Pikachu

Eli as Bruce Flameback the Cyndaquil

Shawn as Sammy Pepperoni the Munchlax

Jake as Walter Fisthands the Riolu

Hello everyone and welcome to Path Through Time. My name is Dakota, you're PM, you're DM, you're GM, and sitting to my left is somebody who wears 34 blankets to bed. It's me, Evelyn, and I'm... I'm toasting. I mean, I feel really, really toasty in this... in this layer cake of...
blankets I'm just remembered my dice or my backpack on the other side of the room I will be right back continue without me your backpack and I've got someone with me to my left who um who just got his black card in the mail today didn't we do that last time yeah you just got it oh no no oh right i was getting the black card last time and now it's arrived right yeah i've got it right here i'll read out the card numbers right now for all of you it's uh one two seven four eight two don't worry about the rest of the numbers they're not important
yeah i've heard you said Yeah, I've heard you can get like a stay, one free stay in a luxury hotel every six months with this card. Damn, too bad the card costs $500 every six months just to have it. And sitting across from me is someone who is listening to the crickets outside.
You're putting on a wonderful concert. and do I just enjoy the peaceful crickets. I had some crickets in the background.
And just existing to the left of me, someone whose favorite mobile game is Pokemon Sleep. Sean. Sean. What? What? Oh, boy. Oh. Dakota. Oh, yeah, definitely know that game. That's great.
I am. Yeah, what? I don't know that game at all. Wow, the energy in this room is extreme. What?
We're saving our energy, that's why. What do you yell at me for? No one's yelling. No way. Nobody's yelling at you. No one yelled. I thought as Sean said Dakota.
yeah like a minute ago no okay okay yeah shawn's audio is seriously bugging out for me when he is talking it's super robotic kind yeah how you it out zencaster gets perfectly fine so whatever you're hearing through discord it's probably not going to be picked up anyway what if i i can Well, if I can't understand you for the entire game, it's a bit of an issue. It's fun's fine. It's fine. It's fine. We need to go. All right, start over, everybody. Cool. So I need all of us to roll the d4. I don't want to. the d4 to do. Well, guess what? Too bad, because we're doing it anyway. No, we need to start over. I got a four again. That's the same thing I rolled last time. You're going to find my dice. I got a two. Uh oh.
three oh I might be cursed to do it again. what i got a three two no right i wasn that's up to you I wasn't paying attention. I got a one. Sorry. God damn it. All right. I guess it's on me again. I got a one, a three, a three and a two. And I rolled a four.
Okay, so I just literally just finished editing the episode a couple hours ago, so I should remember what happened. Doesn't mean it's gonna be true, but ah you guys started the episode by stumbling across the Volkenburg College of Volkenburg.
And she covered Ryan into a... Vaporeon. Wow, I forgot the name of it. I don't remember but what the name of the Vaporeon was, but he was an archae or a new archaeologist on the edge of town. And he's starting Volcamburg. God damn it. He's starting college that year. Why is that name so hard to say? The Volcamburg College of Volcamburg? That's so hard to say. Anyway, yeah, so she started college up there.
Yeah, I've made it up on the spotlight a long time ago. It just stuck. I don't even know what the purpose of the college is. It's just the Volkenburg College of Volkenburg. You can just call it the Volkington. Volkington? What is that? Like Princeton? But that's not the name of the city. Yeah. Whatever. Princeton is the name of the... It's called Princeton University. So by that logic, it's Princeton the city, then the school is Princetonton.
Alright, so it's it's in Princeton, New Jersey. Yeah. Yeah, Princeton is the name of the city. That's what I saw. Yeah, and then it's called Princeton University. or Princeton U, yeah. Okay, so you guys managed to get to college, you guys were chatting with the front desk person, I heard of you for a while, and you guys got a letter from the wonderful Harazza, and she had a letter stating that the move tutor was going to be in very short line. Less than two seconds later, a dare come bursting in.
sounding like an old-timey jester screaming about move-tutoring stuff and you guys now have the ability to have a move tutor on command basically unless it is plot inconvenient so you guys um from there went upstairs to talk to mr. Farnsworth senior who is extremely feeble he is 268 years old and can barely remember what room he's standing in, let alone how to teach a class. And you guys decided to trust him with the most valuable book in the entire universe, so that's great. Don't say we, and I wasn't there. Oh, that's right, I forgot. I was barely there to begin with, like I was i wasn not even in the room.
I forgot about that. so just she had in outside I should say Hikaru and Bruce were trusting this feeble old man with a valuable book in the universe, and you guys are attempting to sell it to him for it. I think you guys decided on 20,000 calories? Calories? Calories? We paid food? Cocobytes? Wait, nobody told me we was getting paid in food. Like, what what are we talking about? Someone has signed up. Sammy would have been there.
Well, Sammy was talking about ah doing a sponsorship with the university when he was talking to her here, but that's unrelated. Yeah, nobody said what wanted to talk to me about that. That never works. We've tried that for shops. It doesn't work.
Uh, so you guys managed to strike up a deal 20,000 poke to decipher the book. Uh, he said it would take him about three days to do so and appraise the book to see its value. If he, if he, excuse me, if he likes the book, he'll pay the 20,000 for it. And that lets, I think if, I don't remember what the contract said, but, uh, I think he gets to keep the book afterwards. Um, I do one question. You guys want to make a copy of it. What's your question? He gets to either buy.
he he He gets the right to buy either the original copy for 20,000 poke, or the copy of the copy for 5,000 poke. Gotcha. Okay. Just one question. is six This is reported stolen, the book is. So if he goes to get it verified, we're gonna have some problems with the law. Wait, oh yeah. Oh yeah. Well, luckily this is not the original, so. Yeah, but it's just delicious.
Don't worry. You guys are going to be charged with yet another felony. Grand larceny. Stop trying to turn this into jail. I've done everything thing I can to keep you guys out of jail. You guys have committed so many felonies in the last couple weeks. Welcome to D and&D.
What's next, two counts of copyright? Literally, it's not a felony, but last episode you guys tried committing breach of contract. Now you guys are now you guys technically have are a co-conspirator in Grand Larceny, so that's fun.
so allegedly and Allegedly. But anyway, so you guys... So we're just carrying around this piece of contraband, like we're not supposed to have this book, even though it's a copy of a book that's been stolen, we shouldn't have this book.
So yeah, you guys weren't stolen. We're not carrying property around. This book isn't, but it's a copy of a book that is stolen. True. I think it's fair to say that the average person who looks at the book would just get as a book and not like, Oh my God, he's going to get it verified. So he's going to.
