Welcome Back and Introductions
Chirbreathers, welcome back to the Cuz Chat Podcast. You're here once again with Black Mickey and my bro. Keiaku Iti, Keiaku Rahi, Keiaku Cuzzys, what's been happening for? It's been a minute and a half, I haven't been here before, at least since when Jesus was a cowboy. And you've been missed, you know?
Outdoor Recording Setup
You have been missed.
that's a long time and lovely to have you back here with us on the potty thanks for having me yeah and as usual you'd expect we've had a few couple of well we can't really say sponsored now so we better not get in trouble but you know light beverages along the way so you know if you're listening to this hope you're relaxing back with a nice
a cup of wine or tasty beverage of your choice listening to this next episode of the AMSR channel. Salty. Salty. Yeah, so we're back in it and a little bit of a disclaimer. I guess we are if the audio is a bit wonky, we're currently outside in my patio rather than a studio. So we're still on site. It comes to a hundred percent. Yeah, on site. We've just moved it.
Yeah, and there's a reason for that. There's a reason for that. We'll get into that later on though, because that's part of the poor form section, as many of you know and love.
Upcoming Job and Golf Enthusiasm
One of my own, so yeah, we'll try and leave that for as late as long as we can. Yeah bro, welcome back. Bit of a trip down too, buddy. Yeah, it was a long trip. We had to take a bit of a detour.
So a place called Bagara, got our upcoming job there, so lovely place where we ride on the weekend, ride on the water, the resort that we've got to build scaffold around, no more than 20 meters from the beach, prime location right across the road from pristine golf course too. Yeah, that's good, that's good.
and big job big job yeah yeah big enough big enough to get down there probably park the boys up there for a good three days or so to knock it over and um yeah hopefully get around or two out in that bloody golf course
You've been into sticks a bit, eh? I have, man. I've taken it on board a lot more than what I thought I would initially. I've invested into golf quite a lot. A lot more than I thought initially. Rocking the Callaway clubs. Got me a nice little trundler for Christmas.
Santa brought me a whole lot of you know your necessities for golf yeah as well so just yeah love it bro loving it yeah been getting out there you know not not as frequent as you but every now and then now that I'm here thanks to got a good ol' owl yeah yeah yeah did a job for a little while to me so I'm making the use of them thanks to you bro yeah it's good fun ain't it yeah to the point where I actually now have a credited handicap
Yeah, so you're fully alone in there. Yeah. You've got to maintain that now. Yeah, maintain the handicap that I do have. Yeah.
Family Time and Anecdotes
And, you know, being a part of a club in there as well and getting to know the people within the club as well. So, you know, you're recognized when you walk in there. Yeah. I suppose, you know, it's a bit of a bit of a good feeling when you go to your own local. Yeah. Funny you should say that. Yeah. We've tried a couple of local spots here too. They're actually quite good. Good, good. Yeah. Cheap.
Other than that brother, just getting back into the swing of things with Mahi, taking it easy to be honest. I'd present now, that's where I'm at. He's still coming off a Christmas hangover.
That's the true thing. Not from like any substance abuse or anything, but just having that much time off, not doing anything. My holiday was full of a whole lot of siesta, not fiesta. Yeah, a siesta. Good to have you down here, the whole family's down here. Always looking good, playing around heaps out here, so that's always fun too.
Yeah, we were meant to have the old Cozzie's thing, but other arrangements, but we did are being joined in this episode by the Cozzie Miles. Cozzie Miles, the old mighty Wookiee. Yep. That's all for you. And that wasn't even a sound bite. There's no button you needed to push to get that one out. But yeah, it's a cracker, so stick around for that.
We've got quite a bit on the agenda today. So I don't want to rush through it. There's a lot of topics that have been sent in and that we've sort of through the gap that's since the last podcast since a lot of happened. So I guess we'll start with like all the whānau highlights if there's any shout outs. This is where everyone else can get involved as well is send us any highlights from your whānau relations, whatever.
that you want to share and we'll give them a shout out as well. Off the dome, a crucial part of our Kuzjack podcast was to acknowledge the birthdays that have happened as of late. So the big bro to me, little bro to you, Kevin D, celebrated his what? He's six years my older.
And then we skip a year because it's January so he'd be about 37 this year I reckon. I'd like to thank you Ed for it again. Zero research or attention to detail. And then not long after his birthday was the Kuzi cave. Yes. Celebrates his. So two more Kuzis, two more happy birthday to you both. Still got a few more January to go. So yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Myself and Kelly later on in the month. Car as well. Car. Yep.
Richard around there somewhere as well was he? Oh I'm like you bro, zero research, it just pops up. Unless it's in the last fortnight or you know or so, that sort of time frame bro.
