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A Fun-Size Artpop Talk

E105 · Artpop Talk
243 Plays1 year ago

This episode is a mini Artpop Talk! We bring you two art news stories, but we also give you the highlights from Gianna’s bachelorette party weekend! This story has everything… head trauma, taxidermy, drag queens, and more!

To watch Yatika Starr Fields' video, click HERE.

For more Artpop Talk, click HERE.


Introduction & Episode Theme

Hello, hello, and welcome to Art Pop Talk. I'm Gianna. And I'm Bianca. Today we are Art Pop Talking as usual, but we're making it post-size. That's right, we are dissecting two Art News stories, Lightning McQueen style. On our mark, get set, Art Pop Talk.
Hey, hey, hey. What up, what up, what up?

Personal Catch-up & Lightning McQueen Moment

So when I put Lightning McQueen in our document, all I could think of this week was Kachiga, Kachiga, Kachiga. That's how I'm feeling physically and mentally is we're just Kachiga-ling along until we hit spring break.
Bianca, that's exactly, yes, that exactly is exactly how I feel. That's probably why it's been stuck in my head. Thank you for making that make sense. It's just physically my entire body is just exhibiting Kachiga energy.
I am, yes, 1,000%. I'm so glad we're on the same page. Totally. It's like I knew we were on the same page, but we have literally not had that much time to really regroup you and I since I last saw you. Literally is the last time I saw or spoke to you was a party that feels like
forever ago at this point which is a little literally okay yes that was literally two weeks ago which is crazy because um the past two weeks has felt like an eternity it's true an eternity and also not yeah no it's just i i've been having a lot of fun i mean we're gonna get into the matra but i've been having a great
February into March, I just need to stop now. That's all. Stop now. Yes. So in light of the Kachiga energy that apparently that's what we're calling it, you might be wondering. It's giving Kachiga. It's giving Kachiga.
You might be wondering or you might not be wondering at this point why today is a fun size mini episode today.

Busy Spring & Mini Episode Check-in

So it could be because I am still hungover from drunk Josh thoughts, which I hope you all enjoyed.
also talk about Kachiga energy because I edited that bad boy and in like a lightning McQueen fashion. So that was a hot mess of a fantastic episode. I hope you guys enjoyed it. And it was also quite possible that I am having, you know, residual hungover energy from my amazing bachelor party.
which is where yourself, Bianca, two freaking weeks ago. And I swear to God, that's probably the last time we spoke. It feels like it. It really does. So while all this is, you know, very much true, the spring, guys, is just it is just an extremely busy time. It's a busy time for fundraising. So it's a busy time for my
other job that, you know, fortunately, unfortunately, you all do not have to bear witness to. But we didn't want to miss another week without checking in with the class, as they say. It's true. It's true. And I think everyone, you know, has just been chomping at the bit to get the battery cap. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, we could not miss a week without doing a battery cap. So
I just want to say this recap would not be possible without made of honor of APT, Bianca Martucci Fink. If you are interested in using Bianca for all your batch needs, use code batchbitch. That's batchbitch by sliding into APT's DMs.

