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25. Imbolc: A Harbinger of Hope image

25. Imbolc: A Harbinger of Hope

E25 · Soul Pod: The Podcast
15 Plays12 days ago

The US fascist oligarchy has never been less veiled. The evil cheeto takes power today. TikTok is back, but at what cost? And yet, we’re not abandoning hope and we’re begging you to hold on with us. This season of Imbolc heralds the tangible evidence of the return of the light, while the frost still permeates our environment. Spring is coming again. It always has, and it always will.

Referenced in this episode: Martha Beck’s Sugar Pyramid Demonstration on TikTok under her account. (The link is broken probably due to the fuckery with the ban.)

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Hosts: Christina Bell & Molly Wilde

Music: The Confrontation, by Jonathan Boyle, licensed from Premium Beats by Shutterstock

Editing: Molly Wilde

Disclaimer: The purpose of this podcast is for entertainment and enjoyment. We are not professionals in any regard. We do not have professional knowledge, training, or education in physical health, mental health, or spiritual matters. Any suggestions or recommendations made during our episodes should be independently researched by the listener before considering implementation, or better yet, listeners should ignore everything we say. We cannot be held responsible or liable for anything we say, or any actions taken by any persons as a result of listening to our podcast episodes. Stay safe, stay informed, stay smart.


Leaving Meta: A Personal Journey

i no matter what No matter what ends up happening with TikTok, I'm dim done with meta. I am going to be transitioning my usage away from it. I'm going to be transitioning my memories away from it.
I'm going to work on downloading my photos and my videos and everything that I've posted that I can from all of the meta accounts, personal meta accounts that I have.
ay and i'm going to gradually get off of it. I've been wanting to do that anyways. I know you've talked about that. It's like I have had a hard time with the thought of like the groups that we are a part of, specifically the ones for relating to the witch witch amateur hour. um That would be a real challenge to not have access to. And so I think that my hope is that
with everything that's going on um that they might decide to ah relocate because they've talked about not loving the way Facebook does groups. right And so my hope is that they'll relocate their like centralized um gathering area. Yeah. um And I will follow them wherever they go. Yeah. But you know, whether they do that before I'm ready to get off Facebook or not, like it's not really gonna probably not gonna ultimately keep me on Facebook longer than I wanna be there.

Planning a Meta Boycott

But yeah, like, I will say, and I'm actually gonna make sure to, I wanna edit this into the episode we're gonna release on Monday. By the point that you're hearing this on the 20th of January, Monday the 20th, it'll already be
uh you know one day not late but one day after the beginning but there is a planned boycott of meta um from uh january 19th tomorrow the sunday before the orange man gets inaugurated up to january 26th the next sunday um so if you're hearing this you've not been aware of
a boycott and you would be interested in helping to tank meta's stocks, go ahead and log out of Facebook until the 26th and Instagram.
um like I don't know if that is actually going to impact what anybody chooses to do who listens to us, but that is what I will be doing. I will be logging out and not using those platforms, all of my accounts, for the duration of the week, and when I log back in, I will be ah keeping my usage pretty low, I think. now Yeah. Anyhow. So what are we talking about today?