Go on. He's going to the right people. Oh, I'm sorry. Oh, stop. Right? No, he's just reading the book. He's not actually verifying anything. He's just reading the book. Oh, the code said he was verifying. Yeah, to verify its value. Oh, amazing. it As long as you look back to the museum, we're good. Well, we can just say he don't give it to anyone who knows what the book is. Yes. Unless there's a bounty on the book.
which it's been stolen for over 10 years eight years oh no eight years so the older it is the more money it is that bounty is going up quite ancient but uh yes so you guys want a dead or alive she the focus i think books are usually better when they're you know usable not dead on top though maybe don't have bruce carry the book around but uh that's my place hey uh with the fire water in the group just keep a water pocket bucket
A fence taken. We gotta get the Vaporeen to join us. We need a water type just for situations. We don't need more people. Oh no, definitely somebody had learned slurf.
so Slurf. Okay, so you guys went to the library to attempt to make a copy, found out that it would take too long. You guys attempted to give him an energy drink.
Which, by the way, I want to mention none of you guys have actually have one, um so that's cool. And you guys decided against it because giving him an energy to drink would increase the risk of it being a sloppy copy as we kept talking of calling it.
hey and you guys put that out of the episode i did oh well oh well i did i literally oh we could go to there's a convenience store like i like i poke a cbs or something then we could go to to get the energy drink possibly but uh yes he gets decided against it you guys left and then you guys rushed outside to see jake reciting the bible and then you guys decided against him was playing skills what nah neither neither of those statements were true jake was okay he was a bible he was playing guitar or he said he was playing psalm 21 something i don't know what it's called and then we recondited monster
Yeah, I know, but I thought it was really funny because you guys went outside. It's just the image. It's just the Bible of Arceus. I still don't know what that's supposed to be for the audience. I am not a very religious person, so I'm very ignorant on these matters. I'm so sorry if I'm offending anyone.
and on the to Don't worry, I'll give you the pass. I'm Christian. I'll give you the pass. Okay, I've got the official pass. So, yes, guys, I met up with... Twerpless' days. I do want to apologize because we abruptly ended the episode because we had gone like 10 minutes over our scheduled recording time. So we've been trying, we were at that point trying to end the episode for quite a while. That's why at the end of the episode we're so abrupt and not very clean. So apologies for that.
But that is where we ended the episode and we are going to start with you guys joining up once again and guys just walter and you guys are leaving the college.
yes you're forgetting did i did well press something Yes, we have to TM18 on in.
Well, what's TM80? TM18. Sorry, I just looked up what I didn't look at what the dramatically generated move was yet, but it just gave me TM18. No, that's that's good. All right, guys, let us TM18 on in.
Oh, which games TM 18? That's the real question. I like that they're different. I'll just I really got to my performance. and I have any crowd.
Don't like what do you mean? Just like go in order of TM number? Yeah. So like starting in the first game, they should just like TM one to whatever we're at now. Take Sean, whoever you are. What? Oh.
he's lagging for me and okay i gotcha yeah sorry we're having i'm having a little bit of auditions what's going on uh you're very difficult here but i'm gonna try and work with it because we do not have time to deal with that right now and i can mostly hear you so it should be fine it's cool let us tm h coda what i guess we're not what i rolled like a 17 on my performance and then you say i got no one interested Yes, because I was trying to end the episode and you're trying to drag it on even longer. I understand you didn't understand that. You should've just ended it before you came out. I know, I was trying to make it a succinct end, or that's not the right word, I was trying to make it a ah a decent ending because I was trying to rush everyone through things, but...
But yeah, and then you're just like trying to rush through and you're, sorry, you're trying to drag it on and I'm just like, no, nobody's there. We're ending episode right now. So that's what I was doing. So what are we waiting for? We were 10 minutes over time. What's up? What are we waiting for? Let's dive on it. I mean, let's rain dance on in. Is that what TM18 is? TM18. In the majority of games.
Let's see. We're going to spend this much time looking what TM18 is. Hey, guys, hang on. yeah I just read the whole list, but my mic was muted.
The whole list of what TM18 is. It's Raindance, Counter, U-Turn, Payback, and Reflect. Counter? Yeah, I see that. I'm sorry. Not Payback. Ant Thief. Yeah, not Payback. Yeah, this is the Ant Thief.
counter the train i thought i just saw them all right cool yeah keep gm18 away from ralph ralph wow i just called you ralph holy crap that's his son walter yes the son your son i can't fucking speak today guys okay cool let us counter on and great cool it feels weird
so you guys are grouped together on the outsides of the college it is turning afternoon i think don't care it's afternoon now and you guys have just grouped up together um i'll put you in a general direction but feel free to do what you guys wish um you guys have three days left until the oh no you didn't even give mr uh like he didn't give mr what's his face Farnsworth they book yet did you I have no idea. We have to figure out how to make a copy of this. So Paracel is not in progress. I thought we had something to make it a copy. No, speaking of which, you're... Evelyn, your GPA starts ringing, and you see Ms. Flameback's number appear. and Ring ring ring ring a ring! Phone call! Phone call! Ring ring ring ring! That's exactly what it sounds like. He currently swipes to unlock.
that's the thewipe from the atos that's the po bus phone call i know it is yeah so you swipe your zpa and then you realize it's not a touchsc screenen so nothing happens Okay, so I press the A button, hoping that that's the button to... Yeah, yeah, it turns out that's a color button. No, if you had hit the B button, I might have done that, but no. So a little hologram of Ms. Flameback appears, because that's what GBA is doing, I guess. And you see Ms. Flameback standing there, and she's like, hey, guys, what's going on? You guys need something copied? Yeah, we do need a copy.
Yeah, one of you guys sent a text, I can't remember which one of you guys sent a text talking about a copy. I thought it was, uh, Sammy. No, I, I told you to text your mom. Oh, yeah. Okay. Oh, that might've been what it is. Well, oh yeah. So funny how you guys can't remember anything that happened, what happened like just a minute ago. He kind of, I can't remember what happened two minutes ago unless I'm eating something like it's hard for me to remember on an empty stomach.
Yeah, it's as if a week passed between... It's as if a week passed between two minutes ago and now. Yeah, you guys missed my concert. I definitely had one here.
Anyway... How'd it go? Anyway, Ms. Flameback, do you have a technology that will allow us to make a copy of a book in 15 minutes?
