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Stranded - Session 3 image

Stranded - Session 3

S2 E6 ยท IDM Roleplay
22 Plays5 months ago

And now we continue the adventure of Stranded!


Game Introduction

Welcome survivors to session three, I think, of Stranded, um presented by integrated dice management. I am your dungeon master for the evening. ra And the person making the noise was Bill.
That wasn't me. I knew it was Frank from the second it started. um built run Why you always blaming Bill for things? Is my glit up? I'm looking at Discord. I mean, if someone got hurt, you blame Bill, but like. I'm sorry, I think I know. Actually, I see. I see what happened. My my glit up because it was underneath my nose is breathing like a mouth breather. OK.
Well, the person who is perfectly silent was Bill. Hi, everybody.

Character Introductions and Anecdotes

I'm Bill. I'm be playing Lucky Carlo this evening, and I love you you all. And then the person who was rudely interrupting Bill is Frank. Hey, I'm Frank. I'll be playing, um... Fuck.
Uh... Um... You forgot your character's name. Nigel Lightcastle. That's it, Nigel. Well, he didn't... know was very coal and was he did He did change the name. Yeah, it was different. like So I picked my better name. lista yeah I'm Nigel Lightcastle. Next up, we have the person missing part of his shoulder, Jayden. Yes, I ah broke my clavicle this morning.
um if he does fall asleep he has an excuse tonight yes those good good pain meds hey that's what i'm saying like i've been delirious it's not of funny and hey maybe maybe he likes to stay up hey maybe yeah we've got hayden hey I'll be playing Riker crap and if Jayden really does want to stay up all I can say is take about 30 Benadryl and you'll be awake 30 what the fuck oh yeah 30
Dude, remember two seasons ago when I was allergic to the suspend polyzone and I was taking Benadryl? Yeah. I was taking so much it wasn't making me tired and I was micro hallucinating all day long. It was great. I was walking around customers' houses and like... I'm freaking out sometimes. I am no longer comfortable with the thought of you drawing re liant driving a Reliant truck and this is a Bill.
Like, honestly, a customer came out of their house one time and I almost shit myself. He scared me. right open You know, Hayden, there are mushrooms.
I'm a good morning boy, okay? and you took You were tripping on Benadryl. I didn't mean to. I was itchy. yeah My balls ditched, bro. yeah don understand You though you hurt so bad I would wake... I couldn't sleep.
Why are you scratching your balls when you haven't washed your hands? For real. That's the thing is like, I would get home, take a shower and I try to go to sleep and then I just wake up the most itchy I've ever been in my life and I could not go back to sleep until I popped the big intro. So you were like scratching your balls in your sleep? that Well, he wasn't washing enough obviously. Yeah, I didn't roll back my foreskin so you know I got cheese back there. Oh, that happened to me when I was like eight.
it Too far, Hayden. I love you, Hayden, but there are limits.
Don't worry. We'll just cut this out and it'll be as if it never happens. No, you don't. Don't you dare cut that out. ah He has just some of the consequences of what he said. Those are bigger on. That's good. Yeah. do that This whole, this whole episode's gonna be a Patreon episode. We're gonna, all it's just gonna be us paying attention each month to listen to our own selves. ah yeah And, and we, and, you know. Hey, you probably should do a bit of Patreon money.
yeah Bro, listen back to our episodes are so funny. It is. Yeah, even if we never do anything with this stuff, I like having them recorded just to,
Realistic too. Yeah. Speaking of previous episodes, I don't remember everything that happened last time, but I know that we found some mushroom people.

Humorous Creature Discussions

Yeah, I think we killed it. We killed a tree and talked to a mushroom. Did we kill a tree last time? Yeah. Well, I think so I think specifically me and Hayden. Sorry, me and no, me and Jayden did that. Hayden and and Frank, they went ah they went off somewhere. They ran. Frank went fishing.
and caught a dinosaur. um Then I then cut up for food for us. Yes. And I don't cook it yet. That's what I was going to do. i I don't remember what what else happened. Oh, yes. No, yeah. he can you can So we we talked to the mushroom people, but not too much happened there. And then Mathis tried to murder them, but we cannot confirm that because he never said what he was trying to do. But then the mushroom people did tell us about the tri-cree, which is, I think, lizard people, but longer correctly. Well, you don't know what they are, so it doesn't. Yeah, they. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. But we don't speak of them, but they. So when did the lizard people find the rats? What? Because doesn't doesn't Bill have a rat lizard?
no that's a squizzard yeah frank has a squizzard which is a squirrels yeah no after seeing an image of what y'all upload it as what a squizzard is i'm not ever they like fuck away from the squizzard near me yeah he's who delivers all my berries so i see why they found the wizard comes near me it's getting it's It's getting attacked. It's heads getting taken off for scientific purposes. what where Where are you cutting exactly? The whole thing is just a head. It's a head that grew legs and wings. That's true. There is no neck. It's just mouth and then pocket. It's a monitor lizard that grew legs and wings. It's just a mouth and a pocket, Bill. That's all it is, a mouth and a pocket. That's all you need, Bill. I'm just um like so pleased that I was able to find an an image.
or a squirrel lizard hybrid. Did you type in Squizzard or squirrel lizard hybrid? No, I typed squirrel lizard hybrid. I found a dude who does hybrid animal art.
You know what's weird actually? I found a guy on a... I have an issue with that being my pet. I created it. I have to say I wanted it to be cuter than that. um Okay.
Okay, I actually found a guy on Etsy that's special is role in making a few taxidermals. Yeah. Also, I can say, as I have a turtle duck, so we Gucci there. Yeah, unfortunately, none of these pictures ever get to be shown to our audience because none of these were paid for. um But if we ever commission anything and get fans, you know, they can see it. Okay, everyone out there, think of a ah monitor lizard.
any monitor lizard, now take its head, the whole of its neck, throw the body away. It's optional. Give it some fuzzy ah nightmare legs, and then these tiny little chopsticks, put those near where the ears are, and then attach wings between those monster legs and the chopsticks, and then give it a... A thick-ass tail. Yeah, the real thing. Like, thick with two Cs thick. Apparently a Squizzard is a boss in Super Mario Galaxy 2.
What the fuck? I'm looking that up. It it does not look like bars. But you know what's actually weird? I actually found someone on Etsy that makes fusion animal ah taxidermy.
Of course you did, Bill, because that's something you totally would look for. I was curious. Hold on. I just found a, hold on, I'm going to drop this in Discord. Oh, wait, I can't hold on.
What the hell is that thing? It looks like Yoshi that lost IQ points and... I'm dropping this in the down shots.
The monoclaud squizzard. Monoclaud. Oh my... It's a squiggler. Ew! Ew! Get it away from me, the tentacles.
I've never said that before in my life. Bill, say it now for the love of God. Where is it? Where is it? It's in the chat. I can't get it to expand. And so, one, I'm glad for that. Right click, open a new window. Open a new window. Oh.
um Good lord. The primitive human one when it's facing you. oh I love it. I kind of like the speed predator. God damn it. I'm working on. I don't like these images. Yeah, I especially don't like the squizzard, but I can't I can't get the goddamn thing. Fucking let me see the fucking image. God, I'm talking fucking fat.
You know, after seeing this thing, I can now understand why when the colonists came over to the Americas and saw some of the weird ass things over here, they just won't complete a ship and just like started murdering everything. Have you seen the, have you seen the meme that went around that was like, imagine being on an a beautiful island in like the 1400s and this thing comes walking up on your land. And it was like,
like a guy with like the fake wig but with like too much makeup and like... Yeah, just walk down the makeup. yeah but I don't know why the natives made friends with them because like if I was a native and I saw that thing I'd freak out. I'd just shoot it with an arrow and then ask questions later. For real. I think that's what they did and that's why they lost.
did but No, boom, boom, stick. ah He's the first. ah And encounters through once they got the more violent Indian.
Not sps tribes. Thank you. Well, we need to apply our past with the past here with these new possible humanoids. Yeah, no, it it's going to die.
They're going to attack us with this though. Bill, did you ever see that thing? Yeah, I see it now. I'm like, I want to be horrified. But at the same time, for real, the neck undulation area. I feel like the thing just vibrates.
So I would be OK if the original was like a squirrel size, and that was what a Squizzard was. Wait, what? I think that's kind of cute. What are we talking about? The model? The first one? Well, you know, maybe the monoclonal Squizzard is a variant you haven't run into yet, OK? Are you talking? I'm sorry. Which one are you talking about? The monoclonal Squizzard, but like which variation? The original.
the original. No, I'll still get that thing, though. Fuck away from me. If it puts its little tentacles on any part of my body, he doesn't. He only has little face tentacles. Yeah, i like people's face tentacles off of my body. They're they're just that's just how he shows you he loves you. He's a mind flayer lizard. Oh, my gosh, it makes so much sense. ah The primitive human one looks like an animal to you and just rap its Speaking of mine first, did y'all watch the video that I sent in the chat just before all this? Y'all need to watch that. it's they They took their D and&D game and then turned it into like a show. Oh yeah, no, I watched that. That was so dope. Yeah, it's live. But you have to get the their website

Dinosaur Exploration

subscription to watch the rest of it.
I feel like fighting this fighting that primitive humanoid one, I feel like all you have to do is kick it in this red sack and just run. That's what I'm saying. like I feel like that that thing's obviously there for a reason. Watch that yet. You should run. I think you'll like it too. Anyways, also how do the evolved humanoids walk? Because like we have toes to like balance. I mean, like I know they have a tail, but like they're literally having to balance 24-7 on this toe.
a more better developed inner ear they have well no i think what he's trying to say is like it has a solid paw and then a giant ass nail there's like look at their hands like they have one claw and like three fingers yeah so bizarre yeah
I'm sorry. Maybe no it's like parking ruin. It uses its like ah its tail to also lean on. Or if it's like parking ruin, that sack just opens up and they put their children in there. Or maybe that sack opens up and they just eat their children. Maybe that's a sexual mouth. That's the that's the last thing you see and until you like never come back. I swear to Christ, that my sat her opening. Yeah, my sleep paralysis demon looks like that.
yeah I mean, look at the look at what they looked like beforehand. I mean, they were swinging beforehand. Like, what happened? I think he's rather cute. I think you're all just jealous. No. um I'm busy playing with that. Anyways. So that's how I have to say it. Yeah, so you guys encountered some mushroom. Yeah, y'all did all that.
um and Yeah, Matthias was kind of weird about the mushroom people. ah But um you know they were the the mushroom person was already gone. So if he was going to kill him, he didn't get a chance. You guys made, you know went on your way again. Let's do let mean do a random roll here to see if anything interesting happens um on the way. Nah, Hayden, you were 100% correct, by the way. that's
Wizard does look like Yoshi with his lost IQ. Ah, I rolled a 50. Yeah, it does. Oh, OK. All right, so as you guys are walking through the forest, you hear the sound of heavy footsteps that shake the earth a little beneath your feet. Oh, hell. Oh, moving heavy footsteps. Does boss music start playing in the background?
ah in the very distance like in the back of your mind what kind of boss music is it like the is it like the dragon but the dragon ah like the dragon board theme song or is it like something out of like bloodborne i don't know i feel like it'd be like guns and roses like just like a guitar solo in the back of your head you're just kind of like i know i thought about while this is like occurring welcome to i like that song yeah it's like welcome to the jungle you're like pull po bolt yeah perspective Yeah, that's a good one. All right. Sorry. Anyways, so should we roll a perception? Oh, sweet dear Lord. Are we fighting Tron? I don't know. That was the very first boss music that popped up on in Competech.
ah Actually, no, boss music doesn't play at the moment. It does not. Jaden makes a perception check. um Let me see if these guys have a pre-built. Oh, they do, sweet. Let me see what they're, they're not being stealthy, so. um
So, Jaden, you make a perception check and you did you determine the direction that these things are coming from, um but you can all hear it. um and Are you going to go look at what's making this noise? Does it sound like it's coming towards us, or it's just occurring in the distance? It's just occurring. um Not far away, like through the trees a bit. OK. Yeah, i'll I'll go look. OK, stealth. All right. um Yeah, I'm actually trying to get my character sheet to re-upload, because it janked on me.
All right, so you start sneaking over there. And as you get close, you see a pair of large creatures with ah buy like spikes,
kind of like a turtle shell on their back, but it's spiky. It's not quite a turtle shell, though. They have a long tail with what looks like a mace on the end. Oh, like the dinosaurs? Oh, like the dinosaurs, yeah. Yes. OK.
And it's an Anglios. You see a pair of Angliosauruses. Okay. ah For some reason, there's dinosaurs here. Interesting. Dinosaurs? They're grazing nearby. Okay. um I run back and I'm like, guys, there are dinosaurs here. Earth-like earthlike dinosaurs. like You know those things that had like the balls on their butts on their tails and they would like could like slam into the ground and shit?
like the TV show Land Before Time. Exactly. Bro, they're eating grass. Like, like, like from Jurassic Park. Yeah, like, like from any dinosaur movie, that one. The tie says, man, you guys are talking about some classics. it Because this appears in the future for those are those are a legend. They don't even know if those are actually real.
You guys have a player. I look over at Nigel and I go. Hey, Nigel, you know anything about those things since you kind of woodland boy over there disappeared in the forest until like five years ago. Do I need to roll something for that? You could do a. OK, I do a nature check.
um He's like the only one that would have a reason to know what they are. And of all those, you know, that's good. The 19 based off that description, um they do sound like ankylosaurs is the Earth dinosaur. um This would be the second Earth dinosaur that you have, you have come across um because you also found the ichthyosaurus in the water. Oh, shit, that's right. I forgot about that alligator fish thing.
Yes. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Okay, we're dealing with some big shit here. Yo, all I'm saying is that if we come across tallgrass, I'm not going in into tallgrass. You know, you've also got weird things like squizzards and badger moles as well. so So I'm not going to try to do the voice today, because my voice is kind of fucked up. But I'm doing this in the Nigel Thornberry voice. Oh, yeah. It's it's ah it's a genius genius of armored dinosaur. It's a fossil, or or at least we have fossils back on Earth. um They were found in geological formations anyways. It's from the Cretaceous period, about 68 to 66 million years ago. Found a lot in Western

