CheezeTalk S1 Episode 31 Packers and Life, with Kelly! image

CheezeTalk S1 Episode 31 Packers and Life, with Kelly!

Ohana: Packers Edition
24 Plays3 months ago

In this episode, I sat down with Kelly, and we talked about our Green Bay Packers. We discussed the draft, last season, her favorite player, last year's turning point, what she'd bring to a tailgate, etc.  After all of that, I asked her some random life questions. I had a blast having her on. Please give it a watch and give it a like!

Good evening, everybody. Welcome to the Cheese Talk podcast. I'm your host, Brian Rago. And tonight I am joined by, well, I know her as nobody follows a killer. So one of my favorite packer follows on on on Twitter. um What's up? Nothing much. I'm excited to be here, but think about it all day. Sorry to push the time back. but That's okay. I think it worked out for the for the both of us. I got my kids home on summer break and so it's it worked out. Yeah. hum First, I want to give a shout out to the open network for giving me the chance to pad under their umbrella, the open network. They are thirty-seven followers away, I believe, on Twitter until they give away an eight by ten autographed Jair Alexander picture.
So if you're not following them, go Ohana underscore Packers, give them a follow. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? Yeah, sure. um Well, my name is Kelly, but I go by nobody follows a killer. Killer has been my nickname since high school. A lot of people still call me that. um ah used They used to say I would just kind of kill a good time, like calling people out, like If you're a wallflower, I'm like, what are you doing? Come on. Making people feel awkward. So they're like, gosh, just killing the vibe. And so there was one day I was watching Walk the Line but you know about Johnny Cash. And Jerry Lee Lewis comes off stage and tells Johnny Cash, nobody follows a killer. I'm like, that's me. So it's been my tagline ever since. That's awesome. Yeah. It's kind of scary too, if you think about it.
That's what I like. Keep them intimidated a little bit. ah we Hold on here. Kelly, we have another favor chiming in here on the comments section. Oh, Hailey. Yeah. My girl. Yeah. Yeah. packco Go Go Packo. So I've got a handful of questions for you regarding the Packers and then another handful. Just some random life questions. Not not too terrible. Sounds good. I'm ready. How long have you been a Packer fan? Since the day I was born. OK. I had no choice in the matter. OK. Yeah. Who was the quarterback, Myers? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. My sister, i I always tease my sister. I'm like, you cried when he left. And she was like, no, I didn't. But now, I like, because I was young then, so I didn't understand the depth of what was happening when Brett Favre was leaving at the time. So. Yeah.
um Now I'm like, oh, when I got that call about Devontae Adams, like I couldn't even finish my dinner. you know yeah I was so fucked up about it. Yeah, you kind of, when Aaron left, or not Aaron, when Brett left, it's kind of like the same as when Aaron left, but on different terms. you know Aaron didn't want to stick it to the organization as far as trying to go to the but to the Vikings. you know Yeah. But did you ever hear the rumor about Brett Favre when he wanted to leave? He had a can of paint in his old house in Ashwabenden that the color was potential purple. No. There was a can of paint left behind that apparently it was it was potential purple, which is kind of crazy that he ended up going to the Vikings. He knew it all along.
That bastard. That bastard. I have mixed feelings about him still, yeah. Well, Brett Favre? Yeah. All I can think about is the pictures, the number of pictures. Of course. The watch and the clock? Yeah. Yeah, exactly.
Who could forget? I don't want to think about that. Well, just a little reminder. Thanks. What are your thoughts on this year's draft and who's your favorite pick? I'm really, really excited. um To be honest, I don't really know. I'm, I have to, I don't want to get too attached yet. So I'm just kind of waiting, you know, on the down low and just kind of seeing what happens. But I'm excited for everybody. I think we needed everybody that we picked, especially the ones that people thought we shouldn't have. So yeah, I'm excited for, uh, Adrian Cooper.
I think he's going to brin on the past rush on the o need. And Jevon Bullard i think fills out swag on the defi he fits perfectly. Him M and hopefully Stokes can co Yeah, really hoping for t I don't want to be a pest he just hasn't slowed down you know cause it's been so long Yeah, I hope he's not trying to rush back if he's still somewhat injured. you know Hopefully he can stay healthy with switching you know training staffs and everything. Hopefully that'll help out. yeah Yeah. What do you think the turning point was last year?
Oh, man.
from I don't know. I think after what was it the third or fourth week, you know, that's what I thought. And we, I had, we had something special for the season. I was, I thought we had something special even leading up to it. I was so ready for Jordan Love to get on that field. Cause I, the vibe just felt so different. Right. And it and it felt like, yeah, maybe we weren't. Yeah. We had our rhythm yet in every single situation, but we eventually got there. And I think, especially when for me when we won against the Chiefs, because I was there, like that was I was like, we are getting close. like we We are touching playoffs, Super Bowl. like it is It is coming. I thought for sure we're going to go all the way, actually. Yeah, that was a quick rebuild in my eyes.