Bachelorette Party Highlights & VIP Perks

This has been thought for your thoughts. I'm your host.
Jess on Jess on Jess and cue Gianna. One thing I thought was interesting from the batch was that a couple of people told me they forgot
what it was actually like to just be together with a group of people like this again. And it just felt really refreshed or kind of like a reset button almost. And I guess I definitely felt that way over the batch. I just can't remember the last time we really had a nice girls trip, so I just really appreciated
that weekend, everybody involved, especially Bianca for doing all the wonderful planning. It was really I think just such a much needed like weekend and I don't think that I realized how much I needed it until I was there. Yeah, I mean, I think I'd been working on it for so long. And
the hype like it lived up to the hype of my spreadsheet you know what I mean like oh oh my god this is gonna be great like this is gonna be great this is gonna be so great and everything was so beyond great and
I cried when we all left because I was just like, we just got here. We just got back into a room together and now you're telling me that everyone has to leave? That's rude. It just was so nice to see everyone and have everyone back together again.
I thought it was perfect. It wasn't my bachelorette party, but I hope you felt the same way. No, it was so incredible that I have excellent highlights.
in that I'm going to give to the art pop tarts in Gianna fashion, which is just kind of vague and humorous enough to where I think you guys will really appreciate it. Sure. So let's dive into it. So first up,
APT cousin and fashion expert Juliana Poro got hit in the head with a basketball at a club. Suddenly, our group gets to go to the VIP section, boosting my ego like no other. I think that we are just hot girls getting VI treatment.
The IV treatment. The next morning, I find out the club manager saw the incident and saw our gaggle of bachelorettes. Head trauma saves the day. Thank you, Joel, for taking one for the team. And you know, that incident got us a nice VIP section. And thank you all for letting me live in ignorant, ignorant bliss for one night, thinking that I was just so hot that I was getting special treatment.
which was not the case, it was to cover the club's ass. I just have to say I think it was both, like we clearly got special treatment everywhere we went because like, I don't know if y'all saw the pictures but like, did you see our group? Like, Jesus, like,
but it was just the cherry on top. I just love, I love that it was Juliana and I can't explain why. Like if anyone else got hit in the head with a basketball at a club, which why there was a basketball in a club, like there's no time to get into in this episode, but I just think it's like perfection. Like,
Okay, so moving right along next highlight, our drag bus was BYOB. Did we know this? Did I know this? I'll say I did not know this. But the other bachelorette party on the bus with us sure did. Dressing up as different Johns, because this bride's fiancee name is John, their dance moves literally
literally shook the drag queens to their very core. I have never before seen this in my life, to the point where both queens had to tell the group to get off each other's shoulders on the moving vehicle and sit down. Bianca, I know time just went by so fast on this trip, but to my knowledge, it was not even five o'clock.
Even so, even if it was, we were way too sober to witness what we had witnessed.
Well, yeah, I mean, I had an edible. I had an edible as well, but it did not kick in. I was in too much shock that I got so worried that it was bringing down the group, so I was feeling
I was like, is everyone having fun? Is everyone having fun? Is everyone having fun? Because the other group was
It sucked the they sucked the life out of out of everyone like a fucking dementor like because they just they literally they they soaked up all the energy that the bus had to offer and then put it into their own bodies and spit it out in the form of these dance moves that I will never again see in my life.
Bianca again just perfectly described I have never seen someone suck the life and soul and joy out of a drag queen before which is you know you are it is a you have a special power if you have a special power if you have the capacity to
take away from the performer's moment. I was shocked. I was shocked. Yes, my edible had not kicked in. Had it maybe it would have been a smidge more entertaining, but we were just not on the same level as this other group.
So it was funny. Bachelorettes in the wild folks, you know, sometimes sometimes you are just not on the same page as other people. I hope they're alive today.