Celebrating Imbolc: Traditions and Personal Reflections

Our official topic for the day is, uh, in bulk. Yay! The first sabbat of the new year.
one I feel like I say every time that this sabbat is my favorite sabbat, but like Imbok has been like one of the OG faves for me since the beginning of my witchcraft journey. I don't know, well I mean like I know you know about like some of my traditions, but like I don't know if you know like how early on they started.
o You know, just that it was like one of the first ones that I like ever properly celebrated by myself. And like, I wanted to say like, for that reason, it has such sentimental value to me. You know, and I look forward to like celebrating it privately again, this year.
Um, I celebrated with a friend last year, ah like the first year after I had moved and was living alone. I was celebrating it with a friend, which was good and I liked it. We had a good time. We, you know, we made the braided bread. That's like one of the big traditions for me is to make braided bread on in bulk. And we made that and we had some little desserts that she had gotten from a bakery. And, you know, we just had a nice time and we didn't really do any like,
magic or spell work or energy work or anything like that but we just we did leave an offering out for spirit and you know it was just a good nice quiet little time but i'm looking forward to like keeping to myself this year because it is you know a very quiet still energy the energy of in bulk Yule is jovial and merry and it's very, you know, it's got a similar energy to Christmas because of the proximity to Christmas, but Imbulk comes around after we have spent over a month post-holidays deep in the depths and the darkness of winter. And Imbulk is a holiday for light still because it celebrates
the steadily increasing returning of the sun. Is that the main focus of the holiday? Yeah, yeah. It is, it's too early to consider it a springtime holiday. It is really very much a wintertime holiday. But it is definitely a harbinger of springtime.
And that's why there is, since it can't be focused on the return of, you know, the flora of life of like, you know, the return of the green leaves on the trees and everything. Like that's more so what Ostara is. Since it can't be that because it's not, not time yet. That is, for me, that's why the focus is so much on light. Like it's traditionally the focus is on light, but like,
for myself because I taught myself the traditions rather than being like culturally handed them. I had to describe meaning for myself and for me it's like it can't be that yet, it can't be the warmth, it can't be you know, the green and the colors and the, you know, baby lambs. Yeah, it's all sa yeah it's like it can't, it's like, and maybe it's just because I take this mentality of like, just itching for it, because I'm so ready to get out of this dark winter season all the time. um But like,
it you know it's still stripped back to the bare bones uh because that's all that is still left in in wintertime is just the bare bones of everything and it's focused on light and so the thing that i like in addition to the you know braided bread for witches for bridget um the goddess the saint the she's everything she's so pervasive because she's so such a huge um figure in Celtic traditions and lore and history and mythology, um but ah besides the braided bread, candles. It is, I suppose, if if Christians have to steal everything, they stole it and called it candle-ness.
that is what Candleness is. I've never heard of Candleness. Candleness is not something that the kind of Christianity we grew up in acknowledges, but mostly because the kind of Christianity we grew up in is bland as hell. So I think it's probably more like Catholic traditions that observe Candleness. So what Like, when is Candlemas typically? The exact same time. It is literally the way that Christianity was like, we're turning all of the pagan holidays into something that's Christian. Okay, yeah. That is what it is. So, in bulk is Candlemas or? The other way around. Candlemas is in bulk. Yeah. it so man But I don't know, I don't know anything about Candlemas except for that it's about candles and and light.
Okay. um i Because it's literally in the name. But I don't care to either. Like, it doesn't matter. Candlemas doesn't matter to me. But like, if you are if you are a former Catholic or current Catholic, you might know Candlemas or, you know, you might have heard of it. Anywho, we're here to talk about Imbolc though. um Which I always feel weird saying it too, because it always sounds like in bulk.
That's what Costco's for. I know. Buying everything in bulk. yeah And I've also heard it said or seen it spelled like with a G at the end of the word rather than a C. So like in bold. And I don't know what's real. Like none of us know because the old traditions are like the truth of the old traditions are lost, but whatever. It is what we make it now. Yeah, yeah.