Creative Projects and TikTok Humor
I have a memory dump every two weeks. Yeah I do a reset day, otherwise you hit that blue screen to death bro. That's it.
Yeah, 100%. But yeah, so there's been a few stories that have come out of the old cost channel.
with certain members. We were hoping to get Jordan here for this first one, which is a... Did you coin this phrase or where did you get this phrase from? I think Jordan coined it, Lord coined it himself, nominating this venture as the slip and bleed. But aside from what they created, I was actually pretty impressed with the logistical side of things.
That's what I was fascinated with. How did they pull it off? It's not every day where you can hire a 14 ton digger in a timber truck. To explain what we're talking about in aid of a slip and slide into the
river or lake or something. Yeah and the lake or something. I'm assuming it was you know Fukumaru somewhere around there can't confirm. Yeah it looked very reminiscent of some of the banks of that stretch of river in Fukumaru and that sort of stuff so I wouldn't be surprised if it's out near the old swing out there but yeah they're just to be getting that around and in there and
and caving it out. Coming up with the idea to do it and then putting everything in place to do so, but what essentially that they had made is that they had dug out a slide of such with the excavator and then laid, what would you call it? Like a big tarp. Like a black tarp, you know, or the black...
I don't know, they use it for like, poultry and shit like that, or like, lining walls or something like that. Lining walls, or even, yeah, weed mat, I suppose, or they'd be a little... Yeah, nah. It was some sort of black surface that looked slippery. Slippery surface, lubricated. When lubricated, yeah. It had an even like, a little ramp at the end where you could get at least a little bit of air off it.
Yeah, and then so yeah, you envision as a slide into a river that they dug out with a, what? They had a full blown excavator. Yeah, that's what it looked like. I mean, I'm not an expert. You probably know, so it was an excavator. Yeah, it was impressive, I'll tell you that much. That's, yeah, I was fascinated like I said, but going back to the slide itself, what did you think of its performance? You know, we only got to see
What's the word? A squidgym?
A very small sample of what may have happened. Which may be telling in itself that no one was really king to give it a go. He's one of those blokes that will put an idea forward and he's got enough wording in his resources as well to make you believe that it's a good idea. He can turn you on a dime to follow him and get it done.
Whether that's happened or not, they've ended up with this slide. What I was looking at is when we did see someone go down it, it didn't look like it was a comfortable ride. There was a lot of agitation. It wasn't smooth. That ramp you talk about in the end, I don't think that was intentional.
I think it was where the excavator started. Probably where the last stump. Oh no, we'll just leave it there. The last stump that they failed to remove is still there. And then when the dog went down there too, tried to follow Jordan thereafter, I thought that would be impressive. It was impressive, no doubt. I'm not knocking it at all. It was impressive.
Home Projects and Celebrations
And then we have questions. Yeah, a lot of questions like, we'll talk about this later, but, Hireage of that equipment during Christmas. Have you left a lot of stones unturned there Lord? I think you've got to say Hireage in quotation marks. Yeah, true. It's probably true. Apparently they hire a
So don't excavate it or whatever it is. Yeah, so questions, need answers. And this next one, I need to say this because it just rolls off the tongue. Probably going to end up the title of the podcast is the tandem two man poop can. Tandem two man poop can, man. You heard it here first, ladies and gentlemen.
It was something that popped up on my TikTok feed. It was just unexpected and it was a contraption of sorts that had a slide at about a 45 degree angle and about halfway up it had the first toilet seat and then at the very top it had another toilet seat. And it was used in such a fashion where you and one other could
I don't know. Take the whole name of battleships to another level. Tag team. One bowl, one slide, two seats. That's basically what you envision. So one poop shoot with your poop pal. Any other kind of alliterative nonsense you want to say as well. It was a feat of engineering I can say that much.
What cracked me up, bro, is they demonstrated it. They actually had physical, what looked like humans. They're demonstrating it. Dropping, I don't know. It wasn't. What cracked me up is that the dude at the bottom turned around. He looked up. That was a good one, guys. Dropping.
I was hoping to get a little bit more of a discussion then
happened on the page basically asking you know where which of the kazis would
I don't know. That's why I think everyone didn't really reply because they had to face some harsh realities. That's all good though. I don't think anyone would mind if we were forced into it or it happens
But not like they hate you. We're going to try that. Someone that you know, that's all I showed you. Well, you know, like Lord has mentioned in the past, you know, the. The pain in the ass of fiesties when you're you're busting. Is this an idea? Well, yeah, I guess if you push the line through the back of that with a use case, you give it a bit more weight to it.
Yeah, some people might be just into that shit, eh? Which, yeah. I guess, yeah. Have we got any more updates on the old, uh, does chat sort of timeline we can talk about?