Uh-huh. You know, everyone was talking all this trash that, you know, they're gonna fall off after Aaron's gone and, you know, Jordan loves not it and this and that. Now, you know, when the season was over, the media couldn't leave him alone. Leave Love alone about how good he did and went into Dallas and his torch to Cowboys and That to me, I mean, they they they hit the switch halfway through the season. But all we heard all year is about the Cowboys, the Cowboys, the Cowboys, the Cowboys. And then we're going in there. You got Mike McCarthy on the other side. And we just beat the piss out of them. That was nothing better than that. I mean, I felt really i had a good feeling going to San Francisco.
It did. And I think if they would have left the starters in, it would have been a bigger score difference than what it was. Because they started catching up at the end of the game. The Cowboys did. I know. And that really pissed me off. I'm like, why? like Let's keep this momentum. like Why are we even letting this happen? But they knew what they were doing, I guess. Yeah. The plate calling in on offense was just extra sharp that day. It was just amazing. And just think Jordan Love is the right quarterback for the floor's offense that he's bringing in. I think so too. I think it's because he's so open and versatile. um He has like a ah good attitude. And he's not afraid to use any receivers. So they're just pinpointing, you know, Devontae Adams or Alan Lazard.
her That's how I feel. and And I think that, you know, love Aaron for everything he did, but when he, I think he would change the plays in the huddle. He'd audible out of the plays at the line. Yeah, that's okay. There's some points where he could have ran and gotten first downs, but he didn't. He tried to throw the ball. And I think if Jordan was in that situation, he would have ran the ball. there's a few times, but it is what it is. We're just looking forward and I'm happy for what what's in front of us. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. I agree. He, Aaron, definitely when everybody was like saying for Devontae to come back, you know, that always that talk, right? I'm not on that. I'm not on that train. I love Devontae, but like,
This is a totally different team that I don't think that he fits into anymore. No, he did great. But even before free agency, he was building a house in Vegas. Even before anything started, he was already digging that hole out in Vegas for a house. And I just think it would be too odd. let these young guys for the money they're making is like a fraction of what the bond is making a year, you know, right? Yeah, yeah, all making all the receivers together making like, what, eight, nine, $10 million dollars combined versus making 2025
for like Devontae, whatever he's making. Cause all these guys, I mean, these guys are all in the rookie contracts are cheaper. You're not going to, you're not going to affect the team seller capitalized by bringing Devontae back or, but you know, we're getting rid of Aaron's contract, Bakhtiari's contract. I mean, it's a new era in Green Bay, you know? And it feels like it, I don't, like I can't keep commenting about just the energy. It just, it feels different. Yeah. It's a good feeling too, isn't it? Yeah, it's wonderful. Like I'm so excited. I'm so excited. Same. What what makes this year's team better than last year's team? Well, you know, Eric Stokes is hopefully returning.
You know, I don't know. I think the addition to like the pass rush and. um the like other people we drafted, I'm sorry, I don't know all all of them, okay? Don't come for me, but um I don't know, but i I always kind of do have something in the back of my mind with before every season is like, I'm nervous that it's not going to be like coming off that ride from last season. I'm always kind of weary like, what if, what if?
Yeah, I think we can expand from last year. ah Why not? the The young guys have no, they have no idea what their ceiling is. this Keep on playing, you know, and play together, stand behind your in love. We got, you know, we lost no darn else average, but I'd rather have McKinney, you know, we lost yeah we lost Aaron Jones, but we got Josh Jacobs and then we'll be running back. We drafted was like the best. And a lot of draft experts' opinion, he was the best running back in the draft. Yeah. And we got him, like, in whatever realm we got him in. And it's just, I'm thinking we're still going to be on that ride from last year. And it's just going to get better. Yeah. Yeah. Josh Jacobs would be interesting to see how he plays out. Yeah. I'm excited for that. I think he brings good energy. Yeah. And he was a captain in Vegas.
Oh, was he? I don't know. that McKinney was a captain on defense. So I mean, is like I said, what are your thoughts on losing Aaron Jones? It stung a little bit, but I mean, we try to negotiate, you know, and he is getting up there and like running backs don't have longevity that much in the NFL and anymore, right? I feel like at least they kind of do their time with the team and then they get traded and so on and so forth. They lose their momentum in my opinion. But, and you know, best of luck to them. I think, I mean, I love AJ Dillon, but I was like,
Why? But I guess if one's willing to take the deal, the money, and stay a packer and be for the team, then I'm all for it. But I don't know. It stung a little bit. But then when I found out about the Vikings, I'm like, fuck you.