15 minutes? I mean, I ah hand copied that, the version you're holding right now. Why do you need, okay, if you're, why are you copying that? Or why do you need a copy of it? Um, there's a professor who wants to buy the book off of us. Uh, so you can see her put her, her paws in her face, like,
I spent eight years trying to get that book and you're just going to go ahead and sell it. Are you serious? No, you have the actual don't you have what you have it you have a copy and we're going to make a copy of the book. This is this is very, very secretive knowledge that you can't just keep giving out like this. Does he know you have it? Does he know we have the book? He wanted he we showed the book to him.
because we wanted his help interpreting to bring it. Okay, I asked you guys if you could go talk to Blair for that because I trust her specifically, but like, who's the professor you guys talk to? Professor Farnsworth. Professor Farnsworth. You don't sound trustworthy, I don't like that name. You mean that far you mean the one from the high school?
No, no, no, that one's grandfather. Oh, oh, so like, oh, relative. Wow. Okay. Interesting. Uh, I don't know if they're trustworthy or I've never met them, but, uh, like, are you sure these guys should be trustworthy? Because. Yeah. Well, a lot of people go through the education system that should not be trusted. Believe me. I know.
well do you have like a degree like i know you're like super smart and have all your science and stuff but like could you go to college or something me i no i mean oh i took business but that's about it and engineering so yes what about it
Just based on what our previous statement was just like people go to people in school shouldn't be trusted I'm like, okay, but did you go to school? I don't know and Nothing. I just like checking cuz I don't Uh, on what specific? Professor Farnsworth seemed pretty, uh, how do you say it? Feeble-minded? I don't think he's really gonna like do anything. Do you think he has any chance of, you know, telling people? know Because if this information gets in the wrong hands, that could be the end of it for all of us. You know that, right? Like, if there's this bad, you stole the book and it'll go back to you. Yeah. To be fair, Mrs. Effie Cannon was, like, forgetting things like mid-conversation while we were talking to him, so I don't really think he'll even remember the book after we take it away from him.
Yeah, I feel like if we just don't go back to him, he'll probably forget that we existed. Yeah, but what if you're speaking it? Do you think about that? All I want to say is I was not part of this conversation. I stay outside because reasons. Did it Not the sass. She's going to roll inside or not. I'm just going to have her roll inside. I was like 15. She's like. There was like no food in the in the building. I couldn't find the cafeteria in no way.
All right, I'm just gonna say, she actually gets a feeling that he did not want to embarrass, he had a good reason not to go in there. I don't know. So c insight with over walter she Walter, she got a 15, she looks at Walter and she's like, it's because you don't like school, isn't it? No. I might not. I feel like I hit the nail on the head with this one. All I'm saying is, if I saw a teacher there, since I'm not going to any more high schools, I might've decked one of them.
matter What I'm I was like soccer snoot if I see a teacher and they get sudhi with me and I'm not one of the students I will take them. He's just got that swinging great cool noted <unk>s Yeah, good to know. Hey, you you already know my record. I'm not afraid of deck someone. I stabbed out someone's eyes. ah need I need one of you guys to roll perception with a disadvantage because it's a hologram and not high resolution. should ja it Oh no, my mom's there.
No, that's I mean perception. Oh, I got a 13 plus 2 Yeah, okay cool 15 so you can see she has a sharpie and she's writing on her arm Walter equals violet Hey Hey,
come after work afterwards. I'm done with this mission. I'm a great I'll do anything for depending on pay okay i'll do anything become a mercenary for hire I'm a
sell the copy to the professor once he's able to help us decipher it but that's only like not a great idea no no especially if do not give him unlimited access to this extremely secretive knowledge that if anyone finds out that he has will lead right back to you and then right back to me and that will be the end of this you are not selling this to anybody that is a horrible idea i amazing i get they back i don't say day of trying to find blair then You could just have him you know appraise this and make sure he doesn't steal the book, and then once he's done appraising it, you can pay him for his services and take the book back.
Well, the thing is, he said it would take him three days to okay appraise the book. we can do some dungeons look back at the As long as you get the book back in those three days, you have other things to investigate in Volkenburg, don't you? Yeah, like I wanted to go to Milken McDonald's and see if the the ice cream machine was working, so I could ask them more about the ice cream.
Well, do you think it's safe to leave the book somewhere for three days, though? That was what I was worried about. I didn't want to leave the book out of my sight for that long. Does it matter if it's a copy or the original of the copy? It's still dangerous information that can't be let out. I got a point here. If I can just get a sense on his aura and then we leave and he bolts, I can just get a faint chance of his order if we start tracking him. Wow.
I happen to know that your aura senses only have a limited amount of range, so yes, that is probably a decent idea. But I can imagine- I'm just saying, if he hides in a room, like if he bolts from us immediately. Fair, I guess so. I'm also, I also, wait, I don't know if I can do this, I'm technically a dog, whatever a dog is. Hold on, I'm on wheels now, I can catch him. I'm so fast, look at me goin', I just start spinning around on my Heelys. I'm scared. Hey, what's a dog?
That's just something that can track real well. Just don't worry about it. Okay. I gotta remember, what happened to it? Check out my new shoes. I got these cool like wheels inside of them. I can go so fast now. Cool. Great. Anyway, yeah, if you guys want to have him appraise this, like, you have the bank robbery to investigate, don't you? Yeah, that!
I wonder if they made any headway on that. That would happen like a week and a half ago now. Yeah, that was almost exactly two weeks ago. they put a bounty on their roberter chest My suggestion is have them appraise it, but have the ability to track Mr. Farnsworth in case he is untrustworthy. And in the meantime, you guys can go do some investigating.
So what you want us to do is you want us to leave the book. You said to leave it and go do something else, but you also don't want us to leave the book because you said it's valuable information. That doesn't make any sense. I don't want you to leave it with him permanently because the longer it's with him, the more chance there is- Yeah, but like if he has the book and we're got- if he's got- doesn't matter. If he's got the book and we're not there, he can just write shit down. It'd be the same thing if we left it with him forever. He could take- he could write stuff down. Well, where's that evolution's trio? Well, what if one of us stayed with him?
or you know asking that where we got the three of three so keep pregnant selena honor yeah about what happened to them i think they just been following us the whole time and doing nothing i don't even know if they got off the train and page i know didnt get offring they just they just overslept yeah i mean none of us can none of us can see selena and her gang we're all like this is a this is an audio drama
They've been having their own adventure. They're already halfway down tracking the robbers and everything. I've never seen a Glazion before. They don't.