Well, as far as updates... Yes, we do. We have a couple more, yeah. On the CuzChat, Snapchat was something that I started to do not too long after I was on holiday. And that was, I ripped up the turf in my open backyard. Yeah. With the attempt to grow some cooch, grass,
And it was a bit of a process, bit of a learning curve for myself. I've probably got about 25 square meters to work with. I was going to say how water we're working with, yeah. And you processed it thinking it up as quite labour intensive as well, wasn't it? Oh, I howed into it, literally, yeah. Filled it up with a whole lot of topsoil after that, raked it all down, got rid of all the weeds, sowed all the seed.
and had been out there daily watering it. I've now passed that roll on to Galco. That is his roll road to go out there and turn the sprinkler on, put a timer on his devices and then goes back out there and make sure he turns it off. Cracked me up the other day bro, he actually went out there in the rain and turned it on. Had to ask, what are you doing son?
But how is the grass? How is the grass? It's starting to sprout. So I'm starting to get a few shoots come through. There's a mixture of what I think it was Kaikyu that was there before. So I mustn't have got all of it in my hoeing attempts.
okay so it's starting to just regrow back regrow back yeah so I haven't wanted to walk on it to go and pull those ones out because you can start to see the new new shoots coming through yeah of cooch coming through but the idea is that I want to get it to such a length and to a quality where I can eventually go out there and putt on it well you need quite a lot of the ark and more equipment that's that's kind of our stock because I'm going to need like a roller and like a
And expect some raw butter, and yeah, like air raid, like if you go to do it properly. But I was thinking maybe just a small section. That's the idea, 25 square metres. Yeah, I'm going to do a big one. So you've probably got access to more resources in that department than I already have. I've got a Bunnings card. Shout out to Side by Side. Not a sponsor. Not a sponsor, no.
You know, thinking of other sort of updates that we've had on that page, I suppose, was a shout out or a mention towards Dave Corona for his recent achievements?
Catchphrases and Storytelling
Yeah, he's been a busy chap. I had the pleasure of catching up with him and his family. One of the girls in the mount. Last year, oh yes, September last year.
It was good to see him show up in a news feed at the start of the year, pepping a step and all that sort of stuff. I didn't really do a lot of Facebook, but I got sent a link where he was doing
I was on the wider Pacifica page, I'm not too sure why. That was. His latest achievement was being nominated as the analyst and skills coach for the Bay of Plenty Steamers. Yes. Yeah. Which, you know, shout out to Dave. Fucking too much. Was he a big nuts? Yeah. Big nuts, two bums. AKA, whatever the name is, the insert name here.
Yeah, he's known by many names, but yeah. Had a good catch up, you know, wish you all the best with what you're doing now. And hopefully, yeah, it leads to more, you know, better or, you know, more financial incentive opportunities for you. The charge was always good. And yeah, if you even need to get rid of any free tickets at any time through your travels, because he's up. I could give you a list, bro. I could give you a list.
Any other achievements on a recent date with? Well there was that video that was uploaded onto the Moana Pacifica page of his coaching techniques. So I will slot it in here I guess, but I won't do it live on air. I'll sort it in later on.
I think I'll get permission from the boat first before we do a ticket in there. But you'll find it more on the Pacifica page on Facebook. You'll see it. It's a 2023 energy featuring Damien Corona. A bit of a laugh. I will be taking some of those one liners. 100%. I've already got one using it as a notification sound. So yeah. If you need them, let me know. Come to the page, interact with us. We'll get you sorted.
I don't want no scrubs. Switch it on nice and tight when you're ready. Second touch, second touch, that's it. Switch yourselves out, let's go. Defense talk. Hey boys, boys, hold up. We're going through the drill without executing the skill, without executing all our little skill sets. Okay, if it's not on, if it's not on, what can we do? Excellent. Back to our pads, let's go.
All right, you two big horses have a couple of bivvies for me. There you go. Excellent. Bend those knees. Stay high, stay high. That's it. Excellent. Sorry, I'm in the way. That's good, Louie. Just walk back to recovery, mate. Take your time with it. Grab something, seal. Punch it through. Yeah, that's really good. Really good form. Have a cup of tea on that back. Nice, Mandar. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Make sure we've got enough balls. Excellent. Here we go. Grab a water.
