Riddle's Award and Myrtle's Death
I wish I knew why someone did try to check it, said Harry. I wouldn't mind knowing how Riddle got an award for special services to Hogwarts, either. Could have been anything, said Ron.
Maybe he got 30 owls or saved a teacher from the giant squid. Maybe he murdered Myrtle. That would have done everyone a favor.
It's sad because it's true. In more ways than one.
Podcast Introduction and Spoiler Alert
all right hello everyone and welcome back to family fiction with hallie and carmen um the plan for today is to do chapters 12 to 15 of harry potter and the chamber of secrets by jk rowling um this will be our next to last episode the not of the podcast just of chamber of secrets the next episode should be last few chapters We've flown through this one. Yeah, they're short.
Honestly, when we get to... Call Put a Fire. Yeah. It's gonna several episodes. Prisoner of Azkaban will probably be pretty short, too. But I think that's the end of the short books.
Sadly. Then they're gonna get even longer. um But we do want to go ahead and give a spoiler alert for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets as well as the rest of the Harry Potter series and movies.
um We do tend to talk about things that happen later in the series or things that happen in the movies. And obviously... We're going to be doing some foreshadowing call-outs in this yeah chapters.
So that will obviously maybe spoil the end of this book for you if you haven't read it. So if you have not read Harry Potter, like finish the series and you don't want to be spoiled, we suggest you go read the series and then come back to us.
Current Reads and Upcoming Book Festival
Alright, but before we get into today's discussion, as always, we are going to do our currently readings. So Hallie, why don't you start us off? Alright, so I technically have two that I'm currently reading.
So the first one is The Songbird and the Heart of Stone by Carissa Broadbent. um Haven't started this one yet, but I'm super excited. She's got a new book coming out soon, so I'm really excited.
And then I'm also doing Lights Out by Nevesa Allen. This is the audiobook that I'm listening to. It's actually our book club book for this month, and I'm loving it so far.
It's so good. If you have read it and you didn't like it, you probably didn't listen to the audiobook, and I suggest you go back and listen to the audiobook because it is a game changer.
The narrators are hilarious. Mm-hmm. And it's a dark romance, but I like to think of it as a dark romantic comedy. It is. It's a rom-com. Yes. With dark themes.
Yep. Carmen, what are you currently reading? Uh, Sammy, would you like to give your currently reading? Um, I haven't started it yet, but I'm going to be reading Silver in the Bone by ah but Alexandra Bracken.
um i was going to start All the Missing Pieces by Catherine Cowles, but i am going to a book festival in Tucson, Arizona. Shout out, Liz, if you're listening. Um, and going in like three weeks and I was looking through the authors yesterday and i did not catch that Alexandra Bracken was going to be there the first time I looked and I have her book and I haven't read it yet. So I'm like, okay, need to read this I can take it and get it signed.
So... That's the goal. I want to read this and then I need to read Deep End by Allie Hazelwood because she's also going to be there and I'm going to need to get that signed. I have it on my shelf.
um But yes Silver in the Bone by Alexandra Bracken. I think it's pretty good. I've not heard any bad things about it, so I'm excited to dive into a new fantasy.
It'll fun. You'll have to let me know how Songbird and the Heart of Stone is, because I have it, but I haven't read it yet. So have to let me know. um Okay, well, I guess we can go ahead and get into today's discussion.
Harry's Self-Doubt and the Sorting Hat
um We'll be starting with chapter 12, the Polyjuice Potion. We start out, Harry is in Dumbledore's office, um and he goes over, he's looking around Dumbledore's office, and he sees all different trinkets and baubles and whatnot, you know, very Dumbledore fashion.
um And he looks over and he sees the sorting hat. um He goes over, grabs it off the shelf and puts it on his head and asks the sorting hat, you know, was he correct in putting him in Gryffindor?
Because Harry is very much doubting himself at the moment. Like everyone thinks he's the heir of Slytherin. He can speak Parseltongue. Nobody can speak Parseltongue except for Salazar Slytherin, who is evil.
And, you know, he's starting to really have some self-doubt. And the sorting hat tells him that he was particularly difficult to place, but I stand by what I said before.
You would have done well in Slytherin. He, you know, Harry's like, you're wrong. um i am not evil. You know, like all these things. And it's like, Harry.
Why did you put the hat on? Why did you ask it if you were just going to argue with it? Sir, get it together. um I also have like a note here of like, you know,
The Sorting Hat believes he would have done well in Slytherin, but my question I started of wondering was, you know, would he have done well in Slytherin because he has so much power and he could have became a great dark wizard?
Or do they think he would have done well in Slytherin as in he does have a lot of power and he would have had a lot of influence on people potentially going bad by being in Slytherin?
That's a good question. Like, would he have been good for Slytherin or good in Slytherin? That's a question to think about. Because they never really explain, like, why they think he would have been good in Slytherin.
um He definitely would have been a good inside source yeah for some things. Yeah. Yeah. Because one of the traits for Slytherin is like ambitious, cunning.
They've got a real drive to be the best of the best. Yeah. Well, and Ron says there's not a witch or wizard that went bad that wasn't in Slytherin. So, but that doesn't mean that everyone in Slytherin is bad. that just means that everyone that went bad was in Slytherin.
yeah So then, you know, he have been good in Slytherin or for Slytherin? so Interesting. I don't know.
Fawkes the Phoenix's Rebirth
After he takes off the hat, he sees a phoenix sitting over by Dumbledore's desk. um It looks to be very decrepit and very old and struggling. Suddenly it bursts into flame.
um It says... um Standing on a golden perch behind the door was a decrepit looking bird that resembled a half plucked turkey. Harry stared at it and the bird looked balefully back, making its gagging noise again.
Harry thought it looked very ill. Its eyes were dull and even as Harry watched, a couple more feathers fell out of its tail. um Then suddenly the bird bursts into flames. Harry looks around for some water, can't find any, and the bird...
Burns. I don't know. how do It implodes. um And just then Dumbledore walks in and Harry's like, ah it wasn't me. and I didn't kill your bird, I promise. It wasn't me.
was It wasn't me. um And, you know, he's trying to explain himself to Dumbledore. And Dumbledore says, Fox is a phoenix, Harry. Phoenix is burst into flames when it is time for them to die and are reborn from the ashes.
Watch him. Harry looked down in time to see a tiny wrinkled newborn bird poke its head out of the ashes. It was quite as ugly as the old one. Jesus.
Harry's got like, Harry's like the Tim Gunn of the Harry Potter universe. So after judging the bird, um Harry, you know, walks away. that's not what happened.
