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Drunk Josh Thoughts

E104 · Artpop Talk
248 Plays2 years ago

You know him, you love him, you're a big Dischordia fan... that's right Josh Turner is back for a special episode of Drunk Josh Thoughts. Gianna and Josh talk about... a lot of stuff... and then Bianca attempts to play a trivia game with them. You can also watch this episode on our YouTube channel.

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Introduction and 'Drunk Josh Thoughts'

Pop Talk, Art Pop Talk, Art Pop Talk, Art Pop Talk. Hello, hello, and welcome to an episode of Drunk Josh Thoughts. This is very special episode of Josh Thoughts. And it's your first time on camera. How do you feel? Oh, that's right. There is a camera. There

Day Drinking and YouTube Encouragement

is a camera. If you are listening on a podcast, please go over to YouTube and
and watch our tragic video of us actually day drinking. If I have to be honest, because Josh and I have very busy schedules and you know, we came in from Tulsa today to have this content, but all I've eaten today are like cookies and it's definitely two 30. So breakfast of champions, breakfast of champions. Make sure you watch the video. You

Chainsaw Juggling Joke and YouTube Reach Discussion

will miss our chainsaw juggling if you are only on the podcast platform. So, um,
I feel like we're gonna disappoint everyone with no chainsaw juggling content. Well, I did blow that, didn't I? Well, it's okay. You know, you're just trying to get people to go over to YouTube and to also bump up our views there because it's like... It's the reach, right? Five people, I think. Perfect. Good. What are you drinking, Josh?

Josh's Drink Choice

I'm starting off with some whiskey, ginger ale,
bitters and a bit of lemon juice. I'm sure there's a name for it, but it's a nice easy goer. I'm going to have you put our alcohol on one of the many music devices in here. We've got a few.

The Pump Organ Story

So before we started recording this video, Josh got very upset with me and snapped at me because I was like, Josh, I really like this piano. I really
think that's like a nice moody like Josh background. So we're in the music studio. This is like where like the Josh musician magic happens. And he was like, Gianna is like, it's not a piano. It's a pump organ. It's a pump organ. Yeah. Please tell us. I was offended. I just thought it was pretty. You're right. That is that is absolutely accurate. So this is a pump organ. My grandpa owned this pump organ. And one of my cousins drove it down here.
because I really wanted it after he passed away. From Minnesota? Yeah. Yeah. I really wanted it after he passed away, and I got it. I didn't know how I was going to get it. And my cousin was nice enough to drive it down. It's really nice. It doesn't really work, though. It's just for the setup. It looks great. It sounds great when it did work when I first got it, but then it kind of quickly went out of commission. Is there, like, how do you fix a pump organ? Like, what's the issue with it? Well, so the way it works is you've got these pedals down here, and you
pump air into the organ with your feet manually and then you play the keys and then if there's a leak inside like somewhere in the way the air passes through if the air escapes and the air is leaked out before it gets to its destination then it just doesn't work and that's what the problem is so I think it is fixable but it's a pump organ so it's hard to get out of the house and say take to a
local pump organ shop in edmund oklahoma yeah i know that guy so uh yeah oh yeah pump organ joe that's what they call it yeah yeah no he's a good one yeah this episode of drunk josh thoughts is sponsored by pump organ joe shout out to him he's always been there for us um well as always josh we like to give you
topics on Josh thoughts that we know that you can actually respond to because we know that we set you up to kind of fail with Josh thoughts, but we just kind of want to know what's been happening in your life for our Bianca and I call it chitty chatty. And

Concert Experiences: Lingua Ignota and Matilda Musical

it's become to the point where we might need chitty chatty music from you. Oh, great. I don't know if we haven't had you on a while and like you've been doing so many cool things you want to go see
lingua ignota in person, IRL. And so I wanted to hear about that. So let's start there. I have many discorded updates for star pep talks. But let's start there. How was that? That was good. Although in just general life, my mind is entirely dominated right now by Matilda.
because I'm playing bass in the Matilda musical. Oh my god, Josh. Yeah. I am so mad at myself that I didn't put in that question. Thank you for bringing that up. Of course. So please remind everybody about your 9 to 5. Yes. OK. So I'm a band director in a local district here, an OKC metro area. Doing them proud. Yes, of course. Putting this guy into the universe. Yeah.
Yes, wholesome content for students. But I teach 6th through 12th grade band, mostly focused on percussion. And a few years ago, because the high school I teach at is very successful in the drama department. And a few years ago, I started getting involved in the musical productions that they do and playing bass in the orchestra pit, which is way
better than playing percussion because although I love playing percussion there's so much stuff and I get to watch the people that do play percussion like lug down 15 things with like all these trips and like awkwardly set up and I just carry out my one bass and I'm like see ya and it's great because I've never gotten to do that in my musical life it's always like me lugging all this stuff and taking 20 trips so it's nice um
And this year the musical was Matilda and we had our first rehearsal with the cast last night and it certainly happened. Oh, that was so lovely of you to say. Yes. And it was and it will be. Yes. Yeah. I mean, the time that it started happened and the time that it ended also happened and
So that gives you an idea of how it went. Okay, so lingua ignota, how was it? So if you haven't gone to see some of our, or listened to see, listen to see. Listen to see.
If you haven't gone to listen, because this is primarily a podcast, one of our Gosh Thoughts episodes, was it our first one? That was the first one. Our first one we were really talking about. Bianca still lived here. No, she was just back during COVID. Also, speaking of Bianca, yeah, she's not here if you haven't noticed. Maybe, I don't know. Yet. TBD.
Where was I? Yes. Linguine Noda. Linguine Noda. Previous Josh Thoughts. First Josh Thoughts. First Josh Thoughts ever. Excellent content where we really get into the metal of it all. That was a great episode. Dissect that artist. I think so too. Yeah. So like fantastic episode and you went to go see her. Was that your first time? It was. Yeah. Solar in Dallas. Yeah. And so she had, you know, if you go back and listen to that episode, you can
hear and understand about what really influenced this project of hers, Lingua Ignota, because her real name is Kristen Hader, and you can really listen back to what influenced this Lingua Ignota project and how it came about and where she kind of drew from to write the music that she wrote. And if you ever listen to it, I mean, the music itself is just devastating and powerful and just soul crushing.
she announced recently that she's going to be wrapping up that era of her career. Wow. Interesting. Yeah. And because it's been, you know, and all the trauma she's been through, even like the first trauma she experienced or the, I guess, I don't know about first, that's not the right way to say it, but like the trauma that really influenced the start of the project and then even more after that,
She said before she said recently that like, you know, she it's been helpful and cathartic to just put that out there and process it, but then reliving it over and over again by performing and by writing new material based on that isn't healthy. And so I think it's really awesome that she's able to like
in a place with success and sustaining her career that she can say like okay this this aspect is going to be done and I mean her entire fan base was I think had the same reaction of like great very happy for you can't we see what you do next that's so cool yeah do you feel like that aspect because there are very like deep topics in metal and I think like you know the stigma is all it's all like
death and devil, right? But