Just keep taking the floor today. We're going to 22 and back. Even those miss passes outstanding. Great way to finish. Okay boys, just 20 seconds, 10 seconds. Just go through with those skill sets, like the decision making. That's all that little drill is about. A little bit of fun, but short, sharp. That's good. What I'm actually pretty impressed
of is the conversation we had last night regarding catch raises. Yeah, yeah, so it's something that I have been trying out for a few months now. It's been a, it actually didn't take me as long as I thought it would to catch on, which was, you know, you go through a couple of variations of yelling out random stuff and, you know, do a couple of finger snaps or whatever. So the whole premise is though, that
for me it was like at the end of the day you leave in for me an office environment or your workplace whatever and you're like okay hey I see you later it's here tomorrow it's quite mundane it's like do you really mean it like as you just pretty low-effort kind of like come nice way to say I'm out of here yeah doesn't add any value bro yeah no so I started
I was thinking, I want to throw out some catchphrase to see what sort of stick it in. Admittedly, the ones that didn't make it, I can't remember what they are. That didn't stick around. But I ended up with this double finger gun snap point and saying, to get about where I've landed. So long story short. So it started to catch on in my workplace and I
The way I introduced it was I thought I'm going to leave these people with a random fact or a bit of a gem out of absolute zero context and just throw it out there, double finger guns, check it about. And leave. That's the most important thing. The most important thing is do not wait for a response. Almost start working out when you're doing the double finger guns, check it about and you're gone.
what did you think guys? So it's important that you leave because that's the impression. So I've been doing this for a long time and I've been throwing out all these things. Things like, here's some examples. People aren't ugly, they're just playing life on heart mode. Or other things like
A broken mirror doesn't smash, it multiplies. So I've been doing this for a while and I've now realized that I've got myself into a bit of a situation that I never anticipated and now I feel like I'm
slave to like making sure that I leave. You've got to live up to it. I've got to live up to it now. You've got to keep progressing in it because people are now expecting you to come back with a different fact. Yeah and it was only recently that I discovered that because
Future of VR and Personal Struggles
one night I was staying late so the reverse happened like I was staying and everyone else was leaving so I kind of had to give a one-liner
It was maybe one of the examples I've given, maybe a different one. I'd come up with them or read them somewhere, pass them on, leave them and that's it. I don't remember them. So when this happened and they left and I dropped the line,
But the girls grabs up a notebook and she's like, oh, that's a good one. And starts writing it down. And I was like, oh, what are you doing? She's like, oh, the ones, the good ones I write down. So in other words, they are keeping your form on fleek and you've got to be open to critique. 100 percent. Like they I did it to myself, to be honest. And now I've got myself in a situation that I. You're going to be judged. Every time every time I try to leave,
Like, it's like, okay, I'm going and there's like, everyone just sort of stops and turns around and looks at me. It's like, like, do the thing, do the thing. Oh no. Is it, is it a blessing? Is it a curse? It's, look, it keeps me on my toes. Cause it means that it kind of forces me to like, okay, I've got to fucking think of something. Um, which is kind of fun, but, um,
Yeah, like I wasn't prepared for that bro at all. So now I'm like, oh shit. So that was my kind of thing is like, I'm sure there's other examples of putting yourself out there and you're getting yourself open to critique without you even knowing or you think you're doing a good thing or you know. You're now in a situation that you have to live up to on the daily too. On the daily, yeah.
like I had a good break over the Christmas period but yeah it's back on yeah it's back on now yeah you gotta keep like maintain that maintain that yeah and like now I'm like oh fuck are they gonna be they have to be you know then kind of what I'm just doing in the way now that you know that they're getting written down yep and the good ones are getting saved well I did say
Like, I wouldn't mind if there was a little book of quotes at the end of this that I got given. Like, I wouldn't be bad. Yeah, yeah. Secret Santa there, you fucker. They got you sussed. Oh, bro. If I'm getting hilarious, it tracks me right up. Turn my tweets into a book.
Yeah, so if you've got any other examples, let us know. Chuck it in the Facebook feed. Hit us up directly if you've got our numbers. Or check us out on TikTok. We're on TikTok now. Yes. You will start to see a bit of a steady stream of stuff coming out from us. Hopefully starting with this. And yeah, it will be able to consume us in even more places. That's right. That's what I thought about. That's what I thought about. Fucking A. Fucking A.
So onto the technological part of the podcast which has been a recent update.
talking about technological advancements and the world that we're living in. Well building on the conversation around AI in the last episode is like technology moves so fast now it's it's really hard to keep up with but one good way they keep up with it is those big trade shows that they have especially in the states and they have like big expos and stuff like that I get it's called CES I think it's like consumer electronic show or something like that
So it's weird like all the big manufacturers kind of show up or the like new emerging technologies and all that sort of stuff. And you know I guess what's been around for a while is the old VR stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And it's it's getting updated and it's becoming more regulated and it's
I suppose soon it will be normalised in everyone's day to day just like the advancement of the phone and everything else that we now need in our lives if we are going to be going down that same track. It's getting a lot cheaper as well which makes it a lot more attractive. You still need quite a bit of space for it.
