Exploring the 'Chamber Within a Chamber' in Harry Potter
Whoopee! Kind of crazy that there's a chamber within a chamber. yeah Within a chamber. Yeah. Because then Tom speaks personal tongues to get the chamber to open for the snake to come out.
Yeah. There's a chamber within a chamber within a chamber. Interesting. Salazar Slytherin really put some good thought in when it came to making this chamber.
He says, I'm going to have three different doors. I'm going to have one to get into the, to get to the entrance of the chamber. Then I'm going to have an then I'm going to have another entrance to the, in the, inside the chamber the basilisk to hang out.
Spoiler Alert for 'Chamber of Secrets' Ending
Hello everyone and welcome back to Family Fiction with Hallie and Carmen. So the plan for today is to finish up the last few chapters of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling.
um We do want to go ahead and give spoiler alerts for um the rest of this book being spoiled and possibly future books in the series. Also any movies in the series that So if you haven't read Harry Potter and you don't want to be spoiled, we recommend going and read Harry Potter and then come back to us.
I know these books are old and people should know, but it would surprise you how many people don't know what happens in these books. So just a heads up. But Hallie is going to be leading our discussion today.
Before we get into our discussion, Hallie, what are you currently reading? So um' Still my in this little sorry. So my book is still the songbird in the heart of stone by Carissa Broadbent. I have still not started it because I was too busy trying to finish lights out by Nevesa Allen for book club.
Current Reads and Book of the Month Highlight
um But I'm hoping to start it today. Carmen, what are you currently reading? I have about an hour left in the audiobook for Silver and the Bone by Alexandra Bracken. I'm very excited.
um It's been really good so far, so I'm excited to see how it ends, and there's a sequel out, so oh I might have to get that. um But after I finish this, I think, I'm hoping...
I got selected to be an arc reader for Catherine Cowles' new book, Beautiful Exile. So I'm hoping I get the link for that soon, and that can be my next read. um But if not, it's going to be Deep End by Allie Hazelwood.
wasnt fan fan Fun, fun, fun. Yes, and then we can give our books of the month. Yep. We both decided on Lights Out by Nivessa Allen. um It was a fantastic book.
I have no complaints about it. No. um I like to consider that book, it's a dark romance book, but I call it a dark romantic comedy. Because it was yeah it is dark, but it was balanced out by comedic moments that really made it an enjoyable read. Or should I say an enjoyable listen, because me and Carmen both listened to it.
And let me just tell you, if you're going to give this book a chance, I would highly recommend you do the audiobook. Because we've seen where a lot of people didn't like the book and as they were physically reading it.
But a lot of people say you need to listen to the audiobook.
Ron and Harry's Investigation into the Chamber
Because the narrators make it ten times better. Yeah, I agree. They... do like the dual narrators and they do their own dialogue in each other's chapters so that made it a lot more immersive i love it when books do that with audiobooks and they added their own personalities to it and it was just really fun um so if you didn't like this book no you didn't you clearly didn't listen to it if you didn't like it yeah definitely go check it out
Alright, so, without further ado, let's get into the last three chapters of the Chamber of Secrets, starting off with chapter 16, the Chamber of Secrets. Yes.
Ron and Harry are speculating about how exactly to question Moaning Myrtle about her death, because they believe if they can get answers as to how mur Moaning Myrtle died, they can find out what's what's it got to do with the chamber.
um But as they are heading to class, um they are informed by Professor McGonigal that exams are in a week.
And this throws everybody into a panic because nobody has studied because they've all been too busy worrying about um not being petrified, which valid reason.
I also would not study yeah if my life was imminently in danger. But... They are in an uproar about this, but they don't really care because they're like, listen, even though all these attacks are still going on, you still have to get an education. Yes.
While also trying to fight for your life. Classic Hogwarts. Typical. Yep. Typical! About three days before the first exam takes place, McGonagall announces that the mandrakes are ready to be cut and used to heal the petrified victims.
And this has everybody excited except for Draco. um He's just being his little rotten self. And then there is also Ginny, who...
is acting a little nervous. Foreshadowing. Thank you. Um, so Harry kind of asks her if there is something that she wants to tell them and she nods and is fixing to tell them, but they are interrupted by Percy.