I genuinely don't remember what happened with them. I think I just just forgot about them last episode. I think the last time they were mentioned is when Walter was getting attacked by his mom and Selena just walked out of the room. Oh yeah. She just stood there and just smiled. Can we phone up? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Selena has a phone. Okay. Yeah. like great Okay. We'll patch her. We'll patch her under the call.
we do that okay cool agree phone call phone call ringing her so you get ring phone call So c Selena picks up and you can see a hologram of Selena abyss and Brie in a different color Well miss flame backs been seeing all four of you guys Wow, I thought it was just a car Nope. So yeah, cuz he was showing her your helios.
Well, I feel like I probably pushed a karo aside to do that, but if you' if it's showing all of it, that's awesome. No, you still so we still did it, but you still could have done it without doing it, but you still pushed her. Because Sammy doesn't understand how it works. To be frank, I don't either. So Selena, Briss, and Brie show up, and they're like, hey, or what's what's going on? Where'd you guys been? Where the hell are you? Oh, we've been shopping at the mall. We're at the mall. We're having some fun while you guys are doing your boring shit at the college.
I wanna join, I don't wanna be here. Wait, like you didn't even tell us you was going to the mall? I wouldn't want them to go to the mall. They probably got some good food, the food court over there. Okay. Maybe, but you guys are really boring. So we decided to go do something fun while you guys walked around to talk to college professors and shit like that. You're telling the hit man's boring? Wow.
I, yeah let me guess, you didn't even go in the college, did you? No, I just played music outside. See, you're so- I went into the college. or and we We talked to a professor and he's gonna, he offered roll to- Rolled, someone roll perception.
i the last time i'll do it oh no mind Okay with the 16 as soon as you mentioned talking about the college and professor Selena started walking away and it's just abyss and Brie and the hologram Okay, wait, um, it's late. Okay, we track try to get track each other by our GB buyer things Selena's gone. She's bored Okay, Brie abyss. I don't know what the heck is wrong with c Selena, but um, I um this is really talking she's like she's just like i'm sorry about that she's been really angsty lately she hasn't had anything to do so we just decided to go along with her and mix her scene had her fun again and like back can hear i can hear you you know this whole mission a big part of this mission about her is to help her get back to you know what and she's acting like this is really boring and this is really important
yeah like we're literally like looking up stuff to figure out how to get to these space hole thingies and she's just she's not even paying attention anymore all right you see selena's head poke into frame oh low story scrolling back okay she'd nervous her eyes at you okay so you know the you know the book we have um we We kind of asked a professor to to decipher it for us and he needs like three days to do that. So please um we kind of need somebody to watch him to make sure that, well, make sure that nothing bad happens to the book. So what I'm getting is you need some bodyguards. Basically. Sure. Assassins. You see Selena's eyes light up.
Yeah, let's try the bulk. We don't care what happens. How far away is the mall? Like, how long is it gonna take you to get back here? look We turn around, she's there. No. The mall's like, I don't know, like an hour's walk away or something like that. I don't know, do I pi aren pay attention to colleges? and know No. You really need to get a watch. Definitely not. Yeah, I would i need a watch. So you can check the time? Why do I need to check the time?
So you know how long it takes to get from one place to another, I guess. Anyway, we'll be over in a bit, and you can discuss details there. Sounds good, thank you. Bring me back a present, please. We'll see you there. What? I didn't hear you. Goodbye. And she hangs up. We gotta stay here for an hour and wait. Well, maybe we can look around and see if there's any frat houses around here.
You guys do still need to drop off the books with Mr. Farnsworth. Is there any like flat pavement I can roll around and skate on for a bit while we wait for Selena? Yeah, yeah. The ah walk wild walkways you guys are on are nice and flat. Are one of you guys gonna go drop the book off with Mr. Farnsworth? We'll do that when Selena and Co. arrive. Okay, cool. So for Stripe, Convenience, an hour passes.
Oh dang. Walter is just doing anything to keep him entertained by working out. I i was literally going to ask like the group if they wanted to race me over to that tree, but cool, fast travel.
will okay So our classes and Selena and crew arrive and they are wearing um they're all wearing hats. These guys. It's a diva squad.
No, they all went shopping for clothes. What happened to the baseball team? The Volcanberg baseball team. vulcan nights no The The Volcanites. The Flama Burners. The Flama Burners, yep. That's it. Flama Burners. That's the one. Oh my god, they should be called the Flama Bulls because they're flammable.
a ah had you saw I Sorry. There we go. Oh, God. Maybe that's what the football team is called. See, as Selena walks up to you guys, and she's like, OK, so what's the plan? Who am I killing? Oh, Michael. You're not killing anyone unless this professor does anything shady with our book. I like our motto. You see Selena get a very sly look in her eye.
i listen i'm not a professor i want to be the first one to say hurting a professor he takes the books to run okay do any of you have the ability to run away i thought you said walter takes the book and runs no that was one of the things saying if the professor takes the book and tries to run away i thought you said walter takes the book and runs No, it's gonna so I say I pulled. I am out. See you guys. Good session. Walter, we just got your back. OK. OK. All right. Cool. Any of you have the ability to erase memories? Sorry. I wish. Walter just looks down and is like, I wish. Oh, my gosh. I think you. Damn. The Umbrians probably.
Oh, that's not a nice way to lose a memory. I'll tell you that. Biz pipes up and he's just like, I mean, I can use psychic. So maybe shut up for a second. brain enough Oh, great. I'm not one. How am I hiding? Bruce, why don't we just call your mom and ask about that question? Because she's got that kind of way to do that, remember?
okay well it was a bit abyss right abyss that just said that yeah abyss just said that okay um so sam okay so here's what i'm thinking um everyone ignored sammy so so we said that so we we negotiated a contract with the professor the professor the professor signed it but um
But it's likely it's likely that the professor doesn't remember any... that much about our interaction, if anything. um But in case he remembers anything that would be like inconvenient to us, you can... Abyss, you can use psychic to wipe those memories. And... um and so what does going lean and you forget don like where yeah we're We're blocking them by torturing him. Yeah a this is like it's a bit of a painful process but I mean I can't guarantee it'll be quiet.