from from what I've seen from and I'm not sure if this is from CEOs but and and it was something that you kind of wanted to you that you mentioned is about you know using VR for people's sexual fantasies
It was a take off from last week's. Okay, I'll let you introduce it then. So it was a take off from last week's and, you know, as the cuzzies do, you know. You mentioned a topic on the cuz chat and whether they run with it or not, it can go to some extreme heights.
and i think i won't nominate any names you know okay i'm not going to put you on the spot cave but we talk about you know sexual fantasies with the use of vr and where is that going and we're in you know what direction is that going in um and to hear that there are expos where people are
portraying themselves with the VR goggles on and then utilising one half of a dummy. That's the only part you need. A limitless torso. A limitless torso is all you need to.
experience. I know what you're seeing in the metaverse. Some haptic feedback, I think they call it. Haptic feedback. It depends on who you're haptic-ing your hectic-ness was. It's a strange world we live in. What you're referring to is the clip that I sing in the middle of like an expo showcase thing.
Like on the ground with the VR goggles on and this controller, let's call it, let's call it controller. Your user interface, whatever you want to call it. You mouse and keyboard. But it mimics movement on the screen as well or you can match the rhythm of what's happening on your eyeballs. With your text XB, XB, XB, it vibrates.
I don't know, it might be supply your own thrills or supply your own lubrication or something like that, I don't know. But yeah, right, imagine that, that's pretty embarrassing, but don't even get in front of a crowd of people. Yes. Like, you know, join me. Whoa, like, get on the list. Yeah, look, this is realistic. Like, this is like, ah. You can have this at home for nine easy payments of $6.99. Right.
Anyway, I'm sure that wasn't really directed at anyone in particular, but you know who you are. You filthy buggers. Yep, it is poor form and it's fucking worse, I think. Yeah, that's in a different class, I think, of its own, but definitely poor form. We've got a few poor form stories. We do, we do.
We've got the Kazimals to give us a thing and we'll cut this in.
in this chat somewhere here but staying on the topic of being hot and steamy yes yeah we have been hot and steamy years of late yeah yeah it's not a nice feeling to be hot and steamy when we want to be as nice cool and calm but yeah for some reason if I can get my luck or whatever you want to call it the old ducted Samsung air conditioning
unit the outdoor unit I can not share itself it still functions but I think it has been serviced in quite some time and but with all the fucking storms and floods and fucking what have you I think it's been abused quite and the luck that you're referring to is that it cut out Christmas
the cool and breezy lifestyle trying to get a bit of a breeze running through luckily the orientation of the house allows a bit of a breeze so you know it's not too bad but poor form it's taking me fucking what are we now like 12th of January 13th 13th sorry Friday the 13th today yeah Friday the 13th today
Two technicians? The real estate's the general electrician and I was like okay that's pretty weird because I know that to work on econ units you need to be like a refrigerated licensed
to handle like refrigerants and stuff like that. Yeah, so you need to level up. Yeah, you need to level up or specialise in that area. Like, yeah, refrigeration and air conditioning is a kind of different specialisation. And like, this time of year, in Australia, like in 30 degree heat, people's air cons are fucking going offline all the time. And then we are in what they call storm season two. So you go in and out of
you know you can be at 50% humidity to in an hours time 100% humidity. Yeah it's terrible but we've been managing but you know we're trying to get it fixed before you fellas got here. So the second tradesman came around like the day before and he's like ah it's all working as it should be but you know it looks pretty dirty. So he's like I'll have to get someone else here to come and clean it. I was like just tell me how to do it and I'll fucking do it.
Which is pretty much what I said. Can I do it myself? They use special chemicals and shit like this to clean it.
Degreaser as we've maybe uncovered. I don't know man. I just have you know As I'll give you puts it just heaps of these little bad boys that I use around the house for my little projects Don't really have a name just like you are those bad boys. Yeah, it's the one so
Yeah, I'll take any advice that we can. At the moment we're living on a fan situation, which is not ideal. Econ works, that's the thing. And I know at night it does pump out some cool air in the rooms, which is kind of what we're using for. But during the day, it's not fun. Poor form on my part for not, you know,
Even knowing how to maintain it, like I clean the inside filter, that's not a problem.
Family Achievements and Misadventures
Do that all the time. Yeah. But the outdoor one, yeah. Who knows, and it's in a position where it is fucking difficult to get to. Yeah, it's not easy, but it's... What? Like, why put it right next to where a lot of people and traffic and dust and all that sort of shit's gonna be...