Just... Oh, Percy. Raining on their parade. And Ron is outraged at this because Ginny may have known some very valuable information and it has now been ruined. Thank you very much, Percy Weasley. You are dragging this out even more.
Nobody likes him. Nope. Percy denies that she's got some important information um and proceeds to drop the subject, which kind of confuses all of them, but it's whatever.
Lockhart's Incompetence and Humorous Exchanges
Um, it's later in the day and Lockhart is escorting his students to their next class. And while he is doing this, he is complaining about all of the new precautions and how they've got enough on their shoulders between walking the students and standing guard all night.
He's just... a list of complaints. And so Ron kind of suggests that he leaves them alone and but is basically like, we've only got one more corridor to go.
Why don't you just go away? Which, thank you, Ron. And Lockhart agrees to this and um leaves while he hurries off for his next to prepare for his next class. And we get some more Ron sna- Sna- Sna- Sna- We get some more sass from Ron, oh basically saying, prepare his class, gone to curl his hair more like it.
yes He, Ron is the number one g if rot if guilt, if Lori Lockhart has no haters, then that means Ron Weasley is dead because he is the number one hater. Yes.
Lockhart leaves them alone and then that leaves Harry and Ron to rush to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, but before they can get there, They run into Professor McGonagall, and she asks them, what are you two doing? Because, you know, it's totally not suspicious that they're running to a girl's bathroom. Yeah.
Way to be subtle, boys. And... um She asks them what they're doing and they come up with a lie on the spot that says they're going to visit Hermione and surprisingly McGonagall lets them go.
And then we get a comp... Where am I at? Ron. Ron kind of compliments Harry and says that was the best story you've ever come up with.
For the first time Harry told a decent lie. Lord. we We finally got there. And he'll never tell another one again. Yep. That's it.
This was his lucky day. So, after McGonagall leaves them alone, they kind of have no choice and because they didn't want to get caught in their lie. They head to the firm infirmary to visit Hermione, and they notice that one of her hands is clenched really tight.
And as they keep looking, they find a piece of paper that is scrunched inside of her fist. So they are opening it up and they find a page from a very old library book and they look inside of it and they find more information on the basilisk.
Of the many fearsome beasts and monsters that roam our land, there is none more curious or more deadly than the basilisk, also known as the king of serpents. This snake, which may reach gigantic size and live many hundreds of years, is born from a chicken's egg hatched beneath
Unfolding the Mystery of the Basilisk
Its methods of killing are most wondrous, far for aside from its deadly and venomous fangs, foreshadowing, The basilisk has a murderous stare, and all who are fixed with the beam of its eye shall suffer instant death.
Spiders flee before the basilisk, for it is their mortal enemy. And the basilisk flees only from the crowing of the rooster, which is fatal to it. I forgot about that little tidbit of information, but will come into play.
Um, as they're reading this, they are realizing that this information about the basilisk fits with all of the criteria and information that they have figured out. Beneath this little paragraph of information, they find, um, that Hermione had written the word pipes.
And Harry and Ron both realized that what she was meaning is the pipes in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, and that's how it's been getting around since they were hearing the voices inside the walls. Yeah.
to And they're all, and they also are figuring out about how these students are petrified instead of being killed. It's because they were looking at it through a reflection and not staring straight into it.
um which explains the petrification. Once they are having this little mind-blowing revelation, the boys decide to head to McGonagall to tell them of their findings when there is an announcement of another attack and that all of the teachers need to go to the staff room.
And since the boys are already inside the staff room, they decide to hide in some robes um when all the teachers bust in there. Um, and it is then that they found out that a student has been taken by the monster into the Chamber of Secrets, and this student was, in fact, Jenny Weasley.
Poor Jenny. She can't catch a break. Sunday. Traumatized. It's her first year at Hogwarts, and she's being traumatized. ah You know, it's initiation at this point. Yep, it's the traditional hazing.
ah first The wizard hazing. Um... And when they find out that Jenny has been taken, they also that tell that the heir of Slytherin has yet left another message that says her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever.
That is not ominous in the slightest. to If I saw that on the wall, I'd be like, am leaving Hogwarts and never coming back. Honestly, yeah, I'd be like, well...
RIP. It was good to know her. I'm packing my things. I'm gonna head out. um It is then McGonagall announces that the school will be closed and students will be sent home the following morning.
