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“Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone” by JK Rowling: Chapters 6 - 8 image

“Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone” by JK Rowling: Chapters 6 - 8

Family Fiction
9 Plays3 months ago

Join us this week as we discuss chapters 6, 7, and 8 of “Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone” by JK Rowling. Don't forget to answer our “Question of the Week” on our Instagram!


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Fred's Prank on Ron

So, it's mentioned earlier how Ron says they'll have to go through a test and Ron says, yeah Fred told me about it, he says it hurts a lot. And then they get to the part where Ron, he goes, so we've just got to try on the hat. Ron whispered to Harry, I'll kill Fred, he was going on about wrestling a troll. I'm like. Well that's it, they are the professional gaslighters. Just tormenting their younger brother, literally. Or Ickle Ronikins.

Episode Introduction

Hello everyone and welcome back to Family Fiction with Hallie and Carmen. And today we are going to be continuing our read through of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. This episode we are going to be doing chapters six through eight.
so not as many this time but there is quite a little bit to talk about so we decided to break it up and kind of like last time we'll be doing our currently reading the chapter analysis any first impressions of new characters being introduced and also this week's question of the week and results from last week's question of the week but before we get into the discussion i just wanted to put this little out the little put this little out there um that there will be spoilers for this book as well as the rest of the series so if you do not want to be spoiled please stop listening here go read this series and then come back and join us and we can all discuss together yes kind of crazy if you don't want to be spoiled but you listened to last week's episode
So if you're realizing that at this point, kinda crazy. I'm not gonna lie. I'm judging you just a little bit. I hate that I'm leading this. yeah Yes, Hallie is leading our discussion today. oh we're trading in We're trading out every other episode on Who Leads.

Current Reads Discussion

so I guess we just go into our currently reading before we get started. So ah my currently reading still has not changed. It's still The Boneships by R.J. Barker. This is a big book and it's a bit of a slow start but it's interesting. There's lots of terminology especially with like pirates in and stuff. Lots of titles that I still do not know what they mean but we're just going with it.
Halle's on the same current reading. I have changed twice since she has had this book. I, you know, last week I was reading Broken broken Harbor.
um And since then I read Broken Harbor and I read Hate by Tate James. And so my current read is Liar by Tate James, which is the second book to the Hate, the Madison Kate series, whatever you want to call it. Fantastic book series.

Back with the Dursleys

my dudes like come on it's beautiful we love the smile love they it is dark romance but it's um reverse harem oh my so much fun um so much fun okay yeah all right so without further ado let's go ahead and get started with chapter six the journey from platform nine and three quarters So we open back to Privet Drive and Harry is back with the Dursleys for the time being until it is time for him to go off to Hogwarts and things are a little bit different especially with I guess especially with Dudley. Dudley is now a little bit scared of Harry especially since we found out that he is a wizard. Yes and I'm the beginning of Harry gaslighting everyone. Yes and I'm pretty sure Dudley's still traumatized from
being turned into, a well semi turned into a pig. He got Penelope'd.

Platform 9¾ Confusion

Oh. For those of you who know, please message me because we should be best friends. Such a niche book. And it is kind of interesting to point out that Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon did not lock him in his cupboard. You know you'd think like oh he can do magic, we should just lock him in a room until it's time to ship him off.
They just kind of let him walk around. Well, because they, I mean, they, if they would have tried to lock him up, but they they were afraid that he would just blast out and, you know, attack them all. So they were like, okay, it's your house now, bud. You tell us where you need us. And they just kept their mouth shut. They didn't speak to him, which I feel like would be kind of nice. Harry's probably like, wow, I'm not getting belittled. This is what I needed all along. Why didn't this happen earlier?
So pretty much Harry just kind of kept his room with his owl Hedwig that he is now named in his company with I just couldn't imagine having an owl just flying around your room or flying back and forth bringing him rats. Thank you Hedwig. I couldn't do that and Harry is counting down the days until he can finally leave this I guess home that is pretty much a prison and go off to Hogwarts and so the time is rolling around and he asks Vernon to take him to King's Cross and he needs to go to platform nine and three quarters and uncle Vernon and Petunia look at him like he's crazy and is like platform nine and three quarters does not exist. It is just platform nine and ten.
It is the next day and Harry is up early rearing to go. He's like, finally I am free from this prison. And they take him to King's Cross and pretty much set him down and are like, here you go. Have a good term. Bye-bye. And they pretty much just speed off.
Just and I the sheer amount of panic that this gave me because like what if it did he couldn't find platform nine and three quarters like what if that would have

Meeting the Weasleys

happened like Homeboy didn't have like a cell phone like he can't call his fam and be like hey guys never mind I need to ride back home like what does he do he doesn't have money to get a cab he doesn't have money to get on the tube like what what is he supposed to do if he can't find platform nine and three quarters I guess just sleep on the streets. I don't know. I'll call it back to River Drive.
um anyways he's walking around he's trying to figure out where this platform nine and three quarter quarters is because it goes platform nine and then ten and i just love her he's like maybe i just tap the third brick on the wall like do i just start tapping the bricks and see which one is actually a button i love the idea of looking over and seeing a 11 year old just using a stick to tap some bricks and not knowing what the heck he's doing yeah but it's also kind of funny like haggard didn't tell him how to get to platform nine and three quarters like hagg... authority figures in these books don't tell the children a lot of things so this is just the version of Manny because I'm like Hagrid he needs to get to Hogwarts you need to tell him how to get there you need to tell him how to get to platform nine and three quarters because I wouldn't know like yeah it is kind of weird that Hagrid didn't tell him but I guess like maybe he just assumes he'll figure it out I don't
I don't know just who knows and while he is just I guess just standing there aimlessly trying to figure out how to get there and slightly panicking like maybe I might miss the train and won't get to go he starts to hear