I believe in him he did a great job but they did a great job on me. He did great. Well, I wonder if it'll be less painful if he's also frozen when his memories are being wiped. Selena pipes up just like, say no more. I believe, I think it'll just be more quiet, not less painful. Hikaru, who the hell are you right now? What the heck's going on? You're becoming more of me, and that scares me. I'm just trying to figure, I'm just trying to game out how to manipulate somebody.
damn that president of that from college student mindset there's nobody on the campus right we don't have to roll perception to see if someone's gonna overhear us yeah professor my ah my my pet fido at my homework as long as i don't roll in k nat one with the st so i'm just saying no no fucking way
Okay, I rolled it now. It doesn't mean you guys auto fail. It just means there is people on campus So I need to get somebody just to roll. I'll do it. I'll do it. I'm rolling it um 14 That's a serious long track you guys are fine. There's like one person on the other side of campus and the poon dude They got their headphones in they're listening to their music or whatever. They're listening to miss your dungeon a path through time. Check it out. It's good show exactly What's a headphone? It's the speaker
what's the speaker listen we can't we don't got time for this yeah speakers exist we're literally on the phone we were just on the phone speakers exist okay okay so so the so the the gba has speakers in it okay gotcha gotcha that's what those things are um anyway anyway I just need, okay, so I just need one or both of you to hand the book to him and watch him while he decodes its contents and the rest of us will go and do other missions. Maybe it would have been better if one of you was like an espionage that we could do like actual psychic stuff.
i mean we have a little bit of psychic powers but like we're not psychic types we can't yeah we can't mind control people but i guess i could just like break his mind enough with psychic i don't exactly know i don't think i think his mind is already broken enough i don't think he'll be very used to us if we break his mind any further than it already is hey uh dakota well we can when walta heard that he is gone what When he heard, break his mind. I mean, PTSD. He's in PTSD. All right, cool. Walter ran away. I'm going to go ahead. I mean, like he's behind a tree. He's behind like a tree or something, like just shivering. Sure. Sure. Walter is cowering in fear. I was like holding his legs. I know the big bad cat dog ferret thing is going to mite my mind. Did you just call it a ferret?
Cat dog ferret fox. It's not a ferret. Have you ever seen a ferret before?
Oh my god. Anyway, it's a thing. I am not having this argument right now. No, we don't have time. No, no, no. That's so gross. Yeah, it does.
okay you don't okay so a great uh sorry abyss and um selena you don't have don't be cruel to him Just make sure that, just make sure that he doesn't leave the room and doesn't tell anybody else about the book. To be fair, what we could do is we could just like have a pizza party and we could just fit, I could just, you know, cater it and you know, pizza makes everything better and maybe it's just be like, oh man, you guys kind have such a good pizza and I will just give you this book and not do anything malicious with it. There you go. Pizza for the win.
Yeah, wouldn't we get the book wouldn't we get like pizza sauce all over the book? Everybody's got to wear gloves That's not gonna stop it from getting everywhere but it just stops her from getting on your hands maybe what What are we doing throwing the pizza at the book?
listen yeah just i my jordan i' been ahead of i mean i believe i pipe up a better cousin goes I have an older cousin who was a teaching assistant at a college and she says that they always like they would always eat like pizza during grading sessions so it's pretty normal okay yeah Selena pipes up she's like we could just you know let him do his own thing and us three can do some sneaky surveillance and if he ever does anything naughty then we can always take him out then you came to my you came to my house you you turned down the food that my parents made for you that was really insulting so I don't know if I even if I even trusted to do that
Oh my god. You just trust me because I don't like mozzarella sticks. Are you serious? I mean, that was kind of ah kind of kind of insulting. What if I came to your house? Actually, I did come to your house. I ate your food. Your food was fine. I didn't say nothing bad about your food. To be fair, I eat everybody's food and say it's good because I like everything, but whatever. Yeah, because you actually liked the food. I didn't. I have opinions. You don't.
miami and sammi that's on sammy that's enough sammy okay well there's your opinion on sam um new Just because I don't like much realistic spism mean I'm not good at on people trish are we doing this or not yes idea Don't start this conversation. He's gone. to he He's done day sounds like it's got decided cool. Great. Where's this professor Farnsworth guy?
we'll take it We'll take you guys up to or I think he's and he's inside that main building over there up to the second floor We should we should probably take them up with the book so we can be there to give them the book No, like wait. Yeah, why are we why are we even doing this? Why are we doing this? Where are we what? Doing the whole bodyguard and the professor thing. Why can't we just take the book to Blair? i Like why are we doing this? Yeah when I even get paid for this now but pay for no point
okay well what if um okay what if the professor What if the professor never sees us again and he does remember the book and he, like, he, um, spills? Oh, yeah. so Um, hey. that Easy. You just give the book to me. You never saw me. And then when they question you, they don't know where the book is. And they got no proof. Then just an old man saying you saw a couple of people with the book.
An old man who forgets stuff all the time. There'll be no case made against you. You said he's really old, right? Yeah. You're 200 years old, kind of old. I could, you know, make it look like an accident if you really wanted me to. It could be really easy if you could get it done in the next couple hours.
No, we do not need you to kill this person. They are a well-respected professor, as far as we know. She's like, okay, why? It's so easy. Listen, we also can't command a murder here, because Hikaru wants to come here, and we're not ruining her chance to come here. So we're not killing anyone here. Got it? Who gives a crap about history anyway? Like seriously. I got a good point. It's not about history. We kill him.
I don't want to get suspended before my first day, okay? Suspended for murder. You get out the roads before you go to the college? Well, it looks like Miss Hoxby was involved in murder, so, uh, nah, suspend her. Two days' detention.
You killed one of our professors, you get a day of detention. You get lunch detention, Miss C. Okay, that's how college works man if that if only that's how it works What is that supposed to mean Sean? I think you had some enemies in college no like if that's all Do you care to elaborate? If like, okay, obviously if you killed somebody who worked at a college you're gonna go to jail or worse Okay, okay guys, you know what? Um, I
i will um i will just go by myself and watch and stay with him i will warn you above board if you do do this um depending on what happens you might be removed from the next like i'm assuming this is going to take at least another episode before that gets resolved so um just above board that might not be a good idea for podcast reasons unless we just all sleep three days and do nothing ye unless we just have apple and not be in an episode if that's what i'm saying also yeah like do we actually need how but b like why don't we just go to blair let's not involve the school with us and try and might hinder hakaru's chance of getting in or not getting expelled or kicked out or whatever i don't know how colleges work okay yeah like okay yeah i mean breach of like
yeah i mean breach of contract is a little bit less bad than um you make it out it was an option contract so also like taking the option isn't breaking the official like she doesn't someone have to like officiate or notarize the contract like it's you just wrote it up i'm like that's true he never got the contract notarized that is true actually it's not a valid contract yet because it's not notarized interesting that is all right all right let's just keep the book and let's go do other missions while we look at where i mean i'm not even sure like i wrote the contract myself so maybe maybe it's not maybe the contract isn't legally binding anyway selena looks very disappointed i think we should go talk down there and which just hope that this mr farne professor farne's where it just forgets about us all right let's go yeah maybe yeah maybe you guys are some little fool
but like I could like go back inside and give them my business card like he has no I've grown his pizza if you ever need that if you ever want to talk about you know getting us in the car can Walter just slowly stop pushing Sammy with his wheels that away yeah he's got wheelies he can't object let's go I mean he can't just put his feet down forwards and then I'll pick him up and carry him like I carried him up the stairs there you go okay okay so you guys are hitting the players I put my GBA number on them
the only words with one yeah i was gonna say to your gba number but you know the only five days that are in existence well if somebody wants to have your pizza pizza party covered you know i got you but they have no way of calling you because they don't have a gba themselves yo my car's gonna be the popular kid with the new phone
Evelyn, were you trying to say something? No, I wasn't saying anything. No, your name's not Evelyn.