Yes. Asshole. Yeah. it wasn't they They weren't that far off either, money-wise. It was like a million or so, which is like a toss and a grin. you know Maybe it was like some sort of principle behind it. You know, you know there's always that talk that the exit of being a packer or trying to negotiate to stay a packer is not always like the best process. Like people are always not, they don't always have a good taste in their mouth when they leave.
Yeah, that's speculation from from what I've heard from other people. Yeah, then seeing the purple and gold sun burrow and all that right away. I don't know I just slap in the face. Well, when we first got Jacobs, I'm like, Oh, that's good one to combo. We got Aaron Jones and Josh Jacobs and like an hour later, they released a moment call man and then What made that even worse is you went to the Vikings. It's like and you get that Aaron or that Brett Favre deja vu, you know, we got to play him twice a year and hopefully we can stop him. Well, we should. We know how we play, so we should write. I mean, yeah, it's a different team, but we still know his his mental.
Yeah, and that too, switching to the 4-3 defense, I think that helps us try to stop the run better than we did last year. That was our sore spot last year, trying to stop the run. Right. It was like wide open. It killed us. That's, I feel like always been our problem though. That's been a long problem, not being able to stop the run. That and tight ends being wide open. Like Travis Kelsey and, you know, Gronkowski when he played the Buccaneers and and
Yeah, just hopefully we can fix that with the new <unk> a new coordinator at defense. Yeah. Which packer do you think is trying to have a breakout year?
and Nixon always has a breakout year. oh ah He might though. With the new rule change for the kickoffs, he might. I know, I know. He's canine going to dog walk him. That's what i like so I expect, but no, I'm really excited for Jayden Reed. I mean, like this has got to like, he's got so much potential. I really like him. I think he's fast. I think he's like, I don't know, not a mini Devontae Adams, but slightly better. Yeah. and i And I think too, I look back to when we hit, when we drafted a Mario Rogers out of Clemson, we wanted out of him what we're getting out of Jayden Reed.
That's what we thought, and he just lost his chance. yeah and i'mma rachet But Jane Reed, if he can do better than he did last year, that's crazy, because he had a hell of a year last year. Yeah, and I'm really always rooting for Christian Watson, like always. I feel like he doesn't get enough credit. Everybody's always talk about his injury, which yeah, it's fucked up, but he can't help it, you know? And I know he spent a lot of money getting that checked out, so hopefully we can see something from him too, because I like him as well. Yeah, and we got a new training staff in too. We got the, I'm pretty sure we got the training staff, some people from the Niners this year, we get rid of our old training staff, so hopefully the hamstrings go away.
Because I mean, it's like you had like a bye week. How do you get hurt, pull your hammy in a bye week? You know what I'm saying? It's like always a hamstring too with everybody. Yeah. get a good
Maybe they tripped in their hall at night or fell up the stairs or something, took the wrong step. Who knows? What do you think has the most annoying fan base besides the Bears? ah Of course, I'm going to say the Cowboys. Yeah. Yeah, I can't say the Cowboys and they're fucking fans. The Vikings or the Chiefs or the Chiefs. Oh my gosh, because well, I don't know if everybody knows, but I'm not from Wisconsin. I'm honored. Everybody thinks I'm from Wisconsin, but I'm not. I'm from Missouri. ah So.
You know, I'm from St. Louis, so ramps left. Of course, when everybody, they've just migrated to the Chiefs, but I'm fucking sick of this bandwagon. Fuck. Sorry. it's fine yeah I feel very passionate about it because I feel like they're all just. doing it because and not because they like, like the organization or the team and how they play, you know, yeah and your football team leaves. It's kind of like open for you to pick who you like, you know, yeah're kind of like, uh, the Raiders when they left Oakland. Yeah, exactly. You know, and then you have the chargers, you have the Niners yeah there i am so in California. So it's,
Yeah. I would, I'd have to go with, um, sorry bear fans, but bear fans and Vikings fans and cowboy fans. Yeah. zi my tap very Yeah. Well, you said besides bears, but you know, bears fans are up there. Yeah. You know, I went to the last game of the season against the bears, um, with a bears fan. I don't know if anybody in the Twitter world knows that, but I did. That was a great experience. I had a few weeks ago, I had on James Jefferson.
yeah Damn cats. And um he was the one that was pictured at the in Chicago with the cheese head on by Jordan Love's mom. No way. Yeah. he I had him on my show like he remember that that shot. Yeah, I yeah. Yeah. way Yeah. I have him on two more times coming up too. So, yeah. Yeah, I gotta check that out. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. But he uh yeah he was on and uh the the last game I went to was years ago. I I'm just sad to say well, I think it was um I think we played the Falcons.