Train Journey and Friendships

these people he hears the word muggle mention and he's I think it immediately draws attention like oh maybe these are wizards and we finally my favorite part of the whole book we get to meet the weasleys for the first time onlosom They all come out at once. I just, I see that scene from Star Kid. They all come out. What is it? What? When Fred and George come out, I love them so much. Nice try. You got enough on your shirt. Um, which speaking of, we have the quote, Fred, you next. I'm not Fred, I'm George. Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother.
can you can't you tell i'm george sorry george dear only joking i am fred and takes off in a full sprint and that is your very first impression of how the twins act so i love the twins the chaotic um we meet percy which let the anti-percy club begin because by golly it's already started it's book one and i already can't stand him So once we get that first interaction with the Weasleys, Harry kind of walks makes his way up towards their mother Molly Weasley we love and he asks how to get to the platform nine and three quarters and they pretty much just take him under his wing because they're like your first time wizard yeah okay you can just join our family. I know Molly just immediately goes in the motherly mode
i live Yes and I just love the um when he when he's asking how to get to the platform, Molly goes not to worry. All you have to do is walk straight at the barrier between platforms 9 and 10. Don't stop and don't be scared you'll crash into it. That's very important. Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous. Go on. Go now before Ron.
and Harry just goes, okay. I just don't know why she didn't let him like, she said go before Ron, like at least let the boy see how it's done, like at least let him see, cause he didn't really see. he I mean, he did see Fred and George go through it, but he almost convinces himself that he blinked too fast and didn't see that what actually happened. So it's like, I would have let Ron go first.
Yeah, I just, say and it was just, he's like, you're telling me I need to just run to this brick wall and not be afraid I'm gonna crash into it? I would. Knowing my luck, I would, I would crash into it. like and it's suref say It just wouldn't work. So Harry is pushing his trolley and slightly panicking about not making it through the wall and he goes through the wall and he is on platform nine and three quarters He opens his eyes and he sees the Hogwarts Express. Yay. Which, could you imagine seeing that for the first time? I just imagine walking through a wall and seeing a whole other train. Like, what else do y'all keep back here? Like, geez, why am I not knowing about this? And he is slowly just kind of taking in everything and we get our first mention of Neville. Oh, Neville.
I lost my toad. He just starts out just not great. Such a dimwit. I love him so much. He's just so sweet. I feel like you just want to like just hold him and just protect him from the world. God bless him. Poor Neville. We love Neville.
and um harry gets on the train he goes and finds an empty compartment cabin thing i don't know what you call them and he watches cabin and he watches the weasleys say their goodbyes and jenny's crying which so to the point of the weasleys ron or sorry fred and george coming back and telling molly about it being Harry Potter on the train and all this stuff like and her defending him and saying do not go ask him about you know who you know she just immediately is experiencing PTSD because she was in order the Phoenix when he was first risen so I just think about like Molly's like please don't pepper him with questions because my golly I don't want to relive it let's just let it go he's gone let's move on I think she tends to stick her
her head in the ground a little bit throughout the series. Yeah. Because she does it with the kids later on whenever he, after Goblet of Fire, she almost doesn't let the kids go back to Hogwarts because she's a scared she's scared of Voldemort. Yeah. um But I feel like she was also just kind of like saving Harry.
I'm like I don't know. Well she doesn't know she doesn't know how much she knows yeah so she's already taking a motherly effect of like don't ask him questions let's not bring it up he's already under a lot of pressure coming to Hogwarts in general so yeah but Harry watches he watches this go on and as the train is moving uh Ron enters the cabin and sits with him and we get their, the start of their beautiful friendship. Oh here, the dine, I call him the dynamic duo. He also gets it, Harry also gets introduced to the twins at this point because they kind of come in and bug their brother, which sibling dynamics. And we get introduced to scappers. Booo. As soon as I saw scappers, I immediately was like, ugh.
We know who that is. Yeah. No, I just kind of wish that they would have just, you know, thrown them out of the train on their way by. And I just think of this like big fat, just because they say Scabbers is like really old, which we really know who it is, but it's like really old. I just see this ragged looking rat and I'm just like, ooh. Yeah. It's just which that, you know,
mm-hmm par for the course for the poor weasleys which the weasleys being pure bloods is kind of crazy because as much as Draco gets on to him later like I don't know that's it's an interesting dynamic for them to hate the weasleys so much but yet they're pure but they're also a pure blood family and I think it's just the rich hating the poor at that point but I mean like I It's so sad to see Ron being ashamed of being poor. but um because um'm like He really goes into defense mode with Harry about like, I'm fine, I've got sandwiches, I don't need nothing from the trolley, I'm good. um ah I promise I'm fine. like And he's genuinely ashamed of having scabbers, of having a hand-me-down wand, of having hand-me-down robes.
and it's like I wish he took a little bit more pride in his family because his dad ist works at the ministry and I mean at some point like you're one of seven siblings like what did you think you were gonna be able to get new things every school year like no like that's hard on a regular family like good gravy but also like for them to be so poor and live at the borough which is like an actual skyscraper. Like, I think you're doing okay, Ron. You have more than, you have more than Harry has. You got a family. Exactly.
It's more than Harry has. Well, Harry does have family, but they just don't like him. He doesn't like them either. It's a two way street. Yup. And Ron kind of asks him a little bit about, you know who, like what he remembers. And Harry just says like, I don't really remember much. All I remember is a lot of green light, which that's a sad day. And Ron is just remember my mother being blasted. That's all.
It's just so funny because they pe- Molly pestered Fred and George being like, do not ask him any questions and yet here is Ron asking about you know who. I'm like, y'all didn't listen.
but um ron is just kind of amazed they again they just start talking about harry asked ron if his whole family was wizards and he goes into a little bit about his family and is kind of ashamed of his family which i feel like i don't want to be a part of the weasleys yeah i'd rather be a weasley than be a Malfoy facts i'd rather be poor and have a happy family than be rich and have I think if I had to pick any of the wizarding families to be a part of, I'm gonna be honest, put me in with the love goods.