Mental Health and Metal Music

it's because that's not a media I consume very often. It's interesting for me to listen to you talk about an artist in this industry talk about how her work is traumatizing. And that's cathartic. But she's also setting that boundary and being like, this chapter is done for me, like, do those conversations about that trauma and like kind of mental health, like, in this, like, in that part of like the music industry, like, does
What am I trying to say? Like, does that happen a lot? Is that? Yeah, I would say it does. And especially because it became pretty well known after Lingua Ignota was very well established and very well. Oh, no, this is a drug episode. What's our birth policy? I was going to let it rip it. I was like, wait a minute. No, I can't. That's rude. This is a classy podcast.
When you burp, you drink, how about that? Cause we haven't set any like drinking rules. Oh, it's true. Yeah. Like anytime I say piano, it's a pub organ. I have to drink. Right. Yes. But all that to say, there are constantly conversations about like, you know, mental health of the, the within the metal community and musicians and all this. I think I would say that over the years, and maybe this could be, I formed an echo chamber for myself, but that's,
a lot of more positive talk than you might think from, you know, us knuckle dragging metalheads. I just think, yeah, maybe from my exposure to it via you, what I have experienced as all of your relationships and your stories just seem like very, very healthy, like overall, like Discordia has been such like a healthy and like lovely experience that I feel like I don't have the stigma of how
this metal community has been for you but it is such like a niche thing that we do talk about on the podcast and i do feel like our audience really isn't exposed to this kind of art or this kind of community either so to listen to you talk about one like a woman artist in the genre and also publicly talk about this ending this chapter in her life and also publicly talking about mental health within the metal community i just think is really cool yeah yeah i also wanted to go back and just talk about how
her music is kind of defined. And I think kind of lift the veil of just like mysticism of metal. And we've talked about this, but I think it's always kind of nice to revisit it, like when we do have Josh on. So when you Google Lingua Ignota, she comes up as a multi-instrumental artist, a non-classifiable artist, or a multi-disciplinary artist. So what do you need to explain? That's all pretty straightforward.
It's a pump organ. I feel as though she's a pump organ. Okay, what I was gonna say is I feel as though all those things are like the same and also not the same and like have you heard like from her mouth like how does she like describe herself in her art? Because she also puts on this like persona also so I feel like there's her and then there's also lingua ignota you know. Yeah oh yeah for sure and and the
I just am now realizing I talked a lot and didn't even tell you how the show was. It was great. She was good. I also didn't think, I guess, here we go. We got into some heavy territory, and that was all good. We're getting it out first while it's still appropriate. Yeah. Well, actually, to link to the question you just asked and how the show was, it's helpful to talk about
because she did two sets that night and one was all like traditional folk kind of like gospel songs which was really cool and like I think she did Poor Wayfaring Stranger which is a really common one but then she did a lot of other ones that were in the same vein
And, you know, like stuff kind of like, I shouldn't do this song, but stuff similar to like Down the River to Pray, like stuff kind of like that, like very old roots, Southern gospels type stuff, which is a really interesting theme in her music because throughout her whole career and all her albums, there's always kind of like a liturgical,
theme and so I think like leaning really hard into that for this first set where it's all kind of like you know old gospel songs but she was doing them you know in her style where like her singing voice is incredible and she's so expressive with it but then she would also she's on a piano where she would just put a bunch of junk inside the piano and
We had Josh's thoughts on John Cage. We talked about him a lot. And he was a- He would also be mad at me for not knowing what a pump organ is. No, he would. I think John Cage might've been the nicest person that's ever lived. I'm sad I was four when he died and I didn't get to meet him. What a missed opportunity.

Lingua Ignota Concert Details

Right, right. Should have had him on. Damn. But she, so it's called prepared piano. I was going to do that where you kind of like take the piano strings and wedge
like random metal objects in there. So when you hit a note, instead of hearing that note, you see this weird kind of clanky buzz or something like that. So she would just toss a bunch of stuff in the piano, kind of said a few things and then play the piano as normal. But then singing these old gospel songs with this piano just kind of like
Like attitude. Yeah, attitude. The piano sounds like it just lost its mind. And so it's really, really cool hearing that. And then she did a set of all her stuff after a brief intermission. And the show was at- Did she meet her? Did she just meet her? She didn't like come out? Maybe I could. Well, I was in Dallas and I had to do, I don't remember where to have the next... Here we are. I love you so much. I drank so good.
I don't remember what I had the next day, but I had to drive back after the show from Dallas that night. Did you go by yourself? Yeah, I love that. Yeah, just like
don't know like why i need to like applaud you for that or like why i have such a hard time doing things by myself but i just like love how like you are into lingua nota and you just like drove to dallas and went by yourself like i just think that's so cool like my short do stuff i do have a question for you because i was talking with a art pop-tart clarititis who we've had on the podcast who's an artist and sculptor um but she was talking about how she is part of the beehive she's like in a
Beyonce stan all the way right so she was talking about how she really wanted to get tickets for the Renaissance tour and she was talking about how much money that she would willingly spend on you know to experience
Sorry if you heard that beat. To experience music the way that she wants to experience what she loves and I feel like Bianca and I talk about that a lot and how much like how much realistically would I drop on Lady Gaga tickets? Like I would drop some money for that. Like what what is like your limit on
on money for a concert. That's a really good question. As much as I love Lingua Ignota, she's not like my do or die favorite artist. I will do anything. I would say if Tom Waits announced a show that was like, hey, I'm going to play this show in Alaska, and there's 16 tickets, and also you have to take a ferry to get there. Sorry.
I pay almost any amount. If you said name an amount, I'm like, all right, cool. We're selling the house. Let's do this. You would have said, thank you. And here's my money. Right. And just anything, whatever. So if Tom Waits does anything before it
I was gonna say before he dies, but that's very sad. He's in his 70s and he hasn't had a show since 2012. So like if he did have a show, it would also be like when are you gonna perform again also. Yeah, so that one is I would pay almost any amount and like you could name an amount and if I had it, I would probably pay it. Other artists though, I mean like some of my favorite metal, well, I don't know, it's kind of weird because my question for
for someone, like the fandom I guess I'm a part of is weird because like one of my all time favorite bands, I got their posters up in the room over there at Gorguts, like I would pay so much money to see them on almost any capacity, but also my band opened for them.

Discordia Band Updates

Like I got to go then, I got paid to play for them. I love that. Yeah. And I feel like that's what I was talking about with Clarititis again.
interviewee that we had on the podcast, because I feel like there is this idea that maybe that is like a very kind of like privileged or like, maybe like shallow thing to spend money on or
go ahead that like there are some people that maybe couldn't understand why you would spend like let's say a grand on tickets when you could spend that money traveling but it i feel like music is such an integral part of our lives and it's come to the point where
concert experiences are so experiential and so why wouldn't you want to spend money on that and some people value that just as much as they would traveling or like people just like to experience life differently yeah and so I mean if you are like hardcore part of that fandom and if that's what you want to spend your money on like I just think everyone's limit is kind of different and so yeah I don't know but you could spend a grand on a concert just like easily with like travel and the fit and
because like Josh, don't you like playing your outfits like when you go to a concert, don't you like get a new fit? Sorry, it took me a bit just to let you know like the fit, what are you? Ah, okay, yeah, yeah. The fit, you gotta be cute, you gotta cut yourself a new black pair of jean shorts, I'm assuming. No, I don't. The ones I did about six years ago, they're fine still, so. Right.
fact about Josh if you ever go see just Gordia he is always wearing the same pair of shorts yeah or pants it's pretty cool that our last show so I was wearing pants but yeah like several years ago I was like you know what like these it's summer it's hot I'm gonna cut some short jean shorts that are black and it was great so much freedom of movement but also on that topic I guess of like
different it just the fandoms it just it varies a lot which is what we're kind of talking about um tomorrow i'm going to see oh tonight tonight tonight i'm going to see um my favorite string quartet oh cool
10 years ago when I was in grad school at OU, I got to see the Miro Quartet perform a three, the Razimovsky Beethoven quartets. And if you know about the Razimovsky Beethoven quartets, obviously, which everyone does, obviously, like they're sort of, they're almost, I think, they're one of the many pinnacles in the string quartet genre. They're incredible. And I got to see the Miro Quartet play all three of them in one night and it was
I am so sorry. Is that what people want? I didn't know. Do you get really burpy in here? I didn't know either. This is really embarrassing that this is happening on a medium where lots of people will hear it. I'm going to keep it. I didn't think that that was a thing for me.
But it is today. And so I need everyone to know that Josh has three beers, one can of ginger ale, and his drink on a drum pad right now. It's a very cute little setup. It is. Very on brand for Josh. I got that drum pad in 2002. Just like your jean shorts. Yes. Anyway, I'm not going to drink all of that. Maybe. We'll see.
Yes, like, so 10 years ago in grad school, it was unbelievable. It was, I still constantly think about that as like, that's one of my highlights of seeing live music, watching these four players play amazing music. And it was like, it was like all four of them had one brain.
And then I saw recently that they announced a concert that they're gonna do at OBU in Shawnee. So we're gonna have to Shawnee tonight for a free concert. Like it's free. It's awesome. So once again, like that's the one that I would pay a lot of money for, but it's free. Yeah, I love it. Exactly. Yeah. I love that. I just thought that was an interesting question. And I like that question. Part of the reason we were talking about that was because we were watching the Grammys on last Sunday. Did you watch the Grammys, Josh? I always watch
at the Grammys, is that what you said?