Futuristic Theories and Moon Discussion

North America, actually.
Um, it's also with the last non-avian data source, uh, of that period. like da It was named but ah by, by Brenham Brown in 1908. I got a 19. Come on. I got this. Okay. was a like I just rambled on for like the next like five minutes and y'all just begin to ignore me.
Yeah, i super easy. All I have to do to do is turn. Do we have any way of like taking pictures or anything like that? Um, I would say, sure. We have like the clear iPads, like the touch pads that like. Yeah, like in every sci-fi movie. we a did I have assumed you guys have comms of some sort.
like OK, this is how this is 200 years in the future. We have like contact. Yeah. Do we have like contact lenses? Like what like what the problem is Batman has in the new Batman movie. You don't have chargers for these things, so you use them sparingly. Well. Or you can recharge them. It's just energy is is what do you call it that? Scares. Yeah, it's scarce. Well, what if we had brain chips? Brain chips? Yeah, yeah, like for biology.
you don't have a computer to um connect them to. later on yeah i mean What about our ship? There is the dropship. um so yeah i mean What do we have? Solar panels, though? like Wouldn't solar panels be like a thing? Well, depends on if we cracked Fusion or not. Well, the problem the thing about solar panels is they would have had to survive the crash and probably been on an escape pod. They probably did not survive the crash. They need maintenance like all the time. I mean, you all have the ability from the dropship to charge things because it's only been a year and you you know haven't needed much. And also somehow the plastic factory works sometimes.
um So there's energy out there. You just don't have a lot of it. But but yes, you can take pictures. I'll say that. Just for like future references, is there like enough wind to build like a wind turbine to create energy or something like that? Wasn't there like three moons? Probably on the coast. We are a moon. Okay. Do moons have tides? That's no moon. That's no moon. You believe in the moon? That's Superman.
The moonlight was faked. Well, we don't actually have a moon, OK? It's a projection into the sky. The moon works for the bourgeoisie. The moon is the death star for all the birds. Oh, yeah. Well, according to the movie I recently watched called, I think it was Moonfall, the moon is some sort of like. Alien spaceship.
alien death ship. Yeah. Yeah. said Yeah. No, essentially. Yes. It's like a movie Apollo 13. There was a death ship and there was a death thing inside it. The moon itself was more of a of a station designed to repopulate the Earth or something like that. Well, yeah. Doesn't it like explode or something and then like destroys the whole. Well, no, it was starting to fall. Oh.
does anyone have like oh yeah yeah i remember watching that it was actually a good movie um Does anyone have like a ah toolkit proficiency and like like something that we can draw this or? I mean, y'all could take a picture with something, I'm sure. OK, well, I'll I'll snap a quick picture or like a short video of it.
What's up guys? It's your boy.
You make a tick tock. Nigel Thornberry in the show um was like a documentary dude, right? Yeah. So essentially David. Well, yeah, but you're not Nigel Thornberry. You're Nigel. Lightcastle, which is basically Nigel Thornberry. Yeah.
um No, I would say I'll probably have some sort of tech that can definitely take a picture. So just change your name to Nigel, not Barry.
So we should talk. So I run up to the a sources and I do a stupid dance right in front of them. Oh, God, this is when you go. Well, they're super docile, like they only had like, I mean, we don't know that always. They were. It's like 12 pound, 12 ton beast in front of us.
I mean, the monster manual says they are less aggressive, but they might attack to defend their young or if startled or harassed. and so ah Bill is definitely harassing and startling. And also, I'm just going to say this, that I played with Eric one time and he voiced two Anglia sources. I will never trust those fuckers again. Eric voiced Anglia sources. What? We need to call him yeah now.
No, they're there like one one of them was cool, was cool and but he was like fat and lazy. But the other one was like, I vaguely remember this. Yeah. Yeah. He was so yeah olderder levin but prison like I don't know what that means yet. Bill, so what are you doing, Bill? You're doing stupid tiktok. We'll do a performance check. I said it. I said it. Yolo. My performance is crazy. Can I join him?
Go for it. I put four in performance, but oh, she even hold. on Fuck. Damn. I told you guys was crazy. It's a twenty four. Now, none of my shit is coming up. Oh, I got a seven. So. So I want to get technical, though, with D and&D rules, um Jaden would have been helping Bill. OK, I want to give the advantage. and Yes. then a nineteen So So I think the Anglia sources are like, rog you know, and they're they're they're very confused by this. They stop they stop grazing thank and like one of them like flicks its tail and agitation. Oh. Well, then the other one stands up and the hind legs and joins me in the dance. Is it like three out of his nose and go like. Yeah, it like snorts out of its nose.
like a deer, do those things. It's the first time I ever heard a deer do that. I got like, I was surprised how terrifying that noise was. Right. All right, Bill, that's an actual aggressive sound. How to keep doing this without making them mad. Well, you've got your video. Yeah, we have our video and I'm like, OK, now back up slowly away from the dinosaur. Fuck you slowly. I'm running.
Okay. I run back to the bushes. Yeah, you run off. I guess the ah the creature you know doesn't really... Yeah, it's it's since you haven't attacked it, it's not not concerned.