I think they beat us and at Lambo. Sam 4-0 at Lambo. yeah Yeah, I get not like anxiety around large crowds, but people, I can't stand people, especially now that you know i don't I don't drink anymore. I just don't have the nerve to be in a around a bunch of people like that. you know I'd rather be at home where food is cheap, bathroom is not a weight, and I can watch the game on my own couch. I understand. I would go if i was if i was able to get if I was able to stumble upon tickets, but it's been a while and I haven't really looked around. I'm sure I could go if I wanted to. but
Yeah, something about just getting mentally prepared ah to leave my house just to go deal with, the you know, 80,000 people. makes anxiety rin and I get it. like yeah I mean, it's not about the parking. My wife can drop me off in front of the stadium and pick me up after the game because I live 10 minutes from Lambeau Field. So I mean, I mean, it's just, yeah, anyway. You know, I, I'm picking up what you're putting down and I, understand I Um, so you, you've been to Green Bay, I assume. Yeah, four times. Yeah. So when you hear Green Bay, like what, what comes to mind, like you've been, you've been in the city, you've been, you know, the history behind the team. Like what comes to mind when you hear somebody say Green Bay?
I always think about Vince Lombardi and that statue. Yeah. And my first time being there and tailgating because it's different now from when I first went. My dad knew somebody, their house backed up to the parking lot, their house is no longer there. um But like, people's houses were all just open for you to use the restroom. And I'm like, you know, what, 13, 14? Okay, everybody's like, I mean, of course I'm not drinking, but I'm like, this is like a whole vibe. Everyone's so friendly. And, you know, yeah
It's cold as fuck, but it and just brings back good memories for me. yeah Yeah. And the cool thing too about Lambo is is the Packard Hall of Fame. You don't have to be a fan of the Packers to respect the hall Packers Hall of Fame. You can go there and see history from day one up all the way up until the current day. you know I mean, they got worn shoes by Reggie White, pants, jersey, I mean, all that stuff there. It's it's pretty cool. Have you toured the Packard Hall of Fame? No, I don't think we, we didn't go this last couple of times, but honestly, um, I think we did one time, but I don't really remember much of it. I got, um, I got Tony Fisher's autograph. and Okay. When I went. Yeah, we, uh, I remember he you mentioned that we went to a training camp and
I think we just had my my oldest daughter. She was maybe, I don't know, two or three years old. And we got a ah little pink packer helmet signed by Brandon Jackson and TJ Lang. No way. Yeah. There's a picture of me handing the helmet over the over the fence to, I forgot who it was. I think it was Brandon Jackson. But yeah, we got their autographs. I think that was when TJ was a rookie. Yeah, I remember him. yeah But yeah, that's one thing you should check out the when next time you come up is go to the Packard Hall of Fame. Yeah, it's awesome. It's like two they changed it now. It's two levels. And they have like the escalators when you come down from the second level and coming down, they have like left to right.
across and back up this way. Like the oldest uniform all the way up until the current uniform. So they have all the different uniforms they've had in the past and you know. Yeah, I think I remember seeing some of it when I was there um for the Chiefs game. Now I know I didn't go to see anything when I went to the Bears game this past season, but I think I remember seeing that. I wish I could go a little bit so. Did you see Taylor Swift at the Chiefs game? ah Like on the screen, they would show her, but yeah we weren't paying attention. Yeah. What are your thoughts on that? Overhype? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, of course. Would you like, oh my god, Taylor Swift? I'm like, oh. And then, like, again, Taylor Swift is dating a chief.
Like, and I got to deal with even fucking Chief Swifties that are only Chiefs fans because Taylor Swift, you know? Annoying as shit.
Like, I like Taylor, she's cool, whatever, but it's overhyped. I got my cat's journey down over here.
I got one finally settled down there in the back. Yeah, on the cat post or on the... Yeah. That little shit right there. So if you go into a tailgate, what are you bringing to a tailgate?
um I'm bringing some high noons or some chilies. I'm going to bring some brats. I'm going to bring some chips. I'm going to bring my A game. I'm going to bring my cheese necklace and my Kishan shirt underneath my Jair jersey and just going to be a good time. I'm going to be in a bottle of Prosecco because I love Prosecco.
Mentioned cheese. What's your favorite type of cheese? Oh man, I don't have a favorite type of cheese. Like I love, I like cheese, but I'm not like a cheese kind of sewer type of like, I'm not like, Oh, I like beer, beer cheese or whatever that is. I don't fucking know. I just like American cheese. American cheese. American cheese. I'll go with the ghost pepper. What? Yeah, that's good. oh no
There's a place like half a mile from my house and no cheese shop. They have like four days a week. They have fresh cheese curds and they have all these different blocks of cheese and I always get the ghost pepper. It's really good. Is it hot and spicy? Yeah. Oh, I don't know how you do that. Yeah, I'm I'm immune to it now so. I'm sure who is your all time favorite packer? Charles Woodson. Yes, mine too. I love me some Charles. Yep, yeah, for me ever since his plane days at Michigan. I mean, he would discuss in Badger fan, but when I watched him play Wisconsin, even just watching him on national television, just the way he played the game, I just. Just he he was the man. He could do everything offense, defense, special teams, yep.