So then Dumbledore tells him that he's really very handsome most of the time. Wonderful red and gold plumage. Fascinating creatures, phoenixes. They can carry immensely heavy loads.
Their tears have healing powers. And they make highly faithful pets. For shall we? Yes. Also, this is when I'm really going to start paying attention to phoenix lore because this is when my fantastic beast plot hole brain starts ticking away.
Only diamond lords can have phoenixes as pets. No, they can't.
Lies. You sit on a throne of lies. still don't believe it. While Dumbledore is explaining the phoenix to Harry, Hagrid bursts proclaiming Harry's innocence, stammering on and on about how it wasn't him.
Dumbledore's Inquiry on Harry's Secrets
He was just talking to him, and he couldn't have done it. You have to understand. And Dumbledore tells him to calm the heck down, and um tells him that he believes Harry, and he doesn't think that Harry was responsible um hagrid then stammers on and says oh okay i'll be outside um and when he leaves harry you know is like are you sure and dumbledore says yes you know i know it couldn't have been you um but i do still want to talk to you um harry waits for him to ask what he's you know wanting to ask and he says
um I must ask you, Harry, whether there is anything you'd like to tell me, anything at all. Harry didn't know what to say. He thought of Malfoy shouting, you'll be next, Mudbloods, and of the Polyjuice potion simmering away in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.
Then he thought of the disembodied voice he had heard twice and remembered what Ron had said. Hearing voices no one else can hear isn't a good sign, even in the wizarding world. He thought, too, about what everyone was saying about him and his growing dread that he was somehow connected with Salazar Slytherin.
No, Harry said, there isn't anything, Professor. And I wrote my own little note that says, dumb. Harry, just tell Dumbledore. If you tell Dumbledore about this, he will believe you and literally every problem will be solved. The theme of this whole series is miscommunication.
Nobody says anything to anybody. The Bryce Kiemen's secrets. If everyone would just talk to each other, we could have solved all this a lot sooner.
Polyjuice Potion Plan and Fred & George's Pranks
Voldemort probably never would have been put in that cauldron to simmer and boil and... Come out looking like a fetus. Toil and trouble and come out, you know, looking like... like The fetus.
don't know. Um, so, yeah. um I guess it's the next week. It doesn't really say, um, but we have a bit of a time jump.
Um, Crabbe and Goyle are staying at Hogwarts for the Christmas break. Um, because Draco told them to. That's the sense that I get from this paragraph.
Um, and so... Ron's kind of stressing because um at this rate, we'll be the only ones left, Ron told Harry and Hermione. Us, Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle.
What a jolly holiday it's going to be. um you know ron really is the glass half empty kind of fella we love him um fred and george are making the most of harry's status going around saying make way for the heir of slytherin seriously evil wizard coming through um and percy is not happy about it um he's never happy and he says it's not a laughing matter um he said coldly oh get out of the way percy said fred harry's in a hurry i just thought of star kid i'm in a hurry man in a hurry shut up jeff um
Yeah, he's off to the Chamber of Secrets for a cup of tea with his fanged servant, said George, tortling. Jenny didn't find it amusing either. LOL. Foreshadowing. um She gets mad at Fred um for making fun of the situation.
lol um and then ron notices that draco is like struggling every single time that friend george make the joke and ron's like it's because he wants to confess that it's him wonder why draco is like he's probably just mad that here's getting the attention because fred and george are kind of turning it into a positive now and he's like
bro you're still in my limelight you're still in my spotlight um it's christmas break and hermione has the polyjuice potion ready um she bursts into ron and harry's room and um it just makes me think of this scene and oh gosh what is it i think it's Goblet of Fire where she bursts in the room in the movie and she and Ron pulls his sheets up to his chest.
He's in a shirt. I'm not really sure what he's worried about. And he just goes, bloody hell. And it just cracks me up. like Because Ron's like, hold up. Oh, you're not supposed to be in here.
He's so nervous all the time. Um... And they crap on Neville all the time for being nervous. When Ron, hello? Yeah. um She tells him that she's got the Polly's potion ready. And, you know, ready whenever you are.
You just got to get some hairs from Crabbe and Goyle um so that we can, you know, become the people we need to be. um Harry is receiving presents. Hedwig brings in um his presents. Let's see.
trying find... The Dursleys had sent Harry a toothpick in a note telling him to find out whether he'd be able to stay at Hogwarts for the summer vacation. And Harry... I just imagine Harry's like, I'm trying.
I'm trying. um The rest of Harry's presents were far more satisfactory. Hagrid had sent him a large tin of treacle coffee, which Harry decided... Toffee, sorry.
Which Harry decided to soften by the fire before eating... Why does Hagrid always give him gifts that's just going to break his teeth? I don't know. I guess it's because Hagrid's a giant and he's like, those kind of things probably don't faze him, but and he doesn't think.
Ron had given him a book called Flying with the Cannons, a book of interesting facts about his favorite Quidditch team, and Hermione had bought him a luxury eagle feather quill.
Harry he opened the last present to find a new hand-knitted sweater for Mrs. Weasley and a large plum cake. He read her card with a fresh surge of guilt thinking about Mr. Weasley's car.
Oh, well, it is kind of your fault. Yeah, sadly, it is on you. um They head down to the Great Hall for dinner.
um And I like this because this would actually be me. um It says, no one, not even someone dreading taking Polly Juice Potion later could fail to enjoy Christmas dinner Hogwarts.
literally same i feel like i could be like voldemort's on his way but let me eat dinner first yep um they talk about the great hall being decorated with tons of christmas trees and you know fake snow and all that jazz um the norm
Impersonating Crabbe and Goyle
Hermione tells them about how they need to get the hairs from Crabbe and Goyle and gives them ah two chocolate cupcakes that are laced with a simple sleeping draft. she tells them that they have to get Crabbe and Goyle to eat them.
It'll knock them out for a few hours and they can get the hairs off of them. um They ask her about um who she's going to become. And when a Millicent Bolstrode, when she attacked Hermione, she got a hair off her robes.
millsson bo false boltrode yeah i don't know milson bolstrode when she attacked um ummione she got a hair off of her grobes LOL.
Not her hair. um And says that she's going to become Millicent, so they just need to get Crabbe and Goyle. um Harry and Ron leave the cupcakes on the banister outside the Great Hall.
Crabbe and Goyle go outside, see it, think nothing suspicious of it, and wolf them down. i Ron puts it perfectly. How thick could you get?