Okay, are you guys going to... Oh yeah, I just meant like earlier like he car above board. I just meant like earlier when Hikaru kept like trying to say something and then... Like I was trying to talk like to talk to Selena and Abyss.
okay i mean they're still there if you want to discuss things where has it passed well no no no we've been like we finished that we finished talking we're good we're good now sorry about that i got a little chaotic there this will get cut out but yeah yeah okay so you guys are heading to blair's place all right I guess we are. Yeah. Okay. So your, uh, your guys has walked, you guys walk over the blares place. The only thing I'll note is that there's a book of McDonald's on the way. Do you guys plan on stopping or you know, i'm straight to blares? I vote no.
I haven't eaten so long, guys. I can smell the fries. this it You got your bookie, McDonald. Let's go. Keep going. All right. So you guys arrive at Blair's place, and you guys can see the joint house and the library at the corner of the street. Again, there's also a mob of people outside the alarm clock store, even though it is a crouching evening time. What the heck's going on over there?
Uh, hmm. Check that out later. Yeah, probably a good idea. Yeah, we can check that out later. Let's go inside. Is there like a line? like so i can't I can't see. I still got hungry eyes.
I just have an image of every time Sammy tries to roll away, Walter keeps directing him back to the house. Like, no. His eyes are all swirly. His eyes are all swirly. He's all like lightheaded from not eating. So as you guys approach the house, you guys walk up or you guys approach the house in the library. Sorry. They're right next to each other. The house because we tried the library last time, right? I know we tried the house last time we found her in the library. Yeah.
Uh, can I just Oresense and tell what she is? Uh, sure. Do you want to use your Oresense? Yeah, I don't think we're going to use it today. Okay, go ahead and roll a d20.
No. No, just no. Alright, alright, with a no, you can tell that she is in Volkenburg. Wow, this girl's been around everywhere. there
she's everywhere she's omnipotent she's got double team on so yeah okay which were um guys working on either oh yeah yeah all sent working to good listen you try or sensing after game mind blasted and and was like forever that was like a week ago slow with recovery slow recovery so okay bit they're like a show for this it guy like ice cream or something What's ice cream? I don't freaking know what ice cream is. I thiss i don't i don't know. i Anyway, we're not starting this again. Alright. Not again. Should we try the library since that's where we found her last time? Well, okay. Wait, Bruce, hang on. Is there hours on the th door? Can we just look at the door and see if there's like open from this time to that time?
Sure. So you united yeah good i you look at the hours on the door. I want you guys to roll perception. Whoever's closest to the door.
13 plus 2, 15. So you guys see the sign that posts the hours on the door. And it says open weekdays 9 to 5. But what you also see is Blair turning the card from closed from open to closed on the door. Miss Blair. He's standing in in the door.
I go up and knock. Yeah, she can see you because she's literally two millimeters away from you. It's that moment where she stares at us and glares and says, no, we're closed. Come back in the morning. I've had a rough day. So yeah, with your 15, you can see that Blair looks very annoyed. And then she recognizes you guys, and she opens the door. She's like, oh, hey. Oh, it's you guys again. I haven't seen you in a while. Hey, hey. Come on, come in. Hi, Blair. Hey, Blair. I can't wait to sit in your beanbag chairs again.
Walter slowly and carefully goes inside through the door Hello everyone and welcome to the midsection my name is Dakota your PM your DM your DM and thank you for listening to the episode Go check out the patreon and discord linked in the description the patreon has all of our raw recordings a bonus off bla of all the life for me right alone about that a thousand times um i will thank the new people who have just joined our discord i mean our patreon am i editing that out absolutely not so as for our patreon members we have on the bronze tier we have isaiah white and eli for our silver tier we have pdece and for the gold tier we have mint and evelyn care uh i do want to put out a disclaimer here our silver tier is currently in the works
and does not currently serve any benefit. PDECE, I don't know if you're listening to this, but you are not in our Discord and I have attempted to reach out to you. So if you decide if you want to switch tiers, be my guest, but I will give you and everyone listening a fair warning, our silver tier is currently in the works and currently does not give any extra benefit as compared to the bronze tier.
So um fair morning to all of you guys who are thinking of joining the discord that is your morning Uh director does anything else? Yes music music. Yes, uh, we have root 110 and birch's pokemon lab That is literally all for this episode. So thank you guys and and i'll see you next time which is like in five seconds. Goodbye giving a side eye for because they're acting weird Listen you don't know what I've been through i suppose i don't anyway There was a door here and another door Honestly, bla you have no idea what we've been doing the past like I don't know month that was since we've been see it since we've seen you man So so much it's happened what the guy kidnapped sp and by her actually I Became a bounty hunter. Why are you bringing criminals in my place? Oh
what is going on what is okay you guys need to explain yourself first of all is she actually supposed to be here you can see a player is very flustered since you just told her a criminal is entering her place i'm not pressing charges it doesn't matter what is going on uh she like she has something to do with the rifts as well that's That's what I was yeah you know, I was gonna get there eventually I was gonna tell her about the mozzarella sticks think first come still kind of mad about that. But yeah that's the rift yeah yeah She's from the future riffs future mozzarella sticks. What are you talking about?
Get in here, you idiots. We don't know. That's why we came here. Yeah, you guys could know anything. You guys are coming. many Criminals are walking, and who you guys are getting a little mozzarella sticks and portals and shit. Like, what is going on? We're definitely not criminals. We definitely don't have the other ones. OK, so can can you keep something quiet? Maybe.
I have a hard time. She says yelling. Maybe! but Quieter, quieter. we We might have found a copy of the book. What do you mean the book? Bruce, you're just going to start with that? You're just going to jump right into the book. thing Okay, what is the book? There's many the books. She goes over to a shelf and pulls out a book and it's title is called a the book. I love it. My image of that was she stabs the book with her head horn because she has no hands.