Hope and Intentionality Amid Challenges

um So in bulk being a holiday of light, it's also a holiday again, still of winter time, still of like stillness, but it's also a holiday of hope. And, you know, in, in the very old traditions and the cycles and seasons of the year, the hope is of the returning sun and the returning warmth and the ability to start growing crops again.
when you know old old societies and communities were so dependent on crop growing seasons and harvesting and all of that. But it feels, I wanted to talk about it very specifically a week early because it feels needed right now, a message of hope.
It's not going to be included in this episode, but before we got talking to about Imbulk, we spent the better portion of an hour talking about the dire situation social media is in right now. And on the day of this episode release, we have somebody coming into power who has nobody's best interests at heart except for his own.
And the thing, the message that I've seen a lot that I would like to repeat is systems that are dying always get more violent, more loud, more problematic in their last few breaths, in their last struggle. The last gasps, if you will. Well, that is so true.
it the The violence, the loudness, the scariness does not ever change or alter the fact that the system is dying. who That is the truth. And that doesn't mean that we can sit back and relax and trust that it's all gonna work itself out because it's dying. No, what we need to do is maintain our own vigilance, maintain our own protection, self-interest, and taking care of ourselves and our communities. But we also need to stay vigilant about our intentionality and where we give our energy and where we put our money, where we, you know, we we had a whole episode about money and where we we're spending things and where we've put our focus. Voting with our dollars. Yeah, voting with our dollars and
I will say also too that when a system is dying, you know, a void tends to open up. And if we do nothing that the the very fastest, loudest alternate system that's not going to be that different is the thing that's going to take up that space. Right. And we effectively only get one shot. It's a slow shot. It's going to be gradual. It's going to be over a long period of time, but it's one shot to make sure that we rise up and fill that space and make our world, make our country what we want it to be, what we've needed it to be this whole time. yeah So that is the energy that I am going into this new administration with. I have no intention of getting caught up in the drama
the fear mongering, the news stories. I don't want to hear any of it. And I don't care if you think that it's willful ignorance. It is me protecting my sanity and being intentional about what gets my attention.
Because my attention belongs to the people that I love, and the causes that I love, and this life that I love. No government, no person in power, no company, no oligarchy, no system gets to take that away from me. And every one of us has the choice to resolve that exact same goal.
It's very hard because I want to relax.
I want to stop caring and needing to pay attention and needing to be hypervigilant all the time about my life and my energy. But I have the strength to do what I need to do.
And I also have the self-awareness to take the breaks that I need to take to take because this is a marathon, not a sprint. And I hope I would encourage all of you listening to do the same. Choose to take care of yourself. Choose to be discerning with what gets your attention, what gets your time, what gets your money. Choose not to allow anyone or anything to steal your joy, to steal your light.
is that the the reason why we're talking about in bulk and in and this topic at the same time is because of in bulk being the celebration of light and how how it helps us to remember our own light and make sure we keep it lit, keep it showing.
Because light is hope. Yeah.
That's the thing, you know, that's the parallel that I want to make sure is very clear here. Humanity is going to go through cycles, no matter what we do. Long after we're dead, humanity will go through same cycle and it's the it's just the same as the wheel of the year. And we're in the depths of winter in our cycle of humanity right now.
and We need to remember that spring is coming again and that life is coming again and abundance is coming again. It has to.