Unexpected Male Review Show Experience

I, I sure do as well. I'm not sure.
Okay, next highlight, Hunkomania. So I don't know if anyone listening on the pod has ever been to a male review show before, but neither have I. So my thought at least, I don't want to speak for the group, even though I have our thoughts.
in our document is that it was going to be like the theater. It was going to be like art. There was going to be a stage, kind of like a burlesque show. This was not the case. As we walk into what was basically a small bar, I started to contemplate my life choices and the small set design, which can only be described as a tacky lodge with a giant taxidermy moose, which as we all know is literally my greatest fear.
Do you know that I wasn't thinking about the taxidermy when we got in there. I think I was just too focused on the like, are you kidding me? I was like, there's a moose here. There is no stage. I was concerned about the stage not being there. But I forgot about the moose. I'm so glad I was not the only one that like walked up this like weird staircase into this like upper level like small bar situation and was like, um,
Like, I thought there was gonna be a stage. Oh, no, we all thought there was gonna be a stage. There was this giant catastrophe of moose on the wall and I was, they sat me down right in front of it. I mean, but that's where you had to go. Like, we didn't have a choice. Like, you had to sit there.
But then like 30 seconds later, you probably forgot about the moose, right? I did, I did. There was definitely some others that happened. Yes, so yes, yes, it was an interactive show. And no, I will not be saying more. Shout out to Black Diamond.
shout out to Black Diamond, our dancer, which we befriended afterwards, which I asked him, I said, Black Diamond, I thought this was gonna be like a stage situation. He was like, Oh, yeah, he goes, most are like that. But this one's not. But honestly, aren't you glad we got this one?
I'm so glad. Honestly, it was a very lovely experience. And all of the like dancers, bartenders, employees of Hunkomania, we love so yes, shout out we stand we definitely stand and RBF black diamond. And I do want you to know that everyone
has been asking about the bachelorette party and I've given this recap to every person in my life. My work friends, my group here in Boston, everyone in my life has gotten the recap and I just need to say everyone loved it. Everyone else had a good time hearing this story as well. That honestly brings me so much joy. I truly live for the recaps.
And yeah, I live for the recaps. So excellent bachelorette. Bianca, am I leaving out any highlights? I feel like I was trying to pick the most humorous ones. Also, I will say, just to give you all a little visualization of the other bride on the drag bus, is that she dressed, everyone was dressed up as a John, right? Like John's from history. John's from pop culture.
But she specifically decided to dress up as John, her fiance, when he was a little boy. Why?
I just don't understand. I was just like, I was dressed like a hoe to the mask. I was all in white. You weren't dressed like a hoe. You were dressed like a hot bride. Yeah. And I was just like, oh, we are not on the same page. You're just a little boy.
You could have dressed up like your fiancé, John, in any era of his life, and you chose to dress up as him when he was a little boy. Why? So many small moments, too little time to give credit to them all, making in total one fabulous weekend.
Right, but I think I picked out the good ones, you know, jewels, almost concussion, taxidermy, moose, and little boy bride drawn situation. Little boy bride. That's what we should have called her. We started calling her cargo shirts because she was wearing cargo shirts and we didn't know her name, but I wish we could have called her little boy bride.
We can't put that in. It sounds like we're mean, girl. Just call me Hailey Bieber and Kylie Jenner over here. Honestly, I feel like such a mean girl. Didn't get that out. No, we're not being mean. She was just like- She was a fucking worst. I'm not cutting this out. It's funny.
Actually, I do know her name and I can't know why. Why do you know what's her name? Maybe you knew her name this whole time and you didn't tell us. No, because I don't want to mean grow her. I don't want to call out her name on the podcast. It's so mean. Okay, you can tell me later what her name is.
Oh my god. Okay, we're gonna move on. We're moving on. Okay. Okay, so because this is a fast and furious mini art pop talk, we are not going to break, we are going straight into it. So for today's mini art pop talk,
We are going to bring you two stories, one for myself, one from Bianca and Bianca, I think I will do mine first.