Like, good lord. Anyways, they eat the cakes and are knocked out. um Ron and Harry stick them in a broom closet and take their shoes because they know that their shoe size is different.
know why they didn't take other things. Like, Hermione then has robes for them, but it's just like... Why did you just take their shoes? Okay. um Because, I mean, like even if like you know we could fit the same clothes, like you're in Gryffindor attire.
Yeah. You're gonna need Slytherin things. um They run off to the bathroom to meet up with Hermione, and she's got them a change of clothes, and she puts the hairs in the potion, and they all decide to go into their own stalls to...
drink the potions um they go into the stalls and you know transform harry and ron come out and they're crabbing goyle they try to get hermione to come out but she won't come out she tells them to go on they're wasting time and that they have an hour they run off trying to find the slytherin common room realizing that there's a flaw in the plan as they don't know where the slytherin common room is at you think they probably should have figured that out beforehand then they ask a rave a gloss student oh hello Then they ask a Ravenclaw student, like, why would she know?
They're not thinking. They never do. These two, they never think through with their plans. Like, why? i don't understand. Why would she know? um They ask her. She sasses them rather quickly.
She's very Ravenclaw-esque. And um they end up running into Percy and almost getting in trouble until... This feels weird to say. Draco saves them. at That's a weird sentence.
um He comes around the corner, sasses Percy, and gets them out of the situation. um They then follow Draco down to the Slytherin common room.
um The Slytherin common room was a long, low underground room with rough stone walls. and ceiling from which round greenish lamps were hanging on chains. A fire was crackling under an elaborately carved mantelpiece ahead of them, and several Slytherins were silhouetted around it in high-backed chairs.
It's basically Malfoy Manor. ah Literally. Draco's probably like, home away from home. um Draco tells them to wait here. um Because he's going to get something his father's just sent him.
And they wait on Draco to return. When he does, he comes back with a clipping out of the Daily Prophet where it details that Arthur Weasley, head of the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts office, was today fined 50 galleons for bewitching a muggle car.
Mr. Lucius Malfoy, governor of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where the enchanted car crashed earlier this year, called the day for Mr. Weasley's resignation.
Weasley has brought the ministry into disrepute, Mr. Malfoy told our reporter. He is clearly unfit to draw up our laws and is and his ridiculous Muggle Protection Act should be scrapped immediately.
Mr. Weasley was unavailable for comment, although his wife told reporters to clear off or she'd set the family goal on them. so ron is obviously very upset um they're both feeling you know extremely guilty and um it's their fault this is funny to me well said drake said malfoy impatiently as harry handed the clipping back to him don't you think it's funny Ha ha, said Harry bleakly.
i just think it's funny. um Draco goes on and on about how Arthur's unfit and how the Weasleys are awful. Potter's awful. Granger's awful. The whole lot.
The whole school is awful. um And Harry and Ron are trying to keep a cap on their anger. Draco then goes on to say that, you know, he wishes that, you know, Granger had...
been taken by the monster whatever. Ron starts getting upset some more. um They ask Draco um if he knows who opened the chamber.
And he says, you know, I haven't Goyle. How many times do I have to tell you? Snapped Malfoy. And father won't tell me anything about the last time the chamber was opened either. Of course it was 50 years ago.
So it was before his time, but he knows all about it. Hmm. And he says that it was all kept quiet and it'll look suspicious if I know too much about it.
But I know one thing. Last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened, a med blood died. So I bet it's a matter of time before one of them's killed this time. I hope it's Granger.
He said with relish. He's awful. Awful human being. I hope it's Granger. can hear him in the movie. Um... I also hear the, why are you wearing glasses?
Why you wearing glasses? um Reading. Reading. didn't know you could read. That was an improv line. Yeah. Tom improv'd that. I didn't know you could read. Reading.
didn't you could read. um So Draco tells them that he doesn't know who opened the chamber. um They start to notice that they're changing back.
So they book it out of there um and rush back to the bathroom. Hermione is still locked in the stall, it won't come out. She tells him to go away.
They ask, what's the matter? And Money Myrtle starts adding to the pain, saying, ooh, wait till you see. It's awful. She's like peeves. Yeah. Hermione opens the door, um comes out sobbing. Her robe's pulled over her head, much like the cereal.
And Ron asks her, what the heck's going on? Do you have Millicent's nose or something? um her money lets her robes fall and ron backs into the sink her face is covered in black fur her eyes had turned yellow and there were long pointed ears poking through her hair she reveals that it was a cat hair not millicent's sad day myrtle then adds more to the pain and says you'll be teased something dreadful Myrtle.
um You're not helping. And they eventually get Hermione to leave the bathroom so they can take her to the hospital wing. Here he tells her, Madame Pomfrey won't ask many questions. We just need to take you up there.
um And as they're leaving, Myrtle yells, wait till everyone finds out you've got a tail. can't. There's no reason you're dead. Yep. There's a reason you were killed.
Discovery of Tom Riddle's Diary
Yes. It's like, Tom, I don't blame you. Yes. She's annoying. um We go into the next chapter, chapter 13, the very secret diary.
um Hermione is in the hospital wing being treated for her Katniss.
I'm wearing a Katniss shirt, so that makes that funny. Sorry. um They go up to visit her, and she's got a get well card from Lockhart stuffed under her pillow. i would be burning that. Ron judges her for sleeping with it.
Um... He also judges her for not taking a break from homework because they bring her all her schoolwork and she's like, I have to stay caught up. um The get well card said to Miss Granger, wishing you a speedy recovery from your concerned teacher, Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, third class, honorary member of the Dark Forest Defense League, and five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award.
love them. um they hear filch on his way complaining about even more work for me mopping all night like i haven't got enough to do no this is the final straw i'm going to dumbledore um they rush to see what he's talking about and myrtle has flooded the bathroom she is so dramatic but also me at the slightest inconvenience if i was a ghost i'm flooded the bathroom guys this is it think of it as my tears i would be that dramatic yep uh you agreed to that a little quickly you got something to oh um the russian myrtle is upset what else is new she's always she has one mood and that is upset she's always upset
Um, she tells them that someone threw a book at her, but I love the description of, I was just sitting in the U-Pin thinking about death, and it fell right through the top of my head.
My question is, I wonder who threw the book at her. It's Ginny. Oh, yeah. Because it's the diary. Ginny, Ginny, Ginny. Um...
Myrtle puffed herself up and shrieked, Let's all throw books at Myrtle because she can't fill it. Ten points if you get it through her stomach. Fifty points if it goes through her head.
Well, ha ha What a lovely game. I don't think.