The Metal Scene and Grammy Critique

Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Yes, because we all know you're really into that, like, mainstream pop culture. Absolutely. Right. Absolutely. Yeah. How was the mural quartet play that night? They did. They did. Okay. So you're not really like
That's all I'm saying, so if you didn't tune in. Okay, I just need a little update on Discordia before we get into most of this episode. I just want to know, like, what have we all been missing in the underground Oklahoma death metal scene? Like, we just need an update on our favorite dad band.
Yeah, so we tend to go pretty quiet throughout the fall. I get very, very busy with work in that season of the year with, you know, just kind of what the demands are for that time of the year for school music. And so we don't do it too much. So our first live performance was, our first show was this past
or a couple of Fridays ago, Saturdays ago, I don't know. It was two weekends ago because it's Jameson's birthday weekend, wasn't it? That's right, yes it was, yes. So I went straight from birthday party to death metal show. Day in life. Yeah, exactly. Dad Metal, like you said. So that was our first live show in a while, but we did quite a few shows last summer and it was awesome because our last times really getting out was 2019.
And so we couldn't tour 2020. We could have toured 2021, but it was still very just.
Hard call to make at that point, since we have to plan quite a ways out. So getting out again was really awesome. Getting to see some people that we had not seen in a while was awesome. Play with lots of bands we've played with many times over the years in other states. Fantastic. So that was really good. And then our new album was very well received. And the artwork was heavily complemented, of course.
The episode is biased because Gianna did artwork. And it was awesome. And there's a banner hanging up over there in the room. Do I get one of those banners? I thought we gave you one, do we not? No, I bought a t-shirt. You did give me a CD. I was shooting it. I need an album though too. Oh yeah, we'll give you a vinyl when I come in. You're still not in yet.
When they're in, we'll give you a vinyl. When is this supply-shortened situation going to be over? I feel like everything. And when I'm talking about...
paper like I have to order like invitations a lot like for my 9 to 5 and there's like a still an issue with like paper goods and I know so I'm really over it because I really want my discordant vinyl yeah it'll be in soon we'll get you one uh we talked about getting new banners or more banners so when we do we'll get you one yeah we'll hook you up yeah um I guess I'm kidding obviously um I'm not sure
Yeah, so we're also heavily in the planning phase and the writing phase for the next album. Oh, you are? Yeah, we always kind of are cycling ideas and discussing things, so it's out there. What are those ideas? What are you discussing? Can you give us an inside scoop? Sure, yeah, why not?
Well, so our next album, we're thinking like, we want to go and just, I'm gonna keep it very vague. We want to go like somewhat of a lunar theme. Okay. And I think that will leave a lot of room for, well, there's just, there's a wealth of creativity you can have in that theme. Yeah. And I, since, you know, I tend to direct the lyrics, I will
dive a lot into anti-capitalist leftist scum themes so that'll be that'll be what it what's gonna be i'll figure out a way to work it in isn't that what the last album was though yeah it was well three of the songs maybe more of the songs yeah
yeah so for so triptych was all about like i feel like how did you describe it to me on the wheel of capital yeah yeah just like being chained to the wheel of capitalism but also realizing that you're not chained you're holding onto yourself because that's your condition to think that's the only way yes yeah so that's basically the same vibe
Yep. Yep. Yep. Cool. But more creative, different creatively, creative. Yeah. Soundscape for it. Yeah. I like the kind of lunar ideal. I feel like, what am I trying to say? Like,
with the different like chapters of triptych and it was all kind of like a circle of life it was kind of like cyclical this is kind of giving me that same vibe like i feel like there's always kind of like um like a story that kind of like loops back around like lunar is kind of giving me that yeah yeah oh absolutely because we we we work best i think when we have a
topic or a story or a concept we can work off of because our ep before triptych binge purge it was it was kind of all in the yeah i'm sorry i don't know why it's like when you said gore gore gore guts i was like really trying to keep it together i'm sorry i noticed that i clocked that
But the- You can't say gorguts like nonchalantly. I guess that's- When I am drinking. That's a thing that I- It's a weird thing for people with my kind of fandom of like, oh yeah, totally gorguts. Or like, I would just casually like not even think about like, oh yeah, blood incantation. Yeah, totally. And people are like, what words did you just say? Or I'm like, oh yeah, that new dying fetus album, killer.
And I just, I think that's totally normal. That one man. Yeah. And like, that's totally normal, but I kind of forget because I only think about it when I'm discussing with like-minded people, but then like, if I just talk about it to someone that doesn't. No, you know what? Like I want to be like cool. And like, I want to like show you that like, no, like I can vibe with like gorguts, but like, we all know that like, I'm not cool. I'm just like, I'm a death metal poser over here. Or am I not cool? Am I the weird one?
I don't know, I think we're too, I can't speak for you, but I think I'm getting a little bit too intoxicated to really hash that one out right now. Love it. So, but back on the general underground metal, Oklahoma local metal thing, like you were asking about, you know, I mean, I'm kind of, I'm a suburban dad.

The Sanctuary Venue and Community

of just by default so I don't always stay connected to like you know what the hip youth are doing but I do want to give a shout out to like to the sanctuary which is a recent place they're about a year old now I think they started about February of last year so I think they're about a year old now and it's a really really cool venue in Oklahoma City
It's on 10th Street, close to the fairgrounds, like 10th and May-ish. It's kind of like the general crossroads. And a really cool place. I think I've been there many, many times now. And every time I go there, my big takeaway is that there's always a lot of young people there, which is cool. I don't know who any of them are. None of them know who Discordie is. None of them care. But they all go to this place to just like have a good time and be invested in like
just cool local stuff yeah which i think is really really cool because i i'd see some kids there that i'd like and maybe you know i might chat with you know some some bands that just played or just some people i see there a few times and like i i discovered a lot of these kids are like 18 years old like even younger than that or like i i'm pulling up as like kids are hopping out of a van because their parents are dropping them off and they go inside right so i think it's really really cool that there's this place that like
people know they can just go to, have a great time. And there's signs posted all over the place, like, you know, like, if someone's being a creep, tell us. If someone's being a creep. Right, I was gonna say it sounds like a very, like, established, like, safe environment for, like, people of all ages. Because, like, what was metal, like, for you? Because, like, you've been, you were, like, very emo in high school. So, like, what was, like, from the pictures I've seen of, like, high school Josh, like, it was a little, it was giving, like,
not like it was very not like panic of the disco emo no it was it was very hot topic yeah early 2000s hot topic which is my vibe like what was it because i didn't know anything i was a suburban dork but like what was it like trying to like experience metal music when you and you know in oklahoma when you were in high school like was it was it a safe experience did it even exist like do you yeah and and and you know i i can't say too much about it because there are people that you know
were going to shows all the time at that period. And I was only going to like a handful of shows here and there. So I can't say I like had my finger on the pulse at that time. But there I do remember going to some shows in the rock and roller rink. Yeah.
Love the rock and roll rink. Get out of here. It's a stupid basketball gym now and it doesn't exist anymore. It was a roller skating rink and it was like 50s theme and it was so cute. Well, I think because they have a venue and I think it was called like the racket room or something like that. I went to see a few shows there and like, yeah, I see these like punk bands and I guess I did kind of just a little bit so.
I see these kind of local punk bands, basically just friends of mine. I saw a couple shows there, but I wasn't going to all the shows out there. So, hard to say. I just remember thinking that too, when I just think of some other kind of experiences in the Oklahoma community, when I would try to go see drag shows.
in high school like there was one place where I could go see a drag show being like under the age of 18 and then like even then like trying to find a place where you could go to see drag shows when you weren't 21 and it was just kind of like I don't think those environments were unsafe it was just like more difficult you know yeah yeah well yeah and you know I think no matter where you go there's always there's always a bunch of dummies and but I think I've never been a place in Oklahoma where it's like this is
This is unsafe or whatever and because 1 place has been around basically forever for Oklahoma metal or kind of DIY is currently 89th street.
previously the Conservatory, previously the Green Door. Maybe some before that too, but that would have been before my time. But that place has been a long time. And like, it's funny to talk to bands like all two were around the US and yeah, all two around the US and discover like, and just chat with the band from
Tennessee or Utah or whatever. And they, you know, one of their members played the conservative. Utah medal. I'm sorry. I just think I hope it's like some good, like, more main content. I just pulled that standard. No, we've only played Utah once and it was it was weird. Fun, but weird. Yeah, so a beautiful state. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Driving into Salt Lake City was just like, this is incredible.
but but the conservatory slash green door slash whatever you know it's been over the years
was always infamous for the horrendous state of the bathrooms. Oh, sure. And so, you know, it can't really stack up to the bathrooms you all discussed in your bathroom episode. Great episode, by the way. The bathroom episode? That's still one of our favorites. That's a great one, yeah. I just think what an interesting space the bathroom is, right? So the old consortatory bath, actually, maybe they would fit, but like in an anti-way.
um because they were notorious for being disgusting anyway so uh some good liquid sounds over there sorry so um that's always been a great place but then so the sanctuary i think i really feel like is is like the place right now where like if you're a kid oh sorry you all right yeah sorry i killed the bottle it's a little strong pretty yeah um should make some whiskey to take the edge off
Do you need to mellow that rum out? Yeah, right, totally. But if you're a kid in the Oklahoma City metro area and you just want a place to just, you know. To chill the sanctuary. Yeah, to chill. Because they have local vendors, they have artists there, domain at the sanctuary. And wide-range of shows, hip-hop shows, pop shows, like shoegaze, emo, metal, of course. So all big, big range of shows. But yeah, they'll do these kind of periodic
local artist showcase type things. And I've got some cool stuff there. But then one of the coolest things I love about the place.
is that by day, it's not a metal venue or a local music venue. By day, it's like a curio oddities shop. Yeah. And I could spend every cent I have in this place. It is so cool. All of like the knickknacks and like kind of odd things that you, you know, I think I kind of like antique stores for just kind of, you know,
pass by all of the the general antiques that you'll find anywhere and then find the weird little things like like that stuffs i love and that is just that is what this place is packed full of so the the day store the name is beloved bones so i would encourage anyone in the oakland city metro area any art pop tart our words is hard um art pop tarts ourselves to fail with what we call our consumers of
I think it's a great name, but not when you've had a lot to drink. I have. I struggle with this. Like I feel like yeah, it's as a chronic mumbler. I can appreciate that. Yeah. So thank you. But uh, so the the play setting is awesome. Anyone who's interested in kind of like, just
generally interesting art, generally kind of off the beaten trail kind of stuff. Like you can walk in there and just like your eyes go wide with all the cool stuff like behind us. Yeah, we do. I got this candle holder there. It's very cool. And a couple like little vase things that I absolutely love. I don't know what this is, but I got it there and it's cool.
I don't know, it's like you could put like some kind of very tall, maybe reeds in there. Is it ceramic? I think it's just a maze, Josh. Yeah, ceramic. Well, yeah, but like it's so, like the shape is so, it's very tall and there's a weird face on it. That's cool. It also makes a cool sound. You can't deny that's cool. That's very cool. Josh is also very into sounds. Yeah. My prized possession though, from the sanctuary slash blooded bones, probably this crystal ball.
Who does not like a good crystal ball? I love that you have a crystal ball. I also was like a little like candle is a fake camera down there When it's dark, it looks cool. It's like like it is now it would be underwhelming my leg to touch the crystal. Yeah, yeah That is such a sick solid hunk of it's a crystal ball anyway
it is heavy yeah it's a crystal ball i don't own a crystal ball so i'm not well versed in yes crystal ball knowledge yes but so this is premium content it is so um podcast all new listeners are missing out on crystal ball content yeah some chainsaws love it really fits the vibe of the um not piano the the pomme borgen excuse me how jerry forget the name of the pomme borgen um okay so
I think that kind of wraps it up for Josh Chitty Chatty, so I think we need to get into the Josh thoughts.