Bear Creature Encounters

It probably thinks you're like one of those birds. You you were you were probably doing a mating dance towards the other... yeah Towards the other thing. That's so cool.
Okay, I'm just gonna put this out there y'all. We could ride Angliosaurusus. That's what I was thinking. ah Later when we figure out how to not piss him off. I'm just gonna i'm just gonna charge i'm just gonna charge right in front of it, because a dangerous bit is the backside. I'm gonna run right up to it and jump on but jump us back. Are you doing this? Okay.
no way way i'm i'm talking about options here no you said you didn't hit that athletics row my fair he said i'm going to he didn't say i got to you were right you were 100 percent right i actually did say that god damn it acrobatics i just just don't do it you have to build an easier reaction to not let him do that the
He slips and falls. but know All of a sudden, right this side of the preacher thing charges at the ankylosaurs. It lets out a noise of alarm, I guess, um and and stomps its feet aggressively. I mean, you rolled a four, so you didn't even come close to getting on its back. I didn't even come close to getting up to it.
You ran towards it and tripped. So it's still not really threatened, but it's like, what it what is this thing doing? And it's like stomping aggressively. You know what? Like stomping one one ah foot and like digging into the ground. Kind of like a bull ready to charge. so okay can can i Can I look over at Mathis and see what his reaction to all this is? um He is standing off to the side. ah with his he's kind of got his gun raised like at the ready, you know, just in case. So I'm going to go and stand next to Mathis away from the possible shit storm about to happen. Do you remember in how in the wild Thornberry's Nigel Thornberry thought he knew like a lot about it, a lot of stuff and so I could do really stupid shit because of it. Yeah.
With my 19, can I fit like think of a way to Nigel Thornberry this shit and like dance it to reassure it that it's OK? That would now be an animal handling. Because you can have knowledge, but to actually do it, you know, well. Oh, god damn it. I was actually about to do something, but it's fine.
So that's a 20. I just like slowly shimmy my way out in front of him. I'm just doing like a weird little wave and a little shimmy. Get down on all fours and like lift up a leg and wave around like a tail. Cleosaurus calms down and it takes a step towards you. Snorts and and then turns and starts like grazing again. Yeah.
What the fuck was that? What the fuck? That's the noises he makes. It's like Roger for... It's like Roger for American Dad. yeah
so yeah So yeah, you guys start moving on, I guess. Are y'all leaving the ankylosaurs? I am leaving the ankylosaurs. We'll come back. Yeah. We'll come back. All right, so y'all head...
Continue on your way, then. You're heading deeper into the jungle. Can we note on the map where we found the Aqueousaurus? Yeah, Frank, you need to draw them. ah Yes. Oh, God. Let's see if I can draw them. Let's just say, I don't know. I don't know which direction, y'all. Oops. I didn't mean to do that. Let's say. We didn't know what direction we were going this entire time. I don't know. you You're going because there's stuff. You're over here somewhere.
So I have I have proficiency in the herbalism kit. Could I take a moment to make like a small diorama of the aqueous sources? A diorama? What? Not a diorama, but like a small model. That's not what herbalism kit is for. I know, but I've got the tools. I want to try to do it. I also have a mechanical toolkit. Wouldn't that be wood carving?
No, I mean, um I want to take like some berries and some twigs and this make like a small- Make an herbalism check with disadvantage. All right.
yeah and You make a pile of twigs. Hey, guys. I'm an aclisaur and I put it in my pack.
I'm just like, he didn't even tie them together. It's just a pile. yeah isn
I will say, Bill, if you also want to one-up him and make one, you make it perfectly, because you're an artificer. So, okay, wait, because y'all kind of... It's in his blood. Y'all kind of... So what do I need to try?
No, I was just joking. Frank made his crappy berry ankylosaurus with a nine. But I was like, well, if Bill wants to make a figurine of an ankylosaurus, it's probably going to be perfect, though, because he's an artificer. You know what? ah Here, he wanted to use his herbalism kit. you know I want to use my brewer's supplies because I can do that. um To make it. Brewer's supplies to do what?
make i've got tools all over your piss just go ahead and make the ankle source pee in a cup and you just start brewing that shit ten times distilled but no don't do 90% proof fuck this nah i'm good okay wait alright that's why i didn't go that was mine Putting it on my arm. Aww. I'm sorry, Jayden. That's kind of funny. It's okay. I need somebody to click it. Roll for intelligence.
Why? Why? What the fuck? why What are you doing with your gun, smithing tools? I'm faffing. Are you using that laptop or the the tablet thing?
I'm using the palette right now because the the sound on the laptop is fucked up. um think There we go. Brewer supplies. So it's 17. 17 first. I don't know what you're trying to brew, but... um like i mean to go thing and i mean Something a berry sticks, ankylosaurs poop and sadness. Doesn't that take time though?
like I don't know how beer works, but like doesn't it take time to... No, we found this epic kind of ah yeast down here that ah that works in like pretty much hours.
Wow. well Sorry, minute minutes. Minutes. So we get super drunk really fast. You've got something brewing. Let's see how it goes. With Inclosaurus Pits.
ah And we will go to the village, tell everyone that we found weird berries, and we want someone to taste test it. and But they're really just drinking piss. but So as you all are traipsing through the forest now that you've left the Ancliosauruses, Matthias pulls up alongside. you know he's He's walking alongside. um Who would be a who would who wouldd be the one for this?
Lucky? he Yeah, I guess it would be Lucky. Lucky is the technically not magic user. As we were wandering along, he walks up next to Lucky, and it's like, so ah so so that was pretty weird the other day, right? With the mushroom people. Are we walking? where we're We're walking and talking. Did he did he make contact? did he like and like, announce his presence to me somehow. Do y'all are walking next to you? He just walked up next to you. Like... He's just trying to make small talk. Yeah. But he'll just... No. I don't know. But um there's that there's a there's a certain trait about about Lucky i don't I'm not sure if anyone has picked up on yet. He doesn't he doesn't notice that he's there. That Matthias is there even when he talks? No.
Well, he didn't announce his present. He just started talking. He's he's talking. No one says anything. I'm just not. to I'm just pretty much I don't know he's there. And I go, hey, Lucky. But the fuck up. I'm just kidding. Did you are you in front of me when you said that? Yeah, I like I like what I like walk in front of you and turn around. So I'm walking backwards and I look you in the eyes and go, hey, Lucky.
When you do have Matthias, Matthias moves away from y'all and goes back to the front of the group. I lift my i lift my eyes up and I both speak and sign at the same time. What? What's up? Are you deaf? Yes. Oh my gosh.
Well, now you get and all sound based reception checks, by the way. yeah Yeah, yeah, I know, but it's like I've i've been um've been blowing shit up for the past 10 years. um I haven't had hearing in a whole time. And I'm signing the entire time, also speaking. Yeah, so like I thought you were like you just had a weird kick where you just signed or something. He wasn't even making a TikTok. He was trying to talk to the the dinosaur. da He was just trying to talk to you, man. And then you just started dancing.
Good language was one of the language I could pick and then I realized that hey I'm I based my I based my character off that most very heavily off the guy from Atlantis the kind of blue shit up or you know, yeah, no glissoring powder dynamite Can you do that as a picture please Fuck yes. I love that guy. 100% going to do that. That's what you look like from now on in my image.
um Yeah, so ah so soon as ah but as soon as tries to talk to Lucky, Matthias moves away.
I do an insight check to see if like it was me or if it just got like an awkward situation vibe. Yes. and I'm going to do an insight or yeah, in insights better. I have no idea that something awkward happens.
A five. I don't know fucking shit. Yeah, you you didn't notice like you didn't think anything of it. OK. is you You just think he's going back to the front because you know he's normally the person leading the way following the tracks and stuff. um And yeah, you guys continue on. And after, let me pull up my next section. So um so after days of tracking, the players ah you you spot something large in the distance, something brown and furry the size of a large bear.
it hasn't It doesn't appear to have noticed you yet, um as far as you can tell. And it's going in the opposite, well, I guess it's going in the same direction as you. Opposite would mean it's coming towards you. So it's going in the same direction as you. Are the Badger moles that size? Is like is it a variant? No, it's smaller than a Badger mole. Now, you guys were tracking something bear alive fair-like. Bear-like.
yeah Out of curiosity, now that we're seeing it, it's our Badgimol, the one that's where that we've brought with us. How is it reacting? Let me see if the Badgimol notices it. Where's Badgimol? There he is. Who has the best animal animal handling? I bet that's the best animal. Nigel, right? Oh, right here. Hi, guys. Animal handling.
gender I've got a plus five in animal handling. So the badger. What happened to your mic? The badger was like staring it down. um I am not at my PC at the moment, so I'm using my my Bluetooth. Sorry. He's pooping. The badger mo definitely notices it, um but doesn't seem bothered. All right. Well, badgermold knows. Well, because I know badgermold knows what the thing is. You guys know that these badgermolds are also At least in the area. Well, in your area, they were until you domesticated them. They were essentially the apex predator. They were eating your people or. Oh, that's true. So and it is larger than and this creature. Like the horses of our day. I'm just kidding. Well, that's cool. So then we're just hot shit now walking around.
So right now, the creature is traveling in the same direction you guys are traveling. It's it's still like you're just getting glimpses of it through the trees. Now, you can it is brown and furry. It. Doesn't from it. Well, I guess you can make perception checks. Or a nature check. Would this be site based? Yes. Cool. I roll 11. OK.
I'm not by the computer. um i guess all area What do you want to do? Perception or nature? Which one's higher? nature the No, actually your perception is higher.
tell a yeah
well and got its end He's the only one who rolled good. ah Wait, I need to roll. I'm an idiot. Well, Bill rolled a four the first time. That's a performance because it fucking fat fingered that. Oh, OK. Well, I've seen performance. So um most of the bears on Earth are extinct, but you've seen some in the zoo for sure. This doesn't look like a bear. um It moves somewhat like a bear.
But ah just it it is there it's still far away. You're getting glimpses of it through the trees and stuff. um And you guys knew that there was a good chance it wasn't a bear. It was something bear-like that you were tracking. And um so this definitely is more on the bear-like spectrum. It's the Snaskwatch. You guys, blan and your goal for tracking this creature was either A, um to just kill it kill it for food,
Or B, try to figure out what it's been eating, because a bear-like creature probably needs something, a large food source. So those those were kind of your your to two goals. Either try and figure out what the bear's been eating so that you guys can eat it yourself, or just kill a bear and and bring it back for food. Bears are an omnivorous creatures. They eat both.
Well, it's not a bear. We just know it it has bear paws that look like bear paws. I'm just saying, if it's a bear-like creature, it could be omnivorous. And give it could be eating things that we can't even eat. but I'm going to everyone i'm gonna turn to everyone and be like, I can throw so something at it real good, or I can shoot it. Well, let's think about this first. How far away is it from us right now?
um It's far away that far enough away that it hasn't noticed you yet, but you haven't done anything loud.
Unless Moon was casting this spell here. now i i was pri I was actually just trying to hit the eye on the sp the information an icon on the spell and for whatever reason it brought the whole thing. okay um Could I do a nature check to see if I recognize the creature? Yes.
ah Can you roll it for me? And said and again, not next to my PC. You got a tin. It's been a while since you've seen a bear. Could be a bear, could not. It's hard to say. Also, you're not on Earth, so but you have seen dinosaurs, but bears didn't exist back when dinosaurs existed, so you're not sure. but Yeah, guys, these are totally bears. Well, it's a tin, so I would say it could go either way.
and in your mind. Like, you don't know. I like to think that they are not bears, but I'm just calling them bears because that seems like a very unidual form for anything to do. Yeah. I guess I take a quick picture of it. OK. And then what do you guys want to do? I don't want tracking darts or. You don't have any tracking darts now. Oh, that's a shame.
I try to sneak up and then do like a burning hands and and like imprint into its fur Do you want to you want to brand it? Yeah, okay Give me a stealth check I I vote we should just watch this thing and see what it's trying to eat Well, I say we just let whatever wanted and brand it go to it. and We all just stay back and watch. Yeah, I'm gonna go watch j roll is seven and So Jayden, as you are approaching this creature, um I wonder if I can... You know what? Can I show it only to Jayden? In Player's Journals. Jayden, save. If you go to the Monsters section in the area where your character character sheet is, look under Monsters, and it would be called Unknown unknown Bear Creature. You can see what this thing looks like.
I don't want to brand this thing anymore. It's working on all fours, yeah. so you have a But the problem is, you only rolled a seven, so you got close enough to see it. It sees you and and stops and turns towards you, um and and you hear like a low growl emitting from the creature. I run as fast as I can. but God damn it. what know How did you ever watch that? You don't. Roll a what? um Initiative.
ah don' bring up the inni don't don't roll yet um and bring this up okay turn order is on um i guess i'm just goingnna what do i have to roll to try to hide before he gets there initiative I can't yeah stuff was like what should you roll and what should ron roll yeah
As I see him like sprinting back, I want to try to like camouflage myself. ah You would have to roll the ship first. Y'all don't even know what this thing looks like. I'm just screaming. Y'all give me like... it's not this We're not necessarily in combat, but... oh why does it only It only took his.
i wrote Sorry, I didn't click my token. I forgot I had to do that. But I rolled 12. That's what it is. i I'll add all my tokens. Fine. um
It's like a reroll. It still says Blake. Is it chasing me while I'm running? Not yet, but I just want initiative to be happening so I can prepare for this for whatever it's going to do. Sorry, I'm trying to roll. I'm trying to roll. My internet's being asked tonight.
OK, so bear thing, got an 18. Avalon, got a three. yeah help
Lucky. Oh, ah got a nine. I am um'm just really, really just knocking the incredible rolls right out of the park. OK.
um Well, bear thing is first up, apparently. ah Question is, do I want it to attack you? Because you just kind of approached it and then ran away. um Let's see. i would i You don't run from a bear, because it's going to chase you. Well, it's not a bear, but. It's definitely not a bear. I'll tell you all that right now.
Now I want to know what it looks like shit. You're about to find out. I think it's going to do um it's goingnna like let out a roar, I guess, to intimidate you.
Let's see what it rolls. It didn't roll very good for its intimidation. but you know It roars as you're running away, but I guess it's not going to immediately chase you at the moment um because it was it was going somewhere. But it watches you go and waits until you're a good distance away um before it turns and starts more hurriedly running. Well, not running, but more like trotting in the direction it was going before. um I guess we didn't need to roll initiative because I decided it wasn't going to attack just yet.
But everybody do make a perception check. And let me make a perception check for a frame. Why am I rolling like ass tonight? For real. OK, perception checks, then. 8-4. 8-4. Wait, if I took a picture of it, could I zoom in? Well, it's going to be like the back of it. The front's where the action is. Well, yeah, but I would.
yeah I guess ah it was walking away from us. So the bear thing goes running. ah But lucky, you happen to be looking around. um you know you You may not have may not be able to hear very well, but ah most people who are losing one sense have better other senses. And you do spot movement ah behind you guys.
ooh, another of the bear creatures. Uh, and when it, when, when you spot it, it stops moving and like kind of like just freezes, but it's, it's also not, not close, you know, not within like striking range or anything, like probably like several yards behind. Like, was it walking towards us? Show them. Yes. It was walking towards us. Uh, yeah, I'll make it to our bill can see it now. Bill. Uh-huh. I think you'll like this thing.
Okay, it should be under monsters. Oh, God. Oh, my God. I'm all unknown bear creature. Show me. Look at that thing. Oh, one second. The picture's still loading. I need it! I need it!
Oh my god! It looks so epic, but it also looks like it just wants all of the belly rubs. I know. It's like it's like a bear squirrel. So, instantly upon realizing that, I am going to very rapidly turn around and aim my gun. And I'm gonna be like, Nigel? When you turn and aim your gun, Matthias spins around in the direction that you turned and aims his gun as well.
You know, because he's he was aiming this gun towards the first one and and then he hears you you turn and that causes him to look and see and now he turns and he's, you know, kind of going back and forth undecided between the two bears. But I guess, well, I guess he focuses on the one that's not running away from you. Yeah. Like, and i yeah. So I immediately on turning around, I'm like, Nigel.
Anybody have any train visor darts?
i do not but i do have I do potentially have an idea. yeah i am so I am saying this is lucky. I do potentially have an idea that might scare it off, but I just don't have the kind of firepower to blow it the fuck up. But I can shoot it, or I can try to scare it.
well Do you So and make the creature visible now. um Hayden, I need it. well Look at this thing. You're going to like it too. I can't see it. It's like kind of cute in a scary way. But also like terrifying if you just like walked up to it.
and we're prepared to use the hands-on access. I'll not share the picture, but... I don't see it. Okay, let's do it this way. It's down at the like very bottom under the all the character sheets. It looks like they evolved to eat the pork trees.
um um how do you How are you saying that's cute in any way? It kind of looks like a squirrel. No, squirrels are terrifying.
Yeah, so is this thing. Yeah, but I mean, imagine, walking imagine walking into any situation and with one of these as your pet. No one's going to fuck with you. This thing is like, say yeah, this thing is like the epic and energy of badass. But do you know how many people we lost trying to tame the badger moles? Yeah, but was Nigel on the case? Yes.
I was gone for like a year. I heard the Badger Mole. The Badger Mole... He's off being lazy. I do feel like these Badger Mole things are very lazy. um However, as the ah the that you guys spot the one behind, that the Badger Mole also turns and it starts snarling in the direction of the bear that's close by. I'm just going to calling it a bear for now.
i don't know i get i had a lin
now that i have an option that might scare it and enroed in eighteen the decoy do i recognize this thing yeah yeah that's not the and it's not an earth animal ah yeah not fair and i mean
ah like got a bearilla had an unfair with it's not a bear Do I do I by chance like know anything about it with an 18 Uh, you think maybe it looks kind of like a ah ah a werewolf? I don't know. A bear wolf. I was thinking. I was thinking like a bear wolf square square. of square but Yeah, no, no, you couldn't. I mean, mayor opinion probably it's a mammal. Probably it's a predator. Probably it's man bear pigs. I would assume that it was probably stalking you. However, it's not displaying any.
At the moment, any overtly aggressive tendencies, although the badger mole is definitely growling at it. Well, it's probably good at that thing. It's frozen because um because it got. Oh, I got Nigel. So with the net 20, can I try to approach this thing and make a friend out of it? I will say with 20, you did get a net 20. You can approach this thing and it doesn't attack you.
But domesticating an animal takes a while. ah yeah so good Do you have magic? well I do have some magic, yes. But I'm only a level one druid. That's true. I've got produce, flame, guidance, cure wounds. hat wearinging and chip well I do have the animal friendship spell.
Do it. do it Can I give can I give him guidance? OK, I'm I'm doing the animal fringes basically charm person. um So it's a. ah Your, your spells. OK, so the creature has to make a save a save against the spell. OK, so with a nat 20 animal handling and the animal friendship, could he roll at disadvantage? ah Sure.
What kind of save is it? A wisdom save? Does it say? It just says spell save 15.
Yeah, it says spell save 15. Oh, wisdom saving throw. Okay. um It has, well, it's got decent wisdom, not terrible, but it's, we'll say disadvantage.
ah I wasn't expecting this, but you've charmed the bear monster. That was a nat one. Oh my fucking god. As you approach the thing. and So hold on, hold on. I have to describe this. So I see it approaching, and I remember seeing these interact in the wild at one point. And what they would do when they saw each other is they would like turn around and like kind of hop backwards with their butt facing towards them.
OK, of course.