Thank you for stepping up. Finally, we're like, okay, you know what? The school's closing. Let's just send these students home before anybody else is attacked. But it literally took somebody to be, you like, killed.
It took, like... It took like, I don't know how many students being petrified and a kid being taken down into the chamber. And now we're deciding that the school needs
The Chamber of Secrets Confrontation
Why we didn't decide this earlier? Who knows? And need I remind you, this is a school for children.
But they don't care. um At this point, Lockhart enters the meeting and all the teachers pretty much gang up on him and decide to challenge him to take on this monster since he's been so boastful about all of his deeds that he's done, all these monsters he's fought. um And this causes Lockhart to get a little bit nervous and kind of act a little shifty.
And he decides to leave. Harry and Ron decide to head to Lockhart's office to help him by telling him all they know about this basilisk to try and help him out.
And it is then where the truth comes out about Lockhart. He is not who he says he is. um He finally admits that he never has fought a dark arts creature before, but instead has interviewed people who did all these things that he has claimed that he has done, and then erased their memory before writing down the adventures as his own.
The biggest con ever. He started cancel culture. He did. Yes. Exactly. Wizard cancel culture. So um after all of this is revealed, Lockhart tries to erase Ron and Harry's memories of this encounter so that they don't go blabbing his secret.
um But Harry finally uses magic and he shouts out the Expelliarmus Note that he's used that spell twice already, and it's the only spell he's used.
Oh, no. The boy who knew three spells. He'll continue to use that spell a lot. And then once he figures out the Patronus charm... Oh, God. You bet your bottom dollar. That's ever hear. That's all that gets used.
Expecto Patronum! He's the boy who knew three spells. Expelliarmus, Expecto Patronum, and he uses Lumos a lot. Sometimes Accio...
that's about it stupefies used a lot that's very dense and need i remind you guys he's our main character boy oh jenny weasley uses more spells than he does yep um but um but anyways lockhart is blasted backwards and ron catches his wand and proceeds to throw it out the window
Instead of, you know, keeping it. Using it as his own since his own is trashed. It's fine. Everything's fine. It's okay. um So, at this point, um they kind of force Lockhart to go with them to the chamber. They push him into Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, where then they proceed to question Myrtle about her death.
And it she Rehashes that story and says all she remembers is a great big pair of yellow eyes. And that's all she remembers.
um Harry is asking her where she sees... I was distraught! Where she happened to see those eyes and she points over um to a sink.
So they go over to the sink and it looks like a pretty ordinary sink. um But then Harry spots a tiny snake. that was carved into the tap on the sink.
And Myrtle points out that, hey, that tap, taps actually never worked. Well, you know, it would have been great to have all this information earlier morning, Myrtle. Like, half, like, thanks.
This book would have been not as long. Um, so, Ron tells Harry, like, hey, say something in Parseltongue. just like use this so-called gift that makes you think that you are the heir of slytherin yeah um so harry tells it to open in parcel tongue and it does revealing a large pipe that goes down whoopee let's go down the big scary metal pipe why not yeah at this
Tom Riddle's True Identity and Manipulations
And so Harry, Ron, and Lockhart descend, and inside the pipe, they discover a giant snakeskin. Immediately, no. Yeah, no. If I would have seen that, I would have been booking it out of the pipe.
Been like, you know what? I would have never went down the pipe, but... Yeah, I would have... To be to be fair, I never would have went down the pipe. But yeah, no. Big no-no. um So, as they are...
examining the sink, the sink, the snake skin. um Lockhart decides to try again with erasing their memories. He grabs Ron's wand this time. This is very important.
He grabs Ron's wand and tries to erase their memories again, but if we'll remember, like Carmen said earlier, Ron's wand is trashed. It's literally being held together.
It's literally being held together by spell-a-tape. And... this and lockhart shouts obliviate but ron's wand backfires and instead causes um a huge avalanche of rocks to fall as well as bouncing back onto lockhart and therefore causing lockhart's memory to be erased whoopee um so ron harry and lockhart have been separated with ron and lockhart on
The side that's closest the exit of the pipe. And Harry's on the other side. Harry's telling them, like like, try and make a hole to get through or just wait with Lockhart.