Hermione's Introduction

Yeah, that feels like a good time. Yeah, everything's a vibe. Oh, we also get another instance of Harry saying Voldemort's name and ah anne Ron acting crazy because he said Voldemort's name. Well, because so this is where I kind of come into play with like Molly being the way she is. You know that like,
as much as she is in like denial all the time about that whole era of her life, like, you know, she probably was just like, if you say the name, really bad things are going to happen. And you know, she's just instilled that fear into her kids really badly. So I feel for Ron in that moment, because it's like, I'm sorry, I just have PTSD for my, my childhood trauma with my mother who also has childhood trauma. Yeah.
and a little bit of time passes and we get the anything from the trolley do they get some candy and we see like the the cards and all that stuff i think harry gets dumbledore um which
we don't like double door uh we do get our first mention of Grindelwald and on that card yeah and i just think it's interesting too like one thing i had Dan was Ron was talking about all the wizards he has and how he has Merlin and Dumbledore is one of that one of his acclamations as mentioned as being like head of Merlin or something like that and I just think it's crazy like to have Merlin in a story like this and never have Merlin in the story.
yeah because Merlin's such a well-known wizard and it's it every time I hear the name mentioned in the series it baffles me because he's such a well-known wizard and I feel like she created this whole other world so it's crazy that she left in a well-known wizard like from other stories like because every other character is like a brand new character you've never heard of Albus Dumbledore before yeah um but you've heard of merlin and so i think i just think it's funny like that's one person that she left in that we would all know yeah but he's never in the story yeah that is weird um they do talk about the the beans that like taste like the different stuff like tastes like boogers and
I know. And we also see Neville again looking again for his toad. Can he not find that dang frog? and we' Give up on the frog, Neville. And then we also get to meet one of my favorite Harry Potter characters, Hermione. Or as I like to say, oh my god, Nitro!
my e granger and you all No, I- she just immediately comes in and just takes control of the room. Which you know, boss babe. We love it. Which, let's be- let's be real here.
she immediately takes control of the situation which definitely goes to show that Harry and Ron probably would have died a long time ago if it weren't for Hermione. I don't know, they would have died in the first book because they would have died when they go through the trapdoor and I can't think of the name of it, divine things and she tells them you've got to relax otherwise it'll kill you and they're freaking and panicking out If she's the first one to get out of it, they would have died right there. Would have literally died in that moment.
and I just love how they're not even at the school yet and Hermione's already read the textbooks she's already practiced me though like I don't understand the biggest my biggest ick with Harry Potter throughout this whole series is how bad he is at his lessons because homeboy never wants to study he never wants to read the books he doesn't like history of magic like no I would literally be Hermione I want to learn everything because she's in the same boat as Harry. She also just learned that she's a wizard. Difference being she's muggle-born and he's pure blood but like they both just learned their wizards and they handled it two very different ways. I mean it does get you know kind of brought up at the beginning of this chapter that he was reading spell books because he was so intrigued and I don't know why he stopped that all of a sudden.

Sorting Hat Ceremony

he just stopped wanting to learn anything yeah and that just could never be me i would be Hermione um yeah i would also want to like learn but she's i just love her she's like i've already read all the course books by heart i'm like me too after my own heart i'm like i would have done the same like i would have been like i want to learn everything i can about this world oh yeah anne ron and hair Ron just looks at her like she's crazy. I'm like homeboy. Which so Ron's is the only one that I'm like okay fine that makes sense he's grown up in this world yeah he knows this is the world it's like us having American history like you know it's not the most thrilling class that we're gonna have and that's the same for i Ron but for Harry and Hermione I don't know you just think that Harry would have
Mm-hmm. With this being the world that literally saved his life like. Yeah and she immediate and because this she immediately knows who Harry Potter is. She knows how famous he is because she talks about how she got a few she says I know all about you of course. I got a few extra books for background reading and you're in modern magical history and the rise and fall of the dark arts and great wizarding events of the 20th century.
and I'm just like she she's got all these other she's just I love her she would have been me yes and they talk about the they talk about the houses a little bit um she they kind of like kind of speculate about what houses they'll be in Hermione talks about how she's heard Gryffindor is the by far the best representing
And she says, and I hope I've been asking around and I hope I'm in Gryffindor, it sounds by far the best. I hear Dumbledore himself was in it, but I suppose Ravenclaw wouldn't be too bad. I would also want to be, if I had to pick between two, I would either be Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. I think she was housed wrongly. I should have been Ravenclaw.
Yeah, I can see it. Hot take. One thing I do when I'm talking about here too is Ron tries to do the spell on Scabbers and it doesn't work. So we know that he has a hand-me-down wand. My question is, is the problem the hand-me-down wand, is it the spell or is it the fact that Scabbers isn't a real rat and he's an animagus? What makes the spell not work?
part of me kind of wants to say it's the animagus part of it i don't know it's just curious because i mean like you can do spells a lot of other people who but i almost wonder because he is trying to do a spell on a rat and the spell even says rat but it's not a real rat but it's not a real rat so that could be why and also i just do want to mention port ah ron's wand is a hand me down god bless it it is I just picture it as like the saddest little wand ever. It's so beat up. It's like taped together. But they all have hand-me-down wands and it is kind of sad because they are deprived of the like, I think they would be better. it would Like I almost think Ron would have been a better wizard if he would have had like a wand that was his because the wand chooses the wizard. That is the wand lore.
And so for him to have a one that didn't choose him, it doesn't work as well for him as another one would. And I think that he could have been better than he is throughout the series. Yes. I do believe that.
and they talk about how how Voldemort was in Slytherin and all that stuff and it gets brought up again about because when I think I think it was Harry asking about what wizards did after they graduate and Ron mentions how Charlie is in Romania studying dragons and Bill is doing Bill worked for the bank, right?
Yes, because he is doing something for Gringotts and it gets brought up about how someone tried to rob a high security vault in Gringotts. Now was that brought up before? No, this is the first time it's brought up. And no one really knows who it was. Some people are speculating that it was a powerful dark wizard and everyone is kind of paranoid because this so when stuff like this happens you would automatically think back in the day oh Voldemort's behind it, someone's trying to rob greengots, Voldemort's behind it. I forgot, I will say though when we doing this reread, I forgot about the whole like
robbing in the bank, Gringotts. Who did it? I can't remember. It was, um, hold on, I'm trying to, Quirrell. ah does it much right Quirrell. It was Quirrell trying to break in with Voldemort on the back of his head. I can't get that image out of my head.
neither can he just imagine you have the dark wizard on the back of your head I don't ah and then they they deviate the subject a little bit and they talk about Quidditch which I do not understand Quidditch at all um