Bear Creature's Guidance

And so I like turn around, I start hopping with my butt facing towards him until I'm like right up on him. And then I like nuzzle my butt up against him and then turn around and and nuzzle his head with my head. ah The creature, the creature nuzzles you back and then like playfully like. Gives you a playful bat, what's not, you know, knocks you to the ground, but it doesn't harm you.
it's It's very strong because, you know, it's a bear thing. um But it gives you like a playful like, you know, shove with its paw. How long does that spell last? Does it say 24 hours? Yeah. You've got a bear for ah four hours. I kind of laugh. I say back up and I start like just rubbing his face like you do, like a small like dog that just is really cute. And I'm like, oh, eight down goat.
Now, out of curiosity, when someone in your party casts Animal Friendship, does that extend to the rest of the party here? Probably not. No. But it's unlikely to directly attack you because you're friends with this with him. um But I probably would be cautious about you know interacting with this thing.
It's like trying to to pet someone's dog who it's like, they're perfectly fine with the owner, but they don't know you and don't like you. I'm going to turn around. I pull out ah pull out one of my good berries and I hand it. I'm like, does anybody want to try to feed it? No. No. No. That is all you. goodber and i am I am ready to cast two spells.
It sniffs the berry and then and then licks it out of your hand. Oh, I also have fish. I have a lot of fish. I pull out fish meat. How much fish are you doing now? I mean, it'll happily munch on it'll happily munch on whatever you give it. I'm going to turn towards Riker, and I'm going to ah ah ask,
and you know I'm going to ask, you can talk to things in their minds, right? Only if they can speak a language. Does it speak a language? I have to be in 30 feet and I'm not getting in 30 feet of that thing. Um, another quick question. Uh, did we hear the other one making any noises? Yeah. And I, bri thats that's when I, that's when I look back at Lucky and I go,
I make chuffing noises at at the the bear creature. That's when I look at Lucky, and I'm like, hey, Lucky Knight or Lucky and Mafis, we should probably go find the other one and find out where it went off to. Yeah. Yeah, OK. Yeah. Yeah, I agree. this you This one seems like it's distracted now, so it's probably not going to go wherever it was going. Giving the universal sign for OK. Thumbs up.
And that's when I... The bear thing chuffs back at you, Nigel, but doesn't know what you want. I take off at a slight jog to catch up to the ah creature. Okay. Same as these. I get down on all fours and, like, prance after everybody. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. The bear thing follows you. I mean, it's it's charmed. Hello. it i garset amnit saw For the next 24 hours, it is your loyal, but still an animal friend. I'm not going to lie. I love that you became friends with this thing. But I am just waiting for the one moment where this thing decides, I don't like anyone else here. Well, we just can't attack it. Otherwise, it will be us. How many times will I have to cast Animal Friendship before this thing actually is my permanent friend?
Well, see, it's like charming a person. I'm sure, like... I forget. Oh, some of the bits. I have Beast Bond. Do you have what? He has Beast Bond. But doesn't Beast Bond only work on one creature? He has one creature. Beast Bond. Let's see. Beast Bond. Listen, I would gladly accept this thing into the party before accepting that Swizzard for another day. i you Until the spell ends, the link is active while you and the beast are within line of sight. Through the link, the beast can understand your telepathic messages to it and can telepathically communicate simple emotions and concepts back to you. While the link is active, it gains advantage on all attack rolls against any creature within five feet of you that you can see. I can talk to this thing. Yes. um Well, you you can talk to it, but it can only
Apparently, talk back in a simple emotions. By the way, you've used one of your level one spells, so I'm lowering your spell slot. I also speak with animals. I think B spawn would be much more useful in this situation. What you going to name it?
I'm thinking fluffy.
ah But yeah, it is following you you guys chase after the bear thing. It's relatively easy to follow it because now it's in a hurry. Crashing through the woods. And eventually you you do hear the crashing stop. um And you guys come upon the entrance to a cave. Oh, hell no, I'm not going in there.
Lucky approaches the mouth of the cave. you like no i'm not walking up like so I'm not walking up to an open cave. I walk up to like the mountain, and I traips along the mountain like with my back up against the mountain wall up to the entrance of the cave. okay And then I aim my rifle in. like I peek around the corner with my rifle in and ah with the with the flashlight on my rifle on.
ah with the okay um Let me just go ahead and change the map real quick. Let's see. Oh, Jesus, there's a map. All right, I'm going to cast Beast Ball on it. I'm going to cast Beast Ball on it. I'm going to cast Beast Ball on it. I'm going to cast Beast Ball on it. I'm going to cast Beast Ball on it. I'm going to cast Beast Ball on it. I'm going to cast Beast Ball on it. I'm going to cast Beast Ball on it. I'm going to cast Beast Ball on it. I'm going to cast Beast Ball on it. I'm going to cast Beast Ball on it. I'm going to cast Beast Ball on it. I'm going to cast Beast Ball on it. I'm going to cast Beast Ball on it. Which I might. God damn. I found I found a baby squizzard and raised it back to health and it became my friend. Because Jaden also has a chicken. Yeah, it's always on my shoulder. You have the chickens on your shoulder. You have a chicken on your shoulder? I tried to attack the chicken. ah What the fuck? Why is it? Why is it? Do I feel like this is the first time I'm hearing about a chicken?
Because he has a enough. He's talked. He's talked about it before. I mean, briefly, but. um um So the bear creature is just in here over by the the the water. um I guess let me describe this cave real quick. And yes, you do have the beast that you cast B spawn, Frank. um It's. ah The emotion you get as the cave comes into sight is that this is home.
Um, that's, that's what you're feeling from the bear. Uh, let me, can I think to it? How old are you? And get some sort of response. The bear does not understand the concept of time. Um, okay. That can't be true. It has to understand the concept of time. Well, I mean, it can understand like hours. Time is a human construct. Are you, but but are you an adult or are you young?
Yeah, Baird knows that it's grown. It is an adult. How many slum? No. What do you call it? Nocturnal? No. Frick. When they hibernate. How many hibernations? I don't think they would count. I don't think they keep track of that. I don't have numbers.
I mean, elephants are like the closest thing we have to like intelligent animals and dolphins, but dolphins don't keep time for as long as we know. Well, Ravens can use tools. Yeah, those are four of its four of its special exception.
this This isn't a bear creature thing that can only communicate in simple emotions. And also, this is this is an alien on another planet. And the spell that you use can only affect on something that has, like, what, an intelligence of four? You think an autistic creature would be able to communicate that to you? Yeah, they have so intelligence less than floor four.
It knows it's an adult bear thing. Does it look like it's a older or larger than the other creature? They look to be about the same. I mean, one of them, I'll say, yours has a penis. Nice. It's like a big thing. It goes back to what I was just about to ask. We're not going to describe it.
um ah Oh, it's his mate. We found the mate. We found the mate. um So in the cave, you know you can it's s lit up enough. You see a pool of water in the back. There's these bush things on you know in there. And you do see scattered bones and the carcass of ah of a half-eaten thing, um which you know you're not close enough to really closely investigate what this thing is.