Artist Spotlight: Yattica Star Fields

So again, because today is a mini episode, I thought it would be fun to do a little recap on one of the artists that we've had on the podcast before. We don't always get the opportunity to follow up with all the amazing people we've had on the pod.
So it's nice to be able to bring everyone listening on the podcast just a little highlight of what these incredible people are doing. So Yarrica Starr Fields recently shared a short film that he was a part of in collaboration with the organization Rising Hearts, which is an indigenous-led grassroots organization committed to the
heart work in elevating Indigenous voices, promoting and supporting intersectional collaboration efforts across all forms of movements, and cultivating community with the goals of racial, social climate, and economic justice, particularly
Their vision is for a socially economical and environmental just world where all who inhabit her are safe and empowered to thrive while realizing our collective potential as our organization has grown and evolved. We, Rising Hearts, focus as much on the importance of movement at the intersection of running and sports to help fundraise
for and elevate topics, events, and issues we fight for and celebrate. If you go back and you listen to our conversation with Yattica, one thing that we absolutely love about him and crush so hard about is he always talks about being a healthy artist and how important being healthy is to his work. I also just think this is a nice story to highlight
what artists do kind of outside of what they are known for. If you know Yatica, you do know that he definitely identifies as a runner and that I think is an equally important part of who he is just as being an artist is. But it's kind of fun to highlight what artists are doing and collaborating with other organizations outside of simply the art part.
This short film is called No to Run and it represents the opportunity for gaining knowledge, carrying the knowledge and implementing what you've learned and best respectful practices into our lives to be a good relative to ourselves, to each other and with the land. And I just thought that was just like so lovely. So let me read you all the description of the short film as well that Iotica shared.
Quote, when representation is everything, it can make a difference and have a profound impact when community is included in spaces that lack inclusion and diversity. This short film, Note to Run, featuring Yautica Star Fields, an indigenous runner, artist and advocate, is a recipient of the GU Energy Labs and Rising Hearts 2022 Western States Endurance Run,
WSER race entry. The exclusive and mainly white race is a hundred mile long ultra marathon. Yautica is the vessel and indigenous representative that helps bring a better understanding of the land and people who first carried for it and still do. The film celebrates all the first first land acknowledgement and first indigenous made poster because Yautica did create a poster for this marathon, first indigenous runners panel.
and continues its kinship into 2024. The no-to-run discussion will hit on themes of, quote, what are land acknowledgments and what it means to go beyond their importance, the inclusion of local Indigenous communities, being a part of the conversations, making the running an outdoor community a more accessible and equitable place, and what the consultation process looks like. The WSER is a shining example of how to create more pathways to cultivate community
in meaningful and sustainable ways. So this is a really kind of small and specific story, but it's always fun for us on our Pop Talk to have
an example of how the things that we talk about in arts and the called actions are happening in different areas of interest in different kind of modes of expression and sports being one of those. I think anytime we can talk about like the intersections of arts and culture and sports, we always kind of try to hit on that because it is a little bit harder for myself to have an entry into that world because
sports is not necessarily something I am particularly a part of. It's not a method of entertainment that I consume a lot. But just like art, sports has a lot of similarities in terms of entertainment. But we love the way that Yautica uses sports and a healthy way to advocate for
himself, his work as an artist and to be a healthy person and to just like carry on that message. And I feel particularly like in this week of Kachiga, Kachiga, Kachiga, he's always just such a nice, healthy reminder. He's such a breath of fresh air. Honestly, it's like completely intoxicating. This is just art crush at its finest.
Oh, definitely. No, it's a it's a really great little short film. It's like 10 minutes long. We'll link the YouTube for you in the show notes. Definitely go and check it out. I really loved the way that the whole even those 10 minutes just came very full circle in terms of the land acknowledgement, bringing Yannick in to do the poster, how art making practices are a balanced part of his life, like you were saying, Gianna, and also just
What I loved about when they showed the land acknowledgement is how that actually relates to the run. Showing the runners run on the land that they're acknowledging. It was just a very, a very lovely and very kind of in your face moment to see why land acknowledgments matter. I feel like sometimes we can get a little distant from them.
the way that they did it and showed it in the video was really just so beautiful and so meaningful. And I hope everyone kind of carries that even just as a
you know, watching it on YouTube can carry that with them wherever they go. I thought that was really lovely. And then just seeing Yautica run 100 miles, you're like, oh, it's a 100 mile run. Like, absolutely. Just watching the run in itself, he ran for 26 hours.
And that seems short to me, like, if I was running 100 miles, it would take me more than 26 hours. That's nuts. It is I mean, even aside from what the like short film was trying to encompass, which was again, this land acknowledgement aspect and using yadaka as this vessel for opportunity and for acknowledgement, right? And because yadaka encapsulates
these different intersections that you know this marathon is trying to bring to the surface. It's the it's the actual endurance of it all and just the utmost respect that I actually have for that because I feel like Theban for example like loves a good challenge. I am a just scarily polar opposite and I feel like it's
this kind of like endurance, this like inspiration that I actually need in my life, because sometimes I feel like truly Bianca, I just cannot be bothered. I think it's fair to say that most people can't be bothered to run a hundred miles, but Yattica is such a special person and the way that he approaches different challenges in his life, in his art is really just, I mean, it's so beautiful to watch and
Yeah, like it's just it's amazing. Yeah, I hope everyone exactly just understands why like little stories like this. I mean, we, we want to be able to follow up with all of the artists. But gosh, when I saw this, just like, yeah, adding to my obsession. Yeah. 100%. We absolutely adore Bianca. Do you want to get into your segment?
Sure, so a very different direction here.