Quidditch 101

I do. They explain it a little bit better. Whenever he meets Oliver Wood later, Wood does a better job of it. Because Ron explains it somewhat. he was off It says he was off explaining all about the four balls and positions of the seven players, describing different games. Essentially all you need to know is that the when they're scoring with the Quaffles, they're worth like
I can't oh gosh the point system it's been a minute there were so many points and if the seeker catches the snitch it ends the game and it's worth so many points so if Gryffindor is down by more points than the snitch is worth and Carrie catches the snitch it ends the game and if they're still down that many points like they still lose catching the snitch doesn't make mean you win it just gets you so many points so what you want to the goal is for Gryffindor to be enough points
ahead or behind that if he catches the snitch the points earned from catching the snitch will give them a win and the game keeps going until the snitch is caught. There are games that have gone for weeks. I couldn't I just I couldn't and while they're talking about this um three boys decide to enter their cabin and it is not an Did someone say Draco Malfoy? Yes, it is Draco and his goons, Crab and Goyle, which I'd hate to be. And you kind of get the, the s you do get to see where Draco and Ron cannot stand each other.

Tension with Draco Malfoy

And it is because it's a long seating like arch rival between Lucius and um Arthur. Does it ever explain why? They just don't. They just don't like ghost think that they're purebloods. Their whole thing behind them not liking the Weasley's is a the rich not liking the poor, but also Lucius. He doesn't believe in he believes that it should be purebloods only and the weasleys are sympathetic to like muggleborns and muggles and so he thinks he sees them as weak and then obviously there's the rivalry with because like Lucius you know was with Voldemort and he claims to have been under Voldemort's spell and Arthur doesn't believe that that was in fact true so it's just
Good versus evil. Yeah. Simple. And Draco kind of talks about like how there's certain kinds of there are certain families that are better than others and you don't want to get in with the wrong with the wrong sort and kind of offers his help but Harry's like nope because so you are the wrong sort. You are the wrong sort. Good sir.
and Harry and not Harry and Ron. ah Basically Ron and Draco start to get into it and then Harry gets involved because Draco says starts mouthing off and they get in a fight and it ends up with Scabbers biting and making himself useful I guess and biting into Goyle and they run off. Which is so interesting that he defended Ron in that moment I almost wonder if he became a little sympathetic to the Weasley's because he was friends with James and them like he he just got enthralled by the dark side and so I almost wonder if he was a little bit sympathetic towards the Weasley's but it's kind of crazy that he didn't I don't know try to go with the Malfoy's yeah I don't know
But as they scurry off, Hermione comes back and is like, what in the world is going on?

Arrival at Hogwarts

And basically talks about how um they got in a fight and it's explained about how with Ron explaining about the Malfoy's, how they were involved with Unuhu. But basically Hermione comes back and tells them to change into their robes. They are almost a hoc at Hogwarts. They get dressed.
and they get off the get off the chain I about said the train hello they get off the chain I about said train they get off the train and Hagrid is standing there waiting for them to take them to Hogwarts they get in the boats and basically paddle, paddle their way. um And Hogwarts comes into view. Could you imagine seeing that for the first time? Seeing this giant castle. I don't think I would cry. I did cry at just the life-size scale model that was in London, and so facts.
Anyways, they dock and they head up to the castle doors and the chapter ends with Hagrid banging on the castle door and they're waiting to be lit inside. so Thoughts? On Tupper Six? That was all my notes. That was all yours? Okay.
All right so moving on to chapter seven, the sorting hat. um So it opens with the castle door opening and McGonagall is standing there, my queen yes, and she takes all of the first years inside and kind of puts them in this little room before they go into the great hall and basically explains the sorting ceremony where they will be They will go up and they will get sorted into their houses. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Hufflepuff. Hufflepuffs are particularly good finders. What the hell is a Hufflepuff?
start prefers I just thought this was a fun little note to point out. While you're at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn you house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with most points is awarded the House Cup a great honor. I feel like that wasn't necessary to be said, but Minerva, like you could have just said. And at the end of the year, no matter what happens, Dumbledore's going to give enough points to Gryffindor that they win the House Cup.
That's all you needed to say, thank you. Because they won it every year! They haven't won it. And... I forget. I've got it in here somewhere where he says like they haven't won in like... Gryffindor's not won in like 10 years or something like that. I've got it in the notes for later on I think. But it's kind of funny. Because it's like... Plain favorites. It just never is unbiased ever again. Gryffindor becomes the favorite house.
and really It really does. Because I feel like, especially in the movie, because of especially like in the movies, you don't really see much of any of the other houses. The main ones that you really see. You don't in the books either. No, you don't see, you may, it's basically the Gryffindor show. um You get a smidgen of Slytherin and a sprinkle of Ravenclaw. No Hufflepuff. And just a whisper of the Hufflepuffs. We were robbed.
Um, but while they are waiting, it's when we get our first glimpse at ghosts popping out of nowhere. where paint which Which would immediately scare the crap out of me. Um, the ghost stuff, I...
I'll never forgive them for taking peeps out of the movies. Yeah, he's incredible. But once we get to our first meeting of the Ghost, McGonagall comes back and she leads all of the first years into the Great Hall where the, I guess the beginning of the term banquet is being held and we look up and I my favorite thing about the great hall is how they have the roof of the great hall making it look like start making it look like the sky outside I love that I would give anything to see that and I always quit the line I read about it in Hogwarts a history it's the way she says it in Hogwarts a history
very and McGonagall goes up and she grabs a stool and pulls out this righty righty looking hat that looks like it could just fall apart at the seams and this is the sorting hat yes and we get the first i think this is the only we get the poem that they or the song that the sorting hat sings in every book but well not everybody but most of the books and this is the only one I'm pretty positive that gives you like an intro to what the houses are because from here on out the sorting hat the songs are always like yeah songs about like what happened last year like there's one where he's singing about like the dark arts rising again and like so this is the only one that gives you like the general like overhaul of what each house is
Yeah and I'll just I'll just read it really quick that way we can you can kind of get an idea of what the houses are. You might belong in Gryffindor where dwell the brave at heart their daring nerve and chivalry set Gryffindor's apart. You might belong in Hufflepuff where they are just and loyal those patient Hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil.
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you've already mined, where those of wit and learning will always find their kind. Or perhaps in Slytherin, you'll make your real friends. Those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends. So put me on, don't be afraid, and don't get in a flap. You're in safe hands, though I have none, for I'm a thinking cap." I love that last line. It's where he has a character in and of itself. Yes, and um... For those who may or may not be aware, there is also another object in Starkid that they use for sorting. Come on, Scarfy. The scarf.
Waiting till marriage. And I just love how, so it's mentioned earlier how Ron says they'll have to go through a test and Ron says, yeah, Fred told me about it. He says it hurts a lot. And then they get to the part where Ron, he goes, so we've just got to try on the hat. Ron whispered to Harry, I'll kill Fred. He was going on about wrestling a troll. I'm like. le hit there They are the professional gaslighters.
just tormenting their younger brother, which literally- Or Ickle Ronikins. um So McGonagall begins to call up students one by one and they get sorted. My girl Hannah Abbott, first Hufflepuff on the scene. And Susan Bones. I know, I just made like, she's the first Hufflepuff on the scene. She's the first one. Thank you Hannah. Take one for the team.
oh you get quite a few sortings from Hufflepuff to Ravenclaw, more Hufflepuff and then we get to Hermione and she is sorted into Gryffindor which we clap and cheer. um Then we get to Neville and he is also sorted into Gryffindor And I also want to, I didn't want to point this out really quick. So it gets to Malfoy's turn. He swaggers himself up there. And I just love how the hat barely touches his head or isn't even on his head. He's like, I don't even need to though. And it goes, and it just immediately goes Slytherin. Like, don't even need to think about it. We know you're a snake. So yeah. And then finally we get to Harry Potter. And I love this scene because it's just so interesting. So,
Harry puts the hat on and we kind of get a little bit of an insight as to like the dialogue that goes on between the sorting hat and