Cave Discoveries

um That uses up all your first level spells for the day, by the way, Frank. Yeah, I know. OK, I take another picture of this. Yeah. I take another piece of fish out of my bag, like offer it to Fluffy and then think to it, take it to your mate.
and Show them we're friends. Fluffy goes in and ah takes it to the mate. um The mate, you know, it it eats the fish, the chunk of fish. ah But, um you know, you don't really, I guess you couldn't, wouldn't really be able to tell if the mate acknowledges you as a friend or not. um Does this fluffy make like chuffy noises and like what seems like calming gestures?
um Fluffy does not seem afraid and therefore the mage is not necessarily afraid at the moment. Well, no, like call me gestures like towards us. And like, it doesn't make gestures. You get a general sense of fluffy is not worried. Well, no, I'm I tell it to make sure friends days calm mate stakes calm. What's your.
and um It does the best it can. All right, I approach. I do the but waggle backwards jump towards this other creature. All right, another animal handling with advantage. All right. Because you've got Fluffy on your side. Well, that was lucky. So you're able to enter this cave, for sure. And everyone's just watching this weirdness happen. I really slowly just pick up my gun. I'm not shooting it, but I
Have it perfectly in my crosshairs. I'm basically preparing. Can I? I'm basically preparing an action for this thing. Attack. I'm going to shoot it. You're ready in action to shoot. I think I look over at the badger. How's the badger mole reacting to all this? The badger mole is quite agitated in the presence so close to these bears.
um It's similar to like when two dogs and a predator or yeah, two dogs that don't know each other. Like it's it's snarling um quietly in the direction, you know, and and like Matthias is like holding the reins, you know, trying to keep it calm. and Can I throw an animal handling check and try to lead it away? Yes. Oh, not 20. Do you hop on the Badger Moles back and it goes wherever you want?
Hell yeah, bruh. I mean, you guys can ride this room all. Well, for like the next 10 minutes. Yeah, y'all can. This is a domesticated vaginal. Y'all can ride it. um You only have the one. I guess it should technically be large, too. It's maybe we can carry two people. Oh, it could probably carry all four of you. Oh, I've seen that right in this thing. Yeah, sure. All right. Oh, she's enormous. Yeah.
Are these things that size too, the token size is accurate or no? ah Let me check here. Let's see. They are medium creatures. So yes. Yeah. and small Yeah, so I hop on my bad the Badger Mall and wander off with it.
um Nigel, now that you're in the cave, You do see that there are a lot of bones. And the carcass, I guess, give me a nature check. Nature? mean You rolled 12. OK. So all right, which one is the, I guess it will be the family. I'm thinking of order kingdom, family, genus. like Which one is the like broader one?
for a group of creatures. Family. Genius? Genius could be pretty broad too, because that's like the first name. No, family is the reference, kind of like saying Jackson's. Genius would be kind of like saying I'm Bill of the Jacksons. Right. So it's like, you know, of Corvids, there are ravens and crows and magpies. So it goes kingdom, division, class, order, family, genus, and species.
OK, so would OK. Well, I'll say that this carcass and these bones. um Look like the sus PC genus, which suss is um is is pig, apparently. You're among those people. No, that's not the among those people. No, they it looks like something related to pig or boar. It's a pig analog. Yes.
Mm hmm. Something, yeah, bones and carcass of something boar like probably more boar like them than then like your pig. Considering that pigs, if you leave them in the wild, they're two generations, they revert back to bores. Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah, no, yeah. Do they? That's 100 percent accurate.
Do they? Do they? That's why you got to eat on the seeds that go quickly. yeah Or hog or something like like or boar hog, boar hog, the hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs, hogs,
with a twelve you couldn't narrow it hogs, hogs,
Um, I would like to roll in another nature to see if it's pregnant. It's a fair thing or fluffy's mate thing.
Yeah, it's ah it an 18. Um, I will say that the bear creature is not bothering you, but it's not going to allow you to approach. Um, it close enough.
and examine it close enough to say whether or not it's pregnant. I i tell Fluffy to come to me. Fluffy comes to you. And I like love on him. Like you would a small animal, like a small puppy. The bear creature goes that the other one starts eating the bork carcass. um So I guess while I'm out with the ah the badger mole, I guess I'm going to start looking for other tracks and whatnot.
OK, give me a survival check. 15. So yeah, you definitely find um quite a few tracks, of course, because I will say with the 15, you find um something that looks like it was not too long ago dragged along.
Can I follow those tracks? Yeah, you can follow those tracks. um You follow those tracks. It'll probably take you a little while. ah So you would be off screen for a bit. I really want to mess mess with Mathis and do my wake in mind and speak into his head. OK. Since I already know Mathis doesn't like me. What do you say into his head? I just go knock, knock, it's me.
I wonder if it would sound like your voice in his head. um um Probably. or and around Or does it do like that thing where like you know how you give other people voices in your head? Like you know what they actually sound like, but like. Yeah, yeah to be honest, when you get that customer, you have a voice in your head. That's true. um I mean, he spins around. i Obviously, if you're following these tracks, though, you won't be able to do it for very long.
because you can only do it within 30 feet. so yeah um but yeah I mean, it definitely startles him, and he's he's looking around like, what what was that? and And I go, and I just say, found tracks, I'm following it, and I just wander off. He just watches you go, eyeing you suspiciously. um but think and then And then turns back to the cave and the problem at hand and and shouts in, he's like,
is Is there is there any sign of what those things are eaten?
Is he saying that out loud? Yeah, yeah he yells it into the cave. I holler back, there is a. ah A boar analog. A boar analog. Yes. So you think they're more. No, not like.
bo It's a boar analog wait. How big are these boars? They I mean they'd probably be considered medium creatures Like hog rider size i Well the monster manual and so a lot of these things I just used I just renamed and found a different image for You know stuff monster manual says boars medium um This would be the size of a normal boar not a dire boar. OK. Yeah, that was more accurately the question. Yeah. I asked Fluffy if he can take us to the boar analog's original version.
um Fluffy sends you, I guess, a mixture of emotions. It's it's not hungry right now.
um But you probably get like a flash. Do you get like images from this? um Or is it just emotions? Emotions. I think it just had simple emotions. You get the concept of an open like grassy area, I guess. um But also, the it's not it's not hungry right now.

Communication with Creatures

I send to it, but I'm hungry. I gave it fish, so it wouldn't be, but now I am. Please help.
I lied to the creature, I love it. He's charmed, otherwise I'd say make a deception. Lying to a creature that can't understand you. That doesn't understand lies. The creature reluctantly ah agrees to to guide you there. um as if i can write The creature doesn't know what that means.
I send it an image of me like on his back, but not like an actual 3D model, just more like a stick figure of myself sitting on a stick figure of him. The creature sends you the concept of mating with its mates, and it's the one that does the writing.
ah by
It it wants you, buddy. It needs you. I want that. I send it. But hey. Another goes image dataden of him running and me on Jaden is gone. Moving these things. Don't care about gender, Nigel. And then I send it a picture of me moving very slowly while he runs past me because he's fast.
These things are actually a Congender swap. Just wait, are you trying to write writing? Yes. um It sends back confusion.
um and ah And then starts walking slower, but in the direction that Hayden was going. All right, I follow.
Okay, I send I send an image play and is gone at the bear as you walk past. I send an image of ah whoever it was. Was it Jaden or was it Hayden? Uh-huh. Whatever it was that was right. It's a hate. Oh, I'm an image of Riker is writing. Okay, I send an image of Riker riding the badger mole. To him.
And then it just sees a badger mole. It wants to beat the fuck out of the badger mole. It sends, um, an image. Basically ah he he, it's not fond of the badger mole, but you asked it to do something. And so it's going to lead you to the, to, to the food, which is in the direction that the badger mole is going. I want to ride fluffy. Well, get on it then try.
Give me an hour. All right, we'll see how this goes. You basically have to force domestication. Yeah. I mean, the only creature that has domesticated itself is the cat. Fourteen and only barely true. Yeah, they're still essentially wild animals.
OK, it's you beat it. is very confused, but allows you to climb onto its back and continues to walk. I man, when it snaps out of its 24 hours, it's going to remember this and hate you.
It is going to fuck you to death. Yeah, dude. And I guess what a way to die because, you know, it it's it's doing its thing. Oh, God.
I know there's guys or in that ya I say to the guys as we pass by, he says the the the pigoid analogs of this direction.
How far back are they behind me? I would say you've got like ah maybe a like five to 10 minute head start. Hmm. I can't see nor hear them. It's going to take an hour to get to where you are going. I'm Gucci with the.
Yeah, I'm just Bill. Do you follow? Yeah, I'm following. I'm keeping the guess. square Wait, I'm keeping them squarely like where I can see them. Did Nigel give us the the fish or did he just like pass it out in his own time when I had I had fish on me that I kept for personal use, like feeding to my squizoid. um I gave most of that to
the fluffy to give to his mate. And okay so you didn't give any to us. Everybody has some of the fish, yes. Yeah, he slaughter slaughtered and ichthyosaurus. So there was a lot of fish to go around like everybody got a decent amount of fish. I just kept slightly more back so that I could, you know, feed it to the squizoid or, you know, use it in this case.
I'm going to do a D for odds. I don't like it evens, I like it. I like the fish. Okay.
um Okay, well, this is you guys have done well. You're doing a non-combat method so far. um You guys ah follow the trail. you know Hayden, you'll get to this first. um Eventually, you do come out onto... ah you you You find the end of the woods, more or less, and you ah end up in a ah large, plains-like plains-like area. And you do spot off in the distance a herd of um large... Well, i mean I guess medium would still be a large creature you know in general.
large pig-like creatures, which I'm going to add. I'll just add it for everybody to see because y'all are following behind. It is under the unnamed boar-like creature.
God. That's a creepy-looking fucking... It looks like a rhino. And an elephant has an unholy baby. Yeah. With some sort of anteater element there as well. Yeah. And yeah, you see those things. They're out like grazing in the fields. um the The herd has probably about 100 of a minute.
So it's just like you're there for 10 minutes before us. It's just the the circle, right? Like it's just like a a grass field within the forest and then just but like the forest surrounds this grass field, right? No, no, you've you've reached the edge of the forest. Oh, so and then it's just like planes from here on out planes for a while. Yeah. And probably off in the distance, you know, there's another forest or mountains or something. I haven't decided yet. I'm just trying outside because yeah Oh, these things have a pretty low passive perception. um So while you're far away, they definitely don't notice you. Yeah. So if I see these things, I know just like in the back of my mind, the rest of the group is going to be following me.