And Harry says, I'll go alone. I would not want to be going alone if I just saw a giant snake skin. No. No, thank you.
course, I don't guess he has much choice. No. And he's like, if I'm not back in an hour... You know what happened to me. R.I.P. If I'm not back in an hour, it was nice knowing you, Ron. R.I.P.
Um... So... Harry sets off alone while Ron is trying to move the rocks and failing. Because... Poor Ron. He's just a child.
Um... And... It... Harry comes upon a wall that has been engraved with serpent carvings. Harry, once again, speaks in parcel tongue, saying, open, and the chapter ends with um the chamber opening, and Harry walks inside. Whoopee!
Kind of crazy that there's a chamber within a chamber. yeah Within a chamber. Yeah. Because then Tom speaks Parseltongue to get the chamber to open for the snake to come out.
So there's a chamber within a chamber within a chamber. Interesting. Salazar Slytherin really put some good thought in when it came to making this chamber.
He says, I'm gonna have three different doors. I'm gonna have one to get into the... to get to the entrance of the chamber. Then I'm gonna have a... Then I'm going to have another entrance to the in the inside the chamber for the Basilisk to hang out.
Great. a good time. It's great. um All right, moving on to Chapter 17, The Heir of Slytherin.
So Harry enters the chamber and approaches a giant statue of Salazar Slytherin because, of course, Salazar Slytherin had to build a statue of himself. totally not have a big ego um and at lying at the feet of this statue is an unconscious jenny weasley bless her heart harry is convinced being like please don't be dead please don't be dead he's trying to wake her up and then we hear another a soft voice go she won't wake amen
The love of my life enters the room. and as he's exa And as Harry's examining her, he notices the shadowy figure of Tom Riddle standing there. yeah. There he is.
In all his glory. Yep. His dramatic glory. So, um Harry is begging for Tom's help to save Jenny and to escape the chamber.
But Tom just kind of stands there and is speaking in a nonchalant kind of way. Totally not concerned. He's like... But I'm sure on the inside he's like, finally my plan is working.
It's like, wow, Harry just came to me twice. It's just a beautiful time. Come to me, he's came to me willingly. Twice. He's not smart. He's probably like, wow, this guy really is stupid.
How the heck did you defeat me? That's a baby. there um but harry is trying to get jenny out of there and he goes down to pick up his wand but he notices that his wand is gone and that riddle has it and i just it's twirling harry's wand between his fingers whoopee this is gonna be so hard to do
um this causes alarm for harry which but it also makes him more adamant like i need to get out of here like the alarm bells are going off in his head he's like okay this is not good he's took the wand that i don't really use harry asks tom about how exactly jenny got into this situation And we get the long old explan explanation. We get some good old exposition. um Tom explains about how Jenny found the diary and wrote all of her worries about Hogwarts and her crush on Harry. Because why not?
And Tom, meanwhile, is writing back trying to comfort for her, but we all know it's an act. Come on, buddy. There's always an ulterior motive. And he explains that through this exchange of dialogue, he was he continued to grow stronger and ended up putting a little bit of his soul into Ginny.
We're getting some good soul exchange. This definitely won't play out later. Um, and through this process, he manipulated her into killing some of Hagrid's roosters and to opening the chamber.
um He also explains that he had put his 16-year-old self into the diary so that one day he could lead another to finish the work that Salazar Slytherin had started, which is basically...
Let's get rid of all the mudbloods. I just love how Tom Riddle had plotted this whole thing out from like 50 plus years ago. Harry and Tom Riddle was very excited when Harry had got the diary, but then Ginny had stolen back the diary, which explains why Harry's room was literally just ransacked. know why she just didn't look for it like a normal human being rather than making it look like a werewolf went through his room.
No. The Lord. She's desperate. A little dramatic. But Jenny had stolen back the diary because she had put so much of her soul into it.
Because she had put so much of her life into this diary, Tom convinced her to kind of just write, like, a farewell note. Which, you know, she's gonna die anyways.
um And his whole plan was to write her farewell, to come down to the chamber and allow Tom to leave the diary for good because he had grown stronger. And then Tom proceeds to question Harry about Voldemort.
And this makes Harry automatically suspicious of him. Um, and it's basically like, how did you, a skinny boy with no extraordinary magical talent, valid, managed to defeat the greatest wizard of all time and escape with nothing but a scar and Lord Voldemort was destroyed?