She might be Carly.
um Oh. It's so true. Harry he goes over to pick the book up, and I just noticed that autocorrect on her word doc
changed it from it's a diary for T.M. Riddle to it's a diary for Riddle trademarked. Trademarked. um Love that. um He goes over and finds the book and it's marked on the front with the initials T.M. Riddle and smudged ink.
um Ron tells him, you know, don't pick it up. You know, it might, you don't know what that is. And Harry's like, what could possibly happen? And picks it up.
Listen, Harry, swear he would not survive. um Nope. Ron recognizes the name and says that T.M. Riddle got an award for special services to the school 50 years ago.
Harry asks him how the heck he knows that, and he tells him because that's the trophy I kept throwing slugs up on. I had to clean it like 50 times. You'd remember the name too. um So, um they start flipping through the diary and the pages are all empty.
Harry turned to the back cover of the book and saw the printed name of a variety store on Vauxhall Road, London. um He must have been muggle-born, said Harry thoughtfully, to have bought a diary from Vauxhall Road.
Which is an interesting deduction to already be making. Like, they... They just don't carry on this information. Like, Harry just doesn't remember these things when it comes time that he would need to remember these things.
Like, build some clues, my friend. he's cut He's got the memory of Dory. Doesn't remember. Um, they take it to Hermione, and Hermione believes it might have hidden powers since it's all blank, and, like, why would somebody be thrown? Like, there's clearly something missing.
I wish I knew why someone one did try to check it, said Harry. I wouldn't mind knowing how Riddle got an award for special services to Hogwarts either. Could have been anything, said Ron.
Maybe he got 30 owls or saved a teacher from the giant squid. Maybe he murdered Myrtle. That would have done everyone a favor.
It's sad because it's true. In more ways than one. He did, in fact, murder Myrtle. And it did, in fact, do them a favor. But not really.
Because she's still here.
She's not going in anywhere. still here. It's like, Tom, you did, but also didn't do us a favor. Right. You didn't get rid of her for good. you actually made it worse. You made her worse. Because now she's a martyr.
She runs with it every day. um Always pulling that woe is me card. um Hermione tries a few of her tricks on it, but it doesn't do any good.
um So Ron doesn't think there's anything special about it. um Harry continues to carry it with him. He can't figure out why, but he just feels like there's something special about the diary.
Maybe perhaps because it's our cracks. Yep, LOL. Wonder why he has a special feeling about it. Gee. Foreshadowing.
Hmm. Interesting. um Oh, how convenient. Yes. um He overhears um Professor Sprout. I'm sorry.
He overhears Professor Sprout telling Filch that the Mandrakes are nearly ready and that once they start trying to move into each other's pot...
That's when we know that they'll be ready. And I'm like, all right. Okay.
Communicating with Riddle and Chamber's History
We're teaching our students some interesting things. um When two mandrakes love each other very much. Yeah, exactly.
um Lockhart wants to cheer everyone up, so he's valentines up the joint and made it all pink and sparkly and heartsy, and he's got himself some little dwarfs that he is claiming as...
my friendly card-carrying cupids they will be roving around the school today delivering your valentines and the fun doesn't stop there i'm sure my colleagues will want to enter into the spirit of the occasion why not ask professor snape to show you how to whip up a love potion and while you're at it professor flitwick knows more about en entrance entrancing enchantments than any wizard i've ever met a sly old dog professor flitwick buried his face in his hands Snape was looking as though the first person to ask him for a love potion would be force-fed poison.
I love him so much. Snape's a little bitter about Valentine's. Just a little bit. Whoops. Oops. That's his least favorite holiday. He's like, I just imagine Snape going to some pub and just like getting drunk and telling some strangers, let me tell about my story. Let me tell you about this girl.
Her name was Lily.
Um... Suddenly, as they're leaving the Great Hall, Harry realizes that there is a small dwarf coming his way. And it's yelling his name, saying, wait up, I've got something for you.
Harry, not wanting the attention on himself, you know reasonably um tries to get out but he um doesn't quite escape in time and when the dwarf tries grabbing hold of harry's bag to tell him to stay still it spills all of harry's stuff everywhere including his um ink bottle which gets smashed over everything that becomes important in second um Then the ah the Cupid dwarf starts singing him a valentine, which says, his eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad. His hair is as dark as a blackboard.
I wish he was mine. He's really divine, the hero who conquered the Dark Lord.
um Harry is very embarrassed. Valid. Yes. Um, and after the Cupid gets done, Malfoy comes over and starts rifling through Harry's things that are on the ground.
And, you as he would. And picks up Riddle's diary. Harry tries to get it back, but Malfoy refuses. And Harry uses Expelliarmus to take it out of his hand. Which, actually, is a pretty good, like, go Harry.
And then Percy tells him he's gonna take ten points from Gryffindor. It's okay. They'll get those points back. Oh, Percy. Um. Um, Harry then realizes once he's got the diary back that the ink that smashed all over all of his stuff that should have been all over the diary is not.
And the diary is perfectly fine. Um, Draco teases Jenny about sending Harry the song on his way out the door and her, and Jenny runs off crying.
Bless her. Um, um,
We go back to the dorm and Harry's realized that um if ink is disappearing, then maybe that's what's happened to the rest of the diary. So um Harry writes in the diary, gets back to the common room, writes in the diary, my name is Harry Potter.
And something responds. Writing appears on the page and says, hello, Harry Potter. My name is Tom Riddle. How did you come by my diary? Tom's like... Wow. This was easier than I thought.
he just came right to me. um
Harry, you know, tells him that someone tried to flush it down a toilet, which I think is hilarious. And then then ah it responds, lucky that I recorded my memories in some more lasting way than ink, but I always knew that there would be those who would want, who would not want this diary read.
Harry asks what he means, and he says, I mean that this diary holds memories of terrible things, things that were covered up, things that happened at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Harry says that's where I am now and we get one of my favorite lines from the movie that people make fun of him for all the time. you... you know anything about the chamber of secrets it's like takes three to five business days to write it out okay um it responds of course i know about the chamber of secrets in my day they told us it was a legend and that it did not exist but this was a lie in my fifth year the chamber was opened and the monster attacked several students finally killing one
I caught the person who opened the chamber and he was expelled, but the headmaster, Professor Dibbitt, ashamed that such a thing had happened at Hogwarts, forbade me to tell the truth. A story was given out that the girl had died in a freak accident.
They gave me a nice shiny engraved trophy for my trouble and warned me to keep my mouth shut, but I knew it could happen again. The monster lived on and the one who had the power to release it was not imprisoned.