I know the lawns here, I reckon it would have been better off around the corner. Yeah. Like down the side of the house where no one fucking goes. How would they at least sort of interference with debris and whatever else? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's how I feel. I'm just dumb scaffold. I don't know what I'm talking about. I'll make up the shit I talk about. Well, I'll try. Um,
But yeah, have you got any other poor forms you want to chuck in there before we get to Miles' story? Not so much poor form, but I will give a shout out to my young fellow on good form. Yes, well that should be in the final update span. Yeah, I've just sort of thought about it now. So he's taken basketball as his nominated sport.
and he's been playing for I suppose within a team environment for the last year going from under 12 as he's currently 11 years old and he's now moved up to the under 14s and he's holding his own he's doing quite well he's um I've made a little highlight reel of yeah I see you recording some stuff earlier as well so yeah yeah I'm just mucking around and you know he's going good he's going good I won't tell him that but he's he's going pretty good
Anyway, I was at home not too long before the holiday started and I got a message from one of the coaches and They were expecting to see tea as they call him over here They were expecting to see tea at the trials for an under-14 rep site Which you know, we weren't aware of at the time but we thought oh, well, yeah, we'll get him down there for sure He can have a bit of a run around. They didn't even mention it. They didn't even say it was on or
No, no, we had no idea that it was happening so he'd missed the first trial which was the sad day beforehand. Yeah. And so Sky made some time to get him down there the next Saturday to go and participate in what was you know the last sort of trial. Yeah. So being that there was already one there and you know he was 11 years old we weren't expecting too much but it's good to get him out there and put him in those sort of situations. It's the next step if he wants to go further that's what you've got to get used to. Yeah.
So lo and behold we get a phone call that night from the coach of the side to say that he's been selected for this under 14 representative basketball team. 11 years old. So we've got a few parades they call them coming up in Rockhampton, Bundaberg and
possibly makai, you know, a few games at those locations or yeah, it's a weekend event. Yeah, right each time so Yeah, a few trips playing to sorry. I'm around there I suppose like a lot of the cousins and parents are you know, I come accustomed to yep
doing what you got to do taking the kids to these sort of events which I'm looking forward to and then you know getting to know the other parents in that too in that circle yeah bro so quite enjoying it it's a new experience for him it's a new experience for us there's parents on that too so yeah bro looking forward to it looking forward to it well done
Yeah, big shout out to the young Niff there. I'm so glad I got the hoop up there because they'd be probably bored otherwise in my place. Don't really have a good safety environment or anything like that. You've got enough electronics and consoles to keep them safe. Why is that true? We've probably over loaded all that sort of things. Just no VR pharma? No VR.
Yeah, or use it wisely, sensibly. Definitely don't have a torso as a controller. Maybe reevaluate if you're at that stage, or at that stage already. Maybe, yeah, reach out, you know, always open for chat. Private, just discreet. Discreet, discreet. We won't say anything, it's not like we have a podcast. Yeah, nah, when you're starting to have a platform to talk about this sort of stuff, it's fine. You're fine.
So that's the level that we go to and I'm hoping that he punches through that one. It's interesting how easy that can happen that those expectations could be thrust onto someone. So we've finally got Kaz Miles here and he's got another poor former story for us so take it away Kaz. The name's macho man Randy average because I'm Randy and I'm average.
Anyway, my story. So to set the scene, we've had Flea and Vegas come up after New Year's and they've been staying here. And they're asleep down one end of the house. It was approximately 12.30. And we're all crashed out. It had been four hours. And I heard this in my sleep, this fucking boom, boom, boom.
And, um, which is not unusual because those who really know me, they know that, um, I don't always sleep on the bed. I often wake up on my knees up against the bed, but often, often. And anyway, um, I heard it in my sleep and I was like, Oh, here we go. I'm on the floor again. And then my wife goes, Hey, wakes me up.
And I'm like, whoa, whoa. And she's like, somebody's trying to get in the fucking house. I'm like, oh shit. And I got up and, um, and they're fucking, yeah, I heard the boom, boom, boom again. And I was like, babe, call security, everybody in the room and fleas like, is that you? And I'm like, no, come in here, come in here. Like get in our room. Cause our, our ones up upstairs and I'm going to go look and I realized everyone's awake. I'm awake.
Tiana's awake, Nikota's awake, Hudson's still asleep, and Vegas is awake. And I said, in our room, bring security. So she brings security straight away. Turned a lot on and I sneaked downstairs in my undies and you know, quiet as, and you know, going slowly because we live next door to an alleyway. So I'm trying to listen for the gate. And there's nobody at the front door, which we thought was being booted in.
There's nobody there. I sneak out the back and I sneak around the house, have a bit of a look. I'm listening for somebody trying to get up the side gates and stuff. And just hoping I get to murder somebody in the dark. Planning your attacks. Yeah, it was going down. There was scenarios in my head. It was on my head. And I'm also thinking I'm going to kill some teenagers tonight and it's going to be okay. Get through it. I'm going to be allowed to. I'm going to be allowed to.