So no one we I do have a Raiders, which in Jersey, but oh do that's the reason why that's the only reason why, you know, I don't mind the Raiders because that's where my guy comes from. So, you know, I got that when they went to the Super Bowl against the Buccaneers. Oh, I have to get that up off you. You could probably still go to the custom NFL dot.com and uh, try to get a custom one. It's not the same.
that yeah ah Yeah. What's in here. So I have I signed Michigan helmet from him. He wrote, signed his name and wrote Heisman 97 on it. My wife got me when we first started, first got married, she got me a Packers replica helmet that he signed. And then my wife surprised me. There was one night I had to get some stitches taken out and I knew Charles was having a, is when he was introducing his intercept wines at a festival foods.
Oh yeah, yeah. Up by me into here. And andm I'm trying to rush out to get the stitches out of my back. I'm like, come on, let's go, let's go. I got places to go, you're knowing. I get off the off the operating table and my wife sends me a picture message. Her and my five kids got a picture taken with them at Festival Foods. And I'm so jealous. She got me six signed bottles of his wine. Oh my God, I'm so jealous. But I just thought at school that my kids got to meet dad's idol when dad was growing up. Yeah. But I thought that was kind of cool. Piss that I didn't get to meet him, but it's OK. He's like some of my tweets on on Twitter and everything that I take him in, so it's cool. I feel like him and I are homies, you know?
yeah I think it was last year or the year before. One of the, it was either one, but he wished me happy birthday. That's awesome. I know, I know. Me and Jordy Nelson share birthdays too. Do ya? Yeah. So how will you Jordy fans be jelly? I got time for some wife questions here. I got four, six, I got a decent amount. Uh oh, who sent them?
No, Joe, I'm not going to do that. Hold on. There you go. Yeah. Absolutely not. Great to me. Absolutely not. That will not leave my basement. Once I get my man cave set up and get all my stuff up to where I know my kids are old enough that they won't destroy it, myself will be displayed. I have like five Brett Favre autograph frame pictures. I got one big one that he signed that he that he wrote Lambo Legend below it. This is just a picture of Lambo Field and aerial shot that I got a while back, but.
Yeah, once I know my kids won't destroy my stuff that I put up, I'll put it up. But they're at that age where I would i lose it. yeah Yeah, especially over that. Yeah, come home and there's an empty bottle of wine signed by Woodson. They would have to find a new address because What are you doing? I have to call the crisis center. Right. Please come, come get me, come get them. Let's go down. Pick one or the other. Right. I don't care who. What is your biggest pet peeve? When people chew with their mouth open, it reads too loudly. Yeah. I had a coworker like that.
Yeah. Mine is people that drive slow in the fast lane. Oh yeah. Especially on 41 between Appleton and Green Bay. Oh yeah. Drives me nuts. I'm trying to go like, you know, speed limit 70. I'm trying to go like at least 80 in the fast lane. And you got people that cut in front of me that go 65 or 60 and. The drivers are a bit scary up there. Yeah, it's not bad, though, because within the next couple of years, they're going to make Appleton to Green Bay three lanes. Oh, are they? Three lanes, yeah. Oh, OK, cool. I thought maybe I was going to think something different, but I thought maybe like Amtrak, just people in general. Yeah, Joe, people in general are the biggest pet peeve, too.
ah Yeah. Joe's the one that heads up the old network. So he's. Oh, Joe. Yeah. Joe. so Joe. If you could live anywhere, where would it be? I don't know. I don't have a specific spot. Like I just want to be on the beach. You know, and I'll have a boat. So, but not California. No, I don't want to live in California. Sorry for all you Californians. I don't want to live in California, but maybe somewhere on the East coast or maybe like Thailand or Dubai or something like that. That'd be pretty cool. But you know, I just need water, water, a little bit of land. So I can have my horse.
and a boat. so I'm content here in Green Bay. Are you? Well, not in Green Bay, but I'm outside of Green Bay. You know, like, I love Green Bay. You know, it's too cold. Too cold for me. I only tolerate it for special occasions. Yeah, for Packer Games. No, I never picture myself living in Green Bay. um When I met met my wife, I lived in Madison. And she lived up. She's from DePeer, which is just outside of Green Bay. And we got married and she moved in with me in Madison. And about a year later, we moved back to her hometown. So we've been here for 16 years. We'll be married 16 years this July together, 18 years, so. Yeah, I can tell you're up north. Up north? Up north, yeah. Yeah. But I never picture myself living this close to Lambeau Field, to tell you that.