Herding Strategy and Execution

um I'm going to work my way to where I would be in front of the creatures and where everyone else is going to be so like. Yeah. Yeah. You know what I'm trying to say.
Yeah, it'll take you a little bit, but you can probably get there by around the time the rest of the group catches up. And then the rest of you also come to the edge of the forest um and find these these creatures out the mal grazing in the grasslands. They're grazing, eating grass, rooting around, maybe eating bugs or something, whatever it is pigs do.
I don't know. Do we see Riker and the Badger mole? You probably see the Badger mole. Yeah, you notice him off kind of far away from me all. He's angled himself to try to... Yeah, yeah. So I explained to everybody that's with me, I'd be like, hey, I'm going to run around the edge to where Riker's at. I'm going to see if we can't, by chance, capture some piglets.
um And we'll try to force them towards y'all and y'all take that as many as y'all can so you can try to bring some food back and we We don't know how these things will try to defend their young. We don't know if like they're like buffalo where They just like all scatter or if they're like where they They're like elephants where they put the children in the middle and then they fight to the freakin death and the So I explained to him, I'm gonna run over to Riker in the Badger Mall and try to scare them towards us and see if me and Riker can't by chance scoop up some of the piglets. And then I take off around the edge of the pack and try not to scare anybody over to Riker. Okay.
um So as you approach Riker, Uh, the badger mole starts hissing and growling again. Because you're on a bear thing.
Oh, and that's when it doesn't, you know, doesn't want the bear to come close to it. How close could you say we can get? I mean, you can get 50 feet, 15 feet or something. When you get to 30 feet, I just awaken mind you and I'm like, Hey, bro,
don't come any closer. Okay, cool. Hey, so um I am taking a empty aim on these pigs or I am like area where they're going to be. but highest you know suppose and Yeah, he's also angling himself to try to um like get a good box. Yeah. Yeah. So Racker, I've got an idea. I've got this net that I grabbed. um We could tie some rope to it and then try to run through the herd and see if by chance we can't snag a few piglets i mean while also forcing the herd towards you guys. I have an idea um that can probably work out a lot better. ah might sort bat Badger moles dig, right? And so we just dig a little big old trench.
to the point where like it's deep enough for all these. We can get ah a lot of them or like we dig pits and whatnot. And so while the boars are running, we assume that these are herd animals. They're not too intelligent and they'll just run into the pits and get stuck down in there and they can capture a lot of them. That's not a bad idea, but how long is it going to take you to make all the pits and trenches? I mean, how long does it take a batch of mold to do it? I mean, these are magical.
Incredibly long it wouldn't be quiet You know moving the earth around Now there's a good You know, they're not natural earth benders like an avatar, but that they're just roars in this but uh, you know It's not ah exactly the quietest method I Mean how far am I away from these things?
I mean, I'm far away enough. Guys are staying a long distance away so as not to alert them. um And because they've they have a passive perception of nine, so until y'all do something, that will make me actually roll for perception. um I mean, there's like 100 of them. So one of them, I'm just going to say, will succeed once if y'all do anything too overtly noticeable.
the I mean, these things, does it look like they nest in this part or does it look like they've been grazing around and whatnot? It just looks like they've been grazing around. OK, and what time of day is it? With a herd of like 100, we can probably see the trail, right? I don't know. does What does it look like when a herd of cow walk through a field?
Well, we're talking about more or pig-like analogues. They are extremely destructive to the environment, and they're not exactly stealthy. Yeah, i just imagine like like knee-tall grass. And like yeah if you could probably see. You can probably see. I mean, they've been scattered. ah that this like This area of the the world is a large plains area, so it's like,
you can see a lot of area that they've been in. like We're talking miles, you know it's not like a hundred feet and there's more forest. like As far as you can tell, you found a new area of the map, the plains area. youve You've encountered a new biome.
So i I think you have a good idea, Riker, but I feel like you might take too long and or um might do something that might scare or not scare, notify the pigoids um that we are up to something and possibly you chase them off prematurely. Like my idea sounds stupid, but...
I mean, either way we're gonna alert them that we're here. I can get like started on the digging um and like go farther away and do that. And then depending on what time of day is it, what time of day is it? I'm gonna say it's late afternoon now. Late afternoon. I've been traveling for a while. Okay. Yeah, I mean, I can probably get started and dig. It probably won't.
We don't have enough time, probably. Could you get one good pitfall? Yeah, that that's Ron. Would I be able to do that or would? Yes, I have a name for a badge of all. What's the name of the badge of all?
i Funny is the first thing that came to mind was Frank. I get it. Frank, the badge of all.
That way, we can just constantly say, God damn it, Frank.
God fucking damn it, Frank. Scout. Scout. Or Snout. Name him Scout, or Snout the Scout. For now, I'll just change it to Scout. Are you all able to see the names?
Yes. OK. Oh, yeah. Yeah. All right. um
Yeah, so I guess how long would it take me to dig a decent sized pit? I think the way we'll do this is as a skill challenge. um like I'm going to go far enough away where like they probably won't be able to notice this excavation. I feel like we need to like force them towards the trees.
That way, we can kind of condense them down into closer together like huddles. and so big so This Badger, it actually would not take very long. He's got a burrowing speed of 40 feet, so he can burrow 40 feet in a round. That's why I didn't think it would take that long to do this. He could very quickly dig a hole.
yeah and so What what ah like about like a 10-foot trench with steep sides? and so That's what I'm thinking. it just but what i would say Because I want this to be a skill challenge, um Hayden would just need to animal handle this badger to dig a proper trench. God damn it. Deep enough and steep enough walls that um the pigs can fall in but not get out.
hey yeah Lucky you mind ah giving me some inspiration or something like that? I actually have a cantrip. I'm over a tree land. Guidance. Oh yeah, can you guys see? Oh wait, how much was your yeah how far it does your ra your thing So yeah, everyone come up with a way that you're going to contribute to this thing as in the form of a skill. um So we can do a skill challenge.
and I'll roll something for, let's not see if Jay because anything useful. I can also actually, I do actually have a first level illusion spell called D.way and basically it's in exchange for 10 rounds of ammunition, I can, and I can delay the reaction for up to 10 minutes, but pretty much it causes all that ignition to go off of you too, if you need me to ah get the whole thing started. Just chase it towards a panic.
Yeah, pretty much. yeah
But it would again it would be a skill challenge because it would require me to you know sneak into the opposite over to the opposite direction, other side of the page. I mean, you're already in the opposite direction of where we're trying to get them to go. We've also got Jayden and Matthias that you can use um to just like help to rattle them in their direct shape. Yeah. So I feel like we should actually try to push them towards the trees, not away from them. I mean, but I have a cantrip produce flame. And if the DM is willing, um because it stays in my hand until I cast it or dismiss it. And we're in a plains area. Plains usually is grass. Grass, in most cases, is dry in plains areas.
I could try to create like a flame wall. And not so much like that'll, you know, cook them, but to scare them in a direction. yeah Yeah, that's see that one. I would get into the forest. with this These these pigs, I would probably.
Oh. i feel like i pigs i wentt board with a try to run for I feel like in a planes type situation, I feel like a fire would quickly become out of control.
Yeah. know Yeah, because all what we need is a breeze to come by. I mean, how I mean, an out of control fire could make it back. How many times does California get fucked over from this?
Yeah, millions of acres of fire because it's all dry grass. Yeah. This is just me sitting Mr. Burns style just as as I'm listening to. the might Excellent. startup Start a wildfire. Yes, do it. where where i can't i can i mean I like the idea. I can pass a stealth. As long as I can pass a stealth check and I can add can I can set off those 10 rounds of ammunition I can set it up the decoy and then literally come back and get back to the kill box and And set it off and chase them towards a kill box and also have have y'all chase them or or I can chase them into your trench Either we really want to have to do that. We would just have to get um We could just use one of the
God forbidden bears to chase them into it. I mean, and then.
um You guys could like form the V line where we would chase them into the trenches. I mean, we walked back and are talking this out. We're not like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. And so what I would imagine is Bill Mathis and
Avalon um Would be on the sides and they would just continuously shoot the the boars causing and Corralling them into the the trenches All right, so that all sounds good, so I think um the first thing that we should do is ah Build the trench which is going to need an animal handling from Hayden
Frank, you can do guidance on him if you want. Please give me guidance. If Frank doesn't, I ah will. So it's really just whoever wants to give you guidance. Oh, it just lets you roll an extra D4. Yeah. Yeah, you just get an extra D4. So just when every single guy yeah whenever we say guidance, just roll an extra D4 and add it. 16. All right. So you start digging the trench. You're trying to do so quietly. um I guess it's within the tree line.
um i I move before you dig the trench. I move to the other side of the herd again. Yeah. um ah Yeah, with the 16, you successfully dig the trench to the specifications you all are wanting. What's the next thing in the plan?
Who wants to go next? I guess, Frank, if you're going to use the bear to... to Are you using the bear to start this? this stampede or are using the the the firework things.
I feel like if the bear roars, it'll be more of a frightened factor. Because, yeah, the decoys are getting out of the way. Because they're already used to being hunted by this. Right. Yeah, that's true enough. So the loud noise that people make might not be exactly the best stampede away from the noise thing. Yeah, and that's why Mac is um I'm going to climb a tree so that when you're stampeding, I am not you know in the way of you know them charging. Yeah, and that's why I imagine you guys on the sides to help corral them into the trench. Yeah. um I also would like to take a moment before I start to try and make a better moving trap out of my net and some of of my fish hooks.
OK, well, we're gonna we'll have probably multiple rounds of the skill challenge if needed. um So if you want to do that, if you want to do that as a prep thing as well, um yeah I guess give me a survival check to make traps. All right. That's another success. So that's two successes. And I want to, i yeah, OK.
I don't want it to kill. I just want it to be able to capture. Yes.
I'm trying to decipher this let pencil just for, OK, whatever. All right, so you create some successful things. um So you two have gone. That being said, so now we need um Bill to do something. i was climbing I'm climbing up a tree ah tree so I can get a good good shot a good shot for ah any of for ah any of these pigs coming out. But I'm trying to get my ah character sheet to stop being a douche, and it is not. All right, what skill would you like? You're climbing the tree, so do you want to do like athletics?
Yeah. And I want to give myself guidance. Are you athletic? He's not.
I have dexterity at the S, though. You did not roll great. You rolled athletics? I said acrobatics! Oh, acrobatics. So you're going to flip up into this tree, huh? Yeah, and I'm also giving myself guidance.
There we go. There you go. You got an 18. Okay. You got an 18 flat, so you don't need to give guidance. You can give guidance to someone else. So it's a cantrip. It's a cantrip. Give it to anyone at any point. So it's 22. Let's just guidance fucking everyone then. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, might as well. I think what Jaden's character is going to do to contribute to this is he's going to use his minor illusion to create um Deceptive, ah like more bare things. Yeah, things to help funnel them into where they need to go. Let's see how his illusions work. They can work well, they fucking. Yeah, that's no problem. They're good eludes. And then you know, it's weird as a natural 17.
He has a plus 6 to deception. He's an NPC sheet, so he doesn't have a lot of things. I guess he will do.
I don't know. He's going to do some athletics, because he's got points in that, to like move himself to to climb into a favorable position himself. So.
um You guys are one more point from reaching the goal of the skill challenge and you've had no failures. So Frank, you want to start this off? I'm going to say your plan is going to work. Are we trying to kill all of them? or yeah what's all like I don't think we need to be killing her all of them. Several days away from Yeah, so we we don't need to kill all of them. I'm definitely planning on like capturing some, especially like the babies and whatnot. Right. Yeah. And so like because we're putting them in the trench doesn't mean that ne that we're necessarily killing them. If anything, now we just created like a pit full of food that we can come back for. Yeah. Except to teach these two stupid things not to mess with their fucking food.
Yeah, but provided also that another bear, that that other bear doesn't come up on a pit and be like, Oh, hey, look at this pit full of pigs. Yeah, that's what I'm eating. Yeah. Or other creatures, because they use them as a food. so Yeah, or other creatures. But that's the thing. But we know that there's a little. Bye. We'll take down what we can and then I think we should just release the rest if we can get some piglets.
Yeah, so with all of these successes you've gotten, your plan is going to go off without a hitch. So just go ahead and describe the plan, um like what what each of you do. So Frank, you're starting things off. OK, so I telepathically tell Fluffy um that we need to make the biggest story. Because Fluffy, no, he has a name.
It probably doesn't. I mean, it knows that Fluffy means it. It understands that. It would understand that when he's using the, you know, it probably would not register that he's saying fluffy necessarily. It just knows he's talking about it. Okay. I tell it that i that it is fluffy and I am Nigel. I point to myself, Nigel, and then I put a hand on his his breast and I'm like, fluffy. Yo bro, touching people's breasts.
It accepts what you are saying. You don't know if it necessarily understands, but it's just like, yes. So I send it images of, like, roar and chase. Okay, know but its you want it to roar and chase the boars. Yeah, but not kill, just herd. Okay. And I give it mental images of, like, pacing you back and forth across the... All right, it's going to roar. um It's going to get an intimidation check.
I hate that intimidation is based off of charisma, so I'm going to ignore that and just make a, because this is an intimidating animal. I feel like you should be able to make an intimidation check based on a number of different scores. Like I feel like you could make yeah argue that you can make an indication with strength just by being like a lumbering wall of meat. So it roars um and ah and starts charging at the boars, which all, you know, like do that. like I guess they don't really have the ability to lift their heads up like a deer, but you know, they do whatever a startled pig would do. And then they they start squealing and running um away from the bear, which is madly chasing. Frank, are you still on the on fluffy? Yep. OK, then um that it is got to hold on, bro. Yeah. Madly chasing them into the towards the forest and the the pig things are running. Some of them do branch off um and definitely escape.
Um, but a lot of them head towards the tree line. Um, as they're going, uh, some of the ones that try to turn off, um, Jaden pops up illusions of more of the bear creatures. They're silent illusions because it's just minor illusion. Um, but you know, they're, they're pigs, uh, pig creatures. Yeah. Um, and, and so, you know, he helps direct more of them into the, uh, path that you guys want them to go.
Matthias fires off a few rounds at some that scat, like, you know. and ah track on the side yeah um And they funnel into the forest, heading towards the trench. I'm going to take a couple of shots as well. and flying yeah I'll put it in the forest.
I thought we were doing along the fence line, like the forest line, like along the edge. okay then If you go inside of the forest, it doesn't matter at this point. since Yeah, you essentially several pigs end up, some of them definitely miss the pit altogether. um but But a large number of the pig creatures here. let's um There's 100. If I don't like this number, then I don't know.
I don't want it to be ah all of them, of course. We'll say D100. 99 of them.
74 of them. 26 of them end up in the pits. um and
Wait for the dice. How many end up in a pit? 74? No, 26. And two of them are piglets. Can I continue to chase the horde looking to try to capture more piglets with my net? Sure. Give me an attack roll with your net.
ah Is net. Yeah. You rolled very good. that's We don't really need biodiversity because it's not really what we're trying to go for, but we can still play with genetics back at our labs. But for reasons, we need 25 couples to maintain biodiversity.
I actually looked up at looked up a thing um as I was doing research for this for how many humans were needed. I don't remember what the number was, but how many people would have to go?
um to essentially restart the human race. And it was actually a really low number. It was like, yeah, it's probably like 33. It was something like a hundred, but it wasn't that many. Yeah. No. So we're still fucked. Like if we need to rebuild, we're fucked. Like there is no genetic coming back.
Well, I mean, I'm sure we have some sort of genetics still alive that could probably work. I mean, yeah, we we change trees. And so like we over time, we'll learn how to do it. If we don't find any more people, then yeah. But we weren't the only show there are more people. Yeah, so it would require about one hundred and ten people. Essentially to have with with roughly you know half and half male female to have enough biodiversity, assuming you followed very strict mating protocol, you know, like you only, you you would have to keep track of, um, Jay away from your fourth cousin, you fucker. Yes. Um, but apparently it only takes 110 people to essentially that's, that's all you need apparently to not have to deal with, um, inbreeding problems. So, so my question is, is that 55 men, 55 women,
I believe so. Yes. Yeah, so our clan currently is fucked genetically, but i yeah so. but And so now we have all these pigs. You've got the pigs, you've got a temporarily. How long does B spawn last? 24 hours. Both of them last 24 hours. Oh. B spawn.
Oh, B spawns only 10 minutes. I will say that for the purposes of this scene that it'll go ahead and last for now because you are friended to it. But um yeah, we'll just we'll just ignore that for now. Remember it in the future. Animals friendship is 24 hours. Yes. OK, cool.
um Yeah, so you guys have the pigs. ah so How many do, you've got 26, three are piglets. Are you, how much are you wanting to slaughter and bring back? How much are you wanting to just release? I know you want to bring the three babies back. Could we attempt to pull like a pig out and see how they react to us? See if we could by chance just like tie them together, like blind them. and dogs let them lead them
They are pretty terrified at the moment. So they they any attempts to get them that they do react violently. OK. Yeah. Because that they're in a terrified state at the moment. Hey, Ron. and and So I want to go ahead and explain my idea of building sleds. And we're going to hog tie these fuckers.
um and also wrapping their snout and whatnot, just in case. But my idea to get one of them out and not harm us is I'm going to cast distant whispers, but only for psychological effect and not like trying to kill it. OK.
um But we still need to explain away how we get one out without getting too badly damaged. Gonna have to lasso one Hell yeah. um I mean, I don't have a, I have rope. I guess Frank has a net. I do have a net. I mean, we have 50 feet of rope. I mean, that's something that we brought, right? Yes. And so I guess I make a lasso. Now, we really have all day to try this. Yeah. So.
What should I roll to just to see how long it takes me to successfully do this? Dex based attack roll. Dex based. All right. God, six. ah So because you do have all day, I'll just say with rolling a six, there were many failed attempts. But yeah, eventually, you know, this this you guys have succeeded the the quest more or less. Good job, Frank.
um And so you guys will get ah most of the pigs that you want to bring with you out of the. um I mean, i can only do disparant that's I can only do that whisper once. Yeah. um Yeah, the pigs definitely are not going to cooperate unless you do some things like that. you know Essentially, you're knocking that one unconscious, more or less. um But ah that theyre that these have you know they are definitely
not domesticated, so they're not going to just calmly let you um do whatever you want. Yeah. It's a good thing we have ah quarter staffs, right? Just bonk them in the head. Yeah, I mean, the piglets are giving you a run for your money, you know, that they're they're struggling in, you know, your arms or whatever. And I guess Frank has various traps he could. I mean, we're hog dying these things like we have how much how much line of rope we have. I got plenty.
i We have like 150 feet of rope.