Whoops. Well, actually, Harry says, it's happening again now. There have been three attacks and no one seems to know who's behind them. Who was it last time?
um Riddle replies, I can show you if you like. You don't have to take my word for it. I can take you inside my memory of the night when I caught him.
Riddle's Memory and Hagrid's Alleged Guilt
Suddenly, Harry feels himself transported through the diary um and he happens upon a scene um and what looks to be Dumbledore's office but several years ago and there is a new um headmaster Professor Dippett standing in his office Tom comes in and he's basically just saying like I want to stay for the summer have you been able to think about it more I don't want to go back to the orphanage during the summer it's awful
They're literally parallels of each other. Harry doesn't want to go back to the Dursleys. Tom doesn't want to go back to that stupid orphanage. Yes. um Professor Dippitt says them that, you know, they could maybe make an exception if all the attacks weren't happening at the school, which I think is hilarious because, like, Tom's doing the attacks and he's, like, the reason that he can't stay is himself.
Way to go. Whoops. So, you know, he says, like, if somebody, if if the person was caught, could I stay then? um professor dip it says is there something you're not telling me and he says no no no of course not um and so um professor dip it tells him that if the person isn't caught very soon they have to shut down the school um tom's very upset about this and leaves the office um on his way down the corridor harry's following him um he runs in into professor dumb professor dumbledore
who tells him that he better get to bed. Um, best not to run the corridor these days. Not since everything that's happening. Um, and Tom, you know, tells him he's gone back to his dorm room.
Um, however, he takes a different path and goes down into the school a little deeper. And we happen upon him, um, interrogating someone,
um And it turns out to be Hagrid. And he's telling Hagrid that, you know, like, it's gone on long enough. ah The beast, you know, needs to be stopped. We need to kill it. Stand aside. I'll kill it. They're going to shut down the school.
Like, I know you're doing these the attacks and everything. um And, you know, Hagrid's telling him, like, it's not him, it's not his beast, you know, like, he wouldn't kill anyone, all this stuff.
um Riddle tells him to stand aside and opens up the box that Hagrid was guarding. a vast low-slung hairy body and a tangle of black legs a gleam of many eyes and a pair of razor-sharp pinchers riddle raised his wand again but he was too late the thing bowled him over as it scuttled away tearing up the corridor and out of sight yeah yeesh um hagrid's very upset about this and riddle tells him that you know he's been caught and he's going to ask ban um harry comes out of the diary ron comes in and tells him there you are um he notices harry's upset and asking what's going on and harry says it was hagrid ron hagrid opened the chamber of secrets 50 years ago
ah um I find it funny that they believe that Hagrid could keep that secret. When literally any time they would ask Hagrid a question and he'd be like, I can't tell you, but then would proceed to tell them. like He would tell them something else they shouldn't know. Exactly.
This man cannot keep a secret to save his life. You really think he would have kept it a secret that he opened the Chamber Secrets for 50 years. You think he would have kept that secret? No, I don't think so. So it's clearly not him. Like, I just love that they believe that.
That they're like, yeah. Yeah, was Hagrid. He did. But I'm also like, you guys know Hagrid. Does Hagrid look like the person that would open the Chamber of Secrets? A, literally a torture chamber.
Hagrid. Well, but Ron does have a good point because then I guess moving on a little bit. Our next chapter is chapter 14, Cornelius Fudge. um The trio is talking about doubts that they have about Hagrid. And Ron does have a good point in saying that, like, you know, Hagrid tends to take on some, like, pretty dangerous creatures and be like, they're not harmful.
They're fine. Note and point. Fluffy the three-headed dog.
the dragon. That he's like, it'll be fine. Everything's fine. So, i mean, I guess... Giant spiders? have that past memory with him, it's believable that he could have, you know, we know it's a basilisk, that he could have a basilisk and be like, he's fine.
It's all good. He's just a little sensitive. I'm working on it. He's just a little sensitive. So, I don't know. It's interesting.
Um... It's just a baby! We start out the next chapter, And this is actually when... Sorry. No, it wasn't earlier.
This is actually when, um... Professor Sprout tells them, the moment they start trying to move into each other's pots, we'll know they're fully mature. and She told Harry. Then we'll be able to revive those poor people in the hospital.
Um... We come back into the second years having to pick what subjects they want to take next year because for third year, they have to pick a career path and correct pick like a focus that they, you know, because certain if they want to be an Auror, then they have to do so well in potions and they have to do well in defense against the dark arts and they have to take all these like advanced levels of those classes.
So they have to start picking career paths and figuring out what direction they want to go. Which I just think would be so cool. Honest to God, I would be Hermione because I wouldn't be able to decide.
i would know I wouldn't want to be an or because that's very stressful. But it's interesting.
anyways um they are trying to pick um classes for the next year harry decides to just pick whatever ron picks so that even if they hate the subjects they'll be in it together um dean can't decide and decides to close his eyes and point his wand at different subjects to choose um Neville's received several letters from several different family members all telling him what he should do.
And Hermione, deciding that she can't pick, picks them all and says, we'll just see what happens. um Me too. um We come upon Gryffindor's next Quidditch match will be against Hufflepuff.
Yeah, this man. um And, you know, he's getting prepared for that. He goes up to his corridor and Neville comes running to tell him, you know, you've got to come quickly.
i don't know who did it. This is how I found it. Um, Harry runs to his room, um, to find that his room has been torn apart. Um, the contents of Harry's trunk have been thrown everywhere. His cloak lay ripped on the floor.
The bedclothes had been pulled off his four poster and the drawer had been pulled out of his in bedside cabinet. The contents thrown over the mattress. Boy, Jenny really been putting in the work, man.
Good lord, just look for the thing. If you would have just like subtly looked for everything, you could have found it. He probably wouldn't have noticed. But instead, you've torn the entire dormitory apart.
And someone's going to notice that. Um, Ron asks him what happened and asks if anything's been stolen. And then Harry he notices that the diary is gone. Dun, dun, dun.
Um, we get to the match, um, and it's Hufflepuff versus Gryffindor. Um, suddenly McGonagall comes running out. Oh, wait, before we get that, um, Harry asks where Ron's at.
Harry asks Ron where Hermione's at, and he said that she went to the library, um because she did suddenly remember something after being told.
oh okay. Harry says something about, like, you know, only him being able to remember the voice, or hear the voice, and Hermione says, why didn't I think of it before? Runs off. Um...
Ron tells Harry that she went to the library because when in doubt, go to the library. Yep. That's the quote. We're at the Hufflepuff versus Gryffindor Quidditch match. McGonagall comes out onto the pitch and interrupts the game saying it's been canceled.