Sorting Dilemma

Harry. and harry So the hat goes hmm difficult, very difficult, plenty of courage I see, not a bad mind either.
there's talent oh my goodness yes and a nice thirst to prove yourself now that's interesting so where shall I put you and I just love how Harry's like not Slytherin not Slytherin but it is interesting to point out where the sorting hat goes not Slytherin are you sure you could be great you know it's all here in your head and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness no doubt about that no Well, if you're sure, better be Gryffindor. I just love how he's like, you could be good in Slytherin. Well, and then they don't talk about the fact that like the sorting hat does take your choice into account. Yes. So like in that moment, he's like, okay, if you're sure, I'm going to put you in Gryffindor. Because I mean, there's, gosh, it is our choices far more than our abilities that define what we truly are. That is a quote from Dumbledore later in the series. And in that moment,
Harry has the ability to be good and he has the ability to be evil and he chooses to be good to go to Gryffindor because he believes Gryffindor he believes Slytherin to be evil. Yes. And so in that moment he automatically is like just please don't put me on Slytherin. Yeah but I think it is interesting though that he they're like you could be good Slytherin just imagine. It's a whole new animal. Yeah.
Um and but Harry is sorted into about said Slytherin. Gah! What did he say? Nope he is into putting Gryffindor and we also get to Ron and he is sorted into Gryffindor. So we have our Gryffindor squad, we have our golden trio. And nearly Headless Nick does tell them Gryffindors have never gone so long without winning. Slytherins have got the cup six years in a row.
But never fear, now that Harry Potter is at Hogwarts, Gryffindor will never lose again.
way to go i just can't with neville's life in this chapter too like it goes into like how they discovered he had powers like his family basically tormented him to try to get his powers to come about and then the only reason he got powers but his things is manifest his powers manifested is because one of his family members dropped him out of like a third story window i'm like dude also i we have them like if I think of Seamus I think of this line I'm half and half my dad's a muggle mum's a witch bit of a nasty shock when he found out um that oh of naty shock for him when he are now oh shamemus but everyone just kind of starts the banquet starts off and everyone's eating and talking and
Harry is kind of just looking around, looking at all the

Snape's Animosity

professors. He sees Quirrell. And then we get our first look the diva that he is. the The movies really show that he's a diva. That scene in Prisoner of Azkaban.
flipping god bless him flipping the window shut um and this is also when we get our first glimpse at to um i call it hairy spidey sense which but does his scar hurt because of snape or because because it's it it's it describes that Snape is talking to Quirrell yes so is it Quirrell and he thinks it's Snape because at that moment Snape's looking at him and he gets a bad juju feeling but i think it's Quirrell making his scar hurt I think it is Quirrell making his score hurt because I think, yeah, it would also make sense because if Snape is facing Harry, which means Quirrell would have his back turned, so pretty much Voldemort would also be facing Harry. Yeah, but i he wouldn't really have his back to him. No, it'd be like talking to him.
but yeah I guess that's like your first glimpse it's like I guess it's what you would consider the bait and switch because you're like oh well Harry Scar is hurting