It's fine, I had five copies. You know a book that you told us the last time we were here? What do you mean? No, you don't. The book was lost a long time ago. Anyway, what are you guys here for? Everyone's got the book right now, I think, right? out um yeah okay Evelyn? Show her the book. My arm trusts her.
car yeah car sorry takes the look out of the back the back And to remind everyone, this is looks like a hand copied book onto like printer paper, basically. So it doesn't look legible.
Yeah, it's legible. Yeah, it's perfectly legible. It's a pretty deep-tight copy, other than the fact that it's just ink on printer paper, basically. Also, what's a printer? Who knows? Anyway... That book. So, you guys... The cover is still there, though, right? the The cover is also copied? I feel like we should establish this, because I've always imagined it as, like, a stapled, pamphlet of papers. Because it's hand-copied off of... like it's like yeah It's like your own fan-made script from a movie. and Yeah, I think you mentioned that the staple was in the middle of the papers. No. I think that was a joke. It was a joke. I figured it was still like bound. Sorry. Because, you know, we we have the technology to do that. It was just it was all handwritten. It's like a notebook.
No, I just had the idea of like, Ms. Flamebex spent all these years hand copying this book to perfection. And she's like, my magnum opus and a bunch of staple dead in the center. It's ruined. Ruined.
I wasn't even picturing it like that. I was picturing, like, how you normally staple stuff on the side. I was picturing one staple in the middle on the side of the book. No, I meant, like, dead center. Unusable. So much. So much more. You can't even read because you can't open the book.
so Anyway, my magnum... Oh, sorry. Oh, fucking crap.
I'd imagine this flame that has access to bookbinding tools. Sure. We can say it's primitive bookbinding. It's got a lot of binding to it. Pretty good copy.
so it's a yeah it's a pretty decent copy it does not look like the original the cover but it is made of leather to preserve the paper inside it's just colored with crayon it's got like backwards letters here and there literally know that Bruce's sister helped out making it yeah Arabella is helping making there's just some glitter on it
no no it's ah it just says lgms guide of the galaxy and blair's face just goes white like her face is usually very darkish and her face just goes pure white it says signed by dr who copied by carolyn flame back That's supposed to get that way. I don't think I don't think was flying back stupid enough to put her own signature on aline copy one but it is not what it says I Don't think it says that at all Blair are you okay? it This you guys actually meant it like This is hold on. I'm gonna have her wrong destination 15 so she's like hold on this isn't a book. What is this?
i copy up The book he means a copy of the book. copy of the book? the book. Roll deception, Bruce. It's not deception. You didn't find this, now did you? oh i mean You don't need to know the details. Being handed something is basically finding it. You found it in their hand when they handed it to you.
Deception is cool, right? I think something like that. So that's just 13 plus zero 13. Okay. So although she believes you, she's very intrigued. Where did you find this? Somewhere. What is up with you today? This is looking at Walter.
Listen, it's like I got a whole new personality like someone else is taking control of me. It's like someone completely new has taken over my personality and how I would do stuff since last time we met. You were here last time? I don't think you were even here last time, were you? I don't remember. He was. Yeah, he was. I was. I was just being ignored by all of you last time. You know, I think you're under something. I think you were so quiet the last time it was hard to notice you. Yeah, because Walter was communicating and only hand waving.
hit walter waves yeah Are you okay Walter waves are you dead Walter waves Pretty much how I played Walter for that entire season. You were just Kenny Kenny South Park. Yeah never watch So yeah, Walter's... Walter, wal god damn it. Does that make sense? Is he okay? Is he like on drugs or something? Walter's been a lot of drugs. no Walter's had a lot of trauma and a lot of big life events happen. He's he's okay, though. You ever get psychic like 20 times in the brain? What do you mean? and when i say okay I mean, she can't get psychic. She's a dark type. That's fair. um
Anyway, okay, so how did you guys come across this? What are you talking about? I don't wear shoes. No, I got these conditions. I got wheels in them. Oh. Oh. Cool. I'm more concerned about this book that I'm holding that I've been looking for for eight years and now. Where did you guys get this? Why does it matter? got You have it. Wait, above board, did we ever come up with like a story for how we got it? No, we did not. Nope.
Nope, back into it. She's like, yeah, where did you guys get this? We found it! well they want that to yard set that You guys i could do all got guys are being very vague about it. We found it in a dungeon. I don't know what to say. We found it during a dungeon.
okay that is so unbelievable I'm not even gonna make you roll for it what no that is believable people could drop it nice that is probably that's probably the most believable thing that's why she hasn't been able to find it free not just change every time you go into um you as someone who stole it you find it in It was it was just an unnamed dungeon. Yeah, how am I supposed to know so that I know I don't hundreds around you. I don't. And did you find it? it All right, then they're like, you know, the signs are labeling a name and some dungeons. Smart ass. Let's go. Yes. You got the coach woods over to the west. Oh, wait a minute. Oh, wait. Shit. I'm going to your trap.
It was it was like a large forest. I don't remember the name. It was a very large forest. Well, at least I'm going to roll. Oh, it's conveniently the one I just listed, wasn't it? Come on. Let me at least roll for this. You can see Blairs getting kind of angry at this point. She doesn't get angry very often, but I. Well, that's unbelievable. No, she gets angry. What did you roll?
Oh, I gotta roll. You let me roll, thank you. Oh, yeah, you can roll if you want to. Yes! Oh, I thought you were gonna let me roll for the seed! Oh, yeah, that's fine. I just wanted to know what specifically we're rolling for. Oh, yeah, I'm rolling the seed. Did you believe me? Yeah. Alright, what did you roll? What is the underhand? I don't know. The seed? Is it cool? Cool! Cool, cool, cool. Sixteen. She also got a sixteen.
when it goes to a oppos goes to the player. yeah Yeah, defender wins. So yeah. So that would be ah be player because you've rolled to deceive her. She's defending you. not I thought it was going to be like her trying to see know if I was lying or not. So technically, I'm defending. Yeah, she was rolling inside against your deception. So I'm defending my story. I'm just going to say in the case of Ty's, players win. So it's not so confusing. Yeah, that's fine.
I'm fine with that. see She's very narrowing her eyes at you. Like, so narrow exactly one unit of one plank unit. I wonder what I'm used to. Hey, you look like a Bruce now!