But that must be nice. It's just it's just crazy though, you know from like Ashland which is the main road that leads you to Lombardi Yeah, and then from like Ashland to 41. It's like what not even a mile long and also I'm doing this big stadiums there with a bunch of houses around it and I Know because it comes out of nowhere. Yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah but it's it's just nice just to Just to go there, I mean, just to go in the pro shop and look around or take a stadium tour or tour the Hall of Fame, take my kids there. just It's just fun. you know It's just to be able to say I can do that. And I guess I never thought I'd be in this situation living this close to Greenberry. So like I said, i if i I guess if I could pick one place to live, I'd pick Italy. Oh, yeah. That's a good one. It'd be nice to go and dive into my family tree.
there because I got ancestors from Italy. Yeah. Okay. right Yeah. That would be nice. Greece would be awesome too. I would love to visit Greece. Yeah. In your opinion, what's the best day on the calendar? May 31st. Are you talking about like Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or like an actual date? Like an actual date. Yeah. May 31st. Is that your birthday? Yeah. um i' may I'm a maybe maybe two. May 12th. All right, you're a tourist. But besides that, no, it's Christmas. My son was also born on Christmas. I love Christmas. so What but but about opening day in football? Well, of course. But it's my son. you know i think You can't trump. It's my one only child, too. I'd have to have five favorite days on for that, because I have five kids. so yeah That's crazy, deal though, for them, for my oldest kid,
She was born in May. My second oldest kid was born in June. Third oldest was born in July. And then we had my fifth child in August, and then my fourth child in September. So we got them like all in a row. Jeez. That was crazy. Yeah, that's crazy. You guys are busy. We're busy. Still are busy now that they're growing up, that they're in sports and everything, and summer school. and I, it's hard with one. How do you do it with five? So I'm, I'm one of five. I mean, I don't know how my folks did it. My parents divorced and stuff. I don't know. And especially in this economy. who We, uh, just kind of map things out. I don't think you'd want to see our Google calendar. That's pretty crazy.
Yeah, it's hard just with one child going back and forth for their for his stuff. You know, well, like for so my oldest two girls are in soccer, so my. Well, this girl is going to be a sophomore or my second oldest girl is going to be in eighth grade. So since I was coaching that team, I was able to bring my daughter up couple age brackets to play. OK, and then my boys are like a year apart, so I coach their team as well so. they're able to move them together on the same team. So we're not going four different places for games. and know Yeah, that's nice. So then when one my boy, my second child, she plays basketball and my youngest boy plays basketball, I coach his team. When I coached his team, I would take
them and if my daughter had a game at the same time or a different city, my wife would take them. I'd take the boys with me and she'd take the girls because I got two girls or two boys and three girls. So we just plan it out ahead of time. Yeah, that kudos to you, man. her nose to you Yeah, it's it's it's crazy, but it's worth it. It's tiring, but whatever. Yeah, I'm, like I said, I'm just kind of a ah one and done, but I, you know, so you guys are special to have multiple children. That's awesome. Love it. Yeah. Right on. Yeah. It's hard. Yeah. And I'm not just talking financially, but you know, you know that. Yeah. Yeah. Super hard. What was your favorite toy as a kid? My favorite toy as a kid.
i I love my baby newborn.
true I'm showing my age but it has a little spoon with a little little cherries and and then like a little bottle and then it would fake cry. and Yeah, did you ever get to that stage when when your when your kid grew out of like the holding stage? I think you wanted to have another one so you could hold You know, just, you know, holding a little baby and just, you know. Did I miss that stage or? Yeah. no I was like, woohoo, walk, please. Be gone. We were we were only going to have two. But so at the first two, we found the first the first two, we found out the sex.
other baby, and they were girls. so I think the story goes, my wife kind of knew that I wanted a boy, so we tried again. We didn't find out the sex, and it was a boy. And then to got pregnant again, didn't find out the sex, and it was a boy. Then the fifth child, we found out the sex, and it was a girl. Wow. That's wild. Yeah. that is crazy but yeah so that's that's how that's legit how it went like we the ones we didn't find out the sex it was a boy and just i mean being there for the birth like in the room and like when
and Every experience is different when you you know when your child comes out, but when it came out, you didn't know what it was, and it was a boy. like I was sitting there like, she's like, is it a boy? like she She mouthed it. i was I couldn't say anything. I was just in complete shock, you know? Oh my god. So yeah. Yeah, I'm i'm like totally superstitious. So like I would have been like, you, all right, let we didn't find out what the sex was. It was a boy. let's you know, try it again. And I'm like real superstitious. I wouldn't want to break the pattern, you know? Yep. So if you would have went for a six, I don't know what we would have done.
ah yeah But yeah, that's seven years. Well, my youngest is seven. Oldest is 15. So my son's 13. He'll be 14 this year. Yeah, my daughter has her temps. It's crazy. spirit Yeah. She ain't driving my car. He's not driving my car.