Dumbledore's Warnings

because Snape is looking at him he's the bad guy yeah nope not true Snape's just living life I guess um but they talk about how um Snape teaches potions and how he has been after Quirrell's position for quite a few years. I wouldn't want to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. So it gets told later in the books that Voldemort wanted to come back and be the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher and Dumbledore wouldn't let him so he put a curse on the position so that anybody who had that position would die. LOL. Yeah so and Dumbledore gets up he makes a couple and of of announcements. I can't
I gotta get on my Dumbledore soapbox. Go right ahead. The mic is yours. First of all, let me- I just- homeboy. First year should note that the forest on the grounds is forbidden to all pupils and a few of our older students would do well to remember that as well. Already we're off to a red flag start for Mr. Albus Dumbledore that you have a lot of children at this school that's next to a very dangerous forest. Fantastic. Then he goes in to say, and finally I must tell you that this year the third floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful death.
Seems like something we should have in a school for children. Am I right? And I just love like the idea of Harry. This is the first day at school and he hears this. I would be like. Does the train? Was this a one way ticket? Can I get a return to King's Cross? As quickly as possible. I just you can't tell me I.
I don't know. Like, at what point did they think, yeah, we'll put this really dangerous obstacle course in a school for children and just tell them to keep out if they don't want to die. Jesus. Ah. Carmen, thank you for coming to my TED Talk. I can't. What's up, Laura?
um but he makes those announcements, they sing the Hogwarts song, all at completely different. I love the Hogwarts song so much. Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts, teach us something, please. That's a deleted scene in the movies.
it's beautiful it gives it gives off star kid vibes like for sure it does not feel like they like jk really wrote it it feels like star kid themselves wrote it um also the way that dumbledore is with performing this song and like getting up there and being the way he is you can't tell me people thought he was straight no he has he's about as straight as a circle like he was giving off the the gay energy well for sure first of all with the way he acts second of all the way he dresses yeah i get it he's a wizard but do you see any other wizard walking around and like i call it a dress yeah and i just love like i don't know he just has like the essence of
Not a straight man. Nope. And I just love the fact that the Weasley twins sang the song extra slow. And he let them finish it. He said, go on. But after they get done, all of the Gryffindors make their way to their corridors. They see more ghosts and they talk about peeves. The poltergeist. Love him. And then they talk about the um the bloody baron which is like this ghost that constantly has his mouth open and i'm like i first of all if it has that name i don't want to be anywhere near it second of all if it looks like the way i'm picturing it in my head again i don't want to be near it the way they had him in the um movie was he looked like elizabeth swan's father from parts of the caribbean that's what he looked like and he was not that creepy
It's the Bloody Baron! It's the Bloody Baron. Yeah, because in the book it says, and a little man with a wicked dark eyes and a wide mouth appeared, floating cross-legged in the air clutching the walking sticks. I don't think that means he's like this all the time. I think it just means he has a really wide mouth. Like, some people just have really big mouths. Yeah, but the way I was picturing it, I was like, ew, that's creepy. But that may not be the case. I think he just has a really big mouth.
I guess that's just like the person in me that watches why he's not okay yeah and they talk about the ghost and then we get to the password thing I couldn't is it like where the password changes all the time it's never the same it's the it changes every year okay it changes every school year the only time they change it other than that is if at one point I'm trying to remember which book it is. I think it's Goblet of Fire. They keep having to change it because some, or no it's Prisoner of Azkaban. Yeah, it's Prisoner of Azkaban. Because Sirius keeps getting in and they keep having to change it. A little serious. um That's the only time they really change it, but they change it every school year. I can't wait to get to that book.
ah And the chapter ends with Harry ah having a really weird dream and falling asleep. This is his first time having a dream about Voldemort. Yes. Poor Harry. It's his first, like,
foreshadowing dream that he has. Because the other dreams he's talked about is having the dream of his parents dying, but he doesn't really see the full image. This is the first time he has like a genuine like dream about Voldemort. Okay, so moving on to chapter eight, the potions master, which the Snape chapter is what I like to call it. um It opens with pretty much everyone is talking about Harry Potter is at Hogwarts, which I think this is so funny that everyone's like, oh my God, Harry