Art Heist & Pink Panther Gang Discussion

I've got a little art heist news for us today. As reported by Art News, Dutch police have identified the culprits behind a heist at last year's edition of the European Fine Art Fair
or TFAF as members of the so-called Pink Panther Gang, a notorious criminal organization from the Balkans, has been active since 2001. I was looking for art news stories, saw this about a heist, and then all of a sudden there's a Pink Panther
art heist gang that I didn't know about. And apparently there's a movie made about them from 2013. Like, what? The Pink Panthers are an international jewel thief network responsible for a number of robberies and thefts described as some as the most audacious in the history of organized crime. Am I getting pranked here? Like, I like I know is it April Fool's Day? Is this a real story? I don't know. It could be like that satire piece that you read and like
EP lit, and you don't know what satire and then you feel like an idiot later when you get your paperback. Right? Like, did you get this like from the onion? I'm
yeah true yeah so the organization could have more than 800 core members other outlets said they could have like 30 to 100 members i don't know so yeah wikipedia says that many of them are ex-soldiers with extensive military backgrounds
and the organization was named by Interpool after the Pink Panther series, obviously, of, you know, comedy crime. Quote, sources surrounding the investigation have connected the Panthers to the crime. It says, Dutch newspaper to telegraph. Though the crime remains unresolved beyond the connection to the gang. So that's the other thing. I was like, wait, what? Like, no one has been charged? Like, they don't...
There's no one that they can really identify besides like, oh yeah, this is the work of Pink Panthers. And then this article said, this news is a vindication for Dutch detective Arthur Brand, known for his work recovering stolen artworks and antiquities
who voiced his suspicion that the gang was involved in the weeks after the June 2022 heist. Is this vindication for this detective like no one has been caught? I'm just like struggling to understand. The Pink Panthers are known for their bold daylight robberies, posing as well-dressed customers and then acting with precision to quickly make off with millions in stolen jewels.
Other thefts have involved crashing cars into buildings, as well as the in 2003, following a theft of a 500,000 pound diamond from a jeweler's in London. And supposedly the thieves hid the diamond in a jar of face cream, which actually mimics a scene in the film Return of the Pink Panther.
And in May 2005, Graf, which is a diamond specialist in London, was targeted by the group and lost over one million pounds in jewelry. Three men were suspected of being behind the theft.
one of them was in possession of a firearm. Graf had been targeted in 2002 and lost 23 million pounds on that occasion, 3 million of which was recovered two years later. One of the thieves was sentenced to 15 years in prison in 2004. So this $33 million heist
at the time was the largest heist in British history, making off with 47 pieces of jewelry. A decade ago, the Guardian estimated that the Panthers had made off with a total of 330 million
euros, which is like 422 million pounds in stolen or dollars. Sorry. The currency is going back and forth in these articles in stolen diamonds and jewels over the course of 341 thefts. And then that like this article says it's 200 to 300 operatives, or it could be a core group of 30. Like it just it seems like I'm getting punked here.
At TFAP, last year the robbers wore suits with newsboy hats and carried guns using a sludge hammer to smash display cases before making off with their loot on electric scooters. This is fake. Oh my god, I'm going to be so embarrassed for this.
The most valuable piece in their 10-piece haul was a necklace with a 114-carat vivid yellow diamond that's estimated to be about $29 million, a British company investigating the crime for the jeweler's insurers,
had denied that the figure is actually that high, but it can't be a small number. So there's a pretty high reward out for any information that leads to the return of the jewels, but the black market value for valuable stones leaves prospects for their return din.
Detectives working with Interpol and Europol recently recovered one of the stolen pieces, but not the yellow diamond. The news of the Pink Panther's involvement comes as TFAF prepares to open its latest edition and first to take place during its regular dates, which, you know, had been thrown off, I guess, because of COVID. One of them during COVID times was a really big super spreader event.
The New York Times reported that the fair is beefing up security measures in the week of last year's shocking incident, adding metal detectors at the entrance and requiring visitors to check their bags. Why there weren't metal detectors last year is kind of beyond me at an art fair, but who am I to say? Despite last year's crime, art news says TFAF will still welcome 200
and 70 dealers offering a wide range of art, antiquities, design, jewelry and antiques. The London jewelry dealer was the victim of the heist and declined an invitation to return at this year's fair. I don't know what to think about this story, but I thought everyone should know that seems to be a real life Pink Panther group out there. It is giving