Oliver Wood gets very upset. You can't cancel Quidditch. I love him so much. um And McGonagall tells Ron and Harry to come with him.
She takes them to the hospital wing where they find that Hermione is in the hospital. She is petrified and she had a mirror in her hands.
Hermione's Petrification and Hagrid's Arrest
foreshadowing um and uh they're you know distraught that hermione's been petrified they distraught i was distraught um they look over and see that another girl was also petrified along with hermione and it is penelope clearwater um McGonagall tells them to go back to their house common rooms. Everyone is being told to go back to their common rooms by six o'clock in the evening.
All students will return to their house common rooms by six o'clock in the evening. No student is to leave the dormitories after that time. You will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher. No student is to use the bathroom unaccompanied by a teacher.
All further Quidditch training and matches are to be postponed. There will be no more evening activities. So the school has been put on a curfew. and very strict rules to try to keep the students safe while they try to figure out what's going on.
Um, Harry decides that we need to go see Hagrid tonight. And he tells Ron such, um, and they use the invisibility cloak to sneak out of the Gryffindor common room, um, and go down to see Hagrid.
Um, when Hagrid answers the door,
um He had a crossbow aiming at the door, um and Fang barked loudly at them.
My question is, what is Hagrid expecting? Who has he got the crossbow for? Because then they say, what's that for? And he says, nothing. I've been expecting.
it Doesn't matter. Sit down. I'll make tea. Who the heck are you expecting? don't know You about to point that thing at Fudge? Bro.
I wouldn't blame it if you pointed it at Lucius. See, I don't know, like, because he seems surprised that everyone's come to see him. So I don't... I don't know.
Like, does he think it's the monster coming to get him?
I don't know. it's it that that I think that's a bit of an unanswered question. Who does he think is coming to see him? Yeah, because I don't know. and I don't know. I'd be shocked if he pointed it at Fudge.
Yeah. but Back away. They ask if he's heard about Hermione and he says, yes, I've heard. um Suddenly they hear knock on the door and Hagrid tells them to get back under the cloak.
um And when Hagrid opens the door... He seized the crossbow and flung the door open once more. Good evening, Hagrid. It was Dumbledore. He entered looking deadly serious and was followed by a second very odd-looking man.
The stranger had rumpled gray hair and an anxious expression and was wearing a strange mixture of clothes, a pinstripe suit, a scarlet tie, a long black coat cloak, and pointed purple boots.
Under his arm he carried a lime-green bowler. And it is Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic. Yeah, he had the crossbow again. don't know.
Maybe he's expecting Lucius. I wouldn't blame him he pointed it at Lucius. not sure. Man deserves it. um Harry tells Ron to be quiet because Ron's like, that's dad's boss!
So Fudge tells him, you know, like, there's bad business. You know, I had to come for tax on Muggleborns. Things have gone far enough. Ministry's got to do something. Hagrid tells him, like, you know, I wouldn't have done it. Like, Professor Dumbledore, you to believe me.
Dumbledore says, I want to understood Cornelius that Hagrid has my full confidence. fudge tells him i understand but hagrid has a record against him and the ministry has to do something to seem like they're you know doing something yep um so they tell him they've got to take him to azkaban just then lucius malfoy shows up in his lucius malfoy fashion he chasse's his way in there and um You know, he says, already hear fudge. Good, good.
Um, Hagrid asks him what he's doing, tells him to get out of his house, and he says, my dear man, please believe me. I have no pleasure at all in being inside your... Do you call us the house? I can just hear Jason Isaacs. I love Jason Isaacs.
Um, he had showed up to see Dumbledore and was told Dumbledore was down here, so he's come to see him, um, and he tells Dumbledore that the, um, The board, the Hogwarts board, has decided that he is no longer fit to be the headmaster for this um tragedy that's happening, and this is an order of suspension.
Um... Hagrid asks him how many people on the board he had to bribe or threaten to get them to vote so, um, and tells him, you can't take Dumbledore. Take him away and the Muggleborns won't stand a chance. There'll be killing next.
Um, Dumbledore tells Hagrid to calm down and says, if the governors want my removal, I shall, of course, step aside. Um, Fudge is very flabbergasted by this and tries to argue,
um But Dumbledore says, however, you will find that I will only truly have left this school when none here are loyal to me.
You will also find that help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it. For a second, Harry was almost sure Dumbledore's eyes flickered toward the corner where he and Ron stood hidden.
Can Dumbledore, like, homeboy got x-ray vision or what?
does he know? Hey Draco, x-ray glasses. Yeah. How does he know? It makes me wonder if he can kind of... ah We don't know.
ah Do we really know what all this this man can do? He might have even heard Ron because Harry told him to hush. He might have. But we're also like, this dude is the probably the most... No, he is the most powerful wizard.
I'm pretty sure he can probably see. Just a little bit. Maybe it's like a shimmer kind of thing. Or can sense that they're there. Malfoy says, admirable sentiments. He's very confused. like Okay. um We shall all miss your highly individual way of running things, Albus, and only hope that your successor will manage to prevent any killings.
um Hagrid being escorted out ah says his final words as if anyone wanted to find some stuff all they'd have to do would be to follow the spiders that'd lead him right that's all I'm saying um and then tells them that someone will need to feed Fang while he's away Um, they all leave and Harry and Ron pull off the cloak and say, Ron says, we're in trouble now.
No, Dumbledore. They might as well close the school tonight. There'll be an attack a day with him gone. Fang started howling, scratching at the closed door. Poor Fang. Um, we get into our last chapter of this
Aragog's Revelation and Forest Escape
discussion. Uh, chapter 15, Aragog.
My least favorite chapter. um summer is getting closer and closer and the hospital has closed off to visitors um madam humphrey states that she can't take any chances of somebody being killed um while they're petrified um And Harry can't get Dumbledore's last words to him out of his head.
Draco is thriving now that Dumbledore is gone. And quite literally cannot quit um giving Snape compliments.
He's like word vomiting compliments to Snape. Saying, you should be the new headmaster. And you are the greatest professor that ever existed. And Snape's like...
stop it and is eating it up um he also says i'm quite surprised the mudbloods haven't all packed their bags by now malfoy went on bet you five galleons the next one dies pity it wasn't granger the bell rang at that moment which was lucky at la at malfoy's last words ron had leapt off his stool and in the scramble to collect bags and books his attempts to reach malfoy went unnoticed Let me at him, Ron growled as Harry and Dean hung on to his arms.