Hogwarts Classes Begin

Potter. freaking Potter. Ladies and gentlemen, he's here. This treatment versus Goblet of Fire is hilarious because in Goblet of the Fire, they literally can't stand his guts. Everyone's like Harry, that freaking Harry kid.
we want Cedric get Harry out of here like they just can't stand him in Goblet of Fire so it's kind of funny like the treatment difference. Yeah and I also just want to point this out um I want to talk about the staircases at Hogwarts because This is not safe. There were 142 staircases at Hogwarts, wide sweeping ones, narrow rickety ones, some that led somewhere different on a Friday, some with a vanishing step halfway up that you had to remember to jump, then there were doors that you wouldn't open unless you asked politely. I'm like, if you have like staircases that like move and like some that have a disappearing step
How is this safe for children? None of it's safe for children. Mr. Dumbledore we need to have another conversation about child safety because clearly you don't care about it. None of it's safe for children. Not a bit of it. And then they kind of start to talk about uh Mr. Filch. Oh Mr. Filch and his cat. This is Norris. Um It says like dust colored which I would assume that's gray. Huh? right Gray. For some reason I pictured in my head orange. Why? I have no idea. I don't know either because she's not orange in the baby either. No. Maybe it's because I'm thinking of the cat that Hermione has in... Crookshanks. Yes, Crooksh... in Prisoner of Azkaban. That's that's who I was thinking of. Not Mrs. Norris.
But um I'll tell you what kind of reminds me of um Kathy. or cat-cathy, that kind of color. Very dusty. R.I.P. to Cathy. And Filch, I don't know if we talked about him. No, we didn't talk about him the last episode. We got it first. Oh no we didn't. No, he wasn't in it. Oh my, he's first impressions on this, sorry. Filch is like the caretaker the caretaker. And he basically just do not get caught by him, basically, if you're out past curfew. He's a glorified homeowner.
um Yeah, because Squibb, and he is a Squibb. God bless him. I just can't get over the way he runs and Gobbled a Fire in that one scene. Students! I'm out of bed! Students in the corridor! I know that. I do blithering idiots. That's in Deathly Hallows. Oh, Deathly Hallows. That part is Deathly Hallows. And then there's Gobbled a Fire right before a so the different schools come in.
that was Sammy um and basically Harry is talking about all his different classes that he has and the way he's already so bored in history of magic makes me so mad it makes me a furious like are you kidding it's a class taught by a ghost like I would be living my best where's Lockwood and company I'm ready oh But yeah, I just easily the most boring class was history magic, which I disagree with. I love history. um Well, I don't love history, but I mean, learning the history of a magical world, like the troll wars and stuff, I'd be like, this is fascinating. This is real? Like this actually happened? Like something, learning about something that you do not know about at all.
It's just, Harry, you're killing me, man. Then he talks about ah his charms class with Professor Flitwick. Love him. We love Flitwick.
and I just love how whenever he reached for Harry's name he like was like a little fanboy. He like squeaked and then love him and then fell out of sight. Bless you. And then we have um talks about McGonagall's class how and you kind of get an essence for her as a te as a professor. She's very strict but she's also very clever and very smart. Like I would love to be in her class And she teaches Transfiguration, which I can just imagine with
um back with the Marauders. James just causing absolute trouble in that class. It would be beautiful. oh And then they talk about um defense against the dark arts and how pretty much Quirrell's lesson was nothing but a joke. I just love the idea like it makes it reminded me of Star Kid the part where they said um For one thing, when Seamus Finnegan asked eagerly to hear how Kroll had fought off the zombie, Kroll went pink and started talking about the weather. For another, they had noticed that a funny smell hung around the turban, and the Weasley twins insisted that it was stuffed full of garlic as well, so that Kroll was protected wherever he went. It reminds me of the part in Sir Kid where Voldemort sneezes on the back of his head and they go, what's that? And he goes, nothing, I simply fought it.
ah I just imagine him at having to make excuses like you just hear Voldemort grumbling inside the tarmen. Stupid muggles whenever I get out of here. um But then they finally talk about um their potions class. They have double potions with Slytherin, which I would hate to have a class with Slytherin.
That would be the worst class ever. If I had to have a double class with any other house, I would either have it with Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. That's the only little ones left. I know. But, you know what I mean. Probably Hufflepuffs. They're nice. They have. They're chill. I feel like Hufflepuffs would be very chill to hang out with. They'd be like, eh. I agree.
Gee, I wonder why. I agree. And Ron basically talks about how Snape is the head of Slytherin and he always favors them. Gee, sounds like another professor that we'll talk about. Oh well. Gee, Dumbledore. Seems there's two of you. Well, oh wait, I take that back. Dumbledore is not the head of Gryffindor. It's actually McGonagall.
Did you say that? I accidentally said... Oh, I didn't even hear that, but... Yeah, I accidentally said Dumbledore is the head of Gryffindor House. Nope, he's not. he's That is Minerva. I just wish McGonagall favored us. She won't. No, she's fair. She's the only fair professor at the whole school. Yeah. Oi. But um Harry does get a letter from Hagrid to have tea at around three, which I I just love this letter he goes dear Harry I know you get Friday afternoons off so would you like to come and eat have a cup of tea with me around three I want to hear all about your first week send us an answer back with Hedwig I love Hagrid he's just like I want to hear all about your first week um he's the devoted uncle yes he is um
but we get um we do get some notions about how uh Harry kind of has gotten the idea that Professor Snape disliked him, well we take that back, he actually hated him according to Harry um and he talks about how they went into potions class and Harry was pretty much put on the spot and Snape was practically interrogating him. I and Harry knows no answers and there's Hermione in the back just like raising her hand like please let me answer. We have Harry sass. I don't know said Harry quietly. I think Hermione does though. Why don't you try her?
Like, get off my back! Um, I'm like, yeah I just, love I can just see her in the background. She's like, please pick me! He's standing up. Um, but he talked, basically, Snape just roasts Harry and I'm just like, you are a grown man. Pretty much tormenting a child. Um,
and you're just immediately like, why does he hate him so much? But then you find out later why. um hello so ah um And they basically talk about how the potions class was a complete disaster for Gryffindor. People kept like blowing their cauldrons up and some of them wound up with boils all over their face. I'm like,
well And I just love how Neville gets hurt and Snape immediately blames Harry. Even though Harry had nothing to do with it. He's like, thought he'd make you look good if he got it wrong. You've lost another point for Gryffindor. I'm like,
Geez Louise you really hate this house um it just like just keeps repeating over and over again. Why did Snape hate him so much? We will find out later. Um but after the class ends Harry and Ron decide to go to Hagrid's for tea and he finds the daily prophet about the green goth's break-in um and basically Before he gets to the green cards break in, he does ask Hagrid why Snape might hate him and then tends to change the subject.
to asking about um Charlie Weasley. And I just think it's kind of funny because I don't know that, did everyone know about Snape and Lily? Or did they sense that he had a crush on her? Or did people know he was in love with Lily? So then is Haggard trying to change the subject? Because he's like, no, I know why I hate you. I got a pretty good idea there, buckaroo. But or does he just genuinely not know why Snape would hate him?
I don't know. It's interesting to think about, like... Yeah. Cause it's Hagrid. You think, like, I don't know if Hagrid would know about that. I don't know if anybody knew about it. Yeah. Like I know like the Marauders, they figured it out, but did everyone know that Hagrid was, or Hagrid, that Severus was in love with Lily? I think Dumbledore knew, or he had an idea. Uh, yeah. I don't know if he knew for sure, but I think he had an idea of like, maybe it is something. He thought, but he didn't know for sure. Cause it sells later. Like he's like, Lily, really? After all this time? Always. Thank you.
But they basically talk about what's going on with the Green Gods break-in, how investigations are still going on, and they believe it to be the work of dark wizards or witches, unknown.

Gringotts Mystery

And Harry remembers, and then it's when Harry remembers that when Ron told him about the break-in at Green Gods and no one remembered the date because it says in the Green Gods article it happened on July 31st, which is Harry's birthday.
um Um, and so Ha- Hagrid asks, Harry asks Hagrid about the Gringotts break-in like, hey, that happened on my birthday. It could have happened while we were there. And, um, it's just an ha- it's interesting to point out that Hagrid did not meet Harry's eyes at that time. He was like, mmm.
I don't know what you're talking about. No. What? No. Because it's here in the castle. Surprise. Whoopsie. And Harry and Ron leave, but Hagrid, jeez Louise, I keep wanting to say Hagrid. Um, but Harry is still wondering about like, hey, that thing that we went and got at Gringotts, where is it? Also, why does, why does Snape hate me? And does Hagrid know why Snape hates me? And that's how the chapter ends.
lots of Lots of questions. Yeah.