Yeah, whatever. Nick can all share a car too. I ain't buying a car for each kid. Exactly. We always, we had to work for our car. we had the Yeah. work for the down payment that my dad, well, that's his privilege still, but like, co-sign on a loan, like a small loan. Back then it was like, no I five, six grand for my little Z24 Cavalier. Yeah. I had i had an 88 Buick Skylark. Nice. I love that. We're family over here. It was a, like a, like a
Not a dark blue, but it was a blue, you know. Nice, what nice. Yeah. Anyways. I love Buicks. Yeah. I, I, I'm going to feed Buicks now. It's like a bunch of old people driving them. So. i Yeah. Good cars. What gets you fired up?
Football. Packers. Yeah. What's your college team? I don't watch college football. You don't know. Yeah. No, but besides Packers, like I'm really just, uh, I'm passionate about my work, working, working with the elderly population. And, uh, right now I deal with a lot of like nursing homes, not trying to take their residents back. And that gets me.
real fired up, really, because I could go on about that with my mother in law, but I'll keep that. o Yeah, because we go down a rabbit hole for sure. Yeah. That a couple that and then I had a buddy I worked with that his wife was like, ahead of something to do with nurses and whatever and how you wouldn't believe the amount of stuff that goes on that they do and
It's unfortunate, really. Yeah, it is. Just take it random so that it doesn't know what the hell is going on. It's not cool. And people can rot in hell.
Yes. Next one. What fictional place would you like to visit? For me, personally, I'm going to Bikini Bottom. Bikini Bottom. I want to visit Narnia. Yeah, that's what my last guest said. Yeah, yeah. What was the lion's name? as as Aslin, Aslin, right? Sounds right, yeah. That sounds about right. And the guy with the little goat body, half halffcoat body right? Yep. Yeah, Narnia. I remember watching that in theaters like, ooh, I wish I had a secret closet.
but Right? Yeah. Name one thing that's overrated. I mean, one thing is overrated. BBLs. I don't know, overrated. What would you say?
um Some quarterbacks. Yeah, that's true. A lot of shit's overrated these days. Yeah.
Patrick Mahomes. That's a good one. Yeah. the Where's your secret closet, Brian? Don't have one. Oh, my the closet I have is filled with shoes. Oh, that's awesome. Well, shoes and packer clothes, pretty much. Hey. That's my closet. I have i'm somewhat of a guess of was of a sneaker head, you would say. All right. What's sneakers? Jordans. okay I love that. I got I got some shoes. be Yeah, I had a buddy that used to work at a shoe at uh uh it was champs sports in Madison that I was gonna discount back in the day and then um my wife will enter to be like Was it Nike or some some
Nike.com where you can they have like a new drop coming or whatever. It should be like you can get one of the first ones to order them. So I got some drawings that way. And I have probably probably close to 100 pairs of shoes in my closet and downstairs. jesus but I got some packer theme bones too though. I got actually at Goodwill one day I found some green and yellow and Nike Cortez shoes. They're the yellow shoes with the green with the green swish and then I found a pair of Adidas. They're a yellow Adidas shoes. Since they're Samba's with the green stripes and they had gold pack go stitched in the shoe.
You said Samba's? They're Samba's, right? They're like indoor soccer looking shoes. Yeah. What? That's so cute. That sounds so cute. I haven't find them at Goodwill and Green Bay. It's kind of cool. Well, I only have one pair of Packer themed shoes. Shout out to my girl Kate. She made me, she bedazzled some green bands for me and I Fucking love them. Yeah. Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah. I'm a sneaker head. Like I, yeah, I have some shoes I haven't worn in 20 years, but I'm not getting rid of them. No, of course not. Cause you might wear them one day. Yeah. Well, I might, one day I might wear them. Who knows? No, never to go.
Not going to wear them in the rain, not going to wear them in the mud, not going to wear them in the snow. So when am I going to wear them? Never. Right. But you never know. There could be no one there. I just feel like wearing them, you know. That's my mind. I'm like, I don't know. I actually found a pair of Colby's at a Goodwill. No way. Colby Bryant's, yeah. Damn. Yeah. It must have had some koala to be like, oh, here you go. Well, they, uh, Joe, your comments are getting out of hand here. Let me see.
better Hey, no, total difference. Yeah, come on, Joe. You could be worn one day. Yeah. Got to find the right outfit to wear them with. Yeah. Favorite beverage? Favorite beverage? Well, I just drink a lot of water, but if I had to like, if I went off, feeling kind of spicy, I'll go with the Dr. Pepper. All right. Love Dr. Pepper. Are you a morning person or a night owl? ah Definitely a morning person. So my day starts at like 3 45 if I get ready to go to the gym. But I like I'm also kind of a night person because I want to like wind down and
I don't want to miss. I don't know. It's just weird. I want to be able to like maximize my day as much as I can. Yeah. So, but I'm more of a morning person. I love the morning. Yeah. I, uh, I can be both. Yeah. I tend to find myself waking up, you know, If I try to stay up late at night, I'll end up falling asleep on the coach. Yeah. But that's like my dad was always like that. He would always be up real late and then get up real early. So I just kind of inherited that from him too. And my kids are early risers too. Yeah, my son's getting lazy. You getting lazy? As far as like waking up, really.