'Josh Thoughts' Segment and Pop Culture

it all. So like in a normal Josh thoughts, we asked Josh what his thoughts are on general pop culture, art happenings, things that I know a lot about things that he's an expert about. So we really just set him up to succeed for these segments. In the later half of this episode, we are going to be conferencing Bianca in because as you've noticed, she's not here. She does not live here.
I don't know where she is or like, where does she live? Like, she's not here. I thought she was like, we know the room. Do I even do this podcast with her? Did she even exist? Like, I have no idea. So I was going to ask a question that would go completely off the rails. I'm not going to do it. We know you have to do it. Yeah, you're right. Um, what if you just discovered that someone you thought was there the entire, your entire life just wasn't
I don't like that. I'm not sober, not for that question. I don't like that at all. No, that really freaks me out. All right, let's move on then. Okay, I will have to move on. So Bianca will be conferencing later on to ask us some fast and furious trivia questions, which is probably not gonna go well. So definitely stick around for that. But before that happens, Josh. Yeah.
I need to know your thoughts on a couple things. Yeah, I'm just sitting back so that my expertise can just flow out. Okay, so how do you feel about mummies getting canceled? Those bastards had long enough. And for all I care, they know what they did. They know what they did, so they deserve it. They deserve it. What is it that they did? You can't just do that. You can't just do that.
You can't just do what though? What mummies did, right? Like be alive at one point? Depends on a lot of things. Let's be honest. Name one thing it doesn't depend on. I was really happy to ask you this question. Now I'm even happier. Yeah, good. They know what they did. They deserve everything they get. They should be canceled.
Mummies, get out of here. What about the content surrounding mummies? What are we gonna do? Sarcophagi. The content surrounding mummies generally gauze and sarcophagi.
So let's get those out too, right? Is that what we're talking about? Let me ask you this. Does Brendan Fraser have to now be canceled for being affiliated with Mummies? No, because he was fighting Mummies. He was the original charge in this. So he's our champion. That's what we're talking about, right? Okay. Because he was fighting the Mummy.
Yes, who did the original mummy fighter, Brendan Fraser. This is facts. This is history. Yeah. So he's our hero. Of course. Actually, I will say Brendan Fraser is like everything. So yeah, he could never be canceled. I don't even joke about that, actually. Yeah. Okay. Well, I feel as though I want to provide some context, not for Josh, but for anybody else listening. So apparently, we're not allowed to say mummies anymore. Because they know what they did. Because they know what they did. Get out of here.
So there was a recent CNN article that came out that I thought would be perfect to talk about for Josh thoughts because I feel like my social media is very targeted towards obscure art news stories, which is how I provide content for the podcast. Josh's social media feed probably looks very different, but I did see on CNN
that museums are essentially rebranding ancient Egyptian remains, saying that museums are pushing for the term, quote, mummified person, or to use the individual name to emphasize that they were actually once living people. The new language will help to break away from the, quote, supernatural conspiracy, legends and myths about mummies. Ah, that's different from what I said.
okay i understand now oh my god i might be dying i don't know what that like wheeze was um i didn't think that was interesting because like that's great museums like get on board with like doing something with your collection of human remains but also i think this goes back to our conversation about should museums be even having human remains and what does it look like to actually have bodies on display so you can talk about how like
I just think it's interesting that museums are wanting to get on board with cancel culture and being like all PC now like oh hey like don't say money mommy anymore guys it's it's mom but like you have a fucking body on display and like now you're like telling me all of a sudden that like I'm not being politically correct by calling it a mummy where it's like I'm not sure that we're actually handling these human remains properly and that
you didn't obtain it properly? Yeah, should you have those or should the people that it means a lot to have those?
human remains back to their original burial site or to that original population of people and then that original population of people can tell me how we should define them. Yes. I just I understand that with museums and educational institution comes knowledge and growth and like I want to be like amenable and respectful to that of course like I do want to learn from these institutions but there seems to be kind of like some hypocrisy about this that I'm just I can't I just don't know if I'm on board with. Yeah.
Yeah, and I had not heard about this, shockingly. I don't know if you could tell by my response that I had not like... No, you seemed in the know, it's fine. You did good. I nailed it, I thought. You nailed it, yeah. But I do... We're about to actually conference Brendan Fraser in to talk about how he feels about it. Seriously? Our hero! And also, maybe a bigger point here, I'm saying that very sarcastically,
they're saying like we want to get away from this supernatural mythological thing why not lean into that that's badass oh that's badass interesting point interesting point tell everyone your museum is haunted you'll get so many more people i guarantee it so
I just don't even know how to segue from that, so I'm just gonna ask Josh another question. Hard left. Hard left. Skirt. Have you watched Kunk on Earth? And it was really funny because I was talking about the sun.
our pop talk the other day, I think I called it Chunk On Earth. You did, I noticed that. I was like, she just called it Chunk On Earth. I did call it Chunk On Earth, and I was completely sober. But, sorry, go ahead, go ahead. No, but I thought it was kind of interesting because Bianca and I were talking about mockumentary content, and I know how much you love mockumentaries, and also Josh really likes dry British humor, I feel like you consume a lot of British humor.
and so i feel like something like a mockumentary really comes from british humor and so i want to do your hot takes on if you'd watch like kunk on earth because that actress and i'm sorry i cannot remember her name because this is drunk josh thoughts was on that like dark satire with ricky martin ricky martin
That's definitely, that's definitely it. It's definitely Ricky Gervais. It's definitely Ricky Gervais. Gianna's brain's not really working. Oh, I love that. She was on that dark satire with Ricky Gervais. Yeah, there's no comeback from that one.
It's all right. It's all right. We needed that. About like death and like mourning the loss of like your loved one. And so that's how I first noticed her. But I didn't know if you consume that since I feel like just like your hot takes on documentaries.
Well, I would, I'd like to. Pretty smart. That was, like I said, we needed that. We needed that. We needed that. That was great. Yeah. That was great. Yeah. Well, Ricky Gervais kind of, that guy sucks. I don't like him. Do you really not? No. Oh my God, can we talk about this? Well, he was like, just, I think he's such a prime example of the guy who can just bash trans people in his standup content.