And I didn't find anything. Fucking listening and looking, you know, climbing over the fence, up on the fence, nothing. Around the house, nothing. And I hear Tiana out on the balcony. I'll fucking get you, you little bastards! And I'm like, oh shit, she's seen somebody. So I go and have a look. I didn't see nothing. I didn't hear nobody running, no nothing. Go back inside, lock the house up again.
Bob says, babe, did you see them? She's like, nah. What are you on that for? And she goes, oh, these fucking little bastards around here. She's going off in about 40 minutes has passed by now. And an equal is beside me. He's like, dad, did you find anybody? And I'm not your boy. And he goes, Oh, geez. Well, what are you working? They've been doing, did they jump the fence? And I'm like, Oh, I don't know. I don't know. And we'll stand in there. And then we sort of start coming down a bit because we realize whatever's happened, the people have gone.
And then flea starts talking about it and she's like, oh, yeah, man, that banging was so loud and Tiana's like, yeah, I heard it too. And she's like, yeah, I was like, not sure if that was yours. And she goes, nah, that wasn't us. And then Nicole goes, banging. And we're like, yeah. And he goes, oh, I was trying to take a poo in the door and the door wouldn't lock.
And he was out here hunting people with me that don't exist. He's invisible. For the begging he created. Yeah bro, it was him trying to take a ship.
But he was like trying to be sneaky because usually he doesn't give a shit if the door's open or closed. You know, he's loud and proud. But because fleeing daggers was here, he didn't want to make the noise. Next minute, he takes a shit and wakes the whole house up. And we were pissing ourselves laughing. We were like, oh my god. He's getting all embarrassed because he's realized fucking just told everybody else taking a shit at 12.30 at night.
Creating memories. Creating memories. And then we all sort of calmed down. And then we caked up laughing again at Tiana just on the balcony. Screaming at nobody. She was screaming at someone.
And then we were like, geez, I wonder what the neighbors are thinking. And then there's some ladies swearing on the balcony and we're like, geez, they'll be thinking, oh, there goes that lady fucking weak drinking again. Oh no, the new peeping tom creeping around houses.
Oh geez, has a different context now, isn't it? Honestly, how do I think about
Family Games and New Ideas
it? It's like an episode of Family Guy, eh? Peter Griffin thinks it's okay to be sneaked around in his undies. Peering over people's fences and stuff? Yeah. Lois' appear to be wig drinking again, swearing at randoms. He's got the wine out again.
Oh, it totally was though. I didn't really talk about that. It was a bit of a family guy the other week. It's a different bit of politics now where you're actually the architect of all the noise as well. Yeah, yeah. Yelling down the street and running around in your undies. Chasing ghosts, man. We're chasing ghosts. Holy shit. That's my whole story. Oh man, yeah.
The commitment to go out. If anyone's going to mess with you while you're in your undies, you've lost that battle already. As the offender, they've already lost that battle. If you're going to meet someone at midnight in their undies, I'd run the other direction. You've already got plus one armour, just by the fact that you've got only undies on.
Yeah, he was all worried too. I do understand that like the action plan mentality. We have possums of shit around here, jump on fucking roofs and run along them and then jump to the fence and don't always 100% make the fence and they end up on the fucking ground.
and like the noises bro yeah like I've done that stalk around the house kind of thing like trying to pinpoint where the noise is coming where the point of entry is you know what sort of objects are nearby that you could use as a weapon well you you've had actual people knock on your door right away yeah well the president's been set so a little bit more on edge than than normally
Like kids, man. Fucking kids, bro. Like I said, creating memories. Creating memories, man. It was fucking hilarious. That's what I thought about it. That's what it was all about. That's what it was all about. And a shout out to the Kuzzy Moms. Fucking hilarious. And he's actually sent through a video to the Kuzzchap podcast recently as well. Yeah, so he's, yeah, he's got to explain what that was about.
I understand that he went home for a little bit. Yeah for Christmas I think. And at some stage in their festivities. I think it was Christmas day actually. Our game washerbox. Yeah. There was a washerbox in the world. Like we've said, it's a spectator sport. It's an awesome game to be around and be a part of at the same time.
and the match-off was between Jordan, the ruthless deception, and Jimmy Truman.
Yeah, I took me ages to find the video, I've only sort of glanced at it. Yeah, they definitely, I think it was Christmas Day. And yeah, I think it was more of a tutorial kind of thing. This is sort of how the play works. How the play works, and it's a mind game as well. Yeah, well it was interesting, it was a one-on-one thing. I thought, even one-on-one, you play next to your opponent. You do, yeah. Yeah, so I think it was a
of a training. It was pretty good and to hear that Jimmy was actually up. Well as you all know those familiar with Washbox and you talk about strategies and tactics and stuff like that, it could be that he was just you know getting ready to sort of have him exactly right where he wanted him before you know making a stupendous comeback. I got you right where I watched you.