I don't care. don't need my wand. I'm going to kill him with my bare hands. I love him. That could also be a good one for the real. He's...
it's that It's that red hair. That's what makes him so aggressive. Yeah. Snape tells him to hurry up. He's got to take them all to Herbology next. um They travel down to Herbology, and Justin Fletchly wants to apologize to Harry um for making all the fuss, and he knows that he can't be the bad guy because he knows that he wouldn't do anything to Hermione.
Ron is not quite as quick to forgive Justin reasonably. um Just then Harry notices the line of spiders leading out of the window heading towards the Forbidden Forest. No thank you. um Harry points this out to Ron and Ron says we can't follow him now we're in the middle of class.
Harry says looks like they're heading for the Forbidden Forest and Ron looked even unhappier about that. Me too. It's bad situation. Ron is me in this chapter. He's unhappy about the spiders. He's even unhappier that they're going towards the Forbidden Forest.
Um, Harry tells him, you know, we'll have to sneak out and go later tonight. And he says, aren't there supposed to be werewolves in the forest? Foreshadowing. LOL.
I just, it would be funny to think that Remus is just chilling. Just chilling in the Forbidden Forest? Like, what's up? Just waiting. Just waiting for- on my job. Um, yeah.
They leave the classroom and go to um Lockhart's class, where Lockhart is in a very good mood and says, Don't you people realize the danger has passed? The culprit has been taken away.
My dear young man, the Minister of Magic wouldn't have taken Hagrid if he hadn't been 100% sure that he was guilty. i flatter myself I know a touch more about Hagrid's arrest than you do, Mr. Weasley.
I cannot. Hagrid writes, er, Harry writes Ron a note saying, we'll do it tonight. Ron reads the message, swallows hard, and looks sideways at the empty seat usually filled by Hermione.
The sight seemed to stiffen his resolve, and he nodded. Aww. He's got a little quush quush. um They plan to follow the spiders. They sneak out of the common room once again.
And they grab Fang on their way into the forest thinking that he can serve as some protection. Not sure what he's going to do. um While they're heading into the forest following the spiders they find the car. um And it's gone rather wild.
It's acclimated to the forest. um That's crazy, though. um Where does it say? Ron says, look at it. The forest turned the forest has turned it wild.
The sides of the car were scratched and smeared with mud. Apparently, it had taken to trundling around the forest on its own. Fang didn't seem awkward at all keen on it. He kept close to Harry, who could feel him quivering, his breathing slowing down again. Harry stuffed his wand back into his robes.
I swear that dog does nothing. Um, so, uh, the car rides off again and they, you know, bid it farewell.
Um, they know that they've lost the trail. Um, but just then, ah so something comes out of the sky and grabs Harry and Ron by the legs, um, and carries them through the forest.
Um, Immediate no. um They are taken to Aragog, which is a giant spider.
Ew. Giant. um When they get to the clearing, there are... Multiple spiders, not tiny spiders like those surging over the leaves below.
Spiders the size of cart horses. Eight-eyed, eight-legged, black, hairy, gigantic. The massive specimen that was carrying Harry made its way down the steep slope toward a misty domed web in the very center of the hollow, while its fellows closed in all around it, clicking their pincers excitedly at the side of its load." Immediate N-O.
No. Um, Harry suddenly realized that the spider that had dropped him was saying something. It had been hard to tell because he clicked his pincers with every word he spoke.
Aragog, it called. Aragog. And from the middle of the misty domed web, a spider the size of a small elephant emerged very slowly. There was gray and the black of its of his body and legs, and each of his eyes on his ugly, pincered head was milky white.
He was blind. Um, the spider, Aragog, asks what's happening. The other spiders tell him it's men. Um, Aragog asks if it's Hagrid, and they say it's strangers. He says, kill them. i was sleeping.
Um, Harry shouts out that they're friends of Hagrid's. And then it says, click, clickck click, click, with the pinchers of the spiders all around the hollow. And I just can't stop thinking about the half-blood prince scene in the movie.
Except for the pinchers.
Harry. I love Harry Sass. Um, Aragog says that Hagrid has never sent him men before. And then we tell him that Hagrid's in trouble and we need some help.
Um, he asks why he has sent them. And they say, they think up at the school that Hagrid's been setting a something on students. They've taken him to Azkaban.
Aragog clicks his pinchers furiously and all around the hollow, the sound was echoed by the crowd of spiders. It was like applause, except applause didn't usually make Harry feel sick with fear. Same Harry. Me too.
Um, Aragog says that was years ago, years and years ago. I remember it well. That's why they made him leave the school. They believed that I was the monster that dwells in what they call the chamber of secrets.
They thought that Hagrid had opened the chamber and set me free. Harry asks if he came from the Chamber of Secrets and he says, i i was not born in the castle. I came from a distant land.
A travel traveler gave me to Hagrid when I was an egg. Hagrid was only a boy, but he cared for me hidden in a cupboard in the castle, feeding me scraps, feeding me on scraps from the table.
Hagrid is my good friend and a good man. When I was discovered and blamed for the death of a girl, he protected me. I have lived here in the forest ever since, where Hagrid still visits me.
He even found me a wife, Mossag, and you see how our family has grown all through haris Hagrid's goodness. Harry asks if he ever attacked anyone, and he says, no, the body of the girl who was killed was discovered in a bathroom.
Surprise, surprise. I wonder who it is. um The thing that lives in the castle, said Aragog, is an ancient creature. We spiders fear above all others.
That's very unsettling. um Well, do I remember how I pleaded with Hagrid to let me go when I sensed the beast moving about the school? harry asks what it is and he tells him we do not speak of it said aragog fiercely we do not name it i never even told hagrid the name of that dread creature though he asked me many times it's their version of voldemort Harry and Ron get very unsettled by the closing in of multiple spiders, and Harry says, we'll go.
um Aragog says, no, my sons and daughters do not harm Hagrid on my command, but I cannot deny them fresh meat when it wanders so willing willingly into our midst.
Goodbye, friend of Hagrid. Harry spurn around, feet away, towering above him with a solid wall of spiders, clicking their many eyes, gleaming in their ugly black heads. This is the moment when I would just pass away. Pass away.
um When they think that they're going to be outnumbered and have no chance of escaping, Mr. Weasley's car thunders down the slope, headlights glaring, its horns screeching, knocking spiders aside.
Run them over. Thank you to the Ford Anglia. um Harry yells at Ron to get Fang and they rush into the car. The car speeds away getting them out of Dodge um and out of the forest.
um When they get out of the forest the car stops and flings them out of the car much like it did in the beginning of the book. um And Ron is very upset. Follow the spiders said Ron weakly wiping his mouth on his sleeve. I'll never forgive Hagrid. We're lucky to be alive.