Comedy and Satire: Ricky Gervais and 'Kunk On Earth'

and then say, no, no, no, no, I've got trans friends, it's cool. And like, oh, and my trans friend said it was okay, it was fine. And it's not an outright bashing in his standard material that he does, but it's fun at the expense of. In a big way. The same way.
in a lot of ways like Ricky Gervais's perspective on comedy in the same way Dave Chappelle does in terms that everything is nothing is off limits. And I feel like if we're talking about also the comedy in a comedy routine talking about trans people, the same thing happened with Dave Chappelle. Like what are your thoughts? Yeah, I think it's
i totally get the idea of like nothing's off limits it's just comedy it's a joke and there's a time and place and there's a space for like we can take a heavy topic and have a laugh yeah but i think there are like and i can't be the one and no one person can be the one to say
these things you can't do that with, these things you can't do that with. It's just, it's so like, there's just no way you can, you can, no one person can do that. So I think it's kind of whatever. But I think there are, people don't always understand how easily comedy can normalize. And I think someone like Ricky Gervais or David Chappelle normalizing or give someone who already has like some maybe
either explicit or implicit anti-trans bias, like even that person doesn't understand how hearing a joke about it can just reaffirm and cycle and just like strengthen an anti-trans position and say like, oh yeah, that's funny. And like, and then they cycle jokes. And then it's just, then it's all about like, okay, now it's trans person that didn't really
have like a voice to begin with maybe just because just you know um in the whole in the whole scenario just like is now marginalized and and and the butt of a joke once again right and James Acaster like he's he's an international treasure um under the British comedian um has a whole thing and in one in his last um big stand-up special that he did um sort of how like
you know, oh, I've got this edgy, you know, challenging brand of comedy. And, you know, if you don't like it, then you can just not listen, whatever. And he's like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's great. You know who's long overdue a challenge? The trans community.
like yeah like do you like i don't know yeah so so i think that kind of summed up my thoughts pretty well with with him with that kind of take on it was just like i get it like i i there are a lot of things that i laugh about that you know some some some off-color jokes that i think are right you know i might say yeah it's just a joke and that's why i think it's so touchy but personally
I'm not going to consume Ricky Gervais stuff. I'm not going to bash anyone that does, but that's my opinion. Interesting. So those are my thoughts on it, since I was asked to expound upon it. You were. And I appreciate that. No, I think that was a very eloquent thought. I'm very impressed with your...
with your thoughts because I clearly am really not holding out on the fort here. Apparently I just want to talk about Ricky Martin content. That's got to come up so many more times. Amazing. Drink every time you say Ricky Martin. But kunk on earth. I have not watched too much. I have not watched almost anything yet.
There's a few clips here and there, but Adrienne, my beloved wife and photographer of ATP, talked, or she mentioned it to somebody and said, and turned to me and said, I think you'll really like this. And she was absolutely right. Yeah. I watched a few clips. I was like, that's brilliant. Yeah. And her interviews with people, I want to dive more into those because I don't know anything about her background. I just saw some clips of like, this is hilarious. Yeah.
reminded me a lot of Ali G, the Ali G show. Oh, like those, that was like peak, like satire brilliance, I thought. I figured like when I saw it, it was the satire of it, I felt like it was right up your alley. And I love, you know, I love the whole kind of idea of like this satire, like Planet Earth S kind of show. She starts and goes back to like,
cave paintings, which is really great. So she expands upon like first civilization, and then it just builds up from there. And just talking like just hilarious, the whole time. It's good. I'm looking very much forward to consuming that. So it feels though. So that's great, right? We're getting like a taste of the satire. Kung on Earth kind of lends itself to kind of like a drunk art history kind of satire, I feel like so it's kind of giving that. But it's not quite
like a mockumentary I feel like in in the kind of specific content that I've been craving which is something that is like parks and rec esque office esque within some kind of art space like yeah it'd be great to have like a Michael Scott gallerist or yeah an auctioneer can you imagine the chaos oh it'd be great like glorious when you all were talking about on your last episode I thought that was that was
I was visualizing it and it sound yeah like I mean like him up on the stage giving like when he was doing the speech thing for that big Business conference whatever was Oh Dwight's white when he pounding his fists But then Michael like trying to do the borrow speech and feeling miserably like if he was doing that as an auctioneer like I
like the wealthy new york elite of the auction house and he goes up and he's like he's trying to imitate an auctioneer but it's just gibberish because he can't actually do it right and he's just like hey but i'm five dollars sold for negative two cents exactly exactly and everyone's just like
I'm like this close to quitting my day job and to like committing to this. Because if you tell me that I have something here, I will just, I will just do it. I will back you with my teacher's salary of four jelly beans a year. Oh no. Um, I do have a question actually about a little bit more about your day job later. Oh no.
Sorry, there's horrible disgusting noises, I apologize. I cracked it open like a badass if I do say so myself, and then it immediately started fizzing over, so we're good. I really love it. Nothing spilled. The people listening to this on audio just getting all these like liquid sounds. We've drove up so many chainsaws and they have no idea.
Well, also, okay, on Kunk On Earth, she compares mummification to Gwyneth Paltrow spa treatment, which I thought was really funny, just to give you a teaser, if you haven't watched it, of some of the satire in there, because I kind of feel like that's on point. I know what that means. Are you not a consumer of Gwyneth Paltrow's health and wellness? I mean, I like Gwyneth's spa. It's nice.
Do you want to come to my bachelorette party and go to Spa? You don't want me to come to your bachelorette party. I feel like I would actually love every day to my bachelorette party. I feel like that would be so much fun. You said you have Phoebe in there in your last episode. Bianca said that. I wanted to do like everybody. But then it was just like... Side note, since you talked about the bachelorette party in the last episode, good episode. Thank you. I want to give a shout out to say I am so excited for Phoebe's bachelor hiking trip. Yeah.
That's going to be the highlight of 2023 for me, probably. And the wedding, of course. And the wedding, of course. But I'm so excited. Should we? I feel like we should ask you, have you been to a bachelorette party before? What is your experience with that? What do you feel is the point or the contemporary point of a bachelorette party? What is it? What can it be?
I like the traditional bachelor I say traditional as you all pointed on the episode It is a very recent thing like it's not like you will have like centuries of you know This is how this developed or whatever, but I don't like the I guess stereotypical you might say bachelor party now I don't I can't say anything like that like The stripper and you're gonna go bar hopping and you're gonna whatever But I
Oh, I don't know. My bachelor party experience is very limited. Mine was great. We played drinking. Well, no, we did laser tag. Oh, fun. Awesome. I had a blast doing that. Kino, who has asthma, I felt very bad for him because they get the fog going. Right. And he was really struggling with the fog and running around with the...
right he was really struggling i felt very bad for him i remember like coming around the corner and he was like like leaning down like i'm told for this man yeah but are you okay and he's like i'm fine i remember our 20s at that point so it's just like we should be totally fine but uh i felt very bad for keena that day um but laser tag it was awesome we went back to my best man's house adam bruce um and we just like you know just basically chilled out like i had a very low key had some viewers i'm like
whatever, just hang out the next day. We got to play golf and then went to the wedding. So that was cool. Do you play golf? No, at the time I did, occasionally. This is not giving. No. Like I play golf. My views on golf now are it is a extremely exclusive white privilege.
Bullshit game. Golf is the worst. Every golf course in the world should be shut down. It's a resource sucking parasite, the game of golf.
What did you just say? Exclusionary resource sucking parasite. Golf is trash. Golf is trash. Next to Squirties song. Hell yeah. Golf is trash. Done and done. I love it. I'll do some great artwork of a golf course with the devil coming out. I think purely just the game of it hitting the balls. It was fun.