You're up now, but we've got you right where we are. And those sort of mind games is what it's all about. Yeah. They can fucking, well, like, you know, fucking. Could be devastating. Could be devastating. Yeah.
But it was good to see. So yeah, keep interacting with the potty cuz I'd love to hear more of your stories. And like I said in our chat before, we'll have to get you up here again and get you in live into the podcast environment. Because yeah, it's always a crack up and enjoy your company as well. Poor form, I think we're kind of done with that.
But there was a legitimate question that was posed in the last podcast that I found interesting and it was posed by Big Kev and Kevin Dee and it was if the Kuzzies own a company together, what would it be?
So I know we can throw out a couple of ideas with no context and then leave it up to everyone else or you want to drop my phone and talk about it in depth. Yeah that is a good question you know where we pick on everyone's strengths and I suppose we got to try and
work out what those strings are? I've got an answer for this. It is a training organisation of some sort, utilising everybody's skills as a tradesperson or that has some knowledge on a specific subject that could potentially write content related to their profession and then either deliver that content to
students of you know we're a location where you are where it's decided to be run and yeah like there's certain government funding options that you can offer students to help and cover the cost of it as well yeah you know so there's ways around monetizing the content and it's like it's a different way of kind of
using your skills and knowledge in a different area and come up with the Coast Check TAFE.
Well, yeah, lots of yes, well, in a nutshell, yeah. To make it more relevant, yeah. And we've got a lot of older uncles and stuff like that that have a lot of knowledge as well, which I think, not just because he's our age and stuff like that, which he's got a few of anyway. Well, we've got you for admin and enrolment. Well, I'll have all that sort of stuff sorted. But in different trades, I mean,
Dad and you know, I'm weighing or what you know, not a lot of knowledge there that they could pass on whether it be face-to-face or putting it down and he's some Assessment sort of things that you would need to know or yeah, then subby them in to expose Yeah, they're all those special guests. Yeah, you know you get sort of online like what you do with online classes and stuff like that and today also
Yeah, I think that if that was something that utilised a large portion of the kasi skills, because there's like you say admin roles and stuff like that as well, to help facilitate it all. But yeah, I reckon that's my idea. It's not a bad chat. I think we'd have most places covered too, from your regular trades to you're out there one.
Yes. Yeah, well, you never know, like, you know, offer the full kind of package, you know, different industries. So you have your trades and that sort of stuff where you have your health and fitness kind of areas or, you know, so it's not just, yeah, like the list goes on. Yeah. Like there's no, no, no, no.
The word's not a shame, but I'm pretty sure they're intelligent enough to be able to articulate that sort of stuff and still got the majority use of their faculties to impart a lot of that sort of knowledge and stuff like that. But then all the younger cousins that are on the trades have a lot of those sort of skill sets that
Because I guess, yeah, depending on how well those industries are doing, where you are as well, is probably a big thing we can really kind of focus on. Yeah, around, get all the young causes involved. Yeah, yeah. Especially if you can tap into any government funding and stuff like that for certain courses. Oh, yeah. Probably a few hips you have to jump through and be accredited and all that sort of stuff. The majority of us pay tax.
I'm not going to say all, but the majority of us do. But yeah, that's my sort of thing. If anyone else has any ideas or wants to have some capital to throw at it, let us know. It can be done.
Yeah, well, I've been doing that for like last 10 years. I mean, it's more the same. But I'm doing it for a different reason, for a different purpose, that's more personal.
Closing Reflections and Gratitude
Anyway, yeah, I just know if you've got an idea or...
highlight your skills I guess as well. What would you teach? And put your form on fleek. Be open to critique. Because you will be judged. You will be judged. But yeah, leaving that sort of question there is kind of where we were going to wrap up I think unless you sort of couldn't point anything else we want to touch on.
You know, the tandem two-man poop can. Just a classic title. I think it's been a good one. Yeah. We've managed to, you know, sink a few bevees and talk a whole lot of shit, which Calistad's always been about. Throw some darts, smoke some darts and yeah, some other stuff and here we are and we're glad you joined us this evening and yeah. It's been a hoot. Oh look, I have
I've actually been hanging out for something like this for a while. I do it on the reg, day to day, but it's nice to have a bit more engaging conversation where I don't have to try and be somebody else. Even to the point that some people might even say, because that's what it's all about, Abraham. Fucking Abraham.
Are you a good man?