Emotional Farewells and Mushroom Encounter

That's plenty to hog tie as much as we need. So while y'all are doing all of this, all of a sudden you hear loud squeals off in the distance and you see, much like an alligator um coming up out of the water and attacking something, the badger mole bursts from the ground and grab a few pigs and pull it into its tunnel.
Just just off the road. and Badger moles out there feeding right now. Our scout or no? Your scout. Yeah. OK, well, you're not sitting on him right now. He's just he's he's going to eat himself some pigs. Yeah, I was I was going to give him one of the pigs, but if he was still with me, I was planning on giving him one of the pigs to some pig. But he is a hunter, so he would do that for himself. And Fluffy definitely. Wants to go home.
Like, it was planning on going home and going to sleep.
You should probably let it do it before the 24 hours runs out. Now we have to be pissed off there. Yeah, that was the same thing because, I mean, I only have two chances a day to cast Animal Friendship. And you're out of spell slots anyways. Yeah, for today.
Yeah, well I would I would say ah use him for as long as we got him. To attempt to pull the pigs and piglets back and then with like four hours left, tell him to go back home. So you're all trying to bring these pigs like right now heading back home. Yeah, I think.
We would walk as far as we could until we had to set up camp. Okay. So yeah, I guess you guys can make it, you know, a couple miles. You've got some pigs with you. we We don't need to get exact on the numbers. We know you've got three piglets and you've got some pigs um with you.
um And you have a big old sled and scouts carrying that shit. Yeah. Yeah. So dragging pigs along behind him. Just so we're clear, it took us like four or five days to get out here. Yes. Yeah. But we were. But following we know during. path Yeah, we were we were trying to find the panels and we got lost one day. You'll likely be able to get back quicker. It's still going to be a couple of days. It's going to be like two days versus the four.
Okay. So yeah, we i when it comes time to send Fluffy back, I get off him and I step over to him and I just give him some word of nuzzles. And I'm like, go home and be with your mate. And Fluffy nuzzles you back and then traipses off into the forest.
um If anybody is looking at Nigel at this point, there's a small tear rolling down his face.
Avalon can see in the dark, and so he sees it and walks over to you and wipes the tear from your cheek. Oh, God. Which one's Avalon? Jayden. And then it fades to dark. um So ah essentially, this is quest complete, but we have something.
something So you guys, as you're heading back, you know it's it's the final... um Oh. Let's roll for one random encounter to see if anything interesting happens on the way back. Because why not? Hopefully nothing. Just watch this fucking up.
Shit. Watch me roll another 50 and be more anchorly of sources. Nope, we've already rolled a two. um Oh, you know what? That's fine. ah Oh, wait, no, two isn't. That wasn't the one. OK, two.
Wait. Yeah, as you guys are leading one night, um ah you spot ah the glow of some mushrooms. Hell yeah, bro. Let's go. I'm going to go talk to my friends.
And yeah, so you head over to there. It's not the cave. There's just a little mushroom grove. And you do see ah one of the ah the same, well, you don't know if it's the same one.
But a mushroom creature tending his is ah it's mushroom um patch.
I lean over to Riker and I'm like, hey, can you ask him if he'd be OK if we take one? Sure, how is Mathis reacting to this? Because I. ah ti e He he sorry.
He doesn't like, you know, he doesn't trust the mushroom things, but at the moment, I mean, you all are all around, so he's not gonna stop you.
um Yeah, so I go up and introduce myself. The mushroom thing um communicates back that it ah it is heard of you. Oh. The one who can speak.
um Yeah, and I introduce myself, and then I ask one of my friends would like to take one of the blowing mushrooms. What was your question, Nigel? Yes, can we take one of the mushrooms? All right.
let me ah Let me bring up my mushrooms real quick, or see if i what details I created. um The blue glowing mushrooms, can the adults can poof out a poisonous gas. Yes. I remember that much. um So there are mushrooms of a few different colors, you know like blues, greens, things like that.
Ask him if it's food or if it's babies. Yeah, we want to take food.
The, these, these mushrooms are just mushrooms. Okay. They are not food. They, well, they are food for us. Yes. They are not babies. Some, some are babies, but they are food. Which ones are babies? air and taker youngs They They are young mushrooms. No, maybe you guys are not our babies.
OK, cool. Yeah. um Do they do they have like a ah trade system? Because I feel like we should bond with these. Offer something in trade. Yeah. ah Oh. do if but If I study if start to make the hand so assigning to them, do they does do they do it? i Obviously, they wouldn't really know. I'm just going to kind of, you know, sign. They would not understand. not even get um looks It looks at you and then it looks over to um ah ah Riker and says what what is he doing or what is that one doing? He communicates differently. does He but cannot speak.
it the that Mushroom Man, I forget what they're called right now. It kind of just replicates one of the the gestures. it Its hands aren't quite as dexterous as yours and stuff, but it kind of you know replicates something that you said to it. It says back, doesn't know what it means, but it essentially waves its hand you know in such a way.
The. Oh, my God. I'm too much. I'm I'm teaching these time language to them. What did you sign to him? Hi, friend. I tell him that's what the sign means. OK, so it it it will sign that. Hi, friend. um Yeah, so I I still want to try to trade with these people, asking if they understand what trading is.
We as long as you take what only what you need. We need nothing in return. I I ask so. I'm just going to say this pretty in advance. um Can we assume that whatever I'm talking that I'm trying to i be translating? Yeah, yeah. OK, I ask if they by chance need a new small blue mushroom for their patch.
uh a new the he it is confused um it says we have many small blue mushrooms well you know how like when you're working with like cross pollination sometimes it it works out better than just pollinating among its their own uh flowers like with like flowers and things um so that that the uh chain of going through hayden probably gets fairly confusing but this thing is very well versed in mushroom growth.
um and you know that they Essentially, they've got plenty. They're bio-diverse. yeah It's quite bio-diverse. If you want to give it a mushroom, it'll it'll accept it, but you know it's a mushroom that you took from another patch. so He doesn't know that. No, but i mean i mean it's not like it's a ah new mushroom necessarily. but Well, I mean, it might be to this patch. Yeah. OK. Well, I want to take one of each mushroom and put them in my pouches. I have four left. OK. I ask which ones we're allowed to take. If he wants one of each, it's OK with that. OK. I already have one blue one. Yeah. So there are green ones that
um seem to just glow. ah And there are ah there are violet ones that that they also got. I mean, the three glow. um So you've got a green, a violet and a blue. You know, the blue to be as nothing really happens. ah The green. OK, so the green one, when you touch it, it's a little bit kind of slimy and the slime glows on your fingers.
I asked if I can take two of each. That's what happens. Two of each. um the the The mushroom man is fine with that. There's plenty of mushrooms. OK, I grab two of each. I already have one poisonous blue mushroom. Can I take a second but tiny boy blue mushroom? For that one, make an herbalism roll. Use your herbalism. Before you get poisoned.
11. Can I give myself guidance? Is that a possibility? Yeah. Yeah. like a which just for Okay. Okay. 14 I'll say is enough to carefully get this mushroom without it poofing at you. um i While this is all going on and he's collecting, I asked them
What have you heard about the other skyfallen? Our camp is, and like I go into like try to be as detailed as possible. That way they know that we are a separate skyfallen and we're trying to find the other skyfallens.
um So we we know that there have been others into the forest, but we do not go beyond the forest.
They come from from the north. The mountains north? ah There are mountains, but we don't go there. We stay in the forest. This is our home. So real quick, the blue ones were poisonous, the green ones were slimy, and the slime glows. And the violet ones glow. they They don't glow for very long after you pick them, though.
Well, I'm not picking them. I am ah i am like taking. Yeah. Okay. I just glow. Do they know of anything about them?
ah the one not The ones who have come here i have always seemed to run from things or be injured. the When was the last time you saw one of them?
It has been, ah how would they say many moons? You know, cause there's several moons. um It's been, me ah it's been many days, ah but they come from, they come from where the Thrite King come from. There's only green, blue, and violet. Nothing else. There are also regular mushrooms that you can just grab.
And I was told that the Thrite Queen own this world. Yes. How do you mean own? Like you you think you deserve just as much as they would. The mushroom pauses for a moment and thing and then motions to the badger mole. As the badger mole owns, you know, and and it it. Has.
Oh, you get the meaning badger mole, but it uses some sort of, you know, weird, probably mushroom. You know, as the badger mole owns the boar, the thriking own the world. Okay.
And I ask if there's any other thinkers or sentience.
because I would like to make connections with them. They do. ah You sense ah that because I forget how that they communicate through like emotions and stuff. They kind of vaguely translates into words. um There are others. ah And when they say that there is more fear than when they mentioned the dry cream. Or fear. There are others. But we fear they're more dangerous, but fewer. We stay, beware be wear the swamps. Oh, and then I also pass an image of the goat testicle creature.
um And I say, what is this thing? I believe they are fake. So so when you pass that, the you you get the feeling of awe. Of awe. And you you have seen them. I personally never have, but there are people in my camp in the sky fallen who worship.
Uh, they're, they are very old. They've been here a very long time. Uh, they were here before any of us. The, the dry cream, uh, destroyed most of them. Um, they're very rare now. They can, I can hide themselves among other, among us.
They're among us, people know. They hide themselves among us. Appear as we appear. Or appear as the trichrine appear. Possibly they can appear as you appear.
Ron, with my herbalism kit, I would like to make a large batch of relatively, well, um what was the word?
The good mushroom soil. Okay. You do that. And I offer it to the mushroom person. Um, the mushroom person, uh, this time is not confused by your offer and takes it.
Hey, I'm happy. I walk away. Not like a way away, but just away from, yeah you know, everything just off the side.
I ask if there's a more there's a better way to keep in common touch with these people. ah we We follow the patches where they grow, you'll find us. Do they have like family groups?
um It's not willing to answer that yet. OK.
is Is there anything that it might need that we can provide?
No. Is there anything it might need that we could get for it? No. and So I'm going to look over. Sorry, and go ahead. Yeah, it's content. I'm going to look over at Fanon and see how he's taking all of this. At who?
no yeah um I mean, I guess he's been listening as you've been describing all of this and he hit his weapon is lowered um He does, you know appear somewhat on guard But he doesn't he's he doesn't think that the mushroom thing is gonna hurt him anytime soon so he doesn't you know, he he doesn't necessarily trust the thing but he doesn't appear to have any um overtly aggressive intent at the moment. He's just kind of accepted that we're we're interacting with this thing. I asked him if he has any questions or any thoughts. What will Matias have? All I want is to get these pigs back. Accurate.
And I look at the ah
The Myconids and I say, well, it's been good seeing you guys again. um Is there gender between them? Probably not. They're showing people. Yeah. If you ask them about gender, it doesn't really understand the concept.
Why is it willing to communicate with us?
ah We communicate with anyone who can speak. we tend We tend our mushrooms and we try to stay out of trouble. Where? Oh, um I say, since I'm really the only one that can interact with you, like speak, um can i I want to like learn their color combos and learn it as much as possible create ah and create a... ah Train ah translation lack a lack of better words. He says ah that would take a long time. It's something that I'm willing to work on, but it's something that I ask of it. That's OK. But all of us can say this, and he does the high friend. All right. And I say all of us, like, do you share a mind? He pauses for a moment and says, we we can
We can share information through the spores. ah okay If I learn something, I can share it with the rest of my people.
Do you have a name? Oh, my God. I can literally i can literally teach all of this all of the mushroom people on the whole planet sign language. I know. That's that's what we're gearing for. um Yeah. And I ask if they if he has a... or that this MitreCon has a name. He pauses for a moment. ah let me Let me just generate a random name, you know, because. Glorb.
Let's see here. Ooh, I can choose ambiguous. Steve.
OK. You know what? Well, I should see if they, I doubt they have a dry cream name generator.
Dry cream name generator. Let's see what comes up. They definitely do have that. OK. How does it work?
it It just gives me a bunch of names. Let's see. He pauses for a moment and says, um ah yeah nothing that I could teach you, but you may call me Kekal. We probably have only like a couple of minutes left. this Yeah, we're almost done. And I ask, do you know the name of the one that I originally spoke with?
We do not usually use names. um he He, again, pauses for a moment. um
Okay. I've got to decide how to pronounce this. ah
clickkach oh
These are names of the Thrycreme. We do not usually use them. But when we speak with them, we use names as they do. Wait, you speak with the Thrycreme? I thought they were dangerous. We speak with any who would speak with us. Do the Thrycreme, I bet the Thrycreme know about us. Do they have intentions about my group of Skyfallen?
i that I don't know.
So I guess we can we can wrap things up. yeah you know You guys say your goodbyes to the mushroom man. And then I'll continue on your journey over the next couple of days back. um On the final morning of the journey when you're only about a half day's hike,
out from town.