Fashion and Met Gala Discussion

Sure. I had a great time at the bachelor party. It was fun to do at the bachelor party. Yeah. I love the way that Theban described what he wanted for his bachelor party. And part of the reason why Theban wanted to do something separate was because
he was saying when when is the next opportunity I'm gonna have to just be able to like sit down with like my future brother-in-laws and my brother and my best friend you know what I mean and just like Phoebe is really into like getting to know people and like having those like deep conversations and I feel like you guys just like in the middle of the woods just kind of like
getting into deep conversations. I just love that. And I love how like I will be doing the exact opposite.
but it's like to each their own like and i just loved how like what his experience was was just different from mine so it did make sense to just do different things and to just have that kind of like bonding time i just thought was like so so awesome and like you love hiking like the event thinks he's like a woodsman which is super cute and i just love it well come back in one piece it's gonna be great yeah i cannot wait
I'm so excited. It'll be great. I'm so excited. But, you know, we've got a lot of stuff to do. I've got to work on my mockumentary and I don't, you know, so we'll see what's going to happen with that. Okay, segueing, my terrible segue into my next question for Josh. Yes.
is, what did you think about Doja's stunning outfit at the Hakator Summer 2023 Schiaparelli show? I mean, she looked amazing, didn't she? Oh, I mean, if you are talking about Doja and the fit at the, at the, I mean like,
What can you say about it, right? Because, let's say it on three, right? Let's say it on three. Here we go. One, two, three. She was... She was... She was literally stunning. I was gonna say that too. She was literally stunning. I was gonna say that too. And she was literally sparkling. Yes. Obviously. I was not gonna say bad or canceled.
And those were not equal outcomes in my mind of what this might have been. Right. And she was wearing, um, the dominating color of... What? Jerrrr... Jewel Green. Jewel Green! Of course! We all remember Doja's stunning look in Jewel Green. Yeah! That will go down in history. Thank you. Thank you for... Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Amazing. Those are my thoughts and...
like that fit was uh was the fit of all fits right before we conferencing Bianca we do want to talk about the Met Gala theme so i would like to talk about Karl Lagerfeld a line of beauty tell us your thoughts Josh i love lines i've always been a fan and if they're beautiful lines like a line of beauty i'm in
So as soon as they announced that, I was like, here we go. A line of beauty for me, a lifelong line fan. Hell yeah. Sign me up, Carl. What do you love about lines the most? They just go, right? Name a line that doesn't go. I'll give you time. Go ahead. See, you can't. I cannot argue with you lines in terms of, you know, like,
first point perspective, third point perspective, like they just keep going within a visual sense. Like lines are very important. Yeah. So, so when, and especially if it's a beautiful line, a line of beauty. And I'm like, Carl, this is classic Carl, classic Carl. He's always like lines of like the lines, like you just, so
I look at Karl Lagerfeld stuff and I'm like, oh, those are those lines I love. Lifelong fan, lifelong fan. So I'm in it. I'm in. I 100% that 100% support that for the for the Met party. What about the fact that he was like a terrible person? Do you still support? So to provide a little bit of
Context oh wait. Yes. Yes. Yes Yes, okay a controversial designer So, you know, he's a designer for Chanel and Fendi and also has his own line. Yes Chanel aside has a very interesting history with you know, it's relationship to Coco Chanel and which he reps but aside from that and Fendi my knowledge of Fendi is Austin Powers based
Tell us more. So there's a scene in Austin Powers where, um, number two is offering Austin Powers a, you know, like a briefcase full of money for, you know, Austin Power things. I haven't watched Austin Powers in so long. It's so good. I know you mentioned that. And I was like, yeah, I love it. I love that you brought up an obscure pop culture reference. So I want you to tell me more. So there's that scene. Oh man. I've only seen, I haven't even seen that third one. Like there was a third one.
I saw the first two and just loved them. Yeah. Quality content. Should we go watch Austin Powers after this? We probably should. I can't drive home, so. So you have Austin Powers.
Like there's a deal being done where like number two is given the briefcase full of money. We'll give you however many dollars for whatever we're going to do. And Austin opens up the briefcase. We're on first terms, Austin and me. And he like thumbs through the money. It's funny because he like just thumbs through it and listens to it. He says like, you're 800 something dollars short. Baby. He probably says that. And Mr. Powers, I have a business proposition you might find very interesting. In this briefcase,
is $1 billion. You're $832 short, baby. I had to buy the case. Ah, so in essence, I'm buying the case.
But what if I don't like the case? It's a nice case. No, no, it's a lovely case. It's a Fendi. I like the case. I don't like the idea of not getting a choice in the matter. I mean, here I am, I've got this- All right, I've had enough. And number two is like, well, I had to buy the briefcase. It's like, well, it's, well, I don't, you're short the money. It's like, well, no, it's a nice briefcase. Like, I know it's a nice briefcase, but like, you shouldn't be short that money. Number two goes, it's a Fendi. It's a nice briefcase.
I love that you are putting this so much. And then Austin Powers goes, I just don't like that I didn't get a choice in the matter. And that is my knowledge of Fendi. Amazing. Literally amazing. That makes me so happy. I feel like I'm going to write that whole thing on your tombstone now. I love it so much. That brings me so much joy. All right. Well, I'm glad that's going to be on my tombstone. What do you think about the Met Gala?
host because they were announced. Oh, right. Yeah. So this is, I mean, this is a big one, right? Cause it's all, every year, every year people are like, okay, who's going to be the, the Met? It's actually once every five years. Like I said, right. It's every year. Okay. Nice. You were like, I would have believed you. You could have said any number. I would have said, yep.
But anyway, yeah, so we're always waiting for the hosts. And it's always like, okay, oh, this year it's finally, it's Austin Powers and we're happy about it, right? I would love an exhibition that was actually honoring the aesthetic of Austin Powers. Kind of womanizer though, let's be honest. Yeah, I mean, not all the jokes were winners. Satire. Yeah. Satirical. Satirical. A Satirical host. You're probably welcome.
Well, I actually don't really have any thoughts about the host. They're just celebrities who are hosting. And I don't have any hot takes on it. That sounds lame. Yeah. I think, well, yeah. Yeah. We've got a sports person. We've got an actor, actress. We've got a singer. Yeah. I don't know. Just celebrities being celebrities, right? And I'm just bitter because I'm not invited. So. You know what? For me, you are cordially invited to the Met. That means nothing to me. The Met hang. The Met. The Met hang. Yeah.
What am I going to do with you? All right, everyone. Well, again, I don't have a segue into our little bit of a break. I'm just going to end on that disappointing note of Josh Watts and the Met Gala. Did I not provide for the Met Gala? I thought that. I thought I nailed it. You got the red carpet and the shirt.
It's not always red. Imagine a jewel green carpet and then ninja cats just like rolling across it like just getting all sequined on it. Like right? Please don't. Imagine that. Please don't give me any shit for saying Ricky Martin when you just said ninja cat. What did I say? You said ninja cat. What is that? What is it? It's nothing. Her name is Doja Cat. You're right. You're right. One all.