Harry's Duel and Triumph Over Riddle
Seriously. How did wee babe manage to beat the most powerful dark wizard? And Harry's like, why do you care? and
Voldemort was after your time. And then Riddle says, Voldemort is my past, present, and future Harry Potter. And Tom um writes out his full name, Tom Marvolo Riddle, and rearranges it in the air to say, i am Lord Voldemort.
And proclaims that he is the greatest wizard of all time. And Harry is like, actually, no, you're not the greatest wizard of all time. It's actually Dumbledore.
And this causes Tom to get very, very angry. Suddenly, um they kind of start hearing some, like, music coming down into the chamber and a strange bird appears.
And Harry realizes that it is Fox, the phoenix, carrying the sorting hat. And Tom kind of laughs at this and kind of mocks about like, look at all these weapons that you have been given and proceeds to ask Harry um about how exactly he survived the attack 11 years ago.
Harry is like, I don't know how you lost your powers and I don't know how you could kill me, but, and it was because, well, nevermind, excuse me, I had a stroke. He says, the reason you died is because my mother saved me, my muggle-born mother.
Really? You've been throwing that emphasis in there, Harry. And he basically trashes Tom. He's like, and I've seen the real you. I saw you last year. You were a wreck. You're barely alive. That's where all your power got you. You're unhiding. You're ugly. You're foul. I'm like, good lord. Shots fired. Shots fired in the chamber of secrets.
Yeah. He's emptying the chamber. Like, he's like, he's like, listen, you are nothing. You are shriveled up fetus. You are ugly. He's been stocking it up.
Yep. And this makes Riddle even more angry. And... Um... He kind of also, um...
Remarks about how there is a strange likeness between us, after all. Even you must have noticed. Both half-bloods, orphans, raised by muggles. Probably the only two parselmouths to come to Hogwarts since the great Slytherin himself.
We even look something alike. But after all, it was merely a lucky chance that saved you from me. That's all I wanted to know. It is really interesting, though. Because... If you really look at it, Voldemort and Harry are quite literally parallels of themselves. It really is... Yeah. Kind of, but not really. Not really.
um Because he... I mean, yes, they're both orphans. But Harry's only an orphan because you killed his parents, my friend. And then, like... They both grew up in households that they didn't really love growing up in.
But that's kind of where it ends. I mean... Harry makes friends. Voldemort was kind of a loner. But Tom is just pointing out all of these odd similarities between the two and then proceeds to challenge Harry to a duel.
And the rest of the similarities are due to the fact that your freaking soul's inside of him, my my dude. He can speak Parsimouth because you speak Parsimouth.
Anyways. um Tom proceeds to get the basilisk to emerge from its chamber. Once again, chamber within chamber within chamber. um And Harry quickly closes his eyes.
Riddle commands the basilisk to kill Harry. And Harry just books it and runs away. And as he's listening, he hears quite a bit of a tussle and he opens his eyes just a little bit to see that Fox had punctured the basilisk's eyes.
Whoopee. We love loyal bird. um And this causes the snake to get enraged and it kind of swings around madly and ends up swiping the sorting hat to Harry.
um Harry puts the hat on begging for its help, and out of nowhere it produces a sword. Which, we all know, is the Sword of Gryffindor. Harry...
um harry um Comes out anne swings the sword and winds up sliding the sword into the serpent's mouth, killing it.
But Harry is injured in the process with a fang. Harry is slowly, slowly dying once again. He's always dying. He's always dying.
He never puts his life not at risk. The crazy thing is if he would have just died here... nothing would have happened because he would have came back the horcrux would have been dead and we would be chilling however um riddle is kind of mocking harry and is like you're dead harry potter dead even dumbledore's bird knows it because the foxes went back to harry and is crying on him he says i'm gonna sit here and watch you die harry potter take your time i'm in no hurry
The sass. I'm in no hurry. But all of a sudden, um Harry kind of is coming back into focus um and Harry's wound seals up due to Phoenix's tears having healing properties.
Um, Tom, once again, is angered by this because the boy just won't die and tries to eliminate Harry, but Fox proceeds to knock the diary back into Harry's hands and Harry stabs the diary in the center with the basilisk tooth and it causes Tom to scream in agony and disappear.