Enlightenment and Societal Change

who The system is breaking. It's unsustainable. The people running it know it's unsustainable. They are giving their last desperate grasps at whatever they can take, but they will be the last.
who You know, I don't know if you can tie this in to the episode or not, but when I was going back and watching some of the last few TikToks you sent me, um there was this woman, an older woman who made a, she set up an example of demonstration is the word I was looking for. She had a demonstration of her point set up with a pyramid of sugar cubes. Oh yes.
I thought that was such a good one and I was trying so hard to save it and the option in my menu to save that video was not there and it was there with other videos so I don't know what the hell the deal was but I ended up doing a screen recording of it. and I think i did as I did it as well. Yeah. I think I screen recorded it as well. Yeah and I just want to give a brief description of it and um basically she talked about how the constructs of um so society and civilization, the way it's been for the number and last number of, you know, 1000s of years has been like in this patriarchal
capitalistic, capitalistic, but oligarchical or like whatever it is, like the way that it, that our governments and our societies are run by a select few. And, and it's essentially, it's like a pyramid shape, but, and, and no, no, I'm not trying to like equate that with a pyramid scheme or MLM company. I mean, I'm just saying is like this, this,
the setup or the structure of society and the governments and how they're run are generally like a pyramid shape type deal. yeah But she she was trying to say, how how can that be brought down in such a way that it's like, doesn't get rebuilt back up again? Like, because I guess, you know, they can pyramids can be toppled, but they get built back up the same way, like, I don't know, over and over again.
She talked about the theory or the idea of enlightenment and how there are people who are enlightened to how much of a failure that structure is in general for everybody because it benefits so few.
yeah and the people at the bottom are the ones who tend to become more enlightened and understanding that things like this can't stay this way forever. yeah And um she was trying to figure out how to demonstrate that there are, you know, even in this pyramid, there's still the enlightened people, but like, how does that eventually bring down the pyramid? Well, the pyramid was basically sitting inside of a glass dish that
she said was like representative of the pool of enlightened people at the bottom and the more that become enlightened she poured liquid into this pool of you know this empty glass dish basically and like poured liquid into it and the liquid starts to dissolve the sugar cubes from the very bottom eventually the whole thing crumbles and it all dissolves into it, but like nobody's left out in the end. It's not like the people at the top are essentially pushed out and ignored and like, yeah you know, every everyone gets included and all the while the whole thing gets sweeter. So like eventually everyone's included. We all have the same thing and everything is very sweet and very, you know, and in in other words, like good. Yeah. And
that is the way the way that, you you know and that that's the other thing, the whole other thing about the transcendental meditation theory, that the more people that become enlightened or the more people that can ah achieve transcendental states, it eventually trickles upward. like It's going to spread out enough that it's going to change everything at its base and like eventually everybody gets included and brought into this enlightenment. And that that's why I think what she said hit me so hard. It was like, yeah, that's everything I've been hearing yeah from transendent transcendental meditation, from CE5 meditation, which i I have barely touched on with you about. but
um CE5 meditation is intended to contact extraterrestrials, which if we can do that or enough people can do that to demonstrate that there's enough good people here on Earth that we are worth saving, the more likely things are going to turn around for us in general. So that's just a whole other ball of worms that we can get into another time, but it's basically it's all that same concept. And so what she, when she was talking about that, it was like a physical, you know, visual demonstration of how it worked. And I thought that was such a perfect analogy. Yeah. um I want to save, I mean, I wanted to save it. So I did, I was able to screen record the video. Yeah. And I want to try and somehow post it somewhere where it can be seen by more people.
I don't know, maybe I'll put it up on YouTube or something. you But um yeah, I mean, YouTube, YouTube's a good way. ah You know, it's similar in a way to tic-tac, but the algorithm is obviously different. You have to go and do actual searches for people. Yeah. And it's also just, it's, I don't know, it's, I don't even know how to get into the ways in which it's like not going to by default or automatically become what TikTok was. No, but if we want to follow people... Yeah, that's what I've been opting over. if If they have YouTube channels, then that's a way to like follow them. yeah
Yeah, yeah, definitely. I wanted to add to your explanation about that video, though, because one of the things that stood out really, really strongly to me about her demonstration and her explanation was that in her reflection on it, a pool was an adequate alternate structure for society than a pyramid. Right. And that in a pool,
there are ripples and there are waves and they impact each other, they crash into each other but there's always that flow between you know molecules or whatever and it's ever moving and it doesn't crush anything, nothing is above or below or you know more important or more valid or there's never anything that subordinates anything else. Yeah, like every wave and every ripple impacts everyone in it equally. yeah Yeah, and that's like the way that society really should behave if we are to exist peacefully together, if we are to exist sustainably together.
it's, you know, it's just to think of a pool in the way that the water moves and the way that it flows. Like, and the think of it, you know, think of a society that does that where it's like, yeah, your actions have consequences, but rather than like crushing someone below you, just to get ahead or get further get higher up on the ladder of whatever success, whatever you want to call it.
it just moves and affects people and then dies down. And it doesn't have to have permanent devastating consequences. Or, you know, in the same way, it's like you can see a very clear display of how your positive actions and choices affects those around you. Because I feel like in the pyramitic type society that we currently have to inhabit,
it is very hard to see the positive effects of people's choices and actions. It's very, very difficult. It's more like trying to chip away at concrete to me. So yeah. And we have sort of deviated boy away from in bulk, I guess, in that regard. But at the same time, i it is still relevant where, um,
we have to remember that, like, hope is still a very, very valid thing to hold on to. I've gotten- I have had such a hard time in the past feeling okay having hope. Because I wondered if it was just so- if it was gonna hurt me longer in the long run to hold on to hope that I couldn't feel confident was actually going to amount to anything positive. you know And i'm I'm not that old. i've not watched I've not lived a whole century and watched this all happen before, but people there are people who have and there are people out there who are saying, I've seen this before. who Yeah. It's a cycle. yeah It's like an 80 year cycle from what I understand.