Yeah. It's like summertime. He's like, fuck it. Yeah. Well, I mean, my kids got to get up for, well, my two daughters are in speed and strength. So like, you know, it's conditioning and weightlifting and stuff like that for sports. Yeah. They gotta, they gotta get up. Yeah. Yep. Um, two more questions for you. What would your spirit animal be? A lion. Okay. I actually had a tattoo to my leg because, um, I'm like really big into dreams. And when I was younger, I had this really, I felt powerful dream about, uh, lions and lion cubs. And, uh, I looked it up in my little dream book and kind of researched on the internet. And they said that chose me to be there's my spirit animal. That's cool.
Yeah. Last question for you. What state slash country you'll never go back to?
Um, I really can't say that because I haven't been like too many places, but one place I don't want to go back to for a long time is Colorado. Okay. I got stuck there on a work trip in the airport in and it was the most awful experience ever. Yeah. I really can't think of a place that I wouldn't want to go back to. Um, one place I always question myself that I go to is when you come from Wisconsin, going into Illinois, people going like 95 miles an hour. This is crazy. And then we're like, and the cops are terrible.
over there cause everybody's broke. So yeah i don't I don't mess around with Illinois at all. No speeding, no being on my phone, nothing. Cause like we're neighbors to Illinois. I'm real close to Illinois, East St. Louis and stuff like that. So. Yeah. We, a couple of years ago, St. Patty's Day weekend, my daughter had a cheer of competition down in Schomburg. And so we we we hit all the tolls on the way down. had some deep dish pizza, Giordano's, which is amazing. And ah the way home, we took the way that we didn't didn't have to pay any tolls. So we went like east of everything. like We went, yeah, it was cool, but you got to see all all these like like tiny neighborhoods out in the middle of nowhere, like nice houses. But tolls, we got to start charging those guys for coming to Wisconsin.
because they're constantly, they're always in Door County. They're always in Manacqua. They're always in the North woods. And we gotta start making money off of them for coming up to see us. I actually owe Illinois money for personal tools. I think I still gotta pay that. It's like 20 bucks. Yeah. We, uh, What did we do? We went down and I wrote down the tolls that we did the express ones. ahhuh like We didn't stop the pay, we just kept on going. Then when we got back from the trip, I went on the toll website and paid it online. I just marked down the license plate and every toll we went through and paid it. I haven't heard anything since. What?
we Yeah. I never even knew that was a thing like to go online, but cause like, I don't deal with that here. We don't have that in Missouri like that. At least as far as I know. Yeah. If you, if you know like what tolls you went through, you can go on the website and there's like a detailed like information you can enter like your license point, your car, make what tolls you went through and like how much they were. And then you can pay it online.
for future reference. Yeah, I'm not, you know, they can wait. yeah They'll be all right. My dad's like, you gotta pay this. I'm like, all right. Right. What's your prediction for the Packers record this year? I'm going 12 and five. 12 and five? OK. That sounds like a really good, really good one, really good estimate there. Let's see.
I'm going to be a little bit modest here. Do 10 and seven. But you know, I'm I'm I'll be happy to get to the playoffs. I'm really. I really wanted to get to the Super Bowl and I really feel like we're capable of it this this year. So ultimate goal. Yeah, I think we'll win the North. I think we'll be number two behind the Niners in the NFC. I think we beat them to move on. We gotta beat them cause we gotta break that. Break the cycle. We gotta break the cycle. I'm so fucking tired of them. Right. Well,
That was the last question. I want to thank you for being on. Appreciate it. oh Thanks. I was so nervous. yeah you did you um Maybe once preseason starts, we'll get you back on. Yeah, I would love to. OK, perfect. Well, Kelly, thank you. Where can people find you? Um, you can find me on Twitter at nobody follows a killer with no O's. Um, I think my, my profile is public. So come follow me. I'm nice. I'm funny. and she's a packer fan and I'm a Packers fan. What can you ask for? All righty. Well, I'll get you tagged in this when I get uploaded. And, uh, again, thank you for being on. I appreciate it. Thanks for having me. Absolutely. Thank you. Cool.
Go Packo.