Alright, I guess that doesn't really it doesn't really matter where we found it. just We just found it, you know, whatever. Can you just read it for us? uh okay she opens the book up and rifle stewards she's like huh okay this is an oldish only a couple of the books i have here like that uh it might take me a little bit of time to decipher this uh do you guys is it okay if i keep this for a couple of days let me guess like three days yeah i was thinking exactly three days whatever when did it that's just the that's the same thing the other guy told us
I know, so weird, right? It's almost like it's pre-planned. All right, we trust you a lot more than we trust the other guys, so that works. I don't know if I trust you. Good. That's okay. Hey, my mom trusts you, so that's what matters. okay It's the deceitful ones you gotta watch it out for. No, it's the deceitful ones you don't have to watch out for. The truthful ones you gotta watch out for. She starts staring at the person who just tried to...
I'm trying to do the Jack Sparrow quote, I'd failed horrifically. She endears her eyes so hard at you.
So she's like, you want me to you want me to decipher this, right? I'm gonna take us what you want? Yes. Yeah, that would be quite helpful. Okay, hold on.
uh she runs over and like grabs a book off the shelf and you can see it is uh the title is very in an unfamiliar language to you it is um Lucy Pulsas is like uh this is the book i usually use to help me decipher stuff because this is the book i've used to um i've actually transcribed this book myself so by using the comparison of the transcribed version i have and this oldest book i should be able to do the same thing with this book it might take me a few days but i can get it done You'll just give me three days. Is that okay with you guys? Yeah. No, no, no. I i don't know don't know why I would do that. If anything, I want to keep this book. Yeah, it was really hard. We defeated a lot of monsters to get that in the dungeon. Well, Ravage Pokemon. What is a Ravage Pokemon?
That's my word for Pokemon as a dungeon. What do you mean this is here to go through a couple monster houses in the dungeon? What did you mean, rabid? Rabbit, yes, sorry. Oh, dude. I may be thinking of a different podcast. What's a podcast? Never mind. What's a podcast? Never mind. We got to get some... We got to get some rabies test kits. I hope we didn't catch anything from them.
that's not how it works and you guys know it anyway uh it's just like pH test strips you just pull out some pH some rabbit test strips i mean i did think we saw some rabbits in the in the dungeon there was like some lapanese and some bunnaries and stuff what's what's a rabbit that's in their classification like a lapanine binary like like a like a scrub on it There you go. Listen, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Come on, what are you guys some kind of typist or something? What has happened to you guys? You guys are so much different than last time I saw you. We've been through some shit. Well, an entire season passed. What do you mean it's been two weeks? An entire arc passed.
An ark? What are you guys on? It's a few weeks for you, it's a year for us. What?
Why aren't I so pissed? Why don't I give you some bocca burgers and a slice of pizza and everything will be okay. Trust me, everything's better with a slice of pizza. That's our company motto at Paparoni's Pizza. Everything's better with a slice of pizza. I'll help you figure out whatever the heck's going on right now.
I already to have some food in the oven, but I appreciate the offer. All right. So we should get you, leave you to do your things and not distract you anymore. Yeah, I'll, I'll get started on this first thing tomorrow morning. Thank you. Cool. Really appreciate it. It's like you're not even gonna get any work done tonight, ands so what is that, four days? I'm eating this seasoning now.
I mean, yeah, it's exactly 506, I think. Let's just be happy we have someone trustworthy to look at the book. That's what we can care. That's fair, Walter. You got a good point there. OK. OK, anyway. Blair, you want to come with us for dinner? Oh, I literally just said I had dinner in the oven. Oh, OK. Well, you mind if we join you? Do you think we can sleep over and have breakfast in the morning?
I only have one meal worth of food and it's already in the open. Wait, wait, she has no food after this? Like, that's it? She has nothing? yeah She needs to do a grocery run. Tomorrow's Saturday. She's going to get groceries tomorrow. Oh, okay. Yeah, it's very strange. I have exactly one meal for exactly one person today. So strange. Anyway.
It's fine. We got other stuff we got to work by. By the way, do you know what's going on with that shop over there and the time clock shop? Oh, the alarm clock store. Yeah, I just had to go there a couple of weeks ago, actually. That's quite a place. I don't suggest you go there. That is unless you wish to literally die. I don't just go there. Okay, okay. We won't then. Walt has had perks.
why we himland why yeah i said Unless you want to die and this all of a sudden you're interested what does thatuff supposed to mean I mean something dangerous is something exciting. He is tied to these schools and all this tech stuff. He just wants to hit something Well, I hear like yeah any books on ice cream and when you went in there and survived right I Can't be that. I still have some books on ice cream. She walks over one of her bookshelves and pulls out a book. And it is called How to Bake Ice Cream. Oh, no. Hide it! Quick! I want one of you guys to roll perception. Let's go, Big Samy. This is ice cream. It's all him. Yeah. Yeah, roll perception. I found just an ice cream-related roll that he has to roll with disadvantage on. Oh.
i know so I already rolled and I had a one so if you want again i can get another one get another one get another one yeah you don't notice anything out of the ordinary this book you just she hands you the book this is like as long as you get up give it back within two weeks and should be good I didn't need this I just suck when it comes to ice cream apparently so oh Okay, ah do you guys need anything else? I don't think so. No, they look good. I'll certainly let you know if we need anything else. Yeah, I'm gonna get started on this here shortly, probably. Have a nice dinner. Yeah, my apple burger is about to start burning. I should go take care of that. And now we go and go to Boca McDonald's.
All right. So you guys are leaving the library? Yes. Yeah. All right. That's where we're going to end this episode. Sorry for the shorter episode. We had some technical difficulties before the show. So that is where we are going to leave it for today. to go to Your PM, your GM, your GM. And I've been Evelyn playing Hikaru. And oh my god, I think my clipboard just fell on the floor. I've been Eli playing Bruce.
I've been Sean playing Sammy and I've added how to bake ice cream to my inventory. How to bake ice cream. I'm Jake playing Walter and loving watching Hikaru put on the moves on Blair. Trying to. Get absolutely rejected. What? I already got dinner. I wasn't flirting. Not time. I just asked if we could... I just asked if we could join Blair for dinner. This was i this wasn't a date. I wasn't asking around.
Well, yeah, i like, she didn't ask to go to general. You guys totally do it. All right. Yeah, she has to get to general. To be fair, her cargo could just make Walter everyone distracted while she tried something.
Just jiggle some keys in front of Sammy. No, just a sandwich or something. You're fine. Walter, go do something distracted one. All right. Cause of the fire. Hey, guys, we're trying to end the episode.
Never! I don't remember who's supposed to go first. It's your turn. It's your turn. Everyone hasn't said their thing yet. Alright cool. Oh, I didn't realize. Yeah, I was last. Goodbye.