All right, so we are going to take a little break. And when we come back, Josh is going to do much better because we are going to play a Fast and Furious trivia with Bianca. So we'll be right back. Welcome back, everybody. And we are joined by Bianca.
How you doing, Bianca? You have missed a hell of a Josh thoughts. It's going great. As you can see, I cannot provide you with context right now about the crystal ball, but when you listen to this episode, when it comes out, then you will have context. Yeah, I honestly, I don't want any clues because I'd rather just listen to it like a normal listener. Honestly, I feel cool right now because I feel like a guest and that makes me feel fancy.
um i'm so sorry i second time party fell second time this episode well for yeah one for josh one for me yeah okay we'll see even now i am gonna put it in a glass so because i'm a classy lady yeah yeah let's be honest crystal balls need no explanation
I'm not sure about that. I feel like I needed an explanation about the crystal ball, but I love that you have one. Thank you. Thank you. That's all I need. I need no explanation about you having a crystal ball. And that's all I need. There it is. All right. There it is. There it is. There it is. I don't need context clues for Josh having one. No, absolutely not. Another person, perhaps. Perhaps, but it's on brand for Josh, right? Good.
Yes, 100%. Yeah. If that's my legacy, I'm good. Crystal balls. I don't know what it is that you are going to do with us, but I would suggest that you start now. First of all, Bianca, what are you drinking? I am drinking some Earl Grey tea. Oh. How much whiskey is in it?
If no one listening knew, because I've told every fucking person in my life, I am on the tail end of hole 30, and it leads up to Gianna's bachelorette party, so I'm gonna get
nice at Gianna's bachelorette party because Andrew is not doing reintegration the same way that I am and he had two beers the other night and was down for the count. That's awesome. That's why I feel like it's like it's very sad that I've had like two like rum and cokes and I'm like... Well that second one was... The second one was
was hefty. I almost reached for the crystal glass, the crystal ball, as I was getting a drink, but that's not it. Bianca, guess who we're also joined by? Luna! Come here! Luna, come here! Luna, come here! Hi! There we go. Oh, hi Luna. You want to ask Luna some trivia questions? She won't snore at you.
Luna questions. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Hi Luna. Oh my gosh. Well, I think this is crime time to ask you guys some questions. I mean, you're fully ready.
Okay, so I'm gonna ask you guys some trivia questions I have a
10 questions and a tiebreaker if we need. You guys are playing against each other. So at the end of the day, whoever answers the most questions, right wins. You also have the option to steal. Well, I definitely listen. I try. I I wanted to to make this as fair as possible. OK, I'm excited. So you'll you'll under you'll understand that. OK, OK. All right.
So, uh, to see who gets to go first, um, Josh, you might not get this, this reference, but I wanted to ask ducks or clowns. She doesn't get it either. Ducks or clowns. Oh, ducks or clowns. Is this a friends thing?
It's a friend thing when he thinks it's like on the coin, I think. It's ducks or clowns. They're trying to flip a coin and he's like heads or tails. And ducks is heads because ducks have heads. He's like, what kind of scary clowns are at your birthday party? Ducks or clowns? Dibs or ducks?
okay well so that's my head wait okay okay because because shout out to oh like who goes first like you're actually yeah okay okay I chose ducks because shout out to bird note the daily podcast about birds I listen to I just thought that I got the point but I guess not no that's the okay
All right. Well, it landed on tails. So if, Gianna, you were clowns, you were tails. Ducks have tails. Hell yeah. I go first. Go ahead. Ask away, Bianca. It's not coming any further. OK. All right. So you're going to have 15 seconds to answer the first question.
Okay. Hold on. After the 15 seconds, can I steal? Yes. If she doesn't get it, then you have the chance to steal. Okay. Yes. Okay. First question, Gianna. What is the name of Lady Gaga's male alter ego? Can I steal? Yes, you can. You have the chance to steal.
i'm going oh you know who it is it's um nope nope no no no no your time's up your time is up no you know who it is it's um it's um you're trying to joke piano
Pump Oregon Joe. It's Pump Oregon Joe. It's gotta be Pump Oregon Joe. We were here earlier. Pump Oregon Joe. Pump Oregon Joe is probably, it's probably that. Okay, honestly, you guys are not far off. I'm gonna steal, hold on, hold on, hold on. My first guess was Pump Oregon Joe. My next guess is Lord Greg.
Is that not it? Both incorrect. Okay, shit. Gianna, honestly, you were you were close. Honestly, it's Joe Calderone. And she plays it. Joe Calderone does play the piano in the UNI music video. So that's why I love Pumborg and Joe. Yeah. Yeah. So she was subliminally there.
If I was all there, that's why lockin' it in. Pompork and Joe, final answer is the only answer. Okay. All right. So point three points to Gianna. I get half a point. Point three. Point three. Point three. I just, whatever. All right, point six. Point five for Joe. Oh my God. I'm giving you point six. Okay. That's even better. All right. We'll see. I'll tally it up later. I don't think it's gonna matter.
What do you mean? What do you mean? This is serious. Okay. Yeah. Question number two. Yep. My turn? Is to Josh. Okay. Yes. Your turn. Okay. What is the only museum in the United States that has a Leonardo da Vinci painting? The Met Gala.
Gianna, would you like to try to steal? What was the question? What is the only museum in the United States that has a Leonardo da Vinci painting? The California. The Oregon Museum of the Washington
the Nevada Museum of the Idaho Museum. I'm locking it in with Utah because we were talking about how much Utah is a really beautiful state, although the death metal Utah scene might be a little bit interesting. Not great. It's not great. But it's a beautiful state, so I'm going to lock it in Utah. It's probably the Utah Museum. This is for cherry points, by the way. It is. Can we split our points?
No, because nothing about any of that is correct. Okay, Josh said the Met Gala though and that was an event and he should know better because we just talked about the Met Gala. Did we? The correct answer.
The correct answer is the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. And it is. What are we saying? We obviously said Utah. Oh, we said Utah. That was close. Obviously, Utah is Utah is geographically close to Washington. It is a travel destination. No, in D.C. In Washington, D.C. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
So it was close. So I would say like, she started point six, but that's shared point six between us. So she's at 1.2. I'm at point six. Yeah, I would like a point of receipt if that's okay. Also, I'm tallying it up. Right. It's run by the ATP, APT bookkeepers later. Gianna, this question is for you.
at the 65th annual Grammy Awards that took place this past week, though it was not aired, who took home the Grammy for best medal performance? You know, it's gonna be even sad, sadder, because I won't get this, but it's gonna be really upsetting for you. No, it's
So like, this doesn't affect me at all. Clearly, I don't know the answer, but like, it's more sad that you don't. Well, no, it's because there's always, there's always this like yearly, the underground metal community just kind of like, peeks their heads out of a hole and like has a chuckle with whatever's nominated with the Grammys. And then we go back in the earth.
It wasn't even aired though. It never is. Well, it never is. And that's fine. But it's always, but it's always like fall out boy. Like that's my actual guess. It's like fall out boy is the, is the metal or like, you know, like stained or something.