Imbolc Celebrations and Cultural Significance

Yeah. And that's a, that is the turnings are a whole thing that I don't even know how to explain. And that's something that maybe we'll try to get into in a future episode. But you know, that, that cycle, it's proven historically to be very consistent. And we are at the, but I think they call it the fourth turning. And so that is why I am choosing to hold onto hope and to allow it to give me the energy that I need to make it through, because the snow's gonna melt, the grass is gonna grow, the flowers will bloom, the birds will sing, the leaves will bud on the trees, the sun's gonna shine, and it's gonna feel really, really good on your skin, like it does every year.
What day is it? What days does it start? This year, it is on the 1st of February. Okay. Which I believe is a Saturday. Yep. It's a Saturday. I'm going to try to read. um Yeah, read your about little book out and read. A little well in one. Yeah. Let's see if there's something that I can do to implement in that day or those couple of days in order to honor the sabbat.
Let me take a quick look, because I got a few of them up on the shelf behind me. Let me see if Imbulk is one of them. One second. Yeah. Yeah. So speaking of that Llewelyn's book, I did manage to find it on the shelf here in my office. So I did want to take a quick look, see if there's anything useful. I'm going to read the back of it.
do we because I like ah like what it says. It's very nice and concise, and so I'm going to read it. In bulk, also known as Brigid's Day, is a time to awaken from our months of introspection and start making plans for the future. This guide to the history and modern celebration of in bulk shows you how to perform rituals and magic to celebrate and work with the energy of the reawakening earth.
prayers and invocations, with Imbulk being a holiday that honors Brigid, the goddess Brigid. There are two prayers to Brigid in here for healing, specifically. o One for healing the body, one for healing the mind, heart, or soul.
I think I'm going to go ahead and read both. And as I'm reading this, I kind of want to do so with the intention of sending that energy out to whoever is listening, no matter what time or year or wherever you are in the world. I want to send this energy to you. So I i hope that it helps. um I'll start with the prayer for the the body, the physical body.
Goddess Bridget, maiden, mother, and crone, protector of life, I ask that you return health to me during the season of Imbulk. Please send your healing power to mend bone and flesh, ease breathing, and restore full life. Above all else,
Please ease the pain and discomfort until health is restored. Glorious Brigid, goddess of flame and of well, in the light of perfect love, bring a swift healing to those who are suffering. It's beautiful. I particularly like prayers and invocations that don't rhyme. They feel they feel a lot better to me.
And something that I feel like is going to be at least equally pertinent, if not more so, is the prayer for healing the mind, heart, and soul. God is Brigid, keeper of the flame, tender of the well. I come to you to ask for healing of an injured soul. Please look into the deepest places within us and find the injuries that lie beneath the surface.
I ask that you ease the pain within our souls. Just as this candle shines, I ask that you shine a light on a path toward healing. Shine a light so bright and clear that the path to healing is unmistakable. Please send whatever assistance will be needed to make this soul whole once again.
Some would it be? Some would it be. I can't recommend these books enough. They're really beautiful. Thank you for reading those. You're welcome. I'm just, I've got feelings. I'm looking at rituals now. But also I want to see if there's food in here. Correspondences.
spiritual focus and keywords beginnings preparation patience awakening thrift newness and renewal childlike delight in all things innocence change emergence from sleep or hibernation cleansing sprouting seeds fertility and transitions foods ah dried fruits, grains, potatoes, cornmeal, dried and salted meats, cheese, pickled or canned foods, nuts and eggs. Yummy. Spam! I was just, you know what came to mind? What does it say? Pickled or canned foods. And then right below it, or almost below it is eggs. I thought of pickled eggs, which I still have never tried. And then I thought of Frank's Red Hot Pickled Eggs, which I also have never tried and really want to try.
oh So, ah Frank's Red Hot Pickled Eggs is a proper celebration food for in bulk, pass it on. um
Salted and canned meats equals spam. True, or or beef jerky. I love beef jerky, spam is awful. Beef jerky's not bad, I'm just joking. It's just the salt.
Yeah, all the salt I'm thinking of is like, oh, there's so much salt. As for drinks, all dairy products, yes, it's a very milky holiday. um ale, mead, and cider. Unsurprising. Very, very similar to Yule, I think, in that regard. Hmm, yeah. But milk, too. Like, I think that probably it's related to, even though, you know, Ostara is the time of, you know, new baby animals and all that, but like,
in bulk is when you know the animals are pregnant so like production of milk is already starting to happen and things like that um tell me the drinks that are on there besides the milky stuff ale mead and cider okay i have a bottle of this mulled wine type deal um that i didn't open over the holidays and uh it says best served warmed so i don't know how i'm gonna warm it but um it sounds like it would suit the occasion of in bulk so you could totally warm it on the stove and almost maybe turn it into a simmer pot throw some cinnamon sticks in there o i bet would be good clothes orange that'd be not a bad idea yeah that makes me think of um