Which we will later find out that that was indeed a horcrux. Um... See, we're already we're already getting the job done. We don't even know Could have gotten two jobs done if Harry would have just died, but it's fine. Yeah.
Ginny then begins to stir, and Harry grabs her, his wand, the diary, the sword, and the sorting hat. And follows Fox out of the chamber to where Ron and Lockhart are still waiting.
um They all hold on to the to the Phoenix and are then pulled out of the pipes. As they get out of the pipe, Moaning Myrtle is awaiting there for them.
And she says in a very disappointed tone, you're still alive. And... and Um, and Moaning Myrtle is very disappointed that he didn't die because Moaning Myrtle was like, oh, we could have shared a toilet if he would have died.
And yeah, I don't think that's a That's a good thing. Um, but anyways, they leave the bathroom and are led by Fox to McGonagall's office. yes And that is where the chapter ends.
And moving on to chapter 18, Dobby's reward. We're on the last chapter, people. Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Lockhart enter McGonagall's office to find Dumbledore back and also Molly and Arthur Weasley.
um The Weasleys um cling to Ginny and they are all in an embrace and they ask Harry how exactly he saved her. Everybody's like, I think we'd all like to know that. Please enlighten us.
And Harry basically explains everything. um He tells them about the disembodied voice and how Hermione had realized they were hearing a basilisk in the pipes and they told him all about from Aragog.
And to Moaning Myrtle. um And while also keeping out the details about Ginny and the diary, Dumbledore then pipes in as like, how exactly did Voldemort manage to enchant Ginny when my sources tell me he is currently in hiding in the forests of Albania?
And Harry then proceeds to pull out the diary. He explains about how Riddle wrote it when he was 16. And Dumbledore... and dumbleddo takes it and he's like, brilliant. Of course, he was probably the most brilliant student Hogwarts has ever seen. And turned out to be the most evil.
Way to go. Smartest student turned out to be the most evil. Fantastic. Dumbledore kind of goes into about, like, there was only a few people that knew that Voldemort was called Tom Riddle and talked about how he had taught him himself and he had disappeared after he left the school learning about the dark arts and basically...
Returning to Hogwarts and Unveiling Connections
turned himself into Lord Voldemort and into the dark wizard that he is today. At this point, um Dumbledore then proceeds to send Ginny to the infirmary, and he also tells them that the mandrake juice is currently being given out to the petrified victims as they speak.
um and dumbledore then decides to call for a feast and proceeds to award carmen's already shaking her head um rewards ron and harry 200 points each for their bravery and the daring task that they completed okay 400 points is a little excessive dumbledore Good Like, all Tom got for services to the school was a trophy. He didn't get no house points.
It's because he wasn't in Gryffindor. So annoying. Nobody gave Hufflepuff any points when Cedric died. What the heck?
Rude. They start to kind of pay attention to Lockhart, and he's like, why are you being so modest, Lockhart? Because you were clearly a part of this dangerous adventure, and it's...
um Then they kind of explain that he tried to do a memory charm on them and it backfired. So... um Dumbledore then sends Lockhart up to the infirmary with Ron accompanying him while Harry is told to stay behind.
um Maybe we'll finally have a conversation with No More Secrets. Oh. Maybe. Probably not. Because, you know, Dumbledore's shady.
um Dumbledore then proceeds to thank Harry and tells them that the reason that Fox came to him was out of loyalty that Harry had showed Dumbledore down in the chamber.
Harry then decides to ask the burning question that's been on his mind about whether he is exact- whether he is like Riddle. um And how- He's like, he says I'm like him.
um He told me all these similarities. am I actually like Riddle? And um Dumbledore then... He keeps asking about, like, should I have been in Slytherin? Maybe I should have been. Everyone thought I was Slytherin's heir because I could speak Parseltongue.
And Dumbledore then says, you can speak Parseltongue, Harry, because Lord Voldemort, who was the last remaining descendant of salzar Slytherin, can speak Parseltongue. Unless I'm much mistaken, he transferred some of his own powers to you the night he gave you that scar.
Not something he intended to do, I'm sure. Yeah, Dumbledore knows he's a horcrux. And he's like, god I'll just leave that part out. And Harry's like, wait a minute, he put him a bit of himself into me?
And it's like, yeah, I think so. like, Dumbledore, you know what he did. God. Why don't you tell him at this point? Like, by the way, Harry, um you ever heard of a horcrux?