Trivia Session: Music and Art Questions

It's just stupid. I had no idea. Complete like nothing that they ever say is even
somewhat close to anything. So my official guess is Fall Out Boy. Locking it in. What an excellent question that Bianca asked us that we are just crashing. Thank you. I told you I was trying to be fair. No, I was trying to be like... And so I can be... I can push up my glasses and be like, well, actually...
Yeah, so the the correct answer is who won best metal performance? I don't know, Groobies, this year is Ozzy Osbourne for the song De-gration Rules.
Right, so Ozzy Osbourne, who was last relevant in like the 70s, although he did just renounce his- He did announce that he will not be touring anymore. Because he's got a bad back. Right, we did know that. Half points. Nice. Okay, okay. So you had point 1.2, I had point 6, so now I have 1.1 and you have 1.7. And I think the bookkeepers would back that, yeah. And Bianca would clearly, yeah, she's keeping track.
Okay, Gianna, this question's for, or wait, no, Josh had the chance to steal, so it's Josh's turn. I guess Fallout Boy when the answer was Ozzy Osbourne. Go ahead. I mean, good guess. You should have guessed specifically Pete from Fallout Boy, obviously. Pete and Pete, The Adventures of Pete and Pete, Nickelodeon. Did you ever watch that show? Moving on, all right.
Josh, what art movement was Yoko Ono associated with during the 1960s? I wanna say something, but I think it could be like, it's like if someone said, you know, is death karma black or death metal, and someone says death metal, and then someone else goes like, oh, are you kidding me? What is wrong with you?
I feel like I want to say like five things. I want to say like... I want to say Dada. I mean, that's not the answer I was going for. Dang! Okay, that's what I'm saying. That's like, I know it's wrong. I wanted to say it. I know it's wrong though. I feel like I want to say like performance. I want to say like Fluxus. I want to say like feminist. I want to say like Yoko Ono is her own thing.
You know, Gianna, that's a very astute observation. However, this question, what? Give me one final answer. Yoko Ono. Bono. Yoko Ono's final answer is Yoko Ono. You guys, it was a Fluxus because we talked about this on the flip skit. I know, I said Fluxus, but I'm locking it in Yoko Ono. I don't care.
I don't care. This, that is my answer because she is her own thing, even though Fluxus, Yoko Ono, lock it in. Half a point. Okay. All right. Half a point for Joe, half a point for Yoko. So half a point for both of us. Half a point for Fall Out Boy. Yeah. Yeah. So you, you're up to now one point, no, sorry, 2.2 and I'm at one point,
seven. Giana, question number five. Yes. Lady Gaga and Beyonce have two songs together. One is telephone, what is the other? I only know telephone. I'm actually depressed now. Yeah, I'm really feeling on my like Lady Gaga drunk trivia. The beehive is gonna be really mad at me. I'm sure.
I'm also worried about the little monsters, yeah. Yeah. Okay, Josh, your chance to see them. Yeah. So it is clearly Chaos Magician of the Abyss. No. Correct. Is that not it? It's Gorgug. I knew it. It's Gorgug. That's a band. No. That's what, that's the band that Lady Gaga did a guest appearance on, on their album.
um with yeah with also Beyonce yeah yeah yeah that album it's gorgeous was it not chaos is video phone so they have telephone and then they have
Videophone on Beyonce's I Am Sasha Fierce album. Videophone is like FaceTime. I was shocked that it was not Chaos Magician of the Abyss. So you should also add Chaos Magician of the Abyss to the Bachelor playlist. Yeah. You'll know when it comes up. I'm on it. All right, good. Great.
I keep like reaching for the crystal ball to drink sometimes they do as a joke and sometimes I'm like you can't see my hand sometimes it's for real sometimes you can't see my hand off the camera I'm like nope number six is to Josh in the musical six there's an art historical bop about the portrait painter Hans Holbein
A painting of one of Henry's wives, by Holbein, is said to have tricked Henry because it supposedly didn't end up looking like this wife. Which wife was this? I think it was the... So in the seminal painting by Hieronymus Bosch, the Gardens of Earthly Delights, Garden of Earthly Delights. It's a good one. Right? It's a triptych, isn't it?
It is. So there is so impressed with. Huh? No, I'm just saying, do you want me to take talk about this painting? Yeah. So she clearly remembers. So in that painting, which I'm pretty sure by now enough time has passed since you asked the question that I'm fairly certain you just said Hieronymus Bosch and nothing else in that painting. There is a person who is like
sort of, what's, is it prostrate when you're on, like when you're face down, laying down, is that prostrate? I don't know. I think so. So is a person prostrate within a large, maybe crab or frog like figure. And on their buttocks is like very, very old music notation. Okay. And someone has, um,
transcribe that and put it in actual modern music and the Well, I can't replicate that now, of course so I think that the That song that song is an ode to Elizabeth bins in stock and like I think that's so that's kind of how we're arriving at this conclusion and
that the song is paying tribute to her as a patron of butt art. And so that's my final answer. What was the question?
In the musical of six, there are six wives and you couldn't name one of them. The musical six? I have never seen the musical of Henry. Six. Okay, but all you had to do was know that one of the names of the wives of Henry VIII and the correct answer is Anne of Cleves. I'm just kidding. We're just gonna move on. What? Is that not what we said?
I'm pretty sure Josh just spent like five minutes with a really long answer explaining to you why he was right. So Josh gets a full point. Okay. So I'm at 2.2. You're still at 3.2 though. So you're a full point ahead of me. All right. Cool. We're in it. What classical song does Edward play for Bella in the movie Twilight? What the shit? Why?
Hold on. Hold on. That's not her. Claire Delune is near and dear to my heart as it should be for all musicians. Because of Twilight. The hell is wrong with you? No!
So 4.2 to 2.2, I'm pretty behind. Yeah, but you can make it up with this one. Yeah, okay, here we go. What actress played the girl with the pearl earring in a movie? Kirsten Dunst. No, but you're not wrong. The answer is Scarlett Johansson. Kirsten Stewart. Gianna, that's correct. Kirsten, fuck it. Is it not Kirsten Stewart?
I think Josh gets half a point. Oh, sweet. Okay, so 5.2. 5.2. Or is it 4.2? No, no, no, because I just got a full point. So 5.2. 5.2, you said half a point, so I'm at 2.7. Giana, next question is for you. Which metal band has the most Grammy wins for a metal performance ever? This is a multiple choice question.
Why is it A? Why is it Grammys? Tool. Because this is pop culture. It's true. B, Nine Inch Nails. C, Metallica. And D, Ministry. Okay. D, Ministry. C, Metallica. B, Nine Inch Nails. Nine Inch Nails. A, Tool. Is Tool. What was the last one? Ministry. Ministry.
What was the second or last one? Metallica. Metallica is the only one I know so I'm going to say Metallica. The correct answer is Metallica and Lady Gaga has performed with Metallica at the Grammys before. What's the Metallica song? One. Hey, Bianca. How's it going?
Question number 10 is to Josh. Hold on. Oh, this is a good one. Now I'm at 6.2 points. You're at 6.2 and I'm at 2.7. I'm pretty far behind. Also that question... Was also that question was pretty easy because if the only band I knew was Metallica from a pop culture perspective, they probably... It was probably gonna be Metallica, right? Yeah, it is. Processes from a Grammy basic perspective. Yeah, very basic. And also, if we're gonna go with...
the multiple choice thing, let's do the rundown, right? I was gonna say. One, Tool, Tool sucks. Come at me, Tool fans. I will defenestrate all of you. You are, be prepared to be flanged. Josh, this podcast is exclusively a Tool fandom podcast. You just pissed off a lot of Tool fandom. Oh, no. They're the worst people alive. Okay, question number 10 is to Josh. She's so desperate. This is a good one for you. Yeah. Yeah. How many versions of The Scream by Edvard Munga are there?
Oh. Oh, you would know this one. I would not know the number, but I remember, I remember being very fascinated by the idea that some, like an artist could make a masterwork. And then when I found out that there were multiple versions of it that he just did more than one, that's like that idea of that, like,
you know, to me as a musician, it was like, okay, you know, Beethoven's 9th or Beethoven's 5th or Mahler's, any of his symphonies. Ask me what medium the scream painting is done on, because I know that. Hold on. So there was like cardboard. He did one like cardboard. Right. Yeah. Just like a cardboard sheet. That's my answer, cardboard. And so, and then like when I found that out, I was like, okay. And then also on some of the versions,
The colors are way more like grayscale. And then when I learned that, I was like, that's fascinating. So everything is like five, everything is like 20. It's not more than that. No, I'm thinking four. Four. Four to five. Okay. Josh's answer is four to five. I'm going to say four and a half. Four. Five. Final answer. Four. What's your final answer?
four is correct yeah i said four i said four josh gets a four points josh gets a full point i get half a point nice yes so i said four so i get four points um so that takes me to six point seven oh but but then you but you were six point two so now you got half a point so that's a type
You said you had a tiebreaker. I had a tiebreaker. Yeah, it's 6.7 points. So, yeah. And none of the point-telling was shady, so let's go. Final answer for the win. In the spirit of... Hold on, is this like a buzz-in kind of thing?
So in the spirit of the Super Bowl happening tomorrow, Miss Rihanna is making her performance debut since 2018. That's the last time she performed. So the question is, which Met Gala theme was Rihanna the co-chair of?
Was it heavenly bodies? I remember her outfit from that one. Fantastic creatures. Fantastic creatures. Fantastic four. Just Galba. I just remember her heavenly bodies outfit. Was he not? Because she had the pope hat, so I'm going to say heavenly bodies. I don't know, Bianca.
Heavenly bodies is correct, Gianna. Oh my God, I win! I was saying that this whole time! Yes, I win! Yes! Nice job! Teamwork makes the dream work. My gosh, wow. Whoo, what a... What a roller coaster that was. I'm so proud of you guys. We did it. Thank you. We did it. We crushed it. Good job. You really did.
I hope that as as the moderator and a person who made these questions that they were fair That was all that I wanted is that you guys felt like it was justice was served during the trivia game Hold on. Let me know Okay, I was gonna say okay, well then let me throw back to you and finish this If you said and justice was served
Then I say, okay, And Justice For All was an album by... Metallica. Thank you. I get a whole other point then. Damn it, I lost! The hell is this? It's rigged! Yeah, some biased art news up in here. Congratulations. Stop drinking your crystal! It tastes too good. That's not proper...

Closing Remarks and Gratitude

care. I just want to say it's probably true Windex maybe Bianca I so appreciate you being here on this episode and we appreciate all the truly honored tarts Tuning in literally for this chaos. I'm never been this happy in my entire life it did go very far off the rails and
whoever stuck it out and followed us to the end. I appreciate it too. Thank you very much. Absolutely. Absolutely. Well, we hope you enjoyed this special segment of Josh Thought's Drunk Edition. Bianca, thank you for being our lovely moderator and putting up with us. Um, but I think with that, I think it's time to go and Josh and I, um, yeah, I think we're going to finish our drink and call it a day because
We started this at 2.30 and it's now six o'clock. So we will talk to you all in two Tuesdays. Cheers and thank you. Art Pop Talk's executive producers are me, Bianca Martucci-Vinc. And me, Gianna Martucci-Vinc. Music and sounds are by Josh Turner and photography is by Adrian Turner. And our graphic designer is Sid Hammond.