Pterodactyl Ambush and Rescue

ah Out of nowhere, a net falls from the sky onto onto Matthias, who's caught in it and knocked off his feet. His head smacks the ground knocking knocking him out. ah A group of well, you definitely recognize um large pterodactyl like creatures riding them are yeah insectoid creatures. um ah Green, fuck it.
Insectoid creatures armed with ah ah spears, one of them has a gun. um they They swoop down on the pterodactyls, which grab the net and lift Matthias into the sky, and they begin flying away. um You guys can attack them or do something, but it all happens very quickly. like This is their surprise round. They've swooped down, grabbed him in the net, um and are flying away.
fall how high up is he. In the first round, they probably don't get very high, but they they are booking it up and out.
I would probably try to cut the net. How high up is the one that's holding the net? um Not that high.
Uh, Matthias was, you know, a little ways out in front of you. So it's not like he was in the midst of your group. That's possibly why he was the one who was attacked. Cause he was out front leading the way. Um, so he was apart from y'all. Um, like would you say within 120 feet of us at the moment? Yes. I cast Firebolt.
Oh, you know, I. Oh, sorry. let Sorry. Artificer. I go for my watch and I spray and I spray my undrinkable alcoholic beverage at it, which sparks at which ah the watch sparks and ignites as it shoots out. And I'm as specifically I'm aiming at the net to try to yeah burn the net. OK. Give me an attack roll.
ah My character sheet is fucked. Oh, OK, I'll do it. i'll I'll try to assist in that by throwing an LG blast. Can I give him guidance? ah Not on attack rolls.
Firebolt, there it is.
17 I should hit um okay the 17 Let's see Tin fire damage. I mean that's that's a pretty good hit on the net. I'll say it does hit the nets Enough to where Matthias falls to the ground and crumbles to the ground the creatures keep flying they don't stop and Payback is a bitch. I would like a Misty Step and try to land on one of the creatures. Oh, they're more than 30 feet. Yeah, so Payback's a bitch, so I'm Eldritch Blasting one of them. Okay. No, I'm not Eldritch Blasting. I'm Dismant Whispering. Okay.
Wisdom save. And then Hex as well.
Just got to get to the right sheet. OK.
Well, that did not roll great. um That deals damage. Does it do anything else?
I rolled like shit on my psychic. So. Oh, and it's it just has to run away from you. So. um Yeah, I mean, it takes damage. Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. And through the way magic works, you know, you know that these were successful attacks. But of course, this was a hit and run. Basically, they are flying off and very quickly are well beyond any reach and, you know, up above the trees. So like.
There wasn't really time to do anything other, but Matthias is smacked into the ground. um So you prevented him from being taken. How far away would you say they are? like ah Because we're all basically responding within sentence six seconds. Yes, you can still do a response. I'd say right now, they're probably like 30 to 40 feet away somewhere. Oh, I'm going to be Eldred blasting that bitch all the way through. Yeah.
Yeah, but I want to try to keep him alive because I'm kidnapping him now. Yeah. Basically what I'm going to say, though, this this is a cut scene. um Yeah, they they swoop in. You guys get off a few attacks, but they fly away. You managed to prevent Matias from being kidnapped, which was. um I wasn't expecting the the net to be so easily destroyed, but Bill used fire. um I forgot about fire, Bill.
um And and so so yeah, the creature. that would you Would you call one of these creatures' stomach a container? No. Damn it. Go on. Yeah. But that they they will escape. I mean, there's no stopping them ah from this, um from getting away. that they're they're they just It was ah literally like a hit and by, and they they've they quickly break the tree line and y'all lose sight of them, because y'all are deep in the forest, you know. So there's no way that we could have at least knocked one down? me I don't think any of y'all have any spells that would have done enough. I mean, y'all... What is Produce Flame? is that I mean, if we all focused on one, because I think we would have all focused on the one that was taking... You've done...
8 damage. ah Frank, with this spell, if that's what you want to do, you need to do a spell attack roll. Produce flame. It should be there, I think, on your attacks. I'm trying to look at... that's I think that's about the only one that's going to be attack-y-ish. I've got Thunder Wave and Fairy Fire, but Fairy Fire is not actual fire. and We only have one one round to take this guy down.
Okay, surround they're doing a double move up and out ah Wave of thunders for sweeps out from you each creature in a 15-foot cube No, that wouldn't do it. Would it? I don't think y'all will be able to to do enough to take take this guy down. He's Well, he said there was in 30 feet right I did missy set missy step is 30 feet and Yeah, you can be with you can be up close. So if you're you're misty stepping on to the terror the pterodactyl. Yeah. Oh, you're going to wrestle this bitch down to the ground. That could work. Dude, fucking do it. Let's go. That's what I wanted to do originally. OK. I guess give me a it's going to be just a straight strength attack role then. And and.
and and more handling to get the beast actually. um Could I like get slightly in front of them? I guess, yeah. OK, so I do that. And instead of attacking, I've got my neck, my net with all the hooks in it. OK, I just kind of want to fling that open in front of them. It's still being attacked. OK, and then just fall to the ground with the creature caught in your net. I guess net would be the. Yeah. OK.
and I give myself guidance. insane That hits. um
What is the pterodactyl? I don't know if pterodactyl. Wait, are you attacking the pterodactyl or the the creature, the tri-cree? I think I'm catching all of it in the net. How big is the pterodactyl? I'm pulling that up right now. If anything, we need to take the tri-cree.
Because I mean, I might just have to take the bug person with me. He started this fight. Bug person, yeah. That means enough to hit the bug person. And you but I guess you both fall um and smack into the ground. It was about 30 feet in the air. So um let's see. You'll both take a little damage from that.
You both take six damage from falling. Is there anything I can diminish that damage? Acrobatics check. Oh, God. I'm not very acrobatic. Nope. Yeah, you take six damage. What about with guidance? ah You wouldn't have time to cast guidance while you're falling. Plus, you've done a bunch of other stuff this round. um But yeah, you all hit the ground. um The creature is struggling in a net, and let's end it at that. you you possibly ah this creature, you know. Three, four, five, six, oof. I got four health left. There we go, buddy. It's been a good round. Yeah. All right. Yeah. So you guys captured the dry cream. um Bill, I think, is getting ready to go. So we'll go ahead and we'll wrap it up. I was your dungeon master for tonight. Ron, you can find me on, I think, Twitter at
Verily in one um and with me there was bill Hey y'all I'm pulling a total Jaden tonight, so I'm probably about to just Hang out hang off and go right the fuck to bed Same. I love y'all. I played luck I played lucky and we found out verbally and Affirmatively that lucky is in fact mostly deaf and isn't just reading everybody's lips. I Now I'm going to have to make you do perception rules every time someone talks to you now. Oh, God. You didn't choose language to read lips.
um ah We have Frank. Hey, guys. I'm Frank. I play Nigel Th... I mean, Light Castle. You might be able to find me, if you look hard enough, on some of the social media sites. I also stream. um But yeah.
And Hayden. I played Riker Craft, who did pretty good tonight. It was a good plan tonight. Yeah. um And then, of course, there was Jaden, who hi presumably died halfway through. Possibly, yeah. His other shoulder might have broken.
Thanks everyone for listening. The intro and outro songs you heard today was Foxhole Revolution created by Kevin MacLeod at, licensed under Creative Commons by attribution 4.0 license,, licenses by 4.0.
The night is over, and have a great day everyone.