Follow the spiders. Why couldn't it be follow the butterflies? Um... The car saves them and they realize, you know, Hagrid didn't do it. I don't know why they needed it this to figure it out.
um They realize Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets. He was innocent. um They get back to the dorm and immediately Ron falls asleep on his bed. Harry almost falls asleep. Neither of them bothering to change out of their clothes because they're exhausted.
um And just as Harry's about to fall asleep, he... bursts up realizing something and he tells Ron to wake up and he says, Ron, that girl who died, Aragog said she was found in a bathroom.
What if she never left the bathroom? What if she's still there? Ron says, you don't think? Not moaning Myrtle. And that's how we end our chapter.
He's like, of course. Of all people. Not that witch. It's Moaning Myrtle. Of all the ghosts, it had to be her. You know, that's a good play on words. Not that witch.
Because she is witch. Yep. Um... So, my thing is just, like, this would all be solved if all the faculty just communicated with each other.
Because if Hagrid would have just told somebody what happened with Aragog instead of sending the children into the Forbidden Forest to speak with several giant spiders...
Themes of Miscommunication and Secrets
If he would just told somebody, they could have been like, okay, wasn't Hagrid.
Wasn't Aragog. But Aragog's afraid of it. Okay, what are giant spiders afraid of? Hmm, maybe it's the thing in the library book that says all spiders flee before it.
Jesus. just want to kill somebody. And then, like, Harry should have told Dumbledore, hey, I've been hearing a voice coming from the walls. Like,
And only I can hear it. Oh, and guess what? I also learned that I speak Parseltongue. Only I speak Parseltongue. Gee, I wonder how I can only hear the the the thing slithering through the walls.
I swear. This whole book is basically just one big miscommunication. Sometimes they just need, like, adult supervision.
And sometimes the adults need adult supervision. Yeah. um so for first impressions we do have a couple um one being kind of tom riddle i definitely want to bring him up in first impressions again next week yes because i don't think we really have a full grasp on him quite yet um because this is just kind of a brief first impression but literally right off the bat like you don't get good vibes from him i don't get evil vibes from him
Well, it... Because he hasn't done anything. No, he's very manipulative. Yes. And that definitely comes into play in later chapters.
Because you do want to question why doesn't he tell Professor Dippet That like, hey, I think it's Hagrid. Because Hagrid, Dippet's like, do you know who it is? And he's like, nah. Meh. And then leaves and goes and like, I'm trying get Hagrid.
Like, what he why didn't you tell Professor Dippet? Well, and then, like, he's clearly very angry in what he tells Harry in the diary about, like, they told me to keep my mouth shut. Like,
There was nothing I could do. They gave me a simple, they gave me, like, basically says they just gave me a stupid trophy. So, he's very upset about it, clearly. So, he does have, like, malicious vibes.
Mm-hmm. I don't know Yeah. It'll be interesting to see more based on... No, but we'll bring it we'll bring him up again next week because he really gets to shine and the next few chapters. He's so attractive in the movie.
Darn it. um Okay, Aragog. Not a fan? No. This is the only time we... Ornery old spider.
Because he's This only deal with him. But honestly, like... He does give a lot of and he does give a a lot of information. Yeah, but I also, like, I've never really appreciated that, like, what he says. Because, you know, he was such a protector of Hagrid.
But immediately wants to kill these two kids that have wandered in trying to help Hagrid. Yeah. They're trying to get Hagrid taken out of Azkaban. He's like, no. You're not a very good friend.
And then also, like, he knows what the creature is, but he won't tell. And Hagrid went to Azkaban for it. Not a good friend. So he's just not very... Reliable. No.
It's interesting. He's an ornery old spider. Also, why tell them all that information just to be like, nah, we're gonna eat ya. Cool. This secret will go to our graves.
does No one can know. um Chapter themes. This is misspelled. Chapter themes. Hallie, you want to give us your chapter themes? mine is misinformation because there's a lot of that throughout this chapter.
throughout these chaps are throughout these chapters with them accusing Haggard of being the one who opened the chamber when really that was not the case and there's a whole other story to it and they're just getting all sorts of information wrong.
Carmen? Mine is miscommunication. i will take this to my grave that this the theme for the entire series is miscommunication. If everyone would just told everybody everything, we wouldn't have went through half this crap. I'm looking at you, Dumbledore.
Thank you. Um, yeah. Because, like, the main, like, Hagrid didn't need to send them into the forest.
If he would have just told... But I think his fear was that, okay, cool, you've got a thing in the forest. Yes, that's what it told you, but is that true? We're sending some people into the forest to kill your spider friend.
Gonna happen. But, i don't know. I just think if everybody told everybody everything, we wouldn't be going through half this crap. Yep. Also, if Hermione would have been like, I've got an idea, here's my idea before I run off to the library...
Why didn't I think about this before and just tell them? Who knows? I got another. um Yeah. All right.
So we didn't have any answers from last week's question, um but you can still answer it. But you can still answer it. Head to our Instagram just see what it was. Yep. And so our question for this week is, should Harry have turned the diary in?
I, so my take with this question was, you know, he doesn't think anything suspicious of it when he first finds it, so maybe not then.
But I think literally after being transported into the diary and, like, finding out, like, this is what happened, then I would have went to Dumbledore me like hey diary and it showed me something really strange.
Let me tell you about it. And then again, If they would have done this, literally half the problems would have been solved. like, well, okay. It's just the miscommunication.
I can't. I can't it. my least favorite trope in any book. I hate it. I hate it so much. Causes so much drama for no reason. Yes. It's literally the theme of after.
Killing me slowly. Yep. Um, so nothing has changed on our Hogwarts house poll. Um, we've still got three Hufflepuff, two Gryffindor, two Ravenclaw, one Slytherin. Um, you can also head over to our Instagram.
It's still active and let us know about your Hogwarts house. Gryffindors, I need you now more than ever. no no no and No, no, no, no, no. Hufflepuffs are in the lead.
Let us be there. Let us have this. We don't get much. You know, as long as Slytherins stay in the last, I'm good. Yeah, that's true. um Next week is chapters 16 through 18 with Hallie leading our final discussion of Chamber of Secrets.
So that's exciting. Fun, fun, fun. um Be sure to follow the podcast and rate us five stars. Also, be sure to follow us on our Instagram at Family Fiction Pod where you can answer our questions of the week and also vote on our Hogwarts house poll.
Yes. Alright, thank you guys so much for listening and we will see you guys next week with the last chapters of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Bye.
This is Family Fiction.