Yona Yinten on YouTube that I've followed and been watching pretty aggressively. All of her content. She's a a Swedish YouTuber.
um And in some of her earlier videos, she's shown how she makes pine tea. which looks really interesting, and I and don't know. ah She very literally harvests forages, pine needles, and boils them, and strains them to make tea. And I thought that was really interesting. I feel like pine tea would be a very good drink for in bulk.
uh with the evergreen because one of the caught two of the colors of in bulk is um white and dark green nice yeah so it'd be cool it'd be a really interesting potion slash spell if you uh harvested some very fresh definitely not contaminated snow and used that to boil your pine tea who And if you added lavender to it because purple is also a color of in bulk.
Is it? Yeah, lavender and pine. White, purple, and green. And actually, I have color associations literally right here. What am I talking about? Let's not try to pull it out of my ass right now. but Light green. I see I associate dark green, but light green is ah is mainly what's meant listed here. And I don't see purple on here. Okay, this is not a complete list. Sorry, Llewelyn, you're wrong.
uh light green pink white and yellow yellow obviously being you know for light and flame not yellow snow not yellow snow white for snow uh pink probably for the coming of spring um pink sunrises yeah i was just thinking sunrises one of the tree associations i see under here is cedar And it's like, I mean, it's not the same as pine, but like it's not too unrelated from pine. I almost wonder if it would not be dangerous to make a cedar tea, but don't do it. Don't do it. We don't know if that'll poison you. Don't do it. um But the other trees are Blackthorn, Rowan, and Sycamore. Let's see. And there was one more thing that I wanted to talk about. Oh, here we go.
thank Acts of service. If this was a video format, I'd be staring directly into the camera right now for everybody to see me when I get so serious right now and say acts of service with what we are facing in our society right now. Yeah. We need a strong community.
Yes, we do. So I feel like this is going to be any time you think of an act of service that you can help, that you can do to help people around you and your community and your environment and your family. But these are what are listed, which I really appreciate that they've listed these. But acts of service that they listed for this season, for the Sabat in this season, is to clear snow and ice from public walkways.
to gather blankets for the needy, to clear and prepare a community garden or flower bed for planting and clean the home of a physically limited person. it's ah you know that That reminds me of like the concept of spring cleaning. like If you're trying to do that for yourself, imagine how beneficial it would be to do that for somebody else who can't really you know get around or can't really you know, help themselves in that way. Yep. Acts of service, people. Anyway, this has been in bulk.
Thanks for coming. yeah Thanks for coming to our TED Talk.
It is a really beautiful time of the year. It is it still cold, it's still dark, it's still challenging in a lot of ways, but I really want to keep pushing that message of hope. With every single day, the daylight increases.
sunrise gets earlier, sunset gets later. It's slow, but it is steady, and it is consistent, and we can weaken be guaranteed, no matter what happens, if a fucking nuclear bomb goes off, the sun is still gonna rise in the morning. Yep. And the summertime will come again. And I wanna say, if you're listening on January 20th,
the day that this comes out, please know that our thoughts and love and virtual hugs are with you all and to keep hope. Yeah. Well, I'll just say I'm sorry that I haven't contributed a whole lot. I don't feel the greatest, but I also don't sound the greatest. So you got enough to apologize for. Doesn't make sense to talk that much right now for me.
But yeah, no, it's totally okay. And I'm sure that nobody begrudges you the receiving of your voice and your throat. Because it is rough out here with illnesses. They're at this point, from what I keep hearing. I don't know how I haven't gotten sick myself, honestly. Knock on wood. Yeah, knock on wood. But yeah.
Yeah, well, my friends, we are here. We are here with you through everything through the next four years, through whatever amount of time. And we're not going anywhere. We, we love it here. We love doing this. So, um, our hope is to keep bringing you laughter.
and maybe hopefully a little bit of intelligent insights sometimes, you know? And no matter what, that we keep bringing you consistency and stability. Yeah. And we're grateful that you're here with us. We're grateful that you care enough to listen to whatever we've got to say. That's for sure. We're grateful for it.
So I just want to remind everybody to keep the hope, keep the faith, yeah and keep that light. Yep, absolutely. I hope everyone has a beautiful day. Don't think about the but orange guy too much if you don't have to. Because he doesn't get to tell us how to live. No. He doesn't get to tell us whether we can be happy or not.
That's up to us.
And I hope everybody powers through, keeps the faith. Definitely. They will definitely power through. We all will. Yep. And we'll be back again next Monday. Don't know what we're going to talk about, but We're going to have fun. No matter what. Or we'll die trying. We sure will. All right, everyone. I hope that everyone has a good time.
It just booped my microphone. I didn't hear it. Good.