Because guess what? You are one. that It's so frustrating. Um, so Harry is like, so then I should have been in Slytherin.
And Rehash, that the Sorting Hat saw Slytherin power in me, and... Dumbledore then proceeds to explain that the hat, Sorting Hat, put Harry in Gryffindor because Harry didn't want to be in Slytherin and that choices are more important than abilities.
Dobby's Liberation and the School Year Conclusion
No, you have to say the full quote. Okay. this is my very favorite quote from Harry Potter. This was my senior quote. It is our choices far more than our abilities that show what we truly are.
Okay. love that quote. He then proceeds, like Harry, if you really don't believe me, um... He then proceeds to pull out the sword.
um And it's revealed that that is the sword of Godric Gryffindor. And fun fact, I have the Godric Gryffindor wand. Sword of Gryffindor wand. It's my favorite wand ever.
um And Dumbledore explains that only a true Gryffindor could have pulled that out of the hat, Harry. I just want to know why the heck the sword was in the hat.
It's just there. it shows it only shows up whenever you need it because it shows up a couple other times whenever Harry needs it. Dumbledore then kind of heads over to one of the drawers and is like, okay, while you get some sleep and some food, Harry, I'm going to write to Azkaban that we need Hagrid back because he was wrongfully imprisoned.
God bless. And suddenly um the door busts open and we see Lucius Malfoy standing there completely livid and Dobby is trailing behind him. Lucius is very upset that Dumbledore had returned to Hogwarts Dumbledore tells him that the attacks have actually stopped and that he was begged by the governors of the school to come back.
They're like, Dumbledore... We need you. um and And it is then and it is then said that several of them were um blackmail practically blackmailed into suspending Dumbledore. And they believe that it was you that did this.
How about that, Mr. Malfoy? Um, he is very livid at this and Lucius asks, we'll have the attack stopped. Who was it? And Dumbledore is like, it's the same person who did it years ago.
It's Voldemort. um And he pulls up the diary. And while this is going on, Harry is... has a close eye on Dobby, who is making a lot of gestures and faces.
And is pretty much pointing out that it was actually... Lucius Malfoy the was the one who slipped the diary to Ginny, along with the rest of her books at Flourish and Bots.
Mr. Shady. And Harry pretty much accuses Lucius of handing Jenny the diary and... Mr. Malfoy denies it and he acts very shifty.
um Then he decides to leave and Dobby follows behind him. um And very quickly, Harry wraps the diary in one of his nasty, slimy socks and hands it to Lucius. Lucius unwraps it and throws the sock down to which Dobby picks the sock up with a very thrilled expression.
Master has given Dobby a sock. Master has gifted Dobby with clothes. Dobby is free. i love him so much.
handing Dobby, by Lucius handing, inadvertently, handing Dobby an article of clothing, he had freed Dobby from his services.
the greatest trick that Harry could pull. So Lucius is livid at this and Dobby disappears and Lucius...
struts away harry had attended several feasts um exams were canceled to everybody's joy hagrid had returned to hogwarts and gilderoy lockhart was removed from the staff and once again gryffindor wins the house cup wonder how wonder how that happened And I put in my notes, whoop whoop!
The last bit of school goes smoothly. nothing out of the ordinary happens, finally. Um, as Defense Against the Dark Arts has been cancelled for the rest of the year, and Lucius was fired from Hogwarts.
Thank you. um So, on the train back home, um Harry kind of remembers um something and he proceeds to ask Jenny um what exactly she caught Percy doing.
And she proceeds to tell them that she caught him kissing his girlfriend, Penelope Clearwater, um in an empty classroom. And Fred and George are very delighted by this piece of information um and definitely won't tease him about it.
real. um And the book ends with all of them walking back through the gateway into the Muggle world. And that is the end of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
Yay. Yay. So, moving on to our first impressions. um Tom Riddle, because he's he's the only one that...
He's the only character that we really need to talk about. and We took kind of talked about him a little bit, but we wanted still wanted to bring him up in these later chapters because he comes into more play here. um Ambitious.
Yes. Ambitious, determined to get what he wants through any means necessary. Very manipulative. um Professional gaslighter. Yep. Professional gaslighter.
um Definitely puts on, I would say he definitely puts on a facade