Episode Wrap-up

All right. Well, that was our chapter six through eight discussion. but We said last week that we were going to do chapter six through ten. No. um We ended up deciding to split it up and I think for the next episode we're only going to do the next three chapters again. Like just try to keep them small because as we get further into the book there's a lot of things to uncover and discuss so ah chapter six three So now we're going to get into our first impressions of these three chapters. These are characters that we met in these three chapters for the first time and what our thoughts are on them. So Molly Weasley, motherly. Yes, motherly. Definitely, like we said, like likes to, I guess, not get in
likes to keep things the way they are, not talk about what the dark, dark wizards and all that stuff definitely wants to keep her head in the sand. Yeah, but I mean like just ah impressions just off these chapters alone, yeah not knowing what we know later. Yeah, very motherly, especially when she takes pretty much takes Harry under her wing. Yeah. When he's trying to get to platform nine and three quarters. I think a very patient woman.
Especially with all those... children but You are a very patient woman if you have to deal with Fred and George Weasley. Speaking of, Patience of Saint. Fred and George. Icons. Angsty teens. Yes. and mischious Angsty pranksters mischievous.
so gaslightder Yes. Big Brother Energy. Percy. Sweet Niblets. Insufferable. No at all. Insufferable. Anytime he would come on the page I would immediately roll my eyes because I'm like oh he's fixing to say something that's just gonna grind my gears he's very proud which it kind of honestly shocks me whenever he when Harry comes to Gryffindor and he goes we've got Potter we've got Potter because normally he would be the one to be like you're embarrassing us by yelling out like that please don't yell so it's kind of incredible that he broke his own little roles there um Ronald oh Ron
I don't know what to say about him. I think innocent. Yes. That's a good one. He's very um shy and just trying to make his family proud. Um, he says that, you know, if he does anything good, it doesn't get remarked upon because his brothers have already done that good thing. So I think he's mainly just to try not to be the bad child. Let's put that way.
yeah i could deal with that um neville oh god forgetful does not know what he's doing he's just i just i just hear that travel um let's see i think innocent works for him too he's just yeah very innocent he's just very he's very much a child he's very innocent um He makes me sad. Yes. Very sweet, I would say. Um, her mononucleosis.
i Um, very knowledgeable. Like she knows anything and everything, but she's not like Percy in the terms of Joey from friends. She's very wisdomous. Yes. Filch, narc. He's a real narc.
Yep. I would go with that. Like, I can't really say much about Fitch. Fitch. Fitch! About Filch. Um... He's just... He's just there. He's just always like... I just always eat like lurking in the background. You know? Uh, finally our Snape. Punishment. Vendetta. I would say... He's very, um...
yeah petty petty um mysterious yeah just with the way he looks i've been um very bitter i would say bitter he's very bitter and it definitely you definitely see more of that bitterness come out in the later books i would say maybe a tad bit jealous yeah of seeing james the second coming yeah it will uh chapter your themes um heli and i both ended up with the same theme for these chapters which is a new adventure yes i think this is kind of i mean we've not really made hogwarts our home yet but we're just discovering a brand new we're in brand new territory yeah so
All new adventure. All right, so question of the week. First, before I give you this week's question of the week, let's talk about answers from last week's question, which was, what are your thoughts on Harry getting left with the Dursleys? We had two polar opposite responses um from happily underscore Katie 91.
We had, it was the worst decision to leave Harry there. Dumbledore knew all about the abuse and you can't tell me he didn't. He chose to ignore it. Yes, blood wards blah blah blah. The book says they either break at 17, super convenient, or when he chooses to leave voluntarily to go somewhere else.
That part wasn't ever mentioned beforehand because Dumbledore, as Severus says, wanted him raised like a pig for slaughter. It was only about Dumbledore's mission and not Harry's life. Harry suffered his entire life and it's cruel.
and I responded to that quote saying, you're my new favorite person. Amen, sister. um And then Kelly said it all made sense once they explained the protection to the bloodline, his mother's love is epic. So a bit of some conflicting answers. And I can see both sides. Like I know I said last week that I kind of saw the point behind it, but also I think they could have checked in every once in a while. Yeah. Made a house call. Could have done better. Yeah. um For this week's question, we have, do you think everyone was sorted into the houses they were best suited for? um My answer would be mostly yes. I think as everyone's arc develops, they were sorted in where they needed to be. Yeah. I think right off the bat,
I would have put Neville and Ron in Hufflepuff. I was gonna say Hufflepuff for Neville really especially. And I would have put Hermione in Ravenclaw. Now as the story develops I see the reason behind Ron banging Gryffindor. I can kind of see it for Neville. I still think I would have put him in Hufflepuff. I definitely would have put Hermione in Ravenclaw.
Oh yeah. She's like, she's so smart and she's so wise. Like her whole character is basically Ravenclaw and the character. She's wit and wisdom and intelligence in one package. And yes, she's brave. I'm not knocking that she's not that she's brave and strong, but She just it was so well suited for Ravenclaw. And I think it's kind of annoying that they didn't get split up because you could have involved the other houses more if you had had Neville and Hufflepuff, Hermione and Ravenclaw. I don't know that there's anybody... Honestly, in hindsight, Percy should have been Slytherin. Because his character arc goes into cunning and ambitious.
yeah He's really out for his own um His own head and his own his own goals his own end goal um He really does tend to start caring for himself later and not caring for his family um And I think the cunningness and ambition side. I think he could have been Slytherin to be honest.
I would agree with that. I think the twins are exactly where they need to be. They don't nary they don't need to move. I think Harry's where he needs to be. I would have put him in Gryffindor. I don't think I would change him at all. No. It'd be interesting to see like a what if scenario. Like what if Harry was put in Slytherin? What would that be like? But I like him in Gryffindor. I think he fits in Gryffindor, especially with his story throughout the series. He fits into Gryffindor. Yeah.
just like his daddy. I almost wonder like the reason they weren't split up is she does end up in the movie they're split up like you have some Ravenclaw some Hufflepuff some Slytherin some Gryffindor all in one class and that's not how it actually was like they would share classes with one other house so then in that case like Hermione, Harry, Ron and Draco wouldn't evolve in the same class at the same time if she was in Ravenclaw. So maybe it was to that end goal.
yeah But let us know your thoughts on if you think everyone was sorted into the houses they were best suited for um It'll be up on our Instagram and be sure to leave us a comment and we'll read your answers off on next week's episode also, we have a pinned post to our Instagram and asking what your Hogwarts house is. If you would answer the poll that's in that caption and let us know your Hogwarts house. um We'd like to start taking a poll of how many listeners are in each house.
So far we have two in Slytherin, three in Hufflepuff, two in Ravenclaw, and one in Gryffindor. So it'd be fun to kind of see where our listeners land on the Hogwarts houses. So be sure and let us know in that caption. All right, so be sure to follow the podcast and rate us five stars. We really appreciate it.
Yep, and also be sure to follow us on our Instagram at Family Fiction Pod where we have our questions of the week, the Hogwarts House poll, and we also upload snippets from episodes and any updates on future episodes. So be sure and follow us on there. All right. Well, thank you guys so much for listening and we will see you guys next week. Bye!