like Oceans 8 Energy a little bit, but like the Sandra Bullock women version. Right. It is interesting, like in terms of the coverage, it seems as though all the reporting is mostly coming from the jewels that were stolen, the dollar amount, that type of thing. It doesn't mention, because I feel like with some of the art high stories that we have, we have people who are like,
held kidnapped, we have a lot of security guards who are involved or we are able to get their actual perspective, like an interview perspective from someone who was essentially held hostage in a museum. This is giving none of this, which I think adds to the, is this real? Back door.
Yeah, interesting. It's real. I mean, we love a good high story. So and also, you know, like, by all accounts, and for all intents and purposes, I did research on this, I just want you to know, I actually put work into this, like, I just like, like, it sounds like I'm making it up.
It sounds like you're making it up because you're still convinced that this is not real, that energy is feeding from this side of the computer. I just don't believe in the work that it is. There is still a way to recover from this story and it is some sparkling diamond art news. Oh my God.
the biggest cultural reset of my life, I must say. Truly, truly, I needed it. So, of course, Moulin Rouge has been on Broadway for quite some time and they have had no shortage of just talented people play these roles, but freaking Jojo. Jojo. Jojo.
The JoJo, too little too late JoJo. The JoJo, the Aquamarine JoJo will be playing Satine. It's true and I must go. And it's true and I must go. She looks incredible. I shared, I hope everybody saw it. I shared it on APG's story. She came in for a little wardrobe fitting.
and just absolutely stunning. I'm so incredibly excited for her. I just absolutely love it. It feels like my childhood fandom and my adult fandom collide, which is just perfection. I sang Come What May at karaoke this weekend. And let me tell you, that is not a karaoke song whatsoever. Yeah, that's kind of a long one.
It's not long. Did you sing it as a duet? Yeah, I did. My friend Miku signed me up. And she was like, I picked a song for you. I was like, oh my god. She's like, don't worry, it's not Gaga. And I was like, wait, what is it? And they had a whole ass list of songs from Moulin Rouge and
Obviously, everyone knows I love my language and I've come with me like tattooed on my body but it's got one name and we're in like this like little divey cute karaoke bar and
It was like, I was like, are people even gonna know? Come on, they just so awkward. Like, not in my range, not a karaoke song. Did you get through the whole thing? Or did you get like going off the stage? No, no, no, no, no. There wasn't a stage per se. It was a, it was a... Was there a taxidermy moose behind you? Booing you off the stage. No, I did not get booed, but it just...
It was so funny. And you know what, though? Like, she's totally right to sign me up for that because at least once in my life I would have had to sing Kamo Mae karaoke. And now I did it and I can move on and just know that that's only meant for Bianca in the shower or in the car when she's alone. And the vocals are turned up way high.
Um, also funny story. So I, Theban and I went to a benefit this weekend for a nonprofit in Tulsa and it was a like trivia night was kind of the like entertainment part of the benefit.
and it was pop culture and it was like bubble theme. And so one of the pop culture questions and I had a picture of Moulin Rouge and it said name the actor, actress and director. And when I tell you I shined at my table.
Oh, hell yeah. So I did a pretty good with this trivia. My table definitely did lose, but I feel like I get a lot of trivia anxiety, but I feel like I actually did very good. I definitely made up for my drunk Josh Thott's trivia. Oh, nice. Well, that's not a matter. That was nice. So good. That's the way. No work.
Well, that was a great little update, little mini episode in there for you. We do have some exciting episodes coming up in the month of March. We have two very special guests who will be joining us for Women's History Month. We're super excited to have them on, so definitely look out for that episode. And happy Women's History Month, everyone.
Oh my gosh, yes. Absolutely. Happy Women's History Month. Nothing like a Bachelorette recap to celebrate the month. Truly, truly. Well, don't forget you can like, follow, subscribe, unsubscribe if you wish. Art Pop Talk across your social media, artpoptalk at You can email us for our website. Got some merch on there. Make sure you got your little stickers, little magnets and
Gianna, without further ado, I'm going to kachiga myself out of this recording here. Yes, I do need to kachiga myself out of this recording, but I do love you and I love everyone. Thank you for listening. I hope everyone has a great Women's History Month and we will talk to you all in two Tuesdays. Bye everyone. Bye.
Art Pop Talk's executive producers are me, Bianca Martucci-Vinc. And me, Gianna Martucci-Vinc. Music and sounds are by Josh Turner and photography is by Adrian Turner. And our graphic designer is Sid Hammond.